Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly of The
JOURNAL~H SENATE» OFHE T angRAL A SSEMBLY OFHE T Statef o South Carolina, BEINGHE T Regular S ession Beginning Tuesday, January 13, 190; CQLUMBIA, s . 0. THE STATE COMPANY, STATE PRINTERS. 1903. MK.“ JOURNAL SENATE~ HEOF T OFHE T Statef o South Carolina. Regular S ession Beginning Tuesday, January 13, 1903. Tuesday, J anuary 13, 1903. The G eneral Assembly of the State of South Carolina, begun and holden at Columbia on the second Tuesday in January, being the thirteenth day of the month. Pursuant t o the provisions of the Constitution, the members of the Senate assembled this day in the Senate chamber at 12 M. Hon.. H TILLMAN, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate, called Senate to order. Hon. R OBERT R. HEMPHILL, Clerk of the Senate, called the roll of the Senate and the following Senators answered to their names: M essrs. Robert Aldrich, S. Brice, M. Gaines, O. P. Goodwin, E. L. Herndon. D. E. Hydrick, S. G. Mayfield, J. A. McDermott, Geo. S. Mower, G. W. Ragsdale, Thomas M. Raysor, W. H. Sharpe, Ino. C. Sheppard, James Stackhouse, T. W. Stanland, Thomas Tal bird. l —s. J.—(500) I 2 4??1 4 _ J OURNAL THE SENATE, The P RESIDENT stated that in consequence of the vacancies in Aiken and Saluda Counties caused by the resignations of Hon. D. S. Henderson and Hon. B. L. Caughman, he had in pursuance to the provision of Article 111., Section 25, of the State Constitution, issued a special writ of election to fill said vacancies.
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