9/11 Hero Supports Venezuela’s National Assembly resolution on 9/11

By Global Research Region: Latin America & Caribbean Global Research, November 15, 2006 Theme: Terrorism 911 Keymaster.com 12 November 2006

William Rodriguez, last man out of the North Tower on September the 11th and leader of the Hispanic victims and survivors in NY made a public statement today regarding the news of the Venezuelan National Assembly calling for an explanation of what really happened on 9/11 and the call that the government could be behind the attacks.

“We have worked non-stop with the officials of Venezuela to bring the truth to them. I am glad that our efforts are having the support of world leaders and we are continuing to bring the real experiences to other world leaders as well,” Rodriguez said.

Rodriguez spent a month and a half in Venezuela last summer, accompanied by philanthropist Jimmy Walter and a reporter from an American Newspaper, calling for international support for the victims to find the truth of what really happened and how the government of the failed to explain it to those affected. A vast amount of questions and Rodriguez’s experiences of explosions at the basement of the North Tower before the plane hit the first tower, help fuel a 9/11 Truth movement, and the notion that the towers were imploded.

While in Venezuela, Rodriguez and Walter made many appearances on National Television and had meetings with members of the National Assembly, including the former President of the Assembly and now chancellor of Foreign Affairs, Nicholas Maduro.

Rodriguez is the president of the Hispanic Victims Group and a key activist that called for the creation of the 9/11 Commission. He testified behind closed doors and his testimony was “omitted” from the final report. In the last 2 years he embarked on an international tour giving conferences all over Europe, including , , Venezuela, London, Amsterdam and others. His website: www.911keymaster.com – avoids presenting much of his efforts but posts pictures and news clips.

“I want my supporters to see the pictures of their activist in action… no need to say much — they know who is working and who is just blabbing.” Rodriguez said.

He explains that he does not receive a salary and is able to do his efforts through donations of his supporters and by selling his own DVD titled appropriately named; “What really happened on 9/11” also available at his website.

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From William Rodriguez’s Website:

William Rodriguez, is a native of Puerto Rico, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the State of New Jersey. On September 11, 2001, and for approximately nineteen years prior thereto, Rodriguez was employed as a maintenance worker at the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York, New York.

On 9/11, Rodriguez single-handedly rescued fifteen (15) persons from the WTC, and as Rodriguez was the only person at the site with the master key to the North Tower stairwells, he bravely led firefighters up the stairwell, unlocking doors as they ascended, thereby aiding in the successful evacuation of unknown hundreds of those who survived. Rodriguez, at great risk to his own life, re-entered the Towers three times after the first, North Tower impact at about 8:46 A.M., and is believed to be the last person to exit the North Tower alive, surviving the building’s collapse by diving beneath a fire truck. After receiving medical attention at the WTC site for his injuries, Rodriguez spent the rest of 9/11 aiding as a volunteer in the rescue efforts, and at dawn the following morning, was back at Ground Zero continuing his heroic efforts.

Rodriguez lost his employment of 19 years and his means of earning a living as a direct result of the attacks on the WTC on 9/11. Deeply affected, as one might imagine, by his experiences of 9/11, Rodriguez has, in a variety of capacities and through several different organizations, worked ever since that terrible day to help others who were affected by the atrocities committed. He has continued in these labors, notwithstanding the fact that, due to the loss of his employment, he has been unable to earn a living, and was even homeless for a time.

The original source of this article is 911 Keymaster.com Copyright © Global Research, 911 Keymaster.com, 2006

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