DOCUMENT. MUNE Intiaption Geographyrpeography *Materials
DOCUMENT. MUNE D 147 226 S0'010 473 . -. 1 _ r-* .AUTHOR -Kanetzke, Howard W., Ed. , `TittE Ba'dger_Histoty; Vol., 29i No. 3, January 1.97,6. __,_. .. Wisconsin Geography. "' . - inTIApTION Wisconsin' State, Historical Society, Madison.. a , PUB-,DATE Jan 76 . $ . .NOTE - 610.;,For:a relAted docu4ent,, see SO 010 472; ,Not '' avii4ble in,hard copyfrom, EDRSdue to poor. reproducibility of original document' , 'AVAILABLE FROM The State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 816-Stat e Street; Madison, WiSconsin 53706 ($1.00 paperbound, $0.75 each for ten-copies or sore) . EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. H Not Available from EDRS:, DESCRIPTORS'. .Agricultural Production; otai li!atic'Factors; Gdntent Reading; Cultural Factors, lgmentary §duOatitn; Environmental EA atioll; Environmental (1- Influences; Geographic Region Geographyrpeography Instruction; *Instrmctional Materials; Learning' Activities; Physical Divisions. (Geographic); Physical Environment; *Physical Geogempy;.*Social Studies; *Statt History. - IDENTIFIERS '*Wisconsin ABSTRACT' // _ This document focusesoh the physical:environient of 'Wisconsin an0 describes hOw movement,of glaciers during the Ice Ages formed Wisconsin's present topography. The- journal contains -short reading'selectiOns* stories, word lists, and 4ctivitips designed to help. elementaryschool students understand the causes and effects of glacial drift.- Nine reading selections (1)1describe glacial-drift and how it reshapes the earth's surface; (2) identify the five regions of Wisconsin today and show how- -the diffeiedces in their physical, 4-eography reflect differeni'degrees of glacial influences; 14) identify major rivers and lakes; and (4) explain how vegetation in thb 'state's different regidnsis influenced by.cliVati, A short story introduCes students to the educational benefits 'cf exploring caves.
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