The original documents are located in Box 13, folder “Energy - Congressional Reaction to the Presidents Message” of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.

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Office of Congressional Affairs Federal Energy Administration Nashington, D.C. January ?4, 1974 {!_tt~,


.~/-~ . · .... _ ,,.r' ·"' ': .. ~ ' I TABLE OF CONTENTS


United States Senate

Minority 1-2

Majority. 3-10

United States House of Representatives

Minority 11-21

~ Majority 22-48

Governors 49

People of Interest 50-51

General Trends 52

Co-sponsors of Key Legislation 53

All reference material available at: Federal Energy Administration Office of Congressional Affairs ·'. Paul Cyr, Director ~-··.'

.. - .\.~- - . -~-- .. Phone~ 961-6226 \ 961-7472 ,

.. ·"" ~ . --··-- .. _., __ . --~ "1 UNITED STATES SENATE

HINORITY Sen. Dewey Bartlett ·Feels Fordls program to have a "disastrous negative impact" (Okla.) upon the "goal of increasing the supply of domestic energy. The program means higher costs to consumers and effectively lower prices to producers. It guarantees consumers less energy supplies instead of more energy supplies at a time of a severe _ energy shortage when imports of high cost foreign crude oil, because of the unfavorable balance of trade, and for other reasons must be reduced sharply. The administration's program aggravates our energy shortages. 11 CR - Jan. 24

Senator Clifford P. Case Co-sponsored s. 328 to direct the President of the (New Jersey) United States to establish and carry out a program for rationing gasoline. Referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan. 23

Introduced s. 330 to provide tax credit for increased Senator Robert Dole in (Kansas) natural gas expenses resulting from changes regulation of wellhead prices. Referred to the Committee on Finance. Jan. 23.

Lists energy evaluation principles, t~e prima:r~o~e ~eing- sen. Jake Garn the marketplace is the fairest mechan1sm for q++c':at1ng energy (Utah) resources. CR - Jan. 24

system for co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority ; I Senator Jesse A~ Helma certain agricultural uses of natural g.·ls. Referred (North Carolina) to the committee on Commerce, ~qp. 23. Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential ag;icultura~ purposes. Refe;;~4 ~~ the committee op Commerce, -Jan. a3. '- '' I ...... - ...

...... , . - ---. : --~ . ------. _,... -· . 2. Sen. Hugh Scott At FEA's request, inserts a detailed analysis of the costs, (Penn.) problems, and effectiveness of gas rationing. CR - Jan. 24

Inserts Administration's paper on Ford's energy program. Sen. Robert Griffin CR - Jan. 24 (Mich.)

Senator Charles H. Percy Co-sponsored S. 363 to restore the independence (Illinois) of certain regulatory commissions of the Federal Government. Referred to the Committee on Government Operations. Jan. 23.

Senator William v. Roth, Jr. Introduced S. 353 to authorize the Federal Power (Delaware) Commission to allocate scarce supplies of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Hugh Scott Introduced S. 329 to direct the Secretary of Commerce (Pennsylvania) to require reports from foreign investors in the United States and their agents, and for other purpQses! Referred ·to the Committee oil Commerce. Jaz:l. 23. ·

Senator Strom Thurmond Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for (South Carolina) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan.- 23.

~·=="'·' ---.-~--~-·· Senator Lowell P:-weicker, Jr. Introduced s. 328 to direct the President of the (Connecticut) united states to establish and carry out a program for rationing gasoline. Referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan. 23. 3 UNITED STATES SENATE MAJORITY Senator James Abourezk Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for (South Dakota) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator James B. Allen Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for (Alabama) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-~ponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agr1cultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Birch Bayh Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for () certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential · agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Sen. Lloyd Bentsen Comments on his bill, s. 312, "Americans in the last 12 monthSl (Tex.} , --because inflation has placed them in higher tax brackets-­ have had their taxes increased by over $10 billion. A tax req"c tion will effectively repeal the tax increase resulting from · inflation and restore this purchasing power to those who have suffered most from inflation. This is the only recession in oul history during which the tax burden was actually increasing and this increased burden has contributed to the largest 1-year decline in purchasing power since 1945." "In addition to reduc· ing taxes for average Americans by $13 billion, my bill would collect an additional $3 billion in taxes from corporations and --~ ,.~- "-"~~;.:-- ~;;----- c=-~--=--"=--~~high income individuals through tax reform." His tax reform proposals include replacing the. "minimum tax" with an alternati, tax"; limitation of the percentage oil depletion allowance; reform of overseas oil and gas income, including the foreign ta; credit; and overhaul of the Domestic International Sales Corporation. CR - Jan. 24 ~. ~----~------,..---~-----···~ -- Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for 4 certainagricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Robert C. Byrd Introduced S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution (West Virginia) authorizing increased production of petroleum from the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Q~entin Burdick Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential (North Dakota) agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution' Senator Howard w. Cannon authorizing increased production of petroleum from (Nevada) the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Frank Church Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for (Idaho) certain agricultural uses of natural gas Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. •

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for ' Senator Dick Clark certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred ( IowaL- _ -~- , ,.~ .. --c=~-; . ~""''" --~~~to ... the .Committee on Commerce. Jan. -23.

Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on· Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for 4 certainagricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Robert C. Byrd Introduced S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution (West Virginia) authorizing increased production of petroleum from the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Qdentin Burdick Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential (North Dakota) agricultural purposes. Referred to theCommittee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution' Senator Howard w. Cannon authorizing increased production of petroleum from (Nevada) the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Frank Church Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for (Idaho) certain agricultural uses of natural gas Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. •

Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

--·--~co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for Senator Dick Clark certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referreq {Iowa) to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. · '" :_' " t_> ~ Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee-on \-:. Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for 4 certainagricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Robert C. Byrd Introduced S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution (West Virginia) authorizing increased production of petroleum from the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Q~entin Burdick Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential (North Dakota) agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution' Senator Howard w. Cannon authorizing increased production of petroleum from (Nevada) the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Frank Church Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for (Idaho) certain agricultural uses of natural gas Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. ·

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

\ I Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system fa~ Senator Dick Clark certain agricultural uses of natural gas.-~-· Referred;...----~ (Iowa)-- to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

,.: •' Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for ess.:ntial agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committe(~' •J::l Commerce. Jan. 23.

.~ ' Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for 4 certainagricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Robert C. Byrd Introduced S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution (West Virginia) authorizing increased production of petroleum from the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Qdentin Burdick Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential (North Dakota) agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution' Senator Howard w. Cannon authorizing increased production of petroleum from (Nevada) the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for nqtional defense purposes. Referred to the Comm!ttee on Armed Services. Jan. 23. · ·

Senator Frank Church Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for (Idaho) certain agr~cultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Comm1ttee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. .. Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for Senator Dick Clark certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred (Iowa) ______, ~;~~ . _~c==---- ~-=- ~-~=~~tO- the .Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essentiil agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on·_

Commerce. Jan. 23. i ·· Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for 4 certainagricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Robert C. Byrd Introduced S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution (West Virginia) authorizing increased production of petroleum from the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Qdentin Burdick Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential (North Dakota) agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution' Senator Howard w. Cannon authorizing increased production of petroleum from (Nevada) the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Frank Church Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for (Idaho) certain agricultural uses of natural gas Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. •

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

------Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for Senator Dick Clark certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred (Iowa) to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential;;_-_-::-_-;-­ agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee-on ' ' - Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for 4 certainagricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Robert c. Byrd Introduced S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution (West Virginia) authorizing increased production of petroleum from the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Q~entin Burdick Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential (North Dakota) agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commereea Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution' Senator Howard w. Cannon authorizing increased production of petroleum from (Nevada) the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Frank Church Co-sp~nsore~ S. 319 to provide a priority system for (Idaho) certa1n agr1cultural uses of natural gas Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. •

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas fot ·'essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system fo~ Senator Dick Clark certain agricultural uses of natural gas.·-·· Referred..-----~ (Iowa) · to the Committee on Commerce. Jap. 23. \ ., Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide p~~~ral gas for essential . a9ricultpr-l purposes. Refe:r;-J!p fP, the Committe,~ on '· Cp~orcf! Jan. ~3. ., ' { "· ,.. ' '' Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for 4 certainagricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Robert C. Byrd Introduced S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution (West Virginia) authorizing increased production of petroleum from the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Qdentin Burdick Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential (North Dakota) agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Howard w. Cannon Co-sponsored S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution' (Nevada) authorizing increased production of petroleum from the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23. · ·

Senator Frank Church Co-sp~nsore~ S. 319 to provide a pr~prity system for (Idaho) certa~n agr~cultural uses of natura+ ga~· Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23, '

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 319 ~o provide a priority system for Senator Dick Clark certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred (Iowa>--·-----~~,.:~, --c~...;=~- = .. ,,,,,"~==~~tO~-the Committee on Commerce. --Jan. -23.

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on· Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for 4 certainagricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Robert C. Byrd Introduced S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution (West Virginia) authorizing increased production of petroleum from the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Q~entin Burdick Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential (North Dakota) agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution' Senator Howard w. Cannon authorizing increased production of petroleum from (Nevada) the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Frank Church Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for (Idaho) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

·----Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for Senator Dick Clark certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred {Iowa) to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essent~l agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee.on· Commerce. Jan. 23. I·.. Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for 4 certainagricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Robert C. Byrd Introduced S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution (West Virginia) authorizing increased production of petroleum from the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Q~entin Burdick Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential (North Dakota) a9ricultura.1 purposes. Referred to the committee on Commeree, Jan. 23.

Senator Howard W. Cannon Co-sponsored S.J. Res. 13; a joint resolution' (Nevada} authorizing increased production of petroleum from the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Frank Church Co-sp~nsore~ S. 319 to provide a priority system for (Idaho) certa1n agr1cultural uses of natural gas Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. •

Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for Senator Dick Clark certain agricultural uses of natural gas.- Referred!["""----~ (Iowa)-- to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essent,ial agricultural purposes. Referred to the Cornmittee on/.. · Cornmerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for 4 certainagricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Robert C. Byrd Introduced S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution (West Virginia) authorizing increased production of petroleum from the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Qdentin Burdick Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential (North Dakota) agricultural purposes. Referred to the-Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution' Senator Howard W. Cannon authorizing increased production of petroleum from (Nevada) the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Comm~~tee o~ Armed Services. Jan. 23. -

Senator Frank Church Co-spc;>nsore~ S. 319 to provide a priori-t:y syE;tem for (Idaho) certa1n agr1cultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for Senator Dick Clark certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred

(Iowa}______-'~--...... :-- _= . =~~~-to~ the Cornrni ttee on Commerce. Jan. 2 3.

Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. co~aponsored s. 319 to proviae a priority ayatem tor 4 certainagricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Robert C. Byrd Introduced S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution (West Virginia) authorizing increased production of petroleum from the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Q~entin Burdick Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential (North Dakota) agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce •. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S.J. Res. 13, a joint resolution' Senator Howard w. Cannon authorizing increased production of petroleum from (Nevada) the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to the Committee on Armed Services. Jan. 23.

Senator Frank Church Co-sp~nsore~ S. 319 to provide a priority system for (Idaho) certa1n agr1cultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

--·-----co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for Senator Dick Clark certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred (Iowa) to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee ~n Commerce. Jan. 23. - ·- Senator Alan Cranston Co-sponsored-S. 319 to provide a priority system for (California) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred 5 to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Thomas F. Eagleton Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for (Missouri) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23 co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator James o. Eastland Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for (Mississippi) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23- senator Philip A. Hart Co-sponsored S. 323 to regulate commerce and to protect () petroleum product dealers from unfair practices, ~nd for· other purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

States that, "Because the country's immediate problem is the · outflow of domestic dollars·rather than the inflow of foreign oil, the United States should put a limit on the amount of money it will spend for oil imports." · " CR - Jan. 24

In~erts joint resolution by Maine State Legislature opposing Sen. William Hathaway import tariff. (Maine) CR - Jan. 24 Senator vance Hartke co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system tor . (Indiana) certain agricultural uses. of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Floyd K. Haskell Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for (Colorado) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 32 8 to direct the Pr.esident of the United States to establish and carry out a program ~or rationing gasoline. Referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan. 23

Senator Ernest F. Hollings (South Carolina) Co~sponsored S. 328 to direct the President of the Un1ted States to establish and carry out a program for rationing gasoline. Referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan. 23

Senator Hubert H. Humphrey Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for (Minnesota) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Cpmmerce. Jan. 23. Senator Henry Jackson Introduced s. 325 to amend the Internal Revenue Coda to (Washington) '( provide a tax rebate for individuals for 1974 and to 7 provide individuals tax relief for 1975 as a stimulus to increase consumer purchasing power, to promobe economic recovery, and to halt the Nation's slide into an economic depression. Referred to the Finance Committee. Jan. 23.

Senator Patrick J. Leahy . Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential . (Vermont) agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator George McGovern Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for (South Dakota) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. ···

Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Warren G. Magnuson Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority. system for (Washington) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored s. 323 to regulate commerce and to protect petroleum product dealers from unfair practices, and for other purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Introduced s. 333 to amend the Ports and Waterways Safety ---Act of 1972, and for other purposes. Referred to the ·committee on Commerce. Jan. 23

Introduced s. 333 to amend the Ports and Waterways Safety Act of 1972, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce Jan. 23. Co-sponsored S. 328 to direct the Pt•lidon~ ef th@ 8 Senator Mike Mansfield United states to establish and carry out a pro9ram (Montana) for rationing gasoline. Referred to the Committee. on Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan~ 23

Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for Senator Lee Metcalf certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred (Montana) to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored s. 328 to direct the President of the United States to establish and carry out a program for rationing gasoline. Referred to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan. 23. Introduced s. 363 to restore the independence of certain regulatory commissions of the Federal Government. Referred to the Committee on Government Op~rations. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for Senator Walter F. Mondale certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred (Minnesota) to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce: Jan. 23.

Introduced s. 323 to regulate commerce and to protect senator Frank E. Moss petroleum product dealers from unfair practices, and for other purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. (Utah) Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for Senator Sam Nunn certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred (Georgia) to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored s. 320. to provide natural gas for. essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Senator John o. Pastore Co-sponsored S. 323 to regulate commerce and to protect {Rhode Island) petroleum product dealers from unfair practices, and for other purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Hugh Scott Introduced s. 329 to direct the Secretary of Commerce to (Pa.) require reports from foreign investors in the U.S. and their agents, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator John Sparkman Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for (Alabama) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on ·-.~ Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator John C. Stennis Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for (Mississippi) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essent~al agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Adlai E. Stevenson Co-sponsored s. 319 to provide a priority system for (Illinois) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23~

=-·=co-sponsorea s-~--32-3 to regulate commerce and to protect ----·- petroleum product dealers from unfair practices, and for /~ :. other purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. (;·;- Jan. 23. ~'~ !).' ·~ ,._~~ ... ;.. - - Senator Richard Stone Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for (Florida) certain agricultural uses of natural gas~ Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator Herman E. Talmadge Introduced s. 319 to provide a priority system for (Georgia) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23. Introduced s. 320 to provide natural gas for essential agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Senator John V. Tunney Co-sponsored S. 319 to provide a priority system for {California) certain agricultural uses of natural gas. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 320 to provide natural gas for essential - agricultural purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored S. 323 to regulate commerce and to protect petroleum product dealers from unfair practices, and for other purposes. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Jan. 23.

Upon introducing S. 349 he states~ "This legislation could save ---the Americans millions of barrels of oil that otherwise would be wasted. At a time when energy costs are skyrocketing, and we face an ever-deepening dependence on foreign sources of fuel, it is essential that we provide the American public sufficient information so that they can avoid energy-inefficient products~ I held last year amply demonstrated, the average consumer still does. CR - Jan. 24



1 Rep. James Abdnor Co-sponsored H.R. 1816 to amend th~ Internal Revenue (S .Oak.) Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the u.s. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. John ~- Ashbrook Introduced H.R. 1773 to prevent the abandonment of () railroad lines covered by the Rail Reorganization Act. Referred to Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Jan 23.

Rep. Skip Bafalis Co-sponsored H.R. 18161 to amend thE> Internal Revenue (Fla.) Code.of 1954 and ce~tain other proviiions of ~aw to ~rov1de for automat1c cost-of-living adjustments in the rates, the amount of the standard personal exernpt1on and depreciation deductions, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the u.s. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. ·

Rep. Robert E. Bauman Introduced H.R. 1776 to amend the Coastal Zone Management () Act of 1972 to authorize financial assistance to Coastal States to enable them to study, assess, and plan the effects of offshore energy-related facilities and activities in or on the Outer Continental Shelf on their coastal zones, and to provide for needed public faci­ lities and services; to provide assistance to the Coastal States for coordinating coastal zone planning, policies, and programs in contiguous interstate areas; and for other purposes. Referred to Merchant Marine and Fisheries, , ---~~-Jan 2 3 • . . · · ·

Introduced H.R. 1777 (6 Co-sponsors) to amend the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 to suspend until no later than June 30, 1976, Federal Oil and Gas leasing in areas seaward of State coastal zones. Referred to Merchant Marine and Fisheries and Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan 23. 1:. Rep. "Under present economic conditions coastal States will have to (Md.) scrap hard to finance present levels of governmental services. The failure of the Federal Government to provide these States with a fair share of revenues received from OCS activities will cause serious fiscal cries in many areas. Because of this, I am today introducing amendments to the Coastal Zone Management Act which I believe will insure the orderly expansion of needed energy resources, protect our coastal zones, and financially assist the coastal States which bear thedirect impact of OCS a activities." "I have three reservations with the administra­ tion's development of the OCS leasing program: First. They have failed to coordinate leasing plans with the States which will be most seriously affected. Second. They have ignored the congressional intent expressed in the Coastal Zone Management Act which calls for coordination of Federal and State Government policies involving the coastal zone. and,Third. They have not taken into account the future costs to States and local govern­ ment which will result from onshore development." CR - Jan. 24

Rep. Edward P. Beard Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressioNal approval (Rhode Island) of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Rep. Alphonzo· Bell (Calif.) Intro~uced H.J.Res. 119 to authorize the Secretar of establish on certain public lands of ihe the U.~. nat1.onal petroleum reserves the development of needs to be regulated in a manner consistent the total energy needs of the Nation and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insul~r Affa1.' Jan. 23. rs.

Rep. AlphonzoJBell Co-spon~ored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue (Calif.) Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of ~ - - --·taxpayer relating to the· thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways apd Means. Jan. 23. Rep. Tim Lee Carter Co-spon~ored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue· (Kentucky) · ~ode of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an 1.ncome tax deduction for certain expenditures of ~ tax~ayer relating to the thermal design of the res1.dence of such taxpayer. Referred to ways and Means. Jan. 23. Rep. Tim Lee Carter co~sponsored H.R. 1816Jto amend th~ Internal Revenue (Kentucky) Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to 13 provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the U.S. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. Del Clawson Co-sponsored H.J.Res. 119 to authorize the Secretary of the (Calif.) Interior to establish on certain public lands of the u.s. national petroleum reserves the development of which needs to be regulated in a manner consistent with the total energy needs of the Nation, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan. 23.

Rep. James c. Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval (New Hampshire) of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

co-sponsored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to W~ys and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. William s. Cohen Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval (Maine) of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 1769 (identical to ILR. 1767, introduced by Rep. Green) .

Rep. James· Collins Co-sponsored H.R. l816'to amend th~ Internal Revenue (Texas) Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tqx rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the u.s. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. Introduced H.R. 1807 to provide for the conservation of 13 Rep. Silvio Conte o. energy by amending the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to (Massachusetts) allow a refundable tax credit for certain building insulation and heating improvements. ·Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Introduced H.R. 1808 (23 Co-sponsors) to require congressional approval of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Introduced H.R. 1816 to amend the Internal Revenue Rep. Lawrence Coughlin Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to (Pa.) provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of intereE payable on certain obligations of the u.s. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Co-spon·sored H.R. 2066 to amend th0. Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 1816 to amend th~ Internal Revenue Rep. Philip Crane Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to (Illinois) provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of interes· payable on certain obligations of the U.s. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. 1 . I co-sponsored H.R. 18161 to amend the Internal Revenue code of 1954 and certain other I?r<;>visior:s of law to rovide for automatic cost-of-l~v~ng adJustments in the lncome tax rates, the amount ot the standard personal . exemption and depreciation deducti~ns, and th~ rate of ~nt~I payable on certain obligations of the U.s • Referred to ways and Means. Jan. 23. Rep. Samuel Devine Co-sponsored H.R. 2051 to amend the Regional Rail Reor­ 14 (Ohio) ganization Act of 1973 to increase the financial assistance available under section 213 and section 215, and for other purposes. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 18161 to amend the Internal Revenue Rep. William Dickinson Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to (Ala.) provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount o~ the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the U.S. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. David Emery Introduced H.R. 1808 (23 Co-sponsors) to require (Maine) congressional approval of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Opposes "effort to increase the cost of oil in any form." Requests Congress to useek ways to conserve energy in a manner which treats all people, regardless of income, equally." CR - Jan. 24

Cq-spon~ored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenu~ Rep. Marvin Esch Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an (Mich.) income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the-thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

co-sponsored H.R. 1816;to amend the.I~ternal Revenue Rep. Hamilton Fish, Jr. code of 1954 and certain other prov~s~ons of law ~o (N.y.) . provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments ~n the ·-- -·-~· __ ~income tax rates, the amount o~ the standard personal . - --~--;_.~-- --=--=--~~ -- ~------exempti-On- and depreciatiOn dedUCtic:ms 1 and the rate Of J.nterest payable on certain obligations of the U.S. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. · Rep. Millicent Fenwick Co-sponsored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue 15 (New Jersey) Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the.thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. Walter Flowers co-sponsored H.R. 1816;to amend th~ Internal Revenue (Ala.) Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deducti~ns, and the rate of int~rest payable on certain obligations of the U.s. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. Bill Frenzel Introduced H.R. 1847 to require the Secretary of the (Minnesota) Interior to compile and keep current a mineral fuel reserves inventory. Referred to Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan 23.

Rep. William-Goodling Co-sponsored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue (Pa.) Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. Co-sponsored H.R. 1816;to amend tht Internal Revenue (Hd.) Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the U.S. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

1 ReQ._ .co-sponsored H.R. ~809 (identical to H.R. 1808, introduced (Ohiof by Rep. Conte) . l .. Rep. Tom Hagedorn 1 16 (Minn.) co~sponsored H.R. 1816 to amend th~ Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the U.s. Referred to _____ Ways and Means. Jan. 23. Rep. Margaret Heckler (Mass.) Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval of tariffs on pGtroleum imports. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Rep. H. John Heinz, III (Pa. ) Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation between the Secretary of the Interior and the States with respect to the regulation of surface mining operations and the acquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23.

Rep. Elwood Hillis Co-sponsored H.Res. 93 creating a select committee (Ind.) to conduct a full and complete investigation and study of shortages of materials and natural resources affecting the u.s. Referred to Rules. ·Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 1993 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to provide for an excess profits tax on the income of corporations engaged in oil production and refining, and to establish the Energy Research, Development, and Exploration Trust Fund. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. Andrew J. Hinshaw Introduced H.R. 1859 to provide for the conveya~ce of (California) · certain mineral interests of the United States 1n property in California to the record owners of surface of that property. Referred to Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. l8161 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 .and certain other provisions of law to provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the .l' income'tax rates, the amount·of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the U.s. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. Rep. co~sponsored H.R. 1816;to amend th~ Internal Revenue 17 (Maryland) Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the U.s. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. Frank Horton Co-sponsored H.R. 2067 (identical to H.R~ 2066, introduced (New York) by Rep. Vanik) .

Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval Rep. James Jeffords o£ tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and (Vt.) t1eans. Jan 23. .. Co-sponsored H.R. 2 ("d - by Rep. vanik). 067 ~ ent~cal to H.R. 2066, introduced

Co-sponsored rr.R. 18161 to amend th~ Internal Revenue Rep. Albert Johnson code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law ~o (Pa.) provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments ~n the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deducti~ns, and the rate of interest-­ payable on certain obligations of the U.s. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

co-sponsored H.R. ~UbJ (~ctentical to H.R. 2066, introduced by· Rep. Vanik) .

Rep. William Ketchum Co-sponsored H.R. 1816;to amend the Internal Revenue (Calif.) Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the U.S. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. '

Rep. Thomas Kindness Co-sponsored H.J.Res. 119 to authorize tne Secretary of the ( OhioT --- ' ··~ =·-=·~Interior -to· establish on certain public lanas of the U .·S. national petroleum reserves the development of I. which needs to be regulated in a manner consistent i . with the total energy needs of the Nation, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Affairs. "· Ja,n. 23 •

~-.------. ----·------·-- l.Q Rep. Robert J. Lagomarsino Co-sponsored H.R. 1777 to amend the Coastal zone Management (California) Act of 1972 to suspend until no later than June 30, 1976, Federal Oil and Gas leasing in areas seaward of State coastal zone. Referred to Merchant Marine and Fisheries and Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan 23.

Rep. Robert Lagomarsino Co-sponsored H.J.Res. 119 to authorize the Secretary of the (Calif.) Interior to establish on certain public lands of the U.S. national petroleum reserves the development of which needs to be regulated in a manner consistent with the total energy needs of the Nation, and for other ,. "\; /. purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan. 23.

Rep. Norman F. Lent Co-sponsored H.R. 1777 to amend the Coastal Zone Management (New York) Act of 1972 to suspend until no later than June 30, 1976, Federal Oil and Gas leasing in areas seaward of State coastal zone. Referred to Merchant Marine and Fisheries and Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan 23.

co~sponsored H.R. 1816;to amend th~ Internal Revenue Rep. Trent Lott Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to (Miss.) provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deducti?ns, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the U.S. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

-...... - -~ Co-sponsored H.J.Res. 119 to author1ze tne becrbLa~y o£ Re-p. stuart McKinney Interior to establish on certain public lands of the (Conn.) U.S. national petroleum reserves the development of which needs to be regulated in a manner consistent -. ., with the total--energy needs of the Nation, and for other "\. --~-- Pl:lrEoses. Referred to Interior and Insular Affairs. -=·~~--Jan. ~2-3-~-~------Introduced H.R. 2080 to amend the Automobile Information 19 Rep. Stuart McKinney Disclosure Act to provide for the disclosure of fuel (Conn.) , consumption by certain automobiles, under rules prescribed by the Administrator of the EPA, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce. Jan. 23.

Rep. Donald Mitchell ~o-sponsorea H.K. ~Ub/ (1aent1ca~ to H.R. ~Ubb, introduced (New York) by Rep. Vanik} .

co-sponsored H.J.Res. 119 to authorize the Secretary o~ . Rep. Carlos Moorhead Interior to establish on certain public lands of the (Calif.) u.s. national petroleum reserves the develop~ent of

which needs to be regulated in a manner cons1stent " \ with the total energy needs of the Nation, and f~r other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Affa1rs. Jan. 23.

~o-sponsorea H.K. ~Ub/ (1aent1ca~ to H.R. 20bb, int~o~uced Rep. Charles Mosher (Ohio) by Rep. Vanik) •

Co-sponsored H.R. 1817 (identical to H.R. 1816, introduced Rep. George O'Brien (Ill.) by Rep. Coughlin). Rep. Peter Peyser·· Introduced H.Res. 91 disapproving of deferral of (New York) certain Budget authority relating to atomic energy which is proposed by the President in his message of November 26, 1974, transmitted under section 1013 of the Impoundment Control Act of 1974. Referred to Appropriations. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsoied H.R. 1768 (identical to H.~. 1767, ~ntroduced

by Rep. Green) . ;

Rep. Jerry Pettis """'""--=" ·-'==-=····In~roduced H · R~l956 to establish a national Commission (Calif.) on Regulatory Reform. Referred to Interstate and Foreiqn Commerce. Jan. 23. -

Rep. Joel Pritchard ·c~-sponsored H.R. 2068 ('d1 . (Washington) by Rep. Vanik). ent1cal to H.R. 2066, introduced

--~--···--···---· .. -··-·-- ' ... _ ...... iI Rep. Albert Quie Co-sponsored H.R. 2068 (identical to H.R. 2066, · 21) r (Minn.) by Rep. vanik}. ~ntroduced

Rep. James Quillen Introduced H.R. 1967 to create a commission to grant (Tenn.) exclusive franchises for the exploration for and the commercial development of geothermal energy and for the right to market any such energy in its natural state. Referred to Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan. 23.

Introduced H.R. 1977 to create a special tariff provision for imported glycine and related products. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Introduced H.R. 1992 to provide that amounts paid by a Rep. mine operator to a State in the form of a reclamation fee (Ohio) may be credited against the amount paid to the Secretary of Interior for the abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund. Referred to Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan. 23.

Introduced H.R. 1993 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to provide for an excess profits tax on the income of cor­ porations engaged in oil production and refining, and to establish the Energy Research, Development, and Exploration Trust Fund. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

·Rep. John Rhodes "C o~gress~onal. 7esponse to date seems to have been to seek to Minority Leader str~p [the Pre~~den~] of his policy making power, rather than (Ariz.) ~~ ~rolose aff~rmat7ve alter~atives. I personally am convinced a a ~os~ any ~ct~on settl~ng our energy policy is preferable tfo cont~~u~ng dr~ft or congressional obstruction to policy ormulat~on." CR - Jan. 24

\ Introduced H.R. 2002 to amend section 167 of the Internal Rep. J. Kenneth Robinson Revenue Code of 1954 to provide a special allowance for \ (Va.) \ I depreciation with respect to certain byproduct tnd waste energy conversion facilities. Referred to Way~and Means . Jan. 2 3 . ---~

~ntroduced H.R. 2006 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to allow a deduction for expep~~~ ~ncurred by a t~xpayer in making :repairs and improv~m~nts! to his resident::(;, and t? ~+low'. tpe owner of rental J19H~~pg. to ';lmortize 't; a~ ~~ce+er~ge~ rate the cost of f'h~p;l~tat+P9 or reWF~r~ng . ~1.1cll hop,.ipg. !lef~rred to r~if.J .. ftl~ Meant~ JAn• ~~~ • 21

Rep-. Ronald Sarasin Co-sponsored H.R. 1817 (identical to ij.R. 1816, introduced· (Conn.) by Rep. Coughlin). \

Rep. Fortney Stark Co-sponsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for a 90-day period the (Calif.) authority of the President under section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 or any other provisions of law to increase tariffs, or to take any other import adjustment action, with respect to petroleum or products derived therefore; to negate any such action which may be taken ·by the President after January 15, 1975, and before the beginning of such 90-day period; and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Rep. Larry Winn, Jr. Co-sponsored H.R. l8i7 (ldentical to H.R. 1816, introduced (Kansas) by Rep. Coughlin) ..



Rep. Co-sponsored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue (New York) Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a tax~ayer relating to the thermal design of the res1dence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. Les AuCoin Co-sponsored H.R. 1809 (identical to H.R. 1808, introduced (Oregon) • by Rep. Conte)

Co-spon~ored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the.thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways'and Means. Jan. 23. -- Rep. Introduced H.R. 1774 to require congressional approval (New York) of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 1809 (identical to H.R. 1808, introduced by Rep. Conte) .

Rep. Berkley Bedell Co-sponsored H.R. 1768 (identical to H.R. 1767, introduced . (Iowa) by Rep. Green) .

Rep. Jaime Benitez Co-sponsored H.a. 2062 to provide for the cooperation between the Secretary of the Interior and the States

-~~~) 0 -= ·="" with respect ··to the regulation of s..1rface mining operations and the acqui3ition and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23. Co-sponsored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue Rep. Tom Bevill Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an 23 (Al~.) income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. ------' Rep. Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation (Michigan) between the Secretary of the Interior and the States with respect to the regulation of surface mining operations and the acquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, l and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular I L__ Jan. 23. j '

Co-sponsored H.R. 1816;to amend th~ Internal Revenue I ~~- h ~ . Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to t~S •) . provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deducti~ns, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the U.s. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and Means. ·Jan 23.

J Rep. William Brodhead Co-sponsored H.R. 1952 to establish national goals for the effective, fair, inexpensive, and exp~~~tious resolution i (Michigan) of controversies involving consumers, and for ~~her purposes •. Referred to Interstate and Foreign Commerce. J~n. 23. · , \ "1. \

' \ Rep. George Brown "We now have an opportunity to use the insights of the energy 1 (Calif.) crisis to turn and concentrate our efforts toward the building of quality dwellings, durable gociqs, efficient inclu: try-;--arur=,­ living in harmony with our sti~~ ~e~utiful natura~ ~~rroundings. instead, tJ;e President's progr~ffi W,pqld allocate nEl't:t'lY all our sc~rce c~p~fal aqd manpower to·~ ~nqrt-term binge pf carving and go"g~qg ,ve;--scat'c~r resourceS$ ';qm :·our suffering ~ianet." CR ·- 'lan! · 21 . .;.. 'i'·~. n + ~ k~.

'.•. Rep. aeo:a:>;• Brown, ur. eo-spon~ored a.R. 206~ to amend the Internal ~evenue (Calif.) Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a 24 taxpayer relating to the.thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. James A. Burke (Massachusetts) Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval of tariffs on petroleum imports •. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for a 90-day period the authority of the President under section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 or any other provisions of law to increase tariffs, or to take any other import adjustment action, r.vith respect to petroleum or products derived therefore; to negate any such action which may be taken by the President: after January 15, 1975, and before the begin­ ning of such 90-day period; and for 6ther purposes. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

co-spon~ored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. John Burton Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation (Calif.) between the Secretary of the Interior and the States with respect to the regulation of surface mining operations and the acquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, ~---and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23.

Rep. Charles Carney Co-spon~ored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenu~ (Ohio) Coae of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an

f . income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a. taxpayer relating to the.thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. Rep. George Brown, Jr. Co-spon~ored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue (Calif.) Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a 24 taxpayer relating to the.thermal design of the I \ residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. James A. Burke (Massachusetts) Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for a 90-day period the authority of the President under section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 or any other provisions of law to increase tariffs, or to take any other import adjustment action, with respect to petroleum or products derived therefore; to negate any such action which may be taken by the President: after January 15, 1975, and before the begin­ ning of such 90-day period; and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

co-spon~ored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. John ~urton Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation (Calif.) \ between the Secretary of the Interior and the States with respect to the regulation of surface mining operations \ and the acquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, \ and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23.

Rep. Charles Carney Co-spon~ored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenu~ (Ohio) Coae of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the.thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. . 25

Rep. cardiss Collins Co-spon·sored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue (Ill.) Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the-thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored H.R. 1952 to establish national goals Rep. James Corman for the effective, fair, inexpensive, and expeditious resolution (Calif.) of controversies involving consumers, and for obher purpose~ •. Referred to Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Jan. 23. \_. Co-sponsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for a 90-day period the authority of the President under section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 or any other provisions of law to increase tariffs, or to take any other.import adjustment action, with respect to petroleum or products derived therefore; to negate any such action which may be taken ·by the President after January 15, 1975, and before the beginning of such 90-day period; and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation Rep. Robert Cornell between the Secretary of the Interior and the States (Wis.) with respect to the regulation of surface mining operations and the acquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 1809 (identical to H.R. 1808, introduced by Rep. Conte). Co-sponsored H.R. 1768 {identical to H.R. 1767, introduced ______by Rep. Green) .

Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation Rep. William Cotter between the Secretary of the Interior and the States (Conn.) with respect ·to the regulation of surface mining operations and the acquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23.

--~·-----'»;- -_..,.._- ~- _------~~-...------~--.,...._------·--· ·-~--~·--A---~-·- ·-·----·-- • ------~--· . 26 Rep. William Cotter co-snonsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for·a 90-day period the. (Conn.-) auth;rity of the Presid~nt under section 232 of the Trade E::oansion Act of 1962 or any other provisions of law to in~~re,s_se tariffs, or to take any other import adjustment action, ·vli th respect to petroleum or products derived · ·therefore; to ne(;ate any such action which may be taken by the Presidc::-d: after January 15, 19 7 5, and befo::::-e the begin­ .. ning of such 90-day period; and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and • Means. Jan 23. From 2 radio editorials he inserts, "Let's stop talking about--let's do it! Let us embark on a crash program, by mobilizing all of the technology at our disposal, to find new sources of oil. Let us encourage offshore drilling, finance mass transit, and make mandatory its use wherever possible and impose heavy taxes of gas guzzling automobiles." CR - Jan. 24

Rep. Norman E. D'Amours co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval (New Hampshire) of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23. Rep. Dominick Daniels Urges Ford to delay the implementation of his plan to raise (N.J.) the fee on all imported crude oil and petroleum products. He says the Ford measure will exacerbate the current inflation problems and while "the President has maintained that his proposals will cost the average consumer approximately $250 a year, ••. the President has not considered the impact of dramatically increased energy prices in the industrial and food production sectors. It is apparent to me that these increased fuel costs will soon be reflected in higher costs for food, textiles, manufactured produces ... and a wide range of consumer goods ••.. These higher prices will adversely :' affect lower income Americans. The poor and the elderly are already bearing an untolerable economic burden resulting from the cruel combination of inflation, recession, and rising unemployment." The DANIELS resolution would ask the President to delay imposition of the tariff until. after April 1, 1975. Rep. Dominick V. Daniels Cq-spon~ored H.R. 2066 to amend th~ Internal Revenue 27 (New Jersey) Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for.certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rei_). Hendel Davis Co-sponsored H.R. 18161 to amend the Internal Revenue ~(S.C.) Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the U.S. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. Ronald Delluns Co-sponsored H.R. 1768 (identical to H.R. 1767, introduced (New York) by Rep. Green) .

Rep. Co-spon~ored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue (Mich.) Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the.thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. Co-sponsored H.R. 1952 to establish national goals (Michigan) for the effective, fair, inexpensive, and expeditious resolution of controversies involving consumers, and for obher purpose~. Referred to Interstate and Foreian Commerce. Jan. 23. Rep. Christopher J. Dodd Co-sponsored H.R. 1769 (identical to H.R. 1767, introduced (Conn.) by Rep. Green) .

Co-sponsored H.R. 1809 (identical to H.R. 1808, introduced by Rep. Conte) . ' \

Rep. Thomas Downey Co-spon~ored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue (New York) Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. Rep. Thomas Downey (New York). Co-sponsored H.R. 1768 (identical to H.R. 1767, introduced 28 by Rep. Green! .

Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval of tariffs on petroleum imports. Jan 23.

Rep. Robert Drinan Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation · (Mass.) between the Secretary of the Interior and the States with respect to the regulation of surface mining operations and the acquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval of tariffs on petroleum imports. Jan 23.

Rep. John Duncan co-sponsored H.R. 1809 (identical to H.R. 1808, introduced (Tenn.) by Rep. Conte)

Rep. Joseph ~. Early Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval (Massachusetts) of tariffs on petroleum imports. Jan 23.

Rep. Bob Eckhardt co-soonsored H.R. 1952 to establish national goals 'Texas) for the effective, fair, inexpensive, and expeditious resolution· of controversies involving consumers, and for obher purpose~. Referred to Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Jan. 23. . \ Rep. Don Edwards Co-sponsored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue (Calif.) .. Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for ce~tain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

:o-soonsored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue Rep. Joshua Eilberg :ode~of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an (Pa.) ncome tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. Rep. Joshua· Eilberg Co-sponsored H.R. 1768 (identical to H.R. 176?, introduced (Pa.) by Rep. Green). 29

Co~~oonsored H R l816;t , Code.of 1954 a~d-certa' o ~~end the.I~ternal Revenue provide f . ln o er provlslons of law to income ta~rr:~!~ma~~c cost-~f~living adjustments in the exemption and de~rec~a~~~~ndeof t~e standard personal payable on certain obligation~u~~lt~s,Uand the rate of interest Ways and Means. Jan. 23 . e .s. Referred to Rep. Dante ·Fascell (Florida) Co-sponsored H.J.Res .. 119 to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to establish on certain public lands of the U.S. national petroleum reserves the development of which needs to be regulated in a manner consistent with the total energy needs of the Nation, and for other \. purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 1816;to amend th~ Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal . exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the U.s. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 1768 (identical to H.R. 1767, introduced by Rep. Green) .

Rep. Joseph Fisher co-snonsored H.R. 1767 to suspend :tor.a Slu-day p~.r..J..uu,...~.-uc. (Virginia) auth;rity of the President under sectlo~ ~32 of ~he !-ade Exnansion Ac1: of 1962 or any other prov~sJ.ons of. ~mv to in~rease tar~ffs, or to take any other 1~port ~dJ~s~ment -c~ion wi~h respect to petroleum or proaucts derlv~d - - ' • • .1.-. ·• 'n ~tl ,P~e~ore· ~ to neaate any sucn act1on ~1.1c may be ta}·en~ ·-- - - ' ..J ' ,_ f Y'e .... he by the President after January 15, 1975, ana De .O- ~- beginning of such 90-day peri~d; ~nd for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means. 0an ,3. Rep. Harold Ford Co-sponsored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue 30 (Tenn ~) Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expen~itures of a taxpayer relating to the.thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation between the Secretary of the Interior and the States with respect.t~ ~he regulation o~ surface mining operations and the acqulsltlon and reclamatlon of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular ,Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue Rep. William Ford Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an (Michigan) income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the.thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

co-sponsored H.R. 1768 (identical to H.R. 1767, introduced by Rep. Green).

Co-sponsored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue Rep. Don Fraser Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an (Minn.) income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the.thermal design of the . residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 1809 (identical to H.R. 1808, introduced \ by Rep. Conte). '

Co-sponsored H.R. 1768 (identical to H.R. 176?, introduced by Rep. Green:1 . Asks members to co-sponsor H.R. 1608. The bill provides Rep. Donald Fraser 31 tax relief for low and moderate incomes and hopes to reduce {Minn.• ) gasoline consumption by placing an additional 20 cent per gallon tax on gasoline. He inserts a Jan. 19 Washington Post article by Robert J. Samuelson, "Autos and .Fuel: Postpon;i_ng the Inevitable", in which he expresses fear that the administration energy prog.ram is "'soft on the automobile'". Congressional Record - Jan 24

Co-sponsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for a 90-day ~eriod the Rep. Richard Fulton authority of the President under section 232 of the Trade (Tenn.) Expansion Act of 1962 or any other provisions of law to incr2ase tariffs, or to take any other import adjustment ac·tion, with respect °CO petroleum or products derived therefore; to negate any such action which may be taken ·by the President after January 15, 1975, and before the beginning of such 90-day period; and for other purposes. Referred to vJays and Means. Jan 2 3.

Rep. Joseph M. Gaydos Co-sponsored H.R. 1769 (identical (Pa.) by Rep. Green). to H.R. 1767, introduced

Rep. Robert Giamo Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval (Conn.) of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and Heans. J"an 2 3. Co-sponsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for a 90-day period the Rep .. Sam Gibbons authority of the President under section 232 of the Trade (Florida) Expansion Act of 1962 or any other prov~sions to increase tariffs, or to take any other 1mpor~ aa]ustment actio~, with respect to petroleum or products derived therefore; to negate any such action which may be taken ~y the President after January 15, 1975, and before the beg1n­ ning of such 90-day period; and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Rep. William L. Green "In the light of Watergate, this unilateral action by the (Pa.) President on the grounds of national security is very Ways & Means offensive." Washington Post - Jan 24

-~ l Rep. William J. Green Introduced H.R. 1767 (19 Co-sponsor) to suspend for a 90-day (Pennsylvania) period the authority of t~e President under section 232 of · 32 the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 or any other provisions of law to increase tariffs, or to take anyother import adjust- ment action, with respect to petroleum or products deriveq therefore; to negate any such action which may be taken by President after January 15, 1975, and before the beginning of such 90-day period; and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Rep. James Hanley Co-sponsored H.R. 1809 (identical to H.R. 1808, introduced (New York) by Rep. Conte)

Rep. Michael Harrington Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval (Mass.) of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and ~-1eans. Jan 23.

Rep. Herbert E. Harris, II Co-sponsored H.R. 1769 (identical to H.R. 1767, introduced (Virginia) by Rep. Green).

Rep. Co-sponsored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue (Calif.) Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income ta~ deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

1 Rep. Ken Hechler Co-sponsored H.R. 1816 to amend the Internal Revenue (W.Va.) Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the U.S. Referred to vlays and Means. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction for certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. co-sponsored H.R. 1777 to amend the Coastal zone Mangemen Rep. Henry Helstoski Act of 1972 to suspend until no later than June 30,1976, 33 (New Jersey) Federal Oil and Gas leasing in areas seaward of State coastal zone. Referred to Merchant Marine and Fisheries and Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 18161 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and certain othe~ provisions of law to ... provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of int~r~st payable on certain obligations of the U.S. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for a 90-day period the authority of the President under section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1952 or any other provisions of law to increase tariffs, or to take any other import adjustment action, with respect to petroleum or products derived t.herefore; to negate a:1y such actio:::1 V.'hich may be taken by the Presid2nt after January 15, 1975, and before the begin­ ning of such 90-day period; and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 2067 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced by Rep. Vanik).

Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation Rep. Kenneth Holland between the Secretary of the Interior and the States (S.C.)' with re~oect to the regulation of sJrface mining operations and the ~cquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 2067 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced by Rep. Vanik) .

2066, introduced Rep. Co-sponsored H.R. 2067 (identical to H.R. (New York) by Rep. Vanik) ...... _

Rep. Allan· Howe Co-sponsored H.R. 2067 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced (Utah) by Rep. Vanik) . ·--· :.. ) Rep. William L. Hungate Co-sponsored H.R. 1809 (identical to H.R. 1808, introduced 34 (Missouri) by Rep. Conte) Co-sponsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for a 90-day period the Rep. Andrew Jacobs authority of the President under section 232 of the Trade (Indiana) Expansion Act of 1962 or any other provisions of law to increase tariffs, or to take any other import adjustment action, with respect to. petroleum or products derived therefore; to negate any such action which may be taken by the President after January 15, 1975, and before the begin­ ning of such 9 0-day period;. and for other purposes. Referred to Ways ~nd Means. Jan 23.

' Co-sponsored H.R. 1809 (identical to H.R. 1808, introduced \ Rep. John Jenrette, Jr. \ (S.C.) by Rep. Conte) .

Introduced H.R. 1863 to amend the Mineral Leasing Act Rep. James R. Jones of 1920, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior (Oklahoma) and Insular Affairs. Jan 23. 67 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced • co-sponsored H.R. 20 by·Rep. vanik).

Co-sponsored H~R. 2067 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced Rep. Walter Jones (N.C. ) by·Rep. Vanik).

Co-sponsored H.R~ 1767 to suspend for a 90-day period the Rep. Joseph Karth authoritv of the President under section 232 of the Trade (Minn.) Expansio~ Act cf 1962 or any other provisions of law to increase tariffs, or to take any other import adjustment. action, with respect to petroleum or products derived therefore; to nega·te any such action which may be taken by the President after January 15, 1975, and before the begin­ nirig of such 90-day period; and fo~ other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23. Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation Rep. Martha Keys between the Secretary of the Interior and the States (Kansas) with rescect to the regulation of surface mining operations and the ~cquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines~ and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23. Rep. Martha Keys Co-sponsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for a 90-day period the (Kansas) authority of the President under section 232 of the Trade 35 Expansion Act of 1962 ·or any other provisions of law to increase tar~ffs, or to take any other import adjustment action, with respect to petroleum or products derived therefore~ to negate any such action which may be taken ·by the President after January 15, 1975, and before the beginning of such 90-day period~ and for other purposes. . . Referred to Wavs and Means. Jan 23 . Rep. John LaFalce Co-sponsored H.R. 1816;to amend th~ Internal Revenue (New York) Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of int~rest payable on certain obligations of the U.s. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. Robert Leggett Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation (Calif.) between the Secretary of the Interior and the States with respect to the re~ulation of surface mining operations and the acquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23.

Rep. William Lehman (F:a.) :'Expenditures on energy research and development are now as 1mport~n~ for national defense as programs for costly weapons ~n ad~1t1on ~o ou: technical skills, America must utilize · 1~s d1plomat1c sk1lls. Our diplomatic challenge is to unite Wlth W~stern Europe and Japan in a common effort to overcome the Arab 011 threat." Rep. Jim Lloyd Co-sponsored H.R. 2067 (identical to I:I. R. 2066, introduced (Calif.) by·Rep. Vanik) . Rep. Clarence Long Co-sponsored H.R. 2067 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced (Md.) by Rep. Vanik) .

Rep. Mike McCormack co-sponsorea H.H. ~Ub/ ~1aent1ca.L to H • .K. ;.,!Ubb, l.ntroaucea Ovashington) by Rep. Vanik) .

Rep. Gunn McKay Co-sponsored II.R. 2067 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced (Utah) by·Rep. Vanik) . 36·

Rep. Torbert Macdonald co-soonsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional ~pproval (Mass.) of t~riffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and Hea!l.s. Jan 23.

Rep. James Mann Co-sponsored H.R. 2067 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced (S.C.) by Rep. Vanik).

Rep. Dawson Mathis (Ga.) Co-sponsored H.R. 1817 (identical to H.R. 1816, introduced by Rep. Coughlin) .

Rep. Spark M. Matsunag~ Introduced H.R. 1932 to amend the Internal Revenue Code_of (Hawaii) 1954 to revise certain provisions concerning the minimum tax for tax preferences, the taxation of capital gains, and the deductibility of certain amounts for interest, depletion, and State and local income taxes. Referred to ~ays and Means. Jan. 23

Introduced H.R. 1934 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to eliminate, in the case of any oil or gas well located outside the U.S., the percentage depletion allowance and the option to deduct intagible drilling and development cost, and to deny a foreign tax credit with respect to the income derived from any such well. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Introduced H.R. 1942 to establish a Consumer Protection Agency in order to secure within the Federal Government effective protection and representation of the interests of consumers, and for other purposes. Jointly referred to Government Operations and Interstate and ~oreign Commerce. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 1777 to amend the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 to suspend until no later than June 30, 1976, Federal Oil and Gas leasing in areas seaward of State coastal zone. Referred to Merchant Marine and Fisheries and Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan 23. Rep. Spark M. Matsunag~ Introduced H.R. 1918 to amend the Small Business Act to (Hawaii) provide for loans to small business concerns __ affected by 37 the energy shortage. Referred to Small Business. Jan 23.

Introduced H.R. 1918 to amend the Small Business Act to · provide for loans to small business concerns affected by the energy shortage. Referred to Small Business. Jan. 23.

Introduced H.R. 1930 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to provide reasonable and necessary income tax incentives to encourage the utilization of recycled solid waste materials and to offset existing income tax advantages which promote depletion of virgin natural resources. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. Romano Mazzoli "On his own, the President can decontrol domestic oil prices (Ky •) and can increase by $3 the fee on each barrel of oil imported from abroad. These two energy programs will cost American con­ sumers billions of dollar. Gasoline prices must inevitably rise--by an expected 10 cents per gallon and maybe even more. The President has also proposed that the Congress agree to decontrol natural gas prices and enact a $2 per barrel tax on domestic oil." "In my judgment, the fundamental key to our ener~ problems is 6,000 miles away in the Middle East. Peace in that region constitutes our only real hope for a reliable, uninter­ rupted oil supply at affordable prices. Yet the President failec to offer any initiatives which might lead to peace in this regior CR - Jan. 24 Rep. John Melcher Co-sponsored H.R. 2067 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced (Montana) by Rep. Vanik).

---·. . - -~-·-- Rep. Ralph Metcalfe Co-sponsored H.R. 2067 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced (Ill.) by·Rep. Vanik).

Rep. Adner Mikva co-sponsored H.R.--1767- to suspend for a 90-day period the (Ill.) authoritv of the President under section 232 of~the Trade Expansio~ Act of 1962 or any other prov~sions o~_law to~ increase tariffs, or to take any other l~port adJ~St~en~ action, with respect to petroleum.or P~'?cmcts derlv:ac. ~~nre~crc· to ~cna-~...-·e any such act1on wn1ch may be tak~n by l-J.l\:..,;.; ..t..' '-1 ...... _:.:;).... .- l- b .:. -d~.e President: a~ter Jz,nuc::.ry 15, 1975, and berore tue eg .... n- 1 ning of such 90-day period; and for other purposes. ' Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23. Rep. Patsy Mink Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation 38 (Hawaii) between the Secretary of the Interior and the States with respect.t~ ~he regulation of ~~rface mining operations and the acqulsltlon and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23. ·

Co-sponsored H.R. 2067 (identical to by Rep. vanik). H.R. 2066, introduced

co-sponsored H.R. 1816;to amend th~ Internal Revenue Rep. Joseph Moak.ley Code of 1954 and certain other provisions of law to (Mass.) provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments in the income tax rates, the amount of the standard personal exemption and depreciation deductions, and the rate of interest payable on certain obligations of the U.s. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and • Means. Jan 23 . Rep. Anthony Moffett Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval (Conn.) of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to \\fays and }'leans. Jan 2 3.

Rep. Robert Mollohan Co-sponsored !!.R. 1763 (identical to H.R. 1767, ~ntroduced (W.Va.) by Rep. Gre2n) .

Rep. William Moorhead Co-sponsored H.R. 2067 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced (Pa.) by Rep. Vanik).

Rep. John Moss Introduced H.R. 1951 to restore the independence of certain (California) regulatory commissions of the Federal Government. Referred to Government Operations .

.~ ..... ~' ,:. ' Introduced H.R. 1952 to establish national goals for the f "'< .,. effective, fair, inexpensive and expeditious resolution of controversies involving consumers, and for other purposes. Referred to Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Jan. 23. co-sponsored H.R. 2067 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced· Rep~ Ronald Mottl (Ohio) by Rep. Vanik). 39 Rep. Ronald Mottl Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation. (Oregon) between the Secretary of the Interior and the States with respect to the regulation of surface mining operations and the acquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular· Jan. 23. Co-sponsored H.R. 2067 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced Rep.· John Murphy (New York) by·Rep. Vanik).

Rep. John Murtha Co-sponsored H.R. 1817 ~identical to H.R. 1816, introduced (Pa.) by Rep. Coughlin).

Rep. Lucien Nedzi Co-sponsored H.R. l817 (~dentical to H.R. 1816, introduced (Michigan) by Rep. Coughlin).

Rep. Robert Nix Co-sponsored H.R. 1768 (identical to H.R. 1767, introduced (Pa.) by ::tep. Green) .

Rep. Richard Nolan• Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation (Minn.) between the Secretary of the Interior and the States with respect to the regulation of surface mining operation~ and the acquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23. introduced H.R. :2067 (identical to H.R. 2066, Rep. David Obey co-sponsored Vanik) . (Wis.) by Rep. Rep. James O'Hara Co-sponsored H.R. '1809 (identical to H.R. 1808, introduced (Michigan) by Rep. Conte) . Co-sponsored H.R. 1768 (identical to H.R. 1767, introduced by Rep. Green·l .

Rep. Thomas O'Neill Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval (Mass.) of tariffs on petroleum imports. Jan 23. Rep. Thomas O'Neill, Jr Co-sponsored H.R~ 1767 to suspend for a 90-day period the 40 (Massachusetts) authority of the President under sect±on 232 of the Trade· Expansion Act of 1962 or any other provisions of law to increase tariffs, or to take any other import adjustment action, with respect to petroleum or products derived . therefore; to negate any such action which may be taken by the President after January 15, 1975, and before the begin­ ning of such 90-day period; and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Rep. Co-sponsored H.R. 2067 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced (New York} by Rep. Vanik).

Co-sponsored H.R. 1768 (identical to H.R. 1767, introduced by Rep. Green).

C o-spons O _re~ a H .1R • 1808 to requl·re conqressional_ approval of tariffs on petroleum imports. Jan 23 .

Rep. Edward •Pattison Co-sponsored H.J.Res. 119 to authorize the Secretary of the (New York) Interior to establish on certain public lands of the U.S. national petroleum reserves the development of which needs to be regulated in a manner consistent with the total energy needs of the Nation, and for other .. "\; purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan. 23.

Rep. Claude Pepper Introduced H.R. 1808 (23 Co-sponsors) to require (Florida) cong~essional approval of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 2068 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced by Rep. Vanik).

Co-sponsored H.R. l817 (~dentical to H.R. 1816, introduced by Rep. Coughlin) .. 41 Rep. Carl Perkins Calls for new coal mine development and construction of new (Ky.) plants producing synth~tic liq~ids and gaseous fuels. CR - Jan. 24

Co-sponsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for a 90-day period the Rep. Otis Pike authority of the President under section 232 of the Trade .. (New York) .. ~xpansion Act of 1962 or any other provisions of law to 1nc~ease ~ariffs, or to take any other import adjustment '· act1on, w1th respect to petroleum or products derived therefore; to negate any such action which may be taken by the President after January 15, 1975, and before the beginning of such 90-day period; and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Rep. Otis Pike Introduced H.R. 1958 to provide for the conservation of (New York) petroleum and other natural resources by imposing an excise tax on the sale of certain automobiles and granting a tax credit on the slae of certain automobiles according to the rate at which such automobiles consume fuel. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23.

Rep. Tom Railsback Introduced H.Con. Res. 65 to establish a Joint (Ill.) Committee on Energy. Referred to Rules. Jan. 23.

Rep. Co-sponsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for a 90-day period the (New York) authority of the President under section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 or any other provisions of la-.::1 to increase tariffs, or to take any other import adjustment action, with respect to petroleum or products derived therefore; to negate any such action which may be taken ·by the President after January 15, 1975, and before the beginning of such 90-day period; and for other purposes. Referred. to ~Jays and .lvleans. Jan 2 3.

Rep. Charles Rangel Co-sponsored H.R. 2068 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced by Rep. Vanik). (New York) '\..·.

Rep. Ralph Regula Co-sponsored H.R. 2068 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced ~Ohio) by Rep. Vanik). Rep. Henry Reuss Co-sponsored H.R. 1768 (identical to H.R. 1767, ~ntroduced (Wis.) by Rep. Green~. 42

d H R 2062 to provide for the cooperation Rep Frederick Richmond co-sponsore -~ · the Interior and the States (New York) between the Secretar~e~~lation of surface mining o~erations with respect to the reclamation of abandoned mlnes, and the acquisition and Referred to Interior and Insular . \ and for other purposes . .Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. ~809 (identical t by Rep. Conte). 0 H.R. 1808, introduced

Rep. Co-sponsored H.J.Res. 119 to authorize the Secretary of the - (Michigan/ Interior to establish on certain public lands of the U.S. national petroleum reserves the development of which needs to be regulated in a manner consistent with the total energy needs of the Nation, and for other \. purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan. 23.

Rep. Ray Roberts Co-sponsored H.R. 2068 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced (Texas) by Rep. Vanik) .

Rep. Peter Rodino, Jr. Co-sponsored H.R. 2068 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced (New Jersey) by Rep. Vanik) .

Rep. Robert Roe Introduced H.R. 2023 to amend teh Internal Revenue (New Jersey) Code of 1954 to eliminate in the case of any oil or gas well located outside the u.s., the percentage depletion allowance and the option to deduct intangible drilling and development costs, and to deny a foreign tax credit with respect to the income derived from any such well. Referred to v7ays and l'1eans. Jan. 23. Introduced H.J.Res. 134 authorizing increased production of petroleum from the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve for national defense purposes. Referred to Armed Services. Jan. 23. Rep. Robert Roe ee-sponsored H.R. 1817 (identical to H.. R. 1816, introauced. (New· Jersey) by Rep. Coughlin).

-·-- __::.. Rep. Benjamin Rosenthal Co-sponsored H.R. 1768 (identical to H.R. 1767, introduced ~New York) by Ren... Green'. . Co-sponsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for a 90-day period tne . , Rep~ Dan Rostenkowski authority of the President under section 232 of the T~ade (Illinois) Expansion Act: of 1962 or any o·ther provisions of law to increase tariffs, or to take any other import adjustment '. action, with respect to petroleum or products derived therefore~ to negate any such ac~ion which may be taken ·by the President after January 15, 1975, and before the beginning of such 90-day period; and for other purposes .. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23. Co-sponsored H.J.Res. 119 to authorize the Secretary of the Rep.~Edward·Roybal Interior to establish on certain public lands of the - (Calif.} u.s. national petroleum reserves the development of which needs to be regulated in a manner consistent with t.he total energy needs of the Nation, and for other ' purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan. 23.

Introduced H.Res. 93 creating a select committee to conduct a full and complete investigation and study of shortages of materials and natural resources affecting the U.S. Referred to Rules. Jan. 23. Declares, "Today, I have introduced a bill which strikes a balance ~etween the need for energy at a reasonable cost and the ~eed to 1~sure .~ re~sonable r~te of return on invested capital or th~ 011 ref1ne:1es. My b1ll, affecting approximately 129 comp~n1es controll1ng 282 refineries, will end vertical in~e­ grat1on of the_oil industry, and bring the refining industr . under.the.reg~Latory um~rella of the public utility concept:. The b1ll 1s t1tled Publ1c Energy Act. · CR - Jan. 24

1768 (identical to H.R. 1767, introduced Rep. Martin Russo Co-sponso~ed I.R. (I 11.} b~..r Rc:!p. Grc c-~n • Rep. Leo Ryan Co-sponsored H.R. 2068 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced (Calif.) by Rep. Vanik). 44

Co-sponsored H.J.Res. 119 to authorize the Secretary o:r 'Che Rep. Leo Ryan Interior to establish on certain public lands of the (Calif.) u.s. national petroleum reserves the development of which needs to be regulated in a manner consistent with the total energy needs of the Nation, and for other ·· "'' purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan. 23.

Rep. Fernand -st~-- Germain ____ _ Co-sponsored H.R. 2068 (identical to H (R.I.) by Rep. vanik). .R. 2066, introduced

Rep. Jim Santini Co-sponsored H.R. 2068 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced (NeV.) by Rep. Vanik) . co-sponsored H.R. 2068 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced Rep. by Rep. Vanik) . (Md.) • Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation Rep. Patricia Schroeder between the Secretary of the Interior and the States (Colo.) with respect to the regulation of surface mining operations· and the acquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23.

Rep. George Shipley Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation (I 11.) between the Secretary of the Interior and the States with re~pect_t~ ~he regulation of s~rface mining operations and the acqu1s1t1on and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23. Rep. Co-sponsored H.R. 2068 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced (New York) by Rep. Vanik) .

Co-sponsored H.R. 2068 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced Rep. -by Rep. Vanik). (Maryland) Rep. Harley Staggers Introduced H.R. 2051 to amend the Regional Rail Reor- 45 nv. va.) ganization Act of 1973 to increase the financial assi~tance available under section 213 and section 215, and for other purposes. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Jan. 23.

Rep. Alan Steelman Co-sponsored H.J.Res. 119 to authorize the Secretary of the (Texas) Interior to establish on certain public lands of the U.S. national petroleum reserves the development of which needs to be regulated in a manner consistent with the total energy needs of the Nation, and for other ·· l. purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan. 23. co-sponsored H.R. 2068 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced Rep .. (Ohio) by Rep. Vanik) .

Rep. Gerry Studds Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation (Mass.) between the Secretary of the Interior and the States with respect to the regulation of s~rface mining operations and the acquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. 2068 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced. by Rep. Vanik) .

Co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval of tariffs on petroleum imports. Jan 23.

Rep. James Symington Co-sponsored H.R. 2068 (identical to H.R. 2066, introduced (Mo.) by Rep. Vanik).

Co-sponsored H.J.Res. 119 to authorize the Secretary of the Rep. Burt Talcott Interior to establish on certain public l~nds of the (Calif.) u.s. national petroleum reserves the deve.op~ent of which needs to be regulated in a manner cons1stent with the total energy needs of the Nation, and f~r other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Affa1rs. Jan. 23. Rep. Bob Traxler Co-sponsored H.R. 1768 (identical to H.R. 176?, introduced 46 (Michigan) by Rep. Green) .

co-sponsored H.R. 1808 to require congressional approval Rep. Paul Tsongas of tariffs on petroleum imports. Referred to Ways and (Mass.) Means. Jan 23 .

. \ Rep. Morris Udall Introduced H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation between the Secretary of the Interior and the States (Ariz.) with respect to the regulation of surface mining operations and the acquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular. Jan. 23. I

Co-sponso=ed R.R. 1768 (identical to H.R. 1767, introduced by Rep. Green) .

Favoring gas rationing he said, "The country is bleeding-­ losing $25 billion each year to pay for oil imports at an arti­ ficial and intolerable price." "We have not played our economic • cards at the bargaining table, and have thereby failed to show the OPEC nations that we will not endure punitive and arbitrary oil prices indefinitely." This failure may well prove to be one of the most damaging lapses of Presidential leadership of our time." co-sponsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for.a 90-day period t~e Rep. Al Ullman authority of the President under sect1on 232 of the Traae (Oregon) Expansion Act of 1962 or any other prov~sions to increase tariffs, or to take any other 1mport adJ~stment action with respect to petroleum or products der1ved theref;re; to negate any such action which may be taken by the President after January 15, 1975, and before the beginning of such 90-day period; and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation Rep. between the Secretary of the Interior and t~e.states . (Michigan) with respect to the regulation of s~rface m1n1ng o~erat1ons and the acquisition and reclamation of aba~doned m1nes, and for other purposes. Referred to Inter1or and Insular Jan. 23. Co-sponsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for a 90-day period the Rep. Richard Vander Veen authority of the President under section 232 of the Trade 47 (Mic~.) Expansion Act of 1962 or any other provisions of law to increase tariffs, or to take any other import adjustment action, with respect to petroleum or products derived therefore; to negate any such action which may be the President after January ~5, 1975, and before the begin­ ning of such 90-day period;. and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

Rep. Introduced H.R. 2066 to amend the Internal Revenue (Ohio) Code of 1954 to allow an income tax credit of an income tax deduction tor certain expenditures of a taxpayer relating to the thermal design of the residence of such taxpayer. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. Co-sponsored H.R. 1767 to suspend for a 90-day ~eriod the au~hority of the President under section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 or any other provisions of law to increase tariffs, or to take any other import adjustment action, with respect to. petroleun or products derived therefore; to negate any such action which may be taken by • the President after January 15, 1975, and before the begin­ ning of such 9 0-day period;, and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan 23.

. . , In opposing Ford's energy tax - "His disregard of congressional r~quests for a reasonable time for consideration is a contribu­ confr?ntation politics, and may be a disservice to the Arner1can people ... The President must understand that the C~ngress ~annat be forced-fed or pressured into a decision that h1s plan 1s best or the only plan for America." CR - Jan. 24

Rep. Joseph Vigorito Co-~3r;:•onsored 'LR. 1768 (identical to H.R. 1767, introduced (Pa.) by I\.ep. Green). 48

Rep. Henry Waxman Co-sponsored H:R· 195~ to.establish national goals (Calif.) f~r the effec~1ve~ fa1r~ 1nexpensive, and expeditious resolutic ~ fcontrovers1es 1nvolv1ng consumers, and for obher purposes e erred to Interstate a.nd Foreign Commerce. Jan. 2 3. ·

Co--sponsored H.R. 1777 to amend the Coastal Zone Management Rep. Bob Wi],.son Act of 1972 to suspend until no later than June 30, 1976, (California) Federal Oil and Gas leasing in areas seaward of State coastal zone. Referred to Merchant Marine and Fisheries and Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan 23.

Del. Antonio won Pat Co-sponsored H.R. 2062 to provide for the cooperation (Guam) between the Secretary of the Interior and the States with respect to the regulation of surface mining operations and the acquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes. Referred to Interior and Insular Jan. 23.

Co-sponsored H.R. l817 (~dentical to H.R. 1816, introduced Del. Antonio Won Pat (Guam) by Rep. Coughlin).

co-sponsored H.R. 1777 to amend the Coastal Zone Management Rep. Don Young Act of 1972 to suspend until no later than June 30, 1976, (Alaska) Federal Oil and Gas leasing in areas seaward of State coastal zone. Referred to Merchant Marine and Fisheries and Interior and Insular Affairs. Jan 23. 49 GOVERNORS

Gov. Hugh Carey Said Mr. Ford "was acting outside the powers granted him by (N.y.} the Trade Expansion Act." Congress never intended the Act to be used for "unilateral actions of this kind." Wall Street Journal - Jan 24·

Gov. Carey Said the President had taken a "unilateral action" by (N.y.} proclaiming the $1-a-barrel fee on imported oil. New York Times - Jan 24

Gov. Michael s. Dukakis Felt the President was holding the Northeast hostage for (Mass.} this program. Washington Post - Jan 24

Gov. Philip w. Noel It was the oil companies and the oil import quota system (Rhode Island} which killed refineries in the Northeast, not the residents of the states . • Washington Post - Jan 24

Gov. Thomas P. Salmon Branded the tariff as inflationary and recessionary. Said (Vt.) the Presidential action was by "administrative fiat." Wall Street Journal - Jan 24

Gov. Milton J. Shapp "I told the President I thought his program represented (Pennsylvania} a blueprint for economic disaster, that there would be a shock wave of inflation through the country greater than the one we had when the Arabs lifted their embargo." Washington Post - Jan 24

Gov. Sherman W. Tribbit Higher oil prices would cost his state $75 million a year, (Delaware} which works out to $512 per household of four. Washington Post - Jan 24

Northern Governors Present at conference were Byrne of N.J.; Grasso of Conn.; Listing Dukakis of Mass.; Longley of Maine; Noel of R.I.; Salmon of Vt.; Shapp of Penna.; Thompson, Jr. of N.H.; and Tribbitt of Del. New York Times - Jan 24 ·5 PEOPLE OF INTEREST

Clarence Adamy If President Ford's proposed energy program is Pres. of National implemented, it would have an immediate inflationar Asso. of Food Chains impact of about 2% on overall food production costs and interrupt a predicted price turnaround in mid . , 1975 . "We are looking forward to a break in food prices th second half of the year if there are no interruptio NY Times - Jan. 24.

I. W. Abel Tax import plan "discriminatory." Pres. of United Steelworkers Journal of Commerce - Jan 24

Gardner Ackley Disagreed with timing and size of proposed rebate~ Johnson's Chairman Council of Journal of Commerce - Jan. 24. Economic Advisors

Reginald 'lones Pres. Ford's proposed tax on oil imports could work Chairman of G.E. hardship on business, since there is no assurance t Congress will approve an offsetting tax reduction f corporations. Journal of Commerce - Jan 24

Paul W. McCracken Generally supportive of President's proposals. Nixon's Chairman Council of Journal of Commerce - Jan. 24. Economic Advisors

The President has overcome the earlier indecisiven« Norman Miller Bureau Chief for which he was rightly criticized. Now, win or WS Journal lose on the issues he has pushed to the forefront, there is another word to characterize Mr. Ford's performance. The word is leadership. Jan. 24 . 51

Called on Congress to enact President Ford's economic and Vice President Rockefeller 11 energy programs swiftly--or come up with an equally bold 11 . \ program of its own . Washington Post - Jan 24

Charles Schultze President's tax-induced increases in energy prices are a Budget Director case of misplaced emphasis. Johnson Administration Journal of Commerce - Jan 24

11 The more the program and its alternatives are exposed to Frank G. Zarb public debate, the more we will get agreement that this Administrator, FEA program will work best ... New York Times - Jan 24

Virtually certain that a major allocation programwill Eric Zausner require some form of rationing. Did not know FEA what trigger point would be, but speculated that if shortage less than 500,000 barrels a day, ration- ing would not be needed. Star - Jan. 24. 52 GENERAL TRENDS

Released a study which estimated that the Presiden.t' s FEA energy program would cost the average household between $275 and $345 a year. Region by region, the Middle Atlantic States, which include the Washington area, would be second only to New England in terms of energy cost rise. Washington Post - Jan 24

Called for a $20 billion tax cut and no imports of Arab oil. Labor Leaders Asked for oil-import quotas and an allocation and rationing program, benefits for unemployed, and public works programs. Wall Street Journal - Jan 24 53


The following are additional co-sponsors to the McFall HOUSE CO~CURRENT RESOLUTION expressing the sense of the Congress that the President should not impose any tariff or other import restrictions on petroleum or petroleum products before April 1, 1975. (ILCON.RES. 56-61; See Jan. 23 volume, pg. 13 for original listing.)

DEMOCRATS: Addabbo, Biaggi, Bingham, Breaux, Fuqua, Hiller_ (CA.LIF-.) r.1inish, Reuss.

Additional co-sponsor3 to the O'NEILL House Resolution as a Companion to the KENNEDY/JACKSON TARIFF RESOLUTION prohibiting for a period of 60 days the imposition of tariffs, fees and quotas on oil imports, and to thereafter require the submission to, and the right of approval of the Congress of any such action within 30 days. Referred to Ways and Means. Jan. 23. (See Jan. 23 volume, pg. 14 for original listing.)

DEMOCRATi: Chappell, Mezvinsky, Rangel