'=■:*>■* ''...‘ . I , . • ■ v '. ' ■ ' f c / ' -

...... at U.. Mrs. Btbd U Crosby of 7S Robert 8 and also on July 4. ready to v*- Tha Sunday school boartf of tha ■peod In ease of firs. - , Church of the Naaarene will meet Road has leased her home to Mr. APPLIANCE SALESMEN FIREMEN AND POUCE Fair temgMt j;- iH W m W N this evening at 8 o’dock with Urs. and Mrs. W. H. Broadhead and thdr nraaeMOnWM* prsbably i" adult son, who are now living In A t the South ManebieBter fir* d*^ h ir Ada Bogart of 188 Union atreet Portland, Maine. Mr. Broadhead is PICNIC WEDNESDAY READY FDR HOLIDAY S^^T he Month Off 5tdl • t ( T iHiagf mwalHg* o f Bt. ICaiT'a Rockville. partment houass Chief Foy has ar­ KM nMDdIjr aodety who an jdan- the president uid d gemgeneral manager ranged to have men on duty all dur­ MANCHESTKR ** A CfTY bli^VnX^Jg)B:|tllARM at the Hopewell Mills, Incorporated, to atUnd tho eoaferwee at Tonight at 0 o'clock the Uarrled starting at 9:80 a. m., Wednea- ing the night at all four ooaapaniea of Olastoi^ry, formerlyrm erly (the Olazler day, more than 200 aaleamen, exeeu- Flremsn,, polio* and stor* kasp- VOL. L v ; NO. 238. * • !> ■ • * 18.) ara raqmatad to meet at Couides dub of the Second Congre­ mills. They ir e plumung to move and men will also be on duty dur­ Rig^^W ith Extra Savings- MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, JULY 1,1S8«. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE T U i iea*3rSi ehureh tomorrow ev»- gational church will have an outdoor tlvea, office personnel of Modem a, are preparing for (tettirday*a ing July 4. Since the town I to Manchester about August 1. Home UUUUes, Inc., state-wide dis­ a t r orclock. supper and final meeting at the Mra Crosby who since the marriage holiday. While tha ordlnanca gov­ placed the ban on the sale of fire- tributors of Oensral Blectrle ap­ worka there has been lees trouble, home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph of her younger daughter, nearly a pliances, w ill hold their annual pic­ erning the sale of fir* er*ck*r* and By Shopping Wednesday lira . luUa Chapman la m ovin( Wright of Mather street year ago, baa continued to live on nic and outliw at Orkll Farms, W est other ezploalve* In Manchester la but there la an Inclination on the Solution For Arab Ra<» W ar; Dynamite! {torn Wadsworth atreet to her atncla Robert Road, has engaged one of Simsbury. The first part of the part of some to turn in false lEADERSOFTWO HAR1T0RDC0FS r such that few seem to realize July teoaa on Ttaaklin atreet vacated Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schuetz of 28 the suite! In the Tudor Apartments meeUng will be In Bno Memorial alarms. Laat year there were two At These Two Stores! by tha family of Harry Sweet Mrs. Cooper street and aon Harold, have on Garden atreet In Hartford and hall when special awards will be 4th Is near. It la only neoaaaary to false alarms, followed soon after by i BRITAIN AND Chapman*a daughter, Hra. Sarah C. returned home after a week at thdr wlU make her home there, Auguet make for accomplishment In the re­ taka a trip to nearby towns to an alarm for a real fire. PARTIES CLAIM 1. She la the widow of B. Hugh RIOT GUN SHOT Carroo at New Ixmdon, has rented cottage at Coventry lake. While cent sweepatakes sales campaign; know that fireworks are being sold. Firemen will be on watch at aD bar home In that dty and with her there one of the silver wedding cele­ Crosby, formerly of Olaatonbury, another sales campaign wUl be out­ times during tha period as usuaL aon wtn Uva In the Franklin street brations In honor o f Mr. and Mrs. who was connected with tha Herald lined. Thera is not a atand In Manehea- Tha state law governing the clos­ bouse. Oscar Schuets was hdd at the cot­ since hla boyhood, and at the time of Orrin P. KUboum wlU address ter. ing o f barber ahops on hoUdsya ef­ ^ EMPira STATE FATALTOYOOTH t a ^ bis death, September 9, 1928, was the group, as will R. Barry Greene, fects the barbers In Manchester. advertising manager. Members of Under ordinary rules Hoa* Com­ ^ nia Ladles aodety of tha Zion the new secretary-treasurer. The pany No. 2 of the Manchester fire There win be no midweek holiday Center Church Men’s League will the family have lived in Manches­ guest speakers will be C. B. Wilson, Lutheran church will meet tomor* ter for upwards of 28 years. dep^ment would hold a drill Fri­ this year. The barber abopa a t the Opptihiii. Predictions Folow Raymond Pmdlion, Proba­ ' aow afternoon at' 2:80 In the bsae- have a picnic tonight at the church vice-president In charge of appli­ day evening, July 8, but because south end will not close Wednesday ment of the church. grounds. ance sales, snd F. F. Stevenson the apparatus *riU be needed In at noon, aa is the usual custom nor Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Llndberg of merchandising manager of Collier's will the barber shops at the north Myrtle street today announced the Weekly, who will addreea the group headquarters In case of any emer­ Lehman Actkm; Farley, tioner, Borglary Snspect, gency the drill has been postponed. end close at noon on Thursday. In ­ OF ITALY’S on the subject "Local Power of Na­ ■1 engagement of their daughter, Mias stead of closing at 7 p. m. Friday Clara Llndberg, to Andrew Laraon tional Advertising”. Men win be assigned by Chief Cole­ man, Foreman F1«d Sankey and all abopa wiU remain opm imtu 9 D. R. to Disenst Job; Killed by Detectite Ser­ Wednesday, of Bristol. Following a luncheon at the Bno June 80th Memorial hall, the entire group will Foreman Joseph Skoneakl to do o’clock and will be clo ^ all day Edea- Al^ Tc PINEHURST adjoum to Orkll Farms owned by duty all during the night' of July Saturday. !ibertyites Rap Farley. geant Hickey. In accordance with a vote taken Mr. Kllboum, the program will In­ Dentes Italy Planned Special I at the laat meeting of the Townsend clude an horse-jumping exhibition, Each ...... Associated Advisory Boards, there CAULIFXOWER ball game, tug-of-war, foot races, Washlnglci, July l — (AP) — Hartford, July 1.—(A P) — Police will be a meeting at the Y. M. C. A. and swimming. building tomorrow evening at 7:80. 'Diametrically opposite predictions guna, turned for the third time In An Invasion of Egypt Fa^^ OBEEN BEANS Matters o f interest to all the cluba, If as to the result of November's bal- three year* upon Raymond V. and plans for the coming convention A ■ot'ng sprang today from Oovemor Prudhon, 32, Tuesday night, brought w ill be discuBsed. bim Y The JW.HAU CORP. lU rbsrt H. Lehman’s decision to death to the youth, suspected of London, July 1.— (A P )—VtacounC^ Today, to Mander’a query aa to Tender, Oennine MAHCHSSTSK COHH- The CORP. herd rresldrnt Roosevelt’s urging burglary. Cranborne, imdaraecretary ot state what. If any, plane came into Brlt- Tonight Is Bank Night at the JW.H4 U fo r foreign affairs. . dented to the and seek re-election In New York I^dhon was shot after he at. tah poeaesslon last summer. Lord QnitM State theater with the sum of |150 M a h c h e s t k r C o n n * state. House o t Oommona today that CALVES tempted to remove a ladder from a Cranborne retorted crisply: “Nonel" thd prize If the person ‘whose .Tqbn D. M. Hamilton, Republican W est End house, where occupants plana ralattog.to an Italian attack name le drawn is in the theater. A national chairman, declared Presi­ reported having seen on two occa­ on Egypt or any British territory Mandsr thsn asksd that the wid­ Oemva, J i^ j LIVER double feature bill will be presented. dent Roosevelt would be defeated est publicity be given the answer Wednesday Specials sions a man’s face a t a second story had come Into tha government’s Eden a t "Pride of the Marines", starring ceH iiuse''soH , ' "no matter whom they get to run window. possMsIon- laat July, August or "to view (ff the . tact the alleged In­ i lb. Charles Bickford, snd "Don't Qamble for governor In Republican states." Detective Sergeant Thomas J. September. cident U widely believed through­ L m tp i* a t With Love", starring Ann Sothem. Double Green Stamps Given In All Departments INC. James A. Farley had said that the Hickey, who had been lying in wait The denial waa In reply to anoth­ out the army, the navy; the M ^- 'it ahbuld'ho 69e pound. Ror>t,eve1t-Lebman ticket would car­ for four sucoessive nlghta, fired a er question by-Oofrey Mander, op- terranean. In Ihirop* and to Ameri­ Italyta o(toq AND POLISH All Day Wednesday. ry .New York state by "greater ma- charge from a police riot gun. ca.” jorltlr' this year than they did In S S l I*®.*!!-®* »8 r lw the end o f snipers’ strongholds at Jaffa, ,whl>- 2 S * t.'ord as to whether Farley la quit­ found him lying under the adndow to SsTe His Passengers in OUST ZIONCHECK to httlng eriti homes, in all sections of fho coun* 34< ting the Cabinet to devqta his full o f nn npaptment house at 944 A sy­ from the south'^ Flowers and Planta IN C A S T lI MURDER $1.00 try, prove Hie efficiency ond dur* Cme to the Democratle cbalrman- lum avenue. The policeman flied a atPresentTime. cause of t h ^ ': N ative Vegrctables for all occasions. Seldner’s s -I and to hla post as New York Crash at Famous Natural Fmancner Is Taken by tiona A Day Delivered anywhere obility’ of this famous shingle. At* stu' chairman of the party. shot to prevent the youth’s escape. FROM AIRPLANE tractive, non*foding colors. Extra In police court he wns fined 828 The delagate of I Asparagns Drug Depte Specials I onie quarters here the belief fhickneu enhances roof beauty. MAYONNAISE c '' 'cpi'.smd that Instead of re- and costs and sentenced to jail tor Bridge. Detecthres Find Boy’s Story VlebhS, Jilly 1.— ( AP )—Monarch­ Train and Ambulance to League Assembly Fancy Spinach Beforo you rcroof or build, get 250 Sheets Pond’s Tissues...... 11c „ "ii F arley would take a leave ten days. The case was noUed In ist hoprt'tor a Hapsburg restora­ strong current itf In ng F a r l^ at "fa lse and da- rolled over ^ntombfioa, preooetous aevafi-yitar- BepoVts .(jhSnceltof Kurt Sohusdi' LM g M itoTrtUto at ()ien Gove. ti>-’ 39c Knee High Silk Chiffon Chieken and Egg Noodle CbleiMw J iv CORK IM.SL'IAItl) SHINI.US ton Aory language," the’ League lice court he was found not guilty?" '"tok of a 200 foot gorga oldjtoy whose, weird aooount of the nigg might go to Geneva to ask dsjr'and placed imder close medical quo ' Hm Sa saying: "behind the Mrs. Alice Pnidhon, hla wtte, Four other peremu died with League permission -for tb* rertora- car*. - tog from aik airUnif 'to a 'Siifetiya Olderson and 34 were Injured. ig o f hla mother has puszled pr. lb. jar 2 9 ^ R.' lu.ican tickat Is the crew of Igatora faced miestionlng by .tion received a seb-back when a Two sons of the 89-year otd dank­ squad car aad -finally V tndii, L *i ryP on t Liberty League and (OSBtIniMd on Page Tw a) The bus, out o f control, slipped government offlctat asserted “there er, Junius and Henry, werer at the dlcatedtotftifi, HOSIERY tqward the edge .of the bridge ' and ihlabrtat totoy, Washtofttars fun- 29 > > ' lea, which have ao to r financ . lad, rouaed from .bed late last 1s no question of restoration at the Mill Neck station of the Long Island RspresenaUve Marie Summer Shades , -y undercover agency that Olderson threw his weight on Uie present time." railroad when a special car to which R8FRIOIRATOII wheel and turned It abruptly Into a night, was closeted for a bslf-bour —sjpsd toward Seattle Walter N.Leclerc GENERAL ELECTRIC . ^graced American politics with offldiata attempting to solve their father had been- carried by palgB for rs-aleotioii.. CERTO bottle 2 2 e w .’.. ti ’>■ appeals to race-prejudice, rock bank. The front end waa rtreicber and lunbutanbe yesterday 10c I.adies’ Cotton Print SEEKMORIDSEN crushed and he and others in ths tha enigma surrounding the death (Uaotinoad as Pag* Two) All wSs orderly r Frahto'^ Funeral Director religion- latoleranee and personaU- of Mrs. Flocsnce Thompson Castle. at Wert. Manchester. Maas., arrived. tog Congressman's ton ttea to ^,iOas that they had to be forward seats died. Fhoae 8869 Chief of Detectives John L. Sulli­ Junius Morgan said: Chicago—until ha. o f actloiaa'" 809 No. MMn S t Good Luck repn.Ue ted by the Republican organ- When It (»m e to rest only a board “There’s nothing wrong. He just ea. fence kept the machine from plung­ van announced be would be turned of a paasengsr plans', HANDKERCHIEFS Izstton." IN TRIPLE MURDER over tater to Dr. Hany Hoffman, needs rest. The doctors decided eonfiurton—a -welter About 10 dozen to sell. 5 Demand MvMeaea ing over the edge of a freak forma­ ADVERTISERS HEAR be had better come home and -ert warnsd~ that ontyj spec. pkgs* criminal court psychiatrist, ~ statements, hurried telephone'cana, disarmament ' JAR RINGS 2 l i e Cballengiiiig Farley to produce tion o f nature known to thousands fo r a whUe.” of, tourists. added; double-time acUon.- rtiectra oI war be 4 -concrete avioance" to back his . “Although there ar* many clues The banker's sister, Mrs. Stepheo 59c Ladies’ Pastel and White jm ^ CampbeU’s ebarga, tha League said it was a Tha Dead Zloncbeek snd Georgs Bishop, a The Assembly H ft - Third Vidim (tf Boating Dies and angles. I’m afraid we have MOLEYS ADDRESS V. R. Crosby; with whom he had member of the Waahtogton, D. O., non-partisan otganlsatlon, that It J. J. Olderson, formerly of Bir­ been vtslttog to Maasachusetta said mosphers am <^ servM the Interests of no Individual mingham, Ala., resident of Roanoke made no definite stops. It is just as gendered by ths events j reg. can big a mystery aa ever. We are hold­ her brother was only "aUghtiy ilL” ' (Oonttaiwd oa Pag* Nine) BEANS o r g roup and that It would continue past three months D ff’’George Denny,- who attended when HsUe SMossis waafl HANDBAGS 44< to oondemn members ot any party —Snspect in Salt ing no one except the boy.” 5 . J) P. Hamilton, Birmingham, a Jimmy has told detectives a hugs him ftiere, said his condition was beginning a rtiaach by % V FLOORS M u e lle r ’s wyivveek “to pervert the American bus driver. Ex'Bro Trafier ToDs Them tion at hostile aiMctatSl. i cc] nional system or to destroy man at negroid appearance crept In­ not .serious. Lake City. * v • An unidentified white woman of to their hotel room early Monday, The private car waa taken to The demonstration I '' SANDED and oil a part'liupatt the rights of the about 38. dsidy in the ^lerles whSn.H Macaroni pkg. 2 pkgs. 1 7 « I achwarz'i ------cruahed hie mother's akuU ^ U i ifow to I^ht Attacks On Long Island after lying on a sldlpg DON BUDGE LOSES Another unidentified white wom­ about an.jkour and a half to New fsated Emperor of Basement Specials '>l(«ltz" hied on Pago Two) an. to upbraid the lAfgue REFINISHED I6 erl» ...... Ogden, Utah, July 1 — (AP) — ((kHmnaed ou Pag* Twa) ' York’s PMihsyWanls station. Aluminum Saucepans, heavy gauge, 1-quart Hra. Emma Scott Rose, 83; died to­ A n unidentified white man. (L e t­ Carried to Ambulance. ur« to prevent Italy's lATIBFACnON GUARANTEED ters in bis pockets were addressed to TO PERRY AT NET size. A good value at, ea ch ...... 3 lb. can 4 ^ e day, bringing to three the dead In When the train arrived at Mill B t h lq ^ 29c SNOWDRIFT 0(plen’s pickhandle murder case. John Generak, general delivery, Tazewell, Vs. and carrying the re­ Neck, about'five miles from Mor­ . ^ BtaH An Upreos 10c Custard Cups. Odd lots in plain colors and PROTESTS ARREST Mrs. Rose, was the mother at Boston,-July 1.— (A P )—Raymom o n ’s-estate, the financier was taken patterns. 4 f o r ...... Baby Green Mrs. Mabel Scott Snyder, S3, who turn address 1498 Newton street, MDJJON DOLLARS seated to a chair, transferred JOS. J. FARR 25c with her husband, Adam Snyder, N. W , Washington. Moley,' ’ amtor of Today, sdvised Ckampion Efiminates Last U. W t^ftiidts^ m a c M B S t Tel. 888(1 The Injured tora rtretefaer and then to an am­ Other ffisotators tori Gold Band Cups and Saucers. Limited quan­ 82, waa bludgeoned to death yester­ l^tiaagatM .to! uie i Advertisthg Fed- bulance. BEANS 2 lbs. l ^ e OF EIGHT NEWSMEN day. The Injured were at Jackson hos­ hgdi al_ ths jUm tity at, s e t ...... pital, Lexington, and at Natural m woin. of America convention here To spectators, Morgan appeared S. Sorriyor ia Ai Englad and a m ' a number of i 10c A search for George Mortensen, to be In a seml-helpIess condition, Odd Lot o f 4” Bread and Butter Plates. 87, soo-ta-law of the Snyders, was Bridge hotel, here. Theyve: l^ a y “to' set op a counter-current were to V Fresh A t Lexington: but a spokosmah for the family said Jjiach centered in Salt Lake City, after of uh'da'r’atahdlh^’ to combat at­ the financier merely had “a slight Tennis ToiiriM^. The srsbra 5c Italian Reporters HeU Re- reporta he had bean seen there. Mrs Ainett Berman, 888 West tacks'on'hualh'eMT becams' -a howltog-- Bbd avenue. New York City, frac­ Bridgeport Firm Defendant upset about two weeks ago. The 4” Glass Bowls with covers, for left-overs or Beets or Carroti _bunch A conmlaifit charging Mortensen, "It you ran inform people about worat ta all over. He is rapidly HaUo B riirtib waited pat! a cosmetics salesman, with the mur­ tured pelvis and scalp lacerations ths job that business is doing and the rostrum for five mtoutii,.'! as a dripping cup. E a ch ...... 10c der of Mrs. Snyder was filed after getting better." Wimbledon, Eng., July 1.—(AP) Bants Rosa in Battle Over can dci, yoii 'will perform a larger ' About 40 persons, including Henry polio*' cams to tb e j^ 25c Whisk Brooms, good qudity with black his wife, 28 year old Grace Snyder, (Oeeflnaed on Page Two) service than merely getting —Fred Perry, bidding for bis third ushers to restore FILMS herself cruelly beaten, sobbed to po­ 8. M o m n and his brother, Junius, straight title, galnod the final handles. E a c h ...... at Genera SessMB. square .'d ^ tojr, business," Preaidant The police arreab 19c PLUMS 2 Joz. Jt lice: TBEASUVY BALANCE sons o f the financtar, were waiting round of the All England tennis "He ad It!" Contract Breach. RoosevelVa tormer adviser said. 'at the Mill Neck station. newspapermen for *’aMtttai;'b i DEVELOPING Bamboo Rakes. Odd lot o f slightly damagedd rakes; “Bnetoew that ta undertaklnj to ohsmpionshlp today as b* oama dal" Olid H>ectaton worn i Mrs. Mortensen sought-refuge at Washington, July 1.—( 'Morgan waved to them through from behind to trim CkUfornis’s some with a broken tooth. Take them as t 'tome, July Iv—(AP)— Italy* her parents’ home beiwiae, her hus­ aeU-ltedf.becauae.rt tbs service it a wtodovr of the cair Imt rertlned today that anyone dlsturling' AND PRINTING position of the Treastnrt'Juhe tat rendering, to tha public will, in Don Budge, 8-7, 8-4, 8-8, 8-4. peace at the meeting would b* i" . ' they are, each 10c «unlster of press and propaganda band “ drank too much.” Receipts, 8J5.868384.tt; ^ Bridgeport, July I.—(A P )—Dam­ When he was placed on the stretch­ For the second straight year Par­ 8-Bonr Service. threw the full’ weight of ids personal Only Betty Beiker, Mrs. Hoiten- ages o f 81,000,000 are demanded the very doing of this. Improve that er, and gave no further almu of with sternly. Lawn Settee, folding type, PEACHES 2 lbs. 1 hires 8100JS17.941tt. N e t from the Raybeatoa Manhattan, service,.You .will be aeretiig, In no ry's opponent in the final, to be A vigorous denunciation of m ^port today behind Ita lira news- sen’s elght-year-old deaf-mute greeting. played Friday, will be Baron Gott­ daughter by a form er m arriage ea- 83,79IJi83,238.73t Customs receipts Inc., which has a largo plant la aman. maasure, the economic and greet powers for. the ooltapM- varnish finish ...... I • • a ■ a a « 95c arrtoted for yesterday’s fo r the month, 831,373tt8.90. .The family spokeamaa, who asked fried Von Cramm, ’s Davis Direct Haw tion In the League'Of Na- oaped the wrath of the killer. Bridgeport, to three companion ac­ aoctaL . arder. under which wa all that his name b* withheld, said' be sanctlons by Charles te Water, Shortly after the clubbing was Receipts tor the fiscal year (slace tions hSM l upon chaigea o f breach U 'va ? i.'’...... didn’t know what Morgan’s plans (top star. Von Cramm defsatsd Par­ tha Union at South Africa, Assembly. July 1), 84<107313J(a.l8. Shepandi ry's Cup mate, H. W. (Bunny) Aus­ The minister, Dino Alflsrl, telai discovered yesterday officers antnr- of ooolfMct filed to Superior Court Aaaerttttg. there ta an "ebbing are. th* Assembly. Kodak Agency POTATOES 5 lbs. 2 1 e talned a theoty Mortensen might hires, 88,885 J43tt3tt, Inctudi^ today. tid e" which “to poUUoal Ufe, to can­ ' "I. bOUeve be w ill go abroad," be tin, 8-8, 8-8, 3-8, 8-8 in ths other Hoan’s Protart ^graphed the Italian consul at ttJ80,181ttl-II of emergency ex- semi-final match. . Bring ■■ yonr photo prob- Oem va; have killed blmtolf. but an acquaint­ The suits are brought -by Joseph ed ’Sadtealtam’ -’ and "a newer said, adding, "he uswdly dose Ta Water recalled “the ni ance o f 80 3rears reported seeing pendihites Excess-of expenditures, Talamo of Worcester, Maas., trusts* trend— definitaiy tiatog tjde at aft>ut this ^ e of year. Perry trounced Von (toamm, 8-3, proteatsUons of Britain's foi Plan Now To Stock Up For the Fourth of July Holiday. "My personal salutes, sympathy him In Salt Lake C ity, bis home. 84.7|7,439ttl.26. Otpas debt, 883,- 6-4, 8-4, In last year's final after dN IR Al EUCraiC and solidarity for the Italian to bankruptcy from Asbaatoa Tex- moderation;" ■ M el^ declared; “Thera miqr bo a formal state- aseretory (then Sir Samuel H< CENTEK Come Here for Economical Food Values. Police confiscated hla automoUle 84j,tt8,880.98. a decrease o f 873,- tU* Cotnphny of North Brookfield. ' r - -Tfrad o f Medletoe meqt tater, but I don’ t believe ao.“ Von Cramm had ended Budge's title which seemed to the whole 1 joC’Tirllsta who were Imprisoned there.and maintained a lookout on 886Jt4.76 under the prevloua .dgy. bopaa in the semi-final. Five weeks THRin UNIT FOR SALE like malefactors becauae n e y did Maas., and Bertha 8. Bloebler of “A -year ago, I wrote a piece to Vtalttag HI* Stater. the essence and spirit of ths highways and raltanada. PHARMACY Gold aaeets. 810,8MJ86.S28.8l. New York City, administratrix oif which -I ^polntod out that, unli < ‘Morgan had .V w vlaittog tats sta­ ago ths .German^stac eofiqusred the age, because he crtled fo r c«dl( Odd Fellows Block not restrain their disdain tor the estate of Arnold W. Ko^Dar. wing-footed Briton, (>4, 4-2,.. 3-8, h borii Monitor Tof New five-room bungralow, Western sec­ grave offense to our country— Caqmaa oaOed up a Itttla to Its ter, who malatat 'S a summer home matotensnee at the Covenant HEALTH MARKET^- praaidciit, (ilractor and owner at quart w r reform, there, waa danger t o .Wart Manchester, stooe Harvard 8-3, 6-0„ to tits final o f ths Franch rsstatance to acta of un; M O D E L S .M . 66 tion; thoroug^dy modem; now ready for culpsble o f taking Its 1,000-year-old moat of tH^ubestos taxUla eaiiital champfawshlp. Howavar, that match and Flotop nodob civilization to a eoimt^ c< Maves that ifi)#- public would bsoonta so University’s eommenosment two aggression." stock unwRa death to Now ^ ik , tired A oontentiouaneM and strife, vtoeks ago. was not played on turf. occupancy. Lot 60x200; more land if de­ and barbarians." Augu-t 24, 1885. The delegate declared tiie Illustrated Above Hamburg or Sausage Meat Jack Rabbits to Race that .ft would rush Into reaction. A ' T h ' financier bad made no public Thus wlio l*rt year be­ Covenant was falling to pit— _ „ sire d Liberal mortgragre can remain. The Italian Journalist Syndicate, • -One action asks 8800,000 dam- came th a^ltot play-through all- at the some time,. prepared a reooviverfiig. country waa getting appearances since the Harvard cause 80 nations, led by three Gerntr*! EUetrlt agaa, ths aaeertod valijS of tae aa- tikedI qf (ta(la medicine. I" beliafe‘ that oommencemont. England ebamplen to repeat, w ill r.. Sale price $5200. demonstration to protest toa Gana- beatoa bustnaae, on the ground that most powerful, “are about to bat Msd* s»d mid In Washington Contest mood has become totonslfled snd Ths train left-W ert Manchester be the favorite to stretch hU title Clare it powerleas to protsst iBeKer Service^ ® arrests. Gsneva police were fafiur* of the Raybeatoa triumphs to thr##*-a-row when he mere re/rigeretere Several six-room, modem houses in good 2 35 charged with "brutally mistreat­ mors widespread to tha year just with a doctor, two nursas snd two weakest from destruction," Company to cany through a deal In ancounten ttok pffiDn:on ths famed ing" Italians ndio interruiked "pre­ June IM l whereby It waa to supply pMt" Benunciatkm of siartkais, teitb teeled-im-tled »174w locations — can be acquired below repro­ Quincy. Wash., July I— (A P ) —i , to tha liiaugura] Dartiy tart year, v."vniat I am trying to aay to that (Oeatiawd e« Pag* Ktoa) Center graim ealftt hero. Delivered arranged antt-Fasdst provocations • I only bunnies that m ight be tha aabeato* company with working added, WlU shOria' for . m eebeuitm t tbem duction cost Small down payments. In a rude speech by an Inflninntoty a “black atnak with a wbito Una capital caused the aSbeatos firm to ft i the mystedgim abbtog gm| flaar- all internaftonal coafiaeneo LAMR l e g s [3 to 6 lbs.] Ib.2 g c out of a hat at tha wrong tog of tha tiaw rt poUle iqilnlaii, e ll etber memefse- |5 Down, $5.30 Per Month N an deBler." . tha aaeaod aimnal Qulney OB it,” taatatiyely idanUflad as it go into faankraptcy. hope of reanrtng world peace. We have building lots in central loca­ the momant baa coma, or noariy 'Ta W ater announced Sooth . C * sie fcee* j et giftofcei.sleiploe, tmrert cemblmed. ^ OffWalB Angry JackrabUt Darby wjU^j^^eff ~ to' alpiiad past the judges aa “saga Another damsads 8190JIOO .tor mat* •onrtaone ••tvle*. The accusation, which appeared axptoalva start bara faiU ra at the raybesto* oonoani to coma; wham tb * case o f buBtoeds ta oa was pr^ated to maintain tions — North, East and West sections of tick,“ . Toii^)ed off adth the honors going .to gat a mighty respectful As>*tinl* vp t* 8300 on tew BEEF STEW Ib. ® Ja immired Faneist dfawspapers, ra- t a e ODarby * win basTiHda-opaaRiAla-oima af­i Thtoew fig no chanoe te r a ehoakriip, carry Itmugh that past of w tions which step aloao, he '■ ***1 *osv*al*at plans. SU- PISrOBMAMCI PROTICTIOM the toWn. Prices are reasonable and 23 :|Mtad’ official anger over tha nr- fair with s field a t aoroa two doaSi hswavar. tor “Sage Tick" rtito’t Isged apaemasd: whMshy ffT and bympithrtlc beating. T K m ot would maintain the Loaguo .asisd amployas taqnisa no MCgulrirSap^jil. stock o f ths for liiisliiiwi iostrument at occurtty. c r ig b w id d by Gmonrol E fsetrie tort td el0kt nmnpepermm startera afid a stxalnad rtHBtF 8 ( m t tor the pmmbtol fiowety STOj^ES OPEN tmaeeUf as sndorssss. terms easy. -barged with agM Iag a Laagua of wmaitoiiity as to thft w i d m a t bOBmfaa to b* hnag aaodad hla > Jrt that mowmt peas, t o Vincent Massey, at Canad Tha sal* *1 Intasaat shsipsd Is Also many lake and mountain sites for Rib Corned Beef ib. lO e Nattan* AaflaiMRy ■ssaian Into i rt^ S R M w F for fleffir. ta Jm rgdt oUL the delegatek that oaltoii ttM a <31191 paspat iaant pas ■en fi^ SrtEO *nek’a itofiat ______m O M teilon. addu ^ prar*y^teaa>a ac Thursday and Friday Nights a n . tneffectlvs eennomi m ttAH r M la e i a * 4 nafitr jny._ih* ton tad. n « i» will b* anotoar sC thalKkflift* IM l ttR w te x i.fiw C rfttttkw , < f_imi.eartr i i* - ” upw Italy would ha « Summer or all year round purposes. own diocirttas fiS'to form , J __ _ ,___ ; aaaai aaaapBU aa s i e l Solid Leon ^ the I ,aad spaafih aaxM aatos rated as ooi* oTth* ' ------Cottages to rent at ISolton Lake. raetloii. dritas,.IB.>aie I in Manchafiter wiU be closed an day S»tuiv df^^Bpwror at Gene- The entraata wQI'he Canada, ha srtd, deas va- The w .MOeS tha the idoa that iwssss nBAX .niHNANCINO TE L. 4642 or R O S E D A L E 26-3 CORNED ib. _ : Bight, w «h tbai..«tt ■Fourth of July, the merchanU’^^^ton of thg should losact to I Nagaa by hia) titia at "S ig- ^ nuBffibrefi. :'P iK )C 3 A -n O N , In e . The CORE horSatort." toe war„|tor J W .H A L C i;kae6, theyTl b* ^ hag voted to ihfi gtoreijy)^ StPoet MANCHESTRR . COHM* tnanitad fay Ifidkatort by « EDWARD J. HOLE to iffa "’liiMlifti iwitn niM.' if' REALTOR I rEUTI8£ IN TU£ UEHALU—IT ™'-|r,-j-..''"‘: -Vv> :tU. ■■ ■:■■■■ s


Included Underwood-BUiett-Flsher, Associated Dry Oooda, Internation­ university a t Louvain tor Otto's thousand bottles of free milk have holiday, all of the stores and barber were wounded. Sheriff Arthur Oakes Board ordered ths company to rsc- al Paper Preferred, General Bleo- [HIDDEN Stodiaa. HU brothers and slatsn at< been given to underndurUhed chil­ shop* of the city will remain opwi and the squad assumed oontrol of ognise the Amalgamated Aasoda- SOAK WORKERSI tended public schools in Brusaela, l o m - U k AND MEXICO dren. OHIO STEEL PLANT NOW i : tiic. General Motors, Chrysler, Local Stocks LEADERSOFTWO on Thursday afternoon, July 2. They the entire area surrounding tha Uoo a t Iron, StM and Tin Workers, and the archduke rode to and from ROCKVILLE Tbs truant officer rejiorted 12 will also reirato open Friday eve­ Union Pacific, Pennsylvania .and plant to New Boston. which called the strike, as the sole Chssapeaks ft Ohio. Associated Dry hla unlvaralty classes on a bicycle. cai6a at children tovesUgsted or ning and will be closed throughout He sent a numbar of deputies to bargaining agency, but the company ONIONS € I m Di MAMET Goods Preferred, was up about 4. FunlUmd by r. a. Shew, tae. questioned on ths street to school the day on Saturday, July 4. destroy stone “forts” whlob'ha said and officials of departmant councils PARHES CLAM OF PLANE SERVICE UNKEDBYROAD HEAVILY GUARDED Vpmt ftwauMk rnm^'L 15 Pearl St., Hartford hours. had bean coastriMted akmg the Ohio American Telephone was heavy Peealved Degree appealed to tha U. 8. Orcult Court , M r W ttli B«11«gUiN^ and Padfic telephone fell S points Wmiam B. atarUa, Superintendent Ciougli recom­ John William Jackaoa, son of river. Another grotqi removed auto­ o f Appeals In Cincinnati tiyaet, aside on a few transfers. Among losers Local Bopreaeatattva BRITAIN AND FRANCE SACRED HEART dRCITS mended that the secretary and Mr. and Mrs. William J. Jackson of mobiles and railroad tlas blocking the oroer. re B i m the Feature o f as much as 3 were J. L Case, E M P ^ STATE Hartford Marks Day With 1 7 Million Dollar . Higliway treasurer be authorized to pay the Bayslde, N. Y., has been graduated Spedal Deputies Surround plant antrancae. The court recessed yesterday un­ Deera Intematlonsd Harvester, Bid Asked AGAINST RECOGNITION BANQUET THIS EVENING necessary bills during the two from the Long Island College of Chief Deputy H. T. Raldwell as­ til October 6 without acting upon Some Soft Spots Also Oliver Farms, Timken Roller Bear­ Cap. Nat Bk. and Tr. 17 '30 (OsatiiuMd rrMB Pag* Oaa) months when there will be no regu­ Medicine with the Degree of Doctor serted the entrances must be kept the petitions. B e u -a n s ! ing, Macy Douglas Aircraft, Bendiz Conn. River Bk. .... 400 — Ceremony -7 New Dedicated With Elabdrate lar meeting of the Board and this of Medicine. Dr. Jackson complet­ MiO Where Strikers Killed open at all times. Several radio fOR INMOrniONr and Hershey. First Nat Bank .... 100 — people as guaranteed in the Consti­ OF ITALirS CONQUEST waa done. He also recommended ed his High -lohool education at La­ orulMra augmshted the foot patrol FROM 2,000 MILB8 AW AY Eridaice. Colonial l ^ c o n Oil got a lift fol­ Htfd. Conn. Trust . . . 65 70 tution.” Second Anniversarjr to ^ Ob­ that two mambers of the Board be Salle Military Academy, Oakdale, L. around tha plant Hollywood—Bock from a Man­ lowing announcement that Standard Htfd. Nat Bk. and Tr. 30H 27H Republican Chairman Hamilton MaQ Rente Opened. Ceremonies. served in Party at Rockville designated to prepare the budget I., and enterw* Notre Dame tor a Peace Officer. A squad of deputies escorted 25 hattan vacation, Anita Looa report­ If New Jersey planned to add to its Phoenix St Bk and Tr 340 — was enroute west from Washington cc tram Page One) House—^The Speakers. which is due before the September pre-medlcol course. Me graduated executive and maintenance men In­ ed her finding; large holdings In the company Insuranoa Stocks today tor a series of speeches and meeting at the Board and Meesra. from Notre Dame with a Bachelor to the plant late 3resterday and took "There Isn’t a girl In a New Yorit Save Your Money | 4 p r Torti, July 1—fAP) — The through an exchange of stock. Aetna Casualty ...... 95 103 ed, "but fbr CUnada to support the Cummings and NetUeton were conferences with state leaders. Hla Hartford, July i ,_( a P) ^ Laredo, Tex., July 1— (AP) — of Science degree. He has been ap­ Portsmouth, O., July 1.— (A P )— about 20 others out Union pickets show today pretty enough to get a : llMtket ehowad evidence of Standard Oil, on the other hand, Aetna Fire ...... 58 00 discontinuance of sanctions.” chosen. Mr. Cummings was ueslg- first scheduled address was at the yearn ago today the first wmtract Ti)* world—and the United States RoekvlUe, July 1.—^The second pointed as interne at St. John’s hos­ A heavily-armed squad of special protested against one auperintend- job as a waitress to a Hollj^ood ABEL»S ' aeleetive demand today, but yielded about a point and the others Aetna U fa ...... 3i 83 Ohio state convention at Columbus Galileo Soils of Panama told the nated os aasiatant to the secret^ r pital to Long Island City, New ent entering and ha tamalned out­ restaurant." air mall ssrvlce to ths United Stoito to particular—wen offered a pre­ anniversary of Sacred Heart Circle deputies enforced quiet today Cut Rato Auto and in the group were lower. Automobile ...... 85H 87 H today. Assembly many American members view today of Mexico’s mightiest and treasurer to cases of emergency York, where his duties began today, side. Also; aber o f Uauea were pushed up Bonds were narrow. The French Conn. General ...... 4 2 ^ 44H will be observed thla evening with a so that reports might be algn^ to around th, two-mlle-Iong plant of Hts chief. Governor Alf M. Lon­ were dlssatlsfi^ with tha organiBa- was Inaugurated over Rout* No.^ ^ engtoeerlng accomplishment —the July. 1. Dr. Jackson Is well known Approximately 5,500 men contin­ "Tile country’s facing a famine REPAIRS baa to around S points. franc eased, but other foreign cur­ Hartford F ir e ...... 74 76 the absence of either officer. the Wheeling Steel 0>rp., closed by far from a one-way mar­ don, remained on vacatkm In Colo­ tion and declared: "There U a between Boston and New York i 517,000,000 Pan-American highway. banquet at the Rockville House to Rockville having spent many ued idle. to blondes— theYve all become red­ Rear 26 Cooper S t Bat«J rencies were higher In terms o f the Hartford Steam Boiler 73 74 ITie Board was asked to consldar a strike since May 22. aud many soft spots rado, although finding time to con­ strong current of opinion favoring a stop at Hartford. High officials of the United States served at 7:15 o’clock. summers here visiting with rela­ The National Labor Relations dollar. Wheat exhibited strength National F ire ...... f i 73 the Inetallation of a blower to carry Strengthening preparations to heads or gone brownette." evidenoa near the fourth fer about the campalipi. Rep. the withdrawal of all ths Latin- Thu olty’B obeervuM a t t h * __ and Maxlcan govemmanbs were tives. prevent recurrence of tha wild riot and cotton Improved. Phoenix Fire ...... 86 88 mvarsary la marked by ths toagim* Following the banquet the open­ off gases from the chemistry room The activity was small Ekwall (R., Ora.), told him yester­ American states from tha Lsague of her* for the fornud opening of the New Freight Agent of last week, when one company Roesla Insurance .... 13 13H Nations." tlon today of a new air mall stopjht i ing ode will be sung and Mrs. Esther and discussed ths matter. Mr. ttadlaf fraternity took its day that the "R^ublicans have a rood, connecting this border point Reardon, honorary past regent, win Word has been received In this guard was killed and four other men TO LAUNCH SUB Travelers ...... S60 076 BoUs suggested the outoome of Rentseblsr Field, leaving this snar>| Clough will confer with the tnutees S and foreign affairs with a mighty fine chance to capture tha with Mexico aty. introduce the regent. Miss Mary city that C. B. Bates of West Haven I'tilf salt and confined most of PubUo UUUty Stocks election this fail.” the League’s efforts to enforce prin­ noon and daily thareartor at 4:60] Routed through the most inacces­ aa to what may be done. Conn. L t and Pow. .. 64 68 Bresnahan, who will give the ad­ Mr. (Jlougb announced the receipt will asmime the duties o f agent at ' Dtlon to economic develop- New London, July 1.— (A P )— Heading westward toward hts ciples based on "excessive optl- p m. bound for New York. ^ f sible region'to the eastern part of Conn. P o w e r...... 63>/4 5514 dress of welcome. Miss Bresnahan of news of a vote of the State Board the Rockville freight office starting All Points On The Compass Call For The Preparations for the launching of Idaho home .todey wae Senator inum’’ might be the summoning of Governor Cross and postal 8011” dl* Republic, the highway was today, July 1. L J. Paquln of Dan­ the U. 8 . 8. Pickerel are proceeding Htfd. Eaec. Lt ...... 69 H 71H other officials are greeting the mstf will also be toastmlstreas for the of Education that tha Rockville nce shares of Standard Borah, who etlll remained ellent on a world conference “from which a J hunt almost entirely by band In evening. ielson has filled the capacity of etrle Power ft Light and rapidly at the Groton works of her Hartford Gas ...... 43 47 THIS PIOTOQRAPH ehews how huQe Hidden Taxte teak tha sveraae his feelings with regard to the new League of Nations adapted to plane in a brief ceremony. In tbS' ylltae yeara. I t was' literally blast- High school was approved for So. New Eng. Tel. . . 140 144 mall cargo Is a letter of graetli ' The speakers will Include Rev. tuition purposes for the two years agent since the death o f the lata Ed- Power ft Light displayed designers and builders, the Electric man. Addtd to the eeet of things ho buys—Hidden Texoo—muot bo oald ’ London candidacy. He was tight- practical realities might srise." out of the sides of towering r^rd S. Wyatt on April 2. Boat Co. The su b m a ^ e will be Manufacturing Stock* from the governor to Preside.. George T. Sinnott, pastor of St. ending 1938. strength on prospects of by tho oentumsr. Tho Now Dtal hat nearly tripltd those. In 1932 they lipped, too, as to whether be will The polltically-powerful South f mountains and along rugged val­ Bernard’s church. Rev. Frederick Mr. Bates entered the railroad's earninga - Consolidated sponsored by Miss Evelyn Standley, Acme W ir e ...... 41H 48>4 brought In only 781 million dellsrt. By 19S6 Hidden Taxoo had roaohtd run for the Senate again, but bis American Republic, Colombia, an Roosevelt, citing the strides to avis leys. Perfect Attendance tlon, '' Olahefski, chaplain of the order, employ to 1902 and has been agent ' rallied a point daughter of Admiral W. 8. Stand- Am. H ardw are...... 37% 29% ths snormeus sum of 2,282 million dollaro. Thlo was ntarly deubis what friends expected him to be a candi­ nounced its ptdicy was that of noh- Vice President John Gamer led Superintendent of Schools Her­ Arrow H and H, com . 46 48 Mrs. Anna Radcliff, National organ­ at West Haven for twenty ^ears. house was a late fast ley, chief of operation and acting thsy wars during ths war. date. recognltlon of the acquisition of ter­ Tlie great Increase to volume to the American delegation and Gen. bert O. Clough has announced ths rthe up-sida Others ahead secretary of the Navy. Billings and Spencer. 1% 2% shown In a letter from Poatmoator iser from Springfield, State Presi­ No Meeting Friday In 1980, taxes on ths wolMo-de eentrlbutod 66 par etnt of tho Internal Wollaoe Assails Court ritory by force. Eduardo Hay, Mexico's secretary of dent Mra. Margaret Ready of Wind­ following who had perfect attend­ Bristol Brass ...... 88% 60% Olvee tVamlng William J. Rankin to Postmaster Mrs. Pauline BUnn, president of Rsvonus and eustems roeolpts, Hidden Tsxoo 82 per oont. By 1925 this A development with a bearing on foreign affairs, represented Mexico sor Locks and Miss Grace O’Leary ance during the past school year to the Alden Skinner Auxiliary has Collins Co...... 120 130 General James A. Farley, via the to ceremonies on the international the grade schools: Colt's P4t Firearms. 44% 46% •Iluatlon had bssn rsvorssd. Hidden Taxes oontrlbutsd 91 per esnt.taxst the Constitutional Issues occurred France, said Blum, was deported by President Lazsro Car- classes were with the upper classes Raymond Helm, EUna Friedrich, Al­ i'. ’HV Conn. Invest. M g t ..2% 8 H deriM o f Mexico." berta Irmlscher; grade S, Virginia Elec Steam Sterilizing 2% 3^ Aviation Corp ...... 6 Two factors have prevented his ar­ aa a means of Increasing their do­ P. Donohue, superintendent of mails: in the High school It seamed that V Balt and Ohio ...... 18% rest earlier, ‘he detective said. A minions.” Albert E. Lennox, assistant superin­ Gamer, Congressmen and diplo­ her successor should be a teacher of Bingenbelmer, Dekla Kubasek, Paul Jacobs, Co., F. L. ... 14%. 16V1 matic officials failed to arrive in Prokop, Josephine Roman; grade 6, ays Left To Save On Sanborn Map ...... 98 ______Dendix ...... 28 baseball player, the youth was fleet- He aald he had faith, however, in tendent of malls; Emmett A. Pratt, some experience. Miss Elizabeth SMART HATS Bath Steel ...... 60% footed, and although found in HVE DEAD, 2 4 INJURED the future, declaring he believed the postal caahier, and Joseph Lynch, to time for the banquet. Their train Alklre of Portsmouth, N. H., a Steven Kubasek, Norman PbUlpp; Sparta Foundry...... 24% 26U was slowed by the washout of grade 7, Francis Gibbons, Charles Sylvania Indus...... 26 28 Beth Steel, pfd ...... 112% questionable places, be supplied tm recent Italian note to the League charge of air mall. gradua's of Mt Holyoke College Borden ...... 30% alibi. and Germany’s expected reply to About two years before the first bridge near San Antonio. and a teacher of three years’ experi­ Hirth, Mildred Bordua, Priscilla For the Holiday Taylor-Colqultt ...... 36% 88 M WHEN BUS STRIKES ROCK Americans listed for participation Turner: grade 8, Raymond BelU- Your Needs For The Utah-Idaho Sug. Com. 8 4 Can P a c ...... 12% Early last evening, Prudhon the questions of Locarno treaty sig­ contract service, the first air mall ence waa recommended and she was Caee (J. I,) ...... 174 played first base on St. Michael’s natories would serve as * basis for delivery waa made at Hartford dur­ 1b the ceremonies today Included elected. Miss Hart who had receiv­ veau, Edward Kubasek, Robert Tan- And All Summer Long New Fork Bank and Ins, Stocks Eknatora Tom Con ally o f Texas, sey. Bank of New York.. 495 605 Cerro de Pas ...... 53 team in a baseball game with St. (Continued .From Page One) the reconstruction of Etumpe. ing a brief experimental operation ed an offer from her home town has Ches and Ohio ...... 60% Justin’s team at Keney park. A Blum condemned any attempts to of only a few days, when David A. Dennis Chaves of New Mexico, and been persuaded to remain here. Northeast school: Pauline Luet­ Fourth Bankers Trust ...... 62 64 William Glbba McAdoo of Cali­ jen, George Winters, Luther Menge. Chase ...... 45 47 Chrysler ...... 112% ball player for the laat four or five Allen Berman, gasoline bums. weaken the League Covenant and Wilson was Hartford postmaster. : Mr. Arnold reported on the repair Coca Cola ...... 100% yeara, he waa a catcher of ability. Phil Robert Berman, fractured aald the League had failed In the The first air mall pouch arriving fornia, and William Blocker, new work being done and what might be CIvto Association Meeting Chemical ...... 59% eiVl oodsul to Monterey. $ 1 .0 0 and $ X .2 9 Store Open Tomorrow Until 9 P. M. Central Hanover .... 119 121 Col.Gas and El ...... 19% He was a member of the team of the lower Jaw. Italo-Ethloplan conflict because Its this city la preserved to the office of expected during the summer. The July monthly meeting of the Continental ...... is % 20% ComI Solv ...... 15 Veeder-Root factory, where he had Miss Celia Burrow, Hampton, Intervention waa tardy and inade­ Postmaster Rankin. The nurse reported that 210 chil­ Rockville Civic Association will be Linen and Crepes As Usual, and Open Friday Until Com Elxcbange ...... 60 62 Cons Edison ...... 36% been employed aa an aaaembler and Tenn., severe gasoline bums. quate. dren had been examined during the held at the Rockville House this eve­ White and All Pastel Shades computer since August, 1986. post month, that 21 health talks First National ...... 1985 2010 Cons on ...... 18 Miss Elizabeth Tyler, Bristol, "I refuse to accept a League WHITE WRAP, NAVY DRESS SECOND RECTTAl HELD ning. There will be a luncheon Large and Small Head Sizes 9P.M . Guaranty Trust ...... 808 518 Ckint C a n ...... 77 Besides his widow, he leaves a 10- Tenn., cut nose and fractured rib. which would be purely academic," have been ^ven and that 30 have served at 6:30 o’clock followed by Com P r o d ...... months-old child and a widowed he said. "The Covenant, on the London.— (AP)—A white three- been given first aid. A dental clinic the regular business meeting. The ...... 18% 17% ...... 79% Henry D. ESseman, 19, 1006 Edge- Del Lack and West ...... 16% mother. Hla father died when he hlU Road, Richmond, Va., fractured contraty, must be etrengthened and quarter length coat with three navy 'R Y WERNER’S PUPILS was held under the auspices c f the reports of sever^ committee will be MARY CARNEY Manhattan ...... 28% 80% waa a small boy. ' Closed All Day Saturday, July 4th. Manufact Trust .... 46 48 Du P o n t ...... 150 arm, leg outs. adaiiptited to the present day. world.. stars trimming each rever makes a Parent-Teacher organization to tbe heard, and there is other Impor­ National City Bank. ,3 9 41 Eastman Kodak ...... 170% A coroner’s Inquest into the shoot­ T. E. Connors, 4164 Green avenue, 'Pr'ranee pledges her word she smart wrap for a navy dress pat­ outside schools. Dr. John E. Flaher­ tant business to come before the H A T SHOP ing will bo held within a few days. ty and Dr. E. H. Metcalf have given New Y o r k ...... 122 123 Elec and M us ...... 6 Brooklyn, bruised hip. would help make collective security terned either in vyblte stars or Canter Church Parlors Crowd­ meeting. 894 Main Street Public ...... 41 48 Elec Auto Lite .... Found Evidence The following are being cared for a reality." polka-dots. ed for Second Group Pro­ two forenoons to inspection work Stores Open Thursday Title ...... 10 11 Gen Elec ...... Evidence of a burglar in the dis­ here: Favors Disarmament and have Inspected 86 children. One Because at the Fourth o f July trict where Prudhon was shot was gram Held Last Evening. Insurance Gen F o o d s ...... Rone Isbell, United States Army, The premier said he was con­ found by Sergeant Hickey In sev­ American (Newark) . 15 17 Gen Motors ...... Camp Dtx, N. J. vinced the tremendous weight of eral places. Dr. E.' R. Lampson of Center church parlor waa toade- American (Reserve .. 28 30 Gillette ...... Francia Bowman, Sagamore, - Md. armaments would Increaae risks a 175 North Beacon street discovered quate for the number of parents and SWORKS National FIREWORKS American Surety ___ 50 62 Gold Dust ...... Mrs. Paul Bolllvero and Miss Nor­ working out collective security and • STA TE • Mends attending the second of the Baltimore American . 8 9 Hershey ...... a ladder similar to the one Prudhon ma BolUverOt 812 Bartlett street. that, therefore, the only satisfactory TOMORROW, FRI. and SAT used near a garage laat May. Rich­ eloetog recttala o f the piano pupils Excess ...... 6 % 8 Hudson Motors ... New Orleans. solution lay to removing the poss- of Fred E. Werner laat night. Many Larger Assortment —‘ Better Values! Fid. and Deposit .... 95 100 Int Harv ...... ard B. Bulkeley found marks, seem­ E. N. Bessemer, Route Four, Bir­ bility of war by a general disarma­ were obliged to sit In the corridors. ingly those of a ladder, beneath a No matter where you plan, to spend the holiday DRESSES Great American .... 29 30 Int N ic k ...... mingham, Ala. ment. The toyls made a very pretty pic­ or bow you Intend to spend It, Bfarlow’s has every­ window of his house at 276 Kenyon THOMAS A. MURDOCK Halifax ...... 28 25 Int Tel and Tel ... Lizzie MeSween, Plcaynue, Misi. A veiled threat of wholesale res­ ture In their vari-colored party thing yoD’U need to help you make your Fourth a Cottons! Tub'ub Silks! SatitSatins! Prints! Kennecott ...... street. . ignations from the League was seen Hanover„ , 38% 88% Helen Pelnelt, New York City. dresses, and the teacher took a glorious one. And as usual, yen’U find everything Chiffons! Second Stand On Right, Top of Nigger Hill Homo Ins...... 35% 37% Lehigh Val Coal .. Buddy Atwell, Rlchlands, 'Va. in a resolution adopted at a meet­ group photograph of the boys and MARLOW’S at Marlow’s so low as to make buying a real Home Fire Security . 4% 6% Llgg and Myers B Miss Katherine Atwell, Jewell ing of the foreign ministers of Den­ girls at the close of the program. pieoeure. Bolton Mass.' Bonding ...... 49 61 Loew*s ...... PROTESTS ARREST Ridge, Va. mark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Mrs. Arl3me Garrity, soprano, $1.98 *’$7.98 National U berty ___ 10 11 Lorillard ...... Virginia Nelson, 632 WUlowbrook the Netherlands, Spain and Switzer­ sang to her usual pleasing style, North River ...... 25% 2714 McKeeap Tin ...... street. High Point, N. C. land. "TreeB” by Raabach, "A Heart Buy NATIONALS and Be Sure! Prov. Wash...... 40 42 Mont W a r d ...... OF EIGHT NEWSMEN Katherine Stimler, Route One, The resolution said that “The That’s Free”, Robyn, and "The Store Open Friday Night Nat Blsc ...... Cumberland, Md. worsening International situation Wind’s to. the South," Scott. Mr. Pref. - Accident .... 20 22 Until 9:00 P. M. Seaboard Surety ___ 25 27 Nat Cash Reg .... O. B. Ring, 920 Avenel avenue, and cases in which there has been Weilter played her accompaniments. Security Ins...... 36 38 Nat Dairy ...... (Continued From Page One) Roanoke, Va. resort to force to recent years" rais­ Five of the Rockville pupils had Springfield Fire ft Ma. 138 143 Nat D is till...... B. T. Romett, Bluefleld, W. Va. ed doubts In these countrieq aa to a. part In laat night’s recital—John Sun U fa ...... 425 460 N y Central ...... cowardly Tafarl," read the headline T. M. Fayette, Martinsville, Va. "whether the conditions to which Schwarz who played "The Sack U. 8 . F. and G...... 14 16 North A m ...... in one newspaper. Horace Hudgins, Christlansburg, they assumed obligations under the Waltz” by Metcalf; Ruth Schwartz, "Gathering Dalslea"; Burton Schae- Weatebeater ...... 85 37 Packard ...... A high Faaclat official declared Va. Covenant still exist to a satisfactory Penn ...... the "outburata of resentment” di­ Mrs. Jimmy Fisher, Negro, degree." i t f*r, "Song of the Pirate Bold"; Phlla Rdg C and I WheeUng, W. Va. The ministers Issued a warning Ruth Larson, “Love’s Return” and F R A D I N 'S rected against the Negus were SON IS QUESnOND Phil Pete ...... "natural." Mary Louise Johnson, negro, Bed­ they woul( not participate to eano- Barbara Krayssig, "Kitten on the Imarti Women^ Wool Pub Serv N J .... ford, Va. tiona to any future conflict unless Keys.” "It waa aignifleant there waa ap­ ■yittl Biratta’a playing of "Silver Radio ...... plause before he had finished his the entire Covenant were fully en­ Rom R a n d ...... forced. Stars” by Bohm was exceptional, IN CASTLE MURDER speech In Amharlc, which I am aa waa the ^nopsis from Verdi’s BATHIMG SUITS Key Tob B ...... sure none at Geneva understood, "It Is Inadmissible,” they asserted, "n Trovatore^’ by Elizabeth Ftone- AU Stytoa—AH Siaes and AU Plain Safeway Storae .... MONARCHIST STORY "that certain Covenant articles, S A V E A S Y O U BU Y (Oontlnoed From Page One) showing It was all a frameup," he gan. Dorothy and William Geas Cok^and Color Combinations Schenley Dls ...... said. notably that for the reduction of played a duet, “Nola" by Arndt and The perfect THRlFI PLAN to SAVE AS YOU BUY One and two-piece models, aomc Sears Roebuck ...... (Advices from Geneva declared armaments, should remain a dead each had^ a solo number. Other with halter neck and sun back*; 1I .49 SMASH HIT—PRICES SLASHED! blows of a paving brick and choked Shell U n io n ...... DENIED BY VIENNA letter." with the valuable BANK COUPONS, first gtven by the Negua’ speech was translated ptrollp and their selections follow: some with eklrta. and up her ae ha watched tha assailant Socony Vac ...... Banks as INTEREST ON DEPOSITS and now used by Portions of the statement ware re­ for the League delegates.)” Edward Newberry, "Moonlight South P a c ...... (Conttnaed From Pag* One) BONUS AFTERMATH March”, tnr H. Thompson; <3u‘l PBOORE8SIVE 51EBOHANT8 In many etUeo-ABE Girls’ Wool Bathing Suits garded with skepUolsm. South Rwy ...... Newspaper editions carrying scathing attacks agalfist the Ethio­ Bllyeu, 'W oodland Echoea” , by OrVEN ON ALL CASH SALES AT SfABLOWS. As good-loOklng and as aervlca- DONT DELAY! / ^ Some DCaoreoanolea St Brands ...... LeglUmlsto were left arlth the Ban Francisco—Mrs. Lillian Fett- Seidt; Blanche Snow, "Itorple •* * * Captain William OHrian question­ pian Emperor also Included long AMD THEY ARE BEOEBfifABLB IN CASH AT THE sble os those for the grown-ups. St Gas and Bleo .. task, meanwhile, of seeking action nar thinks her husband should know Pansies" by Fearis; Eleanor Mc­ ed tha youth’! assertion that ha aaw St on C a l ...... editorials praising tho "oonclllatory” their troubles are not over, even if BANK OR IN BIEBCHANDISE AT THE STtHlE. Ends Saturday tenor of the Italian memorandum to under a new law which would end Kenna, "Four Leaf <3over’’, by hts mothei slugged at 1:80 a. m., St on N J ...... he did get a 8700 veteran’a bonus, Spencer; William Sbea, "Dark Bank .Coupons are the WEAL THRIFT COUPONS to $ 1[. . 1 9 I and then went back to aleep until the League expressing willingness the poverty of the exiled former Tex Corp ...... Elmpress Zita and her family, she told Municipal Judge Frank Eyes" by Rob Roy Perry. SAVE AS YOU BUY. TRY MARLOWS FIRST. CHILDREN’S BATHING SUITS 5:80 a. m., whan he coolly dreased to cooperate. Dunn. Henry Schaller’s Timken RoUer Bear A statute confiscating for the Margaret Finnegan, "FUng Around ITS WISE TO BE THRIFTY. 25c sad up and went to notify tha deek clerk. Trkns America .... As evidence of the sincerity of She said they spent part of the Walts", by Dietz; Barbara Sadro- Cute little oottou trunks...... 19c There wis an outside chance, ItalYs deaire to return to Ehiropean state mllllona o f scbllUngs arortb of money to improve their home, her Union C a rb id e ...... lands, buildings and other Haps- T A Y L O R ^ Btoski, “Anna March", by Fearis; Pre-Fourth of July the captain aald, that tha Union Pac ...... collaboration. Informed sources said, husband went out to celebrate with Barbara Newberry, “Black Eyed burg belonging was repealed in boy struck his mother because ha Unit Aircraft ...... plana for a demoatratlve military the rest— then the home burned. jS o tM itm Susan," by Straebbog; Leroy Knofla, SAVE AS YOU BUY Terry Cloth was disgruntled at leaving his pa­ Unit Corp ...... mobilization on the northern fron­ July, 1985. A recent prealdentlal de­ Issuing a bench warrant to author­ "Cedar Brook Waltz", by Perry; BEACH ROBES-~|1.49 USED CAR ternal grandparents home to rejoin Unit Gas Im p ...... tier have been abandoned. The cree made the repeal effective but ise a search for Fettner, Judge ^Barbara iLuettgens, "WhispertogB of WITH BANK COUPONS her. Jimmy's claim that tbs intrud­ U B Ind A lo ...... original plan called for massing the property has not yet been re­ Dunn expressed hope some of the YOUNG Love,” by Klnkel; Edward Wlr- er choked Mrs. Castle was disproved U 8 Rubber ...... thousands of troops along Itaiys turned to the family. bonus would be left. tails, "Moonlight on the Water," by Bonk eonpoBS were devised to provMe a safe and Men’s by coro) eris physicians. taw Favors Priac* a * SALE U S S m e lt...... northern boundary coincident with Tides; Shiriey Stevenson, "FTower Bound plsn for THBIPTY FEOFU! to add to their B a c o n *n e g g s Meanwhlls, Investigators advano The manner In which the estates. AUr-TOOBTHERt Seng”; by Lange; Alice Snow, Wool Zipper Top Swim Suits U 8 Steel ...... the League sessions at Geneva. ■svtogs every day, and upou the request of the de­ ed the theory that the comely night West Union ...... Interest, and castles will be appor­ T£, "Robin’s Return", by Fischer; Mar­ Choice o f Colors — $1.79 No Money Down club hostess might have been slain West El and Mfg .. tioned among the Hapsburg mem­ Oklahoma City—From Roscoe B. garet Garay, "Trees” by Rasbach- positors are supplied to stores to nee ae a eoab dls- TASTE BETTER...... by an ax-eonvlct. who knew the sec­ Wool worth ber* and relations Is a matter of Dickson to the Chamber of Com­ Dels. count on OMfa soles. These THRIFT COUPONS are Men’s Wool Trunks ...... 61.00 •• essesess* * 0 3^ Up To ond a t her thrae I Abanda Eaec Bond and ioiara (Curb)! 21% family law, but It it considered cer­ merce came tt)e following sugges­ real Money -Csupoaa; every coupon book adds 52.00 to Men’s 1-Pc. Bathing S u its...... f 1.00 up Served In Prleen tain Prince Otto will be favored. tion for putting Oklahoma Oty’s your sovlags. Boys’ Wool Zipper Top Swim Suits, .fl.59 up Surroundingg help tfi* flavor of any good TTie 34-Tear-old woman married J. HELD WITHOUT BOND Something of a sensation was dvte pride on a concrete basis: UlTHERLEAiaiE SERVICE 20 Months to Pay W. Bolin In Pueblo, Cola, In July, Ehrery day, at an unannounced hroakfait. . . bacon and oggt or flapjacks. created when Josef Jtiouschek, a — ON IHE BABfB SHOW — Boys’ Trunks, 39c. (Wool 69c). GOOD USED CARS 1933. Subsequently, he was sen­ major in M>e old Imperial army, de­ time, all fire sirena woidd start Miami, Fla.—A three-foot alligator CHESTER I HADOa Trade At Home. Boost Manchester. Navy • Royal • Maroon. tenced to the Colorado prison for clared Otto and others to the fami­ screaming simultaneously. EWary HKE ON SATURDAY FROM (25. TO (600. waddled Into the police atatton at citizen would atop whatever be MORRIS I EVANS A frim, dean,"colorful breakfast nook not only robbery. Later she married Faber suburban Hialeah and hissed at ly do not have enough to eat at might be doing, turn to the nearest It*s Wise To Be Thrifty. Bathing Capa - Wstm- Wings • Life Preeervere - Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Caatle, a CaUcago butcher. They Sergeant M. O. Wood. their caatle of refuge at Staenooker- in "Moonlight Murder” nakas tha morning coffaa a greater treat, but were dlvoreed a year ago. person, vigorously shake his hand Win Go to Lookout at High­ Tubes - Beach Bolls and everything else you’ll need To This Greatest of ■ The Mrgeant, a stickler tor de- seel, Belgium. to have for fun on the be* eh also saves a mighty lot of foostops for tha house* George Boers, a friend a t the vic­ oorum to his station house, prompt­ and say enthuataatically, “we’re liv­ land Park— Leave Terminus _ Used Car Sales. He recounted also he noUc^ a ing to the finest city to the United TONIGHT tim, told InvesU^tora a former con­ ly pinched tha Impudent 'gator but hole in a stocking worn by Otto’s at Six in the Morning. wife morning after morning. vict from Coloi^o once called on Stotes!" “ Pride of the Marines” and reltoguiihed his hold haaUIy when ststara, and the family waa so poor ACCESSORIES FOR A . Mrs. Caatle while he was there. The the saurian snapped at him. The Chamber took It under ad­ New Additions To Marlow’g Ever Auto Jugs GLORIOUS FOURTH FROM meat waa rarely served. visement. “ Don’t Gamble With L ori” TIm Luther League a t tha Eman­ A broakfast nook can be easily arranged in woman. Boers said, professed fear Sargeant Wood then resorted to uel Lutheran church will hold It* 1 Gallon Siao o f bar acqualntanoa. Allowed Vaoatloa MARLOW’S strategy, laasoed the Bvaigladas The family budget, however, was annual Sunrise Hike thla Saturday Popular Selection of almost any house . . . new or old. No large Studying the poaalbiUty that Mra. visitor and ahovsd him Into a can BASEMENT revised to allow a vacation this moTBlng, leaving the south terminus faistallatlen costs are necessary and the cost of Castla had threatened to Inform on (box) vriiere hs Is being held with­ at 6 o’clock for the Lookout at 9 8 e 4 a felon who returned to underworld out bond pending disposition of hts summer, and Zita and Otto plan to CAMP STOOLS leave Belgium about tha middle of Highland Park, where a brief devo­ the nook Hsaif is unbelievably low. pursuita, detecUvaa pointed to the tional period will be held. Edwin An­ (N ot aa UhMtratod) July for Southern France or Swlts- THURSDAY NIGHT cryptic measage printed on a mirror derson end, Us nthlatic committee la In her room: "Black Legion Game." OVBB8UPFLT OF HORNED arlaiid where they will remain until .DRESSES Cal and lat us give you the costs on several to charge of ths hike u d Ray Wog- t U v i It might have refarred, Uiey figured, FROGS. autumn. DUKE BLUNOTON man will lead the devotions. Brenk- ♦ypas of brabkfast nooks. Torms can be to "Black Mall Game.” Stories told by Monarchists de- • Volleg 5«d Dotted Swtag Akd Bis Famoos Oreheati* fM t will be served after tiie service. BEACH UMBRELLAS igv ..arranged. In an effort to learn more of any Colsman, Tex.— (AP) —C W. sbribed how ths family needed un- AU membere planning to attend poaslbla prison oonnsetlons, polios Simpson has taksn down his sign, derweer, other oloth^ end With IVIE ANDERSON should be at tnii tarmlnua Saturday Yoa’n keep eotd in any of ht Edward Lynch, alias ranest ”homsd frogs wantsd.” Rs sup- wood for bafUtog. One tons, they re­ Foot Guard Hall morning. S 5 5 ...... $ 1 . 9 8 srgne. for questkwlng. They pUss ordsrs for the Uttls reptUss. lated. Otto atoyed home beeauae bis these froclu, and at the LLER MOTOR SALES nsaid he bad served a term to theThis spring 800 of ths homed frogs Mjm North is tho Spodsl onto shoes had solsa to them. High Street, Hartford - Mlfhael HUleg** waa the first same tiaie you’ll most c«r- Ooloredo penitentiary at Canon » 9-lNCH PICNIC PLATES, DODGE- PLYMOUTH DEALERS ichester Lumber Co. were wanted to New York. 81nq;>sott N on e fo r yonr vacation. Call Loyal oounts and oountesMe help­ treasurer o f the United CMonies, talnly look your best. 1.59 CIW. effersd a nsgro boy 1% esnts saoh ed wash windows, sorub Soora and Admission |1.00-r-Phi8 Tax. while Alexander Hamiltea was th* me 6145 mdney Sohapa, cabaret master of tor an be qould brtoff to. Ths next The Hongi^ ,-drculatloa do- do tha family purobastog at a pub- ftret eecretary of the treesury ua- M4 Center a%Beott St. Open Evenings ceremonies listed as aewlraltto

M AW emwrER EVENING HERAtD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1. «. - -^1 198 euuroraaTBaK bvjenihu herald,' iCAKcav|in oonn.. Wednesday, j u l Y i , 198*.

ADVERTIHEMENT- \t • ,h HeGOVEm AGAIN HEADS RED CROSS EXAMINER swer" w u In reply to an address by is using us as a oat's paw to scorch ADVKKTiaKMENT— Valley attended the King's Daugl^ STUDYING NEW AGENT BEGINS EDUCATORS ASK Miss WllUe A. Lawson, seoretary of our fingers with tb* burning chest­ flO U A R D m iE ESTATE te n o f HartfUrd’s outing, v w S i YOONG BURR SAVES the Arkansas BduoaUon Assoria- nuts of political favoritism.'' was hdd at Hayward racently. M anchester A.P.IKa)NNECl!COT . ATRECTBREEDAYS Uon. who said; J a 8ht mentlonsd youth's quasUons A Thought Mrs. May F. Barber ot Westfield, IBRDTAUTT RAILROAD DUTIES "Ws young people ars^ftot con­ concerning "Care and Guidance of IS rURCHASED TODAY New Jersey, la visiting at tha horns D ate Book NAN FROM DROWNDG PERMANENT AIDvinced that an open school with a Children",' "Marriage", eultivatlng ot her brother and family, Mr. and TlMwag P ttrnn. Vkc Pral- The American Red Cross field at "Common Interests", and said 888 a month teacher, ho books x x x He will regard the prayer of the Mrs. Amuuido Dams, of Mrs. Walter N. Fostir. Aaat. Rt elect eel Witk Other examiner T. Fred Hoqoway of tha In an excuse for a sritool building is "Sex doesn't concern us ta much as deotltote,>, and not deoplae their This Week Rescaes Stonehain. MasSn Man LE Olleent at Meetias. National staff will be in Manchester making any eontribuUtm x x X. We it did in your ganeratlon." prayer.—Fsalma 108 tl7. Hartford Restanrant Owner, at Highland Lake— Is Coun­ of Boys’, Misses’ and Children’s Freseited Bffs h A. H. Barber, Long Experi­ for Uw next throe days to review think that a government which of­ lARCAIN IND Bnya Cooper Place. July 8—Legion Dawn dance at end re-examine the focal Exam' Want the Goveminent to Rainbow In Bolton. ty Y Director. Ck-aag i. * a r 1.—f AP )—OonnecU- fers this as a palUatlvs and refuses Tharo ars about 398 navigabia The almple heart that freely asks Overnight A, P, Iners, Seniors and also any from the to consider permanent Federal aid atreama in the United States. In love, obtains.—Whittier. Property on the hill between West July 4—Annual fireworks display tonD ScM Were cut aaaiman of the Associated enced in Work, Succeeds nearby towns who desire to take ad­ Roberts D. Burr, son of Mr. and Fteaa dMcnaaed ptana for covering Provide at Least 100 Middle Turnpike and Hilliard atreet, at Old Golf lots by American Le­ vantage of this opportunity are In gion. Mrs. Louts St. Clair Burr of 803 Ow fa s atate eonvenUons and the in' HilUardvlIle, known aa tha Coo­ News W est Center street, who has 'been SHOE ^lulled by Guards. gaaefal eleetton at a meeting bald J. J. Dwyer Here. If you aron't already in the habit per estate, haa been aold by Lillian Next Week t s f i m m m r r - Mfllions Annoally. children will be running around boys’ work secretary of the WInsted at O* Race Brook Oountiy Club at stopping at Harry’s—you know more, and going barefoot to the O. Ouilmont of Hartford, who puiv New Haven—Strreno H, Norton, July 9, 10. U — Klddiec’ Revue Y. M. C. A. for the poet two years, wtth H. Bmeraon. pabtiSber o f the that well known hot dog stand right beach, and climbing green apple chased it recently, to Genevieve F. 70. o f thle city, feU to hie death as a at State theater. was the hero of a rescue from Anenma Sentinel, aa boat jglMilMlkvtna. T«an^ JTuly 1— came before the Na- ^ up a kit of real erably damaged by the flood last tion of Hartford District Luther Burr win be director the Hart­ ter. secretary. needed In the Girl Scout movemenL ’ at ^ u a t y body eloaed ita iO' ago. Uenal Education Association today. The newest notepaper in town Is necessities for you, cheaply. March. . League here, sponsored by Luther ford County y. M. C. A. Camp Mr. Ebnerson was named honor­ Delegates to the 74th annual con­ In-so-far as time is concerned there is entirely new from the tip o f the flap In an address at the closing session > yaatardBy Bftar aa open ary aecond vice-president and Ar­ "Mr. Barber will be the New Ha­ Internal revenue stamps affixed Lea^e of Emanuel Lutheran Vagabond during the coming sum­ vention opened their second buatneaa of its envelope to the' convenient A tiny perfume vial which fits of the Connecticut Council of Cath­ in which B former woman thur J. Sloane the New Haven ven railroad's representative at to a warramtee deed for the prop­ church. mer. at session after hearing Dr. Robert shape of the paper Itself. The into a corner of your purse is worth olic Women. o f the aehool aoeuaed ita Journal-Courier was appointed hon­ Manchester", Mr. Doolan said, "and no recall but it is possible to improve erty, filed this morning in the town ^ o f whoiaaBla, drinking and will be available for oonsultatlon by Sproul, president of the University shape; square. The envelope; long consideration. Fill the little bot­ clerk’s office. Indicated the proper­ Kent—Spencer Heady at Danbury Regular 81,95 orary. third vice-president of California, answsr a talk on was klUed in the head-on oolUsion of I traatment of mmates. ' Those attending were; business men, manufacturers and and'mannish (the paper folds once tle with the scent you ordinarily ty was sold for 83,800 and the as­ "Youth’s Appeal" by declaring tha on the past and increase your savingrs his automobile with a New Eng­ fata of SupeiinteAdent D. Mr. Emerson, John J. Dolan, L. L. othera on any transportation prob­ Into IL) Ita Up: engraved with use at home. Then, during Uie sumption of two mortgages totaling youth of America "are being mer- day, you can apply a hit of per­ land Transportation Company truck CdMBte and othera connected Deaaulnlers, Charles H. Flynn, Leo lems. We regard Manchester as an your initials In your own bandwrit­ 86, 000. clleesly exploited x x x by the social operated by Walter E. Keefe, alao of the aehool remained uneertain T. Molloy of the Ansonia Sentinel; Important station and for this rea­ account in the last half of the year by ing. The- chic: the color is cafe fume without mixing a new odor racketeers x x x. with the old. Danbury, on a highway near here. th e Oraad Jury ahaped ita Mr. Connolly and John Luskin of son have been careful to select a ' 8U lalt, the monotone tan of wet ------'atlona and Ooeamor Hill man with long training and experi­ The answer of America to her nd with white engraving. More Newington—Mn. George L. Aus­ Watch Specials the New Haven Register; C. H. Try- rearranging: your budget and setting a White. atudlad other dadlnga ence. He has a pleasing personality youth must be today x x x abundant hews: across the top of the note- If you are unable to get away for tin o f Hartford led a field o f 81 on of the Meriden Journal; R. H. life, ordered liberty and the right to liy B. L>. Perdue, state Gillespie of the Stamford Advocate; and our patrons at Manchester will paper is engraved your address, also the Fourth you can celebrate by go­ WAPPING memben of the Connecticut Wom­ Mlssee’ White o f inatltutions. find him wide-awake, accommodat­ pursu8 happiness with some pros­ aside a little more each week. It will in your bandwriting, personal and ing to the Tea Room on Main street en’s Golf Association In a ons-day E. B. Harvey, Andrew J. °eaae and pect o f attatntaig It." i prtflminary report Monday ing and co-operative.” tlle^ble as it mgy be. for a shore dinner. You may order Warren Marks of trapping Cen­ tournament at the Indian Hill Club Mr. Sloane of the New Haven Jour­ T. FRED HOLLOWAY Reports of the committee on aca­ 1 Jury tanned Choate unfit The new agent was bom January your favorite seafood aa they have ter was taken to Mt. Sinai hospital with a low gross of 85. nal-Courier; B. Robert Stevenson demic freedom and tenure urged- help to make up for some of the dol­ A New Strap Watch Strans-Oxfords $1 8 I tta poet and told of testimony and R. J, Canning of the Waterbury 18. 1880 at Plainfield, Conn., and It Is foolish to tire- yourself out a complete line. In Hartford last Monday suffering Hartford—The 102nd Field Artil­ vlted to attend. This demonstra­ "publio support of teachers" In inde­ For Men and Young Men Made By the New Haven V / A l U l U O v j ^ . q i^rteen-age youths were beaten Republican and American; Charles started railroading In 1806 as preparing lunch on hot days when with a large carbuncle on the back lery, ^3rd Division composed of 680 tion of the latest developments In pendent Instruction and on Investi­ lars you intended to save but did not. you can go to the Weldon Drug with Always mix raisins, nuts, shred­ Connecticut troops, the First Na­ Clock Company. Regular 82.48. I wheel spoke and with B. Kellogg and Sidney A. Bedlent of agent at Central Village, serving the field of aquatics la also open to o f his neck. gation of all discharges In violation the assurance of being served a ded cherries, plneappje or cocoanut tional Guard utlllery regiment in dded leather strap at the the Norwalk Hour; Wayne C. Smith successively at Grosvenordale, West any adult person In Manchester. The Mr. and Mrs. Carl Magnuson and A heavy duty watch for workmen, BoyV 82.98 bore. of the Meriden Record; George W. Thompson and Southbridge, Mass. of the principle of unrestricted Get the Habit of Depositing Reguiarly In tasty lunch. with flour before using in a cake. three little girls moved from their the United States to receive the lat­ sessions will be held In the evening teaching. This keeps them from sinking to est motorized equipment, will train sportsmen and boys. Unbreakable Mx Guards lafHeted Petaraon, J. W. Peterson and John He left railroad service In 1900, but at the School street Recreation home In Bristol to Wapptng Center returned In 1908 as agent at Gull- Close* Are Cited the bottom. Dried fruits should at Fort Ethan Allen, VL, from July H. Thompson of the Torrington building and Is scheduled to start at Food that la salted too hea-vily In Frank Grant's house last Monday crystaL baea been indicted on ford. Soon afterwards he moved to Several cases of the discharging be softened by soaking In hot water. 19 to August 1, It was announced. [ battery charges. Register; George B. Armstead and 8 o'clock. frequently may be rescued. Add a afternoon, June 29. Mr. Magnuson Hartford, where he was employed of teachers were cited — at Val- They must be drained thoroughly, Hartford—The State Motor Vehi­ OXFORDS %2a\ Philip Rose of the Hartford Cour- whole raw potato to your overly Is to bo the principal of the new ICoOle t>. Stone, a former haUa, N. Y .,. Corunna, Mich., and however. cle Department put on the "heat” In matron at the school, ant; Louis J. Reilly of "le Bridge­ In the auditor's office, subsequently FOREWARNED salty dish and the potato will ob- South Windsor High school. being moved to the New Haven of­ Look Haven State Teachers' Col­ a final effort to bring 83,000 untest­ yaatarday that once she port Post and Telegram; Mr. Mc­ WAS FOREARMED SAVINGS BANK sorb the surplus seasoning. Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson Govern and Edward Maum of the fice. lege, Pa. — and recommendations and son William and Robert Simp­ ed automobiles In the state to the I'dotaide a storeroom and heard that they be le-employed were testing lanes which close July 11. i Intlletcd on one youth as Bridg-por. Timeg^tar; Mr. Fergu­ Mr. Barber returned to agency Now that summer's here, and the son of New York have been In Wap- Westclox Wrist Ben Chicago—-When William Galaudeo made. S QiSLrWjQLF son and Ronald Ferguson of the work In 1906, serving at Lyme, Say- MANCHESTER Plhig recenUy. Robert a hero, thir­ Hartford—The Publio UtUlUes 1 to die." received hla veteran's bonus, ho went The report of the legislative com­ Stone aald that once ahe Manebostet Herald; O. G. Andrews brook Point, Meriden. Windsor, ain- teen years of age, was the winner Commissioner denied a petition of out and bought a bigger house. Yes­ mission comprised support for the the Railway Express Agency, Ino., A new strap watch with leather aaaa o f whlaky taken past of the New London Day; George B. ton and since September last year terday ho knew It was a good hunch on the north slope of the San of a Carnegie medal for saving the strap. to other oSiM and that Utter o. the Westerly, R. I., Sun; has been agent at Watertown. BO-called Harrlson-Fletcher blU call­ life of a thirteen year old girl, for an extension of Ita free pick-up —his wife boro their third consecu­ ing for a Federal contribution to HEAD OF LADIES’ A D Bernardino mountains was under $ itar "became a n g r y when John Evans, chief of the Associated It Is anticipated Mr. Barbour will tive set o f twins, both girls. control today. while In swimming In New York. and delivery service at Milford to 3.95 to take a drink, Press Foreign Service; W. J. O take up bis residence here and education of $100,000,000 the first Include the area along the Long Is­ Before the babies began coming year and Increasing 880,000,000 a After a four-day battle, foresters Robert is a resident of Locust Val­ ii's report to the governor Myers, former chief of the New Ha­ eventually take a personal Interest ley, New York. land Sound shore. In pairs Mrs. Galaudec, 33, had live year to 8300,000,000. OVEN SORPWSE PARTY encircled the blaze In the Sawpit hy severm photo- ven Bureau; John T. Milar, chief of In local community affairs. others, one at a time. Hartford— State Tax Commission­ Westclox Pocket Watches...... $1.25 "America’s Answer” Canyon-CaJon Mountain area with The Past Masters Association wounds on Inmates the New Haven Bureau and Paul 1,000 men. Six other fires which er WilUam H. Hackett said several Z>. Dr. Sproul's talk before the gen­ held their regular monthly meeting wL The inveatigatlen Qormley of the New Haven etaff. broke out In the region yesterday thousand dealers In cigarettes now Westclox Pocket B en ...... $1.50 SBOUUJ'VE FRAMED IT eral assembly on "America'e An­ ^ Mrs. Laura Paisley of 487 North at the Wapplng Community Church » Orimlnal Judge Cbes- Main street was surprised at her were quickly checked. One of them House last Monday evening with bold expired licenses and fade pos­ , bearing a ease in which WALL SURIffS Falls City, Neb.—Bay Bader said home Monday evening by a group destroyed three cabins near the old sixty patrons present. After the sible prosecution for selling without ; iM Ihd IWUlpa was a wit- Rose mine on Tip Top mountain. legal permit In Connecticut. WARNING SIGN SAFELY New York, July 1—Jewel Tea Co., the only percentage In this trans­ of the members of the Ladles Aid business meeting the following pro­ ' aoraa on the youth's action was the amusement ho got Bridgeport—Mrs. Lena Belflore, Ino., dlrect-to-consumer distributor society of the North Methodist gram was enjoyed; Harmonica I was tafonnad they raaulted out ,of it He received a cheek for church of which she is vice-presi­ solos by the Worthy Master of Suf- held in connection with the slaying R. DONNELLY of ooffss, tea and other packaged a beating be had received at HIDDEN BEHIND BUSH one cent—an overcharge in bis dent, members of her family and NEW JERSEY’S FINANCES fleld Grange, John Dunn. This was of Joseph Luongo recently, was re­ grooerles, with operations in 48 turned to the county Jail after her states, reported sales o f 81,803,838 Missouri Pacifle railroad pension friends. In her absence members of followed by Mr. Brewer who Is a payment—and the bank charged the family decorated her home with Trenton, N. J., July 1.— (API- magician, who was a fine entertain­ attorney refused to make any state­ 515 Main Street Bat^Raacons Ndica Coming: for tha four weeks ended June 18 ment relative to the case at a secret against 11,417.014 In the like period him a dime to cash It jdnk roses and arranged for a dell- New Jersey ended the fiscal year er; a vocol solo by Mra. Birdsall of from Municipal Building: Cioua buffet lunch, which included 1935-86 with a cash balance of 814,- Enfield Grange and a musical love Inquest held by Coroner John J. iY^BANDTOPUY last year, an Increase of 6 per cent Phelan. Aren’t Supposed to Interest two birthday cakes. Mrs. Paisley 822,314— thanks to the Dorrance es­ story game. Edward Locke and Hartford- Raymond V. Prudhon, Paaserbjr. Armour A Co.. Chicago packing received a number of individual tate inheritance tax of 818,600,000. his slater entertained with Instru­ ATTHEITAUANCLUB concern, was notifled the New York gifts, among them a white gold bar The cash balance exceeded the mental music and two recitations by 22, of this city was mortally wound­ previous year’s by 810,503,915. The ed by Detective Sergeant Thomas J. Tbs Immadlata arousal o f the po Stock Exchange that the privilege pin from the Ladles Aid society m Miss Dorothy Pierce. Refreshments Over Which she haa always been an ac­ tax on estate of the late John T. Hickey when, the, leading Country Cluba In this aeo- win M. Raymond explained to the police Ihroa (31 pot oonL pot awnih. . tiott o f the country and are noted for MANCHESTER they didn't object to Donald Os­ ot Ihlrtjr-sis (3B1 pat oonL p»i ''thalr fins interpretation of smooth For aafely bidden behind the wald's settling down some place, utnnm on anpsid staotinl el danna rhythms. For those that like bushes la a rad, warning sign, not but they saw no reason why he loan. ■Inring" numbera they oan far from the belt The sign says, for should do it In their back yard. plenty of these as wen. tbs edification o f all who care to They said ho moved In one night, IDEAL nNANCING N la luanning this way of crane their necks out of a window set up a tent and aatonlahed them ASSOCIA'nON. ’ a very glorious Fourth of in Town Clerk Samuel J. Turktng- Inc the next day by doing hla morning 831 Mala Straal lulF 'CUabratlon. The admission is ton's office, "Sprinkler Fire Alarm. caltsthentca In the nude. OVBR W. T. nRANT STORl) T H m t s ^ E iir y nominal sum for such quality When the Bell Rings Call Police or The police traniferred Oswald, 88. rhoaa T381 vouLin|!E 'jfiiinale. Partlas art eapeetad from Depta.' to the city Jail {■■•V'tba surreundlng towns aa weU as Refrigeration Goes SMayeheater. FIRST ^UTH COVENTRY AID '^Tho old-fashioned alngtng school, Men’s FROM HOUSE’S BE p r e p a r e d ! s t o c k u p \ ^'^Ipoitnyal o f the original Seth ^^aiksr Knglng School, which was White and Fancy ON YOUR MEDICiNE CHEST iMOtad by the choir of the Con- Bathing Suits $2-50 to $3*95 d l(^ obureb last Fridav avo- GAS la tbs vea^ , was attendedidet by parity audience. The perform- SHIRTS ^ E E D S f ^ O ^ FREE! . Is to be repeatad In several of i With Every «Oo srigbboring towns in the near L OI/€R So far this year many Manchester Purebaset ire. Bathing Suits $1 .50.to$2 ’50 $1.00 to $2-00 A Faring Knife 845 Main Street Rubinow Building H n . Ada Monaa Strong of Dor- srtar. Maas., has been the guect families have switched to the “WHERE EVERY DAY IS SALE DAY” Mias Mary Burgoyaa for a fsw Men’s a lelea and Jane Flaherty a r e , .ndlBg a part of their vacation Bathing tth their aunt, Mrs. Mary Well- \ I ^ r r A f / Sport Belts STOCK UP ON CAM ERA sod Turner, In Stiunford. Isabel and WilUam Flaherty of Trunks -Ttford are visiting at the home of Jr gfpndfather, William Flaherty ^Q c and $1.00 n e e o s s k i » . Monument HUl. $1.75 to $2.00 CAMERAS a Mrs. Mildred Martin of Ripley "1 has been entertaining Mrs. W. h i : si u \ 11 (/ m . I I HIM H.VIOR Boys’ QUES DEVELOPING and PRINT­ Stoddard o f Yarmouth, Maine. Friday o f last week aha anter- DEODORANT ING, ANY SIZE ROLL, 39c. Mre. W. S. Byde, Mrs. Pau' Bathing Deep Tone and Mrs. Clarence Blssell ot __icheater. The reason is perfectly simple t Electrolme, t 1 4 HR. SERVICE Winners at the benefit whist held Trunks SHIRTS 2 9 tha Northeast Shore Iroprove- the gas refrigerator, sells itself. It has all the P R I N T I N O it Association at LiSkealde Casino 2 5 ' EVELOPINO door prise, Claire Benoit; conveniences, yet it has one tremendous advan* $1.00 to $1.50 Men’s Sizes: first. Miss Sophia Coutu; NEET second, Mrs. Bsatrice Bing-' tagei the gas refrigerator has no machinery — EX-LAX . consolation, Mrs. Alice Coutu; I's firsL Mr. Lasegue; aecond, a tiny gas flame does all the freezing. ’T h ^ ia Men’s Polo Shirts...... 75c to $2.00. $1.50 and $2 DEPUATORY l a x a t i v e 'le Smith; consolation, Jamea Boys’ Polo S h irts...... 59c up ipson; tan of diamonds, Mrs. W^*re First With Shoes For The 4 th another important consideration t Electrolux Barrett There were twelve | Boya’ Sizes: .. _ In p l » . w e know you 11 want a new pair of shoes to give your wardrobe that “ brand new” feei­ Is backed and serviced by your Gas Company ‘ 7* ^ I7 t M is. Ink Besbe will entertain the ng for your 4th o f July week end! And whether you’ll want it a sport pair, or a dress ■-‘•and that’s well worth thinking about. 1.00 - - of the Congregstlonal church St r a w h a t s Bic her home on Imday evening for pair, or a p d r for "just watching", you’ll find a smarter Interpretation of the Reason’s < weekly rAearsal and aorial trend right here, with a full style variety in your size and width. 85 NUJOL Rate *‘C” for True Economy Slop in to tee the nett modelt tom om nt MIOOL las Margaret Jacobeon enter- Men^s Hosie r y ...... 25c to $1.00 pr. [MINERAUOIL t a b l e t s SAYINGS a party of twenty-five friends at our ihoteroom or at authorlmed dealert, $1.00 to an outdoor plenlc supper at her A Modem Gas Range FOR EVERYONE!! on Monday evening, Women’s Styles fjM .4 **Ba s u r e to get one large enought** Summer Flannel S h irts $1.50 and $2.00 6 ? < dranaa, "Prisoner at the bar” , An Automatic Gas Water S i ited at the Congregational Prieet et lotr 4U $ 3 < 5 0 LIQUOR SPEX3ALS Sunday evening, was well GILBEY WHITE ------J. The cast o f characters was Misses’ and ChUdren’s White Sandals, Heater toUows: Prisoner, William Par- $ 1 3 7 . 0 0 cash LUGGAGE GIN RSE state’a attorney, E. C. Pretty. 1-Strap Pumps and White Oxfords . . . $J .35_$2.75 A Gas Refrigerator Men’s Light 84c .39 ■ Judge, Rev. Henry E. RoUn- SRsAsir B lth tr OM Tmm, Overnight Cases...... $1.50 to $8.00 Summer Caps PICNIC Fifth SCOTCHf defenee counsel, J. Albertlne Ask about the benefits Suit Cases...... $1.00 to $12.00 BEACH J; clerk of the court, Robert Store Open Friday Nlghl Untn 9 P. M. THREE YEARS TO PAY aherlS, Oacar Smith; baUtff, of Rate «C” 25c-75c-$1.00 Zipper Cowhide Bags ...... $7.00 SUPPUES Regnlar^So jSUPPLIES _ Haradon; flnganirint expert, g w Haddad; witness for the state, WINE BATHING pi^^ohn M. AUen; prisoner’a child, VACUUM 3 for $1.00 CAPS ...... 10c” Ipeea, Eleanor Graham. Twelve JUGS...... M S of the C. B. group from ... d 8 c IL O o v e n ^ acted aa Jurors, VACUUM CANNED OLD BA'THING iM ter HIO aa foreman. In ad- Store Open Friday L BEER OVERHOL*!^ SHOES . . . ..49c gp i the drama thers were aev- tfJIOUSe^SOH a%eMandiesifier Gas Co. Until 9 P. M. BOTTLES 8 9 c " ' eUons tnr a male riiorua LCJiouse^soH ^ for 25c $1.19 loC J. Albertiae Bralnard, INC. PLATES - NAPKINS EAR aavM AiM S’raEBT P H O W C » 0 7 S INC. Fred Haddad. Rev! ETC. V h i s k e y GIN PROTECTORS . 9c 1 William J, 79c ■P Proof Quart MANCTneSTER EVENTN^HERALD. BIANCHE8TER. C»NN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 1,19W. IIANCmSTER EVENING RERAtt). WEDNESDAY, JULY 1,198ft Am rlim rr tbst ths Dsmoerstle Issdsn rssUss but making a blind stab at an tha Tory great danger In which they aasumptloa wa win taka It tor married in 1933. Under hla will aha Health and Diet be open. It la axpeAad there wUl stand. Instead of being cock-sure granted that tbe William Douglas waa a benoflclary to aa outright FLAN FOR PASSENGER New Screen Love Team lEontiiig fitralb. In new York on, M Airs WIDOW $100,000 and Income from trust be many strawberries in the market of sweeping tbs country, regardless who wrota the lyric was William MAY KEEP AUenON Advice funds. She contends bar ohare of today and tomorrow, which will Deaths Lait FUKUilHKO ax rue of any and on dreumstonces, as Earle of Selkirk, for ba was tha about, clear up the atrawberry mar­ iD FlUNTINO CUMPANX. bo. By Dr. P B A N B MeOOY the eatato would be greater under RUSH OVER HOLIDAY 11 B Im ll StTMt they were a few months ago, they only William belonging to tha nobis KESUMES STAND her dower right. ket The la^e buyers of atraw- Dallaa, Tex-—n a n t OPERA HOPES FOB WAVE OF a Tsndar Tonghstor berriaa aro now carting from Maine. gensral manager of the JbacbMMr. Cobb. now keenly appreciate the fact that Douglas family of tha right pariod MARKET OPENED TBUMAS PBKQUBON CXIRN ON THE COB APPROVAL AT SHORE ^ Oaorge Raft, tba movta tough- In the market y e a t e ^ y tbare Pacific Railway. OBBBraJ UanBBBr the leas of N ew Tork would mean. —and It would aesm to ba a fairly star, was In town on brief furlough. New Heyen Railroad Puts On were aold 165A4 oratea of No. I Englewood, N . Je-Ji PttBBdBd OetobBr L, ittl By OEOBOB BOSS In an probability, the loos of the safe assumption that no commoner Indian com or malxe, Is one of tha A mobster In tba celluloid, he la the' coNNEcncun navy Extra Trains to Prepare for berriea at a high of 84.80, a low of Dodsworth, 79, former contrary In UfA He Is a otaady •«BfT BvanliiB BmCBpI election. of that or any other name would important cereals of tbe United Mrs. Paofine Rogers in Legal Big Rash This Week. 82J0 and an avarage of 83.52. One Journal of Commerce iknd XB BBd UolidBrB BaurBd at th* New York, July 1—Oraad opera patron of botanical gardens when New Members Being Added crate of black c s m oonaliting of 48 at MaBebsstar. Ceaa, aa have bad tha temerity to publlsb Statea and Is a native of tropical afloat In tbe Atlantic Ocean has ha Is passing by, a pushover for pet QUOTA IS REDUCED pinta, aold for 86. There were I H ^CUaa Mall Mattar. alv.-nva been Fortune Gallo’s wish shops and art shows. PROFESSOR • ± verses of sucb a cbaractar involving America. It was used aa a food by Batde' Over 22 Million The New Haven Railroad is pre­ crates of currants that brought , ONE GRAIN OF SENSE and bs has flnaUy fulfilled it. So That Other Kinds of ^ ^BUnCBIPTION HATES a Indy of Annie Laurie’s position. tbe Indians centuries before tbe era 85.90; 5 orates of cherries that sold (Aiicat, that sentence ran, not paring for a rush at passenger tor $13.30 and 48 bushels of peas Huntington Beach, W Mall ...... tAOt Following Tammany’s hlatoric It may be somewhat IconoclasUe of Columbus, and probably by the Broadway DoMnum Estate. The Navy Recruiting Station ia bp Hall ...... I <0 adrift) A venerable Impresario in Sixteen plays and musleals 4ih of JULY travel over tbe Fourth of July holi­ that brought 877.25. The total sate C. T. Pann waa out a civilization which antedated the Red tbe Federal Building In Hartford, Frodnee May Be Sold. fee today and bad t ' ...... ,.*■» •• policy of gripping the votes of tbe to bring up such a thought, but tbs operatic circles. Signor Oallo nas are enduring Broadway’s first day, and announced today that it waa 8688.07. Ba raar ...... Mon. laced opera in some strange places from a nustered bridi _ poor by providing occasional treats Inference that In spite of giving her dog days and the Rialto historians which hoadlea all enllatmenta of would use a total of 759 additional Com contains less protein than or he has sent bis San Carlo Opera After tbe cereBoony the PaMllBF OP TUB ASSOCIATBO ? reckon that, at that rate, Broad­ SPECIAL Rlverhoad, N. Y., July i — (A P )— Hartford County .-raaidents, an­ cars to take care of the antlclpateo for the children as well aa chowder “promise true" Annie Jilted her oats and wheat, but is fully equal In Company barnstorming across tbe Officers of the Manchester mar­ If all the waterfalls of the world nameless here, gave OMt ^ PRESS way is doing mighty well. Mid- Mrs. Pauline V. Rogers, widow of nounced today that Connecticut's business over the three-day period parties with lots of free beer for adoring lover may possibly be that respect to other grains, and It ooimlry at least a dozen times. And were harnessed, they ehuld furnish hasty kiss, handed the lirli Bka Adaaataiad Praaa la aaelativilr June has often round Broadway quota of Navy recruits which waa from Friday to Sunday. *1116 new ket are considering keeping the Xtlad to tba naa for rapublleatton surpasses many In tba proportion of be boasts that once when the local tha multimillionaire oil man. Col. only 10 per cent of tbe power be­ and before Judge PanKjai thdr parents, the Grover Cleveland- slight perversion of the facts. For with no more than five or six lulus 34 for the month of June baa been low fares In coaches of two cents s local market open all summer and t,SU sawa diaaatebaa eraditad to It fat and oil. ft does not make as auditorium in a western hamlet was $3 .9 8 Henry H. Rogers, waa ready today ing used today. out the mistake, hutriaidiy ^'Sot etbanriaa eraditad la ttala Osceola Club staged, on Monday. be In noted that William was only that refused to go away. reduced to 28 apprentice seaman mils are expected to attract many good a bread aa wheat In our esti­ unavailable, his singers gave tbe into late in tbe fall aa there will be Ad alao tha toeal -oawB pub- But ths contrary holds true to step back on the witness stand and 1 Negrd mess attendant tor tbe who might otherwise use their cars Ita annual "June wiUk” for 0,000 21 when ha married another Annie mation, but otherwise. Its use as a townsfolk an Informal show at tbe black cap berries, peas, currants, ■ {4 SaraiA now In the theatrical district; R E G U L A R $5.95 in her legal battle to regain dower month of July. These men will be for holiday trips. Tbe total of 769 H^rl||bta of rapoblleatioba of imderprlvlleged sroungsters of the — Anne, duchess of Hamilton in her food ranks very high in nations] im­ railroad siding, sans scaneiy. cherries and squash that will be Moat of the survivors are first'; rights in his 822,000,000 estate. drawn from all sections of the state additional cars includes also 261 I - llapatahaa harala ara alao ra> portance. It is enjoyed In a graat But now bs has the Ideal site coming into the market and also One O i Fifteenth Assembly District of own right. Furthermore be it rui. ertc-nainments that qualify The big, roomy, sturdily built rockers that ws’ra In connection with her allegaUon but it is expected that the Hartford coaches which will be used in special , DOUILE Vocation ln|oyiiMntI diversity of styles, ground coarse tor bis dream— “Ckumen,” “R Trl- some early cauliflower. An effort Manhattan, In the Central Park noted that, through a provision of In the hit and run class, and which known for . . reduced ao you can enjoy them on tba of a deceptive move by an attorney County area will fill a kuige part of tow-rate holiday excursion trains AtlenUe City^ ll-'sai^loa oUaat of N B’ A Sara- into com meal, boiled as mush, vatore” and “Madame Butterhy" for her husband through which she is now being made by a large grow­ remain open because they are Fourth . . at clearance prices! Fine, clear mapis the quota. with fares even lower than the new ' -whan you stay at Colton Manor, Finest HoleUI <^.| Ekuit Meadows. Scottish law of tbe period, by that baked In various kinds of com under the stars and over an Inlet said her waiver was gained, Mrs er of tomatoes to have the growers m still largely In demand. frames finished green; natural color double-woven Included in the announcement two-cents a mile rate. of tomatoes In thla section got to­ . whaia Itnait Boaommoda- of shimmering waters. The place K ilabor'a Rapraaanlativa: Tba For tbe five thousand children marriage he became Duke of Ham­ bread, and It Is also converted into However, Helen Hayes has Rogers testified the lawyer also told was word that Signalman John L. It waa pointed out by railroad of­ Is Zachs' Bay at Jones Beach, ths cane seats and backs; braced arms. Will last for gether and bring their produce to tioni, dslieloas maalsi Ms Matbawa Spaelal Aaaner—Naw there were provided five thousand ilton and the dukes of Hamilton are com Bsrrup. and groimd fine as com closed "Victoria Regina”, her suc­ her of tbe oil magnate’s Intention to Purcell of the Hartford office will ficials that inasmuch as practically Eklen of seashores nearby to .Man­ years. Limited quantity. Phone orders filled while the local market. With such a plan luparb surround- Cbteaso. Ootrott and Boatoa, starch, to be made Into puddings. cessful, starring vehicle, tem­ cut his son, H. H. Rogers, Jr., out be at tbe Manchester Post Offles on every bit of available equipment boxes of Ice cream, five thousand now beadn of tbe clan of Douglas, hattan. A pretty soprano trills a stock lasts. In view new members have been One of tbe most delicious ways porarily while she, her husband of his will entirely. Monday, July 6, where he will re­ will be in use, that the number of mgt—aro youis at o r pints of milk, plenty of soda pop, So, if we have this thing guessed love song in Sevillian, a brightly Joining the local association during that com can be eaten ta to use it and daughter, Mary, vacation un­ She testified in Suffolk county ceive applications for enlistment. excursion tickets for sale will be ’ modait rates. Faa- uniformed chorus Joins ID the tbe past week. five thousand lunch boxes with two right— which we may not have at when It has not yet fuUy matured. til August 31. And many Broad- Surrogate’s Court yesterday that Signalman Purcell will also dis­ restricted to the seating capacity of -vlth operatic pomp and cir­ Because Saturday ia a holiday I otnating "Ship's Company, lae. It Is then called green com, or com wayltes have already retired to Adrian H. Larkin, the attorney, said tribute Informative literature about tbe equipment available for the ex­ raaponalMIlty sandwlchea, cake and fruit In each. nil— It looks Just a wee bit as If the cumstance. Almost fifty feet of there will be no auctl6n on Friday on the cob, and should be prepared tbe country plsyhouaes to cool he had prevailed upon the elder the Navy and residents of Man­ cursion service and tberefora In Daok* evorlooking ooean— hstAa bSrapMeal arrora appaarlnc la So there was absolutely no dearth youthful adorer who would gladly watei separate the performars WATKINS BROTHERS and aa Saturday is a day when there by boiling or steaming. It may even off and carry on until the faren- i ' Rogers to bequeath the son a $500,- chester and vicinity who are Inter­ order to avoid disappointment It 880 Roeaw, saoh; Tbaati la tba Manehaiiar from the audience and the moon­ is no auction held it means that to­ ^ •pom.gaidat.Bathingdlraetirom VaraId. of refreshments. lay him down and die for bonnte be used raw, when the milk In the heit drops in the fall. 000 trust fund. Instead of leaving esting in anything pertaining to the will be necessary to purchase tickets light offers most of the evening's Handsome Robert Taylor and lovely Loretta Young form a new day and tomorrow will be the last ' hotel. Evarrrslinaaiant. Booklet. Attraotlya Da% ; Nevertheless, no sooner had one Annie Laurie, when he was perhaps grains is of the proper consistency, him without n penny. naval service are advised to contact in advance. Illumination, screen love-team in the Fox nomantle hit, 'IPrivate Number”, at the State days this week that tfie market wUl but most people enjoy it most after Under Narcotics him on bis visit here. It Is planiled Most of the special excursions and and WaaUT 'M A Y , J U L Y I of the club’s “workers” started to 20, could not quite lay down a A new kind of aquatic enter­ theater Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The supporting coat features It is cooked for a short time. Aa to her petition for dissolution to have a navy recruiter from the will be one-day affairs run on Sun­ m carry a number of tbe ice cream chance of becoming one of the real Patsy Kelly, Basil Rathbone and Marjorie Oateson. If you want to enjoy sweet com tainment. Manager GalK^ fur­ of the waiver. Mrs. Rogers said she Hartford office visit Manchester day, whan there wiU be six out of BEST WAY OUT boxes to a group of women and big shots of Scotland through the this summer, you must leam how to thermore, has dressing rooms ac­ waa in a plaster cast recovering each Monday In the future. N ew York destined to various New commodations for tbe singers on children than a horde of the young simple process of going to the kirk use it The best way to use this from injuries sustained In an auto­ England points; eight from New ha plan now being considered the water. The arc ferried out food la to combine it with the non- Take a few to your Summer (Tottage mobile accident and bad been treat­ BOY BITES DOO (CATCHER) England cities to New York; and games being captured by Miss Mary savages beset him, plied all o with the bigger-shot Annie. before every performance on four I fMactmen for the settlement starchy vegetables, both cooked and ed with pain-killing narcotics when three from various cities to ^ sto n . GIBBONS ASSEMBLY HAS Tierney. him, knocked him down, trampled de luxe barges which are anchor­ ; perennial problem of school W e can't imagine why we have in salad form. No fruits of any Larkin obtained her signature on MlHvlUe, N. J.— News! Saturday there will be one-day ex­ During the evening a surprise on him, stole the Ice cream and to dig up all this dirt unless it be ed, out of sight, behind the float­ Jan. 18, 1934. Sam PetUt, MlUvUle's dog catch­ cursions in each direction between raffle was dra-wn which p r o v ^ to efpadlsatlon can reasonably kind should bo used at the same ing opera nouse. There is ample ANNUAL HOT DOG ROAST went on a screaming rampage. that from childhood wo have been meal, and It Is better to omit all CANDLEWICK She said Larkin had kissed her in er, is nurslrg a bruised arm. New York and New Haven, and one be a beautiful handkerchief which to really settle the mat- room on these flatboata for all of greeting before he conferred with He took an unlicensed dog Into from Waterbury to New York. Fri­ Bang! Bam, had been made and donated by Mlsa Politicians and some parents en­ a sort of Idolator of a winsome lass proteins such aa meat, fish or fowl. them and outfitted with ail make­ It would appear to be the A good plan is to make the sweet her about the waiver. custody. day night there will be two excur­ Mary Boyle. The lucky winner waa deavored to assure the wild kids named Annie Laurie who was some­ up appurtenances. Sometime be­ “Mr. Larkin sat down opposite me He was promptly bitten by Its sion tralris each way between Bos­ The Annual hot dog roast spon­ Of Wlsdora to adopt It com the principal part of either fore the summer is over, the im­ DOTTED RUFFLES Miss Mary Frshar. that there was enough for every' how Identified with the dew damped "she said." and told me that my hus­ owner, a small boy. ton and New York, returning Sun­ : bly next winter oi. would pre- with the provender and ourselves at EGO PLANT....; FILL UP ON It at the time and nobody can name GREENS...I.; MUSHROOMS...... • ris chair in a new electric ransre ip your kitchen. Monthly payments at the poasibllity of any cause for tbe same time—and we constitute, him now. SPINACH....; WINTER SQUASH guise! The back of action growing out of such an altogether a spectacle for the gods A Kind. ..; OOOD NON-STARCHY can be made over a fodJr-year period and are payable to weep over. this big lounge chair ia though fairiy reasonablb V E G ET A B LES (provides a com­ adjustable to three po­ ament. A n ) yet, there waa always enough plete list)----- ; VEGETABLE REC­ with your electric lig^ht bill Also if you have not had to go round, and to spare. IPES ...... sitions. Solid, antiqued — ------QUALITY SIZE VERIFIED PRICE SALE PRIGS May a Divine Providence some maple with tweedy one of our trial ranges, you are entitled to a discount (Swimming) CRY FOR HELP day give us just a grain of sense, homespun coverings- Question: llrA Henry O. wrttea: Reg. $29.75. equivalent to one year’s rental on the purchase of an Xlovanior Lehman’s reconaidera- so that in the mansions of Park ”M y boy is 14 and while his general It is a tremendous mistake for ;tIoa of hts expressed determination Avenue and West Palm Beach, In health Is good, he seems scrawmy Velvet $32.95 $24*^< women to overdress. In effect. and under-developed in regard electric range. ^ aot to run for re-election la highly the homes of the farmer, the me­ It declares: ‘T ve nothing to offer, to his shoulders and arms. Would BeanL There 1s no doubt chanic, the laborer, the biu driver, so I’ll cover tbe lack with stun­ swimming help him to fill out 7” FIRST SHOWING ^Whatever that when, some weeks tha stock broker, the Insurance ning clothes.” Answer; Swtmmlng Is one of the Axminster ll'.3**xl2' $41.95 $29-9i — Ernest Diyden, Paris stylist. ;Sgo. he announced that he would clerk end the merchant, there may best exercises for the one desiring to develop tbe arms and shoulders. Hot again be a candidate for the be some Just claim to an under­ They’re a lot of guys trying to Have him swim regularly and be standing and an. ethical code at chisel the pants off me. Judge. of new -:.New York governorship Mr. Leb- should notice a marked Improve­ — ^Terry Dniggan, former itUy of Ataninstev ll*.3”xl2* $49.95 $34*^i BMm was as definitely fixed In the least a shade higher in tha plane of ment before the summer Is over. Capone, referring to suing cred- Gost of operation i^dstarmlnatton aa he waa sincere. civtliaatlon than .those of tbe pro­ ItoTA This Is a good time of year to take up swimming and I advise that you [I'Unllke the head of his party he Is teges of the Grover Cleveland-Osce- BERKEY & GAY have him begin os soon as posslblA ' XKit a Showman. He la not known ola club. Women are coming more and 1I’-3”K12’ $^9.95 $ 3 9 * 5 P more to realize that th'?y are human Only Ic per person per nfieal a trickster. It was entirely oh- But that time Is not yet. beings, as well az women. (Indigestion) Clean as electric light , .yfcRia that he had made up his mind —Dr. Katherine Oallagber, Ckni- Question: Miss Nancy B. wants to know; “Would eating Irregularly FURNITURE (national average). Compare to retire and intended to stick by oher College, Baltimore, Md. ANNIE LAURIE cause indigestion T I have a new job ia dedaion. and am eating out and for the first Swift as electricity oSSSS“ «l’-3”xI5’ $59.95 $39-5aaaoerats' chance of winning eponsors recall, wrote the versea it Is OD a new niall route between been woriied. d^l^red. Sold on Budget Plan. Clovis u d Lovlngton, N . M. ! fcaty-flve electoral votes of the for her, “but withal their implied Senators Hatch and (Slaves have much greater today WILD BOARS OAMAOB CSOF8. English Ciiippendale arm chairs promise she married another man. been asked to do soniathln|; about It they were yesterday with Leh- boasting delicatelydefic • carved arm 1 That was In the 17th century. Long Santo Barbara, Calif.— (AP) - r apparently out of the picture, RICH ORE smPFED. supports and legs . . . pierced The Manchester Electric Division after, in 1834, Lady John Scott Wild boars, caught In the hills and stretchers . . . and rich velours in the same time only a similar SpotUswood wrote the music to turned loose on tba Fred Nason of l ^ p a h , Nev. — (A P ) — A 60- blue or red. N o more available o f vlsiw on the other side which tbe vereea ever sinoe have ranch tor bunting purpoasA have toa carload of gold ore valued at multiplied so rapidly they now ara WATKIKS when our present stock ia exhaust­ I the iM uston that the been ming.” ontgomery ard $20,000, laid to ba the richest ship­ THE CONNECTICUT POWER COMPANY M W a serfous nmnace to erapA HunU ed. Reg. $89.60. I pressure brought to bear W e must plead an appalling dc- ment since the boon days of old, era eroployeid' to extormlnata them at AAANCHESTER, CONM. 773 Main Street Manchester, Conn. I ia not a aure Indication grea of ignorance on tbe subject. has been ebipped to a Qarfleld, have killed 86 In tba last two 824-828 ] STREET T E L . 5161 MANC Utah, smelter by tbs Jumbo obiA nxmtbA ■Ik MANCHESTBR BVENTNO HERALD. M ANCHE^R, CX>NN.,^™ Nia^

bome with her son and daughter-in- that the problem would be harder to law, Mr. and Mm. Howard Spear of solve than it was two years ago. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCBBSnBB. CONN.. 'WBDNESIJAT, JULY 1, i m ire Life of Nation TOEXTEND SEWER AndoVer was taken sick with pneu­ WALLACE IS OFF The drought had on earlier start Use Ultra-Violet Rays monia Monday nlsdit. Mrs. Ruth that year "and Congress was still in capu from Injury w u in 1934 when detention in Washington for mental both Senate and Aseembly and ap­ Andrews, a nurse from Oolumbia is session to appropriate half a billion J. PIERPONT MORGAN H I; ha w u rstuming from Europe on examination and his flight from a caring for Mrs. Spear. dollars for relief,” be salxL To Improve Honeybees OPERA PERFORMERS peals to tha peopla by Governor Leh­ Hrected by Advertising MAINS TO THE EAST ON TRIP TO WEST the liner Homeric. When the ahlp hospital at Towaon, Md. The rea­ NEW YORK LEADERS man in Its support m . i Mrs. Ftfield of Tbetford Center, So. far, Wallace indicated, the hove to at Quarantine In New York son foi the aoUon, be maintained, Big Pre"4th of July Vermont, who is secretary of the consumer’s pocketbook has not been STRICKEN BY NEURITIS harbor, a gangway‘bridga weighing was that *T favored certain UUs executive committee of the Ladles’ hit. He said "there doesn't seeni Cincinnati, July 1.—(AP)—^Ultra-;^also In the role It plays ln~the rata DANCE M r r —(AP>—Hie M it» *Vreed for sales has broken down violet light, the rays that attract Tof evat oration of the newly collect­ A ls o ON STRIKE oeveral hundr^ pounds w u shaken which certain interests oppos^*' He Auxiliary of the National Rural to have been enough wheat damage loose and swtmg toward where Mr. named neither names nor measurea PREPARE FOR n C H T ^ Friday Night, July 8rd P i n # play In the toture barriers; | appeals and claims that Streets East of Cemetery to Letter Carriers' . association, spent To Look Over Drooght- to have an effect on bread prices the sun-bathers, makes queen bees ed honey.” (OaaUnoed Worn Rige One) program including a reduction In the 'Ion w u envliloned more prolific and 'their offspring and Mrs. Morgan wera stanuing. BUght men, be added, "pounced on old age pension eUglbllity limit from Now OgM For ought never to have been printed or the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. and it usually takes about nine me and took mo off to ths hospital.'' Bartoo of New Toili George S. Nelson. ibonths after a short com crop for more "gentle.'' GORMAN TO SPEAK man sd>o seemed to be guards The financier managad to Jump 70 to 65 years. ITAUAN CLUB before the Advertlilng: uttered have cast a shadow of sus- Be Serviced If Rroject Is Stricken States, Then Re­ results to be felt in meat prices." Prediction that this usq of light French A ctors and A ctresses aboard. asida sn(j pull Mra Morgan to safe­ He added: The following day, Aasamblymon Koeney Street idaoi Ftato Spat v B i' pision over the whole institution. Mr. and Mrs. George 8. Nelson "The idee was to put me away as h rtf Ijnes Drawn After For lafonnatloa DiM - of AniertcB. and daughter Jane, accompanied by At St. Paul, Relief Administrator will develop a new race of bees Is New Haven, July 1.—(AP) — Morgan was brought to the rail­ ty Just in time to escape the blow. James J. Wadsworth, son of Repre- Music by Art McKayls thought of advertlatnr , 'I t is our business here, I take it, Harry L. Hopkins outlined a relief made by Dr. I. A. Ballnkin, of the Francis J. Gorman, vice president of road staUon In the Hanehestar town a maniac. For 33 days they never ■enUttve James W. Wadsworth (R, iSS, Make Beaa^ __ to re-dedlcate ourselves to the Ideals Given Approval. Mrs. Fifield ..attendo i the annual port to the Prerident, Walk Out; Demand High let me out In the sun. You can talk 8-Pc. Rhythm Club Orchestra night for Four& of ' aeUing coods, and it U meeting of the Connecticut Rural program which would do "all that University of Cincinnati physics de­ the United Textile Workers of ambulance and transferred Immedi­ News Is Received of N. Y.), introduced his own measure tool”, the adrertlstne of a quarter of a century ago, (o in­ needs to be done” without regard to partment, In a bee Industrial Jour­ America, will come to New Haven ately to the private car, the "Pio­ about prison camps in Germany and to reduce the old age pension limit An Modem Danoeo. 1 F . M. S a ta r d a n ? ^ stitute a solemn covenant with the Letter Carriers' association at Russia but that hospital was worss told ddegatea to the Woodbridge Memorial Hall in the coat. In the same city a demand nal. Friday to discuss plans for the e r Wages. neer,” waiting In the station. OUST aONCHECK foUo^red six weeks later on the gov­ • to L Clam Chowder, OraolciMa C t| >• annual convention, Nation that we who use the mighty Approval of the state and nation­ Washington, July 1—(AP)—Sec­ was heard that drought stricken Connecticut Farmer-Labor Party The train was rerouted a few because your only companions wars Lehman’s Decision. ernor's eight point program. In­ Admlssien 38a. to think of it for the power of words to influence action town of Woodbridge, Sunday. The Honeybees which have remained marlaes." 85q» DMMtf al administrators of the Works meeting opened with a Joint session retary Wallace travelled westward farmers be allowed at least 880 a unchanged for tbouaands of years, conference. miles north of Poston and w u at­ cluded in It was a provision elmtlar [ aJgher tam e: aa a power shall hereafter use them with a Progress administration has been into the heart of the drought belt month in relief payments. Robert The Connecticut A. F. of L. com­ tached there to the Quaker, on ex­ FROM AIRPLANE Shows Scratches to the Wadsworth proposal. • r 1 ' M need to raise the higher sense of the obligation which of the association and the Ladies' today while President Roosevelt Miller, president of the North Da­ he says, are due to be "improved” Paris, July l.-(A P)—Striking Zloncheck said be aacapefl from asked by the town for a project to Auxiliary after which they held by science. He originated the ex­ mittee tor a Farmer-Labor party press of ths New York, Now Haven Albany, N. Y.. July 1.—(AP) — Lehman made four pleas for hla Bvinc;- aa a power that that power involves.*' Install sanitary sewer mains through pledged aid to farmers in the arid kota Farmers Cooperative Union, announced (Jorman would confer (K>era performers danced on the and Hartford Railway. (Oontimied From Page One) the Towson Infirmary last Sund^ complete program, but the Republl- nnderstandlne between Asserting that industry's major separate meetings. The purpose of area. said officials were considering allow­ periment of treating queen bees s t i ^ of the closed Opera Comlque by scaling; to a balcony, and leaping Broad lines of the coming political can-oontrolled Assembly turned the new part of East cemetery, the meeting was to elect officers with selected wave lengths of ultra­ with a group of trade union leaders. Morgan h u spent couiderable ' ita euaUnam and pidon over the whole institution, planned to accommodate several Before leaving to look over con­ ing "only 816 a month.” He said 830. The state conference will be held today with police gnards for an Ume abroad, including a four-month police force who accompanied him for a pole ten feet away. He missed.' campaign were laid definitely in New them all down. It did approve, daaa and claaa, relations. Barton declared industry streets east of the cemetery. and elect delegates to the national ditions In the North Central states. wa.s the minimum that should be violet light several years ago. audience. He showed the consequent ecrateb- however, the Wadsworth bill, which A NATION FRBBf!|? meeting of tjie Rural Letter Car­ The results, the announcement here July 12, and the committee vacation a year and a half ago. here from the National capital, were York state today, less than 34 hours Ciulckly, aa a nation, and seotiott in these *'is going to be compelled by law and The total estimated cost of the Wallace conferred with the Chief paid. said most of the organizations In' The entire company voted lost Gariy in 1935 he announced a comfortably seated In a Northwest ea on his face and lags. after Gov. Herbert H. Lehman an­ was subsaquently passed by the F reo d o m by public opinion to conduct its af- project, according to the proposal, riers’ association to be held at Ehiecutive, who expressed belief states, now have been verified by night to begin an “occupation He took refuge in a clump of Demoorstic-demtnsted Senate when realising the need af < Indianapolis, August 18th, 22nd. beekeepers out In the business field. the principal communities already ''llquIdaUon” of some of his perso 1 Airlines plane l u t night. nounced his candidacy for a third our precious Eyesight Na advertising ‘'ought to fiurs in the open. 1s 833,647.35, of Which the federal that the situation was extremely have elected delegates to it. strike” shortly after the curtain fell holdings and later disposed of some "The motors were running,” the trees and watched the search for term. It- became apparent the complete level of the publio ‘‘Its principal need will be to know ovemment Is asked to contribute Mrs. George Nelson, the retiring serious. Whether the sun-bated bees are less on the last performance of the aea- him. program would not gain approval o( fro m al prosperity depends ett -; president of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Inclined to sting Dr. Ballnkin re­ of bis vast colIecUons of objects of Oongressman related. "Then an at­ The Democrata, on the basis of a rather than MIow. what u e American people think, f18,307fi0. The town’s share in­ Mr. Roosevelt said it looked now son. art. tendant opened the door and said: “I sat there and laughed," the statement by the governor, will tn- both legislative branches. of the indlvlduaL IttiBv what they want, and what they are cludes 8360 for superintendents and the Rural Carriers' asaoclation was POUCE COURT fused to say. But they were defi­ The profsssicnal walkout added Congressman sold. He commented: success depsnds on In the last fow years it elected delegate-at-Iarge and George as if crops in the Western Dakotas, 'We’re very sorry, but all reserva- Blst on "social secuHty” under ths Republican State Chairman Mel­ (Zjeim going to do." 83,679.85 for material and equip­ Eastern Montana and Wyoming nitely more tractable. one more worry to the harassed tio u are sold out.' "What this country needs is a New Deal. vin (J. Bkiton concluded a Syraci Have your Eyesight ment, a total of 84,339.85. Nelson was elected delegate from James Joseph Ooggln, 84, who has Air conditioning Is another pro­ Socialist government, whose decis­ SELDOM SICK gV^opathlc hospital for psycbla- OS a safety precautkih.' the Rural Carriers' association. A would fall altogether, while drought ‘T wanted to know why they The Republicans, on authority of conference with upstate ctueftalns The government’s share will be, conditions are getting worse in lived in the Buckland block on posal by Dr. Ballnkin for Improving ion to dissolve Rightist leagues was New York, July 1.—(AP)— J. two party leaders, will stump for expresaing "renewed strength and glasses ara needed wa according to the estimate, 8990 for program followed at which Mrs. Fi- Eastern Oklahoma. Western Arkan­ North Main street, the last two honeybees. The hard working bees should cancel ours. The attendant Zloncheck professed himself "sick vide them ss prescribed,- 11:1s—Phil Boudinl. accordionist. field was the guest speaker. Louis upheld by the Chamber of Deputies Plerpont Morgan h u been iU only replied: 'I don’t know. There's noth­ "economy In government." confidence in the governor’s defeat 11:80—Russell Dorr—baritone. superintendence and 817,317.60 for sas, Northern Tennessee and South­ weeks, pleaded guilty in Police need air conditioning, he says. FIREWORKS after vociferous debate. rarely during his long and active and Ured" of the NaUonal capital. Lehman, in his announcement yes­ as well as that of the President” saving of money and r labor. O. Tolies president of the Rural ern Kentucky. "Witness,” he writes, "the squads ing else to do but get off.’ " 11:4S—Tou and Your Happiness. Court this morning to having been The <^am* :r approved the gov­ career, and bis current affUcUon, No Tickets In Advance 'They have bigger cockroachea," terday rescinding his deoUlon to re­ Blaton said that ths govsmor's 13:00 Noon—News Service. The project la the fifty-third sub­ Roads association addressed thr- Millions in relief money will be intoxicated last night and was sen­ of bees diligently flapping their On Sale At • # ernment decree against the four neuritis, recalled the only other be contended “more dumb people tire from publio office, stressed so­ “surrender, despite hla protests, cer­ Brsailfstiiig Service, mitted by Manchester to the Hart­ meeting also Miss Pearl from poured out If the wiorst’comes true,' tenced to the Hartford County Jail wings at the entrance of the Mve F. J, Blxler, traffic agent, said P. M. Hampton and Mrs. Walter Mitchell Nationalist orgar'zatlons by a vote Inatance In which be w u put to bed Zloncheck had been refused puaage and more dumb policemen than any­ cial oecurlty when he said: tainly has not left him in a favor­ ■aitford. Oean. 13:15—Joseph Muscatello, songs; A1 ford district office which checks the the President indicated. The gov­ for 15 daya and on the frames to force ventila­ of 875 to 192. with an aliment that the public where else in the world." "I feel that I can no longer resist able light before ths people of that proposals before they are sent to were soloists of the meeting. ernment will aid 50,000 to 100.000 because he had not purchased tick­ ISM SL O MM M. White, pianist. He was arrested on North School tion during the hot summer days. Employes of the state-owned beard about. ets In advance and because the plane Harkening back to his honeymoon the pleas of my party • * • or of sUte." DnyUgbt rime.) 13:30—The Ad-L,lner. State Administrator Matthew A. families and also may buy up cattle street yesterday at 10:30 p. m., by "yery little Is known about the Stead’s Stand opera demanded the resignation of trip to leveral AtlanUo Isles—mark­ those with whom I have worked In Daly at New Haven and to Presi­ to save them from starving if neces­ In 1618 be w u shot twice by an had a capacity load when he arrived 13:55—Conn. Produce Market Re­ Policeman John J. Cavagnaro who air conditioning of the beehive. Un­ the director and new wage agree­ assailant who Invaded the Morgan at the Municipal Airport ed by s aoup lapping exblblUon. a closest association for many years port, dent Roosevelt In Washington. sary, he said. The cattle purchases reported he found the man stagger­ questionably these conditions are of In Wapping Center ments. Encamped backstage, the challenge to a duel and a call for The proposal for the construction CHAMBER HAS BOOKLETS alone might cost 820,000,000 to home on Long loland. "I must admit we were afraid to and with whom I have waged the TWO HNE FEATURES . dnly 1 1:00—Matinee Memories. ing across the railroad tracks at importance to the life of the colony. members of the company organized The financier bad been warned take him up,” Blxler added. "We are the Marines—he asserted: fight for social eecurity.” 1:80—News Service. of the sanitary sewer increases to 830,000,000. Depot Square and warned him to go "Humidity control Is important a ball to pass thi. time. They will "That goes for Puerto Rico, too.” He said In hts speech at Philadel­ more than half a million dollars the ON SCHOOLS AND CAMPS liiere was no official estimate as bome, only to have to pick the man not only to maintain proper condi­ July 1 to 4 that the Intruder w u In the bouse. very careful not to endanger the AT STATE THREE DAYS 1:45—Between the Bookends. estimated cost of the 63 projects to how much money would be'need­ occupy the theater, they said, until Morgan met the man on a stairway. Uvea of our passengers.. We told him phia last week seconding President 'oawn'B Radio Review. 3:00—Jimmy Farrell. up from the street a few minutes tions for the brood and workers, but their demands are approved by the Roosevelt's renondnatlon: submitted by the town, 8511,047.25. ed, but Mr. Roosevelt said funds later. The intruder, later identified u to get off. He refused. Finally we Arnold's Ranch Boys. 3:15—Happy Hollow. Two Manchester projects calling could be obtained from the relief management. Eric Muenter, a former instructor ordered all passengers out While CURB QUOTATIONS "Govsmment has a duty to pro­ A fine double feature attraction Burton. 3:80—Music In the Air. for a total expenditure of 826,694 The (!lhamber of Commerce has appropriation ami from the Federal Mtnlater of Education Jean Zay at Harvard University, who bad he was raising hell In the hangar, vide social security for Its people will be presented at the State thea­ Logan's Iftislcale. 8:00—Baseball Game: Boston Bees have been approved for starting by received two booklets which it be­ Sur^us Ck>£modities Corporation. WAlUnMAN IS MURDERED began negotiations on the part of been sought for nine years for the we re-loaded the passengers and along the broad lines which have ter, tomorrow, Friday and Satur­ Tracy." vs. N. Y. Giants. Washington,, according to an an­ lieves supply considerable Informa­ Vmlle the picture was depleted as the government. slaying of MuenteFs wife, was car­ took ok." been laid down during the past four day. "Without Words. tion of Interest to townspeople. One ■k ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Rumors of a Crisis. By ASSOCIATED PRESS years.” nouncement made today by State dark, there Is still a chance that Jerusalem, July 1 .— (Palcor rying two revolvers. Zloncheck made several telephone Am Gen ...... 8Ai *^6 main picture will be "Private itvUle Clarion. Administrator Daly. is a guide to schools, boarding and conditions will undergo a marked Agency) — A Jewish watchman, Threats of impending "grave Morgan hurled himself upon the calls, signed autographs for a curi­ Am a t Pow and Lt Not A Democrat Number," starring Loretta Young MoQlnley on Sporta The largest expenditure, 824,664, residential, and Includes boys, girls, Improvement Much depends on the Isaac Olazer, was shot to death eventa” lang through the Parlia­ 6H State Senator George F. Fearon man. and they plunged to the bot­ ous crowd, posed for pictures and Ark Nat Gas ...... 6T4 of Syracuse, who has announced his snd Robert Taylor, tha latest male is for the Installation of a sanitary co-educatlonal. Junior-college, young amoimt of rainfall In the next few from ambush In the Jewish colony mentary chambers during argu­ announced: Asad Gas and El A star to capture the hearti of femi­ Street of Dreams.” sewer in Parker, Jordt, Jensen and children, high school, college prepa­ ments of Rightists and government tom of the stairs. 'Two shots, fired 2 willingness to accept the Republican days, it is indicated. If there is no of Hedera today. Police said they during the scuffle, struck Morgan "Tm going to sue.” Am Sup P o w ...... 3H nine movie fans. The second pic­ *0* Andy* Woodbridge streets, and East Mid­ ratory, professional and vocational rain within ten days, Wallace said, believed bis assailant escaped to ONLY MORE DAYS supporters. Spokesmen for the Has PoUoe Bsoort Blue Ridge...... gubernatorial nomination' and who ture will be “Moonlight Madness," ■ n a 's Radio Station. dle turnpike. This project will give schools. The other Is a summer 2 Croix De Feu and Patriotic Youth in the groin but he held on until 2»i repeatedly has asserted "the New RADIO "the crop situation will be worse in nearby Arab village. assistance arrived and Muenter w u He leaped Into the automobile of Cent States El . . . . 3Vi Deal is the Issue," said: with Cheater Morris and Madge Madcaps — Norman employment to 67 men, according camp guide, listing 400 of the best some sections than it was in 1934” His was the 37tb Jewish death in organization, both declared dis­ bis "courtesy escort”—the Chicago Clt S erv ...... Evans. 'diiaotor. (Eastern Standard Time.) to the specifications. The other camps in the United States. Any­ solved, attacked the Leftist admin­ disarmed. "It muet be apparent to everyone —the year of the great drought the Holy Land rioting of the last worn tires Only Flesh Wooiids police department's pick-pocket snd cat Serv., p f d ...... 63 At the Brass." Rianchestcr approval is for the con­ one desiring information on either Aa for funds, Wallace indicated two and one-half months. istration. (The Croix De Feu haa confidence detail. They drove to the that Mr. Lehman ia not a Democrat, Man's Family. struction of 450 lineal feet of storm of these two subjects can obtain It Since been reorganized into the An X-ray later showed the bul­ El Bond and Share 31H but a New Dealer. No one who con­ New York, July 1—(AP)— An­ lets made only flesh wounds, but Union station near the loop. Nlag Hud Pow ... IMi scientiously Is opposed to these King's Orchestra. other address broadcast by John D. water sewer, with appurtenances, by calling the C:ihamber office, tele­ "Social” PoUUcal Party.) The Legislator left on the Mll- Penn Road ...... Allen's Town Halt on Oakland street, estimated to cost phone 7046. tenxf^ ChaMea by Roger Salengio, min­ they were sufficiently serious to AV4 policies can consistently support Mr. M. Hamilton, the second since he 81,850 and employ 20 persons. ksep Morgan confined to bed for waukes railroad's Olympian prompt­ Segal Look ...... 3At LehoiSH.” Bit Farade. became chairman of the Republican ister of the Interior, that Rlghtlsta ly at 13:15 a. ra., eastern atondmiil Unit Oes ...... iball Scores; Sports The two projects have been plac­ The average duration of an plotted to assassinate Premier several days, and It w u about two 814 Irving M. Ives. RepubUoan Speak- National committee, has Just been ed on the list ready for starting Ume. How long be would stay on Unit Lt and Pow A 7 sr of ths Assembly, declared: scheduled for Thursday night. acrobat's career is about 20 years Leon Blum brought a storm of pro­ months before the financier w u board depended upon a reply to his Util Pow and Lt .. s Stamey'B Orchestra, This one will originate via WJZ- when other work programs now in for those in hand-balancing acts, liefore JULY test from the Right Wing. Salen- back at his desk again. telegram Inquiring about the condt- IH "We feel that entirely too much ar Heodersoa's Or- NBC at 8 o'clock fronf Chicago at a progress have been finished and men or five years for strenuous gro named the plotters as members In 1932, he sprained his ankle Uon of his mother in SeatUe. If she leglslatkm labeled 'emergency' has from relief roles are available. "tumblers." Announcement when be stepped in a hole while A BOY WHO HAS BEEN TAK­ been foisted upon the people of both banquet tendered him by Illinois of the "Franclstes,” blue-shirt^ were seriously UI, he said, be would ING BASS FIDDLE LESSONS Ctawford, organist Republicans. Insertion of the talk The current WPA payroll, due to Nationalists. playing golf on -xig Long Island es­ leave the train and take the fastest nation and state by New Deal ad- Report be distributed in Manchester today SAYS HE NEVER FINDS TIME mlnistratore and manipulators • * into the schedule has necessitated a Pessant aglUUon In Algeria is tate, but this troubled him only a plane available. TO PRACTICE. HE IS THINKING _ it change in time for the Pan-Ameri­ was delayed again for some un­ starting, Salengro warned, adding few days. The social security issue doml- known reason. No Information was BURSACK BROTHERS He ended an unwonted silence at OF STARUNG TROMBONE LES­ nsted the 1988 Legislature for aev- tRaworro^v'e Prograin can concert from Washington, orig­ CALL "grave events are to be feared.” One of Morgan's narrowest aa- the terminal to discuss his recent SONS. inally listed for this hour. It will available this morning as to when Hartford Road and McKee Street A government deputy asserted he ersl weeks, provoking debataa in tudlo Program. start at 9:30 instead. the workmen will receive their pay. AARON COOK possessed “proof” handbills urging Watch—Ben Haw- The last three payrolls have been delinquent fron^ a few days to three Mohammedans to move o g ^ s t For Saturday, Senator Arthur H. weeks. To Buy or Sell Jews in North Africa had been Vandenberg of Michigan, speaking Official Opening printed by the Croix Do Feu. Morning Melodies. from Grandville, in that state, will STOCKS OR BONDS Truck and bus company employes 'iO . be heard via WEAF-NBC at 6 p. m. returned to work today after a 20- Basaar. He is expected to provide a Repub­ Representing POSTPONED TO day strike. Race track bookmakers -Bome Maker's Ooundt ANDOVER lican analysis of the Democratic PUTNAM & CO. la Paris, who have refused to pay •Woman's Radio Basaar. platform under the topic, "We Hold The Juvenile Orchestra of And­ off or take bets, reached an agree­ Wards sends you off to a iry ism s — Joseph These Truths to be Self Evident.'' over went to Lebanon Friday eve­ 6 Central Row WEDNESDAY, JULY 8ih ment with their employers. airsetor. ning and took part in an Amateur Hartford, Conn. The number of strikers In the -I^Dan Harding's Wife.” Tuning In Tonight: Talks — Contest. Out of fifty contestants Tel.: Evening .5.101 Watch The Herald for Further Announcements. country remained at improxlmately Singer. WEAF-NBC 6:46 and WABC-CBS this orchestra took the first prize Day, Hartford 3-0151 180,000. •*Tfoday*s O^dren." 10 N. E. A. Convention: WABC-CBS of seven dollars. They are led by kVld Harum.” and WJZ-NBC 10:15 Secretary of Ellsworth Mitten who also teaches Jose. Treasury Morgenthau giving sum­ several In the orchestra. The or- KANSAS ENDS r r s YEAR _ a t McNeills.” mary of flscal year. c'.iestra is composed of Frances Npm—^Happy Jack. WEAF-NBC, 7 One Man's Family: Friedrich, the piano player, Mortl- 8 Colonel and Budd; 9 Hit Parade mere Friedrich, Maxwell Hutchin­ WITfl A LARIX SURPLUS lyboy and Sassafras. falso WJZ-NBC): 10:45 Jesse Craw­ son, Wesley Robbins, ' Cfiiarles Rob- *4’. Alone. ford, organ; 11:30 Lights Out. blne, Ralph Browl and Burton Lon­ Madcaps — Norman WABC-CBS, 6:30 New, Benny don, who play clarinets; Carol Fried­ State Accountant Reports It dlnsctor; with Eddie Felds series; 1 Cavalcade of Amer­ rich and Ivan London who play Will Be Over a Million ica; 7:30 Bums and Allen; 8 Addi­ saxophones, and Alma Smith plays Dollars. The new men t fashions are here. In time for the big weeh-encf ahead. I Wgnala tional Kostelanetz dance; 8:30 New the Banjo. Wesley Robbins played i; Weather. sing aeries; 9 Gang Buster. These are the styles that all smart men will be wearing every week­ WJZ-NBC, 6:16 Olympic pros­ a Banjo solo and sang Just before Our New Topeka, Kas., July 1.—(AP)— It Tunes. the entire orchestra played. This la :et Report pects; 7 Willie and Eugene Howard; Operating on Its avowed "pay-as- end and week d ay this Summer. . . the styles that all thrifty men will 7:80 Lavender and Old Lace; 8 Chi­ the fourth amateur program that you-go” basis, Kansas embarked on lUan Tito. the orchestra has t>layed on and has lell Schuster's Orchestra cago Symphony; 11:08 Joe Venutle's a new fiscal year today with a sur­ save money on, at Wards. When you see the price tags, you'll Rhythm. come home with a prize each time, plus announced In Its treasury. Bhigland Pure Food In- two seconds and one third and this The exact amount of the surplus know that Wards is the place to prepare for a saving Fourth. il6>’ first. They are planning to buy •TKeep Food Cold"—Earle K. What To Elxpect Thursday: In the state’s genera] revenue fund WEAF-NBC, 1 p. m. Thursday uniforms with their prize money. had not yet been determined, but A. The director of the orchestra, Ells­ Matinee. matinee; 3:40 N.E.A. Convention SALESROOM R. Jones, state accountant, said he (also WABC-CBS 4:16); 4:30 worth Mitten has invited them all expected It to be allghtly larger than Wade's Songs. to a picnic on Thursday. Young's Family. Answer Me This. WABC-CBS. 1:30 last.year’s balance (ff 81,007,000. Alr-CecM Open Weave Ocean City marble tournament; 3 Miss Clara Savage spent Monday LUcswlse, tbs statas other operat­ 'Idns. night with Miss Frances Friedrich. -Vic and Sade. All Hands on Deck, variety; 4:45 ing fund—that of fees and special Polo Shirts Wilderness Road. WJZ-NBC, 12:30 Mr. and Mrs. Cfiiarles Friedrich, taxes from which the highway and -The O'Neills. Farm and Home Hour; 1:30 Music Mrs. William Palmer, Mrs, Kather­ several other departments are fi­ Guild; 4 South Sea Islanders. ine Mitten and Miss Margaret nanced—will have a surplus, the ac­ Word Prieod at Some Thursday short waves: PHI Massey attended the amateur con­ countant said. Netherlands 8:50 a. m. Broadway test in Lebanon Friday night. A year sg6 today, Kansas oStetals 7 9 ' Serenaders; JVM Tokyo 4 p. m. The engagement of Miss Emily OPEN reported that the sU ts had elossd Cool wsrm weather stylac that WDRC Drama in the Orient; ElAQ Madrid Yeomans, daughter of Mrs. Yeo^ its books on the 1635 flscal year in leek as good aa thty faall Fashion- 7:16 Uncle Gordon; GSP GSF GSC mans and the late Judge Edward M. the black snd a speech was made by right Somrasr colors. Fins vshissi Hartford, Uoon. 1880 London 7:05 "Fire at Sea"; YV2RC Yeomans of Andover to James Cape- Gov. Alf M. London, now the Repub­ (Bastera UayUgbt Time) Caracas 7:45 Song contest; GSU hart Lincoln, son of Mrs. Alice C. lican Preoldential nominee, on “How BOYS' POLO SHIRTS, Me GSD London 0 Light classical con­ Lincoln of Florida and Nashville, Kansas Kept Out of the Red.” cert and 10:30. Ehrening Songs of Wednesday, July 1 Tenn., is announced. Miss Yeomans The state's only, debt-as such Is Birds; TPA4 Paris 10:30 Theatrical attended the Gaull Private School in 818,250,000 In unmatured soldiers' Program; CJRX Winnipeg 12:45 West Palm Beach, Florida and the fvwry Sports Outfit NEEDS Remember Tunes. t u t PRE-HOLIDAY PRICES eompsnsstlon bonds. -Margaret McOae. Cambridge Secretarial School. Mr. TODAY Jones said be expected financial -Dorothy Gordon — Children’s Lincoln is a graduate of Beacon reports of Kansas municIpsliUi S la c k s FROST IN NEW HAMPSHIRB School in Wellesley Hills, Mass., and counties, dues, school districts_to Keene, N, H., July 1.—(AP) — the University of Pennsylvania, show a reducUon during the post iddy Oark. Furnace fires were lighted today as class of 1686. otWardsONLY £ 9 8 'aws Ssrvioe. frost and near-freertng tempera­ year In their total bonded indebtsd- -Eton Beys. James Lincoln, who has boen a t BUY U. S. TIRES ness, which on June so, 1935, tures ushered in July. Reliable spending some time at the boma of amotmted to 8187,141,526. ■Bobby Bensoo and Sunny thermometers here registered 84 de­ Mrs. Edward Yeomans has gone to Cbelet of battar isbricat BmsrL grees while lower readings were re­ Philadelphia to stay until the week­ O n O u r Summery cheeks and stripsal -Baseball Scores. ported from other sections of end. Popolsr and smart plsstsd styUI ■News Service. Cheshire county. HARRIED COUPLES CLUB. 'rew of the Mounted, Mrs. Ida Spear, who makss her Words Neb G«h Stodn. Ri«.1.l9.$t iblnofl—Virginia Risa. TBIE PAYMENT PLAN ithany Girts, HAS ANNUAL MEETING ly Fields, 10 East Center St. Aden’s All Wool Swim e Carter. Party Held at Home of Mr. and ivalcade of America. SAFETY TUBE—cost* no m ere ;e Bums and Orasis Al> Patantad faolura pravanH Mrs. Joseph Wright; James Trunks nREW ORKS Odd Fellows Block "irappad olr" blowouts. Cummings PresidenL Orchestra, Ray Kay Tbompsoa, First Stand On Your Left, Ths Married Couples club of the Singers. Top of Bolton HUL Second CongregaUonal church hold Navy er rays] bhia. t>6 (In the Display Room formerly used by the Manchester its annual meeting last night at the Whh btlt and built-in -*X>ang Busters” — Phillips Pistols, Blanks, Caps, Buminsr Ships, home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wright Electric Co. for their cooking: demonstrations.) of Mather street A delldoua •thlstic supportsr. -Maroh of Ttme. Mules, Rockets, Sparlders, Roman Cannes chicken dinner was served on tables Beyr Siisi.Mt NsgiD Oommunity on the lawn a t 6 o'clock. It was ■Wesisgr S. OoOtgr, dirso- ALL KINDS OP FIREWORKS! prepared by Mrs. Wright Mrs. Har^ tte r . Alfrad Lambert Nair^ bert Tenney and Mrs. Frank V. Alton Cowles Herb. Stevenson WUUama. A program of outdoor Bsrisw. sports followed. ■tr vles. James Cummings was . elected La nas' Otehastra. QTUIIUlWOUTPIIinKTIOl ElTli IIID PIOTECTIOI EmUHILDKnOTRniOl president; Frank WUUams, vice t itlid is ggiMT gukgi m tIT r tL 8. Cojwhwl .. • Toagber. looscr-w.sTlas BsstoCs Orobastra. The Riley Nt g nt«T Wt ... m presidc&t and Mrs. B. B. Tnm«n^ oachaUd d ’iU T.m M iURabb«-.t,wtga{- « n wocgcaos foe udgr''g bon ctattc go4 tbonid.r ed''U.s."fonniilg.-jt5ra(l3- secretary and treasurer. Dr. Far­ bm cat fM gxtn aU cuo. ris K. Reynolds and Mrs. Reynoldo, Mr. and Mra. Nelson Smith and Mr. Rarrioo. and Mra. Kingsley Kubney were Trouser Crease Shoes FIREWORKS n ^ ^ ^ ted aa a msmherahip com- grir VbMMit s a l e u n d e r a u s p ic e s o p l a d y r e d m e n iTOTlikslt SICK BENEFIT FUND CENTER AUTO CHEVROLET Troossr crease and tha aaw higher heal WgrlMs. HOSPITAL NOTES foe men make this oxford an intaresting - First stand Over Bridge - Bolton Notch proposition a t 83.98. White Nubuck fin- F On Coventry Road COMPANY, Inc. SUPPLY CO. Births ytstardM: Sons to Mr. and iah. Long wearing oak leather eolea, Mrs. Cuubart M l of 18 Knox leather heeu, and Goodyear welL Slxaa 1S5 Cienter Street HancKester strset and Mr. and Mra. WiUlam X 8H to U.- N«rt To Flaclds Socony Station We Cordially Invite You To Call and See Us. Ritchie of 90 Ctaik Street mday: lOas Ellen Lyons C rH . of 87 Foator street ' ALL ?cxg. p r o d u c t s ARE TESTED AND APPK0VF:D BY THE Dtsabarged today: Jotn lUnkl Marfbnrmigh. M O N T G O M E ■ UNITED Pi JG COMPANY DEPARTM1:NT ol RE:'.EAHi;ii A.n !’ i T te OMSOS tothq; « u R patSsBts, S24-80UAIN8TBEET " ~ j n — — — — u siisii iiiii i i m' • 'V. >

MAMOBMItt^BVDf^ TODY 1, I f l l C ’ IAANCHESTBR EVENTNO HBRATJ). MANCnSSTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1.1988. P A O m CLARE WINS ACAD! SU M K R SPOOL’S lOTH OBITUARY HartforWrolice to Stop NUIED ANARCHIST $ 1 ,1 5 3 ,2 5 3 .8 9 SPENT greyhound To Seek Record UNIONS SEASON OPENS MONDAY IN STATE AMATEUR Noisy Wedding Custom COMMITS SUICIDE BY TOWN JUNE 2 4 ^eter Manning S et In 1922 Cardinals Return to Top In NationM Mra Jsim A. ’S Mrs. Bath Ora (WUIlama;M» gtOllt> Chvrehc^ Vaeatlaii Serriee nar, wtfa o f Jobs A. gtouiutnar o f Hartford, July 1— —1U> Mrs etoutnar bod llvad to Man^ Country Club, OrsanwlcAi, July 1. DI Martino wae arraeted yeater* WM booked for cou rt Secood Omgiegatlonal church. Par' Clocked In 2:01 for the full mile will see Greyhound strut hto atuffi the guests (?) of the West Side pointed to their record so for In the Nice, Fraaea. July 1.—(AP)— With 58 days ’remaining In tha Former Beats Mathiason for n a M t alMtloM In major obaatar about IT yaars. gba was —(AP)~<1iai1ay Claro of Race day foUowtag a demonstration at' "Sficb practlcea bother the court ente who eontemplate sending tbeir at Lexington, Ky., and using only 68 before the cavalcade returns to A t South Park |boll club at the West Side Qvol thto league and sold “match that, we'ra bom In Walsa, Hass, flha waa i Markat and Templa straete wtua a and bother the people on tbe Alexander Berkman, tbs totema- boys and girls this season are urged current, municipal ftocal year the seconds to travel tbe iMt half. Goshen in August ’Thence to vulnerable." Red Birds Trimnph 2*1 tmdor omplofM r*pt*- Brook, state champion, advanced evening at 6:15 o’clock In one of the i l l mambar of tba Aacond CongragS' wedding procesaton stopped and by street” aaaerte^ the proeecutor, tionally-known Anarchtot. died June to see thm they regtoter tomorrow town bod spent up to June 34, $L- Qresrfaound, after a racing layoff of Springfield, lU.; MUwaukce, Wto.; To the credit of the West Side «r*r» aimouncad by Army and Navy Chb Hon­ Dwyer Is Back tiOnal oburch, Walooma IteiMkab past tba second round to tbs Con Incessant blowing of autorooMto who, however, niuctant to give 28 la a hospital her# of seif-inflicted forenoon if .p o^ b le, or at least 153,253.89, Town Treasurer OM ige nearly nine months, shows that ha Columbus, Q,; Indianapolis and regularly scheduled Twilight League mentors let It be known that they Iran and ftaal XnaU* lodga of ISaat Hartford and tba naetlciit amateur golf efaarapionsbip boms, announced to tbe world In Di Martino a court record, raeom* bullet wound, it was disclosed to­ when the sebotS opetm next Monday H. Waddell reported today. to ready thto summer for the attack Syracuse; Reading, Po., and Lex games. The question mark w m pur­ have a cocky, fighting crow ready 4-3 to Lead Pack Agaii; aualllary to tba Brotbarbood of today, allmlnatlng Dorn Soccoll of general and Hartford In particular. mended a nolle of tbe charge. day. morning. The expenditures left, for the lost on the long and Jealously guarded Ington, Ky. It to considered Ukely ors and Latter Defeats posely set, Into thto paragraph be­ to give the umpa a bod evening if I a ( tlM dHva haailad by Railroad man. New Britain In a hard fought Tha oft-Jallad friend of Emma Rev. Dr. Ferris E. Reynolds of tbe seven and a half weeks of the fiscal world trotting mark eatobltobed 14 that either tba Goshen mile track in cause of the fact that the Tlra things are not right and want to let Giants Drop from Fii to argaalaa ataal Mrs. Btoutnar laavas bar husband, 3 and 1. Goldman, with whom be was de­ Second Oongregatianal church will period, a balance of 885,067.97 from years ago by another gelding. In Augiut or Springfield Immediately Echmalian for Chamber of Makers might prove to be unwel­ the rest of the league know that As President a MW loduatrUl union, two daugbtara, Mrs. Lottls Cum­ Tba Mond New Haven aea laysd ported from the Uaited States m aupenrtoe the school thto year, and tbe 81.238,321.86 appropriated for . Peter Manning. foUowlng, or Lexington wUl be tha come guests. Kovis and Hennebery they do not ask or give any quar­ aald a eompUatlo; or mings, Mrs. Ora Bickford, a aon, Ilka a champion to triumph over NO FIRE LOSS IN JUNE COUNTESS OF COTADONGA J920, WM 86 years old. will bave qiectol charge of tbe the year. " The exact time and place of Grey­ acene of the dM b against time are the selections of Jimmy Cos­ ter. They further demonstrated that Division As Reds T ik i abewad M par cant of John O. Btoutnar, and two gmnd* the diminutive Boecoll and gave older boys, although only two set The expenditures thto year wefe ‘ .-■i hound's uiMterful'attempt to set a If Greyhound sets a new world grove, fiery leader of the Porter­ ehlldran, A youngar son, Raymond Hospital autboritlea said Berk- Commerce Cup This Week with "Gyp” Gustafson behind the l a f iba induntry pnrtlclpat- more avtdenca than aver that ha moa wM taken to the bospltil with divtolona, primary and Junior dC' less than during tbe same period of new world’s record to not yet defi­ record thto season, at four years of fields, and it to probable that Mat- alaationa in laadlog Btoutnar, waa klDad tbraa yaara INSIDE FIRE DISTRICTS bat they have one o f the beat 01 Twi League last year by 834,351.50. 4th; Yanks Blast Red So: to waa At to defend bis crown. IS SEEKING A DIVORCE a bullet to hto chest He bad been partmenta, are planned. Mtos (>er- nite, but PoUn expects It to be to­ age, he will be beating Peter Man­ son will be on the firing line for the celvers In the league and a crafty ago this montb In an automoblls ac* aldlne Tenney be assistant su­ Of the 885.000 left in the treas­ In other second round matebaa, found, wounded, to hto home la Nice. ward tote Bummer. Since Good Time ning’s footwork by t ^ years since cocky gM house gang from the time tested veteran who gets tha 1 raturaa warn praaant> ctdaot at Oakland and Bdward perintendent. Mtos EHsle Newcomb ury June 24, 817,398.21 left in theI mile track here to one o f the fast- Two golf tournaments have been B. A, Brady of Maadowbrook da* Berkman, after hto years at no- the world champion, now retired at West Side. beat out o f the gang even when Jack Dwyer hM reconsidered hto ' atatamant wblob fol> strsata whila returning boma on bla will head the primary department, school appropriation and the 812,- in the country, and w m tbe completedat the local Country club bi^cla, faated BUI Meany of Waterbury, 3 Cutle Farm Tan Blaze Outside Havana, July L — (APT— Frienda tortHy, lived a secluded Ufa here. Hanov-ir Shoe Forms, Hanover, Pa., Cosgrove teemed wtth confidence things ore going tough. decision to quit the presidency of By HUGH S. FULLERTON, SB. Ituta^a announoamant and 1; Prank Roia of Wamponoag of Countess 3t Covadonga said to­ Hto borne was tended by a house­ assisted by Mtos Eleanor Vlttner. 622.63 left In the federal relief ap­ je iMt Augiut of Greyboimd'a did not aatebllah hto mark o f 1 :6 6 % with Bill Wtnton emerging as this morning. He openly stated that Asooclated Preos Sporta Writar Iruneral arrangamsnta are Incom­ of North End District Only propriation accounted for more than Friday evening the Green meets the local Twilight League on the ’’ tba iraak tbat tba conquered U K. Ivaa of Hartford, 8 day she WM eoneldertog seeking n keeper. Mtos Bernice Pohlman will work Itest footwork to date, when be till be WM six In 1922. When It Is champion of the Army A Navy club the West Sides were due for a rude “ uaa Ita raaoureaa" plete. Flro Doing Damage. with the older girls. 830.000. _Til#ped the Hombletonlan, It to con­ Highland Park. Insistence of the teams competing That rough and ready gang e t and 3; Sherry Munaon o f Fairfield divorce from the aon o f former Since 1931, when tha Communtots # considered Diat Greyhound’s beet and Arthur Knefla m Chamber of shock thto evening and he w m pre­ rflM alaaad abMi The faculty personnel bM visited Four appropriations hod been sidered likely Greyhound will step That, fans, is the classic of the In the circuit. A meeting of the Cardinals from the other stda at tt e won over Henry C. Banka o f Oraao* KIm Alfonso o f Spain. aacpeltod him from govtot Russia work M a three-yeor-old In 1985 Commerce title holder. Wlnton to pared to hand that shock to tbe league. Long rivals and no love lost managers was held last night and tracks that plays the gome ot bMii> I at^aetlra of tba unlon< wlch, 8 and 1. Tbs newspaper Crlaol stated It the institute at the PlalnvUle overdrawn June 24. The expendi­ out for international honors during WM 2 :0 0 ; aad that ha already tus MMchester w m fortunate to the where ha bad sought asylum, UUls ture of 8103,633.89 for charity over­ pro at the local club and Knofla to league leaders. Admitting that his between them there to bound to be a It WM voted unanlmoualy to ■•u boll for all It’s worth to proving g ebad Iqr _____ fftJNEBALg Bill Zomolc of Blivsr City con­ baUevad she mljgbt Institute proceed­ bad been heard of him. Campgrounds, seeking new Ideas tha Grand Circuit meeting, August come within ona split second at It In an Insurance and real estate agenL ‘ of tba ooramlttM number of Area during June. Tba drew the account by 83.6S8A9. 10-16. team did not look so good so for red hot battle at Jarvis Grove, Dwyer to withdraw hto resignation tough team to keep down daapyi^i quered BUI Martin o f Indian Hill, Moaebaater Fire department ree- ing hare during tbe d^. The obscurity to which ba bad and material for tM handcraft a casual exhibition mile at Lexing­ Wlnton waa matched wtth Harry orfanlH tlon, waa a Mlaa Ellen DIgnay The 87,584.41 spent for miscel­ However, the grey horse with tbe thto year he claimed that he had The game this evening, however, and continue as president. The the recent feats of Charley Orimai’a J 3 and 1 ; Bob Vanderbilt of Fair* ponded to but one call, for a An Aa Intimate o f tba counteoa oo- fallen w m shown by the tardtoaM of classes, always an interesting part ton, great things ore expected ot the Mathiason In the Army A Navy adueb problblta tba Largely attended funeral ssrvleaa of tbe curriculum. laneous overdrew the appropriation been tinkering with the lineup In to Just one of those things and ad­ Royal Oaks and Concordtos extend­ Chicago (Juba. As for tha YonkMt.-'f fleld eliminated Jack Wheeler of outside of tbe district when CMtle aerted she would not seek alimony. toe death announcement remarkably ptoton-Uke gait, will gallant son of Guy Abbey and Eliza­ club finals and conceded hto rlvM o f any ana not a union warsa held bald this m om lM 'fo r Mlaa by 8584.41. have to swing through many traln- order to get the beat poaalble ef­ vance dope means nothing. The Men ed apologies for postponing their who have adopted some ^ the Ellen DIgnay o f 78 Church street Brooklawn, 8 and 3; EMck Chapman Farm Inn In Oakland burned with a The couateM bM not discussed His L M t PnbUo A ct The school, which will ,bc con­ beth. fifteen strokes. Wlnton was three up ducted for the next three weeks, The town had turned over to tbe forts out of his team and added to of Cosgrove want to win nnd like­ game, last Monday night and the House” tactics of bludgeoning who dle mduatry for tba •ulllvan sang Ave Maria. Mrs. WllllmanUe, 1 up; Jim Lea of gestions, relytog instead upon bla been conducted for so many years In tricts. first ambassador. drew tbat appropriation by 8346.30. TALENT FOR OLYMPICS Their cards; circles. Oodflsh to the youngest of THROWING MILL TOPS not been exclusively thalre • Igta ofar unionisation Clalra Brennan sang Paata Angell* Ridgewood conquered Spencer manservant succession. MAT CHAMP TOSSES amployaa. Neither Berkman nor Mtos Gold­ The collection of Old Age taxee here Out-— three brothers all o f whom have (Jarda fought their way boek cua at tba elevation. Mrs. Brennan Bratnard o f Ntw Havan, 1 up; O. Tbe counteaa, who la the former man entered tba good graces ot the It Mid 3M,039 out of exceeded the paymenC giving the W ln to n ...... 846 636 485—87 seen boxing duty. Hto opponent tO; first place yesterday with also 'sang for the walling hymn, “O Strltch of Bridgeport won over Edelmlra Bampedro of Havana, told Soviet government however, and town a net gain for tbe account. hurdlea winner, w m fatally Injur­ REC-CHENEY CIRCUIT vlctoi over the Plttobaig I of tba SO oom- Patient Heart of Jaaur’. At the Mathtoson ....847 647 640—47 morrow night down at South Park UNIQDE^ALLENGE SEND TWO SCOUTS Larry Stephan of Brldgaport, 1 and LEGION NEEDS {1 3 5 MORE one acquaintance this morning: both left Russia within year. The cost of charity to 841.020A1 Only 17 of 120 Or More ed in an auto accident. BIU Ctorr In— one o: their major rivals. to aota bad east aa- close e f tba aervlca Mrs. Sullivan “1 am dizzy from all this. I have ADVISES A BOND ISSUE is the wiry little Jerry Stevens of 1; BUI Coulter of BrooMawn con­ Mlaa Goldman returned to tbe less than it was during tbe eame aurvived a allmllar accident but It Wlnton ...... 442 664 448—86—72 Pepper Mortia Store : rHaettnar 1,SM rapraaan* saM "Pace to Face.” quered Oaona Bnmrt of Avon, 1 had long-distance calla from Londm period last year. Now Haven. Pete Perrone has ar­ The Machine Shop defeated the "ooUa^va banalnlu: United Statea tost year In the course ended hto foot-racing career. Eddie Mathiason ....4 6 3 664 643— 40— 87 Velvet Mill, 7 to 6. and the Throw Both games were tough one n * bearers wars: Thomas J. and 1; D. Edwards o f Oraenwteh TO ASSURE FIREWORKS all morning and I am Ored of It” The charity appropriation ot Athletes m Final Tryonts ranged an all-star twelve bout card TO BASEBALL CAMP at," ot a lecture tour for which she re­ TO WIPE OUT DEnCIT Gordon, broad Jump champion, faU- Knofla defeated John J. Ech- Marshall Ready to Meet under the leadership w JohB^ Dannaher, Jamas H. Quinn, John P. dafeated A. J. Pardes of New She married Covadonga three 8100.000 will be overdrawn by about with Tony Amore and Sal Mal- Ing Mill downed the Main Office, ceived tha permtosion ot immigra­ ed tn a comeback attempt, . mallon In the Chamber of Com­ ard (Pepper) Martin, taedte I panantaga o f particl* Tlaraay, John McConvIlle, Patrick Haven, 1 up; BUI Schapa 6t Weth­ years ago. Although tbe prince to tion authoriUea. 820.000, Judging by the costa for tha tempo In the star bout. 6-8, In thto week's games In the i USO alaetlona Indleataa hibitor of "Gm Houte’ vlga E. MeVsy and John P. 'Tynan. Rev. ersfield triumphed over BUI Hoyt of With but two more days to go, tbe oldest son o f Alfonso, bla rights Police withheld details o f Berk- first 44 weeks of the fiscal year, tbe Have Had Experirace m merce Cup finals by a score at 8 Three Leadhtg Pretenders Rec-CJheney Softball League. ' neUra taitaraat by am* and 3 evar 18 holes. the venerable Jesse "Fop" ] William P. Raldy was to charge of Woodway, 4 and 3. about 8130 Is needed If tbe. Ameri­ to the non-existent throne have been man’s death and there waa no im­ State Treasurer Declares Next same overdraft as was pr^lcted In W. L. la ataal Industry to tba the committal aervtoe In St. James'a Throwing Mill ...... 3 Keldiner and IWatlies In the Cardlnato won 3 to 1 oaA Play In tba qusrter-lUial round can Legion la to put on the fire­ relegated by family decision to his Assembly Should Authorize tbe Herald five weeks ago. 0 Mfafasantatloa plan,’* It cemetery. mediate announcement concerning Gunei; McClnikey StiO Sports Roundup at the Same Time. Maohlna Shop ...... 3 " a s Yankees, meonwlitle, occupied the attention today of the works program It bM planned at 38-year-old brother Juan, now the burial. Such a Step When It Meets. With the other appropriations tn 1 their closest rtvato, tte B e e tc^ S heir presumptive. a healthy condition and receipts Main Offlea ...... 3 3 aurvivora st the conclusion o f the tba old golf lots off EMt Center By EDDIE BIUETZ Charge of Training Proj* Sox, under a landslide et blow k^ from sources other than taxation Best Steeplechase Bet Local Sport Velvet Mill ...... 0 4 second round. street Saturday night. AaM oliM Pi«H Bporta Writer COMPANION CARESS (Jolumbus, O., July 1 — (A P ) — win a doubleheader-10 to 6 SMFmi BELIEVE 18 ARE DEAD Tha committee In charge hM Hartford, July l.-(A P )—Anoth­ expected to exce^ the estlraatee Billy Sandow, manager of Everett BIsolUne Shop, S, and inersMed their lead to planned the beat display of flra- COAST-TIMDAST HIKER er bond issue to wipe out the state prepared last fall, the chance for n Marshall of Colorado, who lifted ah r h po ect Set for Hartford. games. A crowd o f 64,048 New York, July 1 .— (A P )— itU N D O N NEARING works ever presented here end while RELIEF CASES DROP deficit estimated at 814,000,000 was balanced budget thto year and no B y AIWkN GOtJU) Chatter heavwelght wrestling championship Weiss, af ...... 4 6 Yankee stadium saw Lou COMPLETE ALTERATIONS What’a thto about Pepper Martin FOLLOWING TEXAS FLOOD the donations have been plentiful advocated today by State Treasurer deficit hinges on tax collections dur­ WINS DOC FEATURE claims from All Baba, the Turk, Burke, I f ...... 4 1 oontribute hto 19th and SOth ' ...... Associated Pr«M Sports Editor and Daffy Dean brawling In the some member! of the committee feel PASSES IN THE NIGHT John S. Addis. ing thla month, when the second The fascination ot (.reyhound ­ here Monday, tossed a challenge to Robinson, c ., ...3 3 Hartford, Conn., July 1.— (Spe­ rune to the festlvlUee to tote, ' e n d o f r e s t p e r io d IN CITY OF HARTFORD clubhouse at Boston 'tother day? AT 1ST NATIONAL STORE they may have overlooked some per­ Satisfied with the sinking fund half of the property tax to payable. New York, July 1__ (A P )—To ing, which to packing them In night­ the world today. A. Holland, p ...4 1 cial)—Taking no chanceo on over­ ond place In the major league Enormous Property Damage The first half of the tax w m .... as the dope comes to us, a Kelsh, ss .... sons in the request for funds. A call plan, which hM worked satisfac­ 84 greater extent than ever before, the ly at the Crescent Kennel (Jlub Oval "Marshall Is ready to meet any­ ...3 1 looking any young ball players of behind Jimmie Foxx, who lia Raported As Cloudburata to 3335, the special telephone In­ Tells Policeman He’s On Way per cent collected during the period lusty right to the- Jaw frtim o Takes Hampden County Tro­ at West Springfield for the second one, any time, any place for any Daigle, sa ...... 3 3 ability, the Rocheater (N. Y.) Base­ homers. ng Tomorrow Thera torily In wiping out an accumulated It WM due in April and May. The United States will depend upon new •wild boss o f the Osage’’ ended Fa^ Rivera and Streama. Workmen to Be Busy Frida; stalled by the legion, will bring a Hartford, July 1.—(AP)— A from Portland to Portland successive season, lies In the un­ amount," Sandow said, taking an­ Glbblc, 8b ...... 4 1 ball Club hM aaslgned two hlgbly A third major development Bo « Romd of Confer* bonded debt of over 813,000,000, Mr. same percentages o f collecUons thto talent—Olympic freshmen— tn bid­ things before the rest of the de­ other thurst at his pet peeve, the Russell, lb .. Saturday and Sunday collector for any other donation. marked drop amounting to 8229,- With “Hitches” Barred. Addis believes that the same pro­ predictable and surprising action of ...2 4 competent scouts to the baaoball terday waa the Giants' drop ( see With Latere. In 589.22 In the costs of relief was In­ month, together with the more than ding for track and field team honors lighted Cardinals hod a chance to phy in Thrilling Hnish at so-callod wrestling trust, which he R. FleldH, cf . ...3 San Antonio, Tesaa, July 1.— Aldo PaganI, chairman of the cedure should be followed to take (logs . . . while most of the stream­ 0 camp which It will operate here the firat division for the first Main Street Block. dicated here today in Hgures for the 8200,(H)0 collected on bock taxes wUI at Berlin. 4 chime In----- you can look for an ex­ lined creatures tend strictly to the said a number of promoters 1 Von Hone, rf .. .2 starting next Monday, according to (API—Btx parsons wars known eommittee, wishes captains and strange people as well as strange care o f the deficit. 0 since 1933. A 7 to 6 setback at M Puk, Oolo„ July 1— (A T )— 5rst quarter aa compared to a sim­ finance municipal ocUvlUes during Of the 120 or more athletes who tra fine percentage of winning fa­ business at hand, there to no telling operating. 'McLoughlln .. .2 1 an announcement today by Charles daad nnd 13 othars swspt to almost others In charge of collection, to re­ ships pass In the night and such w m He believes that the next Legto- hancto of tbe Boston Bees put anas o f a Praaldantial cam* Work WM atarted today on the ilar period one year ago. the remainder of the yesu: and pro­ have qualified thus far for the final vorites when the race mob shifts West Springfield. when a dog will take It Into hto or “The trust,” Marshall’s manager E. Plummer, who hM been sent eartaln daatb down tba wild Ouada- port at once to Robert Hatbway the case In Manchester this morn­ Terrymen one point behind the about to ovartaka him, Oov. altentlona o f the building owned For the 5rst quarter of the city's lature should be asked to authorize vide sufficient funds to pay off tha American tryouts, to be held July from Aqueduct to Empire City, Fri­ her head to Indulge In Zlonchccklan said, "has three wreaUera It is book­ 34 7 heiB by Rocheater to direct the lupa rlvsr today aa cloudburata fad who may be reached after 0 o'clock ing. At 2:30 Policeman Joseph 14 21 6 1 olnnati Reda, who bad on open i t. Lawdon o f Kanoaa oonaidar* by a . E, Keith and occupied by the nacal year of 1985, April, May and such an Issue because Omnectlcut’s 8400.000 In temporary notm due at 11-12 at Randall’s Island, only 17 day... .for some reason the nags antics . . . ing M champions. Dave Levine la Velvet MIU. camp. The camp will continue fur rlvars and eraaks over a wida arsa by dialing 6057 Prentice met a stranger on Main The PhUlles-Dodgera, Hgera-IVhtte ’ I tba loat day of bis vacation FInt National Storei. Plana an June, welfare coste amounted to healthy financial condition to such the end o f the fiscal 3rear. have had Oljrmplc experience. Most seem to run true to form at Empire W est Springfield, Mass., June 30. one. Another Is Danno O’Mahony. T. Holland, 3b . .3 apprcxlmately one week. o f South Ts s m . The program will open at 8 o’clock street who, he learned, was Frank Sox and Indlana-Browns. gameg:: ' Illy fraa" for habing am for a complete Interior and ex­ 8033,273,20 and to f the coireapond- and the money market so favorable of the veterans, os a matter of fact, .... mebbe It’s because shipping — (Special to The Herald)—With a The third to Vincent Lopez of Cali­ Blanchard, p , The scouts who have been aaslgn- Haavlaat loss o f life and damaga with a concert by tbe Salvation Plccinlnl o f 185 Newberry street, Probably the most astonishing . .3 were rained out. ilaad to maka ttai terior change In the building before Ing period In 1686 the total had that there should be no difficulty will have a tough time making the money to Saratoga has to be prO' pace-kiUlng drive down the atretcb fornia, billed aa tbe champion out Schack, lb ... od to conduct,the trials for young ef It to crops, livestock and property Army badd. There will be choir Portland, Me., a musician who bad No water rate to paid by inhab­ and humorous Incident of all oc­ there. . .3 Malnee Usee Hto Head It reopeni for bualneaa Monday. 'Thla dropped to 8402,688.98, according to In handling a bond Issue. team in competition with younger duced. that carrle.1 him from fourth In the curred Monday night . . . eight Wilkinson, If ., players In the camp are Charlie MgM waaI morsaaavaai good aaaalon of flah waa reported east uf hare In the singing lad by Albert Pearson. The started on a walking trip from tbe itants ot Arundel, Sussex, Bng„ . .4 Meee Brown limited the Osrde ' morning workmen atarted knocking ffgurea from the office of City "Connecticut could float all the rivals. The only 1932 Olympic cham­ pack at the turn to win by a scant dogs had been placed In the start­ “ I posted 85,000 with A! Haft G. Stanler, c , KcJcbner, who for more than 80 r.tlM lla^llblloan nomlnaa piannsd aactlona nirroundlng Ctonsales and fireworks display will start at 0 Maine, Portland, to Portland, Ore­ since their supplies come from (Columbus promoter) today, with ..3 three hits in the first game but .’:3 out the south window section and TreMurer Oeorge H. Gabb. bonds it wished, at 2 1-4 percent or pion who qualified, John Anderson Mike Jacobs gets the jitters every head, (Companion Careas captured ing box for the second race . . . Schubert, 2b . . .,1 years has been known m one o f the gutoowWlaa trip to Orand taka, San Marcos. o'clock when It will be dark enough gon. His idea, he said, w m to re­ reservolns and wells on the estate thto proposition. Marshall will toss Haines out-thougb rather than out in will replace tbe window with brick. For June 1955 the welfare coat even less,” Mr. Addis said. in the discus, h M an outside chance the Hampden County trophy, fea­ "Fuzzy,” the mechanical rabbit Savrlck, cf ... moat colorful scouts In the game, , M mllw want o f bars, to tbs for a good display. fuse all offers of rides and to walk ot the Duke of Norfolk. time he thinks o f the SchmeUng- hto title Into tbe ring against all . .2 pitched him. "Pop” gave eight bits, Walter Wiley Teague, 10, and an Into tbiB section tbe fruit and was 8317,063.20 and for June o f thto Today the treasurer had redeem­ to finish among the top three In the ture ev6Jt .fef tonight's races before came around the turn into tha F. Stanler, rf and Joe Mathea, a former major ' boma o f Arthur J. Carrutb, New Itonetlona not more than 25 miles a day. He Louls movie righto which he was three of those men In one night. If . .3 but few good ones to swing sL unldentlfled Meslcan were killed vegetable display will be moved year, 8138,371, a drop of 876A20.89. ed all but about 82,000,000 of the tryouts, on the basis of comparative glad to unload for 827,500... they a near-recoff-breaking crowd at the stretch and the dogs were released Blanchard, J r, 1 iragui star, who for a number ot ■ adltor o f tba Topafca Previously acknowledged ...1440.89 WM carrying credentials from the any of them throw him they take I. 3 ing Into the seventh m run behlnld,.^! when a Mtseouri-Pacllla freight from thu center of the store. The drop In families receiving aid 813,000,000 bonds issued since 1911. performances to date. are worth a cool mlUlon right now local greyho&d track. for the whirlwind chase around the years bM been devoting hto ener- PP dMNIHMMe train tumbled off a washed out Robert H. Cole . . . . Governor o f Maine, from tbe (Jham- the title. And If Marshall doesn’t Stu Martin singled and rennsr IVhen tbs store closes Friday Dr. Bushnell ...... from the welfare department to alao Mr. Addis expects about a mil­ , Southern Cali­ ...lik e almost everybody else, Mike The entry from C. A. Rhode’s ken track . . . when the attendants 25 5 4 21 jjlca to managing minor Teague cluba _ toaiormw with tbs ar- bridge near Kyle. Nine Mexicane, ber of Commerce of Portland and throw all three of them In an hour, 6 2 brought him home with s tnptef^ tbraa membera o f bla cam* night a large force of men will start Walter C a rte r...... marked. One June 80, 1635 the lion more to come in within the fornia sprinter and holder of the flared the fight would go no more nels had broken late and was atlll In started to push the box off the *Battcd for Russell In 6th. and scouting. then scored the winning run on membera o f two famlllea hmiaed In also from mayors or other officials track, one of the dogs strolled non­ the 85,000 goes to charity. . Landon la aspaotad to work and by working night and day A. T. Dewey ...... department waa carrying 8,436 fam ­ next 24 hours, but two weeks will world 100 yard record, is the only than four heats at the moat...they the middle of the pack as It swung “ And If the three of them are Two base hits, R. Holland, R. Boys between the ages yf 17 and Medwlck's fly. Hie Bugs got a fllmey etructiire near the acene of various cities tbrough which be Dazzling! Into the home straightaway. Ima chalantly out of hia cubby hole and 23 arc eligible to attend tha camp, much of the remainder of Friday. Saturday and Biinday will R. J. D ew ey ...... ilies and on June 80, 1986, the totsd pM sed. pass before the remaining million survivor o f both the 1928 and 1932 say Tony Manero isn’t making able to stay a total of one hour with Fields; double plays, Gibblo to Dai­ ahead again in tbe second ctosk I of the wreck, were awept down Twinkle, youngster from Johnny cocked an eye toward the final turn, Plummer stated. The only requlrs- jr bars to oonfaraneaa with make all the changee. The changes S. Straughnn ...... was 1752, a decline of 1,684 cases. Plccinlnl to letting bis beard grow will be cleared from the books. teams with a chance to make the spending money out of his National Marshall they can spilt the 86,000, gle to Russell; base on balls off: H. SL Louto got to Ralph BlrkOfsr ■tream. Three bodies were recovar- In June of thto year the depart­ Open title----- Gene Tunney corre­ Howell’s group, was In the lead by where "Fuzzy” was due to appear ments are that boys pay their own Hadars. Ha wUI return to call for new ehelvea, moving back W. K. Straughan .. and hM a fine flowing ..ne already. The state, Mr. Addis says, can be team .'The boy wonder of 1928 has and we’ll give another 85,000 to Holland 7, Blanchard 1; struck out the eixtb qnd tied tbe score at T ad. ment Msumed 370 new cmcs but sponds regularly with George Ber­ half a length over the field. Then In a few seconda . . . the situation charity." traveling expenses to Hartford and Bant waak for a spaolal sea* the larg refrigerating box to the A. Wilkie ...... He to 29 years o f age. One at the said to be cleared of all bonded In­ Stimulating I only a remote prospect of landing by Holland 2; umpires, Dubaldo, tn the ninth a single and on Tba talspbona oparator at Ubland dropped 408. a net loss o f 138 cases. nard Shaw.... and it must thrill the Rhodes hound turned on the flustered the attendants, who didn't Johnson, Hanson, their living expensea while here. CMt end of the building and Install Dr. Oeorge May . . . things that Impressed the traveler debtedness. The Merritt highway among the first three In the 100 know Just what to do about It . . . but Terry Moore on second from T ^ka tomorrow art said Tom Clsvaland, county com* Ing cases and counters of the latest Otto Muller ...... bonds, be said, are not legal obliga­ meters but he might qualify for the Tunney no end to know he to one steam. Behind him Government Boys must also furnish their own "Wild Horse” Martin brought bin Taylor, former adltor o f tba misalonar, raported the drowning of here w m the fact that the police are Loan, popular favorite of last year, one ‘made a lunge for the dog but shoes, gloves and unlformt. Plum­ and moat sanitary design. All of Mrs. W. Moore . . . . wearing black shirts. He got the Im­ tions of the state. The state to 400 meter relay team, which he of the few Americana “G. B S ’’ the animal evaded his clutching Throwlnr Mill. with a single. Dwrm Weakly; Charles P. tbraa Mexicans and three Negroes, bothers to write too----- Jack Demp- bad launched a drive of his own. mer added that a boy can secure the present counters, shelves and Mrs. John Rrinartz pression, he said, that it w m an handling them, but to not responsi­ anchored In 1932. fingers . . then fuzzy came Into Glovanlnl, c . . . .4 0 0 1 1 0 In addition to Gehrig's tu^| hjOB ef tba late Presidant Taft; 10 mitaa east of San Marcos. Mrs. James Ruddell ACTION! tey's ’’wUte hope” tournament went Stride by stride they cut down the T. Fields, 8b .. .4 3 4 3 1 thorough try-out by spending from homers — one in each gams — t|yk)f cMea will be replaced and a new ble for the interest or principal. Hie Four Best Bets 0 ABOUT TOWN Italian settlement when be saw the leaders, with the exception o f Ima view and the dog made a headline Sport Forum Itolpb Waat Robey, Colurobta Private Benjamin A. Caatro, covering will be placed on the Aoor. Mrs. Harry Straw . The four best bets among the right up the old creek with Joe Suhle, lb ...... 4 1 2 3 0 0 three to four days at the camp and Yanks hammered five Boetoa p lt^ i) rarslw eeonomiet. shirts. Louis. Twinkle. And then In the last few dive for the rabbit and almost an­ Mexican army, drowned at Pledraa Tha store when completed will be John Dougan ...... Cnianges were started thto after­ C. Johnson, if . .3 0 3 1 0 0 that those who make good and ere ers for 32 bite, one s homer byJ Bell o f New York, chairman He b M already made arrangw- For The Fourth veterans are In the lunges to the wire. Companion Ca­ nihilated the gadget on the spot TONGUE NagTM, Mexico, across the Rio a model meat and grocery store and Harry B. BIssell .. . noon at the store that hM been oc­ BEIA. FBIOHTENBD INDIANS IN CIREEK Oravino, af ... . 1 0 0 3 0 0 signed to contracts would ,iave their Myril Hoag. 'ITiey had to rally n ’ I RnTt/s National finance com* mente to appear on an amateur ra­ sprints, In the 800 ress slipped past the twinkling one, . the pack came Into the atreich Sports Editor: Oranda from Eagle Paaa. will be ona of the best equipped Harold Dougan . . . . cupied by the Norton Shoe company •v't • In the 400 meters (^ I Suavely wishes he had some pell mell and slammed Into their Frye, cf ...... 2 0 2 2 0 0 expenses incident to attending the the eighth Inning o f each oontest to la aRpaetsd Friday, dio program in New York on Sun­ Uvalde, Tex.— (AP)—SUU In dally with Government Loan showing. The0 town champion Blueflelds are camp refunded. Oonialaa, about 80 milea eaat of stores owned by the company, Joseph W. Leary ... to allow Installing a patent front day, July 13, and will then start ' j '.ir hurdles and Corny Johnson, the of those North Carolina linemen at errant mate, creating a mlx-up that DeSimone, p ., .3 0 0 0 0 0 win although they shelled Lefte,^ bars, after waathering a 10-Inch Fred Robinson ...... use at the Catholic church at Cornell---- New York fans have Scotch Crick, with two brilliant to meet the Morlarty Brothers base­ Gleeoon, 2b .... .3 0 0 The camp will be held at the Grove out In the opener and that will be used by the chain store SMy stages for Oregon. great Negro high Jumper. had all the aspects o f a free-for-all ball team on Saturday afternoon. 3 4 0 deluge during tbs night, reported a F. A. Verplonck ... that will occupy the place. D’Hanls to a church bell brought soured on tbe Giants and pick them performances behind him, had gone . most of the fleld finally passed Wiley, sa ...... 2 1 0 1 1. Travelers Insurance (Company Rec­ some hefty clouting egsinst JohnaYf^ The hiker w m well dressed and from Germany nearly a century ago. Metcalfe couldn’t beat Eddie to the .lost the favorite, with Com­ Th:! Blueflelds recently handed Taft- 3 aacond torrential rain waa falling HOODED BAND LEADER F. H. P a rk e r...... stopped at a lunch cart to have a Tolan In either Olympic Sprint final to finish just where Sarozen would tbe finish line, winners were posted Mordavsky, rf . .3 1 1 4 0 0 reation Park. The first seoaioo will Marcum In tbe afterpiece. Lefty ENDPUYGROUND Tradition says an early settler once SLACKS panion Caress fourth-choice in a ville its only defeat of the year. As start at. 9 a. m. next Monday. No Gomes also failed to go the route. today. High water aeaped through Walter WIrtalla ... bite liefore continuing oa towards In 1932, and be is up against anoth­ up In the British Open—foulth ___ and bets were paid oft on first, sec­ BDWARD MOBBHAUBB DIBS rang It vigorously to frighten away close field. Taftvlllc is considered a much fast­ recommendations are neceaoary. All tba bualnaai aacUon and Into atoraa. John J. Tlvnen . . . . Hartford. er brilliant Negro rival thla time In The Harlem number players cleaned ond and third place as usual . . . 29 6 12 21 7 3 The Giants got off to a four-rua aa attack by Indians. Firat Count, Jock Dobler’s pride, er collection of ball players than our tbat boys have to do to secure a try­ lead In the second but foiled to bold OPENED THIS MORNING Thouaanda of aerea o f oom and SAID TO BE PREACHER DougiM Q. McGrath Jesse Owens, the triple threat from up two days after the fight by bet­ the crowd expressed Its disapproval esteemed rivals of this coming Sat­ Main Office. Albert J. T o d d ___ New York, July l.-r-(AP)—Ed­ and. Gin Buck raced It out In the with loud razzing . . . then the Maloney, 3b . ... out la to appear at tbe park next it M Hal Scbummacher gava up 18 oetton war# waabad away. ward Mosebauer, vtee preaident of Ohio State. Owens, on present form ting on 198, which WM Joe Louis’ urday, the champs are highly con­ .4 0 2 1 0 0 Friend ...... weight-----Kid Berg, the British seventh race, main dash event of the track management announced that Altken, c ...... Monday. hits, four by Mickey Haalhi. Miekey „ Cattleman aatimatad hundreds of the Anaconda Bales Co., and head at sprinting and broad Jumping, has night’s card. Half a length apart at fident of setting down Moriartys. .2 0 0 5 0 0 ^JMUBlng Pool Not to Bo Wilmington, N. C„ July 1.—-(AP) Friend ...... pug, is due any minute now to de­ money would be refunded on all los­ Pongratz, cf .... .4 0 1 drove In Boston's winning run in tha M head o f oattla wara loat In tba low­ of the Copper Ebeportera Aaaocla- 9 9 a chance to become the first Oljrm- the turn, with Gin Buck In the lead, Scouts o f the big league are 2 0 0 —Tbe Ster-Nawa said today It had Walter B. Quina . mand either Tony Canzonerl or Bar­ ing tickets held for that event and Hunt, 2b ...... 4 1 1 Alfred G. Venderbllt'a handicap ninth after Tony Cuocinello had lUBid Tlilt Year Aa Water lands to tba sudden atasat of water. tlon, died M a y ot heart dtoMoe. Ha plc triple winner since Paavo Nurmi they battled It out, First Count win­ swarming Into town to offer the 2 0 0 obtained a awom statement naming A. L. Slooomb . . . ney Ross----- red-haired Don Budge there was a terrific scurrying about Kerr, rf ...... 4 0 0 0 0 champion. Discovery, left New singled and advanced on Hal Lee’s ipply Unaafa. a praaehar, a merchant and three waa 88 years old. turned the trick In 1924 at Porto. ning by a nose at the wire. services of some of their "finds" to 0 Marlow’s ...... to apt to Join Bryan Grant In tum- on the grounds to find tickets that Quinn, If ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 York yesterday for (Jblcago, where sacrifice. woman as taadars o f a hooded band 'Ha bad been with tba Anaconda Paavo won the 1,600 and 6,000 Dave Budd, St. Petersburg own­ had been tossed away . . . the both clubs, at very little cost. This Franela Bray . . . . Ing pro right after the coming Na- alone should be of great Interest to Ford, 8S ...... 3 1 1 0 3 0 he will run tn the 810,000 Stars and iT t e North End playground even* DILLON SALES COMPANY of night ridara acouiad o f dogging Copper Mining (Jo., for 40 years, meter flat races and the 10,000 er, saw two of his entries click dur­ Oescent Kennel Club undoubtedly Friend ...... POPULAR MARKET Uonato----- which news will malco fans, who are urged to bring along Sturgeon, sf .,,. .3 1 0 2 1 1 Stripes handicap at Arlington Park this morning with tba same meter, cross country. ing the night’s racing—More Dicta­ a number of Columbus county wom­ Dr. Howard Boyd moat of the time with the eMtem Bin O’Brien feel 30 pounds lighter. took a financial licking on the race Saturday. The five-year old son of riapra aa ware to oharga iMt 856 Main Street Rabinow Building tor taking the opener and Polly B. their baseball guides to Identify the Hansen, p ...... 3 0 1 2 0 0 Last Night *8 Fights an and man to tbe iMt tow monttae. aales organtoatlon. Hto boms w m Eastman, runner-up to BUI Carr but it retained tbe good will of tbe various players. Phclon, lb ...... Display, winner of hto last two There waa a good anrotlmant SELLS IS CARS TO STATE “ Shopping Center for Thrifty People” distance stai, beating out Dainty customers , . P, S. the dogs name .3 0 2 3 0 0 ’The paper aaye Ite Informant w m 8486.89 to Montclair, N. J. POLO In tha 400 at Loa Angeles, will be Marjorie Gestrlng (pronounced The pitchers that the Detroit starts, hM been aaslgned top M giria namaa taken to tba oennaoted with aa aMault trial at America’s favorite in thla year’s Hare In a thriller in tbe fifth, a five- was Congressman . . . — (By the Associated Preee.) 10 Chickena Freel 8 P. M. Tomonowl Be Herel Yea-string) 13-year-old national Ui- Tigers are sending to help Morlarty 38 3 8 18 4 1 weight of 138 pounds for tbe mile J >•«»»■ Md worn boys than girls. WtaltevlUa iM t waak to tha oourM 800. Hardin, runner up to Ireland’s sixteenths affair. Los Angelea—Art Lasky, 187,' ^DbtOrtunately for the youngatera, TranoncUon Balleved to Be BOY n DROWNED. door diving champ, of Los Angeles, Brothers no doubt will long remem­ Two base hits: Fields 3. St"— "—: and an eighth evenL Had he re­ of which tba ailagad baattoga be- BUI TtodoU in the low hurdles four Minneapolis, stopped Johnny Pacek, “~-i will be no ewlmmtng pom this BOOS1ER CLUB 0UI1NG can make a piano talk m weU m a Jack Torrance, the big man of the ber the Blueflelds. The fact that double plays; Mordavsky to Glo- mained In the east and started In Largfst by Mnnchrater eams known publloly for tba drat SHIRTS years ago and holder of all records 180, Chicago (5). The water that euppUed the Norwich, July 1.—(AP) — Aloe spring board... .when Bob O’Farrell south, who bM tossed uie 16-pound pitchers of this type are being Im­ vanlnl to Fields; base cu Uj ...... : Antomobilo Denier. Urns. Thursday SPECIALS Thursday the Empire City handicap over tbe San Antonio, Tex.—Willard amtog pool came from the email Dapriokl, 18, WM drowned in the for the event, appears close to bis waa named manager o f the Reds In shot farther than baa any other man ported to proof enoi'.gh that the beat DeSimone 2, Hansen 3; struck out BoUoltor J. J. Buraay w m ahowa same distance he would bave been Brown, 143, Baton Rouge, Lm, and known at Whlte'e pond near AT CRYSTAL LAKE harbor here thto morning . at pasJe. Johnson who lost out In a 1933 he hired Burt Sbotton, ousted League Standing In the world,. stopped in Buckland to needed to beat the scrappy Blue- by DeSimone 1, Hansen 4; umpire, D ia DUIon Saloa and Sarvloa oom- the atatamant, but withheld oom- four-cornered Jumpoff for the last for gM the other day on hto return asked to pack the crushinc weight Tony Herrera, 148, El Paso, Tex„* am atreet and flowed through a o'clock when he lost hto balance and r ----- u m Phllly manager. M coach___ now fields. To offset the number of left Holland. of 144 pounds. of 180 Osntar strsat. local mant pending further qusatloatog of fell from the dock while reaching Olympic title, Is a much improved YESTBBDAY7I RESULTS from tbe Etoatem aeml-flnal Olym­ hand hitters, the champs have ah drew (10). to the aide of the play- The Booster elub of the North Sbotton manages Rochester and his Ford daalar, at 8 o’clock this morn­ tbs Informant for on empty wooden eraft Tha iC ^ SMOKED performer. His closeat competition pic tryouts at Cambridge, where be ready signed a pitcher who will where It w m turned Into Msthodtot church held Ita lost meet­ 4 4 c arvessed It) Bob H pool when needed and allowed ing had IS c a n lined along the This man WM quoted by tba Star- body was recovered an hour later in to expected from hia American OFarreU----- Dizzy Dean iq ao tired National qualified M the U. S.’s No. 1 man handle that situation with ease. ing until September Monday f SHOULDERS p n itow M ita regular couree during oouth curb of (tontar atreat to ba News M oaytog tbs night riders about IS fast of water, tea feet ^m-mates, assuming he has no he may not oee service In tbe all SL Louto 2-4, Pittsburgh 1-8. in hto specialty . . . Torrance holds Taking everything Into consider­ ning at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. to $1.00 photographad. Tba can had all bean eallsd tbamsalvM “Tha Vt^lantea,’' from the dock. vulty in the final tryouta. star gan»5f,.,..Jaok Derl-^beg par­ Boston 7, New York 8. the world record In the shot with a ation, thto game should be the beat ThomM Moore at Oyatal Lake. m ik -F M heave of 57 feet, one inch . . . he's lum m lt atreet wae entend* aold to Connactlout for uae by dlf* and operating with a alogaa “To The boy leavM hto parents and a Ack foUowers rate the trium- don, Doyle—the well known Irish (Only games scheduled). played In Manchester In a number farent atata departmante. Daillvary Chang# or KlIT sat out to rid tba Tbe program began with a tuppar, PURE LARD giant of a lad and toe shot looks L storm water sewer wae buUt to brother. The latter w m nearby tte of American mUe aces m vet thrush, to supposed to be among us. Amerioaa of years. Again let me urge tbe and birthday party for Ortowoid VEAL LEGS like a marble tn hto band ' . . . _water off the road and Into of the can w m atarted at 9 o’eioek Beaver Dam community o f paraona when the bey slipped into t eransbut Glenn Cunningham, the but where is he?....some of the New York .10-5, Boston 6-8. fans to bring their baseball guides (JhappeU. we saw him In action at the Penn L m pond. Houees net conneeted and all had bean dollvand at noon. they ooaaldsrad “undaslrablM." water. POT ROAST AND OLEO 100% Wool world record-holder, to the only sur­ scribes ore 'busy calling Joe Loula (Other games postponed). to Identify the stars who are very Oinesra wore elected m foUowa: Relays toat year . . . likely to appear In either uniform. ^ Mwer were oonaldered by eome 'nila la ballavad to ba tba laigtM ’Ala atatamant oald Sevan woman vivor of the 1932 gomes. The Kan­ the ’Toigotten man of pugilism”__ ~i)aag«ring the water euppiy to oala of can by a Monohaater daalar were listed for loehlnge. A t a Orand Praaldant, Mrs. Mabel B. Holmee; 8TANDIN08 Jean DeBuck, scout for the The hanpecked huaband wouldn’t san ran fourth to Italy’s Lulgl Bec- but he’ll be back—^In August Walter “Ty" Holland, than whom ml and it will not be used tble at any ona time to one purebaoer. Jury tovaattgation teat weak, Fsra- vlee preeident, Keith Johnston; be ao bad off If he oould

MAMCHiSTER B\*’ENTNG HERALD. MAN(!HESTER. CONN.; WEDNESDATrJULY 1 ,19WI. i » j ; I 9 -M -6 ocr*--i sy.v ^ III ''J’^;',i- •h<>'II. ..iS.7ii ^OOTS HER BUDDIES

______BUY CLASSIFIED SENSE and NONSENSE Wwtt : i : rMMtful tim in g...... sttUiur Ban, I : . flnlshtd working ... Job well done; !;: Tired and wtary ... . NeedingrMt, I; Btomaeh tmpty .... Budtn'Wat! J>-'v ' —Irving Fox, UOSY AND FOUND AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 APARTM E M ’S— FLATS— following him to Cherbourg. He’s her. "Marcia!" His hands held hers Wo'.* TOU WUX KNOW WHETHER TENEMENTS 6:i gone to hie boat.” tightly and his eyes searched her OR NOT THE CLOSED SEASON 8TRA.T£D—Aged ^Alr. 1080 PONTIAC COACH, 899.00; 9x12 RUG stair carpet, large Jardi- BRIDE ■Sr"" "Hie boat? But there’s no boat face. "What are srou doing here?” FOR HONETVOONINO HAS AR- qtayad female In poor con- 1980 Chevrolet coupe, 199.00;; 1929 niere, other articles. 15 West­ FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM apart­ By H oIm i Walshinwr o m k NEA Sw^u, tec. leaving for New York until tomor­ "SaUlng." HIVED BY THE WAY TOUR ^^'iroen. Oeatle. Answera to tlie Oievrolet coach 849,00; 1929 Pon­ minster Road. ment, with private bath |'2U. per row !” ‘But the boat isn’t going to New WIFE ANSWERS YOU WHEN of “ainger". Loat aeen at tiac coscb 869.00; 1928 Chevrolet month. Steam beat 85 extra per "He’e aalUng to Rio de Janeiro.” York, Marcia. It’s bound for Soutn TOU ASK HER TO DARN TOUR 'Itockland. Reward for information coach $29.00. 85 doWn, 82 weekly. COMBINATION GRAY and white month during winter months. Ap­ CHA-*TER Xn f stove with oil busner. 825.00. Ben­ running away this time because she So Phil waa leaving, believing America. You mean you knew—” SOX. i'pr return to O. B. Stanley, 440 Cole Motors. ply Supt. Apartment 4, 26 Birch ’The day following Phil’s request j had been asked to go. Phil might that ahe. had not cared to answer Her heart stirred suddenly under id Turnpike. Phone 8092. son Furniture and Radio. "Little street. that Marcia leave immediately was Store With Big Bargains.’’ have been a little more attentive, when he called! He couldn’t do that. tbo gladness that leaped into the Mrs. OnanPi — Often do I think Sunday. Because it was, there was she mused, as the wagon started. He loved heri that women are more courageous FOR RENT—6 ROOMS all Im- watching blue eyes. FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 no train svitb proper accommoda­ Perhaps he really wanted to mar­ "May I have a porter in a hur­ than men. PERSONALS 3 FOR SALE—THREE BURNER gas provementa with garage. 140 Cen­ “The ship is going to Paradise," stove, grey enamel. Cheap. Tele­ tions until late In the morning. ry Camilla and ahe had been an in­ ry?" she asked the clerk. "And pre­ she answered. ”It’s a wonderful Mr. Gnaggs — Tes. Where would CLOBINO OUT Japanese Iris, price ter street. Call Diana’s Package iMAUR UlX.’ER, gaa paina, In phone 3053. Marcia laid out a cool gray suit, terlude. She knew better, but she pare my bills, please. I ’m checking place, Paradise. I’ve never bera you find a man who was brave very reasonable. Plnecrcat Gar­ Store, 136 1-2 Center street. carJ; tBough to stop in the mddle of Ion vietima, why aulTerT For blue accessories, and a blue bat didn’t know better.., .Perhaps— out immediately." there, but once you showed me a dens, Wapping, Conn. s -St;-boay street and pull out a mirror lok . relief get a fiee sample it FOR SALE—6 ROOMS household FOR RENT—TWO AND three that gave her face a mischievous "Marcia, wait! Hey, driver—" Hats, gowns, suits, coats, those spire!" {T o o n eirille F o lk s furniture — Immediately. Owner air, usually. She decided that she and doll himself up before a crowd 7 By Fontaine Fox Iga, a doctor’s preacnptlon at LATE CABBAGE plants, 8 doten room apartments. Call Manches­ She beard a voice calling her. She svith a Paris label and those with­ THE END leaving town. Call 8 Charter Oak would have some orange juice and knew that it came from Phil but out, went into the bags. Toilet ifthur Drug Stores. 25c, 50c 100; also tumato, pepper, ter Construction Company. 4131, Senorlta — I supi>oee you carry atreet. 4272 or 8333. coffee In her room and slip away she did not look back. "Never mind articles, stockings, shoes, handker­ M i c k e y ( h i m s e l f ) M c G u i r e egg plant, lettuce, asters and sin- without goodby to anyone except ATTEMPT BIO OUniB your wife's picture with you on all nias, at Odermann's, 504 Parker please,” she told the driver, steady­ chiefs— they were packed in a few OUR BOARDING HOUSE j'ixiMOBiLES FOR SALE 4 Marlon who knew that she was your travels? street ing her voice so he would not know minutes and the bags were closed. Senor—Si, Senorlta. Pve found MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 53 HOUSES FOR RENT 65 leaving. that her eyes were dark with tears. The porter put them in a cab and , B. C., July 1.— (A P ) #B k ' s a l e ;— 1085 A IR F IO W Ue- Marlon, though,- interfered with Two parties of mountaineers, one nothing that will cure a spell of i| Soto, like new, low mileage, time FOR RENT— 60 EAST Middle "I think we had better hurry." Marcia gave hurried directions. homesickness quicker. JOVE, BUSTSrR,A OREAT I 6ETCWA/ PUT 7HB FOR s a l e ;— HAINES piano, In ex­ this arrangement. "B y the way, we "The boat train to Cherbourg." listing a woman as a member, payments. Phone 3151 or 8159. - REPAIRING 23 cellent condition. Telephone 6369 Turnpike, six room single, steam all meet in the dining room and There was no boat for three daya, The rain was falling in a steady ed equipment today for separsi pEA. JUST CAME TO ME ' AMD BRUSH or call at 28 Ridge street. heat, garage. Walter Friche, 64 Hiram — Wen, Silas, how do you J. J. HILLMAN does all kinds of get our own breakfa.sts on Sunday, she learned in Paris. She booked her downpour when she reached the tempts to climb Moimt Waddtn] East Middle Turnpike. 13,260 feet high. l » M ky a : iu that mare you bought the i' HEAD IS BUZZIW G WITH ^ ^ AkJ EFFICIEMCy furniture repairing reasonable. when we have lots of people at the return passage, and went shopping, tender that would carry her to the One was an American party, com­ ’ other day? /rs TOSSlBIUTIES-w A WA«TB Work guaranteed. Call 8446, 65 WANTED—TO BUY 58 house,” she said. "There’ll be one to the theater, to tea and dinner blgship. The last-minute confusion - BllMh-Wen. if I bad to do it over Spruce atreet maid on duty to keep the percola­ of sailing waa progressing a little posed of Miss Elizabeth D. Woolsey, Maiichesier SUMMER HOMES with people with whom ahe had not New Haven. Conn.; Fritz H. WelsB- again rd sura buy a horse. That No matter how hot the weather, COMBIKJATIOM COMB AN D tors filled and the bread cut but bothered a few weeks before. It did wearily. Marcia •’elt let down. Phil BBaro ean't help stopping and ad- ilts easy to be cool to a person LAWN MOWER SHARPENING, WANTED TO BUY medium sized FOR RENT 67 ner. New York City; William P. B r u s h , W IT H h o l l o w |> Evening Herald everybody bums his own toast and not matter what she did if she could had not been on the train and she n lrln g herself esrery time we come you dislike. repairing. Key making, vacuum truck, with flat top. In good con­ House, Pittsburgh, and Allan Wil­ FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM cottage scrambles bis own eggs.’* get through the daya until time to hod not found him on the tender. to any little bit of water. MAWDLE PO R HAIRTONIC w* CLASSIFIEU cleaners etc., cleaned, recondition­ dition, reasonable. 11 North Fair- cox, New Haven. The other party field street. at Crystal Lake. Call T. Moore, Marcia silently eliminated break­ take passage on another ship. But he must be on the boat. Yet ADVERTISEMENTS ed. Tool sharpening. Braithwaltc, was composed of British Columbia LotM Of Folks Remain Fresh telephone 3498. fast from her schedule. She was The morning of the third day tlie she had not seen him when the climbers. WE GAUGE A PERSONS IN­ Count «u ttVtuuM* MotdR to m line 62 Pearl street sitting In her room, the blue hat on, A fter The3T're Roested. HELI. YOUR .lUNK to Ostrliisky clerk told her that Camilla was engines began to groan and the Both were to leave later today by TELLECT NOT SO MUCH ON 1;^* < M|UUIo. nurabcro and abbrevUUon* her face pale and her eyes ringed WHAT THEY KNOW, AS HOW bMli oouot •• a ord and compound WE SPECIALIZE In lawn mower for best prices. Live poultry also LEGAL NOTICES 78 registered once more. gangplank was taken up. The night boat, the Americana going to ^•r. vortfa at two words. Uintmum eoai la bought. 01 Clinton street. Tele­ with violet, waiting for the station '"Oh yes?" she repeated. That grew darker. She climbed the nar­ Tha clerk Informed the boss that MUCH GOOD THEIR KNOWL­ THEM sharpening. Precision grinding Knight Inlet. Welssner said the a lady wished to see him. EDGE DOES THEM. Oiioo oi tbraa nnaa phone 5870. MQUOIl PKUMIT wagon, when Marion came Into the must mean that Phil had come, too, row iron steps to the upper deck Lina rataa oar day cor iranalant Satisfaction guaranted. Delivery American group probably would es­ Boas — la shs good looking?. . F O R T U N E A service. Karlscn & Eelgerton, 665 NOTICK OF APPLICATION room. and he would see that she had not and sat down In a lifeboat. When tablish a base camp on a nearby ■■ ada. TIiIa is to ylvo iiotkMi th»U I, Her- C3erk — Tes, sfr^very. lawmiva Mar«b 17, IWit No. Main. Phoni f385. "Marcia Cunningham, you look left. Never mind, she would not get the confusion was over she would glacier. Optimist — You can't get some-1 ' Caah Charffa A P A RTM ENTS— FLATS— mird J. Hurt of 51 Drunk ntroet, like the la.st of the seven plagues Boas — Then show her in. Hiirifurtl. I'onii,, Imvo tiUd an In Ills way. ask for his cabin. The peak never has been climbed. After the woman bad gone thing for nothing in this Ufa a Conaacutiv* uaya e.i 1 oU| v eta TENEMENTS 6.1 of Israel! What in the world— but the t CoBaaouUva Uay* ..I « oU| ii ota cfitlon dated 1st of July, 1936 wllIi "Both yoimg gentlemen arc with Then ahe saw him. He was boss sent for the clerk. Gloomy atiien — That’s right | BUSINESS the Liquor Control Cummlsalun for you have to have some breakfast her,” the clerk added. "There Is to standing near a smokestack, hands MEXICX) MARKS ITS AUTOS If I want even a few kind words! KPv ^ ...... I FOR RENT—REAR 105 Spruce a DniffKlet Permit for * the eaU of Boss (scornfully)—You’re a nice All ordara for irracuur ina«-rtiona .12 before you go. You can’t Just sit bo a wedding at the American in his pockets, eyes on Uie vanish­ Judge of beauty. about my disposition and some hope I will ba obarvad at tba ona Uma ratA OPPORTUNITIES street, first floor, 5 rooms, newly aleoholio liquor on the premises of 4 here!” of future success Pve got to go to IpaotaJ rataa ccr fong tarm avary decorated, .steam heat, bath, white Depot SquAre, Manchester. Conn. The embassy at noon, but you probably ing coastline. Eagle Pass, Tex.— (AP)—^Mesdeo Caerk— Well, sir, I thought she IniMincHB is owned by Udward J. So she went into the dining know that—’’ ‘‘Phil!’’ She called softly. has taken a new step in automobtls a fortune teUer and pay for them. day advantatna give uour. raguaau WANTED—MAN with small capi­ enamel sink. Rent 815. Adults only. might be your svlfe. . Ada ordared cor thraa oi aU daya Murphy of 38 Btrlckland street. room, and perfunctorily poured "Yes, yes, of course,” she an- He turned, wonderlngly, and identification. An auto at Piedras tal to take over established gaso­ Mrs. J. E*. Sheehan, Bolton Road, Manidiestcr, ("'onn.. ami wilt be con- Boss (snapping)— Bhe waa. 'ii/tlU!! ^ ' and atuppad Uvfort tha third oi tittb some colTco and spattered a waffle waited. Negras bore new licenses issued at p«'v' ba ebarnad auly Cei tba ac> line station In Manchester. Write Vernon Center. Telephone Rock­ ilm’ted liy Bernard J. Hart of 51 Bwered, and went out to walk In the YES, AGE BRINOS WISDOM. I Brook street, ilartfurd. Conn., as Iron with batter. It was easier to , ’’Phil!” She climbed down from Mexico City, front and rear, and bad V. cttAi aumbai of .Imaa tha lO appaar* Box N, Herald. ville 975-14. rain that was just beginning. She WHERE DOES A LEFT-HAND- BUT NEVER YET HAS IT ad. olutrstas at ttia raia aarnao. but permittse, pretend to cook than to explain that sat on a bench In a park i . the top the boat. the license number engraved on the BID SCOTCHMAN KEEP HIS CHANGED A YOUNG NIT-WIT I 05 allowanea oi rtfunda can ba mada BERNARD J. HART she wasn’t hungry. Phil was stand­ windshield. MONET? WHEY. IN HIS RIGHT oa' abi tlma ada atopnad after tba Dated 1st of July, 1986. o f a high bill. She climbed hundreds This time be turned and came to TO ANYTHINa BUT AN OLD I v> dftfa.day. ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 11- 7. 1- 36. ing near a window, and his eyes of steps coming down. She decided, HAND POCKET, OP COURSE. NTT-WIT. No **tin forbida": diapliy ilnaa not were understanding, though he only too, that she would take her lug­ LAWN SWINGS and lawn scats MUL'OIi PEIOIIT • .aolds nodded when she entered. gage and go at once to Cherbourg, Elmer — What are you so sad A lady who had employed a| 1^^' Ttad Uaraid will not ba raapunaibla for sale. Telephone 3648 or call at NOTICE OF APPI.ICATION about, honey-bunch? for mora than upa ineorraot inaarttoa This Is to k Ivc notice limt 1. l-M- Camilla was making pancakes to any small hotel it might boast, Chinese as a cook asked him hla I of any. a%varuaatnan« ordarad for 108 North Elm street. FOR SALE ward J.' Murphy of 28 Strickland and creaming beef to go with them. and stay there until the boat sail­ > Honey-Bunch — Ob, darling, I name. I mora than ona tlma. street. Manchester. Cunn., have (lied was just thinking this will be our FOR SALE—ONE 8INGLL farm 10-Acre Farm, Bolton; Elec­ At first the significance of this ac­ ed the next afternoon at 6. Chinese — Me name Sam Toy! Tha laadvartant oiuiaaiun ot tauor> an application dated 1st of July, tion was lost on Marcia. Then she last evening together tmtil tomor­ Lee. r root pobllcattoo of advartlaing will t>a bsmesa. Horses -collar strap work, tricity. i \ f \ Down 1036 -w’Uh the Liquor Control Com- It was dusk when she came back row night. raeiifla only by oanoallaMon ot iha harness repairing, curtain and mission for a Drusklst Permit for realized that Camilla was making to the hotel. She stepped aside to Lady — Ah, your name is too oharaa. aiada tor ctia aarvio# raodarad. $500 the sain of alculinlic liquor on the vei-y goo KDWAKD J. MURPHY a wedding! Not until then did she Oalvad b> II o'oirrh noon: Siiturtaya Dated 1st of July, H'.'C, realize that somewhere. In the far 10:30 a. m $500 H-7 - 1-36. Her own waffles were ready and re tiM. tesuiM Vwi BOATS AND •‘(-Room Cottage, Roaring she put them on a plate. They were com ers of her mind, she had been IT IS EASY TO GET SWELLED TELEPHONE YUUK a golden brown but she did not hoping that It might bo Bob whom UP. BUT DEFLATION IS STILL I ACCESSORIES 43 EASIER. ' WANT ADS. Lake. Price want them. To prolong the motion Camilla was marrying. She knew SCORCHY SMITH FOR BALE — AT COVENTRY MISS THOMPSON GIVEN Heel-Coolinflr Hour Ada ara aooapiad ovac tua tataphona of doing something she pretended now. That was—something. AeHl Z OUFTWB ------^ ------Lake, 15 ft. motor boat, 6 H. P. Harry — Let’s take a walk in I YBAH - M'OO WOULD 'lK N O W -1 FggLTHD at tha CUAKQhl HATfi givan above -t-Room Cottage, Crystal that she would like some bacon and Her feet dragged as she walked , IDU ARTE KIGHT-VB I -PUTINTH*CA«g aa a vonvantan j to advaritavra but Engine speed 18-14 miles per hour. covered the waffles to keep them the garden? I «AMg WAV-C'AtoN.WEteB tha GA8U ftATISb will oe acoaptad aa Lake; large lot; cottage fur­ SURPRISE SHOWER PARTY to the elevator. She could feel the CAN ONtV TEU PER We'r s up AdAINgr AN Price 185.00. O. Kohls, 38 Cooper hot. When the bacon was fried to a water oozing In her slippers and Grade — Oh, I haven’t much I o t a r m AUTHOBms* leoiNS 'nu THs ooaamanmnt rUia.. t*AYMUKT if paid at tha buai- nished; fireplace. time. ARMY -IT,TWlG Mialpcaa Snrvioaa URtrtd ...... It Hundred] of people are paying old bill] and buying new your chairs and cat while I prepare sound asleep, without a doubt.’’ "Oh, fine! Then we can sleep 5AV, SERGEANT? IS orr YOU NOME - refills. That’s a beautiful waffle, Then she was gone before Mar­ JOE PICKETS_____ ON ■mE f t MV LAST . Houttbold Strvleta ulTtrtd ...... I|.A . things with cash from us. We lend it to them quickly — real sound. Cdme on, tots, let’s JAOsSOW AND ROOK/EY IN­ SPOT. THE ^ IT AINT RATAL. imlldliia—CoolractlDS ...... it 4S43 Marcia." cia could explain that she hadn’t 1 . -THAT So7 OKA/.- ...... FiRSTTlME ILLNEftS-THLL noflata—Nuraa.dct ...... 14 I on their own signatures — and they find it e»sy Then old King Moon said, "Short­ flop on tJie ground," cried Windy. V E S TIG A TE TtoUR C A S E ! HE RUNS A LOACA MV MOTHER I'M The station wegon was rounding meant that at all- that she wa.s ly, tots, you’re going to see Just lots OKAY..,.THAT TIES Ventral Ulraotora ...... It i ■ % % You will, too. Add up your needs and see us TODAY. Then the Princess said, "O’er you NrriM,MPLLBEBU)lll/N OOBBV 1 ftNUCK tUatlDs—Plomblna—Rooflns . . . IT FIRE the comer. Rellevedly, Marcia pick­ surprised—she couldn’t very well and lots of moonlight overhead. I close watch I’ll keep.” BUT I STILL DONT THINK TO KINGDOM COMB. Isauranet ...... ll IN WITH THIS OFPAN'I.SFTTH South L e u . up to sase—M montho to i-poT- ed up her bag and gloves. The two admit that ahe was delighted—that am a real full moon tonight. The Tlnies carried out tha plan tfllllntry—Urtttmaklna ...... 14 men were thanking Camilla for her It wasn’t Phil. But Phil’s luggage C A S E a EMPT>{ tiovina—Tnickloa—S.i.raat . . . . to kThe ral* nf InlervMt «*hnricraatat...... I* ti- Prltatt Inatroctlon ...... t| Oanelna ...... tl-A AMBULANCE MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Jack and Lew Turn the Tables By THOMPSON AND COLL tIuBical—UraiDatIr ...... ly (D o u g a n ) WaniMt—InttruoMon ...... 40 THIS IS WHAT TELL ME WHAT'S HAPPENED I0AKKIM ATTEMPTS ID PLUNGE HIS QAGOER DAe ANWHILE, DEVRIES IS BUSY LOADlMO VlBudal A l t h o u o h WE’VE BEEN f TO M VRA-’>DU SCOUNDREUI INTO JACKS BACK, BUT LEW WEN APPLIES MANY OF THE PBEaOUS ALABASTER VASES Woiida^..SicHika-.4(ortaasaa II 5630 AMD ECf/PTIAN ORNAMENTS FROM THE PIR £.ACQ Il w c ii< . Butlntaa Opportunititt ...... II QOWFROMTED WAITINS FOR, A JIU -JITS U HOLD THAT SENDS HIMSPRAWLINO Money to U>an ...... It (H oU ora n ) - 1 L E W / INNER TOMB TO MAKE A QUICK GETAWAY f BV OOEV TORPEDO c a --- Utip tad .liiulilaBa HYSTER'2. MB .BURKE, OF THE IRIS THAT EXPLAINS THE GHOST­ Molp Wanttd —Ktmalt ...... II REVOLVERS Htip Waiittd—Mala ...... 41 3060 FAINT STORE, SAID HE LIKE A p p e a r a n c e o f / ^_____ u I c K.SEND / OVERA daltanjtn Waoitd ...... Il-A AND Halp tVapttd—Mala or Pamalt.. IT (Quiah) WAHXiM’3 R x jm d a b ig c a n o f THIS TIGER SKULL? THE I SHOOTESHOOTER WITH A asaiua Wanitd ...... II.A EVIL-- \ , L a ^ N IT R a dltuatloot Wantad..-Ftniala . . . II LUMINOUS PAINT KNOCKED^ d o g PBOBABIY k n o c k e d Slluailont IVanltd—Malt ...... 44 LCXJKINO O/ER T H E F A IN T -rrS TH E Siniilnymtni Aetneitt ...... *0 4340 KN IFE, OVER IM HIS W ARE­ U *t aiork—Pcis—Haollry—TtkIHta HOUSE... ITS ALL OVER KIND THEY USE TO PAINT Uua»—BIrdt—Ptlt ...... ; . . . 41 HOSPITAL JAC K AND i,lvt Stock—Vthlrltt ...... 4| LEW EVEI5YTHINS.» THE FACES OF WATCHES Poultry aod Supplltt ...... 41 SPRING AND CLOCKS? TURN OUT Wantad - Ptia—Poultry—^tocli 44 UPON1WE For Salo—MltctllaatoM $131 THE LIGHTS, PooNEY? Arueltt tor Salt ...... 41 B V R WITH­ Boa It aod aeoaasorltt ...... 41 O U T A Buildlos Matarlula ...... 41 WATER DEPT. HUh e a t t a c k i s s o SUDDEM Ulamonda—Waicbta—^awalry , , 4| MOMENTS TH A T H Y5TER ISTWROWN C5FF Slaetrioal Appllaneaa—Radio .. 4I HESITATONf Pual aod ratd ...... 41-A BALANCE,AND.OACK SENDS HIS Oaedtp — Farm—Dairy Produata U 3077 PUNS B.VIN6 ACROSS THE TEWT- ■ottaabold Oooda ...... II MBoklDtry and Tcols ...... it (After 5 P. M.) Musical Inatrumaatt ...... — 44 Offlec and atom Eenlpmant u . It kpseijsls tha S tom a...... || 7868« I Vaarins Apparel—Fam ...... IT ALLEY OOP Nice Girl, Eh? By HAMLIN SALESMAN SAM Wgntod«—Te Bay ...... II A B o o m -e r a n g ! So— iWkii Buard Bitoln Beeeiin MANCHESTER YA'NT GETT'N ALL RIGHT, WISE GUY - HAW -YOU UJH HUH - r SEE,RIGHT NOW, WELL, GOOD GOSH, SdoCawtwatn lOVERSOWELL BLIT DON'T SAY I OIDNT LEAVE THESE\WHERE IM CsOlWG TD SIS, WHAT D'YA ' ' “ WIttont Bonrd ...... |i W ATER CO. TWO MCXJVIANS^ GET IN A NICE, BIG, are .Wanue ...... Il-A WACki YOU.' VtXJ MARK WANT ME T'DO- luajchiat o n dpatfy Boars—Baaortn II VIOOV'AM THCOW ’EM TD anmats ...... o.. 11 evsN) cAwweo OtouwA ...... II $974 BOV CRiEMD? A OUCKi rVGONlttOONfTNCec ■SSM £ae Baat natm TaaamaaU.. tl mMosd far Rest ... li GAS CU for Bant ...... m tS__tOr BMt ^.a.aMC.M. II IHW Jtom— ter Kaet i l $07$ iM to Rant ...... II ail-' ■ Maal SMata ge* Sato ELEirrRlC CO. « M tor Bala 11 ' .BBle .Mm.t Tl $181 ...... M .t Tl ter Bale . . . . . T4 ...... a t T» bases ..MB Tt EVENING HERALD ...J...B TT tit .as M $121