Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients
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Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis, Vol. 33, 2017 Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Miten J. Dhruve, Joanne M. Bargman Peritoneal Dialysis Patients Peritonitis is an important cause of morbidity, Discussion mortality, and technique failure in patients on peri- toneal dialysis (PD). The most effective approach Endoscopy in PD patients to peritonitis is prevention, which includes careful Several studies have looked at PD patients undergoing patient training and follow-up. Although peritonitis colonoscopy. Yip et al. (4) reported on 97 colonosco- as a result of contiguous spread of bacteria or fungi pies performed in 77 patients, observing a 6.3% rate of during invasive procedures, or as a result of seeding peritonitis after colonoscopy. Patients who were given of the peritoneum during bacteremia, is uncommon, prophylactic antibiotics did not develop colonoscopy- the likelihood of such spread is often predictable, and related peritonitis. The authors also noted that no in- the risk can be mitigated with antibiotic prophylaxis. crease in the rate of peritonitis was observed in patients Here, we describe the rationale for, and approach to, who underwent polypectomy. Wu et al. (5) reported a antibiotic prophylaxis in PD patients for the preven- similar post-endoscopy peritonitis rate of 6.4% and tion of infective episodes. noted that no patient prescribed prophylactic antibiot- ics developed peritonitis. In addition, several other Key words small case reports demonstrated the phenomenon of Antibiotics, peritonitis, prevention, bacteremia peritonitis after colonoscopy, with some even reporting a much higher rate of peritonitis (increased by a factor Introduction of 3 – 5) in patients undergoing polypectomy than in Peritonitis is the leading cause of technique failure those having nontherapeutic colonoscopy (5–9). and of patient transfer from peritoneal dialysis (PD) The guidelines from the International Society for to hemodialysis. Not only do costs increase as a Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) recommend prophylactic result of modality change, but significant morbidity antibiotics before colonoscopy. They suggest using 1 g and mortality are also associated with peritonitis ampicillin, plus a single dose of an aminoglycoside, (1,2). Gram-positive bacteria are responsible for most with or without metronidazole, given intravenously episodes of peritonitis, but gram-negative bacteria, or intraperitoneally; further, the abdomen should be usually enteric in origin, are associated with worse drained before the procedure (10,11). That recom- outcomes (3). mendation is mirrored in a guideline paper published The best treatment for peritonitis is prevention. in 2015 by the American Society of Gastrointestinal For that reason, there is growing acceptance of anti- Endoscopy (12). biotic prophylaxis for various procedures that could The pathogenesis of peritonitis after colonos- lead to bacterial flux into the peritoneal cavity. Here, copy has been hypothesized to be secondary to we summarize the recent literature to provide guid- translocation of bacteria to the portal circulation, ance about the use of prophylactic antibiotics in PD followed by seeding of the peritoneal cavity (13). patients undergoing procedures. Furthermore, we Another more likely hypothesis is translocation outline the evidence for prophylaxis against fungi in across the bowel wall through tears and microper- PD patients who are receiving antibiotics. forations caused by colonoscopy and insufflation of the bowel during the procedure (14). Although bac- terial seeding of the peritoneal cavity likely occurs in most patients during colonoscopy, PD patients From: Division of Nephrology, University Health Network, are disadvantaged because of the unphysiologic Toronto, Ontario, Canada. composition of dialysate, including its high glucose 56 Antibiotic Prophylaxis in PD Patients content and low pH. Those characteristics lead to Fungal prophylaxis impaired phagocyte function and thus increase the Fungal peritonitis in PD patients, although rare, is risk of infection (15). a serious and often life-threatening complication, Like colonoscopy, esophagogastroduodeno scopy with mortality rates ranging between 17% and 44% (EGD) has also, in case reports, been linked to (26–30). Risk factors that predispose to fungal peri- bacteremia and peritonitis in PD patients (5,16–18). tonitis remain unclear; however, recent antibiotic use The rate of EGD-related peritonitis has been noted has been noted in several studies to play an important in one study to be approximately 8%, with rates role. for example, Eisenberg et al. (27) note that 69% increasing to upward of 20% during sclerotherapy of patients with fungal peritonitis had received anti- of varices, esophageal dilation, and instrumentation biotics within the preceding month. Goldie et al. (31) of obstructed bile ducts (12,19,20). In a study by Wu similarly noted that 75% of patients with fungal peri- et al. (5), it was further observed that no peritonitis tonitis had received antibiotics within the preceding 3 occurred in the group of PD patients who were pre- months. One of the reasons postulated for the relation- scribed prophylactic antibiotics; however, that result ship with antibiotic use is that such use increases gut was not statistically significant. Unlike the situation yeast colonization, which leads to fungal peritonitis. for colonoscopy, the ISPD guidelines do not specifi- However, publications from authors such as Thodis et cally mention provision of prophylactic antibiotics in al. (30) and Lo et al. (32) refute the relationship and patients undergoing EGD. report no association between antibiotic use and the incidence of fungal peritonitis. Nonetheless, because Other procedures in PD patients of the possible relationship between recent antibiotic Morimoto et al. (16) and Ma et al. (21) both reported use and the incidence of fungal peritonitis, there has peritonitis in a PD patient after a gynecologic proce- been much interest in prophylaxis with nystatin or dure. The patient in Morimoto’s paper developed peri- fluconazole during a course of antibiotics. tonitis after two separate gynecologic examinations Several retrospective and prospective studies have for vaginal bleeding. Ma and colleagues described debated the utility of antifungal prophylaxis in PD a patient who developed peritonitis after cervical patients taking a course of antibiotics (30,33–36). The conization and endocervical curettage. Both authors Pan-Thames study (37) reported on 49 cases of fungal also noted that neither patient developed gynecologic peritonitis in 3322 peritonitis episodes and observed procedure–related peritonitis when prophylactic an- a statistically nonsignificant decrease in the number tibiotics were used before subsequent procedures. of fungal peritonitis episodes in patients receiving Other reports have noted a peritonitis rate as high fluconazole prophylaxis compared with patients not as 38% after these kinds of procedures (5,22). The receiving such prophylaxis. To date, two prospective ISPD guidelines acknowledge the association and randomized controlled trials have been published recommend prophylactic antibiotics before invasive on the topic: one by Lo et al. (32) and the other by gynecologic procedures (10). Restrepo et al. (38). The former study, published in Dental work has likewise been associated with 1996, looked at 397 PD patients randomized to either both bacteremia and peritonitis in PD patients. Kiddy control or prophylaxis using 500,000 U nystatin 4 et al. (23) reported on 4 patients who developed Strep- times daily whenever antibiotics were prescribed. tococcus viridans–related peritonitis after dental Compared with the control group, the group receiving procedures for oral lesions, including dental filling, prophylaxis had a significant higher probability of boil on gum, bleeding lesion on gum, and traumatic Candida peritonitis–free survival (0.974 vs. 0.915, p < abrasion of the lip. Shukla et al. (24), Levy et al. (25), 0.05). However, as mentioned earlier, the incidence and Fried et al. (22), all described cases of Streptococ- of Candida peritonitis in patients using antibiotics cus viridans peritonitis after dental procedures, with was not observed to be statistically significantly in- Levy et al. focusing on the pediatric patient popula- creased (32). The trial by Restrepo et al., published tion. The ISPD guidelines thus recommend that a in 2010, assessed the use of prophylactic fluconazole single dose of amoxicillin be provided before dental in patients prescribed antibiotics for peritonitis, exit- procedures, as described in earlier recommendations site infection, or tunnel infection. That study also for endocarditis prophylaxis (10). noted a statistically significant decrease in the rate of Dhruve and Bargman 57 fungal peritonitis in the group receiving prophylaxis 7. Bac DJ, van Blankenstein M, de Marie S, Fieren MW. compared with the control group (0.92% vs. 6.45%, Peritonitis following endoscopic polypectomy in a p = 0.0051). peritoneal dialysis patient: the need for antibiotic pro- The 2016 guidelines from the ISPD now recom- phylaxis. Infection 1994;22:220–1. mend the use of antifungal prophylaxis in PD patients 8. Poortvliet W, Selten HP, Raasveld MH, Klemt-Kropp who receive a course of antibiotics. They suggest that M. CAPD peritonitis after colonoscopy: follow the guidelines. Neth J Med 2010;68:377–8. either nystatin or fluconazole can be used; however, 9. Ray SM, Piraino B, Holley J. Peritonitis following they also