Phyllis Schlafly Report
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Phyllis Schlafly Report V OL. 16, NO. 9, SECTIO N 1__________________ BO X 618, ALTO N, ILLIN OIS 62002___________________________________ APRIL, 1983 Freeze Campaign Is Flim-Flam, Not Grassroots It is now clear that the nuclear freeze campaign is defense issues. These include nuclear freeze, MX, first- not a spontaneous grassroots movement springing out of strike weapons, military spending, Pershing II, ABM, no public concern about the horrors of nuclear war. Instead, first use, and chemical weapons. it is a sophisticated, special-interest lobbying campaign The most elaborate and interlacing part of the which is professionally directed, financed by sources that lobbying campaign engineered by the Monday Group is are supposed to be non-political, and skillfully targeted the classification and the specific-issue targeting by against each individual Congressman. specific groups of each of the 535 Senators and Con- The nationally-advertised freeze demonstration on gressmen. First, they are divided on a list into those (1) March 7-8 on the U.S. Capitol steps was a flop; it drew for a freeze resolution, (2) leaning for, (3) undecided/ only about 4,000 people, half of whom live nearby and unknown, (4) leaning against, ana (5) against a freeze drove in for the day. What the freezeniks lacked in resolution. numbers, credibility, logic, and public support, however, Then, most Senators and Congressmen have one to they hope to make up in flim-flam to create a false four anti-defense groups assigned to lobby them per- perception of political power. sonally. At least 24 Congressmen are targeted by four A secretive nucleus calling itself the “Monday different groups. Group” has worked out a cleverly orchestrated campaign Instructions given to the Monday Group partici- to manipulate Senators and Congressmen. The coordi- pants set forth with great specificity which tasks are nators meet every Monday at Mott House, 122 Maryland assigned to each participating group. The strategy Ave., N.E., Washington, D.C. papers show each Congressman’s name, followed by the Half of the Monday Group organizations are either code letters of the lobbying groups assigned to him. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations (which are supposed The lobbying instructions issued by the Monday to be non-political and non-lobbying), or they have a Group spell out its “Timeline” telling participants what convenient in-house 501(c)(3) organizaton which uses action to take and when. For example, from January 1 to the same equipment and people and has substantially the 26, participants were to “enlist co-sponsors, publicize the same purposes. vote in newsletters, publicize Citizens Lobby, organize In addition, four of the organizations involved in phone trees.” this political-advocacy campaign have received funding From January 26 to February 21, participants were from federal taxes, and four others have received some ordered to “promote participation in the Citizens Lobby, federal benefits. They share the same Maryland Avenue urge co-sponsors to call on the House Foreign Affairs address in Washington, D.C. Committee to adopt H.J. Res. 2, coordinate with other Here is the list of the organizations actively working networks, get proxies and money, letter-writing parties, in this coordinated lobbying effort: American Baptist collect money. Church, Americans for Democratic Action, Center for Defense Information, Coalition for a New Foreign and February 22-24 were two days designed for a na- Military Policy, Cpmmon Cause, Council for a Livable tional “call-in” to ask Congressmen to co-sponsor the World, Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign, Nuclear freeze resolution or, if already a co-sponsor, to lobby the Freeze Foundation, Friends of the Earth, Friends Foreign Affairs Committee to vote it out. March 7-8 Committee on National Legislation, Green Peace, Na- were designated for a national “call-in” to ask Con- tional Association of Social Workers, NETWORK, Na- gressmen to support the House Foreign Affairs freeze tional Campaign to Stop the MX, Physicians for Social resolution. Responsibility, SANE, Union of Concerned Scientists, A careful reading of the Monday Group’s sophisti- Unitarian Universalist Association, United Church of cated lobbying plans should convince Senators and Christ, and Women’s International League for Peace Congressmen that the freezeniks are, in the words of the and Freedom. Bard, “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” In the Each of these organizations is assigned to take the real world, the American people are just as pro-defense leadership role on one or more of the particular anti- as they ever were. Froozo Lobbying Freeze Lobbying De l a w a r e Position O rg. MASSACHUSETTS Position Org. KEY Sen. Joseph Biden Fre e z e Position on PF JI Sen. Edward Kennedy PF JI Sen. William Roth AF Sen. Paul Tsongas PF JI.UCS M o n d a y Gro u p's " W h ip List* Thomas Carper LPF UCC 2. Edward Boland PF FF, SANE, UCC PF Pro-Fre eze FLORIDA 1. Silvio O. Conte PF FF, KM, UCC, UCS LPF Le aning Pre-Fre eze Sen. Lawton Chiles UWILPF 11. Brian Donnelly PF FF, GP, UCC U Undecided e r Un k nown Sen. Paula Hawkins AF 3. Joseph Early PF FF, NET, UCC LAF Le aning Anti-Fre e z e 3. Charles Bennett AF ADA, GP 4. Barney Frank PF JI AF Anti-Fre e z e 9. Michael Bilirakis AF GP, SANE 7. Edward Markey PF JI, UCS 4. Bill Chappell Jr. AF GP, UCC 6. Nicholas Mavroules PF ADA, F F J I , SANE 9. Dante Fascell PF ADA, GP, UCS, KM 9. JoeMoakley PF 2. Don Fuqua LPF GP, UCS 8. Thomas O. O’Neill Jr. PF 7. Sam Gibbons LPF GP 5. James M. Shannon PF 1. Earle Hutto AF GP 10. Gerry E. Studds PF ADA, FF Pro-Fre e z e Org a n iz a tio n s 10. Andy Ireland AF ADA, GP MICHIGAN Assign e d t o Lo b by Congre ssm e n 17. William Lehman PF GP Sen. Carl Levin PF ADA, JI, NET 12. Tom Lewis AF GP Sen. Donald Riegle PF GP ABC Americ an Baptist Church 5. Bill McCollum AF GP 10. Donald Albosta PF CNFMP, GP ADA Americans f or Democratic Action 13. Connie Mack AF GP 12. David E. Bonior PF JI CNFMP Co alition N e w For /Mil Policy 6. Buddy MacKay U GP, UCC 18. Wm. S. Broomfield AF ADA, UCS CC Common Cause 14. Dan Mica LPF ADA, GP, UCS 6. Bob Carr PF JI.SAÑE Council for a Livable W orld 11. Bill Nelson LAF GP 1. John Conyers Jr. PF Jl John Isaacs 18. Claude Pepper PF GP 13. George W. Crockett Jr. PF ADA, GP KM K a th erin e M a gra w 15. E. Clay Shaw Jr AF GP 11. Robert W. Davis LAF FC Nucle ar We apons Freeze Campaign 16. Lawrence Smith LPF GP 16. John D. Dingell PF FF FF Nucle ar Freeze Found ation 8. C.W. Bill Young AF GP, SANE 15. William D. Ford PF FOE Friends of th e Earth GEORGIA 14. Dennis M. Hertel PF ADA, GP, WILPF FCNL Friends Committe e on N a tion a l Legislation Sen. Mack Mattingly AF 7. Dale E. Kildee PF GP Gre e n Peace Sen. Sam Nunn U UCS 17. Sander M. Levin PF GP N ASW N a tion a l Assn. Social Work ers 10. Doug Barnard Jr. LAF 2. Carl D. Pursell LPF CNFMP, GP.NET, UCS NET NETWORK 4. Wyche Fowler Jr. PF FCNL, NASW 5. Harold S. Sawyer AF KM MX N a tion a l Cte e on N a tion a l Legislation 6. Newt Gingrich AF 4. Mark Siljander LAF NASW N a tion a l Assn. Social Work ers 2. Charles Hatcher LAF 8. BobTraxler PF ADA, CNFMP, GP NET NETWORK 9. Ed Jenkins AF 9. Guy Vander Jagt AF UCS MX N a tion a l Campaign to Stop th e MX 5. Elliott Levitas LAF 3. Howard Wolpe PF ADA, CNFMP, FOE, KM PSR Physicians For Social Responsibility 7. Larry McDonald AF MINNESOTA SANE SANE 3. Richard Ray LAF Sen. Rudy Boschwitz U FOE, NASW UCS Union of Concerned Scientists 8. J. Roy Rowland U Sen. David Durenberger UADA, JI UUA Unitaria n Universalist Assn. 1. Robert Lindsay Thomas U 3. BillFrenzel AF FOE, SANE UCC Unite d Church of Christ HAWAII 8. James L. Oberstar PF WILPF Women's Inti. Le ague Peace & Fre edom Sen. Daniel Inouye UGP, UCC 1. Timothy J. Penny PF CNFMP, KM Sen. Spark Matsunaga PF JI 5. Martin O. Sabo PF FCNL, UCC 2. Daniel K. Akaka PF ADA, GP, NASW 6. Gerry Sikorski PF CNFMP 1. Cecil Heftel PF FF, GP, UCC 7. Arlan Strangeland AF SANE Freeze Lobbying IDAHO 4. Bruce F. Vento PF ALABAMA Position O rg. Sen. James McClure AF 2. Vin Weber AF FOE, UCC Sen. Jeremiah Denton AF Sen. Steven Symms AF MISSISSIPPI Sen. Howell Heflin AF 1. Larry E. Craig AF KM, SANE Sen. Thad Cochran AF 4. TomBevill LAF 2. George Hansen AF Sen. John Stennis AF 2. William Dickinson AF ILLINOIS 4. Wayne Dowdy PF 1. Jack Edwards AF FCNL, UCS Sen. Alan Dixon U ADA, CNFMP, NET 2. Webb Franklin AF UCS 6. BenErdreich AF Sen. Charles Percy U ADA, CNFMP, UCS 5. Trent Lott AF 5. Ronnie G. Flippo AF 11. Frank Annunzio LPF CNFMP, EM 3. G.U. Montgomery AF ADA 3. William Nichols LAF ADA. 7. Cardiss Collins PF 1. Jamie Whitten U ADA, UCC 7. Richard Shelby AF 14.