THE AIDS INDUSTRY AND MEDIA WANT YOU TO THINK THERE ARE ONLY A HANDFUL OF SCIENTISTS WHO DOUBT THE HIV–AIDS THEORY. HERE’S THE REALITY. The doubters: New additions are shown in red, those who signed a petition questioning the hypothesis that Hiv causes Aids in blue and new additions who are also petition signers in purple. Some of the people below question only key parts of the Hiv theory, not all of it. Limitations on their beliefs are shown in brackets. If you think you belong on this web page, please email your full name, address (city and country), qualifications and/or lifetime accomplishments, and any relevant affiliations, to the manager of this webpage:
[email protected]. Ono A. Abada. MSc (Economics). Country Director, Pan African Educational Services (PANAFES), Cape Town, South Africa. Jeanette S. Abel. MD, Portland, Oregon Folarin Abimbola. Medical student, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria Richard Ablin. PhD, State University of New York Laila Abubakar. Researcher, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Dept., International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Nairobi, Kenya Jotham Achineku. Engineer, Ikeja, Nigeria Zdenka Acin. PhD, Journalist, Author, Former Editor of the Yugoslavian magazines Duga and Intervju. Toronto, Canada Leonardo Acosta. Journalist, Author of more than a dozen books, Havana, Cuba Dr. Kofi Ada-re. London, United Kingdom Jad Adams. M.A., Author, The HIV Myth Marie Adams. ND, Bastyr University, Seattle, Washington PAK Addy. PhD, head of clinical microbiology at the University of Science and Technology in Kumasi, Ghana [Says Aids in Africa is exaggerated and the Hiv tests kill people due to the mental turmoil a positive result causes, which leads to physiological immune depression and suicide] ‘Ayo Adeboye.