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THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIKLULATtD WEEKLY NEWSFAPE* IN VNION COUNTY Entered an Second Clui Mattir YEAR—No. 25 Po«t Office, Weitfleld, N.}. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1953 Published Every Thursday led Cross Drive Dedication Of Enters Council Race Candidates For Temple Emanu-El Little League Ball Revision Of Voting Districts •o Open Sunday Set For Sunday Invited to Movie Sought In Council Proposal Rabbi Wice Of Major League Team Volunteer Philadelphia To Be Tryouts to Begin Baptist Churchman '53 Town Budget Principal Speaker In Early April Approved With Commission of 4 [orkers to Seek No Opposition Sunday at 3 p.m. the dedication Little League baseball, recently Would Set Up services at the Temple Emanu-El organized here, will present a free il of $33,922 will mark an Important milestone movie show Saturday morning at Ta« 1»53 tuift far Ik* for the Jewish community here. 10 o'clock at the Rialto Theatre T«w» of W«*lfi*M ullinf for New Ward Lines Organized in the spring of 1950 for boys 8 to 12 years of age and fe,«73,141.02 Is b* rain** The organization for the Red with a charter membership of 30 bjr (nation was »i»pt*4 MM- their fathers. The program will in- An ordinance creating a commis- Drive for Mountainside and families, the congregation of Tem- clude two Little League films and •Ur stifkl bj> ill* Tows Coun- ... eid will take in about 800 ple Emanu-El has grown to a mem- cil f.llowini a public k«ri«i. ion of four to be appointed by cartoons and will be'conducted by Mayor Charles P, Bailey to fix and ..inssers with Raymond L. Cor- bership of 100 families with an in- Joseph Freeman, football coach of Taw* was •• 4iscussis>> ••< rin as general chairman, Hia spiring record of achievemmta. •a objutisas la tha biulgat. define the lines and boundaries of the High School. he wards in Westfletd was intro. nt chairmen are: Edwin H. The organization had htrdlr be- Application blanks for member- WaslSaMV Us »ta tktt jraar tments for the North sid« of will aa $(.48 par $100 af duced and passed on flnt reading • gun to take form when Dr. J. L. ship in the league will be available, meeting of the Town Council etUield, co-chairmen, Robert G. McCorison Jr., minister of the First but any boy not able to attend the aasutasl valuatiea, It aal*lt liter and William Wilcox, South WILLIAM H. COLLINS ortr tha $5.80 rata of Ust n the Municipal Building Monday Congregational Church, extended show may get one at league head- night. It, and H. O. Schoennsh, Moun- to Temple Emanu-El an invitation quarters, 217 Elmer street. Blanks »aar. imide, The merchants chairman The ordinance which will be up to utilize the parish house of his must be returned by March 7. for final hearing March 9 at the R, Glenn Vance. Charles G. Wi»- church for services ot worship, The The first practice is scheduled r it vice chairman of the drive VIRCILIA PETERSON Collins to Run For next meeting of Council eUtes that offer was accepted, even as plans for April at which time boys will Council Tables the appointment of such commis- mmittee. William Clelland i« for a home ot its own began to try out for the major league teams. lirman of advance and special ioners is to be made between Sept. take shape. In December, 1951, Third Ward Seat Any boy who will not attain the 12 and 38. Jk . • •• Critic to Address ground was formally broken for s age of 13 before August 1 i> eligi- Building Change The division manager* in charge A resolution to readjust the' building at 758 East Broad street, ble to play. Minor league farm boundary lines of seven election organizing; the workers and «e- with Ray Peck as architect and Thomas and Dios teams will be set up to train boys ring captains are Everaon Pear- College Club Against Delaying districts within the town was in- Dawson and Johnstone as builders. Also Seek Post for the majors. Games for the farm DR. E. H. FRUDEN roduced by Councilman Donald II, John L. Fay, Herman W. Ahl- In September, the congregation teams will be scheduled for Satur- III, Dr. Fred D. Casey, Edmund Receipt of Bids Bagger as a companion measure to To Discuss Recent held its first High Holy Day serv- A three-way contest for the day afternoons. the ordinance appointing a com- Lewis, W. W. Luginbuhl, A. I. ices in the new building. Third Ward Council seat made HB The league will open play Satur jrence, Rodney SUfer, John Bau- Tabled at a meeting of the Town mission. The measure was voted Fiction, Biography In September, 1960, Temple appearance today with the an- day, May 2, with a double header 2nd Lenten Series Council Monday night was a reso- down by • vote of five to four after ia, Vincent Noonan, C. Alan Emanu-El began its formal relig- nouncement of William H. Collins and will play a full 18 game sched- iliips and E. Marshall Palmer. lution introduced by Councilman the Mayor cast the deciding vote, Virgilia Peterson, literary critic ious activities with its own rabbi, of 118 Park street, that he will ule to end about July 3. It is Herbert R. Welch to instruct the 'allowing a tie of Council votes. e captains who are in direct and author, will be the speaker at Ezra Spicehandler, and cantor, seek the position now held by H. planned to have two four-team ma- Sermon Today nge of the canvassers are Mrs. town engineer to incorporate an Councilman Bagger in a state- the regular meeting of the College Marshal CJatzer. Today there is a Emerson Thomas of Stoneleigh jor leagues, with the winners play- alternate proposal in the specifica- ment on the resolution explained H, Zahn, Mrs. Ralph Diets, A. Woman's'Club Tuesday at 8:15 full program of religious activities, park. ing each other in a league series. Lueddeke, 8. R. Furcell, Mrs. S. Washington Pastor Is tions for a new municipal build- that as proposed, it deals with the p.m. in the Masonic Temple. A pop- including a Sunday School and a ' Announcement was previously A staff of managers and coaches ing to provide for additional pub- third and fourth wards on the ence, Mrs. Allen Richardson, ular guest critic on radio and tele- Hebrew School with some 70 en- made that Mr. Thomas would be a will be on hand to teach the boys. Featured Preacher chard P, Lidgato, James Skinner, lic meeting rooms in the basement south side of town. He stated they' vision, Miss Peterson will discuss rolled children and a staff of six candidate for reflection and John This committee is headed by Mr. Councilman H. Emerson Thom- are of almost equal site, *o the C. Taggert Jr., Mrs. M. L. Wai "Does Our Literature Mirror teachers, and various adult study J. Dios of Cottage place has also Freeman and Henry Mereness who Dr. Edwin Hughes Pruden, pas- n, Mrs. E. E. Howe, Mrs. 0. G. as stated that since the specifica- commission will hot be faced with American Life?" This lecture is courses. An active sisterhood plays announced his candidacy for the will be assisted by John Gillespic, tor of the First Baptist Church, tions are already in the hands of the problem of adjusting' ward wis, Mrs. W. 1. Brower, F. I. not book-reviewing from a strictly an important role in the life of post. George Birchall Jr. and Howard Washington, D. C, will preach at ogh, D. S. Gendell, Mrs. W, P. various contractors, it would not lines in this area. The resolution literary point of view, but an in- Temple Emanu-El, aa docs its Mr. Collins was born and raised Tomlinson. the second Famous Preachers igbrough. be fair from a business stand- outlined proposed revisions of formal commentary on recent fic- youth group. in the third district of the third Each team will have a roster of Lenten Service to be held today al point to delay the bids which w!1 'oversize" election district* in thi Also, Ralph S. Wallace, William tion and biography, showing how Tomorrow evening tho dedica- ward and has resided on Park 16 players, five age 10 or younger, 8 p.m. in the First Baptist Church be received March 7. Councilman third and fourth wards. thmfalk, Charles L. Meserve, current world developments are tion will begin with a pre-dedioa- street all his life. He was married five age 11, and five age 12, and The service will be conducted by Robert Gumbert said that supple He added that he could not "let bert Gaffeny, Mrs. E. G. Gray, affecting the literature of today. tion service of devotional music by 15 years ago to a local girl and each will have at least one man- Dr. Gordon Michalson, pastor of mental bids could be obtained aft- haw, negative votes on this resolu- E. Hart, Mrs. P. T. Hahn, David Miss Peterson was born in New the Cantor Paul Silbersher and the has two children. He is the ton of the First Methodist Church, and er the original bids have been re- tion can be defended, inasmuch ai ire, Howard Ketchum, Malcolm (Please turn to page 2) York, the daughter of Dr. Freder- choir of Temple Emanu-El. Fea- Roi C. and Edna L. Collins who Rev. Fred Blatz, rector of St ceived.