LaborFest 2014 80th Anniversary of SF General Strike 21st Annual Fighting For Survival July 5 - July 31 From Rockefeller to Tech Titans LABORFEST, P.O.Box 40983, San Francisco, CA 94140, (415) 642-8066, E-mail:
[email protected] Welcome to LaborFest 2014 80th Anniversary of San Francisco General Strike and 100th Anniversary of 1914 Ludlow Massacre LaborFest 2014 takes place on the 80th anniversary of core” and testing schemes, all funded by Walmart (Walton the 1934 San Francisco General Strike which included family), the Kipp Foundation (Fischer family, owners of the longshore as well as maritime workers along the entire the GAP), and the Gates Foundation. This is taking place while West Coast. The gains won by the General Strike of ’34 the tech barons are getting tax subsidies while public and are now under attack, including the de- private workers are increasingly squeezed struction of the union hiring hall, the out of the housing market. right to strike and a living wage for all We will also have our annual labor mar- workers. itime boat trip with historian and trade 2014 is also the 100th anniversary of unionists, who will discuss the history of the Ludlow miners’ massacre in Lud- the development of the Bay Area. We will low, Colorado. The mine owner, John tour the newly constructed eastern span D. Rockefeller, ordered gun-wield- of the San Francisco Bay Bridge that was ing company thugs and the Colorado built with 100% union labor. Thirty-three National Guard to burn out and kill 1934 SF General Strike - by Hayden workers died during the building of the the striking miners and their families.