y the NANA!M0-FREErx^rrxoar JV.acozroax Xex^xis XV3ewax>jkxsixa S3tcx,-az>xsro Tsa press Nanaimo , vaxcouveu island British (x >lumbia . Wednesday , oct >ber is. i»is. NCMBES Ilf Auxiluu-y Jlltt*- Al) WOlAJAriT AJJiOBT iiifii.'iri wiiiiipHE- *bouu about Oriv. •‘^"1 up buc Mlfwanhoe. Wla., Uet. 14.-A* «o». t CO over «,inexploMou occ-u- guM defeated Bat Krisoa of Hegn- EMHFV te HKi .aich. lU., in a len-roimd no-deci- CARBRilNE DBASIE 1 Mrs. C. lIcKenzls. wife of UunCsa Sion bout h«n tonight. WolgaM had McKeiuie. Kntw Armstrong and WILL BEGIN the better of eight the tea roumia Wife. Uvtt on i«Uud Ua iraiBESWIlECIL C«rdU(. W»le», 15.—ShorUy bourn of Ibis uronunc ii is losreU | u*. w Annsirong, r.yl„«anl bsttia sal bsve pen«u«l! bey aero ail togetW. Witnc-i wa, B rescuing party in U« u broggy. Hs ds ' >«i when explosion cauo,. «h,. fRIDAy2§S=chin and ri^t no. the Qro under control, in i ‘ “ll«cly uu-''^'» -vrinsiroug and Inilur ,to the face with great force. and at 2.8U « n>. twenty more minen. npproachable. 'Jlicre 1. a mile of ««*nc to bed Kt e saw them nsAC Mr. Dunlmf Taylor. K.C.. crown Ilattbir always , found alive at the bottom ..f UnOc-rvround galleries between than ""'ming about lu. This gave the belief that sad rescue, and ■ 'n>«y came o . roaecuior. announced in coon this ““ *' great fire is rag. *" l«u»l from Jadysmith. She ear rnornng ihar th- .'•onarmo riot :rri- 'howf^l ?"jLirv-rr,^' 'r r iz r.r.:r_‘- ■« _ Both (irad toward«...«... the cua]„ rzr ru,"" “'L™VLLrr^.r eonteat. bat Wolgast taka ths Blood was flowing from nvening. * On Friday K'Ottlw of prison... now i..b. the DaneD“e’,« noae.noa?. ear and lip,lips from , -t, kaown death roll iiumbera 16. Doc-, Ihose rescued include Underground “Hemoon she ssw laking ‘n the order of their atee. cj. hard blows of the CafJlac boxer. Ch*^ffl«r At a “m^ the a _ __________ ,e„ with otygen and medicaments Tralbc ManagVr John Uerr*4 Char remembered liuic. cording to the number of individual. I ______ * j wsre bnmln* throogh .Ho. 1 'haxelni. Cassssam. OasS, Ksr. dBCended the shaft at an early hour Anderson, head pitcher; OraH Hobert involved. Altogether there are a.s nDfRIirn 11/(111111 l/fm :‘fating "re to. the foresiusUeformasUe and.ad all La Jf**^**®*Twwrsw...’ Hseragaa Uii. morning. masUi- collier; Jack KoberU, Jack ‘ "Vb-ter-abe did not tell batch,, of primmer- a waiting trial fillings. I olowed Uw ohip *«r«iU. Minn A crowd of four thousand distran Dillon, .lohn B ilUsms, Tom Ulchards »*>lngs at the prelisitinaiy hear- ior the ri«eoi tlisLurbances h fre. «| PffliiyiDEP dosn and kept her bstorw tha wlad fcppnhanam*. - enable m to pui theauma mtUn- •‘T!!?* --------- - •f persons surrounded the pithead all Edward -niome. Alfred FSirts and «*«1>«1 Iheae ihlnga wh.n which the allegeft riot* at So. 1 iLin. operatbm, .hm three fir. ■ 7**rh. ship was right and another four thousand a- ^ John Mctlridge. >«• husband was arresud. .She couM on Aug. Il at 5 p.m. istbe largem. i deck conasrtiima. The I «B:aO ooelli. srrited news at the f'ardlB aUtion. | Among the Injured are Albert «>»> <1«>» preetding Other large baUhew are thooe involv- ORiENIALSOUlE^"e gaining rnpldly. reachiag _ of the rorsinaai light and on. Oct. I.I.— According to n Furtx, Klchard Thomaa, William Ce^ Tuesday clearly. ad in similar trouble at 111 p.m, on , Imprbamlng the . ts»u-h briow. who measnge received In the ear»y cil, David Jonea and Wm. Hraiy. 1 for lunch. date, and on Aug. 12. Seven ' Lo««lo«i. Oct. U,— Sir KicharJ Mo- wore burned to death in the foreeas- I AJ-TEU.SOOX SESSIO.H. " '‘‘“'•K'vd with aggravated as Pc«uwc of British l olumblv . exoloaioo. ao. , SW RAGES ON to foUow such instructions , “»'t ofi CVmslable Taylor at the »>" »«> B.r Edward Omy. =r«!. ^ i _ _______ ^ resuming afur lunch. Mr. Bird wharf on Ang. 1.1, while three. in- Lntiah secretajy of sUte lor lorelga tnl amidrhiiw. the compass in.1 strer I Medical certificate did not aho*! “““ " ‘wclve witnesses remain «>uding George I’etligrew, are to b, ““ni". the task of reconciling Great ***'' •‘»® «>*'»»••» K- »h* NEWENM MNSi MEN nyoue at his home in absolute mad Friday would be to- tried for intlmidatiim at So.\ mlnr * pro-Jaiuuieae procilviUjs Mr. Farris-The only alleged rci j Pleading guUty to »• -'ug- 11. .with Briviah FolumbUa determlns-! burned ihrough the hatchea -u «»'«« why aenteoce should noli » sufflrient time remains over ^ exclude Asiatics from iU ui^ ‘ ‘It seeming ImpoaribU to Bar. the oDlur from some power behind i. 1«**^- Heit* did not see how the ‘twem the conclusion of the Imd.v- •^‘P- > ‘‘•d »he bosh ELECE JURy bOtneS to oppose bail lu this ca i wouml.ng eases sboui.l v,mJJ on t>s- si it is the in- ! government ha. been ^ W-- A aosg*. tu. l.onor-'Jhere is no migg.wiio.. ifore the Kanaimo case, on Friday. tention of the crown bring lo protesung against the at- smashed, bat Xo. 2‘ wwf swooped don a* ths ahte. ' - of danger m Air. llritigrew s bom Hit Honor bo|>ed the crown would Isocky and Mali charge ,|.titude Uken op la Canada, especial- ths water with cabin pasareigars tod *" “• “*w Bngfad cosmt yew- llo would make no order. arrange matters as to avoid av wounding Hatfield, and also HatilelJ 'i dwelling op the Japancae being *" ®* ChW fMSser ‘•'day. tearing ram u tta waka. M hiatus l^ween caa* Us hoped,to on a similar orosa ehargs. lU*\,ic raoud kspi tha k Mr. Bird -As about ufty men have now elected for jiuy iriai, the w., bo able! to learn what the Nanaimo ■ «*>«««....... furiher clii-.. - ,K.-r-urr^r” ^ As arranged by his Honor Judg, men would do. •remiota oreurred in the aflt-ruo n ! Sir Richard McBrides tte* water. She afterw arJa righted •< Saadwteh. ^ in Bouih Wellington were beeb .» Mm. June BaulJ. called by Mr. e reported In a vUit to London was to Impresa ths and several of the crew got ‘“had in ths wrsaa of hm omns bwax Hsway yestenUy. the ihlrij-seveU ing desperate, He bad with diiC- frisoan now in jaU under charge cuuy persTiade Bird for the dc<<nse, said she llvd foreign office with the fart U,.t Bri- “ fis-s.— .te^,____ ^ Of not with dcatructlon at Extern prowwsion that mornrng 'to inur- with her husband on Fourth avenue. tteh Clumbla'a determlnaUo. 1, siaa OB Aug. 13 and if, came up to view his Honor. iha jievpUf of.l2lh. Her hus- ible, and to ohuin tha support filled with steerage passmisrs, in Oeorgis Peari hy the iETSPlAYPRACICE:^ Imperial government for lU <>««wLangweU. ••»«»o- Kgntaeket. tte •iset as to the manner Af their trial, suflering intvn»el.v. ^ _ time uui ^ “** action. ■ The No. 7 tKMt on being lowered was expectod to co to nteo.. ThMs mm had provlouriy. before lie semimeni was roused in favorfavor" oi >““« *l«wn. He caught under the .m*7 of the riiip ^ Ptoom elected lor speedj the cr« ; •«* GAMEIOMHOW He will aaU f .iton to.'and compWely wrecked. trtri an tha original charge, but Mr “* morrow, leaving Earl f:rp>' ♦ ,.i,| . ( • Movnwhile thb chief engineer, two! **• extreme nortteaM o« - - way , of the dlfflcnlty. after gir- and myself fought th, fire and New Etegtaad coast another ttmbsr Tvlor, K.C.. the crown pro- j di J:Evbf * “ ^ ‘* ”“' : apparently bo another big rugby ing him s linn intlmatl that - took pteo -cuter, having announced that ad. ' Lfc-^LNSE KEi,LAU:.D. iploaion. At the report witness got gave orders jrrow afto-motn t accordance with Cana- aw a,-. • -nnU te»( from a .Ca •tioasl eoiwta would be added ii ' in the Eadiamltb caa.>l**l' “*"• ‘""lied out of-the window. SOS memaary to re-electL ’ '‘suimd this mornmg. ifortray came to the back door and rraing to us. teavad ths breakots three o'clock. One side wiU Ml snd pot iOrmad Uaaah. N.B.. where ths Mr. Taylor said that In tt wouli T«j lor. called lor thj her busband-ihry talked liosed of proliablo HomeU, i now bacame calmer. Food t te secesaaty to add the court (It ‘h^fonae. bbe was the wife of Jos-explosion. Her huslisml other side will cvmslst of Hornets Mkdoas demolilion of certain dwell. one of the accused. to bed. He went out lOe RUGBY EM j- kg bouseo. (2) Klotous demolilioi acroaa bayto., from(rem Eadjamitb.L.id,miUi. ••hout 5.2(«I K' and“<* came Imrr at.t d ksOding and machinery and pit _ , t'od snd caught an the e l«d of Extenrion mine. (3) Rlot- Mr.-.rr*o.«occupied ; B at Bickle’s c rat 3 , REORGANIZE cli—ed mud water poured down the **•« •«»«treechreoue the next tent. On Aug. 12 a ^ '«.m.. was positively a He. s In No. 1. (4, ------- ,Xo. 1 batch into the fire, but the day. witness and husband were at _ I I'o Mr. Tnylor — Witnesa recollect ­ FROU.tnLB inRNETS. > UW on Nan- ■Maas damage in No. 2. (5)l«ot. ed time of his going out from being At n .meeting hcM last night o, j c”^i:‘-Srived r for htep. A. Afislawfui assembly. Armstrong. They beard ry. Back Colclough. |ne»r breakfast hour. Huslmnd al- the Rovnr Kuj|uy tenm, it was da- and lowered a boat, bnt could not tksNjriginal charge of riotous de- sitting together.
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