Ssv Voice SSP CONFERENCE by Colin Fox, SSP National Co-Spokesperson
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Colin Fox: SSP Gains in Spain: Sandra Webster: on the conference citizens’ power scandal of forced pre- 2015 report sparks left shift payment energy meters • see page 2 • see page 10 • see page 11 £1 • issue 459 • 29th May – 18th June 2015 From Spain to Scotland.. PHOTO: Alan Ferguson ALL OUT n o s u g r e F n a l A : O T O H P AGAINST SCOTLAND AUSTERUINTITYED AGAINST AUSTERITY STUC Demo George Sq, Glasgow Sat 20 June /ScottishSocialistVoice @ssv_voice SSP CONFERENCE by Colin Fox, SSP national co-spokesperson THE SSP Annual Conference in SSSSPP ccoonnffeerreennccee sseettss oouutt ppaarrttyy Edinburgh last weekend provided a timely opportunity for members to reflect on the outcome of the Gen - ssttrraatteeggyy ffoorr tthhee yyeeaarr aahheeaadd eral Election. Representatives from 30 branches across Scotland gath - ered to debate a range of motions and to lay out the SSP’s strategy for the year ahead. Many speakers mentioned the bittersweet outcome of the election where celebrations of Labours re - sounding defeat in Scotland were marred by the re-election of the To - ries. The main item under discus - sion at Conference was an UNITED LEFT ALLIANCE Executive Committee proposal to Jonathon Shafi of the consider an electoral alliance for Scottish Left Project the 2016 Holyrood elections to - addresses SSP gether with other socialists in the Conference in Edinburgh PHOTO: Craig Maclean incipient Scottish Left Project. The EC Statement made clear The SSP will continue to cam - She received a standing ovation chairs, Jim McVicar as National that the party had delayed a deci - paign for a £10-an-hour living after pointing out the struggles of Treasurer, Richie Venton as na - sion on this proposal until after our wage, against austerity, for an inde - the labour movement internation - tional trade union organiser, Ken General Election campaign. The pendent socialist Scotland, against ally should provide inspiration and Ferguson as Media Manager, Neil statement stressed there was noth - Trident and conduct all our other courage to working class people Scott as social media co-ordinator ing unusual in such tactical con - work as the SSP. everywhere and we must all take and Scott Macdonald as Member - siderations. SSP national representatives will heart from the power and strength ship Secretary. Indeed, the SSP had been ap - meet with their counterparts in the of our political solidarity. Fourteen members were also proached for example by leading Scottish Left Project in the next few Jonathon Shafi of the Scottish elected to serve on the EC for the members of the Scottish Green days to discuss how this electoral Left Project, the other guest coming year—seven male: Calum Party ahead of the European Elec - alliance plan can be progressed. speaker, congratulated the SSP for Martin [Edinburgh South], Connor tions last year to support a And SSP members will be con - helping to push the independence Beaton [Dundee], Colin Turbett ‘Red/Green Alliance’ for that con - sulted via the EC, the National referendum debate to the left and [Ayrshire], Liam McLaughlan test. And regular readers of this Council and local branches at each away from what he called “brute [Glasgow], Paolo Caserta [Edin - newspaper will be aware, the SSP stage in the negotiating process. nationalism”. He said he very much burgh North], Allan Grogan proposed all three parties in the Yes Following that discussion Confer - looked forward to working with the [Dundee] and John Davidson Scotland coalition should stand ence heard from Myrto Tsakatiki of SSP in building a successful united [Glasgow]; and seven female: Na - joint candidates for the 2015 West - Syriza, the Coalition of the Radical left alliance for Holyrood in 2016 talie Reid [Edinburgh North], minster elections to maximise the Left in Greece. She addressed con - and sharing the many successes Christine McVicar [East Kilbride], strength and breadth of the inde - ference as one of our guest speakers there was to come. Katie Bonnar [Glasgow] , Jenni pendence movement. and brought greetings from Prime Gunn [Stirling], Liz Shaw [Ayr - Minister Alexis Tsipras. New ideas shire], Helen Meldrum [Dundee] Statement This was the first time an SSP After lunch, the conference work - and Frances Curran [Glasgow]. As it happens, neither of these Conference had received the offi - shops focused on effective cam - The party also expressed its sin - two proposals came to fruition be - cial well wishes of a national Gov - paigning, the history of the SSP and cere thanks to Kevin McVey who cause the Greens and the SNP ernment. Speaking about the party building which all produced was standing down as National backed out. But both were proposi - ongoing debt crisis in Greece she many excellent new ideas for the in - Secretary after many years diligent tions the SSP favoured. insisted: “Third way social democ - coming party Executive to work on. service. Kevin is a long-standing The EC Statement was over - racy is in crisis internationally as it Conference then elected SSP and much respected member who, whelmingly supported by Confer - puts the greed of the few ahead of national office bearers for the as it happened, took ill during Con - ence. And it was made clear this the needs of the many. coming year; Colin Fox and San - ference and was rushed to hospital. initiative did not infer any diminu - “And I am proud,” she added dra Webster were re-elected as Thankfully, his condition was tion in the SSP’s identity. We re - “that Syriza stands alongside the joint national spokespersons. Bill not serious and he was allowed main committed to building the Scottish Socialist Party and Bonnar was elected as National home after tests. All SSP members SSP and fully understand the vital Podemos and others to insist peo - Secretary, Wendy Macdonald and will want to join with me in wish - role political parties must play. ple’s needs come before profits.” Andrew Kinnell as National co- ing him a full and speedy recovery. 2 • • issue 459 EDITORIAL From Spain to Scotland, the power of money bmy Kenu Fersgusotn be tevean blumnt the teory ad ttacks and earned the derisory title of the AS THE Tories unveil their as - “feeble fifty”. sault on vital services, democratic This ‘parliamentary only’ op - rights and trade unions amidst the position approach was cruelly ex - establishment pomp of the posed when it failed to stop the Queen’s speech, the need for re - detested Poll Tax which was then sistance to this no-mandate gov - swept away in the tide of a mass ernment grows ever more urgent. non-payment campaign which And the sweeping left gains in culminated not only with its de - Spain’s regional elections by feat but also the downfall of Podemos and related forces fol - Thatcher herself. lowing the election of Syriza— With the decision—backed by now in the very crucible of the unholy three-party Better To - MYRTO TSAKATIKI: of Syriza, the Coalition of the Radical Left in Greece struggle between people and gether ‘No’ alliance—to stay PHOTO: Craig Maclean profit—earlier this year, is surely within the UK, the people of to build such a movement is the of ideas that go beyond defending clear evidence of the fact that the Scotland were delivered into the STUC’s Scotland United Against inadequate jobs and services to - unfettered power of money can hands of a Tory minority govern - Austerity demonstration on 20 wards a society transformed in and must be challenged. ment imposed by the UK elec - June in Glasgow, and this needs the interests of the majority. Here in Scotland, despite the torate irrespective of how they to be the opening shot in a deter - Such an approach would SNP Westminster landslide, we voted. And so it has proved, and mined drive to reject the entirely scrap anti-trade union laws, face a growing assault from a the choice now posed to all those false idea that misery and cuts are raise pay with an immediate government rejected by Scottish opposing the appalling assaults needed to ‘balance the books’, £10-an-hour minimum wage, a voters but determined to impose planned by Cameron and co is rather than a direct transfer of vast massive social housebuilding its neoliberal will on behalf of the simply this—fight or flight? wealth from the majority to the programme and public owner - bankers and speculators at the ex - If opposition is to stand any Bullingdon Club-style elite. ship of key industries. pense of workers, communities chance of victory, it will have to It has to be underlined that 20 Fashioning both such a pro - and benefit claimants. spread well beyond the hemicy - June must be the start of the op - gramme and movement which cle of Holyrood or the green position and not just a token can deliver it has been at the Sweeping attacks benches of Westminster to the event. heart of the SSP’s call for a In this context, the newly streets, workplaces, communi - common programme of the left. elected SNP MPs will face an ties and housing schemes of Build on euphoria It will be hard and difficult early test if they are to face down Scotland and encompass demon - The Scottish Socialist Party— work but the decision of the and help defeat the sweeping at - strations, lobbies, occupations, which played a significant role in SSP conference to work with tacks now on the agenda from the strikes and other tactics of building the development of a others on the left to win such an class war tories. Without dimin - peaceful civil disobedience. growing left movement during advance including socialist rep - ishing their achievement, the hard Such action should not be seen the indyref campaign and in the resentation in Holyrood is an truth is that they cannot defeat the as opposed to the work of MPs, period since—will be working important step towards it.