TO vrfinantiont niercit1 rk A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States OCTOBER TO DECEMBER, 1928, INCLUSIVE VOLUME 127—PART 2 WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS FAIONT, PINr & DEPEYSTER STS., NEW YORK. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Copyright in 1929, according to Act of Congress. by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY to office of Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. 0. • Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OcT.-DEc., 1928.] INDEX INDEX TO VOLUME 127-PART 2. OCTOBER 1 TO DECEMBER 81 1928 EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED ARTICLES Page. Page. Page Absorption of Securities-And Its Sequel_ _2143 Baltimore's Municipal Reconstruction, The Chile, Earthquake Causes Death and De- dvantages and Disadvantages of National Success of 2144 struction in Southern 3142 Elections 1999 Bank Rates at Foreign Centres. See Money Chile and Peru, Resume Diplomatic Relations1991 Aftermath of the Election, The 2740 Rates at Foreign Centres. China- Ahead of the Procession-Mr. Hoover and the Bankers' Association, An International-Do Extraterritoriallty, Events Respecting, 83.000,000 Fund for Stabilization of Em- We Need It? 2423 2276, 3141 ployment. (From the "Wall Street Banker's Responsibility, The-by Roy A. General Chiang Kai-Shek Is Named Presi- Journal") 3014 Young 1870 dent of National Government at Nanking1992 Albania. Opposition to a Monarchical Gov- Barnes, Harry Elmer, Address on "Experts Japanese Government in Manchuria. Privy ernment Develops in 1850 in Government" 1997 Counsellor of Japan Explains Policy of. -1851 Albanian Government Signs Treaty of Ar- Barron, Clarence W., The Death of 1855 Political Events in 2276. 3141, 3449 bitration and Conciliation with United Battle of the Parties, The 3458 Treaties Negotiated Reagrding the Privi- States 2276 Beard, Professor Charles A.-Book on "The leges of Extraterritoriality with Belgium All Steel Cars-And Farm Relief 1858 American Party Battle" 3458 and Italy 3141 American Bankers Association Annual Con- Bigness 2142 Christmas Club, The-Its Good Points vention in Philadelphia 1843 Bolivia and Paraguay Boundary Problems (Communicated by F.H. Rawll) 3305 American Bankers Association, Annual Con- Lead to the Severance of Diplomatic Christmas Clubs-True Giving and True vention of-Retention of Present Form of Relations 3291, 3447 Saving 3012. 3305 Organization Decided Upon 1865 Bolivia and Paraguay, The Dispute Between_3299 Christmas Day 1928 3458 American Bankers Association in Resolutions Bolivia-Paraguay Dispute Considered by Coal, Conditions in Bituminous Coal In- at Annual Convention Urges Limitation of the International Conference of American dustry Mending 3583 Loans on Stock Exchange Collateral 18M States on Conciliation and Arbitration- -3589 Commodity Price Control. Efforts at 2134 American Bankers Association on Brokers' Book Notices and Reviews- Conditions, Changes and Trends in Business -228.5 Loans, The-Bringing Forth a Mouse. American Party Battle, The-Book by Congress, A Mandate to 3011 (Editorial from New York "Journal of Professor Charles A. Beard 3458 Congressional Medal to Thomas Alva Commerce") 2012 Accounting Methods-Book by C. R. Edison: "Dreamer and Doer" 2594 American Bankers Association Convention, Rorem 1860 Conspiracy, Is Group Speculating a, Making Views on Business Expressed at 1863 Hungarian Rumanian Land Dispute, The for Sham Prosperity (Communicated by American Bankers Association Convention- -Book by Francis Deak 2000 Arnold G.Dana) 3303. 3461 Clearing House Section, W. F. Augustine "La Reform° Agraire Rumaine"-Published Coolidge, President,and The World Court- --3009 new President of 1876 by "Les Edition Internationals" Paris2001 Coolidge, President, Desiree Congressional National Bank Division Elects Officers_ 1876 Lord Curzon, Life of-Book by the Earl of Action on World Court Membership at President, C. B. Haziewood, Chosen 1876 Ronaldshay 2425, 3013 Coming Session 3001 Regional Savings Conference Cities Chosen Rumania Ten Years After-Published by Coolidge's, Mr., Armistice Day Speech- by Savings Bank Division 1876 Beacon Press, Boston 2000 Keeping Our Feet on the Ground 2737 San Francisco, Next Convention at 1876 The New Democratic Constitutions of Coolidge, President, Puts Cost of War to Savings Bank Division Elects Officers_ _ _ -1876 Europe-Book by Agnes Headiam United States at 100 Billion Dollars 2724 Savings Bank Division Submits Report on Morley 3599 Coolidge's, President, Address in Washington Interest on Savings Accounts 2593 Brazillian State of Sao Paulo, The Control of on Tenth Anniversary of Armistice Day, State Bank Division Elects Officers 1876 Prices of Agricultural Commodities in The _2134 2723, 2727, 2737, 2865 Trust Company Division, Arthur W. Bringing Forth a Mouse-The American Coolidge's, President, Annual Message 3146, 3152 Morton, President of the 1876 Banker's Association on Broker's Loans Coolidge, President, His Dignity Throughout Trust Company Division, Report of Com- (Editorial from New York "Journal of Presidential Campaign 2577 mittee on Investment (Trust) Companies_ _3300 Commerce") 2012 Coolidge's, President, Budget Message 3156 American Films, Foreign Restriction on the Britain's Indian Empire-The Curzon Ad- Coolidge, President, Message of, to Con- Importation of 1850 ministration 3013 gress 3152 American Foreign Policy and the Presidential British Currency Amalgamation 2577, 2867 Corn, Agricultural Bureau Report on. See Campaign_ 2140 Broker's Loans Increase_ _1845, 1986, 2128, Grain. American Policy Again Declared-The 2270, 2411, 2724, 2862, 2998, 3134, 3441 Costa Rican Minister in Presenting His Poincare Speech and the Kellogg Note_ _ _ Aggg Brokers' Loans, Editorial Comment on Credentials to President Coolidge Praises American Railway Association, Report of Remarks of Leonard P. Ayres, ConErass- the Monroe Doctrine 1850 Bureau of Railway Economics at the man McFadden, and Governor Roy A. Cotton, Agricultural Bureau Report on, Annual Meeting of the 2861 Young at A. B. A 1813. 1844, 1845 1988, 2580, 3288, 3444 American States on "oncillation and Arbitra- Brokers' Loans in Relation to Commercial Cuba, Gerardo Machado is Re-elected tion, International Conference of, Convenes Paper (from the New York "Journal of President of 2416 at Washington 3293, 3449, 3589 Commerce") 2743 Cuba-Radio Corp. of America Completes Anglo-American RA Along 3001 Brokers' Loans and American Bankers' Circuit Between New York and Havana--3142 Anglo-French Treat and the Position of the Association 2012, 3441 Curzon, The Life of Lord. Book by the United States, the 2281 Brokers Loans-Federal Reserve Board Earl of Ronaldshay 2425, 3013 Approach to Latin-America. The-Mr. Discusses Part Played by Corporation in Czechoslovakia Celebrates Tenth Anniver- Hoover's Visit and the Cumberland Re- Financing Same 3442 sary of the Republic 2416 port 2873 Budget Message of President Coolidge 3156 Czechoslovakia, Radio Telephone Service Argentine Republic, Hipolite Irigoyen Is Bulgaria, Kingdom of, Disaffected Macedo- Established Between United States and-3004 Inaugurated President of the 2134 nians Causing Trouble in The 3004 Armistice Day,Tenth Anniversary, President Bulgaria, National Bank to Reduce its Dis- Dana, Arnold G., Articles on "Is Not Coolidge's Address at Washington__ -2723, count Rate Dec. 15 until Jan. 1 3004 Group Speculating a Conspiracy Mak- 2727, 2865 Bull Market, The Long Boom of The, And ing for Sham Prosperity?" 3303, 3461 Armistice Day-Tenth Anniversary of the Actual Production 3597 Debate, Seventy Years after the Lincoln- World War Observed by the Nations 2729 Business Activity Not Disturbed by Presi- Douglas 2284 Association, An International Bankers'-Do dential Election 2269 Democracy, Diverse Manifestations of 3598 We Need It? 2423 Business Accounting Among the New Dirigible Graf Zeppelin, Flight to America Attitude of CandicLstes on Defaulted Joint Sciences 1860 from Germany of 2311 Stock Land Bank Bonds Criticized. (From Business Conditions, Changes and Trends in_2285 Dunn, Samuel 0., Article in October "Scrib- the New York "Times") 2742 Business Cycles 2595 ner's" on "Railroads, Politics and Pros- Austria, Danger of International Strife in_ _ _11)91 Business Failures- perity 2143 Austria, Parliamentary Elections Are Held In 3140 Durinl September 1847, 1989 Dynamic Banking. By Louis T.McFadden -1865 Austria. Transatlantic Telephone Service During October 2581 Extended to 2586 During November 3137 Edison, Thomas Alva, Congressional Medal Australia, Parliamentary Elections Are Held Business of Politics, The 1859 to-Dreamer and Poet 2594 In 2868 Business Profits in Third Quarter of 1928- Election, the Aftermath of the 2740 Aviation-International Civil Aeronautics Survey of N. Y. Federal Reserve Bank -- - -3151 Election-Republican Victory and the Situa- Conference Held in Washington 3460 tion of the Democratic Party 2591 Aviation-Flight of the German Dirigible Capital Flotations, New- Elections, Advantages and Disadvantages of "Graf Zeppelin" 2131 During September 2006 National 1999 Ayres, Col, Leonard P., of Cleveland Trust During October 2601 Elections, Some Early Presidential 2283 Co., Address at American Banker's A1380- During November 3310 Employment, Stabilization of, and Mr. elation on Speculation 1843, 1872 Capital, What Is 2424 Hoover 3014 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Lv INDEX [Vor.. 127-PART 2. Page. l'age. Page. Engineering. the Progress in Human 2286 Great
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