flllUlf). 26276. 2079 The London Gazette. fop &ut|jortt£v . FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1892. Lord Chamberlain's Office, St. James's Palace, the Lord Chamberlain at the Levee, in order that March'SO, 1892. there may be no difficulty in announcing them to "VpOTlCK is hereby given, that Her Majesty's His <Royal Highness. -L T! Birthday will be kept on Wednesday, the LATHOM, 25th of May next. Lord Chamberlain. Lord Chamberlain's Office, St. James's Palace, Lord Chamberlain's Office, St. James's Palace, April 4, 1892. March 29, 1892. OTICE is hereby given, that The Queen OTICE is hereby given, that— N will hold Drawing Rooms at Buckingham N His Royal Highness The Duke of Edin- Palace, on Monday, the 16th, and Wednesday, burgh will, by command of The Queen, hold a the 18th of May next, at three o'clock. Levee, at St. James's Palace, on behalf of Her Majesty, on Thursday, the 5th of May next, at REGULATIONS two o'clock ; TO BE OBSERVED AT THE QUEEN'S DRAWING His Royal Highness The Duke of Connaught ROOMS. will, by command of The Queen, also hold a By Her Majesty's Command, Levee at St. James's Palace, on behalf of Her The Ladies who propose to attend Her Majesty, on Thursday, the 12th of May next, at Majesty's Drawing Rooms are requested to bring two o'clock. with them to the Drawing Room two large cards, It is The Queen's pleasure that Presentations to with their names clearly written thereon, one to be Their Royal Highnesses at these Levees shall be left with The Queen's Page, in Attendance, and considered as equivalent to Presentations to Her the other to be delivered to the Lord Chamberlain, Majesty. • who will announce the name to The Queen. REGULATIONS PRESENTATIONS. TO T.E OBSERVED AT THE QUEEN'S LEVEES AT The privilege of making presentations to The ST. JAMES'S PALACE, ON BEHALF OF HER Queen at a Drawing Room is restricted to those MAJESTY. Ladies who have themselves been previously pre- sented to Her Majesty, and who are themselves By Her Majesty's Command, present at the Drawing Room. Gentlemen who propose to attend Her Majesty's Under such circumstances a Lady has the Levees, are requested to bring with them two privilege of presenting one Lady only at a large cards, with their names clearly written Drawing Room in addition to her Daughters or thereon, one to be left with The Queen's Page Daughters-in-law. in attendance in the Corridor, and the other to This restriction does not apply to Ladies who, be delivered to the Lord Chamberlain, who will from official position or other circumstances, are announce the name to His Royal Highness. specially privileged to make presentations to Her PRESENTATIONS. Majesty. Gentlemen who propose to present others must The Lady who proposes to present another send in writing the name of such Gentlemen to must send in writing the name of such Lady to the Lord Chamberlain's Office, not later than two the Lord Chamberlain's Office, not later than two days previous to the Levee, in order that the days previous to the Drawing Room, in order that Lord Chamberlain may submit the names to Her the Lord Chamberlain may submit the name to Majesty, when, if they are approved, Presentation Her Majesty, when, if it be approved, presenta- Cards will be forwarded. Forms for the purpose tion cards will be forwarded. can be obtained at the Lord Chamberlain's Office. Printed Forms for this purpose can be obtained Gentlemen who wish to be presented officially at the Lord Chamberlain's Office. should communicate with the heads of their It is particularly requested that the names of Department, who will provide them with the the, Lady to be presented be very distinctly necessary cards and instructions. written on the- presentation cards to be delivered It is particularly requested that the names of to the Lord Chamberlain at the Drawing Room, iti the Gentlemen to be presented be very distinctly order that there may be no difficulty in announcing written .on the Presentation Cards delivered to them to The Queen. 2080 THE LONDON GAZETTE, APKIL 8, 1892. It is not expected that Gentlemen will present Privy Council Office, April 7, 1892. themselves at a Drawing Room, except in attend- ance on the Ladies of their families. following Scheme for the adjustment. of Any Gentleman who under these circumstances __ the property, rights, liabilities, &c., of the should desire to be presented to The Queen will Local Board for the District of Widnes, in the observe the same regulations as are in force for county of Lancaster, and for other purposes, as Her Majesty's Levees. settled by a Committee of the Lords of Her The State Apartments will be open for the Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, is reception of Company coming to Court at two published in pursuance of the Municipal Corpora- o'clock. LATHOM, tions Act, 1882: — r Lord Chamberlain. "WHEREAS, by the Municipal Corporations Acts, 1882 and 1885, it is enacted that where a Petition for a Charter of Incorporation is referred to the Committee of Her Majesty's Most Honour- India Office, April 6, 1892. able Privy Council, and it is proposed by the following General Order by the Govern- Charter to extend the Municipal. Corporations •JL mentof India (No. 132 of 1892) relative Acts to the municipal borough to be created to the late field operations in Manipur, is published by the Charter, the said Committee of Council in continuation of the papers published in the may settle a scheme for the purposes in the said London Gazette of 34th August, 1891:— Acts named, and containing vsuch provisions as FIELD OPERATIONS.—MANIPUK. are in the said Acts particularized ; THE Governor-General in Council is pleased " And whereas certain inhabitant householders to direct the publication, in continuation of of the Local Government District of Widnes (the G.G.O. No. 585 of 1891, of the following area of which is co-extensive with the area of correspondence :— the Township of Widnes) have petitioned Her Majesty the Queen praying for the grant of a No. 547-M. " Field Operations, Manipur," Charter of ^Incorporation ; dated Simla, 31st December, 1891. " And whereas under and by virtue of the From the Adjutant-General in India to the Public Health Act, 1 848, and Acts amending the Secretary to the Government in India, Military same a Local Board for the District of Widnes Department. was constituted and became invested with various With reference to this Office, No. 423-M., powers and duties, and the same is the Urban dated llth July, 1891, I have the honour, by Sanitary Authority for the said Local Government direction of the Commander-in-Chief, to forward District of Widnes ; extracts* from a letter from Brigadier-General '; And whereas the said Petition for a Charter Sir H. Collett, K.C.B., commanding ihe Assam has been referred to the Committee of Council, District, bringing to notice the good services and it is proposed to create the said township a rendered by Lieutenant-Colonel St. J. F. Michell, municipal borough and to incorporate the inhabi- Assistant Quartermaster-General, Manipur Field tants thereof, and by the Charter to extend the Force, during the advance on, and occupation of, Municipal Corporations Acts to the municipal Manipur; and to recommend that, in considera- borough^ to be created by the Charter ; tion of the strong representation made by Brigadier- " And whereas, by virtue of the Widnes Gas General Collett, Lieutenant-Colonel MichelPs and Water Act, 1860, the Widnes Improvement name may be added to the list of those mentioned Act, 1867, the Widnes Local Board Act, 1875, in paragraph 13 of Lieutenant-Colonel Rennick's the Upper Mersey Navigation Act, 1876, the despatch, dated 3rd May, 1891, published in Manchester Ship Canal Act, 1885, and the Liver- Government General Order No. 585, dated 19th pool Waterworks and Improvement Act, 1887, June, 1891. and the Orders relating to the Local Government District of Widnes respectively confirmed by the • No. 518, dated Shillong,the 8th December, 1891, Local Government Board's Provisional Orders From Brigadier-General H. Collett, C.B., to Confirmation (Aspull, x&c.) Act. 1879, the Local the Adjutant-General in India. Government Board's Provisional Orders Confir- As to Colonel Michell's services while with the mation (No. 3) Act, 1885, and the Local Govern- Silchar Column Colonel Rennick of course can ment Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation alone speak, but from the 27th April, the date of (No. 6) Act, 1886 (which Acts and Orders are in the occupation of Manipur, Colonel Michell this Scheme referred to as the Local Acts and worked directly under -me as Assistant Quarter- Orders), the Local Board for the District of master-General, and I beg to bring his services Widnes (in this Scheme called the Local Board) during that time to His Excellency's favourable have acquired certain gas and water undertakings consideration. and property, and are empowered to supply gas His duties were exceptionally important and and water within their District and certain places onerous owing to the outbreak of cholera ; he near thereto, and, by the Local Acts and Orders, also served as President of the Committee which other property, rights, powers, duties, liabilities, examined and, as far as possible, identified the and obligations are vested in, acquired by, remains of the murdered officers, and placed them conferred or imposed upon, the Local Board, in a new grave in the Residency compound.
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