Scottish Episcopal Church

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Scottish Episcopal Church SCOTTISH EPISCOPAL CHURCH DIOCESE OF EDINBURGH Diocesan Cycle of Prayer July 2016 Day 1 Month A Bishop John St Mary’s Cathedral: Graham and Jane Forbes; John and Sarah McLuckie; Paul Foster; Kenneth and Ute Fleming; and for all involved in ministry there. Local Concerns: St Mary’s Music School. St Mary’s Cathedral Workshop. Month B Bishop John Cathedral Chapter: Graham Forbes, Provost; Susan Macdonald, Dean; Frances Burberry, Synod Clerk; Anne Tomlinson, Pantonian Professor; Ian Paton; John McLuckie, Vice Provost; Malcolm Round; Dean Fostekew; Honorary Canons: Rodney Grant; Brian Hardy; Bill Brockie; David Rimmer; Alex Black; Michael Maudsley; John Richardson; Jane Millard; Peter Allen; Timothy Morris; Michael Fuller; Douglas Kornahrens; Dave Richards; John Lindsay; Carrie Applegath; Marion Chatterley; Paul Foster; Fred Tomlinson Honorary Lay Canons: David Palmer; Helen Hood; Dean Emeritus: Jim Mein Day 2 Month A Bishop John St Mungo’s, Balerno: Malcolm and Sue Round; and for all involved in ministry there. Local Concerns: For a strategy for ongoing and effective evangelism, including "Alpha" Courses and invitation services and personal faith sharing. For integration and spiritual formation of new Christians. For the growing children’s, young people's and family work. For continued co- operation with Balerno High School, where we meet for most of our services. For the Wellness Centre and its counseling service for the community. For our Schools of Ministry and Theology for our developing work in Wester Hailes . Month B Bishop John St Ninian’s, Comely Bank: Frances Burberry, Julia Mason, Pat Treherne, and all involved in ministry there. Local Concerns: Pray for our outreach to the needs and opportunities of our local community, particularly our connections with children and young families and our new Godly Play ministry in partnership with Greenside Parish Church; and for the growth of ecumenical relationships in Comely Bank and Stockbridge. Fettes College: Tony Clark Page | 2 Day 3 Month A Bishop John Emmanuel Church, Clermiston: Terry and Jane Harkin; Iain MacRobert; Neil Shannon; and all involved in ministry there. Local Concerns: For our service and witness to the local community. Month B Bishop John The Priory Church of St Mary of Mount Carmel, South Queensferry: Terry and Jane Harkin; Iain MacRobert; and for all involved in ministry there. Local Concerns: Pray for the many young families in this town with little apparent awareness of God, that His love would be seen in the lives of the people of the Priory and other churches. Pray for our ongoing plans to develop the building as a bridge between Church and community. Day 4 Month A Bishop John St Mary’s, Dalmahoy: Deryck [retiring September 2016] and Christine Collingwood; the Ministry Leadership Team, Pastoral Visiting Team and those involved in other ministries; Janet and Adrian Dyer; the ‘Dalmations’ group; Sunday Circle (Children's Church) and for us all in our ministries within the community and family life. Local Concerns: the ministry to wedding couples and visitors; visitors to the city and the Lothian’s; developing relations with local churches and opportunities for us all with expansion around Ratho, East Calder and Kirknewton. Month B Bishop John St Paul’s and St George’s, York Place: David Richards; Libby Talbot; Richard Cornfield; James Green; and all who are involved in ministry from here. Local concerns: Soul Food – a meal / community for people who are homeless, run every Saturday evening; Babies and Toddlers groups on Thursdays; Alpha, Marriage Preparation, Marriage, Parenting and CAP Money courses being run during the year. Day 5 Month A Bishop John St Thomas’, Corstorphine: Dave McCarthy and Ali Cathcart; David and Anne Bunyan; Bruce Gordon; all involved in ministry from here. Children’s worker appointment; Outreach through Coffee Plus and Bethany Care Van; Works of the Youth Team; the House groups. Page | 3 Month B Bishop John St Vincent’s Chapel, St Vincent Street: Allan Maclean, Gordon Graham, Michael Hull, William Mounsey and all others involved in ministry there. Local Concerns: Raising awareness of the building and congregation among the people of the New Town and Stockbridge, with blessings on the many community groups who use the premises. Day 6 Month A Bishop John St Martin of Tours, Tynecastle: John Conway and Susie Gibbs; David and Susan Warnes and for all involved in ministry there Local Concerns: Pray for St Martin’s congregation in its discipleship, its discernment of God's mission in the local community, the strengthening of relationships through the use of its building, and for a deepening of ecumenical links. Month B Bishop John St Mary and All Souls, Coldstream; Jeffry & Barbara Smith; and for all involved in ministry there. Local Concerns: for the health and growing of our congregation; for all our sick and housebound; for all in our school, health centre and care homes; for Coldstream Churches Together; for our International Link with Thomas Thomson Church in Ghana and for our friends in Almaden, California. Day 7 Month A Bishop John The Diocesan Office: Susan Macdonald, Dean of Edinburgh; Dean Fostekew, Bishop’s Chaplain; Lord Bannatyne, Diocesan Chancellor; Colin Heggie, Diocesan Registrar; David Palmer, Diocesan Secretary; Nigel Cook, Diocesan Treasurer; Simon Filsell, Diocesan Administrator; Sam Campbell, Bishop’s P.A.; Gillian McKinnon, Editor The EDGE; Sian Harris; Communications Co- ordinator; The General Synod Office: The Secretary General; All who serve on Committees and Boards; All members of the General Synod. Page | 4 Month B Bishop John St Columba’s, Bathgate: Christine Barclay; Douglas and Pat Cameron and all involved in ministry there. Local concerns: For a renewal of outreach into our community in this our Centenary Year, to develop links within Bathgate for greater use of our newly refurbished church and facilities. For an expanding of our ministry to youth and children, for our nurturing of spiritual growth and fellowship and for our ecumenical relationships within our community. St Peter's, Linlithgow: Christine Barclay; Jim and Helen Mein and all involved in ministry there. Local concerns: For our Extension Project to build facilities for our own use and for sharing within our community. For the nurturing of spiritual growth and fellowship within our church family, for our expanding youth and children’s ministry and for our ecumenical relationships within Linlithgow. Day 8 Month A Bishop John Church of the Good Shepherd, Murrayfield: Dean Fostekew and William Mounsey, Brenda and David Johnson; Rosie and Reuben Addis and for all involved in ministry there including Hilary Naish and Carol Wands (Lay Chaplain at Murrayfield House) Local Concerns: The continual development and discernment of the call to mission and ministry of the congregation; for the Theology and Philosophy Questioning Group, and for our developing work with children through Messy Church. For the Ecumenical Partnership of Murrayfield Churches Together (Saughtonhall United Reformed Church and Murrayfield Parish Church) especially for the Murrayfield Club (Dementia Support Club) and Ecudare (a self-help charity in Kenya for families living with HIV and AIDS). Month B Bishop John St Salvador’s, Stenhouse: Nicola Moll and for all who contribute to the ministry. Local Concerns: Pray for our small but committed congregation; for the developing Godly Play sessions with the children and for the ongoing work of the Community Food Initiative. Day 9 Month A Bishop John St Mary’s, Grangemouth, and St Catharine’s, Bo’ness: Willie & Sarah Shaw, Isobel Dowlen, & Mary Pat Lennard (retired) and Susan Ward (ordinand). Local concerns: A growing understanding of what mission means and how God wants us to serve our communities better - also for existing projects we are involved in: Grangemouth Page | 5 Community Care, Hope Street in Bo'ness. Continued opportunities for local churches to work together for Christ. For Messy Church, contacts with schools, and our own young people - that this ministry will be fruitful. For our fellowship as individual charges and as a linked charge. Month B Bishop John Christ Church, Falkirk: Jim Mein (Interim pastor) Helen Mein; during our interregnum; Ann Smith (retired); and for the lay ministry team. Local Concerns: For the work of the Vestry during the vacancy. For all who are involved in caring for our housebound members and keeping them very much part of our family in Christ Church. For our links with St Peter’s Nyakinoni and our fundraising for ongoing medical clinic costs there. Giving thanks for the joy our Sunday Bairns give us. For those dealing with property concerns and repairs. For continued support of our local food bank. Day 10 Month A Bishop John Old St Paul's, Jeffrey Street: Ian Paton and Carrie Applegath; Jenny and Sean Wright; David Todd, Lay Reader; Jonathan Livingstone, ordinand in training; and all involved in ministry there. Local Concerns: For all who live and work in the Old Town, and for the changes taking place there. For OSP's presence and service in this community. For discipleship formation for new and continuing Christians. For the Mar Thoma congregation. Month B Bishop John St Margaret’s, Easter Road: Ian Paton and Carrie Applegath; Colin and Jennifer Reed and all involved in ministry there. Local Concerns: For witness in the local community and outreach to local community groups. For St Margaret’s Parent and Toddler Groups. Day 11 Month A Bishop John St Barnabas’, Moredun: David and Margaret Dixon; Alice Anderson; Michael Fuller; and for all involved in ministry there. Local Concerns: Chaplaincy to Erskine Home and Gilmerton Care Home; Mission and Pastoral Work; Social Club; Ecumenical Developments in Ministry, Mission and Education; The MEGAQUEST children’s venture and work in local Primary Schools; South East Edinburgh Churches Together (SEECAT). Page | 6 Month B Bishop John Livingston Ecumenical Parish: John Richardson (Interim Episcopalian Pastor); Audrey Couper; Helen Jenkins; Ron Gregg, Darren Philip and for all involved in ministry there.

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