SUITS »D Senate Which Threatened Long Delay

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SUITS »D Senate Which Threatened Long Delay ■ ■■ yyaga are new M AM votes la the The regular monthly masting o f n u WEATtUH the Army and Navy club will be surrounding Manchester, Easter Cards : s i O. & WlMIM 1 0 W H p^umers say that itfter the frogs held Saturday evenl^ la tba club­ have bean beard three tlmeo after house. The meeting will be called to 5c to 25c suixassiva cold spells, all danger of order by Prealdeat Arthur McCann ■tm a good assortment _«aitav»du(g«<K >rf|Uog frost wlU have been passed. at S o'clock. Folder tepes with envelopes. Mostly Msoffy teOlght m M jnorgat'BM-aot Junior (Front Entrance.) Th«4W HAUeo. Osyt aUghtly _jri D u gh ton , which We Give Out SM Green Stamps. ilattrbrHtrr lEiirnttig Ipralb gnturdag nfUniooB at ^ at tba homo of Um load* Baatrloe U Lcrdall c t 22 BR1DOE-WH18T-8 ETBACK VOL. U V , NQ. 172/ (OosM M Aitvsrtlsteg sa Fags 10.) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Shop For Your EASTER FINERY M onBtty A p^il 88^ 8 P» AMaa HutoWnaoo. W « ■Bd a « — laiMdietli Smith They Rocked the Boat At Stresa _ iffQwiing foe Now York dty St. Bridget's Parish Hall JOYOUS EASTER Social Security Bill WELCOME VOTE •rooklyn, where they will apend Tomorrow A t H ale’s . Store Open Until 9 GERMANY REJECTS r , maa Hutchinaon wUl ba the Auspices Holy Name Society. « t Adjutant and Mra. Reginald Uoor Prise. 12-POUND EASTER HAM! CEREMONIES IN who preceded Captain New- 12 PRIZES! REFRESHMENTS! Faces Senate Delay ON UGHT PLANT hi charge of the local Salva- Aii Players Welcome. eorpa. W e’re bragging about our LEAGUETOUNCIL’S A rm y Admission 25c. We’re Very Proud Of CHURaiESHERE Washington, April 30.— (A P) xpute—the bill went to the Senate SAY EXEOmVES A dog gaa atruck and killed by Swept through the House a t Repre­ Finance Committee, already tied up laai automobile on arein atreet near Our Selection Of sentatives by a lopslcwd vots, the In controversy over the cash bonus Mae RDl atraot laat night. Tba dog Pageantry Depicting Events Roosevelt Social SMurity Bill ran sad NRA. Content to Let Company’s ACT AGAINST HER idraa found by Officer Joaeph Pren- today Into a'legislative jam in the caiairman Harrison (D., Miss.) ;tiM while crulalng In the police car SUITS »d Senate which threatened long delay. announced the security program and waa taken to tbe town'a garage Rebted to the Resnfrik- New attempts to writs sweeping would be pushed ahead as rapl<hy as Record Stand for Itself— Where thla morning the dog warden TENTH ANNUAL CONCERT Easter HATS* changes Into the big -bill—which Is possible, but said the bonus wrouid be SUSPEa’S PRINTS In Curt Note, Hitler Says It k took cam of the burial. tion Mark Most Programs designed eventually to levy 33,783,- taken up by his committee first, and Believe Firm Has Confi­ Beethoven Glee Club 000,000 or more In new taxes for then the UU to extend NRA’a Hfe. a New Discrimination aid Hra. Elisabeth Wamock of Char­ $i .98 $ >1.75 (j finsnclsf help to cte aged, Jobless, Hearlnga on the bonus bill have t)N GASOLINE CANS ter Oak atreet who has been aeri- (50 Male Voices) COATS — Schednle of Services. chlldrm and mothers—also were In already been called for the first two dence of Voting Public. •ualy 111 for the paat three weeka p r g ^ L days of next week. No one on the „Is Therefore Rejected ^ la able to alt up a little each day. /T h e 373 to S3 vote which Jammed Senate side of the Capitol disputed Mr*. Mannah Tedford of Mystic, /(he bill through the House yester­ From the first glint of dawn to­ today that the Social Security Mil In a statement Isaued today, who Is Mrs. Wamockis k itU f and day, was made possibit by smooth Contamers Discarded by Diplomats Snrprised at Wrho underwent a major oMratlon morrow uhin the happy day faced much tougher sledding there (imCttoning of the overwhelming than It did In the House. Frank (kieney, Jr., and Samuel ait the Manchester Memorial hoepi- Manchester churches wrill again Ferguson, who have guided the tal la feeling much better. at Democratic machine and by the Senator Byru, (D., Vs.) long ago Bremen Kidnapers Are Sharp Tone of Message. $19.75 serve the Resurrection of tW Sa­ "Ayes” of many Republicans who suggested proposals foi amending Manchester ■ Electric (kimpany *^Iuster Day” of Ward Cheney viour with Joyous Easter son^, In- had lost their battle to delete the the administration bill. He opposes throughout its existence as Its first Monday Associate spiratlonal addresses by pagtors and camp and auxiliary will be observed new taxes from tbe biU. Off-the- provisions which he sold wrould make and second presidenta respectively, pageantry. As usual, th^M vatlon Offered as Evidence. By ASSOCIATED PRESS Jointly on Thursday evening, April Membership record, some of these Republicans it possible for the Federal govern­ welcome in tbe name of the (kim- Here are tbe hats that will Army band and so ld ie ^ wdll bring I t tn the state armory. Dinner will Evening said they had to vote for the whole ment to dictate to the states. psny and employees the opportunity A short, curt cote to the powers be outstanding ISaater Sun­ the good tidings writh Jiheir custom­ bill on ib t final <roU call to avoid As passed by the House, the to gain a vote of confidence from be served at 8:30'sharp with De­ $2.00 ary parade at 6:30 m. Masses 8t. Paul, April 20— (A P) —Gaso­ o f Europe flatly rejecting the Leagtis day! Flattering brims In ^ "political sulcloe.” measure touchee on all the phaises of tbe people of Manchester. They partment officials and commanders April 29 wrill be sung In aU/of the Ottholic line cans allegedly containing finger and presidents of local organizations 1935 ways! Bophtsticated We have every good coat and Fresh from this victory—which feel that tbe present situation can­ o f Nations Council's condemnation off-the-face atraws! Young churches in the ew ly morning hours. as guests of the camp and auxiliary. followed almost three months o f dts- (Coattaoed on Page T m ) not go on, and that all the facU prints of Arthur (Doc) Barker will of German rearmament was Relchs- Ideas In close-flttlng models! suit of the season. We have swag- Chlldrws Service. should be published ao that a final H igh Single A special E u ter service for chil­ be offered In evidence Monday In the fuehrer Hitler’s birthday gift to The Tall Cedars Rangers will drIU They are all here awaiting .gers in gay checks and tweeds. .Wa decision may be made. They point trial of ten defendants charged with your aeleetlon tomorrow I dren will W h e ld In the North to the recent singling out of the himself and the world today. at tbe Masonic Temple at seven Tickets have dressy swaggers with saucy Methodist emureb tomorrow morning conspiracy In the Eklward Q. o'clock this evening. School management common to both the Bremer, kidnaping, George F. Sul­ First mado public at Rome, the Navy, brown, black, grey, taffeta bows. We have tailored at 10:46/followed by the regular Hartford and Manchester com­ aqua, yellow, beige, green, livan, United States district attor­ note was sent to through Oermsa $1.00 loming service. The pas­ STATE LABOR DISPUTES panies for extraordinary mention in ney, announced today. Mrs. George F. B ont la coaching H all red. two-piece suits in woolen fabrics. tor’s ^b j e c t for the first service ambassadors and ministers to all the cast for ^ e pageant, "Life and the halla of Omgress, and reiterate With the trial recessed until Mon­ MUUnery— We have the season’s favored wrill"Jesus, the Rose o f Sharon.' their willingness to stand on the the nations participating In the Love Triumphant,” which will be a theme at tbe morning services' day, the district attorney made pre- faature of the Easter vesper service Main Floor, center. sports coats — Bahnacaans and record of the (kimpany. pMattons to call witnesses who Geneva deliberations. It characteris­ be "Springtime In the Garden REACHING WASHINGTON To Publlzh Facta Premier Etienne Flandln and Foreign Minister Pierre Laval (right), at the Second Congregational )f the Soul.” found the gasoline cans near Port­ ed those deliberations as “ a new dis­ reefers. We have all the new It is tbe Intention of the (k>m- who rocked the boat at the three-power conference when they de­ age. Wis., and he will attempt to church Sunday afterboon at 0 A final Lenten service wrill be held crimination” against tbe Reich. The o'clock. All three departments of styles in dress coats in popular pany, they say to publish the facts manded vigorous condemnation of Germany by their confreres, were prove by testimony of finger print at 7 p. m. with the presentation of HOUDINI STUNT regarding the rifks to the town more cautious when it came to navigating the waters separating the text of the note follows: the church school will have a pa t crepey woolens. And they’re the Easter drama, "He Lives.” Differences Between Eiih experts that they contained the Id the program of recitations, music In the proposed plan for a muni­ island on which the sessions were held from the town of Stresa, Italy.
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