Rules Or Coeducational Activities and Sports
SP 011 TXTLE Rulesor Coeducational Activities and Sports. SlItUTION American Alliance for Health, Physical Educatio,n, and ReAeation, Washington, D.C.; American AllianCe for Hellth, PhysicAl Education, and RecNation, ,Washington, D.C. National Association for Girls and Women lin Sport.; American Alliance for Health, Rhysical Education, and,Recreation, Washington, D-C, Nationaf Association for Sport and Physical* Education. PUB k'r r 77 . NOTE 40p. AVAILABLE FEW! American Alliance for HealthPhysical Educati n and Recreation, 1201 16th Street N.w., Washington, D.c. 20036 ($2.50) EDRS PRICE MY-$6.83 'Plus Postage. HC Not- Available--from:EDRS.. DESCRITTORS -*Athletics;. *CoeducatiOn;..,Cellige Students; Higher, Education; *intramural Athletic. PrograMs;..PhySiCal' Education; *PhySical-Recieation Programs; Soccer': Volleyball; .Womens AthleticS , ABSTRA T Suggestidns and. guidelines for e stab ishing'rules for . co-recreational, . intramural aativities,are presented. These rtIes are- mot inteMdedas a _precedent,or a. national standard-- hey are-ideas ,for adaqing standardized-rules-for,men's and wo-Men,-sports to. Meet ,the nee .0 demands, and characteristics Of coreCreat_onalsports Eleven 4 f;erent c011ege-levelactivities are-deScrib A with sa4geStiOnstl for modification of collegelettel sports/. Ipr elementary and-seccMary levels. Rules are presented for basketba. h' -broombarl, flag football, hoop hockey, innertube waterpoloi slow pitch,softball1 soccer, tug championships, frisbee, and volleyball.. '(MI) ********** **************** ************************ **************p* ,06cuments acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available frOm other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the.hest copy-avaikahle. Nevertheless, items of.marginal * * reprod-ucibili4y are often encountered and this affects the quality * of ths' microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERI: makes available * via the ERIC Document Reprodlaction Servi4P, (EDR5).
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