St. Edmund’s Chronicle St. Edmund of Canterbury Catholic Church 213 Nelson Road, Whitton, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 7BB Tel 020 8894 9923 email:
[email protected] Priest in Charge: Fr Nigel Griffin Parish Safeguarding Representative: Vivien Rimmer. If you have any concerns about Safeguarding of children and vulnerable people in our parish call 07532 259339 SUNDAY MASS: (Vigil Mass) 6.30pm MASS THIS WEEK: Please check times below 9.30am Family Mass Confessions: Saturday 11-11.30am (after Novena) 11.15am Sung Mass (and on request) 6.00pm Mass Divine Office: Psalms Week 1 th 5 SUNDAY OF LENT 22nd MARCH 2015 We meet in Christ’s name from many different backgrounds and circumstances to acknowledge our complete dependence on him and to receive from him the strength we need to serve him faithfully in the world. During the month of March we pray for the Priest and people of Hampton Hill Saturday Vigil 18.30 Johnnie Deehan (RIP) PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Sunday 22nd March 9.30 Angela Mills (RIP), Int. FHC Children Perrine Davies, Michael Macleod, Eric 5th Sunday of Lent 11.15 All Orphan Souls Scammel, Bill Holleran, June O’Toole, Maureen 18.00 People of the Parish Langham, Lorraine Muir, Aileen Raven-Hill, Monday 23rd March 9.15 Catechumens Frank Garvey, Hugh Garvey, Jim Tobin, Tuesday 24th March 9.15 Albert Maynard (RIP) Bernadette McLoughlin, Liz Early, Maria Wed 25th March 9.15 Private Intention Lambert, Patrick Hynes, Terry Bedell (Snr), ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD Glynis Smith, Parol Peters, Ken Stalder, Rose Thursday 26th March) 9.15 Mary Matthews (RIP) Fox, Helen Ford, Vera Gambling, Steve 20.00 PENITENTIAL SERVICE Simpson, Barry Clarke, Eileen Inman, Jean & Friday 27th March 9.15 Lira DeSouza (RIP) Terry Phillips, and the families who care for them.