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in 2011 with funding from National Library of Scotland N ORTH B RITISH AND M ERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1809.

Iitccpvi>oratcti bj) jKojiiil Shatter >tni> ^Special guts »( parliament.


Total Assets, - - - - £10,439,944 Total Income for 1890, - - 2,487,839

THE Funds of the Life Department are not liable for Obligations under the Fire Department, nor are the Funds of the Fire Department liable for Obligations under the Life Department. In this Company, therefore, the Investments for the Life Department are kept entirely separate from those of the Fire Department, as set forth in the Balance Sheet.

GLASGOW BRANCH OFFICE— 102 St Vincent Street LOCAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Sir Charles Tennant, Bart., of The Glen, Chairman. James Graham, Esq., LL.D., Writer. The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Glasgow, Robert Gourlay, Esq., Manager Bank Kelburne Castle. of Scotland. James L. Mitchell, Esq., Merchant. I G. W. Snodgrass, Esq., J. P. Local Manager— D. L. Laiijlaw. Local Secretary— John T. Fyfe.

LIFE DEPARTMENT. IMPORTANT FEATURES. All Bonuses now vest on Declaration, while, in the event of a claim arising under a participating policy even before a Declaration of Bonus, the usual intermediate Bonus will be paid. The period during which a lapsed policy may be revived is extended to one year, and the fine payable on revival is much reduced. The Surrender Value of a lapsed policy is now held at the credit of the assured during the extended period of ten years; and during that period the option is allowed of taking a paid-up policy calculated on very favourable terms. The Suicide Clause is abolished. The form of policy has been shortened and simplified, so that the true meaning of the con- tract may be readily ascertained. Claims paid immediatel)' on Proof of Death and Title. Premiums adjusted to each Half-year of Age. Minimum Surrender Values fixed. Policy not forfeited by error in Proposal Papers, unless accompanied by fraud. General freedom of policies from restriction in Residence, Occupation, and Travel. ANNUITY BRANCH. ANNUITIES (Immediate, Contingent, or Deferred) are granted on favourable terms. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Property of nearly every description Insured at Home or Abroad at the Lowest Rates of Premium corresponding to the risk. Losses settled with Promptitude and Liberality. PROSPECTUSES AND EVERY INFORMATION MAY BE HAD AT THE CHIEF OFFICES, BRANCHES, OR AGENCIES. Chief Offices— EDINBURGH—64 Princes Street —61 Threadneedle Street LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, (Established 1862.)



DIRECTORS, JAMES BAIN, Esq. (Bank of Scotland, Glasgow).

JAMES BOYD, Esq. (J. & J. Boyd & Miller, Writers, Glasgow). ROBERT KERR, Esq. (John Kerr & Co., Greenock). J. C. MITCHELL, Esq. (Mitchells, Johnston & Co., Writers, Glasgow). D. FORBES DALLAS, Esq. (Pringle, Dallas & Co., W.S., Edinburgh).

Local Manager—ARCHIBALD BLAIR. Manager and Secretary of the Company—CHAS. G. FOTHERG'ILL.

FINANCIAL POSITION. Capital (fully subscribed), ^"1,852,000 o o Of which there is paid up, ....'. 185,200 o o

Reserve Funds (exclusive of Capital), . . . 622,026 o o

FIRE INSURANCES granted upon almost every descrip- tion of property at home and abroad. SURVEYS made and Rates quoted without trouble or expense to Proposers. CLAIMS are met with Promptitude and Liberality. TRANSFER OF POLICIES. — No expense is incurred in the Transfer of Policies from other Offices to this Company.

THE COMPANY DOES A FIRE BUSINESS ONLY. Having no Life Business, the Funds can only be used for Fire Losses.


The Directors invite Applications for Agencies in Towns and Districts where the Company is not fully represented, and are also open to receive applications from those at present representitig Life Co?npanies only. NATIONAL GUARANTEE AND SURETYSHIP ASSOCIATION, LIMITED. (Established 1863.)

SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, £500,000 INVESTED FUNDS, £80,000. Head Office—67 George Street, Edinburgh.

DIRECTORS. William Smith, LL.D., F.I. A., Chairman. Currie, Esq., Shipowner. George Barclay, Esq. I James Julius H. Beilby, Esq. James Mylne, Esq., W.S. Robert Stewart, Esq. of Kinlochmoidart. Tohn Cook Esq., W.S. I Manager -GEORGE TODD CHIENE, C.A.

Securities for Officers of Government, Banks, Insurance Companies, Travellers, Clerks, and others. and other Public Offices ; Collectors, Cash Bonus to Policyholders of from 15 to 50 per cent, on Premiums of Policies three years old and upwards. Claims payable immediately on Admission. Fidelity Guarantee business alone transacted.


120 Princes Street, EDINBURGH. | 12 Waterloo Place, LONDON.


Claims Paid, £2,800,000. | Invested Funds, £1,710,000.

WHOLE-TERM and ENDOWMENT ASSURANCES, with or without participa- tion in Profits, at Economical Rates, and with Non- Forfeiture Privileges. "DOUBLE BENEFIT" POLICIES, the Sum Assured being payable (1) at Death, before attaining a Specified Age, or on attaining that age; and (2) again at Death thereafter. NAVAL & MILITARY RISKS, including War License, at Moderate Premiums. NINE-TENTHS of PROFITS belong to the Assured. AT THE NINTH DIVISION OF PROFITS AT CHRISTMAS, 1890, Bonus Additions were declared at the Increased Rate of £2 per cent.

per Annum on both Whole Term and Endowment Assurances ; with sub- stantial INTERIM BONUS thereafter. ANNUITIES granted on favourable terms. LOANS granted on Approved Securities in connection with Life Assurance. Glasgow Branch— 10 Gordon Street: Charles H. Barclay, Secretary. Sgents in ©reenocfe— James W. Turner, Writer, 17 West Blackhall Street. Wm. Lamont, 16 Palmerston Buildings. J. C. Smith, Macdonald & Crawford, Solicitors, 26 Hamilton Street. Fyfe & Murray, Solicitors, 4 Argyle Street. J. Wallace Anderson, House Factor, 19 Cross-shore Street. Hgent in fl>ort=(Blasgow— Robert M'Morran, Accountant, Royal Bank. — ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY. (Established 1824). Capital, £5,000,000. GLASGOW BOARD. JAMES AIKEN, Esq. (Messrs Burns, Aiken & Co.). ALEXANDER DREW, Esq. (Messrs Alex. Drew & Sons). JAMES FINLAYSON, Esq. (Messrs Finlayson, Bousfield & Co.). LEONARD GOW, Esq., Shipowner. JOHN GRAHAM, Esq., C.A. THOMAS RUSSELL, Esq. of Ascog, Bute.

Fire and Life Insurances

May be effected on the most favourable terms, on application to any of the Local Agents, or to W. W. W. RE ID, Manager, 151 WEST GEORGE ST., GLASGOW. THE FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY (Established 1824). O^IPIET^Ii, 361,500,000. CHIEF OFFICES- STREET, MANCHESTER. CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C. KING | 96

Head Office for Scotland-16 ST. VINCENT PLACE, GLASGOW,


Chairman-JAMES CHADWICK, Esq. (J. & N. Philips & Co.) Deputy-Chairman—THOMAS BARHAM FOSTER, Esq.

G. Reynolds Davies, Esq. I C. W. Farbridge, Esq. I Alfred Neild, Esq. F. Salis Schwabe, Esq. Esq. | Charles T. Drabble, J. Hutchinson, Esq. | J. B. MOFFAT, Esq., Manager and Secretary, Manchester.

INSURANCES granted at Moderate Rates. No Charge made for new Policies. INSURANCES effected in Foreign Countries and in the Colonies as well as throughout Great Britain. LOSSES caused by Explosion of Gas, and also Losses occasioned by Lightning (whether by Fire or otherwise) are made good without extra charge. Prospectuses, Forms of Proposal, and every information may be obtained on application to any of the following Agents in Greenock :

Messrs Alex. Agnew & Son, 15 Cross- Mr J. Tannahill, Commercial Bank Shore Street. (West-end). Mr James Nicoll, Cat heart St. Messrs J. M. Macfarlane & Co., Wallace Buildings. or to JAMES GLEN, Resident Secretary, 16 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow. — CALEDONIAN PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. Established iSyi under the Co?npanies' Acts, 1862, 1867.


Head Office : 144 St. Vincent St., Glasgow.

Bankers—Royal Bank of Scotland, St. Vincent Street. Solicitors—Wright, Johnston, Mackenzie & Roxburgh, Glasgow. Auditor—JAMES Paterson, C.A., 92 Bath Street, Glasgow. Manager—-W. M. M'Culloch. Over £100,000 of Glass has been replaced by this Company for Breakages arising from Storms, Stone- Throwing, Malice, Mischief, and other innumerable causes. All Glass Insured against every risk, except Fire-heat, at Moderate Rates, with prompt replacement of Breakages. Immediate Notice of all Damages should be sent to the Office or Agents for instant attention. Telegraph "Equity, Glasgow." Telephone No.~ UNION FIRE and LIFE SOCIETY. Established in the reign of Queen Anne, A.D., 1714.

FIRE FUNDS . . . Exceed £770,000

LIFE FUNDS . . . Exceed £1, 000,000


GLASGOW OFFICE — 144 St. VINCENT STREET. W. M. M'CULLOCH, Local Manager. Application for Agencies Invited.

Telegraph—" Equity, Glasgow." Telephone No. COCKBURN'STSK* 33 Cathcart Street, Greenock. (JOHN FERGUSON, Manager). ST. MIRREN STREET, CROSS, PAISLEY, and 23 WEST HOWARD STREET, GLASGOW.


0) o o

0) — 2. +* o 0) - oq II PORESTDRUGS O « Iatenimeoicines 3 ? 3 (D »ft%T17SM@) 3 u £ ~ a €cKBURNs 3

a) a 23.H0WARDST. o 5°

Sice ii st fbIS

Established in 1879 f°r the Preparation and Supply of PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET, SURGICAL, AGRICULTURAL AND PROPRIETARY REQUISITES, AT LOWEST WHOLESALE RATES. SPECIALLY LOW RATES For Drugs and Chemicals in Quantity for Home or Exportation.. POST-OFFICE

Greenock Directory,








Greenock : W. Hutchison, Printer and Lithographer, 23 Nicolson Street.

Price Three Shillings and Sixpence. —


Corns and Bunions may be removed, and En- larged Toe Joints reduced by using THOMPSON'S FRENCH CORN PLASTER.

Those who are troubled with the discomfort of Corns, etc., will be glad to have attention called to this remedy, as it removes pain very speedily. "It is a simple Plaster, thin as silk, and comfortable to the foot." "Since using this Plaster, I can walk almost any distance." Lady Maude Packets, \\\\ each; Post Free for 14- Stamps. Ask for THOMSON'S PLASTER, and take No Substitute.

ii IT TELLS THE TRUTH." "Doune Terrace, Edinburgh.—Dear Sir,— I cannot speak too highly of the great value of your Nervetonine. It has done me a great deal of good, and I bless the day I saw your advertisement ; — it is not like most advertisements, IT TELLS THE TRUTH. I shall highly recommend it wherever I go, for it is a wonderful medicine for Nervous Complaints. "Thanking you, I remain, gratefully yours, A. D ." Mr THOMPSON has received hundreds of letters testifying to the marvellous Cures of Rheumatism, Sciatica, etc., effected by the use of Nervetonine. See Dr. Wilson's Notes in " Health" on Nervetonine for the Cure of Nervous Complaints. NERVETONINE is a positive, safe, and permanent cure for all Nervous Affections, Nervous Exhaustion, Nervous Debility, Mental Depression, Hysteria, Loss of Memory, Sleeplessness, etc. Nervetonine is a very powerful Brain Feeder, a Nerve and Muscle Strengthener, a Blood Nourisher, and a Stomach Reviver. Nervetonine is invaluable in all diseases of the Digestive System, Indigestion, with coated tongue and bitter taste in the mouth, Frontal Headache, Loss of Appetite, Habitual Constipation, etc. All forms of Nerve Pains, Neuralgia, Toothache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Gout, and Sciatica, are Instantly Relieved and Permanently Cured with NERVETONINE. Can be had from the Sole Proprietor in Bottles at 1/9, 2/9, 4/6, and 11/; Postage, 2d extra. For further particulars see M. F. Thompson's Concise Guide, gratis to all who mention this Book. M. F. THOMPSON, HOMOEOPATHIC AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, 17 GORDON STREET, GLASCOW. Agent for Greenock— SAMUEL DUNCAN, Chemist, West Blackhall Street. .


JlJNE, 189 1. December. Sunday — 7 14 21 28 Sunday — 6 13 20 27 Monday- I 8 15 22 29 Monday — 7 14 21 28 Tuesday 2 9 16 23 30 Tuesday 1 8 15 22 29 Wednesday 3 10 17 24 — Wednesday 2 9 16 23 30 Thursday 4 11 18 25 — Thursday 3 10 17 24 31 Friday 5 12 19 26 — Friday 4 11 18 25 — Saturday 6 13 20 27 — Saturday 5 12 19 26 —

July. January, i 892. Sunday — 5 12 19 26 Sunday 3 10 17 24 3i Monday — 6 13 20 27 Monday 4 11 18 25 Tuesday — 7 14 21 28 Tuesday 5 12 19 26 — Wednesday i 8 15 22 29 Wednesday 6 13 20 27 — Thursday 2 9 16 23 30 Thursday 7 14 21 28 — Friday 3 10 17 24 3i Friday 1 8 15 22 29 — Saturday 4 11 18 25 — Saturday 2 9 16 23 30 — August. February. Sunday 2 9 16 23 30 Sunday — 7 14 21 28 Monday 3 10 17 24 3i Monday 1 8 15 22 29 Tuesday 4 11 18 25 — Tuesday 2 9 16 23 — Wednesday 5 12 19 26 — Wednesday 3 10 17 24 — Thursday 6 13 20 27 — Thursday 4 11 18 25 — Friday 7 14 21 28 — Friday 5 12 19 26 — Saturday I 8 15 22 29 — Saturday 6 13 20 27 — S EPTEMBER. March. Sunday — 6 13 20 27 Sunday — 6 13 20 27 Monday — 7 14 21 28 Monday — 7 14 21 28 Tuesday I 8 15 22 29 Tuesday 1 8 15 22 29 Wednesday 2 9 16 23 30 Wednesday 2 9 16 23 30 Thursday 3 10 17 24 — Thursday 3 10 17 24 3i Friday 4 11 18 25 — Friday 4 11 18 25 Saturday 5 12 19 26 — Saturday 5 12 19 26 — DCTOBER April. Sunday — 4 11 18 25 Sunday — 3 10 17 24 Monday — 12 26 — 5 19 Monday — 4 11 18 25 Tuesday 6 13 20 27 Tuesday — 5 12 19 26 Wednesday — 7 14 21 28 Wednesday — 6 13 20 27 Thursday I 8 15 22 29 Thursday — 7 14 21 28 Friday 2 9 16 23 30 Friday 1 8 15 22 29 Saturday 3 10 17 24 3i Saturday 2 9 16 23 30 November. May. Sunday I 8 15 22 29 Sunday 1 8 15 22 29 Monday 2 9 16 23 30 Monday 2 9 16 23 30 Tuesday 3 10 17 24 — Tuesday 3 10 17 24 3i Wednesday 4 11 18 25 — Wednesday 4 11 18 25 Thursday 5 12 19 26 — Thursday 5 12 19 26 — Friday 6 13 20 27 — Friday 6 13 20 27 — Saturday 7 14 21 28 — Saturday 7 14 21 28 — PREFACE.

The Publishers of the Post-Office Greenock Directory desire to thank the Subscribers and the Public generally for the kind support accorded them in past years, and beg to assure them that the utmost care has been bestowed on the present issue to have it as correct as possible. The Publishers trust it may be found both useful and acceptable.

In the Appendix will be found useful details regarding

Postal and Telegraph arrangements, also local and general information.

The Plan of the Town is, as formerly, by John Bartholomew, Esq., F.R.G.S., Edinburgh, and having been carefully corrected up to the present time, it may be accepted as thoroughly accurate.

The Directory for Gourock is continued.


Greenock, June, 1891. ROBERT COOK, Jun., Huctioneer & IDaluator, OCTAVIA BUILDINGS, 26 West Blackhall Street, 33 MARKET STREET and ARCADE,


COOK Jun., conducts OUTSIDE SALES OF MRFURNITURE or other Goods on the Shortest Notice. Parties averse to having their Goods sold in their houses can have them removed and disposed of in The Auction Mart, 26 West Blackhall Street.



nnTTAflC'O Iffll A DACTC A delicious and grateful Breakfast rUI I AULU IXULA rAOlL or Luncheon Beverage of great sustaining and exhilarating power, prepared like cocoa, but quitefree from fat.

In jars, at ;, and 3s 6d. KOLA CHOCOLATE, KOLA JUJUBES, CHOCOLATE KOLA NUTS, in is, 2s, and 3s 6d packages, are all portable and concentrated forms of this wonderful West African Fruit, and specially useful to Cyclists, Athletes, Students, and Business Men.

See Press Opinions of "Daily News," "Chambers' Journal," "Health,' " Magazine of Pharmacy," " Glasgow Evening News," &c, as to merits of Kola. Special Local Agents— Mr J. KERR, Chemist, Municipal Buildings. Messrs MACSYMON & Co., Ltd., Argyle St. & Branches.


PAGE Calendar ------iii. Preface iv. Stamp Duties ° viii. French Weights and Measures x. Post-Office Directory ------i Trades Classified 251 Street Directory 307 GOUROCK DIRECTORY AND APPENDIX 1


Addresses of M. P. s for Town and County 34 Average Time occupied in Transit of Foreign Correspondence - 21 Banking Houses ------66 Board of Trade Office ------48 Burgh and Police Court ------5 1 Caledonian Railway Company ------60 Carriers ------61 Cemetery, Table of Fees for Interment, Dressing Lairs, &c. - 46 Census Returns 34 Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures - - - - - 49 Chronological Events (Local) 33 Churches, Ministers, and Presbyteries 72

Clubs (Bicycle, Boating, Bowling, Cricket, &c.) - - - in Commissary Court ------52 Commissioners of Supply for the Lower Ward - - - - 55 Conservative Club --- 95 Consuls at Greenock ------58 Conveyances and Table of Fares ------41 County Constabulary ------56 County Council 53 Customhouse ------29 Custom of the Port - - - - 49 Dean of Guild Court 36 Educational Establishments 90 Eye Infirmary - - 47 Faculty of Procurators '- 56 Fire Brigade - 38 Fishery Office 30 Freemasons, ------99 Glasgow and South-Western Railway Company - - - 60 Government Life Insurance and Annuities 20 CONTENTS.

Greenock Academy ----.-... gi Greenock and Port-Glasgow Tramway Company - - - 61 Greenock Library 94 Greenock Provident Bank 71 Greenock Shipping List -• 121 Harbour Trust 37 Holidays 34 Hospital and Infirmary 47 Improvement Trust 36 Income Tax Commissioners -.-.-.._ 56 Inland Revenue Offices —Stamps, Taxes, and Excise 30 Institutions ---...--._ ""94 Insurance Offices and Agents - - ' - - -.'"'- - 117 Investment Society ------107 Justice of Peace Court 52 Licensed Boatmen, Table of Rates or Fares Chargeable by - 44 Licensed Deep Sea and River Pilots ------43 Licensed Lumpers - -.------. 44 Licensed Porters ------39 Licensed Operatives in Slaughter-house - - - - 39 Licensed Retailers of Gunpowder and Explosives 39 Lieutenancy of Renfrewshire 53 Lloyd's Agent for Greenock and Port-Glasgow 58 Local Marine Board 48 Magistrates and Town Council 34 Masonic and other Societies ...... gg Mechanics' Institute - - - - 94 Mercantile Marine Office 48 Money Orders 15 Museum, Antiquarian ------94 Musical Associations ------107 Parcel Post (Inland) II Parcel Post (Foreign and Colonial) 13 Parliamentary and Municipal Boundaries ----- 30 Parochial Board 48 Pattern and Sample Post (Inland) 8 Pattern and Sample Post (Foreign and Colonial) - - - 20 Physicians and Surgeons 57 Pilotage, Rates Chargeable on the River and Firth of Clyde - 43 Police Board 35 Postal Orders 17 Post-Office 1 Post-Office Savings Bank 18 Private Schools and Teachers 93 Public Halls 94 Public Markets 38 Public Offices ------112 Public Parks and Cemetery 45 Quarter Sessions 52 Rates of Postage, &c. 5 Registrars for Births, Deaths, and Marriages 39 Registration of Letters 9 CONTENTS.

Royal Engineers Submarine Miners 59 Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers 59 Sanitary Department 38 - Sheriff Courts - - ? , 52 Societies (Provident, Religious, Scientific, Trades, &c.) - - 105 Steam Vessels sailing regularly from Greenock - - - - 61 Steam Towing Companies - - -.- - - - 66 Telegraphs (Foreign) ...--..- 26 Telegraphs (Inland) 23 Town and Harbour Police 38 Town Receiving Offices, Pillar and Wall Boxes ... 2

Vale of Clyde Tramways Company - - - - • - - 61 Volunteer Artillery ------58 Volunteer Rifle Corps 59 Voters, Numbers in each Ward - 30 - Water Trust , - - - 36 Water Falls Let and Unlet - 37 Weights and Measures' Offices 39 ADVERTISEMENTS.

Purchase of Cycles on the Easy Payment System.




AGREEMENT, or any Memorandum of an Agreement, without a Clause of Registration, and not otherwise specially charged with duty 6d BILL OF EXCHANGE, Payable on Demand id BILL OF EXCHANGE, including Advance Notes for Seamen's wages, of any other kind whatsoever (except a Bank Note), and Promissory Note of any kind whatsoever (except a Bank Note), drawn, or ex- pressed to be payable, or actually paid, or endorsed, or in any

manner negotiated in the : When the amount does not exceed £5 - - - - os id - Exceeds ^"5 and ,, 10 - - - os 2d - 10 ,, 25 os 3d ,,25 „ 50 - os 6d 5° » 75 - os 9d - ,, 75 ,, 100 - - - is od And for every ,£100, and also for any fractional part of ^100, of

such amount or value ------is od The DUTIES ON INLAND and FOREIGN BILLS are now identical. The term "Bill of Exchange" includes Draft Order, Cheque, and Letter of Credit, and any document or writing (except a Bank Note) entitling or purporting to entitle any person, whether named therein or not, to payment by any other person of, or to draw upon any other person for, any sum of money therein mentioned. EXEMPTIONS. —Any draft or order drawn by any banker upon any other banker, not payable to bearer or to order, and used solely for the purpose of settling or clearing any account between said bankers. Any letter written by a banker to any other banker, directing the payment of any sum of money, the same not being payable to bearer or to order, and such letter not being sent or delivered to the person to whom pay- ment is to be made, or to any person on his behalf. BILL OF LADING 6d Whatever number of Bills may form a set, each Bill of a set is liable to this duty. Penalty for executing any Bill of Lading not duly stamped, £$0. BONDS AND MORTGAGES, being the only or principal or primary security for the payment or re-payment of money not exceeding £10 os 3d Above ^"io not exc. ^25 - os 8d Above ^150 not exc. ^"200 - 5s od 25 „ 50 - is 3d 200 ,, 250 - 6s 3d - ,, 50 ,, 100 - 2s 6d 250 ,, 300 7s 6d 100 „ 150 - 3s 9d And for every £100, or fractional part of ;£loo, 2s 6d. STAMPING DOCUMENTS AFTER EXECUTION. Agreements "under hand" only must be lodged for Stamping within 14 days of

date of first signature ; ordinary deeds within 30 days. Leases are not Agreements. —— — » );


CONVEYANCE OR TRANSFER ON SALE of any Property (except Debenture Stock or Funded Debt) when the amount or value of the consideration does not exceed £$ - - - os 6d - - Exc. ,£5 not exc. £10- is od Exc. £"125 not exc . ^150 15s od - - y, IO 15- is6d ,, 150 >> 175 17s 6d 20- - 2S od 200 - 20s od » 15 ,, 175 > - - ,, 20 25- 2s 6d ,, 200 J5 225 22s 6d - „ 25 50- - 5s od )5 225 JJ 250 25s od

- •>> - 27s 6d „ 50 75- 7s6d ,, 250 275 - - 10s - 30s od „ 75 , 100 6d ,, 275 „ 300 - ,, 100 , 125- 12s 6d For every £"50, or fractional part thereof, 5s.

INDENTURE OF APPRENTICESHIP - - - - 2s 6d Duty on an Indenture to be borne by the master, unless the contrary be agreed on. LEASES AND AGREEMENTS FOR LEASES are chargeable with rates of duty according to the following scale: —

I. Lands and Unfurnished Houses

(Where the term is definite and does not exceed 35 years ; or is indefinite. Not exceeding ^5 per annum, . . £0 o 6 Exceeding £k and not exceeding £"10, 010

10 ,, 15, 016

15 ,, 20, 020 20 ,, 25, 026 25 ., 50, o 5 o 50 „ 75> 076 75 ,, IOO, o 10 o For every full sum of £$o, and also for

any fractional part of £50 thereof, . 050 II. Dwelling Houses or Part Thereof (Term not exceeding a year, at a rent not exceeding the rate of £"10 per annum.)

(1.) For any definite term less than a year, . id Document must be stamped before execution, but adhesive stamp may be used. (2.) In Scotland, for any definite term not

exceeding a year, . . . . .id If exactly a year, an adhesive stamp may be used. Document must be stamped within thirty days of execution, or penalty will be incurred. RECEIPT given for or upon the payment of money amounting to £2 and upwards ------id ' " The term ' receipt means and includes any note, memorandum, or writing whatsoever, whereby any money amounting to £2 or upwards, or any Bill of Exchange or Promissory Note for money amounting to £2 or upwards, is acknowledged or expressed to have been received, or deposited, or paid.

If any person ( I ) Gives any receipt liable to duty and not duly stamped (2) In any case where a receipt would be liable to duty, refuses to give a receipt duly stamped; (3) Upon a payment to the amount of £2 or upwards gives a receipt for a sum not amounting to £2, or separates or divides the amount paid with intent to evade the duty—he shall forfeit the sum of ^"io. FRENCH WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. FRENCH WEIGHTS AND MEASURES WITH THEIR EQUIVALENTS IN ENGLISH. Commercial Weights (Metric System). FRENCH. ENGLISH. cwt. qrs. lbs. ozs. drams. I Gramme =10 Decigrammes - — o o o o 0*56438 I Decagramme = 10 Grammes - -=0000 5*6438 1 Hectogramme= 10 Decagrammes = o o o 3 §'4383 1 I Kilogramme = 10 Hectogrammes = o o 2 3 4*383 2 I Myriagramme = 10 Kilogrammes - = o o 22 o n'8304 3 I Quintal = ioMyriagrammes = 100 kilos. = I 3 24 7 6*3038 4 Millier = 10 Quintals =1000 kilos. - = 19 2 20 9 15*04 Retail Weights (Systeme Usuelle). 5 I Livre usuelle or half Kilogramme -=00 I I ioiL \ „ „ quarter ,, -=0008 13^ i „ » eighth „ -=00046^ I „ ,, sixteenth ,, -=0002 3^ 1 Once ,, French ounce -=0001 if \ ,, ,, ,, half ounce = o o o o 8| quarter ounce I ,, ,, „ = 0000 4^ I Gros ,, ,, dram - -=0000 2/^ Commercial Measures of Length (Metric System). miles. yds. feet, inches. 6 I Metre = 10 Decimetres - - =0 10 3§ 1 Decametre = 10 Metres - - =0102 9^ 1 Hectometre =10 Decametres - - =0 109 1 1^ 7 - I Kilometre =10 Hectometres - =0 1093 1 iof I Myriametre = 10 Kilometres - —6 y]6 o n T% Retail Measures of Length (Systeme Usuelle). yds. feet, inches. 8 I Toise usuelle = 2 Metres - --=20 6f 9 1 Aune ,, = 12 Decimetres - - - - = 1 o 1\\ \ „ „ = 6 „ - - - - = o 1 n§ k » » = 3 -...=00 nfi &_» „ = ih „ - = o o 5H

1 The Kilogramme is the commercial lb. of France, Holland, and : it is equal to a little over 2 i-5th avoirdupois lb. English. 50^ Kilogrammes are deemed equivalent to an English cwt. (roughly.)

2 The Myriagramme is the commercial stone : it is equal to very nearly 22 lb. and $ oz. avoirdupois weight. 3 The Quintal metreque (metric quintal) is the French cwt. : it is equal to within about 3^ lb. of 2 English cwt. 4 The Millier or 1000 Kilogrammes is the French ton : it wants about 35 lb. 6 oz. of the English ton. 1015 kilogrammes are deemed equivalent to 20 English cwt., or an English ton (roughly).

5 The Livre usuelle is the retail lb. of France : it is the same as the Zollverein lb. used in Germany. ioi£ of these livres are deemed equivalent to an English cwt., and 2030 to an English ton (roughly). e The Metre is divided off into 1000 equal parts called Millimetres, 25*4 of which are equal to an English inch. 32 metres=35 English yards nearly. ? The Kilometre is equal approximately to § of an English mile, so that 8 Kilo- metres are approximately equal to 5 English miles. 3 The Toise is the French fathom, 32 of which are approximately equal to 35 English fathoms. 9 The Aune is the French yard, used in common transactions. FRENCH WEIGHTS AND MEASURES.

Retail Measures—Continued. yds. feet. inches. 1 I Pied usuelle = £ Metre or $ Toise - - = o 1ft 2 11 - - - - I Pouce ,, = tV Pied = o O "S~5

Common Square Measure (for all things except Land). sq. acs. sq. yds. sq.ft. sq. ins. I Sq. Metre = 100 Sq. Decimetres = o o o 10 "OrV 9 1 = 100 Metres = ,, Decametre Sq. o o 119 5 6l TTT 1 „ Hectometre = 100 Sq. Decametres = o 2 2280 2 I43ft 1 ,, Kilometre = 100 Sq. Hectometres = o 247 553 2 8o| 1 ,, Myriametre = 100 Sq. Kilometres =38 39i 2138 4 8

Land Surface Measure. 3 acs. sq. yds. sq. ft. sq. ins. I Are = 10 Declares or 100 Sq. Metres =0 119 5 61^ I Decare = 10 Ares or 1000 ,, =0 1196 o 43tt 4 I Hectare = 100 Ares or 10,000 ,, =2 2280 2 143^

Solid or Cubic Measure (for all things except Wood, &c).

c. yds. c. ft. c. ins. I C. Metre = 1000 C. Decimetres = 18 547-^r 1 ,, Decametre = 1000 C. Metres = 1308 o 1005

1 ,, Hectometre = 1000 C. Decametres = 1308021 14 1032 1 ,, Kilometre = 1000 C. Hectometres = 1308021540 17 384 1 ,, Myriametre = 1000 C. Kilometres =1308021540637 23 384

Solid or Cubic Measure for Wood, &c.

c.yds. eft. c. ins. I Stere = 1 C. Metre or 10 Decisteres - = 1 8 547^V I Decastere= 10 C. Metres or 10 Steres - - =13 2 286^

Measure of Capacity (Metric System).

galls, qts. pts. gills. 5 I Litre = 10 Decilitres - =001 3^- I Decalitre = 10 Litres - = 2 o I 2f I Hectolitre = 10 Decalitres - - = 22 o o Oy3^ I Kilolitre Hectolitres - - = 10 = 220 o o 3T\ I Myrialitre = 10 Kilolitres - - =2200 1 3 2*80

Measure of Capacity (Systeme Usuelle).

I Litron usuelle = I Litre =if English pint, fully. I Boisseau ,, =£ Hectolitre = 2 gallons and 3 quarts, nearly.

1 The Pied is the French foot used in common transactions, 32 of which are approximately equal to 35 English feet. 2 The Pouce is the French inch, used in common transactions, 32 of which are approximately equal to 35 English inches. 3 Although this is the land measure, the extent of a whole country is reckoned by square kilometres. 4 4 French Hectares are=io English acres. 5 50 French Litres=n English imperial gallons, nearly. DENTISTRY


Artificial TEETH





- |daily^fRom^3oa. Mi t, LL 7, M: HOURS OF ATTENDANCE, (SATURDAY—From 9.30 a.m. till 5 p.m. ;


" The bread tree, which, without the ploughshare The unreap'd harvests of unfurrowed fields, And bakes its unadulterated loaves Without a furnace in unpurchased groves." Inventions and improvements in pharmacy, as in other walk and yield their fruit in the manner so charmingly described I greatest poets, they come to those alone who toil and spin, and wearied labour and a long series of successive experiments. The the result of this labour and this experience : — Macnaught's Corn and Bunion Plaster. —Convenient in ap its operation, gives immediate relief, and cures effectively. Pad Macnaught's Nursery Lotion. —An effective Nursery Hair hair, keeps it glossy, and promotes growth. Bottles, 6d and is.

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Diseases and Derangements < may be employed to alley' te r of that treatment that the nourishment with the le1 Digestive Food has bj centrated form, and r« Macnaught'- Ii*l


2O0O .2500 iBWleet 3 4 Furlongs


ABRAHAMS Samuel, tailor and clothier, 49 Rue-end st. Ho. 51 do. ABRAHAMSON Oliver, seaman, 47 Holmscroft st ADAM Alexander, carpenter, 13 Hope st Adam Archibald, shipowner (of Adam, Hamilton & Co.), Woodside, 41 Eldon st Adam A. Learmonth (manager, Roxburgh st. Refining Co.). Ho. 75 Newton st Adam Daniel (of William Adam & Co.), Holly bank, Madeira st Adam David, joiner, 25 Mount Pleasant st Adam Edward B., storekeeper, 19 Regent st Adam George & Co., timber measurers, 1 Cathcart st Adam, Hamilton & Co., shipowners, 1 Cathcart st Adam James, joiner and builder, 10 Tobago st. Ho. 2 Ford place, Finnart st Adam James, wine and spirit merchant, 2 Charles st Adam John (of William Adam & Co.), Holly bank, Madeira st Adam Robert G., Holly bank, Madeira st Adam William & Co., plumbers, coppersmiths, and brass- founders, 2 and 3 Dock Breast Adam William, 1 1 Margaret st Adam William, brassfounder, 12 Watt st Adam William, cooper and oil merchant, 3 Bogle st. Ho. 7 Nile st Adam William, mason, 25 Bruce st 1 DIRECTORY.

Adam Miss, 9 Argyle st Adam Mrs George, Woodside, 41 El don st Adam Mrs William, Holly bank, Madeira st ADAMS James, joiner, 2 Garvald st Adams Rev. James, M.A., minister, St. Andrew Square U.P. Church. Ho. 15 Bank st Adams John, cashier, Provident Bank. Ho. 37 Campbell st Adams J. L., sugar broker, 3 Brymner st. Ho. 37 Camp- bell st Adams Solomon, labourer, 34 East Hamilton st Adams William D., 17 Lynedoch st Adams Mrs James, flesher, 9 Market st. House 12 Murdie- ton st ADAMSON Daniel D., shipowner, Rockhill, 22 Margaret st Adamson John, labourer, 64 Ann st ADSHEAD Miss, 18 Robertson st AFFLECK George, carpenter, 36 East Hamilton st AGNEW Alexander & Son, accountants, house factors and insurance agents, 15 Cross-shore st Agnew Andrew, traveller, 22 Lyle st Agnew David, joiner, 9 Carwood st Agnew James, house factor, joiner and builder, Glebe Saw Mills, 32 Crawfurd st. Ho. 1 Newark st Agnew James, plater, 33 East Crawford st Agnew Robert, feuar and carpenter, 14 St. Lawrence st AHLFELD Bernard, engineer, 31 West Burn st AINSLIE Mrs, 8 Kilblain st AIKMAN Thomas, engineer, 30 Wellington st AIRD David, labourer, 51 Nicolson st Aird James, foreman blockmaker, 28 East Hamilton st Aird John, joiner, 1 1 Belville st Aird Mrs John, 14 Lyle st Aird Mrs. 7 Caddlehill st AITCHISON Mrs, 12 Nile st Aitchison Mrs, 22 Lyle st AITKEN Andrew, watchmaker and jeweller, 3 Hamilton st. Ho. 40 Eldon st Aitken David, bank teller and insurance agent, Union Bank of Scotland (Ld.). Ho. Ivy bank, Port-Glasgow Aitken Edward, engineer, 75 Holmscroft st Aitken James, sugar refiner, 78 Eldon st Aitken John, miller, 2 Carwood st DIRECTORY.

Aitken John, 6 Nelson st, west Aitken Robert, joiner, 22 Ann st Aitken William, joiner, 7 Carwood st Aitken William N. A., accountant, National Bank of Scot- land (Limited). Ho. National Bank house, Watt place Aitken William N., flesher, 12 Ardgowan st Aitken William, traffic inspector, G. & S. W. Railway, 25 Brougham st Aitken Miss Jane, 20 Ardgowan st, west Aitken Miss Margaret, 31 Regent st Aitken Mrs John, 103 Belville st AITKENHEAD Alexander (of Robert Aitkenhead & Sons), 30 South st Aitkenhead Robert & Sons, builders and contractors, 4 South st ALBERT Hall, 20 Nicolson st ALCORN William, carter, 2 Crawford lane ALEXANDER Alexander, carpenter, 41 Nicolson st Alexander & Dixon, accountants, stockbrokers and insurance agents, Post Office buildings (west side)

Alexander Charles, labourer, 1 Mount lane Alexander Hugh, porter, 1 1 Carwood st Alexander James, boilermaker, 89 Belville st Alexander James, irondresser, 46 Ann st Alexander James, joiner, 101 Belville st Alexander James, seaman, 55 Holmscroft st Alexander John, farmer, Bogston, Port-Glasgow Road Alexander John, grocer, 2 Murdieston st Alexander John (of Alexander & Dixon), Assessor of Income Tax, Post Office buildings (west side). Ho. 25 Ben- tinck st Alexander M. & Co., wholesale and retail confectioners, 44 Hamilton st and 20 Sugarhouse lane Alexander Robert, railway guard, 104 Dempster st Alexander William, blacksmith, 48 Ann st Alexander William, brassfounder, 3 Ingleston st Alexander William, engineer, 7 Newton st Alexander William, wholesale and retail spirit dealer, 57 Vennel and 2 Sir Michael st. Ho. 10 Forsyth st Alexander Miss, 5 Hill st Alexander Miss, 27 Lynedoch st Alexander Mrs Gilbert, 9 Ratho st DIRECTORY.

ALGIE James, feuar, i Prospecthill. Ho. 18 Berkeley terrace, Glasgow ALLAN Alexander, C.A. (of Hardie & Allan), 67 Newton st Allan Conway, warehouseman, 81 Dempster st Allan David, fitter, 19 Ingleston st Allan David N., ironfitter, 13 Ingleston st Allan George Joseph, marine superintendent, Greenock s.s. Coy. Ho. 9 Esplanade Allan James, engineer, 87 Dempster st Allan James (of Post Office), 17 Brisbane st Allan James, policeman, 6 Trafalgar st Allan James, sailmaker, 5 York st Allan James, salesman, 19 Mount Pleasant st Allan James, skinner, 1 Ratho st Allan Jamieson, engineer, 24 Belville st Allan John, carpenter, 36 Ingleston st Allan John, checker, 14 Brisbane st Allan John, timber measurer, 15 Newton st Allan Joseph, labourer, 30 Sir Michael st Allan Line Royal Mail Steamers—Andrew Picken & Co., agents, Arcade, 20 Cathcart st Allan Robert, feuar, 67 Newton st Allan Robert, sugar porter, 3 Custom House place Allan Robert, watchmaker, 18 South st

Allan Robert J., labourer, 2 Wemyss Bay st Allan Thomas, labourer, 32 East Hamilton st Allan William, cooper, 15 East Shaw st Allan William, joiner, 7 Carwood st

Allan William J., salesman, 71 Roxburgh st Allan William, plumber, gasfitter, and bellhanger, 48 Ann st. Ho. 25 Newton st. (See Advt.) Allan William, rivetter, 50 Crawfurd st Allan William, spirit merchant, 2 Mansionhouse lane. Ho. 10 Lynedoch st Allan William O., wine and spirit merchant, 7 Inverkip st. Ho. 9 Ardgowan square Allan Mrs Alexander, 1 Kelly st Allan Mrs George, 5 1 Brisbane st Allan Mrs George, 9 Dempster st Allan Mrs, 2 Macdougall st Allan Mrs, 9 Watt st ALLARDYCE Francis, boilermaker, 10 Baker st DIRECTORY.

Allardyce William, moulder, 8 Carwood st ALLISON & Brand, timber merchants and sawmillers, 16 West Burn st Allison David, engineer, i Belville st Allison Donald, blacksmith, 77 Regent st Allison John (of Alex. Whitelaw & Co.), 49 Trafalgar st Allison Robert, blacksmith, 41 Ann st Allison Thomas, painter, 49 Trafalgar st Allison William, feuar, 17 Hamilton st. Ho. 43 Esplanade Allison Miss, 71 Nicolson st Allison Mrs Alexander, 15 Brisbane st Allison Mrs Stewart, 12 East Blackhall st ALLSHORN Mrs, 1 1 Lyle st ALSTON John, chain and anchor merchant, 44 Margaret st Alston Robert Lockhart, feuar, 22 Forsyth st Alston Mrs Alexander, 37 Kelly st ALTMONT Duncan, sugar boiler, 23 Newton st AMOS Miss, 6 Ardgowan st, west ANCHOR Line Agency, James Little & Co., Excise Buildings ANDERSON Adam, skinner, 26 East Crawford st Anderson Alexander, bank porter, 14 Cross-shore st Anderson Alexander, locomotive foreman, 60 East Craw- ford st Anderson Alexander, moulder, 36 St. Lawrence st Anderson Alexander, jun., station master, Cartsdyke. Ho. 60 East Crawford st Anderson Alexander T., inland revenue officer, 21 Newton st

Anderson Andrew, railway inspector. 1 7 Bogle st Anderson Andrew, tobacconist, 65 Rue-end st. Ho. 1 Watt place Anderson Bruce, slater, 12 Mill st

Anderson Charles, labourer, 1 Broomhill st Anderson D. & Son (Limited), felt manufacturers, 12 Bogle st Anderson Duncan, joiner, 41 Arm st Anderson Duncan, postman, 9 Mount Pleasant st Anderson George, insurance agent, 16 Bruce st Anderson George, of postal telegraphs, 29 Dempster st Anderson George C, coal agent, 55 Drumfrochar rd

Anderson George J., shipmaster, 42 Brisbane st Anderson Hugh, hosiery, glove, and trimming warehouse, 38 Hamilton st. Ho. 48 Brougham st DIRECTORY.

Anderson James, blacksmith, 7 Dempster st Anderson James, boilermaker, 17 Antigua st Anderson James, boilermaker, 21 Lynedoch st Anderson James, engineer, 5 Antigua st Anderson James, joiner, 85 Wellington st Anderson James, moulder, 31 Ingleston st Anderson James, pointsman, 10 Belville st Anderson John & Co., sugar merchants, Sugar Exchange Anderson John (of John Anderson & Co., sugar merchants), Linden Bank, 39 Esplanade Anderson John, blacksmith, 50 St. Lawrence st Anderson John, coachman, 30 West Blackhall st Anderson John, coal merchant, 24 Cartsburn st. Ho. 8 Springkell st Anderson John, draper and clothier, 32 Cathcart st. Ho. 77 Holmscroft st Anderson John, engine driver, 52 West Blackhall st Anderson John, engineer, 10 Lynedoch st. Anderson John, mason, 69 Nicolson st Anderson John, shipmaster, 30 Nelson st, west Anderson John, storeman, 7 1 Regent st Anderson John & Co.. wholesale wine and spirit merchants, 5 Brymner st. Stores, 9 New Dock lane Anderson Joseph, engineer, 77 Holmscroft st Anderson J. Wallace (of Alex. Agnew & Son), 67 Union st Anderson M. & C, confectioners, 41 West Burn st. Ho. 67 Nicolson st Anderson Otto, rigger, 1 St. Andrew st Anderson Peter, cabinetmaker, 5 Ratho st Anderson Peter, labourer, 1 Holmscroft st

Anderson Robert, engine driver, 1 1 Carwood st Anderson Robert, engineer, 8 Nile st Anderson Robert, engineer, 9 Roxburgh st Anderson R. W. (of H. Anderson), 48 Brougham st Anderson Thomas, railway*guard, 15 Brougham st Anderson William, blacksmith, Overton Anderson William, boilermaker, 5 Rue-end st Anderson William, labourer, 22 John st Anderson William, moulder, 61 Belville st Anderson William, saddler, 87 Wellington st Anderson William, skinner, 26 East Crawford st Anderson Miss, greengrocer, 16 Kelly st. Ho. 85 Wellington st —


Anderson Miss, teacher, 8 South st Anderson Mrs E., n Antigua st Anderson Mrs Hugh, 12 Ingleston st Anderson Mrs James, 1 Holmscroft st Anderson Mrs James L., 80 Finnart st Anderson Mrs John, 103 Belville st Anderson Mrs Richard, 67 Union st Anderson Mrs William, Afton Bank, 35 Fox st Anderson Mrs William, 23 Kelly st Anderson Mrs, 7 Cathcart st Anderson Mrs, refreshment rooms, 14 Kilblain st ANDREW Alexander, baker, 40 Ann st Andrew Alexander, solicitor, Commercial Bank Buildings. Ho. 5 Roxburgh st Andrew David, pawnbroker, 5 William st. Ho. 21 Bris- bane st Andrew David, shoemaker, 32 Lynedoch st Andrew Mrs Alexander, 5 Roxburgh st ANDREWS Hugh, compositor, 25 Trafalgar st Andrews William, surveyor to Lloyd's registry, 13 Hamilton st. Ho. 42 Brisbane st Andrews Miss, 32 Nicolson st ANGUS James, engineer, 3 Lauriston st Angus James (of Post-Office), 92 Dempster st Angus John, patternmaker, 59 Belville st Angus John W., Superintendent of Police, Central Police Chambers. Ho. 12 Forsyth st Angus Robert, fitter, 20 Cathcart st Angus Thomas, 42 Mearns st ANKER Hans, shipping clerk, 2 George square ANTON David, shipmaster, 17 South st Steamship Office, Customhouse buildings Allan Swan, agent APOTHECARIES' Hall (Greenock), 28 Hamilton st APPLETON Thomas, rope and twine maker, Ladyburn. Ho. 91 East Hamilton st Appleton Mrs, 1 1 West Stewart st Appleton Mrs R., 26 Hamilton st

ARBUCKLE J., flesher, 42 West Burn st. Ho. Gateside house, Inverkip rd Arbuckle Miss, 5 Kelly st Arbuckle Mrs, Gateside house, Inverkip rd. 8 DIRECTORY.

Arbuckle Mrs, 1 1 Fox st ARCHER William, engine driver, 13 Watt st ARCHIBALD James, labourer, 3 Belville st Archibald Spenser, labourer, 1 Belville st Archibald Thomas P., 51 Brisbane st Archibald William, wine and spirit merchant, 13 Charles st and 28 Market st. Ho. 7 Ardgowan st, west ARDGOWAN Bowling Club (Wm. Hardie, C.A., hon. secretary and treasurer), 2 Watt pi ARGYLE & Sutherland Highlanders, Drill Hall, 27 Kelly st Argyle Laundry, 25 West Stewart st ARKLEY Misses, 7 Eldon st ARMIT Mrs James S., 32 Brisbane st ARMITAGE & Co., brewers and maltsters, the Greenock Brewery, 8 Captain st Armitage George, chemist and druggist, 30 Hamilton st. Ho. 64 Newton st Armitage Mrs, wine and spirit merchant, 60 Lynedoch st. Ho. 47 Trafalgar st Armitage Mrs William, 17 Dempster st ARMOUR George, carpenter, 50 Holmscroft st Armour John, mason, 31 Trafalgar st Armour John, tailor and clothier, 78 Roxburgh st and 12 Bruce st. Ho. 21 Nelson st, west

Armour M. & J., confectioners, 9 Hamilton st. Ho. 21 Nelson st, west

Armour Matthew, boot and shoe maker, 20 Nicolson st. Ho. Ti West Stewart st Armour Mrs William, 3 Regent st ARMSTRONG David A., clerk, 16 Wellington st Armstrong David, sailmaker, 4 Watt st Armstrong Thomas, salesman, 35 Wellington st Armstrong William, painter, 34 Crescent st ARNOTT James, wine and spirit merchant, 53 Rue-end st. Ho. 29 Bank st Arnott John, sub-editor Telegraph, 8 South st ARTHUR Andrew, cashier, at James Richardson & Co.'s. Ho. Hughenden villa, Port-Glasgow. Arthur David, jun. (of Auchmountain Laundry), Strone villa, Kilmalcolm rd Arthur James, boilermaker, 3 Lauriston st DIRECTORY.

Arthur John P., grocer, 4 Ingleston st. Ho. Viewfield, Upper Ashton, Gourock Arthur Joseph, ship steward, 5 Hill st

Arthur J. F., wine and spirit merchant, 38 West Blackhall st and 14 Old Sneddon st, Paisley. Ho. 20 Eldon st Arthur T. & D., Auchmountain Laundry, Carpet Beating, and Dry Cleaning Co., Strone villa, Kilmalcolm rd Arthur Thomas, baker, 43 West Burn st Arthur Thomas, moulder, 50 St. Lawrence st Arthur Thomas (of T. & D. Arthur), Strone villa, Kilmal- colm rd Arthur William, engineer, 57 Belville st

Arthur Miss A. J., dressmaker, 13 Brisbane st Arthur Mrs Robert, 40 Dalrymple st ARTHURS William, river pilot, 22 Kelly st ARTILLERY Volunteers, Drill Hall, 18 West Burn st ASSESSOR of Income Tax for the Lower Ward of Renfrew- shire, John Alexander, Post Office buildings ATKINS Reginald Mozart, professor of music, organist of West Kirk. Ho. 16 Robertson st ATKINSON Alexander, boilermaker, 20 Lynedoch st Atkinson Richard, boilermaker, 37 Lynedoch st AUGUSTINE Established Church, Belville st Auld James & Frame, solicitors and notaries public, Post Office buildings, (west side) Auld James (of James Auld & Frame), Procurator-Fiscal for the Burgh, Post Office buildings (west side). Ho. 42 Margaret st Auld James, cabinetmaker, 14 Kilblain st. Ho. 67 Nicol- son st Auld John, patternmaker, 33 Lynedoch st Auld Robert, teacher, 8 Lyle st Auld William, engine driver, 33 West Stewart st

Auld William, writer and notary public, and J. P. Fiscal, 27 West Burn st. Ho. 79 Newton st Auld Miss, 35 Brisbane st Auld Mrs H., 1 Kelly st Auld Mrs William, 47 Brisbane st AUSTIN Adam (of Austin & Kinnaird), 8 Wellington st Austin & Kinnaird, joiners and builders, 19 Bogle st AVERN George, carpenter, 37 West Blackhall st AYRES Robert, Primitive Methodist Minister, 49 Brisbane st DIRECTORY.


BACKAS Edward, sawyer, 14 Dalrymple st BAILEY George, gateman, 25 West Blackhall st

Bailey J. W. (manager Brewers' Sugar Co., Limited), 52 Forsyth st BAILLIE Andrew, engineer, 105 Belville st Baillie Archibald, engineman, 43 Lynedoch st Baillie George, ropespinner, 48 Ann st Baillie James, harbour and dock master, Harbour Office. Ho. 11 Roxburgh st Baillie Mrs William, 4 Kilblain st BAIN Alexander, cooper, 9 Holmscroft st Bain Alexander, smith, 20 John st Bain James, moulder, 14 John st Bain John, moulder, 16 Crescent st Bain Thomas, moulder, 5 Ingleston st Bain Thomas, moulder, 14 John st Bain William, joiner, 6 Finnart st Bain William, salesman, 9 Brisbane st Bain Miss L. S., wholesale and retail poulterer, 3 Hamilton st. Ho. 6 Finnart st Bain Mrs, 31 Nelson st, west BAINE Alexander, 161 Eldon st Baine James, sailmaker, 15 South st Baine & Johnston, merchants and shipowners, Clyde build- ings, 19 West Blackhall st Baine John A., chemist and druggist, 3 Grey pi Baine Walter, cooper, 9 Nelson st, west Baine William, ropemaker, 43 Wellington st Baine Miss, 5 Mount Pleasant st Baine Mrs William, 21 Mount Pleasant st BAIRD Arthur R., i?iteri?n registrar of births, &c, for the west district, Municipal buildings, Wallace square. Ho. 24 Brisbane st Baird & Co., seedsmen and fruiterers, 27 Brougham st. Ho. 2 Fox st Baird Hugh, mason and sculptor, 80 Roxburgh st. Ho. 20 Wellington st Baird John, french polisher, 4 Watson's lane. Ho. Brier- wood, Kennishead DIRECTORY.

Baird John, gardener, 2 Fox st Baird Robert A., stationer, printer, and bookbinder, Munici- pal buildings Baird William, vanman, 32 St. Lawrence st Baird Miss Jane, restaurant, 1 1 Cathcart st. Ho. Oakfield west, Ratho st BAKER William, rigger, 41 Crawfurd st BALFOUR Daniel, ropemaker, 58 Lynedoch st Balfour William, clerk, 94 Dempster st BALLANTINE & Rowan, sugar refiners, Dellingburn st Ballantine George, brakesman, 15 Hope st Ballantine James, labourer, 9 Serpentine walk Ballantine John, joiner, 55 Belville st Ballantine Peter, joiner, 13 Antigua st Ballantine William, flesher, 16 Lynedoch st. Ho. do. Ballantine Mrs James, 7 Houston st BALLANTYNE Mrs John H., 37 Union st Ballantyne Mrs, Police buildings, Dalrymple st BALLMENT Mrs, Greenbank house, 50 Kelly st BALLINGALL Peter, accountant, Bank of Scotland, 47 Cathcart st BANK of Scotland, 47 Cathcart st BANKS Alexander (of Banks & Miller), 24 Patrick st Banks David, fireman, 74 Ann st Banks David S., clerk, 97 Roxburgh st Banks James, clerk, 19 Brisbane st Banks John, flesher, 21 Regent st. Ho. 9 Lynedoch st Banks & Miller, accountants, house factors, and insurance agents, 45 Hamilton st BANNATYNE Ebenezer, joiner, 20 John st Bannatyne Mrs Robert, feuar, 3 Ropework st BANNERMAN Mrs, laundry, 54 Holmscroft st BANNIGAN D., cooper and bag dealer, 20 Roxburgh st BAPTIST Church, George square Baptist Church, Orangefleld BARBOUR Archibald, blockmaker, 20 South st Barbour James, boatman, 5 York st Barbour James, clerk, 10 Murdieston st Barbour James, labourer, 15 Mill st Barbour John, grocer and provision merchant, 9 Arthur st. Ho. 9 Macdougall st Barbour Peter, brassfinisher, 22 St. Lawrence st DIRECTORY.

Barbour Thomas, draper, 1 1 Nelson st, west Barbour William, boilermaker, 9 Macdougall st Barbour William, grocer, 42 West Burn st. Ho. 9 Mac- dougall st Barbour William, machinist, 14 Wellington st Barbour Miss, 84 Belville st Barbour Miss Mary, dressmaker, 35 West Shaw st Barbour Mrs, ladies' nurse, 57 Holmscroft st Barbour Mrs, 8 Watt st BARCLAY Henry, carter, 6 Carnock st Barclay James, baker, 18 East Crawford st Barclay John, carter, 64 Ann st Barclay John, clerk, 14 Hope st Barclay John, grocer and corn contractor, 24 South st Barclay John, joiner, 83 Wellington st Barclay John (of Blake, Barclay & Co.), Oakfield east, Ratho st Barclay John S., house and ship plumber and gasfitter, 2 West Breast. Ho. 17 Union st Barclay Rev. John, minister of West Parish, 10 Bedford st Barclay Robert, baker, 45 Trafalgar st Barclay Robert, engineer, 6 Carwood st Barclay Robert, labourer, 29 Crescent st Barclay William, engineer, 7 Prospecthill st Barclay William, saw doctor, 28 East Hamilton st Barclay William R., railway guard, 43 Crawfurd st Barclay Mrs James, 12 Lynedoch st Barclay Mrs John, grocer, 3 Rue-end st. Ho. 3 Carnock st Barclay Mrs James, 12 Lynedoch st Barclay Mrs, 23 Trafalgar st Barclay Mrs, confectioner, 66 Vennel BARHAM William Henry, lieutenant R.N.R., examiner Mercantile Marine, Board of Trade Offices, Greenock. Ho. 2 Albany st, North Kelvinside BARK Andrew, carpenter, 33 Nelson st, west BARNES William, labourer, 3 Crescent st BARR Alexander, saddler, 29 Sugarhouse lane Barr & Co., coppersmiths and brassfounders, Orchard and Ingleston sts Barr & Macfarlane, fleshers, 22 Lynedoch st and 47 Hamil- ton st Barr Archibald, joiner, 30 East Hamilton st 3


Barr David, labourer, 47 Crawfurd st Barr James, fruit and vegetable merchant, 34 Shaw st. Ho. 23 Roxburgh st Barr James, butcher, 19 Bruce st Barr James, gardener, Gateside, Inverkip rd Barr James, labourer, 28 Bruce st Barr James S., 32 Ardgowan st, west Barr John, carter, 14 crescent st Barr John, grocer, 33 Lynedoch st. Ho. 33 Bank st Barr John (of Barr & Co.), Mountview, Belville st Barr Neil, fitter, 34 St, Lawrence st Barr Peter, boilermaker, 30 Arthur st Barr Robert, coal merchant, 18 Wellington st Barr Robert, dairyman, 37 West Stewart st Barr William, carpenter, 16 Arthur st Barr William, fitter, 7 East Crawford st Barr William (of Barr & Macfarlane), 2 Finnart st Barr Miss M., 3 Armadale place Barr Miss, feuar, 33 Brougham st Barr Miss, 18 Sir Michael st Barr Mrs John L., 65 Finnart st BARRETT Charles, woolsorter, 114 Drumfrochar rd BARRIE Andrew D., surgeon, Glen Tower, 1 Wood st Barrie David, engine driver, 33 West Stewart st Barrie John, shoemaker, 29 Trafalgar st Barrie Mrs, 3 East Crawford st BARRON Alexander, joiner, 45 Trafalgar st Barron Alexander, labourer, 37 Crawford st Barron Mrs, 50 Ann st BARRY Patrick, grocer, 50 Shaw st. Ho. 47 do. BATES George, policeman, 3 Hope st Bates Stewart, engine driver, 108 Dempster st Bates Thomas, professor of music, 28 Newton st BATHER Samuel, gardener, 10 Kelly st BATHGATE Alexander, clerk, 21 Newton st Bathgate Charles, blacksmith, 75 Regent st Bathgate Mrs Archibald, wine and spirit merchant, 14 Terrace road. Ho. 3 Antigua st Bathgate Mrs Charles, 7 Mount Pleasant st BATTERS Silas, machinist, 1 Bruce st BAUCHOPE Moses, clerk, 89 Dempster st BAUMGART G., seaman, 22 West Blackhall st 14 DIRECTORY.

BAXTER Alexander (of Baxter Bros.), 113 Dempster st Baxter Andrew (at Clyde Pottery Co.), 27 Bank st Baxter Archibald, blacksmith, 64 Ann st Baxter Archibald, compositor, 95 Roxburgh st Baxter Archibald, engineer, 2 Garvald st Baxter Bros., wholesale and export stationers, 29 Shaw st Baxter David, engineer, 89 Belville st Baxter George R., painter, 13 Mount Pleasant st Baxter John, blacksmith, 7 Belville st Baxter John, mate, 19 Trafalgar st Baxter John (of Baxter Bros.), 30 South st Baxter Malcolm, carpenter, 66 Drumfrochar rd

Baxter Malcolm, engineer, 1 1 Lynedoch st Baxter Thomas, grocer and provision merchant, 45 Cathcart st. and 1 Kilblain st. Ho. 9 South st Baxter Thomas H., engineer, 112 Drumfrochar rd

Baxter William B. (of J. Budgett & Son, Limited), 58 Eldon st Baxter Mrs Sarah, broker, 36 Shaw st BAYNE Miss, 34 East Hamilton st BEATON Donald, labourer, 40 West Burn st Beaton Duncan, labourer, 3 Prospecthill st Beaton John, carpenter, 68 East Hamilton st Beaton John, fireman, 22 St. Lawrence st Beaton John, labourer, 19 Regent st Beaton Peter, contractor, 12 West Burn st Beaton Thomas, railway porter, 3 York st Beaton William, foreman, 5 1 Belville st BEATTIE James, labourer, 63 Belville st Beattie Misses, Caddlehill Laundry, 55 Kelly st

Beattie Miss J., 10 Brisbane st BEDDING Warehouse, 28 Cathcart st

BEGG J. Henderson, advocate, Sheriff Substitute. Ho. Thorndean, 48 Union st Begg Samuel, traveller, 61 Ann st BEITH Matthew, tailor, 8 Murdieston st Beith Thomas, brassfinisher, 14 Hope st Beith Miss Margaret, tailoress, 53 Kelly st BELL Alexander, coachman, 24 West Blackhall st Bell Archibald & Sons, dyers and cleaners, 4 Argyle st. Works— Paisley. Bell Francis, labourer, 5 East William st 5


Bell I. & Co., fruiterers, 35 West Blackhall st. Ho. 36 West Stewart st Bell John A., chemist and druggist, 31 Rue-end st, i4Lyne- doch st, and 38 East Hamilton st. Ho. 7 Lyle st Bell John, baker, 3 West Blackhall st. Ho. 14 do. Bell John, plumber, 1 1 Market st Bell John, plumber, 35 West Shaw st Bell John, vanman, 19 East Shaw st Bell Kenneth, plumber, 11 Duncan st Bell Peter, shipmaster, 37 Bank st Bell Rev. Robt. (of East Congregational Church), 1 Octavia cottages, East Crawford st Bell Robert, watchman, 5 Ingleston st Bell Robert H., deep sea pilot, 7 Brisbane st Bell Samuel, grocer, 3 East William st. Ho. 42 St. Lawrence st Bell William, rivetter, 41 Nicolson st Bell Miss, 2 Jamaica st Bell Miss, 2 Nelson st, west Bell Mrs James, 30 Nelson st, west Bell Mrs James, 31 Regent st Bell Mrs John, lodgings, 35 West Blackhall st Bell Mrs, furnishings, 59 Inverkip st BELSHAW Robert, spirit merchant, 31 Vennel. Ho. 8 Hope st BENDELL Paul, shipmaster, 34 South st Bendell Edwin, engineer, 26 Newton st BENNET John, flesher, 20 West Blackhall st BENNETT George, carpenter, 1 7 Belville st Bennett Henry, salesman, 75 Holmscroft st BENSON John, joiner, 23 Lynedoch st Benson Miss, 6 Bank st BENTON William, coachman, 18 Bentinck st BERNDT Herman (at Clyde Shipping Co.), 67 Rue-end st BERRY John, caretaker, Municipal buildings. Ho. Victoria Tower BERRYMAN Fisher, labourer, 19 Bearhope st BETHUNE Mrs, lodgings, 33 Nicolson st BEVERIDGE Daniel, iron and metal merchant, St. Andrew square. Ho. 84 Belville st Beveridge George, cooper, 9 Crescent st Beveridge James, blacksmith, 72 Ann st 6


Beveridge James, cooper, 24 Bruce st Beveridge Robert, boilermaker, 3 East Crawford st Beveridge Miss, grocer, 6 Belville st Beveridge Mrs, lodgings, 10 East Blackhall st Beveridge Mrs, 12 Lynedoch st BEWGLASS Frederick, dairyman, 50 Holmscroft st. Ho. 5 Mount Pleasant st BICKET Robert, gateman, 6 Pottery st BIGGAM John, engineer, 75 Regent st BIGGART John Wm. (of M'Cowan & Biggart), Woodbine, Bridge-of-Weir Biggart William Love (of M'Cowan & Biggart), Woodbine, Bridge-of-Weir BINNIE John, fireman, 9 Murdieston st

Binnie Robert (of J. Richardson & Co.), Ashford, Gourock Binnie William, fitter, 22 West Stewart st BINNING James, compositor, 10 Murdieston st BIRKETT James, seaman, 63 Rue-end st BIRKMYRE Miss, 14 South st

BIRRELL Miss J., matron, Friendless Girls' Home, Brachelston st BISHOP Samuel, H.M. Customs, 104 Dempster st BISSELL William, engineer, 66 Regent st BISSET John, agent, Bank of Scotland, 47 Cathcart st. Ho. Duncraig, 99 Finnart st

Bisset J. G., art carver and gilder, 4 Grey place. Ho. 8 Brisbane st Bisset William, joiner, 50 Ann st Bisset Mrs Thomas, 13 Mearns st BISSETT Andrew, compositor, 47 Roxburgh st BISSLAND Malcolm, rivetter, 58 Drumfrochar rd Bissland Peter, boilermaker, 36 Crawfurd st BLACK Alexander, clerk, 8 Brisbane st Black Andrew, joiner, 30 Lynedoch st

Black A. J., 16 Ardgowan square Black Daniel, carpenter, 16 Crescent st Black Daniel, carpenter, 26 East Shaw st Black Daniel, joiner, 50 St. Lawrence st Black David, insurance agent, 12 Laird st Black Donald, grocer, 56 Vennel. Ho. 12 Ardgowan st,, west Black Donald, tinsmith, 4 Nelson st, Glebe 7


Black Duncan, boilermaker, 8 Antigua st Black Duncan, flesher, 38 Lynedoch st. Ho. 11 Antigua st Black Duncan, joiner, 19 Regent st

Black George H., B.L., Edin. (of J. & G. Black), 9 Forsyth st Black Hugh, grocer and tea merchant, 2 Ann st. Ho. 13 Brisbane st notaries public, Black- Black J. & G., solicitors and 5 West hall st Black James & Co., joiners, builders, property surveyors, licensed valuators, sawmillers, and timber merchants, 5 and 7 West Stewart st. Ho. 1 1 Kelly st Black James, engine-driver, 7 Brachelston st Black James, sugar porter, 67 Regent st Black James, superintendent Buchanan Night Asylum, 7 Captain st Black James W., bookseller, stationer, and librarian, 17 West Blackhall st. Ho. 2 Nelson st, west Black John, boilermaker, 4 Morton terrace Black John, carrier, 29 Brymner st. Ho. 111 Dempster st Black John, caulker, 6 Old Hillend Black John, clerk, 6 Mount Pleasant st Black John, cooper. 7 East Crawford st Black John, engine-driver, 7 Carwood st

Black John (of J. & G. Black), 8 Eldon st, and Melkington, Dunoon Black John Robert, M.D., physician and surgeon. Con- sulting rooms and house, 6 George square Black Malcolm, policeman, 4 East Hamilton st Black Neil, seaman, 8 Antigua st Black Peter (of Main, Boag & Black), 20 Bruce st Black Robert, moulder, 5 Antigua st Black Robert, smith, 21 Lyle st Black Robert, storekeeper, 32 Crescent st Black Thomas, agent, 27 Ann st Black Thomas, joiner, 30 Lynedoch st Black Thomas, sailmaker, ship chandler, and ship store merchant, 6 Dock breast. Ho. 36 Margaret st Black Mrs A., grocer, 29 Brougham st. Ho. 44 do. Black Mrs, 28 Lynedoch st BLACKIE Robert, clerk, 4 Prospecthill st BLACKWOOD David, engineer, 6 Carwood st Blackwood John, boilermaker, 1 1 East Blackhall st 2 8


Blackwood Neil, boilermaker, 9 East Blackhall st Blackwood Mrs John, spirit dealer, 40 Cathcart st. Ho. 14 Lynedoch st

Blackwood Miss, 1 7 Dempster st BLAIN James, fitter, 79 Port-Glasgow road Blain William, boilermaker, 60 Drumfrochar road BLAIR Alexander, moulder, 64 Drumfrochar road Blair Archibald, flesher, 25 Regent st. Ho. 8 Antigua st Blair Daniel, boatbuilder, 34 Nelson st, west Blair David, clerk, 15 Nelson st, west Blair David, engineer, 28 Newton st Blair David, printer, publisher, and newspaper proprietor, 40 Cathcart st. Ho. 52 Eldon st Blair Duncan, shoemaker, 9 Trafalgar st Blair Henry, watchman, 16 Sir Michael st Blair Hugh, carpenter, 7 Belville st Blair Hugh, cowfeeder, 38 Trafalgar st Blair James, joiner, 30 Bruce st Blair James, potter, 24 Pottery st Blair James, vanman, 24 Belville st Blair John, blacksmith, 17 Belville st Blair John, seaman, 12 Lyle st Blair Joseph & Co., printers and publishers, Greenock Herald Office, 40 Cathcart st Blair Peter, engineer, 14 Bearhope st

Blair carting contractors, st. P. & J.-, 27 Holmscroft Ho. 40 Sir Michael st Blair Richard, engineer, 5 Shaw place Blair Robert, brassmoulder, 8 Hope st Blair Robert, engineer, 9 Holmscroft st Blair Robert, joiner, 83 Wellington st Blair Robert (of Blair & Thomson), 2 Finnart st Blair Robert, printer, 9 Nelson st, west Blair Robert, solicitor, and Procurator-Fiscal for the Lower Ward of Renfrewshire, County buildings, Nelson st, west. Ho. Craigard, 95 Finnart st

Blair Robert, solicitor and notary public, 1 7 West Blackhall st. Ho. Craigard, 95 Finnart st

Blair R. J., solicitor, Sheriff Court buildings. Ho. 95 Finnart st Blair Robert & Sons, cabinetmakers and upholsterers, 32 and 34 Nicolson st 9


Blair Robert F., 58 Eldon st Blair & Thomson, plumbers, gasfitters, and bellhangers. 12 Kilblain st Blair Thomas, boot and shoe maker, 30 West Burn st. Ho. n Roxburgh st Blair Thomas, labourer, 5 1 Lynedoch st Blair Thomas, master rigger, 9 Shaw place Blair Thomas A. (of Robert Blair & Sons), 20 Robertson st Blair William, accountant, house factor and insurance agent, 6 West Blackhall st. Ho. 40 Brisbane st Blair William (of Robert Blair & Sons), 79 Finnart st Blair William S., joiner, 66 Kelly st

Blair Miss Janet, 2 1 Lyle st Blair Miss, 65 Union st Blair Mrs Ann, 25 Dempster st Blair Mrs Archibald, 2 Campsie terrace Blair Mrs John, 34 Ann st Blair Mrs Joseph, 6 Chapel st Blair Mrs Joseph, 2 Watt place Blair Mrs, lodgings, 47 Brougham st BLAKE Arthur, joiner, 32 West Stewart st Blake, Barclay & Co., millwrights and engineers, Victoria Works, Macdougall st, off East Hamilton st Blake Edward, late H.M. Customs, 31 Nelson st Blake Matthew (of Blake, Barclay & Co.), 60 Forsyth st Blake William H., carpenter, 41 Ann st Blake Miss, Anglo-Parisian School of Dressmaking, 31 Nelson st, west Blake Mrs, drapery and dressmaker, 7 Grey place. Ho. 32 West Stewart st BLAKELY Alexander, mason, 6 Carwood st Blakely Charles, carter, 80 Dempster st BLANCE John, seaman, 67 Rue-end st BLANCHE Richard, shipping and commission agent, Customhouse quay. Ho. 54 Esplanade BLANCKEN Joshua, feuar, 16 Antigua st BLEAKLEY Francis, tobacconist, 11 Hamilton st. Ho. 3 Trafalgar st BLUE John, carter, 83 Roxburgh st Blue Robert, joiner, 27 Nelson st, west Blue William, painter, 7 Newton st Blue Mrs James, 19 Trafalgar st 20 DIRECTORY.

Blue Mrs John, 5 Bearhope st BLYTH David, carpenter, 1 Belville st Blyth Thomas, blacksmith, 31 Ann st BOAG Alexander (of Main, Boag & Black), 65 Holmscroft st Boag Andrew, engraver, 3 Bank st. Ho. 70 Holmscroft st. (See Advt.) Boag Andrew, writer and insurance agent, 12 Jamaica st Boag James, cooper, 66 Holmscroft st Boag James, plumber, 42 Ann st Boag Kenneth, coffee-house keeper, 22 Hamilton st and 23 Rue-end st. Ho. 26 Hamilton st Boag Robert, ship and general smith, and bread and water tank manufacturer, 3 Shaw st. Ho. 12 Jamaica st Boag Thomas, ropemaker, 68 Drumfrochar road Boag Mrs Andrew, 23 Nelson st Boag Mrs Finlay, 18 Nicolson st BODEGA Agency Co., wholesale spirit merchants, &c, 21 Shaw st and 24 Cathcart Arcade BODEN John, pansman, 4 Holmscroft st BOFFEY Mrs Richard S., proprietrix of British Workman, 34 Main st. Ho. 5 Ratho st BOLE John, sailmaker, 36 Lynedoch st Bole John, carter, 53 Regent st BOLL Mrs John, 19 Nicolson st BOLTON Joseph, carpenter, 41 Sir Michael st Bolton Joseph, engineman, 29 Ann st Bolton Thomas, moulder, 24 Belville st Bolton Mrs John, 5 Rue-end st BONAR John, patternmaker, 1 7 Lyle st Bonar Rev. John James, D.D., minister, St. Andrew's Free- Church. Ho. 40 Ardgowan st, west BONE & Buchanan, accountants and house factors, Munici- pal buildings Bone Hugh, joiner, 36 Holmscroft st Bone Hugh, joiner, 2 Macdougall st Bone Quintin (of Bone & Buchanan), treasurer to Burgli School Board. Ho. Parkfield, Gourock Bone Mrs David, 15 Brisbane st BONNAR Colin, stoker, 27 Lynedoch st Bonnar James (of Russell & Bonnar), $3 KellY st Bonnar James, rivetter, 27 Lynedoch st DIRECTORY.

BORLAND Alexander, bootmaker, 8 William st. Ho. 28 Wellington st Eorland Alexander, compositor, 46 Ann st Borland Alexander, fitter, 52 St. Lawrence st Borland Alexander, grocer, 13 Bearhope st Borland Daniel, baker, 43 West Burn st Borland John, missionary, 6 Antigua st Cathcart st and Borland J. C, temperance hotel-keeper, 24 31 Brymner st. Ho. 34 Finnart st. (See Advt.) Borland Mrs John, 51 Brougham st BORN Joseph, R.N., 32 Brisbane st BORTHWICK David, joiner, 26 Wellington st Borthwick George, labourer, 17 Prospecthill st Borthwick James, commission agent, 27 West Blackhall st Borthwick James, painter, 31 Ann st Borthwick Thomas, flour, meal, and grain merchant, 10

Cross-shore st. Ho. 66 Newton st Borthwick Thomas, joiner, 32 East Shaw st Borthwick Thomas, joiner, 75 Regerit st BOSENBERG William, sugar boiler, 13 Newton st BOSTON James, jun., & Co., butchers, 5 West Blackhall st. Ho. 32 Finnart st Boston, Menzies & Morton, architects, measurers, and sur- veyors, 1 1 William st and at Bonhill BOSWELL Mrs, 20 Bearhope st BOUCHER Charles, labourer, 1 West Stewart st BOURHILL Thomas, moulder, 1 1 Lauriston st BOWES David, bootcloser, 16 Dalrymple st BOWIE Andrew H., engineer, 66 Kelly st Bowie James, blacksmith, 9 East Crawford st Bowie James, boilermaker, 5 Union st Bowie James, electrician, 5 Holmscroft st Bowie John, joiner, 9 Dempster st Bowie John, mason, 64 Wellington st Bowie Michael, labourer, 11 Crescent st Bowie Robert, engineer, 47 Mearns st Bowie Robert, engineer, 19 Prospecthill st Bowie Thomas, carpenter, 14 Regent st Bowie Mrs Archibald, 7 Brisbane st BOWLING Green (Ardgowan), Ardgowan square Bowling Green (Grosvenor), Wellington st Bowling Green (Wellington), Drumfrochar road DIRECTORY.

Bowling William, chimney sweep, 13 West Blackhall st Bowling Mrs, 23 Ardgowan st, west BOWMAN Charles K. (of James Bowman & Sons), 30 Kelly st Bowman James & Sons, auctioneers and valuators, 33 West Blackhall st. (See Advt.) Bowman James, labourer, 34 Crescent st Bowman James (of James Bowman & Sons), Kenilworth, 20 Forsyth st Bowman Joseph, engineer, 47 Trafalgar st

Bowman Joseph J., hairdresser, 54 Ann st. Ho. 47 Trafal- gar st Bowman Thomas, seaman, 20 Bearhope st BOXILL Samuel, 30 Ardgowan st, west BOYCE Hugh, labourer, 73 Ann st Boyce Hugh, railway guard, 78 Dempster st Boyce Thomas, railway guard, 76 Ann st BOYD Alexander, iron driller, 84 Belville st Boyd Bryce, coal merchant, 26 Lyle st. Ho. 22 Antigua st Boyd Rev. David, of North Free Church, 90 Finnart st Boyd David, carpenter, 57 Belville st Boyd Gavin, engineer, 9 Crescent st Boyd George, boilermaker, 7 Hill st Boyd Jacob, caulker, 32 Arthur st Boyd James, carpenter, 30 Kelly st Boyd James, jun., grocer, 47 Trafalgar st Boyd James, labourer, 104 Drumfrochar road Boyd James, plumber, 74 Wellington st Boyd James, telegraph lineman, 68 Drumfrochar road Boyd James, tobacconist and stationer, 1 Ann st. Ho. 62 Regent st Boyd James, wine and spirit merchant, 12 Sir Michael st. Ho. 2 Finnart st Boyd John, joiner, 7 Brougham st. Ho. 29 Brougham st Boyd John, labourer, 106 Drumfrochar road Boyd John, labourer, 5 East Crawford st Boyd Johnston, 16 South st Boyd Kennedy, fireman, 34 West Shaw st Boyd Robert, boilermaker, 16 Lynedoch st Boyd Thomas, railway yardsman, 14 Murdieston st Boyd Walter, seaman, 47 Crawfurd st Boyd William, feuar and joiner, 91 Belville st DIRECTORY. 23

Boyd William, labourer, 10 Mill st Boyd William, vanman, 9 Lyle st Boyd William U., solicitor and notary public, 37 Hamilton st. Ho. 90 Finnart st Boyd Miss Janet, 8 George square Boyd Miss M., tobacconist, Palmerston buildings. Ho. 62 Regent st Boyd Mrs Andrew, 39 Union st Boyd Mrs Daniel, 31 Dempster st Boyd Mrs James, 8 Watt st Boyd Mrs Janet, lady's nurse, 36 Ingleston st Boyd Mrs Thomas, 8 Cathcart st BOYLAND Alexander, hammerman, 3 East Crawford st Boyle Charles, labouror, 15 Main st Boyle Francis, labourer, 23 Bruce st Boyle Hugh, clerk, 32 West Stewart st Boyle James, provision merchant, 21 Market st. Ho. 10 Regent st Boyle Elizabeth, pawnbroker, 25 Brymner st. Ho. 32 West Stewart st Boyle Mrs, midwife, 12 Ann st Boyle Mrs, 15 East Shaw st BRADLEY, Anthony, broker, 58 Vennel Bradley James, cabinetmaker, 87 Wellington st Bradley John, plumber, 7 East Breast. Ho. 29 Trafalgar st Bradley Joseph, provision dealer, 1 Stanners st Bradley Samuel, carter, 36 Holmscroft st Bradley Thomas, cooper, 31 Nelson st, west Bradley William, boilermaker, 43 Shaw st Bradley Miss, hotel-keeper, 2 Boyd st and 14 Clarence st BRADSHAW John, fitter, 20 Serpentine walk BRADY Thomas, painter, 63 Ann st Brady Mrs James, wine and spirit merchant, 38 Ann st and 62 Vennel. Ho. 18 Robertson st BRAID David, brushmaker, 83 Dempster st BRAKEY John, labourer, 30 Lynedoch st BRAND William (of Allison & Brand), 9 Jamaica st Brand Mrs David, 34 West Stewart st Brand Mrs William, 66 East Hamilton st BRANFORD John, H.M. Inland Revenue, 16 Robertson st BRANWHITE Harry, boilermaker, 6 West Blackhall st BRAKENRIDGE James, vanman, 23 West Blackhall st 24 DIRECTORY.

BREAKIE Miss, milliner, 61 Rue-end st BRECKENRIDGE Thomas, yardsman, 51 Lynedoch st BREMNER Alexander, F.E.I.S., head-master of Belville place School. Ho. Grosvenor ter., 40 Mearns st Bremner Charles, Inspector of County Constabulary, County Buildings. Ho. 6 Nelson st, west BRENNAN Patrick, engineer, 3 Virginia st BREWERS' Sugar Company, Limited, sugar refiners, West Burn square BREWSTER David, moulder, 4 Holmscroft st BRICELAND Andrew, stevedore, 9 Watt st Briceland Michael, salesman, 63 Regent st Briceland Mary, fruiterer, 31 Charles st BRIERLY Harry, overlooker, 66 Ann st BRIGHTON John, wholesale provision merchant and ham curer, 1 and 3 Tobago st. Ho. 77 Holmscroft st BRISBANE Ebenezer, engineer, 93 Belville st BRISTOW James, gardener, 5 1 Kelly st Bristow William, potter, 13 East Crawford st BRITISH Linen Co.'s Bank, bank buildings, 13 William st. James Glen, agent British and Foreign Marine Insurance Company, Limited, 2 West Quay. Leitch & Muir, agents BRITON Thomas, glazier and glass stainer, 19 Sugarhouse lane, and at 259 West George st, Glasgow. Ho. 62 Eldon st BROADFOOT William, M.D., CM., 6 West Blackhall st. Ho. 23 Bentinck st Broadfoot Mrs James, 23 Bentinck st BROCK Archibald, engineer, 89 Belville st

Brock J. C. & Co., boot and shoe merchants, 22 Hamilton st Brock Robert, baker, 5 Rue-end st. Ho. do. Brock Robert, moulder, 6 Hope st BROCKIE Thomas, insurance agent, 84 Belville st

Brockie Mrs J., 84 Belville st BRODIE Archibald, engineer, 14 Hope st Brodie James (of William Kelly & Co.), 30 Finnart st Brodie John, clothier, 60 Regent st Brodie Malcolm, fitter, 2 Mackenzie st Brodie Neil, engineer, 64 Holmscroft st Brodie William, spirit merchant, 3 Ropework st. Ho. 41 West Blackhall st DIRECTORY. 25

Brodie Miss, dressmaker, 17 Laurieston st Brodie Miss, 30 Brisbane st Brodie Mrs James, 1 2 St. Lawrence st Brodie Mrs, spirit merchant, 35 Wellington st. Ho. 8 Wel- lington st BROOM Alexander, carpenter, Oakfield, east BROTCHIE William, clerk, 87 Dempster st Brotchie Mrs Donald, 2 Robertson st BROUGH Hugh, cartwright, 9 East Blackhall st Brough John, Depute Sheriff Clerk, and Auditor of Court, 1 Nelson st, west, Ho. 53 Brisbane st Brough John, smith and cartwright, 4 Chapel st. Ho. 29 Lyle st BROUN Neil & Co., timber measurers, 2 Cathcart st BROWN Adam, joiner, 83 Wellington st Brown Alexander & Co., coal merchants, shipping and com- mission agents, 4 Bogle st Brown Alexander, boilermaker, 10 Carnock st Brown Alexander, carpenter, 3 Regent st Brown Alexander, engineer, 15 Belville st Brown Alexander, joiner, 1 Mill st Brown Alexander (of Alex. Brown & Co.), 7 Caddlehill st Brown Alexander, plumber, gasfitter, and zinc worker, 5 Kilblain st. Ho. 2 South st Brown Alexander, poulterer, 2 York st Brown Alexander, vanman, 45 Crawfurd st Brown Alexander, 68 Finnart st Brown Andrew, baker, 115 Dempster st Brown Andrew, carter, 2 Crawford lane Brown Andrew, painter, 26 Crescent st Brown Angus, marine surveyor, 4 Bogle st. Ho. 28 Trafalgar st Brown Archibald, baker, 55 Brisbane st Brown Archibald, baker, 16 Kelly st Brown Archibald, carter, 30 Cartsburn st Brown Archibald, general merchant, Customhouse place. Ho. 12 Brisbane st Brown Archibald, moulder, 63 Belville st Brown Archibald, patternmaker, 53 Belville st Brown Charles, manager Glebe Sugarhouse, 4 Boyd st Brown David, boilermaker, 82 Belville st Brown David, cartwright, 2 Wemyss Bay st 26 DIRECTORY.

Brown David, joiner, 64 Wellington st Brown David, porter, 58 Lynedoch st Brown David, shoemaker, 63 Nicolson st Brown Duncan, seaman, 6 West Stewart st Brown Dugald, carpenter, 69 Regent st Brown Duncan, clerk, 13 Brisbane st Brown Duncan, shipmaster, 27 Mearns st Brown Ebenezer, carpenter, 7 Belville st Brown Edward, grocer, 3 Macdougall st Brown George, carter, 112 Drumfrochar road Brown George (of Post Office), 32 Mount Pleasant st Brown George, painter and decorator, 3 Albert place. Ho. 46 Newton st Brown George A., photographer, 2 Grey place. Ho. 46 Newton st. (See Advt.) Brown George, railway porter, 22 South st Brown Hugh, carter, 44 Ann st Brown Hugh, engineer, 3 Campsie terrace Brown Hugh, insurance agent, 4 Garvald st Brown Hugh E., shipmaster, 7 Caddlehill st Brown James, assistant collector of water rates, 37 Lynedoch st Brown James, baker, 50 Holmscroft st. Ho. 55 do. Brown James, carter, 45 Holmscroft st Brown James, clerk, 7 Dempster st Brown James, clerk, 73 Holmscroft st Brown James, labourer, 62 Drumfrochar road Brown James, foreman job printing department, Greenock Telegraph, 33 Kelly st Brown James, jun., collector of water rates, Municipal Build- ings. Ho. 32 Ardgowan st, west Brown James, machinist, 19 Regent st Brown James (of Post Office), 1 Ford place, Finnart st Brown James, painter, 8 Trafalgar st Brown James, storekeeper, 5 Dempster st Brown John A., writer and notary public, Post Office Build- ings (east side). Ho. 67 Esplanade Brown John, blacksmith, 1 1 Carwood st Brown John, boilermaker, 6 Duff st Brown John, carpenter, 6 Carnock st Brown John, carter, 44 Ann st Brown John, engineer, 4 Garvald st DIRECTORY. 27

Brown John, engineer, 6 Carwood st Brown John, engineer, 21 Lynedoch st Brown John, family baker and purveyor, 45 Hamilton st and n Union st. Ho. 33 Margaret st Brown John, hairdresser, 13 East breast. Ho. 30 Carts- burn st Brown John, badge porter, 22 West Blackhall st v Brown John, joiner, 9 Lynedoch st Brown John, smith, 15 Mount Pleasant st Brown John, traveller, 50 Roxburgh st Brown Joseph C, salesman, 5 Mount Pleasant st Brown Jos. S. spirit dealer, 31 Rue-end st. Ho. 32 Nelson st, west Craigielea, st Brown J. D. (of Clyde Pottery Co.), 103 Eldon st Brown John R. (of J. R. & A. R. Brown), 30 Cathcart st Brown J. R. & A. R., surgeon dentists, 30 Cathcart Brown Malcolm, carter, 66 Regent st Brown Matthew, fitter, 31 Lyle st Brown M. M'C. (of T. O. Hunter & Co.), 53 Newton st Brown Neil, spirit merchant, 7 and 9 Sir Michael st, and Glasgow and Port - Glasgow. Ho. Dunclutha, 67 Esplanade. Brown Niven, baker, 25 Newton st Brown P. G., teller, Bank of Scotland Brown Robert, baker, 52 Regent st Brown Robert, baker, 15 Cartsburn st. Ho. 12 Arthur st Brown Robert, engineer, 64 Drumfrochar road Brown Robert, joiner, 15 Bearhope st Brown Robert, tailor, 75 Wellington st Brown Robert L. (at Welsh, Walker & Macpherson's), 42 Holmscroft st Brown R. G. (of Clyde Pottery Co.), 41 Esplanade Brown Samuel, colporteur and agent for Religious Tract and Bible Society ot Scotland, 42 Holmscroft st Brown, Stewart & Co., paper manufacturers, Overton Paper Mills, Drumfrochar road Brown Thomas, blacksmith, 21 Dempster st Brown Thomas P., painter, 17 South st Brown Thomas, policeman, 2 1 Trafalgar st Brown Walter, boilermaker, 8 Lyle st T Brown W illiam, blacksmith, 12 St. Lawrence st Brown William, carter, 15 Bearhope st 28 DIRECTORY.

Brown William, grocer, 29 Rue-end st. Ho. 8 Hill st Brown William, labourer, 16 Antigua st Brown William, labourer, 18 Hope st Brown William, railway porter, 9 Market st Brown William, seaman, 75 Roxburgh st Brown William, spirit merchant, 40 West Burn st Ho. 33 Nelson st, west Brown William A. (of Brown, Stewart & Co.), 119 Eldon st

Brown William J., postman, 9 Market st Brown William J. M., traveller, 31 Nelson st, west Brown Miss, 5 Kelly st Brown Miss Anderson, 23 Ardgowan st, west Brown Miss Mary, 8 Ardgowan st, west Brown Mrs D., dealer in groceries, porter and ale, 19 Ingleston st. Ho. do Brown Mrs James, 24 West Blackhall st Brown Mrs James, dairy, no Drumfrochar road Brown Mrs Matthew, 25 Robertson st Brown Mrs Peter, 9 Nelson st, west Brown Mrs Robert, 8 Cathcart st Brown Mrs William, 24 Kelly st Brown Mrs W. S., draper, 23 Roxburgh st Brown Mrs, wine and spirit dealer, Havelock Arms, 1 Argyle st. Ho. 15 Laird st Brown Mrs, 2 Campsie terrace BROWNE & Watson, shipbrokers, 4 Brymner st. Craig, Scott & Co., agents BROWNING James, engineer, 95 Roxburgh st BROWNLIE James, sailmaker, 62 Regent st Brownlie Misses, 41 Union st BRUCE Alexander, railway porter, 21 Dempster st

Bruce A. M. (of G. & J. Bruce), 8 Ardgowan st, west Bruce Charles, baker, 17 John st Bruce David, gardener, 14 Bruce st Bruce F. G., agent for Union Bank of Scotland (Limited). Ho. Rock Mount, Eldon Place Bruce George, governor, Smithston Bruce George, fireman, 47 Crawfurd st

Bruce George (of G. & J. Bruce), 8 Ardgowan st, west

Bruce G. & J., tailors and clothiers, 18 West Blackhall st Bruce James, joiner, 85 Dempster st DIRECTORY. 29

Bruce William, agent, Clydesdale Bank, Limited (East-end branch), and insurance agent, 43 Rue-end st. Ho. Moorfield villa, Upper Ashton, Gourock Bruce Mrs John, 23 Kelly st BRUNEL Sailing and Ship Co. (Limited), 2 West Quay. Leitch & Muir, managers BRUNTON Charles, cabinetmaker, 22 Wellington st BRYCE John, brassfinisher, 6 Chapel st Bryce Mrs John, spirit merchant, 9 Main st. Ho. 4 Antigua st BRYMNER Alexander, blacksmith, 17 Mount Pleasant st Brymner John, merchant, 105 Eldon st Brymner Mrs James, furnishing shop, 103 Port-Glasgow road BRYSON William K., postmaster, 159 Eldon st Bryson Mrs Robert, 78 Finnart st BUCHAN James, shipmaster, Eddlewood place, Gourock road

Buchan John, carver and gilder, 24 Brymner st. Ho. 5 Lynedoch st Buchan Robert, river pilot, 34 West Stewart st Buchan Walter, recorder, 16 Wellington st Buchan William, rigger, 1 1 Regent st BUCHANAN Archibald, cartwright and blacksmith, 7 East Stewart st. Ho. 33 Lynedoch st Buchanan Alexander, Italian vice-consul, 46 Cathcart St.. Ho. Glenlea, Kilcreggan Buchanan Andrew, engineer, Garvel Park House Buchanan Archibald, seaman, 10 Carwood st Buchanan David, brassfinisher, 9 Hill st Buchanan Donald, coppersmith, 40 Holmscroft st Buchanan Duncan, postman, 9 Antigua st Buchanan G. & M., sugar merchants, 17 Hamilton st. Ho.. 8 Robertson st Buchanan H. & Co., shipchandlers, oil and colour merchants,, smiths and general metal workers, makers of cooking ranges, steam cooking and heating apparatus, lamps,

tanks, &c. ; warehouse and office, 11 West breast; works, Dock lane Buchanan Henry (of H. Buchanan & Co.), 19 Finnart st Buchanan James, commission agent, painter and paper- hanger, 34 West Burn st. Ho. 34 Brisbane st Buchanan James, engineer, Garvel Park House Buchanan James W., pansman, 6 Grey Place 30 DIRECTORY.

Buchanan John & Co., tailors, clothiers, hatters, and military contractors, 42 Cathcart st. (See Advt.) Buchanan John, 27 Mearns St Buchanan John, blacksmith, 31 Ingleston st Buchanan John, boilermaker, 17 Lyle st Buchanan John, brassfinisher, 8 Hill st Buchanan John, carpenter, 36 Crescent st Buchanan John, carpenter, 32 St. Lawrence st Buchanan John, joiner, 7 Hill st Buchanan John, seaman, 30 St. Lawrence st Buchanan John L. (of Bone and Buchanan), 45 Brisbane st Buchanan Neil, rigger, 24 Antigua st Buchanan Night Asylum, 7 Captain st Buchanan Robert, joiner, 36 East Hamilton st Buchanan Robert (of MacSymon & Co., Limited), 35 Brisbane st Buchanan William, engineer, 40 Lynedoch st Buchanan William, assistant superintendent Prudential Assurance Co., 3 Morton terrace Buchanan William, commercial traveller, 24 Brisbane st Buchanan William G., manager, 18 South st Buchanan Miss, greengrocer, 61 Belville st Buchanan Miss, 48 Esplanade Buchanan Miss, 9 Glen st Buchanan Mrs John, 8 Robertson st Buchanan Mrs M., Tontine hotel, 34 Cathcart st Buchanan Mrs R. M., 45 Brisbane st Buchanan Mrs, dress and mantle maker, 7 Union st BUCKLITSCH Edward, joiner, 65 Regent st BUDGETT James & Son, Limited, sugar merchants, 46 Brymner st BUICK Thomas, railway guard, 47 Trafalgar st BUIE Neil, collector funeral society, 41 Lynedoch st BULLOCH Archibald, Customs examining officer, 2 Campsie terrace BUNTx\IN Alexander, carter, 24 Belville st Buntain James, carter, 22 St. Lawrence st Buntain James, pansman, 35 Ingleston st Buntain John, carter, Overton BURDEE Harry W., professor of violin, 21 Ardgowan st, west BURKE Mrs, 76 Dempster st 1


BURNETT William, police sergeant, 38 Brymner st BURNEY Chas. E., surveyor to Lloyd's Register. Ho. 34 Brisbane st BURNIE David, seaman, 32 Ingleston st Burnie George, joiner, 34 Crescent st BURNS Alexander, bill-poster, 10 William st Burns Alexander G., teacher, 13 Hope st Burns Charles, surfaceman, 27 Vennel Burns George, engineer, 21 Trafalgar st Burns James, carpenter, 30 St. Lawrence st Burns James, engineer, 9 Prospecthill st Burns John, carpenter, 15 Regent st Burns Jonathan, sugar sampler, 15 West Stewart st Burns Philip, labourer, 26 East Crawford st Burns William, baker, 32 St. Lawrence st Burns William, blacksmith, 67 Belville st

Burns William J., grocer, 8 Mearns st. Ho. do.

Burns Miss J. T., Berlin wool repository, 29 West Blackhall st. Ho. 2 Bentinck st Burns Mrs George, 2 Bentinck st BURNSIDE William, engineer, 25 Bruce st Burnside Miss Elizabeth, 36 West Blackhall st BURROWS William, sailmaker, 19 Trafalgar st BURTON Thomas, collector of poor and school rates, 36 Nicolson st. Ho. 72 Wellington st BUSHE Joseph (of Bushe & Kelly), 53 Kelly st Bushe & Kelly, plumbers and gasfitters, 3 Argyle st Bushe Miss, dress and mantle maker, 53 Kelly st BUTLER George Macaulay, nurseryman, &c, Caledonian Nursery, Murdieston Meadow. Ho. Inverkip road BYERS John, flesher, 21 Tobago st. Ho. 16 St. Lawrence st BYNG George, blacksmith, 26 Trafalgar st Byng Thomas, fitter, 13 Holmscroft st BYRNE Patrick, boot and shoe maker, 59 Inverkip st and 31 Rue-end st. Ho. 8 Mount Pleasant st

CABRIE William, tailor, 13 Charles st CADDEN Francis, coachman, 24 West Blackhall st CADDY William, joiner, 10 Hope st 32 DIRECTORY.

CAH ILL James, carter, 34 Dalrymple st CAIDENHEAD George, plater, 79 Port-Glasgow road CAIRD & Co., Limited, engineers and iron shipbuilders, Arthur st and Dalrymple st Caird Arthur (of Caird & Co., Limited), Drumslea, 39 Newark st Caird Colin S., ship and insurance agent, timber and com- mission merchant, 4 Argyle st. Ho. Dungourney, 13 Newark st Caird Patrick T. (of Caird & Co., Limited), 9 Newark st Caird Robert (of Caird & Co., Limited), 5 Newark st Caird Stewart A., shipowner, 4 Argyle st. Ho. 121 Eldon st Caird William, shipbuilder (of Caird & Co.), Belleaire, 17 Newark st Caird William, engine driver, 86 Belville st Caird Mrs James T„ Belleaire, 17 Newark st CAIRNEY William A., tailor and clothier, 32 Hamilton st. Ho. 73 Holmscroft st CAIRNS David, M.D., CM., physician and surgeon, Greenock Apothecaries' Hall, 28 Hamilton st. Ho. 4 Ardgowan square Cairns James A., 19 Finnart st Cairns John, musician, 17 Shaw st Cairns John, pawnbroker, 17 Sir Michael st Cairns William, engineer, 5 Finnart st Cairns Mrs, 23 Nelson st, west CAITHNESS Charles, plater, 6 Chapel st CALCLUTH John, boilermaker, 13 Holmscroft st CALDER Alexander, moulder, 26 Dalrymple st Calder Alexander, printer, 3 Brachelston st Calder Alfred T. (H.M. Customs), 38 Finnart st Calder Marcus, medical practitioner, 12 Union st Calder Thomas, moulder, 27 Trafalgar st Calder Mrs, 83 Roxburgh st CALDERHEAD David, sawyer, 15 Lynedoch st Calderhead Robert, joiner, 3 George square CALDERWOOD Dan, compositor, 89 Roxburgh st Calderwood Edward, labourer, 4 Mount Pleasant st Calderwood Hugh, hairdresser, 22 Tobago st CALDWELL Alexander, traveller, 50 St. Lawrence st Caldwell David, grocer, 64 Ann st DIRECTORY. 33

Caldwell David, jun., tobacconist and fancy goods merchant, 34 East Hamilton st. Ho. 40 Mearns st Caldwell David, senr., grocer and provision merchant, 34 East Hamilton st. Ho. 40 Mearns st Caldwell Duncan, engineer, 5 East Crawford st Caldwell Henry, tugboatman, 16 John st Caldwell James, grocer, 64 Ann st Caldwell James, labourer, 22 West Blackhall st Caldwell John, shipping clerk, 64 Kelly st Caldwell John, tailor, 5 1 Nicolson st Caldwell Matthew, grocer, 85 Belville st. Ho. 54 East Crawford st Caldwell Robert, grocer, 19 Tobago st. Ho. 29 Bank st Caldwell William, pointsman, 15 Brougham st Caldwell William, 4 Prospecthill st Caldwell William B., grocer, 37 West Burn st. Ho. 64 Ann st Caldwell Janet, grocer, 64 Ann st. Ho. do. CALEDONIAN Baking Coy., 2 Inverkip st Caledonian Felt Works, Bogston, Port-Glasgow road Caledonian Hall, 39 West Burn st Caledonian Railway Company's Carting Department, Regent st Caledonian Railway Company's Goods Office, 17 Bogle st Caledonian Railway Company's Office, 25 Cathcart st CALLAGHAN Owen, labourer, 12 St. Lawrence st CALLAN George, engine-driver, 60 East Hamilton st CALLENDER James, labourer, 3 Belville st Callender Wm., photographer's agent, 78 Dempster st CAMBRIDGE William, dealer, 12 Ann st CAMERON Alexander, janitor, Hillend Public School Cameron Alexander (of Post Office), 6 Hay st Cameron Alexander & Murray, solicitors and notaries public, 14 Hamilton st Cameron Alexander S., joiner, 27 Bruce st Cameron Allan, carpenter, 78 Belville st Cameron Allan & Son, home timber merchants and general turners, Ashfield Sawmills, Macdougall st Cameron Allan, jun. (of Allan Cameron & Son), Hillend house, 8 East Crawford st Cameron Allan, sen. (of Allan Cameron & Son), 7 Lynedoch st Cameron Angus, blacksmith, 32 St. Lawrence st Cameion Archibald, watchmaker, 16 South st 3 34 DIRECTORY.

Cameron A. F., wine and spirit merchant, 4 Watson's lane. Ho. 25 Dempster st Cameron Charles, cabinetmaker and upholster, 11 Kilblain st. Ho. 67 Roxburgh st Cameron Charles, M.D., LL.D., M.P., Glasgow College Division. Ho. Balclutha, Newark st Cameron Daniel, boilermaker, 9 Crescent st Cameron Daniel, clerk, 17 Nelson st, west Cameron Donald, blacksmith, 3 Regent st Cameron Donald, engineer, 29 Trafalgar st Cameron Donald, joiner, 24 St. Lawrence st Cameron Dugald, auctioneer and valuer, 12 Sugarhouse lane. Ho. 69 Roxburgh st Cameron Duncan, labourer, 40 Nicolson st Cameron Hugh, carpenter, 2 Garvald st Cameron Hugh, gas inspector, 115 Dempster st Cameron Hugh, joiner, 67 Regent st Cameron Hugh, labourer, 80 Belville st Cameron Hugh, labourer, 25 Nelson st, west Cameron Hugh, painter, 4 Garvald st Cameron Hugh, salesman, 56 St. Lawrence st Cameron James, slater, 7 Mount Pleasant st Cameron John, carter, 26 West Blackhall st Cameron John, engineer, 9 Antigua st Cameron John, fitter, n Carwood st Cameron John, flesher, 26 Lynedoch st. Ho. Lower Murdieston Farm Cameron John, grocer and provision merchant, 23 West Blackhall st. Ho. 13 Newton st Cameron John, mate, 59 Ann st Cameron John, painter, 19 Brisbane st Cameron John, rivetter, 6 Lauriston st Cameron John, saw sharper, 7 Port-Glasgow road Cameron John, solicitor and notary public, Secretary of Greenock Liberal Association and of Greenock Land- lords' and House Factors' Association, 5 West Blackhall st. Ho. 25 Brisbane st Cameron John, watchman, 40 St. Lawrence st Cameron John, 11 Murdieston st Cameron Lachlan, plumber, 42 Roxburgh st Cameron Matthew, watchmaker and jeweller, 36 Hamilton st. Ho. 16 South st DIRECTORY. 35

Cameron Matthew, wool sorter, 17 Prospecthill st Cameron Murdoch, labourer, 33 Lyle st Cameron Murdoch, warder, prison, 5 Nelson st, west Cameron Peter, joiner, 1 1 Lynedoch st Cameron Peter, tailor, 26 Bruce st Cameron Robert, blacksmith, 67 Nicolson st Cameron Robert, engineer, 2 Macdougall st Cameron Samuel (of H.M.C.), 3 Orangefield place Cameron William, egg merchant, 6 Mearns st Cameron William, engineer, 7 Carwood st Cameron William, house painter and decorator, 3 Argyle st. Ho. 21 Brisbane st Cameron William, labourer, 7 Carwood st Cameron Miss A., greengrocer, 5 John st Cameron Miss H. R., tobacconist, 5 Rue-end st Cameron Miss M. F., 38 Brisbane st Cameron Miss, 45 Trafalgar st Cameron Mrs Donald, 5 Regent st Cameron Mrs James, wine and spirit merchant, 24 Charles st. Ho. 9 Nelson st, west Cameron Mrs Murdoch, 30 Cartsburn st Cameron Mrs, 19 Main st Cameron Mrs, 69 Roxburgh st Cameron Mrs, 30 St. Lawrence st CAMMOCK Hugh, gateman, 28 Ann st CAMPBELL Alexander, boilermaker, 10 Baker st Campbell Alexander, boilermaker, 32 Crescent st Campbell Alexander, draper, 9 Prospecthill st Campbell Alexander, engineer, 4 Holmscroft st Campbell Alexander, jun., grocer and provision merchant, 22 Arthur st. Ho. 38 Albert road, Gourock Campbell Alexander, manager for R. Young & Co., auction mart, Princes Pier. Ho. 12 Laird st Campbell Alexander, pilot, 18 South st Campbell Alexander, sailmaker, 87 Dempster st Campbell Alexander, sanitary officer. Ho. 91 Dempster st Campbell Alexander, ship chandler, 19 South st Campbell Alexander, timber measurer, 26 South st Campbell Alexander & Son, wholesale stationers and paper bag makers, 46 Hamilton st Campbell Allan, carpenter, 5 Regent st Campbell Allan, painter, 25 Bruce st 36 DIRECTORY.

Campbell, Anderson & Co., wholesale wine and spirit merchants, 2 Shaw st and 6 Cathcart st Campbell & Co., family grocers and wine merchants, 89 Roxburgh st Campbell Angus, carpenter, 13 Antigua st Campbell Angus, engineer, 9 East Blackhall st Campbell Angus, messenger, Shipping office, 7 Virginia st Campbell Angus, sugar porter, 8 Hill st Campbell Angus, timber porter, James Watt Dock. Ho. 59 Regent st Campbell Archibald, blacksmith, 9 Jamaica st Campbell Archibald, boilermaker, 1 1 Belville st Campbell Archibald, British Workman Public House, 16 Brymner st. Ho. 27 Shaw st Campbell Archibald, iron turner, 103 Belville st Campbell Archibald, seaman, 22 Bearhope st Campbell Archibald, shipwright, 3 Regent st Campbell Archibald, 29 Bank st Campbell Archibald S., plater, 7 Bearhope st Campbell C. T. (of John Hunter & Co.), Lerwickville, 79 Brisbane st Campbell Charles, labourer, 6 Sir Michael st Campbell Charles, letterpress printer, 2 Watt place. Ho. 23 Newton si Campbell Colin, bottler, 7 Holmscroft st Campbell Colin, carpenter, 21 Ingleston place Campbell Colin, joiner, 32 East Shaw st Campbell David, carpenter, 6 Hay st Campbell David, labourer, 27 Ingleston st Campbell Donald, carpenter, 13 East Crawford st Campbell Donald, carpenter, 28 East Shaw st Campbell Donald, carpenter, 48 Lynedoch st Campbell Donald, carpenter, 40 West Burn st Campbell Donald, engineer, 19 Ingleston st Campbell Donald, joiner, 25 Trafalgar st Campbell Donald, labourer, 6 Sinclair st Campbell Donald, sailmaker, 63 Holmscroft st Campbell Donald, shipping officer (M.M.), 14 Wellington st Campbell Dugald, accountant, stockbroker, and land agent,, 49 Cathcart st. Ho. Ashmount, 16 Patrick st Campbell Dugald, sailmaker, 67 Nicolson st Campbell Duncan, joiner, 7 Caddlehill st DIRECTORY. 37

Campbell Duncan, joiner, 85 Roxburgh st Campbell Duncan, sugar porter, 28 Bank st Campbell Duncan S., salesman, 17 Mount Pleasant st Campbell Edward, labourer, 3 Holmscroft st Campbell Farquhar, boilermaker, 30 East Hamilton st Campbell Hector, carter, 51 Lynedoch st Campbell Hugh, baker, 81 Wellington st Campbell Hugh, cooper, 58 Lynedoch st Campbell Hugh, surfaceman, 31 East Crawford st Campbell James & Co., coal, lime, cement, and brick mer- chants, insurance and commission agents, 23 Cathcart st Campbell James, baker, 26 Wellington st Campbell James, carpenter, 20 West Stewart st Campbell James, family grocer, 46 Inverkip st and 23 Tobago st. Ho. 32 Nelson st, west Campbell James, hammerman, 1 Ratho st Campbell James (of James Campbell & Co., 23 Cathcart st). Ho. 12 Wellington st Campbell James (late H.M. Customs), 59 Ann st

Campbell J. & G., drapers, 22 Arthur st. Ho. 9 Prospecthill Campbell John, agent for A. G. Kidston & Co. Ho. 5 Trafalgar st Campbell John, boatman, 2 Princes st Campbell John, boilermaker, 6 West Blackhall st Campbell John, blacksmith, 1 1 Murdieston st Campbell John, carter, 104 Dempster st Campbell John, cooper, 39 Ann st Campbell John, engineer, 9 Dempster st Campbell John, engineer, 15 Newton st Campbell John, flesher, 64 Holmscroft st Campbell John, flesher, 42 Regent st Campbell John, grocer, 33 Rue-end st. Ho. 12 Wellington st Campbell John, joiner, 94 Dempster st Campbell John, joiner, 1 Hill st Campbell John, labourer, 23 Belville st Campbell John, labourer, 25 John st Campbell John, mercantile clerk, 6 Nelson st, west Campbell John (of A. Campbell & Son), 69 Union st Campbell John (of Post Office), 97 Dempster st Campbell John, plumber, 12 Dalrymple st Campbell John, saw miller, 89 East Hamilton st 38 DIRECTORY.

Campbell John, ship smith and chain maker, 1 1 Ropework st. Ho. 4 Nelson st, Glebe Campbell John F., draper and hosiery manufacturer, 56 Vennel. Ho. 8 Ardgowan st, west Campbell John H. (of Malcolm & Co.), 51 Brisbane st Campbell John K., engineer, 59 Ann st Campbell Rev. John, minister of Free Gaelic Church. Ho. 7 Ardgowan square Campbell Joseph, iron grinder, 20 Crescent st Campbell Malcolm, boilermaker, 9 Lynedoch st Campbell Malcolm, spirit merchant, 4 Dellingburn square. Ho. 35 Regent st Campbell Matthew, carpenter, 1 1 Carwood st Campbell Neil, labourer, 61 Belville st Campbell Neil, painter, 33 Nelson st, west Campbell Neil, salesman, 7 Murdieston st Campbell Nicol M., Port-Glasgow and Greenock carrier, 4 Nelson st, Glebe. Ho. 7 Brisbane st Campbell Norman, sugar porter, 35 Regent st Campbell Peter, boilermaker, 1 Hill st Campbell Peter, jun., & Co., syrup merchants and com- mission agents, Exchange buildings. Ho. Springhill, Ashton

Campbell Peter, wine and spirit merchant, 1 1 Laird st. Ho. 12 do. Campbell Richard, brassfinisher, 19 Belville st Campbell Robert, boot and shoe maker, 68 Drumfrochar road Campbell Robert, engineer, 12 Belville st Campbell Robert, fitter, 5 East Crawford st Campbell Robert, steamboat agent, Customhouse quay. Ho. 30 Brymner st Campbell Robert & Co., slaters and slate merchants, 21 West Stewart st. Ho. 22 do. Campbell Stuart, labourer, 73 Ann st Campbell Thomas, carpenter, 20 John st Campbell Thomas, joiner, 12 Wellington st Campbell Walter, joiner, 3 Hill st Campbell William, baker, 3 Holmscroft st Campbell William, draper, 46 East Hamilton st Campbell William, engineer, 2 Mackenzie st Campbell William, grocer, 76 Ann st. Ho. do. DIRECTORY. 39

Campbell Miss, 37 Kelly st Campbell Miss Catherine, 55 Holmscroft st Campbell Miss Margaret, 33 Nelson st, west Campbell Miss Mary, 10 South st Campbell Miss M. T., fruiterer, 59 Inverkip st Campbell Miss Sarah, dressmaker, 38 Nicolson st Campbell Misses, furnishing shop, 7 Rue-end st. Ho. 11 East Blackhall st Campbell Mrs Alexander, 3 Regent st Campbell Mrs Alexander, 69 Union st Campbell Mrs Archibald, 24 Brisbane st Campbell Mrs A., 33 West Stewart st Campbell Mrs Christina, feuar, 17 Caddlehill st Campbell Mrs C, 34 St. Lawrence st Campbell Mrs D., 41 Lynedoch st Campbell Mrs Hugh, 31 Dempster st Campbell Mrs James, 9 Hope st Campbell Mrs James, Lerwickville, 79 Brisbane st Campbell Mrs James (of Campbell & Co.), 45 Brisbane st Campbell Mrs Jane, 15 Nelson st, west Campbell Mrs Jessie, 6 West Blackhall st Campbell Mrs John, 1 1 Main st Campbell Mrs John, 32 Mount Pleasant st Campbell Mrs John, 2 South st

Campbell Mrs J., 41 Lynedoch st Campbell Mrs Peter, 26 Brisbane st Campbell Mrs P., 27 Lynedoch st Campbell Mrs P., 21 Antigua st Campbell Mrs William, 15 Robertson st Campbell Mrs W. E., 165 Eldon st Campbell Mrs, 21 Antigua st Campbell Mrs, 9 Dempster st Campbell Mrs, 40 Lynedoch st Campbell Mrs, 10 Lynedoch st Campbell Mrs, 48 Shaw st Campbell Mrs, 6 Watt st CANDLISH Mrs, washing and dressing, 12 Ardgowan st, west CANNINE Samuel, joiner, 6 Inverkip st CANNING John, labourer, 10 Nile st Canning David, potter, 22 Pottery st CANT Adam, clerk, 25 Robertson st 40 DIRECTORY.

Cant James, gardener, The Craigs, 2 1 Newark st CAPPOCK Mary Julia, dressmaker and outfitter, 45 Shaw st. Ho. 11 Mearns st CARCHRIE Robert, rivetter, 2 Watt place CARLIN Mrs William, broker, 52 Shaw st. Ho. 5 William st CARLISLE Miss, 1 Rosneath st CARLYLE John, M.D., CM., physician and surgeon. Ho. 43 Regent st. Consulting rooms, 47 Regent st Carlyle Mrs, 8 Lyle st

CARMICHAEL A. & J. H. & Co., shipowners, 13 Hamilton st Carmichael Alexander, labourer, 40 West Burn st Carmichael Alexander, tugboat master, 21 Newton st

Carmichael Andrew (of A. & J. H. Carmichael & Co.) Ho. 34 Forsyth st Carmichael Archibald, shopman, 75 Wellington st Carmichael Donald, grocer and provision merchant, 13 Cartsburn st and 20 Lynedoch st. Ho. 22 Bank st Carmichael Donald, porter, 15 Lyle st Carmichael Dugald, carpenter, 30 Roxburgh st Carmichael Duncan, blacksmith, 87 Dempster st Carmichael Hugh, porter, 13 Duncan st Carmichael John, manager (Caird & Co., shipbuilders). Ho. Ardenlea, Greenock Carmichael John, stationmaster, Bogston. Ho. 89 Port- Glasgow road Carmichael John, yardsman, 31 Lyle st Carmichael John H., feuar, 76 Finnart st Carmichael Malcolm, teacher, Shaw Street Public School

Carmichael R. D. (of A. & J. H. Carmichael & Co.), 93 Finnart st

Carmichael Thomas (of A. & J. H. Carmichael & Co.), 35 Esplanade Carmichael William, labourer, 4 Laird st Carmichael Ann, lodgings, 13 Brisbane st Carmichael Miss M. C, dressmaker, 47 Brisbane st Carmichael Mrs Andrew, Milnwood, 93 Finnart st Carmichael Mrs Donald, grocer, 31 West Burn st. Ho. 17 Nelson st Carmichael Mrs James, 16 Robertson st Carmichael Mrs John, 65 Roxburgh st I


Carmichael Mrs, 3 Bruce st Carmichael Mrs, 16 Hope st Carmichael Mrs, 1 St. Andrew st CARNAGHAN James, joiner and builder, 13 Regent st. Ho. 10 Wellington st Carnaghan Peter, labourer, 32 Crescent st Carnaghan William, carpenter, 15 Dempster st CARMOODIE Thomas, policeman, 7 Dempster st CARRICK Mrs, 112 Drumfrochar road Carrick Mrs, broker, 22 Market st CARRIGAN George, broker, 6 Smith's lane, 12 Market st. and 10 Manse lane. Ho. 18 Sir Michael st. (See Advt.) Carrigan John, confectioner, 31 Market st CARRILINE Solomon, H.M.C., 89 Dempster st CARROLL James, stevedore, 22 Cathcart st CARRON Company's Office, 32 Cathcart st. Duncan Cunnigham, agent CARSE & Smith, aerated water manufacturers, 32 Sugarhouse lane Carse William, glass and china merchant, 5 1 Vennel. Ho. 66 Regent st CARSON Henry, brassfounder, gasfitter, bellhanger, and plumber, 26 Crawford st. Ho. 13 Newton st Carson John, labourer, 42 Roxburgh st Carson Robert, labourer, 30 St. Lawrence st Carson Robert, stoker, 108 Dempster st Carson Thomas, brassfinisher, 36 Ingleston st Carson William, fireman, 76 Dempster st Carson Mrs, 80 Belville st CARSTAIRS Robert, blacksmith, 86 Belville st Carstairs Robert, joiner, 85 Wellington st Carstairs Thomas, lathsplitter, 18 Dalrymple st CARSWELL Andrew & Co., ship store dealers, 1 Custom- house place. Ho. 13 Newton st Carswell John & Son, timber measurers, 4 Cathcart st Carswell John (of John Carswell & Son), 5 1 Esplanade Carswell Mrs, 75 Holmscroft st CARTSBURN Sugar Refining Co., 4 Crescent st CARTSDYKE Apothecary Co., 23 Rue-end st Cartsdyke Equitable Loan Office, 63 Main st Cartsdyke Sawmills, Saw Millers, 6 East Hamilton st CASE Duncan, boilermaker, 2 Holmscroft st 42 DIRECTORY.

Case John, china merchant, 38 Hamilton st. Ho. 24 Trafalgar st CASEY Robert, shipmaster, 25 Robertson st CASKIE John, sawyer, 28 East Hamilton st CASSON Alexander, joiner, 24 Antigua st Casson Mrs George, 9 Argyle st CASTLE Mail Packets Company, Limited, royal mail steamers for South Africa. Agents, Andrew Picken & Co., Arcade

CATHCART Steamship Co. (Limited). J. & J. Denholm, agents CATHER Mrs, 19 Dempster st CATHIE James, dealer in household articles, 21 West Blackhall st. Ho. 22 Brisbane st CATTANACH Mrs, 13 Mearns st CAVANAGH John, carpenter, 18 Cathcart st CAWTHORNE Mrs, 15 Cross-shore st CHABANT Miss S., dairy, 43 Shaw st. Ho. 2 Jamaica st CHALMERS Alexander, ironmonger, locksmith, blacksmith, bellhanger, and gasfitter. Office and show rooms, 31 Nicolson st; workshop, 14 Crawfurd st. Ho. 28 Newton st Chalmers Andrew, foreman, 31 Trafalgar st Chalmers Archibald, joiner, glazier, and funeral undertaker, 36 Roxburgh st. Ho. 72 Wellington st Chalmers Henry, at Scott, Chalmers & Co., clothiers. Ho. 17 Newton st Chalmers Hugh, French polisher, 6 Trafalgar st Chalmers Hugh M. & Son, timber merchants and joiners, 7 Cowgate st Chalmers H. M. (of H. M. Chalmers & Son), 25 Finnart st Chalmers Hume, hotel-keeper and grain merchant, Wheat Sheaf Hotel, 4 Church place Chalmers James, shipmaster, 14 Robertson st Chalmers John, boilermaker, 26 East Hamilton st Chalmers John, clerk and collector, Gasworks, Municipal buildings. Ho. 2 Hillside place, Albert road, Gourock Chalmers John, grain and potatoe merchant, 4 Princes st. Ho. 35 Regent st Chalmers John, joiner, 30 Bruce st Chalmers Joseph, tobacconist, 7 Cathcart st. Ho. 5 Caddie- hill st DIRECTORY. 43

Chalmers Robert, blacksmith, 18 Duncan st. Ho. 7 Holms- croft st Chalmers Robert, chemist and druggist, and branch Post- Office, 41 Roxburgh st. Ho. 72 Wellington st Chalmers Robert (of Robert Chalmers & Son). Ho. 32 Brisbane st Chalmers Robert & Son, auctioneers, valuators, property and insurance agents, 12 Charles st Son). Ho. Chalmers Robert J. (of Robert Chalmers & 32 Brisbane st Chalmers Thomas, M.A., solicitor, Post-Office buildings. Ho. 4 Church place Chalmers William, blacksmith, 19 Bruce st Chalmers William, carpenter, 14 Regent st Chalmers William, house factor and property agent, 5 West

Blackhall st. Ho. Roslin place, Gourock Chalmers Miss Margaret, 17 South st Chalmers Miss M., stationer, 73 Nicolson st Chalmers Miss, tobacconist and furnishings, 26 East Hamil- ton st Chalmers Mrs, 21 Lynedoch st Chalmers Mrs, 15 Mount Pleasant st Chalmers Mrs John, 25 Bank st Chalmers Mrs Peter, 62 Regent st CHAMBERS William, grocer, 3 John st. Ho. 7 Ingleston st Chambers William, spirit merchant, 12 Springkell st. Ho. 7 Ingleston st CHAPPEL Robert, sawyer, 3 Kilblain st CHARLETON G. P., collector H.M. Customs, Newark lodge, 28 Newark st CHARTERS James, storekeeper, 23 John st Charters James, fitter, 18 Inverkip st CHASSER George, upholsterer, 6 Hope st CHEVALIER Frederick, clothier and outfitter, 4 William st and 2 Dalrymple st. Ho. 5 Grey place CHILDS James, rivetter, 32 Arthur st Childs Mrs, 38 Main st CHIPPS James, recruiting sergeant, 65 Nicolson st CHIRREY Alexander, foreman printer, 27 Patrick st CHISHOLM Archibald, 3 Glen st Chisholm William & Co., coopers, 39 Crawfurd st CHRISTIE Alex., blacksmith, 2 Princes st 44 DIRECTORY.

Christie Alex., railway porter, 65 Holmscroft st Christie Andrew, salesman, 14 Murdieston st Christie Rev. Charles, M.A., Minister of Augustine Church. Ho. 43 Regent st Christie George, gardener, 68 Eldon st

Christie Rev. J. G., B.D., assistant, West Kirk. Ho. 2 George Square Christie Malcolm, tobacconist, 33 West Burn st. Ho. 8 Cross-shore st Christie Robert, labourer, 44 Lynedoch st Christie William, finisher, Overton CHRISTIAN Association, Young Men's, 17 West Stewart st Christian Mission, 41 Hamilton st Christian Young Women's Association, 27 West Stewart st CITY and District Parcel Delivery Co., and universal forwarding agents, 29 Brymner st, and 9 St. Enoch's wynd, Glasgow City of Glasgow Steam Dyeing and Laundry Co., 2 Cathcart square CLAPPERTON James, boilermaker, 24 Lynedoch st Clapperton John, carpenter, 10 Carnock st

Clapperton John (of J. M. Macfarlane & Co.), West Bank, Esplanade Clapperton Mrs, 9 Ardgowan st, west CLARK Archibald, baker, 37 Ann st. Ho. 13 Holmscroft st Clark Archibald (of John Clark & Son), 2 Esplanade Clark Daniel, fireman, 36 East Hamilton st Clark David, boltmaker, 10 Regent st Clark David, goods guard, 52 West Blackhall st Clark Duncan, engineer, 84 Belville st Clark Edward, mason, 68 Inverkip st Clark Henry, signalman, 18 So nth st Clark James, joiner, 33 Lynedoch st Clark James, labourer, 36 Ingleston st Clark James W., joiner, 39 Holmscroft st Clark John & Son, watchmakers, jewellers, and chronometer makers, 19 West Blackhall st Clark John, blacksmith, 6 Lyle st Clark John, carter, 60 Drumfrochar road Clark John, engineer, 15 Lauriston st Clark John A., cooper, 7 Boyd st DIRECTORY. 45

Clark Joseph, greengrocer, 5 1 Vennel Clark Joseph, ladies' hatter, 29 Cathcart st Clark Malcolm, carter, 9 Hope st Clark Thomas, carpenter, 3 Kilblain st Clark Thomas, 71 Nicolson st Clark W. B., grocer, 33 Shaw st. Ho. 30 Brymner st Clark W. B., salesman, 34 Mount Pleasant st Clark William, joiner, 51 Holmscroft st Clark Miss Catherine, dressmaker, 61 Holmscroft st Clark Miss M., confectioner, 105 Port-Glasgow road Clark Miss, 58 Drumfrochar road Clark Miss, 14 Regent st Clark Mrs Andrew, 15 Newton st Clark Mrs D., 72 East Crawford st Clark Mrs D., 2 Watt place Clark Mrs Peter, feuar, 60 Ann st Clark Mrs, draper, 43 Ann st. Ho. 15 Roxburgh st Clark Mrs, 2 Argyle st CLELAND Alex., clothier, 18 Hamilton st. Ho. 28 Ardgowan st, west CLELLAND Miss, 3 Kelly st CLEMES Richard, joiner, 13 East Crawford st CLERK Duncan (of R. & S. Neill Clerk and Orkney), 25 Octavia terrace CLIMIE John, cutler, 3 George square Climie Robert, cutler and gunsmith, 20 West Blackhall st. Ho. 38 West Stewart st Climie William, cabinetmaker, 32 Nicolson st Climie Miss Jane, greengrocer, 1 Kelly st Climie Mrs, 51 Kelly st CLINK Charles William, shipowner, 4 East Breast. Ho. 7 Bentinck st Clink John D., shipowner, 4 East Breast. Ho. 53 Octavia terrace CLINTON William, river pilot, 27 West Blackhall st CLOTWORTHY David, salesman, 1 Kilblain buildings CLUCKIE N. Gordon, M.B., L.F.P.S.G., opthalmic sur- geon. Ho. Kessington, 29 Union st CLUFF Michael, labourer, 27 Belville st CLUNIE James, baker, 95 Roxburgh st Clunie James, mariner, 13 Antigua st CLYDE Lighthouses, collector's office, 46 Brymner st 46 DIRECTORY.

Clyde Pottery Co., manufacturers of earthenware, Port- Glasgow road Clyde Ropework, Berry-yards. Warehouse, Palmerston buildings Clyde Shipping Co., steamship and steamtug owners, Cus- tomhouse buildings —Allan Swan, agent Clyde Stevedore Co., 1 Open Shore and 7 Dock breast Clyde Sugar Refining Co., 107 Drumfrochar road Clyde Yacht Agency, 4 East breast—Macalister & Fyfe, agents CLYDESDALE Banking Co. (Limited), 7 Hamilton st Clydesdale Banking Co. (Limited), East-end—43 Rue-end st —William Bruce, agent COADY William, boilermaker, 6 Sinclair st COCHRAN John, boilermaker, 13 Antigua st Cochran Robert (of D. M'Cormick & Co.), 13 Kelly st Cochran Miss, 13 Kelly st COCHRANE Archibald, joiner, 3 Broomhill st Cochrane Crawford, clerk, Post-Office, 20 Wellington st Cochrane James, seaman, 26 West Blackhall st Cochrane John, carpenter, 54 Drumfrochar road Cochrane William, labourer, 22 Sugarhouse lane Cochrane William, joiner, 10 Baker st Cochrane Mrs Janet, wine and spirit merchant. 10 Baker st. Ho. do. Cochrane Mrs, 13 Mount Pleasant st COCKBURN Charles T., chemist, wholesale drug stores, 33 Cathcart st. Ho. 18 Princes square, Strathbungo. (See Advt.) COGHILL D., teacher, Industrial school, 1 Armadale place COHEN Jacob, picture frame maker, 8 Cross-shore st. Ho 49 Shaw st COILS John, labourer, 40 Ann st COLE George A., labourer, 39 Holmscroft st COLLIGAN John, mason, 13 West Stewart st Colligan Patrick & Co., brokers, 22 Shaw st. Ho. 63 Rue- end st COLLINS Henry, caulker, 34 East Hamilton st Collins Henry, blacksmith, 69 Roxburgh st Collins Henry, painter, 2 Crawford lane Collins William, salesman, 21 Nelson st, west

Collins Mrs J. B. S., 19 Newton st DIRECTORY. 47

COLLISON Robert, rivetter, 71 Regent st COLQUHOUN Duncan, painter and decorator, 1 Union st. Ho. 2 Finnart st Colquhoun John, clothier, 7 Grey place. Ho. 32 Ardgowan st, west Colquhoun John, cooper, 30 Ann st

Colquhoun John J., solicitor and notary public, 2 Watt place. Ho. 32 Ardgowan st, west Colquhoun Richard, mason, 68 Inverkip st Colquhoun Robert, irondresser, 8 Holmscroft st COLVILLE Archibald, pointsman, 20 Pottery st Colville James, engineer, 4 Mearns st COMRIE Mrs, 57 Ann st COMMERCIAL Bank of Scotland, Limited, 36 Cathcart st—James Tannahill, agent Commercial Bank of Scotland, Limited (West-end Branch), 15 West Blackhall st—James Tannahill, agent COMMISSARY Clerk's office, County buildings, 1 Nelson st, west CONGREGATIONAL Chapel, 7 George square CONKEY Alexander, labourer, 23 Belville st Conkey James, tailor and clothier, 8 Carnock st. Ho. 23 Belville st CONN James, joiner, 31 Lynedoch st

Conn John, Sheriff-officer, J. P. constable, and Dean of Guild officer, 108 Drumfrochar road Conn Mrs, 91 Belville st CONNELL Alexander, clerk, 11 Roxburgh st Connell James, commission, insurance, and forwarding agent, 20 Cathcart st. Ho. 25 Brisbane st Connell William, tinsmith, 19 Bearhope st CONNELLY Francis, grocer, 25 East Shaw st CONNER Hugh, carpenter, 16 Port-Glasgow road Conner Mrs John, plumber and gasfitter, 3 East Blackhall st. Ho. 39 Bank st Conner Mrs, 12 Arthur st

CONNING H. & J., milliners, 2 Inverkip st Ho. 11 Newark st Conning John, gardener, Balclutha lodge, n Newark st CONNOR David, bandmaster, 1st R.R.V., 7 Brisbane st Connor James, boilermaker, 31 East Crawford st Connor John, artist, 10 Kelly st 48 DIRECTORY.

CONOLOGUE John, rivetter, 21 Main st CONWAY Andrew, greengrocer, 18 Sir Michael st Conway David, clerk, 3 Hope st Conway Francis, licensed broker, 4 Tobago st. Ho. 7 Shaw place Conway Matthew, jun., painter, 7 Hope st Conway Matthew, painter, 9 Lyle st COOK Alexander, brakesman, 21 John st Cook Archibald (of D. & A. Cook), 23 Brisbane st Cook David, outfitter, 9 Rue-end st. Ho. 27 Lyle st Cook D. & A., smiths, anchor and chain makers, 4 Charles st Cook John, carpenter, 29 Rue-end st Cook John, joiner and blockmaker, 8 Duff st Cook Robert, millworker, 9 Mill st Cook Robert, pawnbroker, auctioneer, and valuator, 33 Market st. Ho. 9 Orangefield place Cook R., jun., auctioneer and valuator, 26 West Blackhall st. Ho. 9 Orangefield place. (See Advt.) Cook William, B.A., Lond. F.E.I.S., Head-master Holmscroft Public School. Ho. Roselea, 71 Newton st Cook William, fireman, 30 Lynedoch st Cook Miss, 35 Lyle st Cook Mrs Angus, 47 Crawfurd st Cook Mrs Archibald, 23 Kelly st Cook Mrs Duncan, 29 Mearns st Cook Mrs William, 4 Garvald st Cook Mrs. 5 Hope st Cook Mrs, 91 Dempster st COOKE James Joseph, Inland Revenue, 45 Brisbane st COOPER Archibald, engineer, 42 Arthur st Cooper Archibald, painter, 25 Bruce st Cooper A. B., 38 Brisbane st Cooper H. B. & Co., engineers, James Watt Engine Works, 2 Springkell st. Ho. 40 Nelson st, west Cooper John, compositor, 65 Holmscroft st Cooper William, mate, 3 Antigua st COOTE Mrs Thos., Express Laundry, 25 Wellington st. Ho. do. CO-OPERATIVE Society (Greenock Central), 29, 31, 33, and 35 Roxburgh st. Branches — 25 Lynedoch st, 26 Bruce st, and 65 Ann st DIRECTORY. 49

Co-operative Society, 18 East Crawford st, 46 East Hamilton

st, and 105 Port-Glasgow road Co-operative Society (Industrial), 5 Arthur st, and drapery department, 58 Rue-end st COPELAND John, joiner, 83 Dempster st Copeland Nathan, joiner, 4 Old Hillend COPLAND Mrs John, 19 Antigua st CORBET Rev. Alexander, minister, Baptist Church, Orangefield. Ho. 15 Robertson st CORDUCK John, labourer, 1 Ratho st CORK Steampacket Office, 9 Customhouse buildings.— Allan Swan, agent CORMIE John, blacksmith, 31 Hamilton st. Ho. 1 Ford place, Finnart st Cormie, John, ironmonger, cutler, and tool merchant, 4 Shaw st. Ho. 1 Ford place, Finnart st CORNEY John, basket maker, 20 St. Lawrence st COSTELLO Michael, coachman, Overton COTTRELL Robert Reynolds, grocer, 1 1 Market st and 45 Crawfurd st COULTHART David, carter, 8 Murdieston st COUSAR Mrs James, lodgings, 68 Inverkip st COUTTS John, club master, 2 1 Ardgowan square COVE James, naval instructor, 19 Antigua st COWAN Alexander R., salesman, 21 Trafalgar st Cowan David, carpenter, 24 Pottery st Cowan John, mason, 31 Ingleston st Cowan John, merchant, Stoneleigh, 23 Newark st Cowan Robert, railway guard, 5 Ratho st Cowan Robert & Co., drapers, tailors, and clothiers, 2 West Blackhall st Cowan Mrs A., 22 Brisbane st Cowan Mrs, ladies' nurse, 69 Nicolson st Cowan Mrs, 12 South st COWIE Mrs William, 70 Eldon st COWLEY Charles, shoemaker, 42 West Burn st. Ho. 22 West Blackhall st COWPER David B., chemist, 9 Lynedoch st. Ho. 14 Lyle st COYLE Edward, engineer, 27 Belville st Coyle John, jun., clerk, 1 Bank st CRABBE William, grocer and provision merchant, 26 and 35 Ann st. Ho. 18 South st 4 50 DIRECTORY.

CRAIG Andrew E., baker, 6 Murdieston st Craig Angus, bricklayer, 8 Hay st Craig's Cask Heading Co., Limited, makers of cask headings, 39 Baker st Craig Cornelius, storeman, 3 Duff st Craig George, mason, 78 Dempster st Craig Hugh, boilermaker, 33 Roxburgh st Craig James, blacksmith, 30 St. Lawrence st Craig James, caulker, 5 East Crawford st Craig James, cooper and stave merchant, 39 Baker st. Ho. Rosslee, Kilmalcolm Craig James R. (of Orr, Hunter & Co., Limited), 169 Eldon st

Craig John, baker, 28 Lynedoch st. Ho. do. Craig John, engineer, 1 1 Dempster st Craig John, smith, 40 Ann st Craig J. & M., manufacturers of fire-clay goods and pottery ware. Factories, Hillhead, Perce- ton, and Longpark, Kilmarnock. Agents in Greenock, John A. Simpson & Co., 10 Brougham st and 6 Tobago st. (See Advt.) Craig Samuel, labourer, 78 Belville st Craig, Scott & Co., shipowners, ship and insurance brokers, 4 Brymner st Craig Thomas (of Orr, Hunter & Co., Limited), Barrhill house, Gourock Craig William, boilermaker, 34 St. Lawrence st Craig William, clerk, 35 West Shaw st Craig William, labourer, 32 Ingleston st Craig Mrs James, 14 Ardgowan st, west Craig Mrs John, 52 Eldon st Craig Mrs, confectioner, 16 Vennel Craig Mrs, 1 Mill st CRAM Peter, feuar, 13 Mount Pleasant st Cram Mrs Peter, 17 Nelson st, west CRAMOND Archibald, skinner, 8 Carwood st CRANE Mrs, 6 Nelson st, Glebe CRANSTON Mrs, 47 Brisbane st CRAVEN James, labourer, 84 Belville st CRAWFORD Alexander, purveyor, Victoria Coffee-house, 17 Charles st, and Albion Coffee-house, 16 Cathcart st. Ho. 4 Shaw place 1


Crawford Alexander, joiner, 43 Lynedoch st Crawford Alexander, seaman, 8 West Burn st Crawford Archibald, carpenter, 16 Trafalgar st Crawford Archibald, cooper, 1 1 East Blackhall st Crawford Archibald, engineer, 30 Newton st Crawford Bryce (of Crawford & Thomson), 8 Wellington st Crawford & Fulton, joiners and builders, 10 Terrace road Crawford Hugh, feuar, 31 Finnart st Crawford H. B. (of Town Clerk's office), 26 Brisbane st Crawford & Hope, ship carpenters, 37 West Stewart st Crawford James, boilermaker, 23 Lynedoch st Crawford James, engineer, 2 Wellington st Crawford James, flesher, 83 Roxburgh st. Ho. 24 Robertson st Crawford James (of Crawford & Kerr), 25 Regent st Crawford Joseph, rivetter, 84 Belville st Crawford John, blacksmith, 5 Hill st Crawford John, blacksmith, 77 Regent st Crawford John, provision merchant, 6 Watson's lane

Crawford J. W. (of J. C. Smith, Macdonald & Crawford), Raillies, 93 Newton st Crawford & Kerr, plumbers and gasfitters, 6 Bogle st Crawford M., confectioner, 4 Argyle st. Ho. 34 Nelson st, west Crawford P. R. & Co., general drapers, 3 West Blackhall st Crawford P. R. (of P. R. Crawford & Co.), 51 Brougham st Crawford Robert, A.M. Inst. C.E., Harbour Engineer, Muni- cipal buildings. Ho. 17 Cove road, Gourock Crawford Robert, contractor, 40 Mearns st Crawford Robert, farmer, 124 Drumfrochar road Crawford Robert, feuar, 24 Robertson st Crawford Robert, patternmaker, 14 South st Crawford Robert, smith, 8 West Burn st Crawford Robert P., wine merchant and distillers' agent, 35 Ingleston st and 30 Crescent st. Ho. Lome place, 9 Margaret st Crawford Thomas, shipowner, 61 Brisbane st Crawford & Thomson, ironfounders, Caledonian foundry, 48 and 50 Trafalgar st Crawford William, family grocer, 5 Grey place. Ho. Northfield, Bute terrace, Millport 52 DIRECTORY.

Crawford William, glazier and glass merchant, 9 Market st- Ho. 33 B Newton st Crawford William, wood measurer, 13 Lauriston st Crawford William, joiner, 28 Lynedoch st Crawford William, joiner, 4 Nelson st, west Crawford William, joiner, 34 Nelson st, west Crawford William, labourer, 3 Regent st Crawford William (of Denney & Crawford), 28 South st

Crawford William (of W. & J. Crawford), 39 Fox st Crawford William H., boatbuilder, 82 Belville st

Crawford W. & J., shipowners, 3 East breast Crawford Misses E. & H., dairy, 85 Roxburgh st Crawford Miss, 40 Mearns st Crawford Mrs Charles, 3 George square Crawford Mrs Dugald, 20 John st Crawford Mrs Hugh, 33 West Burn st

Crawford Mrs J., 126 Drumfrochar road Crawford Mrs Robert, 22 South st Crawford Mrs William, 23 Ingleston st Crawford Mrs, 14 Ardgowan st, west Crawford Mrs, 7 Kelly st CREELMAN William, driller, 3 East Crawford st CRICHTON Hugh, gardener, Belleaire cott, 17 Newark st

CROCKATT J. R., merchant, Glasgow. Ho. 87 Brisbane st Crockatt Mrs William, 87 Brisbane st CROMAR George, shipwright, 14 Wellington st Cromar Thomas, engineer, 25 Dempster st CROMARTY James, engineer, 34 Nelson st, west CROMBIE Mark, cooper, 77 Regent st Crombie William, gardener, 29 Brougham st CROMWELL Mrs, 13 Mearns st CROOK John, 36 West Blackhall st CROOKSHANKS Joseph, carriage hirer and funeral under- taker, 43 West Blackhall st. Ho. do. (See Advt.) CROSBIE Elias C, office porter, 2 Church place CROSS W. Paterson, professor of music, 8 Brougham st Cross Misses, dressmakers, 19 Brisbane st CROWLEY John C, examining officer, H. M. Customs, 3 George square

CROWLY William, broker, 1 7 Cartsburn st CRUICKSHANK Alexander (of postal telegraphs), 29, Dempster st DIRECTORY.

Cruickshank Francis, draper, 15 Newton sf Cruikshank Alexander, inspector, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' Society, 83 Dempster st CRUMLISH Archibald, painter, 20 Tobago st CRUTHERS E., pawnbroker, 28 Dalrymple st. Ho. 30 Kelly st CULHANE Patrick, porter, 15 West Stewart st CULLEN William, bootmaker, 85 Roxburgh st. Ho. 4 Mount pleasant st CULLODEN Mrs, 18 Eldon st CUMBERLIDGE Edward, labourer, 78 Belville st CUMMESTY James, iron turner, 12 St. Lawrence st CUMMING Charles, blacksmith, 37 Crawfurd st Cumming James, joiner, 7 Hope st •Gumming James, moulder, 36 Crescent st •Cumming John B., engineer, 78 Belville st Cumming M. & A., grocers, 40 Holmscroft st Cumming Miss M. fruiterer, 45 Vennel Cumming Miss, 5 West Stewart st

•Cumming Mrs, 1 1 West Stewart st CUMMISKY James, porter, 26 West Blackhall st CUNINGHAM Charles, sugar broker and commission merchant, 49 Cathcart st. Ho. 8 Ardgowan st, west CUNNINGHAM Archibald, engineer, 19 Antigua st •Cunningham Colin, joiner, 9 Brachelston st Cunningham Duncan (of D. Cunningham & Co.), 20 Ardgowan st Cunningham D. & Co., sugar and general forwarding agents, City buildings, 32 Cathcart st Cunningham James, hammerman, 66 Regent st •Cunningham James, vanman, 8 Kilblain st Cunningham John, baker, 51 Holmscroft st Cunningham John, merchant, 32 Cathcart st. Ho. Seafield, 2 Fox st Cunningham John, railway porter, 30 Nelson st, west

Cunningham J. H., dyer, 73 Ann st Cunningham P. G., 31 Bank st Cunningham Robert, baker, 40 Nelson st, west. Ho. 2 South st Cunningham Robert, blacksmith, 2 Watt place •Cunningham Robert, policeman, 10 Shaw place Cunningham Thomas, cashier, 53 Belville st 54 DIRECTORY.

Cunningham Thomas, engineer, 10 Hay st Cunningham William, pansman, 57 Regent st Cunningham Mrs, 85 Roxburgh st CURRAN Thomas, lamplighter, 77 Regent st CURRIE Alexander, caulker, 3 Hill st Currie Alexander, cooper, 29 Roxburgh st Currie Angus, fisherman, 3 York st Currie David, warehouseman, 8 Holmscroft st Currie Dugald, craneman, 7 Hope st Currie Duncan, carpenter, 34 East Hamilton st Currie Gilbert, clerk, 30 Wellington st Currie Hugh, joiner, 63 Nicolson st Currie James, baker, 1 2 Ann st Currie James, carter, 40 St. Lawrence st Currie James & Co., agents for the Leith, Hull & Hamburg Steam Packet Co., 13 Hamilton st Currie John, carpenter, 42 Holmscroft st Currie John, joiner, 63 Holmscroft st Currie Malcolm S., shipmaster, 97 Dempster st Currie Peter, shipmaster, 21 Nelson st, west Currie Richard, storekeeper, 14 South st Currie Robert, tailor, 8 Buccleuch st Currie Samuel, upholsterer, 22 South st Currie William C, 14 Lyle st Currie Mrs John, 8 Nicolson st Currie Mrs Malcolm, 19 Newton st Currie Mrs Neil, 19 Bruce st Currie Mrs, 8 Murdieston st CURROR George, woolspinner, 59 Ann st CURTIS Charles H. & Co., distillers, Auchintoshan, Dum-

bartonshire ; wine and spirit importers, City buildings,

32 Cathcart st ; and distillery bonded storekeepers, 24 Market st and 29 Hamilton st Curtis Charles H. (of Charles H. Curtis & Co.), Ebberley, 27 Octavia terrace Curtis C. H. & Co., wine and spirit merchants, 24 Nicolson st Curtis William H. (of C. H. Curtis & Co.), 27 Bentinck st Curtis Misses, Greenbank house, 50 Kelly st CUSTOMHOUSE Buildings, Steamboat quay CUTHBERT Gilbert, shipwright, 18 Wellington st Cuthbert James, seaman, 70 East Crawford st DIRECTORY. 55

Cuthbert Misses, dressmakers, furnishings, and hosiery, 33 Roxburgh st. Ho. 35 Roxburgh st Cuthbert Mrs, 35 Roxburgh st CUTHBERTSON Archd., blacksmith, 2 Princes st Cuthbertson James R., manufacturing confectioner, 2 Grey place. Ho. do. Cuthbertson James S., compositor, 83 Wellington st Cuthbertson Robert S., joiner, 22 Antigua st Cuthbertson Thomas, wholesale confectioner, 12 Sugarhouse lane. Ho. 33 Bank st Cuthbertson Mrs William, 31 Lynedoch st CUYCO Pantileon, Spanish Sailors' Home, 8 East breast CZARNIKOW & Co., sugar brokers (Glasgow & Greenock), Exchange buildings, 27 Cathcart st

DAILY James, brassfinisher, 27 Belville st Daily James, brassfinisher, 53 Belville st Daily and Weekly " Glasgow Herald " (newspaper) Office, 29 Cathcart st DAISLEY John, hairdresser, 28 Roxburgh st. Ho. 67 Regent st DALE Archibald, engineer, 71 Wellington st DALLAS Adam, joiner, 34 Ann st Dallas Joseph, labourer, 34 Crescent st Dallas Matthew, cooper, 29 Ann st Dallas William, baker, 14 Mearns st DALY John, seaman, 6 Sir Michael st DALLY William, boilermaker, 29 Ingleston st DALRYMPLE Patrick, labourer, 43 Main st Dalrymple Robert, labourer, 45 Main st DALZIEL Mrs, 60 Kelly st Dalziel Mrs William, 30 Nelson st, west DANISH Dairy Company, 27 Cathcart st DARROCH, Archibald, seaman, 26 Charles st Darroch Colin, cowfeeder, 41 Trafalgar st Darroch Duncan, collectoj of harbour dues, Customhouse. Ho. 50 Brougham st Darroch James, joiner, 10 Lynedoch st Darroch John, carter, 28 Bruce st 56 DIRECTORY.

Darroch John, cowfeeder, 19 Captain st Darroch John, Customs' officer, 13 Garwood st Darroch Peter, boilermaker, 80 Belville st Darroch Miss, grocer, 12 Watt st Darroch Mrs, 21 Ingleston st DAVERS Mrs A., grocer, 81 Belville st. Ho. 85 do. DAVID Simon H., policeman, 35 West Stewart st DAVIDSON Andrew, boilermaker, 24 Antigua st Davidson David, smith, 33 East Crawford st Davidson George, British Workman Public House, 99 Port- Glasgow road. Ho. do. Davidson George, sailmaker, 1 Kilblain buildings Davidson George F., joiner, 18 Serpentine walk Davidson James, shipmaster, 2 Ford place, Finnart st Davidson Rev. James, M.A., Finnart U. P. Church. Ho. 85 Brisbane st Davidson John, sailmaker, 43 Crawfurd st Davidson Robert, watchmaker and jeweller, 4 West Black- hall st. Ho. 67 Nicolson st Davidson Robert, yardsman, 17 Brougham st Davidson William, rigger, 9 Hope st Davidson William, seaman, 20 Bearhope st

Davidson William, spirit dealer, 1 Crescent st. Ho. 7 Mearns st

Davidson William A., engine-keeper, 1 Kilblain st Davidson Miss M., confectioner, 14 John st DAVIE James, joiner, 6 Laird st Davie John, brassfinisher, 3 M'Kenzie st Davie John, timber measurer, agent Consulaire de France, 63 Rue-end st. Ho. 17 Union st Davie Robert & Co., timber measurers, 63 Rue-end st Davie Robert, jun., representative of Vacuum Oil Company, 63 Rue-end st. Ho. 4 Fox st Davie Robert (of Robert Davie & Co.), 4 Fox st DAVIES James, labourer, 54 Drumfrochar road Davies John, engineer, 15 Belville st Davies Lewis S., rigger, 24 Bruce st Davies Mrs William, grocer, 24 West Blackhall st. Ho. do. DAWSON James, engine-driver, 3 Regent st Dawson John, carpenter, 40 Nicolson st Dawson John, late steamboat agent, 16 Cathcart st Dawson John, signalman, 32 Mount Pleasant st DIRECTORY. 5 7

Dawson W., grocer, 5 Inverkip st DEACKIN Mrs, 24 Hamilton st DEANS Samuel, labourer, 19 Prospecthill st DEAS John S., Inspector of Poor, 36 Nicolson st. Ho. 19 Patrick st DE MONTI Rev. Charles A., R.C. clergyman, 14 Patrick st DELLINGBURN Sugar Refinery, Rue-end st DEMPSEY Michael, spirit merchant, 22 Vennel. Ho. 15 Roxburgh st DEMPSTER Duncan F., sugar refiner (of Neill, Dempster & Neill), Derculich, Tullypowrie, Perthshire Dempster George, accountant, Provident Bank. Ho. 20 South st Dempster James, joiner, 20 South st Dempster James, rivetter, 38 Main st Dempster Mrs Margaret, 20 South st Dempster Mrs, 3 Regent st DENHAM Mrs William, 20 South st

DENHOLM J. & J., ship insurance, forwarding, and com- mission agents, Exchange buildings, 27 Cathcart st

Denholm John (of J. & J. Denholm), 27 Finnart st Denholm Mrs, 18 Antigua st DENNEY Archibald, brassfounder, 12 Lyle st Denney & Crawford, joiners, 52 Kelly st Denney John, irondresser, 12 Nile st Denney John (of Denney & Crawford), 34 South st Denney Miss, grocer, 10 Mount Pleasant st DENNY John, labourer, 29 Ingleston place DENOON William, coachman, 14 Dalrymple st DENNISTON John S., 19 Patrick st DEUBLER Conrad, labourer, 22 Inverkip st Deubler Peter, upholsterer, 16 Kelly st DEVINE Hugh, engineer, 24 Wellington st Devine James, sanitary inspector, Municipal buildings, Dal-

rymple st. Ho. Craigieknowes Hospital, Sinclair st DEVLIN Henry, sheriff officer, 13 Hamilton st. Ho. 3 Ford place, Finnart st Devlin James P., spirit merchant, 18 Vennel Devlin John, painter, n Hill st Devlin John, rafter, 16 Crescent st Devlin John, rigger, 14 Ardgowan st, west —


Devlin M., fruiterer, i Grey place. Ho. 29 Nelson st, west Devlin Patrick, wine and spirit merchant, 3 Market st, 24 Cathcart st, and 37 Brymner st. Ho. 99 Eldon st Devlin Paul, labourer, 51 Main st DEWAR & Co., smiths, tinsmiths, gasfitters, and bell- hangers, 26 Charles st Dewar Alexander, labourer, 80 Dempster st Dewar James, contractor, 11 Laird st. Ho. 16 do. Dewar John, joiner, 5 West Stewart st Dewar John (of Dewar & Co.), 16 Laird st DICK Archibald, joiner, 67 Roxburgh st Dick David, labourer, 87 Wellington st Dick Ebenezer, cooper, 2 Crawford lane Dick George, accountant, Commercial Bank, 3 Brougham st Dick Hugh, tinsmith, 1 1 Lyle st Dick James, engineer, 10 Carnock st Dick James K., joiner, 31 Lyle st Dick John, joiner, 9 Dempster st Dick John, lathsplitter, 10 South st Dick John, plumber, 79 Belville st

Dick J. M., hatter, hosier, glover, and shirtmaker, 11 West Blackball st. Ho. 19 Bentinck st Dick Robert, goods guard, 108 Dempster st

Dick R. & J., gutta percha boot and shoe manufacturers, 22 Cathcart st. T. S. Simpson, manager. Works Glasgow. (See Advt.) Dick Thomas, cooper, 20 South st Dick William, cooper, 62 Kelly st Dick Miss, 32 Nelson st, west Dick Mrs Boyd, 32 South st DICKIE George B. (at Thomas Skinner & Co.), Parkhill, Kilmalcolm Dickie James, boilermaker, 26 Trafalgar st Dickie Mrs, dressmaker, 26 Lynedoch st

Dickie Mrs John, 1 7 Mount Pleasant st DICKSON Alexander, engineer, 5 Belville st Dickson Benjamin, agent, London & North-Western Rail- way Co., 20 Brymner st. Ho. Thornbank, Gourock Dickson David, sugar boiler, 15 Bank st Dickson Ellen, dairy, 12 Market st Dickson George, clerk, 34 South st DIRECTORY. 59

Dickson James, carpenter, 41 Sir Michael st Dickson James, engine driver, 9 East Crawford st Dickson James, shipwright, 16 Crescent st Dickson Joseph, station master, Lynedoch station. Ho. 51 Lynedoch st Dickson Robert, sugar boiler, 66 Lynedoch st Dickson Thomas, labourer, 13 Antigua st DILLON Peter, tinsmith, 104 Drumfrochar road Dillon Thomas, labourer, 18 Antigua st DINGWALL Donald, boilermaker, 6 John st DINNEN Hugh, labourer, 55 Drumfrochar road DINNING John, carter, 6 Carnock st Dinning Miss, matron of reception house, 35 Crawfurd st DISCHARGED Prisoners' Aid Society Home, 58 Ann st DIXON Robert (of Alexander & Dixon), 7 Kelly st Dixon William (Limited), iron and coal master, Dellingburn square DOAK James, moulder, 63 Ann st Doak Joseph, gasfitter, 77 Wellington st Doak William, carter, 66 Regent st Doak Mrs, 7 Nile st DOBBIN George, tobacconist, 4 Sir Michael st Dobbin John, waggon inspector, 76 Wellington st DOCHERTY Frank, cooper, 15 Nelson st Docherty George, boilermaker, 8 Duff st Docherty George, flesher, 5 William st. Ho. 4 Dalrymple st Docherty James, shoemaker, 49 Rue-end st and 32 Ann st. Ho. 27 West Blackhall st Docherty Robert, engineer, 39 Ann st Docherty Robert, labourer, 57 Ann st Docherty William, fireman, 2 r Bearhope st Docherty William, greengrocer, 28 Inverkip st Docherty Mrs, 84 Roxburgh st DOCKER Anthony, engineer, 42 St. Lawrence st Docker Edward, basketmaker, 9 Springkell st. Ho. 18 St. Lawrence st Docker James, chemist, 23 Roxburgh st DODD William, carpenter, 11 West Stewart st Dodd William, grocer, 33 Ann st. Ho. 5 Lauriston st Dodd William S., joiner and blockmaker, 3 Cathcart st. Ho. 6 Carnock st Dodd Mrs William, 5 Lauriston st 6o DIRECTORY.

DODDS Mrs James, 12 Laird st DOIG Alexander, coal merchant, 13 Holmscroft st Doig Mrs Alexander, 28 Newton st DOLAN James, fitter, 6 John st DONALD Alexander, labourer, 59 Ann st

Donald J. & Co., tobacco and cigar merchants, 7 Hamilton st Donald John, labourer, 10 William st Donald Robert, yardsman, 37 Lynedoch st Donald Mrs James, 24 Forsyth st DONALDSON David, smith, 48 St. Lawrence st Donaldson John, fireman, 61 Belville st Donaldson Robert, painter, 14 Wellington st Donaldson Mrs, dairy, 3 Kilblain st DONNELLY Benjamin, slater, 60 Ann st Donnelly James, machinist, 18 St. Lawrence st Donnelly Miss, dressmaker, 65 Rue-end st DOOLE James, policeman, 8 William st DOOLEY James, boilermaker, 14 Bruce st DOTHIE Rev. Elvery, 72 Eldon st DOUGALL Robert, blockmaker, 12 Lyle st DOUGAN Alexander, carter, 8 Kilblain st Dougan Charles, labourer, 13 Holmscroft st DOUGANS William, gardener, 51 Kelly st DOUGLAS David, bootcloser, 115 Dempster st Douglas David, marine store dealer, 2 Vennel. Ho. 18 D airym pie st Douglas Duncan, tugboatman, 33 Lynedoch st Douglas George, policeman, 6 Hay st Douglas James, blacksmith, 5 Newton st Douglas James, labourer, 32 Ingleston st Douglas Dr John Campbell, M.B., L.R.S.C, Edin., physician and surgeon, 5 Ardgowan st, west Douglas John, labourer, 38 St Lawrence st Douglas John (of Mackenzie & Walker), Mount Stewart, 20 Margaret st Douglas John C., cook, 92 Dempster st Douglas & Son, watch and clock makers, gold and silver- smiths, jewellers, &c, 9 Hamilton st Douglas Malcolm, shipmaster, 16 Trafalgar st Douglas & Co., tailors and clothiers, 1 Watt place. Ho. 29 Bank st Douglas Robert, fireman, 14 Ardgowan st, west DIRECTORY. 6r

Douglas Thomas N. (of Douglas & Son), 155 Eldon st Douglas Walter, timber measurer, 89 Roxburgh st Douglas William, brassfinisher, 69 Regent st Douglas William (of Scott & Douglas), 23 Newton st Douglas William, shoemaker, 37 Ann st Douglas Miss, 56 Kelly st Douglas Miss, 29 Lyle st Douglas Miss, grocer, 87 Roxburgh st Douglas Mrs Alfred, 13 Holmscroft st Douglas Mrs John, 54 Brougham st DOW Donald, carter, 53 Main st Dow Donald, labourer, 3 Lauriston st Dow John, joiner, 8 Nicolson st Dow Mrs E., spirit dealer, 18 Sir Michael st. Ho. 29 Brougham st DOWELL James, carter, 5 Newton st DOWIE W. W., 15 Robertson st Dowie William, engineer, 4 Carwood st Dowie Mrs E. T., 15 Robertson st DOWLING James, watchman, 85 Belville st DOWN Charles, labourer, 32 Arthur st DOWNES Hugh, engineer, 17 Lyle st DOWNIE Francis, engineer, 3 East Crawford st Downie James, clerk, 68 Kelly st Downie James, fitter, 31 East Crawford st Downie John, blacksmith, 70 Wellington st Downie John, joiner, 32 East Hamilton st Downie Peter, engineer, 6 Chapel st Downie Richard, painter, 105 Belville st Downie Robert, brassfinisher, 45 Trafalgar st Downie William, irondresser, 17 John st Downie Wm., janitor, Greenock Academy, 25 Newton st Downie Miss M. M., 51 Brougham st Downie Miss, dressmaker, 68 Kelly st DOWNING Mrs William, wine and spirit merchant, 29 Cathcart st and 2 Mansionhouse lane. Ho. 1 Watt place DOYLE Patrick, irondresser, 72 Ann st

DRAKE J. V. & Co., sugar merchants, 27 Cathcart st DRUMMOND Alexander, engineer, 28 East Hamilton st Drummond Alexander, hairdresser, 18 Cathcart st Drummond Daniel, deputy harbour-master, 3 Antigua st Drummond Daniel, grocer* 8 South st 62 DIRECTORY.

Drummond John, cooper, stave and hoop merchant, 52 Rue-end st. Ho. 27 Mearns st Drummond Neil, cooper, 1 Holmscroft st Drummond Robert, bottler, 48 Crawfurd st Drummond Robert, carpenter, 14 West Blackhall st Drummond Robert, engine-driver, 1 1 Brougham st Drummond William, labourer, 19 Bearhope st Drummond Miss E., 50 Brougham st DRYDEN Robert, teacher, Greenock Academy. Ho. 27 Union st DRYSDALE George, blacksmith, 29 Belville st Drysdale John, watchman, 1 Mill st Drysdale Robert, compositor, 7 Mount pleasant st Drysdale Thomas, millwright, 5 Dempster st Drysdale Thomas, wine and spirit merchant, 3 Crescent st. Ho. 3 Carnock st DUCKWORTH Joseph, woolsorter, 112 Drumfrochar road DUFF Daniel, blockmaker, 57 Dalrymple st. Ho. 3 Brougham st Duff James & Sons, brassfounders, coppersmiths, gasfitters, and bellhangers, 47 Rue-end st Duff James B. (of Barr & Co.), 23 Esplanade Duff John, carpenter, 39 Ann st Duff John, flesher, 30 East Hamilton st. Ho. 18 East Crawford st Duff Robert, blacksmith, 5 Hope st Duff William, flesher, 84 Belville st. Ho. South Hillend Farm Duff William, plumber, 13 Lauriston st Duff Miss, grocer, 89 East Hamilton st Duff Miss, 28 Brisbane st DUFFNER John, watchmaker, 1 1 Ann st DUFFY Mrs Jane, 10 Stanners st DUGUID John, sawmaker, Ardgowan st, Port-Glasgow. Ho. 3 Octavia st, Port-Glasgow DUNBAR James, boot and shoe maker, 29 Sugarhouse lane Dunbar John, sugarhouse labourer, 19 Cathcart st Dunbar Robert, blacksmith, 15 Cartsburn st Dunbar Miss, 33 Ardgowan st, west DUNCAN Alexander, 21 Lyle st Duncan Rev. Alexander, minister of Mount Pleasant U.P. Church, 2 Robertson st DIRECTORY. 63

Duncan Alexander, coach painter, 9 Mount Pleasant st Duncan Allan, skinner, 3 East Crawford st Duncan Andrew, brassfinisher, 15 Lyle st Duncan Archibald, shipmaster, 9 Murdieston st Duncan Archibald, shipwright, 14 Hope st Duncan A. (of Duncan & Sharp), 37 Princes st, Port-Glasgow Duncan & Co., sack and bag merchants, Stanners st Duncan Colin, blacksmith, 6 Hope st Duncan Daniel, joiner, 14 Lyle st Duncan David, manager, Bodega Co., 21 Shaw st, and 24 Arcade. Ho. 17 Dempster st Duncan Henry, rivetter, 8 Mount Pleasant st Duncan James, rafter, 27 Vennel Duncan James, tailor's cutter, 14 Murdieston st Duncan John, general ironmonger, 19 Cathcart st. Ho. 32 Mount Pleasant st Duncan John, lathsplitter, 10 South st Duncan John, rafter, 32 Tobago st Duncan Matthew, contractor and dairyman, 2 Brachelston st Duncan Samuel, chemist and druggist, and branch Post Office, 19 West Blackhall st. Ho. Bute villa, 16 Finnart st Duncan & Sharp, brassfounders, plumbers, and gasfitters, Ladyburn Duncan Thomas, fruit merchant and florist, 8 Grey place. Ho. 2 Brachelston st

Duncan Thomas, painter and decorator, 30 Market st. Ho. 28 Bruce st Duncan William, rivetter, 5 Lauriston st Duncan William, salesman, 6 Carwood st Duncan William, shipmaster, 45 Brisbane st Duncan Miss, 16 Cathcart st Duncan Mrs James, 16 Mearns st Duncan Mrs John, 37 Roxburgh st

Duncan Mrs J., 5 West Blackhall st Duncan Mrs Robert, 12 South st Duncan Mrs, 13 Crescent st DUNLOP Allan, 67 Nicolson st

Dunlop David J. & Co., engineers and shipbuilders, Inch Works, Port-Glasgow road

Dunlop David J. (of David J. Dunlop & Co.), 198 Bath st Glasgow Dunlop George, jun., wine and spirit merchant, 10 East breast 64 DIRECTORY.

Dunlop James, boilermaker, 3 Belville st Dunlop M. F. (of M. F. Dunlop & Murray), Glenview, 95 Newton st Dunlop M. F. & Murray, writers and notaries public, 2 Church place Dunlop Robert, labourer, 6 Carwood st Dunlop Thomas, labourer, 36 St. Lawrence st Dunlop Miss, lodgings, 3 Brougham st

Dunlop Mrs J., 27 Ardgowan st, west Dunlop Mrs, 71 Ann st DUNN A. C, engineer, 95 Belville st Dunn John, boilermaker, 16 Hope st Dunn Peter, patternmaker, 48 St. Lawrence st Dunn Miss, teacher, 6 Ardgowan st, west Dunn Mrs Andrew, 13 Nelson st, west Dunn Mrs Archibald, 35 West Burn st DUNNAN Samuel, carpenter, 26 East Crawford st DUNNING John, carpenter, 18 St. Lawrence st DUNSMORE Thomas, iron driller, 2 Macdougall st Dunsmore William, sawyer, 29 Crescent st DUNWOODIE Mrs, dressmaker, 13 Carwood st DURKIN Henry R., forwarding agent, 27 Cathcart st. Ho. 19 Brisbane st DURSLEY James, spirit merchant, 41 Main st. Ho. do. DUTHIE James, cooper, 14 Robertson st Duthie James, 62 Regent st Duthie R. G., hairdresser, 12 Laird st. Ho. 8 Brisbane st. DYER Mrs John, 4 Kilblain st

EADIE Andrew, brakesman, 22 Pottery st Eadie David, railway guard, 6 Murdieston st Eadie Forbes, lieutenant of police, Police Chambers. Ho. 32 Ann st Eadie Robert, foreman, 2 Garvald st EADS Angus, gilder, 18 St. Lawrence st

EAGAR J. B. (Inland Revenue), 36 South st EAGLE Foundry, 28 Baker st EAGLESHAM James, blacksmith, 12 Murdieston st EAGLESOME Hugh, engineer, 36 South st DIRECTORY. 65

EARLE Alexander, grocer, 17 Cathcart st. Ho. 49 Trafalgar st EARL Robert, labourer, 79 Dempster st EAST-End Co-operative Society, Limited, grocers, bakers, and drapers, 18 East Crawford st. Branches—46 East Hamilton st and 105 Port-Glasgow road. East-End Medical Hall, 63 Rue-end st East Parish Church, 7 Regent st EASTERN Hall, 13 John st EASTMAN'S (Limited), family butchers, 17 Hamilton st EASTON Daniel, hairdresser and perfumer, 4 Argyle st. Ho. 4 Nelson st, west Easton David, pansman, 28 Wellington st Easton Peter, brassflnisher, 1 Crescent st Easton Robert (of M'Cammond, Easton & Co.), 14 South st Easton Robert F., clerk, 66 Wellington st Easton Mrs, 69 Regent st EDELSTEN Richard, tobacconist, commission agent, and branch Post Office, 29 Brougham st. Ho. Glendevon cottage, 8 Glen st EDGAR Charles Campbell, missionary of Free West Church. Ho. 17 Brisbane st Edgar David, baker, 6 Mount Pleasant st Edgar George, painter and decorator, 94 Roxburgh st. Ho. 78 Holmscroft st Edgar James, messenger, Post Office. Ho. 93 Roxburgh st Edgar John, bootmaker, 32 East Shaw st. Ho. 71 Welling- ton st Edgar William, labourer, 41 Holmscroft st Edgar William, leather merchant, 3 William st. Ho. 66 Kelly st EDINBURGH & Glasgow Crated Bread Co., Limited, Restaurateurs, Municipal buildings — E. T. Moore, manager. Ho. 2 Whitehill gardens, Dennistoun, Glasgow EDINGTON Adam B., painter, 32 Nelson st, west EDMISTON Allan, clerk, 13 Mearns st Edmiston George, scale, beam, and weighing machine maker, 4 Dalrymple st Edmiston William, nailmaker, 5 Arthur st EDWARDS James, engineer, 31 Nelson st, west Edwards John, boilermaker, 62 Drumfrochar road Edwards Simon, sugar boiler, 4 South st 5 66 DIRECTORY.

Edwards William, boltmaker, 9 Argyle st Edwards Mrs Elizabeth, 7 Grey place. EGAN Michael, pawnbroking manager, 39 Hamilton st. Ho. 16 Crescent st EGELSON James, timekeeper, 60 Main st EILERT Frederick, hairdresser, 14 Cathcart st. Ho. 22 Trafalgar st ELDER John, timekeeper, 80 Belville st ELFORD George, cabinetmaker, 36 St. Lawrence st ELLIOT Charles, grocer, 26 East Crawford st. Ho. 14 Bruce st Elliot Henry, carpenter, 32 East Hamilton st Elliot James, shoemaker, 5 Grey place Elliot Samuel, blacksmith, 85 Belville st Elliot Samuel, cooper, 24 Bruce st Elliot Thomas L., printer, West Burn square. Ho. 72 Wellington st Elliot William, labourer, 126 Drumfrochar road ELLIOTT Adam, sanitary officer, 4 Prospecthill st ELLIS James, bootmaker, 44 Brymner st. Ho. 38 do. Ellis Robert, carpenter, 1 1 Lyle st ELRICK John, hairdresser, 6 Cross-shore st ELTRINGHAM John, tugboatmaster, 25 Lyle st ELWARD Archibald, blacksmith, 58 Lynedoch st EMSLIE James, brassfinisher, 57 Belville st ENGELBERT & Co., London, oil merchants and manufac- turers, patentees and sole manufacturers of Englebert's

lubricator—Agent for Scotland, R. Edelsten ; stores, 29 Brougham st, Greenock EPISCOPAL (St. John's) Church, 10 Union st ERRIDGE Benjamin, master-at-arms, H.M.S. Superb. Ho. 12 Ardgowan st, west ERSKINE D. M. (of Greenock Feltwork Co.), Finnart grove Erskine George, slater, 12 Lauriston st. Ho. 2 Garvald st Erskine James, M.A., M.B., Surgeon to the Glas- gow Ear Institution, 241 Buchanan st. Ho. 5 Charing Cross Mansion, Glasgow, West. Erskine James, printer and stationer, 40 Shore st, Gourock. Ho. Nithsdale buildings, Gourock. Erskine James, tenter, 43 Lynedoch st DIRECTORY. 67

Evangelical Union Church, Nelson st, west EVANS John, confectioner, 17 Ann st. Ho. 26 Ann st Evans John, potter, 24 Pottery st Evans Mrs, 7 Dempster st Evans Mrs, Lome place, 54 Brougham st Evans Mrs, 97 Roxburgh st EVENING Home for Girls, 27 West Stewart st EVERETT Joseph, tugboatman, 14 Terrace road EWART James, carter, 1 Kilblain buildings Ewart Thomas, labourer, 9 Lyle st Ewart W. H., police constable, 10 Hope st EWING George T., carpenter, 38 East Hamilton st Ewing Robert & Co., merchants and commission agents, Cathcart Arcade Ewing James, joiner, 18 St. Lawrence st Ewing Samuel, lieutenant R.N., officer in command Green- ock Division of Coastguard, 63 Eldon st Ewing William, baker, 22 Ann st Ewing William, 55 Drumfrochar road Ewing Miss E. L., fruiterer, 13 Union st. Ho. 3 Kelly st Ewing Mrs James, 3 Kelly st.

FACULTY of Procurators' Library, County buildings, Nelson st west FAID John, H.M. Customs, 12 Brisbane st FAIRBAIRN James, skinner, 5 East Crawford st Fairbairn Mrs Andrew, 48 Brougham st FAIRGRIEVE Andrew & Sons, plumbers, brassfounders, tinsmiths, and gasfitters, 6 West breast Fairgrieve John B., registered plumber (of Andrew Fairgrieve & Sons), 7 Robertson st Fairgrieve Thomas, warehouseman, 17 Dempster st FAIRLIE James, joiner, 48 Lynedoch st FAIRLIE Robert P., assistant inspector of poor, 22 Kelly st Fairlie William, spirit merchant, 27 Vennel. Ho. 34 West Blackhall st FAIRMAN Edward, bank porter, Union Bank of Scotland, 2 Church place FAITH John, plater, 57 Main st 68 DIRECTORY.

FALCONER & Grieve, dressmakers, 14 Union st Falconer Joseph, engineer, 5 1 Belville st Falconer Robert, brassfinisher, 22 Arthur st Falconer William, labourer, 112 Drumfrochar road Falconer William, plumber, 12 Trafalgar st Falconer Miss, 5 Holmscroft st Falconer Mrs, 29 Regent st FARISH George, engine driver, 17 Brougham st FARMER Hugh, slater, 23 East Shaw st FARQUHAR Charles (at A. & W. Patterson's). Ho. 8 Brisbane st

Farquhar John M'K., chemist, 10 West Blackhall st. Ho. 35 Kelly st Farquhar Mrs William, 34 Brisbane st FARQUHARSON William, engineer, 95 Belville st

Farquharson Mrs Alexander, grocer, 80 Belville st. Ho. 1 7 do, Farquharson Mrs, 30 Wellington st FARRELL James, grocer, 52 East Hamilton st. Ho. do. Farrell Patrick, engineman, Overton Farrell Robert, grocer, 15 Main st. Ho. do. FARWELL Mrs W. Fillans, artist, 8 Kelly st FAY Arthur, 20 Lyle st FELTON John, 35 Finnart st FENTON David, pilot master, Princes Pier. Ho. Maryville,. Victoria road, Gourock FERGUS & Sons, photo artists, 36 West Blackhall st. Ho. Rosebank, Dunoon FERGUSON Alexander, engineer, 20 Antigua st

Ferguson Alexander Bell, solicitor, 15 7 a Hope st, Glasgow. Ho. Cowdenknowes cottages Ferguson Alexander, 53 Union st Ferguson Archibald, wood-turner, 1 Duncan st Ferguson Archibald D. (of Glen & Ferguson), 53 Union st Ferguson Charles, grocer, 40 Brymner st. Ho. 21 Union st Ferguson Colin, carpenter, 1 St. Andrew st Ferguson & Co., sailmakers, Roslin st, Glebe. Ho. 53, Union st Ferguson Daniel, merchant, 23 Ardgowan st, west Ferguson Donald, boatman, 36 St. Lawrence st Ferguson Donald, clerk, 29 Trafalgar st Ferguson Donald, gas inspector, 7 Murdieston st Ferguson Donald, salesman, 87 Wellington st DIRECTORY. 69

Ferguson Edward, engineer, 17 Newton st Ferguson Frederick, painter, 47 Roxburgh st Ferguson George, confectioner, 31 Cathcart st. Ho. 34 West Blackhall st Ferguson George, secretary, Amalgamated Engineers' Hall, 10 William st. Ho. 3 Mearns st Ferguson Henry, painter, 8 Carwood st Ferguson James, blacksmith, 91 Port-Glasgow road Ferguson James, coppersmith, 49 Trafalgar st Ferguson James, dyer, 26 East Crawford st Ferguson James, labourer, 80 Dempster st Ferguson John, chemist and druggist, Cockburn's Drug store. Ho. 27 Nelson st, west Ferguson John, clerk, 10 South st Ferguson John, cooper, 62 Ann st Ferguson John, engineer, 64 Drumfrochar road Ferguson John, joiner, 47 Trafalgar st Ferguson John, wood moulder, 54 St. Lawrence st Ferguson John Anderson, R.N., governor, Sir Gabriel Wood's Mariners' Asylum Ferguson Malcolm, boatman, 2 Garvald st Ferguson Moses, stevedore, 41 West Blackhall st Ferguson Peter, labourer, 31 East Crawford st Ferguson Robert, bolt screwer, 3 Customhouse place Ferguson Robert, carpenter, 103 Belville st Ferguson, Robert, feuar, Cowdenknowes cottages, 79 Wellington st Ferguson Samuel, labourer, 13 Brymner st Ferguson Thomas, boilermaker, 16 Serpentine walk Ferguson Thomas, caulker, 2 Holmscroft st Ferguson Thomas, policeman, 6 Lyle st Ferguson William, brassfinisher, 27 Trafalgar st Ferguson William, butcher, 9 Newton st. Ho. 6 Lyle st Ferguson William, ironmonger, tinsmith, and gasfitter, 14 West Burn st and 2 Inverkip st. Ho. 13 Nelson st, west Ferguson William, shipmaster, 30 Ardgowan st, west Ferguson Jane and Henrietta, grocers, 62 Ann st. Ho. 20 Antigua st Ferguson Miss Jane, greengrocer, 73 Roxburgh st Ferguson Miss M., confectioner, 35 West Blackhall st. Ho. 34 West Blackhall st 70 DIRECTORY.

Ferguson Mrs D., cowfeeder, 4 Holmscroft st Ferguson Mrs Hugh, grocer, 5 William st. Ho. 6 Ardgowan st, west Ferguson Mrs Janet, 18 Wellington st Ferguson Mrs John, 24 St. Lawrence st Ferguson Mrs John, 26 Trafalgar st Ferguson Mrs John, 26 Wellington st Ferguson Mrs Mary, 20 South st Ferguson Mrs, dressmaker, 10 Antigua st Ferguson Mrs, furnishings, 44 Inverkip st Ferguson Mrs, greengrocer, 52 Holmscroft st Ferguson Mrs, 53 Holmscroft st FERNIE William T., provision merchant, 23 Charles stand 60 Shore st, Gourock. Ho. 40 Shore st, Gourock Fernie Mrs George, feuar, 7 Bearhope st FERNLEY John, foreman, 10 Wellington st FERNS Charles, engineer, 1 East William st Ferns James, blacksmith, 15 Belville st Ferns Mrs Thomas, furnishings, 4 Inverkip st FERRIE Patrick, engineer, 41 Lynedoch st FERRIER Alexander, mason, 34 Mount Pleasant st FETTES James, ropespinner, 60 Ann st FIELDING Alexander, sen., carpenter, 40 St. Lawrence st Fielding Alexander, jun., carpenter, 40 St. Lawrence st FILSHIE George, dairyman, Kilnford dairy, 15 Roxburgh st FILSHILL James, boilermaker, 34 East Crawford st Filshill Stewart, boilermaker, 95 Belville st FINDLAY Dugald, carpenter, 1 Kilblain st Findlay John, blacksmith, 1 West Stewart st Findlay John, furnishing ironmonger, smith, and gasfitter, 39 Cathcart st and 10 Terrace road. Ho 49 Newton st FINGLAND Edward D., M.A., colleague minister of St. Andrew's Free Church, 20 Union st FINLAY A. Campbell (of Campbell Finlay & Co.), 12 Bogle st. Ho. 62 Esplanade Finlay A. H., wholesale wine and spirit merchant, 9 Shaw st and branches Finlay Campbell & Co., warehouse-keepers and shipowners, 12 Bogle st Finlay Duncan, mason, 3 Ingleston st Finlay Hugh, baker, 14 Mearns st Finlay John, labourer, 9 Dempster st 1


Finlay John P., insurance agent, 61 Eldon st Finlay Thomas, engineer, 28 East Hamilton st Finlay Thomas P., 61 Eldon st Finlay Mrs A. H., 56 Esplanade Finlay Mrs Robert, 61 Eldon st Finlay Mrs William, 4 Nelson st, Glebe FINLAYSON John, labourer, 55 Drumfrochar road FINN John, labourer, 41 Holmscroft st FINNIE Colin, joiner, 24 Bank st Finnie Daniel, painter, 5 Kilblain st FIRTH John, woolsorter, 55 Drumfrochar road FISCHER H. O., ship chandler, 29 Trafalgar st FISHER & Co., tanners, skinners, and wool merchants, Ladyburn Fisher Daniel, engine-driver, 3 Macdougall st Fisher James C. & Co., tailors, clothiers, outfitters, hatters, and hosiers, 12 Cathcart st

Fisher John, boot and shoe warehouse, 96 Roxburgh st. Ho. 15 do. Fisher John, joiner, 30 Roxburgh st Fisher John C., agent for Glasgow "Daily" and "Weekly Herald," and " Evening Times," 29 Cathcart st. Ho. 24 South st Fisher, Peter, manufacturer of composition for steam boilers, pipes, &c, &c, 42 Lynedoch st Fisher Peter B., shipmaster, 53 Brisbane st Fisher R. E, (of Fisher & Co.), 40 Forsyth st Fisher Thomas, dispensing chemist, 97 Roxburgh st. Ho. 10 Ardgowan st, west

Fisher Walter (at J. & R. Houston's), 20 South st Fisher William, clerk, 29 Dempster st Fisher W. Bowman, dental surgeon, 27 West Burn st. Ho. 26 Brisbane st. (See Advt.) Fisher Mrs Thomas, 20 South st Fisher Mrs, 40 Nicolson st FITZGERALD Michael, gunner, R.N., 27 Trafalgar st FITZPATRICK Patrick, causewayer, 26 Tobago st FLANAGAN John, engineer, 1 1 Belville st Flanagan Robert, paper maker, Overton FLANNIGAN John, engine-keeper, 16 Chapel st FLEMING Alex. M. (of Fleming, Reid & Co.), 65 Esplanade Fleming Alexander, jun., 77 Newton st 72 DIRECTORY.

Fleming Edward, plumber, 68 Inverkip st Fleming Francis, labourer, 13 Ingleston st Fleming George, carpenter, 39 Holmscroft st Fleming George, paper maker, 13 Murdieston st Fleming Henry, flesher, 27 Charles st. Ho. 85 Belville st Fleming Humphrey, engineer, 19 Ingleston st Fleming James, general warehouseman, 14 Cathcart st and 13 West Blackhall st. Ho. 37 Bank st Fleming James, labourer, 13 Lauriston st Fleming James (of Fleming, Reid & Co.), Hazelwood, 39 Eldon st Fleming James, 28 Bank st Fleming John, commercial lodgings, 49 Rue-end st Fleming John, rivetter, 83 Belville st Fleming John, salesman, 16 Wellington st Fleming John, shipmaster, 18 Bentinck st Fleming John R. (of Laurie & Fleming), 6 Kelly st Fleming Matthew, commercial traveller and insurance agent, 13 Murdieston st Fleming Matthew, engineer, 27 Trafalgar st Fleming, Reid & Co., merchants, worsted spinners, and hosiery manufacturers, Shaws Water Worsted Mills, Drumfrochar road Fleming Robert, coppersmith, 2 Holmscroft st Fleming Robert, 22 Robertson st Fleming Mrs A., keeper of waiting rooms, Princes Pier. Ho. 3 Grey place Fleming Mrs Daniel, 28 Trafalgar st

Fleming Mrs Matthew, 14 Ardgowan st, west Fleming Miss, lodgings, 16 Cathcart st FLETCHER A., assurance agent, 25 Newton st Fletcher Alexander, salesman, 53 Regent st Fletcher & Co., provision dealers, 1 Campsie terrace Fletcher Dugald, porter, 66 Wellington st Fletcher Malcolm, baker, 24 West Stewart st Fletcher Miles, boilermaker, 27 Lynedoch st Fletcher Mrs Peter, 36 Crescent st FLETT Alfred, grocer, 31 Vennel. Ho. 25 Nelson st, west FLOCKHART Mrs Isabella, 71 Nicolson st Flockhart Mrs John, bookseller and stationer, 8 West Blackhall st. Ho. 69 Nicolson st Flockhart Mrs John, 27 Patrick st DIRECTORY. 73

FLOOD John, boilermaker, 7 Newton st Flood Luke, plasterer, 56 Holmscroft st. Ho. 113 Dempster st FOOTE James, patternmaker, 15 Lauriston st FORBES Hugh, engineer, 59 Rue-end st Forbes James, sugar boiler, 75 Holmscroft st Forbes John, commercial traveller, 17 Newton st Forbes John, labourer, 64 Wellington st Forbes John, musicseller, 15 West Blackhall st. Ho. 5 Robertson st Forbes Mrs Wm., grocer, 21 Ingleston st FORD Charles, seaman, 27 Vennel Ford Joseph, labourer, 18 Nicolson st Ford Miss, 72 Wellington st FORD IE Thomas, upholsterer, 16 Wellington st FORDYCE Lewis, gas meter inspector, 33 Crawfurd st. Ho. 12 Murdieston st FOREMAN Robert, boilermaker, 3 East Crawford st FORREST John, cycle factor, 26 Crawfurd st. Ho. 23 Ardgowan st, west FORRESTER James, carpenter, 65 Rue-end st Forrester James (of Post-Office), 1 Holmscroft st Forrester William, boilermaker, 29 Ingleston st Forrester William, engineer, 50 Holmscroft st Forrester William, machinist, 19 Bearhope st FORSTER John, shipmaster, 9 Kelly st FORSYTH Alexander, joiner, 95 Dempster st Forsyth James, 65 Nicolson st Forsyth John, gateman, 66 Drumfrochar road FORTUNE Alexander P., salesman and traveller, 71 Nicolson st Fortune David, saddler, 1 1 Prospecthill st. Ho. 9 do. FORWELL Mrs W., 157 Eldon st FOSTER Charles, steward, 41 Crawfurd st Foster Edward, engineer, 1 Campsie terrace Foster Edward B., carpenter, 3 Hope st Foster Henry H., salesman, 47 Roxburgh st

Foster Robert J., coachbuilder, 106 Dempster st Foster Robert P., boatbuilder, 32 Main st. Ho. 99 Belville st Foster Miss Jane, milliner, 2 1 Cathcart st. Ho. 99 Belville st Foster Miss, lodgings, 50 Brougham st 74 DIRECTORY.

FOULDS James, brassfinisher, 3 St. Andrew st Foulds Matthew, bookseller and news agent, 30 Cathcart st. Ho. 6 Antigua st Foulds Matthew, brassfounder and gasfitter, 2 East India breast. Ho. 6 Antigua st Foulds Matthew, checker, 13 Carwood st Foulds Mrs Agnes, spirit broker, 29 Main st FOULIS Hay, moulder, 9 Crescent st FOWLER William, joiner, 25 Lynedoch st Fowler William, labourer, 30 West Blackhall st Fowler Miss, Dhufield, Gourock road FOWLING Charles R. H., surveyor to Lloyd's Register, 13 Hamilton st. Ho. 19 Ardgowan st, west FOX Francis, restaurant, 36 West Blackhall st. Ho. do. Fox John, M.D., physician and surgeon. Consulting rooms, 3 Argyle st. Ho. 13 Ardgowan square FRAME James (of James Auld & Frame), 2 Bentinck st FRANCIS Hugh, carter, 6 Mearns st FRASER Alexander, moulder, n Hill st

Fraser Andrew, moulder, 1 1 Lauriston st Fraser David, engineer, 4 Mearns st Fraser David (of Holm & Fraser), Barr's brae, Port-Glasgow Fraser Donald, labourer, 2 Belville st Fraser Donald, rivetter, 42 St. Lawrence st Fraser Duncan, bagpipe maker, 31 Hamilton st Fraser Gregor, labourer, 9 Crescent st Fraser Hugh, fireman, 86 Belville st Fraser James, joiner, 22 West Stewart st Fraser James, late tidewaiter, 73 Nicolson st Fraser John, blacksmith, 84 Roxburgh st Fraser John, church officer, 22 West Stewart st Fraser John, ropespinner, 1 Mill st Fraser William, blacksmith, 81 Wellington st Fraser William, engineer, 7 Belville st Fraser Miss Jessie, artist and teacher, 12 Margaret st Fraser Miss, 9 Mount Pleasant st Fraser Mrs George, 7 Hope st Fraser Mrs John, 1 2 Lynedoch st Fraser Mrs, 14 West Blackhall st Fraser Mrs, Yew cottage, 6 Glen st FREEDMAN A., tailor, 15 Cathcart st. Ho. 21 Lyle st FRENCH Andrew, railway foreman, 23 Dempster st DIRECTORY. 75

FREW Robert, engineer, 15 Mount Pleasant st Frew William, yardsman, 52 West Blackhall st FRIEL James, coachman, 48 Cathcart st FRIENDLY Society's Hall, 17 Charles st FRONDIGOUN Edward, bootmaker, 10 Hope st FRY David, greengrocer, 9 Brisbane st. Ho. 9 Carwood st Fry Robert, fish merchant, 87 Belville st Fry William, fish merchant, 15 Lauriston st FULLARTON Hugh, Glencairn, 103 Finnart st Fullarton Rev. Archibald, minister of Cartsburn Church. Ho. Clinton villa, 1 1 Caddlehill terrace Fullarton Samuel, labourer, 114 Drumfrochar road Fullarton William, ironmoulder, 5 Holmscroft st FULTON & Co., mercantile stationers, 3 Grey place. Ho. 23 Brisbane st Fulton James (of P. MacCallum & Sons), 37 Finnart st Fulton James, 53 Brougham st Fulton James B., hat, cap, and hosiery warehouse, 34 Hamilton st. Ho. 38 South st Fulton John ot Crawford & Fulton), 25 Bank st Fulton Malcolm, boilermaker, 72 Wellington st Fulton Robert, fitter, 124 Drumfrochar road Fulton Thomas, engineer, 4 Garvald st Fulton William, engineer, 82 Belville st Fulton Miss, 21 Lynedoch st Fulton Mrs Alexander, 43 Lynedoch st Fulton Mrs Margaret, 5 Caddlehill st FUREY James, grocer, 26 Market st FYFE George, gardener, 53 Eldon st Fyfe James, engineer, 7 Lauriston st

Fyfe John P. (of Fyfe & Murray), J. P. Clerk for Renfrew- shire and Auditor to Faculty of Procurators, 60 Esplanade Fyfe Joseph, seaman, 45 Shaw st Fyfe & Murray, writers and notaries public, 4 Argyle st Fyfe Robert, late of H.M. Customs, 1 Hope st Fyfe Mrs, 26 Patrick st

GAELIC Free Church, 14 Jamaica st Gaelic Parish Church, 32 West Burn st 76 DIRECTORY.

GAHAGAN Michael, rivetter, 53 Main st Gahagan Owen, caulker, 25 John st GALBRAITH Archibald, engineer, 32 St. Lawrence st Galbraith Archibald, labourer, 9 East Blackhall st Galbraith Archibald, sawyer, 76 Dempster st Galbraith George, salesman, 30 Kelly st Galbraith John, insurance agent, 24 Patrick st Galbraith John, tanner, 61 Belville st Galbraith Lachlan, cooper, 32 West Stewart st Galbraith Malcolm, tugboatman, 28 Trafalgar st Galbraith Neil, caulker, 23 Ingleston st Galbraith Robert, bricklayer, 19 Bruce st Galbraith William, baker, 23 West Stewart st Galbraith Miss Margaret, dressmaker, 40 Nicolson st Galbraith Mrs Duncan, 30 Brymner st Galbraith Mrs, 40 Nicolson st GALBREATH John & Son, sugar samplers, 8 West Quay lane Galbreath John, jun., baker, 41 West Blackhall st. Ho. 5 Kelly st Galbreath John, jun. (of John Galbreath & Son), 77 Finnart st Galbreath John (of John Galbreath & Son), 2 Eldon st Galbreath Murdoch, clerk, Shipbank, 7 Lyle st GALE John, labourer, 35 West Shaw st GALL Mrs R., 24 South st GALLACHER Edward, confectioner, 4 Dalrymple st Gallacher James, coal merchant, 5 Nile st Gallacher James, saleroom, 33 Market st Gallacher John, agent, Prudential Assurance Co., 20 Lyle st Gallacher John, coal dealer, 1 Bearhope st Gallacher John, labourer, 27 Vennel Gallacher John, labourer, 66 Wellington st Gallacher John, rivetter, 23 Sir Michael st T Gallacher W illiam, butter and egg merchant, 5 Market st Gallacher William, labourer, 59 Belville st Gallacher William, rivetter, 21 Bearhope st Gallacher Mrs B., wine and spirit dealer, 15 Clarence st. Ho. 5 Grey place Gallacher Mrs William, wine and spirit merchant, 2 Buc- cleuch st. Ho. 73 Nicolson st Gallacher Mrs, broker, 42 Roxburgh st DIRECTORY. 7 7

GALLOWAY Alexander, carpenter, 28 East Hamilton st Galloway Allan, M.D., M.B., M.C., physician and surgeon. Consulting rooms, 32 Hamilton st. Ho. 4 Lyle st Galloway David, tobacconist, 35 Ann st. Ho. 7 Union st Galloway James, engineer, 18 Antigua st Galloway Robert, gardener, 64 Kelly st GALT David, brassmoulder, 16 Hope st Gait Robert, pawnbroker and outfitter, 51 Main st and 33 Charles st. Ho. 27 Regent st GAMBLE William John, labourer, 14 Ann st GARDINER James & Co., shipowners and shipbrokers, 2 West Quay Gardiner Mrs Archibald, basket, brush, and toy warehouse, 16 West Blackhall st. Ho. 3 Argyle st GARDNER John, cooper, 99 Dempster st Gardner Robert, builder, 13 Murdieston st Gardner Robert, slater, 16 Bruce st GARROD Mrs, 41 West Blackhall st GARVAN William, policeman, ^ Holmscroft st GARVIE John, architect, 33 Royal st, Gourock GATEY John, caulker, 4 Garvald st GATHERER Peter, seed, grain, general merchant and wool agent, 21 and 23 Crawfurd st. Ho. Roseneath House, 97 Eldon st GAULDIE Mrs R. L., 26 Newton st GAY Walter, agent for sewing machines, 77 Roxburgh st. Ho. 75 Holmscroft st GAZE William, grocer, 14 Lynedoch st. Ho. 31 Regent st GEBBIE Thomas, warper, 61 Ann st Gebbie William, skinner, 2 Carwood st Gebbie W. W. & Co., opticians and nautical instrument makers, 28 Cathcart st Gebbie William W. (of W. W. Gebbie & Co.), 52 Kelly st

GEMMELL E. J., 4 Robertson st Gemmell James, labourer, 64 Ann st GEMMIL Andrew, blockmaker, 2 Mackenzie st GENERAL Steam Navigation Co., Customhouse Quay. A. M'Killop, agent GEORGE Square Baptist Church

George William J., carter, 40 Ann st George Mrs, 3 Lauriston st GERDES August A., sugarboiler, 23 Nelson st, west 78 DIRECTORY.

GERRARD James, spirit merchant, 36 Inverkip st. Ho. 87 Wellington st Gerrard John, labourer, 4 Holmscroft st GETTY Robert, sugarboiler, 19 Wellington st Getty Samuel, salesman, 17 Ingleston st GIACOPAZZI John, confectioner and ice cream merchant, 7 Newton st GIBB Alex., manager to A. & G. Taylor, photographers, n Manor Crescent, Gourock Gibb David, joiner, 56 Kelly st Gibb John (of Greenock Mineral Water Co.), 45 Lynedoch st Gibb Walter, mason, 68 Wellington st Gibb William, coppersmith, 45 Lynedoch st Gibb Misses, seminary for young ladies, Eldon villa, 67 Eldon st Gibb Mrs, 32 Kelly st Gibb Mrs. 24 Patrick st GIBBS Miss Ann, 17 Nelson st, west GIBSON, Angus, engineer, 101 Belville st Gibson David, boilermaker, 5 Lynedoch st Gibson David, engineer, 14 Regent st Gibson Duncan, carpenter, 30 St. Lawrence st Gibson George & Co. (of Leith), 2 West Quay Gibson Henry, postman, 30 Ann st Gibson John, mason, 23 Roxburgh st Gibson John, tenter, 14 Murdieston st Gibson Walter & Co., lathsplitters, 8 South st Gibson Walter (of Walter Gibson & Co.), 8 South st Gibson William, shipbroker, 12 Patrick st GILCHRIST John, tailor and clothier, 37 Hamilton st. Ho. 15 Newton st Gilchrist John, tailor, 34 Mount Pleasant st Gilchrist John, Gourock toll-house Gilchrist Neil, joiner, 1 1 Regent st Gilchrist Peter, plasterer, 6 Mount Pleasant st Gilchrist Thomas, joiner, 15 Mount Pleasant st Gilchrist William, draper and outfitter, 8 and 12 William st Ho. 22 Finnart st Gilchrist Misses, K. & M., ladies' and children's furnishing warehouse, 25 West Blackhall st. Ho. 9 Ardgowan st, w Gilchrist Miss, restaurant, railway station, Cathcart st. Ho. 49 Newton st DIRECTORY. 79

Gilchrist Mrs, 9 Ardgowan st, west GILKISON Mrs Walter P., 23 Ardgowan st, west GILLAN James, tailor, 70 Ann st Gillan John, labourer, 37 Dempster st GILLANDER Robert, mate, 45 Holmscroft st Gillander Mrs, ladies' nurse, 24 Bruce st GILLANDERS William, mashman, 1 1 Inverkip st GILLESPIE Alexander, storekeeper, 52 Holmscroft st Gillespie James, boilermaker, 59 Ann st Gillespie Mrs James, cookery, 12 Kilblain st. Ho. 23 West Blackhall st GILLIES Alexander, porter, 12 Terrace road Gillies Hector, porter, 21 Lynedoch st Gillies James W., professor of music, 12 Union st Gillies John, carpenter, 37 Crawfurd st Gillies John, messenger-at-arms, sheriff-officer for Renfrew- shire, Ayrshire, and Buteshire, and J.P. constable, 25 West Burn st. Ho. Ford cottage, 1 Finnart st Gillies John, salesman, 65 Nicolson st Gillies John, seaman, 8 Nicolson st Gillies John B., spirit merchant, 61 Roxburgh st. Ho. 28 Newton st Gillies Malcolm, sawyer, 3 Bruce st Gillies Neil, slater and cement worker, 26 Roxburgh st. Ho. 5 Bruce st Gillies & Reid, shipbrokers, 4 Brymner st. Craig, Scott & Co., agents Gillies Robert, insurance agent, 22 John st Gillies Robert, vanman, 1 Ratho st Gillies William, wine and spirit merchant, Eagle Tavern, 41 Rue-end st. Ho. 21 Lyle st Gillies Miss, dressmaker, 56 Kelly st Gillies Miss, 5 West Blackhall st Gillies Mrs John, 16 South st

Gillies Mrs J. W., teacher of dancing and calisthenics, 12 Union st Gillies Mrs, greengrocer, 16 Tobago st Gillies Mrs, 25 Dempster st Gillies Mrs, 19 Kelly st GILLILAN Samuel, labourer, 18 Inverkip st GILLILAND William, spirit dealer, 45 Inverkip st. Ho. 3 Orangefield place 8o DIRECTORY.

GILLIS William, fishery officer, 5 Bank st. Ho. 15 New- ton st GILLORAN James L. (of John A. Macfarlane & Co.), 33 Kelly st GILMORE A. & Son, fishmongers, poulterers, and game dealers, 21 West Blackhall st GILMOUR Archibald, carpenter, 23 Hamilton st Gilmour Hugh, tailor, 14 West Blackhall st Gilmour James, carpenter, 7 Ratho st Gilmour James, carpenter, 30 Roxburgh st Gilmour James, draughtsman, 97 Belville st Gilmour James, joiner, 45 Holmscroft st Gilmour James, joiner, 7 Hope st Gilmour James, joiner, 1 1 Murdieston st Gilmour Robert, civil engineer, 6 Lyle st Gilmour Thomas, carpenter, 3 Regent st GILROY William, brassfinisher, 65 Rue-end st GIRDWOOD James, bootmaker, 10 Hill st GIRVAN Mrs William, 3 George square GIVAN Mrs, 28 East Shaw st GIVEN Hugh A., joiner, 5 Hill st Given William, carter, 15 Brougham st Given William, joiner, 76 Dempster st Given Miss, refreshment rooms, 37 West Blackhall st. Ho. do. GLASGOW and Greenock Shipping Co., steam lighter and steamtug owners, Customhousequay—Richard Blanche, manager Glasgow and Liverpool Screw Steam Shipping Co., 1 Cross- shore st —D. Macdougall, agent Glasgow and West of Scotland Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals — Local Inspector, Alex. Cruik-

shank, 83 Dempster st ; Major Tannahill, local hon. secretary and treasurer, Commercial Bank buildings Glasgow Daily and Weekly Herald and Evening Times

(newspapers). Office, 29 Cathcart st. J. C. Fisher, agent. Ho. 24 South st. Correspondent, R. M. Smith. Ho. 13 Newton st Glasgow Daily and Weekly Mail (newspapers). Greenock branch office, Municipal buildings. G. Wardle, agent, 23 Brisbane st. Correspondent, D. Loudoun, 4 Fin- nart st —1


Glasgow Evening and Weekly Citizen (newspapers). Branch office, 4 Mansionhouse lane. Neil M. Patrick, agent, and correspondent. Ho. 18 Hope st Glasgow Evening News (newspaper). Office, i Watt place Glasgow and South-Western Railway. Goods offices Brougham st and Hope st Glasgow and South-Western Railway. Passenger stations Princes Pier and Lynedoch st GLASS John, engineer, 3 Hill st Glass John, shipmaster, 25 Ardgowan st, west GLEBE Sugar Refining Company, sugar refiners. Offices, 6 Grey place GLEN James, commissioner for English and Irish Courts, and agent for the British Linen Company Bank, 13 William st. Ho. Lincluden, 19 Octavia terrace Glen John, blacksmith, 41 Roxburgh st Glen W. T. Hood, solicitor and notary public, 2 Hamilton st Glen Peter, tobacconist, 39 West Burn st Glen & Ferguson, solicitors and notaries public, 13 William st Glen Miss, feuar, 1 Caddlehill st Glen Mrs Archibald, grocer, 33 Nelson st, west Glen Mrs James, grocer, 36 West Burn st. Ho. 35 do. Glen Mrs William, lodgings, 9 Cross-shore st Glen Mrs, grocer, 17 Bruce st GLENCROSS John, plumber, 30 Kelly st. Ho. 19 do. GLENDINNING Alexander, optician and nautical instru- ment maker, 9 Trafalgar st Glendinning Alexander, jun., salesman, 9 Mount Pleasant st Glendinning Thomas, clerk, 93 Roxburgh st GLENESK Charles B., cycle agent and tobacconist, 50 East Hamilton st. Ho. 7 Lauriston st Glenesk George, storekeeper, 86 Belville st GLENIFFER Laundry, 4 Argyle st. Works— Paisley GLENNY David, labourer, 106 Drumfrochar road GLOVER Thomas, stoker, 62 Kelly st GOFF John, broker, 38 Shaw st Goff Mrs, grocer, 59 Ann st. Ho. do. GOLDIE James, joiner, 12 Nile st GOODSON R., mantle manufacturer, Victoria buildings, 2 Hamilton st GORDON Alexander, bootmaker, 22 Bearhope st Gordon Andrew, labourer, 23 Trafalgar st 6 82 DIRECTORY.

Gordon David E., patternmaker, i Moffat st Gordon David Fraser, hatter, hosier, and glover, Exchange House, 27 Cathcart st. Ho. 1 Manse lane Gordon G., flesher, 61 Vennel and 52 East Hamilton st. Ho. 2 Mackenzie st Gordon James, architectural and monumental stone carver, 6 South st Gordon James, police sergeant, 2 1 Dempster st

Gordon J. & A., nurserymen and florists, 35 to 41 Brougham st Gordon John, caulker, 57 Ann st Gordon John, flesher, 9 Main st Gordon John, H.M. Customs, 7 Murdieston st

Gordon John (of J. & A. Gordon), 41 Brougham st Gordon Peter, labourer, 9 Belville st Gordon Robert, boatbuilder, 10 West Burn st. Ho. 43 Holmscroft st Gordon Samuel, caulker, 12 St. Lawrence st Gordon Thomas, fitter, 59 Belville st Gordon William, seaman, 96 Dempster st Gordon Misses, dressmakers, 2 Robertson st Gordon Mrs James, 35 Kelly st Gordon Mrs, 16 Port-Glasgow road GORMAN James, spirit merchant, 6 Ann st. Ho. 10 Shaw place Gorman Samuel, fireman, 5 Newton st Gorman William, labourer, 10 Mill st GOSNEL Thomas, plumber, in Dempster st GOTHARD William, photographer, 37 Rue-end st. Ho. do. GOUDIE John, labourer, 63 Belville st GOURLAY Hugh, shoemaker, 5 Kilblain st Gourlay Robert, engineer, 36 Lynedoch st Gourlay Thomas, engineer, 33 Sir Michael st Gourlay Mrs, 53 Drumfrochar road GOUROCK Ropework Co., cordage and sailcloth manufac- turers, 1 Cross-shore st— R. Ward, agent GOVAN David, boilermaker, 16 Arthur st Govan Quintin, painter, 67 Nicolson st GOW Joseph, carter, 5 Newton st Gow William (of Chisholm & Co.), 29 Nelson st, west GOWANS Andrew, 2 Shaw place Gowans Mrs, 22 Arthur st DIRECTORY. 83

GOWERY John, blacksmith, 13 Crescent st GRAHAM Alexander, carter, 4 Mearns st Graham Alexander, fish merchant, 1 Inverkip st Graham Alexander, hairdresser, 30 Tobago st. Ho. 28 Bruce st

Graham David J., tailor, 5 Holmscroft st Graham David, wine and spirit merchant, 33 Shaw st. Ho. 52 Regent st Graham Dugald, contractor, 5 Dellingburn square. Ho. 5 Antigua st Graham Duncan, grocer and provision merchant, 34 Lyne- doch st Graham Edward, carpenter, 10 Murdieston st Graham George, railway guard, 85 Dempster st Graham Hugh, grocer and provision merchant, 27 Hamilton st, 73 Main st, and 43 Roxburgh st. Ho. 23 Ardgowan st, west Graham Hugh, jun., grocer, 19 South st Graham James, blacksmith, 7 Ratho st Graham James, boilermaker, 5 Hope st Graham James, dealer in photographic chemicals and appli- ances, 5 Grey place; branch, 19 Cathcart st Graham James, glass merchant, glazier, stainer, and silverer,

19 Cathcart st ; branch, 5 Grey place. Ho. 3 Finnart st. (See Advt.) Graham John, blacksmith, 5 Ratho st Graham John, cooper, 39 Lynedoch st Graham John, sailmaker, 2 Kilblain st Graham John, B.A., teacher, Collegiate School, Avenue park, 95 Brisbane st Graham Malcolm, cooper, 12 Nile st Graham Patrick, fireman, 12 Dalrymple st Graham Robert, postman, 17 Bearhope st Graham Samuel, brakesman, 25 Belville st Graham Thomas, tailor and clothier, 14 Hamilton st. Ho. 34 Ann st Graham William, builder, 115 Dempster st Graham William, labourer, 34 Ann st Graham William, rivetter, 24 Hamilton st Graham Miss, dressmaker, 37 Lynedoch st Graham Misses, cowfeeders, 7 Duncan st Graham Mrs Archibald, 3 Hope st 84 DIRECTORY.

Graham Mrs, saleshop, 17 Tobago st Graham Mrs, 71 Roxburgh st GRANA A., confectioner and restaurant, 26 West Black- hall st. Ho. do. GRANDISON James, 3 Bank st GRANT Alexander, messenger-at-arms and sheriff-officer, 25 West Burn st. Ho. 3 Holmscroft st Grant Rev. Alexander D., minister of Mount Park Free Church. Ho. Glenside, 89 Newton st Grant Donald, ironmoulder, 21 Nelson st, west Grant John & Co., clothiers, drapers, and milliners, Munici- pal buildings, Hamilton st

Grant John (of J. Grant & Co.), 42 Brisbane st Grant John, wine and spirit merchant, 29 Dalryraple st. Ho. 37 West Blackhall st Grant Lachlan, grocer, 9 Nicolson st. Ho. do. Grant Neil, butter and egg merchant, 1 Manse lane. Ho. 41 Lynedoch st Grant Patrick, architect and surveyor, 10 Kelly st Grant Thomas, porter, 46 Cathcart st Grant William, stevedore, 8 East breast Grant Mrs, ladies' nurse, 85 Dempster st GRAVES George C, brassfinisher, n Murdieston st Graves Mrs Thomas G, 76 Dempster st GRAY Archibald, boilermaker, 95 Dempster st Gray Daniel, joiner, 65 Regent st Gray David, labourer, 19 Ingleston st Gray Hugh, blockmaker, 3 Lauriston st Gray John, engineer, 10 Lyle st Gray John, grocer, 11 Ardgowan st, Glebe Gray John, joiner, 7 Hope st Gray John & Co., boot and shoe manufacturers, Maybole warehouse, 16 Hamilton st Gray Robert (of Williamson & Gray), 1 Union st Gray Robert, salesman, 18 Bearhope st Gray T. A., Maybole shoe warehouse, 67 Rue-end st and 49 Cathcart st—R. Owen, manager Gray William, fireman, 3 Lauriston st Gray William, joiner, 14 Dalrymple st Gray Miss, 22 Bank st Gray Miss Violet, 28 Forsyth st Gray Mrs Donald, 4 Hill st —


Gray Mrs John, 2 Shaw place GREEN Charles, shipmaster, 25 Lynedoch st Green James, potter, 22 Pottery st Green Matthew, grocer, 14 Market st Green Robert, labourer, 20 Serpentine walk GREENLEES John, carpenter, 38 Main st Greenlees Robert, carpenter, 31 Main st Greenlees William, blockmaker, 14 Dalrymple st Greenlees Mrs John. 16 Trafalgar st GREENOCK Academy, 18 Nelson st, west Greenock Amalgamated Friendly Societies' Medical Associa- tion, 47 Regent st Greenock Apothecaries' Company, chemists, 28 Hamilton st Greenock Apothecaries' /Erated Water Co., Limited, aerated water manufacturers, 9 Hunter place—W. W. Hyslop, manager

Greenock Bagging Co., bag and sack merchants ; factory, 26

West Stewart st ; office, 46 Cathcart st Greenock and Gourock Tramway Office, 29 Brougham st Greenock Beetroot Sugar Association, 7 Exchange buildings Secretary, William G. Harvey Greenock Branch Glasgow Evening News newspaper, 1 Watt place Greenock Branch Glasgow Herald Newspaper, 29 Cathcart st Greenock Branch North British Daily Mail, Municipal buildings Greenock (Central) Co-operative Society (Limited), grocers, bakers, butchers, drapers, and dealers in boots and

shoes, 29, 31, 33, and 35 Roxburgh st ; Branches 25 Lynedoch st, 26 Bruce st, and 65 Ann st Greenock Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures (tempor- ary premises, Commercial Bank buildings) — Wm. Hardie, C.A., secretary and treasurer, 2 Watt place Greenock Clothing Co., merchant tailors and hosiers, 50 Cathcart st Greenock Club, 21 Ardgowan square Greenock Constitutional Club, 29 Hamilton st Greenock Cricket Club, Glen park, Bedford st Greenock Distillery Co., distillers from malt only, 27 Tobago st Greenock Engineering and Navigation School, Admiralty buildings, 28 Cathcart st -


Greenock Equitable Loan Co., pawnbrokers, 24 Hamilton st—Alexander Waddell, manager Greenock Felt Work Co., manufacturers of sheathing, roofing, and boiler felts, 10 East Hamilton st Greenock Foundry Co., engineers, boilermakers, and iron- founders, Greenock foundry, East Stewart st Greenock Gas Works, Inchgreen, Port-Glasgow road. Clerk and Collector's office, Municipal buildings, Wallace

Greenock Grain and Flour Mills, 16 Chapel st Greenock Harbour Trust, Secretary and General Manager's office, Municipal buildings, Wallace square Greenock Harbour Trust, Traffic Agent's office, Municipal buildings, Wallace square Greenock Harbour Trust, Treasurer's office, Municipal buildings Greenock Herald Office, 40 Cathcart st Greenock Hospital and Infirmary, Inverkip st and Duncan st—G. Williamson secretary Greenock Industrial Co-operativeSociety (Limited). Grocery,. 5 Arthur st and 6 Inverkip st Greenock Library, Watt Monument, 9 Union st. (See Advt.)' Greenock Mechanics' Institution, 13 Sir Michael st Greenock Mineral Water Co., aerated water manufacturers, Waverley lane— J. Gibb, 45 Lynedoch st Greenock Operative Painters' Society, 6 Market st Greenock Parochial Board offices, 36 Nicolson st Greenock Photo Company, photographers, 29 West Burn st Greenock Plate Glass Insurance Co., insurers of plate and sheet glass, 19 Cathcart st. (See Advt.) Greenock Provident Bank, n William st. (See Advt.) Greenock Provident Investment Co. Building Society, 23 Cathcart st — Anderson, managing director James ; Robert Dixon, secy. Greenock Railway Guaranteed Co. Office, 33 Cathcart st— Louson Walker, secretary Greenock Ropework Co., 43 Wellington st Greenock Rubber Co., 13 Hamilton st Greenock Steamship Co. (Limited), shipowners, 1 Cross-shore st—D. Macdougall, managing director Greenock Stevedore Co. (Limited), 8 Roslin st — John. M'Kinnon, manager, 73 Nicolson st DIRECTORY. 87

Greenock Stock Exchange Association—Alexander Allan, C.A., 2 Watt place, secretary Greenock Telegraph and Clyde Shipping Gazette, 14 Charles st Greenock Total Abstinence Society. Office, Temperance Institute, 19 West Stewart st—Miss Shearer, registrar Greenock Towing Co., 8 Brymner st Greenock Traders' Association, James Paterson, secretary, 14 Hamilton st Greenock Water Trust Pipe-Yard and Workshop, Prospect- hill Greenock Wholesale Boot and Shoe Establishment, 22 Hamilton st—J. C. Brock & Co. Greenock Working Boys' and Girls' Religious Society. Committee rooms, 15 West Stewart st Greenock Young Men's Christian Association's buildings, 17 West Stewart st GREENWOOD George, flesher, 24 Roxburgh st GREER Robert, blacksmith, 28 East Hamilton st Greer Robert, mason, 5 Brachelston st Greer & Co., family bread, biscuit, and pastry bakers, and confectioners, 24 Union st Greer Mrs Jane, 16 Kelly st GREGOR James, teacher, preparatory school and evening classes, 61 Regent st GREGSON William, constable, 27 Bruce st GREIG John, engineer, 19 Trafalgar st Greig John, joiner, 90 Dempster st Greig William, engineer, 56 East Hamilton st Greig Mrs H., 23 Sir Michael st GRENFELL, Pascoe, & Sons, copper and yellow metal manufacturers, London & Swansea. Agency, 1 Cath- cart st and 54 Rue-end st GREVES Alexander, shoemaker, 40 West Burn st. Ho. do. GREY George, clerk, 13 Murdieston st GRIER Thomas, cashier, Mansionhouse, 1 Ardgowan square. Ho. 22 Brisbane st GRIERSON Donald, painter, 16 South st GRIEVE George, cashier, 26 Patrick st Grieve Henry, 4 Virginia st Grieve James, joiner, 20 Antigua st Grieve James, jun. (of Baine & Johnston), 73 Union st DIRECTORY.

Grieve John, saddler, 76 Dempster st Grieve Robert, commercial traveller, 30 Bruce st Grieve Robert (of Baine & Johnston and Glebe Sugar Refining Co.), Glenholm, 7 Newark st Grieve Thomas, clerk, 19 Ardgowan st, west Grieve Walter Baine (of Baine & Johnston), 32 Forsyth st Grieve Walter Richardson, 74 Finnart st Grieve William, porter, 5 Cathcart st GRIFFITHS Edward Jones, shipmaster, 54 Brougham st Griffiths John, spirit merchant, Victoria Bar, 13 Hamilton st. Ho. 26 West Blackhall st Griffiths William, rafter, 3 Regent st Griffiths Jane, bookseller, 26 West Blackhall st. Ho. do. GROSART Mrs, 13 Lynedoch st GROTT Ferdinand, shipmaster, 52 St. Lawrence st Grott George, boilermaker, 18 East Crawford st GRUBB Charles, flesher, 27 Nelson st, west Grubb Miss, 37 Regent st GUION Line Steamers— Macalister, Little & Co., agents, 14 Hamilton st GULF Line Association (Limited), shipowners, 1 Cross- shore st GUNION W. G. H., writer, 2 Hamilton st. Ho. Floral Bank, Cove gardens, Gourock GUNN Alexander, carpenter, 18 Antigua st Gunn Alexander, detective officer, 64 Ann st Gunn James, labourer, 2 Belville st Gunn James, policeman, 24 West Blackhall st Gunn John, plumber, 19 Mount Pleasant st Gunn William, engineer, 9 East Blackhall st Gunn William, labourer, 42 Arthur st Gunn Mrs George, 14 Cathcart st GUSH James, submarine diver, 6 Boyd st GUTHRIE James, clerk, 10 Wellington st Guthrie James, joiner, 32 Ann st Guthrie Robert, engine-driver, 24 Pottery st Guthrie Robert B., bricklayer, 48 Ann st Guthrie R. B., superintendent telegraph department, Post- Office. Ho. 14 Robertson st GUY William, labourer, 9 Cathcart st GWYNN Daniel, draughtsman, 3 Ford place, Finnart st Gwynn Daniel, jun., draughtsman, 36 South st DIRECTORY. 89 H

HACKING John, overseer, 62 Ann st HADDEN Miss, china warehouse, 44 Ann st HADDOW Donald, caulker, 4 Garvald st Haddow Miss, head mistress, Glebe Public School. Ho. 2 Finnart st Haddow Mrs Thomas, 40 St. Lawrence st HAGAN Charles, spirit dealer, 34 Vennel and 6 Watson's lane. Ho. 37 West Blackhall st Hagan John, labourer, 1 Bruce st HAIG Edward, moulder, 32 Crescent st Haig John, supervisor Inland Revenue, 33 Brisbane st Haig Mrs James, stationer and newsagent, 34 West Burn st HAIR Dugald, carpenter, 8 Carwood st Hair James, skinner, 24 East Crawford st Hair William, feuar, 33 Union st Hair William, joiner, 87 Wellington st Hair Miss Catherine, servants' registry, 25 West Stewart st HALBERT James, joiner, 42 Lynedoch st HALDANE Archibald, boilermaker, 12 Dalrymple st Haldane David, potter, 6 Sinclair st HALEY John, family baker, 61 Main st. Ho. do. HALKERSTON David, tanner, 60 East Hamilton st HALL Archibald, smith, 41 Cathcart st Hall Arthur, pointsman, 32 St. Lawrence st Hall George, papermaker, 108 Drumfrochar road Hall James, joiner, 37 Crawfurd st Hall Joshua, general smith, 39 Nicolson st. Ho. 35 West Stewart st Hall Miss Emily Tombs, teacher of music, 24 Union st HALLIDAY John, overlooker, 34 Mount Pleasant st Halliday Robert, gatekeeper, 25 Crescent st Halliday William, labourer, 56 Drumfrochar road Halliday William I., ironplaner, 32 St. Lawrence st HALLIWELL James, rivetter, 9 Ratho st HAMILTON & Adam, sailmakers, 21 Shaw st Hamilton Daniel, engine-driver, 4 Moffat st Hamilton David, 1 Campsie terrace Hamilton James, joiner, 43 West Blackhall st Hamilton James, labourer, 22 Kelly st Hamilton James, printer, 66 Kelly st 90 DIRECTORY.

Hamilton James, 20 Finnart st Hamilton John, boilermaker, 9 Prospecthill st Hamilton John, brakesman, 64 Drumfrochar road Hamilton John, fitter, 7 1 Regent st Hamilton John, labourer, 52 Regent st Hamilton John, rivetter, 32 Arthur st Hamilton Matthew, hairdresser, 1 Arthur st Hamilton, M'Culloch & Co., coalmasters, 3 Chapel st, and 88 Great Clyde st, Glasgow. (See Advt.) Hamilton Robert, Burgh Assessor, Lands Valuation Office, Municipal buildings, Wallace sq. Ho. 5 Robertson st Hamilton Robert, carpenter, 12 Ann st Hamilton Robert, railway superintendent, 67 Rue-end st Hamilton Thomas, engine-driver, 71 Wellington st Hamilton Thomas, labourer, 5 Mount Pleasant st Hamilton William, engineer, 13 Belville st Hamilton William, labourer, 6 Salmon st Hamilton William, plater, 6 Carwood st Hamilton William, rivetter, 28 Lynedoch st Hamilton William, shipowner, Villa Marina, 28 Eldon st Hamilton William H., flesher, 4 Sir Michael st. Ho. 93 Roxburgh st Hamilton Miss S., bootbinder, 50 Crawfurd st Hamilton Miss, dressmaker, 22 Antigua st Hamilton Miss, millinery and servants' registry, 17 Brougham st Hamilton Mrs James, 38 East Hamilton st Hamilton Mrs James, Seabank house, 7 Johnston st Hamilton Mrs Janet, fruiterer, 40 Ann st. Ho. 23 Rox- burgh st Hamilton Mrs, grocer, 15 John st. Ho. do. Hamilton Mrs, 15 Regent st Hamilton Mrs, 42 Roxburgh st HAMLEN Charles, engineer (of H. B. Cooper & Co.) 40 Nelson st, west HAMMOND Henry, rigger, 32 Hamilton st Hammond Mrs Mary, broker, 20 Charles st HANDYSIDE Lawrence, slater, 25 Bruce st Handyside Mrs, 82 Roxburgh st HANLON Andrew, gardener, 23 Newton st HANNAH James, engine-driver, 113 Dempster st Hannah James, miller, 15 Regent st 1


Hannah James, 41 Ann st Hannah Robert, engine-keeper, 68- Wellington st Hannah William, engine-driver, 2 Murdieston st Hannah William, labourer, 108 Drumfrochar road

Hannah Mrs James, 1 1 Dempster st HANNEN John, police officer, 38 Lynedoch st HANSON Jacob, boarding-house keeper, 34 Shaw st Hanson John, engineer, 30 Lynedoch st HANVEY James, waggon inspector, 9 Nelson st, west HARBOUR Dues Office, Customhouse Harbour Trust Engineer's Office, Municipal Buildings, Wallace place Harbour Trust Secretary and General Manager's Office, Municipal buildings HARDIE Alexander, lighterman, 38 Nicolson st Hardie John, grocer and provision merchant, 67 Rue-end st. Ho. 18 Wellington st Hardie Robert, coachbuilder, 6 West Stewart st Hardie Walter, grocer and provision merchant, 15 Tobago

st. Ho. 24 Robertson st Hardie William, flesher, 5 Brachelston st Hardie William, joiner, 6 Lyle st Hardie William (of Hardie & Allan, C.A.), Fairmount, 40 Esplanade HARDIE & Allan, chartered accountants and stockbrokers, 2 Watt place. ^ Hardie Mrs, 26 Lynedoch st HARFIELD & Co., patent cable windlasses, 2 Open Shore —Agents, A. Macpherson & Co. HARGAN James, boot maker, 9 West Blackhall st. Ho. Loudon place, Gourock HARKNESS Charles, carter, 5 Shaw st Harkness John, blacksmith, 36 Lynedoch st Harkness Mrs, 31 Ingleston st HARLEY Allan, cabinetmaker, 59 Ann st Harley Allan, jun., cabinetmaker, Springhill Cottage, 5 Prospecthill st Harley Edward, blacksmith, 8 Hay st Harley James, painter, 37 Holmscroft st Harley James, plasterer, 61 Nicolson st Harley John, billiard-room keeper, 4 Watson's lane. Ho. 59 Ann st 92 DIRECTORY.

Harley Mrs James, 2 Belville st HARMS William, rigger, 4 Watt st HARNETT Mrs, 13 Lynedoch st HARPER Andrew, upholsterer, 36 Mount Pleasant st Harper James, tailor, 1 1 Ann st Harper John, shipmaster, 65 Roxburgh st Harper Stephen, clerk, 89 Dempster st Harper Mrs Alexander, 51 Kelly st HARRIS Mitchell, engineer, 18 Kelly st HARRISON John W., brassfinisher, 4 Garvald st

Harrison Robert, boilermaker, 1 7 Lynedoch st Harrison Robert, joiner, 34 Ingleston st Harrison Thomas, clerk, 12 Ardgowan st, west HARRON John, labourer, 2 1 Nelson st, west Harron Samuel, labourer, 8 Nile st Harron Spence, labourer, 13 Holmscroft st HARROWER T. H.. hair-cutting rooms, 2 Ann st. Ho. 19 Mount Pleasant st HART Archibald, plasterer, 23 Hamilton st Hart James, wine and spirit merchant, 1 Open Shore. Ho. 72 Wellington st

Hart J. Campbell, banker, National Bank, Cathcart st. Ho. Glengarden, Fox st HARVEY Benjamin, H.M.C., 28 South st Harvey James & Co.. drapers, milliners, dress and mantle makers, 46 Cathcart st Harvey James, tobacconist, 61 Inverkip st. Ho. 17 Mount Pleasant st

Harvey J. (of James Harvey & Co.), 26 Newton st Harvey John Hamilton, shipbuilder, Newark Shipbuilding Yard, Port-Glasgow. Ho. 20 Union st Harvey W. G., secretary, Greenock Beetroot Sugar Association, 7 Exchange buildings. Ho. Broomberry, Gourock Harvey Mrs Francis, 58 Eldon st Harvey Mrs Frank E., 52 Eldon st HARVIE David, engineer, 37 Roxburgh st Harvie James, joiner, 4 Holmscroft st Harvie Robert D. N., joiner, 40 Nicolson st HASTIE Andrew, grocer and provision merchant, 10 Sir Michael st. Ho. 13 Newton st Hastie John & Co., engineers, Kilblain Engine Works, 48 Nicolson st DIRECTORY. 93

Hastie John (of John Hastie & Co.), 44 Finnart st Hastie's Patent Hydraulic Engine and Pump Co. (Limited). Registered Office, 10 Princes st—J. Tannahill, secretary Hastie William (of John Hastie & Co.), 78 Finnart st HASTINGS Hugh, labourer, 36 Crawfurd st HAUGHEY John, collector, 9 Carwood st Haughey Neal, insurance agent, 35 Lyle st HAUGHIE John, fitter, 5 Ratho st Haughie Peter, plater, 3 Lauriston st Haughie Thomas, rivetter, 9 Cross-shore st HAXTON Thomas, pensioner, 3 Hope st Haxton Mrs James, 15 South st HAY Archibald, engineer, 79 Belville st Hay Boyd, caulker, 53 Belville st Hay George, causewayer, 47 Mearns st Hay James, potter, 18 Pottery st Hay Robert, engine-driver, 1 East William st Hay William, fish merchant, Fish market. Ho. 40 Brisbane st Hay Mrs, 26 Bruce st Hay Mrs, 24 Lynedoch st HAZELTON Charles, boilermaker, 1 1 Ann st HEAD Albert, bricklayer, 15 Main st HEADRICK James, gatekeeper, 32 Ingleston st HEANEY William John, shoemaker, 13 Watt st HEARD Alexander, joiner, 27 West Blackhall st HEARL John, confectioner, 24 West Blackhall st HEARN John, 6 Nelson st, Glebe HEATH Hugh, crate-maker, 20 Pottery st HECTOR Mrs James, 37 Brisbane st HEDDERWICK Francis (of Brown, Stewart & Co., Over- ton Paper Mills). Ho. 53 Newton st HEITMAN Charles, fruiterer, 25 Brymner st. Ho. 2 Watt place HEMPSEED John, joiner, 30 Lynedoch st HENDERSON Arthur L., patternmaker, 62 Ann st Henderson James, blacksmith, 24 Lynedoch st Henderson James, teacher of music, 46 Mearns st Henderson John, baker, 22 Lyle st Henderson John, cooper, 49 Cathcart st Henderson John, policeman, 38 Brymner st Henderson John, shipmaster, 34 West Stewart st 94 DIRECTORY.

Henderson Neil, traveller, 24 Wellington st Henderson Robert, joiner, 62 Ann st Henderson William, engineer, 50 Holmscroft st Henderson William F., commercial traveller, 25 Bank st

Henderson Miss A. J., Springbank, 22 Fox st Henderson Mrs Alexander, 8 Watt st Henderson Mrs Angus, 70 Wellington st Henderson Mrs Bruce, 7 Watt st Henderson Mrs R., fruiterer, 19 Hamilton st. Ho. 18 Bear- hope st Henderson Mrs, 30 Lynedoch st Henderson Mrs, 34 West Blackhall st HENDRY & Co., coal merchants and shippers, 3 Brymner st and 12 Brougham st Hendry Archibald, ship chandler, 16 East India Breast. Ho. 12 Brisbane st

Hendry Charles, sawyer, 1 Ratho st Hendry Daniel, labourer, 41 Lynedoch st Hendry Duncan, engineer and smith, 7 Shaw st and Garvel dock Hendry D. S. & Son, booksellers and stationers, 35 Cathcart st

Hendry George (of D. S. Hendry & Son), 30 Ardgowan st Hendry James, grocer, 15 Market st. Ho. 6 Shaw place Hendry James, patternmaker, 24 Antigua st Hendry James, watch and clockmaker and jeweller, 59 Rue- end st. Ho. 26 Patrick st Hendry John, brassfinisher, 2 Old Hillend Hendry John, engineer, 53 Drumfrochar road Hendry John, pansman, 19 Ingleston place Hendry John, smith, 19 Ingleston place Hendry Malcolm, boatman, 15 Shaw st

Hendry Malcolm, at Hendry & Co.'s, 3 Brymner st. Ho. 28 South st Hendry, M'Kechnie & Co., shipwrights, boatbuilders, joiners, and spar makers, 1 1 Virginia st Hendry P. D. (of Hendry & Co.), 3 Brymner st. Ho. 52 Brougham st Hendry Robert, engineer, 65 Belville st Hendry S., glass and china merchant, 23 Hamilton st. Ho. 1 1 Brisbane st Hendry T. O. H., Broomfield, 61 Esplanade DIRECTORY. 95

Hendry William, engineer, 62 Drumfrochar road Hendry Miss M., spirit dealer, 7 Main st. Ho. 38 East Hamilton st Hendry Miss, 50 Holmscroft st Hendry Mrs D., Broomfield, 61 Esplanade Hendry Mrs John, 16 Hope st Hendry Mrs Robert, 31 Regent st Hendry Mrs William, 5 Holmscroft st Hendry Mrs, 22 Brisbane st HENNAN John, labourer, 46 Cathcart st HENNEMAN Herman, waiter, 2 Kilblain st HENRY Charles, baker, Kilblain bakery, 22 Ann st. Ho. 2 George square Henry James, labourer, 116 Drumfrochar road Henry Mrs, 60 Eldon st HENRICH Mrs Henry, 34 West Stewart st HEPBURN John, feuar, 16 Kilblain st Hepburn William, joiner, 16 Kilblain st

HEPWORTH J. & Son, clothiers, Victoria buildings, Hamilton st— A. Henderson, manager HERALD (Glasgow) Daily and Weekly. Branch office, 19 Cathcart st —J. C. Fisher, agent Herald (Greenock) Office, 40 Cathcart st HERBERT R. W., stationer, fancy goods, and news agent, 3 Grey place. Ho. 33 West Stewart st HERD James, clerk, 15 Newton st HERON Andrew C, Lloyd's Surveyor, 13 Hamilton st. Ho. 5 Caddlehill st Heron James, brassfinisher, 7 Hope st Heron James, labourer, 58 Drumfrochar road Heron John, engine-driver, 9 Ratho st Heron John, fishmonger, 26 Vennel. Ho. 18 do. Heron Mrs, 75 Regent st HEUGH Mrs Alexander, 7 Crescent st HEYBURN John, dairy, 47 Shaw st HEYLAND A. C, Langford Lodge, 58 Finnart st HICKEY Thomas, huckster, 9 Bearhope st HIGGINS William, Inland Revenue Officer, 7 Caddlehill st HIGGS W. H., shipmaster, 7 Kelly st HIGHET Hugh, engineer, 97 Roxburgh st Highet James, engineer, 25 Regent st Highet Robert, engineer, 19 Ingleston st 96 DIRECTORY.

Highet Mrs John, 26 Lynedoch st HIGHLAND Society Hall, 41 Nicolson st HIGHLANDERS' Academy, Mount Pleasant st HILDRETH Miss Isabella, 75 Holmscroft st HILL Alexander, painter, 9 Crescent st Hill Archibald, shoemaker, 91 Dempster st Hill Henry, rigger, 16 Laird st Hill James, tobacconist, 44 Inverkip st. Ho. 38 Nelson st, west Hill James H., Greenock Grain Mills. Ho. 60 Forsyth st Hill James M., 52 Esplanade Hill James M. & Co., belt and fire hose manufacturers, curriers, and leather merchants, 1 1 Stanners st Hill Joseph, labourer, 9 Belville st Hill Matthew, miller and grain merchant, Greenock Grain Mills, 16 Chapel st. Ho. Annie bank, 13 Eldon st Hill Ninian, shipowner, Clyde buildings, 19 West Blackhall st. Ho. 57 Union st Hill Robert, labourer, 1 1 Crescent st Hill Robert, labourer, 29 Ingleston st Hill Robert, shipowner, 2 East India breast. Ho. 75 Union st Hill Samuel, district superintendent, Prudential Assurance Co. (Limited), 8 West Blackhall st. Ho. 44 M earns st Hill William, policeman, 81 Wellington st Hill Mrs Ramsay, 57 Union st Hill Mrs, 27 Dempster st HILLEND Medical Hall, 1 Lauriston st HILLIARD William, cooper, 33 Lyle st HILLOCK John, joiner, 87 Belville st HINRICHS Christian, shipmaster, 3 George square HODGE Mitchell & Son, cabinetmakers, upholsterers, and bedding manufacturers, and carpet beaters, 12 West Blackhall st Hodge Mitchell (of Mitchell Hodge & Son), Mileburn, Ashton, Gourock Hodge William, joiner, 8 Watt st

Hodge William (of Mitchell Hodge & Son), 1 7 Ashton road HODGSON Mrs William, 24 Trafalgar st HOGG Alexander & Co., sugar merchants, Sugar Exchange Hogg John, painter, 7 Prospecthill st DIRECTORY. 97

Hogg, Wallace & Co., sugar refiners, Dellingburn st Hogg William, carpenter, 9 Carwood st Hogg William, coal merchant, 78 Belville st HOGGAN John, clerk, P.O., 32 South st Hoggan William, mate, 5 Watt st

HOLBURN Robert, jun , dairyman, 56 Ann st Holburn Robert, sen., 37 Wellington st HOLE William Richard, sergt. -major, 1st Renfrew and Dumbarton A.V., 18 West Burn st HOLM & Fraser, timber measurers, 67 Rue-end st Holm M. (of Holm & Fraser), Bellhaven st, Port-Glasgow HOLMER Mrs, 17 Main st HOLMES Alexander, cooper, 6 Union st Holmes Edward, rivetter, 6 Chapel st Holmes Henry, engineer, 19 Ingleston place Holmes James, carting contractor, 2 St. Lawrence st. Ho. Donaldfield, Bridge-of-Weir Holmes James, turner, 65 Rue-end st Holmes John, grocer and wine merchant, 15 Roxburgh st. Ho. 29 Patrick st Holmes John, joiner, 42 Mearns st Holmes John, jun., engineer, 67 Nicolson st Holmes John, woolsorter, 1 2 Wellington st Holmes Joseph, irondresser, 20 Serpentine walk Holmes Walter, blacksmith, 13 East Crawford st Holmes William, joiner, 24 Belville st Holmes Mrs, 23 Dempster st HOLTERMAN John, pansman, 35 Ingleston st HONEYMAN R., clerk, 74 Wellington st HOOD John, shoemaker, 3 Watt st Hood John, storeman, 46 Crawfurd st Hood Mrs, provision merchant, 43 Hamilton st. Ho. 22 Robertson st HOPE Charles, joiner, 35 Roxburgh st Hope James, bandage maker, 18 Cathcart st Hope Neil, carpenter, 13 Carwood st Hope William (of Crawford & Hope), 37 West Stewart st HOPEKIN Robert, engine fitter, 17 Brougham st HOPKIRK Andrew, joiner, 10 Carwood st HOPPER Mrs James, 60 East Hamilton st HORN John, planer, 19 Ingleston place Horn William, cardriver, 20 Bruce st


Horn Mrs, Prospecthill house Horn Mrs, 68 Wellington st HORNE Robert, cabinetmaker, 52 Holmscroft st HORSBURGH David, carpenter, 80 Dempster st HORSMAN Mrs John, 8 Brisbane st HOSEA Clounes, flesher, 23 Dempster st Hosea Robert, governor of Scott Institution, 39 Dempster st HOSIE Andrew, confectioner, 1 Cartsburn st HOURSTON Mrs P., 28 Brisbane st HOUSE of Refuge (Female), Upper Ingleston st HOUSTON Archibald, fitter, 74 Wellington st Houston Archibald, joiner and builder, 42 East Crawford st Houston David, out-door officer (Customs), 66 Wellington st Houston Duncan, storeman, 124 Drumfrochar road Houston George W. (of Robert Houston & Sons), Woolton, 93 Eldon st Houston Hugh R., solicitor, 1 Campsie terrace Houston James, agent for skins, 81 Dempster st Houston James, foreman carter, 3 Regent st Houston James, Annie bank, 41 Fox st Houston John, feuar, 21 Finnart st Houston John, shipmaster, 17 Robertson st Houston John, Annie bank, 41 Fox st

Houston J. & R., engineers, ironfounders, sugar refinery architects, and contractors of fireproof buildings, Carts- burn Foundry Houston Peter, boilermaker, 23 Roxburgh st Houston Robert, joiner, 53 Belville st Houston Robert & Sons, woollen manufacturers, 28 West Blackhall st and Rockbank Mills, Drumfrochar road Houston R. & W. & Co., joiners and builders, 69 Belville st Houston R. H. (of Robert Houston & Sons), Birnam, 40 Newark st Houston William, joiner, 10 Hope st Houston Miss, milliner, 11 Forsyth st T Houston Mrs James, 1 W att place Houston Mrs Robert, Woolton, 93 Eldon st Houston Mrs, grocer, 17 and 53 Belville st. Ho. 24 do. HOWAT James, moulder, 17 Baker st

HOWELL Rev. Willoughby J., M.A., Curate at St. John's Episcopal Church. Ho. 8 Robertson st DIRECTORY. 99

HOWIE Alexander, tailor and clothier, 35 Nicolson st. Ho. 25 Dempster st Howie David, woolsorter, 126 Drumfrochar road Howie Henry, insurance agent, 19 Regent st Howie Hugh, carpenter, 12 Terrace road Howie James, carpenter, 54 St. Lawrence st Howie James, carter, 54 Drumfrochar road Howie John, engineman, 43 Lynedoch st Howie John, rivetter, 66 East Hamilton st Howie Joseph, baker, 8 Mearns st Howie Matthew, grain and potato merchant, 5 West breast. Ho. Clachan farm, Roseneath Howie Robert, engine-keeper, 36 Mount Pleasant st Howie Robert, watchman, Overton Howie Mrs, 5 Belville st HOWIESON Miss, greengrocer, 8 Sir Michael st Howieson Mrs William, 3 Bank st HOY Andrew, meter inspector, 17 Mount Pleasant st Hoy George, joiner, 17 Nelson st, west Hoy Mrs James, grocer, 30 Wellington st. Ho. do. HUBERT George, carpenter, 6 Nelson st, Glebe HUGHES Felix, baths attendant, 5 Inverkip st Hughes James, plasterer, 48 Lynedoch st Hughes John, teacher, 20 Wellington st Hughes John Joseph, Superintendent Pearl Life Assurance Co., 29 Nelson st, west Hughes Richard, joiner, 72 Ann st Hughes Samuel, cooper, 39 Ann st Hughes Thomas, moulder, 89 Belville st Hughes William, plater, 6 Belville st Hughes William, policeman, 4 Mearns st Hughes William, seaman, 76 Ann st Hughes Mrs Robert, feuar, 13 Crescent st HUME George, moulder, 51 Rue-end st HUMES Samuel, broker, 22 Market st HUMPHREYS David, mason, 20 Pottery st Humphreys Joseph, carver and gilder, 1 7 Sugarhouse lane. Ho. 15 Nelson st, west Humphreys Joseph, jun., clerk, 30 South st Humphreys Robert, joiner, 8 Carwood st HUNT John, spirit merchant, 4 Bearhope st. Ho. 11 Nelson st, west DIRECTORY.

HUNTER Alexander, mariner, 68 Kelly st Hunter, Brown & Co., shipowners, 13 Hamilton st Hunter David, shoemaker, 13 Market st Hunter Gavin S., paper ruler, 62 Kelly st Hunter Hugh, joiner, 53 Belville st Hunter James, engineer, 13 Lynedoch st Hunter James, galvanic battery proprietor, 3 Dellingburn st Hunter John, shoemaker, 21 Belville st Hunter John & Co., wholesale fish merchants, 8 West breast Hunter Robert, engineer, 23 Belville st Hunter Robert, engineer, 24 East Crawford st Hunter Robert, engineer, 7 Mill st Hunter Robert, joiner, 9 Lynedoch st Hunter Robert, shipmaster, 39 Bank st Hunter Robert timber measurer, 67 Rue-end st. Ho. Holy- wood, Port-Glasgow Hunter Thomas, brassfinisher, 36 Crescent st Hunter T. O. & Co., merchants, shipping agents, and agents for Lloyd's, London, and Liverpool Underwriters' Association, Vice Consulate for Sweden, Norway, and. , 13 Hamilton st Hunter William, grocer and provision merchant, 31 Brougham, st. Ho. do. Hunter Miss, boys' dressmaker, 12 South st Hunter Miss E., 24 Brisbane st

Hunter Misses I. & J., dressmakers and servants' registry,, 17 Jamaica st Hunter Misses, 1 Forsyth st Hunter Mrs John, 24 Patrick st Hunter Mrs John C, 61 Eldon st Hunter Mrs William, 1 1 Lyle st Hunter Mrs, 89 Belville st Hunter Mrs, 5 Holmscroft st HUTCHESON Alexander, shipwright, 6 Chapel st Hutcheson Andrew, grocer, 20 Mount Pleasant st Hutcheson Archibald, sailmaker, 8 Kilblain st Hutcheson George, feuar, 12 St. Lawrence st Hutcheson George, mason, 68 Wellington st Hutcheson George, patternmaker, 7 Lynedoch st Hutcheson James, driller, 8 Nicolson st Hutcheson James, goods guard, 90 Dempster st Hutcheson James, ironturner, 36 Crescent st DIRECTORY. IOI

Hutcheson James, plater, 33 East Crawford st Hutcheson John, carpenter, 9 Ardgowan st, west Hutcheson John, feuar, Hyde Park cottage, 1 2 St. Lawrence Hutcheson John, woolsorter, 124 Drumfrochar road Hutcheson John M. (of Macdonald, Hutcheson & Co.), 38 Union st Hutcheson Thomas, carpenter, 30 East Crawford st Hutcheson William, engineer, 4 Prospecthill st Hutcheson William, treasurer Greenock Harbour Trust, Municipal buildings, Wallace square. Ho. 9 Ardgowan st, west Hutcheson Miss, 31 Regent st Hutcheson Mrs James, 61 Newton st Hutcheson Mrs Peter, 22 Brisbane st Hutcheson Mrs, 17 Nelson st, west HUTCHISON David, draper, 54 Ann st Hutchison David, joiner, 71 Regent st Hutchison James, teacher, Ann Street Public School. Ho. 32 Ardgowan st, west Hutchison William, factor, Glasgow & South-Western Rail- way Co., 45 Lynedoch st. Ho. 8 Regent square, Lenzie Hutchison William, M.A., B.L. (of Stewart and Hutchison, solicitors, 190 West George st, Glasgow), 24 Kelly st Hutchison William, printer, publisher, and litho- grapher, 23 Nicolson st. Ho. 24 Kelly st HUTTON Hugh, out-door officer, H.M. Customs, 15 Patrick st Hutton James, furnishing ironmonger and furniture ware- house, 16 and 18 Inverkip st. Ho. 18 do. Hutton James, moulder, 12 Roxburgh st Hutton Mrs Jane, 49 Mearns st Hutton Mrs, 20 St. Lawrence st HYDE Norman, boilermaker, 13 Ingleston st Hyde William, goods foreman, 15 Mill st HYNDMAN Hugh, engineer, 103 Belville st Hyndman John G., merchant and commission agent, 4 East breast. Ho. Seafield, 6 Fox st Hyndman Robert, rigger, 65 Holmscroft st Hyndman William L., coal merchant, 67 Vennel. Ho. 24 West Stewart st Hyndman Mrs, dairy, 11 Crawfurd st 102 DIRECTORY.

HYSLOP William W., manager, Greenock Apothecary Aerated Water Co., Limited, 9 Hunter place. Ho. 23 Roxburgh st

IMRIE John, slater, 71 Wellington st INDUSTRIAL Co-operative Stores, 5 Arthur st INFIRMARY, 21 Inverkip st and 4 Duncan st INGLES James, skinner, 101 Belville st INGLESTON Foundry, 9 Ingleston st INGLIS Andrew, sugarboiler, 13 Newton st Inglis James & Sons, music-sellers, 23 West Blackhall st. Ho. 1 Kelly st. (See Advt.) Inglis James, checker, Mount Park villa, 2 Holmscroft st Inglis James, joiner, 18 South st Inglis James, spirit dealer, 10 Kilblain st. Ho. 36 West Stewart st Inglis John, moulder, 38 Lynedoch st Inglis John, moulder, 52 St. Lawrence st Inglis John, professor of music, 1 Kelly st Inglis Robert, goods guard, 94 Dempster st Inglis Robert, joiner, 12 South st Inglis Robert, 44 Eldon st Inglis William, moulder, 9 Lyle st Inglis Miss, mangling, 27 Nelson st, west Inglis Miss, 56 Kelly st Inglis Mrs James, grocer and provision merchant, 112 Drum- frochar road. Ho. do. Inglis Mrs James, Melita cottage, 14 Bentinck st Inglis Mrs, parafin oil merchant, 8 Watt st INGRAM William B., head-master, St. Andrew square School. Ho. 2 Wellington st INLAND Revenue Office (Excise), Customhouse buildings INMAN and International Steamship Company, Limited, Royal and United States Mail Steamers to New York—Agents, Andrew Picken & Co., Arcade. INNES Joseph, engineer, 30 Wellington st Innes William, bookseller, stationer, and news-agent, 40 Hamilton st. Ho. 26 Newton st

Innes Mrs, 1 1 Watt st DIRECTORY. 103

IRELAND John, teacher, 75 Holmscroft st Ireland William, sugarboiler, 77 Wellington st Ireland Mrs M., 22 Wellington st Ireland Mrs William, grocer, 73 Holmscroft st IRISH Thomas, teacher, 8 Lyle st IRVIN Mrs Martha, 23 Ardgowan st, west IRVINE John, labourer, Upper Ingleston Irvine William, bricklayer, 78 Belville st Irvine William, carpenter, 13 Hope st Irvine Miss, 75 Wellington st Irvine Mrs James, 19 Dempster st Irvine Mrs, 21 Bearhope st IRVING Alexander, cranesman, 8 Nile st Irving Miss, lodgings, 36 West Blackhall st ISBISTER John B., shipmaster, n Nelson st, west ITALIAN Consulate, 46 Cathcart st

JACK James, baker, 95 Dempster st Jack John, merchant, 8 Wellington st Jack William, moulder, 3 Orchard st Jack Mrs Hugh, 23 Trafalgar st JACKSON John, moulder, 23 Crescent st Jackson Matthew, labourer, 19 Belville st Jackson William, engineer, 84 Belville st Jackson Mrs Hyslop, 54 East Hamilton st Jackson Mrs, Campfield House, Cardwell Bay JACOBS Thomas R., solicitor, 17 West Blackhall st. Ho. 47 Brisbane st JAFFREY G. W., engineer and shipbuilder, 17 Robertson st Jaffrey James, writer and notary public, 46 Cathcart st. Ho. 6 Brisbane st JAGO William B., upholsterer, 7 Murdieston st JAMES Watt Steamship Co. (Limited), 2 West quay— Leitch & Muir, managers James William, joiner, 12 South st JAMIESON Alexander, carpenter, 15 Lynedoch st Jamieson Alexander & Co., contractors, 28 Lyle st. Ho. 23 do. Jamieson Daniel, labourer, 24 Antigua st 104 DIRECTORY.

Jamieson James S. & Co., ship and insurance brokers and commission agents, 18 Hamilton st Jamieson James S. (of James S. Jamieson & Co.), 91 Newton st

Jamieson John & Co., clothiers, 16 Hamilton st Jamieson John, carpenter, 12 Arthur st Jamieson John, contractor, 23 Lyle st Jamieson John, labourer, 30 Sir Michael st Jamieson John, plumber, 30 Roxburgh st Jamieson John, ship and insurance broker, copper, yellow metal, felt, and rattan merchant, 2 Cathcart st. Ho. Sydney place, 16 Eldon st Jamieson Martin, inspector and chief clerk, Central Police Chambers. Ho. 56 Upper Kelly st Jamieson Norman, deputy harbourmaster, 10 Antigua st Jamieson Norman, joiner, 7 Belville st Jamieson Robert, joiner, 7 Orangefield place Jamieson Robert, smith, 1 1 Nicolson st Jamieson Robert Walter, jun., school board officer, 60 Kelly st Jamieson R. A., labourer, 34 St. Lawrence st Jamieson Thomas, shoemaker, 34 Wellington st Jamieson Thomas, valuator and surveyor, 8 South st. Ho. Greenbank, 48 Kelly st Jamieson William, artist, 23 Nelson st, west Jamieson Miss C, tobacconist, 35 Cathcart st Jamieson Miss, feuar, 7 Orangefield place Jamieson Misses, 18 Robertson st Jamieson Mrs Alexander, feuar, 9 South st Jamieson Mrs R. W., Octavia villa, 1 Brisbane st Jamieson Mrs Thomas, 30 Roxburgh st Jamieson Mrs, 24 Hamilton st JARDINE James, police constable, 27 Nicolson st JARVIE James A., Exchange buildings. Ho. 33 Esplanade Jarvie Rev. J. M., minister of George square Congregational Church. Ho. ^ Esplanade JEFFREY John, joiner, 17 Tobago st Jeffrey Joseph, coppersmith, 4 Watt st Jeffrey Thomas, plumber, 9 Hill st JENKINS Alexander, storekeeper, 26 East Hamilton st Jenkins Alexander, tailor and clothier, 46 Cathcart st. Ho. 7 Brachelston st DIRECTORY. 1 05

Jenkins George accountant, Union Bank of Scotland (Limited). Ho. 61 Esplanade Jenkins William, boilermaker, 13 Mount Pleasant st JENNING Albert, purveyor, restaurateur, and wine merch- ant, Imperial Restaurant, 15 West Blackhall st. Ho. 6 Brisbane st JENZON Mrs, laundry, 30 Wellington st. Ho. 1 Kilblain st JERDAN Rev. Charles, M.A., LL.B., minister Sir Michael Street U.P. Church. Ho. 115 Eldon st JESSAMINE James, rafter, 19 Antigua st JOHNS Mrs Robert, 3 Mearns st Johns Thomas, shipmaster, 26 Patrick st JOHNSON Robert, engineer, n Lauriston st Johnson Thomas, Inland Revenue officer, 33 Kelly st JOHNSTON Alexander, engineer, 18 East Crawford st Johnston Alexander Ranken, merchant, Seafield, 1 Fox st Johnston David, pointsman, 53 Belville st Johnston Donald, labourer, 40 Nicolson st Johnston Duncan, gardener, 51 Eldon st Johnston Duncan, shipmaster, 28 Brisbane st Johnston George, papermaker, 12 Nile st Johnston Isaac, engineer, 4 Carwood st Johnston James, carpenter, 32 St. Lawrence st Johnston James, engineer, 83 Belville st Johnston James D., tailor, 93 Dempster st Johnston John, blacksmith, 5 Hope st Johnston John, bricklayer, 6 St. Lawrence st Johnston John, carpenter, 12 Laird st Johnston John, carter, 1 Drumfrochar road Johnston John, clerk, 84 Roxburgh st Johnston John, fitter, 9 Lynedoch st Johnston John, joiner and picture framer, 1 1 West Stewart st Johnston John, moulder, 23 Ingleston st

Johnston J., shipmaster, 56 East Crawford st Johnston Peter, labourer, 38 Lynedoch st Johnston Robert, engineer, 9 Ratho st Johnston Robert, labourer, 114 Drumfrochar road Johnston Robert, ropemaker, 79 Dempster st Johnston Samuel, coachman, 64 Wellington st Johnston Samuel, grocer, 78 Roxburgh st. Ho. 5 Hope st Johnston Thomas, blacksmith, 91 Belville st Johnston Thomas, carpenter, 29 Trafalgar st Io6 DIRECTORY.

Johnston Thomas, labourer, 22 West Blackhall st Johnston Thomas B., smith, 20 St. Lawrence st

Johnston William, bookseller and stationer, 13 Union st. Ho. 18 Kelly st Johnston William, brakesman, 38 St. Lawrence st Johnston William, carpenter, n East Blackhall st Johnston William, labourer, 30 Cartsburn st Johnston William, railway porter, 115 Dempster st Johnston William, registrar of births, deaths, and marriages, Municipal buildings, Wallace place. Ho. 18 Kelly st Johnston William, session-clerk, Cartsburn parish. Ho. 33 Ingleston st

Johnston Miss, furnished apartments, 1 Union st Johnston Miss, 1 Duncan st Johnston Miss, 1 1 Nelson st, west Johnston Miss, 24 Trafalgar st Johnston Mrs Emma, midwife, 41 Sir Michael st Johnston Mrs James, 32 Kelly st Johnston Mrs James, 68 Kelly st Johnston Mrs, ladies' nurse, 79 Dempster st Johnston Mrs, 29 Ann st Johnston Mrs, 46 Cathcart st Johnston Mrs, 60 Eldon st Johnston Mrs, 34 Ingleston st Johnston Mrs, 3 Roslin st JOHNSTONE John S., boot warehouse and clothier, 25 Hamilton st Johnstone Rev. M. P., minister of Free Middle Church, George square. Manse, 57 Newton st Johnstone Rev. Thomas Francis, M.A., Minister of St Paul's Church, Newark st. Ho. 34 Eldon st Johnstone Miss, milliner, 31 West Blackhall st. Ho. 56 Upper Kelly st JOLLY Robert, H.M. Customs, 8 Murdieston st JONES Alexander, seaman, 43 Crawfurd st Jones Charles, rigger, 5 Bearhope st Jones James, machinist 17 Bearhope st Jones John, carpenter, 7 West Blackhall st Jones John, coachman, 71 Roxburgh st Jones Paul, yacht and boat builder, East Bay, Gourock. Ho. Eddlewood place Jones Richard, engineer, 5 Dellingburn square DIRECTORY. 107

Jones Richard, jun., engineer, 39 Lynedoch st Jones Robert, engine-keeper, 12 East William st Jones William, shipmaster, 6 Finnart st JORDON Mrs John, 64 East Crawford st JOSS Miss, 13 Mount Pleasant st JOYCE John, railway porter, 28 Wellington st JUSTICE William, clerk, 31 Brougham st Justice Mrs William, 29 Brougham st Justice of Peace Clerk's Office, Mansionhouse, Ardgowan square

KANE George, jobbing gardener and nurseryman,. 73 Nicolson st Kane James, labourer, 50 St. Lawrence st Kane John, coal dealer, 15 Bearhope st Kane Michael, labourer, 24 Hamilton st Kane Thomas, labourer, 24 Bruce st Kane William, badge porter, 6 Nelson st, Glebe Kane Miss, laundry, 1 1 Lynedoch st Kane Mrs, 6 Holmscroft st KATER John, engineer, T3 Lauriston st KAY Archibald, tinsmith, 9 Carwood st Kay James & Co., tailors and clothiers, 17 Hamilton st Kay James (of James Kay & Co.), 7 Union st Kay John, joiner, 9 Holmscroft st Kay John Meridth, teacher of music, 1 1 Nelson st, west Kay Peter, caulker, 2 1 Antigua st Kay Rev. Thomas, minister of Ladyburn Parish. Ho. 2 Moffat st Kay Mrs, 26 West Blackhall st KEAN James, labourer, 80 Dempster st Kean Thomas, police sergeant, 16 Bruce st Kean Mrs Francis, 23 Newton st KEARNEY William, insurance agent, 48 Lynedoch st KEE Joseph, carpenter, 19 Mount Pleasant st KEEFE Thomas, coal merchant, 3 Newton st. Ho. 5 do. KEENAN Henry, nursery seedsman and florist, 24 Union st. Ho. 6 Kelly st Keenan Robert, gardener, 24 West Stewart st Io8 DIRECTORY.

Keenan & Co., builders, 33 Sugarhouse lane. Ho. 20 Wellington st KEITH Duncan, boatman, 30 Brymner st Keith Duncan, engineer, 29 Regent st Keith Miss, feuar, 24 Kelly st KELLET George, tailor, 67 Roxburgh st KELLOCK Alexander, labourer, 96 Dempster st KELLY Angus, (of Bushe & Kelly), 31 Lyle st Kelly Donald, carpenter, 31 Lyle st Kelly Francis, labourer, 24 Bank st Kelly George, baker, 59 Holmscroft st Kelly George, rigger, 45 Hamilton st Kelly James, blacksmith, 13 Holmscroft st Kelly James, fireman, 19 Bearhope st Kelly James, labourer, 14 Terrace road Kelly John, foreman porter, 52 West Blackhall st Kelly John, salesman, 82 Belville st Kelly Robert, engineer, 5 East Crawford st Kelly Robert, railway porter, 14 Ann st Kelly Thomas, boilermaker, 9 Antigua st Kelly William & Co., family grocers, tea, wine, and spirit merchants, and ship store dealers, 9 William st Kelly William, labourer, 1 1 Mill st

Kelly Miss J., greengrocer, 1 East Crawford st KELSO Charles, broker, 6 Inverkip st Kelso Matthew, flesher, 33 Rue-end st. Ho. 13 Lyle st Kelso William, boilermaker, 8 Lyle st Kelso William, engineer, 74 Ann st Kelso Mrs Daniel, feuar, 81 Brisbane st Kelso Mrs Janet, feuar, 25 Bank st Kelso Mrs R., 8 Antigua st KEMP George, labourer, 74 Ann st Kemp Mrs Joseph, 6 Nelson st, west KEMSLEY Samuel, Customhouse boatman, 9 Lynedoch st KENNEDY Alexander, carpenter, 9 Carwood st Kennedy Alexander, engineer, 24 Ann st Kennedy Daniel, sailmaker, 8 Holmscroft st Kennedy David, labourer, 19 Ingleston place Kennedy Donald, carpenter, 41 West Burn st Kennedy Donald, timekeeper, 1 Holmscroft st Kennedy D. M., agent, 2 West quay. Ho. 33 Nelson st, w Kennedy Fergus, caulker, 24 West Stewart st DIRECTORY. 1 09.

Kennedy Ferguson, baker, 40 Holmscroft st Kennedy Hugh, checker, 5 Hope st Kennedy Hugh, monumental sculptor, 3 South st. Ho. 12 do.

Kennedy Hugh J., vanman, 60 East Hamilton st Kennedy John, boot and shoe maker, 26 Hamilton st and 29 West Burn st. Ho. 37 Kelly st Kennedy John, joiner, 3 Orchard st Kennedy John, labourer, 34 St. Lawrence st Kennedy Patrick, machinist, 13 Lyle st Kennedy Robert, cab proprietor, 1 Inverkip road. Ho. 8- South st Kennedy Samuel, labourer, 18 Bruce st Kennedy William, labourer, 41 Crawfurd st Kennedy William, mason, no Dempster st Kennedy Mrs William, 33 Nelson st, west Kennedy Mrs, Central Temperance Hotel, 12 Brymner st Kennedy Mrs, 16 Kelly st Kennedy Mrs, 17 Lyle st Kennedy Mrs, 4 South st KENNEY John, salesman, 15 Brisbane st KENT John, joiner, 50 St. Lawrence st KENYON Mrs, 20 Lynedoch st T KEOGH John, cabman, 24 W est Blackhall st KER Misses, 27 Nelson st, west KERNACHAN William, gardener, 7 Newton st KERNOHAN Samuel, labourer, 10 Nile st KERR Andrew, architect and surveyor, Mansionhouse. Ho^ 97 Brisbane st Kerr Andrew, engineer, 6 Hope st Kerr Angus, joiner, Overton Kerr Archibald, timber measurer, 17 Newton st Kerr Colin, boilermaker, 3 Regent st Kerr Daniel, merchant, 6 Grey place. Ho. Heywood, 1 Margaret st Kerr Edward, feuar, 34 South st Kerr George, labourer, 5 John st Kerr George, late examining officer, Customs, 15 Robertson st Kerr Henry, storekeeper, 30 East Hamilton st Kerr Hugh, American and Continental Stores, 16 West Blackhall st and 24 Lynedoch st. Ho. 24 do. DIRECTORY.

Kerr James, carter, 35 Lyle st Kerr James, chemist, Municipal buildings, 6 Hamilton st.

and 1 Lauriston st, Hillend. Ho. 2 Lyle st Kerr James, railway guard, 104 Dempster st Kerr James, storekeeper, 26 Newton st Kerr John & Co., shipowners, 6 Grey place Kerr John, boilermaker, 32 St. Lawrence st Kerr John, Customs' officer, 15 Dempster st Kerr John, engineer, 23 Belville st Kerr John, engineer, 36 Ingleston st Kerr John, joiner, 7 1 Nicolson st Kerr John, merchant, 6 Grey place. Ho. Heathfield, 53 Eldon st Kerr John, shipmaster, 9 Mount Pleasant st Kerr John S. (of Smith & Sharp, Glasgow), Clydeview, 49 Margaret st Kerr Newton & Co., shipbrokers and merchants, 4 Brymner st — Craig, Scott & Co., agents Kerr Patrick, gasfitter, 6 Sir Michael st Kerr Peter, artist, 87 Eldon st Kerr Peter, stationmaster (G. & S.-W. Railway), Princes Pier station. Ho. 6 Brougham st Kerr Robert, brass finisher, 61 Ann st Kerr Robert, engineer, 62 Kelly st Kerr Robert, feuar, 55 Newton st Kerr Robert, labourer, 20 John st Kerr Robert, merchant, 6 Grey place. Ho. Westfield, 17 Octavia terrace Kerr Robert, Prudential Insurance agent, 15 Lauriston st Kerr Samuel, miller, 85 Belville st Kerr Thomas, engine-driver, 41 West Blackhall st Kerr Thomas F., fireman, 1 East William st

Kerr William, boilermaker, 1 7 Lauriston st Kerr William (of Crawford & Kerr), 108 Drumfrochar road Kerr William, umbrella maker, 9 Lynedoch st. Ho. 8 Hill st Kerr Miss, fruiterer, 22 Lynedoch st Kerr Miss, 2 Murdieston st Kerr Mrs A., 7 Kelly st Kerr Mrs Robert, 61 Ann st Kerr Mrs William, greengrocer, 32 St. Lawrence st Kerr Mrs, 8 Hill st KERRIGAN William, boilermaker, 1 Mill st DIRECTORY. Ill

Kerrigan William, gardener, 24 Inverkip st KESSON Mrs Henry, 16 Wellington st KETTERSON Mrs, 76 Dempster st KEYS James, carpenter, 15 Bearhope st KIDD Benjamin P. (of Kidd Brothers), 15 South st Kidd Brothers, removal contractors, cabinet- makers, upholsterers, carpet warehousemen, and Venetian blind makers, 6 Grey place. Workshops— Houston st Kidd Robert, cabinetmaker, 6 Old Hillend Kidd Robert (of Kidd Brothers), 3 Kelly st Kidd William (of Morton & Kidd), Milton Lodge, 2 1 Fox st KIDSTON A. G. & Co., iron, steel, copper, and zinc mer- chants, and agents for Muntz's Metal Co., Limited, 6 Cathcart st KILBLAIN Academy, 15 Kilblain st Kilblain Bakery, ij Kilblain st KILGOUR John, boilermaker, 3 Lauriston st KILLIN Thomas, carpenter, 13 Hope st Killin Mrs, grocer, 6 Mearns st Killin Mrs, 21 Bruce st KILPATRICK Hugh, mason, 4 Union st Kilpatrick Samuel, spirit merchant, 35 Vennel. Ho. 59 Regent st Kilpatrick William, labourer, 1 Belville st KINCAID & Co. (Limited), engineers and iron founders, Clyde foundry, East Hamilton st Kincaid John G. (of Kincaid & Co.), Oakfield west, Ratho st Kincaid Robert, engine-driver, 2 Garvald st Kincaid Miss, confectioner, 39 Ann st Kincaid Miss, Corriebank, 1 1 Eldon st KING Alexander, boilermaker, 13 Belville st King Daniel, cowfeeder, East Crawford st King Daniel, foreman rivetter, 32 East Hamilton st King David, tobacconist, 2 Cartsburn st King Dugald, steward, 46 Ann st King Duncan, tugboatman, 47 Roxburgh st King Gilbert, painter, 12 Lynedoch st King Henry (at John Kerr & Co.'s), 27 Esplanade King Henry, vanman, 45 Trafalgar st King John, sugar porter, Berrymount, Lynedoch st 112 DIRECTORY.

King Robert, engine-keeper, 17 Nelson st, west King Robert, flesher, 25 Rue-end st. Ho. 2 Antigua st King Robert, lodging-house keeper, 9 William st King Robert, sugar porter, 54 Drumfrochar road King Robert, vanman, 36 Crescent st King Thomas, joiner, 81 Dempster st King Thomas, late of H.M. Customs, 34 Brisbane st King William, engineer, 1 1 Lauriston st King Mrs Andrew, 3 Armadale place, Bank st King Mrs John, Jardine Burn, 64 Forsyth st King Mrs William, carter and contractor, 8 Virginia st King Mrs, dressmaker, 48 Lynedoch st KINLOCH William, labourer, 30 Cartsburn st KINNAIRD David, papermaker, Overton Kinnaird James, joiner, 19 Bogle st. Ho. 57 Regent st Kinnaird William, cooper, 21 Ingleston st Kinnaird William, mate, 23 Trafalgar st KINNELL David, labourer, 24 Bruce st Kinnell George, dairy, 17 Tobago st Kinnell James, engine-keeper, 77 Wellington st KINNIBURGH James, rafter, 24 Antigua st Kinniburgh John, cooper, 3 Trafalgar st KINNEY John, slater, 17 Tobago st KIRCHOFF Charles B., shipbroker, 2 Jamaica st

KIRK John (of J. & R. Kirk), 27 Robertson st

Kirk J. & R., builders and contractors, 5 Campbell st Kirk Robert (of J. & R. Kirk), 30 South st Kirk Mrs, 13 Nelson st, west KIRKALDY William, reporter, 9 Ardgowan st, west KIRKHAM Mrs Agnes, greengrocer, 28 West Burn st KIRKPATRICK George, Customhouse boatman, 23 Rox- burgh st Kirkpatrick William, postman, 32 Mount Pleasant st KIRKWOOD Adam, baker, 87 Roxburgh st. Ho. 73 Holmscroft st Kirkwood Alexander, baker and confectioner, 92 Roxburgh st and 57 Inverkip st. Ho. Logielea, 22 Caddlehill st Kirkwood James, blacksmith, 16 Cathcart st Kirkwood James, mason, 18 Holmscroft st Kirkwood John, blacksmith, 16 Lynedoch st Kirkwood Robert, grocer, 1 Smith's lane. Ho. 59 Regent st DIRECTORY. 113

Kirkwood Thomas, mason and builder, 78 Holmscroft st. Ho. 8 Jamaica st Kirkwood William, builder, 79 Holmscroft st. Ho. 78 do. Kirkwood William, shipmaster, 58 Kelly st Kirkwood Mrs Elizabeth, 56 Kelly st KISSICK Mrs, 19 Ingleston place KITCHEN James, cooper, 54 Wellington st KLAUSE William, ship carpenter and boatbuilder, 3 Del- lingburn st. Ho. 2 Mearns st KNOWLES John (of Post Office), 7 Murdieston st KNOX James, cooper, 66 Wellington st Knox Thomas, carpenter, 3 Orchard st KROGER Carl, hairdresser and chiropodist, 13 Brymner st KYLE James, patternmaker, 68 East Crawford st Kyle Thomas, joiner, 3 Belville st Ingleston st Kyle William J., labourer, 29

LAFFERTY James, labourer, 62 Ann st LAING John, engineer, 8 Hay st Laing Robert, seedsman and fruiterer, 33 Hamilton st, 19 and 21 Charles st. Ho. 23 Lyle st Laing M., tobacconist, stationer, and branch Post-Office, 17 Rue-end st. Ho. 23 Lyle st LAIRD Alexander A. & Co., steamship owners, Custom- house quay Laird Alexander, contractor, 6 Springkell st Laird James, grocer, 4 Hill st Laird James, grocer, 23 Ingleston st. Ho. do. Laird James, late farmer, 2 1 Dempster st Laird James, salesman, 68 Wellington st Laird John, coppersmith, 16 Antigua st Laird John, dairyman, 27 Vennel Laird John, 6 Hope st Laird Thomas, boilermaker, 23 Ingleston st Laird William, engineer, 6 Hope st Laird William, waiter, 1 1 Watt st

Laird M. & J., Berlin wool repository, 38 Hamilton st. Ho. 81 Holmscroft st Laird Miss, 35 West Bum st 114 DIRECTORY.

LAMB Thomas, jun. (of Thomas Lamb, Sons & Co.), 17 Ardgowan square Lamb Thomas, Sons & Co., timber merchants, sawmillers, &c, Cartsdyke Saw Mills, 6 East Hamilton st, Greenock, and 295 Shields road, Glasgow Lamb William, skinner, 3 East Crawford st Lamb William S., clerk, 14 Robertson st Lamb Misses, institution for the education of young ladies, 18 Margaret st Lamb Mrs, 45 Lynedoch st Lamb Mrs W. L, 17 Ardgowan square LAMBERT Francis, fireman, 5 Sir Michael st Lambert Francis, storeman, 3 Duff st LAMBERTON Matthew, preserve boiler, 43 Crawfurd st LAMBIE Francis, locomotive superintendent, 36 East Crawford st Lambie Hugh H., foreman fitter, 9 Ratho st

Lambie J. M. & R., carpenters and boatbuilders, 5 Ratho st Lambie Robert (of J. M. & R. Lambie), 99 Belville st

Lambie Mrs J. M., 74 East Crawford st LAMONT Alexander, carting contractor, Palmerston build- ings. Ho. 27 Shaw st Lamont Alexander, shoemaker, 5 Regent st Lamont Andrew, labourer, 20 John st Lamont Archibald, engineer, 25 Belville st Lamont Archibald, slater, 6 Holmscroft st Lamont Colin, shoemaker, 17 Lyle st Lamont Daniel, hatter and hosier, 37 Cathcart st. Ho. 24 Wellington st Lamont Duncan, blacksmith, 55 Belville st Lamont Duncan, tinsmith, 6 Mearns st Lamont Hugh, mason, 70 Wellington st Lamont Hugh, steamboat agent, West quay. Ho. 91 Dempster st

Lamont James, blacksmith and boilermaker, 7 St. Andrew st. Ho. 15 Lyle st Lamont John, carpenter, 21 Ingleston place Lamont Robert, labourer, 6 Carwood st Lamont Robert, painter, 7 Shaw place Lamont William (of A. C. Smith & Co.), 4 Brymner st. Ho. 14 Ardgowan square Lamont Miss, 1 Ford place, Finnart st DIRECTORY. 115

Lamont Miss, lodgings, 73 Nicolson st Lamont Mrs, 77 Regent st LANCASTER John, bricklayer, 66 Holmscroft st Lancaster Robert, bricklayer, 83 Roxburgh st LANG Archibald, engineer, 19 Belville st Lang Arthur R., coach painter, 17 Kelly st Lang Daniel, 31 Lynedoch st Lang Daniel, flesher, 31 Nicolson st. Ho. 20 W. Stewart st Lang George, patternmaker, 21 Belville st Lang Hugh, engineer, 50 St. Lawrence st Lang James, boilermaker, 7 Mill st Lang James, jun., feuar, 26 Mearns st Lang James, moulder, 2 1 Ingleston st Lang James, ploughman, Overton Lang James, wholesale grocer and sugar merchants, 30 Sugarhouse lane. Ho. 9 Finnart terrace Lang James M., boot and shoemaker, 31 Market st Lang John (at John Walker & Co.'s), 40 Eldon st Lang John, grocer and provision merchant, 44 Hamilton st. Ho. 37 Kelly st Lang John, joiner, 26 Wellington st Lang John (of P. MacCallum & Sons), Eldon villa, 65 Eldon st Lang John, sailmaker, 29 Lynedoch st Lang John, sugarboiler, 8 Crescent st Lang Matthew, brassmoulder, 63 Regent st Lang Robert, cabinetmaker, 20 Wellington st Lang Robert, glazier, 17 Kelly st Lang Robert, rivetter, 30 East Hamilton st Lang William, bookbinder, 64 Wellington st Lang Mrs A., 52 St. Lawrence st Lang Mrs James, feuar, 75 Union st Lang Mrs James, 28 Mearns st Lang Mrs Robert, grocer, 71 Nicolson st. Ho. 4 South st Lang Mrs William, 75 Wellington st LANGTRY Joseph, porter, 97 Roxburgh st LANGWILL James, carpenter, 42 St. Lawrence st Langwill John, shipmaster, 81 Holmscroft st LARKIN F., coal merchant, Lynedoch station. Ho. 7 Nile st LATHAM David M., agent of the Royal Bank of Scotland. Ho. Gourock house, Gourock 6


LAUDER Alexander F., saddler and harnessmaker, 19 Cathcart st. Ho. 12 Lyle st Lauder James, sailmaker, 13 Mount Pleasant st Lauder John M., tobacconist, 6 Inverkip st Lauder Mrs James, 21 Nelson st, west LAUDERDALE Mrs, 124 Drumfrochar road LAURENT F. B., French teacher, 5 Armadale place LAURIE & Fleming, carvers, gilders, and fine art dealers, 1 Bank st. Ho. 6 Kelly st Laurie G. A., H.M.C., 24 Patrick st Laurie & Harley, dress and mantle makers, milliners and general drapery warehousemen, 1 1 West Blackhall st Laurie James, M.B., CM., physician and surgeon, consulting rooms, 10 West Blackhall st. Ho. 1 Shaw place Laurie John, baker, 30 Ann st Laurie John, carpenter, 27 Robertson st Laurie John, papermaker, Overton Laurie John F., 66 Kelly st Laurie Robert R., 13 Mearns st Laurie William (of Laurie & Harley), 5 Robertson st LAW Archibald, sailmaker, 3 Argyle st Law George, carpenter, 29 Lynedoch st Law Mrs James, 69 Nicolson st Law Mrs, 31 Dempster st LAWRENCE Mrs David, Waverley Temperance Hotel, 40 West Blackhall st LAWRIE James, baker, 94 Dempster st Lawrie Thomas, baker, 2 Inverkip st. Ho. 5 West Stewart st Lawrie Mrs Robert, 29 Patrick st LAWSON Andrew, machinist, 67 Regent st Lawson George, carpenter, 5 Antigua st Lawson John, engineer, 3 Bearhope st Lawson R. M., aerated water manufacturer, 45 Wellington st Lawson Mrs John, 30 Newton st LEAGUE of the Cross Hall, 29 West Burn st—John Nelis, secretary LEARIE Miss, grocer, 16 Cartsburn st LEBROCQ Mrs Edward, 6 West Stewart st LECKIE, Baxter & Co., shipbrokers, 4 Brymner st—Craig, Scott & Co., agents Leckie Peter, coppersmith, 25 Bruce st DIRECTORY. 1 1 7

Leckie W. F., engineers' ironmonger, 8 East Blackhall st. Ho. 29 Bank st LEDINGHAM Alexander, traveller, 3 Shaw place LEE Charles, pansman, 69 Regent st Lee Robert, deep sea pilot, 2 Wellington st Lee Thomas, sanitary labourer, 5 Duff st LEES John, locomotive foreman, 15 Brougham st Lees Robert, rivetter, 3 Belville st Lees William, headmaster, Ladyburn School. Ho. Rose villa, Bogston Lees Mrs G., 70 Ann st LEGGATE Archibald, pensioner, 7 Hill st Leggate Thomas, engineer, 8 Kilblain st Leggate William, carriage inspector, 52 Wellington st LEISHMAN James, brassfinisher, 52 Regent st Leishman Joseph, carpenter, 66 Drumfrochar road LEISK Adam, jun., slater, slate, lime, and cement merchant, 12 Laird st. Ho. do. Leisk William, rigger, 79 Dempster st LEITCH & Muir, shipowners, and ship, fire, life, and marine insurance agents, 2 West quay Leitch Alexander, plumber, 23 Dempster st Leitch Archibald, carter, Upper Ingleston Leitch Arthur O. (of Leitch & Muir), Madeira lodge, 8 Newark st Leitch Charles, joiner, 63 Nicolson st Leitch Colin, cabinetmaker, 63 Ann st

Leitch Daniel (of J. Leitch & Son). Ho. 37 Campbell st Leitch John & Son, house and ship painters, 10 West breast Leitch John, merchant, Sugar Exchange, Terrace road. Ho. 12 Newark st Leitch John, seaman, 9 Lyle st Leitch Nicol, coal merchant, 12 Brougham st. Ho. 69 Nicolson st Leitch Patrick Walker, insurance broker, Sugar Exchange, Terrace road. Ho. 15 Ardgowan square Leitch Quintin & Co., hemp and wire rope manufacturers, Whinhill Ropeworks, Drumfrochar road. Office, 1 East breast and 2 Brymner st Leitch Robert, carter, 44 Lynedoch st

Leitch William, engine-driver, 1 7 Shaw st Il8 DIRECTORY.

Leitch William Orr (of Quintin Leitch & Co.), 39 Ardgowan st, west Leitch Miss, 15 Ardgowan square Leitch Misses, 49 Newton st Leitch Mrs Angus, 24 Bank st Leitch Mrs H., 5 West Stewart st Leitch Mrs, 82 Belville st LEITH James, grocer, 49 Shaw st. Ho. 49 Mearns st Leith John, railway clerk, 27 Dempster st Leith Robert, grocer, 53 Drumfrochar road Leith William, labourer, 30 Arthur st Leith William, moulder, 6 Trafalgar st LENNOX James L., clothier, 7 West Blackhall st. Ho. 24 Kelly st Lennox John & Co., manufacturers of ship sheathing, roof- ing and boiler felts, Caledonian Felt Works, Bogston, Port-Glasgow road Lennox John (of John Lennox & Co.), Bogston, 97 Port- Glasgow road Lennox Neil, smith, 47 Holmscroft st LESLIE Angus, 6 Hill st Leslie David, clerk, 95 Roxburgh st Leslie Hugh, labourer, 12 Mill st Leslie James, boilermaker, 82 Belville st Leslie James, cooper, 34 Mount Pleasant st LETHAM John, compositor, 7 Mount Pleasant st Letham William, shipowner and insurance broker, 29 Cath- cart st. Ho. 63 Union st Letham Miss, 23 Kelly st LETSON James, boilermaker, 34 Crescent st LEVY Pinkus, boot and shoe maker, 7 Cathcart st. Ho. 29 Lyle st LEWIS John, labourer, 6 West Burn st Lewis Peter, fireman, 6 West Burn st Lewis William, coal merchant, 14 Laird st. Ho. 28 Craw- furd st Lewis Mrs William, James place, 4 Lyle st LIDDELL Alexander, flesher, 87 Wellington st Liddell David, carter, 68 Drumfrochar road Liddell David, joiner, 15 Belville st Liddell James D., joiner, 10 South st Liddell John, carter, 36 Crawfurd st DIRECTORY. II9

Liddell Miss, Berry burn, Cardwell Bay Liddell Miss, 29 Patrick st Liddell Miss, 31 Trafalgar st Liddell Mrs John, Oakfield west, Ratho st Liddell Mrs John, 6 Old Hillend Liddell Mrs, pianist, 40 Brisbane st LIETKE & Co., shipbrokers, (steam and sail), German Consulate, Russian and Dutch Consular agents, Palmerston buildings Lietke John Otto (of Lietke & Co.), Hunterslea, Kilmalcolm LIGHTBODY John, carpenter, 29 Ingleston st LINDSAY Archibald, boilermaker, 13 Crescent st Lindsay Archibald N. (jof William Lindsay & Co.), 63 Newton st Lindsay & Wright, solicitors and notaries public, 26 Hamilton st

Lindsay J. P. S., solicitor, 26 Hamilton st. Ho. 32 Bris- bane st Lindsay James, fireman, 10 Garwood st Lindsay James, joiner, 46 East Hamilton st Lindsay John, blacksmith, 6 West Stewart st Lindsay John, joiner, 20 St. Lawrence st Lindsay John, seaman, 22 Lynedoch st Lindsay John, skinner, 9 East Crawford st Lindsay & M 'Vicar, grocers and provision merchants, n Rue-end st Lindsay Malcolm, labourer, Overton Lindsay William & Co., shipowners, ship and insurance brokers, and steam-packet agents, City buildings, 32 Cathcart st Lindsay William (of William Lindsay & Co.), 77 Union st Lindsay Miss, 9 Ardgowan square Lindsay Miss, 1 Madeira st and 20 Esplanade LINKLATER William, carpenter, 21 Dempster st LINN James, tenter, 106 Drumfrochar road Linn John, engine-driver, 18 East Crawford st Linn Robert, clerk, 51 Belville st Linn Samuel, engineer, 13 East Crawford st Linn Thomas, engineer, 9 Jamaica st Linn Thomas, labourer, 7 Crescent st LINTON Robert, light porter, 33 Nelson st, west Linton Thomas, tailor, 16 Bruce st DIRECTORY.

LIPTON Thomas J., tea and provision merchant, 32 Cath-

cart st. J. Reihill, manager LITTLE James & Co., steamship owners, Excise buildings Little Samuel, labourer, 23 Belville st Little Sisters of Poor, 44 Union st Little Miss, 84 Union st LIVERPOOL Traders' Office, 1 Cross-shore st—D. Mac- dougall, agent LIVINGSTON Alexander, blockmaker, 8 Antigua st Livingston Alexander, lamplighter, 75 Wellington st Livingston Donald, baker, 3 Hope st Livingstone Donald, labourer, sanitary department. Ho. 38 Ann st Livingston Duncan, boilermaker, 15 Lauriston st Livingston Duncan, fireman, 1 Duncan st Livingston Duncan, flesher, 23 Rue-end st. Ho. 25 Bank st Livingston Dugald, labourer, 38 Holmscroft st Livingston John, dyer, 62 Ann st Livingston John, pensioner, 8 Hay st Livingston Miss, furrier and feather dresser, 14 Ardgowan st, west Livingston Mrs, 37 Lynedoch st LLOYD Andaluz, of Cadiz—T. O. Hunter & Co., agents Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping, 13 Ham- ilton st

LOCAL Marine Board, 7 Virginia st LOCHHEAD John, engineman, 1 1 Lauriston st Lochhead John, rivetter, 1 1 Crescent st Lochhead Robert, sugar broker, 1 1 Duff st. Ho. 1 1 Ben- tinck st Lochhead William, hatter, 8 Ardgowan st, west Lochhead Miss, 51 Belville st LOCKIE John, patternmaker, 15 Arthur st LOCKYER George & Son, animal charcoal manufacturers

—Agents, J. M. Macfarlane & Co. LOGAN Francis & Sons, gasfitters, bellhangers, brass- finishers, &c, 21 Nicolson st. (See Advt.) Logan Francis (of Francis Logan & Sons), 40 Nelson st, west Logan Francis, stationer, tobacconist, and fancy goods im- porter, and branch post-office, 16 Lynedoch st, and 79 Roxburgh st. Ho. 40 Nelson st, west DIRECTORY.

Logan Francis B. (of Francis Logan & Sons), 26 West Blackhall st Logan James, compositor, 9 Nicolson st Logan James, warehouseman, 44 Lynedoch st Logan John, policeman, 3 Mill st Logan Joseph M. (of Francis Logan & Sons), 87 Roxburgh st Logan Robert, boilermaker, 19 Regent st Logan William F., seaman, 15 Trafalgar st Logan Mrs, grocer, 8 Manse lane LONDON Hat Warehouse, 11 West Blackhall st— J. M. Dick, proprietor London & Belfast Tea Co., 45 Hamilton st London & Newcastle Tea Co., 33 Hamilton st LONDONDERRY Steam Packet Company, Customhouse quay LONGWILL Mrs William, 15 Nelson st, west LORCET Peter, clerk, 85 Dempster st LOUDEN Robert, tobacco and cigar merchant, 49 Cathcart st LOUDOUN David, reporter, N. B. Daily Mail. Ho. 4 Finnart st LOUGHRAN William, broker, 3 Lindsay's lane. Ho. 18 Vennel LOVE Alexander, caulker, 1 1 East Blackhall st Love Alexander, traveller, 8 Hope st Love James A., writer and notary public, Consular Agent of the United States, 2 Hamilton st. Ho. Royal Bank house Love James, draughtsman, 49 Mearns st Love John, accountant, Royal Bank of Scotland, 38 Cath- cart st. Ho. above the Bank Love John, compositor, 5 1 Kelly st Love Robert, chronometer-maker and optician, 17 West

Blackhall st. Ho. 28 Brisbane st Love Robert, jun., watchmaker, 30 Newton st Love Robert, ploughman, 17 Kelly st Love William, clerk, 6 Old Hillend Love William, engineer, 27 Trafalgar st Love Mrs David, Rosebank, Cardwell Bay Love Mrs John, 20 Brisbane st Love Mrs John, 17 John st 122 DIRECTORY.

Love Mrs, 16 Arthur st LOVELL John, H.M. Customs, 9 Mount Pleasant st Lovell William, cooper, 66 Wellington st LOW Alexander, miller, 10 Lyle st Low David, blacksmith, 40 Lynedoch st Low James, joiner, 61 Holmscroft st Low John, blacksmith, 48 Lynedoch st Low John, smith, 18 Bogle st Low Robert, sugar porter, 53 Drumfrochar road Low Thomas, joiner, 34 South st Low Wm., assistant superintendent, Gulf Line, 12 Forsyth st Low William D., C.E., Office of Public Works. Ho. 45 Brisbane st Low Miss, i2 Robertson st Low Mrs, 15 Sir Michael st LOWEY George, engineer, 31 Nicolson st LUCKHAM James, mate, 26 Trafalgar st LUGTON Alexander, cooper, 75 Holmscroft st LUMSDEN James, iron driller, 2 Mackenzie st LUNDIE M. H., brassfinisher, 51 Lynedoch st LUSK. Robert, labourer, 36 Nelson st, west Lusk Robert & Co., wholesale grocers, and sugar dealers, 7 Tobago st LYALL James, flesher, 4 Duff st Lyall James, pawnbroker, 60 High Vennel Lyall Mrs, 27 Robertson st LYLE Abram & Sons (Limited), sugar refiners, London, n Nicolson st, Greenock Lyle Abram, jun. (of A. & R. Lyle & Co.), Eldon place Lyle Alexander, moulder, 97 Belville st Lyle Alexander (of John Lyle & Sons), 49 Finnart st Lyle Alexander P. (of The Lyle Shipping Co., Limited), 105 Finnart st Lyle Archibald, spirit merchant, 8 Smith's lane. Ho. 8 Shaw place Lyle A. & R. & Co., ship chandlers, steamship, deck, and engine stores, engineers, shipbuilders, yacht furnishers, ironmongers, &c, 3 and 4 West breast Lyle John, cowfeeder, 2 St. Lawrence st Lyle John & Sons, wholesale and retail wine and spirit merchants, and ship store dealers, 6 West Quay lane

and 1 7 Sugarhouse lane DIRECTORY. I 23

Lyle J. Leitch (of John Lyle & Sons), Kilmorie, 109 Finnart st Lyle Robert, jun. (of A. & R. Lyle & Co.), The Lodge, 69 Newton st Lyle Robert, Dunavard, 72 Union st Lyle Robert Park (of The Lyle Shipping Co., Limited), Ingleholme, 107 Finnart st Lyle Thomas, cowfeeder, Old Hillend Lyle Mrs Abram, Oakley, 5 1 Eldon st Lyle Mrs James, 11 Ann st Lyle Mrs R. G., 25 Brisbane st LYNCH John, furniture dealer, 37 Crawfurd st Lynch John, H.M. Customs, 10 South st Lynch John, rigger, 27 Trafalgai st LYON Archibald, baker, 6 Belville st. Ho. do. Lyon Archd., ironturner, 27 Ingleston st Lyon David, joiner and builder, 6 East Blackhall st. Ho. Mount park, 2 Hope st Lyon David, labourer, 83 Belville st Lyon Dugald, brassfinisher, 55 Belville st Lyon Dugald, joiner, 18 Wellington st

Lyon James, insurance agent, 5 1 Kelly st Lyon James, sugar broker, Sugar Exchange. Ho. 53 Brisbane st Lyon Peter, patternmaker, 18 St. Lawrence st Lyon Thomas, fitter, 27 Ingleston st Lyon Thomas, patternmaker, 4 Holmscroft st Lyon Miss, 53 Brisbane st Lyon Mrs John, grocer, 41 Ann st. Ho. do. Lyon Mrs, 16 John st M'

MACADAM Mrs Peter, ^^ Nelson st, west M'ADAM Matthew, boatbuilder, 15 Hope st M'Adam Mrs, restaurateur, 5 West Blackhall st. Ho. 2 Robertson st M'ALEER John, 1 Ardgowan st, Glebe MACALISTER Daniel, A.M.I.C.E., civil engineer and land surveyor, 17 West Blackhall st. Ho. 62 Forsyth st Macalister & Fyfe, ironmongers, ship chandlers, painters, and agents for the sale of yachts, 4 East breast 124 DIRECTORY.

Macalister, Little & Co., ship and insurance brokers and commission agents, 14 Hamilton st Macalister R. S., superintendent, Mercantile Marine Office, 7 Virginia st. Ho. Glencairn, Kilmalcolm Macalister Mrs Daniel, 62 Forsyth st M'ALLISTER Alexander, labourer, 22 Cathcart st McAllister Archibald, chimney sweep, 37 Cathcart st M'Allister Archibald, mate, 36 Mount Pleasant st M'Allister Daniel, janitor, Glebe Public School, Crawfurd st M'Allister Donald, grocer and provision merchant, 11 Brymner st and 24 Shaw st. Ho. 8 Hay st M'Allister Duncan, dairyman, it Wellington st M'Allister Malcolm, carpenter, 19 Ingleston place M'Allister Malcolm, tugboatman, 16 Trafalgar st M'Allister Mrs Neil, 5 Regent st M'Allister Mrs, 3 Regent st M'ALPINE Daniel, carting contractor, 26 Duncan st M'Alpine William, carter, 26 Duncan st M 'Alpine Mrs Allan, 4 Watt st M 'ANALLY Henry, sen., shoemaker, 3 Lauriston st M'Anally Henry, jun., shoemaker, 1 Lauriston st. Ho. 3 do. M'ANINCH Mrs Ann, confectioner, 7 Brymner st M'ANULTY William, sawyer, 21 Bearhope st MACARA Renton, feuar, 28 Ardgowan st, west M'ARLEY David, manufacturer, 167 Eldon st M'ARTHUR Alexander, joiner, 3 Hill st M'Arthur Archibald, blacksmith, 38 Holmscroft st M'Arthur Archibald, draughtsman, 11 Dempster st M'Arthur Charles, baker, 14 Hope st M'Arthur Daniel, joiner, 13 Watt st M'Arthur Dugald, tanner, 77 Regent st M'Arthur Duncan, clerk, 7 Lynedoch st M'Arthur Hugh, gas inspector, 19 South st M'Arthur James, labourer, 6 Sinclair st M'Arthur John, boilermaker, 2 Garvald st M'Arthur John, joiner, 105 Belville st M'Arthur John, plumber, 85 Wellington st M'Arthur John, storekeeper, 20 Lynedoch st M'Arthur Malcolm, compositor, 19 Bearhope st M'Arthur Peter, carpenter, 28 Bruce st M'Arthur Peter, 24 Hamilton st DIRECTORY. 1 25

M'Arthur Robert, boilermaker, 65 Belville st M'Arthur Robert, messenger, Customhouse M'Arthur William, blacksmith, 4 Garvald st M'Arthur William, boilermaker, 65 Belville st M'Arthur William, foreman, 66 Ann st M'Arthur Miss Jane, 32 East Shaw st M'Arthur Miss, milliner, 12 Watt st M'Arthur Miss, Finnart Grove, Finnart road M'Arthur Mrs Christina, 41 West Blackhall st M'Arthur Mrs C, grocer, 16 Brisbane st M'Arthur Mrs Duncan, 37 West Blackhall st M'Arthur Mrs John, 38 Brisbane st M'Arthur Mrs, 3 Bruce st M'Arthur Mrs, 65 Octavia terrace MACASKILL Malcolm, traveller, 27 Nelson st, west MACAULAY Daniel, factor, Improvement Trust, Municipal buildings, Wallace place. Ho. 27 Mearns st Macaulay James & Son, coopers, 1 Laird st and 14 and 16 Ropework st Macaulay James L. (of James Macaulay & Son), 49 Bris- bane st Macaulay John (of Orr, Pollock & Co.), 23 Finnart st Macaulay Mrs William, 23 Finnart st M'AULAY James, plumber, 7 Boyd st M'Aulay James, skinner, 22 Arthur st M'Aulay James B., joiner, 20 Brisbane st M'Aulay John, blacksmith, 4 Carwood st M'Aulay John, seaman, 1 Hill st M'Aulay Matthew (of H.M. Customs), 32 Kelly st M'Aulay Peter, farmer and cattle dealer, Craigs farm, Lyle road M'Aulay Peter, jun., farmer, the Bow, Inverkip road M'Aulay Thomas Y., cooper, 4 Kilblain st M'Aulay W. G., baker, 20 Vennel. Ho. 9 Lyle st M'Aulay Miss, toy and china warehouse, 3 Prospecthill st M'AUSLAN Alexander, 22 Trafalgar st M'Auslan Alexander, salesman, 44 Ann st M'Auslan Robert (of Robert Lusk & Co.), 21 Brisbane st

M'AUSLAND Alexander, grocer, 20 Nicolson st. Ho. 3, Argyle st M'Ausland Archibald, sen., 92 Dempster st M'Ausland John, ropespinner, 72 Wellington st 126 DIRECTORY.

M'Ausland William, cooper, 81 Wellington st M'Ausland Miss, 33 Brougham st T M'Ausland Mrs John, grocer, 23 W est Stewart st M'BAIN Hugh, seaman, 11 Lyle st M'BEARTY Duncan, lathsplitter, 5 Bank st MACBEAN W. A. A., captain and adjutant, 1st V.B.A. & S.H. Headquarters, 34 Union st. Ho. 36 Finnart st MACBETH James, joiner, 96 Dempster st Macbeth Miss, matron, Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society, 58 Ann st M'BETH Thomas, labourer, 8 Kilblain st MACBRAYNE John, shipping clerk, 19 Brisbane st M 'BRIDE Alexander, engineer, 27 Regent st M'Bride Alexander, fitter, 95 Roxburgh st M 'Bride Archibald, seaman, 42 Roxburgh st M'Bride Donald, carpenter, 30 Roxburgh st M'Bride Duncan, carpenter, 5 Kilblain st M'Bride Francis, fitter, 13 Carwood st M'Bride Henry, labourer, 95 Roxburgh st M'Bride James, teacher, 52 East Crawford st M'Bride John, boatbuilder, 22 Crawfurd st M'Bride John, grocer and provision merchant, 31 Regent st and 7 Main st. Ho. 15 Lyle st M'Bride John, joiner, 34 Ann st M'Bride Peter, joiner, 29 Dempster st M'Bride Peter, joiner, 9 Holmscroft st M'Bride Robert, joiner, 5 Hope st M'Bride William, carter, 34 Ingleston st M'Bride William G., mechanical dentist, 9 George square M'Bride Mrs Isabella, 32 Mount Pleasant st M'Bride Mrs, dressmaker, 15 Nelson st, west M'Bride Mrs, dressmaker, 30 Roxburgh st M'Bride Mrs, 8 Kilblain st M'Bride Mrs, 30 Nelson st, west M'CABE Charles, painter, 9 East Crawford st M'CAIRN Edward, boilermaker, 51 Rue-end st MACCALL Mrs, 17 Brisbane st M'CALL Archibald, 14 Brisbane st M'Call Charles, commission agent, 39 Kelly st M'Call James (of Macalister & Fyfe) 26 Finnart st M'Call James, labourer, 25 Vennel M'Call John, carpenter, 61 Belville st DIRECTORY. 1 27

M'Call Hugh, iron fitter, 36 Lynedoch st M'Call William, baker, 1 Holmscroft st M'Call Mrs, 6 Antigua st M'Call Mrs, 8 Hill st M'Call Mrs, 15 Main st MACCALLUM Henry, watchmaker, 40 Brisbane st Maccallum P. & Sons, iron, steel, and metal merchants, 54 Rue-end st and 1 Cathcart st M'CALLUM Archibald, rivetter, 28 Bruce st M'Callum Daniel, blacksmith, 36 Crescent st M'Callum Donald, rivetter, 15 Hope st M'Callum Donald, Minerva villa, 31 Newton st M'Callum Dugald, 1 Hill st M'Callum Duncan, brakesman, 77 Regent st M'Callum Duncan, Glenburn, 6 Newark st M'Callum Duncan, policeman, 9 Lynedoch st M'Callum Duncan, ropemaker, 13 West Stewart st M'Callum Duncan, tailor and clothier, 23 Cath- cart st. Ho. 16 Trafalgar st M'Callum Edward, grocer and feuar, 36 Shaw st. Ho. 5 Cross-shore st M'Callum George F. (of M'Callum & Lochhead), 53 Esplanade M'Callum Gilbert, engineer, 4 Holmscroft st M'Callum James, cooper, 11 Watt st M'Callum James B., shipping clerk, 30 Newton st M'Callum John, carpenter, 4 Mearns st M'Callum & Lochhead, sugar brokers, 1 1 Duff st M'Callum Malcolm, engineer, 15 Brisbane st M'Callum Neil, sailmaker, 17 Kelly st M'Callum Niven, wine and spirit merchant, 46 Lynedoch st.

Ho. 1 1 Dempster st M'Callum Peter, joiner, 2 Antigua st M'Callum Robert, joiner, 64 Wellington st M'Callum William, sailmaker, 9 South st M'Callum Miss Mary, boys' dressmaker, 34 Nelson st. west M'Callum Misses, dressmakers and straw hatters, 11 Nelson st, west M'Callum Mrs Ann, broker, 1 Rue-end st. Ho. do. M'Callum Mrs Daniel, 33 Ardgowan st, west M'Callum Mrs John, 40 East Hamilton st M'Callum Mrs, 19 Ingleston place 128 DIRECTORY.

M'Callum Mrs, 22 Lyle st M'Callum Mrs, 10 Regent st M'Callum Mrs, 18 Sir Michael st M'CAMMOND, Easton & Co., hay, straw, and grain mer- chants, 28 Sugarhouse lane M'Cammond Mrs, 8 Margaret st M'CANDLISH Samuel, foreman, 61 Holmscroft st M'CARREY Patrick, boilermaker, 18 Serpentine walk M'CARTNEY James, coachman, 27 West Burn st M'Cartney William, brassfinisher, 12 Dalrymple st M'CASKIE Henry, coach hirer, 48 Forsyth st M'Caskie Samuel, joiner, 97 Port-Glasgow road M'CASKILL Alexander, labourer, 5 Watt st M'Caskill John, sugar porter, 5 Watt st M'Caskill Malcolm, Campfield house, Cardwell bay M'CAUL John, grocer, 19 Ann st. Ho. 5 Dempster st M'CAWLEY Patrick (of H.M. Customs), 12 Brisbane st M'CHESNEY Mrs, midwife, 36 Holmscroft st M'CHESSNEY Hugh R., shipmaster, 24 South st M'CLELLAND Hugh, engineman, 11 Belville st M'CLEMENT James, blacksmith, 8 Regent st M'Clement James, grocer, 105 Belville st. Ho. do. M'Clement Miss Marion, wine and spirit dealer, 48 East Hamilton st. Ho. 12 East Blackhall st M'CLOSKEY John, sawmiller, 3 Macdougall st M'Closkey Mrs, 7 Nile st M'CLOY Daniel, broker, 51 Crawfurd st. Ho. 47 do. M'Cloy Joseph, woolsorter, 63 Ann st M'CLURE & Innes Macdougall, solicitors, agents for Sir M. R. Shaw Stewart, Bart., Mansionhouse, 1 Ardgowan square

M'Clure John (of W. W. & J. M'Clure), Mayfield, 66 Union st M'Clure William, blacksmith, 15 Regent st

M'Clure William, jun., M.A. (of W. W. & J. M'Clure and M'Clure & Innes Macdougall), clerk of Lieutenancy for Renfrewshire, Mayfield, 66 Union st

M'Clure William (of W. W. & J. M'Clure), Mayfield, 66 • Union st

M'Clure W. W. & J., solicitors, notaries public, and insurance agents, Provident Bank buildings, 1 1 William st M'COAG Daniel, baker, 8 Holmscroft st DIRECTORY. 1 29

M'COIG Duncan, carpenter, 18 Regent st st M'COLL A. & J., contractors, 73 Ann M'Coll Alexander, carpenter, 20 St. Lawrence st st M'Coll Allan (of A. & J. M'Coll), 73 Ann M'Coll Daniel, clerk, 19 Regent st M'Coll Donald, coachman, 27 Ann st M'Coll James, carting contractor, 37 Trafalgar st M'Coll James, seaman, 1 1 Lynedoch st M'Coll John, blacksmith, Garvel Park House M'Coll John, insurance agent, 65 Roxburgh st

M'Coll John (of A. & J. M'Coll), 5 Nile st M'Coll Neil, gardener, 105 Finnart st M'Coll Patrick, rivetter, 6 Chapel st M'Coll Peter, sailmaker, 17 Bearhope st M'Coll William, brassfinisher, 1 1 East Crawford st M'Coll Miss Eliza, 26 West Blackhall st M'Coll Mrs Jane, 6 Sinclair st M'CONNELL Donald, boilermaker, 10 Carnock st M'Connell John, mason, 83 Dempster st M'Connell John, shoemaker, 71 Main st M'Connell Miss Elizabeth, 29 Nelson st, west M'CONNOCHIE George, gardener, 79 Dempster st M'Connochie Mrs Veronica, wine and spirit merchant, 27 Rue-end st. Ho. 37 Bank st M'CONOLOGUE Thomas, butter and egg store, 49 Shaw st. Ho. 51 do. M'CORKELL George, labourer, 1 Kilblain buildings M'CORMACK James, seaman, R.N., 41 West Blackhall st M'CORMICK David, salesman, 24 Lynedoch st M'Cormick Donald (of D. M'Cormick & Co.), 24 Kelly st M'Cormick Donald, steamboat agent, Customhouse quay M'Cormick D. & Co., gasfitters, tin and coppersmiths, and sheet-iron workers, 8 Springkell st M'Cormick Henry, 39 Bank st M'Cormick Hugh, steamboat agent, 5 Dempster st M'Cormick John, baker, Palmerston buildings and 9 Brisbane st. Ho. 23 Kelly st M'Cormick John, wine and spirit merchant, 2 Harvie lane and 1 Ropework st. Ho. 18 Kelly st M'Cormick William, labourer, 104 Drumfrochar road M'CORQUODALE Archibald, iron plater, 7 Crescent st M'Corquodale Daniel, carpenter, 42 St. Lawrence st I30 DIRECTORY.

M'Corquodale Duncan, brassfounder, 15 Antigua st M'Corquodale Lachlan, plasterer, 49 Nicolson st M'Corquodale Peter, mercantile clerk, 5 Kelly st M'Corquodale William, carpenter, 26 West Blackhall st M'Corquodale Mrs, 5 Belville st M'Corquodale Mrs, 23 East Shaw st M'COURT Henry, Eddlewood place M'COVER Robert, engineer, 41 Sir Michael st M'COWAN & Biggart, analytical and consulting chemists, public analysts, and analysts for Renfrewshire Agricul- tural Society, 29 Cathcart st M'Cowan James, spinner, 4 Prospecthill st M'Cowan John, engineer, 112 Drumfrochar road M'Cowan William, mason, 25 Trafalgar st M'COWATT James, engineer, 14 Wellington st M'COWAT Thomas, baker, 81 Roxburgh st M'CRACKEN Dugald, boilermaker, 4 Carwood st M'Cracken Hugh K., assistant inspector of poor, 10 Lyle st M'Cracken Robert, blacksmith, 14 Crescent st M'Cracken Samuel, labourer, 68 Wellington st M'CRACKET Mrs, stationer, 25 Ann st M'CRAE Daniel, candlemaker, grease, oil, and general merchant, 15 Charles st and 44 Dalrymple st. Ho. Rosebank, 14 Nelson st, west M'Crae, David, labourer, 7 Carwood st M'Crae Duncan, sailmaker, 51 Kelly st M'Crae James, baker, 15 West Blackhall st. Ho. 4 Watt st M'Crae John, joiner, 67 Belville st M'CRAINE Malcolm, carter, 24 East Crawford st M'Craine Murdoch, watchman. 36 Holmscroft st M'CREA James, carpenter, 29 Lyle st M'CREADIE James, 93 Roxburgh st M'Creadie James, plasterer, Jamaica lane, off Jamaica st. Ho. 3 Mount Pleasant st M'Creadie Michael, grocer, 11 Main st M'Creadie Thomas, boilermaker, 21 Ingleston place M'Creadie Mrs John, 1 Kilblain st M'Creadie Mrs, 10 East Blackhall st M'CREADY John, engineer, 10 Carnock st M'Cready Robert, irondresser, 10 Carnock st M'CREATH Gilbert, 4 Nelson st, Glebe DIRECTORY. 131

M'CRINDLE James, grocer and provision merchant, 43 Hamilton st. Ho. 1 2 Brisbane st M'Crindle William, storekeeper, 41 Ann st M'CUAIG James G, grocer and provision merchant, 25 Nelson st, west. Ho. 15 South st M'Cuaig John, clerk, 3 Campsie terrace M'Cuaig John, joiner, 62 Kelly st M'Cuaig Magnus, edgetool maker and ironmonger, 100 Roxburgh st. Ho. 15 South st M'Cuaig Peter, engineer, 13 Belville st M'Cuaig Samuel (of Smith & M'Cuaig), 27 Patrick st M'CUE Alexander, plasterer, 3 Armadale place M'Cue James, plasterer, 78 Wellington st. Ho. 76 do. MacCULLOCH Alexander, flesher, 13 Cathcart st. Ho. Hill farm, Inverkip MacCulloch Colin, solicitor, Town Clerk, and clerk to Board of Police and Water Trust, Municipal buildings, 6

Hamilton st. Ho. Fonthill, 1 Octavia terrace M'CULLOCH David, cooper, 66 Drumfrochar road M'Culloch Hugh, carter, 61 Holmscroft st M'Culloch James, engine-driver, 8 Watt st M'Culloch James, gardener, 26 West Blackhall st M'Culloch James, postman, 59 Ann st M'Culloch John, gardener, 3 Eldon st. Ho. 9 do. M'Culloch John, joiner, 15 Laird st M'Culloch Mrs A. G. S., 101 Brisbane st M'Culloch Mrs John, 25 Dempster st M'Culloch Mrs, lodgings, 17 Antigua st M'Culloch Mrs, lodgings, 14 Terrace road M'Culloch Mrs, 76 Ann st M'Culloch Mrs, 53 Kelly st M'Culloch Mrs, 10 Lyle st M'Culloch Mrs, 24 Lyle st M'Culloch Mrs, 4 Sinclair st MacCUNN James, Thornhill, 37 Ardgowan st, west M'CURDY Augustus, carpenter, 53 Holmscroft st M'Curdy Daniel, flesher, 45 Vennel MacCUTCHEON Hugh, feuar, 77 Holmscroft st M'DADE Mrs H., tobacconist, 34 Dalrymple st M'DERMID Charles, ironmoulder, 34 St. Lawrence st M'Dermid John, salesman, 30 St. Lawrence st M'Dermid Miss, 6 Murdieston st 132 DIRECTORY.

M'Dermid Mrs B., dairy, i Stanners st M'Dermid Mrs, 18 Port-Glasgow road M'Dermid Mrs, 30 St. Lawrence st MACDERMOTT James, grocer, 22 St. Lawrence st. Ho. do. M'DEVITT John, slater, 3 Bearhope st M'DIARMID John, sugar porter, 5 West Stewart st MACDONALD Angus, clerk, 50 Roxburgh st Macdonald Angus, late detective officer, 87 Dempster st Macdonald Rev. Archibald, minister of the Gaelic Parish Church, West Burn st. Ho. 19 Caddlehill st Macdonald Archibald K., teacher, 10 Wellington st Macdonald Donald (of Macdonald, Hutcheson & Co.), Stroove, Skelmorlie Macdonald D., clerk, 2 Lyle st Macdonald Edmund, drill instructor, 26 Patrick st Macdonald Frank, stationer, umbrella maker, and fancy goods warehouse, 41 Ann st. Ho. 9 Brisbane st

Macdonald George (of J. C Smith, Macdonald & Crawford), Erlsmere, 101 Finnart st Macdonald Rev. George M., M.A., B.Sc, minister of George Square Baptist Church. Ho. 29 Ardgowan st, west Macdonald Hugh, currier, 35 Wellington st Macdonald, Hutcheson & Co., sugar brokers, Commercial Bank buildings, Greenock, and 29 Mincing lane, London, E.C. Macdonald James, solicitor and notary public, 2 Bank st. Ho. 17 Ardgowan square Macdonald John, brassfinisher, 4 Antigua st Macdonald John, wine and spirit merchant, 12 East India breast. Ho. 38 Brymner st

Macdonald J. & G., sugar merchants, Sugar Exchange buildings Macdonald Ronald, spirit merchant, 10 West breast. Ho. 30 Ardgowan st, west Macdonald Mrs Frank, select registry, stationer, &c, 9 Brisbane st Macdonald Mrs John, 13 Kelly st Macdonald Mrs Mary, boot and shoe warehouse, 27 Regent st. Ho. do. Macdonald Mrs, 26 West Blackhall st M'DONALD Alexander, collector, 10 Hill st DIRECTORY. 1 33

M 'Donald Alexander, gas inspector, 10 Jamaica st M 'Donald Alexander, iron moulder, 76 Ann st M'Donald Alexander, labourer, 73 Regent st M'Donald Alexander K., joiner, 1 Kilblain st M'Donald Alexander, seaman, 9 East Crawford st M'Donald Allan, mason, 4 Kilblain st M'Donald Andrew, 35 Kelly st M'Donald Angus, sugar porter, 42 Brisbane st M'Donald Archibald, boatman, 36 Lynedoch st M'Donald Charles, blacksmith, 3 West Stewart st M'Donald Charles, boilermaker, 38 Main st M'Donald Donald, fancy goods warehouse, 36 Ann st M'Donald Donald, fitter, 13 West Stewart st M'Donald Donald, foreman, 6 West Stewart st M'Donald Donald, gardener, Stoneleigh, 23 Newark st M'Donald Donald, vanman, 2 George square M'Donald Dugald, river pilot, 14 Robertson st M'Donald Duncan, engine-keeper, 18 St. Lawrence st M'Donald Hugh, engineer, 15 Hope st

M'Donald Hugh, joiner, 1 1 Murdieston st M'Donald James, boilermaker, 45 Wellington st M'Donald James, inspector of police, 23 Dempster st M'Donald James, labourer, 87 Belville st M'Donald John, coachman, 23 Eldon st M'Donald John, engineer, 20 Antigua st M'Donald John, joiner, 50 Ann st M'Donald John, joiner, 36 St. Lawrence st M'Donald John, yacht agent, 17 Robertson st M'Donald Kenneth, carpenter, 7 Newton st M'Donald Malcolm, carpenter, 22 Bearhope st M'Donald Murdoch, carpenter, 7 Hope st M'Donald Murdoch, carpenter, 24 St. Lawrence st M'Donald Neil, carpenter, 30 St. Lawrence st M'Donald Neil, labourer, 40 Ann st M'Donald Neil, labourer, 66 Regent st M'Donald, Neil & Co., tailors, clothiers, and yachting out- fitters, 16 Cathcart st. Ho. 39 Kelly st M'Donald Peter, clerk, 36 St. Lawrence st McDonald Robert, baker, 37 Wellington st M'Donald Simon, brassfinisher, 8 Hay st M'Donald Thomas, janitor, Holmscroft Public School, 49 Ann st 134 DIRECTORY.

M'Donald William, boatman, 3 Holmscroft st M'Donald William, carter, 1 1 Laird st M'Donald Elizabeth, fruiterer, 6 Tobago st. Ho. 14 Holms- croft st M'Donald Miss, confectioner, 28 Ann st M'Donald Miss, ladies' school, 34 Mearns st M'Donald Miss, 25 Dempster st M'Donald Miss, 6 Nelson st, west M'Donald Miss, 24 Trafalgar st M'Donald Mrs Charles, 10 Kelly st

M'Donald Mrs J., 27 Belville st M'Donald Mrs, boarding-house, 16 Laird st M'Donald Mrs, 22 Antigua st M'Donald Mrs, 13 Carwood st M'Donald Mrs, Rosehill, Cardwell bay M'Donald Mrs, 12 St. Lawrence st M'Donald Mrs, 13 Watt st M'DONOUGH John, drill instructor, 34 Union st MACDOUGALL Angus G., architect, 3 Campsie terrace Macdougall Dugald, shipowner, ship and insurance broker

and commission agent, 1 Cross-shore st. Ho. Burnlea, 3 Newark st Macdougall John, Rosemount, 25 Bentinck st Macdougall John, M.D., CM., Rosemount cottage, 5 Lyle st Macdougall John Innes (of M'Clure & Innes Macdougall), Rosemount, 25 Bentinck st M'DOUGALL Alexander, M.A., surveyor of taxes, Custom house buildings M'Dougall Alexander, seaman, 1 Kilblain st M'Dougall Allan H., grain merchant, 8 Kilblain st. Ho. 34 Cardwell road, Gourock M'Dougall Donald, engine-driver, 37 Holmscroft st M'Dougall Donald, joiner, 25 Mount Pleasant st M'Dougall Dugald, carpenter, 31 Lyle st M'Dougall Dugald, policeman, no Dempster st M'Dougall Duncan, baker, 5 Hamilton st. Ho. Mount Park Cottage, 29 Bank st M'Dougall Duncan, flesher, 54 St. Lawrence st. Ho. 2 Old Hillend M'Dougall Duncan, police constable, 1 Bruce st M'Dougall Duncan, salesman, 42 Eldon st M'Dougall Duncan, shoemaker, 34 Ann st. Ho. do. DIRECTORY. T35

M'Dougall Duncan, tugboat master, 27 Lyle st M'Dougall George R., merchant, Springbank, 22 Fox st M'Dougall Hugh, cooper, 9 Hope st M'Dougall Hugh, timekeeper, 113 Dempster st M'Dougall James, boatman, 5 Regent st M'Dougall James, boilermaker, 7 Hill st M'Dougall John, joiner, 32 Mount Pleasant st M'Dougall John, labourer, 23 East Shaw st M'Dougall John, patternmaker, 39 Lynedoch st M'Dougall John, wine and spirit merchant, 16 Stanners st. Ho. 27 Lyle st M'Dougall Lachlan, gardener, 61 Ann st M'Dougall Malcolm, joiner, 38 Holmscroft st M'Dougall M. & G., upholsterers, &c, 12 Kilblain st. Ho. 19 Brisbane st

M'Dougall Peter, brassmoulder, 1 Mill st M'Dougall Ronald, carpenter, 5 Lynedoch st M'Dougall William, smith, 87 Wellington st M'Dougall Mrs David, 30 Wellington st M'Dougall Mrs Duncan, 31 Lynedoch st M'Dougall Mrs, 13 Regent st M'Dougall Mrs, 24 Trafalgar st M'Dougall Mrs, 26 Trafalgar st M'Dougall Mrs, 22 West Blackhall st M 'DO WALL James, hammerman, 64 Drumfrochar road M'Dowall James, railway porter, 34 Nelson st, west M'Dowall John, blacksmith, 23 Dempster st M'Dowall Robert S., of postal telegraphs, 6 Nelson st, west M'Dowall William, sugar sampler, n Ann st M'Dowall Mrs, 15 Robertson st M'DUFF Peter, iron grinder, 23 Belville st MACEACHRAN Alexander, 22 Bank st MacEachran Dugald, 82 Union st

MacEachran James, spirit dealer, 1 1 Arthur st. Ho. View- bank place, 42 St. Lawrence st MacEachran Mrs Agnes, 14 South st M'EACHRAN John, carter, 12 Watt st M'ELENY James, fruiterer, 1 Kilblain st. Ho. 4 Inverkip st M'Eleny John, tailor, 17 West Blackhall st M'ELENEY Edward, violinist, 17 West Blackhall st M'ELWEE Mrs James, 52 Kelly st M'EVOY John, railway porter, 58 Lynedoch st 136 DIRECTORY.

M'EWAN Alexander, blacksmith, 10 Watt st M'Ewan Archibald, potter, 20 Pottery st M'Ewan Colin, carpenter, 9 Holmscroft st M'Ewan Donald, rivetter, 8 Kilblain st M'Ewan John, rivet, nail, and chaplet maker, 25 Stanners st. Ho. 15 Lynedoch st M'Ewan John, salesman, 4 Duff st M'Ewan Matthew, labourer, 36 Ann st M'Ewan Peter, mason, 35 Ingleston st M'Ewan Mrs Archibald, 34 West Blackhall st M'EWEN James, ship surveyor, 3 Armadale place, Bank st M'EWING David, painter, 10 Arthur st. Ho. 48 East Crawford st M'Ewing Dugald, plumber, brassfounder, and gasfitter, 3 Springkell st and 1 Bank st. Ho. 49 Lynedoch st M'FADYEN Alexander, iron moulder, 19 Ingleston place M'Fadyen Andrew, compositor, 74 Wellington st M'Fadyen Archibald, joiner and glazier, 7 West Blackhall st. Ho. 24 South st M'Fadyen Archibald, rivetter, 85 Belville st M'Fadyen Archibald, tailor and clothier, 29 Regent st. Ho. 15 Mount Pleasant st M'Fadyen Donald, labourer, 12 Arthur st M'Fadyen Duncan, labourer, 25 West Burn st M'Fadyen John, engine-driver, 27 Shaw st M'Fadyen John, vanman, 24 Inverkip st M'Fadyen Lachlan, carpenter, 7 Brymner st M'Fadyen Neil, carpenter, 36 Crescent st M'Fadyen Miss, dressmaker, 36 Holmscroft st MACFARLAN Alexander, clerk, 27 Regent st Macfarlan Alexander & Co., general merchants, 27 Palmer- ston buildings Macfarlan Alexander (of Alexander Macfarlan & Co.), 75 Union st Macfarlan Robert, C.A., 45 Brisbane st MACFARLANE Arthur A., carriage hirer and mail con- tractor, 4 George square Macfarlane Arthur A., veterinary surgeon, 4 Laird st and 5 George square. Ho. Battery House, 123 Eldon st Macfarlane Duncan, late of H.M. Customs, 24 Patrick st Macfarlane John, clerk, 31 Roxburgh st Macfarlane John (of Barr & Macfarlane), 20 Wellington st DIRECTORY. 1 37

Macfarlane John A. & Co., grocers and wine merchants, 10 West Blackhall st

Macfarlane John M. (of J. M. Macfarlane & Co.), Sycamore lodge, Campbell st

Macfarlane J. M. & Co., produce and ship brokers, Wallace buildings, Wallace square Macfarlane Malcolm, 15 Robertson st Macfarlane Robert, bank porter, 4 Mansionhouse lane Macfarlane Mrs Donald, 5 George square

Macfarlane Mrs J. A., 62 Forsyth st Macfarlane Mrs Robert, 12 Ardgowan square Macfarlane Mrs, Sycamore lodge, Campbell st M'FARLANE Alexander, labourer, 24 West Stewart st M'Farlane Alexander, painter, 77 Regent st M'Farlane Archibald, gardener and florist, 21 Ardgowan st, west. Ho. 14 do. M'Farlane Archibald, wine and spirit merchant, 32 Arthur st. Ho. 30 do. M'Farlane Colin, carpenter, 8 East Blackhall st M'Farlane Daniel, engineer. 42 Ann st M'Farlane David, storekeeper, 6 West Blackhall st M'Farlane David, sugar porter, 13 Newton st M'Farlane Donald, assistant harbour master, 12 Ardgowan

st, west M'Farlane Donald, salesman, 19 Dempster st M'Farlane Dugald, B.A., teacher, 14 Brisbane st M'Farlane Dugald, feuar, 11 Duncan st M'Farlane Dugald, timber measurer, 12 Lynedoch st M'Farlane Duncan, carpenter, 29 Trafalgar st M'Farlane Duncan, engineer, 62 Ann st M'Farlane Duncan G., draughtsman. 13 Lyle st M'Farlane George, ironmoulder, 9 Hill st M'Farlane George, joiner, 13 Crescent st M'Farlane George, sawyer, 28 East Hamilton st M'Farlane Hugh, engineer, 30 Ingleston st M'Farlane Hugh, sugar porter, 52 Wellington st M'Farlane Hugh, tinsmith, 66 Holmscroft st M'Farlane Henry M., brassfinisher, 4 Hill st M'Farlane James & Co., heating engineers, ironmongers, smiths, tinsmiths, plumbers, and gasfitters, 20 Cathcart st. Works, 18 Cathcart st M'Farlane James, greengrocer, 11 Cartsburn st 138 DIRECTORY.

M'Farlane James (of Jas. M'Farlane & Co.), 25 Regent st M'Farlane John, carpenter, 29 Trafalgar st M'Farlane John, hammerman, 13 Lauriston st M'Farlane Joseph, labourer, 104 Dempster st M'Farlane Lachlan, painter, 10 Trafalgar st M'Farlane Malcolm, carpenter, 83 Belville st M'Farlane Neil, painter. 7 Brachelston st M'Farlane Robert, cooper, 12 Ann st

M'Farlane Robert, engineer, 10 1 Belville st M'Farlane Robert, grocer, 14 Port-Glasgow road. Ho. Greenfield cottage, Ladyburn M'Farlane Robert, police constable, 14 Bruce st M'Farlane Thomas, engineer, 39 Ann st M'Farlane Thomas, rigger, 8 Kilblain st M'Farlane William, baker, 9 Crescent st. Ho. 35 West Shaw st M'Farlane William, cooper, 85 Roxburgh st M'Farlane Miss Margaret, 7 Ardgowan st, west M'Farlane Miss, dressmaker, 14 Ardgowan st, west M'Farlane Miss, grocer, 7 Antigua st. Ho. 29 Lyle st M'Farlane Miss, milliner, 5 Kelly st M'Farlane Miss, 22 West Blackhall st M'Farlane Mrs H., 12 Watt st M'Farlane Mrs M., 10 Antigua st M'Farlane Mrs Robert, 22 St. Lawrence st M'Farlane Mrs, greengrocer, 12 Bruce st M'Farlane Mrs, tobacconist, 23 Main st M'Farlane Mrs, 73 Ann st M'Farlane Mrs, 50 St. Lawrence st M'Farlane Mrs, 6 West Stewart st M'Farlane Mrs, 77 Wellington st MACFEE H. N., carver, gilder, and photographer, 23 Cathcart st MACFIE Archibald, feuar, 7 Newton st Macfie John, house and ship joiner, 3 Argyle st. Ho. 9 Kelly st Macfie John, jun., commercial traveller, 5 Hope st Macfie John, tea dealer, 14 West Blackhall st. Ho. 5 Orangefield place Macfie Miss Margaret, 4 Finnart st Macfie Mrs Daniel, 12 Watt st M'FIE Donald, labourer, 23 Dempster st DIRECTORY. 139

M'Fie Donald, labourer, i Hill st M'Fie George, hairdresser, 71 Main st. Ho. 17 John st M'Fie James, carpenter, 30 Arthur st M'Fie James, coppersmith, 19 Ingleston st M'Fie James, joiner, 7 Holmscroft st M'Fie James, joiner, 28 Wellington st M'Fie John, carter, 97 Roxburgh st M'Fie John, labourer, 6 Hay st M'Fie Neil, storekeeper, 48 St. Lawrence st M'Fie Robert, labourer, 31 Dempster st M'Fie Thomas, joiner, 16 Cathcart st M'Fie Thomas, moulder, 16 Antigua st M'Fie Miss, 8 South st M'Fie Mrs Mary, 24 South st M'GAIN Mrs, 5 Caddlehill st M'GARRITY Robert, family bootmaker, 24 Union st M'GAUGHEY Thomas, hardware merchant, 33 Ingleston st M'GAVIN David, mason, 9 Laird st M'Gavin James, coal, lime, and brick merchant, 27 West Burn st. Ho. 7 Finnart st M'GEACHAN William, joiner, 6 Brisbane st M'GEACHIE John, surfaceman, n John st M 'GEORGE James, boot and yachting shoemaker, 58 Rue-end st. Ho. 41 Lynedoch st M 'George William, law clerk, 17 Newton st M'GHEE John, dairy, 18 John st. Ho. do. M'Ghee Mrs A., 25 Brymner st M'GHIE James, joiner, 26 East Crawford st M 'GIBBON Charles, brassfinisher, 63 Belville st M'Gibbon David, coal agent, 3 Chapel st. Ho. 14 Hope st M'Gibbon Thomas, shipmaster, 6 Old Hillend M'GIE William, joiner, 45 Lynedoch st M'GILL Archibald, carpenter, 24 Lyle st M'Gill James, engineer, 30 Lynedoch st M'Gill James, vanman, 17 Mount Pleasant st M'Gill John, engine-driver, 30 Arthur st M'Gill Hugh, plater, 39 Sir Michael st M'Gill Robert, joiner, 75 Regent st M'Gill Robert, labourer, 64 Holmscroft st M'Gill Miss Margaret, 24 Union st M'Gill Mrs, lodgings, 29 Hamilton st 140 DIRECTORY.

M'GILLIVRAY Duncan, shipowner and insurance agent, i Watt place. Ho. Craigden, 88 Finnart st M'Gillivray Mrs Alexander, feuar, 26 Brisbane st M'GILP Archibald, police constable, 6 Hay st M'Gilp Donald, labourer, 30 St. Lawrence st M'Gilp Neil, joiner, 19 Ingleston place M'Gilp Miss, dining rooms, 14 Arthur st M'GILVRAY Edward, sawyer, 14 Cathcart st M'Gilvray Malcolm, boilermaker, 4 Cartsburn st M'Gilvray Mrs, 35 Lyle st M'Gilvray Mrs, 12 Lynedoch st M'GINEGLE John, feuar, 1 Campsie terrace M'GINLAY Charles, spirit merchant, 3 Shannon's close. Ho. 5 Duff st M'Ginlay Michael, labourer, 8 Holmscroft st M'Ginlay Patrick, labourer, 24 Trafalgar st M'GINN Richard, engineer, 38 East Hamilton st M'GIRR John, shipmaster, 19 Trafalgar st M'GIVERAN John, tailor and clothier, 26 Brymner st. Ho. Gateside, Inverkip road MACGLASHAN John, saddler, 33 Nicolson st. Ho. 60 Ann st M'GLASHAN Archibald, carter, 19 Mount Pleasant st M'Glashan Ebenezer, boilermaker, 11 East Blackhall st M'Glashan George, joiner, 3 Mackenzie st

M'Glashan John (of J. C. Brock & Co.), 91 Belville st M'GLINSHEY Patrick, boltmaker, 9 Hill st M'GLONE John, labourer, 6 West Stewart st M'Glone Mrs, 14 Terrace road M'GONIGLE James, labourer, 42 Lynedoch st M 'GOWAN Alexander, broker, 46 Shaw st M 'Gowan David, labourer,' 14 Mill st M'Gowan John, rigger, 31 Roxburgh st M 'Gowan Patrick, labourer, 22 Pottery st M'Gowan William, boilermaker, 67 Belville st M'Gowan Mrs, dressmaker, 5 Inverkip st M'GRANACHAN James, engineer, 1 1 Lauriston st M'Granachan Joseph, salesman, 33 West Burn st M'GRATH Mrs Margaret, spirit merchant, 5 Cowgate st. Ho. 14 Ann st M'GRATTAN Hugh, fisherman, 7 William st M'Grattan Hugh, jun., lighterman, 15 Nicolson st DIRECTORY. I4I

MACGREGOR J. & Son, merchants, Post Office buildings Macgregor John, B.L., Edin., solicitor and notary public, 28 Hamilton st. Ho. Elmbank, 34 Esplanade Macgregor John (of J. Macgregor & Son), Ardshiel, Helensburgh Macgregor Neil, wine and spirit merchant, 8 Cathcart st and 1 Shaw st. Ho. 44 Brougham st Macgregor Misses, 2 Nelson st, west Macgregor Mrs E., draper, 50 Ann st Macgregor Mrs R.. 48 Lynedoch st M'GREGOR Alexander, baker, 7 Murdieston st M'Gregor Alexander, carpenter, 35 West Burn st M'Gregor Alexander, clerk, 43 Lynedoch st M'Gregor Alexander, joiner, 17 Mount Pleasant st M'Gregor Andrew, carpenter, 87 Belville st M'Gregor Andrew C., fitter, 38 Main st

M'Gregor Charles (of J. D. M'Gregor & Co.), 71 Nicolson st M'Gregor Daniel, insurance agent, 83 Dempster st M'Gregor Daniel, rigger, 21 Lynedoch st M'Gregor Duncan, gardener, 7 Watt st M'Gregor Duncan (of D. M'Gregor & Co.), 32 Brymner st M'Gregor D. & Co., chronometer makers to the Admiralty, opticians, nautical instrument makers, jewellers, nautical stationers, &c, 32 Brymner st; also at Glasgow, Liverpool, and London M'Gregor George, engineer, 15 Belville st M'Gregor George G., clerk, P.O., 46 Ann st M'Gregor James, boilermaker, 22 Kelly st M'Gregor James, moulder, 3 Lauriston st M'Gregor James, papermaker, Overton M'Gregor James, spirit dealer, 3 Shannon's close. Ho. 23 Lyle st M'Gregor James W., writing master, Greenock Academy. Ho. 10 South st M'Gregor John, joiner, 38 Holmscroft st M'Gregor John, turner, n St. Lawrence st M'Gregor John, wholesale and retail wine and spirit merchant, 23 and 25 Shaw st and 13 Brymner st. Ho. Hawthornden, 1 Johnstone st

M'Gregor J. D. & Co., funeral undertakers and carriage hirers, 48 Cathcart st, and Tontine Stables, 24 West Blackhall st. Branch, 35 Shore st, Gourock. (See Advt.) I42 DIRECTORY.

M'Gregor Peter, boilermaker, 60 East Hamilton st M'Gregor Peter, tailor, 21 Wellington st M'Gregor Robert M., clerk, 47 Trafalgar st M'Gregor Robert, sailmaker, 29 Lynedoch st M'Gregor William, blacksmith, 35 Ingleston st M'Gregor William, joiner, 23 Hamilton st M'Gregor Miss, 11 Johnstone st M'Gregor Mrs F., 6 Lauriston st M'Gregor Mrs James, 44 Arthur st M'Gregor Mrs Robert, 18 South st M'Gregor Mrs, remnant warehouse, 36 West Burn st. Ho. 32 Kelly st M'Gregor Mrs, 15 Prospecthill st M'GUFFIE John, joiner, 31 East Crawford st M'GUGAN Alexander, labourer, 41 Holmscroft st M'Gugan Angus, grocer, 22 West Blackhall st. Ho. 20 do. M'Gugan Archibald, joiner, 52 Kelly st M'Gugan Duncan, painter and decorator, 35 West Burn st. Ho. 6 Hope st M'Gugan D., coal merchant, 5 Chapel st. Ho. 6 Hope st M'Gugan George, master of town's dredger, 34 West Blackhall st M'Gugan James, shoemaker, 7 East Shaw st M'Gugan Malcolm, patternmaker, 52 St. Lawrence st M'Gugan Mrs John, lodgings, 5 Bank st M'GUIGAN William, spirit merchant, 14 Market st. Ho. 31 Lynedoch st M'GUIRE James, hairdresser, 4 Buccleuch st M'Guire Robert, teacher, 91 Dempster st M'Guire Miss, tobacconist and stationer, 1 Lauriston st M'GURK James, potter, 20 Pottery st M'Gurk John, potter, 18 Port-Glasgow road M'HENRY Henry, bootmaker, 41 West Burn st M'HUTCHEON Alexander, clerk, 14 Lyle st M'lLRAY James, naturalist, 10 Cathcart st MTLRAVY Thomas, labourer, 13 Belville st MTLROY Robert, joiner, 3 East Crawford st MTlroy William, boilermaker, 43 Lynedoch st MTlroy William, policeman, 12 Dairymple st MTLVAIN Miss, 25 Kelly st MTLVAR Robert, labourer, 5 John st MTLWAIN William J., salesman, 68 Holmscroft st DIRECTORY. 1 43

M'lLWEE Matthew, labourer, i Prospecthill st MTLWRAITH Hew (of M'llwraiths & Walker), writer and notary public, assessor and clerk of Dean of Guild Court, clerk and treasurer of the Greenock Educational Trust, and administrator of oaths in Supreme Court, . Ho. Rozelle, 37 Esplanade M'llwraiths & Walker, solicitors and notaries public, Park buildings, 28 Nicolson st M'llwraith M., hosier, 23 Hamilton st. Ho. do. M'llwraith Miss, milliner, 40 Nicolson st M'llwraith Mrs R., 62 Regent st M'llwraith Mrs, 64 Kelly st M'llwraith Mrs, 61 Nicolson st M'INDOE Mrs, 51 Brisbane st MTNNES Alexander, student, Prospecthill house M'Innes Angus, labourer, 1 1 Belville st M'Innes Daniel, range-keeper, 30 Kelly st M'Innes Donald, carpenter, 7 Lauriston st M'Innes Donald, labourer, 9 East Blackhall st M'Innes Donald, labourer, 36 St. Lawrence st M'Innes Donald, policeman, 90 Dempster st M'Innes Donald, railway porter, 30 Kelly st

M'Innes Dugald, wine and spirit merchant, 15 Rue-end st. Wholesale stores, 3 Arthur st. Ho. Charing Cross, Rue-end st M'Innes Duncan, felt worker, 5 DurTst M'Innes James, clerk, 36 Mount Pleasant st M'Innes John, carpenter, 3 Mearns st M'Innes Norman, machinist, 34 St. Lawrence st M'Innes Robert, engine-driver, 15 Brougham st M'Innes William, cooper, 113 Dempster st M'Innes Mrs Duncan, 4 Sinclair st M'Innes Mrs, 30 South st MACINTOSH John, painter, 14 Trafalgar st Macintosh Neil, cashier, 32 Ardgowan st, west

MTNTOSH Alexander, grocer, 14 Murdieston st. MTntosh Alexander, labourer, 41 Holmscroft st MTntosh David, engineer, 15 Belville st MTntosh Donald, engineer, 8 Trafalgar st MTntosh Duncan, policeman, 65 Holmscroft st MTntosh Duncan, spirit merchant, 18 East Shaw st and 9 Bearhope st. Ho. 3 Mount Pleasant st 144 DIRECTORY.

M'Intosh Hugh, carpenter, 20 Bearhope st M'Intosh James, cabinetmaker, 74 Wellington st M'Intosh James, tobacconist and newsagent, 10 Brymner st. Ho. 5 Duffst M'Intosh John, carpenter, 5 Belville st M'Intosh William, drapery, dressmaking, and millinery ware- houses, 27 Ann st and 8 Lynedoch st. Ho. Hillhead, 86 Union st M'Intosh Miss Christina, dressmaker, 9 Mount Pleasant st M'Intosh Mrs Margaret, grocer, 44 Ann st. Ho. do. MACINTYRE Alexander, 3 Argyle st Macintyre Alexander, timber merchant, 40 Vennel. Ho. 40 Sir Michael st

Macintyre Charles J., tobacconist, wholesale newsagent, stationer, and commission agent, 3 Brougham st. Ho. do.

Macintyre James, wine and spirit merchant, 41 Ann st. Ho. 27 Dempster st Macintyre John D., insurance broker, Wallace buildings. Ho. 22 Patrick st Macintyre Miss, dressmaker, 22 West Stewart st Macintyre Mrs James, fish merchant, &c, 43 Hamilton st Macintyre Mrs, 25 Nelson st, west M'INTYRE Alexander, iron-dresser, 32 Arthur st M'Intyre Allan, carter, 5 West Stewart st M'Intyre Andrew, blacksmith, 11 East Crawford st M'Intyre Angus, painter, 58 Drumfrochar road M'Intyre Archibald, carpenter, 91 Belville st M'Intyre Archibald, contractor, 39 Trafalgar st M'Intyre Colin, joiner, 40 Holmscroft st M'Intyre Colin, rivetter, 35 Cathcart st M'Intyre Daniel (of Thomas M'Intyre & Son), 4 Robertson st M'Intyre David, smith, 6 Ingleston st M'Intyre Donald, carpenter, 14 Regent st M'Intyre Donald, cartwright and blacksmith, 13 Duncan st and 22 Bearhope st. Ho. 35 Wellington st M'Intyre Donald, porter, 5 1 Shaw st M'Intyre Dugald, smith, 21 Lyle st M'Intyre Duncan, blacksmith, 11 Lynedoch st M'Intyre Ewen, sergeant of police, 3 Trafalgar st M'Intyre George, rivetter, 56 St. Lawrence st DIRECTORY. 1 45

M'Intyre James, moulder, 5 Hill st M'Intyre James, steward, 6 Mount Pleasant st M'Intyre John, blacksmith, 97 Dempster st M'Intyre John, blacksmith, 9 Jamaica st M'Intyre John, grocer, 38 Holmscroft st M'Intyre John, weigher, 77 Holmscroft st M'Intyre Neil, storekeeper, 6 Hay st M'Intyre Thomas & Son, grain merchants, 4 and 6 Carts- burn st M'Intyre Thomas, grocer and feuar, 6 Cartsburn st. Ho. 4 Robertson st M'Intyre William, joiner, 49 Trafalgar st M'Intyre Wilson, greengrocer, 1 Bruce st M'Intyre Mrs Rachael, 11 Nelson st, west M'Intyre Mrs, 29 Ann st M'Intyre Mrs, 1 Campsie terrace M'Intyre Mrs, 33 West Stewart st M'lVER David, joiner, 66 Regent st M'lver Hector, carpenter, 25 Belville st MTver John, carpenter, 69 Roxburgh st MTver Norman, carpenter, 11 East Crawford st MTver Mrs, 38 Crawfurd st MTver Mrs. 14 Mearns st M'JANNET John, plumber, gasfitter, brassfounder, and bellhanger, 1 Newton st and 62 Inverkip st. Ho. 22 Robertson st M'Jannet John, 9 South st M'Jannet Robert, grocer and provision merchant, 81 Rox- burgh st. Ho. 9 South st M'Jannet William, joiner, 10 Hill st MACKAIL James, feuar, 4 Shaw place

Mackail John G. (of J. G. & M. Mackail), 26 Newton st Mackail J. G. & M., general grocers, tea and provision merchants, 45 Hamilton st MACKAY Charles, blacksmith, 22 South st Mackay Edward, manager, Greenock Foundry, 8 George sq Mackay Godfrey, works foreman, Greenock Harbour Trust, 29 Lyle st

Mackay J. & N., pawnbrokers, 63 Main st. Ho. Norwood, Gourock Mackay Peter, slater, slate and cement merchant, 9 West Burn square. Ho. Breadalbane house, 47 Esplanade I46 DIRECTORY.

Mackay Thomas, jun., baker, 21 West Blackhall st. Ho. 23 Finnart st Mackay William Y., tobacco and cigar merchant, 37 West Blackhall st. Ho. 4 Bentinck st Mackay Miss Annie, sick nurse, 37 Roxburgh st Mackay Mrs Charles S., 91 Eldon st Mackay Mrs, dairy, 3 Bearhope st M'KAY Andrew, engineer, 27 Belville st M'Kay Andrew, shipmaster, 66 Wellington st M'Kay Archibald, carpenter, 12 Murdieston st M'Kay Archibald, goods porter, 60 Drumfrochar road M'Kay Archibald, joiner, 19 Mount Pleasant st M'Kay Charles, carpenter, 39 Holmscroft st M'Kay Daniel, tailor, 2 Kilblain st M'Kay George, blacksmith, 8 Carwood st M'Kay James, railway porter, 24 West Blackhall st M'Kay John, engineer, 25 Belville st M'Kay John, joiner, 37 Roxburgh st M'Kay John, sawyer, 26 Wellington st M'Kay John, vanman, 41 Roxburgh st M'Kay Robert, plumber, 30 Roxburgh st M'Kay Robert, porter, 3 Duff st M'Kay Robert, seaman, 15 South st M'Kay Thomas, labourer, 17 Belville st M'Kay William, ropespinner, 18 Bruce st M'Kay William, slater, 22 West Blackhall st M'Kay Miss Catherine, 24 West Stewart st M'Kay Miss S., furnishings, 13 Crescent st M'Kay Mrs Jessie, tailoress, 13 West Stewart st M'Kay Mrs William, 4 Duff st M'Kay Mrs, 8 Hope st M'Kay Mrs, 33 Roxburgh st M'KEAN William, slater, 71 Ann st M'KECHNIE Allan, butcher, poulterer, and gamedealer, Clyde buildings, 19 West Blackhall st and 16 Kelly st. Ho. Martin terrace, n Finnart st M'Kechnie Allan, jun., 93 Dempster st M'Kechnie Charles, labourer, 5 Ingleston st M'Kechnie Dugald, joiner, 28 Bruce st M'Kechnie Duncan, felt worker, 19 Ingleston place M'Kechnie James, baker, 26 Bruce st M'Kechnie John, flesher, 19 Trafalgar st DIRECTORY. I4L

M'Kechnie John, joiner, 53 Belville st M'Kechnie John, labourer, 6 Hill st M'Kechnie John, painter, 41 West Blackhall st M'Kechnie Nicol, carpenter, 51 Belville st M'Kechnie Miss C, dressmaker, 38 Crawfurd st M'Kechnie Miss, dressmaker, 19 Ardgowan st, west M'Kechnie Mrs, 25 Crescent st M'Kechnie Mrs, 2 George square M'KEE George, salesman, 77 Wellington st M'Kee Thomas, engineer, 35 Ingleston st M'Kee William, cellarman, 10 Murdieston st

M'KEEMAN William J., postman, 53 Regent st MACKELLAR Peter, feuar, 45 Finnart st Mackellar Mrs Alexander, 45 Finnart st Mackellar Mrs Peter, 13 Union st M'KELLAR Andrew, cooper, 10 Jamaica st M'Kellar Angus, carpenter, 2 East India breast M'Kellar Angus, carpenter, 5 Hope st M'Kellar Angus, flesher, 63 Holmscroft st M'Kellar Archibald, engineer, 4 Prospecthill st M'Kellar Archibald, joiner, 78 Belville st M'Kellar Archibald, salesman, 63 Nicolson st M'Kellar Archibald B., clerk, 29 Regent st M'Kellar Charles, joiner, 10 Lynedoch st M'Kellar Daniel, plumber, 17 Lauriston st M'Kellar David, deep sea pilot, 30 Kelly st M'Kellar David, patternmaker, 13 Ingleston st M'Kellar Donald, baker, 31 Hamilton st M'Kellar Donald, baker, 21 Newton st M'Kellar Hugh, joiner, 87 Roxburgh st M'Kellar Hugh, merchant, 109 Eldon st M'Kellar James, blacksmith, 23 Lyle st M'Kellar James, storekeeper, 24 St. Lawrence st M'Kellar James C, postman, 6 Watt st M'Kellar John, blacksmith, 27 Trafalgar st M'Kellar John, commercial traveller, 24 Trafalgar st M'Kellar John, hammerman, 22 John st M'Kellar John, joiner, 7 Nile st M'Kellar Neil, blockmaker, 28 Trafalgar st M'Kellar Robert, blacksmith, 38 West Stewart st M'Kellar Miss Ann, boarding house, 1 West breast M'Kellar Mrs A., poulterer and fruiterer, 31 Nicolson st I48 DIRECTORY.

M'Kellar Mrs D., 5 Inverkip st M'Kellar Mrs, lodgings, 27 Nicolson st M'KELVIE Alexander, river pilot, 3 Kelly st

M'Kelvie David B. (of J. M'Kelvie & Sons), 10 Forsyth st M'Kelvie James & Sons, booksellers, stationers, lithographers, bookbinders, and account book manufacturers, 34 Hamilton st, and 16 Charles st M'Kelvie Mrs James, 28 Ardgowan st, west M'KENDRICK Daniel, shoemaker, 33 Rue-end st. Ho. 6 John st M'Kendrick John, rivetter, 27 Belville st M'Kendrick Robert, rivetter, 32 Main st M'KENNA John, police constable, 18 Dalrymple st MACKENZIE Alexander, salesman, 25 Trafalgar st Mackenzie Archibald, blockmaker, 58 East Crawford st Mackenzie Donald, joiner, 1 1 Carwood st Mackenzie Ewen, wine and spirit merchant, 25 Sugarhouse lane. Ho. 57 Esplanade Mackenzie James, wine and spirit merchant, 30 Cathcart st Mackenzie John, sailmaker, 5 East breast. Ho. 35 Kelly st Mackenzie Peter, shipmaster, 17 Newton st Mackenzie & Walker, grain merchants, millers, and bakers, Shaws Water Grain Mills, Dellingburn square; shop, 63 Rue-end st Mackenzie Mrs, 9 Nelson st, west Mackenzie Mrs, 25 West Blackhall st M'KENZIE Alexander, carpenter, 15 Ingleston st M'Kenzie Alexander, engineer, 89 Dempster st M'Kenzie Alexander, inspector of police, East-end Police Office, 2 East Hamilton st M'Kenzie Alexander, labourer, 7 Boyd st M'Kenzie Angus, carpenter, 19 Lyle st M'Kenzie Colin, cooper, 5 Nile st M'Kenzie Colin, policeman, 12 Nile st M'Kenzie Colin, smith, 1 Belville st M'Kenzie David C, grocer and provision merchant, and assistant registrar for East District. Ho. 29 Dempster st M'Kenzie Donald, engineman, 36 St. Lawrence st M'Kenzie Donald, joiner, 7 Hope st M'Kenzie Duncan, flesher, 12 South st M'Kenzie George, joiner, 26 Trafalgar st DIRECTORY. 1 49

M'Kenzie Henry E., wholesale fish and oil merchant, 4 West Quay lane. Ho. 35 Kelly st M'Kenzie James, blacksmith, 51 Belville st M'Kenzie John, blacksmith, 1 1 Lyle st M'Kenzie John, deep-sea pilot, 23 Cathcart st M'Kenzie John, grocer and provision merchant, 23 Vennel. Ho. 75 Holmscroft st M'Kenzie John, skinner, 24 East Crawford st M'Kenzie Joseph, watchmaker, 22 Trafalgar st M'Kenzie Kenneth, prison warder, 5 Nelson st, west M'Kenzie Kenneth, teacher, 10 Hay st M'Kenzie Murdoch, engineer, 8 Hill st M'Kenzie Murdoch, seaman, 10 Hay st M'Kenzie Peter, wine and spirit merchant, 11 Hamilton st. Ho. 24 Wellington st M'Kenzie Robert, manager, 62 East Crawford st M'Kenzie Roderick, engineer, 8 Garwood st M'Kenzie Thomas, ironplaner, 78 Belville st M'Kenzie Walter, clerk, P.O., 48 Ann st M'Kenzie William, coachman, 51 Eldon st M'Kenzie William, engineer, 23 Roxburgh st M'Kenzie Catherine, upholsteress, 13 Watt st M'Kenzie Miss E. C, confectioner, 47 Hamilton st. Ho, 62 East Crawford st M'Kenzie Miss, boys' dressmaker, 13 Watt st M'Kenzie Miss, 9 Bentinck st M'Kenzie Mrs Duncan, 18 South st M'Kenzie Mrs R. M., 61 Finnart st M'Kenzie Mrs, bookseller, 66 Vennel M'Kenzie Mrs, 22 Lyle st M'Kenzie Mrs, 30 Lynedoch st M'Kenzie Mrs, 54 St. Lawrence st M'KENNA Bernard, mason, 8 Duff st M'KERLIE William, boilermaker, 32 East Hamilton st M 'KERNAN Mrs, 5 Lynedoch st M'KERRELL Donald, carpenter, 41 Crawfurd st M'Kerrell William, carpenter, 45 Crawfurd st M'KIE John, gateman, 29 Belville st M'Kie Samuel, cooper, 8 Wellington st M'KILLOP Alfred, steamship agent, Customhouse quay. Ho. 24 South st M'Killop Donald, salesman, 44 Ann st 150 DIRECTORY.

M'Killop Donald, shoemaker, 26 West Blackhall st M'Killop George, joiner, 9 Argyle st M'Killop John, blacksmith, 32 Tobago st M'KIM John, blacksmith, 74 Wellington st M'KINLAY Donald, brassfinisher, 95 Roxburgh st M'Kinlay Duncan, joiner, 31 Lyle st M'Kinlay James, policeman, 15 Bank st M'Kinlay John, carter, 4 Crawfurd lane M'Kinlay John, millwright, Overton M'Kinlay Peter C, ironmonger and cutler, 1 Grey place. Ho. 35 West Stewart st M'Kinlay Thomas, engineer, 29 Lyle st M'Kinlay William, brassfinisher, 8 Holmscroft st M'Kinlay Mrs, 12 Ardgowan st, west M'KINNEY John, slater, 17 Tobago st M'Kinney Samuel, hammerman, 24 Antigua st MACKINNON Alexander, grocer and wine merchant, 2 Tobago st. Ho. 25 Newton st M'KINNON Alexander, tugboat owner, Palmerston build- ings. Ho. 2 Lyle st M'Kinnon Archibald, carpenter, 39 Lynedoch st M'Kinnon Charles, boilermaker, 16 Trafalgar st M'Kinnon Charles, platelayer, 44 Lynedoch st M'Kinnon Daniel, carpenter, 42 St. Lawrence st M'Kinnon Daniel, tobacconist, 18 Cartsburn st. Ho. 16 Hope st M'Kinnon David, engineer, 3 Holmscroft st M'Kinnon David, railway guard, 6 Nelson st, Glebe M'Kinnon Donald, boilermaker, 17 Belville st M'Kinnon Donald, carter, 1 Duncan st M'Kinnon Donald, clerk, 30 St. Lawrence st M'Kinnon Donald, wine and spirit merchant, 43 Crawfurd st, and 6 East Shaw st. Ho. 22 Robertson st M'Kinnon Duncan, carpenter, 10 Hope st M'Kinnon James, coachman, 25 West Stewart st M'Kinnon John, carpenter, 6 Murdieston st M'Kinnon John, checker, 7 Watt st M'Kinnon John, labourer, 71 Ann st M'Kinnon John, manager, Greenock Stevedore Company, 71 Nicolson st M'Kinnon Lachlan, carpenter, 27 Lynedoch st M'Kinnon Lachlan, storekeeper, 65 Holmscroft st DIRECTORY. 151

M'Kinnon Malcolm, draughtsman, 3 Watt st M'Kinnon Neil, chimney-sweeper, 7 Cowgate st M'Kinnon Neil, engine-driver, 65 Belville st M'Kinnon Norman, carpenter, 73 Regent st M'Kinnon Mrs Lachlan, 22 West Blackhall st M'Kinnon Mrs L., 9 Watt st M'Kinnon Mrs M., 32 St. Lawrence st M'Kinnon Mrs, laundress, 10 Terrace road M'Kinnon Mrs, 13 Antigua st M'Kinnon Mrs, 36 Lynedoch st M'Kinnon Mrs, 27 Trafalgar st MACKINTOSH Ewen, spirit merchant, 3 Charles st. Ho. 9 Jamaica st M'KIRDY Angus, carpenter, 18 Vennel M'Kirdy George, engineer, 19 Wellington st M'Kirdy James, carpenter, 22 South st M'Kirdy James, joiner, 57 Holmscroft st M'Kirdy John, boatman, 59 Rue-end st M'Kirdy John, fireman, 28 East Hamilton st M'Kirdy John (of Robert M'Kirdy & Co.), 78 Union st M'Kirdy Robert & Co., sugar merchants, 3 Brymner st M'Kirdy Robert (of Robert M'Kirdy & Co.), 78 Union st M'Kirdy Thomas, labourer, 36 East Hamilton st M'Kirdy Mrs, greengrocer, 11 Laird st M'Kirdy Mrs, 78 Union st M'KISSOCK James, carpenter, 36 Lynedoch st M'Kissock William, carpenter, 31 Lyle st M'KIVER John (of W. M. M'Kiver & Co.), Eastwood, 39 Finnart st M'Kiver William M. & Co., ship store merchants, Commer- cial bank buildings MACLACHLAN Alexander, commercial traveller, 29 Nelson st, west Maclachlan Alexander, insurance agent, 30 Nelson st, west Maclachlan Mrs D., 3 Robertson st M'LACHLAN Andrew, gardener, Dungourney, 13 Newark st M'Lachlan Angus, joiner, 23 Belville st M 'Lachlan Archibald, seaman, 64 Wellington st M'Lachlan Colin, farmer, Drums, Wood st M'Lachlan Daniel, fitter, 7 East Crawford st M'Lachlan David, shipwright, 24 East Crawford st 152 DIRECTORY.

M'Lachlan Donald, blacksmith, 23 Belville st M'Lachlan Dugald, police constable, 7 Prospecthill st M'Lachlan Duncan, clerk, 65 Belville st M'Lachlan Duncan, hairdresser, 27 Sugarhouse lane. Ho. 45 Roxburgh st M'Lachlan James, plumber, 69 Nicolson st M'Lachlan James, slater, 14 Kilblain st. Ho. 10 Watt st M'Lachlan John, boatman, 20 Antigua st M'Lachlan John, restaurant manager, 2 Lyle st M'Lachlan Peter, labourer, 70 Ann st M'Lachlan Walter, engineer, 1 Finnart st M'Lachlan Walter, rigger, 24 Hamilton st M'Lachlan William, joiner, 105 Belville st M'Lachlan Miss Mary, tobacconist, 8 Grey place. Ho. 30 Nelson st, west M'Lachlan Mrs John, 9 Nelson st, west M'Lachlan Mrs, 18 Antigua st M'Lachlan Mrs, 85 Dempster st M'Lachlan Mrs, 5 William st M'LAREN Alexander D., engineer, 30 Brisbane st M'Laren Archibald, engineer, 66 Ann st M'Laren Donald, plumber, 63 Holmscroft st M'Laren Duncan, clerk, 53 Brisbane st M'Laren John, engineer, 78 Belville st M'Laren John, policeman, 78 Dempster st M'Laren John, watchman, 51 Lynedoch st M'Laren Neil, labourer, 74 Wellington st M'Laren Mrs, grocer, 21 Sir Michael st M'LARTY John, engineer, 13 Carwood st M'Larty John, moulder, 19 Wellington st M'Larty John, sailmaker, 114 Dempster st M'Larty Nicholas, seaman, 47 Crawfurd st M'Larty Miss L., dressmaker, 57 Holmscroft st M'Larty Miss, greengrocer, 70 Wellington st M'Larty Miss, 8 Margaret st M'Larty Mrs, greengrocer, 26 Bruce st M'LAUCHLAN Andrew, foreman blacksmith, 22 Pottery st M'Lauchlan Angus, engineer, 6 Belville st M'Lauchlan James, mercantile clerk, 25 Robertson st M'Lauchlan John (manager Clyde pottery), Rosevilla, Bogston M'LAUGHLAN Daniel, labourer, 11 Dempster st DIRECTORY. 153

M'Laughlan James, egg merchant, 3 Duff st M'Laughlan Patrick, fishmonger, 17 Ann st and 4 Manse lane. Ho. 66 Regent st M'LAUGHLAND James, labourer, 4 Watt st M'LAUGHLIN Daniel, butter and egg merchant, 45 Vennel. Ho. 7 Bruce st M'Laughlin Daniel, marine store dealer, 2 East Blackhall st. Ho. 8 do. M'Laughlin Edward, butter and egg dealer, 15 Tobago st M'Laughlin Edward, labourer, 15 Regent st M'Laughlin Michael, postman, 2 Duff st M'Laughlin Peter, machinist, 53 Main st M'Laughlin Thomas, joiner, 5 Laurieston st M'Laughlin Mrs, dressmaker, 26 Crescent st M'LAURIN Miss Ann, Eddlewood place M'LAY Thomas, boilermaker, 12 St. Lawrence st M'Lay William, cooper, 7 Lauriston st M'LEA James S. & Co., ship and commission agents, 2 Cathcart st MACLEAN Alexander S. (at A. Scott & Son), 31 Bank st Maclean Archibald, traveller, 4 Trafalgar st Maclean James & Co., plumbers and gasfitters, 7 Duff st Maclean James (of James Maclean & Co.), 9 Ardgowan st, west Maclean James (of Maclean, Todd & Co.), Craigduart, 3 Octavia terrace Maclean John, checker, 6 Mearns st Maclean John, painter and decorator, 3 Kilblain st. Ho. 3 Meadow bank, Gourock

Maclean J. & M., ladies' and children's outfitting warehouse, 4 Argyle st. Ho. 4 Nelson st, west Maclean Lachlan, boilermaker, 27 Mearns st Maclean, Ronald, blacksmith and engineer, 8 Baker st. Ho. 8 Wellington st Maclean, Todd & Co., timber merchants and commission agents, 67 Rue-end st Maclean Misses F. & C, milliners and dressmakers, 20 Lynedoch st Maclean Mrs, ladies' nurse, 18 Sir Michael st Maclean Mrs, 10 Brisbane st M'LEAN Alexander, collector, 25 West Stewart st M'Lean Alexander, shipmaster, 23 West Blackhall st 154 DIRECTORY.

M'Lean Allan, clerk, 113 Dempster st M'Lean Allan, glazier, 13 West Stewart st M'Lean Allan, labourer, 81 Port-Glasgow road M'Lean Andrew Y., plumber, T13 Dempster st M'Lean Angus, shoemaker, 24 Bruce st M'Lean & Co., engineers, ironfounders, and makers of sugar refining machinery, Ingleston Foundry, 9 Ingle- ston st M'Lean Daniel, brassfinisher, 50 Roxburgh st M'Lean Donald, boilermaker, 39 Ann st M'Lean Donald, carpenter, 6 Holmscroft st M'Lean Donald, cowfeeder, 24 Duncan st M'Lean Donald, seaman, 1 Kilblain st M'Lean Donald, seaman, 12 Lyle st M'Lean Dugald, blacksmith, 6 Holmscroft st M'Lean Dugald, gardener, 36 Nelson st, west M'Lean Dugald, tinsmith, 16 Lynedoch st M'Lean Dugald, tobacconist, 19 Hamilton st. Ho. 11 Lynedoch st M'Lean Duncan, assistant collector of town assessments, 81 Holmscroft st M'Lean Duncan, carpenter, 69 Regent st M'Lean Duncan, carriage-hirer, 5 Newton st M'Lean Duncan, joiner, 9 Prospecthill st M'Lean Duncan, sawyer, 36 St. Lawrence st M'Lean Duncan, storekeeper, 53 Holmscroft st M'Lean George, fireman, 33 East Crawford st M'Lean Hector, joiner, 41 Roxburgh st M'Lean Hector, mason, 5 Mill st M'Lean Hugh, boatman, 80 Dempster st M'Lean Hugh, boilermaker, 26 West Blackhall st M'Lean Hugh, gardener, 10 Murdieston st M'Lean Hugh, sugar porter, 1 1 Murdieston st M'Lean James & Co., timber merchants, sawmillers, and manufacturers of wooden mouldings, 27 and 64 Main st, and at 41 Port-Dundas road, Glasgow M'Lean James, caulker, 83 Belville st M'Lean James, cooper, 50 Dalrymple st M'Lean James, irondriller, 52 St. Lawrence st M'Lean James, joiner, 58 Kelly st M'Lean James, rivetter, 10 Chapel st M'Lean Jolin, blacksmith, 14 Dalrymple st DIRECTORY. 155

M'Lean John, carpenter, 13 Belville st M'Lean John, carpenter, 80 Belville st M'Lean John, caulker, 10 John st M'Lean John, cooper, 43 Crawfurd st M'Lean John, cooper, 1 Kilblain st M'Lean John, fireman, 7 Laurieston st M'Lean John, flesher, 14 Arthur st. Ho. 6 Chapel st M'Lean John, grain merchant, 23 West Stewart st. Ho. do. M'Lean John, joiner, 30 Roxburgh st M'Lean John, labourer, 26 Bruce st M'Lean John, late of P.O., 3 Argyle st M'Lean John (of M'Lean & Co.), 8 Shaw place M'Lean John, salesman, 31 Lynedoch st M'Lean John, steward, 64 Wellington st M'Lean John, sugar porter, 10 Watt st M'Lean John, 11 Nelson st, west M'Lean Kenneth, keeper of Sugar Exchange, 14 Lyle st M'Lean Malcolm, boatman, 7 Brymner st M'Lean Malcolm, joiner, 68 Wellington st M'Lean Neil, cooper, 20 Lynedoch st M'Lean Neil, policeman, 13 Nelson st, west M'Lean Neil, seaman, 6 Sir Michael st M'Lean Peter, labourer, 35 Lynedoch st M'Lean Robert, baker, 85 Wellington st M'Lean Robert, boilermaker, 10 South st M'Lean Thomas, coach proprietor, 5 Cartsburn st. Ho. 63 Rue-end st M'Lean Miss K., milliner, 45 Roxburgh st M'Lean Miss, 13 Ardgowan st, west M'Lean Mrs Catherine, 23 West Blackhall st M'Lean Mrs R, dressmaker, 2 Finnart st M'Lean Mrs Hugh, 6 Chapel st M'Lean Mrs Isabella, grocer, 78 Belville st M'Lean Mrs John, 23 East Shaw st M'Lean Mrs William, 22 Ardgowan square M'Lean Mrs William, 13 Watt st M'Lean Mrs. funeral undertaker, 41 Hamilton st M'Lean Mrs, 53 Drumfrochar road M'Lean Mrs, Mount Park, 2 Holmscroft st M'Lean Mrs, 4 Nelson st, west M'Lean Mrs, 47 Roxburgh st M'Lean Mrs, 81 Roxburgh st 156 DIRECTORY.

M'LEAY Alexander, blacksmith, 97 Roxburgh st M'Leay Duncan, boot and shoemaker, 28 Lynedoch st. Ho. 97 Roxburgh st M'LEISH Daniel, wine and spirit dealer, 17 Shaw st. Ho. 39 Holmscroft st M'Leish Peter, engineer, 44 Lynedoch st M'LELLAN Andrew, draper, hatter, and outfitter, 53 Rue- end st. Ho. 12 Wellington st M'Lellan Archibald, fireman, 69 Regent st M'Lellan James & Co., agents for Elliott's Metal Co., 9 Highland close M'Lellan James & Co., ship and insurance brokers, 46 Brymner st M'Lellan John, depute harbour-master, Customhouse Quay. Ho. 24 Bank st M'Lellan John, vanman, 22 West Stewart st M'Lellan Moses, coachman, 84 Eldon st M'Lellan Neill, dairy, 15 Bruce st M'Lellan Peter, grocer and provision merchant, 18 Lynedoch st and 63 Ann st. Ho. 15 South st M'Lellan Thomas, engineer, 24 Bank st M'Lellan Walter, inspector of police, 3 Holmscroft st M'Lellan Walter, sawyer, 60 East Hamilton st M'LELLAND Alexander, fitter, 46 East Hamilton st M'Lelland James, grocer and provision merchant, 12 Ann

st. Ho. 10 Wellington st M'Lelland Matthew, boilermaker, 40 Lynedoch st M'Lelland Matthew, engine-keeper, 11 Mill st M'Lelland Robert, glazier, 15 Sir Michael st M'Lelland William, sailmaker, 53 Brisbane st M'Lelland W. M., clerk, 26 Brisbane st M'LENNAN William & Co., photographers, 29 Nicolson st. Ho. Maryville, Ashton, Gourock M'Lennan Mrs, 10 Hope st MACLEOD Neil, sugar porter, 19 Ardgowan square M'Leod Roderick, inspector of cleansing, Municipal build- ings, Dalrymple st. Ho. 1 1 Dempster st Macleod & Grylls Misses, teachers, 61 Finnart st M'LEOD Angus, carpenter, 18 Hope st M'Leod Angus, carter, 73 Regent st M'Leod Angus, joiner, 28 Lynedoch st M'Leod Archibald, iron driller, 3 Duff st DIRECTORY. 157

M'Leod Archibald L., mate, 66 Kelly st M'Leod Colin, shipmaster, 23 Newton st M'Leod Donald, shoemaker, 36 St. Lawrence st M'Leod Finlay, sugar sampler, 8 Nicolson st M'Leod John, carpenter, 9 Lynedoch st M'Leod John, hamcurer, 31 Ann st M'Leod John, patternmaker, 56 St. Lawrence st M'Leod John, shoemaker, 29 Dempster st M'Leod John, yachtsman, 13 Watt st M'Leod Murdoch, joiner, 27 Lynedoch st M'Leod Neil, watchman, 85 Belville st M'Leod Norman, carter, 36 Nelson st, west M'Leod Norman, moulder, 13 Belville st M'Leod Robert, iron dresser, 7 Hope st M'Leod Robert, labourer, 21 Bruce st M'Leod Roderick, stamper P.O., 6 Mount Pleasant st M'Leod Mrs Aulay, 18 Nicolson st M'Leod Mrs A., 6 West Stewart st M'Leod Mrs A., lodgings, 41 West Blackhall st M'Leod Mrs Colin, Rosebank, Cardwell bay M'Leod Mrs Roderick, 77 Holmscroft st M'Leod Mrs Roderick, 8 Mount Pleasant st M'Leod Mrs, ladies' nurse, 23 Roxburgh st M'LERNAN James, teacher, St. Mary's school, Bearhope st. Ho. 57 Holmscroft st M'LINTOCK Robert, patternmaker, 59 Belville st M'LONAN John, watchman, 34 Mount Pleasant st M'LUCKIE Thomas, printer, 17 Dempster st M'LUSKIE Felix, labourer, 17 John st M'Luskie Mrs, 56 Drumfrochar road M'LYMONT William, engine-driver, 53 Holmscroft st M 'MASTER Andrew, iron moulder, 66 Regent st M' Master James, coal merchant, 9 Mill st M 'Master Peter, wine and spirit merchant, 3 St. Andrew square and 2 Springkell st. Ho. 9 Antigua st M'Master William, engine-driver, 26 West Blackhall st M 'Master Miss, 27 Patrick st M'MATH Joseph, engineer, 10 Belville st M'Math William, coachman, 32 West Blackhall st M'MEIKAN John, carpenter, 65 Roxburgh st M'MENAMIE Charles, dairyman, 36 Ann st. Ho. do. M'MENEMY James, slater, 1 Bruce st 158 DIRECTORY.

M'Menemy Robert, plater, 33 East Crawford st M'MICHAEL Mrs, 4 Robertson st MACMILLAN Rev. Hugh, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S.E., minister of Free West Church, Ardgowan st, west. Ho. 70 Union st Macmillan John, hairdresser, 26 Charles st. Ho. 39 Kelly st Macmillan John, ironmoulder, 87 Belville st Macmillan John, steamship agent, Customhouse buildings. Ho. 8 Margaret st Macmillan Mrs, Linwood, 83 Brisbane st M'MILLAN Alexander, blacksmith, 16 Laird st M'Millan Andrew, grocer, wine and spirit merchant, 20 Brisbane st. Ho. do. M'Millan Andrew, grocer, 52 Holmscroft st M'Millan Angus, ship surveyor, 4 Finnart st M'Millan Bernard, policeman, 3 Regent st M'Millan Daniel, iron plater, 23 Trafalgar st M'Millan David, flesher, 37 Cathcart st. Ho. 7 Prospecthill st M'Millan David, potter, 24 Pottery st M'Millan Donald, carpenter, 65 Roxburgh st M'Millan Dugald, carpenter, 19 Dempster st M'Millan Duncan, fireman, 6 Lauriston st M'Millan Edward, tailor, 7 York st M'Millan George, engineman, 45 Wellington st M'Millan George, salesman, 18 Cathcart st M'Millan George, seaman, 69 Regent st M'Millan Hugh, lathsplitter, 17 Ann st M'Millan Hugh, police constable, 2 Wemyss Bay st M'Millan James, carter, 44 Lynedoch st M'Millan James, carter, 45 Roxburgh st M'Millan James, wine and spirit merchant, 31 Hamilton st. Ho. 25 Bank st M'Millan John, boatman, 32 Nicolson st M'Millan John, engineer, 2 Holmscroft st M'Millan John, fitter, n Carwood st M'Millan John, jun., hairdresser, 19 Mount Pleasant st M'Millan John, labourer, 66 East Hamilton st M'xMillan John, timber measurer, 19 Nelson st, west M'Millan John, wine and spirit merchant, 69 Vennel. Ho. 8 Brisbane st M'Millan Lachlan, mason, 34 Mount Pleasant st M'Millan Malcolm, carter, 50 Holmscroft st DIRECTORY. 159

M'Millan Matthew, billposter and advertising contractor, 23 Cathcart st. Ho. 4 Brougham st M'Millan & Mitchell, refreshment rooms, 53 Main st M'Millan Robert, joiner, 71 Roxburgh st M'Millan Terrance, broker, 29 Dalrymple st. Ho. 31 do. M'Millan Thomas, upholsterer, 82 Roxburgh st M'Millan William, fitter, 4 Hill st M'Millan William, stereotyper, 72 Wellington st M'Millan William, tailor, 3 Bruce st M'Millan Miss, milliner, 25 West Blackhall st M'Millan Miss, 30 Kelly st M'Millan Mrs Elizabeth, 5 Kelly st M'Millan Mrs Hugh, grocer, 40 Inverkip st M'Millan Mrs John, 18 Vennel M'Millan Mrs M., lodgings, 63 Rue-end st M'Millan Mrs, 40 Holmscroft st M'Millan Mrs, 8 Hope st M'Millan Mrs, 12 St. Lawrence st M'MORLAND R. S., coal and lime merchant, Arcade, 20 Cathcart st. Ho. 64 Esplanade M'MUNAGLE Charles, fishmonger, 11 Ann st M'MURRAY James, carting foreman, Caledonian Railway, 13 Hope st M'MURRICH Thomas D., collector of police and other assessments, Municipal buildings, Wallace place. Ho. 18 Robertson st M'MURTRIE Robert, caretaker, Mansionhouse, 1 Ard- gowan square MACNAB Archibald (of Duncan M'Nab & Son), 10 Brisbane st Macnab Duncan & Son, hay, straw, and grain merchants, 25 Tobago st and 2 Bearhope st Macnab Miss, Glen villa, 96 Newton st M'NAB Donald, sawyer, 1 St. Andrew's st M'Nab Duncan, baker, 106 Dempster st M'Nab John, carpenter, 9 Kelly st M'Nab Robert W. T., postman, 18 Bearhope st M'Nab Mrs, 44 Crawfurd st M'Nab Mrs, 9 Nelson st, west M'Nab Mrs, 73 Regent st MACNAIR Ugo, interpreter and translator, 7 Grey place M'NAIR John, joiner, 8 Lyle st l6o DIRECTORY.

M'Nair Robert, carpenter, 10 Antigua st M'Nair William S., slater, 91 Dempster st M'NAIRN Joseph, tanner, 6 Sinclair st M'NALLY John St. V., Nautical and Engineering Academy, 17 West Blackhall st MACNAUGHT Archibald (of Macnaught Brothers), Rich- mond villa, 33A Newton st Macnaught Brothers, chemists and druggists, 4 West Black- hall st. Stores 7 do. (See Advt.) Macnaught Duncan, painter, 21 Kelly st Macnaught John, painter and paperhanger, 24 West Burn st. Ho. 47 Brisbane st Macnaught John W., oil and colour merchant, 56 Vennel, 47 Shaw st, and 38 East Hamilton st. Ho. 26 Newton st Macnaught Mrs William, 17 Newton st M'NAUGHT David C, draper and clothier, 9 Cathcart st M'Naught George W., tailor and clothier, 32 Ann st. Ho. 22 Wellington st M'Naught James, dairy, Upper Ingleston M'Naught John, carting foreman, G. & S.-W. Railway. Ho. 7 South st M'Naught Thomas, railway inspector, 60 Kelly st M'Naught Mrs Alexander, 71 Wellington st M'Naught Mrs, 18 Bearhope st MACNAUGHTAN Duncan, boot and shoemaker, 29 Nelson st, west Macnaughtan James, distillery manager, 29 Nelson st, west MACNAUGHTON Daniel, White Hart Hotel, 50 Cathcart st M'NEE Mrs Joseph, wine and spirit merchant, 20 Cathcart st. Ho. 16 do. M'NEIL Archibald, carpenter, 5 Mount Pleasant st M'Neil Archibald, labourer, 1 Duncan st M'Neil Archibald, traveller, 99 Dempster st M'Neil Archibald, woolsorter, 4 Prospecthill st M'Neil Charles, boilermaker, 13 Lyle st M'Neil Daniel, boatman, 20 Trafalgar st M'Neil David, groom, 14 Mearns st M'Neil Donald, contractor, 1 South st M'Neil Hector, carpenter, 4 Duff st M'Neil Henry, engineer, 34 East Hamilton st DIRECTORY. l6l

M'Neil Hugh, labourer, 37 Wellington st M'Neil James, carpenter, 7 East Crawford st M'Neil James, carpenter, 6 Mearns st M'Neil James, jun. (of James M'Neil & Co.), 49 Brisbane st M'Neil James, labourer, 66 Ann st M'Neil James, woolcarder, 126 Drumfrochar road M'Neil James & Co., drapers, 39 West Burn st M'Neil John, bootmaker, 1 Union st M'Neil John, carpenter, 5 Orchard st M'Neil John, flesher, 6 Ann st. Ho. Auchneagh house, Inverkip road M'Neil Malcolm, blacksmith, 89 Roxburgh st M'Neil Thomas, brickbuilder, Belleaire cottage, 17 Newark st M'Neil Thomas, joiner, 8 Murdieston st M'Neil Thomas, watch and clockmaker and jeweller, 34 Brymner st M'Neil William, engineer, 124 Drumfrochar road M'Neil William, labourer, 58 Drumfrochar road M'Neil William, seaman, 48 Crawfurd st M'Neil William, sugarboiler, 48 St. Lawrence st M'Neil Mrs A., grocer, 19 Wellington st. Ho. do. M'Neil Mrs Neil, ladies' nurse, 13 Nelson st, west M'Neil Mrs Thomas, 32 Ardgowan st, west M'NEILL Alexander, pavement merchant, n Patrick st. Ho. 13 Nelson st, west. (See Advt.) M'Neill Alexander, carpenter, 9 East Blackhall st M'Neill Alexander, recorder, 3 Ford place, Finnart st M'Neill Alexander G., clerk, 6 Brisbane st M'Neill Archibald, 13 Hope st M'Neill Miss, milliner, 27 Regent st M'Neill Mrs, 71 Roxburgh st MACNEILAGE, Adam & Co., shipowners and commission agents, Municipal buildings, Wallace place Macneilage John K. (of Macneilage, Adam & Co.), 24 Kelly st

M'NEILAGE Alexander, chemist and druggist, 46 Ann st. Ho. 41 do. M'Neilage John, baker, 17 Antigua st. Ho. 21 do. M'Neilage John, cooper, 62 Ann st M'Neilage Mrs Alexander, 41 Ann st M'Neilage Mrs, 29 Regent st M'NEISH John, gardener, T5 Margaret st I 62 DIRECTORY.

M'NEUR John, joiner, 12 Belville st M'NICOL Alexander, blacksmith, 34 Crescent st M'Nicol Duncan, labourer, 61 Belville st M'Nicol John, fireman, 14 Dalrymple st M'NICOLL Charles, engine-keeper, 7 Lauriston st M'Nicoll John, rivetter, 10 Terrace road M'Nicoll John, sawyer, 57 Belville st M'NISH Robert, sailmaker, 56 Regent st MACNIVEN Angus, grocer, 50 Ann st. Ho. 27 Mearns st M'NIVEN Alexander, wine and spirit merchant, 22 West Blackhall st M'Niven Donald, flesher, 90 Roxburgh st. Ho. 16 Welling- ton st M'Niven Donald, vanman, 16 Wellington st

MACONIE John (of G. & J. M'Onie), Cleggan, 32 Bank st

M'ONIE G. & J., engineers, founders, and patent windlass makers, Ladyburn engine works, Port-Glasgow road

M'Onie George (of G. & J. M'Onie), 26 Mearns st MACPHAIL John, coal merchant, 2 7 Cathcart st ; depot, 5 Chapel st. Ho. 5 Kelly st Macphail Mrs R., 15 Lynedoch st M'PHAIL Archibald, painter, 87 Roxburgh st M'Phail Archibald, seaman, 12 Murdieston st M'Phail Colin, saw-sharper, 21 Main st M'Phail Colin, iron plater, 65 Rue-end st M'Phail Duncan, engineer, 18 Serpentine walk M'Phail John, sailmaker, 2 Holmscroft st M'Phail Neil, porter, 13 Lyle st M'Phail Peter, salesman, 115 Dempster st M'Phail Robert, brassmoulder, 32 Arthur st M'Phail William, licensed porter, 6 Boyd st M'Phail Mrs Jessie, 5 Newton st

M'Phail Mrs J., 7 Crescent st M'Phail Mrs, 76 Dempster st M'PHEDRAN Dugald, lieutenant of police, 2 Jamaica st M'PHEE Angus, sugar porter, 69 Nicolson st MACPHERSON Alexander & Co., engineers and ship- builders' ironmongers, machinery merchants, and com- mission agents, 2 Open shore Macpherson Alexander (of Alexander Macpherson & Co.), Underwood, Gourock Macpherson Hugh, 17 Ardgowan square DIRECTORY. 1 63

Macpherson John, jun., the Clanneries boot warehouse, 26 Hamilton st. Ho. 9 Mearns st Macpherson, Rev. John F., B.D., minister of South Parish Church, Ann st. Ho. 46 Margaret st Macpherson Robert (of Welsh, Walker & Macpherson), 56 Forsyth st Macpherson Harriet K., tobacconist, 100 Roxburgh st. Ho. 4 Mount Pleasant st Macpherson Mrs, ladies' nurse, 58 Kelly st M'PHERSON Alexander, salesman, 68 Inverkip st M'Pherson Alexander, engineer, 13 Lauriston st M'Pherson Angus, tea merchant, 35 Kelly st M'Pherson Donald, boatbuilder, 29 Dempster st M'Pherson Donald, porter, 9 East Blackhall st M'Pherson Donald K., slater and contractor, 3 Newton st. Ho. 17 Mount Pleasant st M'Pherson George, watchman, 3 Prospecthill st M'Pherson James, boatbuilder, 67 Nicolson st M'Pherson James, boilermaker, 16 Antigua st M'Pherson James, labourer, 15 Trafalgar st M'Pherson John, boilermaker, 62 Regent st M'Pherson Malcolm, inspector of police, 3 Bank st M'Pherson Peter, engineer, 28 South st M'Pherson Richard, sailmaker, 45 Holmscroft st M'Pherson Miss, 19 Brisbane st M'Pherson Mrs Janet, lodgings, 73 Nicolson st M'Pherson Mrs, 97 Dempster st M'Pherson Mrs, Eddlewood place MACQUARRIE Donald, sailmaker, Ford cottage, Finnart st MacQuarrie John, clerk, 56 Kelly st MacQuarrie Walter, boilermaker, 3 Customhouse place MacQuarrie Miss E., underclothing establishment, 10 West Blackhall st. Ho. 1 Finnart st M'QUEEN Alexander, shoemaker, 29 Roxburgh st M'Queen John, railway porter, 47 Trafalgar st M'QUIGGIN John, grocer and provision merchant, 32 and 34 Charles st M'QUILKAN Duncan, grocer, 28 Charles st. Ho. 4 Fin- nart st M'QUISTAN Mrs Mary, 35 Brisbane st M'QUOID William, joiner and builder, 31 Sir Michael st. Ho. 3 Mearns st 164 DIRECTORY.

M'Quoid Miss, grocer, 8 Mount Pleasant st

M'Quoid Mrs, 5 1 Kelly st MACRAE George, engine-fitter, 73 Nicolson st M'RAE Kenneth, checker, 6 Hay st M'Rae Neil, carpenter, 6 Watt st M'Rae William, carrier, 1 Kilblain buildings M'Rae Miss, milliner and straw hat maker, 14 Lyle st M'Rae Mrs John, 28 Wellington st M'ROBERT James, hotel keeper, Buck Head Hotel, 2 Watson's Lane and 25 Hamilton st. (See Advt.) M'RONALD Mrs Alexander, 16 Hope st M'RUVIE David, seaman, 6 Nelson st, Glebe M'SHEFFREY Neil, labourer, 7 Holmscroft st M'SKIMMING Andrew, prison warder, 94 Dempster st M'STRAVICK Robert, painter, 22 Lynedoch st MACSYMON & Company (Limited), general grocers, whole- sale retailers of home and foreign produce, sugar brokers, shipstore dealers, ship chandlers, sailmakers, and general ship and yacht furnishers, Argyle st. Branches— 26 Cathcart st, 46 Brymner st, 67 Roxburgh st, 1 West Blackhall st, and 10 Church st, Port-Glasgow. Free stores—George square. Bonded Stores—Nelson

st ; also at Liverpool M'TAGGART Archibald, joiner, 67 Rue-end st M'Taggart Donald, moulder, 5 Orchard st M'Taggart Malcolm, labourer, 1 Hill st M'Taggart Mrs C, grocer, 48 St. Lawrence st M'Taggart Mrs, 9 Argyle st M'TAVISH Angus, joiner, 9 Murdieston st M'Tavish Duncan, tugboat master, 2 Kilblain st M'Tavish John, carpenter, 26 West Blackhall st M'Tavish John, mason, 70 Wellington st M'Tavish Mrs D., 22 Robertson st M'VEAN Duncan, joiner, 14 South st M'Vean John, police constable, 85 Wellington st M'Vean Mrs, 28 Crawfurd st M'VEY James, joiner, 6 Union st MACVICAR Hugh (of Macvicar & Son), 1 2 Ardgowan st, west Macvicar & Son, tailors and clothiers, 39 West Burn st M'VICAR Angus, storeman, 39 Sir Michael st M'Vicar Duncan, labourer, 19 Ingleston place DIRECTORY. 1 65

M'Vicar James, seaman, 29 Roxburgh st

M'Vicar John, flesher, 7 John st. Ho. 18 Cathcart st M'Vicar Neil, joiner, 31 Nelson st, west M'Vicar Robert, engineer, 14 Lynedoch st M'Vicar William, slater, 81 Roxburgh st M'Vicar Mrs, 4 Finnart st M'Vicar Mrs, 47 Holmscroft st M'Vicar Mrs, 17 Lyle st M'Vicar Mrs, 73 Nicolson st M'Vicar Mrs, 16 Sir Michael st M'VIE Joseph, church officer, 11 Nelson st, west M'WALTER Robert, joiner, 5 Antigua st M'WHINNIE Hugh, caulker, 1 Ratho st M'Whinnie Hugh, forgeman, 68 East Hamilton st M'Whinnie Miss, 26 East Hamilton st M'WHIRTER Hugh, agent, Maybole boot and shoe warehouse, 16 Hamilton st. Ho. 12 Wellington st M'Whirter John, sugarboiler, 21 Wellington st M'Whirter William, teacher, 7 Caddlehill st M'Whirter Mrs, 26 South st M 'WILLIAM John, smith, 6 Finnart st M "'William Misses, teachers, 9 South st M

MACHELL William, foreman, 25 Nelson st, west

MACK William J., photographer, 52 Eldon st MACKIE Bernard, fireman, 25 Vennel Mackie James, boilermaker, 35 Lyle st Mackie James, engineer, 3 Regent st Mackie James, seaman, 41 Nicolson st Mackie William, assistant manager, Greenock Gas Works, Lilybank, Chapelton, Port-Glasgow Mackie Mrs David, 32 South st MADDEN Samuel D., timekeeper, 32 West Blackhall st Madden William, engineer, 38 Brymner st Madden William, gateman, 17 Nelson st, west Madden William F., watchmaker and jeweller, 49 Rue-end st. Ho. 8 Hope st MAGURA Robert, upholsterer, 66 Holmscroft st Magura Mrs, 6 Murdieston st 1 66 DIRECTORY.

MAHAN David, wood turner, 39 Holmscroft st MAIN John, labourer, 6 Roslin st Main John, salesman, 39 Sir Michael st Main, Boag & Black, slaters and plasterers, 31 Sugarhouse lane Main Robert (of Main, Boag & Black), 10 Watt st Main Thomas, clerk, 1 Kilblain buildings MAIR C. S. & Marquis, grain and forage importers, grain crushers and hay cutters, 40 Rue-end st and 68 Gordon st, Glasgow MAITHER John, carpenter, n Antigua st MAITLAND Alexander, foreman, gasworks, 10 Ardgowan st, west Maitland Archibald, gas inspector, 73 Holmscroft st Maitland George, dairyman, Barnhill, East Hamilton st Maitland James, gasfitter, 66 Drumfrochar road Maitland John, foreman, 79 Port-Glasgow road Maitland William, shoemaker, 24 Cartsburn st Maitland Mrs Janet, 28 Wellington st MALCOLM & Co., coopers, fishcurers, and wholesale fish merchants, 10 and 12 Charles st Malcolm Andrew, labourer, 83 Roxburgh st Malcolm Archibald, boilermaker, 73 Nicolson st Malcolm David, salesman, 61 Ann st Malcolm George, engineer, 124 Drumfrochar road Malcolm George, joiner, 24 Wellington st Malcolm James, leather merchant and shoe furnisher, 8 Dalrymple st and 3 Bell entry. Ho. 13 Brisbane st Malcolm John, insurance agent, Windsor terrace, 21 Newton st Malcolm John, labourer, 7 Brachelston st Malcolm John, pansman, 7 Boyd st Malcolm John, plater, 87 Roxburgh st Malcolm Joseph, sailmaker, 6 Nelson st, Glebe Malcolm Robert, boilermaker, 23 Hamilton st Malcolm William, labourer, 116 Drumfrochar road Malcolm Mrs, milliner, 9 Rue-end st. Ho. 12 Patrick st MANN Alexander, watchmaker, 16 Laird st Mann Thomas, labourer, 33 Ingleston st MANSIONHOUSE, 1 Ardgowan square MANSON Gordon, carpenter, 76 Dempster st Manson Rose, collector, 27 Nelson st, west DIRECTORY. 1 67

Manson Miss Helen, 27 Shaw st Manson Miss, Seafield, 2 Fox st MARK Demetris, confectioner, 26 West Blackhall st. Ho. 64 Vennel MARKER William, millworker, 126 Drumfrochar road MARLEY Mrs, 10 Regent st MARQUIS David, grocer, 7 Brachelston st Marquis & Millar, writers and notaries public, 18 Hamilton st Marquis Mrs Angus, 8 West Burn st MARR James, goldsmith and jeweller, 14 Hamilton st. Ho. 33 Nelson st, west Marr Richard, moulder, 3 Macdougall st Marr William, engine-driver, 75 Wellington st Marr Mrs, 20 West Stewart st MARSH John, labourer, 79 Dempster st MARSHALL Andrew, sailmaker, 32 Tobago st Marshall James, engineer, 2 South st Marshall James (of Ross & Marshall), 3 Shaw place Marshall John, patternmaker, 13 Ingleston st Marshall Robert, gardener, 53 Kelly st Marshall Robert, jun., gardener, 17 Nelson st, west Marshall William, engineer, 3 Hope st Marshall William, labourer, 13 Ingleston st Marshall William, provision merchant and commission agent, 9 West Stewart st Marshall William Johnstone, M.D. and L.R.C.S., Edin., physician and surgeon, 8 Ardgowan square Marshall Mrs William, stationer, 57 Inverkip st. Ho. 13 Nelson st, west Marshall Mrs William, 18 Eldon st Marshall Mrs, 14 Lynedoch st MARTIN & Co., bottlers, 26 West Blackhall st Martin & Co., tobacconists. Branch Post Office, 30 Cath- cart st Martin Alexander, joiner, 45 Wellington st Martin Angus, carpenter, 18 St. Lawrence st Martin Duncan T., railway booking clerk, 14 Wellington st Martin George, gateman, 50 Roxburgh st Martin James, engineer, 38 Lynedoch st Martin James, flesher, 21 Kelly st. Ho. 8 Robertson st Martin James, labourer, 7 Boyd st 1 68 DIRECTORY.

Martin James, 6 Hill st Martin John, carpenter, 83 Dempster st Martin John, coal merchant, 66 Holmscroft st Martin John, hairdresser, 15 Ann st Martin John, tailor and clothier, 5 Hamilton st. Ho. 27 Dempster st Martin John D., cashier, 8 Robertson st Martin John H., clerk, 6 Duff st Martin Joseph, clerk, 10 Kelly st Martin Robert, provision merchant, 28 Charles st. Ho. 2 Princes st Martin William, music-seller, 14 West Blackhall st. Ho. 52 Kelly st Martin William, woolsorter, 27 Dempster st Martin William Macfie, commission merchant, agent for R. M. Weir & Co., Edinburgh, 26 West Blackhall st. Ho. 33 Ardgowan st, west Martin Mrs Elizabeth, 16 Kelly st Martin Mrs Sarah, 25 West Blackhall st Martin Mrs, 11 Brachelston st Martin Mrs, 21 John st MASON Joseph W., blacksmith, 25 Bruce st Mason Robert (of Roxburgh Street Refining Company), Nellieslee, 25 Newark st Mason Thomas, engineer, 7 Watt st Mason Mrs, 6 Grey place MASSON iVndrew, sawmaker, 26 Lynedoch st Masson John, iron turner, 5 Hope st Masson Robert, storekeeper, 34 Mount Pleasant st MASTER of Works Office, Municipal buildings, Wallace pi MATHIE John, carpenter, 82 Belville st Mathie John, cooper, 1 Finnart st MATHIESON David, grocer, 9 South st. Ho. do. Mathieson Donald, hotel-keeper, Royal Hotel, 3 East breast Mathieson Hugh, fitter, 6 Old Hillend Mathieson John, ironmonger, 42 Brymner st. Ho. 9 Antigua st Mathieson John L., joiner, 5 Lauriston st Mathieson Lindsay, joiner, 108 Dempster st Mathieson Lindsay, grocer, 20 Cartsburn st and 6 John st. Ho. 9 South st Mathieson Peter, 96 Dempster st DIRECTORY. I 69

Mathieson Robert, blacksmith, 30 Arthur st Mathieson Robert, painter and decorator, 28 Nicolson st. Ho. 34 Nelson st, west Mathieson Robert D., boilermaker, 30 Arthur st Mathieson Mrs, lady's nurse, 47 Holmscroft st MAVEN James D., engineer, 30 Lynedoch st MAXTON Miss, 78 Finnart st MAXWELL David, book deliverer, 60 Ann st Maxwell David, lithographer, 65 Nicolson st Maxwell Hamilton, insurance agent, 23 Dempster st Maxwell John, engineer, 34 Crescent st Maxwell Robert, iron plater, 25 Belville st Maxwell Robert, railway porter, 31 Dempster st Maxwell Thomas, draper, 64 Vennel MAY Alexander, papermaker, 124 Drumfrochar road May George W., painter, 70 Wellington st MAYORS R. G., clerk, 6 Watt st Mayors Thomas H., upholsterer, 35 Nicolson st and 8 West Stewart st. Ho. 5 Watt st MEARNS Patrick, rafter, 45 Rue-end st Mearns Mrs James, 6 Ardgowan st, west MECHAN Thomas, salesman, 10 Terrace road Mechan Mrs, greengrocer, 44 Vennel MECHANICS' Institution, library, reading - room, and public baths, 13 Sir Michael st and 11 Tobago st MEDICAL Aid Society's Home, 15 Caddlehill st Medical Association, 47 Regent st MEGLAUGHLIN Harry H. (manager Danish Dairy Co.), 9 Mount Pleasant st MEIKLE Daniel, baker, 7 Caddlehill st Meikle Daniel, engineer, 65 Belville st Meikle William, dairyman, 42 Ann st. Ho. 44 do. MELDRUM George, engineer, 7 Hill st Meldrum Mrs, 29 Ardgowan st, west MELROSE John, sailmaker, 12 Lyle st Melrose Matthew, hammerman, 56 Lynedoch st Melrose Walter, rivetter, 63 Belville st Melrose William, painter, 18 Bruce st Melrose Mrs, 14 Wellington st MELVILLE John, warehouseman, 27 Lynedoch st Melville William, painter, decorator, oil and colour merchant, 3 Manse lane and 28 Ann st I70 DIRECTORY.

Melville William, provision merchant, 21 Regent st. Ho. 41 Ann st MELVIN Daniel, 29 Mearns st MENARD Josue, French master, Greenock Academy, 13 Ardgowan st, west MENZIES & Co., bookstall, Princes Pier Station, G. & S.-W. Railway Menzies Daniel, mercantile clerk, 38 South st Menzies John, dairyman, 9 Newton st Menzies Peter (of Singers' Machine Co.), 53 Kelly st Menzies Robert, pansman, 44 Lynedoch st Menzies Robert, watchmaker and jeweller, 27 West Burn st. Ho. 64 Kelly st Menzies William (of Boston, Menzies & Morton), Overoale, Bonhill Menzies Miss R., tobacconist, 23 Vennel Menzies Mrs Alexander, 25 Brisbane st Menzies Mrs John, 14 West Blackhall st MERCANTILE Marine Office, 7 Virginia st MERINO Mill Yarn Store, 6 West Blackhall st and 61 Rue-end st

MERRYLEES James (of J. & W. Merrylees), 40 Cathcart st

Merrylees J. & W., clothiers, 14 William st METHODIST Chapel, 4 Ardgowan st, west MEYER Mrs, 56 Finnart st MIDDLE (Free) Church, 10 George square Middle Parish Church, Cathcart square MIDDLETON Daniel, Mem. N.S.P.M., &c, professor of music, 25 Finnart st Middleton David, boilermaker, 60 Ann st Middleton James, engineer, 26 South st MILL Alexander, grocer, wine and spirit merchant, 95 Roxburgh st. Ho. 23 Brisbane st and Thrushill, Gourock Mill Robert R., chemist, 20 Union st Mill Mrs Charles, 20 Union st Mill Mrs, 1 Bruce st MILLAR Alexander, pawnbroker, 38 Hamilton st. Ho. 29 Ann st Millar Andrew, joiner, 19 Belville st Millar David, joiner, 50 Holmscroft st DIRECTORY. 171

Millar George, engineer, 13 Hope st Millar James, accountant and factor, 26 Hamilton st. Ho. 38 South st Millar James, cartwright, 18 Duncan st Millar James, joiner, 15 Dempster st Millar James (of Marquis & Millar), 46 Regent st Millar James, teacher, 7 Caddlehill st Millar John, brassfinisher, 5 John st Millar John, engine-driver, 9 Murdieston st Millar John, feuar, Newtondale cottage, 21 Roxburgh st Millar John, joiner, 14 Bruce st Millar John, mason, 38 Holmscroft st Millar Peter, joiner, 23 East Shaw st Millar Peter, salesman, 91 Dempster st Millar Robert, feuar, 18 Robertson st Millar Robert, glazier, 33 Roxburgh st Millar Robert, joiner, 60 Kelly st Millar Robert, purveyor, dining rooms, 18 Arcade. Ho. 10 Antigua st Millar S. H., wine and spirit merchant and commission agent, 17 Regent st and 3 West Quay lane. Ho. Ash- burn, 8 Bedford st Millar Thomas, brassfinisher, 62 Ann st

Millar Thomas, waterman, 1 1 Mill st Millar William, coachman, 23 Newark st Millar William, farmer, Bawhirley Millar William, prison warder, 93 Dempster st Millar William, steamboat agent, Customhouse quay. Ho. 33 West Stewart st Millar William, 10 Brisbane st Millar William H., wine and spirit merchant, 29 Vennel. Ho. 3 Grey place Millar Mrs A., 29 Ann st Millar Mrs D., 27 West Blackhall st Millar Mrs John, 62 Regent st Millar Mrs Robert, 71 Ann st Millar Mrs R., 15 Newton st Millar Mrs, 13 Cathcart st MILLER Allan, boilermaker, 31 Ingleston st Miller Andrew, wine and spirit merchant, 38 Main st. Ho. 6 Kelly st

Miller Archibald (of J. & A. Miller), 64 Kelly st I 7 2 DIRECTORY.

Miller & Co., joiners, builders, timber merchants, and saw- millers, 64 Inverkip st

Miller Frank VV., draper, Municipal buildings, Hamilton st. Ho. 33 West Stewart st Miller Henry, baker. 87 Dempster st Miller James, engineer, 56 Ann st Miller James, line and twine maker, 4 South st Miller James, watchmaker and general dealer, 43 West Burn st. Ho. Elizabeth place, Adelaide st, Gourock Miller John, baker, 41 West Burn st

Miller John (of J. & A. Miller), 19 Nelson st, west Miller John (of Miller & Co.), 34 Brisbane st Miller John, Trinity and deep-sea pilot, 10 Regent st

Miller J. & A., joiners and builders, 20 West Blackhall st Miller Nicol, mason, 96 Dempster st Miller Peter, machinist, 10 Hill st Miller Peter, restaurant, 58 Vennel Miller Robert, engineer and boilermaker, 26 and 28 Arthur st. Ho. 40 Mearns st Miller Robert, evangelist, 53 Drumfrochar road Miller Thomas, provision merchant, Park buildings, 1 1 West Blackhall st. Ho. 25 Robertson st Miller Thomas, wholesale buiscuit and confection merchant, 15 Charles st. Ho. 21 Finnart st Miller William, labourer, 62 Ann st Miller William S., watchmaker and jeweller, 31 Brymner st. Ho. 35 Lynedoch st Miller Mrs Robert, 1 1 Carwood st Miller Mrs Thomas, 40 Nelson st, west Miller Mrs, 10 Shaw place MILLIGAN Alexander, moulder, 8 Hope st Milligan Andrew, policeman, 18 Dalrymple st Milligan John, Customs' officer, 31 Trafalgar st Milligan William, engine-driver, 27 Bruce st Milligan William, mercantile clerk, 58 Forsyth st MILLIKEN Mrs, 8 Mount Pleasant st MILLOY Hugh, joiner, 8 Mount Pleasant st MILLS James, carpenter, 42 Roxburgh st Mills John, carpenter, 1 1 Lauriston st Mills John, ship surveyor, 10 Brisbane st Mills Robert, engineer, 5 East Crawford st DIRECTORY. 1 73

Mills Robert, engineer, shipsmith, and boilermaker, 5 Dock breast. Ho. 1 Mearns st Mills Robert, iron plater, 36 East Hamilton st MILNAY John, fitter, 38 St. Lawrence st MILNE Dugald, insurance agent, 15 Lyle st Milne John, blacksmith, 1 Campsie terrace MINTO Archibald, traveller, 34 South st Minto George, commission agent, 27 Patrick st MITCHELL Alexander, painter, 41 Crawfurd st Mitchell Archibald, carter, 63 Holmscroft st Mitchell Archibald, joiner, 4 Carwood st Mitchell Archibald, mason, 14 Murdieston st Mitchell Archibald, painter and decorator, 34 Inverkip st* Ho. 71 Nicolson st Mitchell A. & D., coach, van, cart, and lorry builders, and general smiths. 38 and 40 Vennel Mitchell & Co., booksellers and stationers, Greenock bible emporium, 3 Hamilton st Mitchell Daniel, carpenter, 30 Bruce st Mitchell Duncan (of A. & D. Mitchell), 71 Nicolson st Mitchell George G., superintendent Working Boys' Home, 19 Bank st and 3 Lyle st Mitchell James, cooper, 21 Belville st Mitchell James, plumber (registered) and gasfitter, 5 West Stewart st. Ho. 29 Ardgowan st, west Mitchell James C, tobacconist, 23 Rue-end st. Ho. 16 Lynedoch st Mitchell John, boilermaker, 13 Ingleston st Mitchell John, coach and van builder, 5 Brougham st. Ho. 23 West Stewart st Mitchell John, cooper, 76 Ann st Mitchell John, draughtsman, 1 1 Antigua st Mitchell John, engineer, 6 Lyle st Mitchell John, gardener, 5 Brachelston st Mitchell John, joiner, 65 Belville st Mitchell John, joiner, 4 Mearns st Mitchell Robert, salesman, 38 East Hamilton st Mitchell Thomas, draper and clothier, 23 Cathcart st. Ho. 27 Lyle st Mitchell Walter, joiner, 1 East William st Mitchell William, fishmonger, 1 Lauriston st. Ho. 87 Bel- ville st 174 DIRECTORY.

Mitchell William, shorthand writer, Sheriff Court House, County buildings. Ho. 39 Kelly st Mitchell William H., tobacconist, 9 Hamilton st. Ho. 16 Lynedoch st

Mitchell William J., labourer, 15 Mill st Mitchell Miss Maggie, fishmonger, 25 Regent st Mitchell Mrs Andrew, 28 Lynedoch st Mitchell Mrs Catherine, 71 Nicolson st Mitchell Mrs, newsagent, 52 Ann st Mitchell Mrs, 67 Regent st MOFFAT Alexander, blacksmith, 63 Belville st Moffat David, carpenter, 8 Carwood st Moffat David, moulder, 14 Mearns st Moffat Gilbert, 21 Brisbane st Moffat John, shipwright, 7 Lauriston st Moffat Robert, baker, 16 Lynedoch st. Ho. 14 do. Moffat William, moulder, 31 Ingleston st

Moffat Misses J. & M., milliners, 39 West Blackhall st. Ho. 21 Brisbane st MOTR Robert W., river pilot, 24 Union st Moir Willam Dallas, porter, ale, home, shipping, and export wine and spirit merchant, Lilybank, Cardwell bay. Ho. do.

MOLES J. & Co., tailors and clothiers, 27 West Burn st Moles James (of J. Moles & Co.), 23 Brisbane st MOLSEED Andrew (of Post-Office), 10 Jamaica st Molseed James, painter, 22 West Stewart st MONAGHAN John, blacksmith, 41 Roxburgh st MONEY James, coachman, Lilybank, Cardwell bay MONTAGUE George, insurance agent and stationer, 7 Cross-shore st. Ho. 45 Shaw st MONTIETH James, gas stoker, 32 Ingleston st MONTGOMERIE John, goods superintendent, Caledonian Railway Co. Office, Railway Cottage, Bogle st. Ho. 25 Brisbane st MONTGOMERY Alexander, clerk, 52 Kelly st Montgomery Arthur, labourer, 3 Arthur st Montgomery Robert, engineer and brassfounder, 9 Stanners st. Ho. 65 Belville st Montgomery Thomas, watchmaker, 14 St. Lawrence st Montgomery William, engineer, 32 Crescent st MOODIE Alexander, bookkeeper, 32 South st DIRECTORY. T75

Moodie A. & M., grocers and provision merchants, i Belville st. Ho. 73 do. Moodie William, slater, 45 Roxburgh st Burn st. Ho. Moodie Miss J. M., milliner, 30 West 4 Nelson st MOODY Allan, janitor, Belville st. Public School, 73 Bel- ville st Moody David, brassfinisher, 26 East Crawford st Moody Miss, feuar, 52 Brougham st MOON Francis (late supervisor of I.R.), 38 Brisbane st Moon George, watchman, 1 Broomhill st MOONEY James, labourer, 45 Crawfurd st MOORE E. T. (manager, Edinburgh & Glasgow Crated Bread Co.), 2 Whitehill Gardens, Denniston, Glasgow Moore James, gardener, 15 Newton st Moore Joseph, engineer, 1 1 East Crawford st Moore William, painter, 85 Belville st More Mrs James, 24 Brisbane st MORIES Alexander S. (of James M'Lean & Co.), 63 Fin- nart st Mories James S. (of John Mories & Co.), 51 Newton st Mories John & Co., timber measurers, 2 Cathcart st MORISON George, tea merchant and grocer, 27 Cathcart st. Ho. Hayfield, 43 Finnart st Morison James B. & Co., general grocers and wine merchants, 29 West Blaekhall st and 13 Finnart st B. Co.), Forsyth st Morison J. B. (of James Morison & 55 Morison John, accountant and house factor. 29 West Burn st. Ho. 23 Brisbane st Morison Neil, tailor and clothier, 33 West Eurn st MORRIN William, missionary, 12 Wellington st MORRIS John, potter, 18 Port-Glasgow road Morris John, salesman, 69 Nicolson st Morris Patrick, machinist, 86 Belville st Morris Thomas R., river pilot, 31 Brougham st Morris Mrs James, 3 Argyle st Morris Mrs, 55 Holmscroft st MORRISON A. & D., ship carpenters, blockmakers, and joiners, 3 Clarence st Morrison Alexander, agent for Employers' Liability, Accident, Fire and Life Insurance, 12 Renfleld st, Glasgow 176 DIRECTORY.

Morrison Alexander (of A. & D. Morrison), 32 West Stewart st Morrison David, labourer, 108 Dempster st Morrison David, labourer, 66 Drumfrochar road Morrison Donald, fisherman, 3 Trafalgar st Morrison Dugald, carter, 8 South st Morrison Duncan, carpenter, 10 Hill st Morrison Duncan D., registered plumber and gas fitter, 10 Charles st. Ho. 16 Trafalgar st Morrison Finlay D., writer, 32 Cathcart st. Ho. Alt-na-craig, Lyle road Morrison Hugh, gardener, 63 Ann st Morrison James, carpenter, 18 Vennel Morrison James, fish merchant, 49 Shaw st. Ho. 45 do. Morrison James, flesher, 7 West Blackhall st Morrison James (of Morrison & Sons), Alma villa, Gourock Morrison James D., coal merchant, 3 Clarence st. Ho. 32 West Stewart st Morrison Rev. James R, R.C. clergyman, 14 Patrick st Morrison John, brassmoulder, 28 Lynedoch st Morrison John, engineer, 19 Wellington st Morrison John, head-master Duncan Street Public School, 7 Caddlehill st Morrison John, seaman, 22 Lynedoch st Morrison John & Sons, manufacturing stationers, litho- graphers, bookbinders, &c, 67 Rue-end st Morrison John F. (of John Morrison & Sons), 29 Mearns st Morrison Neil, labourer, 6 Hill st

Morrison Peter, carpenter, 7 Dempster st Morrison Peter, carpenter, 25 West Burn st Morrison Robert, engine-driver, 52 West Blackhall st Morrison Robert, engineer, 15 Laird st Morrison Robert, labourer, 8 Nile st Morrison Robert, moulder, 20 Antigua st Morrison Robert, policeman, 4 Hill st Morrison Samuel, 16 Bruce st Morrison & Sons, tailors, clothiers, and outfitters, 41 Cathcart st Morrison William, broker, 8 Kilblain st. Ho. 31 Nicolson st Morrison William, carpenter, 15 Lyle st Morrison William, clerk, 29 Bank st Morrison William, engineer, 25 Lynedoch st DIRECTORY. 1 77

Morrison William D., clerk, 5 Hill st Morrison Miss Mary, 41 Nicolson st Morrison Miss, 34 Brisbane st Morrison Misses, 2 Esplanade Morrison Mrs David, 37 Kelly st Morrison Mrs James, 29 Mearns st Morrison Mrs Mary, 7 Dempster st Morrison Mrs William, greengrocer, 15 Regent st Morrison Mrs, 5 Roxburgh st MORROW Andrew, cabinetmaker, 7 Caddlehill st MORTON Archibald, coal merchant, 47 Lynedoch st Morton Ernest (of James Morton & Sons), 30 Forsyth st Morton George (of Boston, Menzies & Morton), 86 Union st Morton James & Sons, iron and steel merchants, 8 Princes square, Buchanan st, Glasgow Morton John, weigher, 5 Shaw st Morton & Kidd, wholesale and retail ironmongers, steel, iron, and metal merchants, blacksmiths, and agents for Milner's fireproof safes, 24 Hamilton st. Workshops, 2 Hunter place Morton Robert (of Morton & Williamson, consulting engineers, Glasgow), 30 Forsyth st Morton Robert, skinner, 66 East Hamilton st Morton & Young, tea dealers, 30 Hamilton st Morton Miss, 9 Ardgowan square Morton Mrs & Misses, teachers, 29 Ardgowan st, west Morton Mrs, tobacconist, 36 Hamilton st. Ho. 27 West Blackhall st MOSSMAN William, joiner, 68 Regent st. Ho. 51 Holms- croft st MOUNTFORD Jabez, curator, Mechanics' Institute, n Tobago st MUIR Alexander, engineer, 18 Bogle st

Muir Allan, baker and confectioner, 8 West Blackhall st. Ho. do. Muir George, flesher, 13 West Blackhall st. Ho. 49 Broug- ham st Muir Henry, greengrocer, 5 Inverkip st. Muir James, coal agent, 5 Chapel st. Ho. 58 Kelly st

Muir James D. (of J. & J. Muir), 47 Brougham st Muir James, 4 Duff st Muir John, engineer, 5 Lauriston st 178 DIRECTORY.

Muir John, ironplater, 67 Belville st Muir John, joiner, 15 Regent st Muir John, papermaker, 61 Ann st Muir John, policeman, 106 Dempster st

Muir John L. (of J. & J. Muir), 5 Robertson st

Muir J. & J., provision merchants, 25 Vennel Muir Robert, engineer, 14 Hope st Muir Robert (of Leitch & Muir), Ardmore, 38 Newark st Muir Robert & Sons, millers and grain merchants, 6 East Stewart st. Ho. 2 St. Andrew square Muir Robert W. (of T. O. Hunter & Co.), 32 Brisbane st Muir R. G. (of Muir & Weir), Greenhill, 75 Finnart st Muir Simeon, gas meter inspector, 68 Kelly st Muir Thomas, ironmoulder, 17 Belville st Muir & Weir, sack merchants and forwarding agents, 4 Man- sionhouse lane Muir William, engineer, 74 Wellington st Muir William, feuar, 32 Brisbane st Muir William, fireman, 20 West Blackhall st Muir William, joiner, 31 Roxburgh st Muir William, lathsplitter, 83 Wellington st Muir William, papermaker, 61 Ann st Muir Miss A., grocer, 14 South st. Ho. 68 Kelly st Muir Miss L., flesher, 20 Ann st Muir Miss, dressmaker, 22 Crawfurd st Muir Miss, 49 Brougham st Muir Miss, 30 Wellington st

Muir Mrs J. T., 23 Trafalgar st Muir Mrs Matthew, 9 Argyle st Muir Mrs Robert, baker, 12 Cathcart st. Ho. 2 St. Andrew square Muir Mrs R., feuar, 47 Brougham st Muir Mrs S., 4 Inverkip st MUIRHEAD Alexander, baker, 95 Roxburgh st. Ho. 26 Wellington st MULGREW Thomas, spirit merchant, 7 East breast. Ho. 8 Lyle st

MULHERN Mrs P. J., greengrocer, 4 Smith's lane MULHOLLAND Richard, machinist, 3 Ingleston st MULLEN John, seaman, 92 Dempster st MUMME Carl, shipbuilder, 1 Ardgowan st, west MUNDELL George, gardener, 19 South st DIRECTORY. J 79

MUNDIE Peter, cooper, 28 Lynedoch st MUNN Alexander, blacksmith, 32 West Blackhall st Munn Arthur, cooper, 4 Hill st Munn John, fireman, 31 Lyle st Munn Robert, pilot, 60 Regent st Munn William, 18 South st Munn Miss Agnes, 13 Kelly st MUNRO Alexander, way inspector, Caledonian Railway, 63 Holmscroft st Munro Colin, cooper, 23 Lynedoch st Munro Colin, grocer, 42 Crawfurd st Munro Daniel, painter, 5 Bearhope st Munro Daniel, porter, 5 Hill st Munro Duncan, clerk and insurance agent, 1 Ford place, Finnart st Munro George, boilermaker, 15 Hope st Munro George, carpenter, 6 Nelson st, Glebe Munro Hugh, skinner, 16 Port-Glasgow road Munro James, salesman, 28 Wellington st Munro James, seaman, 38 Brymner st Munro Norman, baker, 21 Regent st. Ho. 15 Nelson st, west Munro William, messenger-at-arms and Sheriff officer, 13 Hamilton st. Ho. 26 South st Munro Mrs William, 6 Kelly st Munro Mrs C, 15 Nelson st, west MUNSIE Matthew, engineer, 1 1 Carwood st MUNTZ'S Metal Co., copper, &c, manufacturers—A. G. Kidston & Co., agents MURCHIE Robert, painter and paperhanger, 29 Regent st. Ho. 35 do. MURDOCH David, carpenter 33 East Crawford st Murdoch David, general blacksmith, Donald's court, Cath- cart st. Ho. do. Murdoch James, shipbuilder, Port-Glasgow. Ho. Lochwards, 7 Octavia terrace Murdoch Samuel, tailor, 18 Bearhope st Murdoch William, joiner, 9 Carwood st Murdoch William D., dyer, 94 Dempster st Murdoch Miss, matron, Medical Aid Home, 15 Caddlehill st Murdoch Mrs John, 68 East Hamilton st Murdoch Mrs, lodgings, 7 Kelly st l8o DIRECTORY.

Murdoch Mrs, 20 Lynedoch st MURPHY David, lather, 95 Roxburgh st Murphy Edward, broker, 26 Dalrymple st Murphy James, labourer, 3 Arthur st Murphy John L., R.C. clergyman, St. Lawrence's R.C. Church, Main st, Wood cottage, Serpentine walk

Murphy William J., labourer, 70 Ann st Murphy Mrs Robert, marine store dealer, 10 Cartsburn sL Ho. 17 Brougham st Murphy Mrs, newsagent, 10 Manse lane MURRAY Alexander, coachman, 5 Newton st Murray Alexander, joiner, 9 Lynedoch st Murray Alexander B., compositor, 85 Wellington st Murray Alexander C, storekeeper, 38 Nelson st, west Murray A. D. (of Alexander Cameron & Murray), 16 Albert road, Gourock Murray Andrew S., blacksmith, 19 Antigua st Murray Archibald, engineer, 10 Carnock st Murray Charles, Council officer, Town Hall. Ho. 60 Kelly st Murray Charles, mason, 7 Brachelston st Murray Daniel, shipmaster, 30 Nelson st, west Murray George, joiner, 79 Port-Glasgow road Murray George (of M. F. Dunlop & Murray), Greenlaw, Port-Glasgow Murray James, carter, 14 Serpentine walk Murray James, flesher, 87 Wellington st Murray James, general turner and timber merchant, 30* Market st. Ho. 4 Robertson st Murray James, gilder, 20 Pottery st Murray James, tanner, 36 East Hamilton st Murray James, tinsmith, 3 Argyle st Murray John, blacksmith, 1 East William st Murray John, tailor, 4 Prospecthill st Murray Neil, postman, 4 Kilblain st Murray Robert, engineer, 3 Antigua st Murray Robert, engineer, 68 Kelly st Murray Robert S. (of Fyfe & Murray), 3 Antigua st Murray Samuel, labourer, 19 Ingleston place Murray Timothy, wholesale wine and spirit dealer, 5 Mansionhouse lane Murray William, moulder, 45 Lynedoch st Murray Miss, lodgings, 42 Holmscroft st DIRECTORY. l8l

Murray Miss, 5 Holmscroft st Murray Mrs William, 25 Bruce st Murray Mrs, dressmaker, 56 Kelly st Murray Mrs, feuar, 5 Union st Murray Mrs, 7 William st MUSHET Mrs, 9 Watt st MUSEUM (Antiquarian), Watt Institution, Kelly st


NAIRN Alexander, painter, 12 Ann st NAPIER Alexander, seaman, 7 Holmscroft st Napier Archibald, boilermaker, 29 Regent st Napier James, engineer, 25 Regent st Napier James, skinner, 10 Carwood st Napier William, governor H.M. prison, 3 Nelson st, west NATIONAL Amalgamated Sailors' and Firemen's Union, 16 East India breast— G. W. M 'Naught, secretary. Ho. 22 Wellington st National Bank of Scotland (Limited), 29 Cathcart st—J. Campbell Hart, agent National Telephone Co. (Limited), Municipal buildings, Wallace square NEIL & Reid, buiscuit manufacturers, 18 Cathcart st Neil James, accountant, house factor, and insurance agent, 3 Bank st. Ho. 26 South st Neil John, joiner, 4 Prospecthill st Neil John, Whitehill, 49 Octavia terrace Neil Rev. John C, minister of Mearns st E.U. Church, 9 Wellington st Neil Thomas, carpenter, 33 Ingleston st Neil Thomas, patternmaker, 22 Antigua st Neil Thomas S., general ironmonger, and shipchandler, 25 Rue-end st. Ho. Rosebank, 26 Ashton road, Gourock Neil William, ironmoulder, 5 Hill st Neil Mrs Elizabeth, greengrocer, 9 Newton st. Ho. 19 Nelson st, west NEILL & Co., warehouse-keepers, Dellingburn st Neill, Dempster & Neill, sugar refiners, 78 Drumfrochar road Neill George D. (of Neill, Dempster & Neill), 26 Forsyth st DIRECTORY.

Neill Hugh R. & Co., grocers, wine merchants, Italian ware- housemen, and contractors to the R.N., 27 West Black- hall st Neill Hugh R. (of Hugh R. Neill & Co.), 19 Ardgowan st, w Neill James, marine surveyor, City buildings, 32 Cathcart st. Ho. 53 Union st Neill James, rivetter, 83 Belville st Neill John, farmer, South Hillend Neill John, salesman, 15 Dempster st Neill John (of Neill, Dempster & Neill), Glenfield, 1 Bed- ford st Neill John, watchmaker, 5 Caddlehill st Neill R. & S. Clerk & Orkney, writers and notaries public, 2 Argyle st Neill Thomas, Balgray, 5 Octavia terrace Neill William, rope spinner, 112 Drumfrochar road

Neill William J. (of Neill, Dempster & Neill), Lawthorn, 13 Octavia terrace Neill Mrs John, 26 Newark st Neill Mrs William, Towerlands, 9 Octavia terrace NEILSON Alexander, commission merchant, 23 Brougham st Neilson Andrew, engine driver, 26 East Crawford st Neilson James, accountant, British Linen Co. Bank, Mather bank, Kilmalcolm Neilson John, boilermaker, 14 Bruce st Neilson William, iron driller, 78 Belville st Neilson William (of Robert Lusk & Co.), 30 Brisbane st NELLIS Edward, baker, 64 Holmscroft st NELSON James, bookbinder, 19 Trafalgar st Nelson John, labourer, 25 John st Nelson Thomas, iron turner, 76 Ann st Nelson Mrs, furnishings, 44 Lynedoch st. Ho. 42 do. NESS David, blacksmith, 17 Lynedoch st Ness James, blacksmith, 61 Ann st NEW Assembly Rooms, 21 West Stewart st NEWALL Charles, engineer, 34 Mount Pleasant st Newall Charles, grocer and provision merchant, 44 Lynedoch st. Ho. 5 Dempster st Newall Mrs, 14 Eldon st NEWCOMEN Steamship Co., Limited, 2 West Quay— Leitch & Muir, managers NEWMAN Miss, 24 Brisbane st DIRECTORY. 1 83

NICCOL Robert, author of treatise on sugar refining, 69 Union st NICHOLSON David, police sergeant, 7 Prospecthill st NICOL Alexander, cooper, 38 Lynedoch st Nicol Andrew, carpenter, 65 Roxburgh st Nicol Andrew, joiner, 22 Lynedoch st Nicol David, blacksmith, 6 Carwood st Nicol Duncan & Co., coal merchants, 55 Rue-end st and 20 Brougham st Nicol Duncan (of Duncan Nicol & Co.), 2 Octavia terrace Nicol Gavin, tailor and clothier, 29 West Burn st. Ho. 64 Kelly st Nicol James, blacksmith, 3 Orchard st Nicol James, carpenter, 19 Lyle st Nicol James, carpenter, 16 Stanners st Nicol John, joiner, 83 Wellington st Nicol John S. (of Duncan Nicol & Co.), 15 Forsyth st Nicol Walter, blacksmith, 6 Lyle st Nicol William, blacksmith, 9 Dempster st Nicol Mrs D., 2 Octavia terrace Nicol Mrs, dressmaker, 13 Nelson st, west NICOLL James, accountant and stockbroker, 2 Bank st. Ho. 32 Margaret st Nicoll William, manager at Kincaid & Co.'s, 50 East Craw- ford st Nicoll Mrs James, 32 Margaret st NICOLSON Alexander, boatman, 36 Crawfurd st Nicolson Alexander, jun., boatman, 4 Nelson st, Glebe Nicolson Alexander, spirit merchant, 26 East Shaw st. Ho. 59 Holmscroft st Nicolson Angus, seaman, 16 Hope st Nicolson David, moulder, 31 Lynedoch st Nicolson Donald, greengrocer, 49 Holmscroft st Nicolson Donald, shipping porter, 32 Kelly st Nicolson James, joiner, 80 Belville st Nicolson John, brassfinisher, 82 Belville st Nicolson John, labourer, 13 Hope st Nicolson John, sawyer, 5 Mount Pleasant st Nicolson Neil, insurance agent, 19 Captain st

Nicolson Norman, wine and spirit merchant, 22 Cathcart st. Ho. 20 Lynedoch st Nicolson Samuel, seaman, 65 Nicolson st 184 DIRECTORY.

Nicolson Samuel, 3 Antigua st Nicolson William, carter, 7 Kilblain st Nicolson William, clerk, 1 1 Lyle st NIMMO Andrew, 17 Ardgowan square Nimmo Robert, boilermaker, 17 Lyle st NISBET Samuel, engine-driver, 24 Bruce st Nisbet Thomas, engineer, 38 Lynedoch st NIVEN Alexander, hosier, glover, and shirtmaker, 6 West Blackhall st. Ho. 9 Kelly st Niven Archibald F., clerk, 35 Kelly st Niven George, moulder, 36 Ingleston st Niven G. W., bookseller, stationer, and book- binder, 27 Brymner st. Ho. 23 Newton st Niven John, blacksmith, 59 Holmscroft st Niven Mrs, 13 Ardgowan st, west Niven Mrs, Craigend villa, 15 Johnstone st NIXON James, joiner, 37 Roxburgh st Nixon Mrs William, 13 Holmscroft st NOBLE George, engineer, 2 Garvald st Noble John, clerk, 70 Wellington st Noble John, labourer, 63 Ann st Noble Thomas, British Workman, 32 East Hamilton st. Ho.

1 1 Roxburgh st Noble Tom, H.M. Customs, 17 South st NORMAN Louis, photographer, 2 Campsie terrace NORRIE James, carpenter, 50 East Hamilton st Norrie William, lithographer, 3 Argyle st NORTH British Daily Mail and Glasgow Weekly Mail newspapers. Greenock branch office, Municipal build- ings, Hamilton st—George Wardle, agent North British Railway Company, carries in connection with G. & S.-W. Railway, Lynedoch st and Albert Harbour stations —W. S. Selby, agent NORTON Thomas, fitter, 103 Belville st NUTT James, joiner, 58 Kelly st Nutt William, joiner, 73 Holmscroft st O

OAKDEN Mrs, matron, House of Refuge OATES James, practical hatter, 42 West Burn st. Ho. 4 Kilblain st —


O'BRIEN Catherine, licensed broker, 33 Dalrymple st. Ho. 67 Roxburgh st O'Brien E. & M., glass and china merchants, 61 Venneland 4 Sir Michael st. Ho. 18 Kelly st O'DONNELL John, flesher, n Cross-shore st, 6 Sir Michael st, and i Stanners st. Ho. 8 Cross-shore st OGG William, engineer, 28 East Hamilton st OGILVIE John, janitor, Highlanders' Academy, 24 Mount Pleasant st Ogilvie Miss, 13 South st O'HARA William, carter, 12 Nile st O'Hara William, spirit merchant, 61 Main st. Ho. 32 West Stewart st O'KANE Jeremiah, butter and egg dealer, 9 Duff st. Ho. 5 1 Shaw st OLDING William, labourer, 93 Belville st OLIVER James, blacksmith, 67 Belville st Oliver Martin, bottler, 30 Sir Michael st Oliver Thomas, labourer, 8 Duff st Oliver William, engineer, 81 Wellington st

Oliver William, skinner, 1 1 East Crawford st OLSEN John, carpenter, 94 Dempster st O'NEILL Bernard, labourer, 4 Cartsburn st O'Neill Felix P., engineer, 19 Newton st O'Neill John, labourer, 7 Nile st O'Neill John, tailor, 13 Crawfurd st O'Neill John B., pawnbroker, 8 Stanners st. Ho. 4 Wel- lington st O'Neill Mrs, 114 Drumfrochar road ORANGE Hall, 1 East Blackhall st ORCHARD Sugar Refining Co., 22 Ingleston st ORIENT Line Royal Mail Steamers, Arcade Andrew Picken & Co., agents ORKNEY Robert (of R. & S. Neill, Clerk & Orkney), 63 Octavia terrace Orkney William, joiner, 45 Lynedoch st Orkney Mrs, 22 Sugarhouse lane ORR Alexander, carter, 89 Roxburgh st Orr Daniel (of John Orr & Son), 41 Dempster st Orr Duncan, teacher, 12 Brisbane st Orr Erskine (of Orr, Pollock & Co.), St. Clair cottage, Kilmalcolm I 86 DIRECTORY.

Orr, Hunter & Co., Limited, rope manufacturers and sail- makers, 4 West Quay lane. Works, Greenock Rope- work, 43 Wellington st Orr James (of William Orr & Co.), 7 Kilblain st Orr James, seaman, 1 1 Lynedoch st Orr James, smith, 6 Antigua st Orr John, baker, 14 Hope st Orr John, boatman, 59 Rue-end st Orr John, joiner, 6 Hope st Orr John, joiner, 14 Terrace road Orr John, jun., 45 Regent st Orr John & Son, grocers and wine merchants, 13 Ann st Orr John E., engineer, 29 Regent st Orr Joseph, labourer, 22 Arthur st Orr, Pollock & Co., newspaper proprietors and letterpress printers, 14 Charles st and 15 Sugarhouse lane Orr Robert, railway porter, 35 Lynedoch st Orr Thomas, jun., boatbuilder, 2 East Blackhall st. Ho. 7 Roxburgh st Orr Thomas, sen., boatbuilder, 5 St. Andrew st. Ho. 2 Antigua st Orr Thomas G., colporteur, 124 Drumfiochar road Orr W'illiam & Co., carting contractors, 7 Kilblain st Orr William, farmer, Craigieknowes Orr William, joiner, 2 Antigua st

Orr William (of William Orr & Co.), 7 Kiblain st Orr William, shipmaster, 14 Ardgowan square Orr William H., flesher, 46 Ann st. Ho. 35 Lynedoch st Orr Miss Helen M., boys' dressmaker, 3 Kelly st Orr Miss M. F., 14 Crescent st Orr Miss, greengrocer, 39 Ann st Orr Miss, 73 Ann st Orr Misses, 24 Brisbane st Orr Mrs Donald, drapery and fancy goods, 25 Nelson st, west Orr Mrs John, feuar, 41 Dempster st O'SHEA Ambrose, chimney sweep, 3 Argyle st OSTLER Robert, spirit merchant, 2 Carnock st. Ho. 27 Lyle st OSWALD John, moulder, 21 Ingleston st Oswald Mrs John, 31 Roxburgh st OVERTON Coal Depot, 5 Chapel st DIRECTORY. 187

OWEN Robert (manager T. A. Gray), 38 Nicolson st Owen & Pride Misses, milliners, Lutton house, 22 Brymner st OWENS Thomas, mason, Overton

PACE Andrew, gardener, 100 Brisbane st PAGE Thomas, moulder, 55 Belville st PAGET John, contractor and grocer, 18 and 28 Dairymple st. Ho. 34 West Stewart st PAINTERS' (House and Ship) Protection Society, 6 Mar- ket st PALMER Robert, janitor, Shaw Street Public School Palmer Thomas, irondresser, 22 St. Lawrence st PANDELUS John, confectioner, 41 West Blackhall st PARK Boyd, 3 Antigua st Park Boyd P., grocer, 17 Kelly st and 53 Main st Park John, blacksmith, locksmith, ironmonger, and bell- hanger; warehouse— 28 Roxburgh st; workshop— 12 Trafalgar st. Ho. 9 Wellington st Park John, flesher, 16 Robertson st Park Matthew, joiner and builder, Parklea, 27 Newton st Park Matthew, saddler, 58 Rue-end st. Ho. 3 Antigua st Park Robert, policeman, 85 Dempster st Park Robert, steamboat master, 30 Brymner st Park William (of Greenock Towing Co.), 36 Brisbane st Park William, 10 Jamaica st Park William U., M.A., Cantab., mathematical master, Greenock Academy. Ho. 17 Robertson st Park Miss, boys' dressmaker, 16 South st Park Miss, 12 Robertson st Park Mrs James, feuar, 36 Brisbane st PARKER Hugh, steamboat porter, 21 Dempster st Parker James, boilermaker, 5 Ingleston st Parker James A., clerk, 24 Robertson st Parker John, moulder, 5 Ingleston st Parker John, provision merchant, 1 West Stewsrt st. Ho. 25 West Blackhall st Parker Joseph & Son, builders, 23 Inverkip st. Ho. 57 Inverkip st Parker Joseph, mussel merchant, 2 St. Andrew st 1 88 DIRECTORY.

Parker Matthew, joiner, 94 Dempster st Parker Peter, carpenter, 5 Ingleston st Parker Richard S., slater, 2 Holmscroft st Parker William, joiner, 3 Ingleston st Parker Miss, 5 Ingleston st Parker Mrs, 6 Finnart st PARKHILL James M., produce merchant and commission agent, 10 Cross-shore st. Ho. Skelmorlie Parkhill M., labourer, 41 Nicolson st PARLANE William, joiner, 10 Carwood st PAROCHIAL Board Rooms, 36 Nicolson st PASCOE Grenfell & Sons, copper and yellow metal manu- facturers, London and Swansea. Agency, 1 Cathcart st and 54 Rue-end st PATERSON Alexander, patternmaker, 95 Belville st Paterson Andrew, carter, 18 Dalrymple st Paterson A. & Son, ham curers and provision merchants, 39 and 41 Hamilton st. Ho. 25 West Burn st Paterson A. & W., boot and shoe manufacturers, 41 Hamil- ton st, 7 Grey place, and 15 Cathcart st Paterson Charles, boot and shoe merchant, 31 Cathcart st Paterson Charles, clerk, 12 Belville st Paterson Charles M. (of Charles Paterson & Sons), 14 Eldon st Paterson Charles & Sons, tanners and leather merchants, 19 Cartsburn st Paterson Daniel, bank teller, The Clydesdale Bank, Ltd. Ho. 25 Esplanade Paterson Donald, clerk, 51 Kelly st Paterson D. A. (of C. Paterson), 25 Robertson st Paterson D. H., timekeeper, 21 Brisbane st Paterson Gavin, joiner and builder, 31 Roxburgh st. Ho. 81 Holmscroft st Paterson George, plumber, 4 Mearns st Paterson George D. (of Chas. Paterson & Sons), 14 Eldon st Paterson James, accountant, house factor, insur- ance agent and stock broker, 14 Hamilton st. Ho. 7 Belville st Paterson James, engineer, 7 Belville st

Paterson James (of J. Little & Co.), Ashfield, 33 Finnart st Paterson James, Seafield cottage, 32 Eldon st Paterson John, engineer, 2 Mearns st DIRECTORY. 1 89

Paterson John, labourer, 1 Mill st Paterson John, sugar boiler, 49 Mearns st Paterson John C, clerk, 42 Ann st Paterson Lachlan, general draper, 13 West Blackhall st. Ho. 51 Brisbane st Paterson Robert, clerk, 30 Lynedoch st Paterson Robert, coppersmith, 12 Dalrymple st Paterson Robert, dairy, 24 Ann st Paterson Robert, fitter, 97 Roxburgh st Paterson Robert, hosier, glover, hatter, and shirtmaker, 13 Hamilton st. Ho. 16 Mearns st Paterson Robert, poulterer, 8 Manse lane. Ho. 12 Market st Paterson Robert, seaman 19 Bruce st Paterson Robert Reid (of Cartsburn Sugar Refining Company and shipowner), City buildings. Ho. Elmhurst, 42 Newark st Paterson Walter, watchmaker, 1 Holmscroft st Paterson William, carpenter, 14 West Blackhall st Paterson William, engineer, 2 Holmscroft st Paterson William, grocer and provision merchant, 30 Vennel Ho. 5 Roxburgh st Paterson William, slater, Hunter place. Ho. 25 Bruce st Paterson William, tailor, 64 Wellington st Paterson Miss, 10 Hope st Paterson Mrs, 37 Bank st Paterson Mrs, 13 Holmscroft st Paterson Mrs, 14 Murdieston st Paterson Mrs, 4 Prospecthill st PATON Alexander, engineer, 18 Hope st Paton Alexander, tanner, 32 Crescent st Paton Allan Park, librarian, Greenock Library, Watt Monu- ment, 9 Union st Paton Archibald John (of Ross, Corbett & Co.), Rockvilla, 38 Eldon st Paton George William (of Ross, Corbett & Co.), Ashgrove, Innellan Paton James, fireman, 1 1 Watt st Paton James, M.D., CM., physician and surgeon, 3 Ardgowan square Paton James, photographer, 59 Esplanade Paton James, storekeeper, 2 Holmscroft st labourer, 5 Belville st 190 DIRECTORY.

Paton Mrs, 32 West Stewart st Paton Mrs, 18 East Crawford st PATRICK Adam (of Adam Patrick & Son), Millerston, 47 Finnart st

Patrick Adam & Son, bootmakers, 6 West Blackhall st. (See Advt.) Patrick Alexander, engineer, 21 Belville st Patrick Alexander, engineer, 19 Nelson st Patrick Alexander, joiner, 36 Crescent st Patrick David, labourer, 36 Holmscroft st Patrick James, engine-driver, 31 East Crawford st Patrick James, railway plant inspector, 67 Roxburgh st Patrick John, cooper, 43 Holmscroft st Patrick John B., 29 Ardgowan st, west Patrick Neil M., agent Glasgow Evening and Weekly Citizen newspapers, 4 Mansionhouse lane. Ho. 18 Hope st Patrick Robert, engineer and ironfounder, 6 Baker st and Cartsburn st. Ho. 33 Regent st Patrick Robert, engineer, 34 St. Lawrence st Patrick Robert, tailor, 24 Ann st Patrick William, clerk, 24 Robertson st Patrick William, engineer, 14 Hope st Patrick Mrs, 99 Belville st PATTEN John (of Patten & Prentice), writer and notary public, 18 Kilblain st. Clydebank house, 2 Johnstone st Patten & Prentice, solicitors and notaries public, 18 Kilblain st PATTERSON George, ropespinner, 62 Regent st Patterson T. L. (manager, John Walker & Co.), Maybank, 59 Finnart st Patterson Miss, 3 Campsie terrace, Gourock road

PATTISON David, flesher, 9 South st. Ho. 1 7 do. Pattison Duncan, cooper, 62 Ann st Pattison George, sailmaker, 1 Holmscroft st Pattison John, boilermaker, 60 Ann st Pattison Robert, police sergeant, 13 Nelson st, west Pattison Mrs, 67 Regent st PAUL James, blacksmith, 34 Crescent st Paul John, accountant and property agent, 14 Hamilton st. Ho. 54 Brougham st Paul John, cooper; office, 4 Bogle st. Ho. Inverkip DIRECTORY. 191

Paul John, feuar, Ardfillayne, Dunoon Paul John, lather, 8 Carwood st Paul John, wine and spirit merchant, 8 Shaw st Paul William, dairy, Upper Ingleston Paul W. B., late sugar refiner, 34 Margaret st Paul Miss, dressmaker, 22 Antigua st Paul Mrs R., feuar, 4 Robertson st Paul Mrs, 53 Holmscroft st PAXTON Walter, rivetter, 47 Crawfurd st Paxton William, boilermaker, 3 Orchard st PEACE Mrs John, 23 West Blackhall st Peace Mrs, feuar, 30 Brisbane st PEACOCK John, church officer, 9 Jamaica st Peacock Mrs, 71 Ann st PEARSON Daniel, grocer, 3 Kilblain st. Ho. do. Pearson William, irondresser, 61 Belville st Pearson Mrs James, 3 Prospecthill st Pearson Mrs John, grocer, 7 East Crawford st. Ho. do. Pearson Mrs, 3 Kilblain st PEASTON Alexander, blacksmith, 53 Kelly st Peaston Walter, slater, 12 Dalrymple st Peaston William, caulker, 4 Mount Pleasant st PEAT John, foreman, 9 East Crawford st PEDDIE John, boilermaker, 36 Lynedoch st Peddie Robert, engineer. 13 Lauriston st Peddie William, painter, 3 Brougham st. Ho. 10 Watt st PEDEN John, jun., analytical chemist, 11 Duffst. Ho. 11 Dempster st

Peden John, labourer, 1 1 Belville st Peden John, labourer, 82 Belville st Peden John, smith, 1 1 Dempster st PEEK Mrs, Western Temperance Hotel, 9 Brougham st PEILE Horatio R. B., factor to Sir M. R. Shaw Stewart, Bart. Office, Mansionhouse. Ho. Inverkip PENDERGAST John, labourer, 61 Nicolson st PENINSULAR & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.— T. O. Hunter & Co., agents, 13 Hamilton st PENNELL Joseph & Co., tentmakers, sailmakers, and ship and yacht furnishers, Glebe Sailwork, Albert Harbour Pennell Miss, 23 Patrick st PENNY Hugh, shipmaster, 2 Campsie terrace, Gourock PENTLAND Mrs, 7 Caddlehill st 192 DIRECTORY.

PERCIVAL Hugh, pork butcher, 41 West Burn st. Ho. Orangefield cottage. (See Advt.) PERCY Brothers," boot and shoe manufacturers and importers, 14 Hamilton st. Head branch, 75 to 81 Trongate, Glasgow. PERT James, carter, 5 West Stewart st PETERS Rev. David S., M.A., minister of Mid Parish Church, The Manse, 1 Houston st PETRIE James, 2 George square Petrie Peter, engineer, 84 Belville st PETERSEN Charles, rafter, 51 Rue-end st PETTERSEN P. E. (of Roberts & Berntsen), 40 Brisbane st PETTIGREW James, grocer, 68 East Hamilton st. Ho. do. Pettigrew John, superintending engineer, P. & O. Co., 29 Finnart st Pettigrew Robert, carpenter 29 Regent st Pettigrew Mrs, 17 Kelly st PHANCO Bernard, skinner, 66 East Hamilton st PHELAN Rev. Patrick, Episcopal minister, 15 Bank st PHILIP Thomas, physician and surgeon, 27 Hamilton st. Ho. 42 Finnart st PHILIPS James, blacksmith, 38 Crawfurd st Philips James, potter, 22 Pottery st Philips John, potter, 20 Pottery st Philips Mrs P., broker, 29 Rue-end st. Ho. 14 St. Lawrence st PHILLIPS David, jun. (of D. Phillips & Sons), 15 Brisbane st Phillips David (of D. Phillips & Sons), 24 West Stewart st Phillips David & Sons, slaters and slate merchants, 5 Tobago st Phillips John S., fish merchant, 26 Charles st Phillips Patrick, wholesale and retail wine and spirit merchant, 13 Cross-shore st and 63 Main st. Ho. Dunedin cottage, 14 St. Lawrence st Phillips Robeit, broker, 11 Ann st Phillips Robert, plumber, 23 Lyle st Phillips William, clerk, 25 Trafalgar st Phillips Miss, dressmaker, 23 Lyle st PIC KEN Andrew, agent for the Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society, Arcade DIRECTORY. 193

Picken Andrew & Co., merchants, commission, steamship, and insurance agents, Arcade Picken Andrew (of Andrew Picken & Co., and Robert Ewing & Co.), 13 Forsyth st Picken William, storekeeper, 37 Holmscroft st PICKET Mrs, 14 Crescent st

PICKETT W. J., machinist, 18 St. Lawrence st PILOT Office (deep sea), Princes Pier Pilot Office (river), Princes Pier PINK Charles, labourer, 103 JBelville st PINKERTON John, coal merchant, 34 East Shaw st Pinkerton Ebenezer, steward, 8 Murdieston st

PLAIGE J., engineer, Rosehill, Cardwell bay PLANT Frederick, insurance agent and cemetery dues collector, 7 Brisbane st PLATT William, labourer, 34 St. Lawrence st PLYMOUTH and Glasgow Steamship Office, Customhouse buildings—Allan Swan, agent POHLMANN Mrs, furnishings, 42 Nelson st, west. Ho. 2 South st POLICE Office, Dalrymple st POLLOCK Andrew, manager, 28 South st Pollock John, blacksmith, 67 Belville st Pollock John, blacksmith, 38 Main st Pollock John, boilermaker, 32 Nelson st, west Pollock John, spirit merchant, 69 Main st. Ho. 38 St. Lawrence st Pollock John M., Finnart Lee, 73 Newton st Pollock Malcolm, carpenter, 18 East Crawford st Pollock Robert, chemist, 14 South st Pollock Robert, labourer, 22 John st Pollock Samuel, labourer, 27 Ingleston st Pollock Miss Jane, grocer, 14 Regent st. Ho. 6 Antigua st

Pollock Mrs J., 6 Antigua st Pollock Mrs Thomas, 21 Nelson st, west POLONIS George, grocer, 9 Carwood st. Ho. do. Polonis Hugh, carpenter, 10 Carwood st Polonis James, engineer, 4 Old Hillend Polonis William, wine and spirit merchant, 9 Port-Glasgow road. Ho. 38 East Hamilton st Polonis Mrs, 35 Lynedoch st POLSON David, of H.M. Customs, 93 Dempster st *3 i 94 DIRECTORY.

Poison Hector, engineer, 50 Ann st Poison Misses, 36 South st POORS' Rates Office, 36 Nicolson st PORTEOUS Robert, storekeeper, 17 Antigua st Porteous William, policeman, 43 Shaw st PORTER M., provision merchant, 73 Roxburgh st Porter Mrs, 16 Lynedoch st PORTERFIELD Miss Margaret, 17 Kelly st POST Henry, brickbuilder, 1 Ratho st Post Office, Wallace square, off Hamilton st POTTER Miss, 14 Brisbane st POTTS John, seaman, 14 West Blackhall st POULTER George Thomas, professor of music, 18 Ard- gowan square POW Edward, 14 Wellington st POYNTER John, Son & Macdonalds, manufacturing chemists, Shaws Water Chemical Works, 21 Delling- burn st PRATT John & Co., art photographers, 32 Cathcart st PRENTICE Alexander Reid (of Patten & Prentice), writer, and notary public, 18 Kilblain st. Ho. 74 Finnart st Prentice David (of D. & A. Prentice), Cadzow villa, 66 Finnart st Prentice D. & A., general drapers, silk mercers, clothiers, dress and mantle makers, 24 Hamilton st Prentice James, flesher, 5 Grey place. Ho. 67 Regent st Prentice John, house factor, 32 Nicolson st. Ho. 48 Eldon st Prentice Thomas & Co., wholesale wine and spirit merchants, 23 Nicolson st Prentice Thomas (of T. Prentice & Co.), wine and spirit merchant, 3 St. Andrew st. Ho. Willow Park, 41 Ard- gowan st, west Prentice Mrs Adam, 22 Bank st PRESTON James, cabinetmaker and wood turner, 13 Nicol- son st. Ho. 55 Holmscroft st Preston & Co., tobacconists, 17 West Blackhall st. Ho. Springbank, Dunoon PRICE R., Adjutant, 1st R. & D.A.V., 33 Union st PROCURATOR (County) Fiscal's Office, County buildings,

1 Nelson st, west PROVIDENT Bank, n William st. (See Adv.) DIRECTORY. 1 95

PROWSE Samuel, shipmaster, 46 East Crawford st

PULLAR J. & Sons, Pullar's Dye Works, Perth, dyers and cleaners to the Queen, 4 Albert place, 21 West Black- hall st PURDIE John, cabinetmaker, 6 Nelson st, Glebe Purdie P. & G., boot and shoe manufacturers, 37 Hamilton st, and 193 Argyle st, Glasgow st. Ho. Bellevue, Dumbreck PURDON James, station-master and goods agent, Upper Greenock Station. Ho. 39 Wellington st PURSELL Mrs James, 72 Ann st PURVIS F. P., shipbuilder, Port-Glasgow. Ho. Don villa, Cardwell Bay Purvis George, cutter, 13 Nelson st, west


QUEEN Bernard, labourer, 4 Nelson st, Glebe QUIN James, slater and plasterer, 54 Ann st Quin John & Son, umbrella and parasol manufacturers, West Blackhall st Quin John (of John Quin & Son), 42 Brisbane st Quin William (of John Quin & Son), 42 Brisbane st QUINN Michael, labourer, 13 East Crawford st Quinn Patrick, policeman, 5 West Stewart st

RAE Donald, postman, 25 Bruce st Rae George A., commercial traveller, 19 Newton st Rae John, carpenter, 10 Terrace road Rae John, tinsmith, gasfitter, &c, 31 West Burn st Rae Robert, brassfinisher, 22 Trafalgar st Rae William, feuar, 24 Belville st Rae William, labourer, 5 John st Rae Mrs John, 41 Holmscroft st RAILWAY Goods Depot, 4 Regent st Railway Station (Caledonian), 25 Cathcart st Railway Station (G. & S.-W.), Brougham st Railway Station (G. & S.-W.), Lynedoch st —


Railway Station (Upper Greenock) head of Lynedoch st RALSTON John, shipmaster, 2 Ford place, Finnart st Ralston William, boilermaker, 23 Lynedoch st RAMAGE Hugh, dealer in foreign and British birds, 16 East India breast Ramage John, chief yardsman, 19 Nelson st Ramage William, treasurer, Greenock Parochial Board, 36 Nicolson st. Ho. 10 Manor crescent, Gourock Ramage Mrs John S., 22 Kelly st RAMSAY Alexander, clothier, 39 West Burn st. Ho. 22 South st Ramsay Charles G., sugar merchant, 27 Cathcart st. Ho. 49 Octavia terrace Ramsay G. A., joiner, builder, and valuator, 16 Nicolson st. Ho. Aurora bank, 37 Fox st Ramsay Henry, boilermaker, 95 Belville st Ramsay Hope Stewart, accountant, Post Office buildings. Ho. 89 Eldon st Ramsay Hugh & Co., ship joiners, block manufacturers and turners, 29 Main st. Ho. 3 Macdougall st. (See Advt.) Ramsay John, blockmaker, 3 East Crawford st Ramsay John, joiner, 9 South st Ramsay John, late of H.M. Customs, 5 Glen st Ramsay John, railway porter, 90 Dempster st Ramsay John, Sheriff-officer, 13 Hamilton st. Ho. 9 South st Ramsay John W., joiner, 37 Lynedoch st Ramsay Mitchell, engineer, 14 Lynedoch st Ramsay Robert, millwright, 33 Dempster st Ramsay & Smith, sugar merchants, Sugar Exchange Archibald Hay, agent RANKIN Alexander, fruit merchant, 40 Cathcart st. Ho. 23 Newton st Rankin Allan, seaman, 21 Antigua st Rankin & Blackmore, engineers, boilermakers, and iron- founders, Eagle foundry, 24 Baker st Rankin Finlay, engineer, 5 Dempster st

Rankin George J., commercial stationer, 34 Brymner st. Ho. 31 Royal st, Gourock Rankin Hugh, brassfinisher, 6 Lyle st Rankin Hugh, labourer, 17 Prospecthill st Rankin James, engineer, 10 Lynedoch st DIRECTORY. 197

Rankin James, violin tutor, 52 Regent st Rankin John, engineer, 5 Dempster st Rankin John F. (of Rankin & Blackmore), 21 Octavia terrace Rankin Matthew (of Rankin & Blackmore), 21 Octavia terrace Rankin Neil, policeman, 35 Lyle st Rankin Mrs John, 19 Trafalgar st Rankin Mrs, Levenbank, 46 Esplanade RATCLIFFE Thomas, vanman, 32 Mount Pleasant st Ratcliffe Mrs, 30 Ann st RATTRAY Robert, seaman, 34 St. Lawrence st RECEPTION House, 35 Crawfurd st REDMOND James, labourer, 25 Vennel REDPATH Andrew, confectioner, 13 Nelson st, west REFORMED Presbyterian Church, 14 West Stewart st REGISTRAR for East District, Municipal buildings, Wallace square Registrar for West District, Municipal buildings, Wallace square REICH William, sausage skin merchant, 3 Market lane REID Alexander, rivetter, 68 Inverkip st Reid Archibald, house, ship, and general smith, 5 Virginia st. Ho. 16 Wellington st Reid Daniel, baker, 26 West Blackhall st Reid Duncan, engineer, 60 Kelly st Reid Duncan, gateman, 30 East Hamilton st Reid Duncan, seaman, 17 Tobago st Reid Hugh, policeman, Police buildings Reid James, clerk, 3 Antigua st Reid James, engineer, 10 Wellington st Reid James, fireman, 6 Lauriston st Reid James (of Fleming, Reid & Co.), Monfode, 67 Finnart st Reid James, rivetter, 6 Old Hillend st Reid James, shipmaster, 47 Brougham st Reid John, salesman, 1 1 Belville st Reid John W., clerk, 52 Kelly st Reid Matthew, M.A., B.D., minister of Wellpark Free Church. Wellpark Manse, 3 Lynedoch st Reid Patrick, driller, 13 Carwood st Reid Richard G., 15 Dempster st Reid Robert, engineer, 15 Dempster st Reid R. A., 39 Newton st Reid William, boilermaker, 21 Wellington st 198 DIRECTORY.

Reid William, draper and milliner, 26 Hamilton st. Ho. 32 Brisbane st Reid William, fireman, 84 Belville st Reid William, labourer, 74 Ann st Reid William, tugboatmaster, 13 Charles st Reid William, 14 Mill st Reid Miss Janet, 5 George square Reid Mrs H., 33 Ardgowan st, west Reid Mrs, 38 Crawfurd st Reid Mrs, 54 Drumfrochar road Reid Mrs, 29 Nelson st RENDALL Robert, mariner, 12 South st RENFREW (1st) and Dumbarton Artillery Volunteers. Headquarters office, 18 West Burn st Renfrew Alexander, pilot, 18 Kelly st RENNIE Andrew, patternmaker, 19 Belville st Rennie David, 2 Robertson st Rennie James, wine and spirit merchant, 37 Rue-end st Ho. 5 Roxburgh st Rennie John, engineer, 7 Ratho st Rennie John (of Greenock Distillery Co.), 55 Finnart st Rennie John, skinner, 36 East Hamilton st Rennie Robert, carter, 8 Sir Michael st Rennie Robert, wholesale and retail wine and spirit merchant, 20 West Burn st, 9 Inverkip st, and 8 Cartsburn st. Ho. 36 Union st Rennie Thomas, curator of Watt Institution Museum. Ho. 13 Watt st Rennie Mrs James, dressmaker, 1 2 Patrick st REVIE Mrs James, 19 Trafalgar st RICE Benjamin, skinner, 6 Sinclair st RICHARDSON David (of James Richardson & Co.), Hartfield, Cove, and 1 Great Western terrace, Glasgow Richardson David B. (of James Richardson & Co.), Hartfield, Cove, and 1 Great Western terrace, Glasgow Richardson James & Co., merchants, 2 Church place Richardson James, engineer, 32 Crescent st Richardson John, missionary, 9 Dempster st Richardson John, steward, 22 Bearhope st Richardson Robert, carpenter, n Lynedoch st Richardson William, coffee rooms, 5 Main st Richardson William, engineer, 10 Baker st DIRECTORY. 1 99

Richardson Mrs James, 27 Finnart st RICHMOND Alexander (of M.M. office), 56 Regent st Richmond Archibald F., M.D., 21 Patrick st Richmond John, brickbuilder, 47 Trafalgar st

Richmond J. & W., cab and carriage hirers, 5 Ardgowan square Richmond Robert, cab driver, 8 Kilblain st

Richmond William (of J. & W. Richmond), 85 Finnart st Richmond Mrs Hugh, dairy, 85 Finnart st RIDDELL George, spirit dealer, 4 Clarence st Riddell James, carpenter, 80 Belville st Riddell John, joiner, 112 Drumfrochar road RINTOUL John F., curator (Chamber of Commerce), 6 Lyle st RIPPINGALE Joseph, labourer, 19 Dempster st RIPPON Charles, traveller, 92 Dempster st Rippon Cornelius W., drill instructor, 95 Belville st RISK Mrs James, 3 Ford place, Finnart st RITCHIE Alexander, grocer, 26 Inverkip st. Ho. 11 South st Ritchie Alexander D., blacksmith, 53 Kelly st Ritchie Andrew, blacksmith, 3 Hope st Ritchie Andrew, clerk, 35 Regent st Ritchie George, Burgh School Board inspecting officer, Municipal buildings. Ho. 62 Regent st Ritchie Hugh, carter, 28 Duncan st Ritchie Hugh, late of H.M. Customs, 14 Robertson st Ritchie John, H.M. Customs, 83 Dempster st Ritchie John, quarryman, 31 Trafalgar st Ritchie John, storekeeper, 10 Brisbane st Ritchie John, superintendent of Sailors' Home, 1 Dock breast, agent for Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Society Ritchie Robert, carpenter, T3 Mount Pleasant st Ritchie Robert, carter, 3 Bruce st Ritchie Robert, engineer, 1 1 Dempster st Ritchie Robert, labourer, 3 Mearns st Ritchie Thomas, blacksmith, 69 Nicolson st Ritchie William, joiner, 18 Inverkip st Ritchie Miss, draper, 62 Vennel Ritchie Mrs C. Margaret, 25 John st Ritchie Mrs William, 2 2. Wellington st 200 DIRECTORY.

Ritchie Mrs, 58 Lynedoch st RITSON Thomas, stationmaster, Caledonian Railway, Cathcart st. station. Ho. Hunter villa, Gourock RIVA Matthew, river pilot, 9 Kelly st ROBB Andrew, salesman, 7 Carwood st Robb Henry, carpenter, 38 Hamilton st Robb James, shoemaker, 46 Inverkip st and 23 Regent st. Ho. 27 Bruce st ROBERTS & Bernsten, ship brokers, 27 Cathcart st Roberts & Harley, negro comedians, 7 East Crawford st Roberts Mrs, 26 Wellington st ROBERTSON Adam, skinner, 26 East Crawford st Robertson Alexander, jun., potter, 12 Pottery st Robertson Alexander, sen., potter, 22 Pottery st Robertson Andrew, cooper, 26 Bruce st Robertson Andrew, engineer, 9 Hill st Robertson Andrew, storeman, 7 Newton st Robertson Angus, joiner, 20 Lynedoch st Robertson Archibald, engineer, 59 Ann st Robertson Charles, slater, 6 Buccleuch st. Ho. 8 George sq Robertson Charles, Eddlewood place Robertson Colin, flesher, 65 Ann st. Ho. 64 do. Robertson David, joiner, 3 Hill st Robertson David, labourer, 47 Crawfurd st Robertson David, mason, 5 Kilblain st Robertson Donald, cabinetmaker, 75 Wellington st Robertson Donald, railway porter, 22 Brisbane st Robertson Duncan, carpenter, 9 Carwood st Robertson Duncan, labourer, 5 John st Robertson Edward, engineer, 19 Trafalgar st Robertson George, engineer, 25 Lyle st Robertson James, mechanic, 62 Ann st Robertson James, piano tuner, 95 Dempster st Robertson James, salesman, 39 Kelly st Robertson James, skinner, 46 East Hamilton st Robertson James, 41 Finnart st Robertson John, engineer, 27 Regent st Robertson John, flesher, 52 Holmscroft st. Ho. do. Robertson John, Glasgow and Greenock carrier, 3 Hamilton st. Ho. 1 Bank st Robertson John, joiner, 26 Lynedoch st Robertson John, joiner, t8 St. Lawrence st DIRECTORY. 201

Robertson John, mason, 73 Regent st Robertson John, outfitter, 56 Rue-end st. Ho. 91 Roxburgh st Robertson John, plater, 7 Mill st Robertson John, slater, 1 Duncan st Robertson John K., physician and surgeon, 20 Ardgowan square Robertson Joseph O., engineer, 66 Kelly st Robertson & M'Dougall, merchants and commission agents,

1 Cross-shore st Robertson Lachlan, Glasgow and Greenock carrier, 1 Manse lane Robertson Lewis, constable, 9 Hope st Robertson Rankin, cooper, 49 Holmscroft st Robertson Robert, boilermaker, 81 Belville st Robertson Robert, coal merchant, 36 Lynedoch st Robertson Robert, watchmaker, 27 Dempster st Robertson Robert William, City buildings, Cathcart st. Ho. Rockingham, Kilcreggan Robertson R. C, 68 Union st Robertson Samuel, moulder, 3 Regent st Robertson Thomas, brassfinisher, 81 Roxburgh st Robertson Thomas, coachman, 15 Newark st Robertson Thomas, master rigger, 35 Roxburgh st Robertson Wellwood M., joiner. 19 Dempster st Robertson William, carpenter, 9 East Blackhall st Robertson William, coal merchant, 46 Roxburgh st. Ho. 50 do. Robertson William, general and furnishing ironmonger, 27 West Blackhall st. Ho. 19 Fox st Robertson William, general dealer, 13 Regent st Robertson William, hammerman, 1 1 Lynedoch st Robertson William, iron merchant, 49 Main st. Ho. 29 Rue-end st Robertson William, labourer, 7 Bruce st Robertson William, rivetter, 24 St. Lawrence st Robertson William, salesman, 17 Lauriston st Robertson W. Lewis, M.A., minister of St. Thomas Free Church. Ho. 64 Finnart st Robertson Mrs Anna, 8 George square Robertson Mrs Donald, 6 Watt st Robertson Mrs G., 1 1 Watt st 202 DIRECTORY.

Robertson Mrs John, 10 Nicolson st Robertson Mrs John, 5 1 Union st Robertson Mrs, greengrocer, 32 East Hamilton st. Ho. 22 St. Lawrence st Robertson Mrs, 116 Drumfrochar road Robertson Mrs, 19 Fox st Robertson Mrs, 12 Lynedoch st ROBINSON Alexander, F.R.C.V.S., veterinary surgeon, 37 West Burn st and 60 Vennel. Ho. Holly Lodge, Gourock road Robinson Archibald, F.R.C.V.S., veterinary surgeon, 37 West Burn st. Ho. 20 Patrick st Robinson Archibald M'C, baker, 31 Ann st. Ho. do. Robinson John, ironmoulder, 9 Holmscroft st Robinson Mrs A., 10 Nicolson st ROBLEY William, stoker, 115 Dempster st ROBSON Benjamin, engineer, 32 St. Lawrence st Robson John (of Smillie & Robson), 13 Kelly st RODDEN Bernard, labourer, 34 Ingleston st RODERICKS George, labourer, 24 West Blackhall st RODGER Alexander, missionary, 78 Holmscroft st Rodger David, joiner, 39 Lynedoch st Rodger David, painter, 30 Wellington st Rodger James, coachsmith, 57 Inverkip st Rodger John, banker, The Clydesdale Bank (Limited), 7 Hamilton st. Ho. 36 Forsyth st Rodger John, blacksmith, 16 William st. Ho. 40 Brisbane st Rodger John, cooper, 31 Nelson st, west Rodger John, foreman fitter, 21 Newton st Rodger Robert, carter, 10 Carnock st Rodger Robert, leather merchant, Port-Glasgow. Ho. 9 Lyle st Rodger Thomas, sailmaker, 5 York st Rodger Waiter W. B., J. P., civil engineer, Bagatelle, 23 Eldon st Rodger William, labourer, 9 Belville st Rodger William C, slater, 89 Roxburgh st Rodger Miss, 63 Union st Rodger Mrs Alexander, 35 Newton st RODGERS A. D., tobacconist, 20 Ann st Rodgers James, oyster dealer, 8 Cross-shore st. Ho. do. DIRECTORY. 203

RODGERSON William, seaman, 5 York st ROE James, labourer, 57 Belville st Roe Richard, carpenter, 8 Carwood st Roe Robert, labourer, 19 Main st ROGER James H., wine and spirit merchant, 21 Shaw st ROGERS Alexander, salesman, 60 Holmscroft st Rogers David, labourer, 6 Holmscroft st Rogers Thomas, railway porter, 4 Mearns st ROGERSON Robert, tailor, 10 Murdieston st ROLLING William R. (E.R.N.), 6 Brisbane st RONALD James, watchmaker and jeweller, 23 Cathcart st. Ho. 17 Robertson st

Ronald William, spirit dealer, 1 7 Bearhope st Ho. 1 Ford place, Finnart st Ronald Mrs James, 32 Cathcart st ROONEY Thomas, porter, 45 Cathcart st Rooney Mrs Teresa, grocer, 23 Sir Michael st RORISON Thomas D., manager (of sugar refining). Ho. 24 Roxburgh st ROSE Alexander, policeman, 83 Dempster st Rose Archibald, restaurateur, 42 Hamilton st. Ho. 30 Newton st Rose Hugh, pensioner, 104 Dempster st Rose Mrs Neil, grocer, 93 Roxburgh st. Ho. 1 Ford place, Finnart st ROSS Alexander (of Ross & Marshall), Springfield, Innellan Ross Angus, cashier, 49 Trafalgar st Ross Baillie C, tinsmith and gasfitter, 17 Brymner st. Ho. 6 Kelly st Ross Corbett & Co., sugar merchants and commission agents, 46 Brymner st Ross Evan, merchant, 18 Cartsburn st Ross Finlay, moulder, 17 Belville st Ross Finlay, sen., moulder, 25 Bank st Ross Frederick, rigger, 4 Watt st Ross H. A., shipmaster, Eddlewood place Ross James, blacksmith, 13 Lauriston st Ross James, brassfinisher, 11 Lauriston st Ross James, mason, 6 Carwood st Ross John, blacksmith, 20 St Lawrence st Ross John, wholesale ironmonger and iron merchant, 29 Cathcart st. Ho. Springfield, Innellan 204 DIRECTORY.

Ross & Marshall, coal merchants, shipping agents and steve- dores, India place and 7 Dock breast Ross Sam., tobacconist, 13 Cathcart st. Ho. 16 do. Ross William, blacksmith, 32 East Hamilton st Ross William, grocer, 66 Drumfrochar road Ross William, labourer, 57 Belville st Ross William, labourer, 19 Bruce st Ross William, merchant and sugar broker, 29 Cathcart st. Ho. 63 Esplanade Ross William H., jun., flesher, 20 Trafalgar st Ross William H., labourer, 64 Ann st Ross Miss Edith, contralto vocalist, 8 Brougham st Ross Mrs, 19 Wellington st ROUGH John, lithographer, 66 Holmscroft st ROUGVIE James (of James Rougvie & Co., Glasgow), sugar broker, 17 Ardgowan square Rougvie M. & K., ladies' and children's warehouse, 5 Grey place. Ho. 24 Union st Rougvie Mrs John, 24 Union st

ROWAN Alexander (of J. G. Rowan & Co.), 63 Eldon st

Rowan George (of J. G. Rowan & Co.), 67 Union st Rowan Hugh, inspector detective department, Central Police Office. Ho. 97 Dempster st Rowan James, baker, 9 Holmscroft st

Rowan John (of J. G. Rowan & Co.), Clydeview, 55 Esplanade Rowan John, shoemaker, 9 Nicolson st

Rowan J. G. & Co., merchant tailors and clothiers, gent's hosiers and hatters and outfitters, 28 Hamilton st

Rowan J. G. & Co., warehousemen, house and ship fur- nishers, Cathcart Square house Rowan Samuel, ex-police sergeant, 6 West Blackhall st Rowan Thomas B. (of Ballantine & Rowan), 50 Eldon st Rowan William, sugarboiler, 57 Belville st ROWE George, compositor, 24 Trafalgar st Rowe George B., plumber, 83 Wellington st ROXBURGH John, engineer, 25 Lynedoch st Roxburgh Street Sugar Refining Co., 40 Sir Michael st Roxburgh Mrs, 85 Roxburgh st ROY John, joiner, 53 Holmscroft st DIRECTORY. 205

Roy Thomas (of the Greenock Rubber Co.), Glen cottage, Bedford st ROYAL Bank of Scotland, 38 Cathcart st-—D. M. Latham, agent Royal Bank of Scotland (west end), 9 West Blackhall st Royal Hotel, 3 East breast. (See Advt.) Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, headquarters, Palmerston buildings Royal Naval Reserve Office, 7 Virginia st RUNCIE James, engineer, Eddlewood place Runcie Mrs, 42 Lynedoch st RUSSELL Andrew (of Russell & Bonnar), 21 Brisbane st Russell Bernard, engineer, 49 Lynedoch st Russell & Bonnar, drapers and silk mercers, 18 West Black- hall st Russell & Co., shipbuilders, Main st, Greenock, and Port-

Glasgow ; also lessees of Graving Dock, Port-Glasgow. Russell Henry, joiner, 1 1 Regent st Russell Henry, painter, 85 Dempster st Russell James, carpenter, 13 Hamilton st Russell James, clerk, 4 Carwood st Russell James, salesman, 6 Carwood st Russell James, shipowner, 73 Union st Russell John, rigger, 28 West Burn st Russell John, rivetter, 51 Main st Russell John, salesman, 5 Holmscroft st Russell Joseph (of Russell & Co.), The Knowe, Port-Glasgow road Russell Thomas, driller, 13 Ingleston st Russell Thomas, labourer, 13 East Crawford st Russell William, grocer, 44 East Crawford st Russell W. C, wholesale wine and spirit merchant, 27 Cath- cart st and branches. Ho. 35 Regent st Russell Mrs A., 13 Kelly st

Russell Mrs J. R., spirit dealer, 21 Port-Glasgow road. Ho. 16 do. RUSHTON James, millworker, 19 Prospecthill st RUTHERFORD George, law clerk, 44 Newton st Rutherford Mrs Alexander, 126 Drumirochar road

Rutherford Mrs J., 22 South st RYAN Michael, coppersmith, 35 Regent st 206 DIRECTORY.

SAILORS' Home, i Dock breast St Andrew Bonded Warehouse, 4 and 6 St. Andrew st—R. Thorne & Sons, proprietors St. Andrew square U.P. Church, St. Andrew square St. Andrew's Free Church, 44 Ardgowan st St. George's Hall, 10 George square—Robert MacSymon, proprietor St. John's Episcopal Church, 10 Union st St. Lawrence's Mission-house, 1 1 St. Lawrence st St. Lawrence's Roman Catholic Chapel, 1 Rue-end st St. Lawrence's Roman Catholic School, Belville st St. Mary's Roman Catholic Chapel, 14 Patrick st St. Paul's Established Church, 24 Newark st St. Thomas' Free Church, Grey place SALMON W. B. & Young, coal merchants and insurance agents, City buildings, 32 Cathcart st SALVATION Army Barracks, 30 Nicolson st SAMSON John, shoemaker, 16 Kelly st SAN DEMAN A. & E. sugar merchants, Sugar Exchange, —Charles Dunbar, agent Sandeman J. V., 51 Forsyth st Sandeman Miss, private day and boarding school. Ho. 51 Forsyth st SANDERS Joseph John, wine and spirit merchant, 23 Nicolson st. Ho. 67 Nicolson st. (See Advt.) SANDFORD Mrs John, 50 St. Lawrence st SANDS Alexander, rivetter, 12 Trafalgar st Sands James, baker, 93 Roxburgh st Sands William, moulder, 15 Regent st SANITARY Office, Municipal buildings, Dalrymple st SARGENT Charles, Glasgow and Greenock carrier, 18 Cathcart st SAVAGE Thomas, tailor, 30 Wellington st SAWERS Robert, blacksmith, 35 West Burn st SAYERS Alexander, cooper, 31 West Burn st SCHELP Frederick, 6 Trafalgar st SCHOOL Board (Burgh) Offices, Municipal buildings—G. Williamson, clerk DIRECTORY. 207

SCHROEDER Charles, mate, 13 Nelson st, west SCOBIE James, ship's husband, 57 Brisbane st SCOTSMAN Newspaper (daily and weekly) office, 5 Cus- tomhouse place SCOTT Alexander, baker, 1 Prospecthill st. Ho. do. Scott Alexander, carting contractor, 22 Mearns st. Ho. Berryyards farm, Upper Greenock Scott Alexander & Sons, sugar refiners, 20 Baker st and Berryyards, Drumfrochar road Scott Alexander (of Alexander Scott & Sons), Denniston, 41 Newark st Scott Alexander, clerk, 19 Newton st Scott Alexander, 33 Ingleston st Scott Andrew, checker, 42 Ann st Scott & Co., engineers and shipbuilders. Engine works, Greenock foundry. Shipbuilding yards, Cartsdyke and 46 Main st. Dockyard, Cartsburn. Giaving Dock, 2 Rue-end st Scott & Douglas, coachbuilders, 12 West Stewart st Scott B. S., 38 Brisbane st Scott, Chalmers & Co., tailors and clothiers, 19 West Blackhall st Scott Charles C. (of Scott, Chalmers & Co.), 19 West Blackhall st Scott David, beltmaker, 8 St. Lawrence st Scott David, blacksmith, 4 Old Hillend Scott David, carpenter, 8 Kilblain st Scott David, salesman, 58 Kelly st Scott David F. B., shipmaster, 6 Finnart st Scott George, joiner, 112 Drumfrochar road Scott Heaton, overlooker, 7 Mill st Scott Henry, moulder, 1 1 East Blackhall st Scott Hugh, blacksmith, 19 Prospecthill st Scott Institution, 39 Dempster st Scott Ivie, family grocer and wine merchant, 20 West Blackhall st. Ho. 49 Brougham st Scott Ivie, grocer and provision merchant, and Branch Post Office, 72 Eldon st Scott James, farmer, Murdieston Scott James, flesher, 27 Regent st Scott James, joiner, 31 East Crawford st Scott James, joiner, 71 Nicolson st 208 DIRECTORY.

Scott James, millworker, 60 Ann st Scott John, baker, 25 Bruce st Scott John, baker, 55 Vennel. Ho. 6 Sir Michael st Scott John, carpenter, 2 Macdougall st Scott John, C.B. (of Scott & Co. and Greenock Foundry Co.), Seafield house, 34 Brougham st Scott John, optician, 10 Hope st Scott John, stevedore, 33 Lyle st Scott John, rivetter, 44 Shaw st Scott John, road superintendent, 68 Kelly st Scott Joseph, boilermaker, 21 Ingleston place Scott Joseph D. (of Alexander Scott & Sons), Beltrees, 58 Union st Scott Peter, family grocer and wine merchant, 17 West Blackhall st, and provision merchant, 36 East Hamilton st. Ho. 29 Brougham st Scott Peter, inspector of buildings, 7 Ratho st

Scott Peter (of Craig, Scott & Co. ), 8 Ashton, Gourock Scott Ritchie, baker, 60 Kelly st Scott Robert, cooper, 60 Drumfrochar road Scott Robert, hatter and clothier, 30 Charles st. Ho. 8 South st Scott Robert, mason, 77 Wellington st Scott Robert, sergeant, county police, 9 Watt st Scott Robert Sinclair (of Scott & Co. and Greenock Foundry Co.), Craigievar house, Skelmorlie Scott Thomas, joiner, 28 Crawfurd st. Ho. 28 Trafalgar st Scott Thomas, mechanic, 17 Ingleston st

Scott William, labourer, 1 1 Belville st Scott Rev. W. Richmond, Nelson Street E.U. Church, Hillhead, 86 Union st Scott Miss Bethia, millinery and toy shop, 85 \ Belville st Scott Miss Margaret, 33 Ardgowan st, west Scott Miss, feuar, 13 Mearns st Scott Miss, dairy, 1 Inverkip road Scott Mrs Alexander, 28 Trafalgar st Scott Mrs Finlay, 37 Dempster st Scott Mrs Isabella, 20 Wellington st Scott Mrs James, 6 Inverkip st Scott Mrs Jane, 85 Belville st Scott Mrs, wine and spirit merchant, 62 Wellington st. Ho. 38 Brisbane st DIRECTORY. 209

SCOTTISH Alliance Insurance Co., Ld.—agents, Andrew Picken & Co., Arcade Scottish Leader (newspaper), wholesale agent, William Innes, 40 Hamilton st Scottish Legal Life Assurance Society, 46 Cathcart st Scottish Preserves Co., preserve manufacturers, 13 Clarence st Scottish Referee (newspaper). Office 1 Watt place SCRIMAGER Archibald, labourer, 15 Belville st SCULLION Patrick, publican, 9 Cross-shore st. Ho. 29 Cathcart st

Scullion Samuel, pointsman, 1 Ratho st SEATH James, woolsorter, 62 Drumfrochar road Seath Robert, gardener, 17 West Blackhall st Seath Mrs John, 64 Kelly st Seath Mrs, 24 Wellington st SELBY Thomas G., Wesleyan Minister, 62 Newton st Selby William S., North British railway agent, Albert Harbour and Lynedoch street stations. Ho. 25 Bank st SELLERS Mrs R., 23 Hamilton st SERVICE Alexander, engineer, 21 Roxburgh st Service Archibald, blacksmith, 30 Wellington st Service Daniel, engine-driver, 6 Antigua st Service David, contractor, 2 Cross shore st Service George, brassfinisher, 20 Lyle st Service John, baker, Regent Street Baking Factory. Ho. 56 Regent st Service Matthew, carpenter, 32 Crescent st Service William, brassmoulder, 18 Hope st SHAND John, commission agent, 38 East Crawford st Shand Rev. Alexander Erskine, M.A., minister of the North Parish Church. Ho. Sydney place, 16 Eldon st

Shand Robert, wine and spirit merchant, 66 Ann st. Ho. 38 Mearns st Shand Thomas, engineer, 56 St. Lawrence st Shand Thomas, tobacconist and stationer, 59 Rue-end st. Ho. 38 East Crawford st SHANKLAND Dugald & Co., merchants and shipowners, 21 Cathcart st Shankland Dugald (of Dugald Shankland & Co.), Gowanhill, 8 Madeira st 14 2IO DIRECTORY.

Shankland Robert & Co., shipowners, 21 Cathcart st Shankland Thomas, cooper, 1 2 Laird st Shankland Mrs Robert, The Craigs, 21 Newark st Shankland Mrs Thomas, 30 West Blackhall st SHANKS Hugh, carpenter, 5 Rue-end st Shanks Mrs Robert, greengrocer, 52 Ann st SHANNON George, labourer, 71 Ann st Shannon James, tailor and clothier, 50 Cathcart st. Ho. 18 Bentinck st Shannon William, labourer, 73 Regent st SHARER Alfred, commission merchant, 77 Port-Glasgow road SHARP James C, wine and spirit merchant, 4 Shaw st. Ho. 13 Caddlehill st Sharp John, cooper, 60 Ann st Sharp John, grocer and provision merchant, 25 Rue-end st. Ho. 31 Regent st Sharp John, labourer, 14 Terrace road Sharp William (of Campbell, Anderson & Co.), 42 Eldon st

Sharp William (of Duncan & Sharp), Endrick cottage, 5 Carwood st Sharp William, spirit dealer, 17 John st. Ho. do. Sharp Mrs, 29 Ann st SHAW John, blacksmith, 17 Lauriston st Shaw Neil, cowfeeder, 6 Prospecthill st Shaw Neil, jail watchman, 21 Bruce st Shaw William, slater, 34 Arthur st. Ho. 33 Ingleston st Shaw William N., librarian, 9 Murdieston st Shaw Miss Mary, teacher, Mearns Street School. Ho. 66 Eldon st

Shaw Mrs J., 93 Belville st Shaw Mrs Neil, 6 Trafalgar st Shaw Mrs S. A., dressmaker, 30 Kelly st Shaw Mrs William, 16 South st Shaw Mrs, 7 Newton st SHAWS Water Chemical Works, 21 Dellingburn st—John Poynter, Son & Macdonalds SHEARER Alexander, feuar, 2 Glen st Shearer Alexander, jun. (of Swan & Shearer), 2 Glen st Shearer Hugh, wholesale grocer, Sugar Exchange Buildings, Mansionhouse lane and 52 Shaw st. Ho. 15 Fox st DIRECTORY.

Shearer James, goods superintendent, Albeit Harbour and Lynedoch stations, and James Watt Dock (G. & S.-W. Railway). Ho. 25 Brougham st Shearer James (of Thomas Skinner & Co.), Park place, Gourock Shearer James, painter, 45 Wellington st Shearer James, salesman, 17 West Stewart st Shearer James, 2 Lyle st Shearer Robert B., M.A., LL.B. (of W. & R. B. Shearer), 1 Bank st. Ho. Hartfell, 97 Finnart st Shearer Thomas, clerk, 8 Murdieston st Shearer William (of W. & R. B. Shearer), Hartfell, 97 Fin- nart st Shearer, W. & R. B., writers and notaries public, 1 Bank st

Shearer Miss M , Curator, Temperance and Young Men's Christian Institutes. Ho. 17 West Stewart st Shearer Mrs Janet, wine and spirit merchant, 21 Ann st. Ho. 24 Wellington st SHENNAN Alexander, commission and insurance agent, Lilybank, Cardwell bay, Gourock SHEPHERD George, joiner, 76 Ann st Shepherd William, ironmonger, 9 William st. Ho. 30 Bris- bane st Shepherd William, sewing, wringing, cycle, and mangling machines, 25 West Blackhall st. Ho. do. SHERIDAN John B., flesher, 35 Ann st. Ho. 24 Bruce st Sheridan Joseph, butcher, 59 Inverkip st. Ho. 8 South st Sheridan Michael, labourer, 18 Regent st Sheridan Robert, superintendent of cemetery and public parks. Office, Cemetery. Ho. 4 South st Sheridan Mrs, 24 Bruce st SHERIFF Court Hall, County buildings, 1 Nelson st, west

Sheriff Joseph, funeral undertaker (of J. D. M'Gregor & Co.), 7 Dempster st Sheriff William, cartwright, 104 Dempster st SHIELDS Archibald, joiner, 12 Murdieston st Shields Richard, labourer, 9 Cathcart st Shields Robert, salesman, 67 Regent st Shields Mrs, washerwoman, 4 Nelson st, Glebe Shields Mrs, 71 Ann st Shields Mrs, 25 Brymner st SHIPPING Office for Seamen, 7 Virginia st DIRECTORY.

SHORT Thomas, clerk, 7 Port-Glasgow road SIEGER Engelbert, wine and spirit merchant, 41 West Blackhall st. Ho. 15 Laird st SILLARS Andrew, brassfinisher, 27 Belville st SIM John, grocer, 32 Lynedoch st. Ho. 42 Mearns st Sim Mrs, 6 Nelson st, Glebe

SIME Robert J., gatekeeper, 77 Holmscroft st SIMMS Elizabeth, ladies' nurse, 67 Nicolson st SIMPSON A. C. (of Neil Broun & Co.), 9 Shaw place Simpson Alexander, blacksmith, 28 Wellington st Simpson George, engineer, 46 East Hamilton st Simpson George, woolsorter, 7 Mill st Simpson Gordon, teacher, Public School, 16 Ann st. Ho. 23 Brisbane st Simpson James, engineer, 1 Springkell st Simpson James, flesher, 1 Belville st. Ho. 36 Crescent st Simpson James, hairdresser, 2 Cross-shore st. Ho. 30 Market st Simpson James, postman, 1 West Stewart st Simpson John, compositor, 92 Dempster st Simpson John, labourer, 29 Ingleston st Simpson John, poulterer, 50 Crawfurd st Simpson John A. & Co., pavement, cement, lime, coal, stucco, and fire-clay merchants, 6 To- bago st. Depot and Office, 10 Brougham st. (See Advt.) Simpson John A. (of John A. Simpson & Co.), 20 Brisbane st Simpson M. & K., fancy goods, 33 Charles st Simpson Richard, foreman, 60 Drumfrochar road Simpson Richard, jun., brassfinisher, 60 Drumfrochar road Simpson Richard, sailmaker, 3 Armadale place Simpson Thomas, boilermaker, 12 Belville st

Simpson Thomas S., manager (R. & J. Dick), Royal st, Gourock Simpson William, billposter, 76 Ann st Simpson William, funeral undertaker, and agent United Reform Friendly Society, 48 Vennel. Ho. 49 Vennel Simpson Mrs D. M., 32 Brisbane st Simpson Mrs John, 36 South st Simpson Mrs M., 26 Wellington st Simpson Mrs Margaret, 27 Nicolson st Simpson Mrs, 33 Lynedoch st DIRECTORY. 2T3

Simpson Mrs, 22 St. Lawrence st SINCLAIR Alexander, coppersmith, 18 Antigua st Sinclair Alexander, engineer, 46 Ann st Sinclair Alexander, fireman, 9 Hope st Sinclair Angus & Co., smiths, bellhangers, and gasfitters, 21 Cathcart st. Ho. 33 Kelly st Sinclair Archibald, railway carrier. Office, 30 Cathcart st. Ho. 23 West Blackhall st. (See Advt.) Sinclair Archibald M., storeman, 34 Crescent st Sinclair & Co., accountants, property and insurance agents, 46 Cathcart st Sinclair Daniel, engineer, 66 East Hamilton st Sinclair Donald, carpenter, 61 Holmscroft st Sinclair Donald, mason, 41 West Burn st Sinclair Donald, tailor, 35 West Burn st Sinclair Duncan, carpenter, 5 Caddlehill st Sinclair Duncan B., blacksmith, 9 Lynedoch st Sinclair George (late H.M.C.), Finnart road Sinclair Henry, engine-driver, 105 Belville st

Sinclair James R. C. (of J. & R. Young & Co.), Rosebank, Gourock road Sinclair John, blacksmith, 92 Dempster st Sinclair John, carpenter, 13 Springkell st Sinclair John, gasfitter, 40 Nicolson st Sinclair John, foreman plater, 2 George square Sinclair Malcolm, engine-driver, 13 Lauriston st Sinclair Neil, labourer, 40 Nicolson st Sinclair Robert, joiner, 1 1 Lynedoch st Sinclair Robert, labourer, 13 Ingleston st Sinclair Robert, salesman, 22 Crawfurd st Sinclair Robert H. (of Sinclair & Co.), 57 Forsyth st Sinclair Walter, salesman, 15 Charles st

Sinclair William, agent for G. & J. Burns, Glasgow, Excise buildings. Ho. 1 Kelly st Sinclair William, brakesman, 3 Trafalgar st Sinclair William, corkcutter, 22 Bruce st. Ho. 55 Holms- croft st Sinclair William G., proprietor of British Workman House, 63 Rue-end st. Ho. 5 Cathcart st Sinclair W. G., Sheriff-officer and J. P. Constable, 6 West Blackhall st. Ho. 15 Mount Pleasant st 214 DIRECTORY.

Sinclair Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 33 Nicolson st. Ho. 3 Ford place, Finnart st Sinclair Mrs Duncan, 10 Murdieston st Sinclair Mrs John, 3 Ford place, Finnart st Sinclair Mrs Peter, 104 Drumfrochar road Sinclair Mrs Peter, 15 Mount Pleasant st Sinclair Mrs P., 59 Brisbane st Sinclair Mrs, 6 Murdieston st SINGER Manufacturing Co., sewing machine manufacturers, 26 West Blackhall st SKAKEL William, tailor, 71 Regent st SKINNER John, rivetter, 16 Port-Glasgow road Skinner Thomas & Co., ship and insurance brokers, Post Office buildings Skinner Mrs M., Rosehill, Cardwell bay SKIRVING James, blacksmith, 30 Ingleston st SKIVINGTON W. Gordon, 47 Brougham st Skivington Mrs E., spirit merchant, 50 Shaw st. Ho. 47 Brougham st SLATER James, B.A., Kilblain Academy. Ho. 14 Princes st SLAVEN James, prudential insurance agent, 12 Terrace road Slaven John, labourer, 52 West Blackhall st SLIGO Steam Packet Company, Old Steamboat quay SLOAN James, grocer, 19 East Shaw st. Ho. 2 7fBruce st Sloan John, labourer, 30 Ingleston st ^ Sloan John J. A., paymaster (H.M.S. Superb), 24 Finnart'st Sloan Patrick, labourer, 54 Drumfrochar road Sloan Samuel, church officer, 35 Roxburgh st Sloan Thomas C, labourer, 13 Mearns st SMALL George, coachbuilder, 32 Kelly st Small William, caulker, 36 Crawfurd st Small Mrs Robertson, 13 Lauriston st Small Mrs, 8 Mount Pleasant st

SMART J. R. & Co., sugar merchants, 4 Brymner st

Smart J. R. (of J. R. Smart & Co.), Carlogie House, 37 Newark st Smart & Rolland, drapers, 31 Charles st SMEATON James, joiner, 70 Wellington st Smeaton James, watchman, 26 Crescent st Smeaton William, cooper, 14 Murdieston st DIRECTORY. 2T5

SMILLIE John, cabinetmaker, 63 Belville st Smillie & Robson, wholesale and retail fruit, flower, potato, and vegetable merchants, 39 Hamilton st and 3 Manse lane Smillie William (of Smillie & Robson), 10 Ardgowan st, west SMITH A. C. & Co., sugar merchants, 4 Brymner st Smith Adam P., joiner, 29 Patrick st Smith Alexander, baker, 81 Belville st. Ho. 83 do. Smith Alexander, labourer, 4 Holmscroft st Smith Alexander, sugar broker, wholesale grocer, grain and provision merchant, 19 Shaw st and Cathcart Arcade. Ho. Sunnyside, 4 Bedford st Smith Alexander, telegraphist, 19 Dempster st Smith Alexander, 23 Lynedoch st Smith Alexander W. C, telegraph lineman, 18 Wellington st Smith Allan B. (of Smith & M'Cuaig), 29 Patrick st Smith Angus, carter, 1 1 Holmscroft st

Smith Angus, F.C.S., analytical chemist, 10 Ardgowan st, west Smith Archibald, labourer, 10 Hill st Smith Charles, gardener, 34 Brougham st Smith Donald, brassfinisher, 22 Antigua st Smith Donald, labourer, 68 Drumfrochar road Smith Duncan, carter, 22 Trafalgar st Smith D. C, house factor, commission and insurance agent, 3 Bank st. Ho. 12 East Blackhall st Smith Gavin, boilermaker, 36 East Hamilton st Smith George, engine-driver, 26 East Crawford st Smith George, joiner, 15 Antigua st Smith Hugh, foreman bookbinder, 17 South st Smith James, blacksmith, 7 Duncan st. Ho. 1 Inverkip road Smith James, bookbinder and account book manufacturer, 5 West Blackhall st. Ho. 63 Holmscroft st Smith James, carpenter, 9 Ratho st Smith James, consulting engineer, 42 Brisbane st Smith James, engine-driver, 5 Lauriston st Smith James, engineer, 23 Trafalgar st Smith James, fireman, 30 Brymner st Smith James, labourer, 27 Ingleston st Smith James, policeman, 95 Roxburgh st Smith James, railway guard, 7 1 Wellington st 2l6 DIRECTORY.

Smith James T., skinner, 10 Carwood st Smith John, bar officer and keeper, Sheriff Court buildings, i Nelson st, west. Ho. do. Smith John, blacksmith, 103 Belville st Smith John, boot and shoemaker, 23 Charles st. Ho. 27 Nelson st, west Smith John, boot and shoemaker, 46 Hamilton st. Ho. 66 Kelly st Smith John, coachbuilder, 38 Nicolson st. Ho. 4 Nelson st, west Smith John, coachman, 106 Dempster st Smith John, engineer, 23 Ingleston st Smith John, engineer, 17 Kelly st Smith John, engineer, 13 Lyle st Smith John, engineer, 32 Mount Pleasant st Smith John, engineer, 30 St. Lawrence st Smith John, fitter, 93 Belville st Smith John, general dealer, 22 Ann st Smith John, hair-dresser, 9 Duff st. Ho. 21 Dempster st Smith John, joiner, 23 Ingleston st Smith John, mason and sculptor, 26 West Blackhall st Smith John, wine and spirit merchant, 10 Market st. Ho. 15 Laird st Smith John, upholsterer, 89 Dempster st Smith Rev. John B., (of Union st U.P. Church), 24 Mar- garet st Smith John C, law clerk, 12 Robertson st Smith Joseph, joiner, 21 Bearhope st Smith Joseph, policeman, 2 Holmscroft st Smith Joseph, rigger, 1 Kilblain st Smith Joseph, watchman, 44 Lynedoch st

Smith J. C, Macdonald & Crawford, solicitors and notaries public, 26 Hamilton st Smith & M'Cuaig, joiners and builders, 30 Charles st Smith Neil, brassfinisher, 29 Lynedoch st Smith Neil, carpenter, 15 Antigua st Smith Owen, dairyman, 54 Holmscroft st Smith Peter, weigher, 12 Wellington st Smith Philip, policeman, 15 Nicolson st Smith Robert, boilermaker, 89 Belville st Smith Robert, commercial traveller, 29 Patrick st Smith Robert, labourer, 15 Lauriston st DIRECTORY. 2 I 7

Smith Robert, stationer, lithographer, and printer, Municipal buildings. Ho. 54 Brougham st Smith Robert, storekeeper 14 Cathcart st Smith Robert M., correspondent, Glasgow Herald, 29 Cath- cart st. Ho. 13 Newton st Smith Samuel, joiner, 8 Antigua st Smith Thomas, moulder, 64 Ann st Smith Thomas, police constable, 21 Wellington st Smith Thomas, potter, 50 East Hamilton st Smith Thomas, provision merchant, 7 Cathcart st. Ho. 95 Dempster st Smith Thomas, ship smith and galvanizer, 5 New Dock lane and 20 Shaw st. Ho. 5 Roxburgh st. (See Advt.) Smith Thomas C, patternmaker, 21 Ingleston st Smith Thomas W., goldsmith and jeweller, 14 West Blackhall st Smith Thomson, grocer, 73 Holmscroft st Smith William, boilermaker, 101 Belville st Smith William, gateman, 2 Old Hillend Smith William, insurance agent, 1 2 Trafalgar st Smith William, joiner, 40 St. Lawrence st Smith William, plater, 33 Ingleston st Smith William, salesman, 46 Ann st Smith William, salesman, 13 Murdieston st Smith William, seamen's chaplain, 28 Mearns st Smith William, tailor, 24 West Burn st. Ho. 22 Wellington st Smith William, Town Chamberlain, Municipal Buildings, Wallace square. Ho. 29 Newton st Smith Miss, dressmaker, 95 Roxburgh st Smith Miss, grocer, 30 Mount Pleasant st Smith Miss, milliner, 51 Brisbane st Smith Mrs Archibald, 23 East Shaw st Smith Mrs Catherine, grocer, 65 Nicolson st Smith Mrs George, 4 Lyle st Smith Mrs John, spirit merchant, 30 East Hamilton st. Ho. Oakfield, east

Smith Mrs J., 9 Watt st Smith Mrs J. H., 24 Kelly st Smith Mrs Robert, midwife, 22 Ann st Smith Mrs Thomas, 22 Crescent st Smith Mrs W., 48 Ann st Smith Mrs, midwife, 16 Antigua st 2l8 DIRECTORY.

Smith Mrs, tobacconist, 29 Regent st Smith Mrs, 13 Duncan st Smith Mrs, 65 Union st Smith Mrs, 24 Wellington st SMYTH Alexander, surgeon-dentist, 14 West Blackhall st. Ho. 239 Buchanan st, Glasgow SNODDY James, joiner, 15 Mount Pleasant st SOANES Benjamin, painter, 7 Lynedoch st SOMERVILLE John, engineer, 15 Antigua st Somerville William, seaman, 7 West breast SORELY Peter, sawyer, 4 Garvald st SORRIE Peter, blacksmith, 84 Belville st Sorrie Mrs Peter, 5 Antigua st SOUTAR William, painter, 42 Regent st SOUTH Peter, rigger, 3 Bank st SOUTTER H. D., bookbinder, 29 Roxburgh st SOWTER John, Board of Trade Surveyor, 149 Eldon st SPEIRS Archibald H., joiner, 8 Watt st Speirs & Gibb, coal merchants, Upper Greenock Station Speirs James, rivetter, 3 Hill st Speirs James & Son, sugar samplers, 30 Cathcart st Speirs Robert, engineer, 1 1 Belville st Speirs William (of James Speirs & Son, 4 Glen st SPENCE Alexander, labourer, 8 Cathcart st Spence David, carpenter, 1 1 East Blackhall st Spence David, labourer, 82 Belville st Spence Henry, labourer, 5 Arthur st Spence Joseph, labourer, 2 Lauriston st Spence William, carpenter, 12 Murdieston st Spence Miss M. S., 24 Patrick st SPENCER James, engineer, 14 Crescent st Spencer William, engineer, 34 Crescent st SPIERS John, sub-inspector, 80 Dempster st Spiers Miss, 3 Houston st Spiers Mrs, fancy goods, 20 Cartsburn st SPROUL John, engineer, 80 Belville st SPRUNT William, joiner, 30 Bruce st STACK G., R. C. clergyman, Wood cottage STARK David, carpenter, 18 St. Lawrence st Stark Thomas, 17 Fox st STATE Line Royal Mail Steamers—agents, Andrew Picken & Co., Arcade DIRECTORY. 219

STEEL Alexander, foreman (J. Poynter, Son & Mac- donalds), 21 Dellingburn st

Steel Edward, engine-driver, 1 1 Carwood st Steel Hugh, feuar, Clydebank, 38 Esplanade Steel John, joiner, 6 Sinclair st Steel John S., builder and contractor, 14 Kilblain st. Ho. 10 Ardgowan st, west Steel Matthew, engraver, 15 Cathcart st Steel Robert, policeman, 33 Roxburgh st Steel William, builder, 10 Jamaica st. Ho. 35 West Stewart st Steel William, coal merchant, 55 Drumfrochar road. Ho. 53 do. Steel William, wine and spirit merchant, 14 John st. Ho. 32 St. Lawrence st Steel W. B., engineer, 33 East Crawford st Steel Mrs Thomas, Clydehouse, Roseneath st Steel Mrs, Clydebank, 38 Esplanade Steel Mrs, 2 Campsie terrace STEELE Robert, labourer, 6 Duff st Steele Stewart, carpenter, 3 Carnock st Steele Miss, 40 Finnart st Steele Miss, 65 Union st Steele Mrs Jane, 6 Ingleston st STEEN James, boot warehouse, 21 Hamilton st. Ho. 17 Bentinck st Steen Mrs John, 17 Brisbane st STEINKE Herman, mate, 6 Watt st Stephen William, engine-driver, 93 Belville st STEPHENS Mrs, 34 Nelson st, west STERICKER A. C, music teacher and organist, Finnart U.P. Church. Ho. 32 Brisbane st STEVENS Alexander, janitor, Parochial Board buildings, 36 Nicolson st

Stevens J. T., H.M.C., 6 Finnart st Stevens Mrs M., confectioner, 54 Ann st STEVENSON Adam, stair railer, 55 Regent st. Ho. 26 Trafalgar st Stevenson Albert, boilermaker, 10 Hill st Stevenson Alexander, engineer, 13 Belville st Stevenson Alexander, joiner and builder, 39 Wellington st. Ho. 5 Caddlehill st DIRECTORY.

Stevenson Alexander A., tea and provision dealer, 2 Antigua st. Ho. 25 Nelson st, west Stevenson Archibald, marine surveyor, Palmerston buildings. Ho. 53 Brisbane st Stevenson Duncan, tinsmith, 83 Belville st Stevenson Hugh, draper, 38 Hamilton st. Ho. 36 Brisbane st Stevenson John, engineer, 81 Port-Glasgow road Stevenson John, seaman, 3 Kilblain st Stevenson John, vanman, 3 Holmscroft st Stevenson John B., chief engineer, 2 Ford place, Finnart st Stevenson Peter, gardener, 38 Nelson st, west Stevenson Robert, engine-driver, 4 Watt st Stevenson & Sons, West London Boot Co., first- class bootmakers, 19 West Blackhall st. Ho. Glenan Gardens, Helensburgh. (See Advt.) Stevenson William, labourer, 6 Hill st Stevenson Wm. S., cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 7 West Stewart st. Ho. 1 1 Nelson st, west Stevenson Miss M. M., 20 Brisbane st Stevenson Miss, 3 Madeira st Stevenson Miss, 7 Margaret st Stevenson Misses, millinery and furnishings, 24 Union st Stevenson Mrs C, 103 Belville st Stevenson Mrs David, 42 Mearns st Stevenson Mrs Gabriel, 42 Holmscroft st Stevenson Mrs James, 8 Brisbane st STEWART Alexander, labourer, 15 Mill st Stewart Alexander, seaman, 2 1 Trafalgar st Stewart A. & J., and Clydesdale Limited, tube manufacturers, &c, Glasgow, Coatbridge, and Mossend—Agents, Andrew Picken & Co., Arcade Stewart Andrew (of Orchard Sugar Refining Co.), Annieslea, 14 Newark st Stewart Archibald, sailmaker, 87 Roxburgh st Stewart Archibald, seaman, 21 Wellington st Stewart Charles, carter, 60 Drumfrochar road Stewart Charles, H.M.C, 16 Robertson st Stewart Charles, moulder, 5 East Crawford st Stewart Charles F., joiner and builder, 9 Brisbane st. Ho. 78 Holmscroft st DIRECTORY.

Stewart Daniel B., smith, tinsmith, gasfltter, plumber, and bellhanger, and house and ship furnishing ironmonger, 14 West Blackhall st. Ho. 7 Margaret st. (See Advt.) Stewart David, beltmaker, 29 Belville st Stewart David, engineer, 2 Garvald st Stewart Denniston, engineer, 27 Lyle st Stewart Donald, cartwright, 5 West Stewart st Stewart Donald, engineer, 14 Crescent st Stewart Duncan F., 151 Eldon st Stewart Francis, confectioner, Harvie lane. Ho. 69 Nicol- son st Stewart & Hutchison, solicitors, 190 West George st, Glasgow Stewart James, carter, 80 Dempster st Stewart James, carter, 20 Inverkip st Stewart James, engineer, 10 Lyle st Stewart James, foreman labourer, 40 Nicolson st Stewart James, labourer, 44 Arthur st Stewart James, labourer, 3 Carnock st Stewart James, labourer, 2 Crawfurd lane Stewart James, nautical instrument maker, 7 Belville st

Stewart James (of J. & W. Stewart), of Blackhouse, by Skelmorlie, Garvocks, Routenburn, and Reform Club, London

Stewart James, sawyer, 1 1 Lauriston st Stewart James B., member of Glasgow Institute of Architects, architect, Post Office buildings. Ho. 18 Bentinck st Stewart James K., grain, hay, straw, and cheese merchant, 28 and 30 Shaw st. Ho. 54 Forsyth st

Stewart J. & W., merchants and shipowners, 1 Watt place Stewart John, feuar, 62 Eldon st Stewart John, moulder, 44 Lynedoch st Stewart John, plumber, 8 South st Stewart John, ship-store merchant, 4 Bogle st. Ho. Rivers- dale, Kilmalcolm Stewart John, spirit merchant, 34 Dalrymple st. Ho. 10 South st Stewart John, tailor and clothier, 40 Cathcart st. Ho. 26 Mearns st Stewart John, tailor, 5 West Blackhall st. Ho. 41 Ann st Stewart John, wine and spirit merchant, 6 Market st. Ho. 21 Newton st DIRECTORY.

Stewart John, wood turner, 14 Mearns st Stewart John, Eddlewood place Stewart Joseph, labourer, 31 Nicolson st

Stewart M. & J., confectioners, 63 Inverkip st Stewart Norman, detective, 90 Dempster st Stewart Robert, brakesman, 78 Dempster st Stewart Robert, coachman, 25 Newark st Stewart Robert, engineer, 25 Belville st

Stewart Robert, pansman, 1 7 Lynedoch st Stewart Robert, patternmaker, 36 Lynedoch st Stewart Robert, stationer, printer, and account book manu- facturer, 32 Hamilton st Stewart Samuel, engineer and manager, Greenock Gas Works. Ho. Knocknair, Bogston Stewart Samuel, labourer, 18 St. Lawrence st Stewart Thomas, brassfinisher, 51 Lynedoch st Stewart Thomas, surgeon-dentist, 43 Brougham st. Ho. do. Stewart Thomas H., missionary, St. Andrew's Free Church. Ho. 4 Finnart st Stewart Thomas O., cashier, 37 Bank st Stewart William, carpenter, 41 Holmscroft st Stewart William, gardener, 23 Union st Stewart William, goldsmith and watchmaker, 14 West Black-

hall st. Ho. 2 George square Stewart William, iron shipbuilder, 18 East Crawford st Stewart William, jun., cork manufacturer, 33 Hamilton st Stewart William, ship plater, 8 Watt st Stewart William, vanman, Prospecthill house Stewart William R., waiter, 112 Dempster st Stewart Miss, confectioner, 39 Nicolson st Stewart Agnes T., pawnbroker, 49 Vennel. Ho. Swords, Co. Dublin Stewart Mrs Alexander, 9 Argyle st Stewart Mrs C, wine and spirit merchant, 93 Roxburgh st. Ho. 24 Robertson st Stewart Mrs D., 21 Newton st Stewart Mrs Elizabeth, 28 Brisbane st Stewart Mrs F., 6 Lauriston st Stewart Mrs Isabella, spirit dealer, 59 Main st. Ho. 99 Belville st

Stewart Mrs J., it Mill st Stewart Mrs William M. A., dressmaker, 53 Brisbane st DIRECTORY. 223

Stewart Mrs. Greenock and Glasgow carrier, 53 Dunlop st, and 65 West Howard st, Glasgow; and 41 Cathcart st, Greenock

Stewart Mrs, 1 Ardgowan st, Glebe Stewart Mrs, 67 Belville st Stewart Mrs, 5 Dempster st Stewart Mrs, 60 Eldon st Stewart Mrs, 77 Holmscroft st Stewart Mrs, 39 Regent st Stewart Mrs, 35 Wellington st Stewart Mrs, 7 William st STILLIE Rev. John, D.D., Rosebank, 25 Forsyth st STIRLING James, painter, 10 Carnock st

Stirling James A. (of J. B. Morison & Co.), 17 Newton st Stirling Joseph, labourer, 83 Belville st Stirling William, gardener, 4 Bentinck st Stirling William, labourer, 3 Trafalgar st Stirling Mrs A., grocer, 17 Shaw st Stirling Mrs, 17 Bearhope st STIRRAT Alexander, labourer, 2 Lauriston st Stirrat James, blacksmith, 30 East Hamilton st Stirrat John, smith, 24 East Crawford st Stirrat Robert, boilermaker, 26 East Crawford st Stirrat Mrs, 34 East Hamilton st STOKES Mrs William, 19 Cathcart st STONE James, engineer, 13 Carwood st Stone John, moulder, 22 John st STOODLEY Mrs Benjamin, 21 Ingleston st STORER Daniel, printer, 12 Kilblain st. Ho. 9 Nelson st, w Storer printer and stationer, 12 James, Kilblain st. Ho. 7 Royal st, Gourock STORMS Mrs A., 5 West Stewart st STOVE Thomas, shipwright, 27 Regent st STRACHAN Andrew, shoemaker, 41 West Burn st Strachan Daniel, caulker, 1 1 Crescent st

Strachan George, architect and inspector of buildings, 1 Hope st

Strachan James, joiner, 1 Hope st Strachan John, provision merchant, 14 Arthur st. Ho. 55 Holmscroft st

Strachan William, joiner and builder, 23 Mearns st. Ho. 1 Hope st 2 24 DIRECTORY.

Strachan Sarah M. S., milliner, 18 West Blackhall st. Ho. i Hope st Strachan Mrs Elizabeth, 9 Antigua st Strachan Mrs, 5 Dellingburn square STRAINE George, musicseller and piano tuner, 31 Nicolson st. Ho. 25 Newton st STRANG Rev. Robert Candlish, M.A., Crawfurdsburn Free Church, The Manse, Ratho st STRONACH William, solicitor, 25 West Burn st. Ho. 19 Bentinck st STRONG Terence, labourer, 1 1 East Crawford st

STRUTHERS Rev. J. P., M.A., of Reformed Presbyterian Church, West Stewart st. Ho. 52 Eldon st STUART M. A., milliner, 27 Brougham st. Ho. 23 do. STURGEON James, gardener, 68 Holmscroft st SUMMERVILLE A., medical herbalist, 33 West Burn st. Ho. 113 Dempster st SUTHERLAND Alexander M., compositor, 21 Trafalgar st Sutherland Donald, joiner, 8 Hope st Sutherland Duncan (at Glasgow & Greenock Shipping Co.), 62 Kelly st Sutherland George, clerk, 27 Robertson st Sutherland Peter, mason, 57 Holmscroft st Sutherland William, draper, 10 Lyle st SUTTIE John, engineer, 7 Ratho st SWAN Allan, steamship agent, &c, Customhouse buildings. Ho. 49 Brougham st Swan Andrew, 4 Robertson st Swan John, librarian Sailors' Home, 1 Kelly st Swan George W., weigher, 21 Nelson st, west Swan Robert, engineer, 3 Carnock st Swan Robert, feuar, 36 Brisbane st Swan & Shearer, writers and notaries public, 18 Hamilton st Swan William, flesher, 18 Cartsburn st. Ho. 64 Ann st Swan Miss, 48 Brougham st Swan Mrs William, 45 Newton st Swan Mrs, grocer, 17 Dempster st VH'oA- Swan Mrs, 29 Nelson st, west V\S\X\ U\. SWEENEY George, painter, 29 Lynedoch st Sweeney Thomas, painter, 3 George square SWEENIE John, maltster, 1 1 Inverkip st Sweenie Joseph, postman, 51 Shaw st DIRECTORY. 225

SWORD Miss, 36 Eldon st SYME James, fireman, 15 Lauriston st Syme John, jun., fireman, 80 Belville st Syme John, sen., engineman, 85 Belville st SYMINGTON David, boot and shoemaker, 5 Hamilton st. Ho. 33 Nelson st, west Symington Martin T. P., 33 Nelson st, west Symington John, coal merchant, 10 Patrick st. Ho. 3 Watt st Symington Rev. Andrew, Martyrs' Free Church, West Shaw st. Ho. 13 Ardgowan st, west

TAINSH John (of MacSymon & Co., Limited), 33 Kelly st TAIT Alexander, bank and insurance agent, Royal Bank of Scotland, west-end, 9 West Blackhall st. Ho. Chisle- hurst, Gourock Tait Duncan, pointsman, 8 Watt st Tait James, tanner, 1 1 East Crawford st Tait John, engineer, 97 Belville st Tait John, foreman, 24 Bank st Tait John, moulder, 17 Ingleston st Tait William, carpenter, 4 Garvald st Tait William, police constable, 15 West Stewart st Tait Mrs, 71 Regent st TAITT Robert G., river pilot, 28 Ardgowan st, west TANNAHILL James, agent for Commercial Bank. Ho. 9 Finnart st Tannahill William, labourer, Overton TANNOCK Quintin, plasterer, 5 Sir Michael st. Ho. 17 Ardgowan st, west TARBET Robert, cooper, 108 Drumfrochar road Tarbet Thomas, smith, 126 Drumfrochar road Tarbet William, joiner, 70 Holmscroft st Tarbet Miss, lodgings, 6 Brisbane st Tarbet Misses, 22 Eldon st Tarbet Mrs, 85 Dempster st TASKER Mrs Andrew, 40 Union st TAYLOR Adam, engineer, 50 Ann st Taylor Alexander, carpenter, 17 Lyle st J 5 2 26 DIRECTORY.

Taylor Alexander, engineer, 8 Hay st Taylor Alexander, engineer, 9 Serpentine walk Taylor Rev. Alexander, missionary rector, 14 Patrick st Taylor Anderson, fireman, 19 Belville st Taylor Archibald, engineer, 66 Ann st Taylor Archibald, smith, 61 Holmscroft st Taylor A. & G., photographers, 17 Hamilton st Taylor Brothers, drapers, 32 Hamilton st Taylor Charles, book-keeper, 1 1 Antigua st Taylor Charles, engineer, 7 Mill st Taylor & Co., Berlin wool repository, 4 West Blackhall st. Ho. 54 Brougham st Taylor Daniel, pansman, 116 Drumfrochar road

Taylor H. J., superintendent P. & O. Co. (Caird & Co., Ltd., Dalrymple st.) Ho. 55 Forsyth st Taylor James, boilermaker, 7 Mill st Taylor James, brassfinisher, 65 Belville st Taylor James, carpenter, 15 Nelson st, west Taylor James, headmaster, St. Lawrence's School. Ho. 15 Lynedoch st Taylor James, smith, 97 Belville st Taylor James, tailor, 36 St. Lawrence st Taylor James H., blacksmith, 32 Ingleston st Taylor James R. (of Taylor Bros.), 49 Brisbane st Taylor John, accountant, Clydesdale Bank, Limited, 7 Hamilton st. Ho. do. Taylor John G., timekeeper, 59 Belville st Taylor Robert, draughtsman, 9 Ardgowan st, west Taylor Robert, gateman, 7 Mount Pleasant st Taylor Thomas H., collector of Inland Revenue, Excise buildings, Customhouse. Ho. 50 Esplanade Taylor William, blacksmith, 78 Belville st Taylor William, blacksmith, 1 Prospecthill st Taylor William, moulder, 53 Belville st Taylor William, superintendent of fire brigade, Municipal buildings, Wallace square. Ho. do. Taylor William, teacher, Eskgrove villa, 50 Ardgowan st, west Taylor William E., major, 8 Esplanade Taylor Miss A., milliner. Lome place, 54 Brougham st Taylor Mis Alexander, 25 Regent st Taylor Mrs Angus, 61 Ann st \ DIRECTORY. 227

Taylor Mrs James M., 10 Ardgowan st, west Taylor Mrs Jane, 23 West Stewart st Taylor Mrs John, 6 Watt st Taylor Mrs, 28 Ardgowan st, west Taylor Mrs, 95 Belville st Taylor Mrs, 53 Holmscroft st Taylor Mrs, 3 1 Roxburgh st

TELFER James (of J. & J. Telfer), 89 Roxburgh st Telfer James (at Robert Davie & Co.), timber measurer, 15 Dempster st

Telfer John (of J. & J. Telfer), 9 Murdieston st Telfer J. & J., bootmakers, 38 Hamilton st Telfer Thomas, stationmaster, Greenock West. Ho. 82 Roxburgh st Telfer William, engineer, 2 Garvald st

Telfer Mrs C, grocer, 1 Prospecthill st. Ho. do. Telfer Mrs, 23 Lyle st TELFORD William, ironmoulder, 19 Belville st TEMPERANCE Institute, 19 West Stewart st TEMPLETON Alexander, plumber, 7 Hope st Templeton Matthew, joiner, 15 Nelson st Templeton Robert P., traveller, 25 Dempster st Templeton William, railway guard, 53 Kelly st TENNANT William, patternmaker, 87 Belville st Tennant Mrs, ladies' nurse, 33 Hamilton st THEATRE Royal, 38 West Blackhall st. Lessee and manager, Alex. Wright THEXTON Robert, teacher, 22 Bank st THE Bank of Scotland, 47 Cathcart st—John Bisset, agent The Brewers' Sugar Company (Limited), sugar refiners, West Burn square The British Linen Company Bank, 13 William st—James Glen, agent The Burmah Steamship Co. (Limited), shipowners, 46 Brymner st The Cartsburn Sugar Refining Co., sugar refiners, 4 Crescent st The Cathcart Steamship Co. (Limited), Exchange buildings J. &. Denholm, managers — J. The Christian Mission, Music Hall, 41 Hamilton st The Clyde and St. Lawrence Shipping Co. (Limited), 63 Rue-end st —


The Clyde Pottery Co., manufacturers of earthenware, Port-Glasgow road The Clyde Stevedore Co., India place, 7 Dock breast The Clydesdale Bank (Limited), 7 Hamilton st —John Rodger, agent The Clydesdale Bank (Limited), East-end Branch, 43 Rue-end st—William Bruce, agent The Commercial Bank of Scotland (Limited), 36 Cathcart st—James Tannahill, agent The Conservative Club, 29 Hamilton st The Greenock Apothecaries' yErated Water Company (Ltd.), 9 Hunter place — William W. Hyslop, 23 Roxburgh st, manager The Greenock Apothecaries' Co., wholesale and retail chemists and druggists, 28 Hamilton st The Greenock Bagging Co., 26 West Stewart st The Greenock East-end Co-operative Society (Limited), grocery, drapery, boots and shoes, 18 East Crawford st and 105 Port-Glasgow road The Greenock Equitable Loan Co., 24 Hamilton st—A. Waddell, manager The Greenock Foundry Co., engineers, boilermakers, and ironfounders, East Stewart st The Greenock Herald, 40 Cathcart st

The Greenock Mineral Water Co , aerated water manufactur- ers, Waverley lane The Greenock Plate Glass Insurance Co., 19 Cathcart st The Greenock Provident Investment Co., 23 Cathcart st James Anderson, managing director; Robert Dixon, secretary The Greenock Rubber Co., India rubber and waterproof manufacturers, 13 Hamilton st The Greenock Steamship Co. (Limited), steamship owners, 1 Cross-shore st — Dugald MacDougall, managing director The Greenock Stevedore Co. (Limited), 8 Roslin st —J. M'Kinnon, manager The Greenock Telegraph, 14 and 16 Charles st The Greenock Towing Co., 8 Brymner st The Ingleston Foundry Co., engineers and ironfounders,, Ingleston st The James Watt Steamship Co. (Limited), 2 West quay —


The Lady Armstrong Steamship Co. (Limited), i Cathcart st —Adam Hamilton & Co., managers The Leith, Hull, and Hamburg Steam Packet Co., 13 Hamilton st—James Currie & Co., agents The Little Sisters of the Poor, Home for the Aged, 44 Union st The London and Belfast Tea Co., 45 Cathcart st The London and Newcastle Tea Co., tea dealers, 33 Hamilton st

The Lyle Shipping Co. (Limited), shipowners, 1 1 Nicolson st

The Mount Park Steamship Co. (Limited) — J. & J. Denholm, managers, Exchange buildings The National Bank of Scotland (Limited), 29 Cathcart st

J. C. Hart, agent The National Telephone Co. (Limited), Municipal buildings The People's Boot and Shoe Supply Stores, 29 West Burn st The Prudential Assurance Co. (Limited), 8 West Blackhall st. (See Advt.) The Royal Bank of Scotland, 38 Cathcart st—D. M. Latham, agent The Royal Bank of Scotland (West End Branch), 9 West Blackhall st—Alexander Tait, agent The Scotsman Newspaper (branch office), 5 Customhouse place—Hugh Wilson, agent The Shipping Federation (Limited), Registry of Seamen, &c, Customhouse place The Singer Manufacturing Co., sewing machine manufac- turers, 26 West Blackhall st The Union Bank of Scotland (Limited), 1 Hamilton st F. G. Bruce, agent The United Kingdom Provident Institution for Mutual Life Assurance—Robert Davie, jun., agent, 63 Rue-end st THOM A. & W. C., wholesale grocers, wine and spirit merchants, 13 Union st Thorn Alexander C. (of A. & W. C. Thorn), 13 Union st Thorn Archibald (of A. & W. C. Thorn), 13 Union st Thom W. A., solicitor, 13 Hamilton st. Ho. 38 Brisbane st Thorn W. C. (of A. & W. C. Thom), 13 Union st Thom Walker, painter, 6 Market st THOMPSON John, police constable, 35 Roxburgh st THOMSON A., weighing machine maker, 7 West Blackhall st. Ho. do. 230 DIRECTORY.

Thomson Alexander, brakesman, 7 Hill st Thomson Alexander, engineer, 40 Lynedoch st Thomson Alexander, shoemaker, 26 West Blackhall st Thomson Alexander, superintendent of Industrial School, 13 Captain st. Ho. do. Thomson Andrew, engineer, 13 Lynedoch st Thomson Archibald, engineer, 10 Hope st Thomson Archibald, tugboatman, 24 Lyle st Thomson & Co., cabinetmakers and upholsterers, 39 West Blackhall st Thomson Charles, plumber, gasfitter, and zinc worker, 17 Kelly st. Ho. 29 Nelson st, west Thomson Colin, accountant, house factor, and insurance agent, 2 Robertson st Thomson David, carter, 9 Prospecthill st Thomson David, slater, 45 Holmscroft st Thomson Donald, assistant collector of town assessments, 50 Ann st Thomson Dugald, carpenter, 7 East Crawford st Thomson Dugald, draper, 13 Rue-end st Thomson Duncan, brassfinisher, 10 Hay st Thomson Duncan, compositor, 106 Dempster st Thomson Duncan, patternmaker, 7 Lauriston st Thomson Duncan C, shoemaker, 70 Eldon st. Ho. do. Thomson George, cooper, 7 Union st Thomson George, joiner, 32 Nelson st, west Thomson Henry (of Blair & Thomson), 59 Holmscroft st Thomson Hugh, engineer, 3 Moffat st Thomson Hugh, rigger, 55 Belville st Thomson James, boilermaker, 29 Belville st Thomson James, carpenter, 1 Belville st Thomson James, carpenter, 4 Garwood st Thomson James, engineer, 20 Antigua st Thomson James, engineer, 63 Belville st Thomson James (of Crawford & Thomson), 25 Bank st Thomson James, rivetter, 55 Main st Thomson James, seaman, 69 Regent st Thomson James, skinner, 9 Carwood st Thomson James, 12 Roxburgh st Thomson James, The Hill Thomson John, agent, Dellingburn square. Ho. 39 Kelly st Thomson John, blacksmith, 1 Holmscroft st 1


Thomson John, boilermaker, 1 1 Antigua st Thomson John, clerk, 5 Holmscroft st Thomson John, engineer, 9 East Crawford st Thomson John, fitter, 17 Lauriston st Thomson John, joiner, 80 Belville st Thomson John, joiner, 10 Carnock st Thomson John, joiner, 45 Holmscroft st

Thomson John, plumber, 1 7 Kelly st Thomson John, potter, 20 Pottery st Thomson John, rivetter, 2 Mackenzie st Thomson John, smith and boilermaker, 2 West Burn st. Ho. Finnart Lea, Kilmun Church. Thomson Rev. J. B., Minister of Greenbank U.P. Ho. 20 Bentinck st Thomson Michael, joiner, 1 1 Watt st Thomson Michael, postman, 72 Wellington st Thomson N., plumber, 65 Holmscroft st Thomson Nelson M., draughtsman, 26 South st Thomson Peter, boilermaker, 24 St. Lawrence street Thomson Peter, engineer, 82 Belville st Thomson Peter, sugar boiler, 1 1 Antigua st Thomson Robert, boilermaker, 30 Bruce street Thomson Robert, cooper, 45 Trafalgar st Thomson Robert, engineer, 106 Dempster st Thomson Robert, engineer, 5 Hope st Thomson Robert, fancy goods warehouse, 27 Hamilton st. Ho. 7 Glen st Thomson Robert, joiner, 18 Hope st Thomson Robert, joiner, 14 South st Thomson Robert (of Thomson & Co.), 8 Robertson st Thomson Thomas, vanman, 25 Bruce st Thomson Rev. Thomas R., minister, East Parish Church, 29A Finnart st Thomson W., cooper, 58 Drumfrochar road Thomson Walter, joiner, 22 Bearhope st Thomson William, brakesman, 3 Hill st Thomson William, coppersmith, 15 Hope st Thomson William, joiner, 9 Murdieston st Thomson William, labourer, 55 Drumfrochar road Thomson William (of R. Cowan & Co.), Ringdove villa, 60 Finnart st Thomson William, painter, 7 Carwood st 232 DIRECTORY.

Thomson William, railway guard, 15 Brougham st Thomson W. R. M. & Co., patent agents and con- sulting engineers, 96 Buchanan st, Glasgow. (See Advt.) Thomson Miss, 34 West Stewart st Thomson Mrs Agnes, 60 Kelly st Thomson Mrs Duncan, 73 Holmscroft st Thomson Mrs M., 48 Crawfurd st Thomson Mrs, draper, 62 Ann st Thomson Mrs, 19 Antigua st Thomson Mrs, 31 Nicolson st THORBURN Arthur, engineer, 28 Newton st Thorburn James G., sugar refiner, Cartsburn Sugar Refinery. Ho. Woodburn, 4 Newark st Thorburn Walter, general commission merchant, 28 Cathcart st (agent for Thorburn & Tessier, Newfoundland mer- chants). Ho. 67 Octavia terrace THORNE Robert (of R. Thorne & Sons), Clevelands, 36 Newark st Thorne R. & Sons, wholesale wine and spirit merchants, importers, and bonded warehouse proprietors, 6 Manse

lane and St. Andrew square, Greenock ; Customhouse docks, Dublin; 74 Great Tower st, London, EC; and 30 North John st, Liverpool Thorne Thomas M. (of R. Thorne & Sons), Wardwood, 51 Octavia terrace TIERNEY Alexander H., tobacconist, 40 Hamilton st. Ho. 8 Shaw place Tierney John, labourer, 103 Belville st Tierney Patrick, labourer, 6 Trafalgar st Tierney W. B., 10 Lyle st Tierney Mrs John, 8 Shaw place TIFFIN Joseph, clerk, 9 Mount Pleasant st

TILL J. L., shipmaster, 8 Brisbane st TIMES (Glasgow) Evening. Branch office, 29 Cathcart st.

J. C Fisher, agent TIMPSON F. C, shipmaster, 8 Robertson st TINNEY James, seaman, 22 West Blackhall st Tinney John, slater, 20 Bearhope st TINNIE James, labourer, 22 Trafalgar st TINNOCK John, rivetter, 17 Cathcart st TODD George, marine surveyor, 25 Newton st DIRECTORY. 233

Todd John, blacksmith, 26 Wellington st Todd John, mason and builder, 27 Nelson st, west Todd William, carter, 66 Wellington st Todd Miss Jessie, 59 Brisbane st Todd, Mrs John, 36 Ingleston st Todd Mrs, 16 Regent st TOLMIE Alexander, jewellery and insurance agent, 52 Regent st TONNER John, salesman, 14 Regent st TONTINE Hotel, 34 Cathcart st. (See Advt.) TOOK William, rigger, 2 Ropework st TORRANS William, labourer, 3 Belville st TORRIE James, R.E., Eddlewood place TOSH David, slater, iron ship cement worker, and slate and cement merchant, fitter of lightning conductors, and chimney stalk repairer, 3 and n Brougham st. Ho. 21 Bentinck st Tosh Joseph, baker, 85 Roxburgh st Tosh Thomas, sawyer, 5 Newton st Tosh Mrs, 36 Crescent st TOUGH Alexander (of Alex. Tough & Son), 42 Mearns st Tough Alexander & Son, rope manufacturers, Clyde rope- work, Drumfrochar road. Warehouse, Palmerston buildings Tough James, moulder, 17 John st Tough Robert, draughtsman, 18 Bentinck st TOWN Hall, Municipal buildings TOWNEND Mrs, 2 George square TOWNLEY William, vanman, 4 Mearns st TRAIN Lawrence, machinist, 19 Kelly st Train Mrs, grocer, 38 Main st TRACEY James, moulder, 9 Belville st Tracey Thomas, labourer, 66 East Hamilton st TREVTHEN Thomas, rigger, 19 Trafalgar st TREW Rev. John, B.A., incumbent of St. John's Episcopal Church. Ho. 54 Union st TRINITY U.R Church, 31 Union st TROTTER John, engine-driver, 41 West Blackhall st Trotter Peter, plumber, 90 Dempster st Trotter William, stereotyper, 25 Trafalgar st TUCKER David, hairdresser, 53 Main st. Ho. 3 John st 234 DIRECTORY.

Tucker John, grocer and provision merchant, and East

Parish Session Clerk, 7 John st. Ho. 55 Belville st Tucker John, moulder, 3 John st Tucker matthew, moulder, 23 Crescent st TULLOCH John, blacksmith, 37 Roxburgh st Tulloch Mrs, ladies' nurse, 24 Lyle st TUMBLETY James, coachman, 24 West Blackhall st

TURNBULL Alexander J., C.E., master of works and burgh surveyor, Municipal buildings. Ho. Lynwood, 83 Bris bane st Turnbull Donald, joiner, 3 Prospecthill st Turnbull George, coachman, 32 Kelly st Turnbull Jonathan, ship carpenter, joiner, blockmaker, and boatbuilder, 49 Rue-end st. Ho. 15 Lyle st Turnbull, Martin & Co., steamship owners and shipbrokers, 12 Bogle st Turnbull & Sons, photographers, 37 Hamilton st. Ho. Foxlee, Tollcross Turnbull William, carpenter, 15 Belville st Turnbull William M., engineer, 2 Lyle st Turnbull Miss, 3 Kelly st TURNER Alfred, engraver, 24 East Crawford st Turner Andrew, moulder, 40 St. Lawrence st Turner Archibald T., telegraphist, 95 Roxburgh st Turner Duncan, joiner, 20 Bruce st Turner George, joiner, 30 Bruce st Turner James William, writer and notary public, 17 West Blackhall st. Ho. 9 Fox st and Stoneywood, Toward Turner John, engineer, 56 St. Lawrence st Turner John, mason, 68 Inverklp st Turner Malcolm, fitter, 36 West Burn st Turner Robert, engine-driver, 6 Inverkip st Turner Samuel, boilermaker, 66 East Hamilton st Turner Thomas, cowfeeder, 14 Drumfrochar road Turner William, caulker, 36 East Hamilton st Turner William M'D., badge porter, 52 Wellington st Turner Mrs James, 32 Esplanade Turner Mrs James C, 4 Nelson st, west Turner Mrs John, 3 Shaw place Turner Mrs, grocer, 8 Antigua st TWEDDEL James (of Robert Cowan & Co.), 21 Patrick st DIRECTORY. 235

TWEEDDALE James, grocer and provision merchant, 68 Vennel. Ho. 28 South st TWEEDIE R., insurance agent, 12 Lyle st TWEEDLIE Robert, janitor, Public School, 46 Mearns st TWEEDLY William, plumber, 15 Mount Pleasant st TWIGG Edward, gunmaker and cutler, 33 Hamilton st. Ho. Richmond villa, 33 Newton st TYRE James, mercantile clerk, 81 Holmscroft st Tyre Mrs Robert, 40 Holmscroft st TYTLER Matthew, glazier and glass merchant, 1 2 Laird st. Ho. 2 Orangefield place U

ULISSE Desedeira, confectioner, 40 West Blackhall st UNION Bank of Scotland (Limited), 1 Hamilton st—F. G. Bruce, agent Union John, ironmoulder, 3 Belville st Union Street Bread, Biscuit, and Confectionery Factory, 24 Union st UNITED Presbyterian Church, St. Andrew square United Presbyterian Church, Sir Michael st United Presbyterian Church, 3 Union st United States Consular Agent, James A. Love, solicitor and notary public, 2 Hamilton st URE James, engineer, 18 East Crawford st URIE Hugh, brassfinisher, 12 Lyle st Urie Robert, photographer, 32 Hamilton st. Ho. do. Urie R. & A., glass and china merchants, 16 West Blackhall st. Ho. Sunnyside House, Helensburgh Urie Thomas, seaman, 7 Dempster st URQUHART John, seaman, 12 Lynedoch st Urquhart Robert, goods porter, 5 Regent st Urquhart Robert, police sergeant, 24 Trafalgar st Urquhart Mrs William, 27 Lynedoch st Urquhart Mrs William B., 23 Kelly st Urquhart Mrs, 17 John st

VACUUM Oil Co. ; representative, Robert Davie, end st 236 DIRECTORY.

VALE of Clyde Tramways Co. Office, 29 Brougham st VALLANCE William, engineer, 19 Ingleston st Vallance Miss Janet, greengrocer, 19 Regent st. Ho. do. VANCE Alexander, salesman, 48 Ann st VAN DALLE Mrs L., 31 Ardgowan st, west VANHEGAN Robert H., blacksmith, 18 Bruce st VANHOEVE John, seaman, 26 Trafalgar st VANVASHAN Mrs, 41 Crawfurd st VASS David, carpenter, 1 1 Belville st Vass Mary, grocer, 11 Belville st VICTORIA Bar, 13 Hamilton st VINCENT A. G., boarding-house keeper, 45 Dalrymple st VIRTUE Andrew W., blacksmith, 2 Kilblain st Virtue Mrs Alexander, 42 Holmscroft st VIVIAN & Sons, brass and tube makers, copper and yellow metal merchants, Birmingham, London, and Swansea —John Jamieson, 2 Cathcart st, agent W

WADDEL John, joiner, 3 Lauriston st Waddel William, slater, 36 Holmscroft st WADDELL Alexander, manager (Greenock Equitable Loan Co.), 97 Dempster st Waddell Mrs John, 55 Drumfrochar road Waddell Mrs, 30 Lynedoch st WADE James, labourer, 12 Mill st Wade John, coal merchant, 5 South st. Ho. 1 2 do. WALKER Alexander, cooper, 40 East Crawford st Walker Alexander, joiner, 7 Orangefield place Walker Alexander (of Czarnikow & Co.), Exchange buildings, Cathcart st. Ho. 162 Hill st, Garnethill, Glasgow Walker Andrew & Co., coal merchants, 1 Regent st and 8 Dellingburn st Walker Andrew (of A. Walker & Co.), 71 Nicolson st Walker Archibald, carpenter, 13 Belville st Walker Archibald, carpenter, 15 Main st Walker Archibald, joiner, 5 Watt st Walker Frederick M., 55 Octavia terrace Walker Henry, insurance agent, 9 Belville st Walker Hugh William (of John Walker & Co.), Bellevue, Johnstone st DIRECTORY. 237

Walker H. Richard (of John Walker & Co.), Chaseley, 117 Eldon st Walker James, iron fitter, 6 Hill st Walker John, boilermaker, 20 Bearhope st Walker John, carting contractor, 10 Buccleuch st. Ho. 57 Regent st Walker John & Co., sugar refiners, 3 Princes st Walker John, lighthouse spirit vaults, 17 Cathcart st. Ho. 2 Ford place, Finnan st. (See Advt.) Walker John (of John Walker & Co.), 6 Finnart terrace Walker John R., salesman, 39 Bank st Walker John William (of John Walker & Co.), 53 Forsyth st Walker Joseph S., labourer, 53 Drumfrochar road Walker Louson (of Welsh, Walker & Macpherson),Westhorpe, 44 Newark st Walker Malcolm M'N., 7 Westbourne terrace, 163 Eldon st Walker Peter, shooting saloon, 42 West Blackhall st Walker Robert, carpenter, 20 St. Lawrence st Walker Robert, joiner, 12 Laird st Walker Robert, labourer, 25 Trafalgar st Walker Robert, vanman, 6 Kilblain st Walker Robert R. P. C, plumber and gasfitter, 32 Roxburgh st. Ho. 27 Dempster st Walker Robert Stewart (of MTlwraiths & Walker), Pomona, 89 Brisbane st Walker William, clerk, 49 Trafalgar st Walker William, draper, hosier, &c, 35 West Burn st. Ho. 96 Dempster st Walker William, flesher, 33 West Burn st. Ho. 93 Dempster st Walker William, gardener, 50 Brougham st Walker William, marine engineer, 1 2 Robertson st Walker William, shipmaster, 1 Campsie terrace Walker William, shipping and general accountant, insurance,. and commission agent, 2 Hamilton st. Ho. 51 Bris- bane st Walker W., chemist and druggist, 23 Rue-end st. Ho. 27 Nelson st Walker Miss, 92 Dempster st Walker Mrs George, 2 Ford place, Finnart st

Walker Mrs James, 1 1 Regent st Walker Mrs Janet, 2 George square 238 DIRECTORY.

Walker Mrs, grocer, 65 Belville st. Ho. 57 do.

Walker Mrs, Chaseley, 1 1 7 Eldon st Walker Mrs, 14 Lynedoch st Walker Mrs, 5 Regent st Walker Mrs, 23 Sir Michael st WALL Edward, potter, 22 Pottery st WALLACE A. C, engineer, 34 West Blackhall st Wallace & Connell, plumbers and brassfounders, 4 East Blackhall st Wallace Charles, blacksmith, 17 Lauriston st Wallace David, bookbinder, 18 Wellington st Wallace David, moulder, 23 Ingleston st Wallace E. S. (of James M'Lellan & Co.), 99 Brisbane st Wallace George, labourer, 38 Nelson st, west Wallace James, A.M., M.D., L.R.C.S.E., &c, physician and surgeon, 16 Union st Wallace James, compositor, 20 Wellington st Wallace James, monumental works, 26 Roxburgh st. Ho. 18 Wellington st Wallace James (of Wm. Kelly & Co.), 28 Ardgowan st, west Wallace John, engine-keeper, 1 Ratho st Wallace John, patternmaker, 87 Belville st Wallace Robert, furnishings, 35 Nicolson st Wallace William, moulder, 34 Ingleston st Wallace William, policeman, 16 Dalrymple st Wallace William, 87 Roxburgh st

.Wallace Misses M. & J., grocers, 32 Mearns st Wallace Miss, provision merchant, 64 Vennel Wallace Mrs Ann, licensed grocer, 16 Antigua st. Ho. do. Wallace Mrs W., 7 Ratho st WALLER Joseph, plumber, 8 Murdieston st WALLS John H., steward, 11 Laird st Walls Thomas, traveller, 7 Holmscroft st WALTON John D., 65 Union st WARD James, sailmaker, 5 Houston st Ward R. & Co., watchmakers, jewellers, and opticians, 16 Hamilton st. Ho. 15 Bentinck st Ward Richard, agent, Gourock Ropework Co., 15 Bentinck st WARDEN Andrew, watch and clockmaker, 45 Hamilton st. Ho. 30 Newton st Warden James B., deep-sea pilot, 52 Brougham st DIRECTORY. 239

Warden John, coal merchant, 62 Kelly st Warden Mrs M., 18 Bentinck st WARDLE George, agent, N. B. Daily and Glasgow Weekly Mail, Municipal buildings, 6 Hamilton st. Ho. 23 Brisbane st WARK Mrs D., 9 East Crawford st WARNOCK Andrew, engine-driver, 7 East Crawford st Warnock David, labourer, 13 Ingleston st WARWICK John, draper, 37 Ann st Warwick John, smith, 3 Moffat st WATERFORD Steamship Office, 9 Customhouse buildings —-Allan Swan, agent WATERSON C, Board of Trade Surveyor, 62 Union st WATERSTON John, blacksmith, 12 Arthur st WATSON Alexander F., joiner, 1 Hill st Watson Alexander L., 21 Union st Watson Andrew, gardener, 68 Inverkip st Watson Andrew, seaman, 15 Antigua st Watson Daniel, joiner, 6 Lauriston st Watson Daniel, joiner, 24 Wellington st Watson Harry S., clerk, 40 Nelson st, west Watson Hugh M'P., gasfitter and bellhanger, 12 Sugarhouse lane. Ho. 6 Brisbane st Watson James, mason, 5 Nile st Watson James, teacher, Hillend Public School. Ho. 25 Brisbane st Watson James, Riverlea, 57 Octavia terrace Watson James F., wine and spirit merchant, 25 Vennel. Ho. 8 Robertson st Watson John, beltmaker, 16 Dalrymple st Watson John, painter, 36 West Blackhall st Watson Matthew, hairdresser, 7 Hamilton st. Ho. 17 Brisbane st Watson Robert, badge porter, 36 West Blackhall st Watson Robert, labourer, 75 Regent st Watson Robert F., clerk, 30 Ardgowan st Watson Thomas, sailmaker, 40 Nicolson st Watson Thomas, 21 Union st Watson Thomas C, printer, 12 Trafalgar st Watson William, joiner, 20 St. Lawrence st Watson William, labourer, 36 Crescent st Watson Miss, 15 Lynedoch st 240 DIRECTORY.

Watson Mrs Frederick, 6 Brougham st

Watson Mrs J., 33 Roxburgh st Watson Mrs N., 6 Murdieston st Watson Mrs N. M'L., baby linen warehouse, 19 West Black- hall st. Ho. 23 Kelly st Watson Mrs, 27 Nicolson st WATT John, constable, 9 Hope st Watt John, wine merchant, no Drumfrochar road. Ho. 39 Bank st Watt Museum Institution, Kelly st Watt Neil, joiner, 1 Moffat st Watt Robert, baker, 37 Holmscroft st Watt William, wholesale and retail wine and spirit merchant, and bonded warehouse proprietor, 47 Vermel. Ho. Gala Lodge, 35 Ardgowan st Watt Mrs William, 6 Nelson st, Glebe Watt Mrs, 73 Ann st WATTERS John S., furniture and hardware dealer, 32 Vennel. Ho. 20 West Stewart st Watters Samuel, labourer, 7 Crescent st Watters William, gatekeeper, 5 Watt st Watters William, iron moulder, 4 John st Watters Mrs Stewart, 99 Belville st WAUGH James, licensed boatman, 7 Nicolson st Waugh Samuel, engine-driver, 7 Lauriston st WAUN John O., clerk, 16 South st WAVERLEY Book Bazaar, 27 Brymner st— G. W. Niven Waverley Temperance Hotel, 40 West Blackhall st—Mrs William M'Cartney, manager WAYMAN Mrs Robert, 1 Campsie terrace WEBSTER Alexander, baker, 9 Argyle st Webster Charles, engineer, 3 Hill st Webster George, blacksmith, 7 Hill st Webster William, H.M.C., 34 Nelson st, west Webster William, labourer, 9 Hope st WEEKS James, seaman, 2 Duff st WEIR Archibald, carpenter, 30 Ann st Weir Donald, Eddlewood place Weir Duncan, carpenter, 3 Trafalgar st Weir Duncan, 27 Mearns st Weir James, blacksmith, 2 Brougham st DIRECTORY. 241

Weir James, smith, 8 Ardgowan st Weir James C, Harbour Trust weigher, 33 Roxburgh st Weir John, blacksmith, 55 Belville st Weir Robert, blacksmith, 62 Kelly st Weir Thomas, patternmaker, 24 St. Lawrence st Weir Thomas, plumber, 6 Brisbane st Weir Walter, rivetter, 7 Mill st Weir, Whigham & Vernon, wine merchants, 26 West Blackball st. Agent—W. M. Martin, 33 Ardgowan st Weir Misses M. & C, furnishings and millinery, 19 Ann st and 21 West Blackhall st. Ho. 27 Mearns st Weir Miss Janet H., dressmaker, 77 Regent st. Ho. do. Weir Mrs A., furnishings, 89 Roxburgh st Weir Mrs John, 44 Ann st Weir Mrs, dairy, 99 Port-Glasgow road WELL PARK Apothecaries' Hall, 14 Lynedoch st Well Park Free Church, 3 Lynedoch st Well Park Parish Church, Regent st Well Park Promenade. Entrances—Regent st, Bank st, Sir John's brae, and Lynedoch st WELLINGTON Park Pleasure Grounds. Entrance — Drumfrochar road WELLS James, carpenter, 22 Sugarhouse lane WELSH John, blacksmith, 27 Lynedoch st Welsh Patrick, labourer, 3 Crescent st Welsh Robert, joiner, 13 Lyle st Welsh, Walker & Macpherson, accountants, house factors, stockbrokers, and insurance agents, 33 Cathcart st Welsh Mrs, 66 Ann st

WESLEYAN Methodist Chapel, 4 Ardgowan st, west WEST Joseph, clerk, 51 Holmscroft st West Miss, 7 Ardgowan st, west West-end Baths Company (Limited), 5 Campbell st. (See Advt.)

West Free Church, 11 Ardgowan st, west West Parish Church, Nelson st, west WHEAT Sheaf Hotel, 6 Church place WHITE Archibald, confectioner, 20 Inverkip st White David, spirit merchant, 8 Inverkip st. Ho. 3 Ford place, Finnart st

White & Ferguson, china warehouse, 42 Ann st. Ho. do. White George, baker, 42 Holmscroft st 16 242 DIRECTORY.

White Hart Hotel, 50 Cathcart st White Hugh, tailor, 66 Ann st White James, grocer, 70 Ann st. Ho. do. White James, labourer, 51 Holmscroft st White James, tugboatman, 5 William st White John, confectioner, 1 Inverkip st. Ho. 47 Shaw st White John, driller, 83 Belville st White John, labourer, 104 Drumfrochar road White Robert, flesher, 3 Prospecthill st. Ho. 104 Drum- frochar road White Star Line Steamers, Liverpool to New-York—Ross, Corbett & Co., agents, 46 Brymner st White William, engineer and brassfounder, 34 Roxburgh st. Ho. 32 Nelson st, west White William, sailmaker, 30 St. Lawrence st White William, seaman, 30 Wellington st White Miss Jane, 24 Lyle st grocer and branch Office, White Miss M , Post 40 Nelson st, west. Ho. 14 South st White Miss, Campfield house, Cardwell bay WHITEFORD Andrew, gasfitter, 15 Roxburgh st Whiteford David E., engineer, 22 Lynedoch st Whiteford James, joiner, 41 West Blackhall st Whiteford James, M.D., L.R.C.S.E., consulting rooms, 29 Hamilton st. Ho. 6 Forsyth st Whiteford John, gardener and fruiterer, 66 Eldon st. Ho. do. Whiteford Robert, bandmaster, 1st R. & D. Artillery Volunteers, 31 Nelson st, west Whiteford William, joiner, 93 Roxburgh st Whiteford William, woodturner, 1 1 Regent st WHITEHILL Daniel, carpenter, 24 Cartsburn st WHITELAW Adam, smith, 22 Lyle st Whitelaw Alexander & Co., brickbuilders, contractors, and brickmakers, 76 Drumfrochar road. Works, Dargavel, Bishopton

Whitelaw Hugh N. (cashier at David J. Dunlop & Co.'s), 12 Robertson st Whitelaw John, carver, gilder, and picture frame maker, 13

Nicolson st. Ho. 7 Caddlehill st Whitelaw Robert, clerk, 85 Roxburgh st Whitelaw Robert, Shipbank, 7 Lyle st DIRECTORY. 243

Whitelaw Thomas, coppersmith, 24 Wellington st Whitelaw Miss, 49 Mearns st WHITESIDE Alexander, draper, 86 Roxburgh st. Ho. 82 do. Whiteside David, vanman, 5 Mount Pleasant st WHITSON Robert, brassfinisher, 16 Trafalgar st WHYTE Allan, seaman, 28 Bruce st Whyte Archibald, engine-driver, 23 Lynedoch st Whyte Archibald, H.M. Customs, 31 Trafalgar st Whyte Donald, Customs' boatman, 10 Jamaica st Whyte George, machinery and iron merchant, 13 John st. Ho. 27 Lyle st Whyte George, painter, 2 Holmscroft st Whyte James & Co., sailmakers, 2 Virginia st Whyte James (of James Whyte & Co.), 16 Wellington st Whyte John, painter, 25 Regent st Whyte Matthew, engineer, 24 Belville st T W hyte Thomas, engineer, 21 Ingleston st Whyte Thomas, tinsmith, gasfitter, sheet iron, copper, and brass worker, 19 Brymner st. Ho. 14 Wellington st Whyte Thomson, boilermaker, 67 Roxburgh st Whyte Walter, engineer, 3 Brougham st WIGHT George, engine-driver, 7 Carwood st WIGNALL John, engineer, 60 Drumfrochar road WILD William, patternmaker, 49 Mearns st WILKIE Alexander, blacksmith, 51 Kelly st Wilkie Alexander, carpenter, 33 Lyle st Wilkie Donald, shipmaster, 49 Brisbane st Wilkie James, mason, 64 Kelly st Wilkie John, engineer, 17 Antigua st Wilkie John, joiner, 19 Lyle st Wilkie Malcolm, carpenter, 66 Regent st Wilkie Mrs John, 14 William st Wilkie Mrs, ladies' nurse, 79 Wellington st Wilkie Mrs, 45 Hamilton st WILKIN Thomas, vanman, 33 West Stewart st WILKINSON Robert, iron plater, 15 Antigua st Wilkinson Miss, dressmaker, 13 Nelson st Wilkinson Mrs Samuel, 7 East Crawford st

WILLIAMS J. & E., sugar brokers, Sugar Exchange, London and Greenock Williams William, pilot, 6 Chapel st 244 DIRECTORY.

WILLIAMSON Alexander, carpenter, 14 Terrace road Williamson Anderson, mercantile clerk, 32 South st Williamson Daniel (of Williamson & Gray), 5 Trafalgar st Williamson George, engineer, 28 East Hamilton st Williamson George, jun., sugar broker and commission agent, 10 Cross-shore st. Ho. 37 Newton st Williamson George, writer and notary public, clerk (Burgh) School Board, Special Local Secretary Science and Art Department, and Secretary to Greenock Infirmary, Municipal buildings, Wallace place. Ho. 37 Newton st Williamson & Gray, joiners and builders, 51 Vennel Williamson James, labourer, 56 Drumfrochar road Williamson James, marine superintendent, Gourock. Ho. 59 Octavia terrace Williamson James, salesman, 10 Ardgowan st, west Williamson James, salesman, 31 Lyle st Williamson John, optician, 22 Bank st Williamson John, river pilot, 22 Kelly st Williamson Peter, traveller, 36 Mount Pleasant st Williamson Robert, blacksmith, 15 Hope st Williamson William, engineer, 79 Belville st Williamson William, labourer, 19 Prospecthill st Williamson William, skinner, 20 Pottery st Williamson William, steward, 75 Wellington st Williamson Mrs George, 35 Lynedoch st Williamson Mrs John, dressmaker, 14 Brisbane st Williamson Mrs John, ladies' school and kindergarten, 27 Union st WILLS Peter, dyer, 5 Nile st WILSON Alexander, boilermaker, 66 East Hamilton st Wilson Alexander, dispensing chemist, 40 Cathcart st. Ho. 52 Brougham st Wilson Alexander, labourer, 16 Crescent st Wilson Alexander, mason, 85 Wellington st

Wilson Alexander M. (of A. & J. Wilson), 2 Shaw place Wilson Archibald, cooper, 14 Mill st Wilson Archibald, pansman, 83 Roxburgh st

Wilson A. & J., furnishing ironmongers and ship chandlers^ 65 Rue-end st Wilson Daniel, engineer, 26 West Blackhall st Wilson David, blacksmith, 4 Garvald st Wilson David, engineer, 24 Bruce st DIRECTORY. 245

Wilson David, fitter, 59 Holmscroft st Wilson David, grain merchant, 23 Brymner st. Ho. 32 South st Wilson Donald, gas inspector, 29 Shaw st

Wilson Douglas J., clerk, 22 Brisbane st Wilson Edward & Son, wholesale drysalters and produce merchants, 25 Charles st Wilson Edward, jun., merchant (of Edward Wilson & Son), 81 Brisbane st Wilson Edward (of Edward Wilson & Son), Woodthorpe, 21 Esplanade Wilson George, dispensing chemist, 40 Cathcart st Wilson Hugh, agent for the "Scotsman," 5 Customhouse place Wilson Hugh, joiner, 31 Dempster st Wilson James, M.Inst.C.E., superintendent of Water Works. Office, Municipal buildings. Ho. Overton cottage

Wilson James (of A. & J. Wilson), 29 Mearns st Wilson James, rafter, 8 Duff st Wilson James, salesman, 68 Kelly st Wilson James D., gamekeeper, Murdieston cottage Wilson James L., assistant superintendent, Prudential Insur- ance Co., 17 Nelson st, west

Wilson J. R. & M., bakers, 14 Ann st Wilson John, boilermaker, 16 Serpentine walk Wilson John, coalmaster, 5 Chapel st Wilson John, general drapery warehouse, 36 Charles st. Ho. 3 George square Wilson John, headmaster, Glebe Public School, 53 Bris- bane st Wilson John, plumber, 81 Wellington st Wilson John, rivetter, 38 Main st Wilson John, salesman, 87 Dempster st Wilson Joseph, painter, 10 Carwood st Wilson Matthew (The Ingleston Foundry Co.), ^^ Bank st AVilson Michael, coal merchant,, 29 West Burn st. Ho. 78 Holmscroft st Wilson M. (of Martin & Co., Greenock bottling stores), 26 Patrick st Wilson Peter, labourer, 73 Ann st Wilson Robert, compositor, 2 1 Antigua st Wilson Robert, engineer, 8 East Blackhall st 246 DIRECTORY.

Wilson Robert, headmaster, Highlanders' Academy. Ho. 9 Wellington st Wilson Robert, plumber, 52 Holmscroft st Wilson Thomas, baker, 22 West Blackhall st Wilson Thomas, coachman, 7 Houston st Wilson Thomas, cooper, 2 Crawford lane Wilson Thomas, iron turner, 20 Trafalgar st Wilson Thomas, mason, 85 Wellington st Wilson Thomas, secretary and general manager of the Greenock Harbour Trust, and clerk to Clyde Pilot Board, Municipal buildings. Ho. 49 Esplanade Wilson Walter & Co., warehousemen, 46 Cathcart st Wilson Walter, eating-house, 19 Tobago st Wilson William, baker, 27 Rue-end st. Ho. 2 St. x\ndrewst Wilson William, hatter and hosier, Paragon House, 43 Cath- cart st, Greenock, and 7 Church st, Port-Glasgow. Ho. 29 Bank st Wilson William, labourer, 4 Prospecthill st Wilson William A., M.D., CM., physician and surgeon, Consulting rooms, 27 West Burn st. Ho. Thorncliffe, 54 Brisbane st Wilson Rev. William, minister of Wellpark Parish Church.

Ho. 1 7 Finnart st Wilson Miss Maria, flesher, 33 Ann st. Ho. 78 Holmscroft st Wilson Misses A. & E., 6 Brisbane st Wilson Mrs Andrew, 42 Regent st Wilson Mrs D., 19 Wellington st Wilson Mrs George, 52 Brougham st Wilson Mrs Jane, 3 George square

Wilson Mrs J., 22 St. Lawrence st Wilson Mrs J. G., 3 Macdougall st Wilson Mrs Robert, 33 Lyle st Wilson Mrs S., 6 Brisbane st Wilson Mrs William, 3 Lauriston st Wilson Mrs, 16 Kilblain st Wilson Mrs, 17 Lynedoch st Wilson Mrs, 2 Murdieston st WIMBS Michael, confectioner, 18 Arthur st WINGATE & Co., boot and shoe merchants, 29 West Burn st Wingate Andrew (of Wingate & Co.), 12 Wellington st Wingate John, engineer, 5 Hope st DIRECTORY. 247

Wingate Mrs, 67 Belville st

WINK J. & Co., cabinetmakers, upholsterers, and bedding manufacturers, 29 West Burn st

Wink John (of J. Wink & Co.), 19 Nelson st, west WINTER William, engineer, 33 East Crawford st WINTON David, coal agent, 79 Dempster st Winton Mrs Robert, 13 Brisbane st WISEMAN Lewis, joiner, 64 Wellington st WISHART William L., clubmaster, West End Baths, Campbell st Wishart Miss, huckster, 18 Sir Michael st

WITTER Arthur J., H.M. Customs, 89 Dempster st WOLLTMAN Matthew, sugar boiler, 31 Ingleston st WOOD Allan, cooper, 15 Hope st Wood Daniel, potter, 52 East Hamilton st Wood James, fireman, 64 Wellington st Wood James, insurance agent, 94 Dempster st Wood James (of J. & W. Wood) Bathville, Bathgate, and Oakshawhead house, Paisley Wood James & William, coalmasters, 14 Brougham st Wood John, coal merchant, Upper Greenock Goods Depart- ment. Ho. 47 Mearns st Wood Joseph, brakesman, 78 Dempster st Wood Robert C, ship's husband, 26 Brisbane st Wood Thomas, monumental sculptor, 4 South st. Ho. 16 Robertson st Wood William, assistant firemaster, Wallace square Wood William, caulker, 15 Brisbane st

Wood William (of J. & W. Wood), Ardgowan, Kilmalcolm Wood William, smith and cartwright, 5 Bogle st. Ho. 10 Lynedoch st Wood Miss, 10 Antigua st Wood Mrs Robert, 22 Robertson st Wood Mrs Thomas, 16 Robertson st WOODBURN William D., L.D.S., &c., dental surgeon, 10 Eldon st WOODS Alfred, Sergeant-Major, 1st B.A. & S.H., 13 Murdieston st WOODROW John, engine-driver, 71 Wellington st WOODSIDE John, labourer, 64 Ann st WOOLLEY Samuel S., professor of music, 80 Union st WOORELL Mrs Mary, 36 West Blackhall st 248 DIRECTORY.

WOTHERSPOON Mrs, fishmonger, 26 West Blackhall st. Ho. 35 do. WRAY Peter, 43 Lynedoch st WREDE & Co., sugar brokers and commission merchants, 32 Cathcart st Wrede F. L., shipbroker, South Hill, 20 East Crawford st Wrede John C. (of Wrede & Co.), South hill, 20 East Craw- ford st WRIGHT Alexander, gas meter maker, 19 Nelson st, west Wright Alexander, lessee of Theatre Royal, 2 1 Eldon st Wright David, dyer, 59 Ann st Wright David, fish merchant, 57 Holmscroft st Wright David, mechanic, 6r Ann st Wright George, tailor, 92 Dempster st Wright James (of Peter Wright & Son), Commonhead house, Larkfield road, Ravenscraig Wright John, policeman, 31 Roxburgh st Wright Matthew, labourer, 85 Roxburgh st Wright Peter & Son, slaters, slate and cement merchants, 66 Inverkip st Wright Robert, engineer, 24 Antigua st Wright Robert, tailor and clothier, 34 West Blackhall st. Ho. 36 Nelson st, west. (See Advt.) Wright Thomas, carter, 1 1 East Blackhall st Wright William, coal merchant, 19 Belville st

Wright W. J., solicitor and notary public, 26 Hamilton st. Ho. 75 Union st Wright Miss, 31 Brougham st Wright Mrs, greengrocer, 33 Roxburgh st Wright Mrs, 16 Arthur st Wright Mrs, 35 Brisbane st Wright Mrs, 85 Dempster st Wright Mrs, 75 Union st WYLIE Alexander, engine-driver, 10 Jamaica st Wylie David, engineer, 5 Belville st Wylie James, carpenter, 3 Ingleston st Wylie James, engineer, 97 Belville st Wylie James, engineer, grocer, and branch P.O., 86 Belville st. Ho. 97 do. Wylie Joseph, boilermaker, 97 Roxburgh st Wylie Samuel, fitter, 60 Ann st Wylie Mrs John, tobacconist, 83 Roxburgh st DIRECTORY. 249

Wylie Mrs, 13 Springkell st WYLLIE James, bookkeeper, 62 Drumfrochar road Wyllie James, draughtsman, 66 East Crawford st Wyllie James, timekeeper, 9 Serpentine walk WYSE Alexander, confectioner, 29 Hamilton st. Ho. do. Wyse Alexander, joiner, 15 Lauriston st

YATES Thomas, thread manufacturer, 13 Bentinck st YEATS George, cutler, 48 Rue-end st YEO Mrs D. D., 58 Kelly st YEOMAN Alexander, carpenter, 1 Harvie lane YORK Mrs H., 19 Prospecthill st YORSTON Miss, spirit dealer, 81 Roxburgh st YOUNG, Adam & Co., confectioners and biscuit factory, 24 Tobago st Young Alexander, carpenter, 10 1 Belville st Young Andrew, head-master, Mearns Street School. Ho. 15 Robertson st Young Archibald, joiner and glazier, 23 Ann st. Ho. 68 Kelly st Young Brothers, shipbrokers, Palmerston buildings. Ho. Barrhead Young David, inspector of weights and measures, and inspector under the " Sale of Food and Drugs Acts," Municipal Buildings, Wallace square. Ho. 27 Patrick st Young David (of Morton & Young), 2 Wellington st Young David, plumber, 105 Belville st Young David, seaman, 9 Lynedoch st Young Hamilton, engine-driver, 52 West Blackhall st Young Hugh M., recorder of weights, 19 Newton st Young James, shipmaster, 27 Robertson st Young John, watchman, 1 Ratho st Young Rev. John, minister of Trinity U.P. Church. Ho. Fern bank, 87 Newton st

Young J. & Co., drapers, 35 Hamilton st. Ho. 8 Brisbane st

Young J. & J., bakers, 42 Lynedoch st. Ho. do. 250 DIRECTORY.

Young J. & R. & Co., shipbrokers, steam and sail, 32 Cathcart st

Young J. S. (of W. B. Salmon & Young), 3 1 Esplanade Young Robert, dairy, 40 Lynedoch st Young Robert, joiner, 5 Lauriston st Young Robert, skinner, 24 Lyle st Young Robert & Co., live stock salesmen, Auction mart, Princes Pier. Ho. 63 Evelyn st, Glasgow Young Stewart, moulder, 21 Wellington st Young Thomas, sawyer, 16 Antigua st Young Thomas, slater, 38 Crawfurd st Young Thomas D., inspector of slaughter - houses and Markets, Ann st. Ho. 35 Roxburgh st Young William, salesman, 97 Roxburgh st Young William, 81 Finnart st Young William, 35 Lynedoch st

Young William J., feuar, 19 Roxburgh st Young William M., clerk, 23 Newton st Young Mrs John, ^^ Brougham st Young Mrs Thomas, 9 Cathcart st Young Mrs William, 21 Wellington st YOUNGER John, ropespinner, 8 Mearns st Younger Robert L., 28 Finnart st YUILL John C, 163 Eldon st Yuill Walter, art teacher, School of Art, Town Hall. Ho. 25 Lyle st




^Lkc cSfctr |Cife ^mnxnna (Sacietg, Established 1843. Head Office—32 MOORGATE STREET, LONDON. DIRECTORS. Chairman—WILLIAM MEWBURN, Esq., J. P., D.L. Deputy-Chairman—H. J. ATKINSON, Esq., M.P. Esq., LIEUT.-COLONEL A. M. ARTHUR. , A. M'ARTHUR, M.P. W. W. BAYNES, Esq., J. P., D.L. WM. GAGE SPICER, Esq., J. P. RT. HON. H. H. FOWLER, M.P. REV. J. A. SPURGEON. WM. P. GRIFFITH, Esq. TOHN VANNER, Esq., J.F. ISAAC HOYLE, Esq., M.P. S. D. WADDY, Esq., Q.C., M.P. GEORGE LIDGETT, Esq. Actuary and Secretary—HENRY GAMBLE HOBSON.

Invested Funds nearly ^3, 000,000. I Annual Income, . . ^457,220.

Claims Paid, . . 3,465,015. Bonuses Apportioned, . 1,465,911. In 1890 the new business was 3898 Policies for the sum of £1,203,635. These satisfactory results have been attained by the great care which the Board have devoted to the selection of lives and investments, and by the policy they have pursued of dealing fairly and liberally with their constituents. Whenever it has been deemed safe to increase the privileges of the Assured, the Directors have modified the Con- ditions and Rates of Assurance to meet the popular demand. In the Revised Prospectus just issued new and important concessions are announced. Amongst them are: 1. A short and simple form of Policy, which, under certain conditions, may be made world-wide and unchallengeable unless fraud has been committed. 2. Facilities for keeping a Policy in force if the Assured is unable for a time to pay the premium. 3. New Tables embodying popular schemes of Assurance, and Premiums calculated for every six months of age. 4. The retention of the surrender value at the call of the holder of the policy for thirteen months.

The next Bonus will be declared early in 1894, and the year 1891 is the last for new entrants who can share in that diuision. THE BONUSES are distributed at a uniform rate per cent, per annum to every par-

ticipating Policyholder ; but in order to give the older Assurers a benefit greater than that of new entrants, the Directors have adopted the Compound Bonus System—that is, allotting BONUSES UPON BONUSES. as well as Bonuses on the sum assured, so that whilst at the last division new Assurers received an addition equal to £1 10s per cent, per annum, older Policyholders received as much as £2 6s 6d per cent, on the amount originally assured. This mode of division gives a prospect of increasing Bonuses to long-lived assurers, and yet does not unduly deprive recent entrants of their fair share in the profits which they have assisted to earn. At the last division the cash value of these reversionary Bonuses in the case of ordinary policies upon single lives varied from about 20 to 75 per cent, of the premiums paid during the quinquennium. The difference between the Ordinary Bonus System and the Compound Bonus System as applied to a policy of thirty years' duration, sharing in six divisions of profit, is shown by the following table : Assuming that a Bonus of £1 ics per cent, per annum is declared at each division, the total amount payable would be— UNDER ORDINARY SYSTEM. UNDER "STAR' SYSTEM.

Sum Asssured, ;£iooo Sum Assured, . £1000 Bonus 1st 5 years, .... 75 Bonus 1st 5 years, 75 ,, 2nd ,, .... 75 „ 2nd „ 80 I2S 3rd 3rd „ „ .... 75 ,, ,, 86 12s „ 4th „ .... 75 „ 4th „ 93 3S 5th 5th . . IOO „ „ .... 75 ,. „ 2S 6th ,» „ .... 75 „ 6th „ . -IO7 I2S

At end of 30 years £1450 At end of 30 years, . . . ^1543 AGENTS IN GREENOCK. Alex. Andrew, Solicitor. D. Macnaught, 21 Kelly Street. D. Andrew, 5 William Street. J. W. Macnaught, 56 Vennel. Banks & Miller, 45 Hamilton Street. A. T. Menzies, East Breast. Walter Brown, Greenock Felt Works. John Park, jun., 28 Roxburgh Street. George Cameron, 7 Port-Glasgow Road. James Petrie, 2 George Square. J. M. Farquhar, 10 West Blackhall Street. Hugh Ritchie, Chamberlain's Office. T. R. Jacobs, Solicitor. J. D. Stevenson, Town Cierk's Office. J. M. Lauder, 6 Inverkip Street. "Douglas J. Wilson, Rue-end Street. From whom Prospectuses, Forms of Proposal, and all other information may be obtained, or from DAVID RITCHIE, District Manager, Regent Chambers, 121 West Regent St., Glasgow. vf/ v?7 Vf/ Vl/ Vf/ vl/ Vf/ Vl/ Vf/ Vl/ Vf/ vl/ Vf/ v?/ M/ vl/ Vl/ Vl/ * vl/ [> Vl/ vl/ Vl/ v?/ fe> ^d Vl/ Vl/ es CD j Vf/ Vl/ & vf/ v?/ CD Vf/ Vl/ ^ 3^ Vf/ vl/ vf/ vl/ PU j vf/ ' Vl/ CO t uu ' \ Vf/ vl/ Vf/ o Q^

TRADES' DIRECTORY. (Arrafiged by Profession.)


Agnew Alexander & Son, 15 Cross-shore st Alexander & Dixon, Post Office buildings (west side) Banks & Miller, 45 Hamilton st Blair William, 6 West Blackhall st Bone & Buchanan, Municipal buildings Campbell Dugald, 49 Cathcart st Hardie & Allan (C.A.), 2 Watt pi Millar James, 26 Hamilton st Morison John, 29 West Burn st Neil James, 3 Bank st Nicoll James, 2 Bank st Paterson James, 14 Hamilton st Paul John, 14 Hamilton st Ramsay Hope Stewart, Post Office buildings Sinclair & Co., 46 Cathcart st Thomson Colin, 2 Robertson st Walker William, 2 Hamilton st Welsh, Walker & Macpherson, 33 Cathcart st

^Erated Water Manufacturers.

Carse & Smith, 32 Sugarhouse lane Greenock Apothecaries' Company, 9 Hunter pi Greenock Mineral Water Co., Waverley lane Lawson R. M., 45 Wellington st 252 TRADES DIRECTORY.


Boston, Menzies & Morton, 1 1 William st Garvie John, 33 Royal St, Gourock Grant Patrick, 10 Kelly st Strachan George, 1 Hope st Stewart James B., Post Office buildings

Auctioneers and Appraisers.

Bowman James & Sons, 33 West Blackhall st Cameron Dugald, 12 Sugarhouse lane Chalmers Robert & Son, 1 2 Charles st Cook Robert, 33 Market st Cook Robert, jun., 26 West Blackhall st Young Robert & Co., auction mart, Princes pier

Bag Merchants.

Bannigan Dennis, 20 Roxburgh st Duncan & Co., Stanners st Greenock Bagging Co., 46 Cathcart st Muir & Weir, Upper Ingleston st


Bell John, 3 West Blackhall st Brock Robert, 5 Rue-end st Brown James, 50 Holmscroft st Brown John, 45 Hamilton st and 1 1 Union st Brown Robert, 15 Cartsburn st Caledonian Baking Co., 2 Inverkip st Clark Archibald, 37 Ann st Craig John, 28 Lynedoch st Cunningham Robert, 40 Nelson st, west East-end Co-operative Society, 18 East Crawford st Galbreath John, jun., 41 West Blackhall st Greenock Central Co-operative Society, 29 to 35 Roxburgh st TRADES DIRECTORY. 253

Greer & Co., 24 Union st Haley John, 61 Main st Henry Charles, 22 Ann st Kirkwood Adam, 87 Roxburgh st Kirkwood Alexander, 92 Roxburgh st Lyon Archibald, 6 Belville st M'Aulay W. G., 20 Vennel M'Cormick John, Palmerston buildings and 9 Brisbane st M'Crae James, 15 West Blackhall st M'Dougall Duncan, 5 Hamilton st M'Farlane William, 9 Crescent st Mackay Thomas, jun., 21 West Blackhall st Mackenzie & Walker, 63 Rue-end st M'Neilage John, 17 Antigua st Moffat Robert, 16 Lynedoch st Muir Allan, 8 West Blackhall st Muir Mrs Robert, 1 2 Cathcart st Muirhead Alexander, 95 Roxburgh st Munro Norman, 21 Regent st Neill & Reid, 18 Cathcart st Robinson Archibald M'C, 31 Ann st Scott Alexander, 1 Prospecthill st Scott John, 55 Vennel Service John, Regent st Smith Alexander, 81 Belville st

Wilson J. R. & M., 14 Ann st Wilson William, 27 Rue-end st Young Adam & Co., 24 Tobago st

Young J. & J., 42 Lynedoch st

Basket Maker.

Docker Edward, 9 Springkell st

Basket and Toy Warehouse Keepers.

Fleming James, 14 Cathcart st and 13 West Blackhall st Gardiner Mrs Archibald, 16 West Blackhall st Herbert R. W., 3 Grey pi Kerr Hugh, 16 West Blackhall st and 24 Lynedoch st 254 TRADES DIRECTORY.

Logan Francis, 16 Lynedoch st and 79 Roxburgh st M'Crackatt Mrs, 25 Ann st Macdonald Frank, 41 Ann st Scott Miss Bethia, 85J Belville st Simpson M. & K., 33 Charles st Thomson Robert, 27 Hamilton st

Bedding Manufacturers.

Hodge Mitchell & Son, 1 2 West Blackhall st Kidd Brothers, 6 Grey pi

Rowan J. G. & Co., Cathcart square Wink J. & Co., 29 West Burn st


Burns Alexander, 10 William st M'Millan Matthew, 23 Cathcart st


Boag Robert, 3 Shaw st Brough John, 4 Chapel st Buchanan Archibald, 7 East Stewart st Buchanan H. & Co., n West breast Campbell John, 1 1 Ropework st Chalmers Alexander, 31 Nicolson st Chalmers Robert, 18 Duncan st Cook D. & A., 4 Charles st Cormie John, 31 Hamilton st Dewar & Co., 26 Charles st Findlay John, 39 Cathcart st and 10 Terrace rd Hall Joshua, 39 Nicolson st Henry Duncan, 7 Shaw st and Garvel dock Lamont James, 7 St Andrew st M'Farlane James & Co., 20 Cathcart st M'Intyre Donald, 13 Duncan st and 22 Bearhope st MacLean Ronald, 8 Baker st Mills Robert, 5 Dock breast TRADES DIRECTORY. 255

Mitchell A. & D., 40 Vennel Morton & Kidd, 2 Hunter pi Murdoch David, Donald's court Park John, 28 Roxburgh st Reid Archibald, 5 Virginia st Rodger John, 16 William st Sinclair Angus & Co., 21 Cathcart st Smith James, 7 Duncan st Smith Thomas, 5 New Dock lane and 20 Shaw st Stewart Daniel B., 14 West Blackhall st Thomson John, 2 West Burn st Wood William, 5 Bogle st


Crawford & Hope, 37 West Stewart st Foster Robert P., 32 Main st Gordon Robert, 10 West Burn st Hendry, M'Kechnie & Co., 11 Virginia st Jones Paul, Battery park, Cardwell bay Klause William, 3 Dellingburn st

Lambie J. M. & R., 3 Ratho st Orr Thomas, sen., 5 St. Andrew st Orr Thomas, jun., 2 East Blackhall st Ramsay Hugh & Co., 29 Main st Turnbull Jonathan, 49 Rue-end st


Baird Robert A., Municipal buildings M'Kelvie James & Sons, 34 Hamilton st Morrison John & Sons, 67 Rue-end st Niven G. W., 27 Brymner st Smith James, 5 West Blackhall st

Booksellers and Stationers.

Baird Robert A, Municipal buildings Baxter Brothers (wholesale), 29 Shaw st 256 trades' directory.

Black James W., 17 West Blackhall st Boyd James, 1 Ann st Campbell Alexander & Son, 46 Hamilton st Chalmers Miss M., 73 Nicolson st Flockhart Mrs John, 8 West Blackhall st Foulds Matthew, 30 Cathcart st Fulton & Co., 3 Grey pi Griffiths Jane, 26 West Blackhall st Haig Mrs James, 34 West Burn st Hendry D. S. & Son, 35 Cathcart st Herbert R. W., 3 Grey pi Innes William, 40 Hamilton st Johnston William, 13 Union st Laing M., 17 Rue-end st Logan Francis, 16 Lynedoch st and 79 Roxburgh st MacDonald Mrs Frank, 9 Brisbane st M'Gregor D. & Co., 32 Brymner st

Macintyre Charles J., 3 Brougham st M'Kelvie James & Sons, 34 Hamilton st M'Kenzie Mrs, 66 Vennel Marshall Mrs William. 57 Inverkip st Mitchell & Co., 3 Hamilton st Montague George, 7 Cross-shore st Morrison John & Sons, 67 Rue-end st Niven G. W., 27 Brymner st

Rankin George J., 34 Brymner st Stewart Robert, 32 Hamilton st

Boot and Shoemakers.

Andrew David, 32 Lynedoch st Armour Matthew, 20 Nicolson st Blair Thomas, 30 West Burn st Borland Alexander, 8 William st

Brock J. C. & Co., 22 Hamilton st Byrne Patrick, 59 Inverkip st and 31 Rue-end st Campbell Robert, 68 Drumfrochar rd Cowley Charles, 42 West Burn st Cullen William, 85 Roxburgh st

Dick R. & J., 22 Cathcart st Docherty James, 49 Rue-end st and 32 Ann st trades' directory. 257

Dunbar James, 29 Sugar-house lane Edgar John, 32 East Shaw st Ellis James, 44 Brymner st Fisher John, 96 Roxburgh st Gray John & Co., 16 Hamilton st Gray T. A., 67 Rue-end st and 49 Cathcart st Greves Alexander, 40 West Burn st Hargan James, 9 West Blackhall st Johnstone John S., 25 Hamilton st Kennedy John, 26 Hamilton st and 29 West Burn st Levy Pinkus, 7 Cathcart st M 'Anally Henry, jun., 1 Lauriston st MacDonald Mrs Mary, 27 Regent st M'Dougall Duncan, 34 Ann st M'Garrity Robert, 24 Union st M'George James, 58 Rue-end st M'Henry Henry, 41 West Burn st M'Kendrick Daniel, 33 Rue-end st M'Killop Donald, 26 West Blackhall st M-'Leay Duncan, 28 Lynedoch st M'Neil John, 1 Union st M'Pherson John, jun., 29 Hamilton st M 'Queen Alexander, 29 Roxburgh st Paterson A. & W., 41 Hamilton st, 7 Grey place, and 15 Cathcart st Paterson Charles, 31 Cathcart st Patrick Adam & Son, 6 West Blackhall st Percy Brothers, 14 Hamilton st Purdie P. & G., 37 Hamilton st Robb James, 44 Inverkip st and 23 Regent st Smith John, 23 Charles st Smith John, 46 Hamilton st Steen James, 21 Hamilton st Stevenson & Sons, 19 West Blackhall st Strachan, Andrew, 41 West Burn st Symington David, 5 Hamilton st

Telfer J. & J., 38 Hamilton st Thomson Duncan C, 70 Eldon st Wingate & Co., 29 West Burn st

i7 258 trades' directory.


Adam William & Co., 2 and 3 Dock breast Barr & Co., Orchard and Ingleston sts Carson Henry, 26 Crawfurd st Duff James & Sons, 47 Rue-end st Duncan & Sharp, Ladyburn Fairgrieve Andrew & Sons, 6 West breast Foulds Matthew, 2 East India breast Logan Francis & Sons, 21 Nicolson st M'Ewing Dugald, 3 Springkell st and 1 Bank st M'Jannet John, 1 Newton st and 62 Inverkip st Montgomery Robert, 9 Stanners st Stewart Daniel B., 14 West Blackhall st Wallace & Connell, 4 East Blackhall st


Armitage & Co., 8 Captain st


Baxter Mrs Sarah, 36 Shaw st Bradley Anthony, 58 Vennel Cambridge William, 12 Ann st Carlin Mrs William, 52 Shaw st Carrigan George, 6 Smith's lane and 12 Market st Colligan Patrick & Co., 22 Shaw st Conway Francis, 4 Tobago st

Crowly William, 1 7 Cartsburn st Douglas David, 2 Vennel Gallacher Mrs, 42 Roxburgh st GofF John, 38 Shaw st Hammond Mrs Mary, 20 Charles st Humes Samuel, 22 Market st Kelso Charles, 6 Inverkip st Loughran William, 3 Lindsay's lane Lynch John, 37 Crawfurd st M'Callum Mrs Ann, 1 Rue-end st TRADES DIRECTORY. 259

M'Cloy Daniel, 51 Crawfurd st M 'Gowan Alexander, 46 Shaw st M'Laughlin Daniel, 2 East Blackhall st M'Millan Terrance, 29 Dalrymple st Morrison William, 8 Kilblain st Murphy Edward, 26 Dalrymple st Murphy Mrs Robert, 10 Cartsburn st O'Brien Catherine, 33 Dalrymple st Philips Mrs P., 29 Rue-end st Phillips Robert, n Ann st Waiters John S., 32 Vennel

Builders and Masons.

Adam James, 10 Tobago st Agnew James, 32 Crawfurd st Aitkenhead Robert & Sons, 4 South st Austin & Kinnaird, 19 Bogle st Black James & Co., 5 and 7 West Stewart st Carnaghan James, 13 Regent st Crawford & Fulton, 10 Terrace rd Houston R. & W. & Co., 69 Belville st Keenan & Co., 33 Sugarhouse lane

Kirk J. & R., 5 Campbell st Kirkwood Thomas, 78 Holmscroft st Kirkwood William, 79 Holmscroft st Lyon David, 6 East Blackhall st M'Quoid William, 31 Sir Michael st Miller & Co., 64 Inverkip st

Miller J. & A., 20 West Blackhall st Parker Joseph & Son, 23 Inverkip st Ramsay G. A., 16 Nicolson st Smith & M'Cuaig, 30 Charles st Steel John S., 14 Kilblain st Steel William, 10 Jamaica st Stevenson Alexander, 39 Wellington st Stewart Charles F., 9 Brisbane st Strachan William, 23 Mearns st Todd John, 27 Nelson st, west Whitelaw Alexander & Co., 76 Drumfrochar rd Williamson & Gray, 5 1 Vennel 260 trades' directory.

Cabinetmakers and Upholsterers.

Auld James, 14 Kilblain st Blair Robert & Sons, 32 and 34 Nicolson st Cameron Charles, 11 Kilblain st Hodge Mitchell & Son, 1 2 West Blackhall st Kidd Brothers, 6 Grey pi M'Dougall M. & G., 12 Kilblain st Mayors Thomas H., 35 Nicolson st Preston James, T3 Nicolson st

Rowan J. G. & Co., Cathcart sq Stevenson Wm. S., 7 West Stewart st Thomson & Co., 39 West Blackhall st

Wink J. & Co., 29 West Burn st


M'Crae Daniel, 15 Charles st

Carriage Hirers.

Crookshanks Joseph, 43 West Blackhall st Kennedy Robert, 1 Inverkip rd M'Caskie Henry, 48 Forsyth st Macfarlane Arthur A., 4 George sq st M'Gregor J. D. & Co., 48 Cathcart and 24 West Black- hall st M'Lean Duncan, 5 Newton st M'Lean Thomas, 5 Cartsburn st

Richmond J. & W., 5 Ardgowan sq

Carvers and Gilders.

Bisset James G., 4 Grey pi Buchan John, 24 Brymner st Humphreys Joseph, 17 Sugarhouse lane Laurie & Fleming, 1 Bank st trades' directory. 261

Macfee H. N., 23 Cathcart st Whitelaw John, 13 Nicolson st


Campbell John, 1 1 Ropework st Cook D. & A., 4 Charles st Smith Thomas, 5 New Dock lane and 20 Shaw st

Chemists and Druggists.

Apothecaries' Company (wholesale), 28 Hamilton st Armitage George, 30 Hamilton st Baine John A., 3 Grey pi Bell John A, 31 Rue-end st, and branches Chalmers Robert, 41 Roxburgh st Cockburn Charles T., 33 Cathcart st Cowper David B., 9 Lynedoch st Duncan Samuel, 19 West Blackhall st East-end Medical Hall, 63 Rue-end st Farquhar John M'K., 10 West Blackhall st Fisher Thomas, 97 Roxburgh st Kerr James, 6 Hamilton st and 1 Lauriston st M 'Cowan & Biggart (analytical), 29 Cathcart st Macnaught Brothers, 4 West Blackhall st M'Neilage Alexander, 46 Ann st Peden John, jun. (analytical), 1 1 Duff st Poynter John, Son & Macdonald's (manufacturing), Dellingburn st Walker W., 23 Rue-end st Wilson George, 40 Cathcart st

Chimney Sweeps.

Bowling William, 13 West Blackhall st M'Allister Archibald, 37 Cathcart st M'Kinnon Neil, 7 Cowgate st O'Shea Ambrose, 3 Argyle st 262 TRADES DIRECTORY.

China Merchants.

Carse William, 5 1 Vermel Case John, 38 Hamilton st Hadden Miss, 44 Ann st Hendry S., 23 Hamilton st M'Aulay Miss, 3 Prospecthill st O'Brien E. & M., 61 Vennel Urie R. & A., 16 West Blackhall st White & Ferguson, 42 Ann st


Mitchell A. & D. Vennel } 40 Scott & Douglas, 12 West Stewart st Smith John & Co., 38 Nicolson st

Coal Merchants.

Anderson George C, 55 Drumfrochar rd Anderson John, 24 Cartsburn st Boyd Bryce, 26 Lyle st Brown Alexander & Co., 4 Bogle st Campbell James & Co., 23 Cathcart st Dixon William (Limited), Dellingburn square Doig Alexander, 13 Holmscroft st Gallacher John, 1 Bearhope st Hamilton, M'Culloch & Co., 3 Chapel st Hendry & Co., 3 Brymner st and 12 Brougham st Hyndman William L., 67 Vennel Keefe Thomas, 3 Newton st Larkin F., Lynedoch Station Leitch Nicol, 12 Brougham st Lewis William, 14 Laird st M'Gavin James, 27 West Burn st M'Gibbon David, 3 Chapel st M'Gugan D., 5 Chapel st M'Morland R. S., 20 Cathcart st trades' directory. 263

Macphail John, 27 Cathcart st Martin John, 66 Holmscroft st Morrison James D., 3 Clarence st Muir James, 5 Chapel st Nicol Duncan & Co., 55 Rue-end st and 20 Brougham st Pinkerton John, 34 East Shaw st Robertson William, 46 Roxburgh st Ross & Marshall, 7 Dock breast Salmon W. B. & Young, 32 Cathcart st Simpson John A. & Co., 6 Tobago st and 10 Brougham st Speirs & Gibb, Upper Greenock Railway Station Steel William, 55 Drumfrochar rd Symington John, 10 Patrick st Thomson John, Dellingburn sq Wade John, 5 South st Walker Andrew & Co., 1 Regent st Wilson John, 5 Chapel st Wilson Michael, 29 West Burn st Wood James & William, 14 Brougham st Wood John, Upper Greenock railway station

Commission Agents.

Borthwick James, 27 W^est Blackhall st Brown Alexander & Co., 4 Bogle st Buchanan James, 34 West Burn st Caird Colin S., 4 Argyle st Campbell James & Co., 23 Cathcart st Campbell Peter, jun., & Co., Exchange buildings Connell James, 20 Cathcart st Cunningham Charles, 49 Cathcart st Cunningham D. & Co., 32 Cathcart st

Denholm J. & J., 27 Cathcart st Edelsten Richard, 29 Brougham st Ewing Robert & Co., Cathcart arcade Hyndman John G., 4 East breast Jamieson James S. & Co., 18 Hamilton st Macalister, Little & Co., 14 Hamilton st M'Call Charles, 39 Kelly st

Macintyre Charles J., 3 Brougham st M'Lea James S. & Co., 2 Cathcart st 264 trades' directory.

Maclean, Todd & Co., 67 Rue-end st M'Neilage Adam & Co., Municipal buildings, Wallace pi Macpherson Alexander & Co., 2 Open shore Martin William M., 26 West Blackhall st Marshall William, 9 West Stewart st Millar S. H., 17 Regent st Minto George, 27 Patrick st Muir & Weir, Upper Ingleston st Neilson Alexander, 23 Brougham st Parkhill James M., 10 Cross-shore st Ross, Corbett & Co., 46 Brymner st Shand John, 38 East Crawford st Sharer Alfred, 77 Port-Glasgow rd Shennan Alexander, Lilybank, Cardwell bay Smith D. C, 3 Bank st Walker William, 2 Hamilton st Williamson George, jun., 10 Cross-shore st Wrede & Co., 32 Cathcart st


Alexander M. & Co., 44 Hamilton st Anderson M. & C, 41 West Burn st

Armour M. & J., 9 Hamilton st Barclay Mrs, 66 Vennel Carrigan John, 31 Market st Clark Miss M., 105 Port-Glasgow rd Craig Mrs, 16 Vennel Crawford M., 4 Argyle st Cuthbertson James R. (manufacturing), 2 Grey pi Cuthbertson Thomas (wholesale), 12 Sugarhouse lane Davidson Miss M., 14 John st Evans John, 17 Ann st Ferguson George, 31 Cathcart st Ferguson Miss M., 35 West Blackhall st Gallacher Edward, 4 Dalrymple st Giacopazzi John, 7 Newton st Grana A., 26 West Blackhall st Hearl John, 24 West Blackhall st Hosie Andrew, 1 Cartsburn st Kincaid Miss, 39 Ann st trades' directory. 265

M'Aninch Mrs Ann, 7 Brymner st M'Donald Miss, 28 Ann st M'Kenzie Miss E. C, 47 Hamilton st Mark Demetris, 26 West Blackhall st Miller Thomas (wholesale), 15 Charles st Pandellus John, 41 West Blackhall st Stevens Mrs M., 54 Ann st Stewart Francis (wholesale), Harvie lane

Stewart M. & J., 63 Inverkip st Stewart Miss, 39 Nicolson st White Archibald, 20 Inverkip st White John, 1 Inverkip st Wyse Alexander, 29 Hamilton st


Adam William, 3 Bogle st Bannigan D., 20 Roxburgh st Chisholm William & Co., 39 Crawfurd st Craig James, 39 Baker st Drummond John, 52 Rue-end st Macaulay James & Son, 1 Laird st Malcolm & Co., 10 and 12 Charles st Paul John, 4 Bogle st


Adam William & Co., 2 and 3 Dock breast Barr & Co., Orchard and Ingleston sts Duff James & Sons, 47 Rue-end st M'Cormick D. & Co., 8 Springkell st

Cork Cutters.

Sinclair William, 22 Bruce st Stewart William, jun., 33 Hamilton st 266 trades' directory.

Cutlers and Gunsmiths.

Climie Robert, 20 West Blackhall st Cormie John, 4 Shaw st M'Kinlay Peter C, 1 Grey place Twigg Edward, 33 Hamilton st


Brown J. R. & A. R., 30 Cathcart st Fisher W. Bowman, 27 West Burn st M'Bride William G., 9 George square Smyth Alexander, 14 West Blackhall st Stewart Thomas, 43 Brougham st Woodburn William, 10 Eldon st


Curtis Charles H. & Co., 32 Cathcart st Greenock Distillery Co., 27 Tobago st

Drapers, &c.

Anderson John, 32 Cathcart st Brown Mrs W. S., 23 Roxburgh st Blake Mrs, 7 Grey place

Campbell J. & G., 22 Arthur st Campbell John F., 56 Vennel Clark Mrs, 43 Ann st Cowan Robert & Co., 2 West Blackhall st Crawford P. R. & Co., 3 West Blackhall st East End Co-operative Society, 18 East Crawford st Gilchrist William, 8 and 1 2 William st Goodson R., 2 Hamilton st Grant John & Co., Municipal buildings, Hamilton st Greenock Central Co-operative Society, 29 to 35 Roxburgh st Harvey James & Co., 46 Cathcart st Laurie & Harley, 1 1 West Blackhall st trades' directory. 267

M'Gregor Mrs E., 50 Ann st M'Intosh William, 27 Ann st and 8 Lynedoch st M'Lellan Andrew, 53 Rue-end st M'Naught David C, 9 Cathcart st M'Neil James & Co., 39 West Burn st Maxwell Thomas, 64 Vennel Miller Frank Wm., Municipal buildings, Hamilton st Mitchell Thomas, 23 Cathcart st Niven Alexander, 6 West Blackhall st Orr Mrs Donald, 25 Nelson st, west Paterson Lachlan, 13 West Blackhall st Prentice D. & A., 24 Hamilton st Reid William, 26 Hamilton st Ritchie Miss, 62 Vennel

Rowan J. G. & Co., Cathcart square Russell & Bonnar, 18 West Blackhall st Smart & Rolland, 31 Charles st Stevenson Hugh, 38 Hamilton st Taylor Brothers, 32 Hamilton st Thomson Mrs, 62 Ann st Walker William, 35 West Burn st Whiteside Alexander, 86 Roxburgh st Wilson John, 36 Charles st Wilson Walter & Co., 46 Cathcart st

Young J. & Co., 35 Hamilton st


Arthur Miss A. J., 13 Brisbane st Barbour Miss Mary, 35 West Shaw st Beith Miss Margaret (boys'), 53 Kelly st Blake Miss, 31 Nelson st, west Blake Mrs, 7 Grey pi Brodie Miss, 17 Lauriston st Brown Miss, 9 Lynedoch st Buchanan Mrs, 7 Union st Bushe Miss, 53 Kelly st Campbell Miss Sarah, 38 Nicolson st

Cappock Miss M. J., 45 Shaw st Carmichael Miss M. C, 47 Brisbane st Clark Miss Catherine, 61 Holmscroft st 268 trades' directory.

Cross Misses, 19 Brisbane st Cuthbert Misses, 33 Roxburgh st Dickie Mrs, 26 Lynedoch st Donnelly Miss, 65 Rue-end st Downie Miss, 68 Kelly st Dunwoodie Mrs, 13 Carwood st Falconer & Grieve, 14 Union st Ferguson Mrs, 10 Antigua st Galbraith Miss Margaret, 40 Nicolson st Gillies Miss, 56 Kelly st Goidon Misses, 2 Robertson st Graham Miss, 37 Lynedoch st Hamilton Miss, 22 Antigua st Harvey James & Co., 46 Cathcart st Hunter Miss (boys'), 12 South st

Hunter Misses I. & J., 17 Jamaica st King Mrs, 48 Lynedoch st Laurie & Harley, 1 1 West Blackhall st M'Bride Mrs, 15 Nelson st, west M 'Bride Mrs, 30 Roxburgh st M'Callum Miss Mary (boys') 34 Nelson st, west M'Callum Misses, 11 Nelson st, west M'Fadyen Miss, 36 Holmscroft st M'Farlane Miss, 14 Ardgowan st, west M'Gowan Mrs, 5 Inverkip st M'Intosh William, 27 Ann st and 8 Lynedoch st M'Intosh Miss Christina, 9 Mount Pleasant st Macintyre Miss, 22 West Stewart st M'Kay Mrs Jessie (boys'), 13 West Stewart st M'Kechnie Miss, 19 Ardgowan st, west M'Kechnie Miss C, 38 Crawfurd st M'Kenzie Miss (boys'), 13 Watt st M'Larty Miss L., 57 Holmscroft st M'Laughlin Mrs, 26 Crescent st Maclean Misses F. & C, 20 Lynedoch st M'Lean Mrs F., 2 Finnart st Muir Miss, 22 Crawfurd st Murray Mrs, 56 Kelly st Nicol Mrs, 13 Nelson st, west Orr Miss Ellen M. (boys'), 3 Kelly st Park Miss (boys'), 16 South st Paul Miss, 22 Antigua st trades' directory. 269

Phillips Miss, 23 Lyle st Prentice D. & A., 24 Hamilton st Ralston Miss L., 23 Lynedoch st Rennie Mrs James, 1 2 Patrick st

Rowan J. G. & Co., Cathcart sq Shaw Mrs S. A., 30 Kelly st Sinclair Misses, 33 Nicolson st Smith Miss, 95 Roxburgh st Stewart Mrs William M. A., 53 Brisbane st Weir Miss Janet H., 77 Regent st Wilkinson Miss, 13 Nelson st, west Williamson Mrs John, 14 Brisbane st

Dyers and Renovators.

Bell Archibald & Sons, 4 Argyle st City of Glasgow Dyeing Co., 2 Cathcart sq

Pullar J. & Sons (Perth), 21 West Blackhall st


Boag Andrew, 3 Bank st Steel Matthew, 15 Cathcart st

Engineers, Machine-Makers, and Founders.

Blake, Barclay & Co., Macdougall st Caird & Co. (Limited), Arthur st and 46 Dalrymple st Cooper H. B. & Co., 2 Springkell st Crawford & Thomson, 48 Trafalgar st

Dunlop David J. & Co., Port-Glasgow rd Greenock Foundry Co., East Stewart st Hastie John & Co., 48 Nicolson st Hendry Duncan, 7 Shaw st and Garvel dock

Houston J. & R., Upper Ingleston Kincaid & Co. (Limited), East Hamilton st M'Lean & Co., 9 Ingleston st

M'Onie G. & J., Ladyburn, Port-Glasgow rd Miller Robert, 28 Arthur st 270 TRADES DIRECTORY.

Mills Robert, 5 Dock breast Montgomery Robert, 9 Stanners st Patrick Robert, 6 Baker st and Cartsburn st Rankin & Blackmore, 24 Baker st Thomson W. R. M. & Co., 96 Buchanan st, Glasgow White William, 34 Roxburgh st

Felt Manufacturers.

Anderson D. & Son (Limited), Belfast—Campbell Finlay & Co., agents Greenock Felt Work Co., 10 East Hamilton st Jamieson John, 2 Cathcart st Lennox John & Co., Bogston, Port-Glasgow rd

Fish and Oil Merchants.

Hunter John & Co., 8 West breast M'Kenzie Henry E., 4 West Quay lane Malcolm & Co., 10 and 12 Charles st


Fry Robert, 87 Belville st Fry William, 15 Lauriston st Gilmore A. & Son, 2 1 West Blackhall st Graham Alexander, 1 Tnverkip st Hay William, Fishmarket, West breast Heron John, 26 Vennel Macintyre Mrs James, 43 Hamilton st M'Laughlan Patrick, 17 Ann st and 4 Manse lane M'Munagle Charles, n Ann st Mitchell William, 1 Lauriston st Mitchell Miss Maggie, 25 Regent st Morrison James, 49 Shaw st Phillips John S., 26 Charles st Wotherspoon Mrs, 26 West Blackhall st Wright David, 57 Holmscroft st 1



Adams Mrs James, 9 Market st

Arbuckle J., 42 West Burn st Ballantine William, 16 Lynedoch st Banks John, 21 Regent st Barr & Macfarlane, 22 Lynedoch st and 47 Hamilton st Black Duncan, 38 Lynedoch st Blair Archibald, 25 Regent st Boston James, jun., & Co., 5 West Blackhall st Byers John, 21 Tobago st Cameron John, 26 Lynedoch st Crawford James, 83 Roxburgh st Docherty George, 5 William st Duff John, 30 East Crawford st Duff William, 84 Belville st Eastmans (Limited), 17 Hamilton st Ferguson William, 9 Newton st Fleming Henry, 27 Charles st Gordon G., 61 Vennel and 52 East Hamilton st Gordon John, 9 Main st Greenock Central Co-operative Society, 29 to 35 Roxburgh st Hamilton William H., 4 Sir Michael st Kelso Matthew, ^^ Rue-end st King Robert, 25 Rue-end st Lang Daniel, 31 Nicolson st Livingston Duncan, 23 Rue-end st MacCulloch Alexander, 13 Cathcart st M'Dougall Duncan, 54 St. Lawrence st M'Kechnie Allan, 19 West Blackhall st and 16 Kelly st M'Lean John, 14 Arthur st M'Millan David, 37 Cathcart st M'Neil John, 6 Ann st M'Niven Donald, 90 Roxburgh st MacSymon & Co. (limited), Argyle st 'M'Vicar John, 7 John st Martin James, 21 Kelly st Morrison James, 7 West Blackhall st Muir George, 13 West Blackhall st Muir Miss L., 20 Ann st O'Donnell John, 1 1 Cross-shore st and branches 272 trades' directory.

Orr William H., 46 Ann st Pattison David, 9 South st Percival Hugh, 41 West Burn st Prentice James, 5 Grey pi Robertson Colin, 65 Ann st Robertson John, 52 Holmscroft st Sheridan John R, 35 Ann st Sheridan Joseph, 59 Inverkip st Simpson James, 1 Belville st Swan William, 18 Cartsburn st Walker William, 33 West Burn st White Robert, 3 Prospecthill st Wilson Miss Maria, 33 Ann st


Baird & Co., 27 Brougham st Bell I. & Co., 35 West Blackhall st Briceland Mary, 31 Charles st Campbell Miss M. T., 59 Inverkip st Cumming Miss M., 45 Vennel Devlin M., 1 Grey pi Duncan Thomas, 8 Grey pi Ewing Miss E. L., 13 Union st Hamilton Mrs Janet, 40 Ann st Heitman Charles, 25 Brymner st Henderson Mrs R., 19 Hamilton st Ker Miss, 22 Lynedoch st Laing Robert, 33 Hamilton st M'Donald Elizabeth, 6 Tobago st M'Eleny James, 1 Kilblain st Rankin Alexander, 40 Cathcart st Smillie & Robson, 39 Hamilton st and 3 Manse lane Whiteford John, 66 Eldon st

Funeral Undertakers.

Chalmers Archibald, 36 Roxburgh st Crookshanks Joseph, 43 West Blackhall st TRADES DIRECTORY. 273

Black- M-'Gregor J. D. & Co., 48 Cathcart st and 24 West hall st M'Lean Mrs, 41 Hamilton st Simpson William, 48 Vennel

Furnishing Warehouse-keepers.

Anderson Hugh, 38 Hamilton st Bell Mrs, 59 Inverkip st Brymner Mrs James, 103 Port-Glasgow road

Burns Miss J. T., 29 West Blackhall st Campbell Misses, 7 Rue-end st Chalmers Miss, 26 East Hamilton st Ferguson Mrs, 44 Inverkip st Ferns Mrs Thomas, 4 Inverkip st Gilchrist Misses K. & M., 25 West Blackhall st

Laird M. & J., 38 Hamilton st M'Gregor Mrs, 36 West Burn st M'Kay Miss S., 13 Crescent st

Maclean J. & M., 4 Argyle st Macquarrie Miss E., 10 West Blackhall st Nelson Mrs, 44 Lynedoch st Pohlman Mrs, 42 Nelson st Rougvie Misses M. & K., 5 Grey place Stevenson Misses, 24 Union st Taylor & Co., 4 West Blackhall st Watson Mrs, 19 West Blackhall st Weir Mrs A., 89 Roxburgh st Weir Misses, 19 Ann st and 21 West Blackhall st


Allan William, 48 Ann st Barclay John S., 2 West breast Blair & Thomson, 12 Kilblain st Brown Alexander, 5 Kilblain st Bushe & Kelly, 3 Argyle st Carson Henry, 26 Crawfurd st Chalmers Alexander, 31 Nicolson st Conner Mrs John, 3 East Blackhall st 18 274 TRADES DIRECTORY.

Crawford & Kerr, 6 Bogle st Dewar & Co., 26 Charles st Duff James & Sons, 47 Rue-end st Duncan & Sharp, Ladyburn Fairgrieve Andrew & Sons, 6 West breast Ferguson William, 14 West Burn st and 2 Inverkip st Findlay John, 39 Cathcart st Foulds Matthew, 2 East India breast Logan Francis & Sons, 21 Nicolson st M'Cormick D. & Co., 8 Springkell st M'Ewing Dugald, 3 Springkell st and 1 Bank st M'Farlane James & Co., 20 Cathcart st M'Jannet John, 1 Newton st and 62 Inverkip st Maclean James & Co., 7 Duff st Mitchell James, 5 West Stewart st Morrison Duncan D., 10 Charles st Rae John, 31 West Burn st Ross Baillie C, 17 Brymner st Sinclair Angus & Co., 21 Cathcart st Stewart Daniel B., 14 West Blackhall st Thomson Charles, 17 Kelly st Walker Robert, 32 Roxburgh st Watson Hugh M'P., 12 Sugarhouse lane Whyte Thomas, 19 Brymner st


Briton Thomas, 19 Sugarhouse lane Chalmers Archibald, 36 Roxburgh st Crawford William, 9 Market st Graham James, 19 Cathcart st and 5 Grey pi M'Fadyen Archibald, 7 West Blackhall st Tytler Matthew, 12 Laird st Young Archibald, 23 Ann st

Grain Merchants.

Borthwick Thomas, 10 Cross-shore st Chalmers Hume, 4 Church pi Chalmers John, 4 Princes st trades' directory. 275

Gatherer Peter, 21 and 23 Crawfurd st Hill Matthew, 16 Chapel st Howie Matthew, 5 West breast M'Cammond, Easton & Co., 28 Sugarhouse lane M'Dougall Allan H., 8 Kilblain st M'Intyre Thomas & Son, 6 Cartsburn st Mackenzie & Walker, Dellingburn sq and 63 Rue-end st M'Lean John, 23 West Stewart st Macnab Duncan & Son, 25 Tobago st Mair C. S. & Marquis, 40 Rue-end st Muir Robert & Sons, 6 East Stewart st Smith Alexander, Cathcart arcade Stewart James K., 28 and 30 Shaw st Wilson David, 23 Brymner st


Anderson Miss, 16 Kelly st Barr James, 34 Shaw st Buchanan Miss, 61 Belville st

Cameron Miss A., 5 John st Clark Joseph, 51 Vennel Climie Miss Jane, 1 Kelly st Conway Andrew, 18 Sir Michael st Docherty William, 28 Inverkip st Ferguson Miss Jane, 73 Roxburgh st Fry David, 9 Brisbane st Howieson Miss, 8 Sir Michael st

Kelly Miss J., 1 East Crawford st Kerr Mrs William, 32 St. Lawrence st Kirkham Mrs Agnes, 28 West Burn st M'Farlane James, 11 Cartsburn st M'Farlane Mrs, 12 Bruce st M'Kellar Mrs A., 31 Nicolson st M'Larty Miss, 70 Wellington st Mechan Mrs, 44 Vennel Morrison Mrs William, 15 Regent st Muir Henry, 5 Inverkip st

Mulhern Mrs P. J., 4 Smith's lane Neil Mrs Elizabeth, 9 Newton st Nicolson Donald, 49 Holmscroft st 276 trades' directory.

Orr Miss, 39 Ann st Robertson Mrs, 32 East Hamilton st Shanks Mrs Robert, 52 Ann st Vallance Miss Janet, 19 Regent st Wright Mrs, 33 Roxburgh st

Grocers and Provision Dealers.

Alexander John, 2 Murdieston st Arthur John P., 4 Ingleston st Barbour John, 9 Arthur st Barbour William, 42 West Burn st Barclay John, 24 South st Barclay Mrs John, 3 Rue-end st Barr John, 33 Lynedoch st Barry Patrick, 50 Shaw st Baxter Thomas, 45 Cathcart st and 1 Kilblain st Bell Samuel, 3 East William st Beveridge Miss, 6 Belville st Black Donald, 56 Vennel Black Hugh, 2 Ann st Black Mrs A, 29 Brougham st Borland Alexander, 13 Bearhope st Boyle James, 2 1 Market st Bradley Joseph, 1 Stanners st Brighton John (wholesale), 1 and 3 Tobago st Brown William, 29 Rue-end st

Burns William J., 8 Mearns st Caldwell David, 64 Ann st Caldwell David, senr., 34 East Hamilton st Caldwell James, 64 Ann st Caldwell Matthew, 85 Belville st Caldwell Robert, 19 Tobago st Caldwell William B., 37 West Burn st Cameron John, 23 West Blackhall st Campbell Alexander, jun., 20 Arthur st Campbell James, 46 Inverkip st and 23 Tobago st Campbell John, 33 Rue-end st Campbell William, 76 Ann st Carmichael Donald, 13 Cartsburn st and 20 Lynedoch st Carmichael Mrs D., 31 West Burn st TRADES DIRECTORY. 277

Chambers William, 3 John st Clark W. B., 33 Shaw st Connelly Francis, 25 East Shaw st Co-operative Society, 5 Arthur st Co-operative Society, 18 East Crawford st Cottrell Robert R., 45 Crawfurd st and 11 Market st Crabbe William, 26 and 35 Ann st Crawford John, 6 Watson's lane Crawford William, 5 Grey pi dimming M. & A., 40 Holmscroft st Darroch Miss, 12 Watt st Davers Mrs A., 81 Belville st Davies Mrs William, 24 West Blackhall st Dawson W., 5 Inverkip st Denny Miss, 10 Mount Pleasant st Dodd William, 33 Ann st Duff Miss, 89 East Hamilton st Douglas Miss, 87 Roxburgh st Earle Alexander, 17 Cathcart st East-end Co-operative Society, 18 East Crawford st Elliot Charles, 26 East Crawford st Farquharson Mrs Alexander, 80 Belville st Farrell James, 52 East Hamilton st Farrell Robert, 15 Main st Ferguson Charles, 40 Brymner st

Ferguson J. & H., 62 Ann st Ferguson Mrs Hugh, 5 William st Fernie William T., 23 Charles st Flett Alfred, 31 Vennel Forbes Mrs William, 2 1 Ingleston st Gaze William, 14 Lynedoch st Glen Mrs Archibald, 33 Nelson st, west Glen Mrs James, 36 West Burn st Glen Mrs, 17 Bruce st Goff Mrs, 59 Ann st Graham Duncan, 34 Lynedoch st Graham Hugh, 27 Hamilton st and branches Grant Lachlan, 9 Nicolson st Gray John, 1 1 Ardgowan st, Glebe Green Matthew, 14 Market st Greenock Central Co-operative Society, 29 to 35 Roxburgh st Hamilton Mrs, 15 John st 278 trades' directory.

Hardie John, 67 Rue-end st Hardie Walter, 15 Tobago st Hastie Andrew, 10 Sir Michael st Hendry James, 15 Market st Hood Mrs William, 43 Hamilton st Houston Mrs, 17 and 53 Belville st Hoy Mrs James, 30 Wellington st Hunter William, 31 Brougham st Hutcheson Andrew, 20 Mount Pleasant st Inglis Mrs James, 112 Drumfrochar rd Ireland Mrs William, 73 Holmscroft st Johnston Samuel, 78 Roxburgh st Killin Mrs, 6 Mearns st Kirkwood Robert, 1 Smith's lane Laird James, 23 Ingleston st Lang James (wholesale), 30 Sugarhouse lane Lang John, 44 Hamilton st Lang Mrs Robert, 71 Nicolson st Learie Miss, 16 Cartsburn st Leith James, 49 Shaw st Leith Robert, 53 Drumfrochar rd Lindsay & M 'Vicar, n Rue-end st

Lipton Thomas J., 32 Cathcart st Logan Mrs, 8 Manse lane Lusk Robert & Co. (wholesale), 7 Tobago st Lyon Mrs John, 41 Ann st M'Allister Donald, 1 1 Brymner st M'Arthur Mrs C, 16 Bris'bane st M'Ausland Alexander, 20 Nicolson st M'Ausland Mrs John, 23 West Stewart st M'Bride John, 31 Regent st and 7 Main st M'Callum Edward, 36 Shaw st M'Caul John, 19 Ann st M 'Clement James, 105 Belville st M'Creadie Michael, 11 Main st M'Crindle James, 43 Hamilton st M'Cuaig James C., 25 Nelson st, west Macdermott James, 22 St. Lawrence st M'Farlane Robert, 14 Port-Glasgow road M'Farlane Miss, 7 Antigua st MacFie John, 14 West Blackhall st M'Gugan Angus, 22 West Blackhall st TRADES DIRECTORY. 279

M'Intosh Mrs M., 44 Ann st M'Intyre Thomas, 6 Cartsburn st M'Jannet Robert, 81 Roxburgh st

MacKail J. G. & M., 45 Hamilton st M'Kenzie David C, 21 Rue-end st M'Kenzie John, 23 Vennel M'Laren Mrs, 21 Sir Michael st M'Lean Mrs Isabella, 78 Belville st M'Lellan Peter, 18 Lynedoch st and 63 Ann st M'Lelland James, 12 Ann st M'Millan Andrew, 52 Holmscroft st M'Millan Mrs Hugh, 40 Inverkip st M'Neil Mrs A., 19 Wellington st Macniven Angus, 50 Ann st M'Quiggin John, 32 Charles st M'Quilkan Duncan, 28 Charles st M'Quoid Miss, 8 Mount Pleasant st MacSymon & Co. (Limited), Argyle st and branches M'Taggart Mrs C, 48 St. Lawrence st Marquis David, 7 Brachelston st Martin Robert, 28 Charles st Mathieson David, 9 South st Mathieson Lindsay, 28 Cartsburn st and 6 John st Melville William, 2 1 Regent st

Miller Thomas, 1 1 West Blackhall st Moodie A. & M., 1 Belville st Morison George, 27 Cathcart st Morton & Young, 30 Hamilton st

Muir J. & J., 25 Vennel Muir Miss A., 14 South st Munro Colin, 42 Crawfurd st Newall Charles, 44 Lynedoch st Paget John, 18 and 28 Dalrymple st Park Boyd P., 17 Kelly st and 53 Main st Parker John, 1 West Stewart st Paterson A. & Son, 39 Hamilton st Paterson William, 30 Vennel Pearson Daniel, 3 Kilblain st Pearson Mrs John, 7 East Crawford st Pettigrew James, 68 East Hamilton st Pollock Miss Jane, 14 Regent st Polonis, George, 9 Carwood st 280 trades' directory.

Porter M., 73 Roxburgh st Ritchie Alexander, 26 Inverkip st Rooney Mrs Teresa, 23 Sir Michael st Rose Mrs Neil, 93 Roxburgh st Ross William, 66 Drumfrochar road Russell William, 44 East Crawford st Scott I vie, 72 Eldon st Scott Peter, 36 East Hamilton st Sharp John, 25 Rue-end st Shearer Hugh (wholesale), 3 Mansionhouse lane and 52 Shaw st Sim John, 32 Lynedoch st Sloan James, 19 East Shaw st Smith Alexander (wholesale), Cathcart arcade Smith Thomas, 7 Cathcart st Smith Thomson, 73 Holmscroft st Smith Miss, 30 Mount Pleasant st Smith Mrs C, 65 Nicolson st Stevenson Alexander A., 2 Antigua st Stirling Mrs A., 17 Shaw st Strachan John, 14 Arthur st Swan Mrs, 17 Dempster st Telfer Mrs C, 1 Prospecthill st Train Mrs, 38 Main st Tucker John, 7 John st Turner Mrs, 8 Antigua st Tweeddale James, 68 Vennel Vass Mary, 1 1 Belville st Walker Mrs, 65 Belville st Wallace Miss, 64 Vennel

Wallace Misses M. & J., 32 Mearns st White James, 70 Ann st White Miss M., 40 Nelson st, west Wilson Edward & Son, 25 Charles st Wylie James, 86 Belville st

Grocers and Spirit Dealers.

Brown Mrs D., 19 Ingleston st Campbell & Co., 89 Roxburgh st Holmes John, 15 Roxburgh st trades' directory. 281

Kelly William & Co., 9 William st Macfarlane John A. & Co., 10 West Blackhall st MacKinnon Alexander, 2 Tobago st M'Millan Andrew, 20 Brisbane st Mill Alexander, 95 Roxburgh st Moir William D., Lilybank, Cardwell bay

Morison J. B. & Co., 29 West Blackhall st and 13 Finnart st Neil Hugh R. & Co., 27 West Blackhall st Orr John & Son, 13 Ann st Scott Ivie, 20 West Blackhall st

Scott Peter, 1 7 West Blackhall st Thorn A. & W. C, 13 Union st Wallace Mrs Ann, 16 Antigua st


Bowman Joseph J., 54 Ann st Brown John, 13 East breast Calderwood Hugh, 22 Tobago st Daisley John, 28 Roxburgh st Duthie R. G., 12 Laird st Easton Daniel, 4 Argyle st Eilert Frederick, 14 Cathcart st Elrick John, 6 Cross-shore st Graham Alexander, 30 Tobago st Hamilton Matthew, 1 Arthur st Harrower T. H., 2 Ann st Kroger Carl, 13 Brymner st M'Fie George, 71 Main st M'Guire James, 4 Buccleuch st M'Lachlan Duncan, 27 Sugarhouse lane Macmillan John, 26 Charles st Martin John, 15 Ann st Simpson James, 2 Cross-shore st Smith John, 9 Duff st Tucker David, 53 Main st Watson Matthew, 7 Hamilton st 282 trades' directory.


Buchanan John & Co., 42 Cathcart st Clark Joseph (ladies'), 29 Cathcart st

Dick J. M., 11 West Blackhall st Fisher James C. & Co., 12 Cathcart st Fulton James B., 34 Hamilton st Gordon David F., 27 Cathcart st Lamont Daniel, 37 Cathcart st M'Lellan Andrew, 53 Rue-end st Oates James, 42 West Burn st Paterson Robert, 13 Hamilton st

Rowan J. G. & Co., 28 Hamilton st Scott Robert, 30 Charles st Wilson William, 43 Cathcart st

Heating Engineers.

M'Farlane James & Co., 20 Cathcart st


Anderson Hugh, 38 Hamilton st Campbell John F., 56 Vennel

Dick J. M., 1 1 West Blackhall st Fisher James C. & Co., 12 Cathcart st Fulton James B., 34 Hamilton st Gordon David F., 27 Cathcart st Greenock Clothing Co., 50 Cathcart st Lamont Daniel, 37 Cathcart st M'llwraith M., 23 Hamilton st Niven Alexander, 6 West Blackhall st Paterson Robert, 13 Hamilton st

Rowan J. G. & Co., 28 Hamilton st Walker William, 35 West Burn st Wilson William, 43 Cathcart st

Hotel Keepers.

Borland J. C. (temperance), 24 Cathcart stand 31 Brymner st Bradley Miss, 2 Boyd st and 14 Clarence st trades' directory. 283

Buchanan Mrs M., Tontine, 34 Cathcart st Chalmers Hume, Wheat Sheaf, 4 Church pi Kennedy Mrs (temperance), 12 Brymner st Lawrence Mrs David (temperance), 40 West Blackhall st Macnaughton Daniel, White Hart, 50 Cathcart st M'Robert James, Buck Head, 2 Watson's lane Mathieson Donald, Royal, 3 East breast Peek Mrs (temperance), 9 Brougham st

House Factors.

Agnew Alexander & Son, 15 Cross-shore st Agnew James, 32 Crawfurd st Banks & Miller, 45 Hamilton st Blair William, 6 West Blackhall st Bone & Buchanan, Municipal buildings Campbell Dugald, 49 Cathcart st Chalmers William, 5 West Blackhall st Hardie & Allan, 2 Watt pi Hutchison William, 45 Lynedoch st Macaulay Daniel, Municipal buildings, Wallace pi Morison John, 29 West Burn st Neil James, 3 Bank st Paterson James, 14 Hamilton st Paul John, 14 Hamilton st Prentice John, 32 Nicolson st Sinclair & Co., 46 Cathcart st Smith D. C, 3 Bank st Thomson Colin, 2 Robertson st Welsh, Walker & Macpherson, 33 Cathcart st

Insurance Agents—(See Appendix).

Iron Merchants.

Beveridge Daniel, St. Andrew sq Jamieson John, 2 Cathcart st Kidston A. G. & Co., 6 Cathcart st MacCallum P. & Sons, 54 Rue-end st and 1 Cathcart st 284 trades' directory.

Morton James & Sons, 8 Princes sq, Glasgow- Morton & Kidd, 24 Hamilton st Robertson William, 49 Main st Ross John, 29 Cathcart st Whyte George, 13 John st


Cathie James, 21 West Blackhall st Chalmers Alexander, 31 Nicolson st Cormie John, 4 Shaw st Duncan John, 19 Cathcart st Ferguson William, 2 Inverkip st and 14 West Burn st Findlay John, 39 Cathcart st Hutton James, 16 Inverkip st Leckie W. F., 8 East Blackhall st Lyle A. & R. & Co., 3 and 4 West breast Macalister & Fyfe, 4 East breast M'Cuaig Magnus, 100 Roxburgh st M'Farlane James & Co., 20 Cathcart st M'Kinlay Peter C, 1 Grey pi Macpherson Alexander & Co., 2 Open shore Mathieson John, 42 Brymner st Morton & Kidd, 24 Hamilton st Neil Thomas S., 25 Rue-end st Park John, 28 Roxburgh st Robertson William, 27 West Blackhall st Ross John (wholesale), 29 Cathcart st Shepherd William, 9 William st Stewart Daniel B., 14 West Blackhall st

Wilson A. & J., 65 P.ue-end st


Gibson Walter & Co., 8 South st M'Bearty Duncan, 5 Bank st

Leather Merchants.

Edgar William, 3 William st Hill James M. & Co., 1 1 Stanners st trades' directory. 285

Malcolm James, 8 Dalrymple st Paterson Charles & Son, 19 Cartsburn st


Baird Robert A., Municipal buildings Hutchison William, 23 Nicolson st M'Kelvie James & Sons, 34 Hamilton st Morrison John & Sons, 67 Rue-end st

Merchants, Shipowners, and Ship Agents. (See also Steam Packet Agents.)

Adam, Hamilton & Co., 1 Cathcart st Adamson Daniel D., 22 Margaret st Aitken James, 78 Eldon st Baine & Johnston, 19 West Blackhall st Blanche Richard, Customhouse quay Brown Archibald, Customhouse pi Browne & Watson, 4 Brymner st Brymner John, 105 Eldon st Caird Colin S., 4 Argyle st Caird Stewart A., 4 Argyle st

Carmichael A. & J. H. & Co., 13 Hamilton st Cowan John, Stoneleigh, 23 Newark st Craig, Scott & Co., 4 Brymner st

Crawford W. & J., 3 East breast Cunningham D. & Co., 32 Cathcart st Cunningham John, 32 Cathcart st Currie James & Co., 13 Hamilton st

Denholm J. & J., 27 Cathcart st Ewing Robert & Co., Cathcart arcade Finlay Campbell & Co., 12 Bogle st Hill Ninian, 19 West Blackhall st Hill Robert, 2 East India breast Hunter T. O. & Co., T3 Hamilton st Jamieson James S. & Co., 18 Hamilton st Johnston Alexander R., 1 Fox st Kerr John & Co., 6 Grey pi Laird Alexander A. & Co.. Customhouse quay 286 trades' directory.

Lamont Hugh, West quay Leitch & Muir, 2 West quay Leitch John, Sugar exchange Letham William, 29 Cathcart st Lietke & Co., Palmerston buildings Lindsay William & Co., 32 Cathcart st Little James & Co., Excise buildings Lyle Abram & Sons, 1 1 Nicolson st M'Crae Daniel, 15 Charles st MacDougall Dugald, 1 Cross-shore st Macfarlan Alexander & Co., 27 Palmerston buildings

Macfarlane J. M. & Co., Wallace buildings MacGregor J. & Son, Post Office buildings M'Gillivray Duncan, 1 Watt pi M'Kinnon Alexander, Palmerston buildings M'Lellan James & Co., 46 Brymner st Macmillan John, Customhouse buildings Macneilage, Adam & Co., Municipal buildings, Wallace pi Paterson Robert R., City buildings Picken Andrew & Co., Arcade Richardson James & Co., 2 Church pi Roberts & Bernsten, 27 Cathcart st Robertson & Macdougall, 1 Cross-shore st Robertson Robert William, City buildings Ross Corbett & Co., 2 Cross-shore st Ross & Marshall, 7 Dock breast Ross William, 29 Cathcart st Russell James, 73 Union st Shankland Dugald & Co., 21 Cathcart st Shankland Robert & Co., 21 Cathcart st Skinner Thomas & Co., Post Office buildings

Stewart J. & W., 1 Watt place Swan Allan, Customhouse buildings Thorburn Walter, 28 Cathcart st Turnbull, Martin & Co., 12 Bogle st Young Brothers, Palmerston buildings st Young J. & R. & Co., 32 Cathcart


Gillies John, 25 West Burn st trades' directory. 287

Grant Alexander, 25 West Burn st Munro William, 13 Hamilton st


Boyle Mrs, 12 Ann st Johnston Mrs Emma, 41 Sir Michael st M'Chesney Mrs, 36 Holmscroft st Smith Mrs, 16 Antigua st Smith Mrs Robert, 22 Ann st


Hill Matthew, 16 Chapel st Mackenzie & Walker, Dellingburn square Muir Robert & Sons, 6 East Stewart st


Breakie Miss, 61 Rue-end st

Conning H. & J., 2 Inverkip st Foster Miss Jane, 21 Cathcart st Grant John & Co., Municipal buildings, Hamilton st Hamilton Miss, 17 Brougham st Harvey James & Co., 46 Cathcart st Houston Miss, 1 1 Forsyth st Johnstone Miss, 31 West Blackhall st Laurie & Harley, 1 1 West Blackhall st M 'Arthur Miss, 12 Watt st M'Farlane Miss, 5 Kelly st M'llwraith Miss, 40 Nicolson st M'Intosh William, 27 Ann st and 8 Lynedoch st Maclean Misses F. & C, 20 Lynedoch st M'Lean Miss K., 45 Roxburgh st M'Millan Miss, 25 West Blackhall st M'Neill Miss, 27 Regent st M'Rae Miss, 14 Lyle st Malcolm Mrs, 9 Rue-end st

Moffat Misses J. & M., 39 West Blackhall st 288 trades' directory.

Moodie Miss J. M., 30 West Burn st Owen & Pride Misses, 22 Brymner st Paterson Lachlan, 13 West Blackhall st Reid William, 26 Hamilton st

Rowan J. G. & Co., Cathcart sq Scott Miss Bertha, 85 J Belville st Sinclair Misses, 33 Nicolson st Smith Miss, 51 Brisbane st Stevenson Misses, 24 Union st Strachan Sarah M. S., 18 West Blackhall st Stuart M. A., 27 Brougham st Taylor Miss A., 54 Brougham st Weir Misses M. & C, 19 Ann st and 21 West Blackhall st

Music Sellers.

Forbes John, 15 West Blackhall st Inglis James & Sons, 23 West Blackhall st Martin William, 14 West Blackhall st Straine George, 31 Nicolson st


Butler George M., Murdieston meadow, Inverkip rd Keenan Henry, 24 Union st

Opticians and Nautical Instrument Makers.

Gebbie W. W. & Co., 28 Cathcart st Love Robert, 17 West Blackhall st Lyle James, 105 and 107 West George st, Glas- gow M'Gregor D. & Co., 32 Brymner st

Painters and Paperhangers.

Brown George, 3 Albert place Buchanan James, 34 West Burn st Cameron William, 3 Argyle st Colquhoun Duncan, 1 Union st trades' directory. 289

Duncan Thomas, 30 Market st Edgar George, 94 Roxburgh st Leitch John & Son, 10 West breast Lyle A. & R. & Co., 3 and 4 West breast Macalister & Fyfe, 4 East breast M'Ewing David, 10 Arthur st M'Gugan Duncan, 35 West Burn st MacLean John, 3 Kilblain st Macnaught John, 24 West Burn st Mathieson Robert, 28 Nicolson st Melville William, 3 Manse lane and 28 Ann st Mitchell Archibald, 34 Inverkip st Murchie Robert, 29 Regent st Peddie William, 3 Brougham st


Brown, Stewart & Co., Overton Mills

Patent Agents.

Thomson W. R. M. & Co., 96 Buchanan st, Glas- gow. (See Advt.)

Pavement Merchants.

N'Neill Alexander, 1 1 Patrick st Simpson John A. & Co., 6 Tobago st and 10 Brougham st


Andrew David, 5 William st Boyle Elizabeth, 25 Brymner st Cairns John, 17 Sir Michael st Cook Robert, 33 Market st Cruthers E., 28 Dalrymple st Gait Robert, 51 Main st Greenock Equitable Loan Co., 24 Hamilton st 19 290 TRADES DIRECTORY.

Lyall James, 60 Vennel

Mackay J. & N., 63 Main st Millar Alexander, 38 Hamilton st O'Neil John B., 8 Stanners st Stewart Agnes T., 49 Vennel


Brown George A., 2 Grey pi Fergus & Sons, 36 West Blackhall st Gothard William, 37 Rue-end st Greenock Photo Co., 29 West Burn st Macfee H. N., 23 Cathcart st M'Lennan William & Co., 29 Nicolson st Paton James, 59 Esplanade Pratt John & Co., 32 Cathcart st Taylor A. & G., 17 Hamilton st Tnrnbull & Sons, 37 Hamilton st Urie Robert, 32 Hamilton st

Physicians and Surgeons.

(See Appendix.)


Flood Luke, 56 Holmscroft st M'Creadie James, Jamaica lane, off Jamaica st M'Cue James, 78 Wellington st Main, Boag & Black, 31 Sugarhouse lane Tannock Quintin, 5 Sir Michael st


Adam William & Co., 2 and 3 Dock breast Allan William, 48 Ann st Barclay John S., 2 West breast Blair & Thomson, 12 Kilblain st 1


Bradley John, 7 East breast Brown Alexander, 5 Kilblain st Bushe & Kelly, 3 Argyle st Carson Henry, 26 Crawfurd st Conner Mrs John, 3 East Blackhall st Crawford & Kerr, 6 Bogle st Duncan & Sharp, Ladyburn Fairgrieve Andrew & Sons, 6 West breast M'Ewing Dugald, 3 Springkell st and 1 Bank st M'Farlane James & Co., 20 Cathcart st M'Jannet John, 1 Newton st and 62 Inverkip st Maclean James & Co., 7 Duff st Mitchell James, 5 West Stewart st Morrison Duncan D., 10 Charles st Stewart Daniel B., 14 West Blackhall st Thomson Charles, 17 Kelly st Walker Robert, 32 Roxburgh st Wallace & Connell, 4 East Blackhall st


Clyde Pottery Co., Port-Glasgow rd


Bain Miss L. S., 3 Hamilton st Gilmore A. & Son, 2 1 West Blackhall st Macintyre Mrs James, 43 Hamilton st M'Kechnie Allan, 19 West Blackhall st and 16 Kelly st M'Kellar Mrs A., 31 Nicolson st Paterson Robert, 8 Manse lane


Baird Robert A., Municipal buildings Blair Joseph & Co., 40 Cathcart st Campbell Charles, 2 Watt pi Elliot Thomas L., West Burn sq Erskine James, 40 Shore st, Gourock 292 TRADES DIRECTORY.

Hutchison William, 23 Nicolson st Orr, Pollock & Co., 14 Charles st and 15 Sugarhouse lane Stewart Robert, 32 Hamilton st Storer James, 12 Kilblain st


Baird Miss Jane, 1 1 Cathcart st Edinburgh & Glasgow Aerated Bread Co., Municipal buildings Fox Francis, 36 West Blackhall st Gilchrist Miss, Railway station, Cathcart st Given Miss, 37 West Blackhall st Jenning Albert, 15 West Blackhall st M'Adam Mrs, 5 West Blackhall st


Hammond Henry, 32 Hamilton st Hill Henry, 16 Laird st Robertson Thomas, 35 Roxburgh st

Rope and Twine Spinners.

Appleton Thomas, Ladyburn Gourock Ropework Co., 1 Cross-shore st Leitch Quintin & Co., 2 Brymner st Miller James, 4 South st Orr, Hunter & Co. (Limited), 4 West Quay lane Tough Alexander & Son, Palmerston buildings


Barr Alexander, 29 Sugarhouse lane Fortune David, 1 1 Prospecthill st Lauder Alexander F., 19 Cathcart st MacGlashan John, 33 Nicolson st Park Matthew, 58 Rue-end st TRADES DIRECTORY. 293


Black Thomas, 6 Dock breast Ferguson & Co., Roslin st Hamilton & Adam, 21 Shaw st Mackenzie John, 5 East breast MacSymon & Co. (Limited), Argyle st Orr, Hunter & Co. (Limited), 4 West Quay lane Pennell Joseph & Co., Albert harbour Whyte James & Co., 2 Virginia st

Saw Millers.

Agnew James, 32 Crawfurd st Allison & Brand, 16 West Burn st Black James & Co., 7 West Stewart st Cameron Allan & Son, Macdougall st Lamb Thomas, Sons & Co., 6 East Hamilton st M'Lean James & Co., 27 and 64 Main st Miller & Co., 64 Inverkip st


Baird Hugh, 80 Roxburgh st Gordon James, 6 South st Kennedy Hugh, 3 South st Wallace James, 26 Roxburgh st Wood Thomas, 4 South st


Baird & Co., 27 Brougham st Gatherer Peter, 23 Crawfurd st

Gordon J. & A., 35 Brougham st Keenan Henry, 24 Union st Laing Robert, 33 Hamilton st 294 TRADES DIRECTORY.

Sewing Machine Manufacturers.

Gay Walter, 77 Roxburgh st Shepherd William, 25 West Blackhall st Singer Manufacturing Co., 26 West Blackhall st

Sheriff Officers.

Devlin Henry, 13 Hamilton st Gillies John, 25 West Burn st Grant Alexander, 25 West Burn st Munro William, 13 Hamilton st Sinclair W. G., 6 West Blackhall st


Caird & Co. (Limited), Arthur st and 46 Dalrymple st

Dunlop David J. & Co., Inch Works, Port-Glasgow road Russell & Co., Main st Scott & Co., Cartsdyke

Ship Chandlers.

Black Thomas, 6 Dock breast Buchanan H. & Co., n West breast Hendry Archibald, 16 East India breast Lyle A. & R. & Co., 3 and 4 West breast Macalister & Fyfe, 4 East breast MacSymon & Co. (Limited), Argyle st Neil Thomas S., 25 Rue-end st

Wilson A. & J., 65 Rue-end st

Ship Store Merchants.

Black Thomas, 6 Dock breast Carswell Andrew & Co., 1 Customhouse place Kelly William & Co., 9 William st trades' directory. 295

Lyle John & Sons, 6 West Quay lane and 1 7 Sugarhouse lane M'Kiver William M. & Co., Commercial bank buildings MacSymon & Co. (Limited), Argyle st and branches Stewart John, 4 Bogle st

Shorthand Writer.

Mitchell William, Sheriff Courthouse, County buildings

Sick Nurses and Keepers.

Barbour Mrs, 57 Holmscroft st Boyd Mrs Janet, 36 Ingleston st Cowan Mrs, 69 Nicolson st Gillander Mrs, 24 Bruce st Grant Mrs, 85 Dempster st Johnston Mrs, 79 Dempster st Mackay Miss Annie, 37 Roxburgh st Maclean Mrs, 18 Sir Michael st M'Leod Mrs, 23 Roxburgh st M'Neil Mrs Neil, 13 Nelson st, west Macpherson Mrs, 58 Kelly st Mathieson Mrs, 47 Holmscroft st Simms Elizabeth, 67 Nicolson st Tennant Mrs, 33 Hamilton st Tulloch Mrs, 24 Lyle st Wilkie Mrs, 79 Wellington st


Campbell Robert & Co., 21 West Stewart st Erskine George, 12 Lauriston st Gillies Neil, 26 Roxburgh st Leisk Adam, jun., 12 Laird st Mackay Peter, 9 West Burn sq M'Lachlan James, 14 Kilblain st M'Pherson Donald K., 3 Newton st. (See Advt.) Main, Boag & Black, 31 Sugarhouse lane Paterson William, Hunter pi 296 trades' directory.

Phillips David & Sons, 5 Tobago st Robertson Charles, 6 Buccleuch st Shaw William, 34 Arthur st Tosh David, 3 Brougham st Wright Peter & Son, 66 Inverkip st

Spirit Dealers.

Adam James, 2 Charles st Alexander William (wholesale), 57 Vennel Allan William, 2 Mansionhouse lane Allan William O., 7 Inverkip st Archibald William, 13 Charles st and 28 Market st Armitage Mrs, 60 Lynedoch st Arnott James, 53 Rue-end st Arthur Joseph F., 38 West Blackhall st Bathgate Mrs Archibald, 14 Terrace rd Belshaw Robert, 31 Vennel Blackwood Mrs John, 40 Cathcart st Blanche Richard, 4 Clarence st Bodega Agency Co., 2 1 Shaw st Boyd James, 12 Sir Michael st Brady Mrs James, 38 Ann st and 62 Vennel Brodie William, 3 Ropework st Brodie Mrs, 35 Wellington st Brown Joseph S., 31 Rue-end st Brown Neil (wholesale), 7 and 9 Sir Michael st, and branches Brown William, 40 West Burn st Brown Mrs, 1 Argyle st Bryce Mrs John, 9 Main st Cameron A. F., 4 Watson's lane Cameron Mrs James, 24 Charles st Campbell Anderson & Co. (wholesale), 2 Shaw st Campbell Malcolm, 4 Dellingburn square Campbell Peter, 1 1 Laird st Chambers William, 12 Springkell st Cochrane Mrs Janet, 10 Baker st Crawford Robert P., 35 Ingleston st Curtis C. H. & Co. (wholesale), 32 Cathcart st and 24 Nicolson st

Davidson William, 1 Crescent st trades' directory. 297

Dempsey Michael, 22 Vermel Devlin James P., 18 Vermel Devlin Patrick, 3 Market st and 24 Cathcart st Dow Mrs E., 18 Sir Michael st Downing Mrs William, 29 Cathcart st Drysdale Thomas, 3 Crescent st Dunlop George, jun., 10 East breast Dursley James, 41 Main st Fairlie William, 27 Vennel Finlay A. H. (wholesale), 9 Shaw st and branches Foulds Mrs Agnes, 29 Main st Gallacher Mrs B., 15 Clarence st Gallacher Mrs William, 2 Buccleuch st Gerrard James, 36 Inverkip st Gillies John B., 61 Roxburgh st Gillies William, 41 Rue-end st Gilliland William, 45 Inverkip st Gorman James, 6 Ann st Graham David, 33 Shaw st Grant John, 29 Dalrymple st Griffiths John, 13 Hamilton st Hagan Charles, 34 Vennel and 6 Watson's lane Hart James, 1 Open shore Hendry Miss M., 7 Main st Hunt John, 4 Bearhope st Inglis James, 10 Kilblain st Kilpatrick Samuel, 35 Vennel Lyle Archibald, 8 Smith's lane Lyle John & Sons (wholesale), 6 West Quay lane and 17 Sugarhouse lane M'Callum Niven, 46 Lynedoch st M 'Clement Miss, 48 East Hamilton st M'Connochie Mrs V., 27 Rue-end st M'Cormick John, 2 Harvie lane and 1 Ropework st MacDonald John, 12 East India breast MacDonald Ronald, 10 West breast M'Dougall John, 16 Stanners st MacEachran James, 1 1 Arthur st M'Farlane Archibald, 32 Arthur st MacGregor Neil, 8 Cathcart st M'Ginlay Charles, 3 Shannon's close M'Grath Mrs Margaret, 5 Cowgate 298 trades' directory.

M'Gregor James, 3 Shannon's close M'Gregor John (wholesale), 25 Shaw st M'Guigan William, 14 Market st M'Innes Dugald, 15 Rue-end st MTntosh Duncan, 18 East Shaw st Macintyre James, 41 Ann st MacKenzie Ewen, 25 Sugarhouse lane MacKenzie James, 30 Cathcart st M'Kenzie Peter, 11 Hamilton st M'Kinnon Donald, 43 Crawfurd st and 6 East Shaw st MacKintosh Ewen, 3 Charles st M'Leish Daniel, 17 Shaw st M 'Master Peter, 3 St. Andrew square M'Millan James, 31 Hamilton st M'Millan John, 69 Vennel M'Nee Mrs Joseph, 20 Cathcart st M'Niven Alexander, 22 West Blackhall st

Millar S. H. (wholesale), 1 7 Regent st and 3 West Quay lane Millar William H., 29 Vennel Miller Andrew, 38 Main st Mulgrew Thomas, 7 East breast Murray Timothy (wholesale), 5 Mansionhouse lane Nicolson Alexander, 26 East Shaw st Nicolson Norman, 22 Cathcart st O'Hara William, 61 Main st Ostler Robert, 2 Carnock st Paul John (wholesale), 8 Shaw st Phillips Patrick (wholesale), 13 Cross-shore st and 63 Main st Pollock John, 69 Main st Polonis William, 9 Port-Glasgow rd Prentice Thomas & Co. (wholesale), 23 Nicolson st Prentice Thomas, 3 St. Andrew st Rennie James, 37 Rue-end st Rennie Robert (wholesale), 20 West Burn st, 9 Inverkip st. and 8 Cartsburn st Ronald William, 17 Bearhope st Russell W. C. (wholesale), 27 Cathcart st and branches

Russell Mrs J. R., 21 Port-Glasgow rd

Sanders Joseph J., 23 Nicolson st Scott Mrs, 62 Wellington st Scullion Patrick, 9 Cross-shore st Shand Robert, 66 Ann st trades' directory. 299

Sharp James G, 4 Shaw st Sharp William, 17 John st Shearer Mrs Janet, 21 Ann st Sieger Engelbert, 41 West Blackhall st Skivington Mrs, 50 Shaw st Smith John, 10 Market st Smith Mrs John, 30 East Hamilton st Steel William, 14 John st Stewart John, 34 Dalrymple st Stewart John, 6 Market st Stewart Mrs C, 93 Roxburgh st Stewart Mrs Isabella, 59 Main st Thorne R. & Sons (wholesale), 6 Manse lane

Walker John, 1 7 Cathcart st Watson James F., 25 Vennel Watt John, no Drumfrochar rd Watt William (wholesale), 47 Vennel White David, 8 Inverkip st Yorston Miss, 81 Roxburgh st


Briceland Andrew, 9 Watt st Carroll James, 22 Cathcart st Ferguson Moses, 41 West Blackhall st Greenock Stevedore Co., 8 Roslin st Ross & Marshall, 7 Dock breast

Stock and Share Brokers.

Alexander & Dixon, Post Office buildings (west side) Campbell Dugald, 49 Cathcart st Hardie & Allan (C.A.), 2 Watt pi Nicoll James, 2 Bank st Paterson James, 14 Hamilton st Welsh, Walker & Macpherson, 33 Cathcart st

Sugar Brokers.

Adams J. L., 3 Brymner st Anderson John & Co., Sugar Exchange 300 TRADES DIRECTORY.

Buchanan G. & M., 17 Hamilton st Budgett James & Son (Limited), 46 Brymner st Cunningham Charles, 49 Cathcart st Cunningham D. & C, 32 Cathcart st Czarnikow & Co., 27 Cathcart st

Drake J. V. & Co., 27 Cathcart st Hogg Alexander & Co., Sugar Exchange Lang James, 30 Sugarhouse lane Lusk Robert & Co., 7 Tobago st Lyon James, Sugar Exchange M'Callum & Lochhead, 11 Duffst Macdonald, Hutcheson & Co., Commercial Bank buildings

Macdonald J. & G., Sugar Exchange M'Kirdy Robert & Co., 3 Brymner st MacSymon & Co. (Limited), Argyle st Ramsay Charles G., 27 Cathcart st Ramsay & Smith, Sugar Exchange Ross Corbett & Co., 46 Brymner st Ross William, 29 Cathcart st Sandeman A. & E., Sugar Exchange

Smart J. R. & Co., 4 Brymner st Smith A. C. &. Co., 4 Brymner st Smith Alexander, Cathcart Arcade

Williams J. & E., Sugar Exchange Williamson George, jun., 10 Cross-shore st Wrede & Co., 32 Cathcart st

Sugar Refiners.

Ballantine & Rowan, Dellingburn st Brewers Sugar Co. (Limited) West Burn sq Cartsburn Sugar Refining Company, 4 Crescent st Clyde Sugar Refining Co., 107 Drumfrochar rd Glebe Sugar Refining Co., 6 Grey pi Hogg, Wallace & Co., Dellingburn st Neill, Dempster & Neill, 78 Drumfrochar rd Orchard Sugar Refining Company, 22 Ingleston st Roxburgh Street Sugar Refining Co., 40 Sir Michael st Scott Alexander & Sons, 20 Baker st and Berry-yards Walker John & Co., 3 Princes st TRADES DIRECTORY. 30J

Sugar Samplers.

Galbreath John & Son, 8 West Quay lane Spiers James & Son, 30 Cathcart st

Tailors, Clothiers, and Outfitters.

Abrahams Samuel, 49 Rue-end st Anderson John, 32 Cathcart st Armour John, 78 Roxburgh st

Bruce G. & J., 18 West Blackhall st Buchanan John & Co., 42 Cathcart st Cairney William A., 32 Hamilton st Chevalier Frederick, 4 William st Cleland Alexander, 18 Hamilton st Colquhoun John, 7 Grey pi Conkey James, 8 Carnock st Cook David, 9 Rue-end st Cowan Robert & Co., 2 West Blackhall st Douglas & Co., 1 Watt pi Fisher James C. & Co., 12 Cathcart st Freedman A., 15 Cathcart st Gilchrist John, 37 Hamilton st Gilchrist William, 8 and 1 2 William st Graham Thomas, 14 Hamilton st Grant John & Co., Municipal buildings, Hamilton st Greenock Clothing Co., 50 Cathcart st

Hepworth J. & Son, 2 Hamilton st Howie Alexander, 35 Nicolson st Jamieson John & Co., 16 Hamilton st Jenkins Alexander, 46 Cathcart st Johnstone John S., 25 Hamilton st Kay James & Co., 17 Hamilton st Kellet George, 67 Roxburgh st Lennox James L., 7 West Blackhall st M'Callum Duncan, 23 Cathcart st M'Donald Neil & Co., 16 Cathcart st M'Eleney John, 17 West Blackhall st M'Fadyen Archibald, 29 Regent st M'Giveran John, 26 Brymner st 302 TRADES DIRECTORY.

M 'Naught George W., 32 Ann st MacVicar & Son, 39 West Burn st Martin John, 5 Hamilton st

Merrylees J. & W., 14 William st Mitchell Thomas, 23 Cathcart st

Moles J. & Co., 27 West Burn st Morison Neil, 33 West Burn st Morrison & Sons, 41 Cathcart st Nicol Gavin, 29 West Burn st Prentice D. & A., 24 Hamilton st Ramsay Alexander, 39 West Burn st

Rowan J. G. & Co., 28 Hamilton st Scott Chalmers & Co., 19 West Blackhall st Scott Robert, 30 Charles st Stewart John, 40 Cathcart st Stewart John, 5 West Blackhall st Wright Robert, 34 West Blackhall st

Tanners and Curriers.

Fisher & Co., Ladyburn Hill James M. & Co., 1 1 Stanners st Paterson Charles & Sons, 19 Cartsburn st

Timber Merchants and Measurers.

Adam George & Co., 1 Cathcart st Allison & Brand, 16 West Burn st Black James & Co., 7 West Stewart st Broun Niel & Co., 2 Cathcart st Caird Colin S., 4 Argyle st Cameron Allan & Son, Macdougall st Carswell John & Son, 4 Cathcart st Chalmers Hugh M. & Son, 7 Cowgate st Davie Robert & Co., 63 Rue-end st Holm & Fraser, 67 Rue-end st Hunter Robert, 97 Rue-end st Lamb Thomas, Sons & Co., 6 East Hamilton st Macintyre Alexander, 40 Vennel Maclean, Todd & Co., 67 Rue-end st TRADES DIRECTORY. 303

M'Lean James & Co., 27 and 64 Main st Miller & Co., 64 Inverkip st Mories John & Co., 2 Cathcart st Murray James, 30 Market st


Dewar & Co., 26 Charles st Fairgrieve Andrew & Sons, 6 West breast Ferguson William, 14 West Burn st and 2 Inverkip st Logan Francis & Sons, 21 Nicolson st M'Cormick D. & Co., 8 Springkell st M'Farlane James & Co., 20 Cathcart st Rae John, 31 West Burn st Ross Baillie C, 17 Brymner st Stewart Daniel B., 14 West Blackhall st Whyte Thomas, 19 Brymner st


Anderson Andrew, 65 Rue-end st Boyd James, 1 Ann st Boyd Miss M., Palmerston buildings

Bleakley Francis, 1 1 Hamilton st Caldwell David, jun., 34 East Hamilton st Cameron Miss H. R., 5 Rue-end st Chalmers Joseph, 7 Cathcart st Chalmers Miss, 26 East Hamilton st Christie Malcolm, 33 West Burn st Dobbin George, 4 Sir Michael st

Donald J. & Co., 7 Hamilton st Edelsten Richard, 29 Brougham st Galloway David, 35 Ann st Glen Peter, 39 West burn st Glenesk Charles B., 50 East Hamilton st Harvey James, 61 Inverkip st Hill James, 44 Inverkip st Jamieson Miss C, 35 Cathcart st 304 TRADES DIRECTORY.

Laing M., 17 Rue-end st Lauder John M., 6 Inverkip st Logan Francis, 16 Lynedoch st and 79 Roxburgh st Louden Robert, 49 Cathcart st M'Dade Mrs H., 34 Dalrymple st M'Farlane Mrs, 23 Main st M'Guire Miss, 1 Lauriston st M'Intosh James, 10 Brymner st Mackay William Y., 37 West Blackhall st

Macintyre Charles J., 3 Brougham st M'Kinnon Daniel, 18 Cartsburn st M'Lachlan Miss Mary, 8 Grey pi M'Lean Dugald, 19 Hamilton st Macpherson Harriet K., 100 Roxburgh st Martin & Co., 30 Cathcart st Menzies Miss R., 23 Vennel Mitchell James C, 23 Rue end st Mitchell William H., 9 Hamilton st Morton Mrs, 36 Hamilton st Preston & Co., 17 West Blackhall st Rodgers A. D., 20 Ann st Ross Samuel, 13 Cathcart st Shand Thomas, 59 Rue-end st Smith Mrs, 29 Regent st Tierney Alexander H., 40 Hamilton st Wylie Mrs John, 83 Roxburgh st

Umbrella Makers.

Kerr William, 9 Lynedoch st Macdonald Frank, 41 Ann st Quin John & Son, 7 West Blackhall st

Veterinary Surgeons.

Macfarlane Arthur A., 4 Laird st and 5 George square Robinson Alexander, 37 West Burn st and 60 Vennel Robinson Archibald, 37 West Burn st trades' directory. 305

Watchmakers and Jewellers.

Aitken Andrew, 3 Hamilton st Cameron Matthew, 36 Hamilton st Clark John & Son, 19 West Blackhall st Davidson Robert, 4 West Blackhall st Douglas & Son, 9 Hamilton st Gebbie W. W. & Co., 28 Cathcart st Hendry James, 59 Rue-end st M'Gregor D. & Co., 32 Brymner st M'Neil Thomas, 34 Brymner st Madden William F., 49 Rue-end st Mann Alexander, 16 Laird st Marr James, 14 Hamilton st Menzies Robert, 27 West Burn st Miller James, 43 West Burn st Miller William S., 31 Brymner st Ronald James, 23 Cathcart st Smith Thomas W., 14 West Blackhall st Stewart William, 14 West Blackhall st Ward R. & Co., 16 Hamilton st Warden Andrew, 45 Hamilton st

Wool Spinners.

Fleming, Reid & Co., Drumfrochar rd Houston Robert & Sons, 28 West Blackhall st


Adam James, 10 Tobago st Agnew James, 32 Crawfurd st Austin & Kinnaird, 19 Bogle st Black James & Co., 5 and 7 West Stewart st Boyd John, 7 Brougham st Carnaghan James, 13 Regent st Chalmers Archibald, 36 Roxburgh st Chalmers Hugh M. & Son, 7 Cowgate Crawford & Fulton, 10 Terrace rd Denney & Crawford, 52 Kelly st Dodd William S., 3 Cathcart st 20 306 trades' directory.

Hendry, M'Kechnie & Co., n Virginia st Houston R. & W. & Co., 69 Belville st Lyon David, 6 East Blackhall st M'Fadyen Archibald, 7 West Blackhall st Macfie John, 3 Argyle st M'Quoid William, 31 Sir Michael st Miller & Co., 64 Inverkip st

Miller J. & A., 20 West Blackhall st Morrison A. & D„ 3 Clarence st Mossman William, 68 Regent st Paterson Gavin, 31 Roxburgh st Ramsay G. A., 16 Nicolson st Scott Thomas, 28 Crawfurd st Smith & M'Cuaig, 30 Charles st Stevenson Alexander, 39 Wellington st Stewart Charles F., 9 Brisbane st Strachan William, 23 Mearns st Turnbull Jonathan, 49 Rue-end st Williamson & Gray, 51 Vennel Young Archibald, 23 Ann st

By Her Majesty's Jgk *#$ Royal Letters Patent. MONTGOMERY'S EXTRACT OF MALT DIGESTIVE BREAD,


IN the Manufacture, the BREAD, BISCUITS, RUSKS, &c, are put through a particular process before firing, and by the action of Paterson's Extract of Malt the Starch contained in the Flour is reduced to a minimum. The diastase of the Malt is made to act upon the Insoluble Starch, and to convert it into Soluble Dextrine, a change which is absolutely necessary as a part of the business of Digestion. Thus a bread is supplied so prepared that a part of the business of Digestion is already done, and is therefore more nutritious than ordinary bread, and is a valuable addition to the food of Children and Invalids. The Subscriber respectfully intimates that he has acquired the right to manu- facture the above for Greenock, Port-Glasgow, and Gourock, and confidently recommends the same to his numerous friends and customers. The bread may be purchased from the Vans when in locality.



Abbotsford place, 5 to 1 1 Roxburgh st Ann st, from Buccleuch st to Drumfrochar road Antigua st, from Bogle st to Hope st Ardgowan square, Union st Ardgowan st, Glebe, from Crawfurd st to Clarence st Ardgowan st, west, from Nelson st, west, to Bedford st Argyle st, from West Blackhall st to George square Armadale place, from Bank st to Mearns st Arthur st, from St. Lawrence st to Rue-end st Baker st, from Drumfrochar road to Dellingburn square Bank st, from Cathcart square to Dempster st Bearhope st, from Roxburgh st to Tobago st Bedford st, from Newark st to Finnart st Belville st, from Ratho st to Crescent st Bentinck st, from Esplanade to Newark st Bogle st, from Rue-end st to Regent st Border st, off East Crawford st Boyd place, from 27 to 35 West Blackhall st Boyd st, from Ker st to Clarence st Brachelston st, from Murdieston st to Bow road Brisbane st, from Nelson st, west, to Madeira st Broomhill st, from Prospecthill st to Drumfrochar road Brougham st, from Patrick st to Margaret st Bruce st, from Inverkip st to Wellington st Brymner st, from Cathcart st to Customhouse quay Buccleuch st, from Vennel to Ann st Caddlehill st, off South st Campbell st, from Esplanade to South st Captain st, from Sir Michael st to Wellington st Carnock st, from St. Andrew square to Dellingburn st Cartsburn st, from Rue-end st to Upper Ingleston Garwood st, off Ratho st Cathcart square, head of Hamilton, William, and Cathcart sts Cathcart st, from Cathcart square to East India breast Chapel st, from Bogle st to Dellingburn st Charles st, from Vennel to Dalrymple st Church place, from Cathcart square to Market st Clarence st, from Laird st to Ker st Cornhaddock st, from Drumfrochar road to Murdieston st Cowgate st, from Vennel to Market st Crawfurd st (Glebe), from Charles st to Boyd st Crescent st, from Cartsburn st to Ayrshire railway Cross-shore st, from Cathcart st to East breast Customhouse place, foot of Brymner st 308 STREET DIRECTORY.

Customhouse quay, east and west of the Customhouse Dalrymple st, from William st to Nicolson st Dellingburn square, foot of Baker st Dellingburn st, from Rue-end st to Lynedoch station Dempster st, from Bank st to Brachelston st Dock breast, from Customhouse place to East India breast Donald's court, east end of Cathcart st Drumfrochar road, from Baker st to Overton Duff st, from Cathcart st to Shaw st Duncan st, from Wellington st to East Shaw st East Blackhall st, from Rue-end st to Caledonian railway East Breast, from Brymner st to William st East Crawford st, from head of Ratho st East Hamilton st, from Main st to Port-Glasgow road East India breast, from Dock breast to East India quay East Shaw st, from Ann st to Inverkip st East Stewart st, from Rue-end st to Greenock foundry East William st, off St. Lawrence st Eldon st, from Margaret st to Newark st Esplanade, from Campbell st to Fort Maltilda Finnart st, from Nelson st, west, to Newark st Forsyth st, from Esplanade to South st Ford place, I to 3 Finnart st Fox st, from Esplanade to Finnart road Garvald st, off Lauriston st George square, head of Kilblain st Glen st, from Fox st to Johnstone st Grey place, West Blackhall st to Patrick st Hamilton st, from Cathcart square to West Blackhall st Harvie lane, from Hamilton st to Dalrymple st Hay st, from Bank st to Lynedoch st Hill st, from Regent st to Lyle st Hill-end st, from Thomas st to Belville st Holmscroft st, from Trafalgar st to Brachelston st Hope st, from Upper Dellingburn st to Bank st Houston st, from West Stewart st to Campbell st Hunter place, from Vennel to Harvie lane Ingleston st, from Baker st to Crescent st Inverkip st, from Vennel to Nelson st, west Jamaica st, from West Blackhall st to Union st John st, from Cartsburn st to St. Lawrence st Johnstone st, from Union st to Esplanade Kelly st, from West Stewart st to South st Ker st, from West Blackhall st to Albert quay Kilblain st, from Vennel to George square Kirk st, from Roslin st to West Church burying-ground Laird st, from West Blackhall st to Albert harbour Lauriston st, off St. Lawrence st Lyle road, from Newton st to Newark st Lyle st, from Bank st to Upper Dellingburn st Lynedoch st, from Terrace road to Drumfrochar road Macdougall st, off East Hamilton st STREET DIRECTORY. 309

Mackenzie st, off East Hamilton st Madeira st, from Esplanade to Lyle road Main st, from Rue-end st to East Hamilton st Manse lane, from Hamilton st to Market st Mansionhouse lane, from Cathcart st to Terrace road Margaret st, from Esplanade to Finnart road Market st, from Church place to Tobago st Martin terrace, Finnart st Mearns st, from Shaw place to Drumfrochar road Melville court, 31 Hamilton st Mill st, from Prospecthill st to Drumfrochar road Moffat st, off Border st Morton terrace, Belville st Mount lane, from Shaw place to Regent st Mount Pleasant st, from Inverkip st to Prospecthill st Murdieston st, from Orangefield to Cornhaddock st Nelson st, Glebe, from Crawfurd st to Clarence st Nelson st, west, from George square to South st Newark st, from Union st to Eldon st New Dock lane, from Brymner st to Dock breast Newton st, from Inverkip st to Lyle road Nicolson st, from Nelson st, west, to Ropework st Nile st, from Ann st to Trafalgar st North st, from Esplanade to Eldon st Octavia cottages, East Crawford st Octavia terrace, from Bentinck st to Eldon st Open shore, from Shaw st to New Dock lane Orchard st, off Crescent st Patrick st, from Finnart st to Clarence st Port-Glasgow road, from East Hamilton st to Port-Glasgow Pottery st, from Port-Glasgow road to river Princes st, from Inverkip st to Nelson st, west Prospecthill st, from Ann st to Mount Pleasant st Ratho st, from East Hamilton st to Belville st Regent st, from Dellingburn square to Ann st Robertson st, from Union st to South st Ropework st, from Dalrymple st to Albert harbour Roslin st, from Crawfurd st to Clarence st Rosneath st, from Esplanade to Eldon st Roxburgh st, from Bank st to Inverkip st Rue-end st, from Cathcart st to Main st St. Andrew square, from Springkell st to Carnock st St. Andrew st, from Rue-end st southward St. Lawrence st, from Lauriston st to Crescent st Salmon st, off Inverkip st Serpentine walk, off Crescent st Shaw place, from Bank st to Ann st Shaw st, from William st to Rue-end st Sinclair st, off East Hamilton st Sir John's Brae, off Terrace road Sir Michael st, from Vennel to Roxburgh st Smith's lane, from Vennel to Market st 3io STREET DIRECTORY.

South st, from Cemetery gate to Forsyth st Springkell st, from Cartshurn st to St. Andrew square Stanners st, from Main st to John st Sugarhouse lane, from Vennel to Crawfurd st Terrace road, from Watt place to Regent st Thomas st, off East Crawford st Tobago st, from Inverkip st to Market st Trafalgar st, from Shaw place to Nile st Union st, from George square to Newark st Vennel, from Inverkip st to West breast Virginia st, from Chapel st to East India breast Wallace square, foot of Vennel Watt place, Cathcart st to Terrace road Watt st, from Nelson st, west, to Kelly st Watson's lane, from Hamilton st to Vennel Wellington st, from Bank st to Murdieston st West Blackhall st, from Hamilton st to Patrick st West Breast, from William st to West quay lane West Burn st, from Kilblain st to Dairym pie st West Quay, foot of West Quay lane West Quay lane, from Dalrymple st to West quay West Shaw st, from Inverkip st to Nelson st, west West Stewart st, from West Burn st to Houston st William st, from Cathcart square to Mid quay Wood st, from Eldon st to Newark st York st, from Crawfurd st to Clarence st


Gasaliers, Hall Lamps, and Brackets. Tile Register Grates and Tile Hearths. Tile Hearths Lifted and Relaid and Grates Refitted.

Plain and Ornamental Gates and Railing. Heating Apparatus for Vineries, &c, &c. *SS: 31 NICOLSON STREET, Workshop: 14 Crawfurd Street. 1


41 Melville William ANN STREET. Stewart John 42 M'Farlane Daniel 1 Duffner John Scott Andrew Hazelton Charles 44 Brown John Lyle Mrs James Meikle William M'Dowall William M'Intosh Mrs M. 12 Hamilton Robert M'Killop Donald M'Farlane Robert 46 Alexander James 14 M'Grath Mrs Margaret M'Gregor Gregor G. 22 Smith Mrs Robert Sinclair Alexander 24 Kennedy Alexander Smith William Patrick Robert 48 Alexander William 26 Evans John Baillie George 27 Black Thomas Guthrie Robert B. M'Coll Donald M'Kenzie Walter 29 Dallas Matthew Smith Mrs W. Johnstone Mrs 50 Barron Mrs M'Intyre Mrs William Bisset William Millar Alexander M'Donald John 30 Colquhoun John Taylor Adam Gibson Henry Thomson Donald Laurie John 54 Hutchison David Weir Archibald Quin James 31 Blyth Thomas 56 Holburn Robert, jun. Borthwick James Miller James M'Leod John 57 Comrie Mrs Robinson A. M'C. Gordon John 32 Eadie Forbes 58 Macbeth Miss Guthrie James 59 Cameron John 33 Borthwick James Campbell James 34 Blair Mrs Campbell John Dallas Adam Gillespie James Graham Thomas Goff Mrs Grahame T. Harley Allan M' Bride John M'Culloch James M'Dougall Duncan Robertson Archibald 36 M'Ewan Matthew Wright David M'Menamie Charles 60 Clark Mrs Peter 38 Livingston Donald MacGlashan John 39 Campbell John Maxwell David Docherty Robert Middleton David Duff John Scott James M'Lean Donald Sharp John 40 Craig John 61 Begg Samuel M'Donald Neil Kerr Robert 41 Allison Robert M'Dougall Lachlan Anderson Duncan Malcolm David Blake William H. Muir John Hannah James Taylor Mrs Angus M'Crindle William Wright David M'Neilage Alexander 62 Ferguson John 312 STREET DIRECTORY.

Ann Street—Continued. 4 Macdonald John 62 Hacking John 5 Anderson James Henderson A. L. Graham Dugald Livingston John Sorrie Mrs Peter M'Farlane Duncan 6 Borland John Pattison Duncan Foulds Matthew Robertson James M'Call Mrs 63 Doak James Orr James Leitch Colin Pollock Mrs J. 64 Baxter Alexander Service Daniel Caldwell David 8 Black Neil Caldwell Janet Blair Archibald Gunn Alexander Livingston Alexander Robertson Colin Smith Samuel Rodger William Turner Mrs Ross William H. 9 Buchanan Duncan Swan William Cameron John 66 M 'Arthur William Mathieson John M'Laren Archibald M 'Master Peter M'Neil James 10 Jamieson Norman 70 Lees Mrs G. M'Nair Robert White James Millar Robert 71 M'Kean William Wood Miss Peacock Mrs n Anderson Mrs E. 72 Beveridge James Black Duncan 73 Cunningham J. H. Maither John M'Coll Allan Taylor Charles M'Farlane Mrs Thomson Peter Watt Mrs 13 Ballantine Peter 74 Kelso William Campbell Angus Kemp George Clunie James 76 Boyce Thomas Cochrane John Campbell William M'Kinnon Mrs Mitchell John 15 M'Corquodale Duncan Shepherd George Smith George Somerville John Wilkinson Robert ANTIGUA STREET. 16 Blancken Joshua Laird John 2 King Robert M'Pherson James M'Callum Peter Smith Mrs Orr Thomas Wallace Mrs Ann Orr William 17 Porteous Robert Stevenson Alexander A. Wilkie John 3 Bathgate Mrs Archibald 18 Galloway James Cooper William Gunn Alexander Drummond Daniel M'Lachlan Mrs Reid James Sinclair Alexander Murray Robert 19 Cove James Nicolson Samuel Copland Mrs John Park Boyd 20 Ferguson Alexander 4 Bryce Mrs John Grieve James STREET DIRECTORY. 313

Antigua Street —Continued. 6 Dunn Misss 20 M 'Donald John Ferguson Mrs Hugh Thomson James Mearns Mrs James 21 Campbell Mrs P. 7 Archibald William M'Neilage John M'Farlane Miss Margaret Wilson Robert West Miss 22 Boyd Bryce 8 Brown Miss Mary M 'Donald Mrs Bruce George Neil Thomas Campbell John F. Paul Miss Cunningham Charles Smith Donald Lochhead William 24 Buchanan Neil Weir James Casson Alexander 9 Clapperton Mrs Hendry James Gilchrist Mrs Kinniburgh James Hutcheson John Wright Robert Hutcheson William Kirkaldy William Maclean James ARDGOWAN SQUARE. Taylor Robert 10 Fisher Thomas I M'Murtrie Robert Smillie William 3 Paton James, M.D., CM. Smith Angus 4 Cairns David, M.D., CM. Steel John S. 7 Campbell Rev. John Taylor Mrs James M.

8 Marshall W. J., M.D. Williamson James 9 Allan W. O. 12 Aitken William N. Lindsay Miss Black Donald Morton Miss Candlish Mrs 12 Macfarlane Mrs Robert Erridge Benjamin 13 Fox John. M.D. Harrison Thomas 14 Lamont William Mac vicar Hugh Orr William M'Farlane Donald 15 Leitch Patrick W. 13 M'Lean Miss Leitch Miss Menard Josue

16 Black A. J. Niven Mrs 17 Lamb Thomas, jun. Symington Rev. Andrew Macdonald James 14 Craig Mrs James Macpherson Hugh Crawford Mrs Nimmo Andrew Devlin John Rougvie James Douglas Robert 18 Poulter G. T. Fleming Mrs Matthew 19 Macleod Neil Livingston Miss 20 Robertson John K., M.D., M'Farlane Archibald 21 Coutts John 17 Tannock Quintin 22 M'Lean Mrs William 19 Fowling Charles R. H. Grieve Thomas M'Kechnie Miss ARDGOWAN STREET (West). Neill Hugh R. 20 Aitken Miss Jane I Mumme Carl Cunningham Duncan 5 Douglas John Campbell, M.D. 21 Burdee Harry W. 6 Amos Miss 23 Bowling Mrs 3H STREET DIRECTORY.

Ardgowan Street, W. —Continued. 3 M'Lean John 23 Brown Miss Anderson Morris Mrs James Ferguson Daniel Norrie William Forrest John O'Shea Ambrose Gilkison Mrs W. P. 9 Adam Miss Graham Hugh Casson Mrs George 25 Glass John Edwards William 27 Dunlop Mrs J. M'Killop George 28 Cleland Alexander Muir Mrs Macara Renton Stewart Mrs Alexander M'Kelvie Mrs James Webster Alexander Tait Robert G. Taylor Mrs Wallace James 29 MacDonald Rev. George M. ARMADALE PLACE. Meldrum Mrs Mitchell James 1 Coghill D. Patrick John B. 3 Barr Miss M. 30 Boxill Samuel King Mrs Andrew Ferguson William M'Cue Alexander Hendry George M'Ewen James Macdonald Ronald Simpson Richard Watson Robert F. 5 Laurent F. B. 31 Vandalle Mrs L. 32 Barr James S. Brown James, jun. Colquhoun John ARTHUR STREET. Colquhoun John I. Hutchison James 12 Brown Robert Macintosh Neil Conner Mrs M'Neil Mrs Thomas 15 Lockie John 33 Dunbar Miss 16 Barr William Martin William Macfie Govan David M'Callum Mrs Daniel Love Mrs Reid Mrs H. 22 M'Aulay James Scott Miss Margaret 30 Barr Peter 35 Watt William M'Farlane Archibald 37 MacCunn James M'Fie James 39 Leitch W. O. 32 Boyd Jacob 40 Bonar Rev. Dr John James M'Phail Robert 41 Prentice Thomas M'Intyre Alexander 50 Taylor William 42 Cooper Archibald 44 Lyden William M'Gregor Mrs James ARGYLE STREET.

1 Brown Mrs BAKER STREET. 2 Clark Mrs 3 Cameron William 10 Campbell Alexander Gardiner Mrs Archibald Cochrane William MAusland Alexander Cochrane Mrs Janet STREET DIRECTORY. 315

37 Fleming James BANK STREET. M'Connochie Mrs Veronica Paterson Mrs

I Coyle John, jun. Stewart Thomas O. Robertson John 39 Conner Mrs John 3 Grandison James Hunter Robert Howieson Mrs William Walker John R. M'Pherson Malcolm Watt John South Peter 5 M'Brearty Duncan M'Gugan Mrs John BEARHOPE STREET. 6 Benson Miss 15 Adams Rev. James, M.A. 3 Lawson John Dickson David 7 Fernie Mrs George M'Kinlay James 15 Keys James Phelan Rev. Patrick 17 Jones James 22 Carmichael Donald M'Coll Peter Gray Miss Stirling Mrs Prentice Mrs Adam 18 Gray Robert Thexton Robert Henderson Mrs Robert Williamson John M'Nab Robert W. T. 24 Finnie Colin 19 M 'Arthur Malcolm Kelly Francis Connell William Leitch Mrs Angus 20 Bowman Thomas Tait John M'Intosh Hugh M'Lellan John 21 M'Anulty William 25 Chalmers Mrs John Smith Joseph Fulton John 22 Campbell Archibald Henderson William F. Gordon Alexander Kelso Mrs Janet Livingston Duncan M'Millan James BEDFORD STREET. Ross Fin lay Selby William S. I Neill John Thomson James 4 Smith Alexander 27 Baxter Andrew 8 Millar S. H. 28 Campbell Duncan 10 Barclay Rev. John Fleming James 18 Roy Thomas, Glen Cottage 29 Arnott James Caldwell Robert Campbell Archibald BELVILLE STREET. Douglas Peter Leckie W. F. I Allison David Morrison William Blyth David M'Dougall Duncan M'Kenzie Colin Wilson William Thomson James 31 Cunningham P. G. 3 Dunlop James Maclean Alexander S. 5 Dickson Alexander 32 Maconie John Howie Mrs Andrew 33 Barr John M'Intosh John Wilson Matthew Wylie David 37 Bell Peter 6 Hughes William ni STREET DIRECTORY.

Belville Street —Continued. 51 Beaton William 6 Lyon Archibald M'Kenzie James Wilson John Lochhead Miss 7 Baxter John 53 Brown Archibald Brown Ebenezer Cunningham Thomas Jamieson Norman Daily James Paterson James Houston Robert Stewart James Hunter Hugh io M'Math Joseph M'Kechnie John 1 1 Aird John 55 Lamont Duncan Campbell Archibald Lyon Dugald Flanagan John Page Thomas Reid John Tucker John Speirs Robert 57 Arthur William 12 Campbell Robert Boyd David M'Neur John Emslie James Paterson Charles Rowan William Simpson Thomas Walker Mrs 13 King Alexander 59 Angus John M'Cuaig Peter M'Lintock Robert M'Lean John 61 Anderson W7 illiam M'Leod Norman Galbraith John 15 Brown Alexander M 'Call John Davis John 63 Melrose Walter Liddell David M 'Gibbon Charles M'Gregor George Moffat Alexander M'Intosh David Smillie John Turnbull William 65 Hendry Robert 17 Blair John Meikle Daniel Farquharson Mrs Alexander M 'Arthur Robert M'Kinnon Donald M'Kinnon Neil Muir Thomas M'Lachlan Duncan Ross Finlay Mitchell John 19 Campbell Richard Montgomery Robert Lang Archibald Taylor James Millar Andrew 67 Burns William Rennie Andrew M'Crae John Wright William Muir John 21 Patrick Alexander Oliver James 23 Conkey James Pollock John Hunter Robert Stewart Mrs Kerr John 73 Moody Allan 24 Allan Jamieson 78 Cameron Allan Holms William Cumming John B. Houston Mrs Eadie Robert Rae William Hogg William 25 MTver Hector Irvine William Stewart Robert M'Kellar Archibald 27 Coyle Edward M'Laren John M'Kendrick John 79 Dick John Sillars Andrew Hay Archibald 29 Drysdale George Williamson William STREET DIRECTORY. 317

Belville Street —Continued. 95 Smith John 80 Carson Mrs 95 Dunn A. C. Darroch Peter Filshill Stewart Elder John Paterson Alexander M'Lean John Ramsay Henry Sproul John Rippon Cornelius W. 81 Robertson Robert 97 Gilmour James 82 Aitkinson John Tait John Crawford William H. Taylor James Fulton William Wylie James Leslie James Wylie James Mathie John 99 Foster* Robert P. 83 Johnston James Lambie Robert Lyon David Stewart Mrs Isabella M'Farlane Malcolm Walters Mrs Stewart Smith Alexander 101 Alexander James Stevenson Duncan Gibson Angus 84 Barbour Miss M'Farlane Robert Beveridge Daniel Smith William Boyd Alexander Young Alexander Brockie Thomas 103 Aitken Mrs John Clark Duncan Anderson Mrs John Jackson William Campbell Archibald Petrie Peter Ferguson Robert Sorrie Peter Smith John 85 Davers Mrs A. 105 Baillie Andrew Elliott Samuel Downie Richard Fleming Henry M 'Arthur John M'Fadyen Archibald M 'Clement James Scott Mrs Jane Sinclair Henry 86 Caird William Young David Carstairs Robert Fraser Hugh Glenesk George BENTINCK STREET. 87 Fry Robert Macmillan John 2 Burns Mrs George M'Gregor Andrew Frame James Mitchell William 4 Mackay William Y. Tennant William Stirling William 89 Alexander James 7 Clink Charles Wm. Baxter David 9 M'Kenzie Miss Brock Archibald 11 Lochhead Robert Hughes Thomas 13 Yates Thomas Smith Robert 14 Inglis Mrs James 91 Boyd William 15 Ward Richard Conn Mrs John 17 Benton William Conn Mrs Fleming John Johnston Thomas Shannon James M'Glashan John Steen James M'Intyre Archibald Tough Robert 93 Brisbane Ebenezer 18 Stewart James B. Shaw Mrs J. Warden Mrs M. 3'8 STREET DIRECTORY.

Bentinck Street —Continued. 6 Watson Hugh M'P. 19 Dick J. M. Weir Thomas Stronach William Wilson Mrs S. 20 Thomson Rev. J. B. 7 Bell Robert H. 21 Tosh David Bowie Mrs Archibald 23 Broadfoot Mrs James Campbell Nicol M. 25 Alexander John Connor David Macdougall John Plant Frederick 27 Curtis William H. 8 Bisset J. G. Black Alexander

Duthie R. J. BOGLE STREET. Farquhar Charles Horsman Mrs John 17 Anderson Andrew M'Millan John 18 Low John Stevenson Mrs James Muir Alexander Till J. L. Young J. 9 Bain William BOYD STREET. Macdonald Frank 10 Beattie Miss J. 2 Bradley Miss Maclean Mrs J. 4 Brown Charles Macnab Archibald 6 Gush James Miller William M'Phail William Mills John 7 Clark John A. Ritchie John M'Aulay James 11 Hendry S. M'Kenzie Alexander 12 Brown Archibald Malcolm John Faid John Hendry Archibald M'Cawley Patrick BRACHELSTON STREET. M'Crindle James Orr Duncan 2 Duncan Matthew 13 Arthur Miss 3 Calder Alexander Black Hugh Hardie William Brown Duncan 5 Greer Robert Carmichael Miss Ann Mitchell John Malcolm James 7 Black James Winton Mrs Robert Jenkins Alexander 14 Allan John Murray Charles M'Call Archibald M' Farlane Neil M'Farlane Dugald 9 Cunningham Colin Potter Miss Williamson Mrs John 15 Allison Mrs Alexander BRISBANE STREET. Bone Mrs David Kenney John I Jamieson Mrs R. W. M'Callum Malcolm 6 Jaffrey James Phillips David, jun. Jenning Albert 16 M 'Arthur Mrs C. M'Geachan William 17 Allan James M'Neill Alexander G. Edgar Charles Campbell Tarbet Miss MacCall Mrs STREET DIRECTORY. 3*9

Brisbane Street —Continued. 28 Johnston Duncan 17 Steen Mrs John Love Robert Watson Matthew Stewart Mrs Elizabeth 19 Banks James 30 Brodie Miss Cameron John M'Laren Alexander D. Cross Misses Neilson William Durkin Henry R. Peace Mrs Macbrayne John Shepherd William 20 Love Mrs John 32 Armit Mrs James M'Aulay James B. Born Joseph M'Millan Andrew Chalmers Robert

Simpson John A. Lindsay J. P. S Stevenson Miss M. M. Muir Robert W. 21 Andrew David Muir William Cameron William Simpson Mrs D. M. M'Ausland Robert Stericker A. C. Moffat Gilbert 33 Haigjohn Paterson D. H. 34 Buchanan James Russell Andrew Burney Charles E. 22 Cathie James Farquhar Mrs William Cowan Mrs A. King Thomas Grier Thomas Miller John Hendry Mrs Morrison Miss Hutcheson Mrs Peter 35 Aula Miss Wilson Douglas J. Buchanan Robert 23 Cook Archibald M'Quistan Mrs Mary Mill Alexander Wright Mrs Moles James 36 Stevenson Hugh Morison John Swan Robert Simpson Gordon 37 Hector Mrs James Wardle George 38 Cameron Miss M'F. 24 Baird Arthur R. Cooper A. B. Buchanan William M 'Arthur Mrs John Campbell Mrs Archibald Moon F. Hunter Miss E. Scott B. S. More Mrs James Scott Mrs Newman Miss Thorn W. A. Orr Misses 40 Blair William 25 Cameron John Hay William Connell James Liddell Mrs Lyle Mrs R. G. MacCallum Henry Menzies Mrs Alex. Pettersen P. E. Montgomerie John Rodger John Watson James 42 Anderson George J. 26 Campbell Mrs Peter Andrews William Crawford H. B. Grant John Fisher W. Bowman M' Donald Angus M'Gillivray Mrs Alexander Quin John M'Lelland W. M. Quin William Wood Robert C. Smith James 28 Duff Miss 45 Buchanan John L. Hourston Mrs P. Buchanan Mrs R. M. 320 STREET DIRECTORY.

Brisbane Street — Continued. 45 Campbell Mrs James BROUGHAM STREET. Cooke James Joseph Duncan William 3 Dick George Low William D. Duff Daniel M'Farlan Mrs Robert Dunlop Miss

47 Auld Mrs William Macintyre Charles J. Carmichael Miss M. C. Whyte Walter Cranston Mrs 4 M'Millan Matthew Jacobs Thomas R. 6 Kerr Peter Macnaught John Watson Mrs Frederick 49 Ayres Rev. Robert 8 Cross W. Paterson Macaulay James L. 9 Peek Mrs M'Neil James, jun. II Drummond Robert Taylor James R. 15 Anderson Thomas Wilkie Donald Caldwell William 51 Allan Mrs George Lees John Archibald Thomas P. M'Innes Robert Campbell John H. Sprott James M'Indoe Mrs Thomson William Paterson Lachlan 17 Davidson Robert Smith Miss Hamilton Miss Walker William Hopekin Robert 53 Brough John Murphy Mrs Robert Fisher Peter B. 23 Neilson Alexander Lyon Miss Stewart M. A. M'Laren Duncan 25 Aitken William M'Lelland William Shearer James Stevenson Archibald 29 Boyd John Stewart Mrs William M. A. Crombie William Wilson John Dow Mrs E. 54 Wilson William A., M.D. Justice Mrs William 55 Brown Archibald Scott Peter 57 Scobie James 31 Hunter William 59 Sinclair Mrs P. Justice William Todd Miss Jessie Morris Thomas R. 61 Crawford Thomas 33 Barr Miss 79 Campbell C. T. M'Ausland Miss Campbell Mrs James Young Mrs John 81 Kelso Mrs Daniel 34 Scott John, C.B. Wilson Edward, jun. 41 Gordon John 83 Macmillan Mrs 43 Stewart Thomas Turnbull Alexander I. 44 Black Mrs A. 85 Davidson Rev. James Macgregor Neil

87 Crockatt J. R. 47 Blair Mrs Crockatt Mrs William Muir Mrs 89 Walker Robert Stewart Reid James 95 Graham John, B.A. Skivington W. G. 97 Kerr Andrew Skivington Mrs E. 99 Wallace E. S. 48 Anderson Hugh 100 Pace Andrew Anderson R. W. 101 M'Culloch Mrs A. G. S. Fairbairn Mrs Andrew STREET DIRECTORY. 321

Brougham Street — Continued 25 Mason Joseph W. 49 Swan Miss Paterson William 49 Muir Miss Rae Donald Scott Ivie Scott John Swan Allan 26 Robertson Andrew 50 Darroch Duncan 27 Cameron Alexander S. Drummond Miss Gregson William Foster Miss Milligan William 51 Borland Mrs John Robb James Crawford P. R. Sloan James Downie Miss M. M. 28 Duncan Thomas 52 Hendry P. D. Graham Alexander Moody Miss M 'Arthur Peter Warden James B. M'Kechnie Dugald Wilson Alexander 30 Blair James Wilson Mrs George Chalmers John 53 Fulton James Grieve Robert 54 Douglas Mrs John Sprunt William Evans Mrs Thomson Robert

Griffith E. J. Turner George Paul John Smith Robert Taylor Miss A. BRYMNER STREET.

7 M'Fadyen Lachlan BRUCE STREET. M'Lean Malcolm 12 Kennedy Mrs I Batters Silas 25 Shields Mrs 3 Carmichael Mrs 30 Campbell Robert M 'Arthur Mrs Clark W. B. 5 Gillies Neil Park Robert 7 M'Laughlin Daniel 32 M'Gregor Duncan 14 Bruce David 38 Burnett William Elliot Charles Ellis James 16 Anderson George Henderson John Morrison Samuel Madden William 18 Melrose William Macdonald John 19 Barr James Chalmers William Paterson Robert CADDLEHILL STREET. 20 Horn William 21 Shaw Neil Thomson James, The Hill 24 Beveridge James 1 Glen Miss Davies Lewis S. 5 Chalmers Joseph Gillander Mrs Fulton Mrs Margaret M'Lean Angus Heron Andrew C. Sheridan John B. M'Gain Mrs Wilson David Neill John 25 Adam William Sinclair Dunclair Burnside William Stevenson Alexander Campbell Allan 7 Brown Alexander Cooper Archibald Brown Hugh E. 1


Caddlehill Street—Continued. Purvis F. P., Don Villa 7 Campbell Duncan Skinner Mrs M., Rosehill Higgins William M'Whirter William Millar James CARNOCK STREET. Morrison John Morrow Andrew 3 Barclay Mrs John Whitelaw John Drysdale Thomas II Fullarton Rev. Archibald 4 Reid Richard G. 13 Sharp J. C. 6 Barclay Henry 15 Murdoch Miss Brown John 17 Campbell Mrs Christina Dodd W. S. 19 Macdonald Archibald 10 Brown Alexander 22 Kirkwood Alexander Dick James M'Creadie John M'Connell Donald CAMPBELL STREET. Stirling James

37 Adams John Leitch Daniel CARWOOD STREET. M'Farlane Mrs, Sycamore lodge 2 Aitken John 4 Russell James CAMPSIE TERRACE. Thomson James 5 Sharp William 1 Foster Edward 6 Barclay Robert M'Ginegle John Brown John M'Intyre Mrs Ross James Walker Wm. Russell James Wayman Mrs Robert 7 Aitken William 2 Blair Mrs Archibald Cameron Wm. Brown Mrs Robb Andrew Bulloch Archibald Thomson William Norman Louis Wright George Penny Hugh 8 Crammond Archibald Steel Mrs Ferguson Henry 3 Brown Hugh Hair Dugald M'Cuaig John Humphreys Robert Patterson Miss Mackenzie Roderick M'Kay George Moffat David CAPTAIN STREET. 9 Fry David Hogg William 7 Black James Polonis George 13 Thomson Alexander 10 Hopkirk Andrew 19 Nicolson Neil Polonis Hugh 1 Brown John Campbell Matthew CARDWELL BAY. M'Kenzie Donald M'Millan John Love Mrs David Steel Edward

Paige J., Rosehill 13 Darroch John STREET DIRECTORY. 323

Carwood Street —Continued. 13 Hope Neil CRAWFURD ST. (Glebe). M 'Bride Francis Stone James II Hyndman Mrs 13 O'Neill John 22 M'Bride John CATHCART STREET. Sinclair Robert 28 Lewis Wm. 5 Sinclair W. G. 35 Dinning Miss 7 Anderson Mrs 36 Bissland Peter 8 Boyd Mrs Thos. Nicolson Alexander Brown Mrs Robert 37 Lynch John 14 Gunn Mrs George 38 M'lver Mrs 16 Duncan Miss M'Kechnie Miss C. Dawson John Phillips James Fleming Miss Young Thomas M'Nee Mrs Joseph 41 Baker William Ross Sam. M'Kerrell Donald 18 Drummond Alexander Vanvashan Mrs Hope James 42 Munro Colin Sargent Charles 43 Jones Alexander 22 Carroll James Davidson John 23 M'Kenzie John 45 Brown Alexander 24 Borland J. C. Cottrell Robert Reynolds 29 Clark Joseph 46 Hood John Scullion Patrick 47 Cook Angus 32 Ronald Mrs James M'Cloy Daniel 34 Buchanan Mrs 48 M'Neill William 37 M'Alister Archibald 50 Simpson John 38 Love John 40 Merrylees James 46 Grant Thomas CRESCENT STREET. 47 Ballingall Peter 49 Henderson John I Easton Peter 50 Macnaughton David 7 Linn Thomas 8 Lang John 9 Cameron Daniel CHAPEL STREET. Foulis Hay 1 1 Lochead John 6 Bryce John Strachan Daniel Caithness Charles 13 Hughes Mrs Robert 14 M'Cracken Robert Spencer James CHARLES STREET. 16 Black Daniel Dickson James :3 Cabrie William Egan Michael Reid William 20 Campbell Joseph 22 Smith Mrs Thomas 25 M'Kechnie Mrs CHURCH PLACE. 32 Montgomery Wm. Paton Alexander 4 Chalmers Hume Richardson James 3 2 4 STREET DIRECTORY.

Crescent Street —Continued. 15 Reid Robert 32 Service Matthew Telfer James 34 Armstrong William 17 Armitage Mrs William Burnie George Duncan David Letson James Fairgrieve Thomas Maxwell John M'Cluckie Thomas Paul James Swan Mrs Spencer William 19 Cather Mrs 36 Buchanan John Irvine Mrs James Cumming James M'MillanDugald M'Fadyen Neil Rippingale Joseph Simpson James Robertson Wellwood M. Smith Alexander 21 Brown Thomas CROSS-SHORE STREET. Laird James Gordon James 2 Service David Parker Hugh 5 M'Callum Edward Smith John 8 Christie Malcolm 23 Hosea Clounes O'Donnell John M 'Donald James Rodgers James 25 Blair Mrs Ann 9 Glen Mrs William Cameron A. F. 14 Anderson Alexander Cromar Thomas Gillies Mrs Howie Alexander DEMPSTER STREET. Templeton Robert P. 27 Leith John 5 M'CaulJohn Martin John M'Cormack Hugh Robertson Robert Newall Charles 29 Anderson George Rankin John Cruickshank Alexander Stewart Mrs Fisher William 7 Brown James M 'Bride Peter Carmoodie Thomas M'Kenzie David C. Morrison Mrs Mary M'Pherson Donald Sheriff Joseph 31 Boyd Mrs Daniel Urie Thomas Law Mrs 9 Allan Mrs George Wilson Hugh Bowie John 33 Ramsay Robert Campbell John 37 Scott Mrs Finlay Dick John 39 Hosea Robert Nicol William 41 Orr Daniel Richardson John Orr Mrs John 1 1 Craig John 76 Given William Hannah Mrs James Grieve John Macleod Roderick Manson Gordon M'Callum Niven 78 Boyce Hugh Peden John Callender William Ritchie Robert Craig George 15 Kerr John 79 Winton David Millar James 80 M'Lean Hugh Reid Richard G. Spiers John STREET DIRECTORY. 325

Dempster Street —Continued. 104 Alexander Robert 81 King Thomas Bishop Samuel 83 Copeland John Kerr James Cruickshank Alexander Rose Hugh Martin John 106 Foster Robert I. M'Gregor Daniel Smith John Ritchie John Thomson Duncan 85 Bruce James Wallace James Graham George 108 Bates Stewart Park Robert Mathieson Lindsay Russell Henry ill Black John Tarbet Mrs 112 Stewart William R. 87 Allan James 113 Baxter Alexander Brotchie William Flood Luke Campbell Alexander M 'Donald Hugh Carmichael Duncan M'Dougall Hugh Macdonald Angus M'Innes William 89 Bauchope Moses M'Lean Allan Carriline Solomon M'Lean Andrew Y. M'Kenzie Alexander Summerville A. Smith John 114 M'Larty John Witter Arthur J. 115 Cameron Hugh 90 Greig John Graham William Stewart Norman M'Phail Peter 91 Campbell Alexander Robley William Lamont Hugh M'Guire Robert 92 Angus James DRUMFROCHAR ROAD. Douglas John C. M'Ausland Archibald, sen. 53 Leith Robert Mullen John Steel William Rippon Charles 55 Anderson G. C. Simpson John Firth John Sinclair John 60 Simpson Richard Wright George 62 Seath James 93 M'Kechnie Mrs Allan, jun. 64 Blair Alexander Poison David Brown Robert Walker Robert 68 Campbell Robert 94 Balfour William 104 Sinclair Mrs Peter Campbell John White Robert Murdoch William D. 108 Hall George Olsen John Kerr William 95 Porsyth Alexander Tarbet Robert Jack James 1 10 Brown Mrs James Robertson James 112 Baxter Thomas H. Smith Thomas Duckworth Joseph 96 MacBeth James Inglis Mrs James Walker William M' Cowan John 97 Currie Malcolm S. Riddell John Rowan Hugh 114 Barrett Charles Waddell Alexander 116 Taylor Daniel 99 M'Neil Archibald 124 Crawford Robert 326 STREET DIRECTORY.

Drumfrochar Road—Continued. 3 Lamb William 124 Hutchison John 5 Caldwell Duncan M'Neil William Mills Robert Malcolm George Stewart Charles Orr Thomas G. 7 Barr William 126 M'Neil James Black John Rutherford Mrs Alexander Pearson Mrs John Tarbet Thomas Thomson Dugald Warnock Andrew 8 Cameron Allan, jun. DUFF STREET. 9 Bowie James Dickson James 2 M'Lachlan Michael Thomson John 3 M'Leod Archibald Wark Mrs D. 4 M'Neil Hector 1 1 Moore Joseph 5 Dewar James M 'Coll William Lee Thomas M'lver Norman M'Intosh James Tait James M'Innes Duncan 13 Bristow William 6 Brown John Campbell Donald Martin John H. Clemes Richard 8 M'Kenna Bernard Linn Samuel 18 Duff John Johnston Alexander DUNCAN STREET. Stewart William Ure James I Robertson John 20 Wrede F. L. 1 1 Bell Kenneth 24 Hunter Robert M'Farlane Dugald M'Kenzie John 13 Carmichael Hugh M'Lachlan David 26 M 'Alpine Daniel Turner Alfred 26 Duncan Samuel Neilson Andrew EAST BLACKHALL STREET. Robertson Adam Smith George 9 Brough Hugh Stirrat Robert Campbell Angus 28 Aird James Gunn William Bell Rev. Robert IO Beveridge Mrs Daniel 31 M'GuffieJohn II M'Glashan Ebenezer Patrick James Scott Henry Scott James Spence David 32 Murray Alexander 12 Allison Mrs S. 33 Agnew James M 'Clement Miss Marion Davidson David Smith D. C. Hutcheson James Steel W. B. Winter William EAST CRAWFORD STREET. 34 Filshill James 36 Lambie Francis 3 Barrie Mrs 38 Shand John Boyland Alexander Shand Thomas Downie Francis 40 Walker Alexander STREET DIRECTORY. 327

East Crawford Street— Continued. 42 Houston Archibald EDDLEWOOD PLACE. 44 Russell William 46 Prowse Samuel Buchan James 48 M'Ewing David Jones Paul 50 Nicoll William Robertson Charles 52 M 'Bride James Ross H. A. 54 Caldwell Matthew Runcie James 56 Johnston J. Stewart John 58 Mackenzie Archibald Weir Donald 60 Anderson Alexander 62 M'Kenzie Robert 66 Wylie James ELDON PLACE. 68 Kyle James (Eldon Street.) 70 Cuthbert James 72 Clark Mrs D. Bruce F. G. yr. 74 Lambie Mrs J. M. Lyle Abram,


Buchanan James, Garvel Park ho. 2 Galbreath John 2 M'Kenzie Alexander 7 Arkley Misses 26 Chalmers John 9 M'Culloch John 28 Aird James 10 Woodburn William D. Finlay Thomas 11 Kincaid Miss Ogg William 13 Hill Matthew Williamson George 14 Paterson Charles M. 30 Barr Archibald Newall Mrs Campbell Farquhar 16 Jamieson John Kerr Henry Shand Rev. Alex.Erskine Reid Duncan 18 Culloden Mrs Stirrat James Marshall Mrs William 32 Elliott Henry 20 Arthur J. F. 36 Buchanan Robert 21 Wright Alexander 38 Ewing George T. 22 Tarbet Misses Hendry Miss M. 23 Rodger Walter W. B. M'Ginn Richard 28 Hamilton William Polonis William 32 Paterson James 46 Lindsay James 34 Johnstone Rev. T. Francis Robertson James 36 Sword Miss 52 Farrell James 38 Paton Archibald J. 56 Greig William 39 Fleming James 60 Callan George 40 Aitken Andrew M'Gregor Peter Lang John M'Lellan Walter 41 Adam Archibald 66 Brand Mrs William Adam Mrs George Tracey Thomas 42 M'Dougall Duncan Turner Samuel Sharp William 68 M'Whinnie Hugh 44 Inglis Robert Pettigrew James 48 Prentice John 91 Appleton Thomas 50 Rowan Thomas B. 328 STREET DIRECTORY.

Eldon Street — Continued. 165 Campbell Mrs W. E. 51 Lyle Mrs Abram 167 M'Arley David 52 Blair David 169 Craig James R. Craig Mrs John Harvey Mrs Frank E.

Mack W. J. ESPLANADE. Struthers, Rev. J. P. 53 Kerr John 2 Clark Archibald 58 Baxter William B. Morrison Misses Blair Robert F. 8 Taylor William E. Harvey Mrs Francis 9 Allan George J. 60 Henry Mrs John 21 Wilson Edward Johnston Mrs 23 Duff James B. Stewart Mrs 25 Paterson Daniel 61 Finlay Mrs Robert 27 King Henry Hunter Mrs John C. 31 Young J. S. 62 Briton Thomas 32 Turner Mrs James Stewart John 33 Jarvie Rev. J. M. 63 Ewing Samuel 34 Macgregor John Rowan Alexander 35 Carmichael Thomas 65 Lang John 37 M'llwraith Hew 66 Shaw Mary 38 Steel Mrs Hugh 67 Gibb Misses 39 Anderson John 68 Christie George 40 Hardie William 70 Cowie Mrs William 41 Brown R. G. Thomson Duncan C. 43 Allison William 72 Dothie Rev. Elvery 46 Rankin Mrs 78 Aitken James 47 Mackay Peter 87 Kerr Peter 48 Buchanan Miss 89 Ramsay Hope Stewart 49 Wilson Thomas 91 Mackay Mrs Charles S. 50 Taylor Thomas H. 93 Houston G. W. 51 Carswell John Houston Mrs Robert 52 Hill James M. 97 Gatherer Peter 53 M'Callum George F. 99 Devlin Patrick 54 Blanche Richard 103 Brown J. D. 55 Rowan John 105 Brymner John 57 Mackenzie Ewen 107 Carmichael John 59 Paton James 109 M'Kellar Hugh 60 Fyfe John P. 115 Jerdan Rev. Charles 61 Hendry Mrs Duncan 117 Walker H. R. Jenkins George 119 Brown William A. 62 Finlay A. Campbell 121 Caird Stewart A. 63 Ross William 123 M'Farlane Arthur A. 64 M'MorlandR. S. 149 Sowter John 65 Fleming Alexander M. 151 Stewart Duncan F. 67 Brown Neil 155 Douglas Thomas N. 157 Forwell Mrs 159 Bryson W. K. FINNART ROAD. 161 Baine Alexander 163 Walker Malcolm M'N. Erskine D. M., Finnart Grove Yuill John C. Sinclair George STREET DIRECTORY. 329

34 Borland J. C. 35 Felton John FINNART STREET. 36 Macbean W. A. 37 Fulton James 1 Mathie John 38 Calder Alfred T. M'Lachlan Walter 39 M'Kiver John 2 Barr William 40 Steele Miss Blair Robert 41 Robertson James Boyd James 42 Philip Thomas Colquhoun Duncan 43 Morison George Haddow Miss 44 Hastie John M'Lean Mrs F. 47 Patrick Adam 3 Graham James 49 Lyle Alexander 4 Loudoun David 55 Rennie John M'Millan Angus 56 Meyer Mrs N. M'Quilkan Duncan 58 Heyland A. C. M 'Vicar Mrs 59 Patterson T. L. Macfie Miss Margaret 60 Thomson William Stewart Thomas H. 61 Macleod & Grylls 5 Cairns William 63 Mories Alexander S. 6 Bain William 64 Robertson Rev. W. Lewis Jones William 65 Barr Mrs John L. M 'William John 66 Prentice David Parker Mrs 67 Reid James Stevens J. T. 68 Brown Alexander Scott David F. B. 74 Grieve W. R. 7 M 'Gavin James Prentice Alexander Reid 9 Tannahill James 75 Muir R. G. II M'Kechnie Allan 76 Carmichael John H. 16 Duncan Samuel J7 Galbreath John, jun. 17 Wilson Rev. William 78 Bryson Mrs Robert 19 Buchanan Henry Hastie William Cairns James A. Maxton Miss 20 Hamilton James 79 Blair William 21 Houston John 80 Anderson Mrs James L. Miller Thomas 81 Young William 22 Gilchrist William 85 Richmond Mrs Hugh 23 Macaulay John 88 M'Gillivray Duncan Mack ay Thomas 90 Boyd Rev. David 24 Sloan John J. A. 93 Carmichael R. D. 25 Chalmers Hugh M. Carmichael Mrs Andrew Middleton Daniel A. 95 Blair Robert 26 M 'Call James 97 Shearer R. B., M.A., LL.B. 27 Denholm John Shearer William Richardson Mrs James 99 Bisset John 28 Younger Robert L. 101 Macdonald George 29 Pettigrew John 103 Fullarton Hugh Thomson Rev. Thomas E. 105 Lyle Alexander P. 30 Brodie James 107 Lyle R. Park 31 Crawford Hugh 109 Lyle J. Leitch 32 Boston James 33 Paterson James 33° STREET DIRECTORY.

56 Macpherson Robert FORD PLACE. 57 Sinclair Robert H. (Finnart Street.) 58 Milligan William 60 Blake Matthew Gillies John, Ford cottage Hill James H. M'Quarrie Donald, do. 62 Macalister Mrs Daniel

1 Brovrn James Macfarlane Mrs J. A. Cormie John 64 King Mrs John Lamont Miss Munro Duncan Ronald William Rose Mrs Neil FOX STREET. 2 Adam James

Davidson James Hart J. Campbell, Glengarden Ralston John 1 Johnston Alexander R. Stevenson John B. 2 Baird John Walker Mrs Cunningham John 3 Devlin Henry Mason Miss Gwynn Daniel 4 Davie Robert M'Neill Alexander 6 Hyndman John G. Risk Mrs James 9 Turner James W. Sinclair Mrs John II Arbuckle Miss White David 15 Shearer Hugh 17 Stark Thomas 19 Robertson William 21 Kidd William

FORSYTH STREET. 22 Henderson Miss A. J. M'Dougall G. R. I Hunter Misses 35 Anderson Mrs William 6 Whiteford James, M.D. 37 Ramsay G. A. 9 Black George H. 39 Crawford William io Alexander William 41 Houston James M'Kelvie David B. Houston John 12 Angus John W. Low William 13 Picken Andrew 15 Nicol John S. GARVALD STREET. 20 Bowman James 22 Alston Robert L. Adam James 25 Stillie Rev. John Baxter Archibald 26 Neill George D. Cameron Hugh 28 Gray Miss Violet Eadie Robert 32 Grieve Walter Baine Erskine George 34 Carmichael Andrew Noble George 36 Rodger John Stewart David 40 Fisher R. F. Brown Hugh 51 Sandeman J. V. Brown John 52 Bailey J. W. Gatey John 53 Walker John W. Fulton Thomas 54 Stewart James K. Harrison John W. 55 Morison James B. Tait William Taylor H. J. Wilson David STREET DIRECTORY. 331

HAMILTON STREET. GEORGE SQUARE. 7 Taylor John 2 Anker Hans 23 M' II wraith M. 26 Kenneth Christie Rev. J. G. Boag Henry Charles 29 Wyse Alexander M'Kechnie Mrs 32 Hammond Henry Petrie James Urie Robert Sinclair John 33 Stewart William, jun. Stewart William 41 M'Lean Mrs Townend Mrs Walker Mrs Janet 3 Calderwood Robert HAY STREET. Climie John Crowley John C. 6 Cameron Alexander Girvan Mrs William Campbell David Henrichs Christian 8 Craig Angus Wilson John Laing John 5 Macfarlane Mrs Donald Taylor Alexander Reid Miss Janet 10 Cunningham Thomas M'Kenzie Murdoch 6 Black Dr J. R. 8 Boyd Miss Janet Thomson Duncan Mackay Edward Robertson Charles Robertson Mrs Anna HILL STREET. 9 M 'Bride William G. I M'Callum Dugald Watson Alexander F. 3 Glass John GLEN STREET. M 'Arthur Alexander Webster Charles 2 Shearer Alexander 4 Morrison Robert 3 Chisholm Archibald Munn Arthur 4 Speirs William 5 Alexander Miss 5 Ramsay John Morrison William D. 6 Fraser Mrs Munro Daniel 7 Thomson Robert Neil William 8 Edelsten Richard 6 Morrison Neil 9 Buchanan Miss 7 Buchanan John Meldrum George Webster Oeorge 8 Brown William GREY PLACE. Buchanan John Campbell Angus 3 Baine John A. Kerr William Fleming Mrs A. M'Call Mrs Millar William H. M'Kenzie Murdoch 5 Chevalier Frederick 9 Jeffrey Thomas Gallacher Mrs B. Robertson Andrew 6 Buchanan James W. 10 M'Jannet William Mason Mrs Morrison Duncan 4


50 Armour George Forrester William HOLMSCROFT STREET. Millar David 51 Clark William 1 Anderson Peter Cunningham John Anderson Mrs James Mossman William Pattison George West Joseph 2 Inglis James 52 Gillespie Alexander Whyte George Home Robert 3 Grant Alexander M'Millan Andrew M'Kinnon David Robertson John M'Lellan Walter 53 M'Curdy Augustus 4 Boden John M'Lean Duncan 5 Bowie James Paul Mrs Murray Miss Roy John 7 Chalmers Robert Taylor Mrs Walls Thomas 54 Bannerman Mrs 9 Bain Alexander Smith Owen Blair Robert 55 Alexander James Kay John Brown James M'Ewan Colin Preston James Robinson John Sinclair William 13 Calcluthjohn Strachan John Clark Archibald 57 Barbour Mrs Doig Alexander M'Kirdy James Nixon Mrs William M 'Lernan James Paterson Mrs Wright David 1 M' Donald Elizabeth 59 Nicolson Alexander 36 Bone Hugh Niven John Waddell William Thomson Henry 37 Watt Robert 61 Clark Miss C. 38 M'Gregor John Low James 39 Clark James W. M'Candlish Samuel Cole George A. Taylor Archibald M'Leish Daniel 63 Campbell Donald 40 Buchanan Donald Munro Alexander Kennedy Ferguson Smith James Tyre Mrs Robert 64 Brodie Neil 42 Brown Robert L. Campbell John Brown Samuel 65 Boag Alexander Currie John Cooper John Murray Miss 66 Magura Robert Virtue Mrs Alexander M'Farlane Hugh White George Martin John 43 Gordon Robert Rough John Patrick John 68 M' II wain William J. 45 Gillander Thomas Sturgeon James Gilmour James 70 Boag Andrew M'Pherson Richard Tarbet William Thomson David 73 Brown James 47 Lennox Neil Cairney W. A. 49 Robertson Rankine Ireland Mrs William STREET DIRECTORY. 333

Holmscroft Street —Continued. 8 Blair Robert 73 Maitland Archibald Love Alexander Nutt William Madden William F. Smith Thomson Milligan Alexander 75 Aitken Edward Sutherland Donald Carswell Mrs 9 Watt John Gay Walter 10 Houston William Hildreth Miss Isabella Scott John Ireland John Thomson Archibald Lugton Alexander 13 Adam Alexander M'Kenzie John Burns Alexander G. 77 Anderson John Irvine William Anderson Joseph Killin Thomas Brighton John M' Murray James Macutcheon Hugh Millar George M'Intyre John 14 Barclay John 78 Edgar George Beith Thomas Kirkwood William Brodie Archibald Rodger Alexander M 'Arthur Charles Stewart Charles F. M 'Gibbon David Wilson Michael Muir Robert 81 Kirkwood James Orr John Langwill John 15 Thomson William Laird Misses Williamson Robert M'Lean Duncan 16 Carmichael Mrs Paterson Gavin Dunn John Tyre James Gait David Hendry Mrs John M'Kinnon Daniel HOPE STREET. 1 8 M'Leod Angus Patrick Neil N.

1 Fyfe Robert Service Wm. Strachan George 2 Lyon David 3 Bates George HOUSTON STREET. Haxton Thomas Marshall William 1 Peters Rev. D. S. 5 Duff Robert 3 Spiers Miss Johnston Samuel 5 Ward James Masson John 7 Ballantine Mrs James Thomson Robert 6 Duncan Colin Kerr Andrew INGLESTON PLACE. Laird John M'Gugan Duncan 19 Hendry John Orr John Holmes Henry 7 Fraser Mrs George Horn John Gilmour James M'Allister Malcolm Gray John M'Gilp Neil M'Kenzie Donald 21 Campbell Colin Templeton Alexander Lamont John 8 Belshaw Robert Scott Joseph 334 STREET DIRECTORY.


2 Ferguson William 3 Alexander William 4 M'Eleny James Wylie James 5 Muir Henry 5 Bain Thomas 6 Turner Robert Parker James 18 Ritchie William 6 M'Intyre David 68 Clark Edward Steele Mrs Jane Colquhoun Richard 7 Chambers William Fleming Edward 12 Anderson Mrs Hugh M'Pherson Alexander 13 Allan David N. Turner John M'Kellar David Marshall John 15 M'Kenzie Alexander 17 Scott Thomas JAMAICA STREET. Tait John 19 Allan David 2 Bell Miss Brown Mrs D. Kirchoff Charles B. Campbell Donald M'Phedran Dugald Fleming Humphrey 8 Kirkwood Thomas Highet Robert 9 Brand William Vallance William Campbell Archibald 21 Kinnaird William Linn Thomas Lang James Macintosh Ewen Oswald John Peacock John Smith Thomas C. 10 Molseed Andrew Whyte Thomas M 'Donald Alex. 23 Johnston John Park William

Laird Thomas . Whyte Donald Smith John 12 Boag Andrew 29 Forrester William Boag Robert Lightbody John 17 Hunter Misses I. & J. 30 Skirving James 31 Anderson James Buchanan John Cowan John JOHN STREET. Woltman Matthew 32 Headrick James 3 Tucker David 33 Johnston William 4 Watters Wm. Neil Thomas 6 Dingwall Donald Scott Alexander M'Kendrick Daniel Shaw William 15 Hamilton Mrs 34 Harrison Robert 17 Bruce Charles 35 Buntain James M'Fie George Holterman John Sharp William M'Kee Thomas 18 M 'Ghee John 36 Allan John 20 Bain Alexander Kerr John Bannatyne Ebenezer Niven George Campbell Thomas 1


13 Robson John JOHNSTONE STREET. 16 Brown Archibald Deubler Peter Walker Hugh W., Bellview Greer Mrs Jane house Kennedy Mrs 1 M'Gregor John Samson John 2 Patten John 17 Park Boyd P. 7 Hamilton Mrs James Pettigrew Mrs II M'Gregor Miss Porterfield Miss M. 15 Niven Mrs Smith John 18 Harris Mitchell Johnstone William KELLY STREET. M'Cormick John O'Brien E.

I Allan Mrs Alexander Reid Alexander Auld Mrs H. 21 Macnaught Duncan Inglis James 22 Arthurs William Sinclair William Fairlie Robert P. Swan John Ramage Mrs John S. 3 Clelland Miss Williamson John Ewing Mrs James 23 Anderson Mrs W. Kidd Robert Bruce Mrs John M'Kelvie Alexander Cook Mrs Archibald Orr Miss Ellen M. Letham Miss Turnbull Miss M'Cormick John 5 Arbuckle Miss Urquhart Mrs William B. Brown Miss Watson Mrs Galbreath John, jun. 24 Brown Mrs William M'Corquodale Peter Hutchison W. M'Farlane Miss Keith Miss M'Millan Mrs E. Lennox James L. M'Phail John Macneilage John K. 6 Fleming John R. M'Cormick Donald Miller Andrew Smith Mrs J. H. Munro Mrs William 25 M'llvain Miss Ross Baillie C. 30 Boyd James 7 Dickson Robert Boyd James Higgs W. H. Bowman Charles K. Marr Thomas C. Cruthers E. Murdoch Mrs Galbreath George 9 Forster John M'Kellar David Niven Alexander M'Millan Miss Riva Matthew Shaw Mrs S. A. 10 Bather Samuel 32 Gibb Mrs Connor John M'Gregor Mrs Grant Patrick M'Aulay Matthew M 'Donald Mrs Charles Nicolson Donald Martin Joseph Small George 1 Black James 33 Bonnar James 13 Cochran Robert Brown James Macdonald Mrs John Gilloran James L. Munn Miss Agnes Johnson Thomas 336 STREET DIRECTORY.

Kelly Street —Continued. 60 Murray Charles 33 Sinclair Angus Reid Duncan Tainsh John Scott Ritchie 35 Farquhar John M'K. 62 Dick William Gordon Mrs James Hunter Gavin S. M 'Donald Andrew Kerr Robert M'Kenzie Henry E. Sutherland Duncan M'Pherson A. Warden John Niven Archibald Weir Robert 37 Alston Mrs Alexander 64 Caldwell John Campbell Miss Galloway Robert Kennedy John Menzies Robert Lang John Miller Archibald Morrison Mrs David MTlwraith Mrs 39 Macdonald James Nicol Gavin Mitchell William Seath Mrs John M'Call Charles Wilkie James M'Millan John 66 Blair W. S. Robertson James Bowie Andrew H. Thomson John Edgar William 48 Jamieson Thomas Hamilton James 50 Curtis Misses Laurie John F. 51 Bristow James M'Leod Archibald L. Dougans William Robertson Joseph O. Love John Smith John M'Crae Duncan 68 Downie Miss Wilkie Alexander Hunter Alexander 52 Gebbie William W. Johnston Mrs James Martin William Muir Miss A. Montgomery Alexander Muir Simon Reid John W. Murray Robert 53 Bushe Joseph Scott John Marshall Robert Menzies Peter M'Culloch Mrs Peaston Alexander KILBLAIN STREET. Templeton William 56 Gibb David Jamieson Martin 2 M'Tavish Duncan Johnston Miss Virtue Alexander Kirkwood Mrs E. 3 Pearson Daniel Murray Mrs Pearson Mrs 58 Kirkwood William 4 Baillie Mrs William

Muir James . Murray Neil M'Lean James M'Aulay Thomas Y. Nutt James Oates James Scott David 5 M' Bride Duncan Yeo Mrs D. D. 7 Orr William 60 Dalziel Mrs 8 Ainslie Mrs Jamieson Robert W. Morrison William M' Naught Thomas M 'Bride Mrs Millar Robert 16 Hepburn John STREET DIRECTORY. 337


6 Davie James Morrison Finlay D., Alt-na-craig 9 M 'Gavin David M 'Aulay Peter, Craigs farm 12 Black David Campbell Alexander Campbell Peter LYLE STREET. Johnston John Leisk Adam, jun. 2 Kerr James Shankland Thomas Macdonald D. Walker Robert M'Kinnon Alexander 15 Brown Mrs M'Lachlan Tohn M'Culloch John Turnbull William M. Morrison Robert 3 Mitchell G. G. Sieger Engelbert 4 Galloway Allan, M.D. Smith John Lewis Mrs William 16 Dewar John Smith Mrs George M'Millan Alexander 5 Macdougall John, M.D. Mann Alexander 6 Ferguson William Gilmour Robert LAURISTON STREET. Mitchell John Rankin Hugh 3 Angus James Rintoul John F. M 'Anally Henry, sen. 7 Bell John A. Waddell John Galbreath Murdoch 5 Dodd William Whitelaw Robert Young Robert 8 Auld Robert 6 M'Gregor Mrs F. Brown Walter Stewart Mrs F. Carlyle Mrs Watson Daniel Irish Thomas 7 Fyfe James Kelso William Glenesk Charles Mulgrew Thomas M'Innes Donald 9 Conway Matthew Moffat John M 'Aulay W. G. II Bourhill Thomas Rodger Robert Fraser Andrew 10 Gray John King William Low Alexander Mills John M'Cracken Hugh K. Ross James Stewart James 13 Crawford William Sutherland William Peddie Robert Tierney W. B. Small Mrs Robertson 11 Allshorn Mrs 15 Fry William Dick Hugh Livingston Duncan Ellis Robert Kerr Robert Hunter Mrs William Wyse Alexander Nicolson William 17 Brodie Miss 12 Denney Archibald M'Kellar Daniel Dougall Robert Robertson William Lauder Alexander F. Shaw John Melrose John Wallace Charles Tweedie R. 22 338 STREET DIRECTORY.

Lyle Street—Continued. 27 M'Dougall Duncan 12 Urie Hugh Stewart Denniston 13 Kelso Matthew Ostler Robert M'Farlane Duncan G. Whyte George M'Phail Neil 29 Broughjohn Smith John Levy Pinkus Welsh Robert M'Crea James 14 Aird Mrs John M'Farlane Miss Cowper David B. Mackay Godfrey Currie William C. 31 Brown Matthew Duncan Daniel Kelly Donald M'Hutcheon Alexander M'Kinlay Duncan M'Lean Kenneth M'Kissock William 15 Carmichael Donald Williamson James Duncan Andrew 33 Hilliard William Lamont James Wilkie Alexander M 'Bride John 35 Haughey Neal Morrison William Turnbull Jonathan 17 Bonar John LYNEDOCH STREET. Buchanan John M 'Vicar Mrs 3 Reid Rev. M. Nimmo Robert 5 Buchan John Tait Alexander 7 Cameron Allan 19 M'Kenzie Angus Hutcheson George Nicol James Soanes Mrs Benjamin Wilkie John 9 Banks John 20 Fay Arthur Campbell Malcolm Gallacher John Kempsley Samuel Service George M'Callum Duncan 21 Black Robert M'Leod John Blair Miss Janet Murray Alexander Freedman A. Sinclair Duncan B. Gillies William 10 Allan William 22 Agnew Andrew Anderson John Aitchison Mrs Darroch James Henderson John Rankin James M'Callum Mrs Wood William M'Kenzie Mrs 11 Baxter Malcolm Whitelaw Adam Cameron Peter 23 Jamieson John Orr James Laing Robert Sinclair Robert M'Gregor James 12 Barclay Mrs James M'Kellar James M'Farlane Dugald Phillips Robert Urquhart John 24 M'Gill Archibald 13 Thomson Andrew Tulloch Mrs 14 Blackwood Mrs John Young Robert Marshall Mrs 25 Eltringham John Moffat Robert Yuill Walter M 'Vicar Robert 27 Cook David Ramsay Mitchell M'Dougall John Walker Mrs STREET DIRECTORY. 339

Lynedoch Srreet—Continued. 30 Maven James D. 15 Calderhead David Paterson Robert Jamieson Alexander WTaddell Mrs Macphail Mrs R. 31 Conn James M'Ewan John Cuthbertson Mrs William Taylor James M'Dougall Mrs Duncan 16 Ballantine William Nicolson David Boyd Robert 32 Andrew David Mitchell James C. 33 Clark James 17 Adams W. D. Douglas Duncan Stewart Robert Simpson Mrs 20 M'Lean Neil 34 Graham Duncan Murdoch Mrs 35 Miller William S. Nicolson Norman Orr William H. Robertson Angus Polonis Mrs 21 Anderson James Williamson Mrs George Brown John 36 Bole John Fulton Miss Robertson Robert M'Gregor Daniel 37 Brown James 22 Lindsay John Ramsay John W M'Stravick Robert 38 Hannen John Nicol Andrew Inglis John Whiteford David E. Martin James 23 Benson John 39 M'Kinnon Archibald Munro Colin 40 Buchanan William Ralston William Low David 24 Clapperton James Thomson Alexander Hay Mrs J. B. 41 Buie Neil Kerr Hugh Campbell Mrs D.

M'Cormick David Campbell Mrs J. 25 Fowler Wm. Ferrie Patrick Green Chas. Grant Neil Roxburgh John M 'George James 26 Dickie Mrs 42 Fisher Peter Masson Andrew Halbert James 27 Alexander Miss Young J. & J. Fletcher Myles 43 Crawford Alexander M'Leod Murdoch Erskine James Urquhart Mrs Howie John 28 Craig John 44 Logan James Crawford William 45 Gibb William Hamilton William Murray William M'Leod Angus Orkney William 29 Lang John 47 Morton Archibald Law George 48 Campbell Donald Melville John Fairley James Smith Neil Kearney William Sweeney George Low John 30 Black Andrew 49 M'Ewing Dugald Black Thomas 51 Breckenridge Thomas Hansen John Dickson Joseph M'Gill James Lundie M. H. 34° STREET DIRECTORY,

Lynedoch Street—Continued 22 Adamson Daniel D. 51 M'Laren John 24 Smith Rev. J. B. 56 Melrose Matthew 32 Nicoll Mrs James 58 Campbell Hugh 34 Paul W. B. 66 Dickson Robert 36 Black Thomas 40 Gordon John H. 42 Auld James MACDOUGALL STREET. 44 Alston John 46 Macpherson Rev. John F. 2 Allan Mrs 49 Kerr John S. Cameron Robert Brown John, Helensdene Dunsmore Thomas 3 Brown Edward Fisher Daniel MEARNS STREET. Ramsay Hugh 9 Barbour John 1 Mills Robert Barbour William 2 Klause William Cameron Allan, Ashfield 3 Ferguson George M'Quoid William Ritchie Robert MACKENZIE STREET. 4 Colville James Fraser David 2 Brodie Malcolm Mitchell John Gemmel Andrew Paterson George Gordon G. 6 Cameron William 3 Davie John Francis Hugh M'Glashan George Lamont Duncan M'Neil James 7 Davidson William MADEIRA STREET. 8 Burns William J. Younger John Adam Daniel 13 Bisset Mrs Adam John Edmiston Allan Adam Mrs William, Hollybank Scott Miss Lindsay Miss 14 Dallas William Stevenson Miss Stewart John 8 Shankland Dugald 16 Duncan Mrs James Paterson Robert 26 Lang James, jun. MARGARET STREET. M'Onie George Stewart John 1 Kerr Daniel 27 Brown Duncan 2 Clapperton John Buchanan John 7 Stevenson Miss Drummond John Stewart Daniel B. Macniven Angus 8 M'Larty Miss Weir Duncan Macmillan John 28 Lang Mrs James 9 Crawford R. P. Smith William 11 Adam William 29 Cook Mrs Duncan 12 Fraser Miss Jessie Melvin Daniel 18 Lamb Misses Morrison John F. 20 Douglas John Wilson James STREET DIRECTORY. 341

Mearns Street — Continued. Mount Pleasant Street—Continued 38 Shand Robert 7 Cameron James 40 Bremner Alexander Letham John Caldwell David 8 Byrne Patrick Crawford Robert Milloy Hugh Miller Robert Small Mrs 42 Angus Thomas 9 Anderson Duncan Sim John Duncan Alexander Stevenson Mrs David Glendinning Alexander, jun. Tough Alexander Kerr John 44 Hill S. Lovell John 46 Henderson James Tiffin Joseph 47 Bowie Robert 13 Cochrane Mrs Wood John Cram Peter 49 Leith James Jenkins William Love James Joss Miss Paterson John Ritchie Robert Whitelaw Miss 15 Brown John Chalmers Mrs MILL STREET. Gilchrist Thomas M'Fadyen Archibald 7 Lang James Sinclair W. G. Taylor Charles Snoddy James Weir Walter 17 Brymner Alexander 11 M'Lelland Matthew Campbell Duncan S. 12 Anderson Bruce Harvey James 14 Wilson Archibald Hoy Andrew 15 Hyde William M'Pherson Donald K. 19 Allan James Harrower T. H. MOFFAT STREET. M'Millan John, jun. 20 Hutcheson Andrew 1 Gordon David E. 21 Baine Mrs William 2 Kay Rev. Thomas 24 Ogilvie John 3 Warwick John 25 Adam David M'Dougall Donald 32 Brown George MOUNT PLEASANT STREET. Campbell Mrs John Duncan John 3 M 'Creadie James Kirkpatrick William MTntosh Duncan M'Dougall John 4 Cullen William Smith John M'Pherson Harriet K. 34 Ferrier Alexander 5 Baine Miss Gilchrist John Bewlass Frederick Halliday John Brown Joseph C. Masson Robert M'Neil Archibald M'Millan Lachlan 6 Black John Newall Charles Gilchrist Peter 36 Harper Andrew M'Leod Roderick M'Allister Archibald M'Intyre James M'Innes James 7 Bathgate Mrs Charles Williamson Peter 342 STREET DIRECTORY.

6 Kemp Mrs Joseph MURDIESTON STREET. M'Dowall Robert S. 9 Baine Walter 2 Alexander John Brown Mrs Peter Hannah William Blair Robert 6 Craig Andrew E. Cameron Mrs James 7 Campbell Neil Storer Daniel Ferguson Donald II Barbour Thomas Gordon John Hunt John Knowles John Isbister John B. M'Gregor Alexander Kay John M. 8 Coulthart David M'Callum Misses Jolly Robert M'Vie Joseph Pinkerton Ebenezer Stevenson William S. Shearer Thomas 13 Dunn Mrs Andrew 9 Duncan Archibald Marshall Mrs William Shaw William N. Pattison Robert Telfer John Schroeder Charles 10 Barbour James 14 M'Crae Daniel Binning James 15 Blair David M'Kee William Campbell Mrs Jane M'Lean Hugh Humphreys Joseph Rogerson Robert Longwill Mrs William 11 M 'Donald Hugh Munro Mrs C. M'Lean Hugh Templeton Matthew 12 Adams Mrs James 17 Cameron Daniel Fordyce Lewis Carmichael Mrs Donald Mackay Archibald Cram Mrs Peter 13 Fleming George Gibbs Miss Ann Fleming Matthew Madden William Gardner Robert Marshall Robert Gray George Wilson James L. Smith William 19 M'Millan John Woods Alfred Miller John 14 Duncan James Neil Mrs E. Gibson John Patrick Alexander Ram age John Wright Alexander NELSON STREET (West). Wink John 21 Armour John 1 Smith John Collins William 2 Bell Miss Currie Peter Black James W. Grant Donald 3 Napier William Pollock Mrs Thomas 4 Crawford William Swan George W. Easton Daniel 23 Boag Mrs Andrew

Moodie Miss J. M. Cairns Mrs Smith John Gentles August A. M'Kenzie Kenneth Jamieson William 6 Aitken John 25 Flett Alfred Bremner Charles Machell W7 illiam Campbell John Stevenson Alex. A. STREET DIRECTORY. 343

Nelson Street (W.) —Continued. 40 Hamlen Charles 27 Blue Robert Logan Francis Ferguson John Miller Mrs Thomas Grubb Charles Watson Harry S. Kerr Misses Macaskill Malcolm Manson Rose NEWARK STREET. Smith John Todd John I Agnew James Walker W. 3 Macdougall Dugald 29 Devlin Mrs 4 Thorburn J. G. Gow William 5 Caird Robert

Hughes John J. 6 M'Callum Duncan Macnaughton James 7 Grieve Robert MacLachlan Alexander 8 Leitch Arthur O. Swan Mrs 9 Caird Patrick T. Thomson Charles 11 Conning John 30 Anderson John 12 Leitch John Bell Mrs James 13 Caird Colin S. Maclachlan Alexander 14 Stewart Andrew Murray Daniel 17 Caird Mrs James T. 31 Blake Edward Crichton Hugh Bradley Thomas M'Neil Thomas Brown William M. 21 Cant James Edwards James Shankland Mrs Robert M 'Vicar Neil 23 Cowan John Rodger John M 'Donald Donald Whiteford Robert 25 Mason Robert 32 Brown Joseph S. Stewart John Campbell James 26 Neill Mrs John Dick Miss 28 Charleton G. P. Eddington Adam B. 36 Thorne Robert Pollock John 37 Smart J. R. Thomson George 38 Muir Robert White William 39 Caird Arthur ' 33 Bark Andrew 40 Houston R. H. Brown William 41 Scott Alexander Campbell Miss Margaret 42 Paterson R. R. Kennedy Mrs William 44 Walker Louson Macadam Mrs Peter Cameron Charles, M.P., Bal- Marr James clutha Symington Martin T. P. 34 Blair Daniel Crawford William NEWTON STREET. Cromarty James Stephens Mrs 5 Keefe Thomas Webster William Murray Alexander 36 M'Lean Dugald 7 Alexander William 38 Hill James Blue William Murray Alexander C. Flint John Stevenson Peter Macfie Archibald 40 Cooper H. B. Robertson Andrew 344 STREET DIRECTORY.

Newton Street— Continued. 25 MacKinnon Alexander 7 Shaw Mrs Straine George 13 Bozenberg William Todd George Cameron John 26 Bendell Edwin Carson Henry Gauldie Mrs Robert L.

Carswell Andrew Harvey J. Hastie Andrew Innes William Inglis Andrew Kerr James Smith R. M. Mackail J. G. 15 Allan John Macnaught John W. Campbell John 27 Park Matthew Clark Mrs Andrew 28 Bates Thomas Cruickshank Francis Blair David Gilchrist John Chalmers Alexander Gillis William Gillies John B. Miller Mrs R. Thorburn Arthur Moore James 29 Smith William 17 Chalmers Henry 30 Crawford Archibald Ferguson Edward Lawson Mrs John Forbes John M'Callum James B. Kerr Archibald Rose Archibald Mackenzie Peter Warden Andrew Macnaught Mrs William 31 M'Callum Donald M' George William 33 Crawford William Stirling James A. Macnaught A.

19 Collins Mrs J. B. S. Twigg Edward Currie Mrs Malcolm 35 Rodger Mrs Alexander Morrison Donald 37 Williamson George O'Neil Felix P. 39 Reid R. A. Rae George A. 44 Rutherford George Scott Alexander 45 Swan Mrs William Young Hugh M. 46 Brown George 21 Anderson Alexander T. 49 Findlay John Bathgate Alexander Gilchrist Miss Carmichael Alexander Leitch Misses Malcolm John 51 Mories James S. M'Kellar Donald 53 Brown M. M'C. Rodger John Hedderwick Francis Stewart John 55 Kerr Robert Stewart Mrs D. 57 Johnstone Rev. M. P. 23 Altmont Duncan 59 Walker John Campbell Charles 62 Selby Thomas G. Douglas William 63 Lindsay A. N. Hanlon Andrew 64 Armitage George Kean Mrs Francis 66 Borthwick Thomas M'Leod Colin 67 Allan Alexander Niven G. W. Allan Robert Rankin Alexander 69 Lyle Robert, jun. Young William M. 71 Cook William 25 Allan William 73 Pollock John M. Brown Niven 75 Adam L. A. Fletcher A. 77 Fleming Alexander, jun. STREET DIRECTORY. 345

Newton Street —Continued. 71 Mitchell Archibald 79 Auld William Mitchell Duncan 87 Young Rev. John Mitchell Mrs Catherine 89 Grant Rev. Alexander D. Walker Andrew 91 Jamieson James S. J2 Chalmers Miss M. 93 Crawford J. W. Fraser James 95 Dunlop M. F. Gallacher Mrs 96 Macnab Miss Kane George Lamont Miss Malcolm Archibald M'Pherson Mrs Janet NICOLSON STREET.

8 Currie Mrs John NILE STREET. Dow John M'Leod Finlay 5 M 'Coll John 9 Grant Lachlan M'Kenzie Colin Logan James 7 Adam William 15 Smith Philip Larkin Felix 27 M'Kellar Mrs M'Closky Mrs Watson Mrs M'Kellar John 31 Morrison William 8 Anderson Robert 33 Bethune Mrs Irvine Alexander 36 Stevens Alexander 12 Aitchison Mrs 38 Campbell Miss Sarah Denny John Owen Robert 40 Harvie R. D. N. Watson Thomas OCTAVIA TERRACE. Sinclair John 41 Alexander Alexander 1 MacCulloch Colin 49 M'Corquodale Lachlan 2 Nicol Duncan 61 MTlwraith Mrs Nicol Mrs D. 63 Brown David 3 Maclean James Leitch Charles 5 Neill Thomas, Balgray 65 Maxwell David 7 Murdoch James 67 Auld James 9 Neill Mrs William, Towerlands Anderson Misses 13 Neill Wm. J., Lawthorn Cameron Robert 17 Kerr Robert, Westfield Campbell Dugald 19 Glen James Davidson Robert 21 Rankin John F. Dunlop Allan 25 Clerk Duncan Govan Quintin 27 Curtis Charles H., Ebberley 69 Flockhart Mrs John 49 Neil John Leitch Nicol Ramsay Charles G. M'Phee Angus 51 Thorne Thomas M. Ritchie Thomas 53 Clink John D. Stewart Francis 55 Walker Frederick M. 71 Allison Miss 57 Watson James Flockhart Mrs Isabella 59 Williamson James Fortune Alexander P. 63 Orkney Robert M'Gregor Charles 65 M 'Arthur Mrs William 71 M'Kinnon John 67 Thorburn Walter 346 STREET DIRECTORY.

27 Flockhart Mrs John OLD HILLEND. Minto George M'Cuaig Samuel 2 Hendry John M 'Master Miss M'Dougall Duncan Young David Smith William 29 Holmes John 4 Copeland Nathan Lawrie Mrs Robert 6 Kidd Robert Liddell Miss Liddell Mrs John Smith Allan B. Love William PORT-GLASGOW ROAD. ORANGEFIELD PLACE. 7 Short Thomas 2 Tytler Matthew 16 Russell Mrs J. R. 3 Cameron Samuel 77 Sharer Alfred Gilliland William 79 Maitland John 5 Macfie John 81 Stevenson John 7 Jamieson Robert 89 Carmichael John Jamieson Miss 97 Lennox John Walker Alexander 99 Davidson George 9 Cook Robert Weir Mrs


12 Gibson William 2 Campbell John Malcolm Mrs Christie Alexander Rennie Mrs James Cuthbertson Archibald 14 De Monti Rev. Charles Martin Robert Taylor Rev. Dean 14 Slater James 16 Campbell Dugald 19 Deas John S. Denniston John S. PROSPECTHILL STREET. 20 Robinson Archibald 21 Richmond Archibald F., M.D. I Scott Alexander Tweddel James Telfer Mrs C. 22 Macintyre John D. 3 Pearson Mrs James 23 Pennell Miss 4 Blackie Robert 24 Banks Alexander Caldwell William Galbraith John M 'Cowan James Gibb Mrs M'Kellar Archibald Hunter Mrs John M'Neil Archibald Laurie G. A. Neil John MacFarlane Duncan 6 Shaw Neil Spence Miss M. S. 7 M'Lachlan Dugald 26 Fyfe Mrs M'Millan David Grieve George Nicolson David Johns Thomas 9 Burns James Macdonald Edmund Campbell J. & G. Wilson M. Fortune David 27 Chirrey Alexander Hamilton John STREET DIRECTORY. 347

14 Gibson David RATHO STREET. Tonner John 15 Burns John I Allan James Hamilton Mrs Campbell James Hannah James Gillies Robert M'Clure William Hendry Charles Muir John Post Henry Sands William Strang Rev. Robert C, The 19 Adam Edward B. Manse Black Duncan 5 Anderson Peter Brown James Boffey Mrs R. S. Howie Henry Cowan Robert Logan Robert Graham John 25 Crawford James Haughie John Highet James 7 Graham James M'Farlane James Rennie John Napier James Scott Peter Whyte John 9 Alexander Mrs Gilbert 27 Gait Mrs Robert Barclay John, Oakfield, east M 'Bride Alexander Baird Miss Jane, Oakfield, west Robertson John Heron John Scott James Johnston Robert Stove Thomas

Kincaid J. G. , Oakfield, west 29 Falconer Mrs Lambie Hugh H. M'Kellar ArchibaldjB. Smith James Orr John E. Smith Mrs John, Oakfield, east Pettigrew Robert 31 Aitken Miss Bell Mrs James REGENT STREET. Gaze William Hendry Mrs Robert 3 Armour Mrs William Sharp John Brown Alexander 33 Patrick Robert Campbell Archibald 35 Campbell Malcolm Dawson James Campbell Norman Gilmour Thomas Chalmers John Griffiths William Murchie Robert Houston James Ritchie Andrew 5 Cameron Mrs Donald Russell W. C. Campbell Allan Ryan Michael Lamont Alexander 37 Grubb Miss Urquhart Robert 42 Campbell John 10 Boyle James Sou tar William Clark David 43 Carlyle John, M.D. Miller John Christie Rev. Charles, M.A. 11 Buchan William 45 Orr John, jun. Gilchrist Neil 46 Millar James Russell Henry 52 Brown Robert Whiteford William Graham David 13 Robertson Wm, Leishman James 14 Bowie Thomas Rankin James Clark Miss Tolmie Alexander 348 STREET DIRECTORY.

Regent Street— Continued. 2 Gordon Misses 53 Fletcher Alexander Rennie David M'Keeman William John Thomson Colin 56 Richmond Alexander 3 Maclachlan Mrs D. Service John 4 Gemmell E. J. 57 Cunningham William MTntyre Thomas Kinnaird James M'Michael Mrs Walker John Murray James 59 Campbell Angus Paul Mrs R. Kirkpatrick Samuel Swan Andrew Kirkwood Robert 5 Forbes John 60 Brodie John Laurie William Munn Robert Muir John L. 61 Gregor James 7 Fairgrieve John B. 62 Boyd James 8 Buchanan Mrs John Brownlie James Howell Willoughby J. Chalmers Mrs Peter Martin James Duthie James Martin John D. MTlwraith Mrs R. Thomson Robert Millar Mrs John Timpson F. C. Ritchie George Watson James F. 63 Lang Matthew 12 Low Miss 65 Bucklitsch Edward Park Miss 66 Bissell William Smith John Campbell Carse William Walker William M'lver David Whitelaw Hugh N. 67 Black James 14 Chalmers James Cameron Hugh Duthie James Daisley John Guthrie R. B. Mitchell Mrs David Lamb W. S. Pattison Mrs Ritchie Hugh Prentice James 15 Campbell Mrs William Shields Robert Corbet Rev. Alexander 69 Brown Dugald Dowie Mrs E. T. Easton Mrs Kerr George Lee Charles Macfarlane Malcolm 71 Anderson John Young Andrew Skakel William 16 Atkins Reginald M. 73 M'Kinnon Norman Carmichael Mrs James Robertson John Park John 75 Biggam John Stewart Charles Borthwick Thomas Wood Mrs Thomas Heron Mrs 17 Houston John M'Gill Robert Jaffrey G. W. 77 Allison Donald M'Donald John Crawford John Park William M'Farlane Alexander Ronald James 18 Adshead Miss ROBERTSON STREET. Brady Mrs James Jamieson Misses 2 Brotchie Mrs Donald M'Murrich Thomas D. Duncan Rev. Alexander 20 Blair Thomas A. 1


Robertson Street — Continued. 15 Clark Mrs 22 Fleming Robert Dempsey Michael Hood Mrs Filshie George

M'Jannet John 1 5 Fisher John M'Kinnon Donald Holmes John M'Tavish Mrs D. 19 Young William Wood Mrs Robert 20 Bannigan D. 24 Crawford James 21 Service Alexander Crawford Robert 23 Barr James Gillies Mrs George D. Brown Mrs W\ S. Hardie Walter Docker James Parker James A. Hamilton Mrs Janet Patrick William Houston Peter Stewart Mrs C. Hyslop Wm. W. 25 Brown Mrs Matthew Kirkpatrick George Cant Adam M'Leod Mrs Paterson D. A. 24 Greenwood George M'Lachlan James Rorison Thomas D. Miller Thomas 29 Currie Alexander 27 Kirk John Soutter H. D. Lawrie John 30 Carmichael Dugald Lyall Mrs Fisher John Sutherland George Gilmore James Young James Jamieson Mrs Thomas M 'Bride Donald M'Kay Robert ROPEWORK STREET. M'Lean John 31 Macfarlane John 2 Took William Muir William 3 Bannatyne Mrs Robert Oswald Mrs John Taylor Mrs 33 Craig Hugh ROSENEATH STREET. M'Kay Mrs Steel Robert 1 Carlisle Miss Weir James C. 2 Steele Thomas 35 Cuthbert Mrs Robertson Thomas Sloan Samuel ROXBURGH STREET Young Thomas 37 Duncan Mrs John 5 Andrew Mrs Alexander Harvey David Morrison Mrs Mackay John Paterson William Nixon James Rennie James 41 Glen John Smith Thomas M'Kay John 7 Orr Thomas, jun. M'Lean Hector 9 Anderson Robert 42 Cameron Lachlan 1 Baillie James Hamilton Mrs Blair Thomas Mills James Connell Alexander M 'Bride Archibald Noble Thomas 45 Moodie William 12 Thomson James M'Lachlan Duncan 35° STREET DIRECTORY.

Roxburgh Street —Continued 93 Whiteford William 47 Bissett Andrew 95 Browning James M'Lean Mrs Leslie David 50 Brown John M'Bride Alexander Macdonald Angus Murphy David Robertson William Smith James 65 Harper John Turner Archibald T. M 'Coll John 97 Highet Hugh M'Meikan John M'Leay Duncan Nicol Andrew Paterson Robert 67 Cameron Charles Wylie Joseph Dick Archibald Kellet George O'Brien Catherine Patrick James RUE-END STREET. Whyte Thomson 69 Cameron Dugald Collins Henry 3 M'Innes Dugald M 'Iver John 5 Anderson William 71 Allan W. J. Bolton Mrs John Graham Mrs Brock Robert M'Neill Mrs Shanks Hugh 73 Porter M. 29 Cook John 81 M'Cowat Thomas Robertson William M'Lean Mrs 37 Gothard William Robertson Thomas 49 Fleming John Yorston Miss 51 Abrahams Samuel 82 Handyside Mrs M 'Cairn Edward M'Millan Thomas 59 Forbes Hugh Telfer Thomas Kirdy John 83 Malcolm Andrew Orr John Rippon Joseph W. 61 Breakie Miss Wilson Archibald 63 Colligan Patrick 84 Johnston John M'Lean Thomas 85 Campbell Duncan 65 Forrester James M'Farlane William Gilroy William Roxburgh Mrs 67 Hamilton Robert Whitelaw Robert M'Taggart Archibald 87 M'Kellar Hugh M'Phail Archibald Malcolm John Stewart Archibald ST. ANDREW SQUARE. Wallace William 89 Calderwood Dan 2 Muir Mrs Robert Douglas Walter M'Neil Malcolm Rodger Wm. C. Telfer James ST. ANDREW STREET. 91 Robertson John 93 Glendinning Thomas 1 Carmichael Mrs Hamilton William H. 2 Wilson William M'Creadie James 3 Foulds James STREET DIRECTORY. 351

42 Bell Samuel ST. LAWRENCE STREET. Langwell James 48 M'Neil William 2 Holmes James 50 Arthur Thomas Lyle John Black Daniel 6 Johnston John Caldwell Alexander 12 Brodie Mrs James Lang Hugh Hutcheson John 52 Grott Ferdinand M'Lay Thomas 54 Ferguson John 14 Agnew Robert Howie James Montgomery Thomas M'Kenzie Mrs Phillips Patrick 56 M'LeodJohn 16 Byers John Shand Thomas 18 Docker Edward Turner John Dunning John Ewing James M 'Donald Duncan Robertson John SHAW PLACE. Stark David 20 M'Coll Alexander 1 Laurie James, M.B., CM. Ross John 2 Gowans Andrew Walker Robert Gray Mrs John 22 Barbour Peter Wilson Alexander M. Macdermott James 3 Ledingham Alexander M'Farlane Mrs Robert Marshall James Palmer Thomas Turner Mrs John 24 Cameron Donald 4 Crawford Alexander Ferguson Mrs John MacKail James M'Kellar James 5 Blair Richard Thomson Peter 6 Hendry James 30 Burns James 7 Conway Francis Cameron Mrs Lamont Robert Craig James 8 Lyle Archibald M'Dermid Mrs M'Lean John M'Kinnon Donald Tierney Mrs John Smith John 9 Blair Thomas White William Simpson A. C. 32 Buchanan John 10 Gorman James Burns William Miller Mrs Hall Arthur Robson Benjamin Steel William 34 Craig William SIR MICHAEL STREET. Rattray Robert 36 Anderson Alexander 6 Scott John M'Kenzie Donald 15 Low Mrs James Taylor James 18 Carrigan George 38 Pollock John 23 Rooney Mrs Teresa 40 Currie James 33 Gourlay Thomas Fielding Alexander 40 Macintyre Alexander Haddow Mrs Thomas 41 Johnston Mrs Emma Smith William M 'Cover Robert 35 2 STREET DIRECTORY.

14 Pollock Robert SOUTH STREET. Thomson Robert White Miss M. 1 M'Neil Donald 15 Baine James 2 Brown Alexander Haxton Mrs James Campbell Mrs John Kidd Benjamin Cunningham Robert M'Cuaig Magnus Marshall James M'Kay Robert Pohlmann Mrs M'Lellan Peter 4 Edwards Simon 16 Boyd Johnston Kennedy Mrs Cameron Matthew Lang Mrs Robert Dick Mrs Andrew Miller James Gillies Mrs John Sheridan Robert Park Miss 7 M'Naught John Shaw Mrs William 8 Anderson Miss Waun John O. Arnot John 17 Anton David Gibson Walter Brown Thomas Kennedy Robert Chalmers Miss M. Morrison Dugald Noble Tom M'Fie Miss Pattison David Scott Robert Smith Hugh Sheridan Joseph 18 Allan Robert Stewart John Buchanan W. G. 9 Baxter Thomas Campbell Alexander Jamieson Mrs Alexander Campbell Jemima M'Callum William Clark Henry M'Jannet John Crabbe William M 'William Misses Inglis James Mathieson David M'Gregor Mrs Robert Ramsay John M'Kenzie Mrs D. io Duncan John Munn William Ferguson John 19 Campbell Alexander Liddell James D. Graham Hugh, jun. Lynch John M 'Arthur Hugh M'Gregor James W. Millar John M'Lean Robert Mundell George Stewart John 20 Barbour Archibald 11 Ritchie Alexander Dempster James 12 Duncan Mrs Robert Dempster Mrs Margaret Hunter Miss Denham Mrs William Inglis Robert Dick Thomas James William Ferguson Mrs Mary Kennedy Hugh Fisher Mrs Thomas M'Kenzie Duncan 22 Crawford Mrs Robert Rendall Robert Currie Samuel Wade John M'Kay Charles 14 Birkmyre Miss M'Kirdy James Crawford Robert Ramsay Alexander Currie Richard 24 Barclay John Easton Robert Fisher John C. M'Vean Duncan Gall Mrs STREET DIRECTORY. 353

South Street —Continued. 12 Gillies Alexander 24 M'Chesney Hugh R. Howie Hugh M'Fadyen Archibald Slaven James M'Killop Alfred 14 Orr John 26 Campbell Alexander Sharp John M'Whirter Mrs Williamson Alexander Middleton James Munro William TRAFALGAR STREET Neil James Thomson Nelson M. 3 Blakley Francis 28 Crawford William Kinniburgh John Harvey Benjamin Sinclair Wm. Hendry Malcolm 4 Maclean Archibald M'Pherson Peter 5 Campbell John Pollock A. Williamson Daniel Tweeddale James 6 Allan James 30 Aitkenhead Alexander Chalmers Hugh Baxter John Schelp Frederick Humphreys Joseph Shaw Mrs Neil Kirk Robert 9 Blair Duncan M'Innes Mrs Glendinning Alexander 32 Dick Mrs Boyd 12 Falconer William Hoggan John Smith William Mackie Mrs David Watson Thomas C. Moodie Alexander 16 Douglas Malcolm Williamson Anderson Greenlees Mrs John Wilson David M'Callum Duncan 34 Bendell Paul Morrison Duncan D. Denney John 19 Baxter John Dickson George Burrows W. Kerr Edward Greig John Low Thomas M'Girr John Minto Archibald Nelson James

36 Eagar J. B. Revie Mrs James Eaglesham Hugh Robertson Edward Gwynn Daniel, jun. 20 Wilson Thomas Poison Misses 21 Burns George Simpson Mrs John Cowan Alexander R. 38 Fulton James B. Paterson George Menzies Daniel Sutherland Alexander M. Millar James 22 Eilert Frederick M'Auslan Alexander SPRINGKELL STREET. 23 Jack Mrs Hugh Kinnaird William I Simpson James 24 Case John 6 Laird Alexander M'Dougall Mrs 8 Anderson John M'Ginlay Patrick M'Kellar John TERRACE ROAD. Rowe George Urquhart Robert IO Mechan Thomas 25 Andrews Hugh Rae John Campbell Donald 2 3 .


Trafalgar Street —Continued 13 Mackellar Mrs Peter 25 M 'Cowan William Thorn Archibald Phillips William 16 Wallace James, M.D. 26 Byng George 17 Barclay John S. Luckham James Davie John M'Kenzie George 20 Fingland Rev. Edward D. Stevenson Adam Harvey John H 27 Calder Thomas Mill Mrs Charles Fitzgerald Michael 21 Ferguson Charles Love William Watson Alexander L. 28 Brown Angus 23 Stewart William Galbraith Malcolm 24 Hall Miss Emily M'Kellar Neil Moir Robert W. Scott Mrs Alexander Rougvie Mrs John Scott Thomas 27 Dryden Robert 29 Bradley John Williamson Mrs John Cameron Donald 29 Cluckie N. Gordon Johnston Thomas 33 Hair William 31 Chalmers Andrew Price R. Milligan John 34 M'Donough John Ritchie John 36 Rennie Robert Whyte Archibald 37 Ballantine Mrs John H. 39 MTntyre Archibald 38 Hutcheson John M. 45 Barclay Robert 39 Boyd Mrs Andrew Barron Alexander 40 Tasker Mrs Andrew 47 Armitage Mrs 41 Brownlie Misses Bowman Joseph 48 Begg J. Henderson Boyd James, jun. 51 Robertson Mrs John Buick Thomas 53 Ferguson Alexander M'Gregor Robert M. Neill James Richmond John 54 Trew Rev. John 49 Allison John 57 Hill Mrs Ramsay Allison Thomas 58 Scott Joseph D. Earle Alexander 62 Waterston C. Ferguson James 63 Letham William MTntyre William Rodger Miss Ross Angus 65 Blair Miss Walker William Smith Mrs Steele Miss UNION STREET. Walton John D. 66 M'Clure William I Gray Robert 67 Anderson Mrs Richard 4 Kilpatrick Hugh Rowan George 5 Bowie James 69 Campbell Mrs Alexander Murray Mrs Campbell John 6 Holmes Alexander Niccol Robert M'Vey James 70 Macmillan Rev. Hugh, D.D. 7 Buchanan Mrs 72 Lyle Robert Thomson George 73 Grieve James, jun. 9 Paton Allan Park Russell James 12 Calder Marcus 75 Hill Robert Gillies James W. Lang Mrs James STREET DIRECTORY. 355

Union Street—Continued. 8 Henderson Mrs Alexander 75 Macfarlan Alexander Hodge William Wright Mrs M'Culloch James 77 Lindsay William Speirs A. H. 78 M'Kirdy Mrs Tait Duncan 80 Woolley Samuel S. 9 Allan Mrs 82 MacEachran Dugald Briceland Andrew 86 M'Intosh William Scott Robert Morton George 10 M'Ewan Alexander Scott Rev. W. Richmond M'Lachlan James M'Lean John VENN EL. Main Robert Peddie William 18 Heron John 11 Innes Mrs Loughran William Laird William M'Kirdy Angus Maccallum James 49 Simpson William Paton James 58 Bradley Anthony Robertson Mrs George 64 Demetris Mark Thomson Michael 12 Adam William WATT PLACE. Darroch Miss 13 Archer William 1 Aitken William N. A. Heaney William J. Anderson Andrew M 'Arthur Daniel Downing Mrs William M 'Donald Mrs Houston Mrs James M'Leod John 2 Blair Mrs Joseph Rennie Thomas Cunningham Robert Heitman Charles WELLINGTON STREET.

WATT STREET. 2 Crawford James Lee Robert 3 Hood John Ingram W. B. M'Kinnon Malcolm Young David Symington John 4 O'Neill John B. 4 Armstrong David 8 Austin Adam Harms William Brodie Mrs M'Crae James Crawford Bryce Ross Frederick Jack John Stevenson Robert Maclean Ronald T 5 Hoggan W illiam 9 Neil Rev. J. C. Mayors Thomas H. Park John Walker Archibald Wilson Robert 6 M'Kellar James C. IO Carnaghan James M'Rae Neil Fernley John Mayors Robert G. Guthrie James Robertson Mrs Donald Macdonald A. K. Steinke Herman M'Lelland James 7 Henderson Mrs Bruce Reid James M'Kinnon John 12 Campbell James 8 Barbour Mrs Campbell Thomas Boyd Mrs James M'Lellan Andrew 356 STREET DIRECTORY.

Wellington Street—Continued 26 Campbell James 12 M'Whirter Hugh Ferguson Mrs John Morrin William Lang John Smith Peter M 'Kay John Wingate Andrew Muirhead Alexander 14 Barbour William Roberts Mrs Campbell Donald Simpson Mrs M. Cromar George 28 Borland Alexander Donaldson Robert Easton David M'Cowatt James Maitland Mrs Jane Martin Duncan T. M'Rae Mrs John Melrose Mrs Simpson Alexander Pow Edward 30 Aikman Thomas Whyte Thomas Currie Gilbert 16 Armstrong David A. Hoy Mrs James Buchan Walter Innes Joseph Fleming John Rodger David Fordie Thomas Savage Thomas M'Niven Donald Service Archibald Reid Archibald 35 Clark Archibald Whyte James Macdonald Hugh 18 Cuthbert Gilbert MTntyre Donald Hardie John 37 Holburn Robert, sen. Smith Alexander W. C. M 'Donald Robert Wallace James 39 Purdon James 19 Getty Robert 43 Baine William M'Kirdy George 45 Shearer James Ross Mrs 52 Leggat William 20 Baird Hugh M'Farlane Hugh Cochrane Crawford Turner William M'D. Hughes John 64 Bowie John Lang Robert Brown David M'Farlane John Lang William Scott Mrs Isabella M'Lachlan Archibald Wallace James 66 Easton Robert F. 21 M'Whirter John Houston David Reid William Knox James Young Mrs William M'Kay Andrew 22 Brunton Charles 68 Gibb Walter M'Kinnon Mrs Robert Hannah Robert M 'Naught George W. Hutcheson George Ritchie Mrs William Laird James Smith William 70 Lamont Hugh 24 Henderson Neil M'Tavish John Lamont Daniel May George W. Malcolm George Smeaton James M'Kenzie Peter 71 Dale Archibald Shearer Mrs Janet Edgar John Smith Mrs Hamilton Thomas Whitelaw Thomas Smith James 25 Coote Mrs Thomas 72 Burton Thomas 26 Borthwick David Chalmers Archibald STREET DIRECTORY. 357

Wellington Street—Continued 14 Bell John 72 Chalmers Robert Drummond Robert Elliott Thomas Gilmour Hugh Ford Miss Menzies Mrs John Hart James Smith Thomas W. M'Ausland John 17 M'Eleny John Thomson Michael M'Nally John St. V. 74 Boyd James Seath Robert Honeyman R. 19 Scott Charles C. Houston Archibald 20 M'Gugan Angus M'Intosh James 22 Brown John M'Kim John Cowley Charles 75 Brown Robert M 'Farlane Miss Carmichael Archibald M'Kay William Robertson Donald 23 Gillespie Mrs James 76 Dobbin John M'Lean Mrs M'Cue James M'Lean Alexander 77 Doak Joseph Peace Mrs John Ireland William Sinclair Archibald Kinnell James 24 Brown Mrs James M'Farlane Mrs Davies Mrs William Scott Robert Gunn James 79 Ferguson Robert Keogh John 81 Campbell Hugh M'Kay James Fraser William 25 Bailey George Oliver William Mackenzie Mrs 83 Barclay John Parker John Blair Robert Shepherd William Brown Adam 26 Grana A. Cuthbertson James S. Griffiths Jane Muir William Kay Mrs A. S. Rowe George B. Logan Francis B. 85 Anderson James Smith John Carstairs Robert Thomson Alexander M 'Arthur John Wilson Daniel Murray Alexander B. 27 Borthwick James Wilson Alexander Clinton William Wilson Thomas Morton Mrs 87 Anderson William 30 Anderson John Bradley James Fowler William Ferguson Donald Shankland Mrs Thomas Gerrard James 32 Madden Samuel D. Hair William 34 Fairlie William Murray James Ferguson George Henderson Mrs Archibald WEST BLACKHALL STREET. M'Ewen Mrs Archibald Wallace A. C. 5 Duncan Mrs I. 35 Bell Mrs John Gillies Miss Wotherspoon Mrs 6 Rowan Samuel 36 Burnside Miss Elizabeth 7 Thomson A. Woorell Mrs Mary 8 Muir Allan 27 Avern George 353 STREET DIRECTORY.

West Blackhall Street —Continued 20 Waters John S. 37 Hagan Charles 22 Campbell Robert M 'Arthur Mrs Duncan Fraser James 40 Lawrence Mrs David Fraser John 41 Brodie William Molseed James Garrod Mrs 23 Mitchell John M 'Arthur Mrs M'Ausland Mrs John M'Leod Mrs A. M 'Lean John Pandelus John Taylor Mrs Jane Whiteford James 24 Fletcher Malcolm 43 Crookshanks Joseph Philips David Hamilton James 25 Hair Miss Catherine 52 Clark David M'Lean Alexander Kelly John 32 Blake Arthur Boyle Elizabeth WEST BURN STREET. Galbraith Lachlan Morrison Alexander

6 Lewis Peter Morrison J. D. 8 Crawford Robert O'Hara William 12 Beaton Peter Paton Mrs 25 Morrison Peter 33 Herbert R. W. Paterson A. Millar William 31 Ahlfield Bernard Miller Frank W. Sayers Alexander 34 Brand Mrs David 33 Crawford Mrs Hugh Buchan Robert 34 Haig Mrs James Henrich Mrs Henry 35 Dunn Mrs Archibald Henderson J. Glen Mrs James Paget John Sinclair Donald 35 David Simon H. 40 Campbell Donald Hall Joshua M'Kinlay Peter C. WEST STEWART STREET. Steel William 36 Inglis James I Simpson James 37 Barr Robert 5 Cumming Miss Hope William Dewar John 38 Climie Robert Lawrie Thomas Leitch Mrs H. WOOD STREET. M'Intyre Allan Storms Mrs 1 Barrie Andrew D. 6 Hamilton Miss Hardie Robert WILLIAM STREET. Lindsay John M 'Donald Donald 10 Burns Alexander 9 Marshall William 1 1 Armour Matthew YORK STREET. Dodd William 13 M'Callum Duncan 2 Brown Alexander M'Kellar Robert 3 Beaton Thomas 15 Burns Jonathan 5 Allan James 17 Shearer James Barbour James 20 Lang Daniel Rodger Thomas Vf/ Vf/ vf/ vf/ vf/ Vf/ V!/ Vf/ Vf/ vf/ Vf/ Vf/ Vf/ vf/ vf/ vf/ Vf/ Vf/ vf/ Vf/ Vf/ Vf/ Vf/ Vf/ vf/ Vf/ vf/ Vf/ Vf/ Vf/ Vf/ Vf/ Vf/ vf/ vf/ vf/ vf/ Vf/ vf/ O Vf/ vf/ vf/ vf/ Vf/ Vf/ Vf/ vf/ Vf/ Vf/ Vf/ vf/ CO Vf/ /1\ /i\ •i\ /i\ /i\ A\ sh A\ /A\ a\ •A\ ns /i\ /i\ /i\ A\ /i\ /A\ A\ /i\ /1\ /k\





Erected by Mrs Henry Gamble, and Opened ioth February, 1876.

The management is vested in a Board of Directors consisting of 12 members, 8 chosen by Mrs Gamble, and 4 elected annually from the membership.

The Institute has a commodious Reading Room provided with all the leading newspapers, magazines, &c. ; also a comfortable Amusement Room, furnished with billiard table, draughts, dominoes, &c, for the use of members and visitors.

The Library has received extensive additions, and is arranged for circulation of an attractive range of literature to members.

Baths, Refreshments, &c, are also in connection, with moderate charges.

The Hall affords sitting accommodation for about 400, and is largely used for lectures, concerts, public meetings, &c. A Lesser Hall and number of small rooms are available for business, society, or other meetings.

Annual Member's Subscription, 4/ ; Half-year, 2/6 ; Monthly, 1/. ADMISSION FOR VISITORS, ONE PENNY.

Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 10 p.m. (Sundays excepted.)



The NEWEST and the OLDEST ! The SMALLEST and the LARGEST! The BEST and the WORST! BOOTS, SHOES, and SLIPPERS! Can be Soled and Heeled with Gutta Percha. Pay Attention to Charges. MEN'S, Bottomed with Gutta Percha, from 2/6

WOMEN'S, ,, „ „ 1/10 CHILDREN'S, from 1s 3d, according to size. Leather Repairs. MEN'S, Soled and Heeled, from - - 3/6

WOMEN'S „ " „ „ - 2/6 CHILDREN'S, from 1s 6d, according to size.

SPECIAL.— No Charge is made for Patch- ing, Stitching, Buttons, or Patent Hee! Rings when being Soled or Bottomed.

ZTbe Httention of Customers is specially directed to the Superior and Durable Finish of these Repairs. The appliances in our workshops for doing them are of the newest and most approved description, and by using only First-Class Material, and employing thoroughly experienced Tradesmen, the Repairs are in every respect of a Superior Style and Finish, while the Charges in all cases are ex- tremely moderate.

NOTE.— All Boots and Shoes Repaired by R. & J. D. can be enlarged or reduced in size, Fitted with Elastics, Re-Fronted or Toe Capped equal to New. CATHOART STREET, GREENOCK. APPENDIX.


WILLIAM KENNEDY BRYSON, Postmaster. James Whiteford, M.D., Medical Attendant. James Allan, Chief Clerk. Postal Clerks. — 1st Class —James Brown, John Hoggan, James Angus, G. G. M'Gregor, John Knowles, Andrew Molseed, Walter M'Kenzie, and 2nd Class—Crawford Cochrane, x\lexander Cameron, John' Ritchie, W. M'N. M'Culloch, Wm. W. Walker, J. Locke, W. C. Seaton, Wm. M. Logan, A. A. Kerr, G. Brown, D. A. C. Weir, Samuel Carter, Malcolm M'Lellan, William Neilson, and Charles M'Kirdy. Telegraph Department. —R. B. Guthrie, Superintendent. 1st Class —George Anderson, Alex. Cruickshank, Robert S. M'Dowall. 2nd Class —Archibald T. Turner, Alex. Smith, James Lennox, William Duncan, Peter C. C. Wilson, Robert White, James Bell, William

Thompson, Alex. Pollock, Henry Clark, James Thomson ; one vacancy. Females— 1st Class—M. A. P. Crawford. 2nd Class—Isabella B. Cathie, M. S. M'E. Smith, M. J. Millar, Agnes Johnstone, Jeanie Macfie, and J. L. Shearer. Four Distributors and Twenty-eight Telegraph Messengers. Town Postmen. —James Edgar, Henry Gibson, Joseph Sweenie, William J. M'Keeman, William M'Kenzie, John M'C. Campbell, William Kirkpatrick, Roderick M'Leod, Neil Murray, Robert W. T. M'Nab, James M'Culloch, Duncan Buchanan, Norman M'Leod, John Duncan, James C. M'Kellar, James Forrester, A. MacKinnon, John Hannah, John S. M'Leod, Donald Buchanan, M. M'Laughlin, Wm. J. Brown, D. Crawford, John MacKinnon, John Wilson, D. C. Rae, W. M'Dougall, D. S. Anderson, Robert Graham, M. Thomson, N. M'Lean, John Jamieson, Robert M'Caughey, Lachlan Cook, Joseph M'Kee, John Fletcher, Alex. King, Thomas M'Donnell, William Rodden, Jas. Simpson, and 15 Auxiliaries. LOCAL RURAL POSTMEN. Overton and Inverkip Roads—Angus M'Lean. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. John Donald, Inspector. A. W. C. Smith and Dugald Thomson, Linemen. APPENDIX.

TOWN RECEIVING OFFICES, PILLAR AND WALL BOXES. Hours of Collection. Receiving Offices. Week Days. Sundays.

«£Blackhall St. (W.), 7, 11.30, a.m.; 12.30, 2.15, 3.45, 5.10, 6.45, 8, 10 p.m. 3.30 p.m. Brisbane Street, 6.45, 11.15 a.m.; 3.30, 6.30, 9.30 p.m. 3.0 p.m. a^Brougham Street, 6.45, 1.1.15 a.m.; 3.45, 6.45, 8, 16 p.m. 3.0 p.m. «3Cathcart Street, 8, 11.15 a.m.; 12.30, 4.15, 5, 7.15, 9 p.m. Nil. aEldon Street, 6.45, 11. 15 a.m.: 3.15, 6.15, 9 p.m. 2.45 p.m. Watt Dock, 11. a.m. a^James 6.45, 15 ; 3.15, 6.15, 9 p.m. 2.45 p.m. «Lynedoch Street, 6.45, 11. 15 a.m.; 3.30, 6.45, 9 p.m. 3.0 p.m. aMorton Terrace, 8, 11.15 a.m.; 3.15, 6.35 p.m. Nil. aNelson Street, 6.45, 11.15 a.m.; 3.30, 6.30, 9 p.m. 3.0 p.m. a^Roxburgh Street, 8, 11. 15 a.m.; 3.45, 6.45, 8 p.m.. Nil. a£Rue-end Street, 8, 11. 15 a.m.; 12.30, 3.30, 6.45, 8 p.m. Nil. Pillar and Wall Letter-Boxes. cAnn Street (Upper), 6.45, 11. 15 a.m.; 3.15, 6.15, 9 p.m. 3.0 p.m. Caledonian Railway Station, 7, 11. 15 a.m.; 12.30, 3.40, 7, 8.45 p.m. Nil. rCathcart Sq., 3, 6.45, 9.35, 11.50a.m.; 1.30, 2.20,4.10,5.5,7,7.35,10.20p.m. 4.20p.m. cFinnart Street, 6.45, 11,15 a.m.; 3.20, 6.20, 9 p.m. 3.0 p.m. ^Hamilton Street, 7, 11.45 a.m.; 12.30, 2.20, 3.45, 5.10, 6.45, 10 p.m. 3.0 p.m. Hay Street, 8, 11.25 a.m.; 3.40, 6.25, 8.50 p.m. 3.0 p.m. ^Johnstone Street, 6.45, 11. 15 a.m.; 3.15, 6.15, 9 p.m. 2.45 p.m. Maxwell Street, 6.45, 11.30 a.m.; 3.15, 6.20, 8.50 p.m. 2.45 p.m. North Street, 6.45, 11.15 a.m.; 3.15, 6.15, 9 p.m. 2.45 p.m. ^Patrick Street, 6.45, 11.30 a.m.; 3.30, 6.30, 10 p.m. 3.0 p.m. cPrinces Pier Railway Station, 6.45, 11.30 a.m.; 3.30, 6.30, 10 p.m. Nil. ^Robertson Street, 6.45, 11.15 a.m.; 3.30, 6.30, 9 p.m. 3.0 p.m. cRue-end Street, 7, 11.45 a.m.; 12.30, 3.45, 6.45, 9 p.m. 3.30 p.m. ^Steamboat Quay, 7, 11.30 a.m.; 12.30, 3.30, 6.45, 9 p.m. 3.0 p.m. cSt. Lawrence Street, 6.45, 11. 15 p.m.; 3.15, 6.15, 9.15 p.m. 2.45 p.m. Union Street, 6.45, 11.30 a.m.; 3.30, 6.20, 9.45 p.m. 2.45 p.m.

a Denotes a Money Order Office and Savings Bank ; b a Telegraph Office ; c a Pillar Box. Hours of Business.

The Public Counter is open every lawful day from 7 a.m. till 10 p.m., for the sale of stamps and postal orders, registration of letters and acceptance of telegrams and parcels. On Sundays from 8 a.m. till 10 a.m., for stamps, registration, and telegrams only, and delivery of letters to callers.

The Telegraph Office is open from 7 a.m. till 10 p.m. ; between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. telegrams may be sent by an extra payment. On Sundays the Telegraph Office is open from 8 to 10 a.m., and 4 to 8 p.m. Telegrams for transmission on Sunday evening must be handed in at the Instrument Room, entrance by Vennel. Money Order, Savings Bank, Insurance, Annuities, Pensions, and Government Stock Business transacted from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Satur- days till 8 p.m. Postal Orders are sold from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., and paid from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.

DELIVERY OF LETTERS. Correspondence for Private Box Holders and Postt Restante are delivered between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. Delivery on Sundays at the Bar of the Post Office only, from 8 to 10 a.m. First Delivery at 6.45 a.m., with correspondence from London, and all parts of Scotland and Ireland. Town's letters in time for this delivery till 6.30 a.m. — —


Second Delivery at 8 a.m., with the correspondence from all England, Foreign and Continental, Dublin, South and South-West of Scotland, Berwick, and towns on the North British Railway, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Paisley, Port-Glasgow. Town's letters in time till 7.30 a.m. Third Delivery at 1.30 p.m., with the correspondence from New- castle-on-Tyne, Berwick, North of Scotland, North of Ireland, Edin- burgh, Glasgow, Paisley, Port-Glasgow, Campbeltown, Carradale, Lochranza, Pirnmill, and Gourock. Town's letters in time till 1. 10 p.m. Fourth Delivery at 4.30 p.m., with the correspondence from Edinburgh, Glasgow, London, South of Ireland, Paisley, Port-Glas- gow, Ardentinny, Lochgoilhead, Inveraray, and Oban. Town's letters in time till 4.10 p.m. Fifth Delivery at 7.45 p.m., with the correspondence from London,

Liverpool, Dublin, and South of Ireland ; North of Scotland, Aberdeen, Oban, Fort-William, Perth, Dundee, Galloway, Dumfries, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Paisley, Port-Glasgow, Lochgilphead, Tarbert, Ardrishaig, Innellan, Rothesay, Dunoon, Strone, Kilmun, Gourock, Millport, Wemyss Bay, and Inverkip. Town's letters in time till 7.25 p.m. STAMPS (POSTAGE AND INLAND REVENUE).

At every Money Order Office the Postmaster is required to keep, for sale to the public, a sufficient stock of the different postage stamps

in use ; envelopes with an embossed penny postage stamp ; registered

letter envelopes ; newspaper wrappers with impressed halfpenny and

penny postage stamps ; Inland and Foreign Post Cards. Postage Stamps, which are available for the pre-payment of Telegrams, are of the respective values of ^d, id, i^d, 2d, 2^d, 3d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 9d, iod, is, 2s 6d, 5s, 10s, £1, and £$. The Embossed Postage Envelopes are of three sizes, viz., A. 4! by 3 n-i6th ins. (square shape, white), C. 5^ by 3 (white), and a cheaper envelope (white) called "commercial," and are sold at the following prices : A. (Square Shape, White)— ijd 1, ; 2, 2^d ; 3, 3^d ; 4, 4fd; 6, 7d ;

9^d ; 12, is 2d 2s 4d. C. 8, ; 24, (White)— I, i£d ; 2, 2|d ; 3, 3|d ;

4, 4^d ; 6, 6|d ; 8, 8fd ; 12, is id ; 24, 2s 2d. Commercial Envelope (White)— i£d I, ; 2, 2^d ; 3, 3£d ; 4, 4^d ;

5, 5£d ; 10, iojd ; 20, is 9d; 240, 21s. Registered Letter Envelopes, for foreign as well as inland letters, bearing a twopenny stamp embossed on the flat for the payment of the registration fee, are of six sizes, and are sold at the following

prices : Size. Price.

F. J ins. by J ins. . . 2^d each, or — 5 3 j G. —6 ins. by 3! ins. . . {2s 2^d per packet of 12.

H. — 8 ins. by 5 ins. . . \ 2|d each, or

- H2. ins. by ins. . . 2s —9 4 \ 7d per packet of 12. 34 each, or K.-niins. byJ 6 ins. . . ( 2s iod per packet of 12.

Stamps should be placed on the front, that is, on the address side of the letter, and in the right hand upper corner. On re-directed letters care should be taken not to place fresh stamps over those which have been previously used. — ;


Newspaper Wrappers are sold at the following prices : —Bearing 3d 3^d Halfpenny Stamp— I, £4 ; 2, i£d ; 3, ifd ; 4. 2^d ; 5, ; 6, ; 7, parcel of Bearing 4d ; 14, 8d ; 21, is ; and £1 2s iod per 480. Penny 5^d 6£d 7£d Stamps— 1, i^d; 2, 2£d ; 3, 3Jd ; 4, 4^d ; 5, ; 6, ; 7, of 8, 8£d ; 16, is 5d ; 24, 2s i^d ; and £\ is 3d per parcel 240. Inland Revenue Stamps. Impressed bill stamps of the respective values of id, 2d, 3d, 6d gd, is, 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s ; and adhesive stamps for foreign bills of the values of id, 2d, 3d, 6d, 9d, is, and 2s, are now sold at this office. They can also be obtained at the various Receiving Offices in town during hours for postal business. Adhesive postage and revenue stamps may now be used for the purpose of denoting the stamp duties chargeable on the following documents : Agreements under hand only, where liable to the fixed duty of 6d. Bills of Exchange (including cheques) for the payment of money on demand (duty id). Certified copies of, or extracts from, registers of births, &c. (duty id). Charter-parties (duty 6d). Contract notes, advising the sale or purchase of any stock or mar- ketable security of a less value than ,£100 (duty id). Delivery orders (duty id). Lease or tack, or agreement, for a lease or tack, for any definite term less than a year, (a) of a dwelling-house, or part of a dwelling-house, at a rent not exceeding the rate of ^10 a year (duty id). (b) of a furnished dwelling-house, or apartments (duties,' 6d, is, is 6d, 2s, and 2s 6d, according to the rent). Letters of renunciation (duty id). Notarial acts (duty is). Policies of insurance, not life or marine (duty id). Protests of Bills of Exchange or of Promissory Notes (duties, id, 2d, 3d, 6d, 9d, in agreement with the duty on the bill or note, and is when the bill or note is stamped with is or upwards). Proxies (where liable to the duty of id only). Receipts (duty id). Transfers of shares in cost book mines (duty 6d). Voting papers (duty id). "Warrants for goods (duty 3d). One or more postage and revenue stamps may be used to make up the stamp duties payable on any of the instruments above enumerated. It is to be observed that the use of adhesive postage and revenue stamps is strictly limited to the documents above enumerated, and their use in respect of any other document would not afford protection from the penalties payable in consequence of the omission to stamp such other documents within or at the time prescribed by law for the purpose. Civil Service fee stamps, bankruptcy stamps, and patent, design, and trade mark stamps and forms, required in the preliminary stages of registration, are also kept. If application is made for an Inland Revenue or fee stamp of higher value than is kept in stock, the Postmaster can obtain the stamp, if the applicant deposit in cash the value of the stamp required. — —


Excise Licenses. Excise licenses of the following— descriptions and values are sold during money order hours : Dogs, 7s 6d Guns, ios od

INLAND POSTAGE. General Regulations.

It is forbidden to put forward by post any indecent or obscene print, paintings, photographs, lithographs, engravings, book, or card, or any other indecent or obscene article, or any letter, newspaper, publication, packet, or card having thereon any other words, marks, or designs of an indecent, obscene, libellous, or grossly offensive character. Anything posted contrary to this prohibition will be stopped and sent to the Returned Letter Office. Postmasters are instructed not to receive any letter which there is good reason to believe contains anything likely to injure the contents of the mail bag, or the person of any officer of the Post Office. If such a packet be posted without the Postmaster's knowledge, or if at any time before the despatch he should discover any such packet, he is directed not to forward it, but to report the case, with the address of the packet, to the Secretary. The following are examples of the articles referred to :

A glass bottle, or glass in any form ; razors, scissors, needles, knives, forks, or other sharp instruments ; leeches, game, fish, meat, fruit, or

vegetables ; bladders, or other vessels containing liquids ; gunpowder, lucifer matches, or anything which is explosive or liable to sudden combustion. Letters.*

The rates of postage are as follows, f viz. :

Not above I oz id Above 1 oz. but not above 2 oz. lid 2 oz. 4 oz. 2d

4 oz. ,, 6 oz. 2£d

6 oz. ,, 8 oz. 3d

8 oz. ,, 10 oz. 3id 10 oz. ,, 12 oz. 4d 12 OZ. ,, 14 oz. 4id And so on at the rate of every additional 2 oz.

A letter posted unpaid is chargeable on delivery with double postage, and a letter posted insufficiently prepaid is charged with double the deficiency. On a re-directed letter, the charge for re-direction is the same whether prepaid or collected on delivery. No letter may exceed 18 inches in length, 9 in width, or 6 in depth, unless it be sent to or from a Government office.

* Inland letters are those which pass between places in the United Kingdom, including the Isle of Man, the Orkney, Shetland, Scilly, and Channel Islands. t If the weight be exceeded to the smallest extent, even though the balance be merely turned, the letter becomes liable to a higher postage. The same rule applies to letters going abroad. To provide, therefore, for errors in scales, &c, it is well to allow a little margin, or to pay the postage of the next greater weight. APPENDIX.

Railway Letters. Certain Railway Companies will, on payment of 3d per letter, accept and convey by the next available train or steamship single Inland Post letters not exceeding 1 oz. in weight, either to be called for at the station of address, or to be transferred there to the nearest Post Office letter-box for delivery by postman. Addresses and Petitions to Queen and Parliament. Petitions and Addresses forwarded to the Queen are exempt from postage. Members of either House of Parliament may also receive by post Petitions and Addresses to Her Majesty, and petitions addressed to either House of Parliament, not exceeding 2 lbs. in weight, exempt from postage, provided such petitions and addresses be sent without covers, or in covers open at the ends. Parliamentary Proceedings. Printed Votes or Proceedings of the Imperial Parliament, in open covers, having the words " Parliamentary Proceedings" written or printed thereon, are allowed to exceed the limits of size and weight prescribed for book packets ; and, even if wholly or partly unpaid, they are liable only to the prepaid book rate of ^d for every 2 ozs. NEWSPAPERS.

1st. The prepaid postage on every inland newspaper is one half- penny, but a packet, containing two or more registered news- papers, is not liable to a higher rate than the book-postage upon it would be. For each transmission a fresh postage must be paid. 2nd. A Newspaper posted unpaid, or a packet of Newspapers posted unpaid, or insufficiently paid, is treated as an unpaid or insufficiently paid book-packet of the same weight. 3rd. Any publication fulfilling the subjoined conditions can, upon payment of an annual fee of 5s, be registered at the General Post Office for circulation within the United Kingdom as a Newspaper, as also for transmission to places abroad. Un- registered, a Newspaper is liable to the book rate of postage. a. The publication must consist wholly or in great part of political or other news, or of articles relating thereto, or to other current topics, with or without advertisements. b. It must be printed and published in the United Kingdom, and in numbers at intervals of not more than seven days. c. The full title and date of publication must be printed at the top of the first page, and the whole or part of the title and the date at the top of every subsequent page. This regulation applies also to "Table of Contents" and " Indexes." d. A supplement must consist wholly or in great part of matter like that of a Newspaper, or of advertisements, printed on a sheet or sheets, or on a piece or pieces of

paper, unstitched ; or wholly or in part of engravings, prints, or lithographs, illustrative of articles in the paper. It must in every case be published with the paper, and

have its title and date printed at the top of every page ; APPENDIX. 7

or, if it consists of engravings, prints, or lithographs, at the top of every sheet or side. 4th. A Newspaper, if posted in a cover, must have such cover open at both ends, so as to admit of easy inspection.* 5th. The title of every Newspaper must be exposed to view. 6th. A Newspaper or packet of Newspapers must not contain any enclosure except the relative supplement or supplements. 7th. A Newspaper which has anything written on it, or its cover, of the nature of a letter, is liable to postage as an unpaid or insufficiently paid letter. 8th. A packet of Newspapers must not weigh above 14 lbs., or exceed two feet in length, one foot in width, or one in depth. Book Post (Inland). A Book Packet may contain, not only books, papers, or other sub- stance in ordinary use for writing or printing, whether plain or written or printed upon (to the exclusion of any written letter, or communica- tion of the nature of a letter), photographs, when not on glass, or in frames containing glass, or any like substance, and anything usually appertaining to such articles in the way of binding and mounting neces- sary for the safe transmission by post, but also Circulars—i.e., letters which appear from internal evidence to be intended for transmission in identical terms to several persons, and the whole or the greater part of which is printed, engraved, or lithographed. 1st. The postage is one halfpenny for every 2 oz., or fraction of that weight. 2nd. The postage must be prepaid, either by adhesive stamps or by means of a stamped wrapper, or by a combination of the two. 3rd. A packet posted wholly unpaid will be charged with double the book postage, and if posted partially prepaid with double the deficiency. 4th. Every book packet must be posted either without a cover or in a cover entirely open at both ends, and in such a manner as to admit of the contents being easily withdrawn for examination, + otherwise it will be treated as a letter. 5th. A book packet may not contain any letter, or communication of the nature of a letter (whether separate or otherwise), not being a circular letter, or not wholly printed, nor any enclosure sealed or in any way closed against inspection. (Entries, however, merely stating who sends the book, &c, or to whom it is given, are not regarded as a letter.) If this rule be infringed, the entire packet will be charged as a letter. J 6th. No book packet may exceed 5 lbs. in weight, or 1 foot 6 ins. in length, 9 ins. in width, and 6 ins. in depth, unless it be sent to or from a Government Office.

* In order that no failure may occur in the delivery of newspapers through the corers becoming detached, it is recommended that the addresses be written on exposed parts of the newspapers themselves as well as on the covers. t In order to secure the return of book packets which cannot be delivered, the name and address of the senders should be printed or written outside, thus— " From

J It is the duty of the Postmasters, whenever they have ground for suspecting an infringement of any of the above conditions, and occasionally, even when there is no ground for suspicion, to open and examine book packets posted at, or passing through, their offices. —



1. Trade patterns and samples of merchandise maybe sent between places in the United Kingdom at the following rates of postage:—

For a packet weighing not more than 4 oz. . .id For a packet weighing more than 4 oz. but not more

than 6 oz...... l£d For a packet weighing more than 6 oz. but not more

than 8 oz...... 2d 2. No packet must exceed 8 oz. in weight. The limits of dimen- sions are 12 inches by 8 inches by 4 inches. If either of these condi- tions be infringed, the packet will not be forwarded, but will be returned to the sender.

3. If a packet be posted wholly unpaid, it will on delivery be chargeable with double postage ; a packet posted insufficiently paid will be chargeable with double the deficient postage. 4. The Postmaster General wishes it to be clearly understood that the post is expressly intended for the benefit of, and is absolutely restricted to, bond fide trade patterns and samples of tnercha?idisc. No article sent for sale, or in execution of an order (however small the quantity), or sent from a private individual, will under any circumstances he admissible ; and if any such packet be posted prepaid at the pattern- rate only, it will be charged with double the deficient postage, at the letter rate, together with a fine of 6d.

5. Patterns and samples must be sent in wrappers (marked " Pattern Post "or " Sample Post ") entirely open at both ends, and must be so packed that they may, to the satisfaction of the Postmaster General or his officers, be easily withdrawn for examination; but samples of seeds, flour, drugs, and such-like articles, which cannot be sent in open wrappers, may be enclosed in boxes (but in such a way as to admit of easy examination) or in bags of linen or other like material, tied at the neck. Closed bags, even if transparent, will not be allowed. In all cases where the requirements in regard to the mode of enclosure are not complied with, the packet will be returned to the sender. 6. It is obligatory that the name, address, and trade of the sender be in all cases printed on the outside of the wrapper, above the address. If this rule be not complied with, the packet will be liable to the penalty referred to in Clause 4. When returned to the Trader or Firm by whom they are originally sent, Patterns will pass if one of the following conditions are complied with : a. They may be returned in the original wrappers, the written address being carefully crossed and the words " Returned Patterns" or " Returned to," being prefixed to the printed address of the Trader. b. By a reversible wrapper having the Trader's name, address, and trade, and headed " Returned Patterns." c. By a fresh wrapper bearing the printed address, &c, and heading above described.

7. The number, price, and private business marks may (as well as the address) be in writing, but no other writing will be allowed. In case of the infringement of this rule, the packet will be surcharged at the letter-rate. APPENDIX. 9

8. No glass bottle, or glass in any form, may be sent ; no explosive, liquid, semi-liquid, or greasy matter, nor powders of any kind which

may stain or do other damage ; nor any living creature. 9. Patterns or scissors, knives, razors, and other sharp articles, must be so packed and guarded as to completely prevent injury to the other contents of the mail bags, or to the officers employed, but the packets must at the same time admit of easy examination. When these require- ments are not complied with, the packet will be stopped. 10. When necessary for securing due transmission, or delivery, of letters, patterns and samples may be kept back for the succeeding despatch or delivery.


1. Official Post Cards, impressed with halfpenny stamp ; double or Reply Post Cards, impressed with halfpenny stamp on each portion of them, and private Cards, embossed at the office of the Inland Revenue with halfpenny stamps, may be transmitted between places in the United Kingdom with letters printed or written upon the back. Adhesive stamps are not accepted in payment of the postage. 2. The front (or stamped) side is for the address only, in addition to the printed words "Post Card" and "The address only to be written on this side." There must be nothing else written, printed, or other- wise impressed on it, nor must there be any writing or printing across the stamp. On the reverse side any communication, whether of the nature of a letter or otherwise, may be written or printed. Nothing whatever may be attached, except adhesive stamps in payment of additional postage or stamp duty, nor may the card be folded, cut, or otherwise altered. If any one of these rules be infringed, the card will be charged id on delivery. 3. When, owing to a great and unusual influx of letters, books, &c, the transmission or delivery of the letters would be delayed if the whole mail were dealt with without distinction, Post Cards (unless paid for and posted as late letters) may be kept back until the next despatch or delivery. 4. No Card other than one of those issued by the Government, or a private Card embossed with a halfpenny stamp at the Office of Inland Revenue, Somerset House, or at the Stamp Offices at Liverpool and Newcastle-on-Tyne, will pass under a halfpenny stamp, if it bear on it a communication of the nature of a letter (unless it be a circular letter.) 5. Post Cards for abroad, with impressed stamps of id, i^d, 2d, and 3d each, are sold at those rates, and are transmissible to all the countries of the Postal Union, and , New Zealand, and Fiji without extra charge. 6. Reply Post Cards for certain places abroad are also issued with impressed stamps of 2d, 3d, and 4d respectively.


1. The fee for registering a letter, newspaper, or book-packet passing by post between any two places in the United Kingdom is twopence, and this registration fee and the postage must be prepaid, except on official letters for Government Offices in London, Dublin, or Edinburgh, —

APPENDIX. which may be registered on prepayment, in stamps, of the registration fee only. 2. No articles addressed to initials or to a fictitious name can be registered, unless it be addressed to the care of a person or firm. 3. Every article presented for registration must be enclosed in a strong cover, securely fastened. If the article contains money, it must, in order to gain the benefit of the guarantee, be enclosed in a Registered

Letter Envelope sold by the Post Office ; and if coins are sent, they must on no account be put in loose, but must be packed and enclosed in such a way as to move about as little as possible. 4. Every article to be registered must be given to an agent of the

Post Office, and a receipt obtained for it ; and it should on no account be dropped into a letter-box. If, contrary to this rule, an article marked "Registered" be dropped into a letter-box, it will, if directed to any place in the United Kingdom, be liable to a registration fee of 8d (less any amount prepaid for registration), instead of the ordinary fee of 2d.

5. The latest time for posting registered articles on payment of the is ordinary fee usually half an hour before the closing of the Letter Box ; but at all Provincial Head Offices and at the Chief Offices in Edinburgh and Dublin, articles bearing a late fee of fourpence, in addition to the ordinary registration fee, may be registered at any time within the half hour if the office is open to the public. 6. The loss of a registered article (as it can be traced through its whole course) is a rare occurrence. Nevertheless large sums of money or other articles of great value should not be sent through the post, even if registered ; as the machinery of the Department is not arranged with a view to such transmissions. If sent unregistered, valuable articles are exposed to risk ; consequently, Inland letters or packets which contain coin, watches, or jewellery, if" posted without registration, are subjected to registration, and are charged on delivery with a fee of eightpence in addition to the ordinary postage. If they cannot be registered in time to be forwarded by the mail for which they are posted, they are detained for the next despatch. 7. By law the Postmaster General is not responsible for the safe delivery of registered articles, but henceforth he will be prepared to give compensation for the loss and damage of a registered article lost while passing through the post to an amount not exceeding £5. Where in addition to the postage and the registration fee an insurance fee of 2d is paid, the Postmaster General will give compensation to an atnount not exceeding £10, provided

{a. ) That the sender duly observed all the conditions of registration. (b.) That the article was securely enclosed in a reasonably strong

cover ; and, if it contained money, that it was enclosed in one of the Registered Letter Envelopes sold by the Post Office. The compensation given in respect of the loss of coin shall not exceed £2. (c.) That application was made to the Secretary of the Post Office immediately the loss was discovered. [When the complaint is that the contents of a letter or packet have been abstracted, the envelope must accompany the application, otherwise the question will not be entertained.] —


(d.) That the Postmaster General, whose decision shall be final, is satisfied that the loss occurred while the article was in the custody of the British Post Office and was not caused by any fault on the part of the sender. [The word "loss" here does not include damage to an article which in fact reaches its destination, or destruction by fire or shipwreck, or by the dishonesty or negligence of any person not in the employment of the Post Office.]

8. The Postmaster General will in every case either of loss or damage, if he thinks fit, reinstate the contents of a letter instead of giving pecuniary compensation. 9. Where compensation is given for the loss of a letter or of any article contained in a letter, the Postmaster General will reserve the right to retain and dispose as he thinks fit of the letter or of the missing article therein, in case it should subsequently come into his hands. CONVEYANCE OF SINGLE POST LETTERS BY RAILWAY. Railway Companies now accept and convey (as per agreement with the Postmaster General) Inland Post letters, not exceeding 1 oz. in weight, either to be called for at the station of address, or to be trans- ferred there to the nearest Post Office letter-box for delivery by postman. Letters intended for transmission by Railway must be handed in at the passenger or parcel booking office of the Company. Upon every Railway Letter a fee of 2d will be charged in addition to postage at the ordinary rate. The total charge of 3d will defray the whole cost of transmission. POST OFFICE EXPRESS DELIVERY OF LETTERS AND PARCELS. Letters and Parcels are now accepted at the public counter of the Post Office, to be forwarded immediately per special messenger to any part of the Greenock town delivery. The fee for the Express conveyance of a letter or parcel, in addition to the full ordinary prepaid postage, is for the first mile or under, 2d; for every mile or part of a mile beyond the first, 3d. INLAND PARCEL POST. The following are the chief regulations of the Parcel Post :— I. The rates of postage are s. d.

For a parcel not exceeding 1 lb. in weight, the postage will be o 3 For a parcel exceeding I lb. and not exceeding 2 lbs. . o 4^ 2 lbs. ,, 3 „ .06 3 „ „ 4 ., • o 74 4 » „ 5 » • o 9 5 >> >> 6 ,, . o io£ 6 „ „ 7 „ • 11 7 11 11 O „ 8 „ „ 9 „ .

9 11 1, 10 ,,

11 10 ,, ,, 11 ,, No Parcel can be sent exceeding 1 1 lbs. in weight. — —


2. The dimensions allowed for an Inland Postal Parcel are— FT. IN. Greatest length 36 Greatest length and girth combined .....60 For example A Parcel measuring 3 feet 6 inches in length may measure as much as 2 feet 6 inches in girth.

A shorter Parcel may be thicker ; thus—if it measure no more than 3 feet in length it may measure as much as 3 feet in girth (i.e.) round its thickest part.

3. The full postage must be paid in advance, by means of ordinary postage stamps, which must be affixed by the sender. 4. Parcels must not be posted in a letter-box, but must be handed over the counter of a Post Office.

5. No compensation either for loss or damage will be given in respect of 1. A parcel containing anything which, according to the regulations for the time being, may not be sent by the Inland Parcel Post. 2. A parcel containing a watch, money, or jewellery. 3. No insurance can be effected on parcels containing any of the articles mentioned in the preceding rule. 4. Parcels containing watches, money, or jewellery, should be sent by Registered Letter Post. The Postmaster General will (not in consequence of any legal liability, but voluntarily, and as an act of grace), subject to the rules herein-after mentioned, give compensation for the loss and damage of inland parcels according to the following scales, viz. : — a. Where no fee except postage is paid, the Postmaster-General will give compensation to an amount not exceeding £\. b. Where, in addition to the postage, an insurance fee of id is paid, the Postmaster-General will give compensation to an amount not exceeding £$. c. Where, in addition to the postage, an insurance fee of 2d is paid, the Postmaster-General will give compensation to an amount not exceeding £\o. In no case will a larger amount of compensation than £\o be paid. The compensation given in case of damage will be in proportion to that which would have been given had the parcel been lost. No legal liability to give compensation in respect of any parcel will attach to the Postmaster-General, either personally or in his official capacity, and whether or not an insurance fee has been been paid. Accordingly the decision of the Postmaster-General as to all questions of compensation will be final. Prohibited Parcels.

6. Parcels bearing or containing writing or marks of an offensive or indecent character ; or containing gunpowder, cartridges, lucifer matches, or other combustible material, live animals, offensive or filthy matter, or any substance likely to cause injury to other Parcels, or to the officers of the Post Office, may not be sent through the post. Deliveries of parcels in town are made at 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 1.30 p.m., 4.30 p.m., and 7.45 p.m. —— — — . —


FOREIGN AND COLONIAL PARCEL POST. Foreign and Colonial Parcel Post operation between the United Kingdom and the undermentioned foreign countries and British Colonies and possessions, and under the conditions set against each:

Rates of Postage

Countries. Not Exceeding

ilh 2 lb 3* 4 ft 5 & 6ft 7 ft 8 ft 9 ft 10 ft 11ft

*.''* s.d. j. d. j. d.\s. rf. * . d. s. rf. s.d. j. d. j. d. s.d. Aden and Persian Gulf Ports . 1 1 8 2 4 3 3 8 4 4 5 5 8 6 4 7 7 8 Argentine Republic 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 ,, via Hamburg 4 7 4 7 4 7 5 i 5 1 5 1 5 1 6* 6"8 Ascension 8 1 4 2 2 8 3 4 4 4 8 5 4 7 4 Austria-Hungary Via Hamburg . 1 5* 1 52 1 si 11 iz iixi in£ mi Via Belgium 1 9 1 1 9 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 6* Barbadoes .... 8 1 4 2 2 8 3 4 4 4 8 5 4 6"S 7 4 Belgium 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 22 2 22 2 2j 2 2j Belize 8 1 4 2 2 8 3 4 4 4 8 5 4 6 6 8 7 4 Bermuda 9 1 6 2 3 3 3 9 4 6 5 6 6 9 7 6 8 3 Bulgaria Via Hamburg . 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 3 3 3 Via Cologne 2 10 2 10 2 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6' "6 British Guiana. 10 1 6 2 2 2 10 3 6 4 2 4 10 5 6 2 6 10 7 Cameroons .... 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 Canada* Cape Colony! .... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cape Town (only) . 9 1 6 2 3 3 3 9 4 6 5 3 6 6 9 7 6 8 3 Ceylon 9 1 3 1 9 2 3 2 9 3 3 3 9 4 3 4 9 5 3 5 9 Chili 4 4 4 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 China ..... 10 1 4 1 10 2 4 2 10 3 4 3 10 4 4 4 10 5 4 5 10 Columbia, Republic of . 2 6 2 6 2 6 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 6 6 6 6 Constantinople 1 6 1 6 1 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 Congo Free State 3 3 3 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 4 4 4 4 Cyprus 1 4 1 9 2 2 2 7 3 ° 3 5 3 10 4 3 4 8 5 1 5 6 Denmark

Via Hamburg . 1 5 1 5 1 5 2 2 2 2 Via Belgium 1 9 1 9 1 92 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Egypt 1 3 1 8 2 12 6 2 11 3 4 3 9 4 2 4 7 5 5 5 Finland 1 4 1 11 2 6 3 7 4 2 4 9 5 4 France 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 9 Germany (by Sea) . 1 1 1 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 ,, via Belgium 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 9 9 9 9 3"8 Gibraltar and Malta 8 1 1 4 1 8 2 2 4 2 8 3 3 4 4 Greek Ports Via Cologne 2 10 2 10 2 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Via Hamburg . 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 3 3 3 Holland 1 1 1 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 India and Burmah . 1 1 8 3 3 8 4 4 5 5 8 6 4 7 7 8 , via Belgium . 2 45 2 d 2 42 2 9^ 2 92 2 922 9^ ,, via France 2 1 2 I 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 *6 4**6 '*6 Java 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 6 4 4 Labuan ..... 11 1 10 2 9 3 8 5 6 6 5 7 4 8 3 9 2 10 1

* Rates of Postage to Canada. —Province of Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, and the North-West Territories, is o^d per lb. up to 5 lbs.

British Columbia and Vancouver's Island, is 3d per lb. up to 5 lbs. t Parcels for British Bechuanaland are subject on delivery to a postal charge of 6d per parcel. . — . — )



Rates of Postage.

Countries. Not Exceeding

iib 2tt> 3 tb 4ft 5«> 61b 7 lb 81b 9ft iolb nib

s.d. s.d. s.d. s. d. s.d. s.d. s.d. Leeward Islands Antigua, Dominic a, ft [ont- serrat, Nevis, 3t. itts, V K o 7 1 2 1 9 2 4 2 11 3 6 4 1 4 8 5 3 5 10 6 5 Tortola . of) Luxemburg (Duchy i 3 1 3 1 3 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 Madeira, via Portug al 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 Mauritius. 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 Mexico 8 1 4 2 2 8 3 4 4 4 8 5 4 Natal . _ . 1 o 2 3 4 5 6 7 New Brunswick I o\ 2 1 i* 4 2 5 2j 3 '"6 "6 8**3 Newfoundland i 6 1 6 2 6*'o 3 3 3 9 4 5 3 S" 9 7 New South Wales i 6 1 6 2 3 3 3 9 4 6 5 3 6 6 9 7 6 8 3 New Zealand . i 6 1 6 2 3 3 3 9 4 6 5 3 6 6 9 7 6 8 3 North Borneo . II 1 7 2 3 2 11 3 7 4 3 4 11 5 7 6 3 6 11 7 7 Norway . o\o\ 010J 010^ 1 5i 1 5? 1 5* 1 Sh 2 1 2 .1 2 1 2 1 Nova Scotia 1 o\ 2 1 3 4 4 2 5 2* State "6 8" Orange Free 1 3 2 6 3 9 5 6 3 7 9 Portugal (direct) 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1

,, via France 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 Servia, via Hamburj 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 ,, via Cologne 2 2 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 5 2 5 5 6"8 St. Helena _ . 8 1 4 2 2 8 3 4 4 4 8 5 4 6"o 7 4 South Australia 1 6 1 6 2 3 3 3 9 4 6 6 6 9 7 6 8 3 Spain 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Straits Settlements 1 3 2 3 3 3 3 9 4 3 4 9 5 3 5 9 Sweden 1 u i\ 14 2 3* :j 2 3i 2 3£ Switzerland, via Franee 1 6 1 6 1 6 2 2 2 2 Tasmania 6" "6 1 6 1 6 2 3 3 3 9 4 6 5 3 6"o 9 7 s" 3 Transvaal—See Cape of Good Hope

Uruguay . 4 7 4 7 4 7 5 1 5 1 5 1 Victoria . '} 1 6 1 Western Australia 6 2 3 3 3 9 4 6 5 3 6 6 9 7 6 8 3 West Coast of Africa —

Accra, Cape Coaj t Castle, ) Gambia, Lagos, Quit tah, V 9 1 6 2 3 3 3 9 4 6 5 3 6 6 9 7 7 8 3 Sierra Leone, . West Indies

Grenada .

St. Lucia . 1 4 2 ,0 2 8 3 4 4 4 8 5 4 6 6 8 7 4 Trinidad . } Jamaica 9 1 6 2 3 3 © 3 9 4 6 5 3 6 6 9 7 6 8 3 Tobago 8 1 4 2 2 8 3 4 4 4 8 5 4 6 6 8 7 4 St. Vincent 7 1 2 1 9 2 4 2 11 3 6 4 1 4 8 5 3 5 10 6 5 Zanzibar . 1 1 8 2 4 3 8 4 4 5 5 8 6 4 7 7 8

Parcels may be forwarded to various places not included in preced- ing list, particulars of which may be obtained at any Post Office. Dimensions. For Foreign Countries (except Egypt). The dimensions for parcels addressed to Belgium, Switzerland, and Sweden, are 2 feet in any direction. Parcels over 2 feet are accepted if other dimensions are less. Norway and Denmark, greatest length in any direction 2 feet. — — — — — —


For Colonies and for Egypt. The dimensions allowed will be the same as those for the Inland

Parcel Post, viz. :

ft ins - Greatest length 3 - 6

Greatest length and girth combined . 6 ,, o ,, For parcels addressed to Canada the dimensions are : Greatest length 2 ft.

Greatest depth or width, . . . . I ,, Prepayment. The postage must in all cases be paid in advance, and by means of postage stamps, which must be affixed by the sender, and no parcel will be accepted for transmission which is not sufficiently prepaid. Insurance of Indian Parcels. Parcels for India (including Burmah and Aden) are accepted for Insurance at the following rates : Where, in addition to the Postage, there Compensation will be given to an is paid an Insurance Fee of amount not exceeding OS 6d £5 IS od 10 IS 6d 15 And so on, at the rate of 6d per £5 up to ^50. No parcel can be insured for a sum exceeding ^£50. No compensation either for loss or damage will be paid in respect of any parcel addressed to or received from India, unless such parcel has been insured. Customs Declaration. The sender of each parcel must make a Customs declaration furnish- ing—upon a special form provided for the purpose which can be obtained at any Post Office—an accurate statement of the contents and value, the date of posting, and the sender's signature and place of abode, and, in the case of parcels for Foreign Countries, the sender will also be required to enter thereon the net weight of the contents of the parcel. The net weight of each article contained in a parcel for Spain should be stated. Parcels musl be sealed for Continent of Europe. No letter must, under any circumstances, be enclosed in these parcels. INLAND MONEY ORDERS. The Public are recommended, when applying for Money Orders, to use printed "Application Forms," which save time and afford greater security than verbal messages against mistakes. These forms are sup- plied gratuitously at all Money Order Offices. The Commission on Inland Money Orders is : For sums not exceeding £1 2d.

,, exceeding £ 1 and not exceeding £2 . . 3d. £2 ,, £4 4d- £4 „ £7 5


the remitter's address. In the case of Foreign Orders the full address

of the payee must be given ; and if the Order be payable to a native in British India, the Tribe or Caste, and the Father's name, must also be furnished.

Exceptions. — 1st. The remitter of an Inland Order may direct, at the time of issue, that the Order be crossed like a cheque thus, & Co., and thus be payable only through a Bank. In that case he may give or withhold the name of the payee. The designation of the Bank need not be furnished. 2nd. If the remitter or payee be a peer or a bishop, his ordinary title is sufficient. 3rd. The usual designation of a firm is sufficient, except when a company trades under a title which does not consist of the names of the persons composing it, as the " Carron Company," but even a designation of this nature may be accepted provided the Order be crossed for presentation through a Bank.

The holder of an Inland Money Order may direct, by crossing it, that the Order be paid through a Bank, even though its payment was not originally so restricted. An Order once issued cannot be cancelled. Should repayment or transfer to a different office be required, the remitter or payee must make application at the nearest Money Order Office for the necessary form to effect such. The remitter of an order has full control over the money until payment has actually been made by the Department. The remitter may make his Order payable ten days after date, provided that, when he obtains the order, he affix thereto in the presence of the Postmaster, in the space after the request C, a penny adhesive stamp, and write his signature across the stamp. Money Orders do not require a receipt stamp. Payment of an Order cannot under any circumstances be made on the day of issue. Although at the end of twelve months from that in which it was issued, a Money Order, if still unpaid, becomes legally void, neverthe- less when a good reason can be given for the delay in presenting it, an application for payment, subject to a certain deduction, is entertained. After once paying a Money Order, by whomsoever presented, the Office is not liable to any further claim. Telegraph Money Orders (Inland). Money may be transmitted by Telegraph Money Order between all Head and Branch Offices in the United Kingdom authorised to transact Telegraph and Money Order business. The commission is s. d. For sums not exceeding £1, .....04 ,, above £1 and not exceeding £2, . . 06 ,,2 „ 4, . . o 8 4 „ 7, . . o 10 „ 7 ,, 10, . . 1 o In addition to the commission a charge is made at the ordinary Inland rate for the official telegram authorising payment at the office of payment, and for the repetition thereof, the minimum being oxl. —


Money Orders are issued in the United Kingdom on the following Foreign Countries, British Possessions, Agencies, and Colonies, at the

rates of commission shown below : Foreign Countries. British Possessions and

Austria Colon 1 es — Cotitimied. Belgium British Bechuanaland Bulgaria British Columbia Cameroons British Guiana Chili Cape of Good Hope Danish West Indies Canada Denmark, with Faroe Islands Ceylon Dutch East Indian Possessions Cyprus Egypt Falkland Islands France, with Algeria Gambia German Empire Gibraltar Hawaii (Sandwich Islands) Gold Coast Holland Hong Kong (with agencies at Hungary Shanghai, Amoy, Canton, Foo- Iceland chow, Hankow, Hoihow, Swa- Italy, with offices on the Red Sea tow, and Ningpo) and at Tripoli India (including Burmah& agencies Japan at Aden, Bagdad, Bunder Abbas, North Borneo (Sandakan) Bushire, Bussorah, Guadur, Jask, Norway Linga, Muscat, and Zanzibar) Orange Free State Lagos Portugal (Madeira and the Azores) Malta Roumania Mauritius Sarawak Mombasa and Lamu Sweden Natal Switzerland New Brunswick Transvaal Newfoundland Tunis New South Wales United States New Zealand And the Ottoman Towns ot Adri- Nova Scotia anople, Beyrout, and Salonica Prince Edward Island Queensland British Agencies. St. Helena Constantinople Smyrna Seychelle Islands Panama Sierra Leone South Australia Tangier Straits Settlements British Possessions and Tasmania Colonies. Victoria Belize West Indies Bermuda Western Australia For sums not exceeding is £2, 6d ; £$, ; £7, is 6d ; ,£10, 2s. POSTAL ORDERS. I. "Postal Orders," for certain fixed sums from is up to £1, are now issued and paid at all Money Order Offices in the United Kingdom, and at Malta, Gibraltar, and Constantinople. (India, Straits Settle- ments, Hong Kong, and Newfoundland issued only). 2U — i8 APPENDIX.

2. The following are the amounts for which Postal Orders are issued, together with the Poundage payable in respect to each Order : Amount of Amount of Poundage, Poundage, Order. Order. S. d. d. d. i h i i


Broken amounts may be made up by the use of postage stamps, not exceeding fivepence in value, affixed to the face of any one Postal Order. 3. The person to whom a Postal Order is issued must, before parting with it, fill in the name of the person to whom the amount is to be paid, and may fill in the name of the Money Order Office at which the amount is to be paid. The person so named must, before payment can be made, sign the receipt at the foot of the Order, and must also fill in the name of the Money Order Offic e, if that has not been already done.

4. If a Postal Order be crossed " & Co.," payment will only be made through a banker, and if the name of a banker is added, payment will only be made through that banker. 5. A Postal Order presented by or through a banker for payment, will not (in the absence of an express arrangement between such Banker and the Postmaster-General to the contrary) be paid until after such Order has been examined at the chief office. 6. After a Postal Order has once been paid, to whomsoever it is paid, the Postmaster-General will not be liable for any further claim. 7. If any erasure or alteration be made, or if the Order is cut, defaced, or mutilated, payment may be refused. 8. The regulations under which Postal Orders will be issued allow the Postmaster to delay or refuse the payment of an Order, but he must at once report his reason for so doing to the Postmaster-General. 9. After the expiration of three months from the last day of the month of issue, a Postal Order will be payable only on payment of a commission equal to the amount of the original poundage, with the addition (if more than three months have elapsed since the said expira- tion) of the amount of the original poundage for every further period of three months which has so elapsed, and for every portion of any such period of three months over and above every complete period. 10. The commission thus paid must be affixed in Postage Stamps to the back of the Order. SAVINGS BANK.

Every Money Order Office is also a Savings Bank, and is open for Bank business during the same hours as for Money Orders. Deposits of one shilling, or of any number of shillings, or of pounds and shillings, may be made by any person at the Post Office Savings Bank, provided that such depositor shall not make deposits amounting to more than ,£30 in any year ending 31st December, or make any APPENDIX. 19

further deposit when the amount standing in his name exceeds ^150, exclusive of interest. When any depositor's principal and interest amount together to ,£200, all interest will cease so long as the balance of the account continues to amount to the said sum of ^"200. Interest at the rate of £2. 10s per cent, per annum (which is at the rate of sixpence a year, or one halfpenny a calendar month, for each complete pound) is allowed until the sum due to a depositor amounts to ^"200, when interest ceases. The calculation is made from the first day of the calendar month next following the day on which a pound has been deposited, or completed, up to the last day of the calendar month preceding the day on which a warrant for repayment is issued, and after each 31st December the interest is added to the principal. When a depositor wishes to make a withdrawal from his account, he should fill up and forward to the Savings Bank Department a notice of withdrawal, which he can obtain at any Post Office Savings Bank. He will then receive by post a warrant, which he should present together with his book at the Post Office, where payment is to be made. The Postmaster General will endeavour to prevent fraud, and to identify every depositor transacting business with the Post Office Savings Bank; but if any person shall obtain possession of a depositor's book, and then fradulently represent him to be the depositor, and by forwarding the proper notice of withdrawal, and by presentation of the depositor's book, and compliance with the rules of the department, shall obtain any sum of money belonging to that depositor, the Postmaster General will not be responsible for the loss thereof. On making his first deposit, every person must give his Christian name and surname, and state his occupation and residence, and must sign a declaration, to be witnessed by the Postmaster, or by some person known to the Postmaster, or by a minister or churchwarden of the parish in which the depositor dwells, or by a Justice of the Peace ; and if such declaration or any part thereof shall not be true, the depositor making the same shall forfeit all right to his deposits. At every Post Office in the United Kingdom forms can be obtained free of charge, on which twelve penny postage stamps can be fixed ; and when the form has been thus filled with twelve penny stamps, it will be received at any Post Office Savings Bank as a Savings Bank deposit for a shilling. Investment and Sales of Government Stock. A depositor in the Post Office Savings Bank who desires to invest in Government Stock must send to the Controller of the Savings Bank Department, General Post Office, London, together with his deposit book, an application signed by him on a form to be obtained at any Post Office Savings Bank. Such investments can be made in Consoli- dated, Reduced, or New Three per cent. Stock, or in Two and Three Quarters or Two and a Half per cent. Stock. Within seven days from the receipt of such application the Depositor's account will be charged with the current price of the Stock purchased and the commission, the necessary entries being made in his deposit book ; and the Depositor will be credited in the Government Stock Register of the Post Office Savings Bank with the equivalent amount •of Stock, and an investment certificate will be sent to him by post. The minimum amount of Stock which may be purchased or sold APPENDIX. is one shilling, and not more than ^"ioo Stock can be credited to an account in any year ending the 31st December, or ,£300 Stock in all. For the purpose of an immediate investment in Government Stock a deposit to an amount not exceeding the value of ,£100 Stock with the commission may be made in one year ending the 31st December, irrespective of the limits for ordinary deposits. Deposits for immediate investment can be made in the accounts of minors under seven years of age, the application to invest being signed at the time the deposit is made by the person, who, if the deposit were a first deposit, would be required to make the declaration, but the Stock cannot be sold until the minor attains the age of seven years. Government Insurances and Annuities. The Postmaster General is empowered, under the Act 45 and 46 Vict., cap. 51, to insure the lives of persons of either sex for any amount not less than ^5 or more than ^100. An insurance may be effected by any person not over the age of 65 years, and not under the age of 14 years; or, if the amount does not exceed ^"5, not under the age of 8 years. The Postmaster General is also empowered, under the same Act, to grant immediate or deferred annuities for any amount not less than £1 or more than ^"ioo to any person not under the age of 5 years. The persons whose lives are insured, or to whom annuities are granted by the Postmaster General, have direct Government security for the payment of the money at the proper time. Forms of proposal for the insurance of lives and the purchase of annuities and information as to filling them up, may be obtained at any Post Office Savings Bank, where also the whole of the tables of the premiums to be charged may be seen or purchased. FOREIGN PATTERN AND SAMPLE POST.

1. The pattern and sample post to foreign countries and the Colonies generally is restricted to bond fide trade patterns or samples ofmerchandise. Packets containing goods for sale, or in execution of an order (however small the quantity), or any articles from one private individual to another which are not actually patterns or samples, can only be for- warded as letters. 2. Patterns or samples, when practicable, must be sent in covers open at the end, and in such manner as to be easy of examination. But samples of seeds, drugs, and such like articles, which cannot be sent in covers of this kind, may be posted enclosed in boxes, or in bags of linen, or other material, fastened in such a manner that they may be readily opened. 3. Such articles as scissors, knives, razors, forks, steel pens, nails, keys, watch machinery, metal tubing, pieces of metal or ore, provided that they be packed and guarded in so secure a manner as to afford complete protection to the contents of the mail bags and to the officers of the Post Office, while at the same time they may be easily examined, may be sent as samples to places abroad. Liquids, glass, anything of a greasy nature, explosives, indigo, and powders of all kinds are absolutely prohibited. 4. A packet of patterns or samples sent to any place comprised in the Postal Union (except Belgium, France, Greece, Luxemburg, Portugal, Switzerland via France, or the United States), must not . ..

APPENDIX. exceed 8 inches in length, 4 in width, or 2 in depth, or 8 ozs. in weight. The limit to Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Luxem- burg, Portugal, Switzerland, via France, Argentine Republic, or the United States, is 1 foot in length, 8 inches in width, and 4 inches in depth, and 12 ozs. in weight. For non-union countries the limits are the same as for book packets. APPROXIMATE TIME OCCUPIED IN COURSE OF POST FROM LONDON TO CERTAIN PLACES ABROAD.

o5 " Name of Place. % Name of Place. ^ o P w

Accra . 23 — Buda-Pesth . Adelaide 34 — Buenos Ayres

Aden . 11 — Cadiz

Aix-les-Bains . 1 — Cairo Alexandria 5 11 Calcutta

Algiers . 2 18 Callao .

Ambriz . 43 — Cameroons — 15 Cape Coast Castle

Antigua 14 16 Cape Palmas .

Antwerp — 11 Cape Town .

Arica . 39 — Carthagena

Ascension . • . 25 — Chicago

Athens . 5 6 Christiania Auckland 35 — Cobija .

Baden-Baden . — 22 Cologne Baghdad 24 — Colombo

Bahamas 14 — Colon . Bahia 17 — Congo .

Bale . — 23 Constantinople Balearic Islands 3 — Copenhagen . Barbadoes 11 22 Coquimbo Barcelona 1 16 Corfu

Batavia . 27 — Cyprus . Bathurst 12 — Delagoa Bay . Belgrade 2 9 Demerara Belize 17 8 Dominica

Benin . 24 — Dresden.

Bergen . . 4 12 Falkland Islands

Berlin . 1 3 Fiji Florence Bermuda • 15 — Berne 1 4 Frankfort-on-Maine

Beyrout . . 10 — Geneva .

Biarritz . 1 10 Genoa .

Bombay . 16 12 Gibraltar

Bordeaux . — 22 Gothenburg .

Boston, U.S.A. . 10 — Grand Bassa .

Bremen . . — 22 Grenada

Brindisi 2 12 Grey Town .

Brisbane 39 — Guadaloupe .

Brussels . — 10 Guayaquil

Bucharest . 2 15 Hague, The . ..


APPROXIMATE TIME, &c— Continued.

Nam* of Place. o Name of Place. P$t X

Hamburg I — Oporto .

Hanover — 22 Ottawa .

Havana . 12 — Palermo.

Heidelberg , — 23 Panama .

Hobart . 37 — Paris Hong Kong . 32 — Payta

Honolulu 20 — Penang .

Iceland . 10 — Pernambuco

Jamaica 15 21 Perth . King George's Sound 3i — Port Chalmers Kurrachee 20 — Port-au-Prince Lagos . 23 — Port Said

Lamoo . 20 — Prague .

Lima 33 — Quebec .

Limon . 24 — Rangoon

Lindi 29 — Reggio .

Lisbon . 2 22 Rio de Janeiro Lucerne 1 2

Lyons . — 20 Rotterdam Madeira 5 — St Helena

Madras . 18 12 St Kitts .

Madrid . 2 — St Louis, U.S.A.

Malaga . 4 — St Lucia (West Indies)

Malta . . ' . 4 — St Petersburg Mandalay 28 — St Paul de Loand

Manila . 32 — St Thomas

Marseilles I 2 St Vincent ( Cape de Verde) Mauritius 22 — St Vincent (West Indies) Melbourne 35 — Salonica

Mexico . 14 — Samoa . Milan .. 1 7 San Francisco Mombasa 22 — Santander

Monrovia 18 — Santos . Montreal 9 — Savanilla Monte Video . 23 — Seychelles Montserrat 14 7 Shanghai Moscow 3 16 Sierra Leone Mozambique . 49 — Singapore

Munich . . 1 6 Smyrna .

Muscat . 24 — Stockholm Naples 2 3 Strasburg Natal . 24 — Suez

Nevis 15 7 Sydney . Newfoundland 9 — Syracuse New York 8 12 Tamatave Nice 1 9 Teheran

Nova Scotia . 10 — Teneriffe

Odessa . 3 !2 Tiflis .

Old Calabar . 25 — Tobago . APPENDIX. 23


5 £. Name of Place. 1 Name of Place. Q X Q W — Vienna . I 14 Transvaal ( via Cape) 23 2 Vigo 3 — Trieste . 13 — Trinidad *3 21 Washington 9 — 1 Wellington 36 Turin . 3 — x — Valparaiso 35 Winnepeg 3 — — . Vancouver 15 Yokohama 43 — — Zanzibar . 24 Venice . 2 1 — Vichy — 21 Zurich .

Parcels. N.II. —The above table does not apply to

POST OFFICE TELEGRAPHS. Inland Telegrams. additional 1. The charge is 6d for the first 12 words, and |d for each word. Addresses are charged for. postal 2. The amount covers the cost of delivery within the town the delivery of the terminal office, if a Head Post Office ; otherwise the message is delivered free within the limit of one mile only. When terminal office, being a sub-office, is closed, exemption from porterage is allowed for one mile only if the telegram is delivered from the Head Office. delivery, poterage is 3. When the addressee resides beyond the free charged at the rate of 6d per mile or part of a mile for any distance calculated under three miles from the terminal office ; the charge being from the boundary of the free delivery. mounted 4. Beyond three miles porterage is charged for delivery by messenger, at the rate of is per mile (in Ireland, usually only 8d per mile) for the whole distance from the office door. incurred for delivery, 5. The sender is responsible for all charges and must, when practicable, state the distance and pay the charge in advance. When the exact distance is not known, a deposit must be

6. Should the sender have understated the distance, the deficiency is is charged on delivery, but if he has paid too much, the excess refunded. the terminal 7. Telegrams to be forwarded by post or by train from office must bear the words "by post" or "by train" at the end of the address, these words being charged for, and in the latter case a deposit of is is taken to cover the cost of conveyance. 8. A deposit of 5s is required upon all telegrams addressed_ to per- sons on board ship (unless the ship be lying alongside a wharf, jetty, or pier) to cover the cost of delivery. important 9. The sender should prepay an extra half rate on all telegrams to secure their repetition from office to office, thus diminishing — —

24 APPENDIX. the risk of error. No copy of the telegram is in such case given to the sender.

10. The receiver of a telegram may have it repeated by depositing half the amount paid for its transmission to him. The money will be refunded if it should turn out that the telegram has been inaccurately transmitted. 11. The cost of a reply, not exceeding forty-eight words in length, may be prepaid. 12. Telegrams re-directed to a second address are liable to an addi- tional charge.

13. Copies of a telegram directed to more than one person in the same free delivery are delivered at an additional charge of twopence per copy, in addition to a halfpenny for each word in the address of the copy. Each London Postal District is regarded, for this purpose, as forming a separate delivery.

14. Telegrams may be handed to Rural Postmen on their way to Telegraph Offices. Telegrams posted in any official letter-box will be sent by the next collection of letters to the Telegraph Office to which the letters are taken, and thence transmitted by wire, free of extra charge, provided they bear postage stamps sufficient to pay for trans- mission. Such telegrams should be legibly addressed "Telegram, Immediate."

15. Telegrams so posted insufficiently prepaid are forwarded to their destination, and the difference of charge is obtained from the addressee; but unpaid telegrams are not forwarded.

16. Postmasters may accept telegrams after the usual hours on pay- ment of certain fees, provided that the terminal office is open, or that the attention of that office can be gained. These fees are as follows :

(a) If the office is not open for either postal or telegraph business, 2s, and is for messenger if one be required to call the clerk.

(b) If the office is open for postal business but not for telegraph business, is, and 6d for a messenger if one be required to call the clerk.

is for ( c ) If the office open the receipt of press news (but not for other telegraph business, or ordinary postal business), is.

Separate fees are payable for each telegram.

17. The above fees must be paid even if it subsequently appear that the telegram cannot be despatched.

18. When telegrams are handed in at an office which is open for an office which is not open, the following fees, if the telegram is to be delivered, are to be paid by the sender :

(a) If the office is not open for either postal or telegraph business, 2s, and 6d an hour if a reply has to be waited for.

(bj If the office is open for ordinary postal business but not for telegraph business, is, and 6d for the messenger.

19. Telegrams written in Latin or in any European language are charged for according to the number of words they contain ; but all ;


unintelligible words not forming part of Latin or of any European language are charged for at the rate of five letters to a word. 20. No combination of words is counted as one, with the exception of those which are ordinarily written as one, or coupled by hyphens, such as "sub-lieutenant," "alms-houses," "twopence," &c. All names of head offices and sub-offices are counted as one word, thus Malvern Wells and North Thoresby are chargeable as single words but all other names are counted according to the number of words they contain, thus Park Lane counts as two words. As exceptions, O'Neil, Macdonald, and De La Rue are counted as one word each. So also are names with the prefix St., but double names of persons (like Smith- Payne), although written with a hyphen, are counted as two words.

21. The abbreviations can't, won't, don't are counted as one word ; but there is a great risk of error. 22. Figures count at the rate of five to a word. In fractions one figure is added for the mark of division between the numerator and denominator. In groups of figures denoting time a stop is counted as a figure. In ordinal numbers, such as 1st, 3rd, the affix is counted as a separate word, as also a letter following a figure or group of figures.* 23. The initial letters denoting the several London Postal Districts are counted as one word for each group ; but other initial letters are counted as one word each. 24. When the sender desires words to be underlined, or placed in a parenthesis, or within inverted commas, two extra words are charged for. 25. Special instructions, such as "private," "confidential," "to be opened at once," or the like, written at the sender's request on the envelope of a message, are charged for as part of the message. 26. The sender may have his telegram cancelled, and if done before the commencement of transmission the sum paid will be returned, on application being made to the Secretary, General Post Office, within three months. 27. Telegrams addressed to a Telegraph Office to be called for are kept for two clear days. 28. Telegrams for the re-direction of letters must be paid for at the ordinary rate of charge, and must in all cases bear the sender's signature. 29. Telegrams indecently worded, or appearing to contain matter of a libellous or grossly offensive character, will not be transmitted. 30. The Department is not liable for losses incurred through the incorrect transmission, delay, or non -delivery of telegrams. 31. Telegraph Offices (with the exception of Receiving Offices in London and other large towns) are, as a rule, open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on week days. On Sundays the hours of attendance are usually from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. in England, and from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. In Scotland and Ireland. Certain Offices are open longer, and infor- mation as to the hours at those Offices can be obtained at any Telegraph Office. Press telegrams—information respecting may be obtained on application to the Secretary, General Post Office, London, E.C.

* A stop is counted as a word in such combinations as 2'f and f "2. The combina- tion f 1 counts as two words. 26 APPENDIX.

Foreign Telegrams.

(Chief Regulations founded upon the International Telegraph Convention.)

i.* Foreign telegrams are divided into three classes—ordinary, code, and cypher.

2. In code telegrams, only English, French, German, Italian,

Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and Latin are allowed ; but all of these languages may be used in one telegram. Proper names are not allowed in the text of code telegrams, except in their natural sense. Words of more than 10 letters are not allowed unless paid for as cypher.

3. Cypher telegrams must be composed exclusively of figures or exclusively of letters. Cypher telegrams written in letters are not accepted for places not in Europe or North America. Five letters or figures count as one word in the case of European telegrams, and three in the case of Extra-European telegrams.

4. The address of the receiver must be paid for, and must not consist of less than two words, a name and a town.

5. The address of the sender is charged for if transmitted ; in any case it must be written at the foot of the form. 6. In ordinary European telegrams the length allowed for a single word is 15 letters, in Extra-European telegrams 10 letters; additional letters being charged for at the rate of 15 or 10 letters respectively to the word.

' 7. Subject to the limit imposed by Rule 6, compound words and names of persons and places written without break are counted as single words. If joined by a hyphen, or separated by an apostrophe, or other sign of punctuation, they are counted as so many separate words. In the address of a telegram the names of the place and country for which the telegram is intended are counted as single words, what- ever their length. Words incorrectly spelled, so as to reduce the number of letters below the maximum, or words incorrectly joined together, contrary to the usage of the language, cannot be accepted as single words.

8. Every separate letter or figure is charged for as one word, and in European telegrams every group of five figures or letters is counted as one word, larger groups being counted at the rate of five figures or letters to a word, plus one word for any excess. In Extra-European telegrams, groups of figures (or letters when these are trade marks) are counted at the rate of three to a word, plus one word for any excess. Bars of division, decimal points, and stops used in numbers are counted as figures, and also letters added to figures to form ordinal numbers.

9. Addresses should be written in French or in the language of the country to which the telegrams are to be sent ; and the full address of the addressee should be stated : the sender is held responsible for an incorrect or insufficient address. Corrections in the address can only be made by means of a fresh telegram, which must be paid for at the ordinary rate.

* The rates be may ascertained at any Post Office or from the Post Office Guide. APPENDIX. 27

10. The sender of a telegram can prepay a reply. If the reply is to contain 10 words, the indication " RP" is inserted and charged for as one word ; if it is to consist of more or less than 10 words, the words "RP " are inserted and charged for as two words. More than 30 words cannot be prepaid. The amount prepaid for a reply to an European telegram will in no case be refunded ; but if no reply be sent in the case of an Extra- European telegram, the amount will be refunded to the sender, provided that application is made by the addressee and the reply form returned to the telegraph administration of the country which delivered the telegram within six weeks. No allowance is made if the charge for the reply is less than the amount prepaid. 11. The sender can have his telegram repeated from office to office throughout the whole course of its transmission by paying an additional quarter rate, plus the charge for an additional word, the expression " T. C." being inserted immediately before the receiver's address. 12. On payment of a charge equal to the inland rate, the sender can have the telegram repeated between the office of origin and the office in Great Britain at which it is handed over to the Cable Company. 13. The sender may have a notice of the time at which his telegram was delivered transmitted to him by telegram on payment of an ad- ditional rate for 10 words, plus the charge for one additional word, the expression " C. R." being inserted before the receiver's address. 14. The receiver of a telegram can, by applying within 72 hours after its delivery, obtain the correction of passages which are doubtful, by paying for two separate telegrams, viz. : —One requesting the repetition, and the other consisting of the reply, plus one word for the name of the addressee. The amount is refunded on application to the Secretary, G.P.O., if the telegram has been inaccurately transmitted. If the repetition shows that only a portion of the telegram was inaccurately transmitted, a proportionate part only of the amount paid for repetition will be refunded. 15. The receiver of a telegram addressed to a place in the United Kingdom may have it repeated from the office of the Cable Co. by paying the ordinary inland rate for the part of the telegram which he

wishes to be repeated ; and if it be found that an error has taken place the amount so paid will be refunded. 16. In telegrams to be left until called for at Telegraph Offices or " at Post Offices, the words " Telegraphe Restant " or "Post Restante must be inserted as part of the receiver's address. A telegram addressed to several persons in the same town, or to the same firm at different localities in the same town, is charged for as a single telegram, and a sum of 5d must be prepaid for every extra copy

to be delivered if the number of chargeable words does not exceed 100 ; an additional sum of 5d being charged for every additional 1 00 words or part of 100 words. _In calculating the charge all the names and addresses are included. Telegrams having multiple addresses are not accepted for America.

17. Under no circumstances is the charge for an unrepeated (uncol- lated) telegram, which has been inaccurately transmitted, refunded. The cost of a collated telegram which has been inaccurately transmitted —


is returned when it is shown that the telegram was rendered useless thereby. The cost of telegrams which have failed to reach their destination owing to some error on the part of the telegraph service, and the cost of telegrams which have been delayed beyond two days in the case of European, and beyond six days in the case of Extra-European telegrams, from other causes than interruption of the telegraphic communication, is returned to the senders. The cost of any telegrams which may have been rendered necessary in consequence of the non-delivery, delay, or incorrect transmission of a telegram is in no case returned. The amount paid for a telegram cancelled before transmission has commenced is returned, less the sum of fivepence. If the telegram is cancelled after transmission has commenced, but before it has reached the place to which it is addressed, any balance of charges which may be due to the sender will be returned.

1 8. Claims for reimbursement of the charges paid for telegrams should be accompanied

1. In the case of non-delivery by a written statement from the terminal office, or the addressee, that the telegram has not been received. 2. In the case of error in a telegram of which the sender has prepaid the repetition to the office of destination, or of delay, by the actual message form delivered to the addressee.

3. In the case of error in a telegram of which the receiver has paid the repetition from the office of origin, by the original message form delivered to the addressee, together with the form upon which the repeated telegram is written.

19. Claims for reimbursement in the case of European telegrams are not entertained unless made within two months of the date of the original telegram ; nor in the case of Extra-European telegrams, unless made within six months from the date of the original telegram. Foreign administrations decline to make any inquiry into complaints which do not involve a return of the cost of the telegram within the limit of rule 17. Private Wires and Telephone Exchanges.

1. A line of private wire between the place of business or residence of a firm or private individual and a Postal Telegraph Office, or between two or more places of business or residence, may be rented. Besides receiving from and sending to the Postal Telegraph Office his messages by wire instead of by hand, the renter has the privilege of sending messages over his private wire to be forwarded from the Post Office as ordinary letters. In any town where a sufficient number of wires are led into the Head Postal Telegraph Office, a Telephone Exchange can be formed, and messages transmitted by one renter to another direct without the necessity for a repetition at the Postal Telegraph Office.

2. Greenwich mean time is supplied by electric current every hour in the day in London, and at either 10 or 1 o'clock to places in the country. — —


The list of charges and the regulations can be consulted at any Post Office.

The charges for a telephone exchange are as follows :

Double wire, not exceeding a quarter of a mile, . £11 o o

,, ,, half a mile, . . 14 o o

,, ,, three-quarters of a mile, 16 o o „ „ a mile, . . . 18 o o


Any person may register an abbreviated or arbitrary address on payment of a fee of ^1 is a year, dating from the day of registration. The address must consist of not less than two words, one of which is to be the town or place of delivery. Telegrams intended to be delivered to the care of a person who has registered an abbreviated address must have "care of" or " c/o " written before the abbreviated address, thus, " Smith care of Hercules London." The symbol " c/o " counts as one word. The use of abbreviated addresses is not recommended.

CUSTOMHOUSE—Customhouse Quay. Collector—George P. Charleton. Clerks— First-Class—A. T. Calder. Second-Class—J. T. Stevens, A. J. Witter. Examining Officers—First-Class— C. Stewart ; Second-Class—John E. Clarke, Samuel Cameron, Archibald Bulloch, John Faid, Patrick M'Cawley, John C. Crowley. Assistant Examining Officers—Tom Noble, John Lynch, George Kerr, Benjamin Harvey, John Sullivan, George A. Lawrie, William Webster. Out-Door Officers— First-Class—Hugh Hutton, David Poison, David Houston, Robert M Arthur, John Darroch.

Boatmen—First-Class—G. Kirkpatrick, Colin Darroch, J. Gray, A. Whyte, A. M'Kenzie, S. Carriline, J. B. Bishop; Second-Class J. Ritchie, D. Whyte, J. Kilroy, J. Adam, J. M'Carthy, M. M'Auley, J. Gordon, J. W. Lovell, Robert Jolly, J. M'Neill, G. Marr, W. M'Millan, W. Henderson, H. W. Baker, J. Macdonald, R. Russell, A. G. Melvin, J. Kerr, J. A. Ross. House-keeper and Messenger— Robert M 'Arthur.

Principal Coast Officers— Islay, E. Baker ; Oban, R. Fry ; Tober- mory, A. Whyte. Hours of attendance for despatch of public business—Indoor Department, from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. (Saturdays till 2 p.m.) Outdoor Department— Duty Goods, Gauging, and Warehouses—From 1st April to 30th September, 6 a.m. to 9 am., and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and from 1st October till 31st March, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free Goods From 1st March till 31st October, 6 a.m. till 6 p.m.; 1st November till last day of February, 8 a.m. till 4 p.m. The following holidays are observed—New-Year's Day, Good Friday, first Monday in May, Queen's Birth-day, first Monday in August, and Christmas Day. 30 APPENDIX.

INLAND REVENUE OFFICES, Customhouse Buildings. Stamps, Taxes, and Excise. Thomas H. Taylor, Collector of Inland Revenue, Distributor of Stamps and Collector of Property and Income Tax, Inhabited House Duties, and Land Tax, for the Counties of Renfrew and Bute, and Argyle (North).

John Branford, Robert W. MacFadzean, 1st Class Clerks. J. J. Cooke, J. B. Eagar, 2nd Class Clerks. John Haig, Supervisor. Surveying Officers for Greenock District —William Higgins, Thomas Johnson, and A. T. Anderson. INCOME TAX, INHABITED HOUSE DUTY, AND LAND TAX. Surveyor of Taxes for ist Greenock District, comprising the Lower Ward of Renfrewshire and the County of Bute—H. Eldred. The Surveyor is also Lands Valuation Assessor and Registrar of Voters for the Lower Ward of Renfrewshire, the County of Bute, and the Burgh of Port-Glasgow. Surveyor of Taxes for 2nd Greenock District, comprising the County of Argyll—A. M'Dougall, M.A. Office hours— io till 4. Saturdays— 10 till 1.

FISHERY OFFICE, 3 Bank Street. William Gillis, Fishery Officer. Residence, 15 Newton Street.

John Skinner, Fishery Officer for Rothesay District ; William

Jeffrey, Ardrishaig, for Inveraray District ; and David Rosie, Oban District.


. First Ward. That part of the burgh comprehended within a boundary line com- mencing at a point at the east of the town, where the limits of the burgh meet the north-east corner of the authorised works of the Trustees of the Port and Harbours of Greenock (hereinafter called the harbour works), thence along the line of those works to a point on those works hereinafter called point A on a line in continuation of the line of the centre of Ratho Street, thence from said point to East Hamilton Street at its junction with Ratho Street, thence along the centre of Ratho Street to Belville Street, thence westward and south-westward along the centre of Belville Street to Crescent Street, at the point where the Glasgow & South-Western line of railway crosses over the same, thence along the north side of said line of railway to the centre of Cartsburn Stream, thence up the centre of said stream to the boundary of the police limits, thence eastward and northward along said boundary and along the centre of Boundary Street, and along the said limits of the burgh to the point first described. Number of male voters, 625 ; female voters, 42. APPENDIX. 31

Second Ward. That part of the burgh comprehended within a boundary line com- mencing at a point, hereinafter called point B, where the Cartsburn Stream joins the River Clyde, thence up the centre of the said stream to the point where it is crossed by the Glasgow and South-Western line of railway, thence eastward along the north side of said line to Crescent Street at its junction with Belville Street, thence north-westward and eastward along the centre of Belville Street to Ratho Street, thence north-eastward along the centre of Ratho Street, and in a straight line in continuation thereof to the harbour works, thence westward along those works and the said limits of the burgh to the point first described.

Number of male voters, 731 ; female voters, 53. Third Ward. That part of the burgh comprehended within a boundary line com- mencing at a point where the Cartsburn Stream joins the River Clyde, and running westward along the margin of said river to a point herein- after called point C, in the north-east quay wall of the East India Harbour in a line in continuation of the west side of Bogle Street, and thence in a straight line south-westward to Rue-End Street, at its junction with Bogle Street, thence along the centre of Bogle Street to Regent Street, thence westward along the centre of Regent Street to Lynedoch Street, thence southward along the centre of Lynedoch Street, in a straight line in continuation thereof to the police boundary, thence eastward along the said boundary to the Cartsburn Stream, thence down the centre of said stream to the point in the River Clyde first described.

Number of male voters, 699 ; female voters, 96. Fourth Ward. That part of the burgh comprehended within a boundary line com- mencing at the east side of the entrance to the West Harbour, herein- after called point D, and from thence to the northern extremity of the Mid Quay, and running along the centre of said quay to William Street, thence along the centre of William Street to the centre of Cathcart Square, thence in a straight line southwards to the north-east end of Bank Street, thence along the centre of Bank Street to Shaw Place, thence along the centre of wShaw Place to Mearns Street, thence along the centre of Mearns Street, and a straight line in continuation thereof, southward to the police boundary, thence eastward along said boundary to a point in said boundary in continuation of the centre line of Lynedoch Street, thence in a straight line northward to Drumfrochar Road at its junction with Lynedoch Street, thence along the centre of Lynedoch Street to Regent Street, thence eastward along the centre of Regent Street to the centre of Bogle Street, thence north-eastward along the centre of Bogle Street, and straight line in continuation thereof, to the River Clyde, thence westward along the margin of the said river to the

point first described. Number of male voters, 840 ; female voters, 139. Fifth Ward. That part of the burgh comprehended within a boundary line com- mencing at a point hereinafter called point E, in the north-west quay of West Harbour, in a line with the centre of the Vennel, thence along a 32 APPENDIX. straight line drawn northward in continuation of the Vennel to the north end of the Vennel, thence up the centre of the Vennel to Buccleuch Street, thence up the centre of Buccleuch Street to Ann Street, thence up the centre of Ann Street to Drumfrochar Road, thence in a straight line to a point at the north-west angle in the police boundary, at or near Messieurs Leitch & Company's ropeworks, thence eastward along the police boundary to a point in continuation of the centre line of Mearns Street, thence northward in a straight line to Drumfrochar Road, at its junction with Mearns Street, thence along the centre of Mearns Street to Shaw Place, thence along Shaw Place to Bank Street, thence along the centre of Bank Street to the centre of Cathcart Square, thence across Cathcart Square to the centre of William Street, thence along the centre of William Street and Mid Quay to the northern extremity thereof, thence in a straight line to the east side of the entrance to the West Harbour, at its junction with the River Clyde, thence westward along the margin of the said river to the point first described. Number of male voters, 850 ; female voters, III. Sixth Ward. That part of the burgh comprehended within the boundary line' com- mencing at a point hereinafter called point F in the River Clyde at its junction with a line in continuation of the centre of the West Quay, thence southward along the centre of the West Quay and West Quay

Lane to Dalrymple Street ; thence westward along the centre of Dal- rymple Street to Charles Street, thence- southward along the centre of Charles Street to the Vennel, thence westward along the centre of the Vennel to Inverkip Street, thence south-westward along the centre of Inverkip Street to Mount Pleasant Street, thence southward along the centre of Mount Pleasant Street, and a straight line in continuation thereof, to the north side of the line of the Greenock and Wemyss Bay Railway, thence westward along the north side of said railway to the point where that railway crosses the police boundary, thence southward, eastward, and northward along said boundary till it reaches the angle in the police boundary at or near Messieurs Leitch & Company's rope- works before mentioned, thence in a straight line northward to Drum- frochar Road at its junction with Ann Street, thence along the centre of Ann Street to Buccleuch Street, thence along Buccleuch Street to Cow- gate, thence along the centre of Cowgate to the Vennel, thence along the centre of the Vennel and line in continuation thereof to the River Clyde, thence westward along the margin of the said river to the point first described. Number of male voters, 1085 ; female voters, 112. Seventh Ward.

That part of the burgh comprehended within a boundary line com- mencing at a point hereinafter called point G, on the margin of the River Clyde at the north-east corner of the east quay of Albert Harbour, thence southward along the east side of the said quay to Laird Street, thence along the centre of Laird Street to West Blackhall Street, thence along the centre of West Blackhall Street to Argyle Street, thence along the centre of Argyle Street to George Square, thence along George Square to Nelson Street West, thence along the centre of Nelson Street West to the point where the West Burn crosses under that street, thence along APPENDIX. 33 the centre of the West Burn to the point where it crosses the police boundary, thence along the said boundary to the north side of the line of the Greenock and Wemyss Bay Railway, thence eastward along the north side of said railway to a point in continuation of the centre of Mount Pleasant Street, thence northward in a straight line to Prospect Hill Street, at its junction with Mount Pleasant Street, thence along the centre of Mount Pleasant Street to Inverkip Street, thence along the centre of Inverkip Street to the Vennel, thence along the centre of the Vennel to Charles Street, thence along the centre of Charles Street to Dalrymple Street, thence along the centre of Dalrymple Street to West Quay Lane, thence along the centre of West Quay Lane and West Quay to the River Clyde, thence north-westward along the margin of the said

river to the point first described. Number of male voters, 925 ; female voters, 125. Eighth Ward. That part of the burgh comprehended within a boundary line com- mencing at a point on the margin of the River Clyde at the north-east corner of the east quay of Albert Harbour, thence southward along the east side of the said quay to Laird Street, thence along the centre of Laird Street to West Blackhall Street, thence along the centre of West Blackhall Street to Argyle Street, thence along the centre of Argyle Street to George Square, thence along George Square to Nelson Street West, thence along the centre of Nelson Street West to the point where the West Burn crosses under that street, thence along the centre of the West Burn to the point where it crosses the police boundary, thence north-westward along the police boundary to a point in the River Clyde on that boundary opposite Ironotter Point, thence north-eastward to the margin of the River Clyde, thence northward and eastward along the margin of the River Clyde to the point first described. Number of male

voters, 1293 ; female voters, 500. LOCAL CHRONOLOGICAL EVENTS. Greenock was erected into a Burgh of Barony in the year 1635. James Watt, Born 19th January, 1736—Died 25th August, 1819. First Magistrates and Council elected in the year 1751. Greenock Library began in 1783. Greenock Chamber of Commerce Incorporated in 1813. Shaws Water Introduced 16th April, 1827. Acquired by Water Trust 1866. Floods at Cartsdyke, 15th March, 1815, and 21st November, 1835. Railway to Paisley and Glasgow opened 30th March, 1841. Victoria Harbour opened on 17th October, 1850. Foundation Stone of Sir Gabriel Wood's Mariners' Asylum laid on 17th October, 1850. Greenock Ragged School, Captain Street, opened 1858. Theatre Royal opened December, 1858. Foundation Stone of Albert Harbour laid on 7th August, 1862. Railway to Wemyss Bay opened May, 1865. Greenock and Ayrshire Railway opened 1 869. Explosion at Whinhill, 4th September, 1870. Foundation Stone of Smithston Poorhouse and Asylum laid on 1 2th September, 1876; opened 29th May, 1879. 3a — —


First Sod of James Watt Dock cut 1st August, 1878. Lyle Road opened 1st May, 1880. Foundation Stones of Municipal Buildings and James Watt Dock laid on 6th August, 1 881. Town Council increased from 16 to 25 Members, 1882. James Watt Dock opened 5th August, 1886. Gourock Railway opened, 1st June, 1889. Port-Glasgow Tramways opened, 29th November, 1889.


New-Year's Day, Good-Friday, first Monday in May, Queen's Birthday, Summer Fair Saturday, first Monday in August, Christmas Day, and second Thursday in April and September. Fairs— First Thursday in July, and Fourth Tuesday in November.


Males. Females. Totals. Burgh of Greenock East District, 16,964 15,725 32,689 West District, 14,460 15,986 30,446

63,135 Population in 1881 Within Parliamentary Area, .... 63,902 Population in 1891 Within Parliamentary Area, .... 63,135

Decrease, . . . 767

Member of Parliament for the Town of Greenock, SIR THOMAS SUTHERLAND, K.C.M.G. of Bute House, Cromwell Road, London, and Offices of P. & O. Steamship Company, 122 Leadenhall Street, E.C.

Member of Parliament for West Renfrewshire, SIR A. C. CAMPBELL, Bart., of Blythswood.

Member of Parliament for East Renfrewshire, M. H. SHAW STEWART, Esq., of Carnock.

TOWN COUNCIL. Provost—W. W. B. Rodger. Bailies—Robert Walter Jamieson, John Anderson, Hugh Shearer, Daniel M 'Arthur Erskine, William Hair, and John MacOnie. Treasurer—Dugald M'Innes. APPENDIX. 35


First Ward—D. M'Arthur Erskine, N. G. Cluckie, J. MacOnie. Second Ward—Francis Moon, D. M'Innes, Andrew Miller. Third Ward—Samuel Nicolson, John Armour Bell, T. M. Thome. Fourth Ward —John Campbell Borland, Hugh Shearer, Robert Swan. Fifth Ward—Ninian Hill, Dugald Shankland, James Lang, jun. Sixth Ward—Thomas Mitchell, John Anderson, Robert Cook. Seventh Ward—G. A. Ramsay, R. W. Jamieson, William Hair. Eighth Ward—John Daniel Clink, John Black, James Watson, W. W. B. Rodger. Ordinary Meetings— First Tuesday of every month. Officials— Town Clerk—Colin MacCulloch. Chamberlain—William Smith. Collector of Town Assessments—Thomas D. M'Murrich. Auditor—Hope Stewart Ramsay. Surveyor of Works—Alex. J. Turnbull. Procurators-Fiscal —James Auld and John W. Angus. Assessors (Police Court)—Colin MacCulloch, Andrew Nimmo, Thomas Wilson, and Thomas D. M'Murrich. Assessor and Clerk to Dean of Guild—Hew M'llwraith. Assessor under Lands Valuation and Voters Registration Acts—Robert Hamilton. Curator of Cemetery and Burying Grounds—Robert Sheridan. Inspector of Markets and Collector of Market Dues—Thomas D. Young. Inspectors under Animals Diseases Act —Alex. Robinson, V.S., and Archibald Robinson, V.S. Registrars for Births, Deaths, and Marriages—East District, Wm.

Johnston ; West District, R. A. Baird ; Interim Registrar, Arthur R. 3aird. Council Officer—Charles Murray.


The Provost, Bailies, Treasurer, and Town Councillors of the Burgh. Chairman—The Provost. Dean of Guild—John Campbell Borland. Deputy-Dean of Guild—John Armour Bell. Councillors to the Dean of Guild— Councillors Moon, Bell, Hill, Cook, and Watson. Officials— Clerk—Colin MacCulloch. Treasurer—William Smith. Collector of Assessments—Thomas D. M'Murrich. Auditor—H. S. Ramsay. Master of Works—Alex. J. Turnbull. Superintendent of Police—John W. Angus. Police Surgeon—John Macdougall, M.D. Sanitary Inspector—James Devine. ,;


Medical Officer of Health—James Wallace, M.D. Inspector of Cleansing—Roderick M'Leod. Billet-Master and Inspector of Explosives—J. W. Angus. Manager of Gas Works—Samuel Stewart. Treasurer of Gas Works—William Smith. Collector and Assistant Clerk of Gas Works—John Chalmers. Inspector of Gas Meters—Lewis Fordyce. Superintendent of Parks—Robert Sheridan. Inspector of Flesh Market and Slaughterhouse—T. D. Young. Public Analysts—John William Biggart and W. L. Biggart. Inspector under Sale of Food and Drugs Acts—David Young. Superintendent of Fire Brigade—William Taylor. Inspectors of Lodging Houses and Small Houses—J. Devine, A. Campbell, Malcolm M'Pherson, Norman Stewart, and Adam Elliott. Inspector of Cabs, Hackney Carriages, &c. —J. W. Angus. DEAN OF GUILD COURT.

Dean of Guild—J. C. Borland. Depute Dean of Guild—J. A. Bell. Councillors to Dean of Guild— Councillors Moon, Bell, Hill, Cook, and Watson. Procurator Fiscal of Court—James Auld. Assessor and Clerk of Court —Hew M'llwraith. Master of Works—A. J. Turnbull. Bar Officer—Ewen M'Intyre. Court Hall—Municipal Buildings. Court Days—Thursday of each alternate week, at 2 P.M.


The Provost ; Bailies Jamieson, Anderson, Shearer, and Erskine

Treasurer MTnnes ; Dean Borland; Councillors Nicolson, Bell, Thome, Swan, Shankland, Lang, jun., Mitchell, Cook, and Ramsay.

Councillor Ramsay, Chairman ; Bailie Shearer, Vice-Chairman.


Provost Rodger ; Bailies Jamieson, Anderson, Shearer, and Erskine Treasurer M'Innes; Dean Borland; Councillors Cluckie, Thorne, Swan, Shankland, Lang, jun., and Black. Chairman— Provost Rodger. Deputy-Chairman—Councillor Lang, jun. The Law, Finance, and Works Committee (13).

The whole Trust—The Provost, Convener ; Councillor Lang, jun. Vice-Convener. Officials— Clerk—Colin MacCulloch. Treasurer —William Smith. Superintendent of Works—James Wilson, C. E. Collector—James Brown, jun. Auditor—H. S. Ramsay. . .


Description of Falls let and unlet along line of Aqueducts between Overton and the sea.

No old line. Height ft. H.P. I Sugar Refinery Hogg, Wallace & Co. 26 46

2 Grain Mills . . Mackenzie & Walker 24 43 3 Sugar Refinery . A. Scott & Sons 17 3o Sugar Refinery . A. Scott & Sons 4< Foundry Rankin & Blackmore [26 46 Chemical Work . John Poynter & Son 5 Chemical Work John Poynter & Son 22 39 6 Glasgow & South Western Railway Co. I9i 35 7 Greenock Sacking Company .... 28 5o 8 Sugar Refinery Neill, Dempster & Neill . 44 230 9 Sugar Refinery Clyde Sugar Refining Co. J6 IO Rope Work . A. Tough & Son 23 40 ii Woollen Mill R. Houston & Son . 34 60 12 /Woollen Mill Fleming, Reid & Co. •]

"1 ;; 5 > V170 578 5 J

16 5 J I ) 17 :: 18 Paper Mill Brown, Stewart & Co. 32 58

19 ,, ,, 24 42 These falls have a supply of 1200 cubic feet per minute, for twelve hours per day, during 310 days per year ; and two Scotch acres of ground

for mills, &c. , go along with each, at a nominal feu-duty.

No. NEW LINE. ight ft. H.P

I Grain Mill . . R. Muir & Sons . . 14 25

Foundry . . . . Greenock Foundry Co. • 45 8l

Sugar Refinery . Dawson, Martin & Co. . . 18 32 Sugar Refinery . Glebe Sugar Refining Co. . 21 38 Shaws Water Foundry James Nicoll 48 86 Refinery . Sugar Alexander Scott & Sons . ; j

Sugar Refinery . Alexander Scott & Sons . . 12 21 These falls have a supply of 1066 cubic feet per minute for 13 J hours per day and 310 days in the year. HARBOUR TRUST.

Provost Rodger; Bailies Anderson, Shearer, Hair, and MacOnie; Treasurer M'Innes; Councillors Bell, Shankland, and Clink; Messrs Duncan Cunningham, Alexander Scott Mories, John Denholm, Daniel D. Adamson, Archibald N. Lindsay, James Paterson, John Sinclair Denniston, James Brown, Archibald Macnaught, Robert Nisbet, Donald MacDonald, and Archibald John Paton. Chairman—The Provost. Deputy-Chairman, Alexander S. Mories. Officials— Secretary and General Manager —Thomas Wilson. Treasurer—William Hutcheson. Collector of Harbour Rates and Police Dues—Duncan Darroch. 38 APPENDIX.

Auditor—Dugald Campbell. Harbour Engineer—Robert Crawford, C.E. Harbour and Dock Master—James Baillie. Deputy Harbour Master— Daniel Drummond. Superintendent of Harbour Police —J. W. Angus. Traffic Agent and Superintendent of Warehouses, Transit Sheds, Timber Storage Ground, and Weighers and Weighing Machines—James MacCunn. Inspector under Explosives Bye-Laws for the Lower Estuary of the Clyde—J. W. Angus. TOWN AND HARBOUR POLICE. Central Office—Municipal Buildings, Dalrymple Street.

Cartsdyke ,, —2 East Hamilton Street. Captain J. W. Angus, Superintendent, residing at 12 Forsyth

Street ; Lieutenants—Forbes Eadie and Dugald M'Phedran ; Detective

Inspector, Hugh Rowan ; Chief Clerk, Martin Jamieson ; Chief Inspector (Out-door), Walter M'Lellan; One Inspector in charge of

Cartsdyke Police Station ; Two Second-Class Inspectors (Out-door) ;

Two Detective Sergeants ; Three Detective Officers ; Nine Police

Sergeants ; Eighty-nine Constables on Town and Harbour duty; Six Constables on Railway duty—Total strength, 118. John Mac- dougall, M.D., Police Surgeon. SANITARY DEPARTMENT. Office—Municipal Buildings, Dalrymple Street. Sanitary Inspector—James Devine. Medical Officer of Health—James Wallace, M.D. Sanitary Officers —Alexander Campbell, and Adam Elliott. Clerk—Andrew Thomson. Craigieknowes Hospital for Cholera, Small-pox, &c, and Disinfecting Station, Sinclair Street. Caretaker, James Devine. Reception House, 35 Crawfurd Street (Glebe). Matron, Margaret Dinning. FIRE BRIGADE. Station—Municipal Buildings, Dalrymple Street. Open day and night. Committee of Management—Provost Rodger, Bailies Anderson, Shearer, Erskine, and Hair; Treasurer M'Innes; Councillors Miller, Bell, Thome, Hill, Lang, jun., Cook, Ramsay, and Clink— Bailie Shearer, Convener; Councillor Hill, Vice-Convener. Brigade Superintendent —William Taylor. PUBLIC MARKETS.

Fish Market, I West Breast. Flesh Market, Slaughter House, 3 Ann Street—Thos. D. Young, Inspector and Superintendent. Cattle bought and sold daily. Fairs are held annually, beginning on the first Thursday of July, and fourth Tuesday of November; and a Horse and Cattle Market, which is held in St. Andrew Square on the Friday before Glasgow Whitsun-Monday Fair, and on the Friday immediately preceding Kilbarchan Fair. . ;

APPENDIX. 39 IMPERIAL WEIGHTS AND MEASURES OFFICES. Office—Municipal Buildings (Wallace Sq. and Dalrymple Street). Burgh of Greenock— Inspector and adjuster, David Young. Office hours—9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 to 2. Renfrewshire, Greenock District —Comprehending Parish of Green- ock (outside police boundary), Port-Glasgow, Erskine, Kilmalcolm, and Inverkip— C. Bremner, inspector, County Buildings, Nelson Street, Greenock. REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES.

East District—William Johnston, Registrar ; Assistant, David C. M'Kenzie. Offices—Municipal Buildings, Wallace Square.

West District—Robert A. Baird ; Interim Registrar, Arthur R. Baird. Office hours—9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and evenings of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 7 to 8 ; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to I p.m. Examiner for Western District of Scotland—W. H. D. Lowe. LIST OF PERSONS LICENSED TO RETAIL GUNPOWDER AND FIREWORKS. Messrs A. & J. Wilson, 65 Rue-end Street ; Edward Twigg, 31 Hamilton Street; H. Buchanan & Co., 11 West Breast; Robert

Climie, 20 West Blackhall Street ; Morton & Kidd, Hamilton Street

Jane M'Kenzie, 66 Vennel ; Mary Nelson, 44 Lynedoch Street; Donald M'Donald, 36 Ann Street. LIST OF LICENSED OPERATIVES IN THE SLAUGHTER-HOUSE. James Cullen, Hugh Gallacher, John M'Kechnie, Peter M'Millan, John Greenwood, Robert Carrigan, Charles M 'Arthur, David Harley, Robert Ritchie, Thomas Fitzgerald, Alex. Hynd, James M'Dougall, J. Cralmer, David A. Reiach, Thomas Fryer, and Charles M 'Arthur, jr. LIST OF LICENSED PORTERS. Name. Badge No. Name. Badge No. Hector Gillies 1 Alexander Gilchrist 63 George Montague 2 Walter Campbell 54 William Surgenor 3 William Grieve . 57 Hugh M'Corquodale . 5 William Kane 58

John Leitch 6 Thomas Grant . 62 John Brown 9 John Mooney 69 John M'Geachan 11 George M'Killop 70

John M'Groarty . 18 James Lucas 81

JohnM'Neill . 20 Alexander Gillies 84

Alexander Thomson . 21 William Turner . 92

John M'Cafferty . 26 Thomas Rooney, jun. . 96

Patrick Sweeney. 27 Robert Haughie . 98

Donald MTntyre 28 Patrick Colhain . 100 Donald Carmichael 33 William Stewart 15

David Brown 80 Robert Watson . 8i John Simpson 43 James M'Kinnie 64 John M'Gregor . 22 William M'Phail. 51 Daniel Buchan . . 65 James Bogan 53 40 APPENDIX.

LICENSED PORTERS' TABLE OF RATES AND FARES. Enacted by the Magistrates of Greenock, March, i8gi. CHARGES BY DISTANCE.

For carrying any message or any letter, parcel, box, bag, or case of any kind, not exceeding in weight 14 lbs., any distance not

exceeding one half-mile, ...... 04 And for each additional half-mile or part of same, o 2 For any burden exceeding 14 lbs. but not exceeding 56 lbs., for

any distance not exceeding half-mile, . one . . .06 And for each additional half-mile or part of same, . . .04 For any burden exceeding 56 lbs. but not exceeding 112 lbs., for

any distance not exceeding one half-mile, . . . .08

And for each additional half-mile or . part of same, . .04 For any load on a barrow or other vehicle exceeding 1 cwt. but not exceeding 3 cwt., for any distance not exceeding one half- mile, when it is not necessary to ascend with such load any

street . . steep or road, ...... o 10 And for each additional half-mile or part of same, subject always to the above mentioned condition, 06 For any load, within the limits as to weight last above mentioned, in the conveyance of which the porter requires to ascend a steep street or road, the total charge for the first half-mile or part of a half-mile shall not exceed, I 6 And for each additional half-mile, or part of a half-mile, any part

of which is steep, ...... 09 Note. —Between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. a porter may charge fare and half-fare. CHARGES BY TIME.

S. D. A porter employed by time, whether in removing furniture or in carrying or conveying either samples or patterns or goods or articles for commercial travellers, or luggage for other travel-

lers, in weight not exceeding 3 cwt. , or in assisting to load, unload, or weigh goods, or in beating carpets or the like at any time between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., shall be entitled to charge for the first hour, or part of an hour when employed less than an hour, ...... 10

for each additional . And half-hour or part of same, . .04 A porter employed by time in conveying samples or patterns or goods or articles for commercial travellers, or luggage or goods for other persons, shall, when any such load exceeds 3 cwt., be entitled to charge for the first hour, or part of an hour if employed less than an hour, 14

for each . And additional half-hour or part of same, . .06 A porter shall be entitled to charge by time for all loads which exceed in weight 3 cwt. For these rates or fares Porters are bound, when required, to put the mggage on board the steam vessels, or place it on the platform of the railway, or take the same out of the steam vessel, or down from the railway platform, or to or from a house or other place or building. APPENDIX. 41


Summary of Bye-Laws and Table of Fares, Enacted by the Magistrates of Greenock, ist June, 1891.


Table of Fares rt to Ui from or in Annexed Stances The ,sd a from or to the >> a hh T3 m Undermentioned Places 2 *J pq O

d.s. Albert harbour 62 Ardgowan square 02 Bogston station 6|l Brachelston square Cartsdyke railway stn t Cathcart st. and station 6l Charing Cross 61 Customhouse quay 6l Eldon street (east J 03 3 6 I of Bentinck street) Eldon st. w. to Battery 6|3 6 4 o

I Eldon street w. to ) 3 6 04 4 6 I Berryburn \ o George square 02 o 3 o 2 6 Gourock Pier 05 6 6 1 6 Infirmary (Duncan st.) 62 o 2 6 James Watt Dock ) 2 6 } 2 I (west entrance) ) James Watt Dock 3 o J j I (east entrance) ( 6 Ladyburn o Lynedoch st. station o Municipal Buildings o Nelson street (west) o Overton 63 o Police Office 1 o Port-Glasgow 6 o Post Office o o Princes Pier 6 6 Smithston Poorhouse o 6 Upper Greenock stn. Victoria harbour 6>t —


It shall be in the option of the hirer to engage any hackney carriage either by time or distance, provided this be done at the time of hiring. To or between places mentioned in the Table of Fares (a copy of which each driver is bound to have in his possession and exhibit when required) the charge shall be as stated in the said table. To or between places not mentioned in the said table of fares the charge shall be

For any distance not exceeding a mile . . is od

Exceeding a mile and not exceeding i^ milesliles . is 6d

iijj miles ,, 2 5J . 2S od

2 „ z\ tt . 2s 6d 2* „ 3 ,, . 3sod 3 „ 3h >» . 3s6d

,, . 4s od 34 . n 4

. 4s 6d 4 » 4h > > A\ „ 5 >> . 5s od In respect, however, that the upper parts of Greenock are hilly, in all cases not mentioned in the said table of fares, the charge for any hackney carriage engaged by distance shall be 6d extra, provided the point to or from which the carriage is driven shall be within the town, but to the south or upper side thereof.

When a carriage is called but not used, a charge of 6d shall be allowed, if the place to which it is called be under half a mile from the stance, and is beyond that.

For shopping and making calls, or where the driving is not continuous, the charge shall be 2s for the first hour or part thereof, and 6d for every additional quarter of an hour or part thereof.

For an airing in the country, not exceeding five miles from the General Post Office, Wallace Square, and returning either by the same or a different road, the rate shall be 3s for the first hour or part thereof, and is for every additional twenty minutes or part thereof, and the rate of driving shall be at least six miles an hour, unless the hirer wishes a slower pace.

Whether the fares are by distance or by time, if there be more than four adult persons driven, a charge of 6d extra shall be made for each additional adult, and a charge of 6d for every two children above six and under twelve years of age. No additional charge for one child above six or for children under six. Every person of twelve years of age and upwards shall be reckoned an adult.

From midnight till six morning, double fare to be exigible.

On Sunday fare-and-a-half will be exigible from six morning till twelve midnight.

Any person shall be entitled to withhold payment of fare — 1st. When the name and number are not painted outside carriage, or when there is no plate inside in terms of article seven of the bye-laws. 2nd. When the reference ticket is not given on demand. 3rd. When the

Bye-laws and Table of Fares are not shown on demand ; and 4th, when an overcharge is made. No driver shall be entitled to any gratuity. APPENDIX. 43

Public Stands.

1. Princes Pier— North end of Campbell Street. 2. Grey Place—North side of street or place. 3. West Burn Street—North side of Hamilton Street. 4. Greenock West Station—Newton Street, north side. 5. Cathcart Street—East side of Station Road. 6. East India Breast. 7. Customhouse Quay—East side of Pillar Lamp. 8. Cartsdyke Station —Macdougall Street. 9. Bogston Station—Bogston Road. Private Stands.

1. Cathcart Street Station— Private street leading from Cathcart Street to said station. 2. Lynedoch Street Station— Private street leading from Lynedoch Street to Glasgow and South-Western Railway Station there. 3. Princes Pier Station —Private street leading from Brougham Street to said station.


David Fenton, Pilot Master. Wm. Fleck, R. W. Moir, E. J. Gemmell, A. M'Kelvie, M. J. Riva, R. Buchan, Wm. Hardie, Thos. R. Morris, Wm. Purves, Wm. Clinton, Alex. Renfrew, Wm. Arthurs,

Robt. G. Taitt, J. Williamson, A. M. Jackson, and D. Macdonald. LIST OF DEEP SEA PILOTS LICENSED TO TAKE VESSELS TO SEA. James Baillie, Pilot Master. Robert Hume Bell, Alexander Camp- bell, Robert Lee, John MAleer, Chas. Mackie, John Miller, David M'Kellar, John M'Kenzie, Allan M'Lean, David M'Reevie, Robert Munn, Jacob L. Till, James Boag Warden, and Alexander Smith. RATES CHARGEABLE FOR PILOTAGE ON THE RIVER AND FIRTH OF CLYDE. Per Ft. From Greenock, or off Greenock, or the Tail of the Bank, to

Glasgow ; or from Glasgow to Greenock, or off Greenock, or to Tail of the Bank, including the unmooring of the ship,

for all vessels under 10 ft. draught of water . . . is 6d

Vessels with 10 ft. draught of water, and under 12 ft. . . 2s od

Vessels with 12 ft. draught of water, and not exceeding 15 ft. . 2s 6d

Vessels exceeding 15 ft. draught of water . . . . . 3s od Vessels to or from Bowling Bay or Dumbarton to be charged at

two-thirds of the above rates ; or Vessels from Renfrew or Dalmuir to Greenock or Port- Glasgow, or from the last-mentioned ports to Dalmuir or Renfrew, to be charged the rate same as for Glasgow. Odd inches to be charged and paid in proportion.

From Glasgow to Renfrew, five shillings ; the same charge returning. For any place betwixt the Cumbrae and Cloch Lights, to Greenock or Port-Glasgow, including the mooring of ship, or waiting the tide, one penny three farthings per ton. 44 APPENDIX.

From a line drawn between the Cloch Light and Dunoon Pier to Port-Glasgow or any intermediate place, one half-penny per ton. N.B. —The same chargeable for like distances outwards. Fractional tonnage to be paid and charged in proportion. All vessels towed to be allowed one-fifth off the full rates. From Greenock, or off Greenock, to Garelochhead, including deten- tion in swinging the vessel, one half-penny per ton ; and the same rate in returning ; but no pilot will be obliged to pilot a vessel to the Gare- lochhead and back for a less sum than 15s each way. For every day the pilot is kept on board after the compasses are adjusted, he shall be entitled for detention per day to 7s 6d. For shifting any vessel above 400 tons from one harbour to another harbour, 15s. For shifting any vessel above 400 tons from Garvel Graving Dock to any of the harbours, or vice versa, 20s. For piloting vessels up and down the Leven, to or from Dumbarton, the pilot shall not be entitled to charge more than four shillings in addition to the rate of piloting such vessels on the Clyde ; and four shillings for each additional tide he may be detained after the first. Any pilot, whether deep sea or river, who may be detained at the request of the owner or person in charge of the vessel, after his duties of pilot have been completed, shall (where not otherwise provided for in these regulations), in addition to receiving his provisions, be paid by the owners or persons in charge of the vessel five shillings per day, and in like proportion to any lesser period he may be detained on board. N.B. —No differential rates shall in future be recoverable in respect of foreign vessels.

LIST OF LICENSED LUMPERS. Henry Hammond, Moses Ferguson, Harry Hill, Andrew Bryceland, Alexander M'Lean, William Grant, John M'Kinnon, Patrick M'Cue, James Marshall, James Carroll, Peter Lamont Ross, Hermann Berndt, and Thomas Murray. LIST OF LICENSED BOATMEN. Alexander Nicholson, sen., James Barbour, Malcolm M'Lean, John Waugh, James Waugh, Alexander Nicholson, jun., Daniel M'Glinchy, and John M 4 Kean. TABLE OF RATES OR FARES TO BE EXACTED BY LICENSED BOATMEN AT THE PORT AND HARBOURS OF GREENOCK.

1st. Boat-hire from any of the Quays, Piers, Harbours, or the Esplanade, to any ship or vessel lying in the roadsteads, between the Tail of the Bank Buoy on the west, and Garvel Point on the east, said vessel not being at a greater distance than a mile and a half from the shore of Greenock between these two points : — If one passenger, is6d ; two passengers, 2s ; every additional passenger, 6d. 2nd. Boat-hire from any of the above-mentioned stations to any ship or vessel lying at the anchorage termed the Tail of the Bank : —If one passenger, 2s ; two passengers, 2s 6d ; every additional passenger, 6d. APPENDIX. 45

3rd. Boat-hire from any of the above-mentioned stations to the

powder anchorage ground : —If one passenger, 3s 6d ; every additional passenger, 6d. 4th. Boat-hire from any of the above-mentioned stations to the Hill of Ardmore, or Helensburgh, Kilcreggan, or Point of Roseneath, or Row, or any other point on opposite shore : — If one passenger, 5s; two

passengers, 6s ; three passengers, 7s ; every additional passenger, 6d. 5th. Boat-hire from any of the above-mentioned stations to any ship

or vessel lying in Gourock Bay : — If one passenger, 3s 6d ; two

passengers, 4s 6d ; and every additional passenger, 6d. For these rates or fares the boatmen shall be obliged to wait 30 minutes and bring back the passengers. If detained beyond 30 minutes, one shilling to be paid for each half-hour, or part of half-an-hour after the first.

The above rates or fares shall include luggage, if under 1 cwt. ; but all luggage above that amount shall be, for every cwt., 4d.

Vessels in harbour shifting, passing lines, up to 300 tons, 7s 6d ; ships, I os ; if boatmen employed by time, 12s 6d per day. For the above rates the boatmen shall be obliged to furnish 4 oars and men, when from the state of the weather this is required to enable them to make the passage ; but when required to do so by the hirer himself, for expedition or otherwise, one-half fare to be paid in addition to the above rates. The harbour-master to be sole judge in case of dispute between the boatmen and the hirer as to the state of the weather, and as to the necessity of 4 oars. PUBLIC PARKS AND CEMETERY. Committee of Management for 1891 —The whole members of Town Council— Bailie Anderson, Convener; Councillor Moon, Vice-Convener. Superintendent— Robert Sheridan. Well Park Promenade and Pleasure Grounds. —Entrances —Regent Street, Bank Street, Sir John's Brae, and Lynedoch Street. Wellington Park. —In connection with which are Bowling Green, Cricket Ground, and Bathing Pond for youths. Entrance—Drumfrochar Road (East). Whin Hill. —Entrances—Top of Lynedoch Street and Drumfrochar Road. Greenock Cemetery. —Entrances—Brachelston Square and head of Forsyth Street. Summary of bye-laws enacted by Town Council, April, 1891. The Gates During Open at Shut at During Open at Shut at

January 8 4 July ... 6 9 February 7 5 August . 6 8 March . 6 6 September . . 6 7 April . 6 7 October . 7 6 May 6 8 November . 8 4 June 6 9 December . 8 4 On Sunday the gates are shut from 11 a.m. till 12.40 p.m. No Interments allowed on Sunday unless under special circumstances. 4 6 APPENDIX.

Price of Ground. I to closed. Class 2s Class Classes 6 7, £2 ; 8, £3 ; Class 9, £3 IOS ; and Class 10, £4, for each lair fully prepared. Fees for Titles to Ground. A fee of is for original title charged for ground up to ^20 in value, and 2s 6d above that sum. Transfers of titles 2s 6d, and duplicate titles is each. Fees for Dressing Lairs. One shilling per lair per annum for graves in grass, and is 6d for graves in dressed ground, irrespective of class. Revised Rates on Detached and other Lots.

On Lots of 1 5 square yards, . ^076 ,, 20 to 26 square yards, . 10

28 to 35 „ . 12 6 ,, 42 to 60 ,, 15 Detached Lots.

On Lots of 16 to 25 square yards, . 10 251035 12 6

,, 40 to 50 ,, . . 17 6

,, 50 to 60 ,, 100 ,, 60 to 70 ,, 1 2 6

,, 70 to 80 ,, 1 5

,, 80 to 90 ,, . 1 7 6

,, 90 to 100 ,, 1 10 „ 100 to 110 ,, 1 12 6

,, 110 to 120 ,, 1 15 150 to 175 1 17 6 175 to 200 „ . 200 ,, 200 to 230 ,, 226 to ,, 230 260 ,, 250 Commutation of Dressing Lair Charges. Proprietors shall have the power to commute the annual charges for dressing ground by a fixed payment of 20s per lair for grass, and 30s per lair for dressed ground, exclusive of other classes and detached lots which may be arranged for on application to the Cemetery Committee.

Rule 5. Proprietors are prohibited interring in their grounds any other than members of their own family, without having previously obtained the consent of the Committee on the Cemetery, or the Convener thereof, or in the event of his absence from town, of the consent of the sitting Police Magistrate for the week, which consent any one of the before- named parties is authorised to grant. New Scale of Interment Fees.

Classes 1 to 7—under 12 years, . 6s od Above that age, 12s od

Classes 8, 9 and 10 ,, . 7s 6d ,, 15s od

Other Classes ,, . Iis6d ,, 22s 6d Detached Lots ,, . 15s od „ 30s od Extra Fees. For every carriage with one horse attending a Funeral, 2s 6d each

carriage ; if two horses, 4s each carriage. If the number of carriages at any one Funeral exceeds ten, no charge to be made for any carriage beyond the ten. APPENDIX. 47 GREENOCK HOSPITAL AND INFIRMARY, Duncan Street. —Established 1809. Sir Michael Robert Shaw Stewart, Bart., President.

The Provost of Greenock, Robert Macfie, Esq., James J. Grieve, Esq., Abram Lyle, Esq., James Stewart, Esq., and Sir Thomas Sutherland, K.C.M.G., M.P., Vice-Presidents. John Rodger, Esq., Treasurer. Geo. Williamson, Esq., Secretary. Directors—Duncan M'Gillivray, Esq., Chairman; Louson Walker, Deputy-Chairman; The Provost of Port-Glasgow, Messrs Jas. MacLean, David J. Dunlop (Port-Glasgow), William Hastie, Walter W. B. Rodger, John MacOnie, A. C. Finlay, T. L. Patterson, Duncan Weir, Thomas M. Thorne, George Ferguson, Joseph D. Scott, Robert Binnie, Robert Caird, Colin MacCulloch, John Barclay, John Patten, Robert Allan, Robert Kerr, George Macdonald. The Convener and Vice- Convener of the Public Health Committee of Greenock, ex officiis. Physicians—Drs Robertson and Broadfoot. Surgeons—Drs Paton and Calder. Dispensary Surgeons—Drs Fox and Laurie. House Surgeon—James Kirkwood, M.B., CM. Assistant House Surgeon—W. M. Holmes. Matron—Miss Tod. Assistant Matron (Fever House), Miss Stuart. Friends of Patients are allowed to visit them on Tuesdays, Thurs- days, and Fridays, from 2 till 3.30 p.m., and on Sundays from 4 till 5 p.m. The Dispensary for out patients is open from 12 till I p.m., and is closed on Spring and Autumn holidays, New- Year's Day, and Friday of Summer Fair. Applicants are required to pay id for each prescription, and to come provided with bottles for mixtures, &c. Applicants for admission as in-patients are required to present themselves for admission at 12-30 for examination by the dispensary attendants. They must be provided with Subscribers' tickets. Admission will be given only if the applicants be found proper subjects, and there be room in the house. Tickets are available only for one year and in the place where Subscriber and patient reside. THE FERGUSON EYE INFIRMARY (Founded by the late James Ferguson, Esq., Auchneagh). Wards in Greenock Hospital and Infirmary, where patients suffering with diseases and injuries of the eye receive treatment free.

Trustees—Provost W. W. B. Rodger ; Bailies Jamieson and Ander- son ; Robert Steele M'Morland, Esq., Merchant ; Alexander Bain, Esq.,

Feuar ; Duncan M'Gillivray, Esq., Chairman, Greenock Infirmary; Louson Walker, Esq., Deputy-Chairman of Greenock Infirmary; George Williamson, Esq., Secretary of Greenock Infirmary. Honorary Secretary and Treasurer — William Smith, Town Chamberlain. Auditor—Hope Stewart Ramsay. Honorary Medical Officers—W. A. Wilson, M.D. James Paton, ; M.D. Ophthalmic Surgeon—N. Gordon Cluckie, M.B., L.F.P.S.G., &c. Patients examined daily (Sundays excepted), between 10 a.m. and 13 noon. Accidents received into the wards at any hour. 48 APPENDIX. GREENOCK PAROCHIAL BOARD. Board Room and Offices—36 Nicolson Street. poorhouse and asylum—smithston. The Provost, W. W. B. Rodger, Esq., Chairman. The management is vested in a General Committee, sub-divided into small Committees for the despatch of business. Inspector —John S. Deas. Treasurer—William Ramage. Assistant Inspectors—Robert P. Fairlie, Thos. Shearer, and Hugh M'Cracken. Clerks—J. O. Waun, John Ferguson, Jas. Stephens, and James Muir. Collector —Thomas Burton. Assistants—Wm. Hendry and John M'William. Auditor—Quintin Bone. Janitor—Alex. Stevens. Governor of Poorhouse and Asylum— George Bruce. Matron of Poorhouse—Miss Kate Macfarlane. Chaplain—James Chalmers. House Surgeons—Jas. Wallace, M.D., and Gilbert A. Bannatyne, M.B., CM. District Surgeons—Drs John Macdougall, John Carlyle, and J. C. Douglas.

BOARD OF TRADE AND MERCANTILE MARINE OFFICE, 7 Virginia Street. Local Marine Board. Provost of Greenock (ex officio). Nominees of the Board of Trade. Colin S. Caird. John Scott. Abram Lyle. Edward Wilson. Elected by the Shipowners. John D. Clink. Daniel Kerr. Thomas Carmichael. William Letham. Malcolm M'C. Brown. William Hamilton. John Scott, Chairman. Thos. Carmichael, Deputy-Chairman. R. S. Macalister, Secretary. Mercantile Marine Office —R. S. Macalister, Superintendent, Registrar of Royal Naval Reserve, and Superintendent of Lascar

Transfers ; , First Deputy-Superintendent ; James Campbell,

Second Deputy-Superintendent ; Donald Campbell, Angus Campbell, and Alexander Richmond, Messengers. Offices at Sub-Ports—George

Kerr, Port- Glasgow ; Robert Fry, Oban; Alexander Whyte, Tober- mory; and E. Baker, Bowmore. Examinations of Masters and Mates are held on the second and fourth Tuesday in each month—W. H. Barham, Examiner. Examinations of Engineers are held on the first Tuesday of each month—John Sowter, Examiner. Surveyors—John Sowter, Shipwright and Engineer ; C. Waterson,

Shipwright ; Peter Gordon and , Tapeholders. Office hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. — — — —

APPENDIX. 49 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. (Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1813.) Temporary Premises — Commercial Bank Buildings. Directors—Messrs Daniel Kerr, Chairman; Andrew Carmichael, Hart, Walker, Reid, Vice-Chairman; J. Campbell J. W. James William Ross, A. Campbell Finlay, Joseph Russell, Robert Muir, William Hair, C. G. Ramsay, and John Stewart. Secretary and Treasurer—Wm. Hardie, C.A., 2 Watt Place.


The Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures of Greenock, at a General Meeting held this day, declare that the following is the Custom of the Port of Greenock, with reference to the matters herein referred to, applicable when no special stipulations are made in Charter Parties or other binding documents :

I. Entering Cargo.

I. When a vessel has been reported at the Customs, the Master gives notice to the Consignee, and the latter is bound, within forty-eight hours after such notice, to enter the cargo at the Customs.

II. Berthing Vessel and Delivering Cargo.

1. Vessels are bound to discharge at the berths assigned by the Harbour Master, and Consignees are bound to take delivery of cargo from alongside when landed at the quay at said berths. 2. In the case of Timber discharged into the water, the Consignee is not bound to take delivery unless the timber is inside a Harbour Basin, so that when the assigned berth is not inside a Harbour Basin, the ship is bound to float the timber into a Harbour Basin, and deliver it there. 3. All deals, staves, or broken stowage must be landed on the Quay by the ship.

III. Time for Discharging when no Number of Lay Days is Specified in the Charter Party.

1. When the vessel is in the berth assigned by the Harbour Master, the Master gives notice thereof to the Consignee, and the Master is bound to begin delivering, and the Consignee to begin taking delivery of the cargo within twenty-four hours thereafter, provided the time allowed for entering the cargo shall then have elapsed. 2. The Master is bound to tender, and the Consignee to receive, cargo each working day, weather permitting, at the following rates, unless a larger quantity is mutually agreed on, or unless modified by the Harbour Master, in virtue of the powers possessed by him under the Harbour Bye-Laws. 40 —


(a) Sailing Vessels Laden with Sugar.

Shall have a minimum daily Discharge of With Cargo as per Bill of Lading From Feb. 1 to Nov- 30 From Dec. to Jan. 31 of (Inclusive) (Inclusive) Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. From 300 to 500 70 70 „ 500 800 80 80 IOO „ 800 ,, IOOO IOO

,, 1000 11 14°° 125 125 „ 1400 ,, l800 150 150

,, 1800 ,, 2200 175 150 Over 2200 200 150

b. (Delet ed 20th Nove mber,

c. The discharge of vessels laden with other non-dutiable goods to be carried on during the ordinary working hours according to the season of the year—unless when overtime is worked by mutual agreement, and Consignees are bound, weather permitt- ing, to keep the discharge going continuously during said hours, and to receive and to remove the cargo from the ship's gangway in such a way as to enable the work to be carried on without interruption throughout the entire discharge to the full extent of the ordinary hours allowed for carrying on the work.

IV. Lay Days when the Number is Specified.

1. The Master gives written notice to the Consignee when the vessel is in the Discharging Berth assigned by the Harbour Master and ready to discharge, and the lay days begin to count from the date on which notice does not count as the said notice is given ; but the day of giving a lay day unless the said notice is received by the Consignee before Twelve o'clock noon. 2. In case the harbours are so crowded that the vessel cannot be berthed, the Master gives written notice to the Consignee when the vessel is in the Harbour Basin or moored at the Quays, and, provided she would have been ready to begin discharging if the berth had been available, such notice takes the place of that provided in the previous clause. " ") meaning working days 3. Days (not described as running days —i.e., Sundays and Customs and local holidays, do not count. for discharg- 4. When the number of lay days is specially mentioned ing, the Master is bound to tender, and the Consignee to take delivery, of a proportionate quantity of the cargo each working day, unless some other quantity is mutually agreed on. Note.—Should the said proportionate quantity be less than the quantity specified above (Section III., Clause 2), the Master is bound to tender, and the Consignee to take delivery, of the latter quantity' each working day.

is the unexhausted 5. When the number of lay days for discharging balance of a number specified for discharging and other purposes, the quantity to be tendered and taken delivery of each working day is the

* Amended 20th November, 1888. —

APPENDIX. 51 quantity specified above (Section III., Clause 2), unless a larger quantity is mutually agreed on. 6. A day does not count against the Consignee if the discharge is interrupted through failure of the Master to tender cargo as above stated. V. Settlement of Freight.

1. Freights on wood and timber from ports in Canada and United States are payable, one-third in cash on arrival, and the remaining two- thirds on right and true delivery of the cargo, in good and approved Bills at four months, or in cash less four months' discount at the rate of five per cent, per annum, from the date of completion of discharge. 2. All other Freights, except Coasting and Continental Freights are payable on right and true delivery of the cargo in cash, less one month's discount at the rate of five per cent, per annum, from date of vessel's report at Customs, in cases of cargoes from ports on this side of Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope, and less two months' discount at the said rate in cases of cargoes from ports on the other side of the said Capes. 3. Freights on goods payable by weight are payable on the net weight delivered, unless otherwise specially stipulated, except Coasting and Continental Freights, which are payable on the gross weight, unless otherwise specially stipulated. Freights payable by measurement are payable by calliper measure, unless otherwise specially stipulated. 4. When Freight is payable by a Bill on Usance on London or in cash equal thereto, cash without discount is meant, or a Bill for the same amount on London at such a date as the Banks here will grant without charge. 5. Approved Bills means Bankers' Drafts or Acceptances guaranteed by a Banker. 6. When the ship is consigned to charterers or their agents paying usual or customary commission, the consignee of the cargo is entitled to deduct two-and-a-half per cent, from the amount of Freight payable by him. Note. —When Freight is to be paid in cash on right and true delivery of the cargo, without reference to the custom of the port, net cash free from discount is meant. James Morton, President. Thos. King, Secretary. Greenock, 25th February, 1876. COURTS.

BURGH AND POLICE COURT. Held in the Police Court Hall, every lawful day at 10 o'clock. Judges—The Provost and Bailies. Assessor—Colin MacCulloch, Town Clerk. Assessors in absence,

• Andrew Nimmo, Thomas Wilson, and Thomas D. M'Murrich.

Prosecutors— Procurator-Fiscal, James Auld ; Police Superintendent, John W. Angus. Licensing Courts for the Burgh are held on the second Tuesday in April and the third Tuesday in October. 52 APPENDIX. ORDINARY AND DEBTS RECOVERY SHERIFF COURT AND COMMISSARY COURT.

Held in the County Buildings, Nelson Street, every Friday at 1 1 o'clock forenoon during the Session. Sheriff—John Cheyne. Sheriff-Substitute —John Henderson Begg. Honorary Sheriff- Substitutes—Abram Lyle, Colin S. Caird, W. Cunninghame Steele, F. G. Bruce, William M'Clure, and Duncan M'Callum. Clerk—Joseph M'Leod Lochhead. Depute-Clerk in absence Brough, —John Brough ; of John John Paton Fyfe. Procurator-Fiscal —Robert Blair ; in absence of Robert Blair, R. J. Blair, Colin MacCulloch, and John Cameron. Auditor—John Brough. SHERIFF SMALL DEBT COURT.

Held in County Buildings, Nelson Street, every Wednesday at 1 1 o'clock.. Continued cases are disposed of after new ones. Sheriff—John Cheyne. Sheriff- Substitute—John Henderson Begg. Clerk—Joseph M'Leod Lochhead. Depute-Clerk—John Brough. JUSTICE OF PEACE COURT. Held in the Justices' Court-House, Bank Street. Justices of the Peace—Greenock and Vicinity. Sir M. R. Shaw Stewart, Bart., M. H. Shaw Stewart of Carnock, R. Binnie, R. W. Robertson, John Robert Craig, R. Grieve, D. M. Latham, James Stewart, H. R. B. Peile, Thos. Stark, Wm. Ross, D. Campbell, W. O. Leitch, Abram Lyle, C. S. Caird, James Reid, John- Scott, Edward Wilson, W. W. B. Rodger, Robert Kerr, and John. Neill. The Sheriff Substitute of Greenock, the Provost and Bailies of Greenock^ the Chief Magistrate of Gourock, all ex officiis. Procurator-Fiscal—William Auld. Clerk of Peace—John P. Fyfe. Depute-Clerk—John Innes Macdougall. Small Debt Courts held every Thursday at 1 1 forenoon. Licensing Courts—Meetings for granting and renewing Publicans'" Certificates for the Lower Ward of the County are held on the third Tuesday in April and last Tuesday in October at 12 noon. Applications for Licenses must be lodged at least fourteen days previous to the day of meeting. Appeal Courts held in May and November.

Game Licensing Court, last Thursday of July, at 1 1 forenoon.

QUARTER SESSIONS. Held in Renfrew on the first Tuesday of March, May, and August, and last Tuesday in October. —

APPENDIX. 53 LIEUTENANCY OF RENFREWSHIRE. Lord-Lieutenant— Sir M. R. Shaw Stewart, Bart., of Ardgowan. Vice-Lieutenant—Sir Archd. C. Campbell, Bart., of Blythswood, M.P. Alexander, Major-GeneralSir Claud Harvey, James Widdrington Shand of Ballochmyle of Castle Semple Blantyre, Lord, the Right Hon. Houston, G. Ludovic, Johnstone Buchanan, Colonel, C. D. R. C, of Latham, David Macduff, Gourock Drumpellier and Finlaystone House Burns, Sir John, of Castle Wemyss, Macdowall, Henry, of Garthland Bart. Maxwell, Sir John Stirling, of Cochrane, the Hon. T. H. A. E. Pollok, Baronet Crum, Alexander, Thornliebank Napier, John Stirling, of Merchis- Cuninghame, John Charles, of ton House

Craigends Pollok, William F. , of Upper Pollok Darroch, Duncan, of Gourock Renshaw, Charles Bine, of Glen- Dunlop, Henry B., of Arthurlee patrick Finlayson, James, of Merchiston Richardson, David, of Hartfield Gilmour, Allan, of Eaglesham Smith, J. Parker, ofJordanhill, M.P. Graham, Allan Graham Barns, of Speirs, Alexander A., of Elderslie Fereneze Spier, Robert Thomas Napier Gordon, John, of Aikenhead Stewart, James Stewart, John A. Shaw, London Clerk of Lieutenancy—Wm. M'Clure, jun., Mansionhouse, Greenock. COUNTY OF RENFREW. List of the County Council, under the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1889. Ex-officio Councillors in virtue of Section 109 of the Act. —Sir Michael Robert Shaw Stewart, Bart, of Greenock, and Blackhall, Ardgowan,

Greenock, Lieutenant of the County ; Colonel Sir Archibald Campbell Campbell, Bart, of Blythswood, Renfrew, M.P., Convener of the Com- missioners of Supply ; Alexander Crum, of Thornliebank, Glasgow,

Chairman of the County Road Trustees ; James Myles, Deanside, Ren- frew, Chairman of the Local Authority of the County under the Con- tagious Diseases (Animals) Act.

Division. I. East Renfrewshire. 1. Shawlands—George Brown Walker, measurer, 2 Darnley Terrace, Shawlands. 2. Thornliebank—John Denholm, of Mains, Giffnock. 3. Eastwood—Sir John Stirling Maxwell, Bart., of Pollok. 4. Pollokshaws (North-East)—Duncan Watson, grocer, Rossendale Road, Shawlands, Glasgow. 5. Pollokshaws (South-East) —Archibald Blair, insurance manager, Langlands, Mansewood. 6. Pollokshaws (Central) —James Macdougall, tailor and clothier, 97 King Street, Pollokshaws. 7. Pollokshaws (West) —James White Cameron, accountant, Minaville, Shawlands. 8. Busby—John Robb, Busby Plouse. 9. Mearns —William Fergusson Pollok, Pollok Castle, Mearns. 10. Eaglesham—Allan Gilmour, Yr. of Eaglesham, Eaglesham House, Eaglesham. —


11. Crossmyloof—Matthew Algie, Norwood, Langside. 12. Mount Florida—William M'Lay, corn merchant, n May Terrace, Mount Florida. 13. Langside—Alexander Sinclair, newspaper manager, Ajmere Lodge, Langside. 14. Crosshill (East)—Thomas R. Robb, merchant, Crosshill Avenue, Crosshill. 15. Crosshill (West)—John Jackson, merchant, Westwood, Dalziel Drive, Pollokshields. 16. Cathcart (East) —Henry E. Gordon, advocate, Aikenhead House, Cathcart. 17. Cathcart (West) —George Weir, 18 Millbrae Crescent, Langside. 18. Polmadie—John Paterson, Hillfoot, Pollokshields. 19. Strathbungo (East) —James Hunter, 14 Matilda Ter., Strathbungo. 20. Strathbungo (West)—Alexander Murray, C.A., 81 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. 21. Pollokshields—John Cameron, merchant, 55 Albert Drive, Pollok- shields. 22. Pollokshields East (North)—John Shields, measurer, 6 Nithsdale Road, Pollokshields East. 23. Pollokshields East (Central) —James Steele, residenter, 73 Albert Road East, Pollokshields East. 24. Pollokshields East (South) —Robert Barclay Shaw, builder and property valuator, Dykeneuk, 40 Dalzell Drive, Pollokshields. 25. Kinning Park (First)—William Fraser, bolt maker, Rutherglen. 26. Kinning Park (Second)—James Stewart, of Carmyle, and 60 Port- man Street, Kinning Park. 27. Kinning Park (Third)—Thomas Reid, 13 Maxwell Drive, Pollok- shields. 28. Kinning Park (Fourth)—David Dreghorn, 90 Smith Street, Kin- ning Park. II. West Renfrewshire. 29. Hurlet—Robert King, merchant, Levernholm, Hurlet. 30. Elderslie—Charles Bine Renshaw, carpet manufacturer, Glenpatrick. 31. Paisley—James Cowan, carting contractor, Rosshall. 32. Linwood— Dugald Alexander M'Tavish, writer, 52 High Street, Johnstone. 33. Bridge of Weir—Robert Wilson, farmer and auctioneer, Manswraes, Bridge of Weir. 34. Kilbarchan—Archibald Watson Finlayson, thread manufacturer, Kilmalcolm. 35. Houston (East) —John Charles Cunninghame, of Craigends. 36. Houston (West) —James Andrew Muirhead, tanner, Bridge of-Weir. 37. Bishopton—Robert Rintoul, merchant, 26 Gordon Street, Glasgow. 38. Erskine and Inchinnan—William Taylor, farmer, Park, Inchinnan. 39. Renfrew—James Parker Smith, of Jordanhill, Renfrewshire. 40. Barrhead (East) —Henry Heys, calico printer, Barrhead. 41. Barrhead (Central) —Andrew Ferrier Shanks, brassfounder, Barr- head. 42. Barrhead (West) —John Cochrane, engineer, Grahamstone, Barrhead 43. Neilston—Rev. Peter M'Leod, clergyman, Neilston. 44. Ouplaymuir—John Holm, farmer, Jaapston, Neilston. APPENDIX. 55

Lochwinnoch (East) —John M'Nab, bleacher, Midtownfield, How- wood. Lochwinnoch (West)—Joseph Johnstone, cabinet manufacturer, Viewfield Works, Lochwinnoch. 47 Lochwinnoch (North) —James Widdrington Shand Harvey, of Castlesemple, Lochwinnoch. Inverkip—Colin M'Lachlan, farmer, Drums, Greenock. 49- Kilmalcolm (South)— Horatio Renand Babington Piele, factor, Inverkip. 5o. Kilmalcolm (East) —Neil Robson, ironmaster, Grafton, Kilmalcolm. 5i- Kilmalcolm (North)—James L. Cowan, architect, Cyprus Lodge, Kilmalcolm. 52. Johnstone (First) —James Finlayson, Junior, thread manufacturer, Johnstone. 53. Johnstone (Second) —James Fyfe Donald, Woodbank, Johnstone. 54. Johnstone (Third) —William Shanks, engineer, Bank House, Johnstone. Johnstone (Fourth)—John Baird Stirling, Ulundi Road, Johnstone. Gourock (Central) —William Steel, builder, Greenock. Gourock (East) —William Chalmers, house factor. 27 Cove Road, Gourock. Gourock (West) — Robert Binnie, merchant, Gourock. Elected by the Town Council of the Burgh of Renfrew. 59. James Donaldson, Provost of Renfrew. 60. Andrew Brown, Town Councillor of Renfrew. Convener—Sir M. R. Shaw Stewart, Bart. Vice-Convener—Alex. Crum, of Thornliebank. County Clerk—Ja. Caldwell, County BuildingSj Paisley. COMMISSIONERS OF SUPPLY IN THE LOWER WARD OF RENFREWSHIRE. The Right Hon. Lord Blantyre John Birkmyre, Manufacturer, The Master of Blantyre Port-Glasgow Sir M. R. Shaw Stewart, Bart., of Thomas Blackwood, Shipbuilder, Ardgowan and Blackhall Port-Glasgow Sir Arch. C. Campbell, Bart., of Michael Hugh Shaw Stewart, of Blythswood, M. P., Convener Carnock, M.P. The Sheriff of the County Thomas Bollen Seath, Sunnyoaks, Sheriff-Substitute at Greenock Langbank. D. C. R. Buchanan of Drum- Geo. Haldane, Kempock, Gourock pellier Robt. Lindsay, East Park House, D. Darroch of Gourock, B.A. Upper Kilmalcolm James Arbuckle, Grey Place, John Wallace, Feuar, AshtonRoad, Greenock. Gourock David Cross, of Ingleston Alexander Stephen, of Kelly, James Anderson of Highholm Wemyss Bay Robert Macfie of Langhouse The Provost of Greenock Sir John Burns of Castle Wemyss The Provost of Port-Glasgow Jas. Stewart of Garvocks The Senior Police Magistrate of H. R. B. Peile, Inverkip, Factor Gourock for Sir M. R. S. Stewart, Bart. James Caldwell, Clerk of Supply, Paisley. —

56 APPENDIX. INCOME TAX COMMISSIONERS FOR LOWER WARD OF RENFREWSHIRE. The Sheriff of the County R. G. Sommerville, Merchant Sheriff-Substitute at Greenock Robert Binnie, Merchant Sir M. R. Shaw Stewart, Bart. Abram Lyle, Sugar Refiner James Stewart of Blackhouse, &c. Colin S. Caird, Shipowner M. F. Dunlop, Clerk. John Alexander, Assessor. H. Eldred, Surveyor, Customhouse Buildings. COUNTY CONSTABULARY. Chief Constable of Renfrewshire—Charles Harding, Paisley. T Lower W ard Inspector— C. Bremner, County Buildings. House, 6 Nelson Street (West), Greenock. Sergt. Robt. Scott, County Buildings. House, 9 Watt Street, Greenock. THE FACULTY OF PROCURATORS OF GREENOCK. Office-Bearers— 1891. Dean of Faculty Robert Blair Vice-Dean — ; —James Glen; Treasurer and Fiscal—William Auld ; Secretary—William Stronach ; Auditor John Paton Fyfe. Council to act along with Office-Bearers —R. B. Shearer, Duncan Clerk, James Auld, John Black, John Anderson, and William M'Clure, jun. RESIDENT MEMBERS OF FACULTY. Those marked (*) are Notaries Public. The years are those in which they were admitted Procurators. *Anderson, John, Port-Glasgow .... 1863 Andrew, Alexander, Commercial Bank Buildings 1890

*Auld, James, Post Office Buildings, Vennel . 1867

*Auld, William, 27 West Burn Street . 1870

*Black, John, 5 West Blackhall Street . 1849 *Black, George H., B.L., 5 West Blackhall Street 1875 Blair, Robert, Sheriff Court Buildings, Nelson Street, West 1858 Brown John A., Post Office Buildings (east side) 1887 *Cameron, John, 5 West Blackhall Street 1884 Chalmers Thomas, Post Office Buildings, 1889 *Clerk, Duncan, Clyde Buildings, 2 Argyle Street 1876

*Crawford, J. W., 26 Hamilton Street . 1881 Dunlop, Malcom Fraser, 2 Church Place 1865 *Ferguson, Archibald D., 13 William Steet .'

Frame, James, Post Office Buildings . *Fyfe, John Paton, 4 Argyle Street 1865 *Glen, James, Bank Buildings, 13 William Street 1868 *Hood-Glen, William T., 2 Hamilton Street 1882 *Hood, John, Port-Glasgow .... 1885 Jacobs, Thomas R., 17 West Blackhall Street 1 888 *Love, James A., 2 Hamilton Street 1888

*Maclelland, Daniel Ritchie, Port-Glasgow . i8S9 M'Clure, John, 11 William Street 1884 *M'Clure, William, 1 1 William Street 1837 APPENDIX. 57

*M'Clure, William, jun., M.A., 1 1 William Street 1878 *MacCulloch, Colin, Town Clerk, Municipal Buildings 1868 *Macdonald, George, 26 Hamilton Street 1868

*Macdonald, James, 33 Cathcart Street . - . 1873 *Macdougall, Alexander James, 13 Hamilton Street 1880 *Macdougall, John, Mansionhouse *Macdougall, John Innes, Mansionhouse and Arcade, 28 Cathcart Street, ...... 1873 *Macgregor, John, B.L., 28 Hamilton Street, 1880 *M 'II wraith, Hew, Park Buildings, 28 Nicolson Street 1835 *Millar, James, 18 Hamilton Street, 1889 *Morrison, Finlay Daniel, 32 Cathcart Street 1864 *Murray, A. D., 4 Argyle Street .... 1888 ^Murray, George, 2 Church Place 1888 *Murray, Robert S., 4 Argyle Street 1883 *Orkney, Robert, 2 Argyle Street 1885 *Patten, John, W.S., 18 Kilblain Street 1873

Paul, Matthew J., Port-Glasgow 1891 *Prentice, A. R., 18 Kilblain Street 1885 Scobie, David, Port-Glasgow .... 1865 *Shearer, Alexander, jun., 18 Hamilton Street 1884 *Shearer, Robert B., M.A., LL.B., 1 Bank Street 1873 Stronach, William, 25 West Burn Street 1870 Thorn, W. A., 13 Hamilton Street 1883 *Turner, James W., 17 West Blackhall Street 1871 Walker, R. Steuart, Park Buildings, 28 Nicolson Street 1881 *Williamson, George, Municipal Buildings, Wallace Square 1844 * Hamilton Street 1890 Wright, W. J., 26 ....


(For Addresses see General Directory.)

The figures opposite the name denote the year in which they were licensed.

1872 Black, John R., M.D., CM. 1886 Lawrie, James, M.B., CM. 1878 Broadfoot, W., M.D., CM. i855 Marshall, Wm. J., M.D., 1879 Cairns, David, M.D., CM. T R C S 1879 Calder, Marcus, L.R.C.P. & 1863 M'Dougall, J., M.D., CM. S., L.M. 1870 Paton, James, M.D., CM. 1876 Carlyle, John, M.D., CM. 1882 Philip, T., M.B., M.C 1880 Cluckie, N. Gordon, M.B., 1863 Robertson, J. K.,M.D., CM. L.F.P.S.G., Surgeon 1842 Richmond, A. F., M.D. Oculist L.F.P.S. 1871 Douglas, John C, M.B., Tannock, John Porter, M.B., L. R.CS. CM. 1836 Fox, John, M.D., M.R.C.S. 1850 Wallace, J., M.D..L. R.CS. 1868 Galloway, Allan, M.D., CM. Whiteford, James, M.D., 1887 Hunter, Craig, L.R.C.P. &S., T R C S L.F.P.S. 1863 Wilson, W.' A., M.D., CM. 58 APPENDIX.

CONSULS IN GREENOCK. Danish Vice-Consul —M. M'C. Brown, 13 Hamilton Street. Dutch Consular Agents—Lietke & Co., Palmerston Buildings. French Consular Agent—John Davie, 63 Rue-end Street. German Consular Agents—Lietke & Co., Palmerston Buildings. Italian Vice-Consul—Alexander Buchanan, 46 Cathcart Street. Paraguayan Vice-Consul—James Auld, Post Office Buildings, Vennel. Portuguese Vice-Consulate— Office, 43 Renfield Street, Glasgow. Russian Consular Agents—Lietke & Co., Palmerston Buildings. Swedish and Norwegian Vice-Consul—Malcolm M'C. Brown, 13 Hamilton Street. United States Consular Agent—James A. Love, 2 Hamilton Street. Lloyds' Agents for Greenock and Port-Glasgow—T. O. Hunter & Co., 13 Hamilton Street. Agents for London and Liverpool Underwriters' Association—T. O. Hunter & Co., 13 Hamilton Street. Agents for London Salvage Association—T. O. Hunter & Co., 13 Hamilton Street. ist RENFREW AND DUMBARTON ARTILLERY VOLUNTEER CORPS. Headquarters, Greenock. Consisting of One 40-Pounder Battery of Position and Six

Batteries of Garrison Artillery. Stations : —Greenock, Port-Glasgow, Helensburgh, and Dumbarton. Lieutenant-Colonel —John Scott, C.B. (Hon. Colonel), 22nd August, 1863, Greenock. Major Fullarton —John (Hon. Lieut. -Col. ), 19th July, 1876, Port- Glasgow.

Captains —R. Duncan, 15th October, 1881, Port-Glasgow ; W.

Anderson (Hon. Major), 6th June, 1883, Dumbarton ; F. G. Gemmill, 5th May, 1888, Helensburgh; Alex. R. Prentice, 5th May, 1888,

Greenock ; Charles C. Scott, 14th September, 1889, Greenock ; A. F. Garvie, 14th September, 1889, Dumbarton; William Campbell, 26th July, 1890, Port-Glasgow. Lieutenants—Andrew R Grieve, 25th April, 1888, Greenock; A. Roberts, 17th November, 1888, Dumbarton; H. Campbell, 4th May,

1889, Port-Glasgow ; R. H. Muir, 6th July, 1889, Dumbarton ; A. Tough, 5th March, 1890, Greenock; W. C. Wallace, 13th September, 1890, Port-Glasgow. Adjutant—R. Price, Captain R.A., 20th September, 1887. Surgeons—W. A. Wilson, M.D., Hon. Surgeon Major, 28th May, 1868, Greenock; John W. Taylor, M.D., Hon. Surgeon Major, 9th

February, 187 1, and ist October, 1877, Port-Glasgow ; W. R. Sewell, M.D., 9th May, 1885, Helensburgh; W. A. M'Lachlan, M.D., 17th November, 1888, Dumbarton. Veterinary Surgeon—A. A. Macfarlane, M. R.C.V.S., 1st February, 1890, Greenock. Honorary Chaplains—Rev. William Bell, 28th May, 1868, Port-

Glasgow ; Rev. J. Baird, B.D., 5th March, 1869, Helensburgh. Acting Chaplain—Rev. J. Smith, 8th December, 1888, Dumbarton. Honorary Majors (retired)—R. S. Scott, T. J. F. Messer, R. Thorne, H. R. Walker. ;

APPENDIX. 59 ROYAL NAVAL ARTILLERY VOLUNTEERS. Clyde Brigade—Greenock Battery. Lieutenant-Commander—The Most Honourable the Marquis of Ailsa. Hon. Lieutenant—Francis C. Buchanan, Clannish, Row. Sub-Lieutenant—W. D. Woodburn, Commandant Greenock Battery. Officer- Instructor—Commander E. B. Boyle, R.N. Surgeon—David Cairns, M.D., CM., 4 Ardgowan Square. Chief Petty Officer—James Hutcheson, 8 Ardgowan Street (west). Instructor—Chief Petty Officer, James Cove, 19 Antigua Street. Drill Hall—Palmerston Buildings. CLYDE VOLUNTEER DIVISION ROYAL ENGINEERS (SUBMARINE MINERS). Headquarters—Fort-Matilda, Greenock, and 211 West Campbell Street, Glasgow. Honorary Commandant—Colonel Sir Donald Matheson, K.C.B., 6 Park Terrace, Glasgow. Officer Commanding—Major Adam Elliot Black, 5 Bruce Street, Hillhead, Glasgow. Captains—W. W. B. Rodger, Bagatelle, Greenock; A. R. Miller,

The Cairns, Cambuslang ; D. F. D. Neill, Glenfield, Greenock. Lieutentants—Herbert Ogilvie, I Doune Terrace, Glasgow; H. B. Collins, West Balgray, Glasgow.

Second Lieutenants—N. Macleod, 1 Woodland Terrace, Glasgow ; R. C. Cochran, 7 Gowan Circus, Dowanhill, Glasgow. Surgeons—Dr. Whiteford, Forsyth Street, Greenock; Dr. Dalziel, 196 Bath Street, Glasgow. Chaplain— Rev. T. F. Johnstone, M.A., 34 Eldon Street, Greenock. Adjutant—Lieut. T. Davis, R.E., Fort-Matilda, Greenock.

ist (RENFREWSHIRE) VOLUNTEER BATTALION PRINCESS LOUISE'S ARGYLL & SUTHERLAND HIGHLANDERS. Headquarters, Greenock. Honorary Colonel— Sir Michael R. Shaw Stewart, Bart. Lieutenant-Colonel—William O. Leitch, hon. col. Majors—William Lamont, hon. lieut.-col., and John Stewart.

Captains—D. Scobie, hon. major ; James Tannahill, hon. major J. K. Stewart, hon major; W. U. Park, T. D. M'Murrich, J. T. Wilson, hon. major; W. T. Goldie, Abram Lyle, jun., R. P. Lyle.

Lieutenants— R. W. Livingston, J. M 'Isaac, A. J. Paton, J. H. Hill, J. M'Lean, Edward Wilson, H. M. Ross, R. F. Blair, J. L. Adams.

Second Lieutenants— J. H.Shankland, J. Crighton, M. Buchanan, A. Morrison, E. J. Biggs, J. A. M'Lean, J. M. Trew, James Lye. Adjutant—Captain W. A. A. Macbean, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Hon. Quarter-master—Lieutenant Maclean. Surgeon—T. Philip, M.B. Acting Chaplain—H. Macmillan, D.D., L.L.D., &c. 6o APPENDIX.

Staff (Headquarters)—Lieutenant-Colonel Leitch, Majors Lamont and John Stewart, Captain and Adjutant Macbean, Sergeant-Major Woods, Sergeant-Instructor Macdonald, and Sergeant-Instructor M'Donough. The Corps comprises 6 Companies at Greenock, I Company at Port- Glasgow, I Company at Gourock, and I Company at Rothesay. Uniform, scarlet— Facings, yellow. CALEDONIAN RAILWAY COMPANY. General Carriers to and from all parts of Scotland, England, and the Continent. Chief Offices—302 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. Archibald Gibson, Secretary. James Thompson, General Manager. Stations in Greenock. Bogston (Passenger and Goods), Port-Glasgow Road—John Car- michael, Stationmaster ; John Montgomerie, Superintendent. Cartsdyke (Passenger), Macdougall Street, off East Hamilton Street

—Alexander Anderson, jun. , Stationmaster. Cathcart Street (Passenger) —Thomas Ritson, Superintendent. Greenock West (Passenger), Inverkip and Newton Streets—Thos. Telfer, Stationmaster. Fort Matilda (Passenger), west end of Newark Street—Duncan M'Lachlan, Stationmaster. Upper Greenock (Passenger), on Wemyss Bay line, top of Lynedoch Street—James Purdon, Stationmaster. Principal Goods Station, 4 Regent Street—John Montgomerie, Superintendent. Office —Railway Cottage, Bogle Street. Upper Greenock Goods Station, Drumfrochar Road—James Purdon, Agent. Parcel Office, Cathcart Street Station. Parcel Receiving Office at

J. W. Black's, 17 West Blackhall Street. GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Through communication with all parts of Scotland and England. Head Office, St. Enoch Station, Glasgow—John Morton, Secretary and General Manager. Stations in Greenock. Lynedoch (Passenger), top of Dellingburn Street—Joseph Dickson, Stationmaster. Princes Pier (Passenger), Brougham Street— Peter Kerr, Station- master. Goods Stations —Albert Harbour, James Watt Dock, Inchgreen, and Lynedoch Street —James Shearer, Superintendent. Office, 18 Brougham Street. Parcel Offices—Princes Pier and Lynedoch Street Stations. Parcel Receiving Office at W. H. Mitchell's, 9 Hamilton Street. North British Railway Company—In connection with the Glasgow & South-Western Railway—all places in the North, East, and South of

Scotland ; and to all places in England and Wales. Offices, Albert Harbour Station and Lynedoch Street Station. Agent, Wm. Selby. Carting Agents, Cowan & Co. ) —I;

APPENDIX. 6 VALE OF CLYDE TRAMWAYS COMPANY. Directors— Bailie Dickson, Glasgow, Chairman. John Poison, Esq. — Stirrat. Dr Barras. Secretary—Robert A. Mair, Esq. Head Office—40 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. Greenock Office—29 Brougham Street. Cars run every 20 minutes to and from Ashton. GREENOCK AND PORT-GLASGOW TRAMWAY COMPANY. Directors 1S90. R. G. Sommerville, Chairman. Robert Kerr. John MacOnie. D. M. Erskine. D. J. Dunlop. Secretary—Louson Walker, 33 Cathcart Street. PARCEL CARRIERS. Glasgow and Greenock—Archibald Sinclair, 23 West Blackhall

Street, and at Mrs Foulds's, 30 Cathcart Street ; Glasgow address 90 Argyle Street and 22 Jackson Street. Glasgow and Greenock—Mrs Stewart, 41 Cathcart Street and at Mrs Morton's, 36 Hamilton Street ; Glasgow address—53 Dunlop Street. Glasgow and Greenock—Lachlan Robertson, 1 Manse Lane Glasgow address—Turner's Court, 87 Argyle Street. Glasgow and Greenock—John Robertson, 19 Lyle Street, and at Mitchell & Co.'s, 3 Hamilton Street; Glasgow address—46 Miller Street and 43 Virginia Street. Gourock, Greenock, and Glasgow (Goods and Parcels) —James Mains and John Taylor, both daily. Inverkip, by Road (Goods and Parcels)—Robert M'Farlane, Tuesdays and Fridays, and oftener during the summer. Port-Glasgow, by Road—William Macrae and N. M. Campbell arrive and depart daily. STEAM PACKETS CALLING AT GREENOCK. (Weather and other circumstances permitting. Antwerp Steamers—Avocet, Shieldrake, Ibis, Whimbrel, or Bittern, sails every Monday—Allan Swan, Customhouse Buildings, agent. Ardrishaig and Lochfyne— Royal Mail Steamer Columba, Iona,. Grenadier, or other steamer, with passengers only, daily about 8*50 a.m., from Customhouse Quay, calling at Princes Pier, Gourock, Kirn, Dunoon, Innellan, Rothesay, Colintraive, Tighnabruaich, Tarbert (for Islay passengers), and Ardrishaig, leaving Ardrishaig about 1 p.m., and Inveraray Castle or other steamer, with goods and passengers, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from Customhouse Quay, touching at same piers and others, and returning from Ardrishaig every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday—W. Lindsay & Co., agents. Arran (Brodick and Lamlash), calling at Gourock and other piers on the Firth—Daily during summer season from Princes Pier about 9.45 a.m., saloon steamer Ivanhoe, via Kyles of Bute; and from Custom- —


house Quay and Princes Pier about 9.45 a.m., s.s. Eagle, via Kilchattan Bay. Goods only s.s. Bute every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Arran, North End (see Campbeltown). Arrochar (see Lochlong). Ayr and Girvan—Goods steamer Loch Etive every Monday and Thursday at 6 p.m. from West Quay —Hugh Lamont, agent, West Quay. Ballina (with liberty to call at Sligo) —Elm, Fern, or other steamer of Laird's Line, every alternate Wednesday, from Customhouse Quay, at 5 p.m. —Alex. A. Laird & Co. Belfast —Royal Mail Line—Every day (Sunday excepted) from Princes Pier at 9.45 p.m. Royal Mail Steam Packets Alligator, Dromedary, Gorilla, or other steamer—Wm. Sinclair, Excise Buildings, agent. Belfast— See also Bristol and Plymouth. Boston—Allan Line Steamers from Tail of the Bank regularly Andrew Picken & Co., agents. Bristol—Swansea, Cardiff and Newport (via Belfast) with goods and passengers from Princes Pier not before 6 p.m. The s.s. Humber, Medway, Severn, Avon, or Solway, sails for Bristol every Monday and Thursday— Cardiff and Swansea every Friday—Newport every alternate Friday, all via Belfast—D. Macdougall, 1 Cross-shore Street, agent. Brodick —See Arran. Campbeltown—Callirlgat Gourock & Lochranza & Pirn Mill (Arran), and Carradale—daily (Sunday excepted) from Customhouse Quay and Princes Pier about 9 a.m., during summer months, and 10 a.m. in winter. Royal Mail steamer Davaar, Kinloch, or Kintyre—John Macmillan, Customhouse Buildings, agent; and Argyll Steamship Co.'s steamer Argyll, twice weekly each way—James Little & Co., agents. Cardiff—See Bristol. Coleraine (with liberty to call at Portrush) —s.s. Gardenia, or other steamer of Laird's Line, with goods and passengers from Customhouse Quay every Monday and Thursday at 7.20 p.m. —Alex. A. Laird & Co. Cork—From West Quay every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m., and Saturday at 6 p.m. —s.s. Ballycotton, Cumbrae, Rathlin, Skerryvore, Toward, &c. —Clyde Shipping Company, Customhouse Buildings, Greenock —Allan Swan, agent. Dover—From West Quay every Thursday at 6 p.m., via Waterford, Southampton, and Newhaven—Clyde Shipping Co.'s steamer. —Allan Swan, agent. Dublin—From Customhouse Quay about 7.30 p.m., daily (Sundays excepted) —s.s. General Gordon, Lord Gough, Duke of Leinster, Duke of Argyll, or other steamer—James Little & Co., Excise Buildings, agents. Dublin—Shamrock, Holly, or other steamer of Laird's Line, sails every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, from Customhouse Quay at 7.20 p.m.—Alex. A. Laird & Co. Dumbarton Steamers— s.s. Lochfyne sails with goods from West 'Quay every Tuesday at 10 a.m. —Hugh Lamont, agent. Dunoon, Kirn, &c, &c. —Passenger steamers about every hour during summer season, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Saturdays, from Customhouse Quay and Princes Pier. Goods only s.s. Bute every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 9 a.m. from Customhouse Quay. —Hugh M'Cormick, agent. —


Drummore, Port William, and Isle of Whithorn, and any other ports that may be agreed upon— s.s. Gannet, Rona, or Pelican—Glasgow and Greenock Shipping Co., Customhouse Quay. Eigg and Isle Ornsay (weather permitting) —Every Thursday from Customhouse Quay about 6 pm. Royal Mail s.s. Claymore—Wm. Lindsay & Co., agents. Fort-William, Oban, Bonaw, Ballachulish, and other West Highland Ports— s.s. Lochnell, or Loch Etive, sails at 7 p.m. every Tuesday Hugh Lamont, West Quay, agent. Garelochhead—Calling at Helensburgh, Row, Rosneath, Clynder, Barremman, Shandon, Rahane Ferry, and Mambeg, twice and thrice daily. Ghent — s.s. Whimbrel and Bittern sail as trade requires from Greenock—Allan Swan, Customhouse, agent. Glasgow—Passenger steamers about every hour during summer. Luggage steamers and lighters of Glasgow and Greenock Shipping Co. daily from east end of Customhouse Quay. Gothenburg and Christiania— "Napier Line of Steamers," from Glasgow, calling at Greenock—T. O. Hunter & Co., agents. Gourock— Passenger steamers about every hour during summer season. Hamburg, via Glasgow—Weekly with goods only. The Leith, Hull, and Hamburg Steam Packet Co. —James Currie & Co. Helensburgh— From Customhouse Quay and Princes Pier about every hour during summer months. Highlands and Western Islands, namely—Colonsay, Iona, Bunessan, Tiree, Carbost, Struan, Glendale, Colbost, Dunvegan, Stein, Uig, Tarbert, Obbe, Lochmaddy, Kallin, Carnan, Skipport, Lochboisdale, Barra—Steamer, Dunara Castle, every Thursday, from West Quay at 7 p.m. —D. M'Cormick, agent, Customhouse Quay. Highlands and Western Islands—Steamer Hebridean, for Oban, Tobermory, Croaig, Coll, Iona, Bunnessan, Tiree, Carbost, Colbost, Dunvegan, Loch Eport, Scotvin, Carnan, Skipport, Lochboisdale, Barra, and any other ports that may be agreed upon, every Monday at 7 p.m. —Wm. Miller, Steamboat Quay, agent. Highlands and Western Isles—See also Ardrishaig, Eigg, Fort- William, Inveraray, Inverness, Islay, Lochgoilhead, Lochfyne, Oban, Salen, Stornoway, and Ullapool. Inveraray— Steamer Lord of the Isles, sails every morning during summer months— D. M'Cormick, agent. Inverness and Fort- William, calling at Crinan, Craignish, Luing, Easdale, Oban, Aird's Pier (Appin), Ballachulish Pier, Ardgour Pier (Corran), Corpach, Banavie, Gairlochy, Laggan, Cullochy, Fort Augustus, Invermorriston, Inverfarigaig, and Temple Pier—Every Monday and Thursday from Customhouse Quay about 5 p.m. —s.s. Ethel or Cavalier—Wm. Lindsay & Co., agents. Islay—Daily (via Tarbert), passengers only. R.M.S. Columba or Grenadier from Customhouse QuaY about 8*50 a.m., Princes Pier at 8. 55 a.m., to East Tarbert, and swift steamer from West Tarbert to Port Ellen—Wm. Lindsay & Co., agents. Islay and Jura—Every Monday and Thursday at 5 p.m. from Customhouse Quay with goods and passengers—s.s. Islay or other steamer—William Lindsay & Co., agents. Isle of Man—Fenella or other steamer, sails on Wednesdays ——


(fortnightly during winter months, extra sailings in summer) from Custom- house Quay and Princes Pier about noon—W. Lindsay & Co., agents. Isle of Whithorn—See Drummore. Kilcreggan, Cove, Blairmore, Strone, Ardenadam, Kilmun, Arden- tinny, Carrick Castle, and Lochgoilhead, twice and thrice daily during summer season, from Customhouse Quay and Princes Pier. Lamlash—See Arran. Larne —Lamprey, every Monday and Thursday at 8 p.m. from East India Wharf—William Sinclair, agent, Excise Buildings. Larne—See also Westport. Limerick direct— Every Monday evening from West Quay at 9 p.m. per steamer of Clyde Shipping Company—Allan Swan, agent. Liverpool— Bear, Owl, and Mastiff, from Customhouse Quay William Sinclair, Excise Buildings, agent. Liverpool— Princess Royal, Princess Maude, Princess Louise, or other steamer, thrice fortnightly—J. Macmillan, agent. Liverpool—Fire Queen every Wednesday from Princes Pier, and Fire King every Saturday from West Quay—D. Macdougall, agent. Lochgoilhead, calling at Kilcreggan, Cove, Blairmore, &c. —Daily from Customhouse Quay and Princes Pier— Royal Mail s.s. Edinburgh Castle and Windsor Castle—Donald M'Cormick, agent. Lochfyne —See Ardrishaig and Lochfyne. Lochfyne Steamer—Minard Castle, for Kirn, Dunoon, Kyles of of Bute, Skipness, Tarbert, Ardrishaig, and Inveraray, every Tues- day, Thursday, and Saturday from West Quay about 9 a.m. —D. M'Cormick, Customhouse Quay, agent. Lochlong and Lochlomond—Saloon steamer Chancellor sails twice daily (with passengers only) from May till October, for Dunoon, Kirn, Blairmore, Ardentinny and Arrochar, leaving Princes Pier about 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., and returning from Arrochar about 6 a.m. and 2 p.m., in connection with the Lochlomond steamers—Donald M'Cormick, Customhouse Quay, agent.

London—Every Monday via Belfast and Southampton ; and every Friday direct, also via Belfast and Plymouth, per steamer of Clyde Shipping Co., from West Quay at 6 p.m. —Allan Swan, Customhouse Buildings, agent. Londonderry—Daily (Sunday excepted) every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, at 8.30 p.m. from Customhouse Quay. Royal Mail s.s. Thistle, Cedar, Azalea, or other steamer of Laird's Line Office, Customhouse Quay, and every Wednesday and Saturday, at 8.30 p.m., from Customhouse Quay. Royal Mail s.s. Mastiff, or other steamer of Burns' Line—William Sinclair, Excise Buildings, agent. Milford (county Donegal) via Portrush and Londonderry— s.s. Rossgull every Thursday from West Quay about 7 p.m. —Hugh Lamont, West Quay, agent. Newhaven (Sussex) —Every Thursday at 6 p.m. from West Quay, via Waterford and Southampton, Clyde Shipping Company's steamer Allan Swan, Customhouse Buildings, agent. New York—Direct from James Watt Dock once a month, the Anchor Line American Mail Packet City of Rome—James Little & Co., agents. Oban, via Mull of Kintyre—Every Monday and Thursday from —


Customhouse Quay about 6 p.m. Royal Mail s.s. Clansman, Clydesdale, and Claymore—Wm. Lindsay & Co., agents. Oban—See also Highlands and Western Isles. Philadelphia—Allan Line steamers from Tail-of-the-Bank regularly —Andrew Picken & Co., agents. Plymouth—Monday, via Waterford, and Friday, via Belfast per steamer of Clyde Shipping Co. from West Quay at 5 p.m.—Allan Swan, Customhouse Buildings, agent. Port-Glasgow— Daily, luggage steamers and lighters of Glasgow and Greenock Shipping Co. Portree —See Stornoway. Portrush—See Coleraine, also Milford. Port William—See Drummore. Quebec—Allan Liners sail from the Tail-of-the-Bank weekly Andrew Picken & Co., agents. Rothesay, calling at Kirn, Dunoon, Innellan, &c. —About every hour from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays 9 p.m. during summer season, from Customhouse Quay and Princes Pier. s.s. Columba, Lord of the Isles, Ivanhoe, Sultana, Eagle, Marquis of Bute, &c. Passengers only. Rothesay, Innellan, Dunoon, and Kirn—Goods only, s s. Bute, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday—Hugh M'Cormick, Custom- house Quay, agent. Salen, Loch Sunart and Strontian, every Monday at 6 p.m., Clansman or other steamer—William Lindsay & Co., agents. Sligo—Azalea, or other steamer of Laird's Line, from Customhouse Quay every Wednesday at 5 p.m. —Alex. A. Laird & Co. Sligo—See also Ballina and Westport. Southampton—Every Monday, via Belfast, and Thursday, via Waterford, Clyde Shipping Company's steamer from West Quay at 5 p.m. —Allan Swan, Customhouse Buildings, agent. Stornoway, calling at Oban, Tobermory, and Portree, and, weather permitting, at Craignure, Lochaline, Salen, Armadale, Glenelg, Bal- macara, Kyleakin, Broadford, Raasay, and other ports agreed upon, every Monday artd Thursday at 6 p.m., from Customhouse Quay, R.M.S. Clansman, Claymore, and Clydesdale—W. Lindsay & Co., agents. Stranraer— Calling at Gourock, Fairlie, Lochranza, Pirnmill, Carradale, Machrie Bay, Blackwaterfoot, and Campbeltown, per s.s. Argyle, every Wednesday and Friday evenings—J. Little & Co., agents. Swansea—See Bristol. Tarbert (Lochfyne)—See Ardrishaig and Lochfyne. Tighnabruaich (Kyles of Bute), calling at various piers on the Firth —Royal Mail Steamer Columba or Grenadier at 8.50 a.m. ; Ivanhoe about 9.45 a.m. ; and Viceroy about 3.30 p.m. during summer season. Ullapool and Lochinver—every Monday from Customhouse Quay about 5 p.m., per MacBrayne's Highland Steamers—W. Lindsay & Co., agents. Waterford—Every Monday and Thursday direct, Clyde Shipping Co. 's Steamer from West Quay—Allan Swan, agent. West Highlands—See Highlands, &c. Westport, with liberty to call at _ Lame and Sligo—Every alternate Friday, at 5 p.m., from Customhouse Quay—Elm, Gardenia, Fern, or other steamer of Laird's Line. as —;


STEAM TOWING COMPANIES. City of Glasgow Towing Company—A. & W. M'Kinnon. Offices 74 Broomielaw, Glasgow, and Palmerston Buildings, Greenock. Tugs —Champion, Mariner, and Chesapeake. Clyde Snipping Company—Allan Swan, manager, Customhouse Buildings, Greenock. Offices in Glasgow, Dublin, Cardiff, and Queens- town. Tug Steamers— Hercules, Flying Arrow, Flying Bat, Flying Witch, Flying Wizard, Flying Dragon, Flying Dutchman, Flying Serpent, Flying Swallow, Flying Fish, Flying Fox, Flying Huntress, Flying Irishman, Flying Owl, Flying Scotsman, Flying Spear, Flying Sportsman, Flying Squadron, Flying Squirrel, Flying Cormorant, Flying Elf, Flying Sprite, Flying Eagle, and Flying Vulture. Glasgow and Greenock Shipping Company—86 Broomielaw, Glas- gow, and Customhouse Quay, Greenock. Tugs—Samson, Vanguard, Hotspur, and Lord Derby ; and in Londonderry —Admiral, Albatross, and Osprey (twin-screw). Greenock Towing Company—Park & M'Kellar, 4 Brymner Street. Tugs —Stork, Defiance, Dauntless, and Commodore. BANKING HOUSES. Bank Holidays in Scotland—New-Year's Day, Good Friday, the first

Monday of May, the first Monday of August, and Christmas Day ; Bills due on these days are payable on the day previous. On local holidays they are open from 9 to 10.30 a.m. ; Bills due must be paid on these days. Bills due on Christmas Day, Good Friday, and any day appointed by Royal Proclamation as a Public Fast are due the previous day. On other statutory holidays they are due on the succeeding day.

BANK OF SCOTLAND—47 Cathcart Street. Open from 10 o'clock forenoon till 3 afternoon. Shut at 12 on Saturdays. Draws on Bank of Scotland, Lothbury, London and the following banks in England, Wales, and Isle of Man :—Bank of

England ; London and County Banking Co. ; National Provincial Bank of England ; Manchester and Liverpool District Bank ; Burton, Uttoxeter, and Ashbourn Union Bank; Sheffield Union Bank; Wolver- hampton and Staffordshire Banking Co. ; Bradford Old Bank, Ltd ;

Halifax Joint Stock Bank, Ltd. ; Carlisle City and District Banking

Co. ; Cumberland Union Banking Co. ; Banking Co. ;

Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank, Ltd. ; Manchester and County Bank ;

Stamford, Spalding, and Boston Banking Co. ; Birmingham District and Counties Banking Co. ; Woods & Co. ; Samuel Smith & Co. ; and Isle of Man Banking Co. : in Ireland—Bank of Ireland ; Provincial

Bank of Ireland ; and Royal Bank of Ireland : and in Scotland—on the Branches of the Royal Bank, British Linen Co. Bank, Commercial Bank, National Bank, Union Bank, Clydesdale Bank, Caledonian Bank, North of Scotland Bank, Town and County Bank, in towns where the Bank of Scotland has no branch. The Bank of Scotland also issues drafts and letters of credit on Bank of British North America, New-

York, and branches ; on Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto, and

Branches; Bank of Africa ; Standard Bank of South Africa (Limited) ; on Bank of Australasia, in Australia and New Zealand ; on Bank of

New Zealand ; and National Bank of New Zealand, and on the Branches —;

APPENDIX. 67 of Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China. Bank of Scotland also grants Foreign Credits and Marginal Bills, furnishes Circular Notes, free of charge, for the use of travellers and others, payable in all the principal towns on the Continent of Europe, and elsewhere throughout the world ; and negotiates Bills on all the principal towns in British and Foreign parts. Teller P. Agent—John Bisset ; Accountant— Peter Ballingall ; — Paterson, jun., Robert G. Brown ; Clerks— Robert Richardson, James M'Nair, jun., and Alex. W. Marshall.

BRITISH LINEN COMPANY— 15 William Street. Open from 10 o'clock forenoon till 3 afternoon. Shuts at 12 on Saturdays. Draws on British Linen Co. Bank, 41 Lombard Street, London, E.C., and the following Banks in England, Wales, and Isle of Man:—Smith, Payne, & Smiths, 1 Lombard Street, London, E.C.; Bank of England, London and Branches; J. Backhouse & Co., Darlington; Birmingham, Dudley, and District Banking Co., Limited; Bradford Banking Co., Limited; Brighton Union Bank (Messrs Hall, Bevan, West, & Hall); Carlisle and Cumberland Bank, Limited; Cornish Bank, Limited; Glamorganshire Banking Co., Limited; Halifax Joint-Stock Bank, Limited; Huddersfield Banking Co., Limited; Lancaster Banking Co., Limited; Leyland and Bullins, Liverpool; London and County Bank, Limited; London and South- western Banking Co., Limited; Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Co., Limited; Manx Bank, Limited; National Bank of Wales,

Limited ; National Provincial Bank of England, Limited ; North- amptonshire Banking Co., Limited; North-Eastern Banking Co., Limited; Norfolk and Suffolk Bank, Lacons & Co., Oxford Old Bank (Messrs Parsons, Thomson, & Co.); Prescott, Dinisdure, Cave, Tugwell,

& Co., Limited (Bristol Old Bank) ; Sheffield and Rotherham Banking

Co. , Limited ; Samuel Smith & Co. , Derby ; Samuel Smith & Co. , Notting- ham ; Samuel Smith, Brothers, & Co., Hull; Stamford, Spalding, and

Boston Banking Co. , Limited ; Stuckey's Banking (Somersetshire Bank); Bank of Whitehaven, Limited; Yorkshire Banking Co., Limited; and on all the principal towns of Britain. Correspondents in Ireland—The Bank of Ireland and Branches, and the Ulster Bank, Limited, and Branches. Colonial and Foreign Correspondents—India, China, &c. Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China, Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China, and National Bank of India, Limited. Australia—English, Scottish and Australian Chartered

Bank ; Commercial Bank of Australia, Limited ; Bank of Australasia, and Queensland National Bank, Limited. New Zealand, &c.

Bank of New Zealand ; National Bank of New Zealand, Limited and Colonial Bank of New Zealand. Africa— Standard Bank of South Africa, Limited. North America —Bank of British Columbia; Bank

of Montreal ; Bank of Nova Scotia ; and James G. King & Sons, New Correspondents. York ; John Paton & Co., New York, and Columbian

Bank, Philadelphia ; South America, London and Brazilian Bank, Limited. Issues Circular Notes for travelling on the Continent. Agent—James Glen; Accountant—James Neilson; Teller—George Williamson ; Clerks—Alexander Archibald, George Bruce, Robert M'Gregor, and Robert Allison. 68 APPENDIX.

CLYDESDALE BANK, LIMITED—7 Hamilton Street. Open from 10 o'clock forenoon till 3 afternoon. Shuts at 12 on Saturdays. Draws on Branch, 30 Lombard Street, London; North of Scotland Bank and Branches; Caledonian Bank and Branches;, National Provincial Bank of England and Branches; Manchester and

Liverpool District Bank, Limited, and Branches ; Union Bank

of Manchester, Limited, and Branches ; Union Bank of Liver-

pool ; Hull Banking Co. ; Birmingham and Midland Bank ; Hudders-

field Banking Co. ; Lambton & Co., Newcastle, and Branches;

Carlisle City and District Bank ; Lancaster Bank and Branches ; Yorkshire Bank and Branches; Gurneys & Co., Norwich, and

Branches ; Coventry Union Bank ; Moore and Robinson, Bankers,

Nottingham ; County of Gloucester Bank, Cheltenham, and Branches ;

Halifax Joint-Stock Bank ; National Bank in Ireland and Branches ;:

Belfast Banking Company and Branches ; Ulster Bank and Branches ;,

Bank of British North America ; Merchants' Bank of Canada and Branches, New York, Halifax, St. John's, New Brunswick, and San

Francisco ; Union Bank of Australia and Branches. John Rodger Accountant John Taylor Teller Daniel Agent— ; — ; — Paterson Clerks Broadfoot, Peter R. Bruce, Algernon Robert ; —John Linton, and Victor J. Moodie. CLYDESDALE BANK, LIMITED—East Branch, 43 Rue-End Street. Open from 10 o'clock forenoon till 3 afternoon. Shuts at 12 on Saturdays. Draws on Banks, and has correspondents same as West End Branch.

Agent—W. Bruce ; Accountant —W. T. Goldie ; Clerk —Thomas P. Williamson.

COMMERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, LIMITED, 36 Cathcart Street. Head Office, Edinburgh, George Street. London Office, 62 Lombard Street, E.C. Established in 1810, and incorporated by Royal Charter and Act of

Parliament. London Bankers ; The Bank of England ; London and

Westminster Bank, Limited ; Messrs Coutts & Co. Negotiates Bills on every place in Great Britain or Ireland where there is a Bank or Banker ;

Issues Circular Notes negotiable in all parts of the world ; grants Drafts and Letters of Credit on the principal cities and towns of

England, Ireland, and Canada ; and on New York, Paris, and Ham- burg; grants Drafts and Letters of Credit and negotiates Bills on India, Australia, and New Zealand, and is agent for the following

: establishments, viz. —The National Bank of Scotland, Limited ; the

North of Scotland Bank, Limited ; National Provincial Bank of Eng- land, Limited ; Birmingham and Midland Bank ; Bradford Banking Co., Limited; Carlisle City and District Bank, Limited; Halifax Joint-Stock Bank, Limited; West Riding Union Bank, Limited;

Hull Banking Co., Limited ; Beckett & Co., Leicestershire Banking

Co., Limited ; Bank of Liverpool, Limited, Commercial Bank Branch; Williams, Deacon, and Manchester and Salford Bank, —


Limited ; Manchester and Liverpool District Bank, Limited ; Parr's

Banking Co., Limited ; Messrs Lambton & Co. ; Messrs L & J. C. Wright, Nottingham; Sheffield Banking Co., Limited; York Union

Bank ; Wakefield and Barnsley Union Bank, Limited ; Preston Banking

Co., Preston; Munster and Leinster Bank ; National Bank, Limited;

Northern Banking Co. ; Royal Bank of Ireland, Limited ; Messrs

Boyle & Co., Dublin ; Hibernian Bank ; James G. King & Sons,

New York ; Messrs Rothschild Brothers, Paris ; the Commercial

Banking Co. of Sydney, New South Wales ; the Union Bank of

Australia ; Commercial Bank of Australia, Limited ; Natal Bank ; the

Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China ; New Oriental Bank

Corporation, Limited ; Bank of British North America, and Standard Bank of British South Africa. Agent James Tannahill Accountant Teller — ; — George Dick ; George Weatherhead Clerks John Lyle, Russell, ; — Andrew W. J. H. Ballantine, and James Tannahill, jun. ; Messenger—Alexander Ander- son : house above the Bank. COMMERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, LIMITED. West-End Branch— 15 West Blackhall Street.

Open from 10 o'clock forenoon till 3 afternoon. Shuts at 12 on Saturdays. Draws on London and Westminster Bank; Coutts & Co., London, and negotiates Bills on every place in Great Britain and Ireland where there is a Bank or Banker.

Agent James Tannahill ; Accountant George Gordon Clerk — — ; Ferns Porter J. James ; — Peacock. NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, LIMITED, 29 Cathcart Street. Open from 10 o'clock forenoon till 3 afternoon. Shuts at 12 on

Saturdays. Draws on Glyn, Mills & Co. ; Coutts & Co. ; National

Bank of Scotland, Limited, 37 Nicholas Lane, London ; The

Bank of England ; Union Bank of London ; North of Scotland

Bank ; Belfast Banking Co. ; Ulster Banking Co. and Provincial

Bank of Ireland ; National Bank of Ireland ; Munster and Leinster

Bank ; Lloyd's Bank, Limited ; Parr's Banking Company, Warrington and Branches ; Nottingham Joint-Stock Bank ; Devon and Cornwall

Bank ; London and County Bank ; Lancaster Bank ; London and

Provincial Bank ; Oldham Joint-Stock Bank ; Delhi and London Bank ;

National Provincial Bank of England ; Manchester and Liverpool District

Banking Co., Dumbell's Banking Co., Limited ; Yorkshire Banking

Co. and their Branches ; Union Bank of Australia, in Australia, Van Diemen's Land, and New Zealand, and Bank of Victoria, Australia, and

Branches ; Bank of New Zealand and Branches ; Colonial Bank of New Zealand and Branches ; Bank of British North America and Branches ; New Oriental Bank Corporation in India, Aus- tralia, and ; China Standard Bank of South Africa and Branches ;

Agra Bank ; Canadian Bank of Commerce ; Brown Brothers & Co., Boston and Philadelphia Stuart Co., ; J. & J. & New York ; National

Bank of New Zealand ; English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered

Bank ; Bank of Australasia and Branches ; Ashton, Staleybridge,

Hyde and Glossop Bank ; Bank of Bolton and Branches ; Bank ;


of Liverpool ; Metropolitan and Birmingham Bank, Ltd. ; Birmingham

District and Counties Bank ; Bradford Commercial Banking Co. William Williams, Brown & Co., Leeds; Carlisle and Cumberland Bank;

Cumberland Union Bank ; Derby and Derbyshire Bank ; Gurneys &. Co.,

Norwich and branches ; Halifax and Huddersfield Union Bank; Capital and Counties Bank ; London and Yorkshire Bank ; Manchester and

County Bank ; North and South Wales Bank ; Pease & Sons, Hull

Sheffield and Hallamshire Bank ; Wakefield, Crewdson & Co. ; White- haven Joint-Stock Bank ; Wilts and Dorset Bank ; Woods & Co.,

Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Hodgkin, Barnett & Co. ; Lancashire and

Yorkshire Bank ; Northamptonshire Union Bank ; Wakefield and

Barnsley Union Bank ; Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and

China and Branches ; Bank of Montreal ; Bank of Nova Scotia ;

Alexander Brown & Sons, Baltimore ; Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China ; Commercial Bank of Australia,

Limited ; and Bank of British Columbia ; American Exchange National Bank, Chicago. Issues Circular Notes for travelling on the Continent, and negotiates Bills on all principal towns in Foreign and British parts.

Agent J. Campbell Hart ; Accountant Wm. N. A. Aitken — — ; Teller—Duncan Campbell ; Clerks—James D. Neill, James Smith, Wm. A. Dickson, and Andrew F. Williamson ; Porter— Robert Macfarlane, 4 Mansionhouse Lane.

ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND—38 Cathcart Street.

Open from 10 o'clock forenoon till 3 afternoon. Shuts at 12 on Saturdays. Draws on Royal Bank of Scotland, and Coutts & Co.,

London ; Bank of England and Branches ; the National Provincial

Bank's Branches ; London and County Bank's Branches ; Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Co ; Lambton & Co. ; Cumberland

Union Bank, Limited ; Williams & Co. ; Foster & Co. ; Lancaster

Banking Co. ; Woods & Co. ; Bradford Banking Co. ; Halifax and

Huddersfield Union Banking Co. ; Aberdeen Town and County Bank ;

Bank of Scotland ; National Bank of Scotland ; Union Bank of Scotland, and Clydesdale Bank, in towns where the Royal Bank has no agencies ; Bank of Ireland and Branches ; Belfast Banking Co. and Branches ; also, on the Bank of New South Wales ; Australian

Joint-Stock Bank ; Bank of South Australia ; Western Australian Bank ;

National Bank of New Zealand, Limited ; Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China; Blyth, Brothers & Co., Mauritius; Bank of British North America, &c.

Accountant John Love ; Teller J. Agent — D. M. Latham ; — — W. Love ; Clerks—George Bruce, John Manners, J. W. Arthur, and Charles Harvey.

ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND—9 West Blackhall Street. West End Branch—Open from 10 o'clock forenoon till 3 o'clock afternoon. Shuts at 12 on Saturdays. Draws on Banks same as Cathcart Street Branch.

Agent Alexander Tait ; Accountant John M. Maitland Clerk — — ; —Archd. Blair. —;;



Open from 10 o'clock forenoon till 3 afternoon. Shuts at 12 noon on Saturdays. Draws on Union Bank of Scotland, London ; Bank of

England; Glyn & Co., London; Provincial Bank of Ireland ; Belfast

Banking Co. ; Manchester and Liverpool District Bank, Limited

Manchester and Salford Bank ; Lambton & Co. ; Sheffield Banking

Co. ; National Provincial Bank of England, Limited ; Yorkshire Banking Co., Limited; Whitehaven Joint-Stock Bank; Carlisle City and District Bank, Limited ; County of Stafford Bank, ; Moore and Robinson, Limited, Nottingham; Beckett & Co., Leeds;

Huddersfield Banking Co. ; Cumberland Union Banking Co., Limited ;

Paget & Co. ; Worcester City and County Bank, Limited ; North of Scotland Bank; North-Eastern Bank,. Limited; De Rothschilds Freres, Paris; J. G. King & Sons, New York; Union Bank of

Australia; Bank of Montreal ; Bank of Australasia ; Standard Bank of British South Africa, &c, &c. Negotiates bills on all towns in Great Britain and Ireland where there is a banker. Is also agent for the

Bank of Bolton, Limited ; Cheque Bank, Limited, London ; the Con- solidated Bank, Limited, Manchester ; Halifax and Huddersfield Union

Bank ; Lancaster Banking Co ; North-Western Bank, Limited, Liver- pool ; Exchange and Discount Bank, Limited, Leeds ; Craven Bank,

Limited ; Alliance Bank, Limited, London ; Derby Commercial

Banking Co., Limited ; Ransom & Co. ; National Bank ; Union Bank of Birmingham, Limited ; Wakefield and Barnsley Union Bank Munroe & Co., Paris. Also issues drafts on certain branches of the Bank of Scotland, British Linen Co. Bank, Clydesdale Bank, Limited, Commercial Bank of Scotland, Limited, and National Bank of Scot- land, Limited, and Royal Bank of Scotland.

Agent— F. G. Bruce ; Accountant—George Jenkins ; Teller David Aitken Clerks John Fisher ; — and Thomas Rennie. Porter Edward Fairman : house, 2 Church Place. London Office, 62 Cornhill, E.C. —John A. Fradgley, Manager. Head Office, Glasgow—Charles Gairdner, General Manager. David Scott Fergusson, Assistant Manager.

GREENOCK PROVIDENT BANK—William Street. Instituted 1815. every a.m. till Open day from 10 3 p.m. ; (Saturdays from 10 a.m. till 12 noon) ; and on the evenings of Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, from half-past 6 till 8 o'clock. The Committee of Management of the Bank for the current year stands as follows: —Sir Thomas Sutherland, M.P., President; A. P. Lyle, Esq., Chairman. Committee—Messrs James M'Lean, Donald M 'Donald, Ninian Hill, Alexander Walker, Duncan Cunningham, Duncan M'Gillivray, Louson Walker, Andrew Carmichael, Archibald J. Paton, John Craig, William Hastie, John Anderson, John M'Kiver, and Archibald N. Lindsay. Cashier—John Adams; Accountant— George Dempster; Clerks John Adams, jun., and William Holmes ; Auditor—James Nicoll Secretaries— W. W. & J. M'Clure. 7 2 APPENDIX.



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Minister— Rev. John Barclay, 10 Bedford Street ; Assistant— Rev. Session Clerk Mr J. G. Christie, B.D., 2 George Square; — John Jamieson, 2 Cathcart Street ; Secretary to Congregational Committee —Mr Daniel Macaulay, 16 Mearns Street; Treasurer—Mr W. A. Thorn, 13 Hamilton Street; Organist and Choirmaster— Mr Reginald Mozart Atkins; Church Officer—Mr William Crawford, 4 Nelson Street (West).

Boundaries (Including North Parish quoad sacra and South Parish quoad sacra).

From the Old Dock running up Vennel, taking the west side thereof to Cowgate, up said street, taking the west side thereof to Market Street, round the westmost corner of Market Street, along the police boundary to Bogle Street, to John Gray's stores, running up Bogle Street, taking the west side thereof to Mrs Fairlie's property inclusive, running along west part of Regent Street to Lynedoch Street, up said street, taking the west side thereof to Reservoir, round south side of Reservoir to the westmost extremity thereof, from thence running southwards, crossing Drumfrochar Road to Whinhill, including all the streets and the country district west and south of police boundary. Congregational Agencies.

1. Prayer Meeting in Hall on Wednesdays at 8 p.m., from October to April. 2. Bible Class in Hall on Sundays at 7 p.m., from October to April. 3. Sabbath Schools meet at 5.30 p.m. Congregational in Hall. Superintendent— Mr R. B. Shearer, M.A., LL.B. Mission Schools in —In Session-House (Mr Robert M'Jannet, superintendent) ; Ann Street Public School (Mr W. Paterson, superintendent). 4. The Literary Society meets in Hall on Mondays at 8 p.m., from October to April. 5. Band of Hope meets in Hall on Fridays at 7 p.m. Superintendent —Mr M'Jannet. 6. Kirk-Session meets in Lesser Hall on first Monday of each fourth month at 8 p.m. 7. Congregational Committee meets on last Monday of each month at 8.15 p.m. 8. The Dorcas Society meets in Lesser Hall on Tuesdays from 3 to 5 p.m. during winter months. 9. Parish Mission Meeting is held in the Session-House on Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock. •10. Children's Service is held in larger Hall every Sunday at 12. 15 p.m.


Church built, 1591. Restored, 1864. Minister—Rev. A. E. Shand,

M.A. ; Session Clerk —Duncan Sutherland, 31 Dempster Street;

Treasurer— Peter M'Lellan ; Organist— Peter Scott ; Church Officer John Rowan. —;


Boundaries—From foot ofVennel up west side of Hamilton Street westward along Hamilton and West Blackhall Streets, north side of Patrick Street, down Patrick Street, east side, to the river, thence eastward again to the foot of the Vennel.


Minister—Rev. D. S. Peters, M.A. ; Assistant Minister—Rev. J. M'Kechnie; Female Missionary—Mrs Cattanach ; Organist and Con- ductor of Choir—Mr D. M. Middleton ; Session Clerk—R. H.

Sinclair, 46 Cathcart Street ; Church Officer—Robert Brown. Boundaries. —From the westmost corner of Market Street, along the police boundary line to Bogle Street, taking John Gray's stores, down Bogle Street, west side thereof to Rue-end Street, taking south side thereof to Cathcart Street, running down said street to shore, along the shore to foot of Low Vennel, up low and high parts of Vennel, taking east side of said street to Cowgate Street, up the east side thereof to the point first described.

Congregational Schemes.

1. Church Mission—Church Place. 2. Ladies' Clothing Society—Managed by ladies of the congregation- Its aim is to receive and distribute cast-off clothing and to sell new clothing at reduced prices to the poor of the congregation and parish. 3. Sabbath Schools—Meet in the Lower Mission Hall, Church Place, in Ann Street School, in Upper Mission Hall, Church Place, and in Old Sheriff Court Hall, Bank Street. 4. Bible Class is held in the Church immediately after the afternoon service on Sabbath.

5. The Penny Savings Bank on Saturday evenings from 7 to 8. 6. Young Men's Guild meets in Hall, Church Place, on Mondays at 8 p.m. from September to March, and from 7 to 8 p.m. in summer. 7. Choir meets on Wednesday evenings during winter at 8. 8. Kirk Session meets in Vestry on last Monday of each month at 8 p.m.


Minister—Rev. T. R. Thomson, 29 Finnart Street ; Session Clerk John Tucker, 7 John Street; Church Officer—Robert M'Walter, Antigua Street. Boundaries. —From Shore at Rue-end up to Cathcart Street, taking south side thereof to Bogle Street, along Rue-end Street, taking east side thereof to Bogle Street, up Bogle Street, taking east side thereof along Regent Street, taking south side thereof to Lynedoch Street, up Lynedoch Street, taking south side thereof, crossing Drum- frochar Road, taking in Berryyards to the boundary line, along the boundary line to the Parishes of Kilmalcolm and Port-Glasgow, down Devol's Burn to the shore, along the shore to the point first described. In connection with this church there is a society called the East Parish Society, managed by a president, a treasurer, secretary, and ;


twelve directors, the funds of which are devoted to religious objects, parochial or congregational, and appointed at the discretion of the directors at the annual meeting. There is also a Sabbath School,

with an average attendance of 310 children, conducted by 38 teachers ; and a Church Library, open every Wednesday evening from 7 till 8 o'clock. Bible Class on Sabbath evenings at 7 o'clock. A Mutual Improvement Class meets on Sabbath mornings at 10, and a Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening. In connection with this church there is a flourishing Savings Bank.

CARTSBURN PARISH CHURCH—Upper Crescent Street. Minister—Rev. Archibald Fullarton, Clinton Villa, 11 Caddlehill of the church Treasurer John Aitken, Terrace, chosen by the members ; — 2 Carwood Street ; Session Clerk—William Johnstone, 33 Ingleston Street, to whom, or the Church Officer, applications for sittings in the church should be made ; Organist—John E. Macintyre, 77 Holmscroft Officer John Hunter, 21 Belville Street. Street ; Church — Boundaries. — From the point where the Cartsburn flows into the River Clyde, following up the course of the burn (including the east side of Cartsburn Street) till near the Chemical Works, then running in a south-easterly direction to meet the boundary line between the estates of Greenock and Cartsburn, then turning in a north-easterly direction, following the course of the said boundary line to the point where Cappielow water flows into the river, then turning in a westerly direction, and running along the margin of the river to the point first described. The Sabbath School meets at 5.15 p.m. The Congregational Prayer Meeting is held in the Session-house on Wednesday evenings at eight o'clock. Bible Class meets at seven o'clock on Sabbath evenings.


Minister—Rev. Archibald M 'Donald, 19 Caddlehill Terrace; Session Clerk and Treasurer—Archd. Campbell, 3 Holmscroft Street Church Officer—John Dewar, 5 West Stewart Street.

Institutions in Connection with the Parish.

Minister's Bible Class meets during the Session in the Church Hall, on Sabbath, at 7 p.m. Sabbath School held in Church Hall, and in Victoria Hall, East Blackhall Street, at 5.30 p.m. Gaelic Service at 6.45 p.m. every Sabbath in Victoria Hall, East Blackhall Street. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 8 p.m.

Sabbath Schools Society. President—Rev. A. M 'Donald ; Treasurer and Secretary—John M'Gillvray, 12 Lynedoch Street. The Kirk-Session and Parochial Association meet on Wednesdays before the first Sabbath of every month. Gaelic Parish Musical Association. —;



Minister—Rev. John F. Macpherson, B.D., 46 Margaret Street;

Session Clerk—Alexander S. Mories, 63 Finnart Street ; Treasurer

James L. Gilloran, 10 West Blackball Street ; Organist and Choir- master—James Boyd M'Callum, 30 Newton Street; Church Officer David Rodger, 30 Wellington Street. Boundaries. —From the corner of Bruce Street, along Roxburgh Street, taking south side thereof, up Bank Street, taking west side thereof, along Lyle Street, taking south side thereof, up Lynedoch Street, taking west side thereof, along Drumfrochar Road, taking north side thereof, to a point in a line with Bruce Street, thence down Bruce Street, taking east side thereof, to the corner of Roxburgh Street. Sunday School meets in the hall below the church at 5.30—John Cameron, 25 Brisbane Street, Superintendent. The Church Officer attends in the Session House every Friday and Saturday evening, from 7 to 9 o'clock, for the purpose of receiving names for Proclamation of Banns.


Minister—Rev. William Wilson, 17 Finnart Street ; Precentor—J. Eaglesham ; Church Officer—Samuel Sloan, 31 Roxburgh Street; Session Clerk—Thomas Noble, 1 1 Roxburgh Street ; Treasurer—Wm. Smith, 8 Morton Terrace Secretary of Managers ; —James Ferguson, 80 Dempster Street. Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evening, 8 o'clock, from September till April. Minister's Bible Class, Sabbath evening, 7 o'clock. Sabbath Schools meet at 5.30, in hall of church and in hall, 7 Prospecthill Street number of teachers 59 ; scholars on roll 530. Choir practice on Thursday evenings, 8.30 till 9.30.


Minister—Rev. Thomas Kay, 2 Moffat Street ; Session Clerk and Treasurer— F. L. Wrede, South Hill, East Crawford Street; Precentor John Buchanan Church Officer Hughes, — ; —Thomas 85I Belville Street. Boundaries. —That part of the East Parish of Greenock com- mencing where the Ladyburn joins the Clyde, thence along the low water mark of the shore of Clyde upwards until it comes in a line with the north or north-eastern shore of Inchgreen at low water mark, and along said shore at low water mark and onward up the river in a line to a point in the centre of Devol's Glen burn, where it joins the Clyde at low water mark, thence up the centre of said burn till it reaches the waterfall therein, and thence in a straight line westward till it reaches j


the Kilmalcolm Road to the south-west of Knocknair farmhouse, thence along said road until it reaches the Cartsburn Parish, and thence along the boundary of said Parish eastward until it reaches the point first mentioned. Services on Sabbath at n and 2.15. Prayer Meeting every Wed- nesday evening at 7.30. The Sabbath School meets at 5.30 p.m. Minister's Bible Class meets every Sabbath evening at 7 o'clock from October to April. Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association meets every Monday evening during winter at 8 o'clock.


Minister— Rev. Charles Christie, M.A., Regent Street 43 ; Precentor John Treasurer — Elder ; — Robert Patrick, 33 Regent Street Clerk to Managers and Elders—James A. Kilgour, 85^ Belville Street, to

whom, or to Church Officer, application for sittings may be made ;. Church Officer— Robert Jones, 12 East William Street (at Church).

Services on Sabbath at 1 1 and 2.15 ; monthly, during winter, 7

Sabbath School meets in the Hall of Church at 5.30. John Byers, 16 St. Lawrence Street, Superintendent.

Young Men's and Women's Guild— Every Tuesday evening at 8, October to March.

Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evenings at 8. Choir Practice—Thursday evenings at 8.

ST. PAUL'S CHURCH—Newark Street.

This is an iron Mission Church for a district forming the western portion of the West Parish. Church opened, July 21, 1878. First Minister (the present incumbent) inducted, January 15, 1879. There is no parish attached to the church, no endowment, and no Kirk Session. The affairs of the Church are directed by a Board of Managers and by the Minister and a staff of Elders.

Minister— Rev. Thomas Francis Johnstone, M.A. ; Chairman of

Managers—William Lindsay ; Treasurer—Colin S. Caird ; Secretary —William M'Clure, jun. , 1 1 William Street; Organist and Choir- master—Samuel S. Woolley, 80 Union Street ; Church Officer—James Duthie, 14 Robertson Street.

Service on Sunday at 1 1 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Sunday School at 2.30 p.m.; Minister's Class for young people, from October to April, Monday at 7 p.m. ; Ladies' Clothing Society, during winter months, Wednesday,

II to I ; Ladies' Society for Zenana Mission ; Minister and Elders'' Court, first Sunday of month. Choir Practice, Wednesdays, 8 to 9 p.m. Stated Meetings of Managers, 3rd or 4th Thursdays of March, June,. September, and December. — — —




Meets on the last Wednesday of every alternate month in the Pres- bytery Hall, Free Wellpark Church, at 1 1 a.m.

Ordina- Places. Ministers. Post Towns. tions. Cumbrae Alexander Walker 1856 Greenock

Erskine R. R. Caldwell . 1845 Bishopton

Fairlie Wm. S. Fleck, M.A. . 1875 Greenock Gourock David Purves, M.A. l88l Greenock


( JohnM'Farlan . 1843 55

Middle . < Matthew P. Johnstone (Col-

( league and Successor) 1869 West Hugh Macmillan, D.D., LL.D 1859 5 5 ( John James Bonar, D.D 1835 5 5

St. Andrew's . < Edward D. Fingland, M.A*.

/ (Colleague and Successor) . 1888 55

Martyrs' . Andrew Symington 1864 ,,

Gaelic John Campbell 1885 ,, Mount Park Alexander D. Grant 1883 " ( William Laughton, D.D 1839 St. Thomas' < Wm. Lewis Robertson, M.A*.

( (Colleague and Successor) . 1888 55

Wellpark . Matt. Reid, A.M., B.D. 1873 ,,

Crawfurdsburn . R. C. Strang, M.A. 1890 J 5

Free North David Boyd . 1864 Inverkip James Bannerman, M.A 1885 „

Kilmalcolm . Thomas Gregory, M.A. 1884 5 J

Largs . Charles Watson, D.D. . 1878 55

Port-Glasgow Hamilton William Bell, M.A. 1863 Port-Glasgow

Newark . Alexander Baird . 1869 J?

West John N. Russell . 1868 55 R. R. Caldwell, Bishopton, Glasgow, Presbytery Clerk.

FREE WEST CHURCH—Ardgowan Street (West.)

Minister—Rev. Hugh Macmillan, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S.E. ; Organist

—Mrs Brodie Scott ; Session Clerk—William Neilson ; Clerk to Deacons' Court—James Tweddel ; Treasurer to the Congregation William Letham ; Treasurer to the Sustentation Fund—D. M'Gillivray;

Treasurer for Foreign Missions—Adam Patrick ; Church Officer Michael Thomson, 1 1 Watt Street. APPENDIX. 79


Congregational Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 8 p.m. Minister's Bible Class for Young Men and Young Women on Sabbath evening at 5.45. There are two Sabbath Schools in connection with the congregation, taught by 43 teachers, and with an attendance of 500 scholars, in- cluding Advanced Bible Class. The Deacons' Court meets on the first Monday of each month at 8 o'clock. Meetings of Session occasionally. District Visitors, third Wednesday of each month, at 9 o'clock. Literary Association, Monday evenings at 8.15 during winter. Psalmody Association, on Wednesday evening at 9 o'clock. Dorcas Society conducted by ladies of the congregation. Band of Hope, Friday evening at 7.30.

Mission Services are carried on at hall, Prospecthill Street, on

Sabbaths at 2.30 and 7.15 p.m. ; and on Thursdays at 8 p.m. ; Sabbath School at 5.30 p.m. —Mr C. C. Edgar, Missionary.


P. of Psalmody J. Minister—Rev. M. Johnstone ; Leader — G. Mackail ; Church Officer—Andrew MacKellar; Session Clerk—James M'Lean. A Prayer Meeting is held in the hall under the church every Wednes- day evening at eight o'clock ; Minister's Bible Classes on Sabbath even- ings ; a Sabbath School, average attendance about 130 children, with

26 teachers, in connection with which is a Library ; also, a Dorcas Society, which meets during the winter months. There are Classes for instruction in the Theory of Music, and for practising on Friday evenings. Home Mission in the Arcade Hall, Cathcart Street, under the superintendence of Mr William Morrin, Missionary. In connection there- with, the following agencies are employed, viz. : —Evangelistic meetings on Sabbath at 2.15 and 7.15 p.m., and on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock; Sabbath School and Bible Classes for young men and young women, on

Sabbath at 5.30 ; Singing Classes, junior and senior ; Bible reading for men ; Mothers' meeting, Dorcas Society, and Savings Bank ; Band of Hope, and a Gospel Temperance meeting.


Ministers—Rev. William Laughton, D.D., and Rev. William Lewis Robertson, M.A. ; Session Clerk—John Wilson ; Clerk to Deacons' Court—John Peden, jun. ; Treasurer to Deacons' Court- Daniel D. Adamson ; Treasurer to Sustentation Fund—Dugald Precentor John Peden Church Officer Francis Logan. Campbell; — ; — —;


The Prayer Meeting is held in the hall every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock; the Minister's Bible Class on Sabbath evenings at 7.15, during the winter. The Congregational Sabbath School meets in the Church, on Sabbath afternoon at 5.30; the Mission Sabbath School in the Mission Hall, Clarence Street, at 5.30. In the same hall are meetings on Thursday and Sabbath evenings, conducted by Mr Hugh Black, M.A., missionary.

FREE GAELIC CHURCH— 14 Jamaica Street.

Minister—Rev. John Campbell, 7 Ardgowan Square ; Missionary

Mr Duncan Campbell, Lynedoch Street ; Precentor James Fraser 41 — ; Church Officer, John Fraser, 22 West Stewart Street ; Session Clerk Treasurer to Deacons' Court—Alex. M'Farlan, 75 Union Street Clerk to Deacons' Court—John MTntyre, 77 Holmscroft Street; Treasurer to Sustentation Fund—John Robertson, 52 Holmscroft Street ; Treasurer to Foreign Missions—Alexander M'Millan. Prayer Meetings in English are held in the hall adjoining the church on Sabbath mornings at 9.15, and on Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Gaelic Prayer Meeting every Sabbath evening in the hall at 7, and on Thursday evenings at 7. 30, also in the Mission Hall, Cartsburn Street, at 7 o'clock on Sabbath evenings. There is a Sabbath Evening School in the hall at 5.30. Minister's Bible Class meets in the church every Sabbath evening at 7.15. There is an English Sermon in the hall every Sabbath forenoon at II. There is also a Missionary School in the hall, Cartsburn Street. Band of Hope on Fridays at 7 p.m. There is a Library in connection with the church, open to the members and adherents, every Wednesday evening at 7.30.

WELLPARK FREE CHURCH—Lynedoch Street. Minister —Rev. Matthew Reid, A.M., B.D., Wellpark Manse, Lynedoch Street : Church Officer—John Campbell ; Session Clerk Jas. Brown; Clerk to Deacons' Court—David C. Mackenzie; Treasurer of Sustentation Fund—Chas. M'Call; Convener of Foreign Mission Fund Robert Chalmers Treasurer to the Congregation — ; —James Brown.

Meetings and Classes.

1. The Congregational Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. 2. Bible Class for young Men and Women on Sabbath evenings at 5.30. 3. Congregational Sabbath School in the church at 5.15 p.m. 4. Deacons' Court meets on the first Wednesday of the month, after the Prayer Meeting. 5. Session meets generally on the second Wednesday of the month, after the Prayer Meeting, if required.

Business Meeting of Sabbath School Teachers in January, April, and October. —1



Ministers—Rev. John J. Bonar, D.D., and Rev. Edward D. Fing- land, Session Clerk John Macphail; Clerk to Deacons' Court M.A. ; — —J. W. Turner; General Treasurer—Alex. Ferguson; Treasurer to the Sustentation Fund— D. Shankland ; Treasurer to Foreign Mission Fund Treasurer Ip Mission M. Flem- —John Cunningham ; Home Fund—A. ing Superintendents of Sabbath Schools J. Macphail and Andrew ; — Kerr; Congregational Missionary—Thomas H. Stewart; Precentor

George W. Swan; Church Officer— Lachlan Galbraith ; Door-keeper Thomas Tosh.


Minister—Rev. R. C. Strang, M.A.; Precentor—Robert Scott;

Officer James Ross Session Clerk Neil Buie ; Treasurer Church — ; — to the Foreign Mission Association —David Baxter; Clerk to Deacons' Court— M. Carmichael ; Treasurer of the Sustentation Fund—D. M'Farlane; Congregational Treasurer—Robert Farrell.

Meetings and Classes.

1. The Congregational Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. 2. Minister's Bible Class, for young Men and Women, on Sabbath evenings at 7, from September to April. 3. Congregational Sabbath School meets in the evening at 5.30 with

upwards of 200 scholars and 25 teachers ; and Mission Sabbath School in Cartsdyke at 5.30 with nearly 65 scholars and 10 teachers. Mission Meeting at 7 o'clock. 4. Deacons' Court meets usually on the Thursday after the first Sabbath

of every month ; and the Session on the Wednesday after the third Sabbath of every month.


Minister—Rev. David Boyd, chosen by the members of the congrega- tion ; Precentor—Matthew Guy ; Congregational Treasurer—Matthew Church Officer John Nelson Session Cameron ; — ; Clerk—William M'Dowall ; Clerk to Deacons' Court —William Gibb.


1. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8. 2. Psalmody Class, Thursday evening at 8. 3. The Deacons' Court meets on the third Monday of every month. 4. Sabbath School, 20 teachers, and 140 scholars. 5. Bible Class for young Men and Women on Sabbath evening at 5.30. 6. Mission meetings in hall, Dalrymple Street, every Sabbath and Tuesday evenings. 7. Mission Sabbath School at 5.30. 6a 82 APPENDIX.


Minister—Rev. A. Symington, chosen by the members of the

church ; Precentor—David Easton ; Session Clerk—Robert Wilson ; to Deacons' Court G. M'Kenzie Treasurer Clerk — ; —John Gray; Church Officer—Hugh M'Intosh, 20 Bearhope Street.

' Associations.

1. Congregational Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 8 p.m. 2. Minister's Bible Class for young Men and Women on Sabbath evenings at 6 during session.

3. Sabbath School meets in the church on Sabbath afternoons at 5. 30. 4. Deacons' Court meets on the Thursday after the first Sabbath of each month at 7.45 p.m.

5. The Session meets on the second Monday of each month at 8 p.m.

6. The District Visiting Society meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 9 p.m.

7. Mission Meetings are conducted at 4 Crawford Lane on Sabbath evenings at 7. Mission Sabbath School meets in 4 Crawford Lane on Sabbath afternoons at 5.


Minister Rev. A. D. Grant ; Session Clerk John MacOnie — — ; Clerk to Deacons' Court—Malcolm Macfarlane ; Treasurer to the Treasurer to Sustentation Congregation—John Denholm ; Fund—John Taylor; Superintendent of Sabbath School—David B. M'Kelvie; Church Officer—James Scott, 28 Trafalgar Street.


1. Congregational Prayer Meeting is held in the church hall every

Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. . 2. Minister's Bible Class on Sabbath evenings at 7 o'clock—from October to April.

3. The Deacons' Court meets on the first, and the Kirk Session on the third Tuesday of each month at 8 o'clock.

4. Psalmody Class in the church hall on Wednesday evenings at 9 o'clock —during the winter months.

5. Young Men's Fellowship Association meets in the Session House on Sabbath morning at 9.45. 6. Band of Hope and Children's Singing Class on alternate Friday evenings at 7.30.

7. Total Abstinence Society on the third Tuesday of each month. — — . 1



Meets in the Hall of Sir Michael Street Church, Greenock, on second Tuesday of month, May and August excepted.

Clerk—Rev. J. B. K. M'Intyre, Largs. uraina- Places. Ministers. Post Tovrn*. tions. Campbeltown John Thomson l86l Campbelt'n

Dunoon J. C. Johnston . 1865 Dunoon Gourock George Rae, M.A. 1872 Greenock Greenock B. Greenbank James Thomson 1874 5 Sir Michael Street Charles Jerdan, M.A., LL.B 1867 5

Trinity Church . Young . 1862 John 5

Street . B. Union John Smith 1848 5

St Andrew Square James Adams, M,A. . 1891 Alexander Mount Pleasant Duncan l875 ?

Finnart . Davidson, M.A. . . 1866 James t Innellan Robert Henderson, M.A. 1874 Inveraray Gilbert Meikle 1849 Inveraray

Kilcreggan . Robert M'Lean, M.A. . 1876 Helensburgh

Kirn . Adam Gray, M.A. 1873 Greenock

Largs . J. B. K. M'Intyre. 1864 tt

Millport James Frame, B.D. 1884 >> Port-Glasgow

1 William Lauder . 1842 Pt- Glasgow Princes Street . j W. W. Beveridge 1883 55

Clune Park Charles Robson, M.A. . 1889 Rothesay William Galbraith 1888 Rothesay

Craigmore . J. Rutherfurd, M.A., B.D. 1877 55 Southend A. M'Laren Young 1874 Campbelt'n

Wemyss Bay J. Boyd, M.A. . 1871 Greenock

UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH—Union Street. B. Minister—Rev. J. Smith, chosen by the church members ; Session Clerk — William Taylor, Eskgrove Villa; Precentor— M. Wilson; Church Officer—R. Main. Service—Sabbath, n forenoon and 2. 15 afternoon. Congregational Sabbath School at 5.30 p.m. Minister's Bible Class on Sabbath even- ings at 7. Congregational Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evenings at 8. Congregational Library open before and after Prayer Meeting. Mission Premises, 3 Smith's Lane. Missionary—John Watt. Sabbath Services—Bible Class at I o'clock, Sabbath School 5.30, Evening Meeting at 7, Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 8, Band of Hope on Friday evening at 7, Monthly Temperance Meeting for Adults last Friday of the month at 8. ——

84 APPENDIX. GREENBANK UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH— Corner of Newton Street and Upper Kelly Street.

Minister—Rev. J. B. Thomson, 20 Bentinck Street ; Session Clerk James Paterson, 33 Finnart Street; Seat Letter— Alexander Maitland,

6 Nelson Street ; Organist—Robert F. Easton, 66 Wellington Street ; Church Officer—Samuel Currie, 22 South Street. Church Services on Sabbath at 1 1 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. Sabbath School at 5.30 p.m. —Superintendent, James Paterson, 33 Finnart Street. Minister's Class for Young Men and Women on Sabbath evenings at 7—from October till April. Literary Association every Friday during session at 8.15 p.m. Congregational Prayer Meeting on Wednesdays at 8 p.m.

There are two Home Missions carried on by this congregation :

1. In the East-End of the town. Mission Chapel in Saint Lawrence Street— Missionary, John Borland, 6 Antigua Street. Sabbath services at 2.15 and 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 5.30 p.m. 2. In the centre of the town. Bible Reader, Mrs Home, 68 Holmscroft Street. Service every Sabbath evening at 7. 15 in the District Hall, 13 Brachelston Street.

A Mission Sabbath School meets at 13 Brachelston Street every Sabbath evening at 5.30— Superintendent, John Macfie, Orangefield Place.


Minister—Rev. Charles Jerdan, M.A., LL.B., 115 Eldon Street; Session Clerk—William Kidd, 21 Fox Street; Conductor of

Psalmody—Gilbert Moffat, 21 Brisbane Street ; Church Officer—Samuel Brown, 42 Holmscroft Street.

Institutions in Connection with the Congregation.

Congregational Sabbath School at 5.30 p.m. —Robert Downie, 11 Roxburgh Street, Superintendent.

Bible Class on Sabbath Evenings at 7, from October till April. Congregational Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock during the winter months. Band of Hope on Saturday evenings at 6.30 from October to March, inclusive. Missionary Association—Moses Bauchope, 89 Dempster Street, Secretary. District Missionary—Alexander Rodger, 22 Trafalgar Street. Dorcas Society —Mrs Lyle, Oakley, Secretary. Christian Instruction Agency for visiting the non-church-going —Robert Menzies, 64 Kelly Street, Superintendent. Mission Sabbath School, in Mission Premises, Roxburgh Street James Hamilton, 66 Kelly Street, Superintendent. Congregational Library, open on Thursday evenings—H. D* Soutter, 29 Roxburgh Street, Librarian. APPENDIX. 85


Minister—Rev. John Young, Fernbank, 87 Newton Street ; Church Officer Cavin F. Hunter, — 62 Kelly Street ; Session Clerk —A. J. Turnbull, 59 Finnart Street. Congregational Sabbath School at 3.45 p.m., in the hall behind the church—A. J. Turnbull, Superintendent. Mission Sabbath School, at 5.30, in Mechanics' Institute—John Hastie, Superintendent. Minister's Bible Class meets on Sabbath evenings at 7 o'clock from October to Apnl inclusive. There is a Society for Bible Study and Mission Work, in connection with which tracts are distributed and kitchen meetings held in the Mission District. Sabbath Morning Fellowship Meeting at 10. Congregational Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8.


Minister— Rev. James Adams, M.A., 15 Bank Street ; Session Clerk

-—George M 'Onie, 26 Mearn's Street ; Church Officer—Alexander Low, 10 Lyle Street ; Psalmody led by voluntary Choir—James Brodie, Conductor. Congregational Sabbath School at 5.30 p.m. Minister's Senior Bible Class on Sabbath evenings at 7. Congregational Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Sabbath School Teachers' Association meets quarterly. Missionary Association meets quarterly. Young Men's Fellowship Meeting, Sabbath morning, 10 o'clock.

MOUNT PLEASANT U.P. CHURCH (Corner of Dempster and Mount Pleasant Streets).

Minister—Rev. Alexander Duncan, 2 Robertson Street ; Session

Clerk—D. Munro, I Finnart Street ; Church Officer—Alexander Camp- bell, 87 Dempster Street; Service—Sabbath, 11 forenoon and 2.15 afternoon; Congregational Sabbath School at 5.30 p.m.; Minister's Bible Class on Sabbath evenings at 7, and Congregational Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evenings at 8 during winter months. Sittings free.

FINNART U.P. CHURCH—Madeira Street.

Minister—Rev. James Davidson, M.A., 85 Brisbane Street; Session Clerk William — Auld, 79 Newton Street ; Organist—A. C. Stericker, 32 Brisbane Street; Church Officer— Donald Paterson, 51 Upper Kelly Street. Sabbath School at 3.30 p.m. —J. D. Brown, Craigielee, 103 Eldon Street, Superintendent. Minister's Bible Class at 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 8 p.m. Choir Practice on Friday at 8 p.m. —



Incumbent—Rev. John Trew, B. A., 54 Union Street ; Curate— Rev.

W. J. Howell, M.A., 8 Robertson Street ; Church Wardens— Messrs and Beadle Thomas May Thome Louson Walker ; —John Peacock, 9 Jamaica Street.


Sunday—Holy Communion every Sunday at 8.30 a.m. On first and third Sundays at 12 noon; also Matins and Sermon at 1 1 a.m.

Children's Service at 3 p.m. on first Sunday in the month. Evensong and Sermon at 6.30 p.m. Daily—Matins at 10. 15 a.m. Litany—Wednesday and Friday at 12 noon. Evensong and Sermon—Wednesday at 8 p.m. Special Services on Festivals. In Lent and Advent Evensong and Sermon on Wednesday and Friday at 8 p.m. Sunday School, 10 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. Bible Classes, 2.30 p.m. In connection with the above church are day Schools for youths of both sexes. Teachers—West school, Jamaica Street, Miss Murray ; East school, Crescent Street, Mr Thos. Irish. St. John's Mutual Improvement Association —Lectures, Debates, and Musical Evenings—in St. John's Hall, Jamaica Street. Home and Foreign Mission Associations. Work Meetings every Tuesday at 54 Union Street, at 2.30 p.m. Mothers' Meeting in Hall, Fridays at 7 p.m. Band of Hope, Mondays at 6.15 p.m., in Hall. 3rd Greenock Company Boys' Brigade—Drill Tuesdays at 8 p.m., and Bible Class on Sundays at 10.15, i n Hall. Cartsdyke Mission, Crescent Street —Rev. Patrick Phelan, 15 Bank Street— Sunday—Matins, Litany, Sermon, 11 a.m.; Holy Communion on first Sunday in month at 12 noon ; Evensong and Sermon Sunday at

3.30 p.m. ; Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. ; Children's Service on last Sun- day in month at 2.30 p.m. Evensong and sermon every Wednesday at 8 p.m.


Minister—Rev. J. P. Struthers, M.A., 52 Eldon Street; Precentor

—William Kirkwood, 78 Holmscroft Street ; Church Officer —Duncan M'Callum, 13 West Stewart Street; Session Clerk and Treasurer

James Simpson, 1 Springkell Street ; Secretary—Thomas Kirkwood, Auchneagh, Inverkip Road. The Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 all the year. The Minister's Bible Class every Friday evening—Junior at 7, Senior at 8. The Music Classes on Monday evening—Junior at 7, Senior at 8. The Sabbath School at I p.m. Young Men's Prayer Meeting on Sabbath Morning at 10.15. ——;



Minister—Rev. W. Richmond Scott, 86 Union Street ; Organist

M. Kay ; Session Clerk John Leckie, Manor Crescent, Gourock J. — ; Church Secretary and Secretary to Managers—George Morton, II William Street ; Librarians —W. Melville and Miss Jessie Kirk Treasurer—W. Hutchison, 24 Kelly Street ; Treasurer for Home Mission—Wm. F. Leckie, Bank Street ; Church Officer—Jas. Russell, 13 Hamilton Street ; Sabbath Services at 11 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. Institutions in Connection with the Church.

1. A Sabbath School, superintended and conducted by qualified teachers, members of the church and congregation, meets in the hall of the church, and a District School in Eastern Hall, John Street, both at 5.30 p.m. W. Hutchison, M.A., B.L., 24 Kelly

Street, superintendent west end ; James Ronald, Robertson Street, superintendent east end. 2. Minister's Class for young men and women, in large hall of church, Sabbath evenings at 7 o'clock, from October to April. 3. Sabbath School Library, from which the children of the Sabbath School and members of the church and congregation receive books weekly on Wednesday evenings, from 7 to 8 o'clock. 4. Tract Society, for the purpose of distributing religious tracts, reading the Scriptures, and holding meetings for prayer and explanation of the Word of God. 5. Sabbath Morning Fellowship Meeting in the Church Hall at 10. 6. Weekly Service for Prayer and Praise, at which the minister also delivers a lecture on some part of Scripture. 7. Literary Society (embracing Ladies and Gentlemen in Membership), meets on Monday evenings at 8, from October to April. 8. Band of Hope meets on Friday evenings at 7.30, from October to March. James Brown, 33 Kelly Street, president.


Minister—Rev. John C. Neil, B.D. ; Hon. Organist—Henry Millar J

Session Clerk—Robert Drysdale ; Secretary of Managers' Court Alex. Sinclair ; Church Officer—John Douglas, 3 Mill Street. Public Worship is conducted at 1 1 a.m. and 2.15 p.m., every Sab- bath throughout the year. The Church Prayer Meeting is held on Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. The Sabbath School—This important institution is conducted by the superintendent and a large staff of efficient teachers, most of whom are members of the church. The hour of meeting is 5.30 p.m. Pastor's Bible Class meets in the hall of the Church every Sabbath evening at 5.30, from October to March. The Choir—Conductor, Henry Millar. A meeting of the Choir is held every Wednesday evening after the Prayer Meeting for the practice of sacred music.


Minister—Rev. John Milne Jarvie ; Assistant —Rev. Henry W. Clark Hon. Organist J. ; — M. Hutcheson. Public Worship on Sabbaths at 1 1 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. APPENDIX.

Institutions Connected with this Church.

Exposition every Wednesday evening at 8. Bible Class for Young Men every Sabbath afternoon at 2.30. Weekly Class for Practice of Congregational Psalmody every Wed- nesday evening during the winter at 9. A Society for Religious Purposes, instituted in 1837. A Dorcas Society, for the benefit of the poor connected with the Church and Mission. A Congregational Sabbath School at 2.15 p.m., with average attendance of 200. Young Men and Women's Literary Association in Schoolroom, during winter, on Friday evening at 8. A Mission in connection with the Church holds its meetings on Sabbath, in the Hall, 17 Charles Street. Missionary Sabbath School, average attendance 180. Tract Distribution and Visitation throughout the district, and Public Preaching every Sabbath forenoon and evening, conducted by the Missionary and members of the church. A Mothers' Meeting, conducted by the Ladies of the church, meets weekly during the winter. Auxiliaries, in connection with the church, exist for the London Missionary Society, the Scottish Congregational Union, and Theological Hall, &c. The Sabbath Scholars support three native scholars in India, named Frances Maria Jarvie, Maggie Jane Smith, and Utrick Walton.


Minister—Rev. Robert Bell, 1 Octavia Cottages ; Organist—Robert Campbell; Treasurer—Thomas Gordon; Secretary—John Wilkie, 17 Antigua Street. Sabbath Services at 11 a.m., 2.15 p.m., and Evangelistic at 7 p.m. Services on Wednesday evenings at 7.30 p.m. The School meets on Sabbath afternoons at 5.30. It is conducted by teachers Superintendent Street. 41 ; —John M'Lean, 10 John Band of Hope in connection with the congregation meets on Friday evenings at 7 during winter. There is also a Total Abstinence Society. Bible Class for Young Men and Women, conducted by the Minister, meets on Friday evenings at 8. Evangelistic Services are held on Saturday evenings at the Victoria Harbour and in Cartsburn Hall. Tract Distribution and Open-air Meetings are carried on in the East- End of the town by members of the church.


Minister —Rev. Thomas G. Selby ; Church Officer—Thomas H. Mayors, 5 Watt Street. Sabbath Day Worship at 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. The Sabbath School meets at 2.15 p.m. Public Service on Wednesday at 8 o'clock. Prayer Meetings on Sabbath at 10.30 a.m. and 8 p.m. A Band of Hope meets on Fridays at 7.30 p.m. from October to April. —


Society Classes meet for Christian Fellowship on Sabbath at 12.30 and 5.15 p.m. and on each evening during the week, except Saturday. A Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association meets on Tuesday evenings at 8, from October to April. Gospel Temperance Meeting on Saturdays at 7.30 p.m., from October to April.

PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHURCH—Roxburgh Street. Minister—Rev. R. Ayres, 49 Brisbane Street ; Church Officer Win. M'Jannett, 10 Hill Street. Sabbath Services at II a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School meets in the hall under the church, every Sabbath at 2.30 p.m. Class and Fellowship Meetings for members on Sabbaths at 12. 15, and Monday evenings at 7. 30. Public Service on Wednesday evenings at 8 in the hall under the church. Bible Class meets in the hall on Monday evenings at 8.30. Various other meetings are held in different parts of the town during the week, and are intimated on Sabbaths. Mission Hall, Main Street —Sabbath service at 6.30 p.m. ; Tuesdays •8 p.m.

BAPTIST CHURCH— Orangefield Place, Brachelston Sq.

Minister—Rev. Alexander Corbet, 1 5 Robertson Street ; Precentor

Malcolm Gemmell ; Chapel-keeper— Donald Campbell, 14 Wellington Street. Weekly Prayer Meeting and Lecture every Wednesday evening at 8 •o'clock. The Sabbath School meets every Sabbath evening at 5.30, and is conducted by members of the church ; Superintendent— M. M'C. Brown. An Evangelistic Meeting is held in the hall of the chapel every Sabbath evening at 7. During the Session the following meetings are also held : —Minister's Bible Class on Tuesdays at 8 p.m.; Choir Practice on Fridays at S p.m. A Mission in connection with the Church holds its meetings every Sabbath and Thursday in the Hall, East William Street.

BAPTIST CHURCH—George Square. Minister— Rev. George M. Macdonald, M.A., B.Sc, 29 Ardgowan

Street (West) ; Hon. Organist—William Gow, jun., 27 Nelson Street

(West) ; Church Officer's house— 4 Nelson Street (Glebe). Sunday Services—Public Worship at 1 1 a.m and 6.30 p.m. ; Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. Superintendent —Adam Leisk, jun. Bible Class for Young Men and Women, conducted by the minister, meets on Monday evenings at 8 o'clock. Public Worship and Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Young People's Meeting and Band of Hope on Friday evenings at 7. ; Choir practice at 8. 90 APPENDIX.

SEAMEN'S CHAPEL— i Dock Breast. Chaplain —William Smith. Librarian—John Swan.

Divine Service each Lord's Day at II a.m. and 7 p.m. ; also Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.30 p.m. Daily Meeting for Praise and Prayer at 12 noon. Band of Hope on Friday at 7 p.m. Attached to this chapel are a Reading-Room and Library, with the Daily Papers and amusing pastimes, draughts, chess, billiards, and bagatelle boards, free to all Seamen ; and those of various nations are supplied with good reading in their own language. Open to all Seamen, free of charge, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Ships are supplied with Loan Libraries. Vessels in harbour are visited regularly, those in the Roads, particularly emigrant ships, occasionally and as opportunity offers, for the purpose of conducting religious services, and distributing useful books amongst emigrants and seamen of all nations.


Pastor—Very Rev. Dean Taylor ; Assistants—Rev. Charles A. De Monti, and ; Church Officer—Patrick M'Ginlay, house,. 24 Trafalgar Street. Male and Female Schools for Week-days and Sundays in connection with this church.


Pastor— Rev. J. L. Murphy ; Assistant—Rev. Gerald Stack ;. Caretaker—Mrs Duffy, 10 Stanners Street. Sunday and Week-day .Schools in connection with this church. Convent or Middle-Class School at Bank House.

EDUCATIONAL. GREENOCK (BURGH) SCHOOL BOARD. In accordance with the provisions of "The Education (Scotland) Act, 1872," the following are the members of the School Board for the

triennial from : Hutcheson (chairman), A. period 1891-94 —John M. J. Brown, Dugald Campbell, John Macphail, Thomas Mitchell, Rev. J. L. Murphy, Tom Neill, R. A. Reid, Rev. Alexander Taylor, H. J. Taylor, and R. S. Walker. Clerk, G. Williamson. Treasurer, Quintin Bone.

Inspecting Officer, George Ritchie ; Assistants, R. W. Jamieson, jun.,

and D. B. Macfarlan ; Medical Officer, T. Philip, M.B., CM. Board Room and Offices, Municipal Buildings, Wallace Square.


H. R. B. Peile, factor, Inverkip (Chairman) ; James Reid, wool-

spinner, Monfode, Greenock ; Tom Neill, Balgray, Greenock ; W. O.

Leitch, rope-spinner, 39 Ardgowan Street (West), Greenock ; A. M. Fleming, wool-spinner, 65 Esplanade, Greenock. J. Innes Macdougall,, clerk and treasurer, Mansionhouse. ;



John Fullarton, Ivybank, Port-Glasgow (Chairman) ; R. G. Brown

(of Clyde Pottery Co.), Ladyburn ; Thomas Appleton ; H. R. B. Peile,

Mansionhouse ; and William Sharp, brassfounder, Ladyburn. J. Innes Macdougall, clerk and treasurer, Mansionhouse.



The Greenock Academy, situated in Nelson Street, was opened in September, 1855, and was intended to provide a good general education for boys and girls. It contains twelve spacious and well-aired class- rooms, with teachers' rooms, &c, and a large hall in which all the pupils might be assembled ; there is also an extensive playground attached, with covered sheds for exercise in wet weather. The curriculum for the senior classes embraces a wide and varied course of study, extending over five years, and the arrangements are such as to allow a selection of classes to be made suitable for those intending after- wards to pursue their studies at any of the Universities, as well as those wishing to qualify themselves for the public service or for mercantile pursuits. It is now conducted under the Burgh School Board.

Rector, E. L. Neilson ; Arithmetic and Mathematics, W. U.

Park, M.A. ; Classical department, the Rector ; English department, head-master, James B. Anderson; French, M. Menard; German, R.

Dryden ; Writing, J. W. M'Gregor ; Drawing, T. R. Milligan Pianoforte and Singing, George T. Poulter ; Class Singing, W. P. Cross; Dancing, Mrs Gillies; Sewing and Fancy Work, Miss M'Lean;

Gymnastics and Drill by Sergt. -Major A. Woods ; Janitor, Wm. Downie. There are two Bursaries in connection with the Academy, the holders of which are entitled to attend all the ordinary classes gratis : — (1) The Macfie Bursary, founded by the late William Macfie, Esq., of Lang- house, which is competed for annually and is open to boys from any school 5 boys (2) The Fairrie Bursary, founded by the late Thomas — ; Fairrie, Esq., Greenock. One boy appointed each year by Mr Fairrie 's trustees— 5 boys. Regulations for the Macfie Bursary— 1. The Directors shall select annually, after competitive examination, one boy to be admitted to the classical department, and to be educated in all the accompanying branches. There shall be no appointment in place of Bursars who may be prevented from completing the curriculum. 2. The competition shall be open to boys not under eight or above twelve years of age, from the Academy or any school approved by the Directors ; and due advertisement will be made accordingly. 3. Any boy may be selected to enter in any year of the classical curriculum, according to the judgment of the examiners, the parents and guardians of the Bursars undertaking that he shall complete the curriculum. 4. An examination of the —


Bursars shall be made annually, and the Bursaries shall be continued only on proof being given of regular and satisfactory progress. The Fairrie Bursary was founded by the late Thomas Fairrie, Esq., and he stipulated by his deed of settlement, that in return for the bequest made by him to the Academy, the Directors should present a gratis education to one boy of promise in each year of the Latin curriculum, along with the free enjoyment of all the accompanying classes, who should be recommended by his Trustees, and failing them, by the superintendent of the schools endowed by Mr Fairrie. In addition to the ordinary class prizes, the following are competed for annually at the close of the session : — I. The Stewart Gold Medal limited to boys and girls of the eighth and ninth years attending the

Academy during the session in which the medal is given ; the examina- tion will embrace papers on the subjects, and of the numerical values following :— (i) English, ioo ; (2) History and Geography, 100; (3) Latin or French, 100; (4) Arithmetic, 100; (5) German or Mathe- matics, 100 ; in No. 3 the pupil has a choice between Latin and

French ; in No. 5, between German and Mathematics. 2. The Brown Society's Prize—open to boys in the Classical Department during the session. 3. The Campbell Prize—A Case of Mathematical Instruments to the best scholar in the Mathematical Department. The prizes for Scripture knowledge—open to all Pupils of the eighth and ninth years. The School Board also offer two Bursaries—the one for ,£10 to Pupils who have passed Standard VI., the other for £8, to Pupils who have passed Standard V., both to be decided by competition, and tenable for two years.

ELEMENTARY PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Alan Ker School, Ann Street —A. K. Macdonald, head-master. Ann Street School—Gordon Simpson, head-master. Belville Place School—Alex. Bremner, head-master. Duncan Street (Temporary) School —John Morrison, head-master. Glebe School, Crawfurd Street—John Wilson, head-master. Highlanders' Academy, Mount Pleasant Street — Robert Wilson, head-master. Hill-end School—-James Watson, head-master. Holmscroft School—William Cook, B.A. (London), head-master. Mearns Street School—Andrew Young, head-master. St. Andrew Square School —Win. B. Ingram, head-master. Shaw Street School—M. Carmichael, head-master.

Science and Art Classes are taught in connection with the Science and Art Department of the Council on Education, under a Committee composed partly of members of the School Board, and partly of outside members. The following are the subjects and the schools at which they are taught during the present session : —Holmscroft Public School —Physiography, Inorganic Chemistry (Theoretical and Practical) by

William Cook, B.A., London; Physiology, by James M'Bride ; Mathe- matics, by James M'Cubbin ; Magnetism and Electricity and Drawing by Dugald Macfarlane, B.A. , London ; Inorganic and Organic Chemis- —


try (Theoretical and Practical), by Angus Smith, F.C.S., Assoc. Inst. Chem. Shaw Street Public School—Machine Construction and Drawing, Applied Mechanics, Steam, Plane and Solid Geometry and Mechanical

Engineering, by J. Kerr Reid, Whitworth Scholar, &c. ; Naval Architec- ture, by Daniel Gwynn, jun. Under East (Landward) Parish School Board. Ladyburn School—Wm. Lees, head-master.


Avenue Park Collegiate School, 95 Brisbane St. —Principal, John Graham, B.A. Bank House (Middle) School—Under the superintendence of Franciscan Sisters. Episcopal School (East), Under Crescent Street—English grammar, geography, history, writing, arithmetic, sewing, music — Thomas Irish, teacher. Episcopal School (West), Jamaica Street—Miss Murrayand assistants. Eskgrove Academy, 50 Ardgowan Street (west)— Principal, William Taylor, Member of the General Council of Edinburgh University. Gregor's Preparatory School, and Evening Classes, 61 Regent Street. —James Gregor, teacher. Kilblain Academy, 15 Kilblain Street— English, writing, arithmetic, book-keeping, shorthand, mathematics, Latin, Greek, French, German, drawing, painting, music, dancing, drill, and sewing. Head Master James Slater, B.A. Kindergarten, Boarding and Day School, 51 Forsyth Street —Miss Sandeman and assistants. Kindergarten, 61 Finnart Street—Misses Macleod and Grylls and assistants. Ladies' School and Kindergarten, 27 Union Street— Mrs Williamson and assistants. Navigation School, 17 West Blackhall Street. Branches taught Navigation, engineering, nautical astronomy, mathematics, seamanship, ship's business, and rule of the road—John St. V. M'Nally, instructor. St. Lawrence Roman Catholic School, Belville Street—Boys' depart- girls' infants' ment—Master, J. Taylor ; and departments—under the superintendence of Franciscan Sisters from Bank House. St. Mary's R.C. School, East Shaw Street— General branches of education—boys' department—James M'Lernan, head master, and assistants girls' department—under the superintendence of Franciscan ; Sisters, from Bank House, and assistants. School of Art, held in Town Hall under the Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council on Education. A. J

Turnbull, chairman ; A. D. Murray, solicitor, hon. secretary Walter Yuille, teacher. Seminary for Young Ladies, Eldon Villa, 67 Eldon Street—Misses Gibb and assistants. — —

94 APPENDIX. PUBLIC HALLS. Assembly Rooms, 21 West Stewart Street. Britannia Hall, Arcade, Cathcart Street. Buck Head Hall, 2 Watson's Lane. Caledonia Hall, Highland Close. Cartsburn Hall, 6 Cartsburn Street. Cruden Hall, 2 Ann Street. Foresters' Hall, 27 Roxburgh Street. Friendly Societies' Hall, 17 Charles Street. Gardeners' Arms Hall, 10 Market Street. John Street Hall, John Street. Mechanics' Institute, 13 Sir Michael Street. St. George's Hall, 10 George Square. Temperance Institute, 19 West Stewart Street. Town Hall, Municipal Buildings. Victoria Hall, 1 East Blackhall Street. Watt Museum (Lecture Hall), Kelly Street. Western Hall, 38 West Blackhall Street. INSTITUTIONS.

GREENOCK LIBRARY—Watt Monument, Union Street. Instituted 1st January, 1783. Hours from 9 till II, I till 5, and 7 till 9 daily—on Saturdays from 7 till 9 evening. Managed by a Committee selected annually in January. Finlay D. Morrison, Chairman. Louson Walker, Treasurer. Allan Park Paton, Secretary and Librarian. The Library (including Foreign, Theological, Scientific, Mathe- matical, and Botanical Departments) contains about 25,000 vols., and there are over 400 subscribers. There is a large supply of the most recently published works of importance and interest. The first-class subscription, entitling to a new work of one or more volumes, an old work, and a review or magazine, is 2 is. The second- class subscription, entitling to one volume at a time from the General Library, is 6s 6d. The Monument is open to visitors.

MUSEUM Watt Institution, Kelly Street. The Museum and adjoining Lecture Hall were erected at the cost of the late James M 'Lean, Esq. , of West Bank, and were opened on 3rd November, 1876. Hours, from II till 5; Saturdays, from 3 till 9 evening. Admission free. Managed by a joint-committee from the Greenock Library and the Greenock Philosophical Society

John Rodger, Chairman ; Louson Walker, treasurer ; A. Campbell Finlay, secretary; Thomas Rennie, 13 Watt Street, curator. GREENOCK MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. 11 Tobago Street and 11 and 13 Sir Michael Street. (Instituted 1836.) The Directorate consists of 21 members, one-third of whom are elected annually. President, Thomas O. Stewart; Treasurer, Alex.

T. Anderson ; Secretary, Alex. Malcolm ; Curator, Jabez Mountford. APPENDIX. 95

The Institution Club embraces a large and well-lighted reading room, supplied with an excellent and varied selection of newspapers, magazines,

reviews, &c, of the day ; also a comfortable and commodious club-room, furnished with billiard tables, chess, draughts, dominoes, &c, for the use of the members. Membership, 5s per annum, or is 6d per quarter, visitors, one penny. The Library, opened in 1832, contains upwards of 6000 volumes of scientific and miscellaneous literature ; open every evening (Sundays excepted) from 7.30 to 9 p.m., and every afternoon from 4 to 5.

Membership yearly, books, 5s ; 2 books, 4s ; I book, 2s 6d — 3 ; Membership for half-year, is 6d. Public Baths in connection with the Institute, open daily to the pub-

lic from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. ; Sundays, 7 till 10 a.m. The large hall of the Institute, affording sitting accommodation for upwards of 500, is largely used for lectures, concerts, soirees, public meetings, &c, and in connection therewith there are a number of smaller rooms, much used for trade and other society meetings.


The club is situated at 29 Hamilton Street, and was inaugurated in 1883. It contains a first-class reading room supplied with a varied selection of the principal newspapers, periodicals, &c, large and com-

fortable billiard room, game rooms for draughts, dominoes, &c. ; also a chess room, where the Greenock Amateur Conservative Chess Club meet regularly for the study and practice of the game. It is managed by a joint committee from the Conservative Association, and members of the club, and is open to all who give a general adherence to the Conservative party. The subscription is 3s per annum. Chairman of

Conservative Association, Robert Binnie, Esq. ; chairman of club

committee, Tom Neill, Esq. ; secretary and treasurer, Louson Walker,

Esq. ; curator, John A. Young.


The Association Building is situated at 17 West Stewart Street. Binnie, Esq., Office-bearers 1891—Robert honorary president; J. D.

Scott, Esq. , honorary vice-president ; James A. Love, president ; James

Johnstone, vice-president ; John Low and William Cooper, joint-

secretaries ; D. S. Macpherson, treasurer ; James Pat erson, correspond-

secretary, Hamilton Street ; Geo. Hoy, reading-room ing 14 secretary ; John Plant, librarian. This Association has for its object the religious, intellectual, and social improvement of its members, and of the young men of Greenock. Nine weekly meetings are held in various places. An evangelistic meeting is held every Saturday night at 8 o'clock for young men. A register of lodgings is kept. There are also Reading Room and Library in the Institute open to the public at the following

rates:—Annually, 5s 6d; half-yearly, 3s; quarterly, is 6d ; members

of kindred associations, 3s 6d annually ; apprentices, 2s 6d annually. Young men coming to reside in the town are cordially invited to join the Association. 96 APPENDIX.


Ex-Provost Lyle, president; Robert Kerr, treasurer ; M. M'C. Brown, secretary; John MTver, assistant secretary; with 36 directors; William

Smith, chaplain ; John Swan, officer. This society has a Seamen's Chapel, at Sailors' Home, I Dock Breast, seating 350, in which Divine Service is conducted at 1 1 a.m. and 7 p.m. each Lord's Day. A Reading Room and Library are open daily from 9 to 9, free of charge. Loan Libraries to all foreign-going ships—about 200 are thus issued in the year. It has a depot where the Scriptures are sold at reduced prices in various languages. The Chaplain also occasionally visits the vessels in the Roads, especially emigrant ships.

SAILORS' HOME, 1 Dock Breast. Instituted 1852. John Ritchie, superintendent. Committee of Management—The Provost of Greenock, the Chairman of Harbour Committee, the Collector of Customs, and the Shipping Master, with the president, treasurer, secretary, chaplain, and seven members of the Seamen's Friends' Society. The Home has accommodation for 80 seamen, and is fitted up with every convenience and comfort.

SIR GABRIEL WOOD'S MARINERS' ASYLUM. This institution was founded by the late Commissary-General Sir Gabriel Wood, for the reception of sixty-five aged and decayed merchant master mariners and merchant seamen, being natives of one or other of the counties of Renfrew, Ayr, Dumbarton, Argyle, and Bute, and who shall have attained the age of 55 years, and be of good character. The members of the present committee of management are Messrs Reverend John Barclay, James Maclean, J. D. Clink, Thomas Craw- ford, C. S. Caird, D. D. Adamson, Ninian Hill, Dugald Macdougall, Robert Kerr, Tom Neill, William O. Leitch, Thomas M. Thorne, James M 'Gavin, and Duncan M 'Galium. Treasurer, J. Campbell Hart,

National Bank ; clerk, George Macdonald, solicitor, 26 Hamilton Street.

SCOTT INSTITUTION, 39 Dempster Street. By Will, dated 8th January, 1836, Mr Wm. Scott, of Saint Andrew's, New Brunswick, bequeathed his estates, situated in New Brunswick, in trust "to the Provost and Magistrates for the time being, as also the two clergymen of the East and West Parishes of his father's native town of Greenock," for "the endowment of a school for the maintenance and education of as many indigent orphan children to be instructed in English reading and grammar, together with writing, arithmetic, and a few of the plain branches of mathematics." Mr Scott died in 1838. The Trustees realised about ^"4000. An institution has now been endowed, of which Mr Robert Hosea is superintendent, and Mrs Hosea matron. Several admissions have been made of indigent orphan children, and the institution has been for some years in full and satisfactory working order. Mr Hew M'llwraith, writer, is the treasurer and secretary of the institute. ;


GREENOCK WORKING BOYS' HOME, Bank Top. For friendless or destitute working lads above 14 years of age—Dr Marshall, president; James M'Gavin, vice-president; Peter MacKellar, treasurer ; James A. Love, secretary ; H. W. Walker, J. W. Crawford, A. Campbell Finlay, William Hardie, John Kinloch, John Brown, John

Bisset, and R. H. Sinclair, members of committee ; George G. Mitchell, superintendent.

GREENOCK RAGGED SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. School Buildings, with superintendent's and matron's houses attached, Wellington, Captain, and Holmscroft Streets. Sir Michael

R. Shaw Stewart, Bart., president ; John Cheyne, Esq., Sheriff of Renfrew and Bute; Sir Thomas Sutherland, M.P. for Greenock; W. W. B. Rodger, Esq., Provost of Greenock, and James Stewart, Esq., of Blackhouse, &c, vice-presidents; Robert Allan. Esq., president of acting committee ; Mr G. W. Paton, treasurer ; president of Mr M. F. Dunlop, secretary ; Mrs J. C. Hunter, ladies' committee ; Mrs A. D. Grant and Miss Little, secretaries to committee of girls' school ; Mr Alexander Thomson, super- intendent ; Mrs Mackie, matron. It is the object of this Associa- tion to reclaim the neglected and destitute children of Greenock, by affording them the benefit of a good common and Christian education, and training them to habits of regular industry so as to enable them to earn an honest livelihood and fit them for the duties of life. The plan upon which the schools is conducted is as follows : —The children receive an allowance of food for their daily support ; are instructed in reading, writing, and arithmetic trained to industry by employing them daily in such works as are suited to their years ; and taught the truths of the Gospel, making the Holy Scriptures the ground-work of instruction, and on Sundays the children receive suitable religious teaching.


Was opened June, 1865, as a necessary adjunct to the operations of the "Mission to Friendless Females," one of the objects of this Association being to rescue from falling into vicious habits friendless girls from 12 to 1 6 years of age. These are trained in the Home for domestic service, besides being instructed in reading, writing, arithmetic, sewing, &c, and having habits of industry and well- doing inculcated. After obtaining situations for these inmates, the committee continue to take a lively interest in them. The old premises in Mount Pleasant Street having been purchased by the School Board, a new home was erected in Brachelston Street, and formally opened in October, 1887. The Home is principally supported by voluntary subscriptions. Trustees— R. Little, Esq., J. Macgregor, Esq. ; Mrs J. Brymner, president ; Mrs Prentice, vice-president ; Miss H. B. Carmichael, treasurer ; Miss Stark, secretary ; Rev. J. F. Macpherson, chaplain; D. Campbell, M. Hill, A. M. Fleming, J. W. Black, J. Kinloch, R. Hamilton, R. Chalmers, Rev. J. P. Struthers, M.A., and Rev. A. Corbet, directors. Miss Birrell, matron. 7<* ;


, Miss Murdoch, matron ; John Scott, Esq. C. B. , president ; Joseph D.

Scott, Esq., vice-president ; Mr William Auld, writer, secretary ; Mr Duncan M'Callum, treasurer; Dr Marshall, Dr Broadfoot, Dr Wilson, Rev. John Trew, Messrs James M 'Gavin, Robert Binnie, Robert Chalmers, John Gilchrist, and H. R. B. Peile, acting committee, with office-bearers ex officiis members of committee. The object of the society is to provide medical comforts and attendance in the " Home " and in the residences of the patients, for persons resident in Greenock, or in the parish of Inverkip (which includes Gourock) and Port- Glasgow, labouring under incurable disease, or others who, though not incurable, may require months or years of nursing and treatment, and are incapable of earning a livelihood. BUCHANAN NIGHT ASYLUM. By Codicil and Deed of Foundation, dated 4th December, 1862, Mr James Campbell Buchanan of Bagatelle, Greenock, bequeathed ^4000 in trust of his Trustees, viz. : —Messrs John Graham, Peter M'Naughton, Colin Lamont, jun., James Reid, Thomas Oliphant Hunter, and William Clark, in conjunction with Mr Alexander Rodger, the Provost of Greenock, the Sheriff-Substitute at Greenock, and the President of Greenock Seamen's Friends' Society, all for the time being, along with two or more persons to be appointed by the Town Council and Police Board, for the purpose of founding an "Asylum at Greenock to afford shelter during night to poor persons without a home and to supply them with a nourishing meal on entering and leaving the Asylum." In terms of the Codicil, the Town Council and Police Board are appointed Trustees of the Asylum. A building is now erected in Captain Street, in which persons are accommodated according to the testator's wishes. Louson Walker, secretary and treasurer, 33 Cathcart Street. HOUSE OF REFUGE, OR SHELTER FOR FEMALES, Ingleston. — Instituted 1853.

Mrs James Reid, president ; Miss Mary Hunter, vice-president John Cunningham, secretary and treasurer; Rev. Mr Struthers, chaplain; and a committee of ladies and gentlemen ; Mrs Oakden, matron. The object of this institution is to afford shelter to fallen females, training them for the duties of the household, and to assist in getting them into service with respectable families. The industries prosecuted in the Home are mainly laundry and needle work.


This society was instituted in 1872, for the purpose of rendering aid to discharged prisoners, or those on their way to prison life. The Home for the Reception of Females, at 58 Ann Street, was opened on the 10th February, 1873. Miss Macbeth, matron. The inmates receive the benefit of religious instruction, and are expected to earn their own livelihood at the Home, by the exercise of such industries for which ;;


they may be suited. When reformed, the Committee procure situations or work for the inmates either at home or abroad. The society is sup- ported by voluntary subscriptions. Sheriff Henderson Begg, president

John Rodger, Esq. , secretary ; Rev. John F. Macpherson, B. D., chaplain. There is a committee of gentlemen and also of ladies, with a staff of

prison and district visitors. Mrs Colin S. Caird, president ; Mrs

Abram Lyle, vice-president ; Miss Laura Steele, secretary ; and Mrs Robert Younger, treasurer to ladies' committee.



Sir Michael R. Shaw Stewart, Bart. (No. 12), R.W.P.G.M. Commissioned office-bearers—James Reid, (No. 175), D.P.G.M. David J. Dunlop (No. 68), S.P.G.M. ; Robert Binnie (No. 626), P.G.S.W. ; Duncan Cunningham (No. 12), P.G.J. W. ; Rev. Archibald Fullarton (No. 12) and Rev. John Trew (No. 12), P.G. chaplains; John P. Fyfe (No. 12), P.G. secretary. Elected office-bearers —James Glen (No. 626), P.G. treasurer ; David Wingate(No. 217), P.G.S.D. ; Robert

Urie (No. 175), P.G.J. D. ; Robert Rennie (No. 12), P.G. architect; William Allan (No. 12), P.G. Bible-bearer; James Auld (No. 175),

P.G. director of ceremonies ; Peter Taylor (No. 217), P.G. director of

music ; G. Crookston (No. 68), P.G. steward ; C. W. Rippon (No. 626), P.G. inner guard; Charles Murray (No. 12), P.G. tyler.

Lodge Greenock Kilwinning, No. 12, Instituted 1728. —Office-

bearers for 1890—W. W. B. Rodger, R. W.M. ; Thomas Stewart, P.M.

William Allison, D.M. ; Dr Fox, S.M. ; Robert Rennie, S.W. ; Andw.

Nimmo, J.W. ; Wm. Hutcheson, secretary; James Paterson, treasurer; Rev. John Trew, B.A., chaplain; James Hutchison, S.D.

James M'Ewan, J. D. ; Archibald Thorn, architect; D. Middleton,

director of music; Thomas Smith, jeweller ; John Harley, Duncan Campbell, James A. Anderson, and William M'Kenzie, stewards

Alex. Tough, I.G. ; Charles Murray, tyler. Place of meeting, Council Chambers.

Lodge Greenock St. John, No. 175 —Instituted 1776. —Dugald

M'Innes, R.W.M. ; James Auld, P.M.; Robert Urie, D.M.

William Stronach, S.M.; W. A. Cairney, S.W. ; William Kerr, J.W.;

John Macquarrie, secretary ; William Smith, treasurer; Rev. Thomas

Kay, chaplain; L. Smith, S.D.; William Smith, J.D. ; K. Boag, B.B.; Donald M'Donald, S.B.; Gillies, director of J. W. music ; J. Macfie,

I.G.; Duncan Cameron, 1st S.S.; A. M'Kenzie, 2nd S.S. ; A. Wilkinson, 1st Weir, J.S. ; J. 2nd J.S. ; Tom Wilson, tyler. Lodge rooms and secretary's office, 27 Cathcart Street.

Greenock Royal Arch Chapter, No. 17. —William Hughes, M.E.Z. William Smith, I Mitchell, 1st H. ; Andrew Nimmo, ; J. C. P.S.J. ; W. A. Cairney, 2nd P.S.J.; A. Macintyre, 3rd P.S.J.; John Macquarrie,

S.E. ; Andw. Millar, S.N. ; R. P. Crawford, treasurer ; Rev. John Trew,

chaplain ; Jas. W. Gillies, hon. director of music ; Thomas Wilson, janitor. Chapter-room, St. John's Hall, 27 Cathcart Street. APPENDIX.

LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION. Basis of the Institution.

The Institution is composed of Protestants, united and resolved to the utmost of their power to support and defend the rightful Sovereign, the Protestant religion, the laws of the realm, the legislative union, and the succession to the throne in the House of Brunswick being

Protestant ; and united further, for the defence of their own persons and properties, and the maintenance of the public peace. It is ex- clusively an association of those who are attached to the religion of the Reformation, and will not admit into its brotherhood persons whom an intolerant spirit leads to persecute, injure, or upbraid any man on account of his religious opinions. They associate also in honour of King William III., Prince of Orange, whose name they bear, as supporters of his glorious memory.

Greenock District, No. 34, consists of 17 Lodges.

Office-bearers for 1891-92—Alexander Steel, V.W.M. ; William

Halliday, P.M. ; Robert Johnston, D.D.M. ; Wm. Ross, S.D.M. ;

James Cooper, secretary ; Henry Walker, treasurer ; James Bowman,

CM. ; Robert Gamble, tyler.

Lodge Rooms and Offices—Victoria Orange Hall, 1 East Blackball Street. Quarterly meetings of the District Lodge—Fourth Monday in Jan- uary, April, July, and October.


Mountjoy, No. 11. —Meets third Thursday of each month in Victoria

Orange Hall, at 8 p.m. Robt. Gamble, W.M. ; John Moore, D.M. ; Jas. Cooper, Secretary ; Robert Murphy, Treasurer. Blythswood, No. 97. —Meets last Thursday evening of each month in Orange Hall. William Ross, W.M. ; Alex. Charters, D.M. ;:

David Kyle, Secretary ; John Twaddle, Treasurer. Rising Sons of William, No. 112. —Meets second Monday evening of each month in Orange Hall. William Kerr, W.M. ; Thomas Smyth,

D.M. ; Robert Berryman, Secretary ; Joseph Hill, Treasurer. Albion Heroes, No. 270. —Meets in Orange Hall on the third

Tuesday of each month. William Patterson, W.M. ; John Anderson,

D.M. ; James Magee, Secretary. Thistle Tops, No. 271. —Meets in Mechanics' Institute on the first Allen, Friday of each month. Robert J. W.M. ; James Stewart, Gillanders, Treasurer. D.M ; J. M'Keiver, Secretary; William John Knox, No. 320. —Meets in Orange Hall on the first Friday evening of each month. Robert Bell, W.M. ; Thomas Lee, D.M. ; John T. Clark, Secretary; B. M 'Mullen, Treasurer. Victoria, No. 334. —Meets in Orange Hall on first Thursday of each month. Robt. Wallace, W.M. ; Andrew Swan, D.M. ; William Hill,

Secretary ; William M'Alees, Treasurer. Albert, No. 335. —Meets in Orange Hall on last Friday of each month. Daniel M'Allister, W.M.; William Plunkett, D.M.; William

Thomson, Secretary ; William Halliday, Treasurer. Britannia, No. 336. —Meets in Orange Hall on third Friday of each APPENDIX.

•month. Alex. Steel, W.M. ; Hugh Walker, D.M. ; William Mark,

Secretary ; James Leith, Treasurer. Greenock Heroes, No. 337. —Meets in Orange Hall on second

Friday of each month. William Martin, W.M. ; Samuel M'Dowell,

D.M. ; Thomas Warnock, Secretary; David Whiteside, Treasurer. True Blues, No. 339. —Meets on third Monday of each month.

Hugh Mathieson, W.M. ; George White, D.M. ; Robert Wade, Secretary; David Wade, Treasurer. Old Boyne, No. 340. —Meets in Orange Hall on second Thursday

of each month. Robert Campbell, W.M. ; Hugh Kane, D.M. ; Geo.

Evans, Secretary ; Wm. Carson, Treasurer. Covenant of Peace, No. 343. —Not working. Scotia, No. 344. —Meets in Orange Hall on second Tuesday of each

month. John Purcell, W.M. ; James Gray, D.M. ; Wm. M'Lean, Secretary; James M'Cloy, Treasurer. No. 345 (Rothesay). —-Meets on the first Friday evening of each month in Masonic Hall, Rothesay. St. John's Defenders, No. 505. —Meets in Orange Hall, on first

Tuesday of each month. Henry Walker, W.M. ; Alexander Neilly,

D.M. ; James Turner, Secretary; William John Creelmsn, Treasurer. Chosen Few, No. 699—Meets in Orange Hall on first Monday of

each month. Wm. Barnes, W.M. ; Peter Gordon, D.M. ; Samuel

Bell, Secretary ; Joseph Bell, Treasurer. Royal Black Preceptories. (Being higher degrees of Orangeism.)

St. George's R.B.P., No. 164 (in connection with which there is a well-stocked Library for the use of the members), meets in Victoria Orange Hall on the last Tuesday of each month. Alexander Steel,

Sir Knight, W.M. ; John Purcell, Sir Knight, D.M. ; James Cooper,

Sir Knight, Registrar ; William Ross, Sir Knight, Treasurer. Wickliffe R.B.P., No. 221, meets third Saturday of each month

in Victoria Orange Hall. James Bowman, Sir Knight, W.M. ; Robert

White, Sir Knight, D.M. ; John Ballantine, Sir Knight, Registrar; John Twaddell, Sir Knight, Treasurer.


Greenock District consists of five Lodges, with 593 members. The officers of the district for the present year are : —Grand Master, Thos.

Clark, 2 Octavia Street, Port-Glasgow ; Deputy Grand Master, John

Bryce, 6 Chapel Street, Greenock ; Corresponding Secretary, Alexander Macfarlan, 27 Regent Street, Greenock. Lodges.

Banks of Clyde, 160 members, instituted 1838—Meets every alternate Monday evening in hall, 15 Charles Street. Hugh Graham, jun., 19 South Street, secretary. James Watt, 146 members, instituted 1839 —Meets every alternate Monday evening in hall, 15 Charles Street. Samuel Currie, 22 South Street, secretary. ;


Highland Mary, 49 members, instituted 1840—Meets every alternate Friday evening in hall, 15 Charles Street. Robert Rae, 22 Trafalgar Street, secretary. Newark, Port-Glasgow, 75 members, instituted 1839—Meets in Oddfellows' Hall, Gillespie's Lane, every fourth Monday evening. Thos. Clark, 2 Octavia Street, Port-Glasgow, secretary. Helensburgh, 216 members, instituted 1 841 —Meets in Oddfellows' Hall, Colquhoun Square, Helensburgh, every alternate Tuesday. John A. M'Farlan, 10 George Street, Helensburgh, secretary.

ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. The Greenock District, instituted April, 1842. — Consists of eleven Courts, comprising 2978 financial and 93 honorary members. John

Fraser, D.C.R. ; William Lyle, D.S.C.R. ; Alex. Paton, treasurer; James Russell, secretary. Aggregate worth of District and Court funds, ,£13,661.

Court Banks of Clyde, No. 1 109, instituted 1840. —424 financial and

10 honorary members. John Cameron, C.R. ; John Hendry, S.C.R. ;

Alexander Livingston, treasurer ; James Lindsay, secretary ; John Carlyle, M.D., CM., surgeon. Meets every alternate Tuesday in Foresters' Hall, 29 Roxburgh Street. Court Caledonia, No. 1275, instituted 1841. —496 financial and 14 honorary members. James Jessamine, C.R. ; Alex. Casson, S.C.R.

Wm. Simpson, treasurer ; Cornelius Craig, secretary ;, John Carlyle, M. D., CM., surgeon. Meets every alternate Tuesday in Friendly Societies' Hall, 17 Charles Street. Court Royal Archer, No. 1544, instituted 1842. —274 financial and

10 honorary members. P. M'Phail, C.R. ; Jas. W. Graham, S.C.R. ; Alex. M 'Donald, treasurer; Hercules D. Soutter, secretary; Allan Galloway, M.D., surgeon. Meets every alternate Monday in Foresters' Hall, 29 Roxburgh Street.

Court Newark, No. 41 1 1, instituted 1863. —292 financial and 10 honorary members. Meets every alternate Monday in Temperance Hall Church Street, Port-Glasgow. Court James Watt, No. 4468, instituted 1864. —313 financial and 4 honorary members. Wm. M'Crindle, C.R. ; S. M'Candlish, S.C.R.;. Thomas Scott, treasurer; Hugh Smith, secretary; John Carlyle, M.D., CM., surgeon. Meets every alternate Tuesday in Foresters' Hall, 29 Roxburgh Street.

Court Glenalbyn, No. 451 1 (Easdale), instituted 1864. — 162 financial and 3 honorary members. Meets every third Wednesday of each month in Drill Hall, Ellenabeigh. Court Scotia, No. 5405, instituted 1869. — 193 financial and 7 honorary members. Meets every alternate Tuesday in Temperance Hall, Church Street, Port-Glasgow. Court Robert Burns, No. 5753, instituted 1872. — 184 financial members. James Hill, C.R. ; John M'Kechnie, S.C.R.; John

M'Millan, treasurer ; George M'Kenzie, secretary ; John Carlyle, M.D.,. ;


CM., surgeon. Meets every alternate Wednesday in Foresters' Hall, 29 Roxburgh Street. Court Saint James, No. 5764, instituted 1872. —402 financial and 30 honorary members. Meets every alternate Monday in Temperance Hall, M'Dowall Street, Johnstone.

Court Highland Mary, No. 5851, instituted 1873.— 119 financial and 2 honorary members. Thos. Leitch, C.R.; J. P. Henderson, S.C.R. secretary C. Douglas, Hugh Cameron, treasurer ; Jas. M. Reid, ; John M.D., CM., surgeon. Meets every alternate Monday in Foresters' Hall, 29 Roxburgh Street. Court Robert Burns, No. 6307, instituted 1876. — 117 financial and 3 honorary members. Meets every alternate Monday in Artillery Hall, Largs.

Juvenile Branch, instituted 1872. —286 financial members. Thomas

Dick, president ; D. M'Callum, vice-president; Wm. Madden, 1109, treasurer; Robert Carchrie, 1544, secretary; John Carlyle, M.D., CM., surgeon. Meet every Thursday four weeks in Foresters' Hall, 29 Roxburgh Street. Juvenile Branch (Johnstone), instituted 1884. — 174 financial mem- bers. Meet every Tuesday four weeks. Juvenile Branch (Caledonia, 1275), instituted 1885. —99 financial members, inclusive of male and female. William M'Kenzie, president John M 'Arthur, vice-president; Alexander Pat on, treasurer; Cor- nelius Craig, secretary; John Carlyle, M.D., CM., surgeon. Meets every alternate Tuesday in Friendly Societies' Hall, 17 Charles Street.


Lily of the Vale Lodge (British Order). —Meets in Cartsburn Hall, Cartsburn Street, every alternate Wednesday evening at 7.30. 334

financial and 29 honorary members. Alex. Walker, W.M. ; John M 'Arthur, treasurer; Alexander B. Murray, 85 Wellington Street,

secretary ; David Cairns, M.D., medical adviser. Royal Oak Lodge (B.O.). —Meets in Foresters' Hall, Roxburgh Street, every alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock. 242 financial members and 7 honorary members. John Hacking, W.M.; Wm. Ross, W.D.M.; Ebenezer Dick, treasurer; Malcolm Gillies, secretary, 3 Bruce Street; John Robert Black, M.D., medical officer.

Fern of Ladyburn Lodge (St. Andrew's Order). —Meets every alternate Monday in Britannia Hall, Arcade, at 8 p.m. David

Allan, jun., W.M. ; F. Johnston, D.M. ; David Allan, treasurer;

— M'Dermot, secretary ; Dr Carlyle, medical officer.

Heatherbell Lodge (St. A.O.). —Meets every alternate Monday in

Friendly Societies' Hall, Charles Street. George M'Millan, W.M. ;

George A. Craig, D.M. ; James Boag, treasurer; Alexander Borland, secretary, 46 Ann Street ; Dr Carlyle, medical officer. J04 APPENDIX.


Greenock District comprises 8 Lodges with a total membership of 1 1 20. Aggregate worth of District and Lodge Funds, ^3465. John

Mitchell P.C.S. ; Robert Ritchie, treasurer, 3 Mearns Street; John M'Nicol, corresponding secretary, 1 Octavia Terrace, Gourock. Lome Lodge, 1509—Meets every alternate Monday evening in Friendly Societies' Hall, 17 Charles Street. John Bryce, secretary,

6 Chapel Street ; George Beveridge, treasurer ; Dr Carlyle, surgeon. Wellington Lodge—Meets every alternate Tuesday evening in Friendly Societies' Hall, 17 Charles Street. William M'Dowall, treasurer A. Clark, secretary, Boyd Street ; ; John 7 Dr J. R. Black, surgeon. Lodge Pride of Ladyburn, 1735. —Meets in Arcade Hall every alternate Tuesday. John Mitchell, secretary, 6 Mearns Street. Robert Binnie Lodge, 2132 (Gourock). —Meets every alternate Tuesday evening. John M'Nicol, I Octavia Terrace, Gourock, secretary.

The. other Lodges are Inverkip, Skelmorlie, Millport, and Inveraray.

RECHABITES. The Good Samaritan Tent, No. 321 —Established 1875. —Meets in Primitive Methodist Church Hall, Roxburgh Street, every alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock, where intending candidates can be enrolled. Members, by a graduated scale of payments, have the option of receiving from 2s 6d to 15s per week during sickness, with medicine and doctor's attendance free, and from £$ to £30 at death. Members also receive 15s on the death of a child under three months old, and £1 10s on the death of a child from three months up to three years of age, provided the member himself has paid not less than 52 weeks' contributions. Entrance fee, 4s ; under 20, 2s. There is also a Juvenile Tent, admitting children from 3 years and upwards, receiving doctor's attendance and from £t> 1o £ l ° at death. It is conducted on purely temperance principles. Full information may be had from the tent secretary, Jas. S. Cuthbertson, 83 Wellington Street.

SONS OF TEMPERANCE FRIENDLY SOCIETY. John Dunlop Division No. 92. — Instituted, 27th Feby., 1865 —Meets every alternate Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, in Temperance Institute, West Stewart Street. Object —by payment of initiation fee of 2s 6d, and a graduated scale of payment according to age, a benefit in case of sickness, of 10s per week, with doctor and medicine free, and a sum of £~io at death. In connection with above a Cadet Section, for boys from 6 to 16 years of age, meets in the same place every alternate Thursday evening at 7.15. By payment of 2d entry money and l|d per week they are entitled to medical attendance and medicine free and from £2 to £7 at death, according to the length of time they have been in the order. R. P. Templeton, secretary, 25 Dempster Street. —;


GOOD TEMPLARS. John Dunlop District Lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templars, No. 51, for the Lower Ward of Renfrewshire. This Lodge is composed of representatives from nine subordinate lodges in town, two in Port-Glasgow, two in Kilmalcolm, and one in Inverkip. John

Macfie, D.D.G.C.T. ; Wm. C. Rodger, D.C.T.; Walter Brown, D.

Coun. ; R. Smith, D.V.T.; Robert Hutcheson, D.T. ; John Brown,

D.P.C.T. ; Hugh M. Easton, 69 Regent Street, D. Secretary.


Agricultural—Lower Ward of Renfrewshire Agricultural Society —Established 1849. —Annual exhibition of live stock and dairy produce will take place this year on 19th June. Sir M. R. Shaw Stewart of Ardgowan and Blackhall, Bart., Duncan Darroch, of Gourock, Hugh Shaw Stewart of Carnock, M.P., and the Provost of Greenock for the time being, patrons; Robert Sinclair Scott, Craigivar, president Horatio R. B. Peile, Peter Gatherer, merchant, and Colin M'Lachlan, vice-presidents Crawford, solicitor, Street, Drums, ; J. W. 26 Hamilton secretary and treasurer.

Amalgamated Friendly Societies' Medical Association, 47 Regent

Street—Instituted 22nd May, 1874. —Objects : To provide efficient medical attendance, and to supply a sufficient and proper quantity of the purest medicines to all the members of the various friendly societies forming the association, and to the wives and families of said

members who pay into the same. W. Orkney, president ; — Paton, vice-president C. Weir, treasurer Black, secre- ; J. ; Thomas tary, ; John Carlyle, M.D., medical officer ; William Melrose, registered chemist and druggist, dispenser. Dispensary hours, 9 a.m. till 12.30 p.m., 1.30 till 5 p.m., and 6 till 8 p.m.; Sundays 9.30 till 10.30 a.m., and 5 till 5.30 p.m.

Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners—Instituted i860, for support of sick, disabled, and unemployed members, insurance against loss of tools, and the advance of trade interests. —The Greenock Branch meets every alternate Monday at 7.30 in Britannia Hall, Arcade.

Alexander Martin, secretary, 45 Wellington Street ; R. L. Hunter, treasurer, 9 Lynedoch Street.

Amalgamated Society of Engineers. — Greenock Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers meets in their Hall, 10 William Street, every alternate Monday, from 7 till 9 o'clock. Geo. Ferguson, secretary, 3 Mearns Street.

Amalgamated Society of Engineers. —Greenock No. 2 Branch. Objects —The mutual protection and assistance of members in cases of accident, sickness, or want of employment. Meetings held every alter- nate Wednesday evening, in Trades' Hall, 10 William Street. President,

William Telfer ; branch referee, James Maven ; secretary, James

Galloway, 18 Antigua Street ; treasurer, John Stewart, 6 Market Street. —


Associated Blacksmiths Society, No. 2 Branch, Greenock. Meets every second Monday in the Trades' Hall, io William Street, at 7.30 p.m. John Fraser, secretary, 84 Roxburgh Street; Alexander Wilkie, treasurer, 51 Kelly Street. Associated Carpenters and Joiners of Scotland— Instituted, 1861. The Society was originated for the support of sick, infirm, and disabled members, for interment of deceased members, insurance against the loss of tools and maintenance and advance of trade interests. The Greenock (United) Branch meets in the Hall, Highland Close. Committee meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. Monthly meetings, first Tuesday of every month at 8 p.m. Robt. Buchanan, secretary, 36 East Hamilton Street. Auchmountain Boys' Society. — President, John Forbes; Treasurer,

William Dempster ; Secretary, Wm. Holterman, 35 Ingleston Street.

Bible Society — Instituted 1807. president ; Dugald Camp- bell and John M. Hutcheson, vice-presidents ; Rev. Dr Bonar, secretary; James Paterson, treasurer; James M'Kelvie & Sons>

depositaries ; with a committee of 18 members. Representative Direc- tor, A. D. Adamson.

Charitable Society for the Relief of the Casual Poor—Instituted 1861. — Sir Michael R. Shaw Stewart and James Stewart, patrons; Provost Rodger, president; Joseph D. Scott, vice-president; J. C. Hart,

National Bank, treasurer ; James Nicoll, 4 Bank Street, secretary ; and an acting committee of 28 members, with power to add to their number. The object of the society is to procure funds for urgent cases of casual destitution, without interfering with the operations of the Parochial Board or other charitable institutions. The distribution is effected by dividing the wards of the town amongst 28 distributors, one convener for each of the wards. Deaf and Dumb Association— Established 1869. — Place of meeting, Alan Ker Public School, Ann Street. President, George Whyte, 13

John Street ; treasurer and secretary, John Vass, 1 1 Belville Street.

Female Benevolent Society — Instituted 181 1 — for the benefit of aged females of good moral character, supported by voluntary subscription. The Lady Octavia Shaw Stewart, patroness ; Mrs

M'Clure, 66 Union Street, president ; Mrs A. J. Black, 16 Ardgowan

Square, treasurer ; Miss Pennell, 23 Patrick Street, secretary ; Rev.

John Milne Jarvie, chaplain ; 40 superintendents, 40 visitors, and 21 collectors. The committee meet on the second Monday of every month, in the Sessional Hall of the West Parish, and a general meeting is held once a year in January, for the election of a Committee of Management for the coming year, as also for the purpose of being informed of the past year's transactions. Friendly Funeral Society—Instituted 1824. —John Bell, president; John Mathieson, treasurer; J. L. Mathieson, secretary; James Currie, officer. Meets in Borland's Temperance Hotel, 24 Cathcart Street. General Meetings are held on the third Thursday of January, April, July, and October. This Society has for its objects the assistance of relatives of deceased members, and the payment of all funeral expenses. Entry-money, 6s. ;


Glasgow and West of Scotland Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. — Local Inspector, Alexander Cruickshank, 83 Dempster Street. Local Hon. Secy, and Treas., James A. Love, 2 Hamilton Street. Horticultural— Royal West Renfrewshire Llorticultural Society. Sir R. — His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, patron ; M. Shaw Stewart, Bart., and Charles Cameron, Esq., M.P., honorary presidents; Provost W. W. B. Rodger, president; Allan M'Kechnie, John Boyd, and Wm. Mackie, vice-presidents; Robert Marshall, senr., treasurer; John J. Colquhoun, solicitor, 2 Watt Place, secretary; John

Boyd, Brougham Street, convener ; with a committee of twenty. Com- petition meetings, in Town Hall, 3rd and 4th September, 1 891.

Caddlehill Gardens, Upper Kelly Street.—Walter W. B. Rodger and William O. Leitch, hon. presidents; John Love, 51 Upper Kelly Street, factor. Investment—Greenock Provident Investment Company. — Office, 23 Cathcart Street. John Watt, William S. Blair, and Robert Walter

Jamieson, trustees ; Robert Dixon, secretary ; James Anderson, man- aging director, to whom all communications are to be addressed. Information regarding the operations of the society may be obtained at the office every Saturday evening from 7.30 till 9.

Juridical Society— Instituted 21st November, 1872. —This Society has for its object the diffusion of legal knowledge among its members, and the acquisition of a good style of speaking and writing. Only Procurators, Law Clerks, and Apprentices, are eligible as members.

Medical Society — Instituted October 30, 1865. —The objects are to receive communications on Medicine and Surgery, to converse on Medical topics, and generally to promote professional improvement and amicable feelings by any means that may from time to time be approved of by the society. Ordinary meetings are usually held once a month during session in the Society's Rooms, 27 West Burn Street.

Office-bearers—Dr , president ; Dr Calder, secretary ; Dr

Galloway, treasurer ; Dr Wilson, librarian. Musical — Greenock Choral Union. — Major Tannahill, hon.

president ; John S. Kerr, president ; John Cameron, vice-president ;

Alex. Banks, secretary and treasurer ; A. T. Menzies, librarian

W. T. Hoeck, Glasgow, conductor ; Thomas Bates, accompanist. Chorus of 250 voices. The practisings are held every Tuesday night in the Watt Museum Hall from September to May. Natural History Society—Founded in 1878. —T. L. Patterson, president; Geo. H. Black, treasurer; Marcus Calder, M.C.S.S., secretary. The objects of this Society are to promote the study of Natural History by meetings for the reading of papers and the exhibi- tion of specimens, and by excursions for practical study. The Society meets in the Lecture Hall, Watt Institution, Kelly Street. Patternmakers. —The United Patternmakers' Association. —Estab- lished 1872. —-President, Edward Robertson, 19 Trafalgar Street; treasurer, James Hendry, 21 Antigua Street; secretary, John Palmer, —


44 St. Lawrence Street. Objects —To advance trade interests, and assist members while out of work, and in cases of sickness, accident, or loss of tools ; burial of members and their wives. Meetings are held every alternate Monday evening, at 7.30, in Kennedy's Temperance Hotel, Brymner Street.

Philosophical Society. —The object of this society is the promo- tion of literature, science, and art, by means of lectures and otherwise. The meetings are held in the Watt Institution. Office- bearers for Session 1891-92 —Louson Walker, president ; Robert Caird and Robert Muir, vice-presidents ; Andrew Carmichael, treasurer ; and George Murray, secretary. Protestant Association—Instituted 1862. —Objects—The Study of the Bible and Romish Works; the enlightenment of Protestants as to the real character of Popery, in its religious, social, and political aspects, and the conversion of Romanists. A. Swan, hon. president; Councillor

Mitchell, president ; Christie, R. Rev. Charles chairman ; J. Cuthbert- son, secretary and treasurer, 2 Grey Place. The members meet for mutual improvement during winter months, on Friday evenings, and young men are cordially invited. Essays are read and conversations and readings engaged in. The library contains several hundred volumes. Lectures by local and other ministers and laymen are delivered from time to time. Young men of good character, who admit the Bible to be the Word of God and their guide, are admitted as members. Annual subscription, is. Plasterers. — Scottish National Operative Plasterers' Protective and Benefit Federal Union, Greenock District. President James Harley — ;

Vice-President, Neil M'Kellar ; Treasurer and Secretary, Peter Harley, 61 Nicolson Street. Meetings held every alternate Monday evening in Mechanics' Institute. Sabbath School Union—Instituted 1870. —Joseph Russell, hon. president; James Paterson, president; H. J. Taylor, vice-president; James Young, treasurer; John Macleod, 1 Holmscroft Street, secretary; with a committee of twelve, and a general committee consisting of one representative from each associated school. The objects of the Union are— 1st, to encourage unity, and increase Sabbath Schools throughout the town ; 2nd, to improve the method of conducting schools ; and 3rd, to promote the personal piety of the teachers, and to unite in prayer for a blessing on their work. General meetings of the Union are held three times a year. Saint Andrew's Ambulance Association (Greenock Centre). —Colonel

John Scott, C.B., president ; Major R. Thorne, chairman ; Capt. Angus, vice-chairman Tannahill, honorary treasurer; A. Prentice, honorary ; J. R. secretary, 18 Kilblain Street ; with an executive committee of 17 and a general committee of 52 gentlemen. The objects of the association are : (ist) Instruction in ambulance duties by the establishment of classes, so that the members thereof may be able to render intelligent first aid to persons accidentally injured, pending the arrival of a medical man ; (2) the placing of stretchers, ambulance waggons, and other appliances necessary for the relief of the injured in such situations as may be considered advisable, so as to enable assistance to be given with the least possible delay. ;;


Scottish Clerks' Association. —Registered Office, 40 Union Street, Glasgow. Benefits—Assistance in obtaining employment; a weekly

sum when out of employment or sick ; medical attendance and medicine; annuities to aged and disabled members, their widows, and children

assistance in special cases of distress ; assurance at death. Greenock branch meets on first Thursday of each month at 8 p.m., in Christian Institute. Chairman, Douglas J. Wilson; Secretary and Treasurer, Allan Edmiston, 13 Mearns Street; Medical Officer, James Lawrie, M.B., CM., 1 Shaw Place.

Shorthand Writers' Association. —Open to all Phonographers writing 30 words and upwards per minute. The Association meets during the winter months in Highlanders' Academy Public School, for reporting practice and discussions on Shorthand topics, and examina- tions for Mr Pitman's speed certificates are held periodically. The following are the Office- Bearers for 1891-92 : — Hon. president, Sheriff

; Begg hon. vice-president, James Aitken, Esq. ; president, James

Murray ; vice-president, Mr George Hoy ; treasurer, Mr James Reid ; secretary, John W. C. Bonnar, 33 Kelly Street. ,^ Sugarhouse Labourers. —The National Amalgamated Sugarhouse Labourers' Union. —The objects of the Union are to regulate and maintain the rate of wages and hours of labour, and guard the interests of the members generally. Meetings are held in the Shipwrights' Hall, 1 1 Cathcart Street, every alternate Monday evening, at 7.30. President,

John Moore, 54 Drumfrochar Road ; vice-president, Robert Livingstone,

Sir ; 28 Michael Street secretary, John Ballantine, 18 Serpentine Walk ; treasurer, [bichwd ^TcHybu Alexander Crawford, 43 Lynedoch Street, $j.;'F"Xj

Total Abstinence Society— Instituted 1836. — Offices and Halls, Temperance Institute, West Stewart Street. Ex-Provost Campbell,

and Robert Little, Esq., hon. presidents ; ex-Bailie Lang, president B. C. Ross, Neil Buie, R. P. Templeton, and James Carnaghan, vice-presidents treasurer ; Robert Dixon, ; William Smith, secretary ; Miss Margaret Shearer, registrar of society and curator of Institute.

Traders' Association. — President, Edward Wilson, Esq.; vice- presidents, Messrs Alexander Rowan and J. K. Stewart, with a Com- mittee representing wholesale and retail traders of all descriptions. The objects of the Association are generally to consider and take action regarding all matters affecting the interests of the members. Annual subscription, 2s 6d. Secretary, James Paterson, accountant, 14 Hamil- ton Street. Typographical. — Greenock Branch of the Scottish Typographical Association.—The aim of the Association is to unite the members of the printing profession in Scotland, to regulate and maintain the rate of wages and hours of labour, and generally to promote the cause of trades unionism. The Association renders assistance to members removing or emigrating, provides sick, out-of-work, and superannuation benefits, and pays funeral allowance for deceased members at the rate of £3 for one year's membership, up to ^15 for 20 years. The quarterly meetings of the branch are held in the Mechanics' Institution on the second Tuesday of January, April, July, and October. President, George Rowe, 24 —


Trafalgar Street ; secretary, James S. Cuthbertson, 83 Wellington

Street ; treasurer, John Letham, 7 Mount Pleasant Street.

United Evangelistic Committee. —Members-Revs. R. Bell, James Davidson, John Young, A. D. Grant; Messrs J. Grieve, jun., N. Hill, M'Call, R. Macpherson, Prentice, and William J. Macphail, C. J. Lamont, secretary. A fellowship meeting is held every Monday evening in the Temperance Institute, and an evangelistic meeting on Sabbath evenings in Temperance Institute, or elsewhere, besides special meetings as opportunity offers.

United Reform Friendly Society— Office, 48 Vennel. Local com-

mittee, William Tucker, Thomas Stewart, and John Thomson ; William Simpson, district agent.

United Society of Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders. — Branch meetings held fortnightly at 7.30 p.m. Branches Nos. I, 2, and 4,

meet in Boilermakers' Hall, Highland Close ; and No. 3 in Britannia Hall, Arcade.

United Trades' Council. —Meets in hall, 10 William Street, on the first Thursday of each month, at 7.30 p. m. President, George Ferguson,

engineer, 3 Mearns Street ; vice-president, William Orkney, joiner,

secretary, Wm. Hepburn, joiner, 16 Kilblain Street ; treasurer, Robert Gardner, slater.

Wine, Spirit and Beer Trade Association (Greenock and Gourock). Office-bearers, 1891 —William Alexander, president; John M'Cormick, vice-president; William O'Hara, treasurer; J. S. Brown, secretary; W. A. Thorn, assistant secretary and law agent. The objects of this Association are to promote united action among the members in obtaining the removal or modification of improper or unnecessary restrictions imposed, or attempted to be imposed, on the Wine, Spirit, and Beer Trade, and to protect the just rights and interests of the Trade in the full and free exercise of its business according to law, and for that purpose to watch and oppose any measure or proceeding, Parliamentary or local, which may have an injurious or oppressive tendency.

Working Boys' and Girls' Religious Society. —W. J. Marshall, M.D., 8 Ardgowan Square, hon. president; John Forbes, president; M. M'C. Brown, vice-president; Robert Macpherson, 33 Cathcart B. Patrick, secretary, West Blackhall Street. Street, treasurer ; J. Jonathan Burns, keeper of the Society's rooms. Its chief aim is to impart religious instruction, and form a connecting link between the Sabbath School and the Church. It provides classes for mutual improvement and meetings for social entertainment, and by means of Savings Banks it seeks to foster provident habits. Meetings are held every Sabbath forenoon, at eleven o'clock, in Town Hall, John Street Hall, Temperance Institute, Crawfurdsburn Free Church .School, Christian Mission Hall, High Vennel Mission Hall, Shaw Street Public School, Hall of Mechanics' Institute, St. Andrew Square Public School, Foresters' Hall, and Prospecthill Street Hall. ;


ATHLETIC CLUBS. BOATING. Cartsdyke Sailing Boat Club. — John Haughie, commodore Treasurer MTnnes, vice-commodore; Councillor Millar, rear-com- modore; George Cameron, secretary; George Ritchie, jun., treasurer. Ladyburn Rowing Club. —John Howie, president; Wm. Robertson, captain; Peter M'Ausland, treasurer; William Blair, secretary, 24

Pottery Street ; and committee of seven. Royal West of Scotland Amateur Boat Club.— Sir M. R. Shaw

Stewart, Bart., president ; Robert Kerr, vice-president ; A. B. Letham, hon. secretary ; Harry Thorne, hon. treasurer ; R. Richardson, R. D. Ferguson, V. C. Meyer, William Watt, Charles Ferguson, T. Lamb, jun., A. D. Ferguson, and James B. Duff, committee of management. Club. Neill, commodore Alexander West of Scotland Yacht —John ;

Ross, vice-commodore ; Stewart Clark, rear-commodore ; V. C. Meyer, hon. secretary and treasurer. BOWLING. Ardgowan Bowling Club, Ardgowan Square. — Sir M. R. Shaw Stewart, Bart., patron; Thomas Grier, president; William Allison, vice-president ; William Hardie, C.A., treasurer and secretary. Grosvenor Bowling Club. —Michael Hugh Shaw Stewart, yr., M.P., and Sir Thomas Sutherland, M.P., patrons; Sir M. R. Shaw Stewart, Bart., the Provost of Greenock, J. J. Grieve, ex-M.P., honorary members ; John Pratt, president^ and Thos. O. Stewart, vice-president; Matthew Buchanan, 17 Hamilton Street, secretary; Duncan Campbell, treasurer; greenkeeper, Stephen Cameron. Wellington Park Bowling Club.—Sir M. R. Shaw Stewart, Bart., patron; Hew M'llwraith, honorary member; Robt. Carson, president;

John Richmond, vice-president ; James Merrylees, treasurer ; John Letham, 7 Mount Pleasant Street, secretary. CRICKET. Greenock Cricket Club—Cricket Ground, Glenpark, off High Gourock Road. — Sir M. R. Shaw Stewart, of Greenock and Blackhall, Bart.,

of president ; patron ; James Stewart, Garvocks, honorary R. G. Adam, vice-president ; W. J. Wright, captain ; William Adamson, 1 Watt Place, hon. treasurer ; W. W. Hair, jun., 33 Union Street, hon. secretary ; W. C. Simpson, J. D. Neill, S. Macdougall, John D. M. Carmichael, A. Allan, J. M'Clure. and W. Watt, committee of management; Peter Bell, Edinburgh, and James Jarvis, Notts, professionals. . Grosvenor Bicycle Club. —H. R. B. Peile, honorary president

James Wright, captain ; Alex. Kirkwood, vice-captain ; Martin Jamie- son, 56 Upper Kelly Street, secretary and treasurer. Members—45. Head Quarters, White Hart Hotel ; Rendezvous, Brachelston Square. Octavia Bicycle Club. —F. L. Wrede, Esq., South Hill, honorary

; president ; John Hutchison, captain William Robertson, treasurer; Charles B. Glenesk, secretary, 7 Lauriston Street. Rendezvous, Sinclair Street. APPENDIX.

FOOTBALL. Abstainers' Football Club. —Ground, Ladyburn Park. President,

C. Campbell ; vice-president, E. Lang ; hon. secretary, Robert Dixon,

Post Office Buildings ; match secretary, W. Hamilton, jun., 60 Drum- frochar Road. Greenock and District Football Charity Cup Committee. —Robert

Rennie, 36 Union Street, president ; Samuel Currie, 22 Kelly Street,

vice-president ; W. B. Tierney, 10 Lyle Street, hon. treasurer ; Thos. Stewart, 62 Ann Street, hon. secretary. Greenock and District Junior Football Association. —President,

Robert Dixon ; vice-president, Robert Smith ; secretary, John Pattison, 35 West Shaw Street, Greenock.

Morton Football Club. —Ground, Cappielow Park ; Clubhouse, 58

East Hamilton Street. George Allison, president ; G. Cameron, vice-

president ; hon. match secretary, Lachlan Smith, 95 Roxburgh Street. Port-Glasgow Athletic Football Club.—Ground, Clune Park, Port-

Glasgow. President, Alex. Morris ; vice-presidents, James Forster

and Archd. Purdon ; match secretary, John MacKechnie ; hon. secre-

tary, M. J. Pettigrew ; hon. treasurer, W. Blackwood. Renfrewshire Football Association. —President, A. M. Sutherland

(Carlton); vice-president, H. Davie (Arthurlie) ; treasurer, D. Campbell

(Abercorn) ; secretary, R. Dixon (Greenock Abstainers), Post Office Buildings. Wanderers' Football Club (Rugby Rules). —D. Kerr, Esq., president;

J. Donald Macintyre, captain ; George W. Hutcheson, 26 Hamilton Street, secretary ; W. R. Macintyre, 22 Patrick Street, treasurer. Ground, Whitefarland Park. Membership—50. SKATING. West-End Skating Club.—The Craigs, off Lyle Road. Established 1873. Andrew Carmichael, president; John Graham, vice-president;

James Shankland, secretary ; and a committee of six members. Annual

subscription, 5s ; family ticket, 30s. No entry money.

PUBLIC OFFICES. Adjuster and Inspector of Weights and Measures and Inspector under the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts—D. Young, Municipal Buildings, Wallace Square. County Inspector of Imperial Weights and Measures for Port-Glasgow, Erskine, Kilmalcolm, and Inverkip, Charles Bremner, County Buildings. Allan Line Steamers—Andrew Picken & Co., agents, Cathcart Arcade. Assessor of Income Tax—J. Alexander, Post Office Buildings. Auditor to Corporation of Greenock (Town Proper) —Hope Stewart

Ramsay ; audit room, Town Hall. Auditor to Greenock Board of Police and the various Trusts con-

nected therewith—Hope Stewart Ramsay ; audit room, Town Hall.

Auditor to Greenock Harbour Trust—Dugald Campbell ; audit room, Town Hall. Auditor to Greenock Statute Labour Trust—Hope Stewart Ramsay; audit room, Town Hall. ——


Auditor to Greenock Water Trust —Hope Stewart Ramsay ; audit room, Town Hall. Auditor to the Greenock Parochial Board—Quintin Bone, Municipal Buildings. Antwerp Steamers —Office, Customhouse Buildings —Allan Swan, agent. Ardrishaig and Lochfyne Steamers— Office, City Buildings, 32 Cath- cart Street—W. Lindsay & Co., agents. Ballina Steam Packet Office (Laird's Line) Customhouse Quay Alex. A. Laird & Co., agents. Belfast Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., Excise Buildings—William Sinclair, agent. Boston Steamers—Andrew Picken & Co., agents. Brunei Steamship Company, Limited—Leitch & Muir, 2 West Quay. Bristol Steamers— Office, I Cross-shore Street—D. Macdougall, agent. Caledonian Railway Company's Office, 25 Cathcart Street. Campbeltown Steamers—Office, Custom House Buildings—John Macmillan, agent. Campbeltown Steamers—Office, Excise Buildings- -James Little & Co., agents. Carron Company's Office, 32 Cathcart Street —Duncan Cunningham, agent. Castle Mail Packets Company, Ltd. —Royal Mail Steamers for South Africa, &c—Agents, Andrew Picken & Co., Cathcart Arcade. Chamber of Commerce, temporary premises, Commercial Bank Buildings—William Hardie, secretary and treasurer, 2 Watt Place. Chief Constable of Renfrewshire—Charles Harding, Paisley ; Greenock District, Inspector—Charles Bremner, County Buildings, Greenock. House, 6 Nelson Street (West). Clerk to Commissioners on Property and Income Tax, 2 Church Place—-M. F. Dunlop Assessor of Income ; Tax—John Alexander, Post Office Buildings. « Clyde Shipping Co., Customhouse Buildings—Allan Swan, agent. Collector of Harbour Dues, &c, Customhouse—Duncan Darroch, Collector. Commercial Buildings— 14 Hamilton Street. Commissary Clerk's Office, Court House, Nelson Street (West). Conservative Club, 29 Hamilton Street—Thomas Neill, convener. John A. Young, curator. Cork and Waterford Steamers—Office, Customhouse Buildings Allan Swan, agent. Corporation and Harbour Trust Bonded Warehouses —Offices, Municipal Buildings—James MacCunn, Superintendent. Customhouse—Steamboat Quay. Dean of Guild Court—Municipal Buildings. Dublin Steamers— Office, Excise Buildings—James Little & Co., agents. Dublin Steamers—Laird's Line—Office, Customhouse Quay. Evening Dispatch Office— 5 Palmerston Buildings. Sa —


Factories—H.M. inspectors of factories and workshops for Greenock, and surrounding district James Henderson, Port-Glasgow, — J. S. Maitland, 54 Belmont Street, Hillhead, Glasgow, and Geo. Sedgwick —Certifying Surgeon for Greenock, W. J. Marshall, M.D. Fishery Office, 3 Bank Street—William Gillis, fishery officer. French Consular Agent—John Davie, 63 Rue-end Street. Gas Office, Municipal Buildings, Wallace Square—John Chalmers, collector. Gas Works, Inchgreen, erected 1873—Samuel Stewart, manager. General Steam Navigation Co., Customhouse Quay—A. M'Killop, agent. Glasgow and Greenock Shipping Co., Customhouse Quay—Steel & Bennie, Steam Lighter and Steam Tug owners—Richard Blanche, manager. Glasgow Evening News Office—Watt Place. Glasgow Herald Newspaper (Greenock Branch Office), 29 Cathcart Street. Glasgow & South-Western Railway, Brougham Street. Glasgow Weekly Mail Newspaper (Greenock Branch Office), I Municipal Buildings, Hamilton Street. Greenock Club House, Ardgowan Square. Greenock Conservative Association—Louson Walker, hon. secretary and treasurer. Greenock Herald Office, 40 Cathcart Street. Greenock Telegraph and Clyde Shipping Gazette Office, 14 Charles Street. Greenock Total Abstinence Society—Office, Temperance Institute, West Stewart Street. Guion Line Steamship Co. —Wm. Lamont, and Macalister, Little & Co., agents. Halifax, N.S., Steamers—Andrew Picken & Co., agents. Harbour Engineer's Office, Municipal Buildings. Harbour Masters' Office, Steamboat Quay. Harbour Trust Office, Municipal Buildings, Wallace Square

Thomas Wilson, clerk ; William Hutcheson, treasurer. Highland Steamers Office, City Buildings, 32 Cathcart Street William Lindsay & Co., agents. Highland Steamer, Hebridean—William Millar, Steamboat Quay, agent. Highland and Western Isles Steamers, Steamboat Quay—D. M'Cormick, agent. Hutchison's Printing Office, 23 Nicolson Street. Inland Revenue Office (late Excise), Customhouse Buildings. Inland Revenue Office (Stamps and Taxes), Customhouse Buildings. Inman and International Steamship Company, Limited—United States Mail Steamers to New York—Agents, Andrew Picken & Co., Cathcart Arcade. James Watt Steamship Co., Ltd. —Leitch & Muir, 2 West Quay. Justice of Peace Fiscal's Office, 27 West Burn Street—William Auld, Fiscal. ——


Lands Valuation Office, Municipal Buildings, Wallace Square Robert Hamilton, assessor. Leith and London Steam Shipping Co. 's Office, 1 Cross Shore Street — D. Macdougall, agent. Liverpool Steamers Office, Customhouse Buildings—John Macmillan, agent. Liverpool Steamers Office—William Sinclair, Excise Buildings. Liverpool Steamers and Traders Office, 1 Cross Shore Street —D. Macdougall, agent. Lloyd's Agents—T. O. Hunter & Co., 13 Hamilton Street. Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping, 13 Hamilton Street —C. R. H. Fowling, A. C. Heron, William Andrews, and Chas. E. Burney, Surveyors; Alex. M. M'Lellan, clerk. Lochfyne Steamers, Steamboat Quay—William Lindsay & Co., agents. Lochgoilhead Steamers, Steamboat Quay— Donald M'Cormick, agent. London and Greenock, via Grangemouth, Carron Co., 32 Cathcart Street—D. Cunningham, agent. Londonderry Steam Packet Co., Excise Buildings —W. Sinclair, agent. Londonderry Steam Packet Office, Laird's Line, Custom House Quay—Alex. A. Laird & Co. Master of Works Office, Municipal Buildings. Mercantile Marine Office, Shipping Office for Seamen, Examinations, &c, 7 Virginia Street, Superintendent of Mercantile Marine —R. S. Macalister. Newcomen Steamship Co., Ltd. —Leitch & Muir, 2 West Quay. North British Daily Mail Newspaper (Greenock Branch) Office, Municipal Buildings, Hamilton Street. North British Railway Company's Office, Lynedoch Street Station (entrance from Hope Street) —William Selby, agent. Orient Line Royal Mail Steamers—Andrew Picken & Co., agents. Palmerston Buildings, Customhouse Place. Parochial Board Rooms, 36 Nicolson Street—John S. Deas, Inspector. Philadelphia Steamers—Andrew Picken & Co., agents. Plymouth and Southampton Steamers—Office, Customhouse Build- ings —Allan Swan, agent. Police Office, Dalrymple Street—John W. Angus, superintendent. Poor Rates Office, Parochial Board Rooms, Nicolson Street —Thos. Burton, collector. Office hours from 9.30 a.m. till 4 p.m., and 6. 30 till 8 p.m., and on Saturdays from 9.30 a.m. till 2 p.m. Port-Ellen and Islay Steamers Office, Steamboat Quay—William Lindsay & Co., agents. Port- Rush and Coleraine Steam Packets Office, Customhouse Quay Alex. A. Laird & Co. Post Office, Wallace Square —W. K. Bryson, Postmaster. Procurator-Fiscal's Office (Burgh), 19 Vennel. —James Auld, Fiscal, Procurator-Fiscal's Office (Lower Ward of the County), Court-House, Nelson Street (West)— Robert Blair. Provident Bank Buildings— 11 William Street. —


Quebec Steamers—Andrew Picken & Co., agents. Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages—Offices, Municipal

Buildings, Wallace Square. East District—William Johnstone ; David C. M'Kenzie, Assistant. West District—A. R. Baird, interim. Rothesay, Dunoon, &c, Steamers, Steamboat Quay—Hugh M'Cormick, agent. Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, Clyde Brigade, Greenock Battery, Drill Hall, Palmerston Buildings. Sanitary Office, Police Buildings, Dalrymple Street—James Devine, inspector. School Board Offices, Municipal Buildings, Wallace Square George Williamson, clerk. Scotsman Newspaper Office (Greenock Branch), 5 Palmerston Buildings. Scottish Referee Newspaper, Watt Place. Sheriff-Clerk's Office, County Buildings, Nelson Street (West) John Brough, deputy-clerk. Sheriff Court-House, County Buildings, Nelson Street (West). Sligo Steam Packets Office, Customhouse Quay—A. A. Laird & Co. State Steamship Company, Limited—Wm. Lamont, agent, 16 Palmerston Buildings. Steam to and from London via Granton—Office, Customhouse Quay—Alex. A. Laird & Co. Stornoway Steamers Office—W. Lindsay & Co., agents, 32 Cathcart Street. Sugar Exchange, Terrace Road. Surveyor of Stamps and Taxes, Inland Revenue Buildings—H. Eldred, surveyor. Temperance Institute, West Stewart Street. Town Assessment Office, Municipal Buildings, Wallace Place Thomas D. M'Murrich, collector. Open from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m.,

Saturdays, 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. ; Evenings, 6.30 to 8 on Mondays and Saturdays only, during February, March, and April. Town Chamberlain's Office, Municipal Buildings —William Smith, Chamberlain. Town Clerk's Office, Municipal Buildings— Colin MacCulloch, Town Clerk. Transit Sheds and Warehouses—Office, Municipal Buildings James MacCunn, Superintendent. Underwriters' Surveyor's Office, 32 Cathcart Street—James Neill,. surveyor. United States Consular Agency—Jas. A. Love, 2 Hamilton Street. Water Trust Collector's Office, Municipal Buildings, Wallace Square —James Brown, jun., collector. Water Trust Superintendent's Office, Municipal Buildings, Wallace Square—James Wilson, superintendent. Weekly Scotsman Office — 5 Palmerston Buildings. West End Baths, Campbell Street— G. H. Black, secretary; J. Tannahill, treasurer. Westport Steam Packet Office, Customhouse Quay—Alex. A. Laird 3c Co. Wexford Steamers, Customhouse Quay— Clyde Shipping Co. APPENDIX. 117

INSURANCE OFFICES AND AGENTS. Accident—James Brown, Post Office, James Tannahill, and Bone & Buchanan. Alliance Fire and Life—James Tannahill, William Blair, arfd John Macaulay. J. M. Macfarlane Co., Tannahill, Atlas Assurance Company— & J. and Jas. Nicoll. Boiler Insurance and Steam Power Company—J. Tannahill, district agent. British and Foreign Marine Insurance Company—Leitch & Muir. British Empire Mutual Life Assurance Company-—Alexander & Dixon, district agents. Caledonian Fire and Life—W. W. & J. M'Clure, P. Mackellar, D. Aitken, James Connell, James Glen, John Patten, jun., J. W. Turner, William Blair, John MacGregor, W. Ram age, J. C. Smith, Macdonald & Crawford, and Alex. Agnew & Son. Caledonian Plate Glass— William Blair and Alex. Agnew & Son. Church of England Fire and Life—John Black. City of Glasgow Life Assurance Company—Colin S. Caird, William

Lindsay & Co., and J. M. Macfarlane & Co. City of London Fire Insurance Company (Limited)—Bone & Buchanan, Robert Chalmers & Son, and Colin Thomson. Commercial Union Assurance Company—D. Campbell, James Nicoll, and William Blair. County Fire Insurance Office—James Auld, Sinclair & Co., and James Connell. Crown Accident Insurance Co. —Alexander & Dixon, district agents, James Brown. Crown Life— P. Ballingall and William Auld. Economic Fire Office, Ltd., London—Robert Chalmers & Son, Alex. Cameron & Murray, and Alex. Agnew & Son. Eddystone Marine Insurance Company, Limited—Macalister, Little & Co. Edinburgh Life—Robert Blair, James Tannahill, W. & J. Crawford, and John Paul. Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Limited—C. Cunn- ingham. English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association—Andrew Boag, William Lamont, J. W. Turner, Fyfe & Murray, J. C. Smith, Macdonald & Crawford, and Alex. Agnew & Son. Equitable Fire Insurance Company—James Connell and D. Aitken. General Fire and Life— R. S. M'Morland, William Lamont, W. W. & J. M'Clure, William Stronach, and J. Tannahill. Glasgow and London Insurance, Co., Ltd. — Robert Chalmers & Son. Greenock Plate and Sheet Glass Insurance Company— James Graham. Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Company—John M'Gregor, Charles Cunningham, James Nicoll, and Alex. Cameron & Murray. Hand-in-Hand Fire Insurance Office—Ninian Hill. Imperial Fire and Life —Wrede & Co., John Adam, William M. Martin, R. B. Shearer, and Alex. Agnew & Son. Imperial Live Stock Insurance Association—Colin Thomson. —


Insurance Company of Scotland—Welsh, Walker & Macpherson, Andrew Boag, W. N. A. Aitken, C. S. Caird, William Blair, Robert Blair, John Cameron, and James Tannahill. Lancashire Insurance Company—James Brown, Post Office ; A. O. Leitch & Muir, D. Campbell, William Blair, William Lamont, Matthew Fleming, James Speirs & Son, James Campbell & Co., James Nicoll, Fyfe & Murray, and Alex. Agnew & Son. Lancashire and Yorkshire Accident Insurance Company—James Connell and J. M. Macfarlane & Co. Life Association of Scotland — Sinclair & Co. and George Dick, Commercial Bank. Liverpool, London and Globe Fire and Life Assurance Company John Love, John MacGregor, M. F. Dunlop, P. Ballingall, Hugh Speirs, Walter B. Grieve, D. Aitken, Sinclair & Co., Ross, Corbett & Co., J. C. Smith, Macdonald and Crawford, M'llwraiths & Walker, and J. Tannahill. London Assurance Corporation, Fire and Life—Bone & Buchanan, W. Ramage, J. S. Deas, and J. M. Macfarlane & Co. London and Lancashire Fire and Life —Bone & Buchanan, John Paul, James Tannahill, David Aitken, Matthew Fleming, Wm. Auld, W. O. Leitch, W. N. A. Aitken, J. M. Macfarlane & Co., R. Chalmers & Son, James Nicoll, Colin Thomson, and Alex. Agnew & Son. London and Provincial Marine Insurance Company—J. Tannahill. London and Provincial Insurance Company—J. Tannahill C. Cunningham, and James Nicoll. London and Staffordshire Fire and Life—J. S. Deas, agent. Manchester Fire Assurance Company —James Nicoll, James Tanna- hill, J. M. Macfarlane & Co., Alex. Agnew & Son, and Alexander Tait. Marine and General Mutual Life Assurance Society—Alexander & Dixon.

Marine Insurance Agents— Craig, Scott & Co. and J. Tannahill. Mercantile Accident and Guarantee Insurance Company, Limited—

Wm. Lamont, Macalister, Little & Co., and J. C. Smith, Macdonald & Crawford. Merchants Marine Insurance Coy. —Macalister, Little & Co. Mortgage Insurance Corporation—Jas. Nicoll. Mutual Life—A. O. Leitch and John G. Hyndman. National Assurance Company of Ireland —John G. Hyndman. National Guarantee and Suretyship Association—Wm. O. Leitch. National Provident Institution—Bone & Buchanan, Robert Blair, and John Cameron. National Provincial Plate Glass Insurance Company—Bone & Buchanan. North British and Mercantile Insurance Company—John Black, T. O. Hunter & Co., Thos. Stark, Robertson & M'Dougall, John Innes Macdougall, Bone & Buchanan, Ross, Corbett & Co., Sinclair & Co., Daniel Paterson, William Lamont, J. M. Macfarlane & Co., Andrew Picken & Co., Macalister, Little and Co., J. Tannahill, Jas. Nicoll, Alex. Cameron & Murray, and G. Williamson. Northern—R. W. Robertson, James Turner, jun., James Glen, W. O. Leitch, Ross, Corbett & Co., and T. O. Hunter & Co. APPENDIX. 119

Northern Accident Insurance Company (Limited) —Sinclair & Co., Robert Chalmers & Son, Thomas Briton, Peter Ballingall, David Aitken, Andrew Picken & Co., Bone and Buchanan, Jas. Nicoll, W.

W. & J. M'Clure. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society—James Neil, James Tanna- hill, and J. M. Macfarlane & Co. Norwich and London Accident Insurance Association—Colin Thomson. Patriotic Assurance Company of Ireland—Robert Chalmers & Son, James Nicoll, and Wm. G. Sinclair.

Phcenix Fire—W. O. Leitch, W. Lindsay & Co., J. Macdougall, Co., and Alexander Dixon. D. MacDougall, J. M. Macfarlane & & Provident Life Insurance Company—James Connell. Provincial Insurance Company—James Brown, jr., Welsh, Walker Macpherson, and George Williamson. Prudential Assurance Company—Offices, 8 West Blackhall Street —S. Hill, district superintendent. Queen Fire and Life Insurance Company—W. Lindsay & Co., Peter Colin Caird, Denholm, Jas. A. Ballingall, J. Neilson, jun., S. Jas. Cairns, Banks & Miller, James Connell, Robert Blair, John Cameron, D. Macdougall, Alexander & Dixon, and John Broadfoot. Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation Fire and Life—Alex. Agnew & Son. Alexander Andrew and George Dick, Commercial Bank. Royal Insurance Company, Fire and Life—Maclean & Co., James Campbell & Co., Banks & Miller, James Fulton, J. Tannahill, and Alex. Andrew. Royal Liver Friendly Society—William Sinclair. Scottish Accident Assurance Company (Limited)—W. Bruce, Wm. Blair, James Campbell & Co., and D. Ferguson. Scottish Alliance Insurance Company, Limited—Andrew Picken and Co., William Wood, and W. W. & J. M'Clure. Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society—William N. A. Aitken, Andrew Picken & Co., C. MacCulloch, John Haddow, and John Jamieson. Scottish Boiler Insurance Company, Limited — Colin Thomson. Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society—John Rodger, D. Cunningham & Co., John MacGregor, William Hutchison, and Craig, Scott & Co. Scottish Imperial Life—Macdonald, Hutcheson & Co., James Tannahill, John Macaulay, and James MacCunn. Scottish Legal Life Assurance Society—David Lindsay. Scottish Life Insurance Company—James Nicoll. Scottish Metropolitan Life Assurance Company—A. C. Smith and James Connell. Scottish Plate Glass Insurance Company—David Aitken, Macalister, Little & Co. —


Scottish Provident Institution—A. 0. Leitch, R. & S. Neill, Clerk & Orkney, and Alexander & Dixon.

Scottish Temperance Assurance Company. Limited—W. W. <5fc T« M'Clure. Scottish Union and National Insurance Company—James Little & Co., James Glen, Mackenzie & Walker, William N. A. Aitken, J. Love, Alexander & Dixon, J. Tannahill, and Jas. Nicoll. Scottish Widows' Fund Life Assurance—J. M. Hutcheson and John Cameron. Sickness and Accident Assurance Association—David Aitken, John G. Hyndman, and Colin Thomson. South British and National Insurance Company, Limited—Robert Chalmers & Son and Alex. Andrew. Standard Life Assurance Company—W. O. Leitch, James Auld, M'llwraiths & Walker, and Colin Thomson. Standard Marine Insurance Company (Limited)—William Lindsay & Co. Sun Fire and Life Offices— Campbell Finlay & Co., F. G. Bruce, J. Tannahill, and Jas. Nicoll. The Equitable Fire and Accident Insurance Company (Limited) John G. Hyndman, Andrew Picken & Co. The Fire Insurance Association—Matthew Fleming and James Nicoll. The London and Provincial Horse and Carriage Insurance Company, Limited—Robert Chalmers & Son. The Marine Insurance Company—W. O. Leitch. The Rock Life Assurance Company—Robert Chalmers & Son and Alex. Andrew.

The Scottish Temperance Life Assurance Company ( Limited)- -D. Campbell. The United Kingdom Provident Institution for Mutual Life Assurance— Robert Davie, jun., Agent, 63 Rue-end Street. Union Assurance Company—Wm. Lamont, Alex. Cameron & Murray, G. Williamson, and Alex. Agnew & Son. Union Marine Insurance Company (Limited) of Liverpool—D. Macdougall. United Kingdom Temperance and General Provident Institution J. S. Deas, W. Ramage, and Robert Davie, jun. Victoria Mutual Assurance Society, Limited —John Broadfoot.

West of England Fire and Life—John Patten, jun. , and John Paul. Westminster Fire Office—Duncan Cunningham, D. M'Gillivray, James Connell, and C. Cunningham. Westminster and General Insurance Company—Duncan M 'Gillivray. Yorkshire Fire and Life —James Connell. APPENDIX. 121


bq—Barque s —Ship sr—Schooner bqn—Barquent ine sk—Smack lr —Lighter bg—Brig sp—Sloop cr—Cutter bn—Brigantine ss—Steamer


Abercarne s 1081 Brown John M'Kiver Fgn Aeolus s 1609 Campbell A.&J.H. Carmichael&Co. do Agnes Kelly sr 51 Craig R. S. M'Morland Cst Aline bq 718 Glass James Grieve, jun. Fgn

Alcinous s 1576 Dun. Brown A. & J. H. Carmichael & Cc . do Amphitrite s 1708 Anderson C. S. Caird do Amazon s 1998 M'Laren R. Hill and others do Ancona ss 3131 Mudie P. & O. S. N. Co. do Anaurus s 1585 Stenhouse A. & J. H. Carmichael&Co. do Ardgowan bq 1283 Wilson Adam, Hamilton & Co. do Argo s 1489 Smith A. &T. H. Carmichael&Co. do Argonaut s 1488 Thomas A.&J.H. Carmichael&Co. do Argus s 1543 Ramsay do do The Armida Ship Co., Ld. Armida s 1624 Mann j (do | W. Letham, manager Assam ss 3037 W.J.Webber: do Atalanta s 1693 M 'Bride Ninian Hill do Australia ss 1000 P. & O. S. N. Co. (building) Ballaarat ss 4752 Ashdown P. & O. S. N. Co. Fgn Bannockburn s 2000 Teviotdale R. Shankland & Co. do Bargany s 1232 Milne John Kerr & Co. do Baroda bq 1400 Kerr W. & J. Crawford do Baron Colonsay s 1632 Docherty John Neill do Bengal ss 4496 Barrett P. & O. S. N. Co. do Bokhara ss 2943 Hantes P. & 0. S. N. Co. do Bombay ss 3400 Bason do do Brahmin s 1264 M'Kenzie J. & W. Stewart do I The Brenhilda Ship Co., Brenhilda s 1321 Craig do [ / Ld. W. Letham, manager Britannia ss 6256 Orman,R.N. R P. & O. S. N. Co. do

\ Brunei Ship Co., Ld., Brunei s 1543 Scott [do | Leitch & Muir, managers

I The Caitloch Ship Co., ) s Ltd., Caitloch 1264 Dornan j T. O. Hunter & [do

( Co., managers.

Canton ss 3 1 71 Angus P. & O. S. N. Co. do

) Lyle Shipping Co., Ltd., Cape Breton s 1420 Grierson jdo ( A.Lyle&Sons,manangers

Cape ofGood Hope ; 1400 M'Leod do do Cape St. Vincent s 1420 Hart do do Cape Wrath bq 1200 Rendall do do Cape York s 2090 Mitchell do do 122 APPENDIX.

VESSELS. TONS. MASTERS. OWNERS. TRADE. Carleton bq 1299 Lowe John Kerr & Co. Fgn Carthage ss 5012 M. Pe Home P. & 0. S. N. Co. do Carronpark ss 248 Jones J. & J. Denholm Fgn & Cst Cathcart s 1386 M'Chesney Adam, Hamilton & Co. do Cavour bq 1299 M'Murtry J. Carswell do Choice bq 1 102 Mathisen J. Carswell do Chusan ss 4490 Thompson P. & O. S. N. Co. do Clara Maria bn 94 M' 11 wain R. S. M'Morland Cst Cloncaird bq 1300 Murdoch John Kerr & Co. Fgn Cochin s 1 199 Oudney do do Corisande sr 187 Linklater James Grieve, jun. do Coromandel ss 4495 Reeves P. & O. S. N. Co. do Craigburn s 1997 Kerr R. Shankland & Co. do Craigerne s 1826 Quaile R. R. Paterson do Curlew s 1237 M'Murtry John Carswell do Deveron s 1256 Patterson Russell and others do. Dochra bq 966 Taylor Macneilage, Adam & Co. do Duchalburn s 2000 Hunter R. Shankland & Co. do Eildenhope s 1498 Garrick Adam, Hamilton & Co. do Elmhurst s 1712 M'Kenzie C. S. Cair^ do Euphrates s 1642 Clark R. Hill and others do Euphrosyne s 1799 Thomson C. S. Caird do Eurydice s 1465 Hinrichs Baine & Johnston do Fiery Cross s 1399 Casey J. D. Clink do Fleetwood s 630 Williams James Richardson & Co. do Galatea s 1694 Colville C. S. Caird do Glaucus s 1998 Cook A.&J.H. Carmichael&Co. do Glenburn s 1476 Torrible R. Shankland & Co. do Glenbreck bq 1822 Burd R. R. Paterson do Gowanburn s 1999 Gerhart do do- Gryfe s 1069 Roberts Russell and others do Gulf of Akaba ss 2041 Gibson The Gk. Steamship Co., Ld. do Gulf of Ancud 2716 Currie do do- Gulf of Bothnia ss 3200 (building) do do Gulf of Corcovado ss 2361 Fox do do Gulf of Florida ss 2906 Sanderson do do Gulf of Genoa ss 3200 Swan do do Gulf of Guinea ss 2438 Livingstone do do Gulf of Lions 2681 Warden do do Gulf of Martaban ss 2477 Hudson do do Gulf of Mexico ss 3172 Warden do do Gulf of Papua ss 2042 Linklater do do

Gulf of Suez ss 1 59 1 Hey do do- Gulf of Trinidad ss 2469 Kennedy do do Gulf of Venice ss 3022 Ligertwood do do Hartfield s 814 Lang James Richardson & Co. do Hawk bn 76 Lusk R. S. M'Morland Cst Helen Isabel bq 250 Olsson Baine & Johnston do-

( Howden Iron Sailing Howden bq 1 167 Evans < Ship Co., Ld., Craig, Fgn

( Scott & Co., managers APPENDIX. 123

VESSELS. TONS. MASTERS. OWNERS. TRADE. Himalaya IOOO P. & O. S. N. Co. (building) James Watt Steamship ) \ James Watt ss 999 Sommer < Co., Ld., Leitch & Muir, V Fgn managers 1 Janet Cowan s 1278 M'Kay R. Shankland & Co. do Jason s 1511 M'Girr A. &J. H. Carmichael&Cc1. do John Carswell bq 1330 Weir John Carswell do Kaisar-i-Hind ss 4023 Atkinson P. & O. S. N. Co. do Kelburn s 2500 Benson Robert Shankland & Co. do Kenmore bq 931 Johnson Campbell Finlay & Co. do

( Kensington Ship Co., Kensington s 1700 Milne < Ld., Campbell, Finlay (do

( & Co., manager ) Khedive ss 3859 Moule P. & O. S. N. Co. do

( Lady Armstrong Steam- Lady Armstrong ss 2066 Abbott < ship Co., Ltd., Adam, [do

( Hamilton&Co., managers do Lady Ruthven s 1 591 Kerr Adam, Hamilton & Co. do Lavinia bq 251 Mitchell J. & W. Stewart Lucknow bq 1400 Kerr W. & J. Crawford do Malwa ss 2959 Preston, R.N .R P. & O. S. N. Co. do Martin Scott s 1388 Bush C. S. Caird do Mary Low bq 813 Robertson Jno. Lang, managing owner do Massilia ss 4918 Fraser P. & O. S. N. Co. do Medea s 1065 Green A.&J.H.Carmichael&Co. do Mermerus s 1672 Coles do do Mirzapore ss 3887 Harvey P. & O. S. N. Co. do do Mountpark ss 345 Arter J. & J. Denholm Narcissus s 1270 Curd C. S. Caird do Riepen- I Newcomen S.S. Co.,Ld. (do Newcomen ss 3-> J hansen ) Leitch & Muir, managers Nereus s 1272 Laing C. S. Caird do Niobe s 1469 Ralston Baine & Johnston do Noma s 1050 John Johnst on W. Letham and others do Oceana s 1826 Page R. R. Paterson do Oimara s 1354 Brown J. D. Clink do Oriental ss 4972 Stewart P. & O. S. N. Co. do Kerr Co. do Orissa s 1 1 99 Penny John & Orpheus s 1462 Young Baine & Johnston do Panther ss 246 Bartlett do do Parejero bq 345 Thorns do do Parramatta ss 4759 Murray,R.N .r P. & O. S. N. Co. do do Parsee bq 1 28 1 Pinel J. & W. Stewart Pekin ss 3900 Harris P. & O. S. N. Co. do Peninsular ss 4972 Loggin do do Peshawur ss 3899 Wheler P. & O. S. N. Co. do Peterborough s 1680 Murchie Adam, Hamilton & Co. do Phasis s 1489 Chrystal A.&J. H.Carmichael&Co. do do Pinmore s 2358 Maxwell J. D. Clink Poseidon s 1708 Klaenforth C. S. Caird do Reine de Prevoyancebn 97 Kerr R. S. M'Morland Cst )



R. DuncanShipCo. , Ld. Robert Duncan s 2005 Falconer Fgn 1 Leitch&Muir,managers Rohilla ss 3499 Speck " P. & O. S. N. Co. do Rome ss 5012 Browne, R.N.R do do

Rossdhu s 1 32 1 Fleming C. S. Caird do Routenburn s 1997 Holmyard R. Shankland & Co. do Rowena Ship Co., Ltd Rowena s 1924 Wm. Reid do W. Letham, manager Seaforth Shipping Co., Seaforth bq 1 189 Griffith Ltd., Craig, Scott & Fgn Co., managers Shanghai ss 3171 Tillard P. & O. S. N. Co. do Siam ss 3041 Weighell P. & O. S. N. Co. do Siren s 1482 Shapland A. &J. H. Carmichael&Co. do Sisters sp 41 M'llwain R. S. M'Morland Cst

The Skelmorlie Ship ) Skelmorlie s 1528 Halliday Co., Ld., T. O. Hunter V Fgn

& Co., managers ' Stella bqn 221 Nisbet J. & W. Stewart do I Strathgryfe Ship Co., Ltd., Strathgryfe bq 2180 M 'Ritchie { J. & W. Stewart, managers Talus s i960 Bennett A. &J.H. Carmichael&Co. do Thessalus 5 1782 Henderson do do

Thistle bq 2200 England J. D. Clink do Tulloch The Ulrica Ship Co., Ltd Ulrica s 1923 W. Letham manager do Valetta ss 4919 Briscoe, R.N R. P. & O. S. N. Co. do Vanduara s 2012 Skinner J. D. Clink do Verona ss 31 19 Seymour P. & O. S. N. Co. do Victoria ss 6267 Cates, r.n.i do do Vulcan sp 45 M'Cready R. S. M'Morland Cst Well Park ss 422 Putt J. & J. Denholm Fgn & Cst Woodburn s 1425 Christie R. Shankland & Co. Fgn (The Publishers have been unable to get the lists of ships from one or two of the Shipowners, and the list is incomplete in this respect only.


Tuined-up point, rapid and quill-like in action. Turned-up point, flanged to retain the ink, soft and flexible. THE PICKWICK PEN. THE FLYING SCOTCHMAN PEN

Turned-up point, suitable for commercial work of a swift character. Broad turned-up point, flanged to retain the ink; the steel brother of the quill. THE BIG WAYERLEY PEN. THE FLYING DUTCHMAN PEN

A large Pen, softer than the Waverley, yet with the same action. Writes 300 words with one dip of ink.

MACMYEH & CAMERON, Waverley Works, Blair Street, EDIHBDRGH, They come as a boon and a blessing to men, The Pickwick, the Owl, and the Waverley Pen. THE OWL PEN. THE "J" PEN.

flexibility, black, a superior pen. Turned-down point ; perfect Raven gives fine and flowing writing. THE BIG "J" PEN. THE COMMERCIAL PEN.

L -" "_tJ- MACNIV'CNVCAME1R Raven black, broad point. Smooth and rounded point, strong and firm pen. THE .LATEST INVENTION I


* ' capable of writing ioo I Diagonal point, broad degree, strong, A superior J Pen of ink. lasting pen. words with one dip

I*- Sample Box, containing all the kinds, Is. Id. by post. ~m 6d. and Is. pev Box. Sold toy all Stationers. GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

ADAM James, yacht and launch builder, Cove rd. Ho. 18 do. Adam William, baker, Thrushhill, Upper Ashton Adam Mrs, Cove Point house, Cove rd ADAMS John C, hairdresser, 69 Shore st Adams William, Bloomberry drive Adams Mrs, restaurant keeper, 77 Shore st AIRD Mrs, Craigburn house, Ashton AITCHIESON John, Gourock Castle, n Bath st ALEXANDER James, Greenbank, 13 Ashton rd Alexander Joseph, School board officer, West Lodge, King st ALLAN Miss, 7 Cardwell rd Allan Miss, Cove Point house, Cove rd

Allan Mrs, 1 Hillside pi

ANDERSON J. B., 10 Ashton rd Anderson John, 63 Kempock st Anderson Peter, tobacconist, 12 Kempock pi. Ho. 40 Shore st Anderson T. M., artist, Berry bank, Ashton Anderson, Miss, 2 Anderson pi, Cove rd Anderson Mrs Andrew, fishmonger, 87 Shore st. Ho. do. Anderson Mrs D., 67 Shore st Anderson Mrs Ellen, 34 Albert rd ANDREW James, 6 Manor crescent Andrew John, 2 George pi, Albert rd ANGUS Mrs Robert, Manor crescent, 5 Cardwell rd ARBUCKLE James, confectioner, 38 Shore st ARKLEY Arthur (late H.M. Customs), 67 Kempock st ARMSTRONG James, 31 Kempock st GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

Armstrong Mrs J. B., 10 Shore st ARTHUR John P., grocer, Thrushhill, Victoria rd ASHTON Mrs, 37 Cove rd ASTALL Enoch, engineer, 15 Albert rd ASTON Albert Edward, Milburn, 40 Ashton rd AUSTIN Miss, 42 Cardwell rd


BAIN Alexander, 17 Albert rd BAIRD Mrs Hugh, 14 Ashton rd BALLANTINE John, The Glasgow drapery warehouse, 21 Kempock st. Ho. Chesterfield terrace Ballantine Thomas, 48 Kempock st Ballantine Mrs, 44 Royal st BALLARDIE Miss Agnes, 1 White bank, Ashton rd BARKER Miss E. C, Victoria pi, 27 Ashton rd BARR James, 44 Shore st Barr John, 21 Ashton rd Barr Robert, Craigneuk, 13 Albert rd Barr Robert, chemist, 49 Kempock st. Ho. 7 Albert rd BAXTER George, commercial traveller, 2 Prospecthill, Ashton BEATON James, 9 Manor crescent BEATTIE James, 27 Hopeton st BELL Andrew, railway guard, 33 Cove rd Bell John A., chemist, Kempock pi and Greenock Bell Miss, 22 Hopeton st Bell Mrs, 47 Royal st BENNET Robert, 29 Royal st BENSON Robert, 31 Royal st BICKERTON Mrs Christina, Ashton Hotel, 40 Albert rd

BIGGS E. J., Beaconsfield, Victoria rd BINNIE Robert, merchant, Greenock. Ho. Ashford, 54 Albert rd BIRD Mrs John, 53 Shore st BIRKMYRE Mrs, 19 Royal st BIRRELL William, 5 Tower drive, Victoria rd BLACK Alexander, joiner and glazier, 53 Kempock st

Black James J., Belmont, Barrhill rd Black James, engineer, 60 shore st GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

Black John, engineer, i Anderson pi Black Robert, fireman, 20 Hopeton st BLACKBURN John, dairyman and contractor, 3 Kempock pi. Ho. do. BLACKWOOD Miss Isabella, 45 Albert rd BLUE Mrs, 12 Hopeton st BOARD of Trade Office, 40 Shore st BOLTON Allan, Moorfield, Victoria rd Bolton Mrs, stationery and branch Post-Office, 26 Shore st. Ho. 24 do. BONE Quintin (of Bone and Buchanan, Greenock), Burgh Treasurer and Collector, Burgh Chambers, Shore st. Ho. Parkfield, Broomberry drive BONTHRONE Andrew, flesher, 72 Shore st. Ho. 33 Royal st BOONE Charles, insurance agent, 8 Manor crescent Boone Mrs, 20 Hopeton st BOWIE James, 5 Cove rd BOWMAN James, Rockside, 7 Albert rd BOYD David, marine engineer, 2 Alfred pi, John st Boyd George, ironmonger, Glasgow, Broomberry house BRADY Daniel, 2 1 Hopeton st BRADLEY Samuel, 1 Bath st BRAND David, 2 Ashton rd BROADFOOT John, bank clerk, 4 Manor crescent BROCKET William, Dunclutha, Victoria rd BRODIE Mrs Jane, Ferndean, Victoria rd BROWN Alexander, boatbuilder, 42 Cardwell rd Erown David, late photographer, 26 Shore st Brown Donald, head-master, Central School. Ho. Mount Pleasant, Barrhill rd Brown James, 18 Kempock st Brown James, clerk, 42 Cardwell rd Brown John, 2 Alfred pi, John st Brown John, smith, Hopeton st. Ho. 45 Royal st Brown William, carpenter and boatbuilder, John st. Ho. 23 Royal st Erown William MacAdam, wine merchant, 9 Kempock pi. Ho. Criterion buildings Erown Mary, draper, 60 Shore st Brown Miss, Sea View, 28 Ashton rd Brown Miss, 47 Shore st GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

Brown Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 59 Shore st. Ho. do. Brown Mrs, 41 Royal st Brown Mrs, 33 Shore st Brown Mrs James, 6 Ashton BROWNLIE William B., family baker, 14 Shore st. Ho. 15 do. Brownlie Mrs, Ashton Grove, Victoria rd BRUCE William, banker, Moorfield villa, Upper Ashton BRYAN John, 18 Kempock st BRYSON James, ship steward, 50 Royal st BUCHANAN James, gardener, Ashburn, Albert rd Buchanan Neil, postman, 12 Kempock st Buchanan William, C.E., Viewfield, Victoria rd BURNET John, Advocate, Edinburgh. Ho. 40 Ashton rd Burnet Mrs James, 24 Ashton rd BURNS John, slater, 13 Hopeton st Burns Patrick, slater, 2 Shore st Burns William, 8 Adelaide st Burns Mrs Agnes, 50 Shore st BURTON William, accountant, Willow bank, 14 Albert rd

CALDER William, tinsmith, 5 Royal st Calder Mrs Elizabeth, tobacconist, 34 Shore st CALDWELL Mrs Janet, Alma pi, 27 Albert rd CALLENDER John, slater, 8 Adelaide st CAMERON Alexander, jun., yachtsman, 3 Albert rd

Cameron J., printer, 4 Ashton terrace Cameron John, painter, 8 Adelaide st Cameron William, captain, Robertson pi, Church st Cameron Miss, 23 Royal st Cameron Mrs Alexander, Towerlands, Barrhill rd

Cameron Mrs Ann, 1 2 Albert rd Cameron Mrs, greengrocer, 57 Shore st CAMPBELL Alexander, gardener, 40 Cardwell rd Campbell Alexander, jun., grocer, wine and spirit merchant, 37 Albert rd. Ho. 39 do. Campbell Alexander, roadman, 13 Kempock rd Campbell Alexander E., seedsman and florist, Cove gardens and 1 1 Kempock st. Ho. Cove gardens GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

Campbell Andrew, Spring bank, 18 Albert rd Campbell Daniel, spirit merchant, 51 Shore st. Ho. 55 do. Campbell Dugald, steward, 18 Cove rd Campbell James, seaman, 10 Shore st Campbell John, signalman, 91 Shore st Campbell John, 17 Ashton rd Campbell Neil, sailmaker, 20 Shore st Campbell Peter, commission agent, 15 Ashton rd Campbell Peter, curator, Gamble Institute, Shore st Campbell Robert, flesher, 49 Royal st Campbell William, baker, 21 Shore st Campbell William H., india-rubber merchant, 12 Kempock st Campbell Miss Janet, 15 Albert rd Campbell Miss Mary, 21 Hopeton st Campbell Miss Mary, 10 Shore st Campbell Mrs C, 20 Kempock st Campbell Mrs Donald, 20 Kempock st Campbell Mrs Helen, 12 Ashton rd Campbell Mrs John, 3 Bath st t Campbell Mrs R., 1 George pi, 'Albert rd Campbell Mrs, 22 Hopeton st Campbell Mrs, 13 Kempock st CANNING George, 44 Shore st CAREY Patrick, broker, 26 Albert rd CARRICK Miss, 19 Royal st CENTRAL Public School, John st CHALMERS Archibald, grocer, 20 Cardwell rd. Ho. 72 Wellington st, Greenock Chalmers John, clerk and collector of Greenock Gas Works, 2 Hillside pi, Albert rd Chalmers Wm., house factor and property agent, Greenock. Ho. Roslin pi CHEVALIER Mrs, 12 Kempock pi CHRISTIE A., commercial traveller, Rockside, Albert rd Christie Robert, postman, 35 Shore st Christie William, yachtsman, 27 Hopeton st CLARK Mrs Angus, nurse, 67 Kempock st Clark Miss, 43 Royal st CLEAT John, wine merchant, 2 Kempock st. Ho. 4 do. CLELAND John, baker, 25 Kempock st. Ho. do. CLYDESDALE Mrs, Drummond house, Ashton COMMERCIAL Hotel, 84 Shore st GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

COOK John, yachtmaster, 15 Adelaide st Cook Miss Elizabeth, 7 Ashton Cook Miss, Viewfield, Ashton COOPER Major John, late Royal Artillery, Clifton villa, Larkfield rd Cooper Mrs, 16 Royal st COOTE David, hairdresser, 5 Bath st. Ho. do. Coote John, mason, 31 Kempock st Coote Mrs Alexander, 1 John st CORBETT Andrew, engineer, 55 Shore st

COUSINS J. B., engineer, 45 Albert rd COWAN Miss, 4 Prospecthill, Ashton Cowan Miss Grace, china dealer, 5 1 Kempock st COWDRY H., clerk of works, Hunter villa, Cardwell bay CRAIG George, 9 Royal st Craig John Richardson, J.R (of Craig Brothers, Glasgow), Craigard, Barrhill rd Craig William, 36 Shore st Craig Mrs, Barrhill house, Barrhill rd CRAWFORD John, 39 Albert rd Crawford Robert, C.E., 16 Cove rd Crawford Mrs, 25 Royal st Crawford Mrs A., 17 Ashton rd CRERAND James, jun., mason, 3 Adelaide st CROOKSHANKS Joseph, carriage-hirer and funeral under- taker, 5 Kempock pi CRUDEN Alex., plumber, 84 Shore st. Ho. 20 Kempock

st - CUBITT F. T., Board of Trade officer, 23 Royal st CULLEN D., umbrella maker, 27 Kempock st. Ho. 65 do. CUMMING Mrs, 7 Royal st CUMMISKY B., plasterer, 7 Shore st CUMMOCK Robert, 5 Manor crescent CUNNINGHAM David, engineer, 9 Cardwell rd Cunningham James & Son, tailors and clothiers, Lome pi, Shore st. Ho. do. Cunningham Mrs Agnes, 23 Albert rd CURRIE James, signalman, 5 Cove rd Currie John, clerk, 7 Bath st Currie Malcolm, 41 Albert rd Currie William, 21 Royal st Currie Mrs David, Chesterfield terrace, Royal st GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

DAER Mrs Colin, 25 Royal st DALGLEISH John, 4 Bath st DALZIEL John, yachtmaster, 22 Cove rd DARROCH D., carpenter, 5 Royal st DAVIDSON R., 14 Ashton rd Davidson N. W., commission agent, 1 Prospecthill, Victoria rd Davidson Mrs, 12 Kempock pi DEMPSEY James, shoemaker, 1 Kempock st DENNISTON Mrs Robert, 12 Shore st DEVLIN John, Albert Hotel, Cardwell rd DICK Mrs, Bank house, 12 Kempock pi DICKSON Benjamin, 53 Albert rd Dickson John, Laurel bank, Albert rd Dickson John, yachtsman, 13 Royal st Dickson Thomas, signalman, 8 Adelaide st

DOAK J. & J., fruiterers and poulterers, 33 Kempock st. Ho. do. DOCHERTY Philip, quarryman, 12 Hopeton st Docherty Mrs, 21 Hopeton st DOIG Peter, 20 Cove rd DONALD James, Supt. of Police, Glasgow, 9 Albert rd Donald Joseph, gardener, Ashburn, Albert rd Donald Miss Martha, 27 Albert rd DONALDSON James, 13 Royal st Donaldson Mrs E., Janefield pi, Albert rd Donaldson Mrs, restaurant, 90 Shore st. Ho. do. DONNELLY Hugh, 74 Shore st DOW John, spirit dealer, 28 Kempock st. Ho. 26 Albert rd DOWNIE Thomas, blacksmith, 29 Cove rd DRAY Benjamin, cook, 15 Shore st DRYSDALE John Forrester, Borewell cottage Drysdale Mrs Jane, Seabank, 1 2 Albert rd Drysdale Mrs, 47 Shore st DUFFIES Thomas, cashier, 3 Hillside place, Albert rd DULEY Samuel, shoemaker, 63 Kempock st DUNBAR Robert, 22 Cove rd DUNCAN Joseph, bookkeeper, Ashton house Duncan Robert, yachtmaster, 16 Cove rd 8 GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

Duncan Mrs, Rosebank, Gourock rd DUNLOP Mrs, 63 Shore st DYER James, 27 Hopeton st

EADIE Robert, Claremount, Victoria rd EASTERN Public School, Chapel st EASTON Mrs, Barrhill rd, Ashton EDMISTON William, 25 Royal st EDMUNDS Walter, Board of Trade officer, 27 Hopeton st EGLINTON & Simpson, booksellers, stationers and drapers, 61 Kempock st EPISCOPAL Church (St. Bartholomew's), Barrhill rd ELDER John, grocer, 53 Kempock st ERSKINE James, printer and stationer, 40 Shore st. Ho. Nithsdale buildings ESPIE Robert, tailor, &c, Glasgow, 63 Kempock st ESTABLISHED Church, Royal st EVANS Robert, yachtmaster, 29 Cove rd

FAIRGRIEVE John B., plumber and gasfitter, 57 Kempock st. Ho. 7 Robertson st, Greenock FALCONER Miss Catherine, 6 Ashton rd FARQUHAR Mrs, 44 Cardwell rd FENTON David, pilot master, Mary villa, Victoria rd FERGUS Miss Jane, 35 Royal st FERGUSON James, 1 Towerhill drive Ferguson John, portioner, Braemar cottage, Victoria rd Ferguson Richard, Benclyd, Barrhill rd Ferguson Robert, accountant, Bay villa, Cove rd Ferguson Samuel, spirit merchant, 19 Shore st. Ho. 20 do. FERNIE William, provision merchant, 60 Shore st. Ho. 40 do. FINLAY James, grocer, 15 Adelaide st FINLAYSON John, china merchant, 50 Shore st FINNIE Miss Janet, draper, 23 Shore st FLEEMING Miss, George place, 65 Albert rd GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

FLEMING James, 17 Adelaide st Fleming James, grocer, Thrushhill, Ashton Fleming Miss, dressmaker, 7 Ashton rd Fleming Mrs James, grocer, 83 Shore st Fleming Mrs, Fyfe place, 54 Kempock st FOGWILL Richard, R.E., 42 Cardwell rd FORBES Duncan, Viewfield, Ashton Forbes William, engineer, 41 Royal st

FORREST J., Bourtree cottage, Victoria rd Forrest Mrs G. K., Moorfield, Victoria rd FORSYTH Mrs, 26 Albert rd FOSTER Edward, engineer, 1 Campsie terrace FOX Peter, confectioner, 53 Shore st FRAME Alexander, brakesman, 50 Royal st FRASER James S., 27 Albert rd FULTON Robert, teacher, Eastern School. Ho. Thrush- hill, Victoria rd Fulton Mrs, 47 Albert rd

GALLACHER Mrs, 9 Shore st GALLAGHER Rev. Hugh, R. C. clergyman, 58 Shore st GALLAUCHER John M., engineer, 24 Royal st GAMBLE Institute, Shore st— Peter Campbell, curator GARDINER John H., mercantile clerk, 4 Ashton rd Gardiner Miss, Violet grove, 1 2 Albert rd GARDNER Joseph, portioner, 1 1 Manor crescent GARVIE John, architect, 33 Royal st GEBBIE Miss Isabella, 17 Albert rd GEMMELL Miss, 1 White bank, Ashton GEMMILL Andrew, 13 Bath st GIBB Alexander, photographer, 1 1 Manor crescent GIBSON Alexander, Janefield pi, 49 Albert rd Gibson William, clerk, Ben Clyde, Barrhill rd GILCHRIST John, Gourock Tollhouse, Gourock rd GILFILLAN Thomas, Mount Pleasant, Victoria rd GLASS Thomas, engineer, Mount William, Bath st GLEN Alexander B., Thornbank, 18 Ashton rd Glen R. E., Thornbank, 18 Ashton rd GOALIN Mrs W. M., Gleniffer villa, Moorfield IO GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

GOODALL George, 39 Albert rd GORDON Peter, Anderson pi, Cove rd Gordon Walter, inspector, Caledonian Railway, 32 Cove rd GORMLEY James, 6 Shore st GOSSMAN Edwin, property valuator, Craigenclutha, Vic- toria rd GOTT William, Cove Point House, Cove rd GOUROCK Burgh Commissioners, Burgh Chambers, Shore st

Gourock Gas Works. Office and Works, Adelaide st GRAHAM Archibald, Assistant-Superintendent Prudential Assurance Co., 31 Royal st Graham Duncan, yachtsman, 39 Royal st Graham Misses, 1 White bank, Ashton GREENLEES James, 41 Ashton rd GRICE Mrs, 2 White bank, Ashton GRIFFIN William, yachtsman, 29 Cove rd GROVE Miss, 1 Hillside pi, Albert rd GUNION W. G. H., solicitor, Floral bank, Cove Gardens GUTHRIE Arthur, factory manager, Firth view, Ashton Guthrie Charles T., Tynron, Broomberry drive GUY Matthew, joiner, 7 Shore st


HADDOW John, Magdala, Ashton Haddow Miss, Magdala, Ashton HAIG Mrs, 39 Royal st HALDANE George, wine merchant, Kempock corner. Ho. 62 Albert rd HALL Robert, joiner, 41 Kempock st. Ho. 51 do. HALLIDAY Thomas, stationrnaster, C.R., 87 Shore st HALSTEAD Henry, 22 Ashton rd HAMILTON David, grocer and provision merchant 10 Kempock pi. Ho. 7 Bath st Hamilton Mrs, Mount park, Victoria rd HANNAH James, 44 Shore st HARDIE Jane, china shop, 65 Kempock st HARGAN James, bootmaker, 26 Shore st. Ho. do. HARKNESS Mrs W., Rutherhill, Victoria rd Harkness Mrs, 30 Cove rd GOUROCK DIRECTORY. II

HARLEY Martin, jun. (of Laurie & Harley, Greenock), Janefield pi Harley Robert, builder, 22 Albert rd Harley Robert, jun., 10 Kempock st HARPER Mrs, 3 Bath st HARVEY William G., secretary, Greenock Beetroot Sugar Association, Broomberry Harvey Miss, 33 Shore st HAY James, gardener, 58 Royal st HAYNE William, burgh surveyor and sanitary inspector, 63 Shore st HENDERSON Andrew, 37 Kempock st Henderson Peter, purser, 43 Kempock st HEPBURN Walter S., ticket collector, C.R., 17 Adelaide st HERBERT William, Ashtower, Victoria rd HEREFORD Captain E. W., R.N., Superintendent, Board

of Trade ; Office, 40 Shore st. Ho. 4 Towerhill drive HERON James, mason, 9 Shore st HILL James, blacksmith, 40 Cardwell rd Hill William, sen., 21 Cove rd Hill Mrs William, 26 Shore st HOAD George, sailmaker, 44 Cardwell rd HODGE Mitchell, 41 Ashton rd Hodge William (of M. Hodge & Son, Greenock), 17 Ashton rd HOGG William B., draughtsman, Caprera lodge, Cove rd HOLMAN John, shipmaster, 1 Kempock st HOLMES Donald R., 3 George pi Holmes William, yachtsman, 25 Kempock st HOMBERG George, 1 Church pi, Albert rd HONEYMAN Mrs, Ann pi, Kempock st HOPE Mrs, 5 Ashton rd Hope Mrs, 27 Cove rd HOUSTON Miss, 3 Bath st HOWATT Matthew, provision merchant, 53 Kempock st HUNTER William R., 33 Ashton rd

Hunter Mrs J., dress and mantle maker, 1 Alfred pi, John st HUTCHESON Crawford, 22 Ashton rd Hutcheson William, piermaster, 58 Shore st Hutcheson Mrs Agnes M., Springbank, 19 Albert rd HUTTON Mrs Helen, 22 Albert rd HYNDMAN Alexander, yachtsman, 20 Hopeton st GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

HYSLOP Robert, shorthand writer, i Ashton rd Hyslop Miss Susan, Ashton Grove, Victoria rd

IMRIE Miss Margaret, 4 George pi, Albert rd IRVINE Robert, cabinetmaker, 68 Shore st Irvine Mrs, 8 Ashton rd ISBISTER Thomas, yachtmaster, 34 Cove rd Isbister William, mason, 20 Shore st

JACK John, 23 Royal st Jack Miss, r Hillside pi, Albert rd Jack Miss Mary, Ashtower, Victoria rd Jack Mrs, 10 Shore st JACKSON Mrs William, 2 Anderson pi, Cove rd JAMES David, Broomberry drive JAMIESON James, quarryman, 32 Royal st Jamieson William Steven, teacher, 21 Royal st JEFFREY Mrs, Benclyd, Ashton JOHNSTONE Andrew, railway guard, 32 Cove rd Johnstone Edward, 45 Royal st JOHNSTON Archibald, 3 Albert rd Johnston David, ship steward, 15 Shore st Johnston William, 22 Cove rd JONES Paul, yacht and boat builder, Battery park, East bay. Ho. Eddlewood pi


KASCH William, seaman, 8 Adelaide st KEITH Archibald, mate, 41 Royal st KELSO Mrs Annabella, tea dealer, 2 Albert rd. Ho. 4 do. Kelso Mrs Robert, 28 Ashton rd KENNEDY James, sailmaker, 44 Cardwell rd Kennedy John, 21 Royal st Kennedy Mrs Jeanie, Mount pleasant, Barrhill rd GOUROCK DIRECTORY. T3

KERR Alexander, baker, Alma pi, Albert rd Kerr John, grocer, 55 Kempock st Kerr John, stationer, 33 Royal st Kerr Malcolm, yachtmaster, 44 Shore st Kerr Malcolm, fisherman, 14 Kempock st Kerr Mrs John, 31 Kempock st Kerr Mrs Marion, tea agent, 49 Royal st KESSON Mrs 31 Royal st Kidd Peter, auctioneer and valuator (Glasgow), Alma pi, 27 Albert rd KINCAID Mrs, 44 Cardwell rd KING Alexander, Ashtower, Victoria rd, Ashton KINROSS Miss Ann, Hillside cottage, Ashton KIPPEN Mrs Richard, Floral bank, Cove gardens KNAGGS George, sailmaker, 20 Shore st KNOX George, draper, Alma villa, Cardwell rd Knox Miss, 66 Shore st

LAING Mrs R. W., Mileburn, Ashton LAMBIE George, shipmaster, 2 Alfred pi, John st LAMONT Miss S., Maybank, 55 Albert rd LANG James, cab proprietor, 56 Albert rd Lang John, shipmaster, Rockbank, Albert rd Lang John, 38 Ashton rd Lang William, Janefield pi, Albert rd Lang William, carriage driver, 45 Albert rd Lang William, plumber and gasfitter, 45 Kempock st. Ho. do. Lang William, quarrymaster, Craigmushat whinstone quarry. Ho. Bellvue, Barrhill rd LAPTHORN & Ratseys, sailmakers, Cove rd Lapthorn James (of Lapthorn & Ratseys), Violet grove, Albert rd LATHAM David M., agent Royal Bank of Scotland, Greenock. Ho. Gourock house LAVERTY Bernard, railway guard, 14 Hopeton st LAWRIE William, shipmaster, Ann pi, 46 Kempock st Lawrie Miss Jessie, 31 Albert rd Lawrie Mrs John, 20 Kempock st 14 GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

Lawrie Miss M., dressmaker, 20 Kempock st LAWSON Miss Janet, Octavia terrace, 45 Royal st Lawson Miss Christina, Octavia terrace, 45 Royal st Lawson Mrs, 31 Cove rd LECKIE John (of William Adam & Co.), 4 Manor crescent LEE Alexander, smith, 1 Anderson pi Lee D. H., 45 Royal st Lee Robert, engineer, 20 Shore st Lee William, gardener, 12 Shore st

LEITCH Alexander, medical practitioner, 1 1 Albert rd Leitch Miss, 31 Cove rd LENNIE Mrs A., 13 Kempock st LENNOX Colin, 31 Kempock st Lennox Mrs, 66 Shore st LESLIE William, railway guard, 66 Shore st LIDDELL Miss, Berryburn, Cardwell rd Liddell Mrs, 38 Royal st LINDSAY King & Co., grocers and provision merchants, 9 Kempock st Lindsay Robert Wright, Thrush hill, Victoria rd Lindsay Thomas, surveyor of gas meters, 7 Bath st Lindsay William, 63 Kempock st Lindsay Mrs T., 16 Kempock st Lindsay Mrs, Loch View cottage, Ashton LINTON Mrs, Hunter villa, Cardwell rd LITTLE James (of Macalister, Little & Co., Greenock), Johnville, Larkfield rd Little John, engineer, 32 Royal st LIVINGSTON James, mason, Ladybank, 31 Albert rd LOGAN Alexander, Rockside, Albert rd Logan William, 17 Adelaide st LONGMUIR Mrs, 18 Kempock st LOVE Mrs, Creagmount, Victoria rd LOWE Andrew, Thrush hill, Ashton LUCAS William, car driver, 2 Anderson pi LUKE D., yachtmaster, 23 Cove rd

LYE William J. (warehouseman, Glasgow), Ashton house LYMPANEY Richard, coastguard officer, 13 Bath st LYON Robert, watchmaker, 38 Albert rd GOUROCK DIRECTORY. 15


M'ADAM Samuel, butcher, 17 Kempock st M'ALLISTER Andrew, furniture merchant, 63 Kempock st M'AUister Archibald, 21 Albert rd M'AUister Patrick, 12 Albert rd M'ARTHUR John, yachtsman, 39 Royal st MACARTHUR Peter, engineer, Ardclutha, Victoria rd M'ALPIN Rev. Thomas B., Episcopal Church. Ho. Chesterfield terrace, 58 Royal st M'ARTNEY Robert, coachman, 44 Royal st M'AULEY Ewen, seaman, 3 Bath st M'AUSLANE William, compositor, 12 Shore st M'BRIDE John, millwright, 15 Shore st M'CALL James, painter and decorator, 23 Kempock st. Ho. 41 Royal st M'CALLUM Miss Lucy, 29 Albert rd M'Callum Miss M. G., Thornbank, 18 Ashton rd M'CANDLESS William, sergeant of police, 9 Bath st M'CHRYSTAL Daniel, 73 Shore st M'CLUMPHA Robert, railway porter, 20 Hopeton st M'CLURE Mrs David, Linnwood, Barrhill rd M'COLL Robert, 10 Shore st M'COURT John, carter, 1 Adelaide st M'Court P., jun., carter, 21 Hopeton st M'CRACKEN Thomas, clerk, 42 Cardwell rd M'Cracken Mrs John, dressmaker, 22 Hopeton st M'CRAE Mrs, Robertson pi, Church st M'CUBBIN Mrs, ironmonger, 28 Shore st. Ho. 12 do. M'CUNN Miss, 35 Cove rd M'DIVETT Edward, horse keeper, 21 Shore st MACDONALD James, engineer, 4 Manor crescent

; M DONALD Archibald, joiner, 7 Bath st M'Donald Charles, Board of Trade Officer, 15 Adelaide st M'Donald Daniel, seaman, 18 Cardwell rd

M'Donald Mrs J. S., Erwood, Towerhill drive M'Donald Mrs, Janefield pi, 49 Albert rd M'DOUGALL A., 45 Albert rd M'Dougall Allan H., grain merchant, 34 Cardwell rd M'DOWALL Andrew, coachman, 31 Kempock st M'EWAN John, plumber, 53 Shore st 6


M'Ewan Miss A., 19 Royal st M'Ewan Mrs, 70 Albert rd M'EWEN James, manager of gas works, Adelaide st. Ha 23 Albert rd M'FADYEN Mrs, 12 Hopeton st M'FARLAN Donald & Son, blacksmiths, &c, 4 Royal st. Ho. 1 1 Kempock pi MACFARLANE Miss Annie B., Leewood, 54 Albert rd M'FARLANE Alexander, plumber, 6 Kempock st M'Farlane Archibald, spirit merchant, Dunsinane, Victoria rd M'Farlane John, plumber, 53 Kempock st M'Farlane John, shipowner, Dunclutha, Victoria rd M'Farlane Robert, 33 Shore st M'Farlane Mrs, 37 Cove rd M'Farlane Mrs, 10 Kempock pi M'FIE Daniel, commercial traveller, 26 Shore st M'GAW Peter, feuar, Norwood, Victoria rd M'GHIE Robert, engineer, 1 Cove rd M'GILLIVRAY John, blacksmith, 43 Royal st M'GINN Mrs M., 74 Shore st M'GINTY Mrs, 4 Kempock pi M'GLASHAN Walter C. S., warehouseman (Glasgow), 7 Towerhill, Ashton M'Glashan Mrs, 10 Albert rd M'GOWAN Archibald, mason, 12 Hopeton st M'GRAIL Patrick, spirit merchant, Daisy bank, Hillside rd M'GRATH Edward, 20 Shore st M'GREGOR D., traveller, 13 Kempock st

M'Gregor J. D. & Co., funeral undertakers and carriage proprietors, 35 Shore st M'Gregor Mrs Jane, 48 Kempock st M'GREUR Ewen, boatbuilder, 2 Shore st M'HUTCHESON Mrs, 18 Albert rd M'lLLHINEY James, stableman, 12 Shore st M'lLROY James S., teacher, Central Public School. Ho. 8 Ashton terrace

M'INNES John, yachtsman, 1 Anderson pi, Cove rd M'Innes John, railway guard, 29 Royal st M'Innes Miss Janet, Seabank, Albert rd M'Innes Mrs, 2 Anderson pi, Cove rd M'INTOSH Donald, mason, Anderson pi, Cove rd GOUROCK DIRECTORY. I 7

M'Intosh John, clerk, 6 Kempock st M'Intosh Ronald, 3 Ashton pi M'INTYRE Archibald, seaman, 6 Manor crescent M'Intyre John, 22 Ashton rd M'Intyre Miss Catherine, 63 Albert rd M'Intyre Mrs John, 66 Albert rd M'Intyre Mrs Margaret, Moorlea, Ashton M'Intyre Mrs, 65 Shore st MACKAY Daniel, baker, 10 Kempock pi. Ho. 2 Bath st Mackay N. & ]&., Norwood, Victoria rd M'KAY Miss, Bible reader, 6 Kempock st M'KECHNIE John, 25 Royal st M'KELLAR A., dairy, 21 Shore st. Ho. do. M'Kellar A., 9 Royal st M'Kellar Miss, Alma pi, Albert rd M'Kellar Miss Jane, Greenbank, 61 Albert rd M'Kellar Mrs, 10 Kempock pi M'KENZIE Colin, carpenter, 25 Royal st M'Kenzie James, 47 Shore st M'Kenzie Robert, house factor, 35 Royal st M'KERRACHER William, manufacturer, Gleniffer, Victoria rd, Ashton M'KILLOP Duncan, 12 Kempock pi M'KIMMIE Robert, feuar, 1 George pi, Albert rd M'KINLAY Mrs Archibald, stationer, 26 Shore st M'KINNON Alexander, carpenter, 44 Royal st M'Kinnon John, tailor, 12 Kempock pi M'Kinnon Malcolm, shoemaker, 12 Kempock st M'Kinnon Mrs James, 37 Shore st M'Kinnon Mrs Mary, Glenburn, Victoria rd M'LACHLAN Duncan, stationmaster, Fort Matilda, Wood- lea, Cardwell bay M'Lachlan James, seaman, 13 Adelaide st M'Lachlan James, 18 Hopeton st M'Lachlan John, coal merchant, 1 Bath st M'Lachlan Robert, 66 Shore st M'LARDIE James, Lochview, Victoria rd M'LAREN Alexander, 66 Shore st M'LARTY Mrs, 14 Kempock st MACLEAN John, painter, &c, Greenock, 3 Meadow bank M'LEAN James, Firthview, Ashton M'Lean John, painter, 40 Cardwell rd 8


M'Lean Neil, joiner and builder, 19 Royal st M'LEISH Hugh, 7 Ashton ter M'LELLAN William, baker, 3 Bath st M'Lellan Miss, 32 Card well rd M'LENNAN William (photographer, Greenock), Maryville, Victoria rd M'LEOD D., carpenter, 6 Royal st M'Leod Miss Ann, 5 Albert rd M'Leod Mrs Colin, Rosebank, Cardwell rd M'MASTER Mrs, 66 Albert rd • MACMILLAN John & Sons, painters, 85 Shore st MacMillan John, painter, and inspector of poor, 60 Shore st. Ho. 29 Royal st M'MILLAN Daniel, shipmaster, 13 Royal st M'Millan James, house and yacht painter, Hope pi, Shore st. Workshop—Bath buildings M'Millan James, Victoria hotel, 75 Shore st. Ho. do. M'Millan John, 39 Albert rd M'Millan Misses, 16 Cove rd M'Millan Mrs John, 18 Kempock st M'Millan Mrs William, 4 Ashton rd M'MURTRIE James, 49 Royal st M'MUTRIE Mrs, Manor crescent, 10 Cardwell rd

M'NAUGHT J. B., 26 Albert rd M'NAUGHTON Robert, quarryman, 31 Kempock st M'Naughton William, draper and milliner, 39 Kempock st M'NEE Miss, tobacconist, 60 Shore st. Ho. do. M'NEIL Hugh, pianoforte tuner, 6 Kempock pi M'Neil Hugh, 17 Adelaide st M'Neil Neil, Cove Point house, Cove rd M'Neil Peter, 9 Albert rd M'NICOL Duncan, shipmaster, 60 Shore st M'Nicol James, yachtmaster, Osborne house, Cove rd M'Nicol John, clerk, 39 Royal st M'Nicol Peter, Janefield place, Albert rd M'Nicol Peter, yachtmaster, Robertson pi, Church st M'Nicol Mrs A„ n Hopeton st M'NIE Peter, salesman, 2 Kempock st. Ho. 4 do. MACPHERSON Alexander, Underwood, 2 Tower drive, Victoria rd

Macpherson J. W., of G.P,0., Glasgow, Anderson pi M'PHERSON Duncan, shipmaster, Ashtower, Victoria rd 9


MTherson Robert, insurance agent, 53 Shore st MTherson Miss Mary, furnishings, 37 Cove rd. Ho. do. MTherson Mrs R., grocer and provision merchant, 53 Shore st. Ho. do. MTherson Mrs, Greenbank, n Ashton rd MTherson Mrs, 43 Royal st MTherson Mrs, 28 Cove rd M'QUEEN Hugh, adjuster of ships' compasses, 60 Shore st M'Queen James, seaman, Beech cottage, 26 Albert rd M'Queen Mrs Jane, 60 Shore st M'RAE Mrs Jessie, 31 Royal st M'TAGGART George, seaman, 4 Cove rd M'VICAR Neil, yachtsman, 7 Royal st M 'Vicar Mrs, 6 Kempock pi


MAIN Alexander, joiner and glazier, Hopeton se. Ho. 22 Royal st Main Archibald, cartwright, 5 Chapel st

Main J. & W., carriers, 5 Chapel st. Ho. do. MAIR Hugh, feuar, 19 Ashton rd MAITLAND John, engineer, 54 Kempock st MALCOLM William, shipping clerk, Ann pi, Kempock st MALCOLMSON Robert, grocer and provision merchant, 71 Shore st. Ho. 65 do. MANN Miss Mary, 6 Kempock st MARQUIS James, joiner, 46 Albert rd. Ho. 48 do. Marquis James (of Marquis & Millar, Greenock), 48 Albert rd

Marquis J. W., seaman, 40 Cardwell rd MARSKELL Henry, spirit merchant, 29 Shore st. Ho. 28 do. MARTIN Mrs, Ashbourne cottage, Albert rd MASON Alexander, tailor, 22 Kempock st MASTERSTON Alexander, shipmaster, 9 Albert rd MASTERTON Miss, 9 Albert rd MATHIES Neil, yachtsman, Robertson pi, Church st MATHIESON George, steward, 31 Kempock st Mathieson John, clerk, 4 Albert rd MAXWELL Captain, 35 Royal st MAY Miss, 18 Cove rd 20 GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

MELVIN Mrs, Flower bank, 2 1 Ashton rd MENZIES & Co., bookstall, C.R., Gourock station MERCANTILE Marine Office, 40 Shore st MERCER John, restaurant, 30 Albert rd Mercer Miss Jessie, milliner, Hardie pi. Ho. 13 Albert rd METHVEN James, Gairneyhill, Victoria rd MILL Alexander (grocer, Greenock), Thrushhill, Victoria rd Mill Lillias W., grocer, Thrushhill MILLAN John Macllwraith, shipmaster, 33 Royal st MILLAR James, dairyman, 8 Hopeton st. Ho. do. Millar John, farmer, Seaview, 29 Ashton rd Millar Miss Margaret, grocer, 36 Cove rd. Ho. 23 do. MILLER James, feuar, Elizabeth pi, 17 Adelaide st Miller John, carriage hirer, 8 Royal st. Ho. 10 Shore st Miller Nicol, joiner, 31 Cove rd Miller Miss, 66 Albert rd MILLIKEN Archibald (of Alex. Tough & Son, Greenock), 7 Kempock st MILNE David P., clerk, 7 Cardwell rd Milne Rev. Alexander (Established Church), 52 Albert rd Milne Thomas L., organist, 39 Royal st Milne Mrs Robert, Moorrleld, Victoria rd MINTO James, railway porter, 27 Hopeton st MISSION Hall (Finnart U.P. Church), 16 Cardwell rd MITCHELL Colin, shipmaster, 38 Royal st Mitchell Miss, 38 Ashton rd Mitchell Mrs, 7 Manor crescent MONTEITH Alexander, quarryman, 3 Bath st Monteith Thomas, wine and spirit merchant, 7 Kempock pi. Ho. do. MONTGOxMERY John, 58 Shore st Montgomery Robert, inspector, C.R., 33 Shore st Montgomery Mrs, 18 Hopeton st MOODIE William, baker, 13 Kempock st Moodie Mrs, 9 Ashton rd MORRISON Alexander, flesher, 22 Hopeton st Morrison James, Alma villa, Cardwell rd Morrison James, oil merchant, 38 Ashton rd Morrison John D., commercial traveller, 63 Kempock st Morrison John, 28 Shore st Morrison William S., accountant's office, C.R. Co., Woodlea, Cardwell bay GOUROCK DIRECTORY. 21

Morrison William, 3 Ashton terrace Morrison Mrs James, 4 Chapel st Morrison Mrs Janet, ironmonger, 48 Shore st. Ho. 44 do. MORROW Alex., coal merchant, 44 Albert rd. Ho. do. MUIR William, Manor crescent, 1 1 Cardwell rd Muir Mrs Agnes, 16 Kempock st Muir Mrs James, Benclyd, Barrhill rd MUNN James, 16 Royal st MUNRO David, tramway guard, 40 Cardwell rd Munro Peter, engineer, 21 Kempock st Munro William E., draper, 78 and 79 Shore st. Ho. 22 Hopeton st Munro Miss, dressmaker, 65 Kempock st Munro Mrs S., Mansfield, Broomberry drive Munro Mrs, 60 Shore st MURDOCH John, seaman, 34 Cove rd MURRAY A. Douglas, solicitor, 16 Albert rd Murray James, oil merchant, 63 Albert rd Murray Miss, milliner, Ann place, 42 Kempock st. Ho. do. MUTTER James, foreman, Tramway Co., 26 Shore st


NEIL James, tinsmith, Lochview, Victoria rd Neil Thomas S. (ironmonger, Greenock), 26 Ashton rd NESMITH Mrs, 6 Kempock st NEWTON Mrs, Chesterfield terrace, Royal st NICOL James, grocer, wine and spirit merchant, 16 Shore st. Ho. 3 Octavia terrace NIMMO Andrew, writer, 1 Ashton pi NISBET Mrs, 38 Royal st Nisbet Mrs, Mount Pleasant, Ashton


OLIPHANT R. D., Springhill, 16 Ashton rd ORR Donald, carpenter, 18 Hopeton st 10a GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

PANDELUS George, confectioner, 40 Shore st. Ho do. PANTON Miss Ann, 1 Ashton pi Ashton PARK Alexander, tramway car driver, 5 Chapel st Park Mrs, 2 Anderson pi, Cove rd PATERSON James, Anderson pi, Cove rd Paterson John, marine engineer, 49 Royal st Paterson Robert, auctioneer, 28 Albert rd Paterson Thomas, grocer, 1 Church pi Paterson Miss, Catherine villa, Larkfield rd Paterson Mrs William, Royal terrace, 29 Royal st PATON Mrs Isabella, Firth View, Victoria rd PATTERSON Thomas, gardener, 6 Shore st PAUL Andrew, 1 Ashton terrace, Ashton Paul R. B., cabinetmaker, Viewfield, Victoria rd PAXTON Mrs, 21 Kempock st PEACOCK Alexander, physician and surgeon, 5 Albert rd

Peacock J. C, shipbroker, Ashbank, Ashton Peacock Miss, 10 Shore st PEFFERS Miss, 70 Shore st PETERS John, druggist, 54 Shore st. Ho. do. Peters Miss Ellen, Ashburn cottage, Albert rd Peters Mrs, 8 Chapel st PETERSON Peter, seaman, 12 Kempock pi PETRIE Thomas, grocer, 22 Ashton rd PICKEN Andrew, 21 Albert rd Picken Andrew, grocer, 1 Church pi, Albert rd Picken John M., baker, 22 Kempock st Picken Mrs, Normount, Barrhill rd PINKERTON John, spirit merchant, 21 Albert rd POOLE James, mason, 1 1 Royal st PORTEOUS David, accountant's office, C.R. Co., 58 Shore st POST Office, 10 Kempock st PRATT Mrs Margaret, 48 Albert rd Pratt Mrs, 23 Cove rd PULLAR Mrs, Hillside house, Ashton PURCELL Peter, dairyman, 38 Cardwell rd GOUROCK DIRECTORY. 23

PURDON Jessie, grocer, 12 Kempock pi. Ho. 3 Kempock st PURVES Rev. David, Free Church manse, Barrhill rd PURVIS Mrs G., Emporium, Rockbank, Ashton


QUEEN'S Hotel, 5 Kempock st—George Stewart, proprietor QUEEN Mrs, 37 Cove rd

RAE Gavin, Mavisbank, 23 Ashton rd Rae Rev. George, M.A., minister, U.P. manse, Ashton Rae James, gardener, 47 Kempock st RAMAGE William, treasurer, Greenock Parochial Board, 10 Manor crescent RAMSAY Mrs, 28 Cove rd Ramsay Mrs William, 14 Ashton rd RANKIN Andrew, tailor and clothier, 36 Albert rd. Ho. 25 do. Rankin Finlay, engineer, 42 Cardwell rd

Rankin G. J., stationer (Greenock), 31 Royal st RATTRAY Charles, merchant, Glasgow. Ho. 2 Whitebank, Ashton rd REID John, engineer, 5 Royal st Reid Mrs William, 19 Royal st RENDALL T., 49 Royal st RENFREW James T., cashier, Moorfield, Ashton RHODES Peter T., postman, 2 Alfred pi, John st RICHMOND James, family baker and confectioner, 61 Shore st. Ho. 62 do. RID DELL Mrs, 13 Royal st RITCHIE Archibald S., flesher, 24 Shore st. Ho. 26 do. Ritchie James, confectioner, 46 Shore st. Ho. 1 John st Ritchie James, family grocer and wine merchant, 56 Albert rd. Ho. 47 do. Ritchie William, joiner, 13 Bath st 24 GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

RITSON John F., Broomberry drive Ritson Thomas, stationmaster, Cathcart st, Greenock. Ho. Hunter villa, Cardwell rd ROAN Michael, 4 Kempock pi ROBB Alexander, manufacturer (Glasgow), Ashcraig, Ashton Robb Andrew, 4 George pi, Albert rd Robb Andrew, veterinary surgeon (Glasgow), 65 Albert rd ROBERTSON A. P., L.D.S., dental surgeon (Glasgow), Maryville, Ashton Robertson D., 55 Shore st Robertson James, fishmonger, 63 Shore st. Ho. 19 Cove rd Robertson John, 29 Royal st Robertson P. H., 37 Albert rd Robertson Miss A., 26 Albert rd Robertson Mrs, 9 Bath st Robertson Mrs, 9 Seaview, Ashton rd Robertson Mrs Elizabeth, 37 Albert rd RODGER William, engineer, 26 Cardwell rd ROMAN Catholic Church, Royal st RONALD James, upholsterer, 52 Kempock st ROSS Andrew, agent, 15 Shore st Ross Charles, insurance agent, 9 Royal st Ross Hew R., Caprera lodge, Cove rd

Ross Miss E , Rutherhill, Victoria rd RUSSELL Geo. H., slater, 32 Kempock st. Ho. 48 do. Russell Magdalene, 28 Albert rd Russell Miss, grocer, 12 Cardwell rd RUTHERFORD Miss Ann, 15 Albert rd RYAN John, fireman, 16 Royal st

SARGENT Alfred, seaman, 44 Royal st Sargent George, seaman, 13 Royal st SAWERS John, Rockbank, Albert rd SCANLAN Andrew, gardener, 9 Shore st SCLANDERS Andrew, 9 Ashton terrace SCOBBIE John, grocer, 26 Albert rd

SCOTT Alexander, railway porter, 1 7 Adelaide st GOUROCK DIRECTORY. 25

Scott Andrew, draper, 47 Kempock st Scott A. E., photographer, 84 Shore st Scott Hugh, draper, 13 Shore st. Ho. do. Scott John, jun., of Drumshantie farm, 7 Royal st Scott Peter, shipbroker, 8 Ashton Scott Thomas, draper, Laurel bank, Albert rd Scott Thomson, 9 Ashton rd Scott Miss, Rosebank, 25 Ashton rd Scott Mrs Jane R, 8 Ashton rd Scott Mrs Mary, 53 Shore st Scott Mrs William, 33 Shore st Scott Mrs, Moorfield, Ashton Scott Mrs, Seabank, 20 Albert rd SERVICE Archibald, shipmaster, 42 Cardwell rd SHANKS John, Eroomberry villa SHARP Andrew, traveller, 13 Bath st Sharp Matthew, plumber and ironmonger, 15 Kempock st. Ho. 16 do. Sharp Mrs James, Mount Pleasant, Ashton SHAW Donald, 5 Royal st Shaw Donald, jun., yachtsman, 10 Kempock st Shaw James, plumber, 7 Bath st Shaw William, carpenter, 27 Hopeton st SHEARER Captain Alexander, 67 Kempock st Shearer James (Thos. Skinner & Co., Greenock), 3 Albert rd Shearer Thomas, coal merchant, Fyfe pi, Kempock st Shearer Miss Jean, 67 Kempock st Shearer Miss Margaret, dressmaker, 47 Royal st Shearer Miss Mary, 2 Hillside pi, Albert rd Shearer Mrs William, 3 Albert rd Shearer Mrs, spirit merchant, 5 Chapel st. Ho. 20 Cove rd SHEDDEN William, 28 Ashton rd Shedden Janet, 28 Ashton rd SHEPPARD William, spirit dealer, 44 Shore st. Ho. 50 do. SHERIFF Joseph, funeral undertaker and carriage hirer, 35 Shore st. Ho. do. SHIELDS Edward, 9 Bath st Shields William M., insurance agent, Mount Park, Victoria rd SHORE Street Post Office, 26 Shore st SIEQUIEN F., yachtsman, 6 Shore st SIMPSON Alexander, baker, 54 Kempock st Simpson Frank, stationer, Ashburn cot, Albert rd 26 GOUROCK DIRECTORY.

builders, 10 King st Simpson J. & R., joiners and Simpson James, blacksmith, Daisybank, Hillside rd Simpson James (of Eglinton & Simpson), Fyfe pi, 48 Kemp- ock st Simpson James, miller and feuar, 9 Manor crescent Simpson James, Springbank, 18 Albert rd

Simpson John (of J. & R. Simpson), Woodside, Barrhill rd Simpson Robert, joiner, 65 Shore st. Ho. do. Simpson Robert S., confectioner, 29 Kempock st. Ho. 31 do. Simpson Miss, King st Simpson Miss Mary, Maybank, Albert rd Simpson Mrs John, Woodside, Barrhill rd Simpson Mrs, newsagent, 55 Shore st. Ho. do. Simpson Mrs, 15 Adelaide st SINCLAIR Archibald, steward, 7 Royal st Sinclair Misses, 10 Ashton rd SKIRVING William, labourer, 2 Shore st SLAVEN Archibald, 9 Shore st Slaven Michael, plasterer, 23 Hopeton st. Ho. 35 Royal st SLOANE Mrs A., 47 Kempock st SMITH Bernard, engineer, 33 Royal st Smith John, 63 Albert rd Smith John, 36 Cove rd Smith John, Dungowan, Victoria rd Smith Malcolm, engineer, Anderson pi, Cove rd Smith R. S., brassfinisher, 55 Albert rd Smith William, 10 Kempock pi SPIERS Mrs Margaret, 9 Bath st STARK William, brassfinisher, 31 Kempock st Stark Miss Jeanie, Mount Pleasant, Barrhill rd Stark Miss Margaret, Woodside, Barrhill rd STEEL Robert, engineer, 27 Cove rd Steel Miss Jane, Ferndean, Victoria rd STEELE Matthew, tobacconist, 19 Kempock st. Ho. 31 do. STEVEN Miss Agnes, Springbank, 19 Albert rd STEVENSON George M'C, slater, 43 Kempock st Stevenson James F., Janefield pi, Albert rd Stevenson John, fitter, 13 Kempock st Stevenson Mrs, 12 Hopeton st STEWART David, mason, 47 Kempock st Stewart George, hotel-keeper, Queen's Hotel, 5 Kempock st Stewart Miss Margaret, 47 Albert rd GOUROCK DIRECTORY. 27

STIRRAT Miss, 22 Ashton rd Stirrat Mrs Hugh, Viewfield, Ashton STORMS Mrs David, 22 Hopeton st

STRANAGHAN J., ironmonger, 15 Albert rd STRUTHERS William, 7 Cove rd SUTHERLAND John, railway porter, 18 Hopeton st SWAN Miss, 10 Shore st SWEENEY Simon, labourer, 14 Hopeton st SWEET Miss, 10 Manor crescent SYMINGTON Archibald, engineer, 16 Royal st

TAIT Alexander, bank and insurance agent (Greenock), Chiselhurst, Victoria rd TARBET William, joiner, 44 Cardwell rd TAYLOR James, 1 2 Albert rd Taylor John, carrier, 58 Shore st Taylor Miss M., 19 Royal st Taylor Miss, Janefield pi, 49 Albert rd Taylor Mrs Alexandrina, 8 Kempock st TEALE Donald, jeweller, 13 Bath st TEMPERANCE Hotel, 65 Shore st—Robert Simpson, proprietor THOMSON Andrew, gardener, 3 Cove rd Thomson David, cooper, 31 Kempock st Thomson M., shoemaker, 89 Shore st. Ho. 36 Cove rd Thomson Robert, joiner, 40 Kempock st. Ho. do. Thomson William (Registrar's Office, C. R. Co.), 6 Tower drive, Barrhill rd Thomson Miss, 8 Cardwell rd Thomson Miss, 5 Royal st Thomson Mrs R., china dealer, 32 Albert rd Thomson Mrs, 18 Kempock st TIMBRELL Samuel, manager, station refreshment rooms TRAVERS Michael, fitter, 31 Cove rd TURNER William H., Woodlands, Barrhill rd Turner Miss, 6 Albert rd TWEEDALE David, joiner, builder, and funeral undertaker, John st. Ho. Park pi, 1 Albert rd 28 GOUROCK DIRECTORY.


UNION Bank of Scotland (Limited), Kempock pi UNITED Presbyterian Church, Albert rd


VEITCH John, temperance hotel, Kempock st W

WALKER A. H., Hazelbank, Albert rd Walker James, seaman, 60 Shore st Walker Robert, 26 Shore st Walker William, baker, 9 Royal st Walker Miss Susan, Rockhill, 10 Albert rd Walker Mrs T., 20 Shore st Walker Mrs, 60 Shore st WALLACE James, engineer, 42 Cardwell rd Wallace James, shipmaster, 17 Cove rd Wallace John, 3 Ashton rd Wallace Robert S., draper, 29 Ashton rd Wallace Mrs William, 44 Cardwell rd WALLS Wemyss, 2 Albert rd WARD John, blacksmith, 37 Cove rd WARK Mrs James, 1 1 Royal st WARN John, coastguardsman, 55 Shore st WATERSTON Alexander, assistant engineer, 21 Royal st WATSON Hugh, 9 Manor crescent Watson L., seaman, 13 Adelaide st Watson Robert, boot and shoe maker, 62 Albert rd Watson Thomas, butler, 13 Royal st Watson W. H., seaman, 25 Royal st Watson Mrs John, 70 Shore st WATT Alexander, tailor, 9 Bath st Watt John, 1 Church pi, Albert rd WEBSTER H. A., Plevna, Larkfield rd T W EIR James, purveyor, 2 Ashton pi Weir Mrs, Ashton grove, Victoria rd GOUROCK DIRECTORY. 29

WELLS Miss, 6 Manor crescent WHARTON Miss, 2 White bank, Ashton WHITE Hugh, dairyman, Ropework dairy, Cove rd. Ho. 31 do. White Robert, 37 Ashton rd White William S., lithographer, 21 Royal st White Miss, 2 Ashton rd WIGHT Mrs, ladies' nurse, 48 Kempock st WILKIE Mrs, postmistress and stationer, 10 Kempock st WILKINSON Abraham, Board of Trade officer, 50 Royal st WILLIAMSON A., Commercial Hotel, 84 Shore st. Ho. do. Williamson Miss, 4 Bath st Williamson Mrs Robert, Wellswood, Barrhill rd

WILSON J. R., 7 Royal st Wilson James, 45 Albert rd Wilson James, 24 Ashton rd Wilson John, baker, 8 Adelaide st Wilson William, seaman, 9 Bath st Wilson William F., butcher, 81 Shore st. Ho. 38 Royal st Wilson William, grocer and provision merchant, 26 Shore st. Ho. do. Wilson Jessie, grocer, Ann pi, Kempock st Wilson Miss Jessie, grocer, 44 Kempock st Wilson Miss, 26 Ashton rd Wilson Mrs Robert, 24 Royal st Wilson Mrs, 5 Royal st T W ilson Mrs, 41 Royal st WOODWARD William, Moorfield, Victoria rd WOTHERSPOON William, 41 Royal st WRIGHT John, 16 Albert rd Wright Miss Margaret, 16 Albert rd Wright Mrs, 50 Royal st WYLIE David, engineer, 40 Cardwell rd WYLLIE Miss Jessie, Craigend, 51 Albert rd st WYNNE J. R., timekeeper, 9 Royal WYPER James, merchant, 3 Shore st. Ho. 2 Anderson pi

YOUNG David, 31 Albert rd 30 APPENDIX.


GOUROCK POST OFFICE— 10 Kempock Street.

Mrs Bethia Wilkie, Postmistress.

The Office is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on Sundays from 9 a.m. to io a.m. Delivery of letters is made on week days at 7 a.m., 3.30, and 6.30 p.m., and on Sundays at 7 a.m.

Pillar and Wall Boxes.

Hours of Collection. Week Days. Sundays.

Barrhill, 9 a.m. ; 4, 7 p.m. Nil

Cardwell Bay, 8.30 a.m. ; 4, 7 p.m. 9.5 a.m.

Hillside, 10 a.m. ; 4, 7 p.m. Nil

Railway Station, 6 a.m. ; 9.30 a.m. ; 2.50, 6 p.m. Nil

Shore Street, R.O., 6, 10.45 a - m - J 3> 5- 20 > 6.40, 8 p.m. 9.0 a.m.

Gourock was erected into a Burgh of Barony on 12th March, 1694. The General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act, 1850, was adopted in part on 10th April, 1858. The General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act, 1862, was adopted in part on 20th September, 1877 ; and in whole on 28th January, 1885.


The whole area comprehended within the boundary line, commencing at or near Mileburn in the Burgh of Gourock, at the point marked A on

the Plan prepared in duplicate by John Garvie, Surveyor in Gourock ; at which point marked A, the march between the estates of Gourock and Ardgowan, in the Parish of Inverkip, in the County of Renfrew, reaches APPENDIX. 31

the sea or Firth of Clyde, and extending said boundary line from said point along the stone dyke forming said march; thence across the road leading from Gourock to the Cloch, and continuing said boundary line along said march to the north-west corner of the enclosure forming part of the farm of Divert on the said estate of Gourock, and marked 338 on said Plan, and also on the Ordnance Survey Map of the said Parish of Inverkip; thence north-eastward in a straight line until it reaches the north-west corner of the road leading to the farm steading of Drum- shantie on said estate of Gourock, where it turns southward, and where the footpath leading to the farm of Midton on said estate of Gourock joins the same ; thence north-eastward, following the fence forming the north-west boundary of said road to Drumshanlie, above mentioned, until it reaches the corner formed by the said road, turning at a right angle towards the north which forms the south-east corner of the en-

closure marked 25 on said Plan and Map ; thence south-eastward across

the said road and the enclosure marked 283 on said Plan and Map ; also through the plantation adjoining the glen, known as Gourock Glen, until it reaches the said Glen at a point indicated by a square stone in the fence, forming the south-east boundary of the enclosure marked 55 on said Plan and Map ; thence south-eastward to the south-west corner of the sunk fence forming the area behind the Mansion House of Gourock, and known as Gourock House, then south-eastward in a straight line, parallel to the south-west wall of said Gourock House, until it reaches the wall forming the north-west boundary of the road, known as Lark-

field Road ; thence south-westward along the said boundary wall until it reaches a point on said wall, 188 feet beyond the line of the south-west fence of the Service Road, leading from the said Larkfield Road to the Reservoirs, belonging to the Magistrates and Commissioners of the Burgh, then across said Larkfield Road, and continuing south-eastward in a straight line parallel to the said Service Road, and along the south- west boundary of the ground feued by Matthew Brodie, contractor, Greenock, until it reaches the fence of the Lower of said Reservoirs, and from that point following the fence of said Lower Reservoir, until it reaches the fence of the Upper Reservoir; thence south-westward, south-eastward, north-eastward, north-westward, until it reaches the fence

of the said Lower Reservoir ; thence north-eastward, until it reaches the north-east corner of the said Lower Reservoir; thence north-westward in a straight line across the said Service Road, and through the enclosure marked 368, 335, 336, 337 on said Plan and Map, until it reaches the march with the estate of Greenock, immediately beyond the burn, known as Berryburn, at a point 134 feet south from the south-east

corner of the enclosure marked 65 on said Plan and Map ; thence along the said march across the road leading from Greenock to Gourock, and continuing to the sea or Firth of Clyde; and thence westward along the margin of the sea or Firth of Clyde, until it reaches the embankment formed or in course of being formed by the Caledonian Railway Com- pany; thence north-westward and south-westward along the north-east and north-west faces of the said embankment, until it reaches the Pier or Quay of Gourock, as the same has been or is in the course of being formed by the said Caledonian Railway Company, as bounded by the sea or Firth of Clyde, until it reaches the point known as Kempock Point; thence south-westward along the margin of the sea or Firth of Clyde, ;


until it reaches the march between the estates of Gourock and Ardgowan, at or near Mileburn, aforesaid, and the point at which said boundary line commenced, all as the said area is delineated and coloured pink on the said Plan.


The General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act, 1862. Provost—William Lang. First Bailie—W. G. H. Gunion. Second Bailie —William Steel. Commissioners.

Messrs William Lang, William Steel, James Simpson, W. G. H. Gunion, James Methven, Alexander Tait, John Craig, David Tweedale, and William Chalmers.


Clerk James Glen ; Treasurer and Collector Quintin Bone — — ; Procurator-Fiscal John P. Fyfe Surveyor William Hayne ; Auditor — ; — —John Morrison.

II.—DEAN OF GUILD COURT. The Provost and Magistrates. Clerk and Legal Assessor James Glen Procurator-Fiscal — ; —John P. Fyfe ; Surveyor William Hayne Officer Fleming. — ; —James The Court meets on the Friday before the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.


The Public Health Act, 1867, and the Acts amending the same. The Provost, Magistrates, and Commissioners — Provost Lang, Chairman.


Clerk James Glen ; Treasurer and Collector Quintin Bone — — ; Sanitary Inspector and Inspector of Lodging Houses—William Hayne Procurator- Fiscal—John P. Fyfe ; Medical Officer—Alexander Peacock Auditor—John Morrison.


The Roads and Bridges (Scotland) Act, 1878. The Provost, Magistrates, and Commissioners—Provost Lang, Chairman. 1



Glen ; Treasurer and Collector Quintin Bone Clerk—James — ; Surveyor—William Hayne.

V.—GAS AUTHORITY. The Burghs Gas Supply (Scotland) Act, 1876. The Provost, Magistrates, and Commissioners — Provost Lang, Chairman. Officials.

Collector Clerk James Glen; Manager and —James M'Ewen ; — Treasurer—Quintin Bone.


The population of Gourock at the census in 1891 was 4431. At a special census taken in July, 1881, it was 6834. The number of electors on the roll of voters for the year 1890- 189 is 1303, there being 870 males, and 433 females.

GOUROCK ESTATE. Office—2 Church Place, Greenock. M. F. Dunlop, factor. John Garvie, 33 Royal Street, overseer.


This Board consists of (1) owners of lands and heritages of the yearly

value of ^20 and upwards ; (2) Representatives from Kirk Session ; and (3) four members elected by Ratepayers not being owners of lands and heritages of the yearly value of ^"20.

H. R. B. Peile, Chairman ; John Campbell, Inspector Inverkip District; John M'Millan, Inspector Gourock District; M. F. Dunlop,

Clerk and Collector ; Quintin Bone, Auditor.


Peter M'Gaw and George Haldane, Consulting Committee ; Henry

Sheriff, Superintendent ; William Mackenzie, Treasurer. —

34 APPENDIX. SCHOOL BOARD. Chairman—Robert Binnie.

Rev. David Purves, M.A. ; W. G. Harvey; Alexander Leitch,

M.D. ; R. S. Simpson ; George Haldane ; Alexander Peacock, M.D. Officer—-Joseph Alexander, West Lodge, off King Street. Clerk—M. F. Dunlop, 2 Church Place, Greenock. Treasurer—Wm. H. Turner. Schools. Central School (John Street) —Donald Brown, Head Master, and Assistants. Eastern School (Chapel Street) —Robert Fulton, Head Master, and Assistants.


Open from 10 o'clock forenoon till 3 o'clock afternoon ; shuts at 12 noon on Saturdays. Draws on Union Bank of Scotland, Limited, London, &c, &c. (same as Greenock Branch in Appendix.)

Agent—William H. Turner ; Clerk—William M'Kenzie. London Office—(Same as Greenock Branch). Head Office, Glasgow— (Do.).


Pastor—Rev. Alexander Milne ; Organist and Conductor of Choir

T. L. Milne ; President of Church Trustees—Robert Binnie ; Session-

Clerk John Chalmers Treasurer Alexander Tait ; — ; — Session Fund Treasurer—William Chalmers ; Church Officer—Andrew Ross, 15 Shore Street.

FREE CHURCH. Rev. David Purves, M.A., Minister; Session-Clerk—James Simp- son ; Treasurer—William G. Harvey ; Clerk of Deacon's Court

Donald M 'Farlane ; Conductor of Choir—William Tarbet ; Church Officer

UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. George Rae, M.A., Minister; Session-Clerk—James Simp- son; Preses—W. C. S. M'Glashan ; Treasurer—George Boyd; Secretary John — Garvie ; Organist—Mrs Brand; Church Officer James Livingstone, 31 Albert Road. —



The Rev. T. B. M'Alpin, Incumbent. Divine service on Sunday at 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. The holy com- munion is administered on the first and third Sunday in each month, after morning service, and at 8.30 a.m. other Sundays. Sunday School, 3 p.m. Children's Service first Sunday of month at 3 p.m. Verger—Joseph Alexander, West Lodge.

ST. NINIAN'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Attended to from St, Mary's Church, Greenock.


Robert Binnie, R.W.M. ; James Erskine, P.M.; George Haldane,

O.M. ; Alex. Macpherson, D.M. ; T. A. M'Clure, S.M. ; John Brown, Fleming, Secretary S. S.W. ; James Methven, J. W. ; James ; James

M'llroy, Treasurer ; John Andrew, Chaplain ; William Watson, S.D. ;

Wm. Brand, J.D. ; James Shearer, I.G. ; Duncan Lee, S.S. ; D.

M'Millan, J.S. ; Wm. Hayne, Architect; Alex. Jones, D. Mus. ; John M'Gilvary, Tyler. Lodge Room — John Street Hall. Monthly Meeting—Second Monday of each month, from September to April. Secretary's Address—83 Shore Street.


Instituted 20th October, 1887. Meets in John Street Hall every alternate Tuesday, at 7. 30 p.m. —John M'Nicol, Secretary, 1 Octavia Terrace; Alex. Peacock, M.B., CM., Surgeon, I Albert Road. A Juvenile Lodge has also been established, information regarding which may be had from the Lodge Secretary.


Hon. President, Ex-Provost Binnie, C.C. ; President, Commissioner

Chalmers, C.C. ; Vice-President, Robert Cunningham ; Treasurer, H. A. Webster; Secretary, John M'Nicol, I Octavia Terrace; with a Committee of 14. Exhibition in Gamble Institute on 27th August, 1 89 1.

GOUROCK BOWLING CLUB. James M'Lardy, President; James Methven, Vice-President;

Alexander Tait, Secretary ; W. M 'Glashan, Treasurer. Directors Andrew Paul, John Andrew, Peter Kidd, J. S. M'llroy, and Alexander Macpherson. Green—Barrhill Road. ;



James Williamson, President ; John F. Ritson, Vice-President

F. W. Harvey, Secretary ; A. F. Williamson, Treasurer. Committee —T. A. M'Lure, Alexander Macpherson, and A. B. Swan. Ground —Broomberry Drive.


James Williamson, President ; William G. Harvey and John

Garvie, Vice-Presidents ; W. I. Douglas, Secretary ; F. W. Harvey, Treasurer. Committee—William M'Kenzie, H. M. Love, Dr Leitch, John M'Millan, and A. B. Swan.

An annual course of Public Lectures is held under the auspices of the Society.


Erected by Mrs Henry Gamble, and opened 10th February, 1876.

The management is vested in a Board of Directors, consisting of' 12 members, 8 chosen by Mrs Gamble and 4 elected annually from the membership.

The Institute has a commodious Reading Room provided with all the leading newpapers, magazines, &c. ; also a comfortable Amusement Room, furnished with billiard table, draughts, dominoes, &c, for the use of members and visitors.

The Library has received extensive additions, and is arranged for circulation of an attractive range of literature to members. Baths, Refreshments, &c, are also in connection, with moderate charges.

The Hall affords sitting accommodation for about 400, and is largely used for lectures, concerts, public meetings, &c. A Lesser Hall and number of small rooms are available for business, society, or other meetings.

Annual Member's Subscription, 4s ; Half-year, 2s 6d ; Monthly is.

Admission for Visitors, One Penny.

Board of Directors. Mrs Gamble's Representatives—John Wallace, Donald Brown,. Duncan Forbes, James Simpson, and John Chalmers. Members' Representatives for 1891 —William Wilson, Robert M'Pherson, John Garvie, and D. R. Holmes.

Chairman and Treasurer ;; —John Wallace ; Secretary—John Chalmers Curator—Peter Campbell.

The Institute is open daily from Nine a.m. till Ten p.m. — LANCASHIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.

Head Office for Scotland 133 West George Street, GLASGOW.

Scottisb Boarfc. Chairman—Colonel Sir DONALD MATHESON, K.C.B. David BANNERMAN,,Esq., Glasgow. Hugh Brown, Esq., Glasgow. D. S. Cargill, Esq., Glasgow and Ceylon. Henry Cowan, Esq., Hillhead. Alex. Crum, Esq., Thornliebank. Andrew Dougall, Esq., Inverness. Alexander Fraser, Esq., Inverness. James Keyden, Esq., Glasgow. Richard Kidston, Esq., Glasgow. Sir James King of Campsie, Bart., LL.D.

Sir Kenneth J. Matheson of Lochalsh, Bart. Alexander Ross, Esq., Provost of Inverness. Resident Secretary—CHARLES STEWART. Telegraphic Address—"LANCASHIRE, Glasgow."

EDINBURGH OFFICE— 12 York Buildings, Queen Street, Assistant Secretary— C. C. BALLINGALL. Telegraphic Address—" INSURANCE, Edinburgh,"

INVERNESS OFFICE— Highland Railway Buildings, 24a Academy St. Superintendent—ROBERT STRICKLAND. Telegraphic Address—" INSURANCE, Inverness."

Capital— Three Millions Sterling,


ALWAYS IN STOCK A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Gent.'s .Business and Dress Boots, from 10/6 upwards. cEHT.'s HIGH-CLASS boots. Best Material & Workmanship.


15/6 AND


If you want a Perfect Fit, Best Material,





Lowest Price, visit Greenock's Leading Shoe tablished and 3Y," 14 HAMILTON ST. By Her Majesty's Royal Letters Patent.





Recommended by the Facility, British and Foreign Medical Journals, also by the most eminent Analytical Chemists of the day. Supplied at the Clubs, Principal Hotels, Dining Rooms, Restaurants, Bars, &c. To be had also from respectable Wine Merchants, Chemists, Grocers, Italian Warehousemen, at Railway Refreshment Rooms, and on board first-class Steamers, &c.



(pictures faRen at t$i& &8tMi8§mtnt are (Xineurpaeeefc for QtJrifftancp an* jfimeU.



2(o0n (Street, (Sourocft.

House—Park Place, 1 Albert Road. Jobbings punctually attended to. : )

reenock Xibrar^ §^=^g>

^w^ (INSTITUTED 1st JANUARY, 1783). »»

Parties may subscribe at any time, there being propoi'tionate payments for shorter periods'«than a year. TGRmS OF LIBRARY: ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, entitling to one new and one Old Work, of one or more Volumes each, and also to a Review or Magazine, - - - £1 1

(All New Works of consequence are added as soon as published, and about Sixty Numbers of Magazines and Reviews are put in circulation Monthly.

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, entitling to one Volume from General Library, £0 6 6


From 9 till 1 1 ; I till 5 ; and 7 till 9 daily, except on Saturdays, when the Library is open from 7 p.m. till 9. ALLAN PARK PATON, Librarian.

Watt Monument, 9 Union Street. — —

The West-end Baths Company (Limited), Greenock. Y/EST-END ]gATHS, CAMPBELL STREET.

Secretary George H. Black, Solicitor, 5 West Blackhall St. Treasurer^/. Tannahill, Commercial Bank, 75 West Blackhall St.

Entry Money, 20s —Life Members, Original Shareholders, Country Members, Ladies and Juniors excepted. Annual Subscription— Original Shareholders, having not less than 5 Shares, 35s Do., having less than 5 Shares, .... 40s Ordinary Subscribers, ...... 42s Junior Subscribers under Eighteen, . . . 21s Do. under Fifteen, ...... 10s 6d Ladies, ...... 21s Do. (Juniors) under Fifteen, . . . . . 10s 6d Country Members (including Port-Glasgow) residingbeyond a radius of 5 miles from Greenock—Entry-money, 10s; and Subscription, 21s. Life Members, ^20. When the number of Ladies or Junior Members from the household of any Senior Male Subscriber exceeds two, they shall be entitled

to admission at the following reduced rates :

Three Four Above Tickets. Tickets. Four.

Ladies, 17s 6d 16s I5S

Do. (Juniors), . 8s 6d 7s 6d 7s Juniors under Eighteen, 17s 6d 1 6s 15s

Do. under Fifteen, . 8s 6d 7s 6d 7s

Annual Subscriptions become due on April first.

Ordinary Subscribers may be Admitted at any time, on Payment of full Entry-money and Proportion of Subscription from Commencement of Quarter in which they enter.

Lady Subscribers have exclusive use of the Buildings on Tuesday and Thursday between the hours of 11 and 3 o'clock, and on Saturday from 11 to 1 o'clock.

Open daily (except Sunday) from 6.30 a.m. till 10 p.m. in Summer, and 7 a.m. till 10 p.m. in Winter. On Sundays, the Swimming Pond and Reading Room from 8 till 10 a.m. The House Committee shall have power to close the Building or suspend the use of Baths when necessary for repairs or otherwise, and also on occasion of any exhibition or competition. The Baths shall be closed each evening at 9 p.m. For Further Particulars see Rules and Bye-Laws. West London s~ *• 'C^^ <^ Boot Goy. \j

STEVENSON ^SONS, jfirstxrlass Boot anb

L Sboe flDanufactuters,



LONDON—(Faetory) Tower Street, London, Fields. „ 491 Neweross. GLASGOW—181 Sauehiehall Street. „ 349 Sauehiehall Street. HELENSBURGH—23 and 25 Clyde Street.

PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION- J. & M. CRAIG, Ibdlbeab an& perceton ffireclai? Worfts, KILMARNOCK.

Manufacturers of every description of FIRE- CLAY GOODS, comprising—

Fire Bricks, Pressed and Un- Glazed Sewerage Pipes. pressed, of every kind. Cattle and Pig Troughs. Gas Retorts. Horse Mangers. Furnace Blocks. Chimney Cans and Vent Linings. Flooring Tiles. Oncomings for Vents. Flue Covers. Joist and Beam Shods. Chamfered Bricks for Footpaths Flower Vases and Rustic Ware. and Stables. Garden Borders. Kerbing and Byre Grooping. Wall Coping. Also White and Yellow Enamelled Sinks, Wash Tubs, Milk Coolers, &c, and White and Coloured Enamelled Bricks. SOLE MAKERS OF Buchan's Patent Drain Traps, Grease Traps and Access Pipes. Pott's Patent Edinburgh Air-Chambered Sewer Trap.

DEPOTS IN GREENOCK— 10 Brougham Street and 6 Tobago Street Agents—JOHN A. SIMPSON & Co. Telephone No. 212. J. & M. CRAIG, HILLHEAD POTTERY, KILMARNOCK. MANUFACTURERS OF Plumbers' and Sanitary Earthenware Cabinet Stands, Urinals, Closets, Basins, and Toilet Ware. Depots in Greenock— io Brougham Street and 6 Tobago Street. Agents—John A. Simpson & Co.

JOHN A. SIMPSON & CO., Coal, Lime, Cement, Stueeo, Caithness and Arbroath Pavement and Agricultural Drain Tiles Merchants, and Fireclay Goods Agents, 10 BROUGHAM STREET and 6 TOBAGO STREET,

Telephone No. 212. JAMES GRAHAM,

Glazier & Glass Merchant, Glass Silverer,

Embosser, and Stainer, 19 CATHCART STREET,

(Immediately East of the Caledonian Railway Station.)

Branch—Sa firey Place.






33 West Blackhall Street, GEEE1TOOK.


^o«0^holb Jfurnitnre & HMttatiottB



Undertaken on the Shortest Notice.

Parties averse to having Furniture, &c, Sold in their

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Fire and Burglar-Proof Safes kept for Valuables of all descriptions. GLASGOW WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL Wire Warehouse, GENERAL WIREWORK AND WIRE CLOTH MANUFACTORY.

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WIRE RIDDLES and SIEVES FOR ALL PURPOSES. Country or Export Orders pi-omptly executed. Extra Wire Work or 'Wire Cloths wrought to order. GROOKSHANKS, Funeral Undertaker,






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Offices connected witb {Telephone Bjcbange. PATENT OFF ICE.

TX7 R. M. THOMSON & CO., Patent Agents and Consulting Engineers, 96 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW (who have had over 30 Years' professional experience), continue

to obtain British and Foreign Patents

for Inventions, and Register Designs

Consulting Engineers j^-, and and Trade Marks, at Lowest Charges. British and Foreign Pate?it Agents. "THE INVENTOR'S GUIDE," A Hand book containing the most Complete, Reliable, and useful In- formation on Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks, m?y be had Gratis.

« k s» s ma s w « 6i \dJ turn wv«« >* ROBERT MILLAR, PURVEYOR, 18 Arcade, 20 Catheart St., Greenock.

Supplies Marriage and other Suppers, Soirees, and Pic-Nics. Forms, Chairs, Tables, and Utensils Lent on Hire. CHARGES MODERATE.


(KaithttesB ani ^rbraath Patanttnt Merchant,




Agent for Messrs WILLIAM LEVETT & CO.'S CEMENT, London.

Highest Award Gold Medal, Paris, 1875. THOMAS SMITH, Sbtp ant> (general Smitb, GREENOCK GALVANIZING WORKS, 5 NEW DOCK LANE, AND 18 SHAW STREET, GREENOCK.








This Institution is specially devoted to the treatment of Deafness and Diseases of the Ear.

The surgeons attend daily for Consultation, from i to 3 and 7 to 8. W*~ D ENTISTRY. ~fWB~ J. R. #> A. R. BROWN, 5 URGEON-DEN TIS TS, 30 Cathcart Street, Greenock.

Artificial Teeth inserted on the Best Approved Principles. Decayed Teeth Nicely Stopped. Laughing Gas administered daily.—TERMS MODERATE.

.HJUVULTO.N JYVCOLLOGH & CO., COALMASTERS, Home Farm and Bog Collieries.

COA^" —Best Household, Splint, Main, Triping, and Nuts. DROSS.—Ell, Splint, Main. 88 Great Clyde Street, Glasgow, and nrrirE'c J Ufri^i) J3 CHAPEL STREET, GREENOCK. SHIPPING PORTS.—Glasgow, Port-Glasgow, Greenock, Leith, Granton, Grangemouth, South Alloa, and Dundee. DUGALD M'EWING, BRASSFOUNDER, PLUMBER, AND GASFITTER, 1 BANK STREET, and 3 SPRfNGKELL ST., GREENOCK.

Malleable Iron Pipes and Fittings for Gas, Water, and Steam. CAST IRON GAS AND WATER PIPES. Gasaliers, Pendants, Sunlights, &c, &c. TONTINE HOTEL,


A Magnificent Billiard Room has been added, and a Luncheon Bar for Convenience of Business Gentlemen in Town.

MRS BUCHANAN, Proprietrix (Late of White Hart Hotel.) BUCK HEAD HOTEL, GREENOCK. 1

Breakfasts, Dinners, and Teas, Fish and Tripe Suppers, Wines, Spirits, &c. Special Parties Contracted for. Large Hall for Soirees, Assemblies, &c, now fitted up with all Modern Conveniences.

Hotel and Hall Repaired and Decorated. Terms Strictly Moderate. ROYAE-i-MOTED AND RESTAURANT, 3 EAST BREAST, GREENOCK. (Convenient to Customhouse Quay and Caledonian Station.) BREAKFASTS! DINNERS! TEAS! LIQUORS ALL OF BEST QUALITY. TERMS MODERATE. D. MATHIESON, Proprietor. GREENOCK Pl^OVIDENT BANF^, No. 11 WILLIAM STREET. (Established 1815.)

Registered Under Act of Parliament, 59 Geo. III., Cap. 62.

£355,239 at Credit of 18,125 Depositors. Reserve Fund £16,759.

OPEN DAILY from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (SATURDAY from 10 to 12.) And on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and SATURDAY EVENINGS from Half-past 6 to 8 o'clock. Sums of ONE SHILLING and UPWARDS received at Current Rates of Interest.

Depositors have no trouble or expense for Management or Pass-Books. All Accounts are kept strictly private, and moneys repaid when wanted, with interest. BORLAND'S

24 CATHCART STREET (Nearly Opposite Railway Station), AND 35 BRYMNER STREET.

Dinners from 12 till 4. Tea and Coffee always Ready.


Wines and Spirits of Finest Qualities. English and Scotch Beers and Porters. im- LUNCHEONS FROM 12 TILL 4 DAILY. r«p| COLD SNACKS AT ALL HOURS. BOVRIL, 3d PER CUP.


House—23 West Blaekhall Street, Greenoek.

Parcels and Orders received for him by Mrs Foulds, News Agent, Cathcart Street (opposite the Caledonian Railway 30 Station), Greenock ; 90 Argyle Street and 22 Jackson Street, Glasgow. Leaves Greenock daily, per Caledonian Railway, at 9 and 10.30 a.m., 12.30, and 1. 10 p.m. trains, and returns by 10.30 a.m., 12.30, 1.30, 3.30, and 6; trains. Goods and Parcels forwarded from Glasgow and Greenock to all parts of the world by any conveyance desired. ANDREW BOAG, Practical Engraver, Stationer, &c, 3 BANK STREET, GREENOCK. SILVER PLATE ENGRAYING. Crests, Coats of Arms, Monograms, Inscriptions, &c, &c, COPPERPLATE ENGRAVING. Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Invoice Headings, Letter Tops, &c. BRASS ENGRAYING OF EYERY DESCRIPTION- Lithography in all its Branches. INDIA RUBBER STAMPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Designs shown and Estimates furnished when required. I2tf DANIEL B. STEWART, fjonse anb §hip Jfnrnishing Ironmonger,


Close and Open Kitchen Ranges, Register Grates, Tile Hearths, Fenders, Fire Irons, Mangles, Wringers, Knife Machines, Gasaliers, Lobby Lamps, and Brackets, Hat and Umbrella Stands, and all kinds of House Furnishings.

HEATING APPARATUS, for Greenhouses, Vineries, &c, Fitted up and Repaired.

Smith, Tinsmith, Gasfitting, Bell-hanging, and Plumber Work done in ail the Branches.

FOR SHIP FURNISHINGS, SEE SEPARATE CATALOGUE. to be had on application. FRANCIS LOGAN & SONS, Brassfmislieps, Sasfitters, Bellingers, &e., 21 NICOLSON STREET, GREENOCK,

Gasaliers, Lobby Pendants, Shadowless Sunlights, Brackets, Globes, &c, &c, in Great Variety and Design. Estimates given for Town and Country.

All Orders entrusted to us will receive Personal and Prompt Attention.

Orders receiued at Logan's Bazaars, 16 Lynedoch St. and 79 Roxburgh St. MAES LNGLIS & SOH,

23 West Blackhall Street, Greenock.

PIANOS, ORGANS, AND HARMONIUMS ON HIRE, TO BECOME THE ABSOLUTE PROPERTY OF THE HIRER AT THE END OF ONE, TWO, OR THREE YEARS. Pianos Tuned and Regulated by the year or otherwise. Worn Pianos thoroughly Repaired and Renovated. Caddlefyill Laundry,



Orders by Post Card will receive prompt attention.

D. K. M'PHERSON, Slater anb Contractor,




Estimates given for all kinds of Slater arid Plaster Work. ESTABLISHED 45 YEARS. ALEX. GOUSLAND & SON, WIRE WORKERS, AND WIRE CLOTH MANUFACTURERS,

3 MITCHELL ST., GLASGOW. (Works: 28 York Street).

Copper, Brass, and Iron Wire Cloth and every description of Wire

Work for Corn, Flour, and Barley Mills ; Chemical, Gunpowder, Sugar

Refining, Biscuit and Starch Manufacturers ; Sugar and Rice Plantations, Collieries, Distilleries, &c. Wire Guards for Windows. Roof Lights, Library Doors, &c. Game and Poultry Netting. Plain and Ornamental Wire for Ships' Bulwarks, &c. Wire Boiler and Tube Brushes.


Parties having HOUSE PLENISHING for disposal, from Mansion House to Cottage, will find it more profitable, and save the enormous expense, annoyance, and uncertainty of Public Sale, by applying at GEORGE CARRIGAN'S Jlnftquanan jjimttfure (JDave^ouee, 6 Smith's lane, Greenock. Offers given for Whole or Partial Furnishings.



34 meet Blackball Street, GREENOCK.




"West End Training School of Cookery, • "Corporation Galleries, 2 Dalhousie Street, Glasgow Sept. 10, 1890. " Mr Jaap, —Dear Sir, —I haveused your Flavouring Essences for several years in my Classes and Schools for Cooking, and I have much pleasure in recommending them for household and general use. They seem made from good materials, and their strength and flavour excellent—particularly Lemon and Vanilla.— I am, Dear Sir, yours very truly, ____ " Margaret Black." JTOr\l\r^A A V> MANUFACTURING 3 PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, 268, 270, & 272 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW.

The Profits of a Mutual with the Security of a Proprietary Office. THE SCOTTISH LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Head Office—EDINBURGH, 77 GEORGE STREET.

Chairman—JOHN COWAN, Esq., of Beeslack, Midlothian. Manager—DAVID PAULIN. Actuary and Secretary—JAMES SORLEY, F.I.A. LEADING FEATURES. COMPLETE SECURITY WITH MODERATE PREMIUMS-LARGE BONUSES—STRINGENT RESERVES—IMMEDIATE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS—UNUSUAL NON-FORFEITURE PRIVILEGES -SPECIAL TABLE OF LOW PREMIUMS :—Profit Policies at Non-Profit Rates. At the Quinquennial Investigation and Division of Profits made as at 31st May, 1886, Life Assurance Contracts were valued by the Institute of Actuaries (Hm) Table at 3I per cent. Interest, on a strict Pure Premium basis; and a Vested Bonus Addition was declared of £2 per cent, for each

year after the first that the Policies had been in force ; together with an Intermediate Bonus of £1 5s per cent, for each additional year completed by Policies becoming claims prior to the next Division of Profits. This Intermediate Bonus also applies to New Policies. ACCIDENT DEPARTMENT. Assurance against Accidents of all kinds on Improved Principles.

Glasgow Office—190 West George Street. Resident Secretary—ROBERT BLACK. DUBLIN OFFIGE- So LOWER SACKVILLE STREET.

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(Established at York, 1824, and Empowered by A. of Parliament).

Capital, £500,000. Accumulated Funds, £940,016. Annual Income, £183,341. Head Office—St. Helen's Square, York. Chairman—THE RIGHT HON. LORD WENLOCK.

Secretary and General Manager—J. A. CUNNINGHAME.

This Company has been established more than £ ixty-seven years. Ample time has therefore elapsed to test the soundness of the p.inciples upon which it has been conducted. In addition to the usual liberal conditions the following special advantages are now applicable to the Company's policies : LIFE CLAIMS are paid immediately on Proof of Death and Title. WORLDWIDE FREEDOM OF TRAVEL granted in most cases after one

1 "FREE* RIGHT IS GRANTED TO REVIVE LAPSED POLICIES^wkh'in six months of lapsing, and without fine or fresh proof of health. SURRENDER VALUES ARE CALCULATED on a Fixed and Liberal Scale, full and equitable at all ages. THE SURRENDER VALUE IS AUTOMATICALLY placed td Asslired's Credit whether applied for or not. FOUR-FIFTHS, OR EIGHTY PER CENT. OF THE PROFITS on tHe Participating Policies are divided amongst the Policyholders in that Department every five years AN INTERMEDIATE BONUS is granted on With-Profit Policies becoming Claims between two Quinquennial Divisions of Profits. FIRE INSURANCES are effected by the Company on the most moderate terms, according to the nature of the risk. SPECIAL RISKS.—Insurances on Mills and other Special Risks at moderate Premiums according to the risk. FARMING STOCK INSURED AT 5/ PER CENT.

A Discount is allowed on Fire Insurances effected for two or more years, and where the Premium is paid in aduance.


Branch Office for Scotland— 107 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. Resident Secretary—D. MITCHELL.

Agents in Greenock. Jas. Con nell, Sugar Merchant, 20 Cathcart Street. D. Campbell, Accountant, 49 Cathcart Street. John Macphail, Merchant, 27 Cathcart Street. Wm. Hutchison (of Stewart & Hutchison, Solicitors, Glasgow), 24 Kelly Street. Agent in Gourock. John G. Ballantine, Merchant, Kempock Street. APPLICATIONS FOR AGENCIES INVITED. ir >*< TIHUE NORWICH UNION


THIS Society, established in 1797, presents advantages to the insuring public which other Companies of more recent standing are unable to offer. By carefully selecting their business, by tabulating their experience in all its branches, and by strict economy in management, the Directors are able to insure property at the lowest rates compatible with security of the Insured and the stability of the Office.

The amount insured now exceeds £270,000,000

The amount paidfor losses by fire 1 pn A °> uuuqqq> uuuqqq now amounts to )


Secretary—C. E. BIGNOLD, Esq.

Assistant Secretary— C. A. B. BIGNOLD, Esq.

Igeab ©to for Srotlanb—


JLjente vx drtenork;

James Neil, 3 Bank Street. Hugh R. Neill, 27 West Blackhall Street. John Paul, 14 Hamilton Street. J as. Paterson, 14 Hamilton Street. PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY (LIMITED). Chief Office—holborn Bars, London, e.C. Invested Funds exceed £12,000,000.

INCOME, 1890. Industrial Branch, £3*517,925 Ordinary Branch, 1,162,649 CLAIMS PAID, 1890. Industrial Branch, ...... ^1,489,204 Ordinary Branch, 308,076

Every description of Life Assurance business transacted. All claims are paid immediately upon satisfactory proof of death and title. Lapsed Policies may be revived at any time during one year from the date of last payment, on production of evidence of good health and payment of arrears. Full Prospectus, Annual Report, and List of Securities, can be obtained of the Agents oftlie Company, or at the Chief Office, Holborn Bars, London.


W. J. LANCASTER, Secretary.


Founded 1805. The Oldest Scotch Insurance Company. RAyDONIAN INSURANCE COMPANY.

Revenue, £400,000 Funds. £1,400,000 Claims paid exceed THREE MILLIONS STERLING.

LIFE ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT.—Non-Forfeitable Policies. Bonus additions of large amount. Residence in most parts of the world permitted free of charge. Low Rates of Premium. Life Reserves on a very ample scale Immediate Life Assurance without Medical Examination, and Life Assurance omitting the Investment Element. (Explanatory Pamphlets on application.) NO EXTRA PREMIUM FOR NAVAL OFFICERS under ordinary circumstances. Officers in the Mercantile Marine assured without extra premium if Policy effected under Endowment Table. FIRE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT.—Reserve Funds very ample, and Premiums strictly Moderate. Losses liberally and promptly settled. Head Office—19 GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH.

GLASGOW LOCAL BOARD. (Office—64 St. Vincent Street). John Ure, Esq. John Burnet, Esq., Architect. T. A. Matbieson, Esq., J. -P. George Readman, Esq., Banker. Robert Brodie, Esq., Writer. R. H. Leadbetter, Esq., Merchant. David Rowan, Esq., Engineer. R. Maconechy, Esq., Merchant. James Reid, Esq., Engineer. Secretary—JOHN LOUDON. Fire Superintendent— P. M'NEIL.