Residents guide

Information and resources for residents of the Hills Council Contents

3 From the Mayor 4 Contact details 5 Visit us Essentials 6 How to report issues 7 Rates info 8 Pets and animals 9 Payments 10 Waste and recycling 11 Planning and building 12 Wastewater 13 Biodiversity and environment 14 Fire season and emergency management planning 15 Burning in the open 16 Parks and reserves About the 17 District map 18 Council members 20 Organisational structure 21 Strategic Planning Council Services 22 Libraries 23 Community Centres 24 Arts and culture 26 Volunteering 27 Children’s programs 28 Youth 29 Seniors 30 Public health 31 Events 32 Business support 33 Website 34 Community engagment 35 bushfire recovery 36 Useful guides From the Mayor I am very proud to be serving a community as vibrant, inclusive, dynamic and innovative as ours in the beautiful Adelaide Hills.

Our community nurtures an incredible sense of community and self-support, evidenced by responses to bushfire, pandemic, and in the face of ongoing challenges including climate change and economic pressures. We want to provide our community with the necessary tools and environment to survive and thrive.

We talk about Council as ‘roads, rates, and rubbish’, but of course it’s much more than that; we actually have over 200 different services, many of which you’ll discover in this guide.

I encourage you to engage with your Council and get the most out of living in the hills. By joining conversations, following our social media or e-newsletter, participating in programs and events, or attending Council meetings, you will become aware of the amazing things that occur in your community and see the impact of your voice being heard.

Dr Jan-Claire Wisdom

3 Welcome Contact details

phone 08 8408 0400

[email protected]

envelope PO Box 44 Woodside SA 5244


Participate in community consultations, surveys, and policy updates

Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter

Download the My Local Services app

Follow us on social media:

facebook @adelhillscouncil

twitter @ahcouncil

instagram @adelaidehillscouncil

linkedin @adelaide-hills-council

youtube official

AHC is the best council I’ve ever dealt with – every time I contact council everyone is so helpful and kind.

Margaret Bridgewater

4 Welcome Visit us If you want to chat with us in person, our doors are open across the Council district.

Coventry Library and Service Centre 63 Mt Barker Road, Stirling

Woodside Library and Service Centre 26 , Woodside

Gumeracha Library and Service Centre 45 Albert Street, Gumeracha

The Summit Community Centre 4 Crescent Drive, Norton Summit

Torrens Valley Community Centre 45 Albert Street, Gumeracha

Positive Ageing Centre 36 Nairne Road, Woodside

Fabrik Arts + Heritage 1 Road, Lobethal

Heathfield Resource Recovery Centre 32 Scott Creek Road, Heathfield

See online for opening hours

5 Welcome How to report issues Come across a fallen tree? Found a lost dog? Maybe you just want to update your phone number with us. Here’s how to do it.

phone Call us on 08 8408 0400. We have an emergency after-hours service that runs 24/7.

desktop Report it online

twitter Send us a tweet

facebook PM us on Facebook

instagram or Instagram

We take our service to the community very seriously and have a number of service standards that guide our timeframes for customer requests. These standards are listed online for your reference.

6 Essentials Rates info Rates give us the resources to provide over 200 services to our community.

The amount you pay in rates is based partly on property values. Rates are payable in four equal instalments in September, December, March and June annually. Opt to receive your rates notices electronically via EZYbill or BPAY View; see our website for instructions.

You can also make your quarterly payments in a variety of ways.

desktop Online

arrow-right Ongoing and temporary Direct Debit

arrow-right BPay phone By Telephone on our rates line 1300 012 388

arrow-right Post, in person envelope By mail PO Box 44 Woodside SA 5244

More information about rates, including rebates and concessions, is available on our website.

Did you know? Our rates are determined by the following calculation:  Capital Value of your property  Rate in the dollar (declared annually)  A Fixed Charge component  Landscape Levy  CWMS Levy (if applicable) = Your rate

7 Essentials Pets and animals Animals in our district must be managed in a healthy and considered way. We help you do this through animal management guidelines, By-laws and advice.

Dog and cat owners must ensure that their pets are microchipped and desexed (compulsory for those born after 1 July 2018 unless exempted as a working dog or registered breeder).

Dogs also need to be registered from three months of age on Dogs and Cats Online (DACO) with dog registration due in July each year.

Cats are also required to be registered in our district, and owners can currently add their pet’s details to the system free of charge.

From 1 January 2022 cat owners will need to keep their cats on their property. As this date approaches we will be helping residents understand options for this requirement.

For more information:

Did you know? The most common breeds of dog registered in our district are Border Collies and Australian Kelpies (20%).

8 Essentials Payments You can make payments online for rates, animal registration, development applications, debts and infringements.

Alternatively you can pay over the telephone, in person at one of our service centres, by posted cheque, or, in some cases, by BPay or at Australia Post. Give our friendly service centre staff a call on 8408 0400 to confirm options for your particular payment.

For more information:

9 Essentials Waste and recycling Waste and co-mingled recycling bins are provided for all properties in our district, and green organics bins are provided for residents in townships.

Waste bins are collected kerbside weekly, and recycling and green organics bins (where relevant) are collected on alternate fortnights. Find your collection day on our waste calendar.

Find applications for new or additional bins on our website.

Give East Waste a call on 8347 5150 to report a missed collection or damaged bin, or report it via their website.

Hard waste, batteries, electronic waste, and household chemicals (including paint) can all be disposed of at the Heathfield Resource Recovery Centre, seven days a week.

Residents can also book one ‘at call’ hard waste collection each financial year.

Did you know? Find out how to correctly dispose of any item at

10 Essentials Planning and building Our Council area is made up of nearly 800 square kilometres which means that we are covered by several different planning zones, each with their own rules.

We recommend that you speak with our Duty Planner well before you engage an architect, designer, or other contractor to undertake work – even jobs that seem run-of-the-mill like replacing a fence or removing a tree could have their own set of rules. Call on 8408 0400 for assistance.

Our Planning and Building page has plenty of fact sheets, application forms, and helpful information on preparing a development application for a range of activities. We are always happy to talk with you about your plans, application process and more.

Current development applications can be viewed online as can our Council’s Development Plan. See the SA Planning Portal for more information about SA’s planning reforms and what’s new in this space.

11 Essentials Wastewater Unlike many metropolitan council areas, not all of our residents are connected to mains water or an external sewer system.

There are a number of types of wastewater treatment options:

1 Traditional SA Water gravity sewer 2 Pressure sewer (whereby each property has a maceration unit) 3 Community Wastewater Management Systems (CWMS) 4 On-site systems (septic, aerobic or alternative)

When you purchase a new property you can check our website to see if your area is listed with wastewater options. If relevant, you should then ask your real estate agent (or previous owner) about the wastewater arrangements in place, and ask to see the property’s Schedule 2 Document, which will inform you if any legal notices apply to the property.

When in doubt, give our Environmental Health Officers a call on8408 0400 to discuss your specific case.

12 Essentials Biodiversity and environment Our district is a biodiversity hotspot in the Ranges.

Council manages approximately 2,050 hectares of land across conservation reserves, Crown land, and high value road reserves. We work hard with volunteers and the State Government to rehabilitate these areas.

You can help our biodiversity by planting native plants, including trees, shrubs, and groundcover, and managing weeds consistently so that they don’t have the chance to spread and destroy native habitats.

Our native wildlife is one of the many reasons people love living in the Adelaide Hills and you might even be sharing your backyard with a range of creatures from bees to kangaroos. For the most part we can co-exist comfortably, and you can findmore information about looking after our wildlife or removing unwanted critters on our website.

You should also be aware of the signs of Phytophthora cinnamomi, a soil pathogen that infects some native plants, and many agricultural plants like vines, fruits, and nuts. If infected, plants are unable to transport water and nutrients and ultimately die, so please look out for it and help us reduce the spread of this destructive soil fungus.

13 Essentials Fire season and emergency management planning Council and the community have a collective responsibility for emergency management, which is guided by four key principles: prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery.

Residents should create an emergency plan for their household (and any pets) so you know what to do if an emergency occurs. Be sure to practise your plan ahead of the Fire Danger Season. You should also know how to prepare your home with regular maintenance to minimise your risks.

Our district is a high danger area for bush fires in particular and we all need to take fire season preparation very seriously. Our website contains helpful information about Safer Places in our district, as well as Last Resort Refuges, and these should be taken into consideration in your emergency planning.

14 Essentials Burning in the open

Some residents choose to undertake burning of garden waste on their properties as part of preparations for summer. Our website has all the details you might need on what you can burn, and when a permit is required.

No matter where you live - burning in the open must be done in accordance with CFS Codes of Practice for Broad Acre Burning and Vegetation Rubbish Pile Burning. Burning in the open is only allowed outside the Fire Danger Season (which is typically November – April) and on Non-Fire Ban Days. For more information on what you can and cannot do during Fire Danger Season, visit the CFS website.

Thank you for the efficient follow up regarding my fire permit. The Fire Prevention Officer was extremely helpful.

Michael Stirling

15 Essentials Parks and reserves We recognise the important role of recreation in improving overall health and wellbeing.

We maintain playgrounds in most townships, with a gradual movement towards more ‘nature play’ spaces that encourage a connection with the natural environment. We also look after a range of sporting grounds including ovals, tennis and basketball courts, BMX tracks, and skate facilities.

Away from built facilities you can find many trails throughout the hills, including at our Woorabinda Bushland Reserves and Lobethal Bushland Park. The Amy Gillett Bikeway offers walkers, cyclists and horse riders 17km of bituminised pathway from Oakbank to Mt Torrens, with future plans for extension, and we boast world-class mountain biking trails that will challenge and delight.

We would like to say how delighted we are with the work being carried out at the local tennis courts. This is the very best we could have ever wished for.

Jeanette and Malcolm Cherryville

16 Essentials District map

N The

Humbug Scrub Mount Crawford

Kersbrook Sampson Flat


Forreston City of Tea Tree Lower Hermitage Gully

Inglewood WAEND

SOTH PAA D TOENS VALLE D Chain Of Ponds Birdwood NOTH EAST D Millbrook Gumeracha Houghton


Kenton Valley Campbelltown Cudlee Creek City Council GOGE D



Mount Torrens

Montacute Valleys Ward ostrevor

Lobethal WOODSIDE D Mid Charleston Woodforde Cherryville Murray LOBETHAL D Council Teringie Norton Summit City of Skye Lenswood Burnside

Horsnell Gully Basket ange Ashton LOBETHAL D Greenhill raidla Woodside GEENHILL D

Waterfall Summertown Gully NAINE D

Ranges Ward ONKAPAINGA VALLE D egend Oakbank Cleland Piccadilly Ward Area Crafers Boundaries Mount George Crafers JNCTION D City of West Adelaide Hills Mitcham Stirling Verdun Council Area Hay Valley Aldgate Boundary MT BAKE D Bridgewater PPE STT D Service centres, pper Sturt Hahndorf community Sturt Heathfield centres, libraries Littlehampton Longwood Ironbank Mylor


Scott Creek

Bradbury Mount Barker District City of Council Onkaparinga Dorset Vale

Adelaide Hills South Council Area Australia Area

17 About the Adelaide Hills Council members Our Council has a Mayor and 12 Councillors elected to represent you. As your representatives, Council Members can be contacted about any issues or concerns that you may have about what’s happening locally.

Mayor Jan-Claire Wisdom (08) 8408 0400 | 0405 136 278 [email protected]

​ Cr Malcolm Herrmann 0429 890 245 [email protected]

Cr Andrew Stratford 0408 800 946 [email protected]

Cr Linda Green 0418 858 429 [email protected]

18 About the Adelaide Hills Cr Pauline Gill 0434 766 307 [email protected]

Cr Chris Grant 0403 957 755 [email protected]

Cr Nathan Daniell (Deputy Mayor) 0400 341 082 [email protected]

Cr Kirrilee Boyd 0405 505 684 [email protected]

Cr Kirsty Parkin 0422 758 126 [email protected]

​Cr Ian Bailey 0427 005 792 [email protected]

Cr John Kemp 0419 856 042 [email protected]

Cr Leith Mudge 0414 716 903 [email protected]

Cr Mark Osterstock 0407 619 282 [email protected]

19 About the Adelaide Hills Organisational structure

Regional Council Subsidiaries Committees SHLGA Elected Audit Committee East Waste SPDPC AHRWMA Council CEOPRP GRFMA

Chief Executive Governance & Officer Performance

• Governance, Risk and Audit • Public Integrity

Development Community & Regulatory Infrastructure Corporate Capacity Services & Operations Services

• Arts and Heritage • Animal • Civil Services • Adelaide Hills Management Business and • Communications • Community Tourism Centre and Events • Fire Prevention Wastewater (AHBTC) Management • Community • Mt Lofty Waste System (CWMS) • Cemeteries Consultation Control Project • Emergency • Corporate • Community • Parking and Management Planning Development By-laws • Open Space • Financial Services • Cultural • Planning and Biodiversity Development Development • General Property • Open Space • Customer Service • Policy Planning • Information and Operations • Economic Communications • Public Health Development • Open Space Technology Sport and • Grants and • Information Recreation Partnerships Systems Planning • Hills Connected • Performance • Sustainability Community Reporting Program • Sustainable • Rating • Library Services Assets • Retirement • Waste • Positive Ageing Villages (Collaborative) • Positive Ageing Services and Programs (Home Organisation Support) Development • Service Strategy and Innovation • Organisational • The Summit Development Community • Work Health and Centre Safety • Torrens Valley Community Centre • Volunteering • Youth Development

20 About the Adelaide Hills Strategic Planning Strategic Plan, Annual Business Plan, and Long Term Financial Plan.

The Strategic Plan is a long-term document that outlines our key strategic goals, objectives, and proposed strategies for the future of the district. The Long Term Financial Plan supports these, and the Annual Business Plan breaks down our focus for the immediate 12 months ahead.

You can download the latest Strategic Plan, Annual Business Plan and Long Term Financial Plan from our website.

I am very excited by the Pome Fest initiative… many growers are just focused on survival at the moment and this provides an opportunity to lift their eyes to the broader horizon.

Susie Green CEO, Apple and Pear Growers Association of SA

21 About the Adelaide Hills Libraries We have three library buildings, in Stirling, Woodside and Gumeracha, as well as a mobile library and home delivery service.

Membership to your local library is completely free and provides you with access to all South Australian libraries under the One Card System. The timetable for the mobile library is available on our website.

Our libraries are about more than just borrowing books. Gain access to free Wi-Fi and public computers, JP services, children’s programs, adult learning programs, book clubs, online resources (including study help for teens), and a home delivery service.

View all of our library services online.

Your staff member turned a daunting job into a simple task. The help I received was way above what I expected.

Valerie Upper Sturt

22 Council Services Community Centres Our Community Centres are located in Norton Summit and Gumeracha. We also support The Hut Community Centre in Aldgate.

These hubs are designed to increase community wellbeing through various services and programs that provide opportunities to gather, volunteer, learn new skills, meet new people, and support community groups.

Annual and school holiday programs are regularly available and cover a range of interests, plus you can look out for one-off special events and workshops. Community meeting rooms are also available for use.

We love to welcome new community members to the district and help you explore ways to settle in. Read more on our website or follow our Facebook page for updates.

23 Council Services Arts and culture We strongly value the artistic ethos of our region and appreciate the instinctive connection between artists and the Adelaide Hills landscape.

In 2018 we commenced development of an arts and heritage hub located at the former Onkaparinga Woollen Mill in Lobethal. Fabrik Arts + Heritage is growing steadily as a meeting place, exhibition space, and host of artistic workshops and experiences that promote creativity and connectedness.

There are regular artistic and cultural projects and events in the area, including participation in the annual SALA Festival, multiple pieces from the Adelaide Hills International Sculpture Symposium, the Community Mosaic Couch Trail, and many community murals and art pieces that help strengthen our community’s sense of place.

24 Council Services Congratulations on your contribution to artistic expression in your council area. The exhibitions at the Mill in Lobethal are amongst the best I’ve seen.

Sue Woodside

We acknowledge that the land of the Adelaide Hills Council district is the traditional lands of the and peoples, and we respect their spiritual relationship with their Country.

There are nearly 600 residents in the Adelaide Hills region who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and we recognise that the Aboriginal heritage and living culture of First Nation People is a fundamental part of our district and thriving communities.

We have partnered with Mount Barker District Council to create the Adelaide Hills Reconciliation Working Group; a regional reference group that assists our organisations with the development and implementation of our Reconciliation Action Plans. Our organisation’s Strategic Plan also highlights respect for Aboriginal culture and values as a key objective for community wellbeing.

25 Council Services Volunteering Be part of something big. The Adelaide Hills has one of the highest proportions of volunteering in and we’re so proud to have you with us.

A wide variety of volunteering opportunities are available across our libraries, community centres, Hills Home and Community support, youth program and many more.

Download our volunteering brochure for more information about how you can volunteer with the Adelaide Hills Council.

For information on wider volunteering opportunities in the region, or to register your organisation’s need for volunteers, you can sign up to Volunteer Connect, a free online recruitment hub specifically for the Adelaide Hills.

26 Council Services Children’s programs Our libraries and community centres offer a range of regular programming that are an affordable diversion for parents of young children.

Toddlers are invited to sing-along, interact, and create crafts in the weekly free sessions at your local library. We also offer a sensory-friendly option that is held in small, inclusive groups for children better suited to movement and play.

Our school holiday programming is almost entirely free of charge and ranges from movie Volunteering screenings to virtual reality, arts and crafts to Be part of something big. The Adelaide video games. We also hold a STEAM program Hills has one of the highest proportions during school term that engages children of volunteering in South Australia and in science, technology, engineering, arts, and maths, and have a range of homework we’re so proud to have you with us. helping programs available through our computer systems.

Keep up to date by following our social media accounts or subscribing to the Library’s e-newsletter, or stop by your local library and have a chat with our friendly staff.

27 Council Services Youth At Adelaide Hills Council we run a variety of youth development programs for ages 10-25yrs.

These programs are aimed at building resilience and capacity through the development of skills, leadership and social connections.

Our regular program includes the in-depth Youth Leadership Program as well as gaming events, music jams, defensive driving courses for learners and P-platers, and quarterly school holiday programs.

Young people can attend as often as they like, and if they have an interest in shaping future activities there is always an opportunity to become actively involved in planning. facebook @adelaidehillsyouthleadership

instagram @adelaidehillsyouthleadership

28 Council Services Seniors We support eligible older residents to maintain their independence in their home and community through the Hills Home and Community Support program.

The services we provide are funded by Council, the State and Federal Governments, and client contributions from residents who are receiving services.

Some of the services available through this program include exercise programs, social outings, home help, and transport assistance. See our website for more details about services and programming.

Residents over 65yrs are encouraged to contact the Hills Home and Community Support team on 8408 0400 to discuss how to access in-home support. Staff will explain the requirement for all prospective clients to contact the My Aged Care screening gateway in the first instance.

29 Council Services Public health Our Environmental Health Officers have a wealth of information about public health and safety, and are responsible for looking into public health concerns like safe drinking water and healthy restaurant conditions.

As part of these services we offer drop-in immunisation clinics at both Stirling and Woodside where residents can keep their vaccinations up to date. We also offer the sale of sharps disposal containers to private users, and accept full containers for safe disposal at our service centres.

More information on these and other services is available on our website.

30 Council Services Events Festivals and events are important to the Adelaide Hills and positively contribute to our region’s fabric of life.

A calendar of upcoming Council and community events is available on our website or from Adelaide Hills Tourism.

If you are looking to hold a family or community event in a public park or reserve, please contact us. Public spaces cannot be booked exclusively, but by getting in touch we can ensure your plans aren’t going to clash with something in our calendars.

Council has developed a Festivals and Events Toolkit for anyone interested in running an event in the district. This Toolkit is a useful set of resources for general event organisation and will guide you step-by-step through Council event requirements.

You should also notify us of any large events on private land using amplified music/ microphones, fireworks, burning/bonfires, or that might cause significant roadside parking, and if your event is for the general public we also need to know if you’re planning on serving alcohol, hosting animals, supplying food and more. We can also provide in-kind support to eligible not-for-profit and community events, so please get in touch to see how we might be able to assist you.

31 Council Services Business support It’s important that our region has a strong, diverse, and sustainable economy and we offer support to local business to keep our district successful.

During May Business Month we partner with neighbouring Mt Barker District Council to curate a wide range of events and workshops specifically for people working in the hills. There is something for everyone, whether you are a small business owner, franchisee, primary producer, or home- based business. Look out for May Business Month information each year to participate.

If business is your passion, you can also sign up for our quarterly e-newsletter Hills Voice: your business where we share support services available to new and existing businesses, relevant legislative changes, and information on networks, activities, and events happening in the region. It is a quick and easy way of keeping your finger on the pulse of the hills business community.

More information, including business associations and support services, can be found in a dedicated section of our website.

32 Council Services Website Our website contains all sorts of helpful information, from when the next Council meeting is, to where our district cemeteries are, and even when to expect scheduled roadworks.

Information is grouped into the headings of Business, Community, Council, Environment, Resident and Visitor, and the home page offers Latest News and Events.

Quick links under our scrolling banner give you instant access to some of our most popular topics, including our library catalogue, waste and recycling, reporting incidents, and making payments. Bookmark our homepage and never miss a thing!

33 Council Services Community engagment Being an active citizen means having your say on the decisions that impact you and your Council.

We run a number of community consultations throughout the year on all sorts of topics. From park names, climate change, policies, and community services, your feedback matters.

If in-person feedback is more your style, you can attend one of several Community Forums around the district each year, or speak at one of the monthly Council Meetings during the public forum.

To keep your finger on the pulse we recommend that you register on our Hills Voice: your say website and participate in new consultations as they arise. You can also email us ideas anytime at [email protected]

34 Council Services Cudlee Creek Bushfire Recovery

On Friday 20 December 2019 an uncontrolled fire broke out in Cudlee Creek. The ultimate result of this emergency was a direct impact on some 30% of the district including the loss of homes, property, livelihoods, and, most tragically, a member of our community.

Community recovery from this emergency is a long term process, and one that individuals will experience at varied rates and in varied intensities. To assist you in this process, Council has committed a Community Recovery Officer to help residents communicate what you need from the State-appointed Local Recovery Officer and your Council, and offer assistance in navigating a unique process.

We have developed an online space where our community can come together, not only to discuss recovery and find helpful resources, but also to act as guidance for moving into a new Fire Danger Season and what that might bring.

Join the conversation at

35 Essentials Useful guides

Adelaide Hills Services Directory

A collection of organisations providing health, learning, safety, and relationship services in the Adelaide Hills. Adelaide Hills Tourism

A great place to find local businesses to visit and events happening in your region.

An overview of your home district and what makes it so special. Moving House Checklist

A customisable checklist for every aspect of your move. Your Home

Australia’s guide to environmentally sustainable homes. Visitor-friendly dog parks in our district

A helpful guide to the most popular on- and off-leash areas in the area.

36 Council Services Wildlife hotlines

Adelaide Hills Snake Catcher (24hr) 0427 991 573

Snake Catchers Adelaide (24hr) 0413 511 440

Snake-away Services 0413 511 335

Bats (including Microbats and Flying Foxes) Rescue Hotline 0475 132 093

Fauna Rescue of SA Wildlife Hotline 08 8289 0896

Koala Rescue Hotline 1300 (1300 562 527)

Minton Farm Animal Rescue Centre 0422 938 439

37 Council Services twitter Send us a tweet facebook PM us on Facebook instagram or Instagram