CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Philip Noel Pettit Address: 308 Marx Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544-1012, USA Email address:
[email protected] Website: Citizenship Dual: Ireland (from birth 1945); Australia (naturalized 1988); permanent resident, USA (2005). Education and qualifications 1950-58 Primary education: National School, Ballygar, Co Galway, Ireland. 1958-63 Secondary education: St Joseph’s College, Garbally Park, Ballinasloe. 1963-67 Undergraduate and graduate at Maynooth College, Maynooth BA in Philosophy, First Class Honours, Autumn 1966 (National University of Ireland) LPh (by thesis) Summer 1967(Pontifical College, Maynooth). MA (by thesis), First Class honours, Autumn 1967 (National University). 1967-70 PhD student in Philosophy (part-time), Queen's University, Belfast. PhD conferred1970. 1972 MA (ex officio) Cambridge University, Autumn 2002 Appointments 1967-68 Lecturing Assistant at Queen's University, Belfast. 1968-72 Assistant Lecturer at University College, Dublin. 1972-75 Research Fellow, Trinity Hall, Cambridge. 1975-77 College Lecturer, University College, Dublin. 1977-83 Professor of Philosophy, University of Bradford. Chair, School of Interdisciplinary Human Studies. 1983-02 Professorial Fellow in Social and Political Theory, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra. Professor of Social and Political Theory, 1989, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University Canberra (Special appointment) Joint appointment within Social and Political