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ST EDMUND's CHRONICLE St ST EDMUND'S CHRONICLE St. Edmund of Canterbury Catholic Church 213 Nelson Road, Whitton, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 7BB Tel 020 8894 9923 email: Priest in Charge: Fr Nigel Griffin Parish Safeguarding Representative: Vivien Rimmer. If you have any concerns about Safeguarding of children and vulnerable people in our parish call 07532 259339 SUNDAY MASS: (Vigil Mass) 6.30pm MASS THIS WEEK: Please check times below 9.30am Family Mass Confessions: Saturday 11-11.30am 11.15am Sung Mass Divine Office: Psalms Week 2 Exposition: Mon-Wed 8am-9am 6.00pm Mass th Palm Sunday 13 April 2014 During the month of April we pray for the priest and people of Hampton Hill Saturday Vigil 6.30pm Henry Gunning RIP Sun 13th April 9.30am Lena Gerald Attew Palm Sunday 11.15am Julia Connelly RIP 6.00pm People of the Parish Mon 14th 9.15am Mary Drake-Smith 8.00pm PENITENTIAL SERVICE Tues 15th 9.15am Elect of the Diocese Wed 16th 9.15am Candidates for Reception Thurs 17th Maundy Thursday 10.00am CHILDREN’S HOLY HOUR 8.00pm Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Fri 18th Good Friday 10.15am CHILDREN’S STATIONS OF THE CROSS 3.00pm Solemn Liturgy of the Passion Sat 19th Easter Vigil 8.30pm People of the Parish Sun 20th April 9.30am Kieran Phelan RIP EASTER DAY 11.15am Martin Connell NO EVENING MASS PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Brian Barnett, Fr Bobby Gates, Fr Noel O Connor, Lorraine Muir, Mary Nice, Margaret Goode, Aileen Raven-Hill, Frank Garvey, Hugh Garvey, Padraig Garvey, Jim Tobin, Bernadette McLoughlin, Maria Lambert, Patrick Hynes, Joan Thorpe, Terry Bedell (Snr), Glynis Smith, Parol Peters, Ken Stalder, Rose Fox, Helen Ford, Vera Gambling, Steve Simpson, and the families who care for them. Please pray for those who have died recently, Eric Newman and Tim King, and all those whose anniversaries occur at about this time. ************************************************************************** GROWING IN FAITH Lord God, we thank you for the gift of our Catholic faith. Bless us as we seek to live our faith each day and work for its future. Bless our work for ‘Growing in Faith' for 'if the Lord does not build the house, in vain do its builders labour' (Ps 126) Give us all a generous heart and a sacrificial love for your Church. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 27th April – Divine Mercy devotions in St Edmund’s, 2.30-5 pm WHITTON CHORAL SOCIETY ‘The Light of the World’ Choral items & congregational hymns on Good Friday 18th April at 7.30 pm at Whitton Baptist Church, Hounslow Road, Whitton. CONFIRMATION: The next group meeting is on Thursday, 24th February at 7.40pm in the Church when we will be hearing from the Mizzen Foundation. (Parents have also been invited to hear the Mizzens). This will be followed by an Afternoon of Reflection led by CAFOD on Saturday, 26th April 1-3.30. pm FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: The next meeting of the children will be on Saturday, 26th April – 9.45- Please bring your child/children to the 9.30am Family Mass on Sunday, 27th April. Please get them to the Church by 9.15am so we can organise them in their groups. St Edmund’s Whitton is part of WRCDT Charity No.233699 CHILDRENS HOLY HOUR on Maundy Thursday Morning from 10am -there will be a time for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for children. This will begin in the Parish Hall with a time of preparation before we go into the Church. Further details from Mary McGhee 07786 737 437. GOOD FRIDAY WALK OF WITNESS We gather at 11am with other members of Churches Together in Whitton at the Percy Road end of Montrose Avenue on the Green, and walk through Whitton High Street ending with an open-air service at St Philip and St James Church in Hounslow Road. EASTER EGG HUNT The Annual Family Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Easter Day following the 9.30 am Mass. Entry is £3.50 per child. Refreshments and a cake stall will be available for all. Eggs must be reserved and paid for before Wednesday 16th April. (Forms available from the back of church, please post through Presbytery door in sealed envelope marked “Easter Egg Hunt” with correct payment). Donations of cakes greatly appreciated. Text enquiries to Hazel 07956 225409 or Suzannah 07701008801. All proceeds to the school Parents Association. 40 Days for Life Closing Event Sunday 13th of April at 7pm in St Benedict’s, Ealing Abbey, parish hall, Ealing. An evening of brilliant pro-life speakers, testimonies and food and drink. Come and celebrate the end of London’s only 40 day pro-life campaign as a result of which over 15 mothers have chosen life for their children! For more info call Good Counsel Network 0207 7231 740 or email LENTEN ALMS collected from parishes will benefit two charitable works, one overseas and the other domestic. The overseas beneficiary will be Aid to the Church in Need, specifically for the relief they are providing to the people of Syria. The domestic beneficiary is the Bakhita Fund in association with Caritas Westminster. Both are working together to provide aid and support to victims of human trafficking and modern slavery. “Over 50% of trafficked people come through London. They arrived on the promise of work and a better life only to find they are exploited and used, humiliated and threatened with violence and death. Often their only place of refuge is the Church Community where they feel welcome and safe enough to disclose their predicament and their situation. Many trafficked people have no recourse to public funds.” PERMANENT DIACONATE. The Deacon is one who cooperates with the bishop and priest in directing the Church’s service to those in need. Interested in finding out more about serving the Church and the world as a Permanent Deacon? Men between 35 and 60 are invited to a ‘Come and See’ Meeting, two hours on a Saturday morning starting 10am. Wives very welcome. On 26th April at Ealing Abbey W5 2DY or 24th May at Sacred Heart, Ware, SG12 7EF. Further info from or or Diocesan Website: The Calix Society was founded in 1947 by recovering alcoholics who saw their Catholic faith as a sure path to serenity without alcohol. Calix helps its members maintain sobriety; participate in Holy Mass and group discussion; become the person God wants them to be. There are three regular meetings in our diocese: 1st Wednesday of the month: 7-9pm at St Pius X, St Charles Square, W10 6EB; ;2nd Friday of the month: 6.30-8.30pm at Westminster Cathedral, Hinsley Rooms, Morpeth Terrace, SW1; 3rd Thursday of the month: 7-9pm at Church of Our Lady, St John’s Wood, 54 Lodge Rd, NW8 8LA. For more information or email or text 07762570361 GOVERNOR VACANCIES: St Mary's University St Mary’s has recently become England’s newest University and, with the Diocese of Westminster and the Catholic Education Service, seeks Governors to fill vacancies on its 24-strong Board. Further information about St Mary’s University is on the University website: SAINSBURY VOUCHERS FOR SCHOOLS: If you are collecting vouchers for schools, there is a box at the back of the Church where they can be placed. Our school will be very grateful. ST EDMUND’S SOCIAL CLUB Next Quiz night is Saturday May 10th –book it in your diary. AGM is on 31st May. THERE WILL NOT BE A CHRONICLE UNTIL THE WEEKEND OF 4/5TH MAY CHRONICLE ONLINE DIARY WEEKLY FINANCES - LAST WEEK BEREAVEMENT GROUP - 2nd Wed of each month Offertory Envelopes £ 422.39 UCM Every 2nd Thursday in the Hall (Mass 7.30pm) Loose £ 363.33 MOTHER'S PRAYER GROUP Alternate Tuesday Building Fund £ 107.00 afternoons. (Contact Mary McGhee 07786 737 437) Bankers Orders (£580 weekly) EDMUNDIAN PLAYERS Tuesday evenings 8-10pm Building Fund No.698 Mr & Mrs O’Mara (Contact Angela 020 8894 1269) Thank you for your support SENIORS: 4/4, 2/5 (Contact Jean 8898 4484) SUMMER FETE: 6th JULY St Edmund’s Whitton is part of WRCDT Charity No.233699 .
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