DOCUMENT. MUNE Intiaption Geographyrpeography *Materials

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DOCUMENT. MUNE Intiaption Geographyrpeography *Materials DOCUMENT. MUNE D 147 226 S0'010 473 . -. 1 _ r-* .AUTHOR -Kanetzke, Howard W., Ed. , `TittE Ba'dger_Histoty; Vol., 29i No. 3, January 1.97,6. __,_. .. Wisconsin Geography. "' . - inTIApTION Wisconsin' State, Historical Society, Madison.. a , PUB-,DATE Jan 76 . $ . .NOTE - 610.;,For:a relAted docu4ent,, see SO 010 472; ,Not '' avii4ble in,hard copyfrom, EDRSdue to poor. reproducibility of original document' , 'AVAILABLE FROM The State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 816-Stat e Street; Madison, WiSconsin 53706 ($1.00 paperbound, $0.75 each for ten-copies or sore) . EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. H Not Available from EDRS:, DESCRIPTORS'. .Agricultural Production; otai li!atic'Factors; Gdntent Reading; Cultural Factors, lgmentary §duOatitn; Environmental EA atioll; Environmental (1- Influences; Geographic Region Geographyrpeography Instruction; *Instrmctional Materials; Learning' Activities; Physical Divisions. (Geographic); Physical Environment; *Physical Geogempy;.*Social Studies; *Statt History. - IDENTIFIERS '*Wisconsin ABSTRACT' // _ This document focusesoh the physical:environient of 'Wisconsin an0 describes hOw movement,of glaciers during the Ice Ages formed Wisconsin's present topography. The- journal contains -short reading'selectiOns* stories, word lists, and 4ctivitips designed to help. elementaryschool students understand the causes and effects of glacial drift.- Nine reading selections (1)1describe glacial-drift and how it reshapes the earth's surface; (2) identify the five regions of Wisconsin today and show how- -the diffeiedces in their physical, 4-eography reflect differeni'degrees of glacial influences; 14) identify major rivers and lakes; and (4) explain how vegetation in thb 'state's different regidnsis influenced by.cliVati, A short story introduCes students to the educational benefits 'cf exploring caves. Anothersection'disOusses French and Indian influence cn names of. towns incl. areas in Wisconsin. The document also incliaes,a cropOrd luzzle, drawing and Writing activities, and maps. (Ay) 10,04****A***********************************4************************* Documentsracquiredsby ERIC ,include many informal unpublished - *Materials,not_availab rom other sources. ERICmakes every., effort *, td obtain the best copy av 'lable. Nevertheless, items of marginal *, * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality [...*Jof the microfiche and hardcdpy reproductions mile ,makes,vailable A.via the'EBIC Document Reproduction Service (teRS).\EDRS s not *. responsible fob the quality of the original document. R produCtions supplied by EDES are the best that can be Wide fro\ the-Original. ,*; 4***********************************************14**********************. 4 rI _ ( x. U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. * EDUCATION $ WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF",AR EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT. HAS BEEN REPRO., OUCEd EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM , 0 THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS N- STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTEOF t EDUCATION POSITION ORPOLICY' WISCONSIN GEOGRAPHY Bigger History "P RmissIoNToREPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY /er TO THE EDUCATIONAC RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) AND USERS OF THE ERi6-SYSTEM." to 4 a 0 The State HistoriOal Society of Wisconsin *4 t \\ : . Badger*HistorY\ t ; t The State HiStoricarSociety of Wisconsin 816 State Street\ ". _Madisdn,,Wisconsin53706 James MortonStith'Director 'Editor Howard W. Renetzie Artidt Judy Patendude, cOnsultants Doris,HElatt urmanb.' Fox' 9p met Black . - - - ). Badger Historyis published four times per sc ool year, :September, puvekber, January; and March, by thState, Historical Soc,iety of Wisconsin,. 81 State Stree1 Madisol - Wisconsin 53706, James Morton Smithy Director. Rates- $1.00 ner.issue or $.75 per'issue w nsordered in quantities of ten dr more copies. Th Society does vncat -assume responsibility for statements b*contributors, Second class postage, paid at Madison, iscOnsin. Volume nuarY, 1976 Number 3 / . he State HistoricalSociety ofWitconsin,,l976 !Table (3-E Contents "` 2 GLAEIERS:11NATURE'SBULLDOZES 3 THE DRIFTLESS AREA 8 WORDS TO LEARN AND. USE' .10 . THE-REGIONS OF WISCONSIN 12 NORTHERN HIGHLAND by Alonzo-W..Pond 14 CENTRAL PLAIN by Ray Specht, LADE SUPERIOR LOWLANDLOWLANu.byAlonzo'W..b Pond 21 WESTERN UPLAND 25- STERN-RIDGES AND-LOWT.A.NriS THE KETTLE MORAINE 32 SP UNKING'IN VISCONSIN'by'AnneJordan 35 WI GeONSIN.-RIVERS 44 CROSSWORDPUZZLE 52 _ SCONSIN'S CHANGING .LANDSCAPE by Lorraine Nelion 54-. , LACE-NAMES IN WISCONSIN HISTORY ' by' Jane A. Emieh 59 USING MEAT WE'VELEARNED Illustrations: Pages 35-45, Sandy Stark - \ , . Judy-Patenaude Photographs: State Historical Society of Wisconsin tollections. 5°- lion. Geography is the study of the earth. The word comes from the Latin geogrciphi4. It-means ``writing about theeatth."' Geographers are men and women who study thearth'k' surface. Theyare also interested in learning about theweather. They a re eager to know about plants, animals a`nd people of any area. This issue of BadgerHistory tells about` our state's geography. We'll take a look at Wisconsin's landscape.What efoyou know about rivers?hills? valleys? Can you name plants that grow in different parts of thestale?' Have you visited A . cave'? The study. of the earth's surface is called physical geogra..; phy. Forces ofnature have changed the landscape in important ways. Long ages ago,, the last'glacier covered most of North America, Illueh of Wigeoniin was under many. feet of ice. When the sheet of ice. melted, hills; valleys, lakes and rivers. appeared.- Since then, water has been at work rearranging the surface.Rain waters and rivers carry away soil. What changes,have men and women made oyi thesurface :aPour state? The study of these changes is calledcultural,' .geography. Farms, mines, dams, roads, and cities are some of these changes. What, others can-you name For more information'. about changes' made by mean, read these issues of Badger History: N Water Pollution s. Urban Life: 'City Deirelopment Wisconiin Environment lajr Howard Kanefzke I. !Arisitota come. to enjoy W s scenery...Tiiey exclatm, beautiful !Wiiconsin'litit everything hills, valley s, rocks pi airiest and rakes. We -owe this land, glaciers. , .6*MThuge sheets of ice, covered most of this region. hilWrand D11M in viilleys. When they melted,' Wiga5riffs-landAtOreen :chabged cOmplet Glaciers have _ .-dover4our state-at tVveral different times. , .THE WORK OF GLAVIERS melt during short: summers, Snow and. ice :reflect/1dthe Iiefore' the last 'glaciers'sun's heat .back into the, sky. moved Southward from Can The ,surface of the ground ada,the -weather -changed.stayed cool. Snow robbed the Shmiherg became short andair above it of warmth. Tem- cool.. Winters were long andperatures dropped. Year after : Wihter snows did not-Fear, century after century, vet snOvi piled higher' and higher. to 'the. grouncl.Scientists,calt, Finally, the weight caused the such miterials drift. In pl'aceS ice on the -bottom to'eh athe drift is piily a fewoifichps, little:This rrieltirig allowed thick, in others__it the great body of ice to. slide dreds of -feet deep! , slowly down over North Amer- Sftriyers-,floWed out of The ice was divided int)&OM; They..., carried sand lobes-,shaped like huge arms. and As the water slowed, Lobes of the glaciers moved these materials were dropped.. like giant, bulldozers over the Huge flat areaof" ap- .countryside. -These4tlow-mov ,peared. Sortie_ 0-x- these be4arrie. - walls of. powaridice prairies: 7.-,--;540": scraped off hilltops and filled mtfle:.;k1ecier inelted, big,r valleys: Sheets of ice picked boUldels'and stones fell to the up soil, sand,gra'(iel, and rocks. ground. Many Of'theSe had All -Of .theSe'were mixed to-beets `cared_ by the glacier gether in the ice..As time from, Canada. ,When. -SettlerS passed the glaciers carried thesame, toWiecoli,,sinin -the mixture'many. miles to the 1.00's, they sometimes had to ?south. Move large rocks to clear fields. Then:came years of Milder Stones were usedto build weather. A little ice meltedfences and barns. each summer. Warm bi:eezei Scieptists tell us that lands turned ice to Water at thein 'the glacisted area (larids southern .edge of the glacier. covered by glaciers) are worth Summer sun beat .down onseveral hundred rocks, and dirt lying on the ice.-more than those not covered by .Holes and cracks appeared ip the glacier. Glaciers improved 'the glacier. Icy- rivers tumbled land in Wisconsin snore than through holes and cut channels man'evercould have done. beneath theglacier.Rocks, In 'addition; glaciers left an ,sand,. and.. dirt collected in these ,almost endless supply of sand rivers that. flowed through the..and gravel: Both are needed glacier. As the glacier melted as building materials.Our away, soil, sand, and rocks fell highways and bridges would 7- a i- cost More if we had to haul In some p_laces pptholes de- sand and gravel from faraw4 veloped. inglaciers. Drift places. _ filledthee' openings.Hills Sometimes the cliff face of that remain are called kames. ice melted as fast as the speed Big chunks:. ofice broke at -which the glacier moved away from the glacier and forward.The'n all the-Airift were bu ;ied under drift. This dropped in one place. It formed ice melted slowly. When it a long ridge calleda-moraine. finally melted, a hole- appeared Theie ridges can be seen easily in the ground. Small holes are from planes. They are often calledkettles.Some kettles too steep for farming. Many.have filled with Water and be- are covered with trees. come lakes.' One part of south- rnplaces the glacierleft eastWisconsin'hasmany hills of soil; sand, gravel, or all kettles.It is now Kettle Mo, three. These hills have Many raine tate Park. shapes. Some are long, bar- Glaciers cut deep and fast row ridges. They weredropped when they came to river valleys 6 by waters- of rhiers that fidwed Or places where rock was soft. 'through cracks at the ,bottom of,glaciers. Suchnarrow ridges are,called eskers. r- -', A r ' . 1": ';1111ra.- - 8 0 rar if/ A marsh Glaciers' dug the Grcrat Lakes. Water filled the area between One lobescooped' out Lake Dev i 1 ' sLake was Michigan.°Anothercreated created.
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