y the NANA!M0-FREErx^rrxoar JV.acozroax Xex^xis XV3ewax>jkxsixa S3tcx,-az>xsro Tsa press Nanaimo , vaxcouveu island British (x >lumbia . Wednesday , oct >ber is. i»is. NCMBES Ilf Auxiluu-y Jlltt*- Al) WOlAJAriT AJJiOBT iiifii.'iri wiiiiipHE- *bouu about Oriv. •‘^"1 up buc Mlfwanhoe. Wla., Uet. 14.-A* «o». t CO over «,in exploMou occ-u- guM defeated Bat Krisoa of Hegn- EMHFV te HKi .aich. lU., in a len-roimd no-deci- CARBRilNE DBASIE 1 Mrs. C. lIcKenzls. wife of UunCsa Sion bout h«n tonight. WolgaM had McKeiuie. Kntw Armstrong and WILL BEGIN the better of eight the tea roumia Wife. Uvtt on i«Uud Ua iraiBESWIlECIL C«rdU(. W»le», 15.—ShorUy bourn of Ibis uronunc ii is losreU | u*. w Annsirong, r.yl„«anl bsttia sal bsve pen«u«l! bey aero ail togetW. Witnc-i wa, B rescuing party in U« u broggy. Hs ds ' >«i when explosion cauo,. «h,. fRIDAy2§S=chin and ri^t no. the Qro under control, in i ‘ “ll«cly uu-''^'» -vrinsiroug and Inilur ,to the face with great force. and at 2.8U « n>. twenty more minen. npproachable. 'Jlicre 1. a mile of ««*nc to bed Kt e saw them nsAC Mr. Dunlmf Taylor. K.C.. crown Ilattbir always , found alive at the bottom ..f UnOc-rvround galleries between than ""'ming about lu. This gave the belief that sad rescue, and ■ 'n>«y came o . roaecuior. announced in coon this ““ *' great fire is rag. *" l«u»l from Jadysmith. She ear rnornng ihar th- .'•onarmo riot :rri- 'howf^l

?"jLirv-rr,^' 'r r iz r.r.:r_‘- ■« _ Both (irad toward«...«... the cua]„ rzr ru,"" “'L™VLLrr^.r eonteat. bat Wolgast taka ths Blood was flowing from nvening. * On Friday K'Ottlw of prison... now i..b. the DaneD“e’,« noae.noa?. ear and lip,lips from , -t, kaown death roll iiumbera 16. Doc-, Ihose rescued include Underground “Hemoon she ssw laking ‘n the order of their atee. cj. hard blows of the CafJlac boxer. Ch*^ffl«r At a “m^ the a ______,e„ with otygen and medicaments Tralbc ManagVr John Uerr*4 Char remembered liuic. cording to the number of individual. I ______* j wsre bnmln* throogh .Ho. 1 'haxelni. Cassssam. OasS, Ksr. dBCended the shaft at an early hour Anderson, head pitcher; OraH Hobert involved. Altogether there are a.s nDfRIirn 11/(111111 l/fm :‘fating "re to. the foresiusUeformasUe and.ad all La Jf**^**®*Twwrsw...’ Hseragaa Uii. morning. masUi- collier; Jack KoberU, Jack ‘ "Vb-ter-abe did not tell batch,, of primmer- a waiting trial fillings. I olowed Uw ohip *«r«iU. Minn A crowd of four thousand distran Dillon, .lohn B ilUsms, Tom Ulchards »*>lngs at the prelisitinaiy hear- ior the ri«eoi tlisLurbances h fre. «| PffliiyiDEP dosn and kept her bstorw tha wlad fcppnhanam*. - enable m to pui theauma mtUn- •‘T!!?* ------•f persons surrounded the pithead all Edward -niome. Alfred FSirts and «*«1>«1 Iheae ihlnga wh.n which the allegeft riot* at So. 1 iLin. operatbm, .hm three fir. ■ 7**rh. ship was right and another four thousand a- ^ John Mctlridge. >«• husband was arresud. .She couM on Aug. Il at 5 p.m. istbe largem. i deck conasrtiima. The I «B:aO ooelli. srrited news at the f'ardlB aUtion. | Among the Injured are Albert «>»> <1«>» preetding Other large baUhew are thooe involv- ORiENIALSOUlE^"e gaining rnpldly. reachiag _ of the rorsinaai light and on. Oct. I.I.— According to n Furtx, Klchard Thomaa, William Ce^ Tuesday clearly. ad in similar trouble at 111 p.m, on , Imprbamlng the . ts»u-h briow. who measnge received In the ear»y cil, David Jonea and Wm. Hraiy. 1 for lunch. date, and on Aug. 12. . Seven ' Lo««lo«i. Oct. U,— Sir KicharJ Mo- wore burned to death in the foreeas- I AJ-TEU.SOOX SESSIO.H. " '‘‘“'•K'vd with aggravated as Pc«uwc of British l olumblv . exoloaioo. ao. , SW RAGES ON to foUow such instructions , “»'t ofi CVmslable Taylor at the »>" »«> B.r Edward Omy. =r«!. ^ i ______^ resuming afur lunch. Mr. Bird wharf on Ang. 1.1, while three. in- Lntiah secretajy of sUte lor lorelga tnl amidrhiiw. the compass in.1 strer I Medical certificate did not aho*! “““ " ‘wclve witnesses remain «>uding George I’etligrew, are to b, ““ni". the task of reconciling Great ***'' •‘»® «>*'»»••» K- »h* NEWENM MNSi MEN nyoue at his home in absolute mad Friday would be to- tried for intlmidatiim at So. \ mlnr * pro-Jaiuuieae procilviUjs Mr. Farris-The only alleged rci j Pleading guUty to »• -'ug- 11. .with Briviah FolumbUa determlns-! burned ihrough the hatchea -u «»'«« why aenteoce should noli » sufflrient time remains over ^ exclude Asiatics from iU ui^ ‘ ‘It seeming ImpoaribU to Bar. the oDlur from some power behind i. 1«**^- Heit* did not see how the ‘twem the conclusion of the Imd.v- •^‘P- > ‘‘•d »he bosh ELECE JURy bOtneS to oppose bail lu this ca i wouml.ng eases sboui.l v,mJJ on t>s- si it is the in- ! government ha. been ^ W-- A aosg*. tu. l.onor-'Jhere is no migg.wiio.. ifore the Kanaimo case, on Friday. tention of the crown bring lo protesung against the at- smashed, bat Xo. 2‘ wwf swooped don a* ths ahte. ' - of danger m Air. llritigrew s bom Hit Honor bo|>ed the crown would Isocky and Mali charge ,|.titude Uken op la Canada, especial- ths water with cabin pasareigars tod *" “• “*w Bngfad cosmt yew- llo would make no order. arrange matters as to avoid av wounding Hatfield, and also HatilelJ 'i dwelling op the Japancae being *" ®* ChW fMSser ‘•'day. tearing ram u tta waka. M hiatus l^ween caa* Us hoped,to on a similar orosa ehargs. lU*\,ic raoud kspi tha k Mr. Bird -As about ufty men have now elected for jiuy iriai, the w., bo able! to learn what the Nanaimo ■ «*>«««...... furiher clii-.. - ,K.-r-urr^r” ^ men would do. As arranged by his Honor Judg, in Bouih Wellington were beeb .» •remiota oreurred in the aflt-ruo n ! Sir Richard McBrides tte* water. She afterw arJa righted •< Saadwteh. ^ Hsway yestenUy. the ihlrij-seveU ing desperate, He bad with diiC- Mm. June BaulJ. called by Mr. e reported In a vUit to London was to Impresa ths and several of the crew got ‘“had in ths wrsaa of hm omns bwax frisoan now in jaU under charge cuuy persTiade Bird for the dc<««wLangweU. ••»«»o- Kgntaeket. tte •iset as to the manner Af their trial, suflering intvn»el.v. ^ _ iETSPlAYPRACICE:^ time uui ^ “** action. ■ The No. 7 tKMt on being lowered was expectod to co to nteo.. ThMs mm had provlouriy. before lie semimeni was roused in favorfavor" oi >““« *l«wn. He caught under the .m*7 of the riiip ^ Ptoom elected lor speedj the cr« ; •«* GAMEIOMHOW He will aaU f .iton to.'and compWely wrecked. trtri an tha original charge, but Mr “* morrow, leaving Earl f:rp>' ♦ ,.i,| . ( • Movnwhile thb chief engineer, two! **• extreme nortteaM o« - - way , of the dlfflcnlty. after gir- and myself fought th, fire and New Etegtaad coast another ttmbsr Tvlor, K.C.. the crown pro- j di J:Evbf * “ ^ ‘* ”“' bo another big rugby ing him s : apparently -cuter, having announced that ad. ' Lfc-^LNSE KEi,LAU:.D. iploaion. At the report witness got linn intlmatl that - took pteo jrrow afto-motn t gave orders •tioasl eoiwta would be added ii ' in the Eadiamltb caa.>l**l' “*"• ‘""lied out of-the window. accordance with Cana- aw a,-. • -nnU te»( from a .Ca SOS memaary to re-electL ’ '‘suimd this mornmg. ifortray came to the back door and rraing to us. teavad ths breakots three o'clock. One side wiU Ml snd pot iOrmad Uaaah. N.B.. where ths Mr. Taylor said that In tt wouli T«j lor. called lor thj her busband-ihry talked liosed of proliablo HomeU, i now bacame calmer. Food t te secesaaty to add the court (It ‘h^fonae. bbe was the wife of Jos-explosion. Her huslisml other side will cvmslst of Hornets Mkdoas demolilion of certain dwell. one of the accused. to bed. He went out lOe RUGBY EM j- kg bouseo. (2) Klotous demolilioi acroaa bayto., from(rem Eadjamitb.L.id,miUi. ••hout 5.2(«I K' and“<* came Imrr at.t d ksOding and machinery and pit Mr.-.rr*o.« _ , t'od snd caught an the e l«d of Extenrion mine. (3) Rlot- occupied ; B at Bickle’s c rat 3 , REORGANIZE ^ '«.m.. was positively a He. cli—ed mud water poured down the **•« •«»« treechreoue s In No. 1. (4, the next tent. On Aug. 12 a ------,Xo. 1 batch into the fire, but the day. FROU.tnLB inRNETS. > UW on Nan- ■Maas damage in No. 2. (5)l«ot. witness and husband were at _ I I'o Mr. Tnylor — Witnesa recollect ­ Afislawfui assembly. Armstrong. They beard ry. ed time of his going out from being Back Colclough. At n .meeting hcM last night o, j c”^i:‘-Srived r for htep. A. the Rovnr Kuj|uy tenm, it was da- and lowered a boat, bnt could not tksNjriginal charge of riotous de- sitting together. Her hue- |ne»r breakfast *hour. Huslmnd al- Three-qimrtori»—Potts, Uttle. Ow- aided to orgaiuw lor Uie coming sea- ' i*lp on s^nt of the high at her snehorwre neat the dreodsd M"«iao was the most inclusive .nd “•* Armstrong went aorosa * “ra met train. out sever- ens. Bate. ■rtaasehaiga Ijidjamith at 12.45. Armstrong re !al "limes----- that da.v. He pnrtlv dress i Halvis —Ilushby, rarkington. , City lit. srrived and lowered boati which ~ - Hire I...... t uirirtiUuu xbmtnr-^'R^* ‘^ '““‘u lietween 9 and Kfh. s|>oak to roclray. ! Forwards - Dolieoon. McKinnell. for tha I aioon could not readh us. .About 8 p. nr., | The Ilfe-asTing atsHoB farndwri next morning. He went In to every ,,T—Trr...... T ■■ ntr^irt THtti,mlri,rh ‘ ties said the defense did not. how t 1011, I rtBS-gamo;" *fiw concede charges os rising. jUmun meeting ami returned at 10. iO. Mr. Honeymnn of fi>-operative storr.^ Pollard. friend of Mr*. Bault, a]g.-nl the even dropped until the prvsent seaaon. it aii drifted past ‘on.- ship, too far j “"**"*• “« ^ ».»«« imperiBfd shte. Mr. Tiylor laid the prisoners coal 3 “Od Tnylor were in camp MI.XED TEAM. would______be a^good______move if the other away. - | Four milea to the esetwsed. nrer ing of the 12th at her house up to •*» awelsct on original charge as “** Friday Armstrorg k-ull Buck-MitchelL • ! teams should get going so ss ,i -.Soveral staanMra had arrivwl ly Bollodt Rip IlebldUix »»«th-r v-asg JiMi.m. Bauld was then laying on .j ■PoaiUon had not been in hands . t * “ *Mdysmith In morning. in Three quarters — KlUeen. rutton, the Horueu practice for theU- games „hlrh KrtxinUud put away boat* dlscoswd with w tt the lounge, was there all the time, ij. four attempts to com*! Barker at that time. afternoon was in comp. irruthers. Aurrow. In the league with Victoria and Van along L were awofW away reeb riM«m*«. fh lnw dlstT-aa slmals. A end.when witness left. Itauld - . Honor menthen reaaread out the' H'- Taylor-WitnesB lived ».l ■ j ilalww — Bniropton. Kiodrwi. loouver. There is all kinds of gooi ,HM. I bird ac*“'•1 w-™,... (•alderhead. .Heurr, Bruce. Ihitton. teams out and form a city league. ‘bridge all before the funnel were blax- BtiH another v>«>J r-oort?d be all sitting up late. Armstrong was ' To Mr. Taylor —Witness’ house was -- «*erei iJidysinith to get n |•IllHlo^ for cvllor Frcil ilaon, assisted by Geo. nett. Preston Bruce (captain) Mat ,^0 were throughout |msny yean did not belmve ta hsag- *"«•. H. Htnnhers. .f. Vaugor. J. •‘>® him was in Ladysmith. l’ho,,,j„ buck. He started o(T about 7..10. Johnson ns Grand Ibrelate and Thos >*curr. W.. lloi>er. Edgar Bnowden, thereat of the night. ilng' up Urge puree* even for chajn- "Hlaee, W, Watson,WaUon. S. ’/Jjoyovsky./Jvnrov.kv »»'«lewhole party went home tog«th*rijj^ was alone. He came hoine al out AVoiricook n i Graml Maaieral jVrma. _Totn lylgh, r^il_Pil>er, Fred Killeen ' ’’Tte' chief engineer, the Marconi^ ^plona of the ring to battle lor, tm* n«ky. the pri-vnor commit- "‘Kht- "« “> ‘ .11, .nil. ;new liecaitse train was instalUd the; following officers;ollScors; TomIM Watson.vv«.vr>.x,.. .T.... g>„re.,-r.e.Busht.y. H. Thom- -jl U, mukilHT ^^[evldenny Wl« Mmngril Its pottcy; for k -«t Saturday, also elected for Friday morning and came liack L«» nnd Ik came afti-i .. lie told M. at A.-L. Houston. croft. D. Millbum. n. CamplH.ll. B. burned Through the deck before • recant meeUng the offielah da- Wsl. ;bout 1.30. - Ste* could not say itierr ul>outaiiOiit 1me iroublo at Isul.v-iiaUi. i.tj—w. Faulkner. , , Kirkbride, .T. Taylor. Stun. Wood- daylight. 'cided to oOer a purse of 215.00C tor ^bert Taylor, who Is out on bail, returned. jllc Sta.vid at home ail that day. o.G. —L. Towers. oet. .Shots Piper.Pinor. ’: :«tI "At*'w *5;15'h *a ’™’t ^ • tweaty-niund bout betweas appeanri in court and stood l,v I Mrs. Armstrong, wife of J. tl. itfields lived near witm*s. also it. a «.cisl session followed presldid Preston hnwe. who wns selected vs ableTo eo^ teudioi ’ WdU. the hrevjvrelght cham ™ •rtginal election for a speedy Armstrong, liv,sl on the island. On j SimpsoDe ..r l.y Chancellor CommandiT U. captain Inst evenlne, h-ld the same alongside tlw ship, which enat.Ied tl^e |pion vJ IMglnnd and Ge..rgsa Car- ^t tWs was oTer-rulefl as he witnesa Wns in Indysmitli.! t*,, j,r. Webster-Her place, . Thompson. Ilefrediments werj position whm th? Rovers won the pnasenrers to tsnbark fpilckly. .Mi peoiier. champion of Frsnre. to ^‘"only arcused not electing for ““ P’*" ’ H''' husband was o i walk from laid.vsmiih. Did a rvi^i .'- ntyreaeue Championship two years ‘ ' the managers of the fighters were island when she nturned. After cx-i„„t know.if her husband might have srs. 11 O; Thomiison, W. Faulkner, s boats with plosion he and INiylor went to 1 u- . neen at IVIan'-y ’s house at fi o'clock. <'• Wilson. John Aitken, R. fStlrtan. ______.Heorr wis_ selected as see? - ; i once. The left in I Informed of tha club’s big oftnr they ror jury trial. |d,vsmlth. She saw them next mor- ^ brother-in-law. wmt out C- Aitken. 1.. Houston, .1*. Doricott, Club. Ivery orderly manner, and there was loot no Urns In affixing thair o no panic, nteny breaking down «nd j ,hn articles of .igi ’;urni. A -.e APPLICATIO.V FOR BAIIe hing at home. Her hushand went.(^, - .jp she wns not at preliiitiii- ‘‘ Mils .11 and A. Manifold. A hyp- ______Mr. Leighton made application to. bed till afternoon, about 1.30. Ho hearing. ,'ii.le lorn wns given hy W. Faulk- tte'’sJpVp by ------. — __ ^ snd Tnylor wim. to mining j 100,pa. _ J aearchad the ►««cred JT. Jol^fi Bunasky and Lw-n myself and found no one else The first on account of sick any one that Mall was at home, abe . ewsM iecido abandon her. Mr. J. Tsgg. D.C.K. of ths A.O.P. ^ y« UUgr as Uttls evident]Hka "T -J Mr. Pettigrew i well allgntl»„ town over night and was the ^ preduced against him at tlu, Ttrenca -wouW -notnot be taken for her. OPERiiUSE ELECI0FFIC[R1«;^H- _____ .'Kroonland. MUton street. itei?»? ------HonorPr«mistd to U>Investigate ""**■ XjtlOftiliU J ikeir that night. Th. ir regubir hour for ils poi-u •I ho Risl C n*ng at C he and Taylor went tr Ganger, who was already cue going to l;ed was U p.m. n, t fail 1. p-aidi-iw.' of : ‘^Mmi- lodysmllh, Mr. D. ifeKenrie wn nl s ihat (iiiiious day eveningcning Vwhen llio following '•"‘•In , Toihia Honor —Hie l lcs werere i-lKttslclKtod Vfor the coming yenr, j ______another neighbor ■ at thatma, time.,.me. mat her husband v -reol Vi’.egi.iph photo I'l.iy Mhin I crown could show rvaiaun s with .stone • ten Co on 'h' M'arpaih. .It IB Pire.-Mrs. Trewford, ireHiUctatll. 1 *''"»«sal’...... ""■■■ , For all those who may not .understand.^ we houre'^' — ’- procession about 5 e c'pMie.t coni-sly pictiiP' ever .«r.i- \ ito-l ’ro».~.MrH. 1 **•'1. for whooa ___ hours. Witness went to tied shortly laro wrong. He w.is with her at .litnd iin.l e\.r>oD.' who Inm scs-n it are quotinj? below the real and full ^ Whom application was ywtrAnlnir ...... ____ ^ w .. after reliirnlng. hone ^ IhoVoireh! ’. •’O|o.' ”‘' >'• Two <'runb»« yesteninv. was allowed ball. , that hour. HioKToj.h np I L’lhiii are also meaning of the I Mr. Taylor —Ah, th.m you went i i Mm. Mliltliehl. n. xC wiliuss. live ! ‘ foliow! s of receipts and ' t*r B 'or hall for Wal- medlnlily on returning from Inc on account of mu,_ . Ifurlv yards oil Mali's place. He was | h.. two \ ali.levllle Acts are enlinM ls-ndlturc9; smith nNicsdiiy night. Ikyision deferred for Witness nlwn.vs ’ knew when her li ;ol explosion. H.' saw Mali at . ( agh r.reiv«l for K.r. Tea ... r.C..30 '**As to •Pplicatlon on Kni, 1* . m band went to lAHysmiin.Tndysmith. .-rneShe '^ 1 „dded to him. Ho h.vd liceii L" Hridav is Amateur Cssh rceivod f„r Ball X«a.t"> *^tlgrre xr J. " 0«M memis-r.sl hours ou I'nday owing »o “ ^ o-i.^ ,,, , ,nd IsT.'st vour favor- Cash rccclwsl for dues ...... T4.r.O ‘OASIS» Zp " x tl: “."c .;™;. - -. .. • -■ In plain English means: ei rs npply n Total ...S287.10 A place of rest where the ilonorwlile Mini»t«r of LamU for HIWlllMlIttlilMt Put “SALADA'* TEA in a warm loaool- -pour a licenas to I>ro»i*<:t tor Coal and l-etroleum under the foreshore unu on fresHy boUed water -let sand for five under the water on the land in nml oplxwite Tree Island, near Pjladea minutea-and you wiU have the moiil da r oas inland. »e Courcey Groupe. Nanaimo cup of tea you ever ta»ted. rusiricl. and d<»cr»toe.l ai> follows; "mmm" mmencing at a post planUal > BB>T, .^2»&(KM>0&... am Wach at Tree Island, therna. west W.> cliulna; thence south Ht.» The Hlfc'h Bch cha na; thane* east •taniut. Umk% 8AVIN08 BANK DEPARTMENT norih 30 chains to placa of com- hoUdnyi «-ith a ’ gre.i- lueiioeinent. B Bok of Cimsiii « pnpllB thnn it haa imtsd this IBlh day of August 1VU8 ymra. There art WIIXIAM BI.ACkWoOD, «rt«rta «Hiidnt«iBcth« «iwl«or-any portion o^ the dopoeit. t now tour cieBMsn. and the number of E. mast. Agent. pupiU exCMds eixty. It in rnlber • HAS THE FUVORI THE FRAGRANCE! THE DELlCIOL'SNrSS m NOTICE n»«r. A joint no- ttrewt dUHuhiMitage in having only that thirty riiiiv the owBxrahlp of the Notice U hv.v !v ”gii^>-u^ ihroo teachers for the (our chuMS ae „ alu-r date 1 intend to apply to 1st dav of |.ivL ,l^ fat tU ten n man d«»tre« to pro it nacee sitetea that there be alwa>« that makes Ceylon Tea the beverage of delight l> far »■ U< that the tniateae nil] see lit to ^i' e will aflord iK-lter shiiiiun^' rutee. ; ■ ■ 'Is Courcey Groupe. Nanai; us four teachers and poasibly a now time of war it woukl tie of great FOR AN UP-iO-DATB iiistr.ct, ami dcacribeil as loUowe. rOmiatbo Sronliic on Pay Day until Do ’olook Uigfa aohooi. *v|. advantage to Urrat Briiain by ui Commfaicing at * post planted on here are some in jn^ ber colonies more closely io the sea beach at Tree Uland, thcnco our cily who are inteceated In , ^ | ibor. The canal will t« Uoclurial Modern Home east 80 chains; thenoe south High School and lu doh»g». and for British Columbia by opening up new SEE chains; thence west BU chains; thence Nangim Free Press the bensat of Ihoae wo have adopted rouu-s by the -rtia. north 80 chains to place fa com- Ai G. HKzzsrnxn, this BWHhod of giving info^alion ^ *,j. enlarging Uu markeU Jor the AppUast conoaming school matters. export trade. linigronts will Ooct L 0. Young, Hontr^ctor LPORMYGAVE Daied this 13th day of August I»H» AcrTm^ torlal stair of the -Squ. mpiaU lor province and this will neces- Plans and EstimaUw Furnished HUGH GILLESPIE, the coming year la as follows: „,„re employnsmt and thus en- t' O. Box 188. Telephone 90 E. Priest, Agent. QSD. K. ItXUaa. rropnetor. liliior-m-Chi«f—E. K. Uogers. j comage manufacturia. EVIDENCE YESIERDAY cr, (3. „ ■r.jw lor); tng to the con- thirty .look. ply to 'it is being built and many other the Honorable Minister of Lands for Indysmlth local of the U.M.W. of A. j apirrling Bditor-W. H. Pollard. 'drawbacks such as yellow fmer break a license to prospect for Coal ami near Ofar ■ai -fai . «an- » He 'Ing out among the Muidoyeea, but a Ten head of horsi>s for sale, rom .was the fast witoMB by the I Intend to publish two columns Petroleum under the foreshore and ; few days I ago the Iiurt. barrier of buwl ...... Apply A. A B. Sta ­ under the water on the land in and rtsfmsi yeatarday afternoon in the / bles, Wallace Street, Nanaimo. 48 opi>oaite Tree Uland. near I‘yladea Ladysmith riot ensee. Hu Joyed by already mtereated ‘'•‘okm down and the work Island, De Courcey Groupe, Nanxi tf pw far. «a • Wfw4 a Wto nd potfamy maae. oin oac« thought impossible, has been District, ami diwcribed as follows: fa Irnfamth pn A*g. 12. Ifah and Ihe UUrary Society was re-organ- ' I completed. 'I'he canal will be finished Commencing at a post planted on liquor ACTTi^r------■ !in 15»14, and formally oismed in Jan. (Section 42). IfUi last. On Aug. 12 witness saw taed when school aptnsd. "Hie ofboora tha sea boach at Tree loUnd, thsnce uary, l»li. saat 80 chains ; thence north bO Groat praise is due to Col. Goe- «ea».NiiasiAr. ocr. isth. i®i* ;*«» mmmotl o a on tha street In Uis ». Ppllard. chains; thence west SO chains; thence iTWaitr of the Ifaak of Comnssee. thals the courageous engineur of the south 80 chains to place of Conf- Uon will l«i maile to U.e .slniS^ Saciwtary —E. K. Hogvs. Panama Canal and also to his faith ­ ;wii The first meeting under its aus- nKneoment. ExeepUng tborofrora part 7BK WELSH joins wsAarm. ^ ful assistants. of Pylade# laland covered by Bame. by Mr. Cuaningham. being pioas was on Friday. Oct. aoth. JESSIEMOUAX., ,. • ^ k ,Tha following waa the programme Waltfp Green Dated thia 13th day of August 1013 in on the unloa. Mr. Axsi- '^ven (Junior) IL E. C. HOOl'ER. bot Hotel, Situate at Naafa^ Plano Ihmt — K. WardlU E. Priest. Agent. trict in the ITovincs fa Brttnfc c* A DIRGE TO dUH FRIENDS WHO TLnsT'.ss-sr':: " Dated thU 20th day faR.pt l»u HAVE passp :d . P.O.BOX #7 Nanaimo. B. C. NOTICE Mr. Axeiaon's arreat. whbi^wM d^ Notice U hereby given that thirty ______John l‘»rry. AppHasi daJ-8 after date 1 intend to apply to j»fa maa not the first Urns Umt Mr. the Honorable Minisier of Lands for hml paraded wnwmlon Prom their sweet High School years a license to prospect for Coal end liquor ACT, mo. »«. tor on the 1st of May fa last to „ much larger sphere; Petroleum under the foreshore ami (Section 42). The achofa wm graakly honored t-y 1 thousand dear memorial are hold ­ umier the water on the land in unil Um l.M.W. fa A. was a Tlait from Dr. Aiexaoder ibfijinaoa ing then fxst opposite Tree Uland. near l>ylades I’l'awary Mr. Cun- To Ihe places they blessed with Island. Da Courcey Groupe. Nsaxiroo lion will t>e ma le to tlie larga aombsr fa tamber SOth. ______. ____ their pnwence and cheer. MEATS Distr.ct. 1 I described as follows: mt of Provincial l*olice farn^ fa the Bporta tor fa High Schoola for this provlncu The dutlea they left we are trying to Juicy Young Tender Commencing at a Post planted on of the hotel lict-nis to sail ^ eocamiaed the work of the achool in lieor. the aea beach at Trre UUnd, thence retail in the hotel known ssttofkM crowd had not September, and we were made ac- But there are times when our haaru west 80 chains; thence north berry Hotel, a.toste at CifaS .ima fa football.too >P»eJatsd with some changes in the grow weak with chill toar; Ed.Quennell&Sons chains; thenoe east 80 cha'ns; District^ in tha Province fa mS The songs that lhe> sang the oU afa an the othm- trouhls Bight have followed._ ouiTloaliaa. As the work of the In- Cammerclal Street south 80 chains to place of walls again hear. »8M9i»3ieiGncn«xMfirnai Dated thU 20th day fa Rapt. »t And the books that they studied fa Pj'Udes and Uuxt Jaitiea Halturae. Afphettt Bt down. Bmit to Bauld s has baen dropped entirely for ha are to us the more dear. ed by same. Bauld was svidnitly and alao a port fa the EkigUsh Wt the tafac fa preparing for THIS CASE MUST BE TRIED 1 Dated this 18th day of August 1018 He was not In a oondition •, ^ *** MILDRED BURNS. For to’ ua It is Still myateriomf and The high cost fa living solved E. Priest. Agent. They pass from our sight in the struggle and strife NOTICE t they live like ourselves In ibeGEIH iDiiobCoDoter Notice U hereby given that thirty Fishing God s Infinite carv. A new and dainty place to eat _ays after date I Intend to apply to Just opened and have Good EaU. the Honorable Minuter fa LomU for Step la and be convinced. for Coal sn.l Petroleum under the foreehoro un i Oyster Cocktails under the water on the Und in and Tackle JUUUS CAES.VR. Put up and delivered tv> any point. jpposlte Miami Isleta, near CAIX AND r.OoK OVEBOtB liUnd, Nanainto DUtrict, and df*- are a Urge number fa thea OVSTEHS by Pt.. Ql. or Gal. a-ibed as follows : large and COMPLm _ w wh« g„ VO play without Phone lia P, O. Box 1122 Commencing at a post planted STOCK OF RODS AND ffifr having familiarized themselvcw f 158 Tommer^aT 9t., Kaaaimd. the sea beach. thffiCS BUt 80 cha SHE you BUT, . i xiouaiy with what they are going thence north 80 chains; them-e west see, and, as a nwuli. ih.y generally 80 chains; thence south 80 chains to fail t- receive the full buorfit fa 'he pUce of teachings and the morals fa the play, Dated thUlSthd TJua.is_ 4«wUcuUrly r W. A. OWEN W.H.ilQFilOl - -■s.drill E. Priast, Agent. Bid- pl^erw are two Arihiivct mil CMI fngnjMr ALWAYS A FULL STOCK Of performance of any ana of NOTICE FARM AlfD-lSA tlDirW 1WHJ Mlai M-/vi«Tt.id _ __ _ . unleas you have studied thu worth, and a otam fa boys under Hr. Wt ReaUzing this. 1 P O. Box 20ft Notice is hereby given that thirty ON lUND. "Julias Caesar" days alter date 1 intend to apphipply to the Honorable Minister fa Lanin.Is li a licunsa to prospect for Cual nml fa the mind and the tram- 'result, was able to understand - PeUoleum under the foreshore body I under the w ater on the land in jio VUMMV ssati. go shk by appreciaW-- _ it far------better —than jn 1 jtar uU later thi hate, bad 1 gone without previously jopiioslta Miami lelels, near ThetU raadlng It. Gravel aod Sand Island, Nunalirto DUtrict, and dus- Atm uB th. farm crilied os follows : BASKETBALL. In my othnlr.n, Julii* Caotar is one ■ MAtTve or an ofinL ^ -----AT----- Commencing at a post planted i n AGENTS - on at the B**fabaU has t fa the finest play, that has ov«- bt- writteo; it certainly la one fa Shakes ­ OAS WORKS WHARF. the sea bench, thence west 8 to di- but a. ,*1 ? thence north 80 chains; thence ea«t t tha crowd from violaaoe. On- hot dlaphij-ed mnch enthuslwon for peare's masierplisMW. \thal could be more Impressive then ths faxieches fa Kerfootft Hodsos Go 180 Chains; thence south So cbaimi to WANTED fafitfcs anas* -"tikil the eoort haoat^ tonnsd up one proesaaion. Tos winter game. Perhaps me ■ Brutus and Antony.' ivm sit siiell- '•he place of commencement. ^ bound. and are carried away by the Dated thU 13th day of August 101.8 ardor, onihusiasm, and iwthos dis­ Agonts: E. P1UE3T.- • t*»»h, Wltneaa- proeas Vroetioa,. The lack fa a well ^ played In them. At vino time -.ou truth and nothifai t^t lymimthize with Urutus; then An­ EATON, BOOTH fi OO. NOTICE Jw%* aafi roari fa fat towards pay fahea about st^y Wt. tony wins you over to his side. The Notice U hereby given that thirty - Phone 573 da>s after date I intend to apply to fa. U dlrscticn fa Lapnansky. 1 w-hole thing seems , reality, .ml yo.i this ^;ame considarabls almost feel yourself a Homan cili/vn. the Honorable Minuter fa Iaim U f. r . -»-—»——m amaroefasr.. -----At thatir—polat.»Um.iprtar.. ,'tarsatta---- raaniiadedmaniiatied bythosethomi wnowho i. 'I'bsral Oi minissiiii powerful is the play. What is s license to proapect for Coal and •Ms th. nfafatonr ifapBMr. Cfa... !•««-“»fiot brokm. cmn. Com tbrUUng , mroleum under the foroahorc ami And good Territory. Writs Ifa the battle scene under tho water on tho land in un.1 Ufa gsBossM to htofi n*. B*, — ™!!r* “** 1-huippi.ir ■e touct JpiioslU Miami Islets, near, Thetis Full (laruculsrs •» hfa psfa ntty ^ faimiillsg ■* m»out boys two da.vB. The remaining ilny I’orlU afid Hru- island. Naaainm DUtrict, and des­ •afi fisfafufto, fias. *1 osa. * “ men m proeeafaox. !• ^ - « shown at the height cribed as follows : of his power, when be f ' fecln So se Commencing at a poet planted co that be■ le gutef to thee F<'oruiu In ap » Tamparonce HotsL Thylor lavi loet up-to-date and reliable the sea beach, thence woat 80 chalne* The THE PANAMA CANAL, _ previousus warningsWOT and pleadings fa his wife Calpurlna, “ to tho city. PhMM , thence south 90 chains; tl^c^ JT' -rder 80 chains; thence north 80 chains i-tor-BfaB. «Bt-cS:r;iv?i;,i„g“i^“^ lievlng that there is no on«e who ran possibly harm him. Ho idiwe not sus- 2S6 place fa commencement. FBA«RB VAllEI —u to ‘—«• -ouid Dated toU 18th day fa August 191.8 FOR PR0M1>T ATTENTION Andrew Thomas Rickard Blackwood, ^ fcr Ih. towaal ' ®» ‘the BpanUh but owing fa im 5"“* “ ^ I"" ^ ifawt tote Mliin, Hb —, -,Mli lU • Unton Hall, thanee ftereet they asvsr «c«^piisti-jd an^ dy>ng nioments are ouhitternl by tho REX COOPER. PROP ______E. Priest. Agent. NOi^SEliiES.im ^^oo totM ^ I (atofay no. fa annd Hotal and L ^ dearest Bus and Waggon* meet all tratoa NOTICE and boaU. iaddle Horare end l^tlco U hereby given that thirty Single A Double TurnouU for hire ‘.“‘'"'J ‘o tl'ply to the Honorable Minister „f Lands for HACKS AT ALL HOURS to prospect for Coal and ■ all my fatoortog " to rent. Wltnan . ---- — —...... Thd—- ' wrw ww .ewssasaag uiVtMTU. Potroleum under the foreshore and ***• lollo^x-r* do. the bi«rt of iho under the ------~ oBt fa th. bcua. again at 4 ^ ^h^f^tw^S ^ Patrician. In being upright, moral, » watOT on th* land l„ and Miami Islets, near Thetis *• •nfih 1 hamably sabssM to tha •®*"**^ whjph time be saw Baald to the real suggestion tor the build- Island. Nawirrto DUtrict, and des- »1U fa haaWBb wtoeh has toUllantlot ^~ “• Temperanceleraperance Hot-l.Hot'l. —Iffa «fa va«the z--ut owing to a shortags fa ***" his whole aim in *•. M mina com had noth- harry BUKN3. a aattototg tang prtcr to Chns- to to fatth the ^ in rending lo them tho will ______E- Priest. Agent. ^ BKuas ter stoss throfalng. lallui*. Caesar he trusted ihiit by Inrlti Kancto ______so stoted that his objuttwas! “*• Slat them agalnat Hruti.s he would furth­ Wagons all lYaUs ••* maM« la bond and in 1902 Uw-y er his own selfish motivai. N^OE IS harsb, g,T*n bouj^ de lAsaepa out for *40,000. It was a pleasure to witUBS such .xi.'a “n an. to“1^. mjierafter moKingmaking .„ new routeroute. excellent performance ns uuuthat giv- Nanaimo Glean ­ 8d to “ To "-“’Sre^CaT.So'nllL ’^rS. Phone R ____ . allofaed examln began wwk. The Canal was lo '”* Constance Collier and her com ­ without the written permlsslon'fa be built from Panama to Colon . dramatic art was com- to Ml to^y «• ha dW not wu_ with culture and i fa*--*!! •ahtonce (hat might notnut incindiiigincinding that All true lovers fa „rt regret that the ing A DyeWopks oti«e will be treated .s ♦ he fa nae t eepa was to be *375,( tendency fa the present generation is PHO.N-E 440 By order. M wwfaBng faith hia evidtoc* wit- There was aome dlsput*’ bet wren 1" modem plays, and nonsrn- I stotad he told th* non-union Ortot Britain and the Ufated SUtrel**^* muatral comedies to Shakre- Ladies ’ and Gents’ Ring Up 2f'8 for NANAIMO jtoto «Ba Bto. *M to an unsato oon- ^ed States wanu bulk! Vfoi-t- SUITS ^ M vttn Tlnr,.;«*ition. and faa fasre wgm*out *4^1tor theur * aato- r»a - one fade fa the can.l, and Great Britain does not want thu Cleaned & prt-8ie' detail of every garment I Hia )|^,.r_ The will be to your liking. jbave r,leVBoce if addr«».fl to the Don’t be without a Victiola any f-W,orate of ,he coupir,. hot it «»« have no rvlevnnct. in this court longer. I Mr. M.rd-If the minem tried jfaiW. U. move the owne™, Uu. ««ght throw light on auh. Uje tt a "Hi. M.dcr's \'rice m yo« town wh, w3J I,, I wcnla. Harvey Murphy, d»d to plsy any mime you with to h ar m the V ktr..ln K you I Uia Uonor ui-htid the Crown in it'. 6nd It mco iwnicnt to call on bi.n k wubl j b -’a plca,u,e t>. b m to Nanaimo. ■Oidectioa. .\o niutUT whni the e.- l^U lending up to the disturhonc-, thr> Were „o esxui« for the breahii.^- of Mindonn and. the doing of oUi. r damage. . . IruiuevXnTOimd by Mr. T.ylor, wit- For More and B TTER B-ead, Whiter »«» aaid he «raa nt ho.ne from 7.il> «.m.. nod d.Un t a«. IJauIU from I Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. snd More Deliriously Wholes jme to 1 in the afternoon. Ue kne* ------LIMITED noUiing of the union dciving „on union men out of town. WitniH-. MONTREAL went With to thinatowa, iiauld went to.,. He could no., Ueniers Ev^rirerhc^ aaear to having ae n rioting. The earBcte for f'hinatoan waa orderly. ii

To hia Honor — Hitnena did not jw.v any aitentiun to who waa in “PlimR’Or the crowd. He knew Taylor an l :IS THE FLOURr Uutlirie Wetv, there, but would not ...... wiu, el.>c Waaiu the DITNSMORE'S MUSIC HOUSE knew there ^ were S ( hurch Str. et LOCAL AGENTS the crowd than 'union Nanaimo, B. G. men. ttitnesa-could not awcar who Uie liueii .. w^v.ho . ..u, io. ,. wt'o » ,>d at home all night and nex Struggle for Mipriuacy. I3ut whin it imrade which Weui to Chinatown, day when witneas went out, she told «mu«« to stipifinruy in the Flour wo the crowd marchms two hundred per her huaband to alay at home. for MJDH. but could not awear to any .f if he went down town ho would -aj THE IIERCHAHS BANK OF CANADA eIt. there i.s no slrijggio about it. That the two hundred, d.d not know one ,.rreat«l again on n tnim)wd up Established 1864 has been dechleil by the I'liMic at liirfte . of the joThona in the p.rndo whiCd chuige. Witnesa told him to go to Head OfiBce Montreal eiii' e they j^t irtt il using “ PURITY iM.ssd laiiCuu-Ky a houae. lu- cud bcl. Wilm-aa ’ hualwnd obeyod h,.c ^ not identify any individual membora inatnictlon. to the letter. On the I A General Banking Business Transacte4 FL’OUR.” The eiioMiions oiii|)iit of morning of the Ulh witneas and h?r our iiiili!,- will prove this. Uia Honor commentid on the Iuck husl.and nroso at -9 oVl.wk, the Hue- Special Attention Given to Savings Bank Accounts StECTV DEPOBIT BgXES TO RE^T So if you want to join the rai ks iT of in/oniirttio.n on iU.se delaUadel ou l,*niti d iit Aug. 12. At 8 o ’clock in ilu> even- ing In his gard.m that morning. Ing wlin' W K.IW her hn'.t..ind on Ih ’ | ------ourriifent F.ihibiiion will .show wlmt e r.at h.im.' .iccoTno;ini. d l.y nun- lltiTH TltlSfllJAI.S “Purity Pl’our ” can do for you, onnij! IT rj;o.M mu it (iuocKH, on ai -i i,v to tmk qiRUK?Mol!i ...... nv.ni.nife'ti COLD CREAM ...... '' will keop yc ’jf hands and ■KiN-KED ILlli CO. faie a:r,ooth, soft and white, Phone 485. Warehouse, b'elby Steet and prevent roughness, SSfSSSS sy-i-C chaps and sore hp.-,. Appiyal bedtime, nibhir^ It la w-ell. T5ie effect Is ,.| h.im Wiihuul n sign of

SignatuTO A/| o, s..,.

UUCOK ACT lyio. Wdt/Ai'.xi'SE/jnEl 4 42). ir- * In i Ui ivdl of l,hv lu'Oa.o -fiu III. s.,U« of _ ^Ose mg tSi, I.ih.o.Ml, l,ia)>i.it;.. Minot-.' .V . . ±-ir^n’rx-r;.' llli'.k -Jl. I'mi.i lUiU.l ihis ’gJii.l ila.i ofI M'i''.cni!«r.r. ,Cc ’y-* yr For Over iui;i. COMIAU KKiKl uI.. I ::v:v:rv-/' J T!iir1| Tears Aiv^ ...... Ll'.ii Ulf ACf liilO.MO. i...... •------‘ . li^c.llou -I’J'. I Notice I. Ci .'t.y .ucc fh.it on ' list day of I"

.Vaylor holds m.v iK.wcr b AULT. W. FOWKR. TH* NAMAUfO free PRESS,

OiMOliltMSfBAkiB^! [XfENSIONMimr To OodUnoM <|iWpiN OPERA HO mt i« t* uu ortto- } I iURy TRIAL A MCijd «U1 (uUo» tbs rsfulu •tr *• € BMst mxrof tbs 0« ts nsxt Fndsy sv- #|sua«. All Bisaibsni shoaU sttsad. X STOVE ^1 POLISH -5S225 TO-NIGHT 1MTA&7 Pool & Sarver Hair Brushes T^wbo Attaod SU raul i church to js ,«as. ante I fnmml ut th« iMsotioa tbs iMOiat 'Guild hti»»irtuBBsd lor mday srsn- atfaut a«»ut i p-***- Mxlr «MS. hu*s iw, pisss b'r NoWtSTE I THE FF Da LLCY G> I.TO HAMILTON.OkT.I No R«* nruib^n* aid not raacmols catw ouior. »[««». *ssl «r SaaSrcA. inc to Bst. Caotm aad Mrs. BUvu vnlMut tbs »«> oi ««od. c»~. 1 XU Ml. i.»yior—LoulU not u.ip acu- MOTION ‘PICTLRES: 5^^sss,st««0.h. .biiueaa wvui to GadyamiUi Unit luor i TIm Ksaaimo Bids AaMcUtloa «U1 WaA Thstii - Htril Them hold sa todoor *Mt in tbs um«. I'oUuiman asaed bun aooui, They rka’t Ku«i: They re bMsnsnt of tbs 0«tr«l School on An excellent Breakfast Food ii:ai« and that liwd 4t ta iun oinrJ. ALWAYS CLEAN *niur*ds7 sTsoiBC at 7.M to wliioh lie bad apoMm sijieo on o «U ■isoibsn of tbs nswty formed Ns- * "larw «BowYoo u.an could aalK into ladiamilb 'U »imo mOiUa are hiTltod. As liv- twcmy-dve maiuu* Iroia bia place. ROBIM HOOD Gooiv> Aiali. one of the occuacd. 10c • 15c 2Sc U tlfUflilN then took the aland. lU waa lo ------Rolled Qata— »n on Ibo ISUi. laflt home about , Anid. msrrfaant tailor, ka* V.JO on Tiieaday ni«bl waa aU day laovsd into the bnikl'n- formsrijr oc- This Woman Knows How D. D. J '»• 3^823“! ^ tbs Warn Land Co.. « at taume. Uol up about b. Witncu dwa- to tbs Old Bsstion. Front 8t. bad BOTB buck on uighi of 1:1th. went noxt morning to drug aloro to buj- Cures Skin Trouble NOnCK. Small Packages ...... 10c Large Packages ...... 25o plaaUT. Met firewarden on Cvnirg . mast. 1 enn t teW you the it guva r Como Union Label, ask for it waa not in atone throwing crowd . , ------6 o ’clock. He believed hla brother P»'» ,. . - , nearly fell that U win ,u,p Ui I . 'with dtsutuvo) from wantI of xioop.sleep, your iiMin.mom-v retioKkd. and see that you get it alao waa home. lie was not witn comple.ely henUxl up. i A. C. V_ crowd At » a.m. at Smiths house, !ihunkji to the blcwiod— P.P.U. 1 ne^'er aimo, H.e. H--.. See AULD as Delaney statad. * I------To his Honor-'n.o Lapwn-kya AllINCT AND 1’I.STKlt lm|H«-tant firoWem of the d., T • auapi>i0M of tbs r.M.W, ct. U.-Rt.-Hon. Cluyd Minisuers udl hi e to statement was not right, riiry might | td 'spo.xli c.ntinmw.continmei- t„ I.e the plans of Mr. Chuirhill .. laerpp wuitrill oek • grand Concert. have aoen him on the sld^nlk in’thi- oliiert off much Tijasp»lTljwspalier‘er d a.a."j«.“j«. to as ConkrviuvCnnkrom.. and.nH sta^ tak^ w 1 Friday. Oct. ITth. hU way home, one blockk \bway. He imany columns of rorreapon Mr. Iledim.ii l f„r "So eomnn —J? liienre are . e is ■ print.il larnely dlroc. und ••l-'ull s|Mi-d ahead' knew Ijipacnsky eight years. . , U chancellor'^ Rule. ^ Run Ih Risk)l three I.gi|KOinskya must le misioktn.mi ---- regarxiing roengold-raUn,- : Tlu. ruh n.- *(ft also ban t, *. hildno half price. 1 also ban I h stanota. 'cide upon Ixird Chad The limw of comment follow party in I-ord Aha oiltics generally, but the feeling wli ryristint ion roLtJl.V ta that the a:>eech has failud in the rnmdrnmd-r-r’s hmls. I0mll k RffliaifBeB) The boys of Juvenile Court of For- JE'i; I I I II capture the antiriiHitcd aii|>|iort. tionN are tb'it suctaisar tig ^ ®10SWR wlers’ are reqiiceUxi to moot tonight The Cabinet will meet Tuisulsy~ , H r Rufus li imporlant documenta or .ow Yni..pi.i.------Safety and eonven- 7 o'clock — Hall ta I..I irlia-J hmee caa bo obtalnea"!^ renting a private box in our vault 8 o’clock. L. Hoes. , and will have many 1m- ; thatti «ill l.nu, to be dfwlt riij u Catiin.-t. snd ------^ wMch you are cordiaUy invited To Inspect. Brntal of th«e Mr. David Williams was welcomeil bony ia fa a ywM ’ nod up. depending upon the atee. ' the Itnlical by many friends outside the court of a probable rising will be dealt ’create , great «llr over i mi lANMi .veetenlsy uuirning when he came with. os.this is conaiderixl ------I- i eetimatco*. » ------forth n free man once n>or4 after a sojourn of two months In the October 20 th jail. M-. I’srkor WilUaina. M.I*. S.S. Rrincass Pfttricia I’., was also congratulated on his son ’s release after his trying exper­ Tickets will be sold at ience. Hie Hontw Judge Howay gave iiHigroent that the Crown had failed Bsoai excursion rates to connect young B'illlaras with any on act of violence. 1.' -THE PmRPKTUAL TRCSTEB" "H-WT. 18,19,20 Capital an d^Soi^^ ...... —------m iSTiSm. Bstnra limit Oct, 21st mm A«aat, FaaabBo. TIi8 Royal Bank of- Canada McAdie iWANT OaplUl Phtd Up. fll.AOO.000. Beeatve Funda f 13.600,000 The UadMtnkw Vo trsmiK a Oeasral BuMkinf Boaliieaa. Depoaita by maU rsoeiTa SpeeUl Attmrtloa. DepoaiG of fl.OO and upwards raealvsd. . FWIW ____ Intarest paid at Hlgh^t Current Ratal. ADS. 8AVINQ DEPARTMENT at All Branches rtm 8 AU&-taa *aod taaaillc buai- aaaa Apply P.O. Box 10#7. Kana- S’analrao. Victoria D. J Jenldn’s »*• »4-tf. flanaimo Branch, Oolin C. MacRAE. Manager SAVE ON Some Very Special Values Undeitaking Partore s wftb those e«ad watarin * Phtme 124 I. f>. MoUlahaw, The many friends of Mr. Jaa. Craig In Men’s Suits, Only $15 of RngHabmaa'a River will be ploos- DRUGS W~ti . *«iki» tVaAioa Stieet ed to boor that he arrived home eofe More than ordlnarj- n oney ’a worth. In fact, the h.wt rtm. 8AlJt-8»all eaek »to«t and Bound, having been delayed a Wincamis Wine $3 stoe ...fl.7. ’S pie of value-giving to be onnounced since the arrival of tlw baby tmrrU^. ehaap. Apply 380 day ia the boMi. Wincamis Wine $1.60aise l.’JS fall styles. The collection inclmles a wide aasortmeot of Pat ­ •twwart A*e., rowwaMa. . 6*-c .Wampolea Coo Liver Oil, 1.00 terns in grey and iirown twweds., The fabrics are of good tfOsB- ■ ^Ision Cod Liver Oil, ' ewM Moarr — roar roc BALI. ty and will give tbe man who needs a good article the uu»t vice he, hopca to get. At this price we also offer a dfu* aa»r i ihj iroe M.-ld- serge suit of exceptional merit; In-fact, we doubt if It hsi pd .Good 4 Co. SSiSv Duggan_ ’s''^------, „n Satur ­ day evoniijg. Oct. 18th. llarrasa ’ leen ed in price. Now on display in our windows... -tl.'*^ TO HEWT—6 rootnad bottas. bath and There will he no practice of tbe throirae-pieci orchestra will furnish the pantry. MO lot with fruit treat. Symidmoy Orrifsalra this evening as - A‘lmi«; CenU. maa\«l flO per moath. Apply 68 Slrlck- Mr. Harvey to playing ot Farksville. Scott's hkmiUion fl alne, 7.^e inn* Btraet. 63-n, Tha folUvtting prUes will lx> awartlxl: Scott's Emulsion. Stic sire dOc Men’s Underwear at 75c ea ! Best gent and lady. fl.OO I’arrishlw Chemical Food. 26c FOB RENT- 8 roomad houas. with each. 1?,.word's llloud I’urliifir ...2iK We are showing « wo.iderftil range P and pantry. Rent f1« Itest characl. r, gent. —fS.OD. Synifi White Hne. 60c si/e 40c price. IMnin Ki^Ua in Stripi-a. flesh, grey and Naful-sl Wool H Aiydy Mrs. Sam XotUnhaw.- ■ . Five Hynip White Fine 25c sire 20c 80-te, •Hie Pimt Nanaimo TTfiop will par- Beat character, lady. — $2.0

Settlements Synopsis of Coal Allenbury ’s Foml, No. J, Allenbury's Food,I, No. 3. Imxiadixtftljr After etveaj Mining Regulations Allentiiiry ’s Food,, No.1 8. Ncsile's Foot* About Our Fall MILLINERY ...... 60c and 2 >3 Camphorated fid... 15c and 25c Eucsilyptus lOe and 2.10 Coconnut C...... •Oo ■’Stylish" and "Incxjvnsi^e ” aro the most nollecW* ^ Mlnarrt ’s Liniment . 20c St. John’s Liniment OOc aftcristics of our Fall Millinery. All the new things o'* I-Mo ’s I-ruil Sait. $1 aize. T.-Sc Rich plush shapes in brown, black and comlilnntlnn* ot ^ 8t SalkaetioD ; Household AmmnnU '...... iflr and white, black and orange, black and royaL NumWO'M loiidv little paUema all the way from Faria, also hinny rrT*w* Boitl Ammonia. ' 5c two .veam $2abl pies. Veh-et Tams for Ilisaea, I-. brown, black nnd na>T. ^ end look (hem over, you will not be urged to buy. The Beer of Good All kinds of Rublier Goods Al­ ways in Stock. Pelt and Plush Shapes .... $1.75 to $7.50 U.B.C. Fellowship SIS Ready Trimmed Hats .... $4.60 to $18.5® Open a bottle or two to the evening when friends arrive. They v o yonr atteotlon -tnd you can defiend on it. they vill i praclate the delicioua fls.or of ______ible lirew. rdoc ease today to hava on hand. Phun.^ ”-7 ^?H«5S«jS2 DAVID SPENCER. Ltd. ■WaSJe#-— Union Brewing Co.. Ltd.