Monday 10 November 2014 celebrates his 90th Birthday today. Bishop Ted was Bishop of 1975-90 and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church 1985-90. He ordained our current Bishop Nigel as and in St Paul’s Cathedral 1976/77.

Sunday 23 November 2014 Bishop Nigel will be Licencing the Reverend Tracy Dowling as Chaplain (Assistant Curate) of St Paul’s Cathedral Dundee at the 11am Cathedral Eucharist for the Feast of Christ the King, together with Carole Spink who will be Admitted and Licenced as a Reader. Tracy comes from the Merton Priory Team Ministry in south London after a career with HMRC. Carole is completing her training at the Scottish Episcopal Institute and will also serve at the Cathedral.

Tuesday 25 November 2014 The of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is making a visit to the Dundee Centre of Mission St Luke’s Downfield, Dundee on Tuesday morning. The Centre, launched this September, is a partnership between the Diocese and Church Army, aiming to pioneer fresh ways of doing church for the unchurched. The Archbishop will meet local people connected with the project, Craig Dowling, Pioneer Evangelist and the Reverend Kerry Dixon, Priest Missioner. Bishop Nigel will welcome the Archbishop to our diocese and the Primus, Bishop who is hosting the Archbishop during his visit to the Scottish Episcopal Church.

Friday 28 November 2014 Bishop Nigel is attending the Abertay University winter Graduation Ceremony in the Caird Hall Dundee in his capacity as a Governor and Member of the University Court.

Saturday 29 November 2014 Bishop Nigel and Mrs Anne Peyton are hosting a table of guests at the Lord Provost of Dundee’s Charity Ball being held this evening at the Apex Quayside Hotel Dundee: “this is the fourth year we have been and it’s a lot of fun, generously raising funds for Provost Bob Duncan’s local causes”