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Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States



Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Copyright in 1929, according to Act of Congress. by

WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY to office of Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. 0.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OcT.-DEc., 1928.] INDEX



EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED ARTICLES Page. Page. Page Absorption of Securities-And Its Sequel_ _2143 Baltimore's Municipal Reconstruction, The , Earthquake Causes Death and De- dvantages and Disadvantages of National Success of 2144 struction in Southern 3142 Elections 1999 Bank Rates at Foreign Centres. See Money Chile and , Resume Diplomatic Relations1991 Aftermath of the Election, The 2740 Rates at Foreign Centres. China- Ahead of the Procession-Mr. Hoover and the Bankers' Association, An International-Do Extraterritoriallty, Events Respecting, 83.000,000 Fund for Stabilization of Em- We Need It? 2423 2276, 3141 ployment. (From the "Wall Street Banker's Responsibility, The-by Roy A. General Chiang Kai-Shek Is Named Presi- Journal") 3014 Young 1870 dent of National Government at Nanking1992 Albania. Opposition to a Monarchical Gov- Barnes, Harry Elmer, Address on "Experts Japanese Government in Manchuria. Privy ernment Develops in 1850 in Government" 1997 Counsellor of Japan Explains Policy of. -1851 Albanian Government Signs Treaty of Ar- Barron, Clarence W., The Death of 1855 Political Events in 2276. 3141, 3449 bitration and Conciliation with United Battle of the Parties, The 3458 Treaties Negotiated Reagrding the Privi- States 2276 Beard, Professor Charles A.-Book on "The leges of Extraterritoriality with Belgium All Steel Cars-And Farm Relief 1858 American Party Battle" 3458 and Italy 3141 American Bankers Association Annual Con- Bigness 2142 Christmas Club, The-Its Good Points vention in 1843 and Boundary Problems (Communicated by F.H. Rawll) 3305 American Bankers Association, Annual Con- Lead to the Severance of Diplomatic Christmas Clubs-True Giving and True vention of-Retention of Present Form of Relations 3291, 3447 Saving 3012. 3305 Organization Decided Upon 1865 Bolivia and Paraguay, The Dispute Between_3299 Christmas Day 1928 3458 American Bankers Association in Resolutions Bolivia-Paraguay Dispute Considered by Coal, Conditions in Bituminous Coal In- at Annual Convention Urges Limitation of the International Conference of American dustry Mending 3583 Loans on Stock Exchange Collateral 18M States on Conciliation and Arbitration- -3589 Commodity Price Control. Efforts at 2134 American Bankers Association on Brokers' Book Notices and Reviews- Conditions, Changes and Trends in Business -228.5 Loans, The-Bringing Forth a Mouse. American Party Battle, The-Book by Congress, A Mandate to 3011 (Editorial from New York "Journal of Professor Charles A. Beard 3458 Congressional Medal to Thomas Alva Commerce") 2012 Accounting Methods-Book by C. R. Edison: "Dreamer and Doer" 2594 American Bankers Association Convention, Rorem 1860 Conspiracy, Is Group Speculating a, Making Views on Business Expressed at 1863 Hungarian Rumanian Land Dispute, The for Sham Prosperity (Communicated by American Bankers Association Convention- -Book by Francis Deak 2000 Arnold G.Dana) 3303. 3461 Clearing House Section, W. F. Augustine "La Reform° Agraire Rumaine"-Published Coolidge, President,and The World Court- --3009 new President of 1876 by "Les Edition Internationals" Paris2001 Coolidge, President, Desiree Congressional National Bank Division Elects Officers_ 1876 Lord Curzon, Life of-Book by the Earl of Action on World Court Membership at President, C. B. Haziewood, Chosen 1876 Ronaldshay 2425, 3013 Coming Session 3001 Regional Savings Conference Cities Chosen Rumania Ten Years After-Published by Coolidge's, Mr., Armistice Day Speech- by Savings Bank Division 1876 Beacon Press, Boston 2000 Keeping Our Feet on the Ground 2737 San Francisco, Next Convention at 1876 The New Democratic Constitutions of Coolidge, President, Puts Cost of War to Savings Bank Division Elects Officers_ _ _ -1876 Europe-Book by Agnes Headiam United States at 100 Billion Dollars 2724 Savings Bank Division Submits Report on Morley 3599 Coolidge's, President, Address in Washington Interest on Savings Accounts 2593 Brazillian State of Sao Paulo, The Control of on Tenth Anniversary of Armistice Day, State Bank Division Elects Officers 1876 Prices of Agricultural Commodities in The _2134 2723, 2727, 2737, 2865 Trust Company Division, Arthur W. Bringing Forth a Mouse-The American Coolidge's, President, Annual Message 3146, 3152 Morton, President of the 1876 Banker's Association on Broker's Loans Coolidge, President, His Dignity Throughout Trust Company Division, Report of Com- (Editorial from New York "Journal of Presidential Campaign 2577 mittee on Investment (Trust) Companies_ _3300 Commerce") 2012 Coolidge's, President, Budget Message 3156 American Films, Foreign Restriction on the Britain's Indian Empire-The Curzon Ad- Coolidge, President, Message of, to Con- Importation of 1850 ministration 3013 gress 3152 American Foreign Policy and the Presidential British Currency Amalgamation 2577, 2867 Corn, Agricultural Bureau Report on. See Campaign_ 2140 Broker's Loans Increase_ _1845, 1986, 2128, Grain. American Policy Again Declared-The 2270, 2411, 2724, 2862, 2998, 3134, 3441 Costa Rican Minister in Presenting His Poincare Speech and the Kellogg Note_ _ _ Aggg Brokers' Loans, Editorial Comment on Credentials to President Coolidge Praises American Railway Association, Report of Remarks of Leonard P. Ayres, ConErass- the Monroe Doctrine 1850 Bureau of Railway Economics at the man McFadden, and Governor Roy A. Cotton, Agricultural Bureau Report on, Annual Meeting of the 2861 Young at A. B. A 1813. 1844, 1845 1988, 2580, 3288, 3444 American States on "oncillation and Arbitra- Brokers' Loans in Relation to Commercial Cuba, Gerardo Machado is Re-elected tion, International Conference of, Convenes Paper (from the New York "Journal of President of 2416 at Washington 3293, 3449, 3589 Commerce") 2743 Cuba-Radio Corp. of America Completes Anglo-American RA Along 3001 Brokers' Loans and American Bankers' Circuit Between New York and Havana--3142 Anglo-French Treat and the Position of the Association 2012, 3441 Curzon, The Life of Lord. Book by the United States, the 2281 Brokers Loans-Federal Reserve Board Earl of Ronaldshay 2425, 3013 Approach to Latin-America. The-Mr. Discusses Part Played by Corporation in Czechoslovakia Celebrates Tenth Anniver- Hoover's Visit and the Cumberland Re- Financing Same 3442 sary of the Republic 2416 port 2873 Budget Message of President Coolidge 3156 Czechoslovakia, Radio Telephone Service Argentine Republic, Hipolite Irigoyen Is Bulgaria, Kingdom of, Disaffected Macedo- Established Between United States and-3004 Inaugurated President of the 2134 nians Causing Trouble in The 3004 Armistice Day,Tenth Anniversary, President Bulgaria, National Bank to Reduce its Dis- Dana, Arnold G., Articles on "Is Not Coolidge's Address at Washington__ -2723, count Rate Dec. 15 until Jan. 1 3004 Group Speculating a Conspiracy Mak- 2727, 2865 Bull Market, The Long Boom of The, And ing for Sham Prosperity?" 3303, 3461 Armistice Day-Tenth Anniversary of the Actual Production 3597 Debate, Seventy Years after the Lincoln- World War Observed by the Nations 2729 Business Activity Not Disturbed by Presi- Douglas 2284 Association, An International Bankers'-Do dential Election 2269 Democracy, Diverse Manifestations of 3598 We Need It? 2423 Business Accounting Among the New Dirigible Graf Zeppelin, Flight to America Attitude of CandicLstes on Defaulted Joint Sciences 1860 from Germany of 2311 Stock Land Bank Bonds Criticized. (From Business Conditions, Changes and Trends in_2285 Dunn, Samuel 0., Article in October "Scrib- the New York "Times") 2742 Business Cycles 2595 ner's" on "Railroads, Politics and Pros- Austria, Danger of International Strife in_ _ _11)91 Business Failures- perity 2143 Austria, Parliamentary Elections Are Held In 3140 Durinl September 1847, 1989 Dynamic Banking. By Louis T.McFadden -1865 Austria. Transatlantic Telephone Service During October 2581 Extended to 2586 During November 3137 Edison, Thomas Alva, Congressional Medal Australia, Parliamentary Elections Are Held Business of Politics, The 1859 to-Dreamer and Poet 2594 In 2868 Business Profits in Third Quarter of 1928- Election, the Aftermath of the 2740 Aviation-International Civil Aeronautics Survey of N. Y. Federal Reserve Bank -- - -3151 Election-Republican Victory and the Situa- Conference Held in Washington 3460 tion of the Democratic Party 2591 Aviation-Flight of the German Dirigible Capital Flotations, New- Elections, Advantages and Disadvantages of "Graf Zeppelin" 2131 During September 2006 National 1999 Ayres, Col, Leonard P., of Cleveland Trust During October 2601 Elections, Some Early Presidential 2283 Co., Address at American Banker's A1380- During November 3310 Employment, Stabilization of, and Mr. elation on Speculation 1843, 1872 Capital, What Is 2424 Hoover 3014

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Lv INDEX [Vor.. 127-PART 2.

Page. l'age. Page. Engineering. the Progress in Human 2286 Great Britain (Concluded) Proceedings (Concluded) England, Dank of, Weekly Returns.. _ _ _1851, Liberal Party Annual Conference at Yar- Rhineland Evacuation and Reparations 1992, 2135, 2277. 2417, 2587,2733, 2869, mouth 2133 Problems. Conversations Respecting___ _3445 3004, 3142. 3295, 3450, 3590 Parliament Considers The Anglo-French Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Seventy Years Etna, Mount. in Eruption 2587 Naval Compromise Agreement 2731 After the 2284 European Banks, Weekly Returns of Gold Parliament Considers Measure For Re- Lionberger, I. H., Article on Reserve Bank and Silver Holdings_1855, 1996, 2139, forming "Rates" of Local Taxes 3002 Notes and Business-A Suggestion 1861 2281, 2421. 2591, 2737, 2873. 3009. 3146. Parliament, Opens its Final Session 2582 Long Boom of the Bull Market and Actual 3299. 3455, 3594 Rubber Exportation from the Malay States, Production, the 3597 European Stock Market, Course of__ _ _1847, Restrictions Are Removed on 2417 Lord Curzon, Life of. Book by the Earl of 1989, 2131. 2272, 2413,2582. 2727, 2865, South Wales and Durham Districts, Suf- DonaldshaY 2425, 3013 3000. 3137. 3289, 3445, 3586 fering of Coal Miners in 3588 Experts in Government 1997 Treaty Renouncing War, Address of Prime Manchuria, Japan's Privy Councilor Ex- Exports and Imports of U.S. See United States Minister Baldwin at Lord Mayor of plains Policy of Japanese Government in1851 London Banquet on The 2728 Mandate to Congress, A 3011 ailures. See Business F Failures. Government by Experts 1997 McFadden, Louis T., Address at American ederal Government. See United States. Banker's Association Convention __ _1844. 1865 Federal Reserve Bank of New York- Hannauer, George, President of Boston & McIntosh, J. W., Comptroller of the Cur- Business Profits in Third Quarter of 1928.3151 Maine RR., Address at Annual Dinner rency, Address at American Banker's Federal Reserve Bank, Death of Benj Strong_2139 of The National Industrial Traffic League _2862 Association on Purchase of Investment Federal Reserve Bank Notes and Business-A Hazlewood, C. B., Chosen President of Securities by Bankers 1874 Suggestion (Article by I. H. Leonberger)_ _1861 American Banker's Association 1876 Mediation in South America and the Anti- Federal Reserve Banks, Comment of Weekly Honduras, Dr. Vicente Media Colindres is War Treaty 3455 Returns_ -1845, 2270, 2411, 1986, 2129, Electred President of The Republic of Mercantile Insolvencies. See Business Failures. 2578. 2724, 2862, 3134. 3215, 3442, 3584 Honduras 2416 Mexican Finances, Improvement in 2868 Federal Reserve Banks, Table of Discount Hoover, Herbert, President-Elect, to Depart Mexican Government Debt. Conferences Be-- Rates_-1853, 2136, 2278, 1993, 2418. 2589, on a Tour of Good-Will and Friendship to tween Minister of Finance and Bankers 2734, 2870, 3006, 3296. 3452. 3591 Latin-American Countries 2730 Regarding the 2587 Federal Reserve Board, Monthly Indexes of_3151 Hoover, Herbert, President-Elect, Visits Mexico-President, Provisional, Emilio Federal Reserve Board, Protest of Senator South American Republics-3002, 3139, Portes Gil Takes Oath of Office and Names Pine Over Plight of Small Borrowers 1863 3290. 3447, 3587 His Cabinet Ministers 3140 Federal Reserve Board, Discusses Part Played Hoover, President and Fund for Stabilization Millikan, Robert A.,on Science and Industry 3l49 by Corporations in Financing Employment Brokers'Loans3442 of 3014 Mitchell, Dr. Wesley C.-Book on the Prob- Federal Taxation. See United States. Hoover's, Mr., Visit and South American lem and Its Setting 2595 Finland Bank Increases Its Discount Rate 2869 Relations 3594 Money Market, Weekly Review_ _1852, 1993. Films, American, Restriction on the Importa- Hoover's, Visit to Mr., Latin America and 2136, 2277, 2417, 2588. 2734. 2869. 3005 tion of in European Countries The 1850 Cumberland Report 2873 3295, 3451. 3591 Financial Situation, 3143, The_1843, 1985, 2127, Human Engineering,The Progress in (Address Morley, Agnes Headiam, on the New Demo- 2269, 2409, 2577, 2723, 2861, 2997,3133, of Charles M.Schwab) 2286 cratic Constitutions of Europe 3599 3285, 3441,3583 Hungarian National Bank Advances Its Motion Picture Depicting Activities of the Foreign Exchange Market, Weekly Review, Discount Rate 1851 New York Stock Exchange 3304 1853, 1993. 2136, 2278, 2418. 2589, 2734. Hungarian Note to United States Respecting Motion Pictures, European Restrictions on. 2870. 3006, 3144. 3296. 3452, 3591 The Proposed Peace Treaty 2133 International Chamber of Commerce to Foreign Exchange Rates as Certified by Fed- Hungarian Rumanian Controversy and Consider 1850 eral Reserve Banks- -1855, 1995, 2139, World Peace, The Money Rates at Foreign Centres _ _1851, 1993. 2281, 2421. 2591, 2737, 2873, 3008. Hungarian-Rumanian Dispute, 3145, Land The- 2135, 2277, 2417, 2588, 2734, 2869. 3005, 3298, 3454,3594 Book By Francis Desk 2000 3143.3295,3451.3591 Foreign Government Indebtedness to United Multilateral Treaty Renouncing War States. See United States. ndia, Imperial Bank Advances Dis- I of, Its 2133. 2728, 2865, 3138. 3459 Foreign Money Rates. See Money Rates at count Rate 2733. 3295 Foreign Centres. Industry, Pure Science and 3149 ational Elections, Advantages and Ms- Foreign Trade. See U S N Foreign Trade. Industrial Profits During Third Quarter of advantags of France- 1999 1928 3151 Naval Armament Limitation, Differences Army Reductions Opposed by Minister of Insolvencies. See Business Failures. Between Great Britain and United States War Paul Painleve 3003 Interest on Savings Accounts 2593 Respecting 3587 Bank of, Weekly Returns _ _1852, 1992. International Bankers' Association-Do We Naval Compromise Agreement-The Anglo- 2135. 2277, 2417. 2588, 2733,2869, 3005, Need It? 2423 French Treaty and the Position of the 3143. 3295, 3450 International Commerce Chamber of To United States 2281 German Reparations, Premier Poincare's Consider American Restriction Against Naval Disarmament-The Anglo-French Declaration Regarding 1849, 2731 Motion Pictures 1850 Compromise Agreement 1990, 2132, 2274, 2414 Poincare, Premier, Sends Collective Resig- International Civil Aeronautics Conference Naval Disarmament and the Treaty Re- nation of Ills Cabinet to Pres. Doumergue2584 Held in Washington 3450 nouncing War Much Discussed in England Poincare, M., Forms New Cabinet International 2731 Conference of American States and the United States 3138 Tariff Ruling, American Companies Inter- on Conciliation and Arbitration Convened Naval Limitation, Rejection by the American ested in the New 3002 at Washington 3293, 3449, 3589 Government of the Anglo-French Proposal Investment Securities by Bankers, Purchase Respecting, 1848, 2132 ermany- of-Address American G at Bankers Associa- Near East, Venizelos and the New Day for the2742 Bank of, Weekly Returns_ _1852, 1992, tion by J. W. McIntosh 1874 New Capital Flotations. See Capital Flotations. 2135. 2277, 2588. 2733, 2869, 3005, 3142, Investment (Trust) Companies 3300 Newfoundland Elections Are Held 2417 3295, 3451. Italy-Chamber of Deputies 3590 Is Dissolved_ _ _ -3294 New Phase of the Reparations Controversy, A 2421 Clash Between Dr. Stresemann and Polish Fascist Ceremonies on Sixth Anniversary -2416 New York State Personal Income Tax-At- Foreign Minister 3448 Fascist Grand Council, New Bill Presented torney-Gen. Ottinger, Running for Gov- Reichstag Begins Its Winter Session 2732 to Senate Regarding Powers the of the, ernor Urges Repeal 2127 Reparations Payments, Financial Experts 2586. 3294 New York Stock Exchange Brokers' Loans. to Study the Problem of, The__2132, Legislature Closes 3589 See Brokers' Loans. 2866, Mussolini's 2582, 3138 Premier, Remarks Respecting New York Stock Exchange, Motion Picture Reparations Payments, British and French the Italian Press 1991 Depicting Activities of the 3304 Government Officials in Consultation New York Stock Market, Course of_1846, with S. Parker Gilbert Respecting.. _2273, Japan- 1987, 2129, 2271, 2412, 2579, 2724, 2863, 2413. 2730 Emperor Hirohito Enthroned at Kyoto 2999, 3135, 3286, 3442, 3584 Reparations and Rhineland Evacuation with Elabroate Ceremonies 2733 Nicaragua, Economic Survey of the Republic Discussed in Reichstag 2866 Manchuria, Privy Councillor Explains of, Made by Dr. W W.Cumberland Is Re- Reparations and Rhineland Evacuation Polley of Japanese Government in 1851 ported to State Department at Washington Problems, Dr. G. Streseman, German Japanese Ambassador to United States, 2868, 2873 Foreign Minister; M. Briand, French Katsuji Debuchi, Arrives at Washington_ _2416 Nicaragua, General Jose Maria Moncado Foreign Minister, and Sir Austen Cham- Joint Stock Land Banks, Default In..-2743, 3015 Elected President of 2586 berlin, Foreign Secretary of Great Brit- ain, Meet in Informal Discussion Re- Keeping Our Feet on the Ground-Mr. Ottinger. Attorney General, Urges the specting the 3289 Coolidge's Armaitice Day Speech 1856 Abolition of State Personal Income Tax.._2127 Reparations and Rhineland Evacuation- Kellogg, Frank B., Is Elected Permanent Six Governments Reach Accord for Nam- Chairman of the International Conference paraguay and Bolivia Boundary Dispute ing Committee of Experts 3586 of American States on Conciliation and Leads to the Severance of Diplomatic Grain Crops, Agricultural Bureau Report on, Arbitration 3293 Relations ______3291, 3447 1988, 2580, 3288, 3444 Kellogg Note Regarding American Naval Paraguay-Bolivia Dispute Considered by Great Britain, The Coming General Elections Polley, the Poincare Speech and the- International Conference of American in-Problems of Empire 1996 American Policy Again Declared 1856 States on Conciliation and Arbitration _ _ __3589 Great Britain- Kellogg Peace Pact. See Multilateral Treaty Paraguay, The Dispute Between Bolivia and_3299 Cable and Wireless Communications of Renouncing War. Paris Peace Pact, The-Lest We Forget_ _ _ _3459 The Empire to be Taken Over By The Knox College, Galesburg, Ill.-The Lincoln- Parties, The Battle of The-Book by Pro- "Comunications Company" 2867 Douglas Debate Re-enacted at 2284 fessor Charles A. Beard 3458 Conservatives Hold Their Annual Con- Peru and Chile Resume Diplomatic Relations 1991 ference at Yarmouth 1849 La Reforms Agraire Roumaine. Book Picture, Motion, Depicting Activities of The Elections, Municipal and Borough, Are Published by "Les Editions Inter- New York Stock Exchange 3304 Held in England 2584 nationale," Paris 2000 Plight of Small Borrowers-Senator Pine Pro- Fiduciary Currency and Bank of England Latin-America, the Approach to- Mr. tests to Federal Reserve Board (Editorial Notes to be Amalgamated 2578, 2867 Hoover's Visit and the Cumberland Report.2873 Article in New York Journal of Commerce) 1863 Howard, Sir Fame, to Retire as Ambassa- Latin-American Countries, President-Elect Pancake Speech and The Kellogg Note, The- dor to United States 2133 on a Tour of Good Will American Policy Again Declared 1856 King , Serious Illness of.. _3139, and Friendship to--_ -2730, 3002. 3139, Polish Government, Charles S. Dewey, 3290. 3446. 3588 3290, 3447, 3587 American Financial Adviser Recommends King George V, Illness--Council of State is League of Nations Proceedingz- • Flotation of Loans to the 2867 Named to Act in Interests of The Realm_3139 Council Assembles at Lugano. Svritzerland -3290 Politics, The Business of 1859 Labor Party Annual Conference is Held at Council at Lugano, Switzerland, Coo- Portugal, Resignation of the Entire Cabinet Birmingham 1849 concluded 3446 of 2585

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OCT.-DEC., 1928.] INDEX

Page. Page. Page. Portuguese Cabinet Re-formed 2868 Russia, Economic Developments in 2589 United States (Concluded) Potato Crop Reports. See Grain. Russia, Soviet, Aims at One Hundred Per Budget Message of President Coolidge--3156 Presidential Campaign, American Foreign Cent Socialism 3003 Coolidge's, President, Annual Message Policy and the. 2140 Russian Soviet Government Resorts to Cur- 3146, 3152 President, The Power of the 2875 rency Inflation 2134 Czecho-slovakia, Radio-Telephone Service Presidential Elections, Some Early 2283 Extended to 3004 Problem and Its Setting, The—Book by Dr. Savings Accounts, Interest on 2593 Japanese Ambassador Katauji Debuchi Wesley C. Mitchell 2595 ..,„ea, A Tragedy of the 2876 Presents His Credentials to President Problems of Empire—The Coming General Schwab, Charles M., Remarks on "The Coolidge 2416 Election in Great Britain 1996 Progress in Human Engineering" 2286 Kellogg Peace Pact. See Multilateral Treaty Progress in Human Engineering, The 2286 Science, Pure, and Industry 3149 Renouncing War. Public Utility Earnings— Securities, Absorption of—And Its Sequel —2143 Labor, Annual Report of Secretary of 3166 In August 2006 South America and the Anti-War Treaty, Labor, Secretary of, on "Industrial Dis- In September 2596 Mediation in 3455 putes in The United States 3166 In October 3151 South American Relations, Mr. Hoover's International Conference of American Pure Science and Industry 3149 Visit and 3594 States on Conciliation and Arbitration Southern Railway Co., Annual Meeting of Assembles at Washington 3293 Railroads—All Steel Cars—And Farm Rellef_1858 the Stockholders of the 2726 Naval Limitations. See Naval Limitations_ ailroad Barnings Improving Returns 2997 Spain, Bank of, Advances Its Discount Rate_3450 Sweden, New Arbitration Treaty is Signed Railroads, Gross and Net Earnings— Spain, Transatlantic Telephone Service Is With 2416 For month of August 2001 Inaugurated Between United States and_ _2134 Treasury, Annual Report of Secretary of3158 For month of September 2597 Speculation—The Long Boom of the Bull Treasury, Secretary of Treasury Offers For month of October 2997, 3306 Market and Actual Production 3597 9300,000,000 Treasury Certificates of Railroads, Politics and Prosperity. Article by Speculation, Is Not Group, A Conspiracy Indebtedness Bearing 4 %. Highest Samuel 0. Dunn in October Scribners___ _2143 Making for Sham Prosperity? (Communi- Rate Since 1921 1985 Railroads, Western, Emergency Board's cated by Arnold G. Dana) 3303. 3461 Treasury, Secretary of The. Offers $500.- Decisions Respecting Wage Increase 2409 Stock Market, Course of. See New York 000,000 44% Cu tificates of Indebted- Railway Association, American, Report of Stock Market. ness 3133 The Bureau of Economics at the Annual Stock Markets of Europe. See European Treaty Renouncing War, Address By Meeting of the 2861 Stock Markets. Secretary Frank It, Kellogg in New York Railway Business Association, Address of Strong, Benjamin, of the Federal Reserve at Tenth Annive dry of Armistice Day_2728 Daniels Willard, Pres. of The Baltimore & Bank, the Death of 2139 Utility Earnings. & l',:btic Utility Earnings. Onto RR 2861 Sweden, new Arbitration Treaty Signed with Raw11, H. F., Communication on "The United States 2416 Venizelos And The New Day for The Year Christmas Club—Its Good Points" 3305 East 0742 Reappraisal of Interests, A 3301 Tragedy of the Sea, A 2876 Vestris, Loss of The—A Tragedy of the Sea 2876 Reparation Plans. See Germany. hanksgiving 2739 Reparations Controversy, A New Phase of_ _2421 Trade Activity not Disturbed by Presidential Wages,A New Gauge For 3148 Republican Victory and The Situation of the Election 2269 all Street Journal, The Death of Clarence Democratic Party 2591 Traffic League, National Industrial. Address W.Barron, Publisher of The 1855 Reserve Bank Notes and Business—A Sug- of George Hannauer at Annual Dinner of What is Capital 2424 gestion. (Article by I. H. Lionberger) 1861 the 2862 Wheat. See Grain. Rorem, C. It., on Accounting Methods 1860 Treaty Renouncing War, Address on the, by Willard, Daniel, President of Baltimore & Rubber Restrictions Removed 2417 Prime Minister in Ohio RR. Address at Annual Dinner of Rumania— London and Secretary of State Frank B. The Railway Business Association 2861 Cabinet, Resignation of the Entire, and Kellogg in New York 2728 World Court, President Coolidge and Tho 3009 Formation of a New 2585 World Court, President Coolidge Desires Peasant's Party Cabinet, New, Proposes United States, the Anglo-French Treaty and Congressional Action on United States Reforms in Government 3003, 3294 the Position of the United States 2281 Membership in The 3001 Rumania, Newly Elected Parliament Con- United States Foreign Trade Monthly Re- venes in 3589 view 2130, 2726, 3136, 3443 year 1928 in Retrospect. The 3596 Rumania, Ten Years After. Book Published United States— oung, Roy A., Governor of Federal by Beacon Press, Boston 2000 Agriculture, Annual Report of Secretary of 3164 Reserve Board, Address at American Rumanian-Hungarian Controversy and World Albanian Government Signs Treaty of Banker's Association Convention_ ,,j845. 1870 Peace, the 2000 Arbitration and Conciliation With 2276 Rumanian Parliament Dissolves and Julin Austria, Transatlantic Telephone Service Zeppelin, Graf, Flight of The Dirigible Maniu Forma new Cabinet_ _ _2732, 2867. 3294 Extended to 2586 from Friedrichshafen to Lakehurst 0131

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis VI INDEX [VOL. 127-PART 2.

BUSINESS INDICATIONS AND CURRENT EVENTS Pave. Page. Pave. cceptances, Banks. See Bankers Accpetances. American Bankers'Convention (Concluded)- Railroad Projects, Loans for 3481 A dams, Prof. of Yale, Plan Against Double Savings Bank Division Pages 136-146 Tin Production 2029 Taxation Accepted by Geneva Confer- Taxation of Banks Compared with Tax- Bonds, State and Municipal. The New ference 2761 ation of Competing Capital, Charles York Trust Co. Would Make Eligible for Agriculture. See Farmer. H. Mylander. Borrowing at Federal Reserve 2307 Agriculture, U. S. Dept. of. See under United Answering Administrative Problems, Booth, Willis H. on Great Problem in Ameri- States. Harold J. Stonier. can Industry 2015 Alcohol-Production Figures of Industrial Digest of Methods of Computing Inter- Booth, Willis H., Views on Business 2429 Alcohol Institute 2617 est on Saviors, Paul A. Pflue er. Boulder Dam Bill Becomes Law 3647 American Bankers Assn.- Addrots of "resirlent. Boulder Dam Uncertainties 3649 Agricultural Commission of A. B. A. Meet Report on School Savings. Brazil- in , Dec.3-4 3040 Resolutions. Ceara. State of, to Pay Interest on U. S. Annual Convention-Speeches Featuring Election of Officers. Debt 3637 the Meeting and Resolutions Adopted American Fur Trade Assn. Formed-C. S. J. Cocoa Prices Fall-to be Supported by 1865, 1875 Trench,President 2296, 2890 Bahia Government 3173 Annual Convention at San Francisco Next American Woolen Co. Advances Price of Failures, Commercial in Brazil 2763 Year 1876, 3040 Broadcloths 3173 Maranhao, State of $1,750,000 7% Bonds Business Outlook, A. B. A.Journal on2611,3319 American Woolen Co. Opens Balance of Sold 2165 Business Views Expressed by Bankers at Spring Lines 2156 Parana, State of, Revenues 3637 A. B.A. Convention 1863 Ames, Emerich & Co.'s. Study of Latin Porto Alegre 40-Yr.8% Bonds Redeemed-2629 Clearing House Section of A. B. A.- American Nations 2763 Porto Alegre, Municipality of, 40-Year W.F. Augustine New Pres 1876 Anderson, Jr., Benjamin M on Brokers 7%% Bonds Redeemed 3336 Coolidge's, Pres. Message of Greeting to Loans and Bank Credit 2306 Rio Grande do Sul,State of, Plans External A. B. A.Convention 1876 Anderson, Jr., Benjamin M. on Gold Move- Loan in.United States 2448 Hazlewood,C . B., Chosen Pres.of A. B. A.1876 ment and Money Market 2169 Rio Grande do Sul, State of, 6% External Hazlewood, Pres. Address on Business_ _ --2015 "Annalists" Indexes of Business Activity Loan Bond in Definitive Form 2764 Hazlewood,Pres., in Radio Talk Discusses 1879, 2148, 2611,2879, 3320, 3464,3602 San Paulo, State of, 8% Bonds of 1921 Successful and Unsuccessful Investment Argentine- Drawn 3033 Programs 3640 Argentine Government Loan of 1927 Bonds Sao Paulo Acts to Save Timber-Forest National Bank Division Elects Officers_ _ --1876 Drawn for Redemption 1895 Service Created 2025 Officials and Committee Heads of A.B.A._ _2183 Argentine Nation External Loan 6% Bonds Sao Paulo, City. of, 634% Bonds due 1957 Savings Bank Division of A. B. A.-Newly of 1925 Redeemed in Part 1895, 2449 Redeemed in Part 2449 Elected Officers 1876 Argentine Nation External Loan 6% Bonds Sao Paulo Coffee Price Crises 2025 Savings Bank Division of A. B. A.-Re- of 1927, Tenders Sought 2449, 3637 Tariff Schedules, New 3033 gional Savings Conference Cities Chosen-1876 Argentine Nation, Government of 6% Brokers' Loans and Bank Credit, Views of State Bank Division Elects Officers 1876 Bonds of 1925, Tenders Sought 3033 Benjamin M.Anderson Jr 2306 Trust Company Division-A. V. Morton , City of 31% Year Bonds Brokers' Loan Data of New York Stock Ex- Elected Pres 1876 Drawn 3637 change 1897. 2451, 3183 American Bankers' Convention Section, Oct. 20- Cordoba, Province of 7% Bonds Due 1942 Brokers' Loans in New York-Views of Editorial Article-Convention and Money Redeemed 3637 Pres. Phipps of Canadian Bankers Ass'n- -3334 Market's Problems 59 Government Employee's Wages Cut 3181 Brokers' Loan Measure Urged by Senator General Convention Pages 63-82 Loan of $10,000,000 Obtained by Brookhart 2765 The Banker's Responsibility, Roy A. from Own Banker 1895 Brokers' Loans Sharply Cut by Several New Young. Mendoza, Province of 73% Bonds- York Banks 2900 Farming Problems-Upholding Hands Interest Payment 2629 Brokers' Loan Study to Be Resumed by U. S. of Moses. H. L. Russell. Arizona Copper Mine Wage Rise 1891 Congress 2452 The Strength of Democracy. Edwin A. Armistice Day Address of Pres. Coolidge_ _ _2759 Brokers' Loans, Views of David Friday 3184 Alderman. Armistice Day Proclamation ofPres. Coolidge2633 Brookhart, Senator, Urges Brokers' Loan Address of President T. R. Preston. Associated Stock Exchanges Annual Cony - _2765 Measure 2765 Report of Committee on Federal Legis- Augustine, W. F., New Pres. of Clearing Brown Bros. & Co. on Spemlators in Stock lation. House Section of A. B. A 1876 Market 2304 Report of Committeeon State Legislation. Australia- Browne, Stewart, Criticizes New York City Report of Committee on Federal Tax- Loan. Conversion, Oversubscribed 2036 Budget 3486 ation. WoolProduction 2156 Building Situation-- Report of General Counsel. Austria- Canadian Building Permits 2290, 2882 Report of Executive Council. Austrian Gov't Bonds Dated May 1 1923 Great Britain-Number of Houses Built-2163 Report of Membership Committee. Drawn for Redemption 2448 Illinois Building Review 2150 Report of Committee on Reorganization. Debt to United States-U. S. House of Indiana Limestone Co.'s Views on Building 1879 Report of Foundation Trustees. Representatives Authorizes Sec. of Treas. Metropolitan Zone Building Activity Es- Report of Insurance Committee. to Negotiate Settlement of Debt 3627 tablishes New High Record 2148 Report of Protective Department. Lower Austria, Province.of 7%% Bonds Michigan Building Permits 2880 Greetings of President Coolidge. Due Dec. 1 1950 Redeemed 3336 Straus & Co., S. W., on Building Activi- Remarks of President-elect Hazlewood. Automoblle Industry in Phila. Fed. Res. ties 2149, 2746, 3466 Remarks of Former President Walter W. District 2437, 3024, 3613 Bulgaria, Bank of-Reduction in Discount Head. Automobile Parts and Accessory Business, Rate 3335 Resolutions Adopted. 2292, 2884, 3612 Bulgaria, I:ingdom of, $13,000,000 7d% 1929 Convention at San Francisco. Automobile Prices and New Models_ _ _2614, 2750 Bonds of 1928 Offered 2898 Election of Officers. Automobile Production by Months-Com- Bulgaria-Report of Revolutionary Uprising National Bank Division Pages 83-91 parison of Statistics 2292, 2614,2884, 3467 Denied - '3181 Purchase of Investment Securities by Ayres, Colonel, of Cleveland Trust Co., on Bulgaria Seeks Postponement of Reparation Banks. J. W. McIntosh. Business Outlook 2147, Payment ._ State 3482 2898 Taxation of National Banks, Ayres's, Col., Views on Stock Market 2765 Bulgarian Proposed Stabilization Loan Ap- Philip Nichols. proved by Parliament and League of Proouctive Bank Credit Department, alttmore Clearing House Association- Nations 2446, 2762 Alexander Wall. B C. H. Wyatt Appointed Secretary and Bulkley., Valiance & Co.on American Interest Address of President. General Manager 2485 in British Securities 2762 Remarks of Retiring President. BancitalyCorp. and National Bancitaly Co., Burgess, W. Randolph, and George E. Resolutions. Proposed Consolidation 3189 Roberts Addresses Convention of Robert Election of Officers. Bank of America, N. A., on Growth of Fur Morris Associates at Cleveland-High State Bank Division Pages 92-105 Manufacturing in U. S 2025 Money Rates 2309, 2453 New Investment Policy for New Eco- Bank of America. N. A., Review of Business Burgess, W. Randolph, Discussion of Open nomic Era, Leonard P. Ayres, Conditions 2611, 3169 Market Operations of Federal Res. System _3340 Our Unit Banking System, R. S. Hecht. Bank of America's Survey of Egg Market_ ___3324 Business Conditions- Inequality of State Bank Reserve Re- Bank of America on Rise in Pikes on Stock American Bankers Assn. Journal on quirements, M. Plin Beebe. Exchange 1896 Business Outlook 2611, 3319 Placing Farmer on Payroll, S. J. High. Bank Credit Discussed by Robert L. Owen_ _3642 "Annalist's" Indexes of Business Activity Service Charges on Unprofitable Check- Bank of Montreal's Review of Business _2882,3603 1879, 2148, 2611, 2879, 3320. 3464, 3602 ing Accounts, Paul P. Brown. Bank of Nova Scotia on Canadian Business, Fed, Res. Dist. Retail and Whole- Address of President. 2304. 3019, 3604 sale Trade 2017. 2614, 3304. 3322 Report of Committee on Federal Re- Banks, Savings. See Savings Banks. Ayres's Col. of Cleveland Trust Co. on serve System Bankers' Acceptances, Alleged Clash on Rates Business Outlook 2147, 3482 Report of Committee on Relationship Between Dealers 3485 Bank of America N. A. Review of Business with State Bank Commissioners. Bankers' Acceptances, Howard J. Sachs Re- Conditions 2611, 3169 Report of State Legislative Committee. views Ten-Year Growth of 3643 Bank of Montreal's Review of Business_ _ Resolutions. Bankers' Acceptances as of Sept. 30 1928. 2882, 3608 Election of Officers as of Oct. 31 1928 and as of Nov. 30 1928, Bank of Nova Scotia on Canadian Business Clearing House Section Pages 105-120 2168. 2901 3484 2304, 3019, 3604 Dynamic Bank, Louis T McFadden. Bankers' Acceptance Dealers Agree on Uni- Boston Fed. Res. Bank's Views on Business Interest Rates on Deposits, A. J. Veigel. form Rate 3638 1884, 2433, 3171 Transformation of Banking, Haynes Bankers' Acceptances Held by Federal Re- Booth. Willis H., Views on Business 2429 McFadden. serve Banks 2308 Canadian Bank of Commerce on Experience of Regional Clearing House, Bankers' Joint Stock Land Bank of Milwau- 2015,BusinessConditions 2612, 2882 Dan V. Stephens. kee-First Dividends in Liquidation 3336 Chatham Phenix National Bank & Trust Standard Report Forms from Bank Bankitaly Company of America Incorporates Co., Reviews Conditions 2610 Presidents to Directors, L. A. Andrew. in Delaware 3346. 3487 Chicago Fed. Res. Bank. See Fed. Res. Banks. Address of President. Barley. See Grains. Cleveland Fed, Res. Dist. Business Con- Report of Committee on Acceptances. Barron, Clarence, of "Wall Street Journal," ditions 1879, 2434. 3171 Report of Committee on Payrolls. Dead 1898 Continental National Bank & Trust Co. of Resolutions. Beha, James A., New York State Bunt, of Chicago on Business Trend 3466 Election of Officers. Insurance, Resigns to Become Chairman Coolidge, Pres., on Continued Business State Secretaries Section Pages 121-124 of International Germanic Trust Co 2769 Prosperity 2428 Public Banking Education, C. F. Zim- Belgium- Dallas Fed. Res. Dist. Business, Whole- merman. Antwerp, City of, $10,000,000 5% Bonds sale and Retail 2017. 2613, 3322 "Better Banking Methods." H. G. Offered 3335 Dun's Price Index 2610 Huddleston. Kingdom of Belgium External Loan 7% Federal Reserve Board's Monthly Indexes Report of Committee on Operation Costs Bonds Due 1955 Called 2166 1880, 2609. 3151 and Income. Kingdom of Belgium 30-Year 6% Bonds Federal Reserve Boards Summary of Report of Committee on County Organi- Due 1955 Drawn 2764 Business Conditions in U. S. 2428, 3016, 3601 zation and Credit Bureaus. National Bank of Belgium Presents Bronze Federal Res. Board's Survey of Retail Resolutions. Bust of Late Gov. Benjamin Strong to Trade 1882, 2431. 2745. 3318. 3605 Election of Officers. N. Y. Fed. Reserve Bank 3186 Federal Res, Board, Wholesale Trade as Trust Company Division Pages 125-135 Sofia. City of, Loan of 1910. Agreement on Reported to 1881. 2430. 3605 Clarifying Trust Functions in Public Service of Interest and Amortization Of.. _3183 Fletcher-American National Bank of Mind, Frank C. Morthner. Strong, Goy., of N. Y. Fed, Res, Bank, Indianapolis Business Review 3170 Responsibilities of Trust Management, King Albert on Death of 2171 Guaranty Trust Co. on General Business- -3017 Judge H. L. Standeven. Bell, Spurgeon, of Bureau of Business Re- Harvard University Instructors to Study Tendencies in Modern Wills, Gilbert T. search, Ohio State University, on Stock Origins of Business Leaders 3603 Stephenson. Market 2450 Haziewood's, C. B., Address on Business- -2015 Address of President. "Blue Sky" Law of Illinois Again Validated ._3637 Kansas City Fed. Res. Dist. Business Con- Message of Welcome from the Trust "Blue Sky" Law in Ohio Proposed 3638 ditions 1885,2435,3321,3611 Companies of Philadelphia. Bolivia- Los Angeles Chambers of Commerce's Trust Companies of United States-Re- Bank Laws (New) to be Supervised by Business Review 2748 sources at Record Figure. E. 0. DetleVen 2629 Los Angeles First National Trust & Savings Report of Committee on Insurance Central Bank for Bolivia -,- --3636 Bank on Conditions in Pacific Southwest 2018 *Trusts. Finances of Bolivia ReformedProposed--- by NewL'aws3480 McGraw-Hill Publications on Industry in Report of Publicity Committee. Kemmerer's, Dr. Plan for Reorganization 1928 3602 Report of Committee on Community of Finances 2165 Midwest Shippers Advisory Board on Trusts. Paraguayan Minister's Charges Regarding Business Acitvity 2014 Resolution on Community Trusts. Purchase of Armament Denied by Minneapolis Fed. Res. Dist. Agricultural Election of Officers. Bolivia 3480 and Financial Conditions_ .... 2152. 2748, 3320

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ocr.-DEc., 1928.] INDEX 'vn

Page. Page, Page. Business Conditions (Concluded)- Coal Industry (Concluded)- Czechoslovakia-Bonds of Greater Prague Moody's Investors Service Forecasts Con- Anthracite Production, Weekly_1891,2030, Drawn for Redemption 2037 tinued Prosperity 2746 2160, 2297, 2443, 2623, 2756, 2891. Czechoslovakia-Prague Banks Merge 2446 National Bank of Commerce in N. Y. on 3027, 3177. 3329, 3473, 3624 Business Outlook 2289, 2881, 3019 Anthracite Shipments by Carriers. 2161, 2756 rtavis, James J., Sec. of Labor, Annual Re-3166 National Park Bank on Business Outlook_ _3320 Bicknell (Ind.) Coal Miners Accept New .1.0 port National Park Bank on Conditions in Key Wage Scale 2443 Dawes Plan. See under Germany. Industries 1879 Bituminous Coal, Price Trend 2160 Delaware Employment and Wages._ _ _2150, 3607 National Park Bank on Presidential Bituminous Production, Monthly.._2031, Democratic Presidential Campaign- Election and Business 2765 2160. 2622, 2892, 3473 Hadley, Dr. Arthur T. to Vote for Gov. New York Fed. Res, Bank's Indexes of Bituminous Production, Weekly_ _ _1891, Smith on Account of Prohibition Stand_ _2179 Business Activity 1881, 2610, 3168 2030, 2160, 2297, 2443, 2623, 2756, McAdoo, W. G., Aligned with Democratic New York Fed. Res. Bank's Survey of 2891. 3027, 3177. 3329, 3473. 3624 Party Last Days Before Election 2633 Profits in 3rd Quarter of 1928 3151 Coke Production, Monthly-2031, 2160, Norris, Soc. in Support of Gov. Smith- New York Fed. Res, Dist. Chain Store 2622, 2892 Favor's 1:suer's Stand on Farm Relief Sales 1882, 2433, 3018, 3604 Coke Production, Weekly_ _1891, 2030, and Water Power 2454 New York Fed. Res. Dist. Department 2160, 2297, 2443. 2623, 2756, 2891, Raskob,John J., on Outcome of Election_ _2632 Store Sales 1882. 2432. 3018 3027, 31.77, 3329, 3473, 3624 Robinson, J. T., Congratulates Herbert New York Fod. Res. Dist. Wholesale Indiana Coal Fields-Negotiations for Hoover and Charles Curtis 2633 Trade In 1881, 2430. 3018. 3604 Wage Scale Fail 2031 Smith, Alfred E.. on Federal Economies, Northwestern National Bank of Minnea- Iowa Coal Mine Wage Agreement-- 1891 and Sec. Mellon's Reply 2177, 2178 polis on Condition in Northwest.. 2023, 3610 Market Review 2757, 3329 Smith's, Alfred E., Message of Congratu- Oklahoma Business Conditions-Employ- Anthracite Collieries, Em- lation to Herbert Hoover-To Retire ment and Wages 2018, 2612, 3021 ployment and Wages 1892 2444 from Public Life 2632 Paine Webber & Co. on Outlook for 1929-.3603 Pennsylvania (Central) Miners Submit Smith's, Alfred E., Views Regarding Tariff 2175 Perry, F. T., on Outlook for Commodity Wage Cut Poposals to Operators 3624 Smith, Alfred E., on Principles of Demo- Prices 2167 Production of Coal by States and Com- cratic Party 2768 Philadelphia Fed. Res. Dist. See Fed. Res. parison of Months 2443, 3027 Denmark- Banks. Cocoa Prices in Brazil Fall :3173 Danish Consolidated Municipal Loan of Reynolds. Geo. M.. on Business Outlook Coffee Loss in Porto Rico Following Hurri- 1921 Bonds Called 2899 for 1929 3602 cane 2024 Danish Producers' Loan Fund Committee Richmond Fed. Res. Dist. Business_ _2017. Coffee Price Crisis Menaces Sao Paul, Brazil_2025 $2,500,000 5% Bonds Privately Placed_ _2628 2613, 3321 Coleman, S. T., Elected a Governor of Economic and Industrial Conditions_2164. St. Louis Fed. Res. Dist. Business Trend • N.Y. Stock Exchange Luncheon Club_ _ _ _3034 2896. 3630 2016, 2612, 3321 Colombia- Privat Bank of Copenhagen Reopened_ _ _ _1895 San Francisco Fed. Res. Dist.-Industry Agricultural Mortgage Bank 20-Year 7% Detlefsen, E. 0., to Supervise New Bolivian and Trade in 1885. 2436, 3021, 3611 Bonds of 1927 Retired 3336 Bank Laws 2629 Sloan, Pres. of General Motors on Outlook Antioquia, Dept. of, 7% 303 -Year Bonds Detroit Employment Situation_1879, 2147, for 1929 3467 of 1927 Ready for Delivery 3336 2289, 2429, 2609, 2746. 2879, 3017, 3168, Smith. Theodore T., on Business 3465 Cauca Valley, Dept. of, Revenue Increase, 3319, 3465, 3603 Statisticians, in Industry. Conference of. 1895. 3336 Dewey's, Chas. S., American Financial Ad- Analysis of Business Conditions 3603 Congress Session Finished 3033 visor, Quarterly Report on Poland_ _2897, 3032 Swope. Gerard, Views on Outlook for 1929_3603 Kellogg Anti-War Treaty Approved by Dewey, Chas. S., Visits Russia 2897 Trade, State of__1877. 2013, 2146. 2287, Colombia 2761 Dun & Co.'s, R. G., Report on Commercial 2427,2608.2744.2877.3015, 3167.3317, Medellin, Municipality of, Bonds Retired_2629 Failures 1880, 2611, 3171 3462, 3600 Medellin. Municipality of, 63i% Bonds of Dun's Price Index 2610, 3170 Union Trust Co. of Chveland on Business 1928 in Definitive Form 2899 Durant W.C., Views on Security Market_ ..2451 Outlook 2290, 2878, 3604 Nicaragua and Colombia Sign Treaty Over Dye & Chemical Industry, U. S. Tariff Com- Union Trust Co. of Detroit on Business, Sovereignty of Coast Islands 3646 mission's Annual Report on 2313 2147. 2747, 3466 Republic of Colombia 6% Bonds Dated U. S. Dept. of Commerce's Monthly July 1 1927 Redeemed 3336 cuador's New Coins Made in U.5 2629 Indexes of Production. Stocks and Un- Santander, Dept. of, $2,000,000 7% Bonds Edison, Thomas, Receives Congressional filled Orders 2610, 3168 Sold 2449 Medal 2314 University of Denver's Review of Business_2749 Tolima, Dept. of, Revenues 3336 Egg Market, Survey by Bank of America. Whiting's. Sec. of Commerce-Views on Commercial Failures, R. G. Dun & Co.'s N.A 3324 Conditions 9014, 2289. 3318 Report 1880, 2611, 3171 Electric Bond & Share Co., Federal Trade Congress, U. S. See under United States. Commission Files Court Action to Obtain ahill, M. H. Points Out Weakness Menac- Continental National Bank & Trust Co. of Records of 3644 C ing Federal Reserve System 3340 Chicago on Business Trend 3466 Electric Energy, Consumption of 3319 California Amends Bank Taxation Law 3639 Coolidge, President- Electric Power Consumed in Philadelphia Canada- American Bankers Association Annual Con- Federal Reserve District 2434,3023 3613 Bank of Montreal's Review of Business vention-Pres. Coolldge's Message of Electric Power Produced in United States- 2882, 3608 Greeting 1876 Comparison 1878, 2428. 3169 Bank of Nova Scotia on Canadian Business Armistice Day Address of Pres. Coolidge_ -2759 Electrical Goods Orders Increase 2429 2304, 3019. 3604 Armistice Day Proclamation of President Electricity, Industrial Activity Based on Barclay's Bank, Ltd., Canada. to be Coolidge 2633 Consumption of 2148. 2879, 3319 Formed in Canada 3477 Budget Massage of President Coolidge_ _ _3156 EUot & Co., Gilbert, on Earning of Fifteen Building Permits on a Record Basis_ _2290, 2882 Business Prosperity, Pres. Coolidge Looks. New York Bank Which Show Increase._ _2450 Foreign Trade of Canada During August -2163 for Continuance of 2428 Employment. See Labor Conditions. Insurance (Life) Sales in Canada _ _ _.2290, Congressional Message of Pres. Coolidge_ _3152 Estonia. Republic of, 7% Bonds of 1927 2880. 3465 Diplomatic Service-Fres. Coolidge Holds Retired in Part 3033 Mining Activity of Canada, Survey by Unconstitutional Plans of "Career Men" Canadian Bank of Commerce 3634 to Retain Posts After March 4 1929_ .....2174 Factory Conditions in New York State.2016. Paper-Canadian Newsprint Prices Re- Farm Problem, President Coolidge on_ __ _2906 2747. 3320 duced 2437, 3022 Hoover's, Herbert, Election as President. Failures, Commercial. See Commercial Failures. Paper-Canadian Newsprint Statistics Pres. Coolidge's Message of Congratula- Fall River (Mass.) Textile Workers Receive 2293. 3022. 3613. 3614 tion-Pre-Election Message 2633, 2634 Wage Increase 2023 Tourists Trade One of Canada's Greatest Multilateral Treaty Renouncing War. Farmer- Business Assets 3333 President Coolidge on 3344 Agriculture Research-President Coolidge Canadian Bank of Commerce on Business Nicaragua's Finances-Proposed Plan of Urged to Support $5,000,000 Approp._ _2024 Conditions 2015. 2612. 2882 Rehabilitation not Endorsed by Pres. A. B. A. Agricultural Commission Meet in Canadian Bank of Commerce's Survey of Collidge or Sec. Kellogg 2896. 3032 Chicago, Dec. 3-4 3040 Canada's mining Activity 3634 Pan American Congress at Washington- Coolidge, President, on Farm Problem__ _2906 Canadian Bankers Assn.-Pres. Phipps Urges Address of President Coolidge 3344 Fertilizer Ma erials, Upward _Mend Ob- Banks to Control Credit 3334 Press Conferences Explained-Rule Against served in Price of 3619 Canadian Marconi Stocks, N. Y. Curb Mar- Direct Quotations by Newspaper Men-3010 Grain Marketing Associations, Status of ket Suspends Trading in 3034 Proclamation on Thanksgiving Day 2454 Farmer-Owned 3'618 Copper-Ketcham Act-New Agricultural Ex- Strong's, Gov., N. Y. Fed. Res. Bank, Labor (Farm) Slightly in Excess of De- tension Workers ApRointed 9884 Death,President CoolidYe on 2172 mand 2290 Cement (Portland) Production and Ship- White House-Pros. Coolidge on Need of Minneapolis Federal Reserve Dist. Agri- ments by Months 2157, 2754, 3326 Rural Retreat for President Within cultural and Financial Conditions_ _2152, Chain Store Financing in N inc Months of Striking Distance of Washington 3343 2748, 3320 1928 1896 World Court, Pres. Coolidge Reported as Mount, A. J. of Bank of Italy on Farm Chain Store Sales in Fed. Res. Districts. See Seeking Action on 3037 Conditions 1895 under Fed. Res. Banks. Cooper. Geo. A., new Member of Bureau of National Industrial Conference Board on Chain Store sales, Monthly Statistics Standards of U. S. Dept. of Commerce_ _ _2175 Agricultural Situation 2616 2014, 2812, 3320 Copper and Brass Research Assn. Annual Ohio-Pennsylvania Joint Stock Land Bank Chain Stores in North Carolina Win Taxation Meeting 2441 on Price Outlook for Farm Products__ _2149 Suit 2449 Copper Consumption (Estimated) by Various Price of Farm Products 1880,2612.3170 Chain Store Survey by National Bank of Trades 2441 Real Estate Situation on Farm 2885 Commerce in N.Y 3169 Copper Industry, Views of Union Trust Co. U. S. Chamber of Commerce's Referendum Chatham & Phenix National Bank & Trust of Cleveland 2619 on Agriculture 2313 Co. Reviews Conditions 2610 Copper Mines in Arizona Raise Wages 1891 Farmers Union, National-Chas. 5. Barrett Chemical and Dye Industry, Annual Report Copper (Refined) Production, Shipments and Retires as President 2764 of U.S. Tariff Commission 2313 Stocks-Comparative Statistics 2156.2754.3327 Farrell, Patrick J.. Named to I.-S. C. C_ _3649 Chicago Board of Trade and Other Markets Copper. World Production, by Months. Federal Intermediate Credit Bank $8.000,000 -Transactions in Grain Futures2022,2751,3324 2157. 2890, 3472 Debentures Offered 3335 Chicago Board of Trade's Plans for Security Corn. See under Grains. Federal Land Bank Bonds Offered 2447 Trading 2452 Cotton- Federal Reserve Act, Views of Waiter K. Chicago Board of Trade in Temporary Quar- Agriculture, Dept., Rep. Rankin Urges Hardt 3186 ters Pending Erection of New Building_ __ -3338 Protection for Cotton Growers Against Chicago & Cook County Bankers Assn.- Crop Estimating Board-Change in Crop Federal Reserve Banks- Alfred H.Smith Elected Pros 2485 Forecasting 2024. 2154 Atlanta Fed. Res. Dist. Wholesale and Chicago Daily News to Issue Mid-West Annual Review of Cotton Market by G. H. Retail Trade 2017. 2614. 3322 Tabloid Roto-gravure Section 2452 Miller, Pres. of N.Y. Cotton Exchange_3614 Bankers Acceptances Held by Fed. Res. Chile-- Consumption of Cotton-Activity of Banks 2308 American Owned Copper Mines, Tax Spindles-Imports and Exports-Re- Boston Fed. Res, Bank's Stockholders Upheld on ------2029 port of Census Bureau _2155,2751, 3324,3468 Annual Convention Addressed by Gov. Industrial Credit Institute --- Finance Cottonseed Oil Production by Months, Roy A. Young of Fed. R.,21. Board 2766 Industrial Enterprises 2037 2156, 2752, 3325 Boston Fed. Res. Bank's Views on Business Mortgage Bank of Chile, Bond Drawn for Cotton Spinning Industry, Activity. 1584. 2433, 3171 Redemption 1896. 3033 2294, 2886, 3469 Chicago Fed. Res. Bank and Dist.- Republic of Chile Railway 6% Bonds Due Bxnorts (Domestic) of Cotton, Cotton Industrial Employment Conditions...-.3021 1961, Redeemed 3033 Cloths. "Yarns, Threads and Hosiery.- - -2439 Manufacturing Activities. i885. 2435, 3020 China- National Assn. of Finishers of Cotton Meat Packing Industry 1887. 2618 American Loan to Japanese Firm Looked Fabrics, Monthly Renort-...1886. 2615, 3023 Member Banks Weekly Returns. 1892, PaUpon with Disfavor 2617 Production and Sale of Cotton Cloths 2023 2032. 2161. 2298. 2444, 2624, 2757, Ban.-Proposed Plan for Establishing Standard Cotton Cloths, Production and 2892, 3028. 3178, 3330. 3474, 3625 Chain of Chinese Banks in U. S 2166 Sales 2615, 3325 Merchandising Conditions 2434. 3020 Central Bank of China-Principal Office Trading in Cotton-Members of N. Y. Cleveland Fed. Res. Dist. Business Con- Opened in Shanghai 2763 Caton Exchange Reject Proposed Re- ditions 1879, 2434, 3171 Economic Advisors, Honorary-Five Am- duction in Unit of Trading-Favored in Discount Rate and New Fed. Res.Policy. .3 ericans Named by China 2627 New Orleans ' 2294 Dallas Fed. Res. Dist. Business Situation, Finances of China to be Reformed by Dr. Couzens, Sen., Receives Tax Refund from 2017. 2613, 3322 PlaKemmerer 2166 U. S. Treasury 3342 Governors of Fed. Res. Banks Meet Manchurian Business Hurt by Money Cuba- Quarterly 2766 Tangle 2763 Cuba, Republic of, $10,000,000 5;6% Kansas City Fed. Res. Dist. Business Tax Levies by Nationalists, Disastrous-- -3335 Certificates Offered 2302 Conditions 1885, 2435. 3321, 3611 Citrus Co-operative Assn. Formed by Florida Debt-Bill Proposing Loan of $300.000,000 Minneapolis Fed. Ras, Dist, Agricultural Growers 2024 for Consolidation of Public Debt 2764 and Financial Conditions.. _2152, 2748. 3320 Coal Industry- Platt Amendment Giving U. S. Right to New York- Anthracite Coal Industry, Report of Phila- Intervene in Cuba. Views of President Business Activity in N. Y. Fee. Res. delphia Federal Reserve District-- -.2891 Machado 2036 Dist., Indexes on 1881. 2610. 3168 Anthracite Production, Monthly. _ _2031, Sugar Crop Restrictions Terminated by Business Profits in 3rd Quarter of 1928, 2160, 2622, 2892, 3473 Cuba 3619 Survey by N.Y. Fed. Res. Bank 3151

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX [VOL. 127-PART 2.

Page, Page. Federal Reserve Banks (Concluded)- Page. Foreign Bond and Stock Offerings (Concl.)- Gotham Loan Company Incorporated in New New York (Concluded)- Ruhr Gas Corp. (Germany) Chain Store Sales In $12,000,000 York State 2769 N. Y. Fed. Res. 634% Bonds Offered 2627 Governors Conference, Dist 1882, 2433, 3018, 3604 Ruhr Stock Market Gambl- (Germany) Housing Corp. 34,600.000 ing Criticized at 3035 Department Store Sales in N. Y. Fed. 30-year 634% Bonds Offered Res. Dist 3031, 3182 Graf Zeppelin Flight to U. S.from Germany_2179 1882,2432, 3018 Santander, Dept. of(Colombia) $2,000,000 Grain Discount Rate Suit Against N. Y. Res. Marketing Associations, Farmer- 7% Bonds Placed 2449 Owned,Status of 3618 Bank Dismissed 2630 Foreign Bonds,Views of Stone St Webster and Gold Movement, New York Res. Bank Grains- Blodget 1895 Barley Imports from U. S., Germany Con- on 1898. 2901 Foreign Loan Compilation Harrison by International tinues Restrictions 2752 George L., Appointed Gover- Acceptance Bank 3181 nor of N. Y. Fed. Res. Bank to Chicago Board of Trade and Other Markets Suc- Foreign News Cables Received by U. S. Transactions in Grain Futures ceed Late Benjamin Strong 2903,2904 Commerce _2022,2751, 3324 Liberty Dept_1893, 2033, 2162, 2299, Corn Farmers Urged to Hold Crop by Sec. Loan Bonds, 3rd., N. Y. Fed. 2445, 2625, 2758,2893, 3029, 3179, Res. Bank on Retirement of 3331, Jardine 2751 2041 3475, 3626 Exports of Grain and Grain Futures Member Banks Weekly Returns--1892, Foreign Trade of U. S. See 2439 2032, under United Futures (Grain) Speculation a Factor in 2161. 2298. 2444, 2624, 2757. States. Price 2892, 3028, 3178. 3330, 3474. 3625 Foreign Fluctuations According to Agri- Travel, Expenditure of American cultural Dept 2438 Mitchell, C. E., Elected Director of N. Tourists on 2174 Y. Fed. Res. Bank 2309.3186 France- Northwestern National Bank of Minne- Money Market apolis on Northwestern Grain 2023 Review by N. Y. Res. Anglo-French Naval Agreement-France Russian Bank 2169. 2629 Grain Prop 2617 Ordered Expulsion of American Press U.S.Dept. of Agriculture's Report on Crop Strong, Gov. See Strong. Representative for Publication of Con- Trade, Wholesale and Retail in N. Y. Outlook 2019,_2617, 2886. 3615 fidential Notes 2055 U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Fed. Res. Diet- - -1881, 2430. 3018. 3604 Bank of France Dividend on Foreign Crop Woodin, Wm. 3636 Prospects 2021, 3617 H., Re-elected Director of Bank Thalmann Established in Paris--3335 Wheat N. Y. Federal Reserve Bank-2309,3186 de Farmers Advised to hold Crop. by Neuflize. Baron Jean, Dean of Bank of Sec. Jardine 2437 Philadelphia Fed. Res. Bank and Dist.- France, Dead 2762 Automobile Industry Great Britain- 2437. 3024 2613 French Republic External Loan of 1924 Armed Forces of Anthracite Industry, Employment and 7% Bonds Drawn Great Britain 3032 Wages 2166 Bank of England-Amalgamation of 2891 Farb. Bourse Closed Saturdays During British Note Business Conditions 1884, 2433. 3019 November and Issue 2761, 2894, 3333 Electric December 2626 Bank of England Currency Fusion-New Power Consumption.2434 3023.3613 Poincare's, Premier, Reported Proposal to Hosiery Industry 1887,2439, 3023 Notes in Public's Hands__ _2626, 3031, 3333 Link Reparation Issue and French Dept_1894 Bank of England-Frederick- Hyde on Note Wholesale and Retail Trade-2291 3019,3612 Presidents Salary Increased 3031 Richmond Fed. Res. Dist. Business Con- Issue Amalgamation 3334 Taxation of American Corporations Doing Bank of England-Montague Norman ditions 2012, 2613, 3321 Business in France, French St. Louis Fed. Court De- Recommended for Re-election as Gov- Res. Bank. Election of cision on 5634 ernor Directors 3485 United States Note 2761 St. to France and Great Bank of England's New Statement His- Louis Fed. Res. Dist. Business Trend. Britain on Naval Limitation 2034 torical 2016. 2612.3321 Freight Car 3332 Loadings. See Railroads. Bank of England's New Statement After San Francisco Fed. Res. Bank, Appoint- Frew, Walter E. Against Legislation to Curb ment of Directors of Branches of 3646 Amalgamation 3031, 3333 Loans 2039 Bank of England Representative Attends San Francisco Fed. Res. Dist., Industry Friday, David, Views on Brokers and Trade 1885,2436.3021.3611 _ _3184 Funeral of Gov. Strong of N. Y. Fed. in Fur Industry in U. S.-Views ofLoans_- Bank of Res. Bank U. S. Chamber of Commerce, Resolution America. N. A 2171 on Res. 2025 Bank of England-Sir Ernest Harvey to Fed. Discount Rate Defeated Retire at Meeting of 2041 Controllership Incident to His arner, Rep.. Alleges Sec. Mellon Mis- Election as Director 2446, 276/ Weekly Returns of Fed. Res. Banks _ _1892, G informed President on Treasury Figures 2032, 2161, 2298, 2444, 2624,2757.2892. 3485 Bank of England Witholds Particulars on Gasoline. See Petroleum. Gold Flow 3332 3028, 3178. 3329, 3474. 3625 Gates, Leslie F., Former Pres. of Chicago Board Dawes Reparation Josiah Federal Reserve Board and System- of Trade, Dead Plan, Views of Sir Business Conditions Summary by 2452 Stamp 2300, 230/ in U. S., German-American Board of Trade Meeting--2909 Gold Federal Reserve Board 2428. 2016, 3601 Germany- Movement. English Bankers on 2162 Business Indexes (Monthly) of Fed. Res. Income. National of Great Britain 3477 Bank Fuer Industriewerte A. G., Berlin, London "Financial Return Board 1880, 2609. 3151 5% Bonds Redeemed in Part News" on New Cahill, M. H. Points Weakness 2037 of Bank of England 3332 Out Bank Stocks Listed on N.Y. Curb-Berlin Midland Bank, Menacirg Fed. Res. System 3340 Institutions Object Ltd. Reports Record Earnings and Expenses Member 3478 Deposits 3477 of Banks Barley Imports from U. S., Restrictions Miners (British) in Fed. Res. Syst ean 2309 Continued Receive Aid from Govern- Loans 2752 ment 3478 Through Banks by Corporations and Berlin, City of, 25-Yr. 634% Gold Loan of Securities, Individuals,Reserve Board on 3648 1925 Redeemed British, Bulkley, Valiance & Member Banks Weekly Returns_1892, 3033 Co. on American Interest in 2762 Berlin, City of, 30-Yr. 6% Bonds, due Stevenson Rubber Export Restrictions 2032, 2161,2298. 2444.2824, 2757.2893, June 15 1958 in Definitive Form 3028. 3179, 3330. 3475. 3336 Terminated 2437 3625 Breslau, City of. Proposed Loan 2037 Treasury Note Issue Amalgamation. See Open Market Operations of Reserve Sys- Commerz und Privat Bank, A. G. tem, Discussion by W. Randolph Acquires Bank of England. German Banking Firm of ICronenberger Treasury Offer. Burgess 3340 & Co Response to Recent Trea- Policy Change of Reserve 3031 sury Offering. Details 3031. 3635 System Brings Dawes Plan, Views of Sir Josiah Stamp_ _ _ United Rumor of Conflict 3484 _2301 States Note to Great Britain and ".1 Dawes Reparations Plan, S. Parker Gil- France on Naval Limitations 2034 Strong Stabilization Bill, Reports of Hear- bert's Report on Eevision of ings 2300 War Debt Payments Made to U. S. 3476 2630 Dortmund Municipal Utilities 33,000,000 Greek Debt to U. S.-House .of Repre- Trade, Retail Survey by Fed. Res. Board, 20-Yr. 634% Bonds 1882, 2431. 3182 sentatives Authorizes Sec. of Treasury to 2745, 3318, 3605 Dresdner Bank's Survey of Economic Conclude Trade. Wholesale,as Reported to Fed. Res. Situation Agreement for Settlement 3638 Board 1881. 2430, 2302 Greek Government 40-yr. 6% Bonds of 1928 3605 Employment Situation 3478 Redeemed in Part.... _ Redeemed in Part- _3637 Young's. Roy A. Gov. Address Before the Frankfort-on-Main, City National Grange of, 634% Gold Guaranty Trust Co. on General Businesa 3017 2904 Bonds in Definitive Form 2448 Guaranty Trust Co. or Money Rates and Young. Roy A. Gov., Address Annual German Building and Land Bank Stockholders Meeting of Boston Fed. 634% Financial Situation 2450 Bonds in Definitive Form 2629 Guiterman, K. S. of National Metal Exch. Rea.Bank 2766 German Savings Banks and Young's, Roy A. Gov., Clearing Sails for Europe to Study Metal Trade Discussion on Fed. Assn., Proposed Loan 3480 Abroad 2296 Res. Board's Part in Aiding Europe 3037 Graf Zeppelin's Flight to U. S. 2179 Hadley, Dr. Arthur vote for Gov.Smith Federal Trade Commission- Mader Steel Corp. $10,000,000 Electric Bond and Share Co., Trade Com- 6% Gold for President 2179 Bonds Offered 2448 Halsey. Stuart & Co. on Activities of StOck mission Files Court Action to Obtain International Germanic Co., Ltd. Reco dsof Elects and Bond Market 3639 3644 Ex-Finance Minister Reinhold Chair- Hardt. _3186 Myers, A. F., I resident of Fed. Trade man Walter K. on Federal Reserve Act__ Commission-Resigns from Commission 2897 Harrison. George L. Governor of N. Y. Fed. Karstadt. Inc. Rudolph, $15,000,000 15- Res. Bank. See Reserve Bank 3187, 3641 Yr.6% Bonds Offered under Fed. Public Utilities-Inquiry by Trade Com- 2899 of N.Y. Leipzig, City of, 7% Bonds Redeemed...... _3637 Harvard University Instructors to Study missioner 2043, 2631 Leipzig Fiar Rates .Announced Fertilizer Materials, Upward Trend Observed 3479 Origin of Business Leaders 3603 Loans,Foreign, Reduced 2627 Hawaii, Annual Report Governor 3630 in Price of 3619 Reichsbank's Accumulations of Gold of Finance Corporation for Electrical Enter- 3478 Hazelwood, C. B. Chosen Pres. of A. B. A. Reparations Problem,Dr. Max Winkler on 2301 See under A. B. A. prises Founded 3335 Reparations Receipts and Financing Conference, Fifth Transfers_2164. 2301 Head, Walter W. Elected Director of Indus- 2764 Ruhr Gas Corp. $12,000,000 634% Bonds trial 2485 Finland, Republic of,534% Bonds due Feb. 1 Offered Finance Corp. 1958 Redeemed 2627 Hide and Skin Exch. See New York Hide 3033 Ruhr Housing Corp. $4,600,000 Loan from and Skin Fletcher-American National Bank of Indian- Dillon, Read & Co Exchange. apolis Business Review 3031. 3182 Hoover, Herbert. See under Republican 3170 Rumania Reports Immediate Payment by Presidential Campaign. Floor Coverings-Spring Opening of Rugs, Germany of 75.000,000 Gold Marks__ &c --3335 Hosiery Industry in Phila. Fed. Res. Dist. 2752 Russia Males Second Payment on German 3023 Florida Citrus Growers Farm Co-operative Credit 1887, 2439, Assn 3637 Houghton, Alanson B.Continues as U. S. 2024 Saarbrucken. CitY of, 21,000,000 Loan Ambassador to Great'Britain; Defeated as Florida Damaged by Hurricane 2317, 2318 Approved by League of Nations Food Prices, 2627 Candidate for Senatorship in N.Y. State-2631 Retail 2288, 2878. 3017. 3464 Schacht, Dr., Re-elected Pres, of the Hungary- Food Products, Increase in Cold Storage Reichsbank 1895 Bank Rate. Causes of Increase in 2302 Holdings 3618 Schroder,J. Henry, Banking Corp.on Con- Farmers Institute Ford Motor Co. Stockholders, Federal Govern- National Mortgage ditions in Germany 3030. 3636 $2,000,000 7,7e Bonds Offered 2893 ment Reported as Having Abandoned ()tannin' Interests Form in Delaware, For Action Against Hungarian Consolidated Municipal 7%3033, 3038 $250,000,000 Trans-America Corp-2183, Bonds Drawn Foreign Bond and Stock Offerings- 2321. 2456. 2769, 2770 Hungarian Ltd. of Antwerr. City of (Belgium) $10,000.000 General Savings Bank, Gilbert, Clinton. Says Life Insurance Com- Budapest; N. Y. Bankers Acquire Block 5% Bonds Sold 3335 panies Lead All Industries in Growth of 3480 Bulgaria. Kingdom of, $13,000,000 of Stock 734% Assets 1879 Hungarian- ______5(50 Boyd, of 1928 Offered 2898 Gilbert's S. Parker, Report on Revision of 2301 Cuba. Republic 734% Bonds Offered of, $10,000,000 534% Dawes Reparations Plan 2300 Kingdom State Loan of Certificates Offered 2303 Gold- of Hungary 734% Danish Producers 1924 Drawn 3637 Loan Fund Committee Anderson, Jr., Benjamin M. on Gold National Industrial Mortgage 32,500,0430 5% Bonds Privately Placed_2628 Movement and Hungarian Money Market 2169 Institute 35,000,000 7% Bonds Offered Dortmund (Germany) Municipal Utilities Derman Reichsbank's Accumulation of 2447, 2628 33.000,00020-year 634% Bonds Offered_ 3182 Gold 3478 Speyer, James, Decorated by Hungary---3479 Ercole Morelli Elec. Mfg. Co. (Italy) $2,- Great Britain-English Bankers on Gold 500.000 634% Bonds Brought Out 2449 Movement Farmers 2163 $111nois "Blue Slcy" Law Again Validated-3637 National Mortgage Institute Imnorts and Exports of Gold Silver from A Review 2150, 3610 (Hungary)$2,000.00077 Bonds Offered Illinois Building 0 2898 U. S. by Countries- _2034, 2163, 3030, 3476 Illinois, First Regional Clearing House Assn. Hungarian-Italian Bank, Ltd. $2,700.000 Japan, Not Ready for Gold Standard 3480 734% Bonds Offered Formed in 3638 2304 Japanese Embargo on Gold 2036, 2895 Illinois Industrial Situation,2150, 2291, 2435, Raeder Steel Corp.(Germany) $10,000,000 Nadler, Dr. Marcus, before International 6% Gold Bonds 2880, 3608 Offered 2448 Finance Conference on Gold Situation 3036 Imports and Exports of U. S. See U. S. For- Karstadt, Inc., Rudolph (Germany) $15,- National City Bank of N. Y. on Gold Re- 000,000 15 eign Trade. -year 6% Bonds Sold 2899 serve of Credit System of Country 2039 Income Tax. See Taxes. Maranhao,State of(Brazil) $1,750,000 7% New York Federal Reserve Bank Bonds Sold on Gold Indiana Coal Fields, Negotiations for New 2165 Movement 1898, 2901 Wage Scale Fail 2031 National Hungarian Industrial Mortgage Spain's Policy Reduces Gold Reserve Institute. Ltd. 3478 Indiana Limestone Co's. Views on Building-1879 35,000,000 7% Gold Goldman Sachs Trading Corp. Capital Stock Indians in the West Voice Old Grievances Bonds Privately Offered 2628 Offered Oriental Development 3183 Against Government Agents 2320 Co.. Ltd. (Japan) Goodwin. Chas. S. former Vice-Free, of Bank- Industrial Alcohol Institute Production $19,900,000 534% Benda Offered 2448 rupt firm of Overbeck & Cooke Peru Lima Co. of Figures 2617 -City of Negotiates $3,000,000 Portland, Ore., Admits Embezzlement.._ _2452 Installment Paper Be Made Eligible for Re- American Loan 3182 Governors Conference in Peru, Republic New Orleans-Pre- discount by Fed. Res. System is Proposal of, 325,000,000 8% Bonds sentatien of Pronoard Advocated by Pres- of National Assn. of Finance Compantes-3031 Sold 2303 Elect Hoover to Stabilize Employment- _2905 Insurance (Life) Sales in (Janda _2290, 2880, 3455

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OcT.-DEc., 192,8.] INDEX IX

Page. Page. Page. Insurance (Life) Companies Lead All Indus- Lansing, Robert. Sec. of State under medlar, Dr. Marcus, Before Conference on tries in Growth of Assets According to Wilson Administrallon. Dead 2454 11 International Finance on Gold Situation 3036 Clinton Gilbert 1879 Latin American Nations—Study by Ames, National Association of Finance Companies Insurance (Life) Sales in U. 8...2290, 2880, 3465 Emerich & Co 2763 Conference; Proposal that Installment Inter-State Commerce Commission— Lead Industries Association Organized 3025 Paper Be Made Eligible for Rediscount by Farrell, Patrick J., Named to I. S. C. 0.-3649 League of Nations— Reserve System 3034 Lewis, E. I., Becomes Chairman of I. S. Bulgarian Proposed Stabilization Loan National Bank of Commerce in New York 0.0. 3641 Approved by Parliament and by League Index of Wholesale Prices 3170 International Acceptance Bank's Compilation 2446. 2762 National Bank of Commerce in N. Y. on of Foreign Loans 3181 Saarbruecken, City of £1.000,000 Loan Business Outlook 2289. 2881, 3019 International Finance Conference. Dr. Mar- Approved by by League 2827 National Bank of Commerce in N. Y. Survey cus Nadler on Gold Situation 3036 Levin,.T. J. on Condition in Europe 3181 of Chain Stores 3169 Investment Bankers Assn.— Lewis, E. I. Becomes Chairman of I.-S. National Banks'Resources as of Oct. 3 1928-3036 Annual Convention— 0. C. 3841 National City Bank of N. Y.on Gold Reserve Bond and Note Nomenclature Commit- Liberty Loan Bonds. See under U. S. Trees- of Credit System of Country 2039 tee's Report 2481 sury. National Farmers Union, Chas. S. Barrett Business Conduct Committee's Report-2479 Livestock Situation 2438 Retires as Pres 2764 Chanute. W. Octave.. Resolution of Loans Through Banks by Corporation and National Industrial Conference Board on I. B. A. on Death of 2182, 2484 Individuals, Fed. Res. Board on 3640 Agricultural S:tuation 2616 Constitution and By-Laws, Report of Lombard, Norman on Death of Benjamin National Metal Exchange Opened _3028, 3175 Committee on 2482 Strong of N.Y.Fed. Res. Bank 2309 3326 Coat, Accounting, Report of Sub-Com- Lombard, Norman, Plan for Reserve Fund National Park Bank on Advances on Stock mittee 2479 to Stabilize Employment 3838 Exchange Collateral by "Outside Lenders" _2038 Education Committee's Report 2478 Loa Angeles Chamber of Commerce's "Busi- National Park Bank on Business Outlook_ —.3320 Foreign Securities Committee's Report--2469 ness Review" 2748 National Park Bank on Conditions in Key Government and Farm Loan Bonds Los Angeles Curb Membership Sale 2189 Industries 1879 Committee's Report 2472 Los Angeles First National Trust & Savings National Park Bank on Presidential Election Hayes, Henry R.. President of I. B. A.. Bank on Business in Pacific Southwest— -.2018 and Business 2765 Annual Address 2480 Los Angeles Stock Exchange, Market Value National Raw Silk Exchange. See under Silk Industrial Securities Committee's Report2473 of Listings 3481 Trade. Interim Receipts Committee's Report--2482 Los Angeles Stock Exchange, Members Dual Naval Limitations. See under U. S. Investment Trends, Report of Commit- Memberships In Los Angeles Curb Under- Naval Oil Reserve Leases— tee on 2466 goes Separation 3484 Cat Creek (Mont.) Oil Contract Questioned Investment Trust Companies' Com- Lumber Movement, Production. Consump- —Attorney-General Sargent Holds In- mittee's Report 2467 tion, Prices, &c., 2018, 2152, 2292, 2436, valid Contract for Sale ofGovernment 011 Irrigation Securities Committee's Re- 2614, 2749, 2882. 3172, 3322,3469 2317, 2767 port 2472 Lumber Production and Shipments by Roberts. Owens J., Resigns as Special Legislation Committee, Report of Se- Months 2153. 2883 Counsel for U. S. in Prosecution of Suits curities Division 2468 Lumber Review of West Coast, 1887, 2019. for Recovery of Naval Oil Lands 2830 Legislation Committee's Report 2470 2152, 2293,2436, 2615, 2750, 2883,3022, Salt Creek (Wyo.) Field, Bids for Royalty Membership Committee's Report 2483 3172, 3323. 3470, 3613 Oil Invited 2767 Municipal Securities Committee's Re- Luxemburg Stock Exchange to Open Jan. 1-3638 Salt Creek (Wyo.) Contract, Sen. Walah's port 2466 Reply to Dr. Work 2316 Officers of I. B. A., Election of 2484 witaghogany Industry, New Orleans World's Salt Creek (Wyo.) Field. Resolution Adop- Public Service Committee's Report„ 2463 alCenter 2883 ted by U. S. Senate Calls for Investiga- Publication Committee's Report 2479 Mathews, H. A., on Effect of Heavy Trading tion of 2317 Railroad Securities Committee's Report_2482 on Stock Market 3337 Sinclair Oil, Contract for Sale of Govern- Real Estate Securities Committee's Re- McAdoo,W. G. , Aligned with Democratic ment's Royalty 011 in Salt Creek (Wyo.) port 2474 Party Last Few Days Before Election_ -2633 Field Held Invalid 2315 Strong, Benjamin, Resolution of I. B. A. McFadden, Rep., on Death of Gov. Strong Nebraska Law Forbidding Weighing of on Death of 2172, 2479 of N. Y. Res. Bank 2171 Grain—Omaha Grain Exchange Loses Suit Taxation Committee's Report 2476 McGill Commodity Service on Unemploy- Against 2764 New York Groups of I. B. A. Announces ment 2429 Netherlands. Government of, to Call for Completion of Necessary Conunittees,3348 McGraw-Hill Publications on Industry in Redemption Bonds of 1924 Due 1954- - -3336- Investment Trusts, Address by W.H. Steiner 2784 1928 3602 New Bedford Textile Strike. Compromise Iowa Bank Sinking Fund Held Valid 3481 McIntosh. J. W., Resigns as Comptroller of Plan—United Textile WorkerslUnion Plans Iowa Coal Mine Wage Agreement 1891 Currency; J. W.Pole Named as Successor_2904 Aid; Strike Ended 1886, 2023, 2615 Ireland. New Irish Coins Have Novel arm- Meat Packer; Annual Convention, Reports New England Industry, Progress Seen by hole 3477 on Prices of Cattle,&c 2293 IL P. Kendall 3624 Irish Loans Received in U. S., Refund °L.-3636 Meat Packing Industry. Chicago Fed. Res. New England Floods in 1927 Cost Sixty-two Iron (Pig) Production, Monthly Statistics Bank on 1887. 2618 Lives—Financial Loss 2318 1890, 2441, 2622, 3178 Mellon, Sec. of Treasury— New England Manufacturing Costs, Research Iron Puddlers' Wages Increased 3623 Annual Report of Sec. of Treas.. Mellon_ _3158 Aids Reduction in 2433 Iron and Steel Market Review, Production. Garner, Rep. Alleges Soc. Mellon Mis- New England Textile Mills. Move to Increase Stocks, Prices, &c., 1889. 2030,2159, 2297, informed President on Treasury Figures_3485 Wages 2155 2442, 2621. 2755, 2890, 3026, 3178, 3328. Hoover's, Herbert, Election as President, New York Banks Show Increased Earnings...2450 3472, 3623 Sec. Mellon's Message of Congratula- New York Chamber of Commerce Opposes Italy— tions; Pre-Election Statement _ _ _ _2833. 2634 St. Lawrence Canal 2182 Banco di Santo Spirito, Under New Contro13637 National Bank Notes, Sec. Mellon in Favor New York City Budget Marell Criticized by Pres. Ercole Elec. Mfg. Co. 82,500,000 of Discontinuance 2904 Stewart Browne of United Real Estate % Gold Bonds Offered 2449 Smith, Gov. and Sec Mellon on Federal Owners 3486 Farmers Aided by Mussolini 2302 Economies 2177, 2178 New York City Budget, Union League Club Fascist Grand Council, Bill Dealing with Strong's, Gov. Death. Sec. Mellon on__2172 Sees "Annual Waste"in 3487 Powers of 2627 Metal Exchange, National. See National New York City Registration List, Men and Facist Party, Membership 2762 Metal Exchange, Women Eligible to Vote Kingdom of Italy 7% Bonds 2455 of 1951 Drawn Metal Market. Non-Ferrous, 1889, 2028, New York Clearing House Assn. Adopts for Redemption 1896 2296, 2441,2621, 2755, 3472, 3623 Resolution on Death of Credito Gov. Strong 2171 Piccolo Ferrarra Bank Closes__ _2898 Mexico— New York Clearing House Assn., Attempt Debt (External) Negotiations Reported as to Publish Wrong Returns, Made by Gam- Resumed 0164, 2626. 3637 blers Disapproves 3185 Jaarna— American Loan to Financial Agency in New York Closed by New York Clearing House Assn., Yearly Japanese Firm 2627 Mexico 3636 Figures Embargo 1897 Gold Removal Recommended New Petroleum Increase Issued 3025 New York Coffee & Sugar Exchange Consid- 2036, 2895 Michigan Building Permits 2880 ering Plan to Trade in Certain Securities_ _3338 Gold Standard Adoption, Japan Not Ready3480 Midwest Shippers Advisory Board on Busi- New York Cotton Development ExchanTe— Oriental Co.. Ltd. 819,- ness Conditions 2014 Amendments to By-Laws Propesed_2439, 900.000 554% Bonds Oversubscribed_ _ _2448 Miller. Gardiner H. Pres. of N. Y. Cotton United States, New 2750. 2885 Japanese Ambassador Exchange. See under latter. Annual Review of Cotton Market by Pres. to 2446 Millionaires in U. 8. According to Carl G. H. Miller 3614 Yen Speculation Heavy 2627 Snyder 3840 Bale, Agriculture Jardine. Sec. of Agriculture Dept. Urges Adoption Advises Farmers Milwaukee Bankers Joint Stock Land Bank of Standard Cotton Bile 3469 to Hold Wheat 2437 Assessments Upheld 3481 Miller, Pres., on Jardine, Sec. of Agriculture, Adoption of Amendments Urges Farmer Minnesota Stock Exchange Plans to Resume Looking to Control Committee. South- Not to Rush Corn Crop to Market 2751 Operations 3036 ern Deliveries. Jardine's, Sec. of Agriculture, &c 2885 Annual Report 3164 Mitchell, Chas. E. on Appointment of T. L. Motion Picture of Trading on Cotton Ex- Jewish Philanthropic Societies. Bankers and Harrison as Governor of N. Y. Fed. Res. change Brokers Division of Council of 2750 Federation Bank 2903, 2904 Security Trading Proposed, Cotton Ex- for Support of 2044 Mitchell, Chas. E. Denies Existence of Credit change Joint Stock Land Banks— to Trade in Securities of Cotton Inflation in U. 8 2305 Mill Companies 3035. 3469 Bankers Joint Stock Land Bank of Mil- Mitchell, Chas E. of National City Bank Southern Delivery, waukee, First Dividend In Liquidation Now Contract _3489, 3614 3336 Returns from Abroad—Views on Credit Trading in Futures. Proposed Change in--2294 Milwaukee Bankers Joint Stock Land Situation 2040 Trading Bank's Assessments Upheld Unit, Members Reject Production 3481 Mitchell, Chas, E.,Elected Director of N. Y. of. Favored in New Orleans 2294 Ohlo-Penn: Joint Stock Land Bank on Price Fed. Res. Bank 2309. Warehouse Outlook for Farm Products 3188 and Delivery Committee Mem- 2149 Money Market— bership Enlarged 3469 St. Louis Joint Stock Land Bank Indicates Anderson. Jr., Benjamin M.on Gold Move- New Improved Farm York Curb Market— Conditions 1885 ment and Money Market 2169 Canadian Marconi Trading Suspended— Union Joint Stock Land Bank of Detroit Canada, Corporation Loans Large in— Declares Extra Dividend Trading Resumed 3034 3184 3481 Brokers Relying on Private Lenders__ -.2039 German Bank Stocks Listed—Berlin Insti- Jugoslavia, State Mortgage Bank of, 7% Guaranty Trust Co. on Money Rates and Bonds due in 1957 Retired tutions Object 3478 3637 Financial Situation 2450 Membership Sale—New High 2305 Mitchell, Charles E., Views on Money Specialist Permitted to have Clerks on the Tor elloger Anti-War Treaty Approved by Situation Colombia 2040 Floor 3482 Pa. 2761 New York Fed. Res. Bank's Review of New York Kellogg-Briand Multilateral Treaty Renounc- Hide and Skin Exchange Files Money Market 2169. 2629 Incorporation Papers 3619 ing War, Pres. Coolidge on 3344 Roberts, George E. on Money Kellogg, Sec. Discusses Market. New York l'roduce Exchange to Trade In Multilateral Anti- 2040, 2450,2902 Securities Dec. 19 on War Treaty 3831 Money Stocks in the Country 3339 Kemmerer,Dr. to Reorganize China 2033, 2895 New York Produce Exchange—List of Securi- Finances2166 Monroe, Henry R. of Monroe, Saffba & ties Traded in 3482. 3639 Kemmerer, Dr. Reviews Reorganization of Davis Expelled from N. Y.Stock Exch. Foreign Finances at Bond Club .2305 New York State Chamber of Commerce— Lunch- Montgomery Ward & Co. Announce Reduc- Address of Dr. Jacob Gould Schurman, eon 2447, 2762 tion in Price of Tires Industrial 3612 U. S. Ambassador to Germany 2628 Kendall, H. P. Sees Progress in Moody's Investors Service Forcasts Con- New Chamber New England York State of Commerce In- 3624 tinued Prosperity 2746 dorses Construction of tri-Borough Bridge 2320 Morgan, J. P., Returns from Abroad 2895 New York State Factory Conditions-- -2016. abor Conditions— Morocco Currency Reform Delaware Employment and Wages..2 2763 2747. 3320 L 3807 Morris Associates, Robert. Annual Con- New York State Supt. of Insurance. James Detroit Employment Situation-----1879. vention to be Addressed by Dr. to 2147. 2289, 2429, 2609, 2748, 2879, Burgess A. Beha. Resigns Becorte Chairman of and George E. Roberts, High Money International Germanic Trust Co 3017, 3168. 3319. 3465. 3603 Rates 2769 Farm Labor Slightly in Excess of Demand 2309, 2453 New York Stock Exchange— _2290 Morris Plan to Further Installment Selling in Bonus—Exchange Ruling on Christmas Governors Conference—Presentation of Great Britain Plan Advocated by Pres.-Elect. Hoover 3477 Bonus Given by Exchange Firms 3337 Morton, Arthur V. Elected Pres. of Trust Brokers Loan Data of N. Y. Stock Exch. for Stabilizing Employment 2905 Company Division of A. B. Lombard, Norman. Analyzes Plan for A 1876 1897, 2451, 3183 Mount. A. J., of Bank of Italy on Farm Con- Brokers Leans Sharply Cut by Several Reserve Fund to Stabilize Employment. ditions New York Banks McGill Commodity Service on Unemploy- 1895 2900 Munster & Leinster Bank of Ireland—Chat- Building Purchase—stock Exchange Re- ment 2429 ham & Phenix Nat'l. Bank & opens Ohio Employment Conditions 2748, 3488 Tr. Co. Negotiations—Acquires Blair and Appointed Agent 2627 Commercial Cable Buil flog 1897. 3481 Oklahoma Employment 2018, 2612,3021 Multilateral Treaty. Em- See Kellogg Peace Delivery of Securities, Rules for 2038 Pennsylvania Anthracite Collerles, Treaty. Dividends—Reported ployment and Wages 2444 Myers, Ban by Stock Exch. A. F. Named as Chairman of Fed. on Quarterly Stock Diva 2168. 2305 Pennsylvania Employment and Wages Trade Commission. Resigns from Com- Dodge Bros. 2150, 3807 Common Class A Stock mission 3187, 3641 Questionnaire to Members on 2038

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX [VOL. 127-PART 2.

Page. Page. Page. New York Stock Exchange (Concluded)- Poland (Concluded)- Russia (Concluded)- Listings on Stock Exchange, Market Value Mortgage Credit (Long Term) Increases German Credit, Soviet Makes Second Pay- 2168, 2901, 3481, 3838 73% in Poland 2897 ment 3637 Loans to Members-32 Stocks Lent "Flat" Revenues of Poland Increase 2447 Grain Crop of Soviet Russia 2617 by Exchange Traders 2900 Stabilization Functioning Smoothly Ac- Tractor Plant to be Constructed in Russia Margin Rates Sharply Advanced by Many cording to Quarterly Report of Chas. S. -Engineers in U. S. Studying Methods_2762 Brokers 2038 Dewey, American Financial Advisor_ __ -2897 Membership Increase Proposed. Committee Sugar Production Increases 2617 aarbruecken. See under Germany. on Advisability of--_2167, 2305, 2451, 3183 Pole, J.W.Succeeds J. W.McIntosh as Comp- Sachs, Howard J., Reviews Ten-Year Monroe, Henry R. of Monroe, Saffin & troller of Currency 2904 Growth of Bankers Acceptances 3643 Davis, Expelled from Stock Exchange-2305 Ponzi, Charles. Estate-Trustees Pay Final St. Lawrence Canal Opposed by N. Y. National Park Bank on Advances on Stock Dividend 3640 Chamber of Commerce 2182 Exchange Collateral by "Outside Lend- Portland Cement Production and Shipments St. Louis Joint Stock Land Bank Indicates 2038 by Months 2157. 2754. 3326 Improved Farm Conditions 1885 Packard Motor Stock Trading Fluctuates Porto Rico Financial Relief Provided in Reso- San Francisco Stock Exchange-Operations on Ticker Misprint 3337 lution Passed by Congress 3629 In Year Ended Sept 30 1928 2038 Sales on Stock Exch. Following Election_ _2629 Porto Rico Hurricane Damages-Coffee Crop Sao Paulo. See Brazil. Stock Clearing Ass'n., Monthly figures to Affected-Committee Appointed for Sur- Sargent, Attorney General, Holds Invalid be Published on Contracts Through2451 3184 vey of Damage 2024. 2317 Contract for Sale of Government Royalty Ticker Service to be Extended to Florida in Porto Rico's Recovery from Hurricane, Views Outin Cat Creek(Mont.) Oil Flelds_2317, 2767 January 2451 of J. W. Rowe 3630 Savings Bank Presidents Oppose Proposed Ticker Service-Trading under 500 Shs. Postal Savings Deposits Gain 3338 Legislation to Limit Interlocking Director- Omitted-Certain Curtailments in Effect Potato Board Planned in Chicago 3617 ates 3336 2629, 2765, 2899 Potts, W. B. Elected Vice-Pres. of N. Y. Saylor & Wichelman, Inc., Brokerage Firm of Trading on Floor by Employees of Mem- Stock Exchange Luncheon Club 3638 Davenport, Ia.,in Bankruptcy 1897 bers Prohibited 3337 Prague. See Czechoslovakia. Schroder, J. Henry. Banking Corp. on Con- Trading on Stock Exchange, Record Vol- Press Conferences At White House Explained ditions in Germany 3030, 3631 ume 2899 Rule Against Direct Quotations 3030 Schurman, Dr. Jacob Gould., U. S. Ambassa- Year Book of New York Stock Exchange.. 3638 Proctor, John L. Appointed Deputy Comp- dor to Germany, Address Before New New York Stock Exchange Luncheon Club- troller of Currency Succeeding E. W. York State Chamber of Commerce 2626 s,L. Coleman Elected a Governor and W. Sterns 3185 Sears, Roebuck & Co., Announce Reduction B. Potts, Vice-Pres 3034, 3638 Public Utility Companies, Federal Trade in Tire Prices 3610 New York Trust Co. Would Ma e State and Commissioner's Inquiry Into 2043, 2631 Security Markets Outlook, Views of Leroy D. Municipal Bonds Eligible for Borrowing Puddlers' Wages Increased 3623 Peavey 2167 at Federal Reserve 2307 Sesqui-Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia, Newsprint. See under Paper. ailroads- Debt 3040 Nicaragua and Colombia Sign Treaty Over RBureau of Railway Economics on Problems Silk Trade- Sovereignty of Coast Islands 3646 of Railroads 2908 National Raw Silk Exchange-Volume of Nicaragua's Finances, Plan Proposed for Re- Canitalization Records of Steam Roads, Trading in Futures 2752,3173 habilitation of, Not Endorsed by Pres. Regulations Governing 2320 Paterson, N. J., Silk Workers Vote to Coolidge or Sec. Kellogg 2896, 3032 Earnings of Class 1Railroads 2181, 3188 Strike 1887, 2023 Nickerson & Co., John,on Railroad Common Expenditures for Improvements by Class 1 Raw-Silk Imports, Stocks, Deliveries. &c Stocks 1896 Railroads 3040 Statistics 1887, 2616, 3173 Norris, Sen., in Support of Gov. Smith for Freight Car Requirements 1898 Silk Association of America, Inc., Mid President 2454 Freight (Revenue) Car Loadings-- 1878, Year Report on Silk Industry 2887 Northern New Jersey Clearing House Assn., 2014, 2147, 2289. 2320, 2429, 2610. Silver and Gold Imported and Exported from Annual Meeting 2320 2746, 2879. 3017. 3169, 3319, 3464. 3602 U. S. by Countries 2034. 2163. 3030. 3476 Northwestern National Bank of Minn. on Nickerson & Co., John on Railroad Com- Sinclair Oil Contract for Sale of Government's Northwestern Conditions 2023, 3610 mon Stocks 1896 Royalty 011 in Salt Creek (Wyo.) Field--2315 "Railroad Data" on Railroad Situation_ _ _2908 Sloan. Pres. of General Motors Corp. on 1929 akland (Calif.) Stock Exchange Incorpor- Western Roads Wage Dispute-Pres. Outlook 3467 O ated 2766 Coolidge Appoints Emergency Board for Smith, Alfred H. Elected Pres. of Chicago Ohio Employment Conditions 2748, 3468 Investigation 1899. 2456 & Cook County Bankers Ass'n 2485 Ohio,"New Blue Sky" Law Proposed 3638 Randell, C. G. Address Before Western Smith, Gov. Democratic Presidential Nom- Oil Leases, Naval. See Naval 011 Reserve Cattle Marketing Amen 3618 inee, See Democratic Presidential Cam- Leases. Rankin. Rep. Urges Protection for Cotton paign, Oil. See Petroleum. Growers Against Crop Estimating Board of Smith, Theodore G.. on Business Conditions_3465 Oklahoma Employment, General Business, Agriculture Dept 2024 Snyder, Carl, on Millionaires in U. S 3640 2018, 2612, 3021 Raskob, John J. on Outcome of Presidential Somlo, Charles. Finds Steady Economic Omaha. See Nebraska. Election 2632 Progress in Europe 2301 Overbeck & Cooke Co. of Portland, Ore. Raskob, John J. Views on Security Prices_ ...... 1897 Spain- (Bankrupt); Former Vice-Pres, Chas, S. Real Estate Market Index 2429, 3168 Banks of Spain Discount Rate Criticized .3636 Goodwin Admits Embezzlement 2452 Reparations. See Germany. Foreign Exchange Declines 3478 Owen, Robert L., Discusses Bank Credit 3642 Republican Presidential Campaign- -- Foreign Trade Bank to be Created by Borah, Sen. Proposals on Farm Relief ---2454 Government 3478 nackard Motor Stock Trading Fluctuates Coolidge's Pres. Congratulatory Message Gold Reserve Reduced by Government's on Ticker Misprint 3337 to Herbert Hoover and Charles Curtis_ _2633 Policy faine, Webber & Co.on Outlook for 1929-- _ -3603 Coolidge's Pres. Pre-Election Message to 3478 Herbert Insurance Companies, Reserve National- Pan American Congress at Washington, Ad- Hoover 2634 ized by Government Decree 3479 dress by Pres. Coolidge 3344 Hoover, Herbert., Advocates Plan to Tariff Schedules(New) Panama-American Trust Incorporated Under Stabilize Employment Presented at to Promote Export _3478 Governors Spear, Char. F. on Bull Market Minus Rail- Laws of Panama 3487 Conference at New Orleans_ 2905 road Stocks 3039 Panama Canal and Railroad, Net Revenue- -3633 Hoover's Herbert. Citizenship-Letter of Speyer, James. Panama, Republic of, Bonds of 1963 Drawn State Dept. and Statement of Dr. Work_2319 Decorated by Hungarian Redemption Hoover. Herbert, and Farm Relief Legisla- Government 3479 for 2166 Stable Money Ass'n. Views on Statement of Paper, Canadian Newsprint Prices Reduced-2437 tion 2454 Owen D. Policy of Paper, Canadian Newsprint Statistics, 2293. Hoover, Herbert, Elected President of U. Young on Stabilization 3022, 3613, 3614 S.-Speech Enunciating Principles of N. Y. Fed. Res. Bank 2309 Men Agree on Paper Schedule to Save Republican Party 2631, 2634, 2767 Standard Oil Co's-Dividends for 3rd Quarter Paper of 1928 Break All Records 2031 Industry 2888, 3022 Hoover, Herbert. Pres.-Elect, makes Statisticians Conference of., Paper Production by Months_ _2154, 2888. 3323 "Good Will" Trip to South America in industry, Paraguay to Seek Loan in U. S 2037 2767, 3649 Analyze Business Conditions 3603 Paraguayan Minister's Charges Regarding Hoover. Herbert, Thanks Those Whose Stearns, E. W.. Succeeded by John L.Proctor Purchase of Armament Denied by Bolivia_3480 Votes Brought About His Election 2633 as Deputy Comptroller of Currency-- _3185 Paterson, N. J., Silk Workers Vote to Strike. Mellon, Sec., on Outcome of the Election_ _2633 Steel Ingot Production by Months____2029, 1887, 2023 Mellon's Sec. Pre-Election Statement 2634 2622, 3176 Patten, James A., So-called "Wheat King," Raskob's, John J. Statement on Election_2632 Steel and Iron Market Review-Production, Dead 3338 Robinsons, J. L.,' Congratulatory Message Stocks. Prices. &c_1889, 2030, 2159, Patton & Co., C. S. of Philadelphia, Stock to Herbert Hoover and Chas. Curtis_ _ _ _2633 2297, 2442, 2621, 2755, 2890. 3026, 3176, Brokerage Firm, In Receivership 2305 Smith, Alfred E. Congratulates Herbert 3328, 3472, 3623 Hoover on Latter's Success Steiner's, W. H., Address on Investment Peavey, Leroy D., on Outlook for Security 9632 Trusts Markets 2167 Reynolds. George M. on Business Outlook in 2764 Pennsylvania Coal Industry. See under Coal 1929, 3602 Stock Exchanges, Associated-Annual Con- Industry, Rhode Island Textile Mills Cut Wages- vention 2765 Pennsylvania Employment and Wages_2150, 3607 Strike Authorized-Wage Cut Accepted Stock Market- Perry, F. G.. on Outlook for Commodity 3024, 3736 Ayres, Col., of Cleveland Trust Co., Views Prices 2167 Roberts, George E., Looks for Continuance on Stock Market 2765 Persia Ends Financial Year With Surplus__ _ _2762 of "Tight Money"_ _ _ _ _2040, 2450, 2902 Bell, Spurgeon. of Bureau of Business Re- Peru's Fiscal System to be Revised by Prof. Roberts, George E., to _-Make Economic Sur- search of Ohio State University, Views Haig of Columbia University 2447 vey of Panama 3181 on Business 2450 Peru Appoints Board to Form Cotton Ex- Roberts. Owen J., Resigns as U. S. Special Governors' Conference at New Orleans change 2616 Counsel in Prosceution of Suits for Re- Criticizes Stock Market Gambling 3035 City of Lima Negotiates American Loan covery Naval Oil Lands 2630 Halsey. Stuart & Co.'s Views on Stock and Peru, Bond Market 3639 of $3,000,000 3182 Robinson. C. L., Views on Laws Relating to Peru, Republic of, $25,000,000 Bonds Sold, Perjury 3345 Mathews, H. A., Views on Effect of Heavy 2303. 2764 Robinson, J. L., Democratic Candidate for Trading on Stock Market 3337 Peru, Revenues of Province of Callao 3336 Vice-Pres. See Democratic Presidential Spear°. Chas. F. on Bull Market Minus Peruvian Loan, Second Flotation Looked for, Campaign. Railroad Stocks 3039 2037, 2165 Roumainian Loan Negotiations Concluded.. _ 2165 Yield on Stocks Less than Bonds-Investors Petroleum- Roumanian Oil Output 2159 Bewildered 2166 Crude 011 and Gasoline Prices, 1888, 2025, Rowe, J. W., Views Porto Rico's Recovery Zurlinden, Gov. of Cleveland Federal Re- 2157, 2294, 2440, 2618. 2753. 2888,3024, from Hurricane 3630 serve Bank, Views on Stock Market- --2630 3173, 3325, 3470, 3620 Rubber Exchange of New York Annual Re- Stone & Webster and Blodget on Rise in Crude Oil Production. Comparison of port 2154 Foreign Bond Market 1895 Monthly Statistics 2026, 2619, 3621 Rubber Industry- Straus & Co., S. W., on Building Activities, Crude 011 Production, Weekly Statistics, Stevenson Rubber Export Restrictions of 2149. 2746, 3466 1888, 2026. 2158. 2295, 2440, 2619, 2753. Great Britain Terminated 2437 Strong. Benjamin. Gov. of N. Y. Fed. Res. 2889, 3025, 3174, 3325, 3471, 3620 Tire Prices Reduced 2437. 3610 Bank, Dead after Illness 1898, 2041, 2170 Gasoline(Na al) Production, 1888,2441, 3174 Tire Production and Shipments 2153,2884, 3467 Strong's Benjamin, Death- Gasoline Tax Yielu for First Half of 1928_ _ 2889 Rugs. See Floor Coverings. Bank of England Representative, Frank New Mexico Petroleum Decree Issued_ _3025 Rumania- C.'narks, Attends Funeral 2171 Rumanian Oil Industry 2159,_- 2440 Banks Forbidden to Deal in Negotiable Bankers Pay Tribute to Memory of Gov. Rumanian Oil Restrictions May Be Repealed-2768 Paper 3335 Strong 2173 Stocks of Crude Oil. Changes for Sept. Financial Counselor on Rumania's Progress Belgium-King Albert on Gov. Strong's Oct. and Nov. 1928 2158, 2889,'3472 Since the War 3479 Death 2171 Stocks of Refineries East of California. Germany to Make Payment of 75,000.000 Coolidge's, Pres., Message of Tribute- _2172 2159. 2889, 3472 Gold Marks 3335 Investment Bankers Assn. Resolution on Venzuelan Oil Production and Shipments Oil Restrictions of Rumania May Be Re- Gov. Strong's Death 2172 by Months 2159, 2890. 3621 pealed 2768 Liberty Loan Committee's Resolution in World's Oil Production • 2028 Petroleum Industry 2159, 2440 Tribute 2171 Philadelphia Sesqui-Centennial Exposition Rumanian National Bank Obtains Re- McFadden. Rep. on Death of Gov. Strong.2171 Debt 3040 volving Credit of $25,000.000 2762 Mellon's, Sec., Message on Goy. Strong's Philadelphia Stock Exch. Loses Suit to Retain Stabilization Loan-Bank of France to Col- Death 2172 Assets of Bankrupt Firm, for Prior Distri- laborate With Rumanian Government_ _3032 National Bank of Belgium Presents bution to Creditor Members of Exchange_3035 Russia- Bronze Bust of Late Gov. Strong to Phipps, Pres. of Canadian Bankers Assn. American Building Industry Studied by N. Y. Fed. Res. Rank 3186 Urges Banks to Control Credit 3334 Russian Delegation 2302 N. Y. Clearing House Assn. Adopts Pilgrims of United States Dinner on Dec. 10, Bonds-Russia's Creditors Join in New Ef- Resolution 2171 Discussion of Canadian and American fort to Secure Payment 2896 N. Y. Fed. Rm. Bank-Minute Adopted Problems 3038 Bread Lines in Moscow-Officials Deny on Death of Gov. Strong 2171 Poland- Flour Shortage 3479 Warburg, Paul M., Presents Resolution Bank of Poland Credit Renewed by Fed. Crop Estimates for 1928 in Russian Soviet on Death of Gov. Strong 3339 Res. Banks and Central Banks of Issue_ .2446 Union 2439 Strong's, Benjamin, Estate 2453 Industrial Conditions, Report by Chas. S. Currency inflated 2302 Strong Stabilization Bill, Reports of Hearings Dewey 3032 Dewey, Charles S., Visits Russia 2897 on 2630

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis &.-totc.; 1928.] INIDEx XI

Page. Page. Page. Sugar Industry— United Skates (Continued)— United States (Concluded)— Cuba Crop Restrictions Terminated 3619 AgrievAlture, D'epartment of(Concluded)— Treasury— Poland's Sugar Production Increases 2617 Capper—Ketehan Act—New Agricul- Annual Report of Sec. of Treas. Mellon_3158 Appointed 2884 Certificates of Indebtedness-2300,000- Swope, Gerard, Views on Business Outlook tural Workers 4/s—Books Closed for 1929, 3603 Cotton—Agriculture Dept. Urges Adop- 000 Offering of tion of Standard Cotton Bale 3469 2062, 2174, 2109. 2766 Taxes— Cotton Forecasting Undergoes Change Certificates of Indebtedness-2500,- Adams, Prof. of Yale, Plan Against 2026, 2154 000 December Financing_3186. 3342. 3485 Double Taxation Accepted at Geneva Foreign Crain Corp Report of Agricul- Garner, Rep. Charges Misrepresenta- Conference 2761 ture Dept 2021, 3617 tion of Treasury Figures by Sec. Refund of Taxes Collected Erroneously Grain Crop Report of Agriculture Dept. Mellon 3485 —Congress Asked for Additional Appro- 2019, 2617, 2886. 3615 Liberty Loan Bonds, 3rd, N. Y. Fed. priation__ 3342 Grain Futures Speculation a Factor in Res. Bank on Retirement of_2041. 2042 Refund of Taxes by U. S. Treasury to Price Fluctuations 2438 Liberty Loan Committee Pay Tribute on Senator Couzens 3342 Commerce Dept.— Death of Gov. Strong 2171 Refund of Taxes, Senate Withdraws De- Cables Received on Foreign News by Money Stocks in the Country-- -2033. mand for Strict Laws on—Large Re- Dept of Commerce--1893, 2033, 2162. 2895, 3330 payments Under Scrutiny of Committee_3486 2299, 2445, 2625, 2758, 2893, 3029, National Bank Notes, Sec. Mellon in Textile Mills in New England Move to 3179, 3331, 3475. 3626 Favor of Discontinuance of 2904 Increas? Wages 2155 Cooper, George A, New Member of Staff Offering by Treasury Forthcoming 2906 Textile Mills in Rhode Island Cut Wages— of the Division of Simplified Practice Paper Currency—July 1 1928 An- Strike Authorized—Wage Cut Accepted of Bureau of Standards 2175 nounced as Tentative Date for Issu- 3024, 3173 Monthly Indexes of Production. Stocks ance of New Small Size Paper Currency2908 Textile Strike in New Bedford Ended 2023 and Unfilled Orders of Dept. of Receipts and Treasury Turnover 3477 Textile (United) Workers' Union Plans to Commerce 2610, 3168 United Textile Workers Union. See under Aid New Bedford Strikers 1886 Whiting, Sec. of Commerce Dept. See Textile. Textile Workers in Fall River, Mass., Re- Whiting. University of Denver's Review of Business-2749 ceive Wage Increase 2023 'Congress— , Republic of, Bonds Retired in Part Tin Consumption Increased by Its Use in Austrian Debt,Congress Authorizes Sec. 1895. 2629 Manufacture of Cables 2296 of Treasury to Negotiate Agreement lieneznelan Oil Production and Ship- Tin Market. See Metal Market, on 3627 V monis 2159. 2890, 3621 Tin Production of Bolivia. Boulder Dam Bill Becomes Law_ _3647, 3649 Voters Qualified to Vote in New York City__ _ 2455- Tin Trade Association. See American Tin Brokers' Loans Study to be Resumed by Voters Qualified to Vote in United States - - - -2455. Trade AsAoctation. Congress 2552 Tinplate Manufacturers of America Sign Coolidge, Pres., Message to Congress 3152 Walsh, Senenator, Reply to Dr. Work on Agreement with Welsh Makers 2296 Greek Debt. Congress Authorizes Sec. of VV Renewal of Salt Creek (Wyo.) Oil Tires, Rubber. See Rubber Industry. Treasury to Conclude Agreement for Contract.. 2316 Tolley, H. R., Appointed Asst. Chief, Settlement 3628 Warburg, Paul M., Presents Resolution on Bureau of Agricultural Economics 2024 Porto Rico Financial Relief Provided in Death of Gov. Streng of New York Federal Tourists'(American) Expenditures on Foreign Resolution Passed by Congress 3629 Reserve Bank 3339 Travel 2174 Seventieth Congress--Opening of 2nd Western Cattle Marketing Assn.—Address Trade, State of. See under Business. Session 3187 of C. G. Randell 3618 Trans-America Corp. Formed by Giannini Tax Refunds.Senate Withdraws Demand Wheat. See under Grain. Interests 2183, 2321 2456, 2769. 2770 for Strict Laws on—Large Payments Whiting's, Sec. Of Commerce. Viers bit Treasury, U. S. See under United States. Under Scrutiny of Committee 3486 Business 2014, 2289, 3318 Trench. C. S. J., Elected President of Diplomatic Service—Pros. Coolidge Holds Wholesale Prices 2288. 2745, 3463 American Tin Trade Association_ _ _ _2296, 2890 Unconstitutional Plans of "Career Men" Winkler, Dr. Max__, on Reparations Problem_ _2301 to Retain Posts After March 4 1929-2174 Woodin. Wm. H•, Re-elected Director of nlon Joint Stock Land Bank of Detroit Great Britain's Payment to U. S. on N.Y. Federal Reserve Bank 2309 U5..1 Declares Extra Dividend 3481 Account of War Debt 3476 Wool Men of Europe Join for Protection at Union League Club Sees "Annual Waste" in Foreign Trade— Paris Conference 3024 N. Y. City Budget 3487 Cotton, Cotton Cloths, Yarns, Threads Wool Production of Australia 2156 Union Trust Co. of Cleveland on Business and Mallory, Domestic Exports of—2439 Work, Dr. and Senator Walsh on Salt Creek Outlook 2290, 2878, 3604 Country's Foreign Trade—Imports and (Wyo.) Oil Contract 2316 Union Trust Co. of Cleveland on Copper Exports 2149. 3611 World Court, Pres. Coolidge Reported as Industry 2619 Gold and Silver. Imports and Exports Seeking Action on 3037 Union Trust Co.of Detrdit on Business_2147. from U.S. by Countries__2034, 2163, Wyatt, C. IT.. Appointed Sec.and Gen. Mgr. 2747. 3466 3030, 3476 of Baltimore Clearing House Assn. 2485 United llosPital Fund—Bankers and Brokers Grain and Grain Product Exports 2439 Committee 2321, 3040 Imports and Exports of U. S., Analysis ',young's, Owne D., Statement on Stabilize- United States Chamber of Commerce's Re- of 3021 .' tion Policy of N. Y. Fed. lies. Bank— ferendum on Agriculture 2313 Silk Imports, &c 1887, 2616, 3173 Views of Stable Money Assn 2309 United States Chamber of Commerce, Re- Japanese Ambassador to U. 8., New 2446 Young, Roy A.. Governor of Fed. Res. solution on Federal Reserve Discount De- Labor, Sec. of, James J. Davis Annual Board. See under latter. feated at Meeting of 2041 Report 3166 United States Chamber of Commerce—Taxa- Nava Limitation—Text of U. S. Note to eppelin (Graf) Flight to U. S. from Ger- don Committee on Issuance of Municipal France and Great Britain 2034 Z many 2179 Bonds 2181 Naval Oil Leases. See Naval Oil Reserve Zinc Cartel in Europe Prolonged 3327 United States Steel Corporation Unfilled Leases. Zinc (Slab) Production Shipments and Stocks Orders 2029, 2755, 3328 Oil Contracts. See Naval Oil Reserve by Months_ .2029, 2754, 3327 United States— Leases. Zinc (Slab), World Stocks 2157, 2755, 3472 Agrictilture, Dept, of_! Tariff Commission, U. S. Annual Report Zwillnden, Deputy Gov. of Cleveland Fed. AnnualReport of Sec. Jardine 3164 on Dye and Chemical Industry 2313 Res. Bank, Views on Stock Market 2630


Page. Page. Page. lbuquerque National Bank (Albuquerque, Bank of the Manhattan Co.(N.Y. C.)_2046. Chattanooga Savings & Trust Co. (Chattanooga. A N M.) 2187 2322, 2637, 2771, 3190, 3650 Tenn.) 3350 Albuquerque National Tr. & Says. Bank Bank of Miller (Miller, Mo.) 2187 Chelsea Exchange Bank of New York, (N. Y.), (Albuquerque, N. M.) 2187 Bank of Milroy,(Milroy, Rush Co., Ind.)— _3192 2045. 2638, 2910 American Bk. & Tr. Co.of Ft. Worth t(Tex.)-2323 Bank of Montreal (Montreal, Que. Canada) Chelsea Exchange Corp.(New York, N. Y.)_2186 American Bk. & Tr. Co. of New Orleans(La.)3045 2323, 3194 Chemical National Bank (New York, N. Y.), American Bk. & Tr. Co. of Phila. (Pa.) 2186 Bank of New York & Tr. Co.(N. Y. C.) 2771 1899, 2458. 3489 American Bk. & Tr. Ce.(Richmond, Va.) 3654 Bank of Norwalk (Norwalk, Los Angeles Chicago Board of Trade (Chicago, Ill.). _2321. American Bic.* Tr. Co- ("Watertown, Tenn.) 3044 Co., Calif.) 2187 2770. 2909, 3189 American Colonial Bank of Porto Rico 2187 Bank of Philadelphia & Tr. Co. (Phila., Pa.)_2047 Chicago Curb Exchange (Chicago, 111.1_ _ _ _2637, American Exchange Irving Tr. Co. of New Bank of Southern California (La Mesa,Callf.)2914 2770, 2909 York (N. Y.) 2321. 3489 Bank of United States (N,.Y C.) 3489 Chicago Stock Exchange (Chicago, Ill I 2045. American Exchange Nat. Bk. of Greensboro Bank of Yorktown of New York (N. Y.)_ _2910 2184, 2909. 3041 (N. C.) 2772 Beacon Trust Co. (Boston, Mass.) 3043 Chicago Title & Trust Co. (Chicago, 111.)_ _ _3491 American Nat. Bank a Denver (Colo.) 2913 Belmont Trust Co. of Philadelphia(Pa.)1902, 2322 Chicago Trust Co. (Chicago, Ill.). _ _2186, 2772 Amer. Nat. Bank (Pawhuska (Okla.) 3350 Boulevard Bank of Forest Hills (L. I.) 3347 Citizens' Bank of New Ross (Ind.) 3192 American Nat. Bk. of Richmond (Va.)_2772. 3654 Boulevard Tr. Co. of Brookline (Boston. Citizens' Bank of North Milwaukee (Wis.).- -3044 American Nat. Bk. ofSt. Paul(Minn.) 3653 Mass.) 2911 Citizens' Bank of Riverdale (Md.) 2458 American Nat. Bk. & Tr. Co.(Greensboro. Bowery Savings Bank (N. Y. C.) 2771. 3489 Citizens' Nat. Bank of Baltimore(Md.) 2186, 2322 Is.C.) 2772 Brainerd State Bank (Chicago. ill.) 2912 Citizens' National Trust & Savings Bank (Los American Savings Bank of Marengo (1a)__--3044 British Empire Chamber of Commerce_ 2185, 2901 Angeles, Calif.) 1003, 3194. 3492 American Trust Co. (Boston, Mass.) 1901 British Overseas Bank Ltd.(London, Eng.)_ _3195 Citizens' Savings Bank of Hanlontown, (Ia.)_2913 American Tr. Co. of Detroit(Mich.) 3348 Broad Street Trust Co. of Phila. (Pa.) 1901 Citizens' & South'n Nat. Bank (Macon,Ga.)-3350 American Tr. Co.of New York(N. 'Y'.) 2910, 3190 Bronx Borough Bank (Bronx, N. Y.) 3190 Citizens' & Southern National Bank (Savannah. American Tr. Co.(Richmond, Va.)- _ _2772. 3654 Bronxville Trust Co. (Bronsville, N. Y.)- -3042 G a.) 3654 Anglo & London-Paris Nat. Bank of San Brooklyn Savings Citizens' State Bank of Topeka (Kans.) Francisco (Calif.) Bank of Brooklyn (N. Y.) 3193 3194 3043, 3651 Citizens' State Bank & Trust Co. of Bastrop Anglo-South American Trust Co.(N. Y. C.)_1900 Brotherhood National Bank of San Francisco (La.) 1903 Atlantic National Bank of Boston, (Mass.) (Calif.) 3194 City Deposit Bank of Pittsburgh (Pa.) 1902 2186, 2322, 2638 Brotherhood Savings & City Deposit Bank & Trust Co. of Pittsburgh Atlantic Nat. Bk. of Trust Co. of Pitts- Jacksonville (Fla.) 3654 burgh (Pa.) 3191 (Pa.) 1902 Augusta Trust Co. of Augusta (Me.) 2910 Brotherhood's Co-Operative National Bank City Financial Corp.(New York, N. Y.)- _--3489 (Spokane, City National Bank of Boonville (Ind.) Stock Exchange Wash.) 3351 1902 altimore (Baltimore, Md.)3189 Bryn Mawr-Nepperhan Nat. Bank of Yon- City National Bank of Dayton (Ohio) 1902 Bancitaly Co. of America (San Francisco, kers (N. Y.) City National Bank of Spokane (Wash.)- - 2046, 3190 City - -3351 Cal.) 3189 Bryn Mawr Trust Co.(Bryn Mawr.Pa.) -- -3489 Nat. Bank & Trust Co. of Dayton (0.)_1902 Bancitaiy Corp.(San Francisco, Cal.)__2048, City Nat. Bank & Trust Co. of Phila. (Pa.)_2458 2456 2769, 3189 alifornia Bank (Los City Trust & Savings Bank of Dayton (0) 1902 Co. of New York (N. Angeles, Calif.) 2323 Bankers Y.)218S,2457, 3489 California Nat. Bank of Sacramento (Cal.)_3492 Claremont Invest. Corp.(New York, N. Y.)_3347 Bankers Trust Co.(Des Moines, Ia.) 2459 Cambridge Trust Claremont Nat. Bank of New York (N. Y.)_ _3651 Co. of N.Y. Co.(Cambridge, Mass.)_ _ _2322 Bankers Trust (IS. "Y.)_2185, 2457 Canadian Bank of Commerce (Toronto, Can.), Coal Exchange Bank of Huntington (W.Va.)_2459 Bankers Trust co. of Detroit (Mich.) 3652 Colonial Trust Co. (Baltimore, Md.) 3043 Holding Corp.(N. 2773, 2914, 3655 Colonial Bankinstocks Y. C.) 2770 Central National Bank of Bartlesville (Okla.) 2323 Trust Co. of Philadelphia (Pa.)_ _ _ _2771 Bankitaly Co. of Amer. (San Francisco, Central National Bank of the Colonial Trust Co. of Pittsburgh (Pa.)_2771, 3348 Calif.) City of New York Columbia Savings Bank of 3346, 3487 (N. Y.) 2645, 2184, 2771 Memphis (Tenn.)_3045 Banque Beige pour L'Etranger (Brussels, Central Nat. Bank of Commerce Trust Co. of Kansas City (111o.)_ _2912 Belgium) Philadelphia (Pa.)_ _2911 Commercial National 3195 Central National Corp.(New York, N. Y.)--3489 Bank & Trust Co. (New Barclays Bank (London, Elia 3655 Central Savings Bank (New York. N.-Y.)..2046, 2185, 2457, 2637. 3347 Bayside Nat. Bk.(Queens Co., N. Y. York, N. Y.)_- -3043 Commercial Security 0.)_2322 Central Trust Co. (Detroit, Mich.) 3348 National Bank of Boston Bank of America of Calif. (San Francisco, Central Trust Co. of Illinois (Mass.) 2186, 2322. 26.38 Calif.) 3045, 3350, (Chicago, Ill.), Commercial State Bank 3492 2047, 2912, 3349 of Kirksville (Mo.)_ _2913 Bank of America (Chicago, Ill.) 3349 Central Union Trust Co. Commercial State Bank of St. Paul (Minn.)_3653 Assoc'n (N. Y. 0.) (New York, N. Y.), Commonwealth Bank of America Nat. 2047, 3489 Bank of Australia 2187 2458, 2770, 2910 Century Trust Co. Community State Bank (New York, N. Y.)_3651 of Baltimore (Md.) 3652 Congress Tr. & Bank of Branson (Mo.) 3491 Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. Savings Bank of Chicago (111.)2912 Bank of Camden (Camden, Ala.) 1903 Continental Bank (New York, N. Y.) 3190 1899. 2457 Continental Bank of Collinston (Collinston, La.) 1903 Chase National Bank of the City of New York Equitable Title & Trust Co.of Phila- Bank of Corn. & Tr. Co. of Richmond (Va.)-3491 (N. Y.) delphia (Pa.) 2045. 3042 Continental 3348 Bank of Hollywood (Hollywood, Calif.) 2640 Chase Safe Deposit Co.(New York, N. Y.)_ _2045 National Bank & Trust Co. of Bank of Italy (San Francisco, Cal.)- -2048, Chase Securities Chicago (III.) 3349 Corp. (New York, N. Y.)....2638 Continental 2456, 2769 Chatham -Phenix Corp.(New York, N. Y.)_ _3651 National Co. (Chicago, I11.)_ _ _3193 Bank of Italy Nat. Tr. & Says. Ass'n (San Chatham-Phenix Corn Exchange Bank (N. Y. C.)_2184, 2909, 3489 National Bank & Trust Co. of Corn Exchange Francisco, Cal.) 2640, 3194, 3356, 3654 New York (N. Y.) 1900, 2184, 2322. 2638 National Bank & Trust Co. of Philadelphia (Pa.) 1901. 2458, 3190

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis XII INDEX [Vol.. 127—PART 2.

Page. Page. Corn Exchange Corp. Page. (Philadelphia, Pa.)_ _ -3190 International Acceptance Bank, Inc. (New Northern Trust Co. of Philadelphia, (Pa.)_ - Cosmopolitan Bank & Trust Co. of Cincinnati York. N. Y.) -1901 (Ohio) 2488 Northwestern Trust & Savings Bank of 2912 International Germanic Trust Co. of New Chicago (Ill.) 2047 Crocker First Federal Trust Co. of San Francisco York (N. Y.) (Calif.) 2909 2187 International Union Bank of New York hio Nat. Bank of Columbus (0.) 2912 Crocker First Nat. Bank (San Francisco,Cal.)2187 (N. Y.) 2770 Ohio Says. Bank & Tr. Co. of Toledo (0.).. _ 2932131 Interstate Trust Co. (New York, N. Y.), enver Nat. Bank Old Colony Trust Co. (Boston, Mass.) (Denver, C010.1_3349, 3654 2045, 2185, 3488 Old Dearborn State Bank of Chicago, 111_2772 Detrolt & Security Tr.0o. (Detroit, Mich.)-2047 Detroit Stock Exchange Old Home Bldg. Assoc'n Co.(Newark, O. _1903 (Detroit, Mich.)__ _1899 amaica Savings Bank (Jamaica, Queens Oxford Bank 8c Trust Co.(Phila., Pa.)-19 1, 2458 Dexter Horton Banks of Seattle (Wash.)-=_3492 J Co., N. Y.) 2458 Dime Savings Institution of Newark (N. J.). Jefferson Bank & Trust Co. of Dallas (Tex.)_3045 Bancorporation(Portland, Ore.) _ __ _2187 2911. 3043 Dollar Savings & Tr. Co. of Pittsburgh Pan-American Bank of Los Angeles (Cal.) (Pa.)_2912 enton Savings Bank & Trust Co.(Kenton, 1.903, 3654 Dublin Bank & Trust Co. (Dublin, 2048 K Ohio) 2912 PPanama-Americanoilcan Trust Co.(Panama City, Kingsboro National Bank of Brooklyn 34- 87 aton State Bank(Eaton. Ind.) 3044 (N Y.) 2910 1k-ton Banking & Trust 0o.of Pearl-Market Bank & Trust Co.of Cincinnati E Elkton (Md.)3490 Kuhn, Loeb & Co.(New York, N. Y.) 3650 11-(Ohio) 2047.3343 Equitable Trust Co. (N. Y.. N. Y.) Pennsylvania Exstiange Bank (New York, 2185, 2457, 3651 ago Bank (James V.)(New York, N.Y.)._1991 3851 Eugene Loan & Savings Bank (Eugene, Ore.) 2187 Lake Erie Trust Co. (Cleveland, Ohio) 1902 Peoples Excelsior Bank of New York Bank of Columbia (Columbia,S. 00_2187 (N. Y.) 2045 Lancaster Title & Trust Co. (Philadelphia, Peoples Bank (Darlington.S. C.) 2640 Exchange Bank of Savannah (Ga.) 3654 Pa.) 2458 Peoples Exchange Natl. Bank of Bartlesville Bank & Trust Co.of Seattle(Wash.) .2773 (Okla.) -2323 Lee, Higginson & Co.(New York, N. Y.)_- -2909 Peoples National Bank of Middletown (Del.)-3490 Lecourt Normandie National Bank (New Peoples Natl.Bank (Souderton, Pa.) —1902. 3192 rmers'Bank of Branson (Mo.) York, 1900 armors'Loan & Trust 0o. Peoples Savings Bank of Des Moines(Iowa) -2459 P (N. Y., N Y.)--MO Liberty Bank Trust Co.(Richmond, Va. _2639 or_plowesa)Trus.t & Savings Bank of Chicago Farmers'& Mechanics' Natl. Bank (George- Liberty National Bank of New York (N. Y. -2323 town,Wash., D. Peo)(.902,111 1 2912 0.) 2047, 3490 Liberty National Bank of Pawhuska (Okla. -3350 Peoples Trust & Savings Bank of Oskaloosa Farmers' & Merchants' Natl. Bank (Boon- Liberty Trust Co. of Boston (Mass.) 3043 villa, Ind.) 1902 Lincoln Trust Co. of Jersey City (N. J.) Philadelphia Natl. Bank (Philadelphia. Pa.)-33319491 Farmers' State Bank (Eaton,Ind.) 3044 2046. 3190 Philadelphia Stock Exchange Farmers' State Bank of Sac City (Iowa) 3044 Los Angeles Curb Exchange (Los Angeles, (Philadelphia, Reserve Pa.) 2045,2184, 2637, 2909,3189 Federal Bank of Chicago(RI) 2459 Calif.) 2045, 2457 Pittsburgh Stock Exchange Federation Bank & Trust Co.(N. 'Y. N.Y.)-3651 Los Angeles First Nat'l Trust & Savings Bank (Pittsburgh, Pa.).3189 Fern Rock Trust Co.(Philadelphia. Plainfield Trust Co.of Plainfield(N. J.)2771.3652 Pa.).___ _2912 (Los Angeles, Calif.)_ _2048, 2323, 2640. Plaza Trust Co. (New York, N. Y.) Fidelity Bank & Trust Co.(Kansas Olt Mo.)2912 2773, 2914, 3194, 3654 Fidelity Natl. Bank & Trust 0o. of Kansas Los Angeles Stock Exchange (Los 2321, 2910, 3189. 3651 Angeles, Plaza Trust Co.(Philadelphia, Pa.)._ _1901 2047 City(Mo.) 3944 (Calif.) 2457, 3041 Promviirt Bank Fidelity Savings dc Loan Society of Los Lumberman's Trust Co. of & Trust Co. (Cincinnati. Portland (Ore.)-2459 2188 Angeles (Cal.) 2459 Luther Williams Bank & Trust Co. (Macon, Provident Trust Co. Fidelity Trust Co.of Indianapolis (Ind.)- - - -2459 (Ga.) 3350 (Philadelphia.Pa .) 1901 •2458 Fidelity Trust Co.of New York (N. Y.) Provincial Bank of Canada (Montreal, 3489 Canada) 2459 Fidelity Union Stock & Bond Co. of Newark Rmackinac Island State Bank (Mackinac Is.)-2186 Prudential 2771 ITlacon National Bank (Macon, Ga.) Bank(New York,N'.Y )_ 2046 (N.J.) 3350 Public Natl. Bank & Trust Co. of New York Fifth Avenue Bank(New York. N.Y.) 2322 Macon Savings Bank (Macon, Ga.) 3350 (N.Y.) Fifth-Third Union Trust (3o. (Cincinnati. Mahaska County State Bank (Oskaloosa, Ia.)3349 2637 Trust Co. of • Ohio) 2323, 2490 Manheim Philadelphia (Pa.).. _ _2322 ueens BellaireBank (Queens, Co., First American Bank & Trust Co. of West2773 Manufacturers Trust Co.(New York, N. Y.) N.Y.) Palm Beach (Fla.)., 1899. 1901, 2322, 3488 Q 2322 First Bank of Brooklyn (N. Y ) 2322. 3190 Marine Bancorporation (Seattle. Wash.)___3492 (N:Y.) eading National Bank of Reading (Pa.)- - -2186 First Bank & Trust Co.of Utica 2188 Marion National Bank (Marion, Ind.) 2912 R(eaReadinding g7paat1)onal Bank Co. First Bankers Union Inc.(Boston, Maas.)_--2458 Marion State Bank (Marion, Ind.) 2912 & Trust ;Louisville), Ky.) Market Street 2186 First , Co. 2640 Title & Trust Co. of Phila- Republic National Bank & Trust Co.(Dallas, First National Co.o Detroit(Mich.) 2323 delphia (Pa.) 2771 Tex.) Trust & Savings Bank of San Mason City Loan & Trust Co.(Mason City, First National Reynolds, John A. (Vice-Free. Union Trust3359 Diego (Cal.) 2914 Iowa) 3193 Co.of Securities Co.(Los Angeles, Cal) 2323 Mechanics Nat'l Bank of Worcester Detroit) First (Mass.) 2911 Rhode Island Hospital Trust Co. of Provi-2186 First Wisconsin National Bank of Milwaukee Mechanics Savings Bank (Woonsocket, R. I.)5490 dance(R.I.) is.) 1903_,2639, 2772, 3044, 3653 Mercantile Trust Co. of St. Louis (Mo.) - _2640 Richmond Hill Natl. Bank of New York3490 .Harvey & Sons(N. Y ,. N Y.) 3347 Merchants' & Farmers' Bank (Blanchester, (N.Y.) Bank of Floral Park (L. I.) 2638 Ohio) 3489 Floral Park 2639 Richmond Hill Natl. Bank of Richmond Hill Flushing National Bank (Queens, Co., N. Y.)2322 Merchants-Laclede National Bank (St. Louis, (L.I.) First National Bank of Aledo (Ill.) 1903 Mo.) 3491, 3653 Richmond Trust Co.(Richmond, Va.):2 2432583,2 29739 First National Bank of Boonville (Ind.)-- — -1902 Merchants National Bank of Boston (Masai -1901 Riggs National Bank First National Bank of Boothbay Harbor Merchants National Bank of Detroit (Mich. _2912 of Washington (D. CO Merchants 2047, 3490 (Me.) 2910 National Bank (Norwich, Conn. _2046 Royal Bank of Canada First National Bank of Boston (Mass.)-1901, 3347 Merchants Nat'l Trust & Savings Bank of (Montreal, Canada) Angeles C18070,03d015, 3493, 3655 First Nati. Bank of Brooklyn(N. Y.)- -2046, 2322 Los (Calif.)_ -2048, 2640, 3045, Royal Trust Co.(Montreal, First Natl. Bank of Chattanooga (Tenn.) _3350 3351, 3491 2 2773 First Natl. Bank (Chicago,Ill.) 24..ii, 3192 Metropolitan Nat'l Bank of Seattle (Wash.).3492 t. First National Bank of - _3652 Michigan Avenue Trust Co. (Chicago, 111.)_ _3653 Louis Stock Exchange (St. Louis. Mo.)-3189 (Texas) San Diego State Bank (San Diego, Calif.)-3492 First Natl. tank of Denton 2640 Midland Bank of Cleveland (Ohio)_ _ _3191, 3652 San Francisco Curb First Natl.Bank of Denver (Colo.) 3349 Midland Bank. Ltd. of London (Eng.)-1903. 3351 Exchange (San Fran- Mississippi Valley Trust Co. of cisco, Calif.) Exchange21 038040, 31,1.04010.-3189 First Natl. Bank of Detroit (Mich.)_1903. 2322 St. Louis San Francisco Stock First National Bank of Dunn (N. C.) ^913 (Mo.) 2913, 3491, 3653 else'', First National Bank of El Paso (Texas) 3491 Monongahela Trust Co. of Homestead (Pa.) 2639 Calif.) National Bank of Fort Branch (Ind .)_ _ _2047 Montreal Stock Exchange (Montreal, Can.) Schroeder, J. Henry, Banking Corp.2 (7N790,w 3041 First -3346 York, N. Y.) ______34119 First National Bank of Freehold (N.J.)2639, 3043 Morris Plan Bank of Virginia (Norfolk, Va.) Schroeder, National Bank (Homestead,Pa.) 2639 J. Fie-iii-ic -do.(ton - -d-on, An-R.)-2184 First 29o9, 319900 Scotto, L., & Sons. private Bank (Brook- First National Bank (Jackson, Minn.) 2187 Morris Plan Co. of Baton Rouge (Lai lyn, N. Y.) a National Bank of Jackson (Minn.) 2187 Morris Plan Co. of Rochester (N. Y. 310990 gell90000(.020014.465_3218954 First Seaboard Nat'l Bank of Los An First National Bank of Jersey City (N. J.) Morris Plan Co. of Shreveport (La.) Seaboard 2046, 2186, 3043, 3190, 3490 Mounhictory Bank (Mt. Victory, Hardin National Bank of New York(N. Y.) 2770. 3347 First National Bank of Louisville(Ky.) 2639 Co. Ohio) 2067 Seamen's Bank of Mason City (Iowa) MuniC.tpal Bank & Trust Co. (New York, Bank for Savings(New York, N.Y.) First National 2638,3489 2459. 2640, 2913 N. .) 2065, 2457, 3042, 3489 Second National National Bank of Minneapolis (Minn.)_3653 Munster & Leinster Bank, Ltd. of Cork Bank of Boston (Mass.).- -3489 First Second Nat'l Bank of Cooperstown (N. Y.)_ _3652 First National Bank of Milroy (Milroy, Rush (Island) 3347 Second Nat'l 3192 Murray Hill Trust Co.(Now York, N. Y.)--34 38497 Bank of Hempstead (L. I.).- - -2910 Co.,Ind.) Second National Bank of Houston (Texas)-3193 First National Bank of Moorhead (Minn.)__ -3653 Second National Bank First National Bank of Norman (Okla.) 1903 MaSSall National Bank (Brooklyn, N. Y.)_ _2458 of Maiden (Mass.)-- -2322 of Philadelphia (Pal__ _3191 11 ational Bancitaly Co. (San Francisco.3199 Second Ward National Bank of Milwaukee First National Bank (Wis.). 3653 First National Bank of Pittsburgh. Pitts. Calif.) Second burgh,Pa.) 2323, 2459 National City Bank of Cos Angeles (Calif.)_ _ 2332 Viaid______o-f- Milwaukee 3350 National City Bank of New York (N. Y.) (Wis.) 2639, 2772 First National Bank of Prescott (Ariz.)_ Second Wisconsin Milwaukee First Natl. Bank of Rockville Center(N. Y.)_2910 2185, 2457, 2637, 2770, 3041, 3190 Nat'l Bank of Pedro 2185. 2637,_2770, 3041, 3190, 3488, 3651 (Wis.)______2186 First National Bank of San (Cal.) 3350 Security Nalinnal- First National Bank of Whippany(N J.)_ _ _2911 National City Co.(N. Y. 0.) 3651 tiani-c of bowneee -drove Nat. Exchange Bank of Milwaukee (Wis.)- -3653 (III.) 3491 First National Bank of Whitestone (Queens Security Trust & Co., N. Y.) 2322 National Globe Bank (Woonsocket, R. I.)- - -3490 SavingsAngeles Bank of Los An Bank (New York, N. Y.)-2458 National Loan & Exchange Bank of Columbia (Calif.) 1903 Fordham National Seventh National Bank of New York (N. Y.) Foreign Exchange Club (New York, N. Y.)- _3439 S. 0.) 3193 s sag Bank of Nashville National Metal Exchange (N. Y. 0.)_ _3.241. 2045, 2457, 3042, 3489 /fourth & First National Seward National Bank (Tenn.) 3193 3189, 3346 (New York, N. Y.) 3651 Ga.,__044, 3350 National Newark & Essex Banking Co. of3349 Shawmut Association (Boston, Mass.) 2911 Fourth National Bank (Macon. Sixth Avenue Bank Franklin National Bank of Newark (Ohio).,. _1993 Newark (N. J.) of New York (N. Y.) National Park Bank of New York (N. Y.) French-American Corp. of San Francisco SogutotigSolde (Cal.) 2773 2772. 3043, 3189, 3438 National Bank (St. Louis, NI2o1.)85_,_ 327041 2322 National Shawmut Bank of Boston (Mass.) Standard Bank of Canada(Toronto, C anada)2773 Frontier National Bank (Bufalo. N.Y.) Standard Frontier National Corp.(Buffalo. N.Y.)-- -..2322 2458. 2911, 3347 Bank of South Africa,Ltd. (London, National Bank of Commerce (Los Anzeles, 3195 (New York N.Y.)_3942 Calif.) - -2048, 2914 State Bank of Chicago (Ill.). _ _ _1902, 2772,3348 arfield National Bank State Bank of eorgia Title & Guaranty Co.( National Bank of Commerce(N. Y.0.)3347, 3651 Ramona(San 'Otero Co.,Calif.)2773 G 3193 National Bank of Rochester (N. Y. _1901, 22904613 State Bank & Trust Co.(New York, 14. Y.) 3191 Nebraska State Bank (Ohlowa, Neb.) 9134880 GirardG Trust Co.(Philadelphia Pa.) Stoc(wlcygroomwino Glen Cove Trust Co. of Glen dove (L. 10_2638 Needham Nat. Bank for Savings & Trusts ers National Bank of Ohe2yen0ri Gotham Loan Co.(New York. N. Y.) 2769 GI eedham, Mass.) 1901 3491 Brooklyn (N. Y.)..3651 New England Nat. Bank & Tr. Co. (Kansas Stone & Webster(Na "- York, N. Y.) 1900 Granite National Bank of New Guaranty Co. of New York (N. Y.) _2910 City. Mo.) 2912, 3044 Straus National Bank & Trust Co. of Guaranty Title dc Trust Co. of Columbus New Jersey Nat. Bank 8c Trust Co. of York (N. Y.) 2909, 3042 3192 Newark (N. J.) 2046 (Ohio) ', Guaranty Trust Co. of New York (N. Y.), New York Chapter, Inc., American Institute larks, Frank C. Director of Bank of 2910, 3043, 3190.3651 of Banking (N. Y. C.) 1900, 2909 1 England, Visit 'toU. 8 2184, 2638 1900, 2321, 2322, 2770. Md.).._ 21495082 Guardian Trust Co. of Cleveland (Ohio)- - —3348 New York Coffee & Sugar Exch. (N. Townsend Scott & Co. (Baltimore, 3041,3189, 3346, 3488. 3650 Traders Nat. Bank of Brooklyn (N. Y.) 1901 Co. of Hanover National Bank (New York, N2918)'3042 New York Cotton Exchange(N. Y. C. -2184, Trpadheslladmeeln0shiaNtapt.a.)B nk & Trust 2321, 2457, 2909, 3041. 3346 sco, Hanover Trust Co. of Boston (Mass.) 2911 New York Curb Market (N. Y. C.). _2044, Trans-onAn.)merica Corp. San Franc Calif.) Bank & Trust Co. (New 2321. 2457. 2637_, 2770, 2909,3041 2183, 2321, 2769. 2977100 Harriman National Hartford York, N. Y.) 2322, 3346, 3489 New York Produce Exch.(N. . C.)_ _ 232L,1 Travelers Bank & Trust Co. of Hartford-Connecticut Trust Co. (Hartford, 2637,2, 770 2909; 3041. 3189 New York State Nat. Bank (Albany, N. Conn.) 3347 Norwich2048 Hibernia Bank & Trust Co. of New Orleans 2458Y',)3190 T Ttlefla Merchants Nat. Bank of 3654 New York Stock Exch. (N. Y. 0.)-1899, 1.../ (Conn.) 2046 (La.) Conn.) Hingham Trust Co. (Hingham. Mass.) 2911 1900, 2044, 2184. 2457, 2637, 2770. 2909, Uncas Nat. Bank (Norwich, Hutton, W.E. & Co. (Cincinnati, Ohlo) 3191 3041, 3189, 3346, 3650 Un(cloanliBf)ank of Chicago (OW)- 2186 New York Trust Co.(New York, N. Y.). _ _3489 Union Bank & Trust Co. of Los Angeles Trust Co. (Chicago, Newtown Title & Trust Co.(Newtown, Pa.)_3043 Tllinois Merchants Atlantic City (N. J.)___ _332,776655421 A Ill.) 3349, 3653 Ninth Bank & Trust Co. (Philadelphia, Union Nat. Bank of of Providence (R. I.)__ 19(11 Pa.) 3043, 3191, 3652 Union Nat. Bank of Lowell (Mass.) Industrial Trust Co. BaBank of New York Industrial Trust, Title dc Savings Co. of North City Trust Co. (Phila., Pa.)_ _ ....2322. 2745871 Un(iNon ySluare Savings Philadelphia. ('a.) 2771. 2912, 3348 Trust Co. (Philadelphia, Title Guaranty & Mortgage Pa.) Union Title & Guaranty Co. of Detroit Inter-County 2772 Co. of Floral Park (L. I.) 2638 Northern Nat. Bank (Phila., Pa.)-- —3043. 3652 (Mich.)

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Om-DEC., 1928.1 INDEX

Page. Union Trust Page. CO. (Chicago. 111.)_2639, 3190, 3192 United States Nat. Bank Page. Union Trust Co. (Cleveland, O.) of Portland (Ore.) West Coast Bancorporation 1902, 2459 3194, of Portland Union Trust Co. of Detroit (Mich.)._ 1903. United States 3492 (Ore.) 3654 Trust Co. of Boston (Mass.).. 3852 West Coast Nat. Bank 2186, 2772 United States Trust Co. of Maryland (Bald-. (Portland. Oro.) 3654 Union Trust Co.(Newark, 0.) 1903 more. Md.) West Toledo Nat. Bank of Toledo (0.) Union Trust Co. of Rochester 3191 Westchester County 3491 (N. Y.)-1901. 2771 Unity Trust & Savings Bank (Chicago, Ill.) Nat. Bank (PeeksIdll, Union Trust & Mortgage Co. of Peters- _1902 N. Y.) 2046 burg (Va.) 2913 Westchester County Savings Bank of Tarry- United Banking ITanderventer Trust Co. of St. Louis (Mo.)_3653 town (N. & Trust Co.of Cleveland(0.)1902 V liet Street State Bank (Milwaukee, Y.) 3347 United Security Bank & Trust Co. of San Wis.)_1903 Wild, .T. F., & Co., State Bank of Indiana- Francisco (Calif.) 2048, 2187. 2773, polis(Ind.)2772 achovia Bank & Trust Co. (Winston- WilliamsburgSavingsBank(Etrooklyn.N. 2914. 3045, 3491 'VSalem,N. C.) 2047, Y.) 3651 United Security Trust & Savings Bank of Webster 3350 Wollman, W..7., & Co.(New York. N. Y.)_ _3347 San Francisco & Atlas Nat. Bank of Boston(Mass.) 3652 Woodland Ave. (Calif.) 3351 Weekawken Trust & Title Co. State Bank of Phila.(Pa.)_ _ _2639 United States Mortgage & Trust Co. of New of Union World Exchange Bank (New York. N. York City (N. J.) 2910 Y.)_ _ _2770 (N Y.) 2909. 3043, 3652 West-City Trust & United States Nat. Bank of Eugene (Ore.)._ Savings Bank (Chicago. okohama Specie Bank (Yokohoma, -2187 Ill.) 2323 y Japan)28.

STATISTICAL AND GENERAL INFORMATION Stock Exchange Prices, Federal Reserve and Clearing House Returns, Government Debt and Trade Data Page. A uction Sales of Stocks and Page. It Bonds at New Vederal Reserve Bank of New York, Weekly Page York, Boston and Philadelphia..1909, Return New York Stock Exchange— 2053. 2192, 2327. 2489, of Conditions_1915, 2059. 2198, Daily Range of 2646. 2779, 2919, 2334, 2494,2652, 2785, 2926, Prices for All Stocks Dealt 3049, 3201. 3356. 3497, 3658 3057, 3209, in--1917 2061, 2200,2336. 2496, 2654, 3366, 3509, 3671 2784 2928, Federal 3059, 3211,3368. 3511. 3673 altimore Stock Exchange. Weekly Range Reserve Banks. Combined Weekly Daily Record of Prices of U. 8. Gov't Se- B*of Prices for Stocks_1931, 2074, 2214. Statement for Whole 0ountry_1914. 2058, curities. See Bankers Gazette. 2350. 2510. 2868, 2800, 2941. 3048, 3224, 2197, 2333, 2493, 2651,2784, 2925, 3056. Daily Record of Volume of Sales in Stocks 3381. 3525, 3687 3208, 3365,3508. 3670 and Bonds__1905. 2049. 2188. 2324, Daily Record Volume of Sales of Stocks and Federal Reserve Banks. 2486, 2641,2774, 2915,3046,3196, Bonds_ Weekly Returns of 3351, -1905,2049, 2188. 2324. 2486,2641. Member Banks ._1915. 2059. 2198, 2334, 3494. 3656 2774, 2915, 3046, 3196,3351. 3494, 3656 2494. 2652, 2785,2926, Monthly Record of Volume of Sales Bank Clearings, 3057. 3209, 3366, Stocks in Canadian. See Canadian 3509. 3671 and Bonds 1906, 2643.3197 Bank Clearings. Foreign Exchange, Weekly Record of All Bonds Sold on Ex- Bank Clearings, Weekly and Monthly Weekly Review of Mar- change_1924, 2068. Re- kets (See also editorial article of Financial 2207, 2343, 2503, turns_ _1905, 2049. 2188, 2325,2486. 2642, SituatIon)_1916. 2661. 2794.2935, 3066, 3218,3375, 3518. 3680 2774, 2915, 3046. 3196. 2060, 2199,2335, 2495. Weekly Review of 3352, 3494,3656 2653. 2786, 2927. 3058. 3210, Stock Market__1904. Bankers' Gazette_1916, 2060, 2199, 2335, 3367. 3510, 3672 2048. 2188. 2324, 2485, 2641,2773. 2914, 2495. 2653, 2786, 2927, 305, 3210,3367, Foreign Trade of New York, Monthly State- 3045, 3195. ment of Imports Dhiladelphia M51, 3493, 3655 3510, 3672 and Exports 2646. 3497 Banks, Weekly Clearing EPOUBO Boston Clearing House, Weekly Returns of Foreign Trade of U. S. See United States. • Totals_1913. 2057. 2196, 2332, 2492. Boston Clearing House Banks_ .1913,2057. French Rentea 2650, 2783. 2924. 3055. 3207. 3364. 3507. 2196, 2332,2492, and Gov't Bonds. Daily Philadelphia Stock 3669 2650. 2783. 2924, 3055, Price of. See English Financial Markets. Exchange— 3207. 3364, 3507. 3669 Dolly Record Volume of Sales in Stocks Boston Stock Exchange— and Bonds-1905. 2049, Weekly old, Daily Price of. in London. See Eng- 2188. 2324. Range of Prices for Stocks and G lish Financial 2486, 2641. 2774, 2915. 3046. 3196.3351. Bonds Sold on the Exchange. Markets. 1933, Gold Imports and Exports at New York. See Weekly 3494, 3656 2077.2213, 2349,2509. 2670, 2801, 2943. Foreign Trade of New York. Range of Prices-1930, 2074, 2191, 3073, 3226,M84, 3527. 3689 Gold, 2327, 2511,2667. 2800, 2941, 3072.3224. Daily Record of Volume Samuel Montagu & Co.'s Weekly Cir- of Sales in Stocks cular Thereon. See English Gold and Sil- 3381,3525. 3687 and Bonds__1905. 2049, 2188, 2324. ver Markets. Pittsburgh Stock Exchange—Weekly Range 2486. 2641, 2774,2915.3046.3196,3351, of Prices-1932, 2074, 2215, 2351, 2668. 2778. 2942. 2510. 3494, 3656 Tmports and Exports at New York, Mer- 3072, 3224. 3381, 3526. 3687 Breadstuffs, Weekly Report of Receipts at 1 chandise, Western Lake & River Porte. Gold and Silver. Monthly Re- ailroad Earnings, .1970, 2115, turns. See Foreign Trade of NewYork. Gross and Net. Weekly 2257. 2393. 2564, 2708. 2850, 2985, 3120, R and Monthly-1939, 2083, 2222, 2358, 3272. 3428.3570, 3731 T os Angeles Stock Exchange— 2518, 2676,2809, 2950,3081. 3234, 3391, British Consol and Government Securities, L.Weekly 3534. Daily Prices. See Range of Prices for Stocks and Qt. Louis Stock 3696 English Financial Mar- Bonds Sold on the Exchange-3073. Exchange—Weekly Range kets. 3226, • of Price of Stocics_1932, 2075. 2216. 3382. 3527. 3688 2351, motional Banks, Report of Condition 2512,2669, 2801, 2918, 3049. 3225, anadian Bank Clearings_ _1908. Under 2050, 11 Call of Comptroller of Currency 3354 San 3383, 3526. 3688 C 2190,2326,2487. 2645, 2775,2916,3047, National Bank Notes, Francisco Stock Exchange—Weekly 3199, Monthly Changes in, Range of Prices of 3353. 3495,3657 &c 2191. 2778. Stocks--1932. 2075, Chicago Stock Exchange. Weekly Rage of National 3355 2215, 2352, 2512, 2669, 2778. 2942, 3072. Prices of Stocks_ _1930. Banks (Commercial & Miscellaneous 2076. 2213. 2349. News) Organized. Converted. &c., from 3226. 3382, 3527.3689 2509. 2667. 2802, 2942, 3074, 3227. 338 . Weekly Returns Silver—Daily Price of, in London and New of Comptroller of the Cur- York. See English 3524, 3686 rency-1909, 2052, 2192. 2327. 2489, 2646, Financial Markets. Cincinnati Stock Exchange, Weekly Range of 2779, Exports and Imports at New York. See Prices _1931. 207 2919. 3049. 3201. 3356, 3497. 3658 Foreign Trade , 2215, 2351, 2488,' New York City Banks and Trust Company at New York. 2669, 2801. 2941, 3072. 3225. 3381, 3526, 3688 Stocks. Weekly Circular Thereon of Samuel Mon- Cleveland Stock Exchange Prices of--1916, 2060, 2199. 2335, tagu & Co.of London., Weekly Range of 2495, 2653. 2786, 2927, 3058, 3210. See English Gold Prices_ _1931, 2074,2214. 2350, 2511, 2668, 3352. and Sliver Markets. 2800, 3494. 3672 Sundry Securities—Weekly 2918, 3072, 3224, 3382, 3525, 3687 New York City Realty and Surety Bid and Asked Stocks, Prices-1938. 2082, 2221. 2357. ividends Weekly Record of Bid and Asked Prices, 2517, 2675. Declared Each Week by Ran- 1916, 2060. 2199. 2335. 2808, 2949, 3080. 3233.3390, 3533, 3695 D roads, Public Utilities, Industrial 2495, 2653. 2786, porations, Cor- 2927, 3058. 3196. 3367, 3510, 3656 Banks, &c _1910, 2053, 2192, New York City Clearing T Tatted States—Debt(Monthly) Preliminary 328, 2489. 2647. 2779, 2920, House Banks and U Returns Showing 3050, 3202, Trust Companies. Detailed Weekly State- Gross Debt--2052, 3357, 3499, 3660 ment...1913, 2057. 2196, 2332. 2492.2650, Debt (Monthly)—Final 2777, 3355 2783, 2924,3055. 3207, 3364, Returns Showing lectric Railway and Other Public Utility 3507. 3669 Net Debt 2191, E Gross New York City Imports and Exports. Mer- 2327, 2777. 3658 and Net Earnings..1941, 2083. chandise, Gold and Government Revenues and Expenditures 2222. 2359, 2520. 2676. 2809. 2950, Silver, Monthly Re- (Monthly) 3083, turns. See Foreign Trade of New York. 2052. 2776 3355 3235, 3381. 3534, 3697 New York Curb Liberty Loan Bonds and Treasury Certifi- English Financial Markets, per Cable. Market— cates. Daily Transactions .1905. Daily Record of Volume of Sales in Stocks on New York 2051. 2189. 2325.2488, 2646, 2778. 2915, and Bonds Stock Exchange...1916. 2060,2199. 2335, 3046. 3200, 3352. -1905, 2051, 2189, 2325, 2495, 2653, 2786, 2927, English Gold and 3493, 3658 2488, 2642. 2776.2917,3048.3196. 3352, 3058.3210,367, Silver Markets—Weekly 3510. 3672 Letter of Sanuel Montagu & Co. of 3494. 3656 Treasury Cash and don_2051. Lon- Weekly Range of Prices-1933,2077, 2216, Current Liabilities 2189, 2325. 2485, 2642, 2776. 2352, 2512. 2670. (Monthly) 2051, 2777. 3354 2917.3048.3200. 3352.3496.3658 2803, 2944, 3075, Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness. Exports and Imports at New York, 3228. 3385, 3528. 3690 &c., Merchan- Weekly Review of Market Quotations for. 2060, 2199, 2335. dise. Gold and Silver, Monthly Returns. -1905, 2051, 2495, 2653, 2786. 2927.3058.3196.3367. See Foreign Trade of New York. 2189, 2324, 2488, 2641,2776. 2917,3048, 3196, 3351, 3510. 3656 3494,3656 Treasury Money Holdings— —2052. 2777,3355

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis [Vol,: 127-PART 2. XIV INDEX

COMMERCIAL EPITOME, COTTON, BREADSTUFFS AND DRY GOODS Page. Page. Page. of, from Week to Re- Cotton- ricean Freights, Course readatuffs Market-Elaborate Weekly Week, with Rates and Shipping Con- the Flour and Grain Markets, Orient Cotton Market Prospects 2706 B view of by Cable and Telegraph ditions. See Commercial Epitome. with Price Records and Crop Movements, Weekly Statistics for All Kinds of Oil. 2850, Covering the Cotton Movements in all Oils, Quotations Weekly 1970. 2115, 2257. 2393, 2564, 2708, See Commercial Epitome. 2985,,3120, 3272, 3428, 3570,3731 Parts of the World, Receipts, Stocks, Supply, Overland Movement, Visible Market Report, with See Grain. Shipping News, Crop and Weather Re- Com- rvereals. ports, with a Review of Trading on the P4- Statistics of Production, &c. See oal Prices-Market Conditions. See Com- Epitome. Epitome. New York Cotton Exchange and Rec- mercial mercial 2252, Pig Iron Market-Weekly Review. See Com- Coffee-Influences Bearing on the Market, ords of Prices, &c_1966, 2109, Relating Thereto. 2388, 2560, 2703. 2846, 2981, 3116, mercial Epitome. with Statistical Data 3726 Pork-Course of Market Each Week. See See Commercial Epitome. 3268, 3423, 3565, Review of the Commercial Epitome. Commercial Epitome-Weekly Report Provisions Market. See Commercial Epitome. Commercial Markets .1963 2107. 2250, ry Goods Trade-Comprehensive Each Week on the Conditions Prevailing 2386, 2557, 2701, 2843, 2978. 3113, 3265, D Outline of Market, with 3420, 3563,3724 in This Trade_ _1972. 2117. 2259, 2395, Dubber-Weekly 3122. 3274, 3430, 1.A. Prices, &c. See Commercial Epitome. Copper--Weekly Report on Conditions and 2566, 2711, 2852, 2987, Epitome. 3572, 3733 Course of Prices. See Commercial Qteel-Weekly Report on Course and Condi- See Grain. of Corn. roreign Grain Crops. See Grain. tion of Market. with Statistical Data Cotton- See Com- Various Kinds. See Commercial Epitome. Dept's U. S. Consolidated urs-Prices of Different Kinds. with Agriculture mercial Epitome. Sugar-Course of Market Each Week, Cotton Report 2112, 2707, 3426 Crop and Other Data. See Com- S. Comments Con- Statistics Agriculture Dept's U. Dept's Report on mercial Epitome. cerning Cotton Report 2113, 2706 rain-U. S. Agriculture New G cereals, &c 2710, 3571 Agriculture Dept., U. S. Finds "'in-Weekly Report of Market and Prices. Estimating Cotton Yield_ _ _3729 Grain-U. S. Agriculture Dept's Report on Method of and Rye 3571 See Commercial Epitome. Agriculture Dept's, U. S. Report on dot- Winter Wheat Conditions Each 2706. 3426 Tobacco-Brief Outline of ton Acreage and Condition_ _2112, Outline Week. See Commercial Epitome. Consumption, &c., Report of wides-Weekly Price Record with Cotton • of Market Conditions. See Commercial Census Bureau 2255, 2849. 3426, 3568 eather Bulletin of Dept. of Agriculture, Cotton Ginning Report_ _2112. 2391. 2707. Epitome. 2565, 2984. 3426. 3568 W 1971, 2116. 2258, 2394. 2710. of Market and Prices Each 2852. 2986 3121, 3273, 3429, 3571, 3732' Cottonseed Oil Production 2255, 3426 Sron-Course in, Week with Statistical Data. See Com- Wheat. See Grain. Cotton Spinning Industry, Activity ▪ Wool-Review of Markets Each Week, with 2391. 2984, 3568 mercial Epitome. London and 2706 Record of Auction Sales in Foreign Cotton Crop Prospects 2113, Australia. See Commercial Epitome. Report 2112, 2848 • ard-Range of Prices and Weekly Market Georgia Cotton Commercial Epitome. Indian Cotton Crop Estimate 2984 Report. See Prices. 2113 Lead-Weekly Receipt of Course of Market inc-Weekly Report on Market North Carolina Cotton Report Z See Commercial Epitome. Oklahoma Cotton Report 2113 See Commercial Epitome.

RAILROADS AND INDUSTRIALS-INVESTMENT INTELLIGENCE Annual Reports are Indexed in Black-faced Figures Pace Page. Paco. 3707 American Window Glass Co 2368 41,,,N1 & Paper Co., Ltd 2091, American Cynamid Co 3248, 2368 Power Department Stores Corp..- -1950, American Window Glass Machine Co It 2230,2230. 3543 American Inc 1950, 2368, 2532 1949, 2091, 2092, 2531, 2822, 3092. 3248, 3543, 3707 American Writing Paper Co. Abraham & Straus, Inc ______2531, 3248 American Zinc Lead & Smelting Co 2368 2367, 2821. 3543 American Druggists Syndicate Post 2230 American Eagle Aircraft Corp....2092. 2368, 3400 Amero Construction Co (Consolidated Acme Glass Co 2231 Office Stations) 2094 Steel Co 2958 American Electric Securities Corp Post Acme American Enameled Products Co 3092 Amero Construction Co. (Pittsburg Acoustic Products Co -- - _1949. 2387,2530,3248 Office-East Liberty Station) 1959 Acushnet Mills 2686, 3092 American Encaustic Tiling Co., Ltd- -2687. 2231 2091, 3543 3092, 3707 Amoskeag Co Adams Millis Corp 3400 Anaconda Copper Mining Co 1950, Admiral Apts 3248 American Enka Corp • 3707 3538 American Equitable Assurance Co 2092 2368, 2687. Adriatic Electric Co 2531 Anchor Cap Corp 3543 Aero Corp of California, Inc 3399 American European Securities Co 3400 3092 American & Foreign Power Co. Inc_ _1943, Anchor Post Fence Co 2822, Aeromarine Klemm Corp Light & 2954 Corp 2091, 2367 1944, 2086. 3538 Anchorage Power Co Aero Underwriters 1950, 2092, Andes Copper Mining Co_1950, 2092, 2533, 2687 Aetna Fire Insurance Co 2821 American Founders Corp 3249 Co 3707 2231, 3400, 3543 Andes Development Co Aetna-Standard Engineering 1950 Anglo American Corp of So. Africa. Ltd Ahumada Lead Co 2822 American Founders Trust 3707 2686, 2958 American Gas Co ______-3394 2231. 2533, 3249, 3544, Air Investors, Inc -2086,3241, 3394 Anglo American Holding Corn 3708 Air Reduction Co., Inc 2230, 2367. 2822 American Gas & Electric Co______- 3708 Corp 2091. American Gas Machine Co., Inc 2532 Anglo American Oil Co., Ltd Air-Way Electric Appliance -2822. 2958 Anglo-Chilean Consolidated Nitrate Corp 2686. 2958, 3543 American General Securities Corp- 2231, 2959 Southern R.It-- -- -2680. 3537 American Glanzstinf Corp 3092 Alabama Great Co 3707 Anglo National Corp 3400 Alabama Power Co 2083. 2520. 3083 American-Hawaiian Steamship 2368, 2822 1944, 2086, American Hide & Leather Co 2687 Anglo Persian Oil Co. Ltd Alabama Water Service Co 3093 Annapolis Dairy Products Co 3401 2814, 2954, 3538 American Home Mortgage Co 2822, 3093 R. It. 2680 American Ice Co 2687, 3707 Apollo Magneto Corp Alabama & Western Florida 2231 Appalachian Electric Power Co 2364 Alameda Investment Co 3400 American International Corp 3708 Co 2091. 2822 American-La France & Foamite Corn 2822 Appleton Co Alaska Juneau Gold Mining 3543 Apponaug & Co 2092 Alabama Braid Corp 3707 American Life Insurance Co 2952 2530,2822 American Light & Traction Co 2086, 2814 Arcade & Attica R. R. Albany Perforated Wrapping Paper Co Archer Midland Co 2533, 3401 Co., Ltd 2230 American Linen Co 3093 Daniels Alberta Pacific Grain Empire Corp 2532 Argo Oil Co 2959 Alden Park Manor 2822 American London & 2226 2230 American Machine & Foundry Co 2387 Arizona Power Co Aldred Investment Trust 3093 Arkansas Power & Light Co 1945, Cawing & Mfg. Co 2530 American Maracaibo Co Alemite Die 2811 American Metal Co., Ltd 2532 2954. 3241. 3397 Algoma Central & Hudson Bay By 3707 Arlington Apts., Inc 2959 All America Cables,Inc 2954 American Meter Co 2959 2812 American Milling Co 2958 Armour & Co Algoma Central Terminals, Ltd 2811, 3543 Armour Works, Inc 3544 Corp 2367. 3248 American Mine Owners Casualty Co Fertilizer All American Mohawk Transportation Co 2822 Armstrong Cork Co 3249 Alice (Thomas) Corp 2686 American Motor 2092, 3093 2954, 3538 American Multigraph Co 2532 Arnold Bros., Ltd Allegheny G..s Corp Gas Corp 2083, 2815 Arnold Constable Corp 2092 (S. L.)& Co.,Inc 3400 American Natural 2687 Allen 3707 American Phenix Corp 1950. 2532, 2687 Artloom Corp Allerton Corp Co 2822 Art Metal Construction Co 2687 Alles & Fisher. Inc 1949. 3092 American Plano 2388 1950. 2230 American Pipe & Construction Co 2815 Art Metal Works, Inc Alliance Investment Corp Service Co 2822. 3400 Arundel Corp 2687 Alliance Realty Co 3707 American Pneumatic 3238 2531 American Pnver & Light Co 2682. Asherton & Gulf Ry Allied International Investing Corp 2815. 3240. 3703 Associated Breweries of Canada. Ltd-1950, 2959 Motor Industries, Inc 3543 Inc 1950 Allied 3543 American Products Co 2959. 3248 Associated Chain Stores Realty Co, Allied Packers, Inc 1950, 2958, 3400. 2525 Associated Dry Goods Corp 3249 Light Corp 2814 American Public Service Co Allied Power & Railway Express Co 1940, Associated Dyeing & Printing Corp 2959 Allied Products Corp 2091, 3400 American Co....1045. 2086, 1944, 2814 2231. 2520, 3235 Associated Gas & Electric Allied Utilities Corp 2532. 3093 2226, 2524. 2682. 2816. 2954.3241. 3394. 3704 Mfg. Co 2367 American Rayon Products Corp Allis-Chalmers Re-Insurance Co 2368 Associated Electric CO 1945 Drug Stores Corp 2092 American Co 3249 Allison 2092 American Republics Corp 2368 Associated Motor Terminals Alloy Steel Spring & Axle Co 2687 Associated On Co 2231 Co 3543 American Road Machinery Co Alpha Portland Cement Razor Corp 2959. 3093 Associated Public Utilities Co 3395 (B) & Co 1958 American Safety -2226, 3241, 3395 Altman 3537 American Salamandra Corp 3093, 3400 Associated Public Utilities Corp Alton & Southern RR 3248. 3400 Associated Quality Canners, Ltd- ______--2687 Co 2092, 2531 American Seal-Rap Corp Altorfer Brothers American Seating Co 2959 Associated Rayon Corp 2959. 3093. 3544 Aluminum Cleaner Corp 2092 Santa Fe Ry 2085, 3543. 3707 American Shipbuilding Co 2368 Atchison, Topeka & Aluminum Goads Mfg. Co Fountain Co 2959 2523, 2680, 2812. 3238. 3701 Silk Corp 3248, 3400 American Soda Co 3094 Amalgamated 2230 American Solvents & Chemical Corp_2532, Atlantic Coast Fisheries Ambassador Apartment Hotel 2822. 3093 Atlantic Coast Line Co 2811, 3701 Corp 2531 2361. 2680, Amerada 2822 American Smelting & Refining Co__ _1942, Atlantic Coast Line R. It American Aggregates Corp 1950. 2092. 2231, 2368,3400, 3707 2812, 3238, 3393 American Alliance Investing Corp-- -2092, 2686 Gas Co 2226 251, 2958 American Snuff Co 3248 Atlantic American Panic Note Co Public Service Co-.._..1945, Atlantic Gulf & West Indies Steamship Lines -Business Shares Corp_1950, 2+67 American States 2521, 2823. 3083, 3397 American Basic 3248 2384, 2682, 3394, 3539. 3703 American Beverage Co Securities Corp 2334, Atlantic Ice Manufacturing Co 1951 Beet Sugar Co 2230 American States Co 2092 American 3707 2682, 2815, 3087, 3241,3704 Atlantic Mortgage American Bondholders & Share Corp 2387 Atlantic & Northwestern R. It. 2085 Corp 2367. 2686 American Steel Foundries Corp. American Bosch Magneto American Stores Co 2231. 2532 Atlantic & Pacific International 1951, American British & Continental Corp.. _2531, 2093, 2959, 3249 2688, 3400 American Sugar Refining Co 3249 Sumatra Tobacco Corp-___1942, Atlantic Public Utilities Inc-- -2682, 2816, 3241 American Brown Boveri Corp 2230, 2958 American Refining Co 2231, 2368, 2533, 2823 2686,3092 2368, 2822 Atlantic American Can Co American Superpower Corp_ 2682, 2815,3394 Atlantic Refining Co 2368 American Car & Foundry Co 3400 Diesel Engine Co-2368, 2823. 3094 2230, 2686 American Surety Co of N. Y. 2368, 3543 Atlas Imperial American Chicle Co & Telegraph Co-2226, Atlas Plywood Corp 2093. 2959 American Chinaware Co 3248 American Telephone 3543 2364. 3088. 3391, 3394, 3539 Atlas Steel Corp 3249 American Cigar Co Co Atlas Stores Corn 2959 Inc.-2822, 3248, 3400 American Thermos Bottle 3093 American Cirrus Engines, American Thread Co 2532 Atlas Tack Corp 2533, 2687 American Cities Power & Light Corp-2681, 2814 Automobile Co_ _2231, 2369, 2687, County- _..2958 American Title & Guaranty Co 3400 Auburn American Coal Co. of Allegheny Tobacco Co 3543 2823, 2959. 3094, 3401, 3644.370& American Colonial Corp 3707 American 2531 American 1;yue Founders Co 2678 Austin Nichols & Co, Inc 2959^ American Colortype Corp 2230, Automatic Electric Washer Co., Inc 2231 Alcohol Corp_1950, 2092 American Utilities o. 2525 American Commercial American Vitrified Products Co 3707 Automatic Washer Co 3401 American Commonwealth P nver Corp. Autosales Corp 3401 2682. 2814, 3087, 32401, 3703 American Water Works & Electric Co.. Inc 2086. 2364. 2524 2364, 2809, 2815, 3088. 3235, 3704 Auto Strop Safety Razor Co., Inc 2231 American Community Power Co 1944 1941,

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OCT.-DEc.; 1928.] INDEX XV

Page. - Page. Page. Automotive Investments, Inc 2959 Building Products, Ltd Avon 3545 Chicago Rock Island & Gulf Ry 2226, 2362 River Power Co 2816 Burkart (J) Mfg. Co 3708 Chicago St. Paul Minneapolis Aviation Corp of the Americas 1951. Burmah & Omaha Ry. Oil Co., Ltd 1952, 2534 1943. 2812, 2953 2093, 2369, 3401. 3544 Burnrite Coal Briquette Co 2960 Chicago South Shore & Aviation Securities Corp 3401 Burns South Bend KR 3241 Bros 1952, 2960 Chicago Stadium Corp 2535 Burns & Co., Ltd 2093 Chicago Surface tp ac h m ann , Emmerich & Co., Inc_ _ _ _3401. 3544 Lines 3395 Burroughs Adding Machine Co 1952 Chicago Terre Haute & Southeastern Hy_ _ _ _2680 LP Bacicstay Welt Co 2093. 2960 Bush Terminal Co 2534, 2961 Chicago & West Baker Corp 2369 Towns Ry 3704 Butler Bros (Chic) 2370, 3402 Chicago Yellow Cab Co 2535 Balaban & Katz Corp 2960, 3708 Butler Bros (St. Paul, Minn.) 2370 Childs Co Balfour Bldg., Ltd 2231 2094, 2689. 2961, 3403 Butte Copper & Zinc Co 2688 Chile Copper Co 2094. Baltimore Chesapeake & Atlantic By 3238 Butte & Superior Mining Co 2370 Baltimore 2824 Chrysler Bldg.(W. P. Chrysler Bldg Corp). _2233 & Eastern RR 3238 Butterick Co 2961, 3545 Chrysler W.P. Bldg. Corp. Baltimore National Insurance Co 3094 By (Chrysler Blft.)_2233 Products Coke Corp 2232, 2961. 3095 Chrysler Corp 2961 Baltimore & Ohio It. It. 2680, 3238 Byers (a. m.) Co 2535, 2824 Church (C. F.) Mfg. Co Bancitaly Corp 1951 Byers Machine Co 3095 Bangor Hydro. Electric Co 3708 Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co 2525 3083 Cincinnati New Orleans & Texas Pacific Ry_2953 Bank of Hollywood Bldg. (Hollywood Cen- algary Power Co., Ltd 2226, 2364. tral 2954 Cincinnati Northern RR 2812 Bldg. Corp) 2533 Calhoun Apartments & Club 3708 Cincinnati Union Terminal Co Banker's Bond & Mtge. Co. of Philadelphia_2369 Calhoun 2362 Mills 3250 Cities Service Co__ _2222, 2227, 2683, 2950, Bankers Capital Corp 3094 California Consumers Co 2233, 3708 Bankers Financial Trust 2231, 3708 California 2955, 3088, 3.535. 3539 Co-operative Creamery Co 3250 Cities Service Gas Co 1945 Bankers Natl. Life Insurance Co 3249 California Door Co 3708 Cities Bankers Securities Corp_ _2231, 2369. Service Gas Pipeline Co 1945 2533, Californ'a Oregon Power Co..- -2087. 2816, 3395 Citizens Light Power & Water Co 2960, 3401, 3544 California 2525 Packing Corp 2535 Citizens Necessities Co 3545 Bankers Security Trust Co 3401 California Plantation Cannery, Inc 3402 City Financial Corp Bankinstacks Holding Corp_ _ _.2369. 2823, 3401 California Water Service Co. 1952. 2371 Barcelona Traction, Light & 1995. 2525, City Ice & Fuel Co 2093. 2234. 2371, 3096 Power Co., Ltd. 2816. 2954, 3395 City Machine & Tool Co 2521. 3083 Callahan 2826, 2961. 3403 Zinc-Lead Co 3095 City Mfg. Co. of New Bedford 1952, 2234 Barker Bros. Corp 2369 Calumet & Arizona Mining Co- -1952, Barnet Leather Co 2688, City Radio Stores Inc----- ______3096, 3545 2823 2824. 2961, 3402 City Stores Co _- Barnsdall Corp- - - _1951. 2687. 3249, 3401, 3544 Calumet 2371, 3251. 3493, 3445 & Hecht Consol. Copper Co__2232, 2535 Clotting Inc 2234. Basic Utilities Corp 2954. 3539 Camaguey Sugar Co 2824 Bastian-Blessing Co 1951 Claremont Investing Corp _ -- _. _2826. 3096 2232. 2369.2960 Campbell Baking Co 3402 Clark Henry Corp (Hotel St.------) Baton itouge Electric Co ' 2222, 2676. 3235 Campbell, Wyant & Cannon Foundry Co., 2541 Bawlf(N.) Grain Co.,Ltd Clarks Ferry Bridge Co ',961 2232 2370. 2535. 2824, 3250 Claude Neon Federal Co Bayuk Cigars, Inc 2232, 2369 Campe Corp 1952 Beach Development Co 2824 Claude Neon Lights Inc_ _ _2371, 2961. 3251. 3545 3708 Canada Bud Breweries, Ltd 2688 Cleveland, Cincinnati. Chicago & St. Beachton Court Apts. (Rogers Park Bldg. Canada Cement Co Louts Corp.) 2370 Ry 2362. 2812 3544 Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc 2233, 2688 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co_ Beacon Oil Co 2369 Canada Northern Power Corp., Ltd _ _2683, 2816 Bean (John) Mfg. Co 2525 Cleveland Southwestern Ry & Light- Co 3241 2960, 3094 Canada Packers, Ltd 2824 Cleveland Stone Co Beardsley & Wolcott Mfg. Co 1951 Canadian Bakeries, Ltd 2689 Beaver Mills 2824 Cleveland Union Terminals Co 3701 3544 Canadian Bank Stocks, Inc 1952 Club Aluminum Utensil Bee-News Publishing Co (Omaha Bee-News) Co_ _ _ _1952, 2094. 3412 Canadian Bronze Co., Ltd 1952, 2370, 3095 2234. 2371.2535. Beech-Nut Packing Co_ _2232, 2369, 2533,2687 Canadian Car & Foundry Co.. Ltd 2826, 3251 Belgian National Rys 2610 Coast Breweries Ltd 3546 2680, 2952, 3701 Canadian Connecticut Cotton Mills, Ltd., Coast Counties Gas & Electric Bell Telephone Co of Pa 2525, 2683, 3539 Co....1945. Aircraft 2961, 3250. 3709 2525, 3241 Bellanca Corp 2687, 2823, 2960 Canadian Dredge & Dock Co.. Ltd 3250 Coastal Airways Bellows Falls Hydro-Electric Corp_ _ Inc 3403 - -___- -2364 Canadian Fairbanks-Morse Co., Ltd 2233 Coca Cola Co 2535, Bendix Corp 2369. 2533, 3094 Canadian Hydro-Electric Corp., 2826, 3403 Bennett Business Ltd_ _2364. 3241 Coca Cola International Corp 3251. 3709 Block 3249 Canadian Industrial Alcohol Co., Ltd. 3250, 3545 Coen Companies Inc Berkshire Cotton Mfg. Co 2687 Canadian Industries, Ltd 2826 Berland Shoe Stores. Inc 2370, 3095 Cohn-Hall-Marx Co 2371, 3251 2093, 2823 Canadian International Corp.. Ltd 3709 Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co 1952, Berlin Elec. Elevated & Underground Ry_ _ -3395 Canadian Locomotive Co., Ltd 2234 Bessemer Limestone & Cement 2093 Collins & Aikman Corp ______1952 Co 3544 Canadian National Rys_ A943, 2225, 2812, Colon Oil Corp Bethlehem Foundry & Machine Co 2232 72-2-3-4, idg9. 3251 Bethlehem Properties, Inc 3238, 3393 Colonial Mtg. Investment 2094 1951 Canadian Pacific Ry -2812 Colonial Motor Coach CO Bethlehem Steel Corp 2369. 3249 Canadian Salt Co., Ltd 3539 p. Bing & Bing, Inc 2370, 2688, 3095 Colonial Utilities Corp 2816 2232 Canadian Woolens, Ltd 2093 Colony Club Corp Bingham Mines Co 2823 Cane Belt RR 2094 Binghamton Eight, Heat & Power 3701 Colorado Fuel & Iron Co 2689 Co._2359. Canton & Carthage RR 2225 Colorado 6: Southern Ry 3088, 3235, 3697. 3704 Cape Breton Electric Co., 2362, 3394 Birmingham Electric Co Ltd_ _2222, 2676, 3391 Columbia Baking Co 3709 1945 Capital Administration Co.. Ltd_ _2233. Columbia Gas & Electric Birmingham Selma & Mobile R. R...... _ _ _3537 Corp_ _2816, 3242, 3704 Black 6: Decker Mfg. Co 2370. 3095, 3250,3545 Columbia Graphophone Co. Ltd_2826, 2961, 3251 2369. 3401 Carib Syndicate, Ltd 2093, 2688 Columbia Knitting Mills Blackstone Valley Gas & ElectricCo Carolina Power 2961 —2083. & Light Co_2359. 2683. 3391 Columbia Match Co of Canada Ltd 3234 2676. 3236 Carreras, Ltd 3545 Columbia River-Longview Bridge Manner's (Specialty Store) 2960, 3249, 3401 Carroll Foundry & Machine Co....2535. 2961 Blaw Knox Co Co 2233 Columbia River Packers Association Inc__ _ _ 2826 2369, 3094, 3544 Casein Co. of America 2688 Columbia Steel Corp Bliss (E. W.) Co 3544 Catelli Macaroni Products Corp 3096 Bloomsburg & Sullivan R. R. 2233 Columbian Carbon Co 2094, 2826,2961 2812 Caterpillar Tractor Co_ _2535. 2688. 3251, 3402 Columbus Auto Blue Diamond Co 2232 Ce Co Mfg. Co Parts Co 3515 Blumenthal (Sidney) & 2233, 3402 Columbus Delaware & Marion Electric CO., Inc 2370, Celanese Corp. of America__ _ _ _2535, 2961, 3709 Co_ _3242 2533, Columbus Electric & Power Co- -2222, 2676. 3391 3401, 3544 Celite Co 3095 Columbus Railway. Power Boeing Airplane Co 2533 Celotex Co- -2233. 2688, 2825, & Light Co 2683 Boeing Airplane Transport 2961, 3095, Commercial Credit Co 2371, 2536, & Corp_ _ —2533, 2351. 3402. 3545 2826. 3249, 3544 Central AcruirreAssociates 2961. 3096, 3251, 3546,3709 Bohn Aluminum & Brass Corp 3402. 3709 Commercial Investment Trust Corp_ _1952, 3249, 3402 Central Aguirre Sugar Co.2688, 3393, 3662, 3700 2234. 2536. Bolivia Ry------2952 Central Airport Inc 2689, 2827, 3096, 3251,3709 Bon Am! Co 2093 Commercial Solvents Corp 2234, ------2688 Central Alloy Steel Corp 2233, 2981 Commonwealth 2536 Bond & Share Co., Ltd 3249 Central American Mines Inc Casualty Co 1952 Book Washington Boulevard Bldgs. 2961 Commonwealth Edison Co 2525. 3539 (J. B. Central American Power Corp 2528 Commonwealth Insurance Book, Jr., Corp.) 2232 Central Argentine Ry. Ltd Co.of N. Y_2536. 2827 Book O. B.) Jr. Corp. (Book 2812 Commonwealth Power Corn_ _ Washington Central Brass & Fixture Co 3545 _2087, 2222, Boulevard Bides.) 2232 Central Hudson Gas & Electric 2227, 2817. 2950, 3539 Booth (F. Co., Inc Corp 2954 Commonwealth Utilities Corp E.) & 3402 Central Illinois Light Co_ _2222, 3083, 3242 Booth Cotton Mills------_ 3697 Comunity Power & Light Co 2359. 2950 ______-3545 Central Illinois Public Service Co 2525, 2954 Comunity Telephone Borden Co 1951. 2823, 3708 Central Maine Power Co Co 1945 Borden (Richard) Mfg. Co 2816. 3088 Compania Hispano Americana de Electridad 3094 Central National Corn 3402 S. A. Border City Mfg. Co 3094 Central Pacific Ry ("Chade") 1945, 2087, 2227. 3539 Borg Ez Beck Co. (of Illinois 3701 Conde Nast Publications Inc 2235, 2536 3545 Central Power Co 2525 Condon Kinzua & Boni Warner Corp 1951, 2534, 3094 Central Power & Light Co Southern RR 1943 Boring's (James) Travel Service, 2528 Congregation of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Inc 3708 Central Ohio Steel Products Co 2689 curium Boston Elevated Ry. 2222, 2359, 2816. 3083, 3241 Central RR.of New Jersey 1952 Boston Insurance Co 3537 Congress Cigar Co. Inc 2234, 3096 2960 Central & South West Utilities Co 2525 Connecticut Coke Boston & Maine R. It 2812 Central States Electric Co Co 1946 Boston Revere Beach & Lynn It. R 2816 Connecticut Light & Power Co 2680 Central States Electric Corp- -2087. 2525, 2087 Boston Worcester & N. Y. Street Ry. _2525, 2683 Connecticut Valley Lumber Co 2961 Boston Woven Hose & Rubber Co 2683, 3241 Consolidated Automatic Merchandising 2232 Central States Power & Light Corp 3088 Corp Botany Consolidated Mills Inc. 3402 Central States Utilities Corp 2094, 2827,3096 Bourne Mills 2087 Cigar CorpConsolidated 2690 2687 Central Telephone Co 3241 Consolidated Hairy Bower Roller Bearing Co 2534 Central & Texas Gulf Ry Products Co Inc 2689 Bower (S. F.) & Co 2362 Consolidated Film Industries Inc 2827 1951 Central Vermont Ry 2225 Consolidated Boyd Theatre 2823 Central West Public Service Food Products Ltd 3096 Boyishform Corp Co 2525 Consolidated Gas Co. of N. Y 1952 Central Co 2233 Consolidated 2364 Brantford Cordage Co., Ltd e2960 Century Ribbon Mills Inc Gas, Electric Light & Power Co. Brazilian Traction, Light & Power 2370 of Baltimore Co.. Ltd. Certain-Teed Products Corp 2689, 3251 2683 2222. 2226, 2950 Certo Corp Consolidated Gas Utilities Co_ _2087, 2364, Brewer (C) & Co. Ltd 2233, 2961 2525, 2683, 2817,2955. 2960 Cespedes Sugar Co 3709 Consolidated 3539 Briggs Mfg. Co 2823 Cessna Aircraft Co Indemnity & Insurance Co Bright Star Electric Co 3095 2690, 2827 3545 Chain Stores Investment Corp 3095 Consolidated Brillo Mfg., Co 3250 Chain Stores Stocks Inc Instrument Co of America Inc._ 2371 Bristol Mfg. Corp 3251, 3403 Consolidated Laundries Corp... _2536, 2960 Chain Stores Terminals Inc 2825 2690. 3903 Bristol-Myers Corp 3250 Consolidated Lead & Zinc Co 1953, 3709 Tobacco Chance Vought Corp 3545 Consolidated British American Co.. Ltd- - -2232. Chandler-Cleveland Motors Corp Mining & Smelting Co.of Cana- • 2688, 3402. 3709 da Ltd 2094,2690, 3546 3545 Chanslor Lyon Co 3402 Consolidated British Type Investors, Inc 2534 Chanslor & Lyon Stores Inc Paper Box Co 2827 13randtien & Kluge Inc 3095 Consolidated Post Office Stations (Amero 3708 Chapman Ice Cream Co 2233 Broad River Power Co 235,. 3698 Charts Construction Co.) 2094 Corp 2233 Consolidated RR. Broadway Garage, Inc 2823 Charleston & Western Carolina Ry of Cuba 2680. 2953 Brooklyn City Railroad_ _2222, 2809. 3086 Consolidated Retail Stores Inc_ _2094, 2816, 3241 Chartered Investors Inc 3709 2827. Brooklyn Edison Co 2226 Chatham Mfg. Co 2961, 3403 Brooklyn Manhattan Transit Corp_ 3545 Consolidated Theatres Corp _2226, Checker Cab Mfg. Corp_ _2093, 2689. 3251 2359. 2950. 3395 2825, Consolidated Utilities Co 3704 Brooklyn Properties Corp 2961. 3709 Consolidated Water Power & Paper Co 1952 Chemical Industries Corp 2825, 3251 Consumers 3704 Brooklyn Union Gas Co 3704 Cherry-Burrel Corp Brewing Co. of N.Y. Ltd 3709 Brooksville & Inverness Ry 2225 2370, 2825 Consumers Gas Co.of Toronto Chesapeake Corp 2226 Consumers 3083 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Securi Chesapeake & Ohio Glass Co. Ltd 3446 ties Ry 2953, 3238, 3701 Consumers Power Co.. _ _2360. Corp of N. Y 3708 Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. of W. 2364, 2950. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Securi- Va 3242. 3697 ties Corp of Pa 3708 2683 Container Corp of Americal953. 2536, Chesebrough Mfg. Co. Consol----- ______2825 Continental American 2827. 3251 Brown Shoe Co., Inc 2952 Chester Water Service Co Bank Shares Corp_ _ _ _2690 Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp 2093 2087, 2525. 3241 Continental Baking Corp Chevrolet Motor Co 195 Continental Can Co. 2690 Bruck Silk Mills, Ltd 3095 Chicago Indianapolis de Louisville Ry Inc_2234, 2536, 2961, Brunswick Terminal & Railway Securities Chicago 3393 3096, Junction RV 3537 Continental Dept. Stores 3709 Co 2232. 2370, 2534, 2688, 3250 Chicago Mill & Lumber Inc Budd (Ed. G.) Mfg. Co 1952, 2823 Corp 2825, 2961 Continental Gas & Electric Corp Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul & Pacific RR- -2953 Continental Mills 3242 Budd Wheel Co 2824. 3250 Chicago Motoramp Garages Inc. 2327 Buffalo Insurance Co 3545 (North Loop Continental Oil Co Motoramn Gara ml 2689 Continental Paper & 3709 Buffalo Northwestern R. R 2523 Chicago & Northwestern Ry Bag Corp 403 Buffalo Rochester & Pittsburg 2812. 2953 Continental Securities Corp_ _ _ _ _ Ry. —2085, Chicago Pnuematic Tool Co_ _2370, 3251. 3545 Continental _ _ _ _ _ 3096 2362. 2812, 3393 Chicago States Utilities Inc_29-55-, Produce Terminal Co 3239 Converse Rubber Shoe 3088. 3242 Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mining & Concentrat- Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Co 3403 ing Co Ry_ __ _2226, Conveyancers Title Insurance & 1952, 2688 2953. 3239 Mtg. Co. 1953. 3096

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 127-PART 2. XVI INDEX [VoL.

Page. Page. Page. Coon(W. B.) Co_ 1953 Eisenlohr (Otto) & Bros Inc_ -.2235. 2537. Freeport Texas Co 2373. 3548 Coos Bay Lumber Co 1953 2690, 3404. 3547 Freshman (Chas.) Co.Inc_2236, 2373, 2538, 2963 Copeland Products Inc 2094, 2234, 3546 Electric Boat Co 3404 Fuller (George A.)Co 2097, 2963, 3254 Copper Range Co 3403 Electric Bond & Share Co 3705 Fyr-Fyter Co 3548 Coral Gables Coro 3403 Electric Household Utilities Corp_ _ _ _2828, 3097 Corn Products Refining Co 2536, 3710 Electric Investors Inc 2364, 3540 abriel Snubber Mfg.Co 2691 Cosmopolitan Fire Insurance Co.2094, 2234, 3710 Electric Light & Power Co. of Abington & GMona Signal Oil Co 1955, 2097, 3405 Coty Inc 1953. 2024, 2827. 2961 Rockland 2223, 2676, 3235 Galesburg Coulter-Disc Co 2691, 3405 ()owe Mfg.Corp 2962 Electric Power & Light Corn 2365 Galveston Electric Co 2223, 2677, 3391 Cowlitz Chehalis & Cascade By 3087 Electric Public Utilities Co 2955 Galveston Houston Electric Co 2223 Cox Stores Co.Inc 1953 Electric Storage Co 2962, 3710 2677. 3391 Crandall-Mc Kenzie Henderson Inc 325 Electric Vacuum Cleaner Co 2372, 3547 Galveston Houston Electric By. Co-- -2677, 3392 Credit Alliance Corp 1953. 2827. 2962, 309 Electrical Research Laboratories Inc 1954 Gamewell Co 3548 Crex Carpet Co 2234 Electrographic Corp.2372, 2537, 2690, 2962,3547 Gardner Motor Co_ _2828, 3264, 3405. 3548. 3711 Crowe Manufacturing Corp 2962, 3710 Elgin Clock Co 3547 Gary & Southern Traction Co 2088 Crown Willamette Paper Olo 2827 Elgin National Watch Co 3710 Gas Service Co 2365 Crown Zellerbach Corp_ _ _ _1953, 2234, 2536, Elgin Sweeper Co 2095 Gatineau Power Co 2088, 3540 2690. 2827, 3097. 3252, 3403. 3546 Elk Horn Coal Corp 2235, 2537 Geary Jones Corp 3548 Crum & Forster Insurance Shares Corp 1953 Ellis(W. C.) Bldg. Co 2537 General American Investors Co.Inc 2236 Crystal 011 Refining Corp 1953, 2537, 3097 Elmer Richards Co 3547 General American Tank Car Co 2373. 3098 Cuba Cane Sugar Corp 2810 Elms Hotel Co 2537 General Baking Corp 3254 Cuba Co 2225 El Paso Electric Co 2223, 2676, 3391 General Brock Hotel Co. Ltd 3098 Cuba Distilling Co 2536, 2827 El Paso National Gas Co 3395 General Bronze Corp 2236, 2828 Cuba Northern Rys.Co 2680, 2953 Elyria Iron & Steel Realty Co 2372 General Cable Corp 2538, 2691,3548 Cuba RR.Co 2680 Emerson Land Co 3404 General Carbonic Oo 3405 Cuban American Sugar Co 3700 Emprie Bond & Mtge. Corp- -2372, 2690, 3547 General Cigar Co 2691 Cuban Dominican Sugar Corp 3700 Empire Fire Insurance Co 3404 General Contract Purchase Corp 2373, Cuban Tobacco Co Inc 2962 Empire Gas & Fuel Co 2817. 3395 2538. 2691, 3098 Cudahy Packing Co 3535, 3710 Employers' Group Associates 3547 General Electric Co_2236, 2374, 2963, 3098, Cumberland County Power & Light Co 2955 Emporium Capwell Corp ______. _3097 3254,3405. 3548. 3711 Cumberland Pipe Line Co 2690 Emsco Derrick & Equipment Co-2690. 2828, 3253 General Electric Co of Germany 2538 Cuneo Press Inc 3252' Engineers Public Service Co. Inc_1941. 1946, General Fireproofing Co 2963. 3254 Curtis Mfg. Co 2094, 2234 2088. 2228, 2526,2817. 3083. 3236, General Foundry & Machine Co 2236, Curtis Publishing Co 2536 3243. 3395, 3540 2828, 2963 Curtis Aeroplane & Motor Co. Inc__2254, Equitable Casualty & Surety Co 3097, 3253 General Gas & Electric Corp___2360, 3236, 2371. 2536, 2690, 3252. 3403 Equitable Financial Corp 2828 3243, 3698. 3705 Curtiss Flying Service Inc 1953, 2537. 3252 Equitable Office Bldg. Corp 1954 General Ice Cream Corp__ _ _. _ _2829, 2963. 3098 Curtiss Reid Aircraft Co.Ltd ______3546 Ercole Morelli & C. S. A. (Ercole Morelli General Mills Inc.....1955, 2538, 3099, 3254, Cushman's SODS Inc 2235, 2537, 2690 Electric Mfg.Co.) 2537, 690 3405, 3548,3711 Cutler Hammer Inc 3710 Ercole Marelli Electric Mfg. Co. (Ercole- General Motors Corp 2237. 2374, 2538, Cutler Hammer Mfg.Co 2235, 3710 Marelli & 0.S. A.)______2537 2678, 2692, 3099. 3254, 3406, 3548 Cuyamel Fruit Co 2371 Erie BR 1944. 2362, 2681, 3087 Genaler Outdoor Advertising2963,isi Co 2692 Cypress Petroleum Co 3252 Erskine-Danforth Corp 3097 General Paint Corp 2237, 3711 Esmond Mills 2372 General Public Service Corp.. _ _ _2237, 2692, 3406 airy Dale C,o 2537 Essex & Hudon Gas Co 2955 General Railway Signal Co 2374 Danbury & Bethel Gas & Electric Light Co 1946 Est. RR. Co.of France 2086 General Rayon Co. Ltd ______. _3254 Danbury Power & Transportation Co_ - 1946 Eaton Lodge Apartment Bldg 2962 General Re-Alliance Corp_ _ - - -2963.- 3406. 3711 Davega Inc 1953. 2235, 2690, 3252 Eaton Lodge Inc 3097 General Refractories Co_ -.1955. 2374, 2538, Davenport Hosiery Mills Inc 2371, 3546 Eureka Natural Gas Corp 3710 2829. 3549, 3711 Davidson Co 2095 European Shares Inc 2828 General Surety Co 3549 Davis Drug Stores Corp 2371, 2537 European Mtge. & Investment Corp 3404 General Talking Pictures Corp 1955 Davis Mills 2372 Evans Auto Loading Co. Inc.. -2372, 3097, General Tire Corp. of Canada Ltd 3254 2828 3404, 3710 General Tire & Rubber Co 3712 Davison Chemical Co 1954, General Dayton-Xenia (El.) By 3395 Evans-Wallower Lead Co 2096, 2235,2962 Vendinr Corp 1955 Debenhams Securities Ltd 2235, 2690 Exchange Buffet Corp 3097 General Water Works Corp______. _2228 De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd 3237 General Water Works & Electric Corp_2228, Radio Co.Ltd 2095 Vafnir Bearing Co 1954 2365. 2684.3540 De Forest Crosby Georgia De Forest Phonofilm Corp 1954 A' ageol Motors Co.of California 2372, 3097 -Carolina Electric Co _3243 2235, 2962 Fair Department Store 1955, 2962 Georgia Power Co ______3698 De Forest Radio Co Georgia De Laval Separator Co 2827 Fairbanks Co 2691 Power & Light Co 2526, 2817 Delaware Electric Power Co. of Delaware.. .3539 Fairbanks Morse & Co 2691 German Dye Trust 3254 Delaware Hudson Co 3394 Fairchild,Aviation Corp_ _1954, 2096, 2235, 2372 Germanic Fire Insurance Co. of N. Y_ _2829, Delaware & Hudson RR 3394 Fajardo Sugar Co. of Porto Rico 3536 • 2964. 3099. 3254.3549, 3712 Delaware Lackawanna & Western RR-3239, 3701 Fall River Gas Works Co 2083, 2676, 3236 Germanic Realty Corp 3712 Delaware Power & Light Co 3540 Famous Players Canadian Corp. Ltd_ .2828, 3404 Gesfurel (Germany) 3705 Denver Motor Hotel Co 3547 Fanny Farmer Candy Shops Inc 2372 Gildred Bldg. Co 3406 Denver Tramway Corp 2525 Faust (The)(Midway Hotel 00)______2372 Gillette Safety Razor Co_2097, 2538, 2692, Detroit & Canada Tunnel Co 1954 Federal Fur Dyeing Corp_2372, 2691, 2962. 3253 2964, 3254 Detroit City Service Co 1954 Federal Light & Traction Co_ _2084, 2521. Glass Novelty Co. Bldg 3254 Detroit Edison Co .1948. 2223, 2364. 2951, 2883, 3236, 3243,3540 Gleaner Combine Harvester Corp-2097,2538, 3254 3242, 3535 Federal Mining & Smelting Co 3547 Glendale Lumber Co 1955 Detroit Electric Co 2828 Federal Mogul Corp 2828, 2962. 325.3 Glidden Co 1955, 2374 Detroit Times(Times Publishing Co.) 1954 Federal Mortzaze Co 3710 Globe Insurance Co. of America 2097, 3549 Detroit United Rail say 2227 Federal Motor Truck Co 1955 Globe & Rutzers Fire Insurance Co....2374, 2829 Detroit Socialer Turnverein 2537 Federal Power & Li,dit Co 2817 Gebel (Adfolf) Inc 2539, 2829 Devoe Reynolds Co.Inc 3304 Federal Public Service Corp... 2526, 3395 Golberg (S. M.)Stores Inc 1955 Devonshire Investing Corp 3252 Federal Screw Works 2096 Goldblatt Bros Inc _3406 Diamond Iron Works Inc 2690 Federal Securities Corp 3404 Gold Dust Corp 1955. 2374, 2539 Diamond Match Co 2690, 2828 Federal Telegraph Co.(of Calif.) 2365 Golden Rule Inc. of St. Paul, Minn ___ _3406 Diamond Shoe Corp 3252 Federal Water Service Corp 2228, 2365, Goldman Sachs Trading Corp ______3712 Dictaphone Corp 2690 3395, 3540 Goldsmith (P.) Sons Co 3549 Dictograph Products Co.Inc 1954, 3252 Federated Business Publications, Inc..1955, Goodrich (R. F.) Co 2374 Dictograph Products Corp 1954 2096, 2537 Goodyear Cotton Co. of Canada Ltd ______2692 Diversified Investments, Inc 2228 Federated Cafeterias Inc Goodyear Tiro & Rubber Co- - - -1955, 2237, Diversified Securities Corp 3404 Federated Capital Corp 2235 2539, 3406 Dodge Brothers Inc 1954, 3252 Federated Metals Corp 3710 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. of Canada Ltd_2892 Doehler Die Casting Co 2095 2962 Federated Publications Inc 2963, 3547 Gordon Creek Coal Co 2374 Dome Mines Ltd 1954, 2235, 2690,3252 Ferro-Enameling Co 3404, 3547 Gotham Knitbac Machine Corp 2097, Domestic & Overseas Investing Co. Ltd3097, 3253 Fifth Ave. Bus Securities Corn 3089 2237, 2692,2964 Dominion Bakeries Ltd 2095 51 Fifth Ave. Apt. Bldg.(51 Fifth Ave. Corp.) Gotham Loan Co 3099 Dominion Bridge Co. Ltd 2235, 2962 2235 Gotham Silk Hosiery Co.Inc 2237 Dominion Glass Co 3404 51 Fifth Ave. Corp.(51 Fifth Ave. Apt. Bldg.) Gould Coupler Co 2829 Dominion Rubber Co. Ltd 2690 (Madison2235 Grace Steamship Co 3099 Dominion Steel Corp. Ltd 2084 52d & Madison Ave. Office Bldg. Graham County RR 3239 Dominion Textile Co. Ltd 3710 Corp.) 3097 Graham Paige Motors Corn 2374 Dominion Woollens & Worsted, Ltd 2095 Fidelity Co.of Conn.Inc 3548 Granby Consolidated Mining Smelting & Donner Steel Co 2690 Filene's(Wm.) Sons Co 2691, 3097 Power Co. Ltd 2375. 3255, 3712 Dortmund Municipal Utilities 3243 Finance Co.of Pennsylvania 1955, 2691 Grand Boulevard Iavestment Co.(Marina - Douglas Aircraft Co. Inc 3253, 3547 Finance Service Co 2537 duke Apts.) 2544 Dresser (8. R.) Mfg. Co 3253 Financial & Industrial Securities Corp.3253, Grand (F. W.) 5-10-25c Stores Inc_ _1955, Drug Inc 2690, 3253, 3547, 3710 3404, 3711 2692, 3255, 3549 Dry Ice Corp. of America 3710 Financial Investing Co. of N. Y. Ltd_2235, Grand (F. W.) Properties Corp 3549 Duesenberg Inc 2371 2828. 3097, 3254,3404 Grand Rapids & Indiana Fly 2681 3089 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co 3536 Grand Rapids Metalcraft Corp 2375, 2829 Duke Power Co _3701 Duluth South Shore & Atlantic Ry 2681 First Bohemian Glass Works Ltd .3404 Grand Trunk Western Ry ______Co 2525 First Federal Foreign Investment Trust.2236, (Irani Union Co -2-8-21.-2464, 3549 Duluth Superior Traction 2097 Dunhill International Inc-2537, 2828, 3253. 3254, 3548 Granite City Steel Co 3547 3710 First Holding & Trading Corp 3711 Grant (W.T.) Co 1955, 2237, 2692. 3255 (E. I.) Du Pont de Nemours & Co-...2371, First National Co 3097 Grasselli Chemical Co 2375. 2692. 3255 2962, 3547 First Nat'l. Pictures Inc 2096, 2963 Graybar Electric Co.In 2692 2828, 3549 Du Pont Motors Inc 1954 First Nat'l. Stores Inc-.....2372, 2691, 2828, Graybar Management Corp 2692, Duquesne Light Co 3243, 3540 2963, 3405. 3711 Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea DO 2829 3710 Fisk Rubber Co 1955 Great Consolidated Electric Power Co. Ltd. Durium Products Corp 1966. 3705 Dyersburg Cotton Products Co 2962 Fitchburg Yarn Co 2373 of Japan 5110 Kenwood Apts 2096 Great Falls Power Co 2955 2692 agan-Johnson Steel & Iron Co 2235, 2690 Fleischmann Co _ -2373. 3098 Great Lakes Aircraft Corp 2539, Eagle-Picher Lead Co 3253 Flirt:Mote Co 2096, 2236, 2373, 2538, 2691 Great Lakes & Atlantic Corn 2964 East Coast Utilities Co 3089 Florida East Coast By 2362 Great Northern Iron Ore Properties 2375 Light & Power Co 2683 Florida Power Corp _ _2817 Great Northern R 2226, 2813 East St. Louis Ill.) -1947, 2683 East St. Louis & Suburban Co 2817 Florida Public Service Co 2360. 3238. 3698 Green Mountain tower Corp.-- By.(III.) 2683 Fokker Aircraft Corp. of America ___ _ _ --3254 2817, 2955.'3089 East St. Louis & Suburban 2964 Eastern Massachusetts Street Ry2083, 2817, 3083 Follansbee Brothers Co-1955, 2096, 2538, Greene Cananea Copper Co 2364, 3540 2691, 3098 Greonebaum Sons Investment Co 2692 Eastern Michigan Rys 2228. 2829 Eastern Michigan Toledo RR 2228 Folds-Fischer Food Shops Inc 2538 Greenway Corn 3540 Foote Bros. Gear & Machine Co 3098, 3405 Greenwich Water & Gas Co 2955, 3089 Eastern New jersey Power Co 3243, Indiana 2964 Eastern New York Electric & Gas Co. Inc..- _2088 Foote-Burt Co 3254, 3548, 3711 Greyhound Lines Inc. of 3547 Ford Motor Co 3098, 3548 Griggs, Cooper & Co -2829 Eastern Rolling Mill Co 2964 Eastern Shore Public Service Co 2817 Ford Motor Co Ltd 3254, 3405 Grigsby-Grunow Co ______I217;lii6,titibi. 2828 Formica Insulation Co 2691 Grinnell Mfg. Corn 3255 Eastern Steamship Lines Inc Inc_2097, 2237, 3406 Eastern Texas Electric Co 2223, 2676, 3391 Fort Worth & Denver South Plains Ry 2681 Ground Gripper Shoe Co. Fort Worth Power & Light Co- -2223, 2521, Grover Corp 3712 Eastern Utilities Associates 2088 2364 3391 3085, 3112 Eastern Utilities Investing Corp.1946, 2525, 2817 Fostoria Glass Co 1955 Guantanamo Sugar Co Foundation Co 2963 Guaranteed Mortgage Co. of N. Y 1956 Eastman Kodak Co 2690, 2828, 2962 2375 Easy Washing Machine Co. Ltd______3097 400 Madison Ave. Bldg. (400 Madison Ave. Guardian Assets Corp 1956, Corp.) 2096. 2538 Guardian Fire Assurance Co. of N. Y-2238, Eaton Axle & Spring Co....2235. 2372, 2690, 3710 2693, 3712 Eaton Holding Corp.(360 East 55th St.)...... 2383 400 Madison Ave. Corp. (400 Madison Ave. 2096, 2538 Guardian investors Corp 2238 Economy Laundries Inc 1954 Bldg.) Title & Mortgage Guaranty Co. of Edgewater Beach Hotel Co 2095 Fourth Ave. & 21 St. Bldg.(265 Fourth Ave. Guardian Corp.) 2097 Newark N J 2375 Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of Boston-2364 2521. 3023 Edison Electric Illuminating Co.of Brockton. 4940 East End Avenue Apts. ____ - - - - - ..2236 Gulf Power Co Fox Film Corp 22311, 2963. 3405 Gulf & Sabine River RR 2362 2223, 2676, 3236 3394 Edison General Italian Electric Co 3243 Fox Theatres Corp 3405 Gulf & Ship Island RR Edmonton Dunvegan & British Columbia Ry3394 Franklin Bond & Mtge. Co 3711 Gulf States Sto.1 Co 2375. 2539 Inc Fraser Companies Ltd 2691, 3548 Gulf States Utilities Co 2223, 2677, 3392 Educational Pictures 2690 & Co.Ltd 2964 Electric Auto-Lite Co 2096, 2537. 3517 Freed-Elsemann Radio Corp 9236, 3405 Gurd (Charles)

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Ocr.-Dze., 1928.] INDEX

Pace. Page. Hahan DtDept.i.rSintores, Inc 3406, 3550 International Page. S Business Machines Corp_2830, bor Natl. Bank Bldg 1957 (C. M.. Lamp Co 2539, 3099 2966. 3100, Hail (W. F.) Ling 3256, 3550 Lgo Oil& Transport Corp 2543 Co 2375, 3099, 3550 International Cement Corp 2240, 3256 La Jolla Shores Halle Bros. Co 3550 International Corp 2241 Hamburg Cigar Machinery Co 2693 Lake of the Woods Milling Co.,Ltd.. -2099, 2241 American Line 3099 International Combustion Engineering Corp Lake Hampton (N. H.) Water Works Ontario Power Corp 2365 Co 2955 2240, 2542,3256, 3712 Lake Superior Corp 1957 Handon Boiler Corp 2964 International General Hanna (M. Electric Co 2240. 3712 Lake Superior District Power Co 2817 A.) Co 2238 International Germanic Co., Ltd_ .2240. Lakeview Hanover Fire Insurance Co Bldg.Corp 2833 2375 2968, 3713 Lakewood Engineering Co Happiness Candy Stores, Inc 2964 International Germanic 3552 Harbison Trust Co 2966 Lakey Foundry & Machine Co 3408 -Walker Refractories Co 2375.269 International Havester Co 2542, 3407 La Lasine Hardwood Timber Corp 2829 International,Inc 2099 International Marble Corp 2542 Lambert Co 2378, 3257, 3408 Hardy Coal Co 2238 International Mercantile Marine Co_ -2830. Harlem Valley Electric 3100 Lamson & Sessions Co 3713 Corp 2088 International Milling Co. of Delaware 2542 Lancia Motors of Harrisburg Foundry & Mach. Co.,Inc_2375, 2830 International America,Inc 3408 Harrisburg Mortgage & Investment Co_ 3256 Lane Bryant,Inc______... ______2099. 3409 Rys 1947 International Nickel Co_2376. 2542. 2693, Lane Drug Harrison's Orange Huts, Inc 2964 Stores,Inc. 2241.3101.3257, 3409,3713 2830, 3100, 3256. 3550 Laura Second Candy Shops,Ltd Hart-Carter Co 2238 International Nickel Co. 2378. 2968 Hart & of Canada, Ltd —3550 Laurentide Power CO.,Ltd 3540 Cooley Co 1956 International Paints, Ltd 2830 Lawbeck Hart-Parr Co 1956, 2098, 2539,3550 Corp 2543. 2967 International Paper Co__1958, 2240. 2543. Lawrence Portland Cement Co 2241 Hartford Electric Light Co 1947 2831, 2966, Hartman Corp 3100. 3551 Lawyers Mtge.Co _2241, 2833, 3101, 3552, 3713 -1956, 2238, 2539, 2693, 2964. International Paper Power Co_ _1956, 2831. Lawyers Title 3255, 3407, 3712 & Guaranty Co 3409 2986, 3256, 3551. 3713 Lawyers Westchester Mtge.& Title Co 3552 Hartman Tobacco Co 2964. 3255 International Petroleum Co.. Ltd Hartsville Print & Dye Works 2831 Leavenworth McAllister Realty Corp. (Wil- 1956 International Power Securities Corp_2228, 2679 liam TaylorHotel) 3110 Hathaway Bakeries, Inc 2693 International Printing Ink Corp Havana Docks Corp 2099, 3256 Le Blond-Schacht Truck Co 3409 2375. 3255 International Products Corp _ -1956, 2099, 3256 Legere Co., Havana Electric Ry 2526 International Ltd 3257 Railway 2956 Leggett (Francis H.)& Co 2967 Haverhill Gas Light Co 2223, 3236 International Rys. of Central America_2084, Hawaiian Pineapple Co., Ltd— _2238, Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co 3552 3099. 3255 2226, 2809, 2813, 3537 Lehigh Valley Coal Co Hawthorne Apartments 2964 International Safety Razor 2100 Hayes Body Corp Corp _2240, 2376, 2966 Lehigh Valley Coal Sales Co 2100 -2238, 2375, 2540,2693, 3407 International Silver Co 2376 Lehigh Haygart Corp 2830 International Valley RR 3087 Haytian Superpower Corp 2376, 2966 Lehn & Fink Products Co 2241, 3552 Corp. of America 2098. 2330, 2965 International Telephone & Telegraph Hazel Atlas Glass Co Corp--3396 Leipzig Trade Fair Corp 2378 2693, 3407 Interoceanic Railway of Mexico 1941 Leslie-California Hazeltine Corp 2375. 2536. 2965. Inter-Southern Salt Co 2693, 2833 Heels 3255 Life Insurance Co 2376 Lessing's,Inc 1957 Mining Co 2965 Interstate Department Stores, Inc Helme (George W.) Co 2240, Lexington Water Co 2956 3099 2543, 2966, 3408 Lexington Water Power Henney Motor Co--2238, 2375, 2693. 3099, 3550 Interstate Power Co Co 2228 Hercules Powder Co 2376, 2956 Libbey-Owens Sheet Glass Co_ - -2693, 2952, 3409 2540. 2693.3099 Interstate Public Service Co 2526 Liberty Dairy Hershey Corp 2238, 2830. 3712 Intertype Corp Products Corp 3552 Hershey Chocolate Corp 2240 Life Savers.Inc 3713 2375 Investment Corp. of North America 3408 Liggett (I.,ouis K.)Co Heywood Starter Corp 2/39 Investment Managers Co 2100. 2967 Hires (Charles E.) Co 2966 Lincoln Mtge.& Title Guaranty Co.- - -2378. 2968 3255 Investment Trust Associates 3100 Lincoln Printing Co Hobart Mfg. Co 2376 Investment Trust of N. Y., Inc 2543 Hoe (R.) & Co., Inc 1956 Lincoln Telephone Securities Co 3705 2098, 2239 Investors Equity Co., Inc 3551 Lincoln Telephone & Holland Furnace Co 2540. 2693, 3550 Investors Foundation, Telegraph Co. 3705 Hollinger Inc 3256, 3.551 Lion Oil Refining Co 2378, 2968. 3552 Consolidated Gold Mines, Ltd----3550 Iowa Public Service Co 2365 Hollywood Central Bldg. Corp. (Bank Liquid Carbonic Corp__--1957, 2241, 2543, of Holig- Iowa R.& Light Corp 2684 2968, 3101, 3257, wood Bldg.) 253 Ipswich Mills 3409, 3552, 3713 Holt (Henry) & Co.. Inc 2966 Liquidometer Co.,Inc 2241 3099 Ireland Corp. of America 3408 Liquidometer Corp 2378, 2543. Holyoke Street Railway Co 2817 Iron Fireman Mfg. Co 2894, 3257 Holyoke Water Power Co 2966 Lit Bros 2378. 3409 1947, 2955, 3244 Island Creek Coal Co 2377 Lloyd & Caster, Inc.(Printing Center Bldg.) Home Fire Insurance Co 2540 Italian Gas Co. of Turin -2102 Home Insurance Co 2526 Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance Co- ______- -2968- 2239 Halo Petroleum Corp. of Ame'rica 2240. 2377 Lockheed Aircraft Co 3257, Home Mortgage Co 2965, 3407 3409. 3713 Honey Dew, Ltd Loew's Boston Theatres Co 3253 3255. 3407 Tackson County Light Heat & Power Co _3540 Loew's,Inc 2968, 3636 Honolulu Consolidated 011 Co 3099 •Jackson Motor Shaft Co Honolulu Plantation Co 3256 Loft,Inc 2100, 2694. 3258 2965. 3550 Jacksonville Traction Co 2223, 2677. 3392 Lombard Electric Co Honolulu Rapid Transit Co 2084. 3392 Jaeger Machine Co 3540 Hooker Electrochemical Co 3551 London Tin Syndicate 3101. 3552 3550, 3712 Jamaica Public Service, Ltd —2224. 2677. 3535 Long Bell Lumber Co Hoosac Tunnel & Wilmington RR 2362 Jantzen Knitting Mills 3713 Hope Engineering Co 2377. 3408 Long Bell Lumber Corp 2694 2098 Jeddo Highland Coal Co 2099 Long Island Finance Corp Hope Engineering Supply Co 2098 Jenkins Telvision Corp 2379 Horn & Hardart Co 3256. 3408, 3551 Long Island Lighting Co ..1947. 2089. 2956, 3397 1956. 3255,3712 Jersey Central Power & Light Co 2817 Long Island RR Hormel (Geo. A.) 14 Co 2693. 2830 Jersey Ice Cream Co 2086 Horn' Signal.g Mfg. Co 2099 Lorain Telephone Co 3244 2540 Jewel Tea Co., Inc_ _2377, 2831, 2966, 3257. Lord & Taylor Hoskins Mfg. Co 2541. 3407 2241 Hotel Bellevue Trust 3551, 3713 Los Angeles Gas & Electric Co 2084. 2360 2239 Johns-Manville Corp 2377, 3100 Los Angeles Lumber Products Co Hotel St. George (Clark Henry Corp) 2541 Joint Investors, Inc 2833 Hotel Toronto, Ltd 3257 Louisiana & Arkansas Ry 3702 2239 Joint Securities Corp 3408 Louisiana Oil Refining Corp Hotel Hayes 3255 Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp 2833 Houclaille Corp 2377, 2543 Louisiana Power & Light — --2365. 2956. 3089 2965, 3550. 3712 Joplin & Pittsburg Hy 2956 Louisville Gas & Electric Household Finance Corp 2098, 2376. 3712 Jordan Marsh Co Co. (Del.) Household Products, Inc-1956. 3408 2089. 2817, 3397. 3540 2098, 2541, 2965 Jordan Motor Car Co.,Inc_ _2377, 2543,3100, Louisville Gas & Electric Houston & Brazos Valley Ry 3537 Co. (Ky.) 3397 Houston Electric Co 3257, 3551,3713 Ludington & Northern Ry 2362 3392 Julian & Kokenge Co 2240 Ludlow Mfg. Associates Houston Gas & Fuel Co 3244 Julian Petroleum Corp 2241. 2379 Houston Lighting & Power Co 3408 Ludlum Steel Co 2694 2833. 2968, 35.52 2883. 2955 Luneburg Pwr.,Lgt. & Waterw'ks., Houston Natural Gas Corp 3395, 3540 alamazoo Stove Co Ltd 2365.2956 Houston Oil Co. of 3408 Lynch Glass Machine Co 2694 Texas 2693 Kaministiquia Power Co., Ltd 1947 Howe Sound Co 2376 Kansas City Gas Co Hudson County Gas Co 3244 acAndrews & Forbes Co.2694,3552. 3713 2955 Kansas City Mexico & Orient Ry 2953 acKinnon Steel Corp.,Ltd Hudson & Manhattan RR 2223, 2951, Kansas City 3713 Hudson Motor 3535 Power & Light Co _2360, 2951. Mack Trucks,Inc 2694 Oar Co 2098, 2376 3084, Hudson River Navigation Corp 3698 Macy(R. H) & Co 2241, 2544 2239. 2693. Kansas City Public Service Co--2224, 2951, 3535 Maddux Air Lines Co 2985, 3550, 3712 Kansas City Rys 3101, 3258. 3714 Hudson Valley Ry 2956 Madison 52nd Corp. (52nd & Madison Ave. 3537 Kansas City Southern Ry 1944, 2681 Office Humberstone Shoe Co., Ltd-._1956. Kansas Bldg.) 3097 2376, Electric Power Co 1947 Madison Square Bldg 2379 2965.355 Kansas Natural Gas Co 1947 Madison Square Bldg. Humble 011 & Refining Co Kansas Oklahoma Corp 3552 Hunter Land 3255 & Gulf By 2813 Madison Square Garden Corp.. _2544, 3409. 3552 & Development Co 3407 Karstadt (Rudolph) Inc 2966, 3257, Huntington (Henry E.) Estate of 3408 Magma Copper Co 2379, 3552 Hupp 2830. 2965, 3712 Kaufmann Dept. Stores, Inc 1956 Magnin (J.)& Co Motor Car Corp..._ 1956, 2239, 3099. 3407 (Julius) Kayser & Co 2379 Hutcheson Arms Apartments 3551, 3713 Mahon (R. C.) 2241, 2968 Hydraulic 2965 Keith-Albee-Orpheu.m Corp..1956, 2377. Mahoning Coal R. R. Brake Co 3255. 3407, 3712 2953 HYgrade Food Products Corp 2831, 2967 Main Walker Bldg.. (Texas Bldg. Co.) 2379 -1956, 2693, 2965 Keith Memorial Theatre Corp 2831 Manati Sugar Co ilygrade Lamp Co 2098, 2693, 3255 Keith (Minor C.) Inc 3410, 9700 Hyman-Michaels Co 2831 Manhattan Electrical Supply Co., Inc. 2968.3552 2965 Kellogg Co. of Del 3408 Manhattan Elevated By Kellogg (Spencer) & Sons, 3244 Idaho Power Co Inc 3101 Manhattan Financial Corp 2833 2084, 2521. 3392 Kelly-Springfield Tire Co_ _1956, 2099, 2240, 2693 Manischewitz Ideal Cement Co Kelvinator (B) Co 3714 Ii Progresso Italo-Americano 3407 Corp 2240. 3408 Manitoba Power Co., Ltd 714 Publishing Co., Inc. Kendall Co 3408 Manufacturers By 2376, Kennecott 3087 Ilseder Steel Corp 2693 Copper Corp 2967 Maples Consolidated Mfg. Co 1957 Illinois 2541, 3407 Kent Garage Investing Corp 3713 Marathon Bell Telephone Co 2955, 3392. Kentucky Shoe Co 2544 Illinois Glass Co 3705 Fuel Gas Corp 3089 Marbelite Corp. of America 2694 Illinois Improvement 3407 Kentucky State Telephone Co 3705 Merchant Calculating & Building Corp. (1 LaSalle Kerr Lake Machine Co 2242 St. Building Corp.) Mines,Ltd 1956 Marion Water Co 2089 Illinois 3715 Keystone Aircraft Corp 2240 Maritime Electric Northern Utilities Co 2385, 3244 Keystone Investing Co.'Ltd 3397 Illinois Pipe Line Co Corp 3551 Bros. Theatres, IncMark 2694 2541 Keystone Public Service Co 2684 Illinois Power Co 2223, 3084, Mark (Louis) Shoes, Inc 2544 Ill. Power Light 3698 Keystone Telephone Co 2365 Marke s Stores, Inc & Corp__2084, 2809, 2955, 3535 Keystone Wel ch Case Corp 3552 III. Water Service Co 1947, 2088, 1957, 3713 Market Street Railway-1941, 2089. 2521. Imbrie 2528, 3244 Keystone Water Works Corp 3089 Securities Co., Ltd Keystone Water Works 2526. 2817, 3084, 3397, 3698 Imperial 3099 & Elec. Corp..3089. 3397 Marland Oil CO- -- _2242, 2379. 2544. Oil, Ltd 2693 Key System Transit Co 3410, 3714 Imperial Tobacco Co.of Canada, Ltd 1941, 3236 Marlin-Rockwell Corp 2695, 3410 -2099,3100 Key West Electric Co 2084, 2677, 3392 Marmaduke Income Producing Corp Kidder Acceptance Apts.(Grand Boulevard Invest- Incorporated Equities 3100 Peabody Corp 2099 ment Co.) 2544 Incorporated 3256 Kimberly Clark Corp 2967 Marmon Motor Car Co Investors 2239 King Philips Mills 2242, Independent Oil & Gas Co- 2543. 3257 2544, 2833, 3553, 3714 -2376. 2542. 2965. Kinnear Stores Co 1967, 2693, 3408, 3100. 3256.3407, 3713 Marsh(M) & Son 3258 Indian Refining 3712 Kinney (Abbot)Co 2543 Marti(Hugh A.) Co Co., Inc 2542 Kinney (G. R.) Co., Inc. 2694 Indiana Harbor Belt RR Martin-Parry Corp 2694 Indiana 2813 1957, 2240, 2543, 2693, 3257 Maryland Mtge. Co Hydro Electric Power Co 3244 Klein (D.Emil) 2379. 3553 Indiana Pipe Line Co Co.,Inc 2967 Maryland Mtge. & National Title Co 3553 Indiana Service 3251 Klein (Henry)& Co., Inc 2832 Mason Tire & Rubber Co Clo) 2817. 3244 Klickitat Log & Lumber Co 3553 Indianapolis & Oin nnati Traction Co 2378 Massachusetts Bonding & Insurance Co2380,3663 Industrial 2365 Knickerbocker Ice Co 1957 Massachusetts Fire & Marine Insurance Acceptance Corp 2376, 3100, 3550 Knickerbocker Insurance Co._2695 Industrial Rayon Corp Co.of N.Y 2099 Massachusetts Investors Trust 2100. 2968 Ingersoll-Rand 2239 Knight Sugar Co 2693 Massachusetts Utilities Associate& Co 2542. 3100 Kobacker Stores. _ _ _1947, Inland Steel Co Inc 2693 2817. 3244., 3705 Inland Telephone 2965 Kolster Radio Corp 2543. 2693. 2967 Massey-Harris Co., Ltd Co 1947 Koppers Gas & Coke Co 2695 Inspiration Consolidated Copper Co 1257 Material Service Corp 2695. 3714 Insurance 2966 Kraft-Phenix Cheese Co 2378. 2832. 2967 Matheson Alkali Works,Inc Securities Co., Inc 3100, 3256 Kraft-Phenix 2380 Insuranshares Corp Cheese Corp 2832. 2967, Mavis Bottling Co of America 2380, 2544 Insuranshares 3256 3100, 3408 May Drug Stores Corp Management Co 3256 Kresge Department 2695, 3258 Interborough Rapid Transit Stores. Inc 2240 Mayflower-Old Colony Copper Co 2100 Co_ _2088, 2228, Kresge (8.8.) Co- - --1957. 2240. 2693, Maytag Co 2809, 2951, 3257,3408 2544, 3258 Inter City 2956, 3698 Kress(S. H.)Co 1957. 2099, 2693,3257 McCall Corp Baking Co., Ltd 2239 Kruger & Toll 3409 Intercontinental Airways Corp Co 2241 McCallum Hosiery Co 2694, 3552 3100 Kroger Grocery & Baking Co.. McClintock (0. Interoontinents Power Co 3398 B.) Co 2379 Interlake Steamship Co 2378. 2833, 2967. 3101. 3408, 3551 McCloud River R. R 2681 International 3550 Krupp Nirosta Co.. Inc 2693 McColl. Frontenac Oil Co.. Agricultural Corp 1942 (B.) Kuppenhelmer & Co., Ltd 3101 Inc 3701 McCord Radiator & Mfg, Co 2544

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis [VOL. 127-PART 2. XVIII INDEX

Page. Page. Page. 2244 Stores Corp 1957. 2694, 3258 National Cash Register Co. (Dayton)_ _2969, Northeastern Surety Co McCrory 3410, 3714 Northern California Gas Co 2089, 2228 McIntyre Porcupine Mines, Ltd 2379 Power, Ltd 2527 McKennon Industries, Ltd 3409 National Cash Register Co. (Md.)--2546. Northern Canada 3552 2695. 2834, 2969. 3259. 3410, 3554, 3715 Northern Indiana Public Service Co.._2089, 3541 McKesson & Robbins, Inc 2379, 2968. Power Development Co. McLellan Stores Co 1957, 2694. 3409 National Chain Store Association 2381 Northern Mexico National Dairy Products Corp_ _1958, 2969, Ltd 3706 McManus Steel & Iron Co 2544 ' 1947, 3245 McWilliams Co., Inc 3409 3102,3259,3554,3714 Northern Ohio Power Co 2242, 3258 National Department Stores 1958 Northern Ohio Power & Light Co 2527 Mead Pulp & Paper Co 2100. Lt. & Pr. Co., Ltd 2527 Medical Arts Investment Co. of Dallas National Distillers Products Corp 2695 Northern Ontario National Electric Power Corp 2818 Northern Ontario Power Co., Ltd 2527 (Professional Bldg.) 2102 1944, 2362 Medusa Portland Cement Co 3714 National Enameling & Stamping Co 3411 Northern Pacific Ry National Fabric & Finishing Co., Inc 3411 Northern Pennsylvania Power Co2360, 3237, 3699 Melville Shoe Corp 2100, 2695, 3410 2835 Memphis Natural Gas Co National Family Stores, Inc__2101, 2243. Northern Pipe Line Co 2365.3397 2546, 2969,3259 Northern States Power Co 2089, 2819,3397, 3541 Mengel Co 2544, 3101. 3258. 3410, 3553 2224, 2877, 3392 Mercantile American Realty Co 3258 National Fire Insurance Co 2970, 3715 Northern Texas Electric Co National Fireproofing Co 3715 Northern Texas Utilities Co 2819 Mercantile Mtge. Co 1957 Inc 3090 Merchants Fire Assurance Co 2100 National Grocer Co 2101 Northwest Louisiana Gas Co., Co 3554 Northwestern Illinois Utilities Co 2527 Merchants & Manufacturers Fire Ins 2380 National Gypsum 3702 Mergenthaler Linotype Co 2968 National Hosiery Mills, Ltd 3411 Northwestern Pacific R. R National Investors Corp 3102 Novadel-Agene Corp 2381 Merrimac Chemical Co 3553 Terminals Merrimac Hat Corp 3101 National Liberty Insurance Co. of Amer_ __ _2546 Nova Scotia Public Cold Storage National Metal Corp 2546 Ltd 2836 Merritt-Chapman & Scott, Corp 2968, 3101 2970 Metal & Mining Shares, Inc 2242, 2969 National Oil Products Co., Inc 1958 Norwalk Tire & Rubber Co Metrolpolitan Chain Properties. Ltd 3258 National Postal Buildings, Inc. (Milwaukee Office Service Stations) 2969 akes Products Corp 3715 Metropolitan Chain Stores, Inc 2100, Post 3411 2695. 3101, 3410 National Protective Companies 3715 Oaccidental Petroleum Corp 2836, National Public Service Co 2818 Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd 2244, 3412 Metropolitan Corp of Canada, Ltd______3259 3090 Metropolitan Edison Co 2360, 3237, 3698 National Radiator Corp 2695 Ohio Cities Water Corp National Railways of Mexico 1941, 2813 Ohio Edison Co 2224, 3084, 3699 Metropolitan Ice Co 2544 2819 Metropolitan Paving Brick Co 2833 National Rubber Machinery Co 2381, 2834 Ohio Electric Power Co National Screen Service Corp 3259 Ohio Leather Co 2547, 3555 Metropolitan Royalty Corn 1957. 2833 3411 Metropolitan Title Guaranty Co 2695 National Securities Corp. of California 2834 Ohio River Sand & Gravel Co National Service Companies_ _ _2548, 2695. 2835 Ohio Seamless Tube Co 2547 Mexican Petroleum Co 2544 3245 Mexican Rys. Co., Ltd 2813 National Sugar Refining Co 2695 Ohio Water Service Co 2089, 2527, 2833 National Supply Co.of Delaware 2970,3260 Oil Shares, Inc 3102 Mexican Seaboard Oil Co 2102, 2244 Mexican States Public Service Co., Inc 2955 National Surety Co_ _2101,2243, 2970,3102, 3715 Oilstocks, Ltd National Tea Co 2101, 2695,2835, 3411 Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co_ ...2090, 2819. 3397 Meyer Blanke Co 1957 2366 Michigan Bell Telephone Co 2089 National Tile Co 2243, 2970, 3715 Oklahoma Power Holding Co National Toll Bridge Co 1958 Olcovich Shoe Co 1958 Michigan Central R. B. 2362. 2813 2547 Michigan Copper & Brass Co 1957. National Trade Journals Inc 2970 Old Colony Laundries, Inc 2100, 3410, 3553 National Union Mtge. Co 2101 Omaha Bee-News(Bee -News Publishing Co.) 3412 National Water Works Corp 2366, 2684 Omaha & Council Bluffs St. By ' 2957 Michigan Eleetric.Power Co 2817 3412 Michigan Gas & Electric Co 2526 Nebel (Oscar) Co.,Inc , 3411 O'Neill & Co., Inc Nebraska Electric Power Co 3244 1 LaSalle St. Bldg. (Illinois Improvement Michigan Public Service Co 2818 3715 Michigan It. R 2956, 3705 Nebraska Power Co 2224, 2521,3392 Bldg. Corp) Nedicks Inc 2695 1 West 57 St. Corp Properties 3715 Michigan Steel Corp 2100, 2242, 2380 St. Corp) 2547 Mid-Continent Laundries. Inc.. _2100, 3553, 3714 Nehl Corp__2101. 2243. 2381. 2546.3554. 3715 111 John St. Bldg.(111 John Neisner Bros., Inc_ _1958, 2695. 3102, 3280, 3411 111 John St. Corp (111 John St. Bldg.) 2547 Mid-Continent Petroleum Corp. 2544, 3259, 3714 Bldg. Corp 3103 Middle West Utilities Co 2956, 3397 Nestle-Le Mur Co 2101 175 West Wacker Driver 2362 Nevada-California Electric Corp_ _2360. 3084, 1070 Park Ave., Inc ..3716 Midletown & Unionville R. R. 2838, 2971 Midi R. R. 3239 3705. 3698 1235 Park Avenue Nevada Consol. Copper Co 2381. 2835. 3260 1238 Wabash Avenue Bldg. Corp (Wabash Midland Steel Products Co 2242. 2380, 3410 3108 Midland Utilities Co 2089 Neve Drug Stores, Inc_ _2243, 2546, 3411, 3554 Hotel) 2833 New Bedford Gas & Edison Light Co_ _1941. Ontario Biscuit Co 2244 Midvale Co 2521. 2526. 3084 Oppenheim Collins & Co., Inc 1958 Midway Hotel Co.(The Faust) 2372 2089 Midwest Refining Co 2380. 3553 New Brunswick Light Heat & Power Co_ _ - _2956 Oregon Electric Ry New Cornelia Copper Co 1958. 2695 Oregon-Washington Water Service Co_1947, Milgrim (H.) & Bros., Inc 3553 3245 Miller (I.) & Sons Inc 3833 New England Cities Ice Co 2546 2090, 2819. New England Gas & Electric Association_ __ _3397 Oregon Whitecedar Co Milwaukee Electric Ry. & Light Co 2818 2547 Milwaukee Post Office Service Station New England Investors Shares, Inc ______- _2970 Oriental Development Co., Ltd Postal 2969 New England Oil Refining Co 2101, Osborn Mills, Inc 3718 (National Bldgs., Inc) 2243. 2695. 3715 Otis Co 3412 Minarets & Western Ry 3087 2244 Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co_2380, 3554 New England Power Association 2526, 2818, 3244 Otis Elevator Co New England Power Co 2684 Otis Steel Co 2102, 2381, 2971, 3555 Minneapolis St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry_3394 1958 Minneapolis & St. Louis R. R 2523, 2953 New England Public Co 2956 Overman Cushion Tire Co Minnesota Power & Light Corp. _ _2526 New England Southern Corp 2546 Owen's Bottle Co 2696,3261, 3716 Mississippi Power Co 1511,-26-1-g, 3236 New England Southern Mills 2546 Mississippi River & Bonne Terre Ry 1944 New England Tlephone & Telegraph CO2388, 2527 nacific Coast Biscuit Co 2381 New Haven Water Co 3244 .1- acific Coast Co 2971 Mississippi River Power Co 2818 1958 Missoula Gas & Coke Co 3540 New Jersey Power & Light Co 2360. Pacific Coast Terminals, Ltd Missouri-Illinois It It 1944 3237. 3540.3699 Pacific Finance Corp 2896 New Jersey Shares Corp 3260 Pacific Gas & Electric Co 2819, Missouri-Kansas Pipe Line Co ___ _3259, 3410 3708 Missouri-Kansas-Texas R. R.___-_ _1944. 2226, 2362 New Jersey Zinc Co 2548,2835 2957, 3245. 3397, 3541, Missouri-Kansas Zinc Corp 2545 New Market Mfg. Co 2695 Pacific Lighting Corp_ _ _ _1947, 2527, 2684,2819 New Orleans Public Service. Inc 2084 Pacific Northwest Traction Co 2224, 3392 Missouri Pacific R.R 1944, 2226, 2681. 2953 2244 Missouri State Life Insurance Co 2242, 2695. 3410 2809, 2818. 3244, 3392 Pacific Oil Co 2102, New Orleans Texas & Mexico By 2953 Pacific Power & Light Co 2224, 2521,3392 Mobile & Ohio R. R 3394 3706 Moc, Judson, Voehringer Co., Inc 2380. New River Co 2101 Pacific Public Service Co 2527. 3245, New York Car Wheel Co 2695 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co..- -2957, 3706 2545, 2833,3554 3103 Mohawk Mining Co 2100 New York Central Lines • 2681 3394 Pacific Tin Corp New York Central R. R. 2524, 2813, 3239 Pacific Western Oil Co 2836, 2971 Mohawk Rubber Co 2545, 3102 3103, 3261 Moloney Electric Co 1957 New York Chicago & Pacific Airways__ _ _ - -2695 Pacific Western Oil Corp_2838, 2971. New York Chicago & St. Louis R.R._ _1944, Packard Electric Co 3555 Mond Nickel Co. Ltd 2380 2102, Monmouth Title & Mortgage Guaranty Co_ _2989 2226. 3087, 3239 Packard Motor Car Co New York Dock Co 2380, 2951,3699 2381, 2547, 2896,3716 Monongahela Ry 2681 3412 Monsanto Chemical Works of St. Louis 2545,3102 New York Edison Co 2684, 3089, 3706 Page-Hersey Tubes, Ltd York & Foreign Investing Corp _2101. ',ajar° Valley Consolidated R. R 2362 Montana Power Co 2526 New 3412 Montgomery Ward & Co_ _1957, 2242. 2545, 3280, 3411 Palmer Bros Co York Home Foundation Corp 3554 Palos Verdes Estates 1959 2969, 3259 New 2362 Montreal Light Heat &Power Consolidated_ _1947 New York & Honduras Rosario IVIining Co. Panama R. R 2101. 3111 Pan American Petroleum & Transport Co. Moody's Investors' Service 2833 2102. 2547 Drop Forging Co 3714 New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. Moore 3087. 3239 Pan American Western Petroleum Co 2837 Morehouse-Martens Co 3410 2696 Gardens Inc 2100 New York Power & Light Corp 2360, Panhandle Prod. & Ref. Co Morewood 2366. 2809. 3535 Pantepec Oil Co. of Venezuela 19:9, 2102 Morgan Lithograph Co 1907, 2100 Inc 2244 Morrell (John) & Co., Inc 3102 New York Rapid Transit Corp 3397 Pantex Pressing Machine, New York & Richmond Gas Co 3397 Paraffin° Companies 2102, 2971 Morris (Philip) & Co.,Ltd 3259 2102 Mortgage Co. of Pennsylvania 2969 New York Shipbuilding Corp 2835 Paragon Refining Co New York State Rya 2228 Paramount Cab Mtg. Corp 2547. 2837, 3412 Mortgage Guarantee Building Co 3410 Lasky Corp_2548, 2837, 3416 Mortgage Security Corp. of America 3714 New York Steam Corp ______-3244 Paramount Famous 2242 New York Telephone Co_ _2089, 2366, 3244, 3397 Park Dearborn Apts 2837 North Aircraft Corp 2100, 3554 Park Lane Corp 2971 Mother Lode Coalition Mines Co 3259 New York Title & Mtge. Co 2101, Theatre 2242 New York Transit Co 2243. 2835 Park Lexington Corp ___ -2696 Motion Picture Capital Corp 3244 Park & Tilrord, Inc iiii:.2b7-1.--iili, 3555 Moto Meter Co., Inc 2545 New York Water Service Corp_ 2089. 2527, 2834 New York Westchester & Boston Ry_ _1941. Park & Tilford Retail Stores, Inc 3555 Motor Dealers' Credit Corp 3237 Parke Davis & Co 3412 Motor Products Corp 2545 2521, 3554 Newberry (J. J.) Co.1958, 2835, 3411, 3554, 3715 Parker Pen Co 2971, 3412 Motor Wheel Corp _ _ _ _3554 Parker Young Co 2972 Mount Hope Spinning Co-,.. 2834 Newmont Mining Corp ______- --_ 1957 Newport Co 0101, 3280, 3554 Passwall Corp 2381. 2971, 3412 Mountain States Life Insurance Co Paterson & Passaic Gas & Electric Co 2957 States Power Co_2089,2365.2818,3397 Newton Steel Co 3411 Mountain Power Co 2527 Pathe Exchange, Inc 2972 Mountain States Telephone & Teleg. Co., Niagara Falls Inc.. 2884, 3244 Niagara Share Corp 2089 Patin° Minos & Enterprises Consolld., -2837 2089. R. 3239 Pawtucket Gas Co. of New Jersey_ -2084, Mullins Mfg. Corp_ _2100, 2243. 2380, 2545, Nicholas Fayette & Greenbrier R. 2969, 3102 Nichols Copper Co 2970 2877, 3237 3554 Peerless Motor Car Corp 3261 Municipal Financial Corp 2969 Nickel Holdings Corp 2818 Niles-Bement-Pond Co 3555 Peerless Paper Co 3281 Municipal Service Co 2696 Pelz-Greenstein Co.. Inc 3412 Municipal Service Corp.(N. Y.) 1957, 2969 Noma Electric Corp 3714 Nordberg Mfg. Co 2101 Pender (D.) Grocery Co 2102, Munson Steamship Line 3087 2696, 2837, 3103, 3261, 3781 Murphy C.) Co 1957. 2695,3259 Norfolk Southern R. It (G. 85 Western Ry 2362, 3087 Penick & Ford, Ltd 2381, 2548 Murray Corp. of America_ _1957. 2100, 2545. Norfolk & Power Co 3554. 3714 North American Aviation, Inc ______3260, 3715 Penn Central Light 2819 2834, 2101, 3102 Penn-Mex. Fuel Co 2972 Murray Ohio Mfg. Co 3102 North American Car Corp 1958. 3259 North American Co 2089, Penn-Ohio Edison Co 1947, 2380, Muskegon Motor Specialties Co 3090, 3706 2366, 2684, 2951, 3245, 3397, 3708, 3699 Mutual Industrial Service Inc 1957 2527. 2684, 2818, 2956, North American Edison Co ______- _2818 Penn-Ohio Securities Corp 2229, 3245 2546, 3260 Penney (J. C.)Co., Inc__ _2102, 2696, 3413, 3716 Seaboard & Gulf By 2881 North American Funding Corp- -2243. Maples North American Investment Corp (of Calif.) Pennsylvania Co 2681, 2953 I1 arragansett Apartments 2243 & Coke Corp 1957,2100 2101. 2243, 3102 Pennsylvania Coal 2548 Nash Motors Co 3280 Pennsylvania Dixie Cement Corp 2102, 2244 Nashua Mfg. Co 3714 North American Investors Corp 2102. North American Mining & Smelting Corp- - -3715 Pennsylvania Ohio Power & Light CO------2366 Nassau St. Holding Corp.(Vanderbilt Bldg.), R. R 2554, 3108 North American Water Works Corp 3089 Pennsylvania 2086, 2383, 2524, 3240 North American Water Works & Electric Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co 1959 National Acme Co Pennsylvania Tank Line Co ______- - _ _ -2698 National Air Transport, Inc 1957, 2243 Corp. 3089. 3244, 3397 North Boston Lighting Properties 3540 Peoples Drug Stores Inc 2102, 2696. 3413 National American Co., Inc 3554 Light Coke Co 2969 North Butte Mining Co 2835, 2970 Peoples Gas & 2229. 3706 National Aviation Corp Peoples Light & Power Corp 2366, National Bancservice _2101, 2243, North Carolina Home Insurance Co. of Corp_ Raleigh, N. C 2547 2527, 2957, 3245 2381, 2695 Pepperell Mfg. Co 2548 National Battery Cs 2545 North Carolina Public Service Co 2368, 2818 2101 North Central Texas Oil Co.. Inc_. ______2970 Pere Marquette By 2524 National Bearing Metals Corn Milk o 22,2381, National Bellas Hess Co. Inc_ _1951, 2695, North German Lloyd 2835, 3102, 3261, 3411 Pet 3555 North Loop Motoramp Garage (Chicago Petroleum Industries, Inc 2382, 3716 3259, 3714 Securities Co National Biscuit Co 2243 Motoramp Garage, Inc.) 2689 Petroleum 2837 North Pennsylvania R. R. 2813 Pettibone-Mulliken Co 1959. 2896 National Bond & Mtge. Corp. of Houston, -Dodge Corp Texas 1958, 3714 Northeastern Iowa Power Co 2228 Phelps 2972

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Pa- e. Pan'. Philadelphia Air Terminal, Inc______Reynolds Pave. _3261, 3716 Spring Co 3104 Shubert Theater Corp 2246, 3557 Philadelphia Co 2090. 2819, 3245. 3397 Reynolds (Ft. .J.) Tobacco Co_ _2973. 3262, 3556 Shur-On-Properties Philadelphia Co. Co., Inc - 2383 for Guaranteeing Mort- Rheinelbe Union, Germany 3262 Shur-On-Standard Optical Co.,Inc2383 gages 3716 Rhine Westphalia Electric Power Corp_1948,2684 Siemens & Halske(A. G.) Philadelphia Dairy Products Co., Inc. 1959, Rhode Siemens Schuckert- 2972 Island Ice Co 2549 werke (G. m. b. H.) 3719 Philadelphia Electric Co_ _2090. 2528, 2819, 3245 Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co Sierra Philadelphia 3556 Pacific Electric Co 2224,2677,3393 Insulated Wire Co______3716 Rich Tool Co 2382, 2837,3104 Signode Steel Strapping Co Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co_ _3090, 3245, Richardson 3719 3397 Co 1960 Sikorsky Aviation Corp ______2104 Philadelphia & Western Railway 2224, 2951,' 535 Richfield Oil Co. of Calif...2245, 2523, 2697, 2837 Silver (Isaac)& Brothers Co., Philippe (Louis) Inc 2244. 3413 1=1961, 2698, 3262 2102. Rigney & Co 1960, 2697 Simmons Co 1961, 2838. 3415 Philippine Railway Co 2521, 3237 Rima Steel Corp Simmons-Boardman Publishing Phillips Petroleum Co 2102. 2548, 3103 Rio Corp 3557 Grande Oil Co 3104,3414. 3718 Slmms Petroleum Co 2550 Photomaton Corp of Tex 2244 Ritchie Cut Stone Co. Ltd 2837 Sinclair Crude Oil Producing Piekvrick Corp 2972 Ritter Co 2550 Dental Mfg., Inc 3104, 3414 Singer Mfg. Co 3415 Pie Bakeries of America, Inc 3555 River Resin Paper Co 2383 Skelly Pil Co Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Co 1961, 2383,2838, 3262 2548 Riverside Forge Machine Co 2245 Skouras Bros. Enterprises, Inc 2838 Pierce Governor Co 2244 Roach (Hal) Studios,Inc 2103 Smith Brothers Properties Pierce Petroleum 2551 Corp 2548, 3716 Roan Antelope Copper Mines. Ltd_ __.2838. 3556 Smith Bros. Properties, Inc. (Smith-Young Piggly-Wiggly Corp 2382. 2548 o 2383 Tower ) Piggly-Wiggly Western States Co 2102, Rochester 3415 2972 Central Power Corp 2366 Smith (A. 0.)'Corp 2105, 2247, 3558 Pipe Line Statistics 2382 Rochester Gas & Electric Corp 2229 Smith Incubator Mfg., Corp Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Co Rochester 2105 2102 Mercantile Properties, Inc 2103 Smith (Howard) Paper Mills, Ltd 3415 Pittsburg Brewing Co 2951 Rochester & Pittsburg Coal Co 3556 Smith & Wesson. Inc Pittsburg Hotels 2551 Corp 2382 Rockland Light & Power Co 1948 Smith-Young Tower Bldg (Smith Bros. Pittsburg Investment Securities Corp 3716 Rogers Park Bldg. Corp. (Beachton Court Properties, Inc Pittsburg & Lake Erie R. R 3415 2813 Xpts. 3544 Societa Industrie Elettro-Telefoniche ofTurtn2090 Pittsburg Plate Glass Co 2102. 2696. 2837 Rollman & Sons 3414 Solar Refining Co Pittsburg Post Office-East Liberty Station Rome 2974 Hardware Co 2245 Somerset Union & Middlesex Lighting Co.... _2957 (Amero Construction Co.) 1959 Root Refining Co 3556 Sonatron Tube Co Pittsburg Rys Ross 1961, 3105. 3558 3397 Gear & Tool Co 2103. 2973 South American Power Co 3541 Pittsburg Steel Co 2548. 3717 Rossia Insurance Co. of America 3718 South Carolona Pittsburg Suburban Water Service Power Co 2084, 2810,3699 Co_2090, Roxana Petroleum Corp 3414 South Penn Oil Co 2838 2819, 3245 Royal Baking Powder Co_2245. 2383, 2549, South Porto Rico Pittsburg & West Virginia Rv Sugar Co 2679 2681, 2973, 3414, 3556,3718 South Texas Gas Co 3090 2684. 2953, 3240, 3702 Royal Dutch (Petroleum) Co 2837 Southeastern Power & Light Platt Music Co Royal Co______3091 3717 Exchange Bldg., Corp. Ltd 1960 Southern Asbestos Co_ __ _2551. 2698.3262,_- 3415 Plaza-Olive Bldg 2245 Royal Typewriter Co., Inc Southern Plymouth Cordage 3718 Bankers Securities Corp 3750 Co 2102 Royal Worcester Corset Co 3104 Southern Bond & Share Corp Plymouth Oil Co 2696. 3261 Rubinstein (Helena), Inc Southern 2974 Pollak 3414. 3718 California Edison Co_ _1941, 2224, Mfg. Co.. Inc 2382 Ruddy (E. L.) Co., Ltd 2103 2229. 2361, 2951, Polymet Mfg. Co 1959, Ruhr 3084, 3246, 3535. 2972, 3555 Gas Corp 2684. 2819 3541, 3699 Pomerania Electric Co 3090 Ruhr Housing Corp 3262 Southern California Gas Co Pompeian Corp Humidor 2686 3261 Corp 2973, 3414 Southern California Telephone Co 1948 Ponce Electric Co 2360, 2677, 3392 Russell Grader Mfg. Co 2697 Southern Canada Power Pond Creek Pocahontas Co Co., Ltd2529. 3541. 3706 2548 Russell Motor Car Co., Ltd 3556 Southern Cities Utilities Co 1948 Poor & Co 2548 Russian River Water Co 2685 Southern Colorado Portland Electric Power Power Co_ _2090. 2819. 3398 Co------. _ _2361, 3084 Rutland R. R 2813 Southern Counties Gas Co. of California_ __ _3541 Portlant Gas & Coke Co 2224, 2522, Ryerson (Joseph T.) & Porto 3392 Son. Inc_ _2549, 2697, Southern Grocery Co 2383 -Rican American Tobacco Co ______3261 2973, 3262. 3718 Southern Ice Co Postal Telegraph & Cable Corp , 2247. 2838 2527, 3397 Southern Ice & Utilities Co 2551 Postum Co, Inc 2548, 3103 Northern By 2528, 3246 Southern Indiana Gas & Potrero Sugar Co acramento Electric Co__2224, 3555 S afe-T-Stat Co. 2103, 2838 3084. 3699 Potter Co 2102 Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co Southern Kansas Gas Co Powdrell & Alexander, Inc 3414 2820 3103 Safeway Stores, Inc_2103, 2246, 2549, 2697, Southern New England, Ice Co 2551 Power Corp of Canada, Ltd 3090 2838, 3414, 3718 Southern Pacific Co_2363. Power Gas & Water Securities 2524. 2954.3087, Corp__ _3090, St. Bernard Realty Co 3718 3538, 3703 3245, 3398 St. John & Ophir H. R _ 2681 Southern Pacific R. R. 2954 Power & Light Securities Trust 3261 St. Joseph Gas Co Southern By Prairie Oil & Gas Co 2366 2086, 2813 3555, 3717 St. Joseph Lead Co 1960. 3556 Southern Stores Corp., Miami. Fla 2105 Prairie Pipe Line Co 2102, 3261, 3413 St. Lawrence Flour Mills Co., Ltd Southwest Pratt & Lambert, Inc 2549 Corner Fifteenth & Locust Sta., 3103 St. Lawrence Paper Mills4 Ltd 3414 Philadelphia 2839 Pratt & Whitney Aircraft. Corp St. Louis & Alton By., Pressed 3555 all.) 2685 Southwest Dairy Products Co._ _3262, 3415. 3558 Steel Car Co 2102, 2972 St. Louis Amusement Co 2838 Southwest Gas Co Prince George & Chesterfield Ry 3706 3240 St. Louis Chain Stores Properties, Inc 2103 Southwest Gas Utilities Corp 3091 'Printing Center Bldg.(Lloyd & Cosier, Inc.) 2102 St. Louis Gas & Coke Corp Process Corp 3706 South West Pennsylvania Pipe Lines 1961 St. Louis Independent Packing Co_ _2383 Southwestern Bell Telephone Produce Terminal Cold Storage Co_ Co 2529, 3541 ______29729722St. Louis & O'Fallon Ry_ _2813, 2819, 3537, 3703 Southwestern Gas & Electric Co 2529 Producers & Refiners Corp 1909, 2696, 3717 St. Louis Rocky Mountain Professional Bldg & Pacific Co 2550 Southwestern Light & Power Co Co__ _2529, 2820 (Medical Arts Investment St. Louis-San Francisco By 2681, 2954 Southwestern Stores, Inc Co.l St. Louis Southwestern 2698. 3416 Pro-phy-lac-tiv 2102 Ry 1944 Spalding (A. G.) & Bros 2551 Brush Co 2245,3413 St. Mary's Mineral Land Co Spans Chalfant & Co., 'Propper-silk Hosiery Mills,'Inc 2973 Inc 2551. 2839. 2978 2548 St. Regis Paper Co 2838 Spanish River Pulp & Paper Mills. Ltd Providence Washington Insurance Co St. Regis Paper Co. of Canada, 3416 Pruett-Schaffer 3261 Ltd 2838 Spartan Mills 3558 Chemical Co 2549, 3555 Salmon Falls Mfg. Co 2103 Spencer Corp Public Fire Insurance Co Salt's Textile Mfg. Co. 3416 Public 2382 of Conn 3414 Spicer Mfg. Corp 2839 Industrials Corp 3717 San Angelo Telephone Co 2229, 2529 Spiegel May Stern Co Public Service Co of Colorado San Antonio Suburban 2698 Public 2366 Irrigated Farms 3414 Spring (C. G.) & Bumper Co 3105 Service Co of New Hampshire_ _2090, 2819 San Diego Cons., Gas & Electric Co_ __2090, Spring Valley Water Public Service Co. of No. Illinois Co 2529 2366, 2527. 2819, 3398 Springfield St. Railway 2820 2819, 2957, San Francisco-Sacramento R. R. Public Service 3090 2529 Springfield & Xenia Ry 3398 of Oklahoma 2528 Sandura Co., Inc 2697 Springfield & Xenia R. R. Public Service Corp of New Jersey_ Sandusky 3398 _ _2361, Cement Co 3262, 3718 Square D. Co 2974. 3105. 3416.3558 2819. 3084, 3091, 3535, 3706 Sanger Hotel Corp ______- _ - -_1960 Squibb (E. R.) & Sons Public Service Electric & Gas Co 1948. 2957. Sanitary Grocery Co., Inc-2103, 2551 Public Service 3246 2246, 2697,2838 Stahl (Otto), Inc 3558 of Pennsylvania, Inc ______2957 Santa Cruze Portland Cement Co 3414 Stahl-Meyer, Inc Public Utilities Consolidated Corp_ __ _209 Saranac 3558 -0, River Power Corp 1948 Standard-Coosa-Thatcher Co 2383 2366, 2528, 2684, 2957 Saratoga Victory Mills, Inc______3104 Standard Fruit & Steamship Corp Public Utilities Securities Corp Saunders (Clarence) Stores, 3720 Puget 2819, 3091 Inc_2550, 2697, 3414 Standard Gas & Electric Co 2090. 2820, Sound Navigation Co 3413 Savage Arms Corp 2838 Puget Sound Power & Light Co_ Savannah 3398. 3541 _1948. 2224, Electic & Power Co___2084, 2677, 3237 Standard Gas Equipment Corp 3416 2229, 2677, 2819, 2951, 3393 Sawyer-Massey Co.. Standard Pullman Co Lid 2698 Industries, Inc 3416, 3558 1941, 2522, 3237 Sayles (A. L.) & Sons Co 3414 Standard International Securities Corp Pullman, Inc Schiff Co 3262 Punta Alegre 2837 2104, 2838. 3262, 3415 Standard Milling Co 2551, 3416, 3558 Sugar Co 3086 Schlesinger (B. F.) & Sons, Inc 2550 Standard Oil Co. of California Purcell High School Schoellke f Securities Corp 2698 Purity Bakers 1959 2104 Standard Oil Co. of Indiana 2698. 3558 Corp_2103, 2245, 2549,2696, 3413 Schulco Co., Inc 2550 Standard Oil Co. of Kentucky.. Schulte Real Estate _ _2974. 3105. ,Ci. Co., Inc 3718 3262, 3720 R. S. Co " 1960 Schulte Retail Stores. Corp Standard NZuebec Power Co 2973, 3557 Oil Co. of Nebraska 2698 3246 Schutter-Johnson Cannery Co 3718 Standard Oil Co. of New Quebec By. Light, Heat & Power Co., Scott Paper Jersey_2839, 2974, Quebec Ltd_ _3398 Co 1960, 2246. 2698. 3718 3105, 3416 Telephone & Power Corp 3706 Scranton-Spring Brook Water uincy Market, Cold Service Co Standard Oil Co. of New York 2698 Storage & Warehouse 1948. 2090. 2820. 3541, 3706 Standard Plate Glass Co Co Scruggs-Vandervoort-Barney 2551 Quincy Mining 2696 Dry Goods Co-2104 Standard Power & Light Corp 3541 Co 2382 Seaboard Air Line Ry Standard Quinte Milk Products, Ltd 2086 Public Service Co 3246 3413 Seagrove Corp 2838, 3557 Standard Public Service Corp Sears Roebuck & Co 3398 Radio Corp. of America _ 1960, 2383, 2550,3262 Standard Screw Co 3558 _2366, 2819. 3091, Second Avenue R. R. Standard Telephone Co Second 2685 2820. 3247 Radio-neith-Orpheum 3398, 3541 General American Investors Co., Inc. Standard Textile Products Co ______3105 Corp..___2382 2837. 2246, 3262 Staple: Co of America 3103,'3261. Second International 2247, 3416, 3558 Railway Express Agency, Inc 3555 Securities Corp 2104 State Bankers Financial Corp 1961, 2551 3717 Second National Investors Corp 2838, 3557 State Line Generating Railway & Light Securities Co (Del.).2245, Securities Co 3706 2973 Management Corp 3262 State Street Investment Corp 2551 Railway & Light Securities Co. (Me.) _ _ _2245 Security Associates, Inc Rainbow Luminous Products, Inc 3415 State Title & Mtge. Co 2551. 2698 - 2696, Security Bond & Mtge Co 3415 Station "W Post Office (National 3103. 3413. 3717 Segal Lock & Postal Rainier Pulp & Paper Co Hardware Co., Inc 3104 Bldgs.,Inc.) 2551 2697 Seiberling Rubber Co 2973, 3719 Steel Co. of Canada, Ltd Rand (Gold) Mines, Ltd 3413, 3555 Selected Industries, Inc 3416, 3720 Ranier Pulp & l'aper Co 3557, 3719 Steel & Tubes, Inc 3558 2382, 2972 Selfridge (Gordon) Trust, Ltd 2550 Steinite Radio Co Ray Consolidated Copper Co 2697 Seneca Copper 2974 Raybestos Co Mining Co 1960. 2246, 3719 Sterling Securities Corp 2839. 2974 3104 Seneca Plans Corp 2104, 2838 Steward-Warner Speedometer Corp_ _ _2551, Raymond Concrete Pile Co 2837 Sentry Safety Control Corp Read Drug & Chemical Co 2973 2698, 2975 3717 Separate Units, Inc 2104, 2973, 3557 Stinnes (Hugo) Corp Reading Co 2681, 2813 Servel, Inc 1961, 3105 Reading Iron Co 2247, 2550, 3104, 3415 Stinnes (Hugo) Industrial Inc 1961. 2839 3413 Service Station Equipment Co., Ltd__ _2104, Stinson Aircraft Reading Transit Co 2361, 3237, 3699 Seton 2550 Corp 1961 Leather Co 1960 Storkline Furniture Corp 2552, Real Estate Trustee, Inc 2245 Sevilla-Biltmore Hotel Corp 2698 Real Silk Hosiery Mills, Inc 2698 Stout Lumber Co. of Oregon 2552 2973 Shaffer Oils & Refining Co Straus (S. W.) Realty Associates 3717 Shares in 2973 & Co. 1961. 3416, 3558 The South, Inc 2104 Straus (Nathan) Inc 2552, 2975, Realty Associates Securities Corp 3261 Sharan Steel Hoop Co 3105. 3558 Realty Foundation, Inc 3719 Stromberg Carburetor Co. of America, Inc. 2837 Sharp Mfg., Co 1960, 3719 Reeves (Daniel), Inc 3556, 3717 Shasta Water Co 3262. 3416. 3720 Reid Aircraft Co., Ltd 1948 Strowd-Holcombe Cotton Mills Inc______3416 3413 Shattuck (Frank G.) Co. _ _ _2973 Struthers-Wells Co Reis(Robert) & Co 2245, 3104 Shawinigan Water & Power 1961. 2839 Reiter Foster Oil Corp Co 2090, 3541 Struthers-Wells-Titusville Corp 2839, 3720 2973 Shawmut Association 3104, 3415 Studebaker Corp Reliance Grain Co., Ltd 2973 Shawmut Bank 2383, 2552 Remington Investment Trust 1960 Stutz Motor Car Co. of America. Inc_ _2975, Rand, Inc 2837, 2973 Sheffield Steel Corp Suburban 3558 Remington Typewriter Co Shell 1960, 2104 Casualty Insurance Co 2105 2837 Transport & Trading Co., Ltd _ _2838 Suburban Electric Development Co Boo Motor Car Co 1959, 2549, 2697, 3104 Shell Union Oil Corp 3417 Republic Brass Corp 2698, 2-97-4 3719 Sugar Estates of Oriente, Inc 3720 3414, 3556, 3717 Sherriff St. Market & Storage Co 3557 Sullivan Telephone Co. Inc Republic Fire Insurance Co 1960, 3414 Sherwin-Williams Co 3247 Republic Iron & Steel Co_ 2550, 3105. 3262 Sun Oil Co 2552 _2549, 3104. 3261.3717 Sherwin-Williams Co. of Canada, Ltd 3105 Sunset McKee Salesbook Co Republic Supply Co. of Calif 2549 Shreveport-El Dorado Pipe 3720 Reymer & Bros., Inc Line Co., Inc. Sunset Pacific Oil Co 3417 2973 2383. 2974. Superheater Co Reynolds Metal Co 2837 Shreveport Rys 3105 2555. 3558 2366 Superior Oil Corp 2105. 2839

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis XX INDEX [Vol,. 127-PART 2. a rage. Page Page. Superior Steel Corp 2552 United Artists Theatre Circuit,Inc 3417 Waldorf System, Inc 2555, 2976 Super-Maid Corp 1961. 3262, 3558 United Biscuit Co. of America--1961, 2248, Walg.reen Co 2248, 3263 Susquehanna Silk Mills 2552 2384, 2553 Walker (Hiram) Gooderham & Worts, Ltd. Sutherland Paper CO 3417, 3720 United Bond & Share Corn 2248. 2553 2555, 2841 Swallow-Airplane Co 2975 United Carbon Co 2840. 2975 Wallingford Gas Light Co 2091 Swan-Finch Oil Corp 2552 United Cigar Stores Co. of America _1961, Walworth Co 3109 Swedish-American Investment Corp • 3105 2975, 3418, 3559, 3721 Wamsutta Mills 3419, 3560 Swedish Match Co _2552 United Corp 2248,2553,2975,3107 Ward Baking Corp 2699, 3560 Sweets Co. of America, Inc 2105, 2247, 3558 United Electric Coal Cos-2105,2248. 3559, 3722 Wardman Real Estate Properties, Inc_1962, 2555 Swift & Co 2975 United Electric Light Co 2368 Wardman Realty & Construction Co.. 2106, 2555 Swiss-American Electric Co.of Zurich Switzer- United Electric Rys. of Providence, R.I.- 2821 Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc__2248, 2841, land ton Co United Electric Service Co.of Italy 2958 3263, 3560, 3722 Syining 2839 United Fruit Co 2105, 3559 Warner (Charles) Co360 Syracuse Lighting Co 2951 United Gas Co 3091 Warner-Quinlan Co 2106, 2555, 2976 Syracuse Washing Machine Corp 2839 United Gas & Fuel Co. of Hamilton, Ltd_ -2529 Warren Bros Co 2106, 3263 Szekely (0. E.) Corp 3720 United Gas Improvement Co 2229,2821 Washburn-Crosiy Co., Inc 2248 United Grain Growers, Ltd 3559, 3722 Washington Oil Co 2699, 3419 Taggart Corp 1961 United Hotels Co 2105 Waukesha Motor Co 2384, 3419 I ampa Electric Co 2084, 2677, 3393 United Illuminating Co 3247 Wayagamack Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd 3723 Tampa Northern R. It 3703 United Light & Power Co 2229. 3091, 3247 Wayne Pump Co_ _ _ _1962, 2106, 2841, 2976, 3723 Taunton-New Bedford Copper Co 3558 United Linen Supply Co 3107 Weber & Heilbroner, Inc1962,3560 Teck-Hughes Gold Mines,Ltd 3720 United March. & Mfg.Inc. of Del 2105,2699 Weber Showcase & Fixture Co 3109 Telautograph Corp 2552, 3558 United Pacific Corp 2553 Wedgwood Investing Corp 2555 Telephone Investment Corp 3558 United Power & Light Corp 2821 Weinberger Drug Stores, Inc 3723 Temple Corp 3105 17n ted Public Service Co 3247 Weingarten (J), Inc 3723 Tennessee Electric Power Co.---2361, 2820, United Railways & Elect. Co. of Balt-2881, 3399 Weirton Steel Co 3263 2951, 3699 United Reproducers Corp 1961 Welch Grape Juice Co 2699 Texas Bldg. Co. (Main Walker-Bldg) 2379 United Shirt Distributors, Inc 3107 Wesix, Inc 3419 Texas Co 1961, 2383 United Shoe Machinery Corp ______- _ -2975,3263 Wesson Oil & Snowdrift Co., Inc-2385, 2556, 2699 Texas Corp 2247. 2383, 2839, 3106, 3558 U. S. Asbestos Co 2106,2248. 2840, 3418 Westchester First National Corp 3419, 3723 Texas Empire Pipeline Co 2839 U. S. Bobbin & Shuttle Co 2108 Westchester Service Corp 2556 Texas Gulf Sulphur Co.,Inc 2247 U. S. Bond & Mtge. Corp 3107 West Chester St. Ry 2366 Texas-Louisiana Power Co 2229, 2957 U. S. & British International Co., Ltd_ _ __--3722 West Coast Bancorporation______: 3109 Texas-New Mexico Ry 2681 U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co_1981, Westfield Mfg. Co 1962, 2976, 3419,3723 Texas-New Orleans R. R 3087 2106, 2248, 2384, 2553, 2840 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co_ _2556, Texas Pacific Coal & Oil Co 2552 U. S. Daily Publishing Corp 3722 3109, 3560, 3723 Texas & Pacific Ry 2681 U. S. Dairy Products Corp 3418 Weston Electrical Instrument Co 2976. Texas Power & Light Co 2224, 2522, 3393 U. S. Distributing Corp 2840 Westphalia United Electric Power Corp_ _ _ _2686 Texas Sugar Refining Co 2975, 3417 U. S. Electric Light & Power Shares, Inc_ -3283 West Jersey & Seashore RR 2086. 3703 Texon Oil & Land Co 2552, 3106 U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co 2106, 3107 West Ohio Gas Co 3246 Textile Bldg. (Textile Properties, Inc.) 3106 U. S. Freight Co 2106,2384 West Penn Power Co 2530, 2958 Textile Properties, Inc.,(Textile Bldg.)_ _ -3106 U. S. Hammered Piston Ring Co., Inc 3263 West Point Mfg. Co 3560, Third Avenue Ry-_-2229, 2522, 2678, 2957, U. S. Hoffman Mach Corp 2553, 2975 West Side Belt RR 3703 3084. 3699 U. S. Industrial Alcohol Co_2384, 2554, West Texas Utilities Co 2530, 2821 Thompson (John R.) Co__2105, 2975, 3417, 2699, 2975, 3722 West Virginia Water Service Co_1949, 2091, 3559, 3720 U. S. & International Securities Corp_ _2554, 2530, 3248 Thompson Products, Inc 3106, 3559 2699. 3722 Western Auto Supply Co 2841, 3560, 3723 Thompson Starrett Co 3106, 3262, 3417 U. S. Leather Co 2554, 3418, 3722 Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Ltd 2385 Thompson's Spa,Inc 3417, 3720 U. S. Mtge. Bond Co 3722 Western Dairy Products Co 2976 360 E. 55th St. (Eaton Holding Corp.) 2383 U. S. Mtge. & Title Guarantee Co. of N. J_ _238A Western Electric Co., Inc_2699,3109, 3419. 3560 385 Fifth Avenue Corp 3721 U. S. Playing Card Co 255% Western Fuel Corp. of Canada. Ltd 2841 Tidal Osage 011 Co 2247 U. S. Radio & Television Corp 3722 Western Oil & Refining Co., Inc_ 2385 Tide Water Associated Oil Co 2247 U. S. Realty & Improvement Co 2840, 3107 Western Pacific RR 2086, 3240 Tide Water Oil Co 2248 U.13.Rubber Co 2699, 3263,3418,3722 Western Power, Light & Telephone 00.2821. 336E* Tide Water Power Co 3398 U. S. Shares Corp 3418 Western Public Service Co 2225, 2677. 3326 Times Publishing Co.(Detroit "Times") U.S. Sheet & Window Glass Co ______--2248 Western Public Service Corp 3092 Timken Detroit Axle Co 3417 U. S. Smelting Refining & Mining Co_3418, 3722 Western Reserve Investing Corp 3560 Timken Roller Bearing Co_-2383, 2698. U. S. Steel Corp... 1961, 2106, 2523, 2840, Western Tablet & Stationery Corp 3723 2839, 3263, 3417, 3721 3263, 3418 Western Telephone & Telegraph Co 1949 Title Guarantee & Trust Co 3559 U. S. Trucking Corp 2975 Western Timber Co. of Eau Claire, Wis_ _ _ _ _3109 Titusyille Forge Co 1961, 2839 United Steel Works Corp_ -2554, 3263, 3418 Western Union Telegraph Co__ _2084, 2229, 2810 Titusville Iron Works Co 1961, 2839 United Utilities Co 3399 Westinghouse Air Brake Co 2842 Tobacco Products Corp 2698, 3721 United Verde Extension Mining Co 2248, Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co__ 3109, 3560 Tobacco Securities Trust Co.,Ltd 3106 2699, 3559 Westvaco Chlorine Products Corp 3109 Toddy Corp 1961 Universal Aviation Corp_ _2554, 2840, 2556 Toldo Electric Light Co., Ltd 2957 2975, 3108, 3559 Wheeling & I.,ake Erie RR 2226, 2524 Toledo Edison Co 2686 Universal Insurance Co. of Newark, N. J- -2384 Wheeling Steel Corp 2700, 2977 Toledo Glass Co 2975 Universal Pictures Co.,Inc 2841 White (S. S.) Dental Mfg. Co 2385 Toledo Terminal RR 2806, 2524 Universal Pipe & Radiator Co 1961, 3108 White Eagle Oil & Refining Co 2248,2385 Toronto (Ont.) Brewing & Malting Co.. Universal Products Co 2106, 2554 White Motor Co 2385 Ltd 2699 Utah-Apex Mining Co 3559 White Rock Mineral Springs Co-2556, 2842, 3419 Toronto Hamilton & Buffalo By 2814, 3394 Utah Copper Co 2840,3263 White Sewing Machine Corp 2699, 3723 Torrington Co 2105, 3417 Utah Light & Traction Co 2091 Wickwire Spencer Steel Co 3109 Traders Investors Corp 2975 Utah Power & Light Co 2084, 2522, 3393 Widlar Food Products Co 3109. 3566, 3723 Trans-America Corp 2552 Utah Radio Products Co 2106 Wieboldt (W. A.) & Co 2248 Trans-Lux Daylight Picture Screen Corp., Utica Gas & Electric Co 2361, 2951,3535 Wieboldt Stores, Inc 2248, 2699, 2842, 3560 2975, 3108 Utilities Power Co 2091 Wilcox (H. F.) Oil & Gas Co 2556 Transcontinental Oil Co 2248, 2383 Utilities Power & Light Corp-_2529, 2957. Wilcox-Rich Corp 1962. 2977, 3110 Transue .!c Williams Steel Forging Corp 3106 3247, 3399, 3542 Willat Studios & Laboratories, Inc 3263 Travel Air Mfg. Co 2840, 3417 Utilities Power & LightRealty Trust_____ -- _3108 William Taylor Hotel (Leavenworth McAllis- Traveler Shoe Co 2105, 2383 Utilities Public Service Co 3399, 3542 ter Realty Corp) 3110 Trico Products Corp 2699 Utilities Service Co 1948 Williams (R. C. & Co.. Inc 3110, 3419, 3560 Trimont Dredging Co 3721 Utility Equities Corp 3092 Williams Oil-O-Matic Heating Corp ______3419 Trinity Bldg. Corp 2553. 2975 Utility Shares Corp 1949 Willys-Overland Co 2977, 3110, 3723 Truax-Traex Coal Co 2839, 3263 Wilmington & Philadelphia Traction Co_ _.3542 Trumbull Steel Co 3417 Vacuum Oil Co 2699 Wilson & Co., Inc 2106, 3263 Trunz (Max)Pork Stores, Inc 2383. 3108 •alvoline 011 Co 1981 Wilson-Jones Co 2842 Truscon Steel Co 2553, 2840, 3263 Vanadium Corp. of America 2248, 3108 Winchester & Western RR 3394 Trust Financier de Transports et crEnter- Vancouver Island Transport. Co., Ltd 3559 Winona Copper Co 2385 prises Industrielles 2384 Vancouver (B. C.) Western Drug Co.,Ltd- -2108 Winters & Crampton Mfg. Co 3110 'rubize Artificial Silk Co. of America 2699 Vanderbilt Bldg.(Nassau St. Holding Corp., Winton Engine Co 2106. 3419 Tung-Sol Lamp Works, Inc 1961, 3263 2554, 3108 Wire Wheel Corp. of America 2249 208 South La Salle St. Bldg. Corp 3106 Van Camp Milk Co 3559 Wisconsin Electric Power Co 2821 265 Fourth Ave. Corp. (Fourth Ave. and Van Camp Packing Co., Inc__ _2384, 3108, 3559 Wisconsin Gas & Electric Co 2821 21st St. Bldg.) 1961, 2105 Van de Kamp's Holland Dutch Bakers, Inc_1962 Wisconsin Hydro Electric Co 2821 Twin City Rapid Transit Co 2820 Van Raalte Co 2248, 2841 Wisconsin Power & Light CO _____ ---2367, 3542 Twin States Gas dc Electric Co 2957 Van Sicklin Corp 3559 Wisconsin Pub.Serv. Corp 1949, 2091, 2821, 3399 Tyrol Hydro-Electric Power Co 3707 Van Swaingen Co 2106, 2248. 3418 Wisconsin Valley Electric Co_. -2091, 2821, 3360 Venezuelan Petroleum Co 2106,3722 Witherow Steel Corp 2249 T flan & Co 2699 Vermont & Quebec Power Corp 2368 Woodruff & Edwards, Inc 3263 U lster & Delaware RR 3087, 3240 Vertlentes Sugar Co 3108 Woolworth (F. W.)00 1962. 2700, 3264 Underwood Elliott Fisher Co 2553 Vesten Electric Rys Corp 3530 Worcester Consolidated Street By 2821 Victor Talking Machine Co 2555,3560 World Wide Pictures, Inc 2700 Union American Investing Corp 2699 3264 Union Bus Terminal & Garage Co 3721 Victoria Lumber & Mfg. Co., Ltd 3418 Worth, Inc 1962, 2385, 2700, Union Carbide & Carbon Corp 2384, 3721 Virginia Electric & Power Co2084, 2224, Wrigley (Wm.) Jr. Co 2249. 2700, 3419 2522, Wright Aeronautical Corp 2556 Union d'Electricite 3542 3237 3560 Union Electric Light & Power Co. of Illinois, Virginia Ice & Freezing Corp 2385 Wrought Iron Co. of America Virginia Iron Coal & Coke Co Wurlitzer (Rudolph) Co 2385 2688, 2820, 3247 2384, 2978 3111 Union Electric Light & Power Co.(St. Louis), Virginia Public Service Co 3530, 2821 Wyman-Gordon Co 2686, 2821 Vivaudou (V.) Inc 2555. 3560 2556 Investment Co 2553 Vogt Manufacturing Corp 3418 'vale & Towne Mfg. Co Union ankton Norfolk & Southern RR 2681 Union Oil Associates 3721 Vorclone Corp 1962 2106 Union Oil Co. of California 2105, 3721 Vulcan Detinning Co 2841, 3108 Yellow Cab Co 2814 Yellow Truck & Coach Mfg. Co 2977 Union Pacific RR Young (L. A.) Spring St Wire Corp- - Union Power Corp 3399 Hotel (1236 Wabash Avenue Bldg. 2700.-2842.3110 Union Steel Co 3107 VT Corp.) 3108 WabasE:o 8C.tton Co., Ltd Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co Union Steel Casting Co 3721 2841 222,8 Union Street By 2820 Waco Beaumont Trinity & Sabine Ry 2363 York Utilities Co 3084, 1112 Waco Hilton Hotel Co Yreka RR 3538 Union Tobacco Co 2105 2106 3111. 3264, 3723 Union Water Service Co 2091, 2820, 3399 Wagner Electric Corn 2106, 2976 Yukon-Alaska Trust Unit Corp. of America 2248 Wahl Co 3419 2385, 3559 Waitt & Bond Inc 2841 .7einith Radio Corp 2556 United Aircraft & Transport Products Coro 2385 United Amusement Corp., Ltd_ -3559, 3707. 3418 Waldorf-Astoria Realty Corp 3560 onite

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Our.-DEC., 1928.] INDEX

STATE AND CITY DEPARTMENT-GENERAL NEWS • GENERAL. GENERAL-(Concluded). BOND ISBUES-(Conttnued). Page. BOND ISSITEB-(Continued). Page. Page. labama (State of) Proposed Con- New York City, N. Y.- Page. A stitution Amarillo, Tex 2120, 2398, 3124 Bradford Co. Sp'l Tax Sch. Amendments 2568 Tax Rolls Show Billion and Half Ambridge Dist Alabama State Sch. Dist., Pa 1977, 2120 No. 6, Fla 2120, 2570 Bridge Corp.. Corpo- Increase 1975 Amenia, N. Dak ration Organized to Sell Bonds__ _ _2567 Former Borough 3276 Brady Sch. DIM., Tex__2854, 2989, 3738 President Con- Amenia Union Free Sch. Dist. No.9, Breathitt Co„ Ky Antwerp (City of), $10,000,000 Bond nolly Sentenced to Jail 2260 3574 Issue Oversubscribed N. Y 2659, 2854 Bremen Co., Iowa 3431 $538,928,897 Budget Approved, Amherst, N. Y 1977 Avon Park, Fla.-State Law Makes 3574 Brentville Sch. Dist., Va 326 2568, 2261 Anderson Co. Sch. Dist. No. 8, Bond Election Imperative 2396 Queens Sewer Brentwood, Pa 2120 Inquiry Terminated _2715 Tex 2120, 2398, 2715 Bridgeburg, Oat Only 612,500,000 of the 855,000,- Anderson Sch. 1983 ulgaria (Kingdom of)-Offer 613,- City, Ind 3738 Bridgeport, Ohio 000 Award Still Held By Syn- Angelina Co.. Texas 2989 B000,000 7 2988 2398 Bridgeville, Pa 2716, 3124 Bonds dicate 3123 Antwerp, Ohio 3124, 3738 Bridgman New York State- Sch. Dist., Mich 3432, 3738 -Northern Arcadia, Calif.. 2715 Brighton, N. Y lifornbx (State of) As- Mrs. Knapp Completes Jail Sen- Archer 2854, 2989 sociation Opposes Bond Amend- City, Texas 2398, 3276 Brighton Common Sch. Dist. No. C tence 1976 Arkansas (State 5 ment2118 op ___1977, 2262, N. Y 2989, 3124 Legal Investment List Amended.- -.1978 2398, 2569,2988, California (State of)-New Tax Law 3124, 3431 Brighton Sewer CPA. No. 1., N. Y.,.2120 Interpretation of Law Governing Arlington, Tex 2854 on Ballot 2398 Amended Brighton Twp.,Pa 3432 Savings Bank Invest- Arlington Co., Va 2569 British California (State on-Tax Law Ap- ment List Disputed Colombia (Province of) 193 2397 Arvon Twp.. Mich 3276, 3738 Bristol Co., proved-Vote on Bond Amend- North Carolina (State of)- Mass 2262, 2399 ments Asbury Park, N.J _ 1977, 2398 Brockton, Mass 2853 Proposed Constitutional Amend- Asheville, 2399 Canada (Dominion of)-Redemp- N. C 1977 Brookhaven, N. Y 3574 ments 2261 Ashland. Ohio 1977. 2398 Brookville, tion of $53,000,000 Bonds Sched- Legislators'Pay Increased Miss 2718 uled for October 2988 Ashland Ore 2120, 2398 Brownard Co., Fla 1975 Ashland 2716 Canada (Dominion on-Decrease Co., 011113_1977, 2120, 3431, 3574 Brown Co., Ind 2854, in rbhio, State of-876,298,000 Bonds Ashtabula Co., 3432 Net Debt of Dominion 2853 Ohio 2569, 2854 Brownsville Navig. Dist., Tex_ 2989, 3738 s•-s To Be Voted on in November_ _2260 Asotin Co. Sch. Dist. No. 304. Chicago Sanitary District, Ill.-827,- Oregon. State of- Brownwood, Tex 2716 000,000 Wash 2569, 2988 Brunswick Bond Issue Held Invalid_ _3573 Treasury Borrows To Relieve Co., N. C 3276 Colorado (State Aspinwall, Pa 2398 Bryan, Tel of)-To Vote on Deficit 2261 Aspinwall 3738 680,000,000 Road Bonds Sch. Dist., Pa 3276, 3728 Buckeye Water Consol. & 2395 Gas Tax and Income Tax Measures Astoria, Ore Drain. Colorado (State of) Voters Defeat 2988, 3431 Dist., Ariz 2399, To Be Voted on 2397 Atascosa Co. Rd. 3276 Road Bonds 2853 Dist., No. 3A, Tex2120 Buffalo, N„ Y 1977 Gas Tax and Income Tax Measures Atlanta, Ga 2262, 2715.2854.2988 Connecticut (State on-Changes in Beaten Buncombe Co., N. C___1977, 2854, 3276 List of Savings 2853 Atlantic City. N. J.__2398, 3569, Bunkle, La Bank LegaLs 2853 Debt of State and Municipalities. _3123 2262. 3276 Connecticut (State of)-List of Legal 3124, 3276, 3431 Burlington, Iowa 2570, 2716 Investments for Savings Atlantic Highlands, N. J 2276, 3738 Burlington, Oat Banks_ _ _3736 Pennsylvania (State on-Proposed Atlantic Co., 3131, 3581 Cuba (Republic of)-310,000,000 N. J 1977, 2569, 2854 Burlington, Wash 2716, 3124 Constitutional Amendments_ _ _2118 Atoka Co. Sch. Dist. No. 19, Okia__3431 Certificates Sold_ 2396 Governor Explains Burlington, Wis. 2716, 2854 Attitude To- Attleboro, Mass 2715, 3738 Burnaby ward Proposed Bond Issues_ Dist., B. C 3131 "'lanes, Tex. __2569 Auburndale. Fla 2120, 2715, 2988 Burrell Twp., Pa -Motion Brought to Bonds Defeated-Other Proposals- _2988 2399. 3124 Ls Have Bond Suit Judgment Auburn, Mass 1977 Burton, Ohio Set Peru (Republic of)-$25,000.000 Aurora, Colo 3124 Aside 2118 2120 Butler, Pa_ 2570 Issue of6% Bonds Oversubscribed_2397 Austin, Tex_ _2398,2569, 2988, 3276, 3431 Avery Co., N. C 2398, 2854. 2988 (*lathe, agt Bay Municipal Utility Dist., bode Island Okla 2399, 2854 (State on-Bond Avon Park, Fla 3431 1....adby E Calif.-Proposed Purchase of R Issues Before Voters C Consol. Sch. Dist., Ga 3124 2262 Caernarvon Twp. Water Co 2853 Bond Issues Voted 2853 S. D., Pa__2570. 2854 nallston Spa., N.Y 2715. 2989 Calcasieu Parish Gravity Drainage altimore. Md 2715, 2989, 3431 loricla (State of)--Ehtt Instituted aint Louis, Mo.-Airport Dist. No. 2, La 2399, 2989,3432 Bonds Barford Two., Que 2408 Caldwell, Idaho F Against State by Bond Firm __2396 S Submitted to Supreme Court___2119 2854 Vote on Amendments Barrett Twp., Pa 3124 Caldwell Par. S. D. No. 14, 2988 Santander(Department on-62,000,- Bartholomew La____3432 Court Asked to Dissolve Co., Ind 3738 Calgary. 3439 Bond 000 Bond Issue Oversubscribed__ _2569 Bartlett. Neb Alta Ruling 3573 2715 Ceiba'', Colo 3124, 3432 Barton tc Byhana, Road Dist., Miss., Calhoun City, Miss Texas (State on-Mandamus Suit 2854 (State 00-Debt Amend- 2120, 2398 Calhoun County Special Tax Sch. e"gis A Expected on Water Bonds 1975 Batavia, N. Y 2398. 2570 Dist. G ments approved 3276 Texas (state 00-1311I for Relief of No. 3, Fla 2262, 2989 Batesville, Ind 3431 California (State of)...1977, Drainage and Levee Districts Bath. 2122, axtun, Colo-Court Upholds Elec- Me 2989 2716, 2854, Drafted 2853 Bayard, Neb 2989, 3432 H tric Light Bonds 2396 3738 Callahan Co., Tex 2120, 2399, 2570 Toledo, Ohio-City Votes on New Bay Centre Sch. Dist., Wash 3574 Houston Independent Sch. Dist. Charter Calumet Two. Sch. Dist., Ind 3574 Tex.-Legality 2569 Bay St. Francis Drain. Dist. No. 29, Calvin of Bond Issue Af- Toledo. Ohio-New Charter Proposal Sch. Diet,, La 3277 firmed Ark 2854 Cambridge, Ohio 2988 Defeated 2853 Baxter Springs, Kan 3277 1977. 2262 Camden, Ark 3738 dah Beacon, N. Y 2989, 3124 Camden o (State of)-Propose Four-Year Venice, Fla.-Bond Issue Co., N. J 2989, 3124, 3432 Term for Governor Approved Bear Lake Co. Rural El. D. No. 1, Cameron 239e by Supreme Court 2589 County. Tex 3124 3432 Illinois (State 00-820.000,000 Idaho__ __ 3738 Camillus Un. Free S. Bond Beatrice. D. No. 2, N. Y.2989 Issue on Ballot Neb 3124 Canada (Dominion of) 2260 ashington (State on-Classifica- Beaufort Co., No. 2126 Indianapolis, Ind.-Bond Issue Op- Car__1977, 2398, Canonsburg Sch, Dist., Pa_ _ _ _2716, 2989 W tion of Taxable Property Voted 2570, poaed 3573 2854, 3124 Canton, Miss 2570, 2716 Down 2988 Beaumont, Texas 2282, Iowa (State of)-Road Bond Bill West Virginia 2570 Canton, Ohio__1979, 2570, 2989, 3432 (State of)-Proposed Beaver, Pa 3124, 3574 Cape Before Voters 2280 Constitutional Amendments Charles, Va 1978, 2854 Road Bonds Win 2262 Beaver Falls, Pa 1977, 2398 Carbon County, 2853 West Virginia (State of)-Bond Issue Beaver Utah 2282 Co., Pa 2262, 2398 Casey Sch. Dist., Ohio Carries 2853 Beavertown S. D., 2399, 2854 ansas (State on-Proposed Con- Pa 2398. 2570 Carlton Sch. Dist. No.2, Ore 3574 K stitutional Amendments Beekville Rural High S. D., Tex__ __3431 Carmel, Ind 2396 FOREIGN MATTERS. Bedford, Ohio 1978, 2716, 2854 State Highways Amendment Ap- 3276, 3431 Carmel Union Free Sch, DLst. No. Antwerp (City of) $10,000,000 Bond Bedford Village S. D., Ohio 3124 proved 2853 Issue 10, N. Y 2989, 3125 Oversubscribed 3431 Bell Co., Ky 2398 Bulgaria (Kingdom Carpentersvine, Ill 2399 ake op-Offer $13,- Belle Centre, Ohio 1977, 2398 Carroll Worth, Fla.-Court Upholds 000,000 73% Bonds County, Ind 3277 L Validity of Special 2988 Belleville S. D., N. T. _ _3276, 3431, 3574 Carroll Improve- Cuba (Republic of)-$10,000,000 Bell County, Ky 2399, 3738 ment Bonds Twp. S. D., Pa 2262 Carroll Village Sch. 3573 Certificates Sold 2396 Ben Avon Dist., Ohlo.2399 2854 Lima (City of) Republic of Peru- Heights, Pa 3124 Carten Co., Okla _2120, Bend Sch. Dia., Ore 2854, 3125, 3432 $3,000,000 Bond Issue Oversub- 3738 Carter Co. S. D. No, 73, Okla 1978 FOREIGN MATTERS. Benjamin, Texas 2989 earthed 3276 Lima (City Republic Carthage, Mo 3738 of) of Peru- Benton Co., Ind 2120, 2398, 3574 Carthage Louisiana (State of)- 53,000,000 Bond Issue Over- Sch. Dist., Tex 2120 Vote Down Road Ronde Benton Co.. Iowa 1977, 2262 Cary Como'. 2853 subscribed 3276 Berea, Ohio S. D., Ga 2854, 3277 Special Session of Legislature To 2398, 2989,3124 Cascade Co.Sch. Dist. Maranhao (Department of) Brazil- Bergen Co., N. No. 1, Mont.. Be Called 3123 J 3124, 3431 1978, 3432 $1,750,000 Issue of 7% Bonds Berrien Co.. Mich 2715, 2989, 3124 Special Legislative Session Passes Oversubscribed Cashmere, Wash 2399 Road Bond Issue 2396 Berryville Spec. S. D., Ark 2398 Cass County, 3737 Peru (Republic of)-825,000,000 Is- Beverly. Ind 2120 Mass 3432, 3574 Castle Shannon, Pa sue of 6% Bonds Oversubscribed _ _2397 Beverley Hills Municipal 2570 Maranhao (Dept. of) Brazil-. Impt. Castle Shannon S. D., Pa 2120 Santander (Department 00-82,- Dist. No. 5, Calif 2262, IVA $1,750,000 Issue of 7% Bonds 000,000 2398 Castro Co. Common Sch. Dist. Bond Issue Oversub- Beverley Hills S. D., Calif.-2715, 3276 Oversubscribed 2396 scribed No. 10, Tex 3574 Marion County, Tenn.-County 2569 Bibb Co., Ga 2854, 3738 Catahoula Parish Big Horn Co., Sub Road Dist. Seeks Legislative Ruling on School Wyo 3124 No. 1, La 2399 Bonds Bigler TWP., Pa 2716 2568 BOND ISSUES. Cathlamet, Wash 2120 Massachusetts (State of)- Billings. Mont 2399 Catskill, N.Y Biloxi B. D., Miss 2120, 2399 Debt Law Amended 1975 hbott. 2399 Cayce, S. C 1978 Tex 2397 Bingham Co.S. D. No. 1, Idaho____2716 Bonds Added to List of Legal Abilene, Tex Cedar Co., Ia 2120, 2399 Investments 2988, 3574 Binghamton, N. Y 3432, 3574, 3738 2397. 2914. 3737 Abington Twp., Pa Cee Vee Rural Consol. High Sch, Change in Savings Bank Legal 2715 Birch Hills, Bask 3581 Dist.. Abington Twp. B. D., Pa 3431, 35197 74 Tex 2570 Investments Birmingham, Pa 2262 Center Twp., 3276 Absecon City, N. I Birmingham, Ind 2399 Memphis,Tenn .-City's Bonds Legal Ala 3738 Centralia Sch. Dist, No. 135, Til_ _ Ads, Ohio 3276, 3738 Birmingham, Mich _2262 Investment in New York State_ __ -3573 Ada, Okla 2120 2262. 3277 Milwaukee, Wig.-North Milwaukee 2853 Blackfoot S. D., Ida 3432 Chagrin Ada Inuit. Dist. No.31, Okla_ _3574,3 19 Fails. Ohio 3739 To Be Annexed By City 2853 73877 Blackjaco S. 13., Texas 2120, 2399 Chandler. Ariz Adams Co., Ind Black Rock Sch. 2989, 3432 Mississippi (State of)- Adams Dist., Ark_ _ _2262, 3432 Chardon Twp., Ohlo 3125, Co. S. D. No. 172, III Blaine Co., Mont 3739 Gas Tax Suit Won By State 2118 Adams Joint High Sch, 3432 Charleston Sch. Dist., Ind 2399 Senate Approves Road Dlat. No. 1,3324 Blakely. Pa 3124 Bonds_ -.2568 Wig 3276, Charlotte, N. C 3125 Governor Signs Tax Levy Bill_ 3431 Blakely TWO., Pa 3124 Charlotte _2714 Agawam, Mass 2569 Co., Fla 2854, 2989 Special Legislative Session Ends__3276 handing, Utah 3276 Chatham, Va Aiken, S. C 1977 Bloomer, Wig 2399, 2854 Missouri (State of)- Akron, Ohio 1977 Chatham Co., N. C 2399 Bond 2397, 2715 Bloomfield, N. J 675,000,000 Road Amend- Akron City Sch, Dist., Ohio 2854, 2989 Chatham Sch. Dist. No. 14, La 3574 meat Submitted 2120 Bloomfield Twp., Mich_ _1977, 2120, 2399 Chattanooga, 2280 AlThama (State of) 2397, Tenn 2854, 3739 Supreme Court Finds Airport 2853 Bloomfield Twp. S. D., Pa 3276 Chelan Co. Sbh. Dist. Alabama State Bridge Corporation, Bloom Twp, No.46, Wash., Bonds Invalid 2714 Ala Rural B. D., Ohio 2399 3277, 3574,3739 2262, 3276 Blue Sulphur Springs Road Approve Road Bonds 2853 Albany, N. Y Dist., Chelan Co. Sch. Dist. No. 108. Modified Ruling _ _2398 W.Va 1977 on Airport Bonds Albany Port Dist., N.Y.,2589, 2988. Wash 2120, 2262,2570 Solicited 3123 3123 Boise, Idaho 2989 Cherokee Os., Kan Alberta (Province of), Can 2126 Boise 2570, 2716 Supreme Court Holds Airport Albion, City, Okla 2262 Cherokee Co.,S. C Idaho 2398. 2853 Boise Impt. 2989, 3277 Bonds Legal 3573 Albuquerque, Dist. No. 1, Idaho 3124 Cherry C.S. D. No. 82, Neb N. Mex__ 2120 Bonesteel, So. Dak 1978 Moffat Tunnel District, Colo-- Alderson, W. Va 1977, 2399, 2570 Chesterfield Twp. S. D. No. 6, Mich Sanctions 2569 Bonita Sch. Dist., Calif 2989 Court District Bonds-2118 Alexandria, Minn 3432, 3739 Bond Issue Again 2938 Bonneville Co. Indep. S. D. No. 1, Chesterton, Md Attacked 2714 Alice, Texas 2282 2570 Litigation Re-opened on Bond Allegany Idaho 2989, 3271 Chicago, Ill Co., Md., 2715, 2854,2988, 3431 Boone, 2262, 2716 Issue Allen. Neb No. Caro 1977, 2262 Chicago Sanitary Dist., Ill 3276 Bosque Co.Texas 2854, Mount Oliver. Pa.-Borough Defeats3237 Allen Okla 2399 2990, 3125, 3123 Bosque Co.Road Dist.,Texas_3124, 3277 Annexation Proposal 3123 Allen Co., Ind 3432 Chickasaw Co., Ia 3472 Bossier Par. Consol. Sch. Dist., La_2120 Chicopee, Municipal Bond Elections in Novem- Allen Co., Ohio _...1977, Mass 3534 2262, 2398,3124 Bossier Par. Sch. Dist. No, 28, La..3432 Chikasha Impt, ber-Extensive New Issues Con- 2988, 3124, 3276. 3431, Dist. No, 35, Okla_ _3739 templated 3738 Boston, Mass_ ___2399, 2570. 3432, 3574 Chillicothe. la 2397 Allen Park, Mich 2569, 3276, 3431 3125, 3277, 3432 Allen Bouchette Twp., Que 3743 Christian Co., Ky Twp., Ohio 3124, 2574 Boundbrook, 2570 ebraska(State of)-Constitutional Alpine, Texas N. J 1977 Chowan Co., N. C 2569, 2854, 3431 Bourbon Twp. Dist., 3432 N AmendmentInvaildatedThrough Alpine Indep, Bch. Sch, Ind 2989 Cimarron, Kan Dist., Texas_3574 Bovine Indep. Sch. Dist„Tex 3432 2120 Error 3123 Altamaha Consol. Sch. Dist., Cincinnati, Ohio 2120, 2716,3277 Gs_ _3431 Bowling Green, Ohio 3276 Cincinnati New Jersey (State oil-Legislature Aitamont Sch. Dist. No, 50. III__ _ _3574 S. D., Ohio 2990. 3432 Adjourns After Bowman Co. N.Dak 2399 Cisco, Tex Passing Election Altoona Sch. Mat,Pa 3124, 3276 Boyd 2990, 3125 Bills 2118 Amanda, Ohio Co.. Ky 2989. 3574 Clallam Co., Wash 2120. 2715 Bradner. Ohio 2989 3574 Claremont, N. H 2121, 2262

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX VOL. 127-PART 2.

BOND ISSUES-(Continued). ISSUES-(Contfnued). BOND ISSUES-(Conffnued). BOND_ISSUES--(Conffnued). BOND Page. Page. Page. Page. 2571 3575 Granville TwD.Sch. Dist., Pa 1979 beds,Par., La Claridon Twp., Ohio 2716, 2990 East Cleveland, Ohio dab('Falls. Idaho 2402 2399 East Cleveland City S. D., Ohio, Granville Union Free Sch. Dist. No.7 I Clark Co.. Ind 3278, 3739 Riff Drain. Dist., Colo 2122, 2717 Clark Co., Ky 2399 2121, 2991 N. Y Gray Co., Tex 2263, 2717 Illon, N. Y 3740 Clarksdale, Miss • 2990, 3125, 3739 East Grand Rapids, Mich-1978. Illinois (State of) 2571 2855. 3125 2121, 3278 Greater Peoria Sanitary Dist., 111..3126 Clarksville. Ind 2283 Independence, Mo 2263, 2402 Co.. Ind 2121, 2399,2570. 2855 East Haven, Conn 2121, 2400 Great Falls, Mont Clay Greece Central Sch. Dist. No. 1, Independence TwP.,Pa 2122 Clay Co. Sol. Tax S. D. No. 3, East Paterson, N.J 2991, 3433 2402, 2571,3279 2717 N. Y 3126, 3278 Indianapolis. Ind 1979, Fla 2716, 3432 East St. Louis, Ill Indianapolis Sch.Dist., Ind_ _ _3434, 3470 Dist., Mo 3432 East Union Twp.,Pa 2400 Green Bay, Wis 2717, 2856, 3126 Clayton Sch: N. Y. 3434, 3576 Indianapolis Sch. Dist., Ind_ _2402, 2571 Cleveland, 0_2121, 3125,3277, 3432, 3738 East Whitby Twp., Out 1983, 2408 Greenburgh, Sch. Dist., Ga 2716, 2990 East York TWO.. Out 2126 Greenburgh Cotswold Wat, Dist., Cleveland N. Y. 2263. 2401. 3126 International Falls, Minn 2572 Clifton, N. J 2990, 3125, 3277 Eaton, Ohio 2855, 3433 2856, 3576 Dist., Miss 2717 Greenburgh, East Irvington Water Iowa (State of) Clifton, Que 2575, 3131 Ecru Sch. Ironton, Ohio 1979, 2122, 2402 3439 Eden, Texas 2571, 2991 Dist., N.Y 2717, 2855 Climax, Bask Fairview Water Dist., Island Heights, N. J 2402 Clinton, Okla 3125, 3739 Eden Consul. S. D., Miss 2855. 2991 Greenburgh 2399 Eden TWO., Pa 3278 N.Y.2571.2855, 2991. 3126 Clio, Mich Water DLst., ackson, Ga 2122, 2402 COM301. B. D.. Ga 2399 Edgerton. Wis 2121 Greenburgh Knollwood Cllponseka 2717 Jackson, Mich 2402 Cloverport Graded S.D., Ky._ 2716, 2990 Edinburg, Texas 2263 N.Y.2401, 1979 3575 Green Cove Springs, Fla 2571, 3575 Jackson,0 Clovis, N. Mex 3433 Edmonds, Wash Jackson Co., Miss 3576 3433 Edmonton, Alta 2408, 2721 Greene Co., Ind 1979, 3126 Coahoma, Tex Co., Ky 1979 Jacksonville, Fla 1979, 2856, 2991 Coal Twp. S. D.,Pa 1978, 2399 Edmonton. Alta 3439 Greene 3127, 3279 2121, 3433 Greene Co.,0 2401, 2571, 2856,3126 Jamestown, N.Y Coastal H'way Comm., S. C._2716, El Campo, Texas Dak 2991 N. C 3125, 3433 Greenfield. Ohio 3575, 3739 Jamestown, N. 2990, 3277 Elizabethtown. Jamestown, R.I 2122 2121, 2399 Elk City, Okla 3433 Greenfield Park, Qua 2408 Cochran, Ga Rd & Bdge. Dist., Jasper Co., Ind 2122, 2717 Co.,Tenn 3433, 3574 Elk City S. 13., Okla _2121, 2400, Greenfield Spl. 2402 Coche Fla 2571 Jasper Co.,Iowa 1979, 2263, Coeymans Union Free S. D. No. 1 2991, 3739 2402, 2991 Dak 2121, 2571 Greensboro, N. C 2991, 3278, 3575 Jeannette. Pa N. Y 2399 Elk Point, S. Jeff Davis Co., Ga 3434 Miss 1978 Elmira, N. Y 2121, 2400 Greensburg, Ind 1979 Coldwater Consol. S. D., 2122 Jefferson City, Tenn 2856 La 3739 El Paso. Texas 3278, 3433 Greenview, Utah Colfax, Co., S. C _2856, 2991. 3126 Jefferson Co.,Fla 1979, 2263, 2717 Colorado (State of) 2716 Emmet County, Iowa 3278, 3433 Greenville 3279 3278 Greenwich, Ohio 2717 Jefferson Co., Ohio Columbia. S. C 3433, 3574 Empire, Ohio Jefferson Co., Tex.1979, 2856, 2991, 3279 3739 Emporia, Kan 1978 Grenada, Miss 1979 Columbia Co., N.Y 3576 Jefferson Co. Rd. Impt. Dist. No. 26 Ala 3277 Endicott, N. Y 3575 Gretna. La 3434, Columbiana. Indep. S. D., Ia 3278 Ark 3434, 3740 Columbus, Miss 2570, 3855 Ennis Road Dist. No. 16. Texas_ _.2121 Griswold Grosse Pointe Park, Mich...2122, Jesup, Ga 3434 Columbus, 0_2121, 2399, 2716, Enterprise, Ore Jewett lndep.Sch. Dist., Tex-3279, 3434 2855, 2990, 3433, 3574 Erick. Okia 2855.3125 2401, 2571 Twp. Agricul. 8. D. Jo Daviess Co. Sch. Dist., Ill 2717 Colwyn, Pa 2716 Erie County, N.Y 3575.3739 Grosse Pointe 2991.3433 No, 1, Mich 2401, 2856 John Co. Union Graded 8. D. No.58, Commerce, Tex 3277, 3433 Essex,Iowa Okla 2263 2121, 2570 Essex Co., Mass 1978, 2991. 3125 Gros*/ Ile. TWO. Tile Drain. Dist., Concord, N.C 3576 Johnson Co.,Ind 2122, 2233 Pa 1978 Essex County, Out 2408 No. 4, Mich 3279 Conshohocken. - 2991 Johnstown, Neb 2992, Conway Co., Ark 3574 Etobicoke TWO., Ont 3283 Guilford Co., N.0 2717 D., Ore 3575 Gulfport, Fla Jones Co., Tex Cook Co., Ill 2570, 2716,2855 Euchre Creek S. Jones Co. Dist., Miss 1979 Texas 2399. 2990 Euclid, Ohio 3125, 3739 Gunter Sch. Dist., Tex 3740 Cooke Co., 2571 Jonesville, S. C 3127 Cookeville, Tenn 2855 Eudora Spec. S. D., Ark 2263 Gypsum, Kan Cooper Co., Mo 2399 Eufaula. Ala 3125, 3575 3283 2717, 2991 addonfleld, N..7 2991 Tramloops, B. C 2996, Coquille Ore 3277, 3739 Eugene, Ore ..altuskesing, Out 3743 Pa 3433 Eupora, Miss 2400, 2571, 3125 Haledon, N. J 3740 Corapolls, Mich 3278 Ida 2263 Cordell, Okla 3125, 3433 Evansville, Ind 2855 Halfway, Wyo.2122 3433 Hallettsville, Texas 2991 Kemmeier Paving Dist. No. 2 Corning, Ohio 3574 Everett, Mass Kempsville Road Dist., Va-- .2858, 3740 Christi, Texas 3574 Excelsior Springs, Mo 2717, 2991 Hamburg, N. Y 3576 Corpus Mont 3126. 3740 Kenedy Indep, Sch. Dist., Tex 3434 Coronach, Bask 3581 Hamilton, 2122 Hamilton, Ont 2575 Wanly, N. C Cottage Grove, Ore 2716. 3433. 3574 ali. Bluff, N.C 1978 Kenmore 0 1979, 2402, 3279 Dist. No. 12, Pa 3433 Hamilton Co., Ind_ _2122, 2571, 3576 Cotton Valley Sch. Falrehance, 2122 Kenogami, Quo 2575, 2860 La 2716, 3277 Fairview, Ohlo2400, 2855, 3278,3433,3575 Hamilton Co., Ohio Hamilton. Eaton & Madison Central Rent 0 2856, 3740 Covington, Ky___1978, 3277, 3431,3575 Falls Creek Sch. Dist., Pa 3278 Kenton 3279 2991 8. D. No. 1, N.Y 3576, 3740 City Sch. Dist.,0 Cov ington Twp. Bch. Dist., Pa.2121, 2262 Faulkner Co., Ark Kenton Co. Water Dist. No. 1, Ky., Township, Ohio 2121 Fayette Co., Iowa 1978, 3125. 3278 Hamilton Sch. Dist., Ohio 1979 Crane Dist.. Neb_1979, 2263 2856, 3127 Cranston. R. I 1978, 3575, 3739 Fentess Co., Tenn 3739 Hamlet Rural Sch. 3127 Hammonton, N. J.....2263, 2571, 2991 Kentucky (State of) 2402, Creston, Ohio 3277 Fillmore Union H. S. D., Calif. Kershaw Co., S. 3127, 3576 3126, 3278, 3433 Hamtramck. Mich 2571, 2856 C Creswell, N. C 3277 Kewaskum, Wis 2572 Co., Ky 2990 Findlay, Ohio 3739 Hancock, Minn 2263, 2571 Crittenden 2401 Kimble Co.Road Dist. No.4, Tex.-3279 Crosby, N. Dak 2121, 2262 Fitchburg. Matz 3278. 3739 Hancock Co., Ohio 1979, 2283, Hanging Rock Village Sch, Dist., 0..3740 King Co., Wash 3127 Cross Creek TWO.. Pa 2570, 2716 Flint. Mich_2400. 2717, 3126. 3278, 3575 King No. 1, Wash....3740 3575 19, Mich_ _2121 Harlan, la 2283 Co. Sch, Dist. Cross Cut Sch. Dist., Tex 3277, Flint Twp.Sch, Dist. No. King Co. Sch. Dist. No. 205, Wash. Cullman Co., Ala 2262 Flora, Miss 1978 Harlan, Ky 2991, 3278 Indep. S. D., Tex 2991 2572. 2992 Cumberland, Md 2121, 2262 Floyd Co., Ind 2400, 2855 Harlendale 3435 3125 1978 Harris Co., Tex_ _3126, 3278. 3434, 3740 Kingsford, Mich Curtis Road Dist., Miss 2855, Fond Du Lac, Wis Kingston, N. Y 1979, 3740 Custer, B. Dak 1978. 2399 Ford City Roman Catholic Sch. Harrison N. Y 2122, 2401, 3576 Harrison Co., Ind 2122, 2991 King William Co., Ye 2992, 3279 Custer Co. Common Soh. Dist. No. Dist., Ont 2408 Ga_ _ _2402 3739 2855 Harrison Twp. Rural S. D.,0 3576 Kirkland Consol, Sch. Dist., 57. Ida Fordson, Mich Klamath Falls, Ore 3576 Cuyahoga Co.. Ohio_ A978. 2121, Forest Grove. Ore 3278 Harrisonville, Mo 3431, 37411 Hartford, Conn 2571, 2856 Klickitat Co. Sch, Dist, No. 54. 2262, 2400. 2716, 3:77, 3433,3575, 3730 Forest Hill, New Brunswick 3439 3576, 3740 2408, 2721 Hartford City, Ind. 2122, 3126, 3278 Wash 2572, 2856, Forest, Out Knox Co., Ind_2263, 2402, 2992, 3125 Forest Township,Pa 3434 Hartland TWO Sch. Dist., Ia 3434 ale, Pa N. Y 3740 3279, 3576 Dist., Tex 3433 Forks Sch. Dist.. Wash 2400, 2571 Hartsdale Water Dist., Dalias Levee Impt. 32, S. C.3126, 3576 Knox & Shelby Cos. Drat Dist., Mo_2402 Dist., Pa 2570 Forsyth Co., N. C.2455. 2991. 3126, 3278 Hartsville S. D. No, Dallas Sch. Haskell. Okla 2122. 2401 Knoxville, Tenn___2717, 2992. 3127 Danville, Ky 2570. 2990 Fort Bend Co. Rd. Dist. No, 1 Tex_ _2855 3279, 3435 2263 Fort Branch. Iowa 2121, 2263 Hastings, Minn 1979, 2401 Danville Bch. Dist., Pe N. J 2856, 3126 Kosciusko, Miss 2122 N.C 1978, 2990 Fort Gaines Sch, Dist., Ga. _3433, 3739 Hawthorne, Darr Co.. Haxtun, Colo 3740 Kosciusko Co., Ind____2122, 2283 Davidson, Okla 3433, 3739 Fort Lee. N.J 3126 2402, 2858,3279 Iowa 2121. 2283 Haywood Co., N. C___3126, 3278, 3434 Dttv Irby Co., Ind_ _3716, 2855 3277, Fort Madison, Kossuth Co., Iowa 2402, 2717 3101. 3575 Fort Myers, Fla 2855 Hazel Crest, Ill 3741) 3278 Haziehurst, Miss 2991, 3434 Dawson Springs, KY 2121 Fort Wayne Sch. Dist., Ind a 2122, 2402 Ohio 2991 Headrick Sch.Dist., Okla 2401 Crosse, Kan Daytona Beach, Fla 1978, 2570 Fostoria. a Fayette. La 2283, 3279, 3577 Sch. Dist, Ohio_ _2990, 3433 Fourche Valley Sp'l Sch. Dist No. 13 Hempstead Com, S. D. No. 18, Dayton City 3278, 3576, 3740 La Grange Park, Ill 3127 Mich-2400, 2570, 2855, Ark 2283 N. Y Dearborn, 3575 Hemsptead Union Free S. D. No. Lake Chelan Reclamation Dist.. 2990, 3125 Framingham. Mass Wash 1979 Mich 2855, 2990 Frankfort, N.Y 2121, 2263 8, N.Y 2571, 3278 Dearborn Twp.. Free S. D. No. Lake County, Ind____2122, 2402, Twp. Sch. Dist. No. 7, Frankfort Union Free Sch. Dist. Hempstead Union 3435 Dearborn N. Y 2991, 3279 2572, 2856, 1. 3277 No. 9. N. Y 2400. 2571, 2855 12, 2402. 3740 41:11 1978 Hempstead Union Free S. D. No. Lake County, Ohio 2122, 2263, Decatur, Ala 2990 Franklin, N.H Lake Hancock Impt. Dist., Fla 2572 3125 3/77, 3403 Franklin, Ohio 2991, 3739 23, N.Y. 1979, 2401 Decatur Co., Ind Ky. _2263, 2571, 2717 Lakeland, Fla 3740 Ga 3277. 3133.3575 Franklin Co.,Ind 2991, 3278 Henderson Co., Decatur Co., Henderson Co., N C 2122, 3576 Lake Norden, S. Dak 3435 Park, Ohio 2990. 3133, 3739 Franklin Co., Ky 3575 3435, 3740 Deer 3434 Hendrick Co., Ind 2401, 3434 Lakewood, Ohio 3127, De Funiak Springs, Fla_1978, 2716, Freeport Ohio Lakewood 2992, 3279 2990. 3125 Freeport Indep, Sch. Dist., Tex. Hennepin Co., Minn 3434 TwP., N• J 2233, 2571 Lamberton Sch. Dist., Minn 2717 Co., Ind 2716, 2990 2991, 3434, 3575,3739 Henry Co.,Ind De Kalb Co., Ky 2263, 2856 Lamont, Iowa 2402, 2572,2717 .e Co., N. Y 2 00, 2716 Freeport Sch. Dist.. Ohio 3739 Henry 3435 Delawa 3575 Henry Co., Ohio 3126, 3576 Lancaster, N. Y Delaware Co., Ohio 2990, 3277 Fremont, Neb Bch. Dist.. Wyo 3740 2570 Fremont, Ohio 2991 Henrylyn 'trig. Dist., Colo 2401 Lander High D•1111. La 3576 Landrum, S. C 3127 Iowa 2121, 2263 Fremont Co. Bch. Dist. No.32,Wyo _ 3126 Herkimer, N. Y Deniion, 3434 Hermon. N. Y 2991, 3576 Lane Co. Sch. Dist. No. 56, Ore. _ _ _3435 Denver, Colo 2,00, 2570, 3125, 3739 Frostburg, Md 2400, 2717 Hertford Co., N. C 2717, 3279 Lansing, Mich 2992, 3677 Depew S. D., Okla 2716 Fulton, N.Y 2, 1978, 2401, 2571 Heth Sp'. Sch. Dist., Ark 3740 Lansing Twp, Sch. Dist. No. Derby, Conn 1978 Fulton Co.,Ind 2122, 3127, 3279 1978 Fulton Co., Ky 3404 Hickory, N. C 3578 Mich Derby Twp. Rural S. D., Ohio La Plata, Md 3438 County, Fla 2990 Fulton Co., Ohio 2263 Hidalgo Co Rd. Dist., Tex 2717 De Soto Hidalgo Co. Wet. Control & Impt. Laporte, Ind 2992 Des Ilalnes, III 2121 Funks Grove TWO.,Ill 3575, 3739 3470 2121. 2855, 2990 Dist., No. 1, Tex 2283 Laporte, Tex Detroit, Mich Impt. Dist. No. Laporte Co., Ind 2992, 3740 Lake, N. Dak 1978 age Co. Rural B.D. No. 67., Neb _ 2263 Hidalgo Co. Water 3127 Devils 2, Tex 1979, 2401, 3740 Latrobe Sch, Dist., Pa 2717, Dewey Co., S. Dak 2121 GN.-Sage Co. Bch. Dist. No. IS.. Neb_3575 2717, 2856 2571, 2716 Tex_ _1978, 3278, 3434, 3575 Higgins Indep. Sch, Dist., Tex 2122 Lausel, Miss Dickson City. Pa Gainseville, Lavaca Co. ltd.; Dist. No. 3 1978 Galax, Va 1978. 2455 Highland Park, N. J_2122, 2401, Daley. Tens 3279, 3434, 3740 Tex 2122, 3435 Diamond Twp., N. Dak 2121 Garfield Heights, Ohio 1978 3127 Highland Park B. D., N. J. _3434, 3576 Laverne Turp. Okla Dixon, III 2855, 2991,3575 Garfield, N. J. 3739 2992, 3279 2571, 2717 3278. 3575 Highland Co.. Fla.- _2356, 3127, 3434 Lawrence, Neb Dodge City, Kan Garwood, N. J. Lea Co., N. Mex 2572 Who 2121 Gastonia, No. Caro 2263, 2571 Hill Co. S. D. No,26. Mont 1979 Dodge County, Indep. S. D.. Tex Lea Co., Sch. Dist. No. 1, N. Donley County, Texas 2717, 2855 Gates, N. Y. 3126 3278 Hillsboro 3740 2264 2400 Rural S. D. No. 31, Kan_ 3278 Hillsborough Co. Bp. Tax S. D. No. Max Donna City. Fla Geary Co. Co., Pa 1979. 2264 .. _2400, 2855, 2991 Genoa, Ill 1979 9, Fla 3279 Lebanon Dorchester Co., S. C. Lebanon Village Sch. Dist., Ohio._ _2572 Dorset Twp, Rural S. D., Ohio 2355 Genoa, Sch. DIE.. Neb 1979 Hillside TWO, N. J 3740 S. 2991. 3127, 3434 Lee Co., Iowa. 2402, 2572 Dothan, Ala 3433 Georgetown Bp'l Sch. Dist., Del__ _2401 Hillside Twp. D., N.J. 3279, 3577 Ore 2991, 3130, 4743 Gering, Neb 2263 Hinton, Okla 2401, 2717 Leesville, S.0 Douglas Co., Leetonia, Ohio-. -1979,2402, 2572 Douglas Co. S. D. No. 125, Ore 2263 German Twp. Bch. Dist., Pa_ _2991, 3126 Hitchcock Com.Sch.Dist.No.6,Tex.. 2263 2122 Rural S. D., Lemont, Ill Dover Twp.S. D.,Pa 2400. 2855 Glbsonburg, Ohio 1979 Hosglin Jackson 3677 2283, Leominster, Maas Downey Union H.8. D., Callf 3125. 3277 Gibson Co., Ind 3434, 3739 Ohio 2856 2264, 2858, 2992 1979 Holland, Mich 2401, 3740 Leon Co., Fla. DrEsden, Tenn 2263, 2400 Glencoe. Minn Bpi. Tax S. D. No. 1 3131 Calif 2121, 3434, 3739 Holmes Co., Ohio 2856, 3127, 3740 Leon Co., Drummond Twp., Ont Glendale, Fla 2264, 3127 Iowa 3125, 3433 Glen Cove, N. Y 2122, 2401, 2571 Homewood, Ala 1979, 2991, 3740 Dubuque, Lethbridge, Alta 3131 Duluth, Minn 1978, 2400 Glen Ridge, N .1 2121, 2401. 2571 Hones, Path, S C 2401, 2856 2992 Hood River. Ore 2856, 3127, Levelland, Texas Durbin, W. Va 1978 Goldsboro. N. C 3278, 3595 3279 2264, 2572, 3740 3278 Hooversville Sch. Dig.. Pa 2856 Levy Co., Fla Durham Co., N. C 1978, 2121, 2991 Gonad Co., Tex N. Y 1979 Sch. Dist. No. 8., Wyo_2122 Hopkinsaille, Ky 3740 Lewis Co., Goshen Co. Lexington, Ky 2572, 2856 Goshen Co.Sch. Dist. No. 16.. Wyo _2571 Horry Co., S. C 2858, 3127, 3434 ;mks Mere, Pa 2400 Hot Springs, Ark Liberty, Taxa 3577 Aurora, N.Y 2121, 2400 Gould. Okla 2717, 2855, 2991 1979, 2401 3577 East 3575 Houston Indep. _Sch. Dist., Tex. Liberty. S. C East Auroras. D. No. 131, III 2400 Graham, Tex Liberty Co., Fla 2264 Grand Forks Co., N. Dak- _13126. 3739 2263, 2401, 3279, 3434 East Bay Municipal Utility Dist.. Dist, Liberty Co., Bpi. Tex B. D., No. 4, Grand Junction, Colo 2991 Houston Sp'l Sch. No. 39, Ark.2263 3435 Calif 3277, 3575 Co., Ind 2991 Fla 2403, S.D., Ohio 2400 Grand Ledge, Mich 3434 Howard 2717, _3740 East Canton Spec. Hudson, Mass 2402, 2571 Liberty Consol, Sch. Dist., Miss._ East Carlisle Rural B. D., Ohlo.3278, 3575 Grand Mere. Que_1983, 2126, 3131, 3439 Calif.._ _ _3127, 3279 2401, 2717 Hudson River Regulating Dist., Liberty Sch. Dist., Eastchester, N.Y 1978 Grand Rapids, Mich Sch. Dist., No. 6. Exemp. VII. S.D.0_2571 N. Y 2717, 3127 Libertyville Twp., Eastchester Union Free S. D. No. 2, Grandview Ills. 111 3435 Granger, Texas 3739 Huntington Co., Ind 2402 N.Y 2400, 2571 3127 Ligonier, Ind 2717, 2992 Union Free S. D. No. 3, Grant Co., Ind 2401, 3126. 3434 Huntington Wood, Mich Eastchester Huntaburg Twp., Ohio 3127, 3434 Lim, Ohio 2572, 2718 N.Y 3575 Grant Co. Sch. Dist. No. 94, Wash_2263

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OCT.-DEC., 1928.] INDEX xxm

BOND ISSUES-(Continued). BOND ISSUES-(Confinued). BOND ISSUES-(Confinued). BOND ISSUES--(Confinued). Page. Page. Page. Page. Lincoln Park, M1ch2403, 2856, 3127, Milwaukee, Wis 3741 ak Harbor, Ohio 2718, 2994 Portland, Ore 3281, 3742 3435, 3577, 3740 Mineola, N.Y 2403, 2718, 2857 Oakland. Calif 2718. 2994 Portland Co.,Ore 3719 Lincoln Park Dist., 111...2403, 3127, Minford Rural Sch. Dist., Ohio 23434526 Oakland,Ore 3436 Portland Water Dist., Me___2573, 2858 3577, 3740 Mingo Co., W. Va Oakland Co., Mich 2573, 2857 Port Neches, Texas 3281, 3578 Lincoln Park Sch. Dist., III 3577 Mingo Junction Sch. Dist., 0..3435, 3577 Oak Park, Mich 2404, 2573,2718 Port Neches, Common Sch. Dist., Lincoln Twp. Fractional Sch. Dist. Minneapolis. Minn 1980, 2718. Oakwood,Okla 3280 Texas 2719, 3437 No. 2, Mich 1979, 2264 2856, 3128, 3577, 3741 Ocean Beach. N. Y 1980, 3264 Porto Rico (Government of) 3578 Linden, N. J 3128, 3577 Minos, N.Y 2993 Ocean City. N. J 1981, 2124. 2573 Portsmouth,Ohio 2124. 2858, 2994 Lindenhurst, N. Y.. 3577 Mission Indep. School Dist., Texas. Ocean Shore Impt. Diet., Fla_ _2994. 3436 Posey Co.,Ind 1981, 2573, 2994 Linnsdale, Ohio 2264, 3577 2572. 3280 Ocean Side, Calif 2124 Poteet Indep.Sch. Dist.,Texas 3437 Linton Spl. Sch. Dist. No.36N. Dak. MIRSISSInni (State of) _ _ _ _3280, 3435, Odebolt,Iowa 1981 Poughkeepsie, N.Y 1981 2123, 2403,2718 3577, 3741 Odessa, Texas 3280 Prairie Twp., Ohio 3281 Litchfield Twp. S. D., No. 2, Mich. Mississippi Co. Consol. Sch. Dist. No. Odessa, Wash 1981, 2404 Preston, Ont 2575, 2721 2403, 2572 31 Ark 1980, 2403 Ohio Twp.,Pa 2404 Primrose, Neb 3578 3742 Little Falls. N. Y 1979 Mitchell, Neb 2993, 3280, 3741 Okaloosa Co. Sch. Dist. No. 5 Fla 2124 Prince Edward Island (Province of) _2996 Little Rock Impt. Dist., No. 113 Mobile, Ala 3435 Okeene, Okla 2124 Prophetstown, Ill 2404 Ark_ _ 3577 Monessen Sch. Dist.,Pa_2403, 2993, 3577 Olmstead Falls, Ohio 3280 Prospect, Ohio 3742 Livingston, N. Y 1979, 2123 Monett, Mo .2403 Olustee Sp'1. Tax Sch. Dist. No.5 F1a2124 Pueblo, Colo 2124 Livingston Parish, S. D., No. 1, La. Monrose, Mich 3128, 3280. 3435 Omaha, Neb 2718 Pulaski Co.. Ind 2124, 2995,3281 2264, 2992 Monroe Co.,Fla 2993 Oneida Co., N.Y 2857, 2994 Punxsutawney. Pa 3281, 3437, 3578 Lochmoor, Mich 1980, 2403 Monroe Co.Iowa 3280, 3578 Oneonta, N.Y 2994, 3128 Purcell, Okla 3129, 3437 Logan Sch. Dist., W. Va 3435 Monroe Co. Mich 2993, 3280, 3435 Onondaga Co., N.Y 1981. 2124 Putnam Co., N. Y 2404, 2573, 2719 Lone Wolf, Okla 2856, 3577 Monroe Co.. Miss 3436 Onslow Co., No. Caro 2265 Putnam Co., Ohio 1081, 2124 Long Beach, Calif _1980, 2123, 2264,2403 Monroe Co. Rd. Dist. No. 4 Miss__ _2572 Ontario, Ore 2718, 2994 Putnam Co.Sch. Dist., Fla 2719 Long Beach, N. Y 3279, 3435 Monroeville Village Sch. Dist., Ohio 2123 Ontario Co., Out 2267. 3430 Putnam Twp. Sch. Dist., Pa_ _2265. 2719 Long Island, Ran. 3279, 3577 Montague Co. Rd Dist. No. 12 Texas Opelika. Ala 3578 Long Mott Common Sch. Dist. 2123, 2403, 2857 Ophir Sch. Dist.. Ore 2265 uaker City,Ohio 3281 Tex 3435 Montezuma Co. S. D. No. 1, Colo_ 2993 Orange City,Iowa 1981 Quebec. Qua 3743 Lorain, Ohio 2403, 2992, 3279 Montgomery, Ala 3128 Orange City Lake Helen SO. Rd. & Quincy, Mass 2404, 2573 Lorain Co., Ohio 2123 Montgomery, W.Va 1980 Bridge Dist., Fla 2265, 2857 Los Angeles, Cal_2123, 2572, 3279, 3740 Montgomery Co.Ind 2120, 2264 Orangefield Sch. Dist., Texas 3436 acine-Cutton Rural Sch. Dist.,0_2404 Los Angeles Co., Acquisition & Impt. Montgomery Co., Ky Orange Grove Sch. Dist., Miss 2857 Rahway. N.J 3437, 3742 Dist. No. 17, Calif 3128, 3279 Montgomery Co., Miss 3280. 3574781 Orange Co., Fla 3741 Randall, Kan 3742 Los Angeles Co.. Acquisition & Impt. Montmagny, Que Orange Co. Acquisition & Impt. Dist. Randolph Co., Ala 2265 Dist. No. 19, Calif 2264 Montreal, Can 22772211 No. 1 Calif 3741 Random Lake, Wis 2265, 2719 Los Angeles Co., Acquisition &'mot. Moody Co. Selz. Dist. No.26 So. Dak1980 Orange Co.Sch. Dist., Fla_ _ _ _2265, 2857 Ranger,Texas 3437 Dist., No. 60, Calif 1980, 2403 Moose Jaw,Sask 3581 (State of) 2573, 3128 Rapid City, So. Dak 3281, 3579 Los Angeles Co., Acquisition & Impt. Mooresville, No. Caro 3578, 3741 Oregon'City, Ore 3578 Raritan Twp., N.J 2265 Dist., No. 79, Calif 3435 Morehouse Parish Merged Sch. Dist. Orlando, Fla 3128, 3436 Ravalli Co., Mont 3437 Los Angeles Co., Acquisition & Impt. Nos.2 .43 La 3128 Orleans Levee Dist., La 2857 Reading, Mass 3579 Dist., No. 136, Calif. 2572, 2856, 2992 Morriltown Sin Sch. Dist., Ark. _ _ _2264 Osawatomle, Kan 3436 Reading,Pa 2404, 2995 Los Angeles Co., Drain. Dist. No.26 Morristown Sch. Dist., N.j. _ _3128. 3280 Osceola Spl. Sch. Dist.. Ark_ _2265, 2404 Reesville Rural Sch. Dist., Ohio__ __2124 Calif 3279 Morrow Co:, Ohio 21998903 Oshawa, Out 2408, 2860 Redford Twp. Mich____2573, 2858, 3129 Los Angeles Co., Rd. Dist., No. 306, Mountain Lake, N.J Oswego, N.Y 3280, 3741 Regan, No.Dak 2573, 3281 Calif 3577, 3741 Mount Lebanon Twri pa.3741 Ottawa Co., Ohio 1981 Regina Sask 2721 Los Animas Paving Dist.. No. 1, Mount Lebanon TWO.Sch. Dist., Ottawa Hills, Ohio 2718 Rhame, No. Dak 3437 Colo 2264, 2718, 2992 2857, 3578 Owen Co.,Ind 1981. 2404 Rhea Co.. Tenn 1981 Louislana(State of)2123, 3279, 3435, 3577 Mount Penn Sch. Dist.. Pa__2993, Owensboro,Ky 2718 Richfield, Utah 1981 Louisville, Ky.. 2403, 2856, 2992 3280, 3436 Owosso, Mich 2858 Richland Co.,0h1o2404, 2995, 3437, 3579 Lovington, In 2572 Mount Pleasant, N.Y 2403, 2572 Oxford, No. Caro 2404, 2573 Richland, Lexington & Saluda Cos., Lubboch Co., Tex 2857 Mount Pleasant Valhalla Water Dist. Oxford, Ohio 3741 So. Caro 3579 Lucas Co., Ohio_ _2857, 3128, 3435, 3577 N.Y 2264, 2572 Oxford Village Sch. Dist., Ohlo2124, 2854 Richland Sch. Dist., Calif 2124 Ludlow, Ky 1980, 2857 Mount Pulaski Twp. Sch. Dist., Ill. Richmond. Calif 3129, 3437 Luverne, Ala 2123 3578. 3741 Co. Consol. Sch. Dist No. Ridgefield, N.J 3437, 3579 Lynbrook. N. Y 3128, 3279 Mountrall Co. Sol. Sch. Dist. No. 8 PL 113 Wash 2124 Ridgewood Twp. Sch. Dist., N. J___3742 Lynhaven Sch. Dist., Va 2264, 2403, No.Dak 2718, 3128 Paducah. Ky 3436 Riley Co., Kan 1981 2572, 2857 Mount Vernon, N. Y.__2993, 3128, 3280 Painesville, Ohio 2994 Ripley Co.,Ind 1981 Lynn Haven, Fla 2572 Mount Vernon, Wash 3280, 3436 Palatine Sch. Dist.. III 2265, 3578 Riverhead Water Dist., N. Y..2404, 2858 Lyons, Ga 2123 Multnomah Co. Dral. Dist. No. 1 Palestine, Texas_1981, 2265, 2404,3436 River Junction, Fla 2858, 3129 Ore 2403 Palisades Park. N.J 1981, 2265 River Park Dist., III 1981 cCamey Indep. Sch. Dist.. Tex.._ 3741 Munson Twp.,Ohio 2857 Palisades Park SO.Dist., N..1_2573, Riverside Sch. Dist., III 3579, 3742 MMcComb Co., Miss 2992, 3128 Niuscoda, Wis 1980 2994, 3280, 3436 Robeson Co., N.Caro 1981 McComb Co., Mich 3435, 3577 Muskegon, Mich 2403, 2572 Palmer. Hampden Co., Mass 2858 Rochester Minn 2404, 3437, 3742 McCone Co., Sch. Diet. No. 56, Muskegon Heights Sch. Dist., Mich. Pama Sell. Dist., Texas 3281, 3436 Rochester, N. Y_ _1981. 2573, 2719. Mont 2718 2993. 3578 Pana,Ill 2124 3129. 3281 McCracken Co., Ky 2403, 2718 Muskogee, Okla 3578 Paris, Ark 3129 Rockville Center, N.Y 2995 McCreary Co., Ky 3279 Muskogee Co., Ok la _. _2857, 2993, 3128 Parkdale Scill. Sch. Dist., Ark 2573 Rocky Mount, No.Caro 3427, 3579 McDonald Co., Mo. -1980. 2123, 2264 Parke Co.,Ind 2994, 3281 Rocky River, Ohio 3129, 3579 McGehee Sch. Diet.;Ark _- 1980 Marnpa Sch. Dist., Idaho 3280 Parkwiew,Ohio 3436 2124 McLennan Co., Tex 2992, 3741 I apoleon B. Brown Drat. Dist., F1a3578 Parma. Ohlo_1981, 2404, 2573. 2718, Romney, W.Va McLoud, Okla 3437 3435 Narragansett, R.I 3438, 3741 3128, 3281 Roosevelt Irrigation Dist., Ariz2858, 3437 McMan Sch. Dist.. Okla 3435 Nashua, N.H 1980, 2572 Parma Sch. Dist., Ohio 2404. 2994 Rosendale Union Free S. D. McPherson, Kan No. 1, 3435 Nashville, Tenn_2403, 2718, 2857, 2993 Pasadena, Calif 2858 N.Y 2858 McRae-Helena Sch. Dist., Ga..2264, 2572 Navajo Co. Common Sell, Dist. No.8 Pascagoula, Miss 3742 Roseville, Mich 2995 Macomb Co., Mich 2857, 2992 Ariz 1980 Pass-A-Grille, Fla 2858. 3578 Rossford, Ohio 2995 Macon, Miss. 2123 Navarre Village Sch. Dist.. 0.1980. 21988507 Passaic, N.J 2573. 2718, 2858 Ross Twp. Rural Agricultural Sch. Madill. Okla 2857, 3128 Nazareth,Pa Passaic Co.. N.J 3281, 3578 Dist. No. 1 Mich2573, 2995, 3281. 3579 Madison, Ill 3577, 3741 Nebraska City, Neb 1980 Paterson, N. J 2124, 2265 Round Grove Twp.,Ill 2719 Madison, Wis... _1980. 2264, 2572, Nebraska Sch. Dist. No.41 N eh_ ___1980 Payne Co. Sell. Dist. No. 44 Okla _ _ _1981 Routt Co.. Colo 2719 2992, 3128 Nenah, Wis 2123 Payne Co. Sch. Dist. No. 67 Okla_ ..2124 Rowan Co. Dral. Dist. Madison No. 9 No. Co.,Ind 1980. 2264 Nelson,B. C 2860, 2996, 3131, 3283 Peabody, Mass 1981, 2124, 2994 Caro 2858. 3437, 3579 Madison Co Sch., Dist. No. 127 111_3279 Neptune Twp. Selz. Dist., N. J 1980 Peekskill Union Free S. D., N. Y. Royal, Neb 2995 Madison Twp. Rural, S. D.. Ohio_ _2403 New Albion Union Free Sch. Dist. 3129, 3381,3436, 3578 Royal Oak, Mich 2574 Madrid, Neb 3577 No. 1 N.Y 2718 Peel Co.,Out 2408, 2575 Rouyn, Que 2126, 3439 Magog, Que 2860, 3283 Newark City Sch. Dist., 01110.2857, 3280 Pemberton Twp. Sch. Dist., N..1. _3742 Rub, Neb 2124 Mahoning Co., Ohio 3128 New Bedford, Mass 2404, 2857 Pen Argyl Sch. Dist.,Pa 2718, 3129 Runnels Co.,Texas 2574 Malden, Mass_ _ _ _ 2123, 2264, 2403, 3577 New Bethlehem,Pa 2404, 2857 Peninsula Drat. Dist. No.2 Ore1981, 2718 Rushcreek Twp. Rural &h. Dist.. Malverne, N.Y 1980, 2123 New Boston, Ohio 3280, 3741 Pennsauken Twp., N..1.2265, 2573, 2718 Ohio Mamaroneck, N. Y_ _ 2265, 2858 _2123, 2403, New Brighton,Pa 2572, 3578 Penn Twp.,Pa 2124 Russell, Ky 3129 2572, 2718, 2992 New Brighton Sch. Dist.,Pa 3436 Penn Twp.Sch. Dist.,Pa 2265 Rye Union Free Dist. Manasquan, Sch. No. 1 N.J 2572, 3577 New Brunswick, Can 22642721 Perquimans Co., No.Caro_ _ _2124, 3578 N.Y 2858, 3129 Manata, Fla 2572, 2992, 3280 New Buffalo, Mich 1980. , 2993 Perrysburg, Ohio_2124, 2719, 2858, 3129 Manatee Co., Sol. Sch. Dist. No. 17 Newbury Twp., Ohio 2993, 3436 Peru,Ind 2404, 3281, 3436 t. Albans, Vt 3281, 3437 Fla 2123 New Castle.Pa 2404 Peterborough Co.,Ont 3439 St. Ansgar Indep. Sch. Dist.. Iowa_1981 Mandan, No. Dak 2123, 2403 New Cumberl'd Sch. Dist.. Pa_ 2123, 2264 Pettis Co. Sp'I. Rd. Dist., Mo_2404. 2573 St. Charles, Minn Manitoba,(Province of) 3129, 3437 2126. 2267 Newdale,Idaho 2123 Philadelphia,Pa 2404, 2994, 3578 St. Clairsville, Ohio 2995 Manitoba Drai., Dist. Man 3283 New London,Ohio 1980 Philadelphia Sch. Dist.,Pa 2124 St. Feficlen, Manor Two.. Que 2267 Pa 2718. 3280 New Mexico,(State of) 1980, 2123 Phoenix, Ariz 2994 St. Foy,Que 2721, 3131 Mantua,Ohio 3128, 3280 New Orleans. La .2264, 2572, 2718 Phoenix City. 1981 St. Johnsbury, Maple Heights, Ala Vt 2404, 2719 0_2718. 2992, 3128, 3741 3128, 3578, 3741 Pierce Co. Wash 3281, 3742 St. Joseph Maple Lake Sch. Dist. Sch. Dist., Mo 2405 Minn_3577, 3741 Newport News, Va 2857, 23825.807, 33 547368 Pierce Co. Sell. Dist. No. 92 Wash__2124 St. Lambert, Que 3131, 3743 Marion, Ohio 3435 Newport, It. I Pigeon Rooet Creek Dral. Dist., Miss. St. Marion Co., Fla Landry Par. Sch. Dist. No. 1 La_ 3280, 3741 New Port Rickley, Fla 2857 1981, 2404, 2573 2124, 2574,3281 Marion Co. Ind _ _2123. 2572, 3435, 3577 New Rochelle, N.Y 3436. Pike Co. Ind_ _1981, 2404,2858, St. Marlboro, Mass Laurent, Que 3131, 3429 2992 New Smyrna, Fla 3712841 2994, 3129 St. Louis, Mo 1981, 2405 Marlow,Okla 1980, 2123 Newton. Mass 1980, 2123. 3741 Pike Twp.Sch. Dist.,Iowa 1981 St. Marshall Co. Ind_1980, 2403. Louis Co., Mo 2405 2857, 3128 Newton Co.,Ind_ _2123, 2404, 2993,3578 Pima Co., Ariz 2573, 3281, 3437 St. Louis Co. Drat. Dist. No.2 a Mo_2574 Marshfield, Ore 2929 New Ulm, Minn 2993, 3578 Pinal Co.Elec. Dist. No.2 Ariz2994, 3742 St. Mart Indep. Sch. Dist. Paul. Minn 2719. 3579 Texas_1980, 3280 New York, N. Y__1980. 2573, 2718, Pine Bluff Paving Dist. No. 104 Ark_3742 St. Stephens High Sch. Dist. So. Caro. Martinsburg Indep. Sch. Dist. W. Va2264 2857, 2993, 3280 Pinellas Park,Fla 2404 Mason Aid Rural Sch. Dist. 0_2123, 3129 2857 Nes Perm Co.,Idaho _2264, 2573, 2994 Pine Township.Pa 3436, 3742 Saginaw, 1981, 3579, 3742 Masontown Sch. Dist.Pa 2264. 3128 Mich Niagara Falls, Out 2575, 2996, 3131 Pineville, Ky 3281 Salem,Ind 3437 Massena. N.Y 3577 Nicholls. Ga 2718 Pipestone, Minn Tenn 3578 Salem, Mass 2719, 2858 Maury City. 3741 Niles, III 2123 Pitt Co. Drat. Dist. No. 1, No.Caro_ 2124 Heights. Ohio Salem, N.J 2858, 3281 Mayfield 1980 Niles Ohio 1980, 2573 Pittsfield, Mass 2124, 2265,3578 Salem,Ohio Mayville, No.Dak 2403 Niobrara 1981 Co., Wyo 2857, 3280, 3578 Piqua,Ohio 3436 Salem,Ore 2124, 2265, 2405, 3742 Meaford Can 2996 Nome Indep, Sch. Dist., Texas 2123 Plainville Rural Sell. Dist., 3435, Ohio.- _2404 Saline Twp.Sch. Dist.. Ohio 2405 Mecklenburg Co., N. C-3280, Noranda, Que 2860, 3283 Plandome, N.Y 2719, 3577, 2994 Salisbury. Md 2719, 3281 3741 Nordhoff Union H.S. D.Calif 3578 Plattamouth, Neb Salt Mecklenburg Co.Dral. Dist. No. 11 2719 Lake City, Utah 2995, 3437 Norfolk, Va 2994. 3436 Plaquemine Gravity Dral. Dist. No. Salt Lake Co.,Utah No.Caro 2992 Norfolk 3742 Co. Mass 2264, 2404 10 La 3742 San Antonio, Tex_2405, 2574. 2995, 3437 Medford,Ore 2992 Norman, Okla 33774431 Pleasant Twp.Rural Sch. Dist., Ohio San Medina Ohio 2123, 2264, 2403 North Augustine.Texas 3281 Co. Bay, Out 1981, 2858 San Bernardino H. Melbourne Twp., Que 2721, 2996 North S. D.,Calif 1982 Bend,Ore 1980. 2404 Plymouth, Mich 2404 Sandersville Soh. Dist., Miss Melford, Bask 1983 North Bennington, 1981 Vt 2718, 3280 Plymouth Twp., Mich 3129. 3437 San Diego Co. Acquisition & Impt. Melrose, Maas 3435 North College Hill Ohio 3436 Plymouth Village Sch. Dist., 3280 0.2124, 2858 Dist. No. 13, Callf___2265, 2574, 2995 Memphis,Tenn 2403, 2992. North Hempstead, N.Y 2123, 2264 Polk Co., Ariz 3437 Sand 3577 North Springs,Okla 2995, 3129 Menard,Texas Hempstead Common Sch. Polk Co.Iowa 2265, 2573,3437 Sanduaky,Ohio Mallard Co.Texas 2857 Dist. No.9 N.Y 1981, 2574 2994. 3280 Polk CO.SDI. Rd.& Bridge Dist. No. San Lorenzo Sch. Dist.. Callf_2719, Mercer Co., Ohio 2123, 2403 North Hempstead Great Neck Sewer 19 Fla 3578, 3742 2264 MS,3129 Mercer School Dist.Pa 1980, Dist. N.Y Polk Co. Sol. Tax Sch. Dist. No. 2 San Marcos, Meriwether 2572 North Texas 2574, 2719. 3129 Co.. Ga Hempstead Union Free Sch.1280 Fla 2719 San Saba,Texas Messines,Que 2126 Dist. No.7 N.Y 3742 Ponsa City, Okla 3742 Santa Barbara, Calif.__.1982. Miami Co.. Ind___1980, 2123, 2572. 3577 North Milwaukee Sch. Dist.. 2124, 2405 Wis.._ 23112283 Pondcreek,Okla 2265 Santa Fe Paving Dist., N. Mex2574, 2859 Miami & Yoder Sch. Dist., Colo _ 2403 North Olmstead Village Sch. Dist., Pontiac, Mich_ ._.2404, 2719, 2994, 3281 Saranac 2857 Ohio Lake, N.Y 3437, 3579 2123 Pontiac Sch. Dist., Mich 3742 Saratoga Co., Miamisburg,Ohio 2403. 2718. 2992 North Salem, N.Y N.Y 3282, 3438 2994, 3280 Portage Twp.Sch, Dist.,Ind 2404 Saratoga Twp.,Ill 2124 Michigan (State of) 2123, 2403 Northville, Mich 2573. 2857 Port Arthur, Texas 3281 Sarnia, North Out 2575 Michigan City,Ind 2123. 2403 White Indep. Sch. Dist., Iowa. Port Arthur Indep.Sch. Dist.,Texas.3742 Saskatchewan Middleboro Sch. Dist.. Pa.-2993, 3128 Sch. Dist., Can_3131, 3283 3128. 3280 Port Clinton, Ohio 1981, 2404 Saskatchewan 8C11, Dist.,Saak_2408, 2575 Middleground Sch. Dist., Ga 1980 Norway, Me 2123 Porter Co.Ind 2719, 2858 Sault Middletown, Norwood,Pa Ste. Marie,Out 2721 Ohio 2857 3436 Porter Twp.Pa 2404 Saville. Ohio Mifflin Twp.. 2403, 3128 Nova Scotia(P.O. 1982, 2255 Pa Hallfax)Can.2575, 2860 Port Huron, Mich 3578 Sawansea,Ont Mills Co..Iowa 3280 NoxUbee Co. Rd Dist. No. 5. 2408 Miss_3128 Port Jervis, N.Y 3437. 8578 Sayreville Sch, Dist., N.J 2125

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis XXIV INDEX [Vor.. I27-PART 2.

BOND ISSUES-(Continued) . BOND ISSUES--(Continued). BOND ISSUES-(Continued). BOND:ISSUEe.-(Concluded) • Page. Page. Page. Page. 2125, 2405 Summit Co., Ohio 2265, 2719 Uniondale Sch. Dist., N.Y 2859 Westfield, Mass 2574 Sayville, Ohio 3438 Scarborough Twp., Ont 2126. 2996 Sumner,Ill 3742 Union Twp.. N..j 1983 West Green Dist. Ga N.Y 3281, 3438 Sunflower Co. Supervisors Rd. Dist. Union Twp.Sch. Dist.,Pa 2125 West Hazelton, Pa 3282 Schenectady, 2859 Scottsbluff Sch. Dist., Neb. 2125, 2405 No. 1 Miss 2125 University City. Mo 3130 West Jefferson, Ohio Calif 2859 Sunnyvale, Calif 2995, 3282, 3438 University Heights, Ohio 2720, 2995 West Monroe, La 2720, 3438, 3743 Seal Beach. 3743 Sealy, Texas 3579 Superior, Nob 3282 University of Texas, Texas_ _2720, 3282 Westmoreland Co., Pa 3282, Seaman, 3129. 3438 Surf City, N J 3282 Upper Arlington, Ohio 2267 West New York. N. J. 2574, 2859 Ohio • 1983 Seattle, Wash 2405, 2574 Sussex, N.J 3282. 3579 Upper Mount Bethel Twp., Pa2406, 3580 Weston Ont Dist., N.J. _2995, 3282 Seattle Local Impt. Dist. No. 4870, Swampscott, Mass 3282, 3438 Utica, N.Y 2720, 2859 West Orange Sch. 2574, 2995 Suwanee Co. Spl. Tax Sch. Dist. No. Uvalde, Texas 2406, 2995, 3282 West Point, Nob 2407 Wash 3283 Selma Rural Sch. Dist., Ohio _ _3129, 3742 3, Fla 2859 West Rutland Fire Dist. Vt._ _2407, 2265, 3282 Swan Sch. Dist., Iowa 3282, 3579 Valley Co. Sch. Dist. No. 1, Mont. West Rutland Sch. Dist. Vt. _ _3130. 3580 Seminole, Okla 2859 Senatobia, Miss 3579 Swansea, Ont 2428, 2721 1983, 2720 West Virginia,(State of) 2720 N.J. 3283, 3580 Seneca Co., Ohio 2574, 2859 Switzerland Co., Ind_ __2265, 2859, 3742 Valley Co. Sch. Dist. No. 2, Mont_1983 West Wildwood, Falls, N.Y 1982, 2125 Swoyerville. Pa 2406, 3129. 3579 Valley Co. Sch. Dist. No. 18, Mont. Westwood, N.J 3283, 3438 Seneca 3580, 3743 Sevier Co. Sp'l Sell. Dist. No. 16 Ark_3438 Sylvania, Ohio 1982. 2406. 2574 2574, 3743 West York,Pa Indep.Sen. Dist.,Texas_ _ _1982 Syracuse, N.Y 1982, 2265 Valparaiso, Ind 1983, 2125 Wethersfield, Conn 1983 Seymour 2407, 2575,2720 Shaker Heights Sch. Dist.. Ohio 3579 Val Verde Sch. Dist., Calif _1983, 2406 Wheeler Co., Texas Heights Village Sch. Dist., ache Twp., Que 2996 Vanderburg Co., Ind_ _1983, 2267, Whitby Co., Ind. 3283 Shaker 2995, 3130, 3580 Ohio 2125, 2859 Tacoma, Wash 1982, 2125 2406, 2859, 3282 White Co., Ind Kan 2574. 3438 Tarua Co.,Iowa 2406 Vassar, Mich 3580. 3743 White Bear Lake, Minn 3438, 3580 Shawnee Co., 2407 Sheboygan Co., Wis 2405, 2574 Tannersville, N.Y 2125 Ventnor City, N.J 2995, 3438, 3580 White Plains, N.Y 1982 Tarrant Co.,Texas2125, 2265, 3129, 3282 Ventura Co. Water Works Dist. No. White Rock Sch. Dist. So. Dalt_ _3130 Sheffield, Ala 3580 Shelbourne, Ont 2721, 3581 Taylor, Texas 2266, 2574, 2859 3 Calif 3130. 3282 Whitesboro, N.Y.3283, 1982 Teaneck TWO.. N.J 3282, 3580 Ventura Grammar Sch. Dist., Calif _2995 White Twp,Pa 2267 Shelby,No Caro 3438, 3743 Shelby,Ohio 3282 Tecumseth Twp.,Ont 3131 Vermillion Co.. Ind 2125, 3438 Whitely Co.Ind Iowa 2574 Tennessee,(State of)(P.O. Nashville) Vernal, Utah • Wichita, Kan 2575, 2720, 3438, 3580 Shelby Co., 2267, 2267. 2995 Shelby Co.,Tenn 2125, 3438 1982, 2859 Vernon.Texas 2406, 2720 Wichita Falls Texas_ _ _ _2126, 1982, 2405 Tensas Par. Rd. Dist. No. 1 La 2406 Vicksburg. Miss 2406, 2720 Wicomico Co., Md 2720 Shelbyville,Ind 2267 Wilbur, 3130 Shelbyville,Tenn 2265, 2719, 2859 Terrebonne, Que 2860, 3131, 3283 Victoria Co.,Texas Nob . Dist.,Texas 1982 Terrell Co., Ga 2266, 2574,3742 Victoriaville, Que 2126 Wilkes-Barre, Pa 3130, 3580 Shelbyville Etch Va 1983 Sherburne Co., Minn 2125 Texas, (State oi)_ _1982, 2125, 2266, Virginia Beach, Willacy Co. Water Control de Irrig. No. Dak__ .. _1982, 2574. 2719 2406, 2720, 2859,3129 Volusla Co.. Fla 3130 Dist. No. 1, Tex 3743 Sherwood. Tax Sch. Shlawassee dr Ingham Cos., Mich. Texas Co. Sch. Dist. No. 9, Okla. Volusla Co Sp'1. Dist. No. Willard. Ohio 3130 2405, 2719 1980, 2266 12, Fla 2125 Will Co., Ill 3439 Will 3580 Shillington, Pa_ _ _2405, 2995, 3282, 3579 Texola, Okla 3438 Co. Sch. Dist. No.86, III Dist.. Wls 2405 Thomas.Okla 2406 Waco,Texas 1983, 2574, 2995 Williamson, Mich 3439, 3743 Shorewood Sch. TT 2406 Shoshone Co.Sch. Dist. No.30 Idaho2125 Three Oak. Mich 2859, 3438 shoo, Nell Willoughby, Ohio 3580 3129 Three River Sch. Dist., Texas 1982 Wake Co., No. Caro 2125, 2406 Willowick, Ohio 2126 Sidney, N.Y Dist. Calif 2995 Tiffin, Ohio 2859 Wakeman Twp. Rural Sch. Wilmington, Del 2720, 2860 Sierra Madre, Ohio 2407, 2859 Signal Hill, Cal 2859, 3129 Tignall Sell. Dist.. Ga 3580 Wilson, No. Cam 3743 Dist.,Texas 3282 Timmins. Ont 2996, 3439 Walla Walla Co. Sch. Dist. No. 68, Wilson Co., Tenn 2860, 3439 Silverton Sch. 2859, 3130 Sioux Iowa 3438 Tioga, No. Dak 2859, 3282 Wash Wilsonville, Nell 2860. 3130 City, Waller Co. Rd. Dist. No. 1, Texas. 3283 Skagit Co. Dist. No. 47 Wash_2405, Tippecanoe Co.,Ind_ _ _2406, 3438, 3580 Winchester Sch. Dist., Ohio 3282, 3742 Tipton Co.,Ind 2859, 3129 2267, 2407. 2574, 3743 Windsor,Ont 2126, 2996,3131,3439, 3581 2125, Dist., W.Va__ _2125, 2265 Toledo, Ohio_ 1982, 2125. 2266, 2406 Waltham Mass 2267 Winfield, Kan 3283 Slab Fork Sch. Wapello, 3283 Wink Sloan,N. Y 2574 2859, 2905, 3129, 3580 Flask Indep.Sch. Dist.Texas 3581 Warren Co., Ky 3743 Iowa 2126 Smith Co. Supervisors Dist. No. 1, Toledo, Ore 3742 Winneshieh Co. 1983, 3579 Toledo, Wash 3580 Warren Co., N.C 2126, 2720, 2859 Winnipeg, Can 2126, 3131 Miss Warren Co., N.Y 2125, 2267 Smithtown Rural Sch. Dist. No. 5. Toledo City Sch. Dist., Ohio_ _2266, 2859 Winston Salem, No. Caro3130,3439, 3581 3282, 3438 Tonawanda N. Y.-3129, 3282. 3580, 3742 Warren Sch. Dist., Pa_ _1983, 2407, 2574 Winter Garden. Fla 2574, 2721 N.Y Warsaw, 3130 Somerford Twp.,Ohio 2859 Tonawanda Union Free S. D. No. 1, Ohio Winters, Texas 3581 3438 N.Y 3129. 3282 Warsaw Sch. Dist. No.2, N. Y.2267, 2407 Wise Co.Rd. Dist. No.4, Texas... _3581 Somerille, Maas Warwarslng N.Y 2126, 2267 Wolf Somerville,Texas 2125, 2405 Topeka,ICan2125, 2859, 3129, 3438. 3580 Point, Mont 2126 2574 Topeka Sch. Dist., Kan 2125, 2859 Warwick, R.I 2407, 2720 Wood Co, Ohio 3130, 3581 Southbridge, Mass 1983. 3130 Twp. Sch. Dist. No. 7, Toronto,Ont 2996, 3581 Wasco Co., Ore Woodiynne, N. J 3581 Southfield Washington Co..Ind 2126, 2407 Mich 2405, 2719 Torrington, Wyo 3580 Woodson Indep. Sch. Dist., Texas 3439 Calif 3282 Towanda,Pa 3129 Washington Co., Miss 2720 Woodville, Miss 3581 Southgate. Washington Co., Ohio 1983, 2126 Southgate Impt. Dist., Calif 2405 Trafalgar Twp., Ont 2721 Woolsey Consol. Sch. Dist., Ga2407, 2995 Dist., N.J 1982 Transylvania Co., No. Caro 1982 Washington Co., N.Y 3580 Woonsocket, R. I. 2995, 3131 South Jersey Port Sch. Dist. Norfolk, Va 2574, 2859, 2995 Trenton, N.J 3742 Washington Co. Sp'I. Tax Worcester, Mass South No. 1 Fla 2126 South Portland. Me 1982 Troy Mo 1982, 2125 2860, 2996, 3131, 3439, 3581 No. Caro 3742 Trumbull Co., Ohio._ _1982, 2125, Washington Sch. Dist., Ariz 2126 Wyandot Co., Ohio 3283 South Port, Washington Suburban Sanitary Dist South River, N.J 2719, 3129 2266, 3130, 3282, 3438 Wyandotte Co., Kan 1983 -Greensburg Sch. Dist., Pa3282 Tucson,Ariz 3130 Diet., Md . 3130 Wyoming,Iowa 3283, 3439 Southwest Mich 2407, 2574 Spencer Indep. Sch. Dist. Iowa2719. 2859 Tulsa, Okla_ _1982, 2125, 2406, 2720, Wash tenaw Co., Wyomissing. Pa 3131. 3581 Spencerville, Ohio 2125 3129 2859, 2995. 3580 Waterloo, Iowa 3438 Cam 2719. 3129, 3438 Tuscaloosa, Ala 3438 Wauchula, Fla 3580 Xenia, Ohio 1983, 2860, 3131 Spindale No. 2126 Springfield, Maas 3282, 3579 Tuscarawas Co., Ohio 1982 Waukon, Iowa Lake, Mich 3129 Tuscarawas TWO. Rural Sch. Dist., Waushara Co. Wei 3438 ll'ale. Okla 2126, 3439, 3581 Spring 2407, 2574 Spur Indep. Sch. Dist.. Texas 2125 Ohio 1982 Waverly, Iowa I alabusha Co. Rd. Dist. No. 4, _2125. 2574. 3282, 3438 Tuscumbia, Ala 2859, 2995 Wayland Consol. Sch. Dist. Ia3130, 3438 Miss 3743 Stamford, Conn_ 2407 Stamford, N.Y 3438 Tusten Sr Corheston Central S. D. Wayne Co., Ind Yazoo, Mississippi Delta Levee Dist. Texas 3579 No. 1 N.Y 3743 Wayne Co., Mich 2407 Miss 3439 Stamford, Caro_ _ _1983, 2720. 3130 Stamford Sch. Dist.,Texas 2125 Tyler Co. Rd. Dist. No. 1, Texas. Wayne Co. No. Yell Co.SDI Sch. Dist. No.67, Ark..3439 Wayne Co, Ohio 3130 Stark Co.. Ohio_ _1982, 2405. 2406, 3742 2266, 2406, 2995 Yonkers, N. Y 2126, 2408,3131 Statesville, No.Caro 2406. 2719 Tyrone Sch. Dist.,Pa 2125, 2574 Wayne Twp. Sch. Dist., Ind 3282 Yorktown, Val. Central, S. D. No. 1. Wellington, Ohio 2995 3439 Steuben Co.,Ind 3438 3283. Indep. Sch. Dist.. Tex_3579 T Ilysses, Kan 3282, 3438 Wellington, Indep. School. Dist., York Twp., Ont 3131, 3439 Stephenville 2407, Texas 3282 4.,manila Co.Sch. Dist. No.80, Ore, Tex 3580 Young America Twp.„ III 1983 Stinnett, Wells Co.. Ind 1983, 2126, 3282 2126, 2408 Stokes Co. No.Cam 2125, 3579 2859, 3130 Youngstown,Ohio 2406 Union Co.. N.J 1982. 2406 West Buncombe Sp'l Taxing Dist. .Ysieta Sch. Dist.. Texas 2267, 2860 Stroudsburg,Pa No. Caro 2407 Fla 2406, 2719 Union Co.. Ohio 3130, 3438 Stuart. West Chester, Pa 3282 3743 Sugar Island TwIL,Iii 1982 Union Co. Sch. Dist. No. 64, N 7anesville, Ohio 3439. 3581, Western Clay Dra.Dist. Ark 2407 /-etvalla 3743 Suisun City, Calif 3579 Mex 3438 Co.,Texas

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