'=■:*>■* ''...‘ . I , . • ■ v '. ' ■ ' f c / ' - ...... at U.. Mrs. Btbd U Crosby of 7S Robert 8 and also on July 4. ready to v*- Tha Sunday school boartf of tha ■peod In ease of firs. - , Church of the Naaarene will meet Road has leased her home to Mr. APPLIANCE SALESMEN FIREMEN AND POUCE Fair temgMt j;- iH W m W N this evening at 8 o’dock with Urs. and Mrs. W. H. Broadhead and thdr nraaeMOnWM* prsbably i" adult son, who are now living In A t the South ManebieBter fir* d*^ h ir Ada Bogart of 188 Union atreet Portland, Maine. Mr. Broadhead is PICNIC WEDNESDAY READY FDR HOLIDAY S^^T he Month Off 5tdl • t ( T iHiagf mwalHg* o f Bt. ICaiT'a Rockville. partment houass Chief Foy has ar­ KM nMDdIjr aodety who an jdan- the president uid d gemgeneral manager ranged to have men on duty all dur­ MANCHESTKR ** A CfTY bli^VnX^Jg)B:|tllARM at the Hopewell Mills, Incorporated, to atUnd tho eoaferwee at Tonight at 0 o'clock the Uarrled starting at 9:80 a. m., Wednea- ing the night at all four ooaapaniea of Olastoi^ry, formerlyrm erly (the Olazler day, more than 200 aaleamen, exeeu- Flremsn,, polio* and stor* kasp- VOL. L v ; NO. 238. * • !> ■ • * 18.) ara raqmatad to meet at Couides dub of the Second Congre­ mills. They ir e plumung to move and men will also be on duty dur­ Rig^^W ith Extra Savings- MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, JULY 1,1S8«. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE T U i iea*3rSi ehureh tomorrow ev»- gational church will have an outdoor tlvea, office personnel of Modem a, are preparing for (tettirday*a ing July 4. Since the town I to Manchester about August 1. Home UUUUes, Inc., state-wide dis­ a t r orclock. supper and final meeting at the Mra Crosby who since the marriage holiday. While tha ordlnanca gov­ placed the ban on the sale of fire- tributors of Oensral Blectrle ap­ worka there has been lees trouble, home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph of her younger daughter, nearly a pliances, w ill hold their annual pic­ erning the sale of fir* er*ck*r* and By Shopping Wednesday lira . luUa Chapman la m ovin( Wright of Mather street year ago, baa continued to live on nic and outliw at Orkll Farms, W est other ezploalve* In Manchester la but there la an Inclination on the Solution For Arab Ra<» W ar; Dynamite! {torn Wadsworth atreet to her atncla Robert Road, has engaged one of Simsbury. The first part of the part of some to turn in false lEADERSOFTWO HAR1T0RDC0FS r such that few seem to realize July teoaa on Ttaaklin atreet vacated Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schuetz of 28 the suite! In the Tudor Apartments meeUng will be In Bno Memorial alarms. Laat year there were two At These Two Stores! by tha family of Harry Sweet Mrs. Cooper street and aon Harold, have on Garden atreet In Hartford and hall when special awards will be 4th Is near. It la only neoaaaary to false alarms, followed soon after by i BRITAIN AND Chapman*a daughter, Hra. Sarah C. returned home after a week at thdr wlU make her home there, Auguet make for accomplishment In the re­ taka a trip to nearby towns to an alarm for a real fire. PARTIES CLAIM 1. She la the widow of B. Hugh RIOT GUN SHOT Carroo at New Ixmdon, has rented cottage at Coventry lake. While cent sweepatakes sales campaign; know that fireworks are being sold. Firemen will be on watch at aD bar home In that dty and with her there one of the silver wedding cele­ Crosby, formerly of Olaatonbury, another sales campaign wUl be out­ times during tha period as usuaL aon wtn Uva In the Franklin street brations In honor o f Mr. and Mrs. who was connected with tha Herald lined. Thera is not a atand In Manehea- Tha state law governing the clos­ bouse. Oscar Schuets was hdd at the cot­ since hla boyhood, and at the time of Orrin P. KUboum wlU address ter. ing o f barber ahops on hoUdsya ef­ ^ EMPira STATE FATALTOYOOTH t a ^ bis death, September 9, 1928, was the group, as will R. Barry Greene, fects the barbers In Manchester. advertising manager. Members of Under ordinary rules Hoa* Com­ ^ nia Ladles aodety of tha Zion the new secretary-treasurer. The pany No. 2 of the Manchester fire There win be no midweek holiday Center Church Men’s League will the family have lived in Manches­ guest speakers will be C. B. Wilson, Lutheran church will meet tomor* ter for upwards of 28 years. dep^ment would hold a drill Fri­ this year. The barber abopa a t the Opptihiii. Predictions Folow Raymond Pmdlion, Proba­ ' aow afternoon at' 2:80 In the bsae- have a picnic tonight at the church vice-president In charge of appli­ day evening, July 8, but because south end will not close Wednesday ment of the church. grounds. ance sales, snd F. F. Stevenson the apparatus *riU be needed In at noon, aa is the usual custom nor Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Llndberg of merchandising manager of Collier's will the barber shops at the north Myrtle street today announced the Weekly, who will addreea the group headquarters In case of any emer­ Lehman Actkm; Farley, tioner, Borglary Snspect, gency the drill has been postponed. end close at noon on Thursday. In ­ OF ITALY’S on the subject "Local Power of Na­ ■1 engagement of their daughter, Mias stead of closing at 7 p. m. Friday Clara Llndberg, to Andrew Laraon tional Advertising”. Men win be assigned by Chief Cole­ man, Foreman F1«d Sankey and all abopa wiU remain opm imtu 9 D. R. to Disenst Job; Killed by Detectite Ser­ Wednesday, of Bristol. Following a luncheon at the Bno June 80th Memorial hall, the entire group will Foreman Joseph Skoneakl to do o’clock and will be clo ^ all day Edea- Al^ Tc PINEHURST adjoum to Orkll Farms owned by duty all during the night' of July Saturday. !ibertyites Rap Farley. geant Hickey. In accordance with a vote taken Mr. Kllboum, the program will In­ Dentes Italy Planned Special I at the laat meeting of the Townsend clude an horse-jumping exhibition, Each ...... Associated Advisory Boards, there CAULIFXOWER ball game, tug-of-war, foot races, Washlnglci, July l — (AP) — Hartford, July 1.—(A P) — Police will be a meeting at the Y. M. C. A. and swimming. building tomorrow evening at 7:80. 'Diametrically opposite predictions guna, turned for the third time In An Invasion of Egypt Fa^^ OBEEN BEANS Matters o f interest to all the cluba, If as to the result of November's bal- three year* upon Raymond V. and plans for the coming convention A ■ot'ng sprang today from Oovemor Prudhon, 32, Tuesday night, brought w ill be discuBsed. bim Y The JW.HAU CORP. lU rbsrt H. Lehman’s decision to death to the youth, suspected of London, July 1.— (A P )—VtacounC^ Today, to Mander’a query aa to Tender, Oennine MAHCHSSTSK COHH- The CORP. herd rresldrnt Roosevelt’s urging burglary. Cranborne, imdaraecretary ot state what. If any, plane came into Brlt- Tonight Is Bank Night at the JW.H4 U fo r foreign affairs. dented to the and seek re-election In New York I^dhon was shot after he at. tah poeaesslon last summer. Lord QnitM State theater with the sum of |150 M a h c h e s t k r C o n n * state. House o t Oommona today that CALVES tempted to remove a ladder from a Cranborne retorted crisply: “Nonel" thd prize If the person ‘whose .Tqbn D. M. Hamilton, Republican W est End house, where occupants plana ralattog.to an Italian attack name le drawn is in the theater. A national chairman, declared Presi­ reported having seen on two occa­ on Egypt or any British territory Mandsr thsn asksd that the wid­ Oemva, J i^ j LIVER double feature bill will be presented. dent Roosevelt would be defeated est publicity be given the answer Wednesday Specials sions a man’s face a t a second story had come Into tha government’s Eden a t "Pride of the Marines", starring ceH iiuse''soH , ' "no matter whom they get to run window. possMsIon- laat July, August or "to view (ff the . tact the alleged In­ i lb. Charles Bickford, snd "Don't Qamble for governor In Republican states." Detective Sergeant Thomas J. September. cident U widely believed through­ L m tp i* a t With Love", starring Ann Sothem. Double Green Stamps Given In All Departments INC. James A. Farley had said that the Hickey, who had been lying in wait The denial waa In reply to anoth­ out the army, the navy; the M ^- 'it ahbuld'ho 69e pound. Ror>t,eve1t-Lebman ticket would car­ for four sucoessive nlghta, fired a er question by-Oofrey Mander, op- terranean. In Ihirop* and to Ameri­ Italyta o(toq AND POLISH All Day Wednesday. ry .New York state by "greater ma- charge from a police riot gun. ca.” jorltlr' this year than they did In S S l I*®.*!!-®* »8 r lw the end o f snipers’ strongholds at Jaffa, ,whl<?li. WSto Wpwn up by poaitkm Uberal, and waa a sequel He de Prudhon’s left thigh was tom, and British troops when_ -ordinary . methods failed ^to end. .the . race war waged by Arabs againilnst Jews In Palestine.
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