St. Edmund's Chronicle
St. Edmund’s Chronicle St. Edmund of Canterbury Catholic Church 213 Nelson Road, Whitton, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 7BB Tel 020 8894 9923 email: Priest in Charge: Fr Nigel Griffin Catechetical Co-ordinator: Frances Soiza Parish Safeguarding Representative: Vivien Rimmer. If you have any concerns about Safeguarding of children and vulnerable people in our parish call 07532 259339 SUNDAY MASS: (Vigil Mass) 6.30pm MASS THIS WEEK: Please check times below 9.30am Family Mass Confessions: Saturday 11-11.30am (after Novena) 11.15am Sung Mass (and on request) 6.00pm Mass Divine Office: Psalms Week 1 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 10TH JANUARY 2016 We meet in Christ’s name from many different backgrounds and circumstances to acknowledge our complete dependence on him and to receive from him the strength we need to serve him faithfully in the world. During the month of January we pray for the religious living and working in the Deanery Saturday Vigil 18.30 People of the Parish PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Sunday 10th January 9.30 Ken Mills (RIP) Ron Hall, Perrine Davies, Michael The Baptism of the 11.15 Maureen Langham (RIP) Macleod, , Kevin O’Neil, Eric Scammel, Lord 18.00 Sean Kearnan (RIP) Bill Holleran, Lorraine Muir, Aileen Mon 11th January 9.15 Private intention Raven-Hill, Frank Garvey, Hugh Garvey, Tues 12th January 9.15 Vocations Jim Tobin, Bernadette McLoughlin, St Aelred of Rievaulx Maria Lambert, Patrick Hynes, Parul Peters, Ken Stalder, Rose Fox, Steve Wed 13th January 9.15 Dilys Hayward (RIP) Simpson, Barry Clarke, Vera Gambling, St Hilary th Stephen Mill, Veronica Lapworth, Thurs 14 January 9.30 SCHOOL MASS Vivienne Johnson, Matthew Williams, th Friday 15 January 9.15 Holy Souls Ruhina Merali, Pauline Jackson, Chris th Saturday 16 January 10.30 Catechists King and the families who care for them.
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