8. 1901. vSW-YOBK DAILY TRIBUNE. SUNDAY. PEQEMBES R. B. **cy kCi.'s Attractions Are"inelr Urn nice* while th« final fusion hi th* third arc effects to production of a very fluid glass, which Is delivered BTSSERT WEARS STRIPES. Into a collecting pot, from which it car, be taken at once for the manufacture of any desired articles. " .;\u25a0 ROMAN Now IN A SING SlN'<» ' UTRPHY TO TRY DIAMOND. .- .I. UiJUfOXD SAW HIM OFF. |ii *lll l Burt 71 Yf V%B#m esi4tliSt.^i^«» »* THE CAPTATN Cieorre Vlsstrti the former wardman of Police IMPRKSSrON PP.CVAILS THAT Captain Diamcnd. who was convicted of receiv- WILL BE DISMISSED. ing a bribe for the protection of a den of vice In Churchill Captain Dfamonfl, who was convicted recently the precinct In -which Acting Captain paid a fine of fl,ooo. panic among evil- of "wilfulneglect of duty,"end recently has been creating a yesterday that charges of neglect Sale. received notice doer*, arrived at Sing Sing Prison at 2:30 p.«m. by Police Com- Shoe of duty had been madi against him serving sentence five Books yesterday to begin his of missioner Murphy. The Commissioner apparently be Women's Kid of hi* be Monday's special features will STAY, rears and six months. Further efforts ha