College Notes 1920S

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College Notes 1920S Eagle .')0 Tlte Tlte Holl. ]Oll� died al ollege N oles SI FHEDERICI{ GIWNING, C'. l.E., J><ll lla cto e aged 52. He was educated at Eastbourne 1'I1r James Donald (Matric. I895)", een C.I.E., I.C.S., has b Col011 Olege bandr 3, at H) 22,St John's, where he matriculated in 1892. appointed a member of thr. Executive Council to the Governor The same year he entered the Indian Civil Service ; he became of Bengal . 7I1 agistrate and Collector in 1906, and since 1917 had been P. J. (B.A. It)IZ) has accompanied the British iVlr. Grigg Commissioner of the Orissa Division. He compiled for the Financial Mission to the United States as Private Sec etary lo r Government of Bengal a Gazetteer of the ]al paig i district, the Chancellor o[ the Exchequer. which was published in 1911. ur Sir Eclwarc1 :'I1arshall-Hall. K.c. (B.A. I883) has been The Venerable PERCY HAHRIS BOWERS (B.A. 1879) , elected Master of the Loriners' Company H . Archdeacon of Loughborough, died at his Rectory, Sir llmphrey Rolleston (B.A. 188('), has been appointed Bosworth, Nuneaton , on November IS, It)22, after Marketa long representative of the Royal College of Phvsicians on the illness, aged 67· He was ordained in 1886, was curate General lVledical Council. successively of Fladbury and Leyland, and was presented to The nominations to the Council Lhe Royal SocieLy of the rectory of Market Bosworth with Shenton in 1886. He include the ol lo\\'in members of the College :-Sir Arthur [ g became Rural Dean of Sparkenhoe in 1909, an Honorary 'Schuster ( Fore ign Secretary) , Professors V. H. Blackman, Canon of Peterborough in 1913, and Warden of the Sociely 1\1 . Hicks, and J. T. Wilson . 'vV. of Missionary Cle gy in the diocese in 1917. lIf r A. Y .Campbell (B.A. I907), formerlyF ellow, has been a p ­ The Rev. REGINALDr ILLINGWORTH WOODHOUSE (B.A. pointed tothe Gladstone Chair of Greek at Liverpool University. 1877) d ed at Reigate on November 13, 1922, aged 68. He Mr \\.'illiam Top y (BA 190 7) M.D., F.KC.P., i W. C. Ie , held curacies at Holy Trinity, Beckenham (1879-80) and at l\LRC.S., has been appointed Professor of Bacteriology and Kensington (1880-7) , and was Vicar of St Luke's, Bromley Director of Public Health Laboratory in the University th Common, from 1887 to 1894 . In the latter year he was of anches e e He has also been appointed a represen al ive M t r. t collated by Archbishop Benson to the Rectory of Merstham . of Manchester University the Council of the _ ister Institute 011 I He edited in 1896 the poetical works of his ancestor .TamC's I of Preven ti\'e Medicine� Wood house ( r735-182o) , "the poetical shoemaker ". 1I1r ]. Io dell (B.A. 1910) has been appointed to · the FieldenL. R eade1\ rhi in Mathematics in the University of rs p OLLEGE NOTES. I\Ianchester. a tor of At the Annual Election on November (B.A. I9I5) has been p o nted Cura t he followin p i were' elected 0, I922, 1\11'h R eStoneleyl er sity Observatory. to Fellowships :-George dny Yule, g Univ 1\LA ., lhe S effi d F. 1<..S. ; John Edward Pretty Wagstaff, M.A.U On July 1922, 1\11" W. G. Rllshbrooke (BA I872) ; William l-I erberl 27, Michael Greaves, from the Headmastership of St Olave's and RA. Mr Yule is University Leclurer in retired ' s St Statistics. Mr Wagstan oblained a First Sa iou Grammar School, Tower Bridge, which he had Class in Part l. v r (Physics) of the Nat held since I893. The prizes at the school Speech Day were ural Science Tripos , I 9I5 ; he worked I in the Research Department of Woolwich Arsenal distributed by NIr Asquith, who was a school-fellow of from I9I6 o lV Ir I9I9, and is now Lecturer in Physics at Leeds t Rushbrooke's at the Ci y of London School, and who paid a University. t Greaves was a 'Wrangler in h warm tribute to the retiring head. 1\h wi t distinction in Schedu I9I9, ec a le B; he gained the Tyson Med l for Astronomy, Rushbrooke was sixth Classic in I872, el e to was l\Ir was t d awarded a Smith's Prize in IC a Fellowship at St John's College in 1879, and was for 21 years )2 I, and is an Isaac N ewton Studen t. c lassical master at his old school under Dr Abbott. The follo :'111' H. W. Swift (B.A. 20) wing ]ohnians were clected to the new Parliament 1 has been appointed Demon­ 9 in NO\'ember, 1922 :-Sir Clement Kinloch-Cooke (RA. strator in Engineering at the Uni ersity of Leeds. 1878) , v Unionist, De onpor ; Sir Alfred Moncl (Matric. 1886) , �[r G. G. Coulton (B.A. 1881), Fellow, has been elected to v National Liberal, Swansea t. ; 1.11 honorary Fellowship at St Catharine's ol lege, of which he , West ; nichards (13.A. lC)08), Labour, Denbigh, Wrexham. R. \I'as fo merl scholar. C Sir DUl1can Ther Hon.y Sir Charles Parsons (B.A. 1877) has received K erley KC. (RA. 1884) , formerly F('l low, M. , lhe received the honour of Knighthood in 19ZI. onorary Degree of octor of Engineering in the University In the uflL Sheffield. D Resignation Honours, ctobe , 1922, the Rt. Hon. Sir Edward O r .. 1892) received the A. Goulding, Bt. (B.A. 1885), receives a Peerage. A. S. M.acalister (B.A. Professor H He will take the title of Baron Wargrave. honorary degree LL.D. from the University of Glasgow UI1 J une and ofSir Humphry D. Rol es on, (B.A. 22 ; i t K.C.B. 1885), formerly Fellow, recei ed the same degree on July 27· v 52 ollege Notes The Eagk 53 Professor Macalister has been appoi nted to deliver the 1\1r. Brackett (B.A. 1920) has passed the Final 1\Iunro Lectures A. W. K. in Archreology in the University of Edinburgh Examination of the Law Society and has been admitted for I922-23. Solicitor. Mr. E. V. Appleton (RA. I9I4) . Fellow, has obtained the lVIr C. Smith (B.A. 1912), ssistan t District Com· D.Sc. D F. A egree at London University . missioner, Gold Coast, is home in London on sick leave. Mr. .. F. Patterson (B.A. I9IO) has received the degree The Adams Memorial Prize (or 1922 is awarded to of D.Litt.H fr m Room. An additional prize has been divided betT.we C.n o Glasgow University for a thesis on Ben j onson . .\. H. e Thorneloe (B.A. I922) has obtained the degree of J. Harmer and F. Y ates. I3.Sc. W. awarded to (External) with H onours in Chemistry at London The George \iVilliams Prize for 1922 has been University . Ratcliffe (B.A. I920). E.. C. M. D. 13hansali (BA I9I9), late . \ j cremie Septuagin t Prize has awarded of �hc ollege to ;'l.lld l\'lacm ho Scholar � Hseconced yl (IL\. the I1rst Prize becnnot awarded . a ll Law S tuden t, has been pl aced n1l1 th III lh" le HpO), 'being lisl o( success P. L. ful candidates for the Indian Civil Service. �Ir J. Walton ( B. A . I920) ha been appointed J uni r 1\lr. F. H ayns (B.A. s o I92I) has been appointed Assislant J)emonstrator of B otany. Lecturer . in Agricul ture at the Midland Agricultural College, The Arnold Gersten berg Studentsh p for promo( ing the Derbyshire . study of moral philosophy among naturi al science candidates 1\Ir. J. 1\1ann (B.A. 1920) has been appoin ted Lecture: ha<; been awarded to Johnson (B.A. 1922). Ag C. M. C. in ricultural Chemistry, Leeds University. Canon J. H. B. i\l asterman (8.A. I893), Rector of Stoke G. Staples (B.A. appointed Suffragan Bishop I921) has been appointed A C ­ Davenel, Devonshire, has been 1\1r. E. gri ltl turist to the A gr c i u ltural Department , N igeria . of Plymout . 1\11'. C. B h arclay (B.A. I921) has been awarded the Research The Rev. V. Johnson ( 3 .A. 19I3), Curate of i\l ar< s, St St udentship of the Empir Y. 1presented to the icarage of e Cotton Growing C orporation . Horsell, Woking, has been Mr. D. V T. Griffiths (B.A. 1922) has been appointed Assistant �idd, H arrogate. Conservator, Indian Forest Service. The Rev. S. E. Sears (B.A. 1 912), Curate o( Atherton , Holttum (B.A. I9I9) has been appo e has been presented to the Vicarage of Christchurch, Charnock Mr. R. E. in t d Assistant Director of h or ey. t e Botanic Gardens, Singapore . Richard, near Ch l Mr. C. B. Tr The Rev. o (B.A. p - acey (B.A. I92I) has received an appoinimen t H ilary R binson I906) has been re 1. in the Sudanese Civil Service . sented to the icarage of Wadworth . Mr. A. V Davidson (B.A. I 922) has taken 'up an On Trinity Sunday, I922, in H eeley Parish Church, S. appoint­ ment 3t the Keffi Consolidatea Sheffield, Mr D. T. Sykes (B.A. I921) was ordained Deacon Tin Mines, .los, North Nigeria . Terry Th omas (B .A. I9I3) has b een app and licensed to St Mary, Sheffield. Mr. ointed Head­ master of Leeds Grammar chool .
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