Dear Member, I am delighted to tell you that on Wednesday, 10th March, in a change from your printed programme, we will be having Mark Cottle back to give us his wonderful Zoom lecture on Churchill: An Inspirational Life in Photographs, Words and Painting. From the 1890s to the 1960s, ’s life was captured in countless photographs. He was a prolific writer and speechmaker - the definitive edition of his speeches alone runs to four volumes. He was a successful and enthusiastic artist, producing some 500 paintings in a span of over fifty years. Churchill was a complex and sensitive man of many parts and many interests – a discriminating contemporary, Kenneth Clark, was to write of him, “I have never been frightened by anyone except Churchill … he was a man of a wonderful and very Photograph, 2nd August 1944 powerful mind”. Imperial War Museum The aim of this lecture is to try to capture the richness and diversity of this great man’s life and character which can still inspire us today. Mark Cottle was born in the Scilly Isles and educated at Truro School and then at Birmingham University. His career has been spent in education and training. He has lectured at Exeter College on Medieval and Tudor history, St Mark’s and St. John’s University College, Plymouth, and at Bath University on Anglo-Saxon and medieval England.

Mark is well known to our Society, having given us a super Winston Churchill Self Portrait lecture on Shackleton in 2012 and his fascinating Discovery c.1915. National Trust, Day on the Sutton Hoo Great Ship Burial in 2015. You may remember that he was going to come to Wadebridge in November which had to be changed to Zooming it to us. Unfortunately, he was taken ill a few days before but we promised it would be a short postponement. Susie Harris will now come to give us her talk on Pevsner in Cornwall in 2023 as she does not lecture on Zoom. We very much look forward to welcoming Mark back to inspire us with Churchill on Wednesday, 10th March. There will be a resumé in next month’s newsletter for those of you who are unable to access the lecture on the internet. In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more about Churchill, Mark has provided us with an extensive book list below: Best wishes The Goldfish Pool at Chartwell © Winston Churchill Jenny Smith Chairman


Field Marshal Lord Alanbrooke : War Diaries 1939-1945 D Cannadine (ed) : Churchill. The Statesman as Artist W S Churchill (ed) : Never Give In. The Best of Winston Churchill’s Speeches J Colville : Fringes of Power J Colville : The Churchillians D Combs & M Churchill : Sir Winston Churchill : His Life and His Paintings M Gilbert : Churchill : A Life “ : Finest Hour : Winston S Churchill 1940 - 41 “ : Road to Victory : Winston S Churchill 1942 – 45 “ : Never Despair : Winston S Churchill 1945 – 1965 M Hastings : Finest Years. Churchill as Warlord P Johnson : Churchill Y Karsh : Faces of Destiny. Portraits by Karsh S Purnell : First Lady: The Life and Wars of A Roberts : Churchill. Walking with Destiny J Schneer : Ministers at War. Winston Churchill and his War Cabinet 1940-1945 K Weisbrode : Churchill and the King W Churchill : The Malakand Field Force 1889 The River War 1899 1906 The World Crisis 5 vols. 1923 – 31 My Early Life 1930 Thoughts and Adventures 1932 Marlborough 4 vols. 1933 – 38 Great Contemporaries 1937 The Second World War 6 vols. 1948 – 1954 Painting as a Pastime 1948