Mariangela Lisanti Curriculum Vitae

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Mariangela Lisanti Curriculum Vitae Mariangela Lisanti Curriculum Vitae Academic Appointments Princeton University Associate Professor 2019– Assistant Professor 2013–2019 Princeton Center for Theoretical Science (PCTS) Simons Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow 2010–2013 Education Stanford University, Ph.D. 2005–2010 Thesis: “The Search for Dark Matter: From Colliders to Direct Detection Experiments” Advisor: Jay G. Wacker Harvard University, B.A. summa cum laude 2001–2005 Project: Casimir Force in Microelectromechanical Systems Advisor: Federico Capasso Awards and Honors 2019 President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching, Princeton University 2018 Scialog Fellow, Research Corporation & Heising Simons Foundation 2017 Cottrell Scholar Award, Research Corporation 2016 Sloan Research Fellowship, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation 2013 Postdoctoral Finalist, Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists, NY Academy of Sciences 2012 Block Award, Aspen Center for Physics 2010 Travel and Computing Award, LHC Theory Initiative 2009 Phi Beta Kappa Scholarship, Stanford 2008 Paul Kirkpatrick Teaching Award, Stanford 2008 US Representative, Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting, Council for Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings 2007 P.D. Soros Fellowship for New Americans, Soros Foundation 2005 Graduate Research Fellowship, National Science Foundation 2005 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship, Department of Defense 2005 Humanities and Sciences Fellowship, Stanford 2005 Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard 2004 Barry L. Goldwater Scholar, Goldwater Foundation 2002 TR100 Award (world’s top innovators under the age of 35), MIT Technology Review 2001 First Place, Intel Science Talent Search, Society for Science & the Public 2001 First Place, Intel International Science & Engineering Fair, Society for Science & the Public 2000 First Place, Siemens Westinghouse Science & Technology Competition, Siemens Corporation Invited Colloquia Astronomy Colloquium Yale, Nov. 2019 Physical Society Colloquium McGill, Oct. 2019 Physics Colloquium Queen’s College, CUNY, Mar. 2019 Astronomy Colloquium Univ. of Texas at Austin, Jan. 2019 Physics Colloquium Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Nov. 2018 Physics Colloquium Univ. of Washington, Oct. 2018 Physics Colloquium New York Univ., Oct. 2018 Physics Colloquium Princeton, Sep. 2018 Physics Colloquium Boston Univ., Sep. 2018 Physics Colloquium Brown Univ., Sep. 2018 CERN-CKC Colloquium CERN, Switzerland, Jul. 2018 Physics and Astronomy Colloquium Rutgers, Dec. 2017 Physics and Astronomy Colloquium Northwestern, Oct. 2017 Physics Colloquium Carleton Univ., Oct. 2017 Oskar Klein Centre Colloquium Stockholm, Sep. 2017 Physics Colloquium Cornell, Mar. 2017 Physics Colloquium MIT, Nov. 2016 Physics Colloquium Harvard, Oct. 2016 Physics Colloquium City College of New York, Mar. 2016 Physics Colloquium Stony Brook, Nov. 2014 Lab of Nuclear Sciences Colloquium MIT, May 2014 Astrophysics Colloquium Princeton, Mar. 2014 Astrophysics Colloquium Caltech, Feb. 2014 Physics Colloquium Univ. of Oregon, Feb. 2013 Invited Conference Talks (Plenary) BF2019: Particle Physics and Cosmology in the 2020’s Upton, NY, Sep. 2019 Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics Waterloo, Canada, Sep. 2019 (Plenary) COSMO19 Conference Aachen, Germany, Sep. 2019 (Plenary) Lepton-Photon 2019 Conference Toronto, Canada, Aug. 2019 New Theories and Probes of Dark Matter New York, NY, May 2019 Symposium on the Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics Granada, Spain, May 2019 (Plenary) APS Division of Astrophysics Meeting Denver, CO, Apr. 2019 (Plenary) In Pursuit of New Particles and Paradigms Aspen, CO, Mar. 2019 GGI Conference on Beyond the Standard Model Florence, Italy, Oct. 2018 Current Themes in High Energy Physics and Cosmology Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug. 2018 (Plenary) Rencontres de Blois Blois, France, Jun. 2018 (Plenary) DM@LHC Heidelberg, Germany, Apr. 2018 (Plenary) Conference on Dark Matter, Neutrinos, and their Connections Odense, Denmark, Aug. 2017 (Plenary) TeV Particle Astrophysics Conference Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 2017 CERN-CKC Workshop Jeju, South Korea, Jun. 2017 (Plenary) Baryon and Lepton Number Violation Conference Cleveland, Ohio, May 2017 Royal Society Meeting on the Future of WIMP Dark Matter Chicheley, UK, May 2017 CCA Neutrino Workshop NYC, NY, April 2017 From the LHC to Dark Matter and Beyond Aspen, CO, Mar. 2017 KEK-PH 2017 Tsukuba, Japan, Feb. 2017 Sub-eV 2016 Workshop Berkeley, CA, Dec. 2016 (Plenary) Identification of Dark Matter Sheffield, UK, Jul. 2016 (Plenary) Pheno 2016 Symposium Pittsburgh, PA, May 2016 Radcliffe Workshop on Rethinking Dark Matter Cambridge, MA, Apr. 2016 (Plenary) Dark Matter at the LHC Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Mar. 2016 Astrophysics of Dark Matter Sesto, Italy, Feb. 2016 ABHM Research Group Workshop Heidelberg, Germany, Dec. 2015 New Frontiers in Particle Cosmology Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 2015 (Plenary) LHC Physics Conference St. Petersburg, Russia, Aug. 2015 (Plenary) SUSY Lake Tahoe, CA, Aug. 2015 (Plenary) PASCOS Trieste, Italy, Jun. 2015 CETUP Dark Matter Session Deadwood, SD, Jun. 2015 Preparing for the High-Luminosity Run of the LHC Waterloo, Canada, Jun. 2015 Beyond WIMPs: From Theory to Detection HaGoshrim, Israel, May 2015 SABRE Collaboration Meeting Princeton, NJ, Apr. 2015 Mayacamas Workshop Calistoga, CA, Mar. 2015 NYC Physics of the Universe Summit New York, NY, Sep. 2014 Unsolved Problems in Astrophysics and Cosmology Budapest, Hungary, Jun. 2014 Frontiers in Particle Physics Aspen, CO, Jan. 2014 CMS Exotic Physics Princeton, NJ, Nov. 2013 The Milky Way as a Laboratory for Galaxy Formation Aspen, CO, Aug. 2013 Hunting for Dark Matter Santa Barbara, CA, May 2013 Closing in on Dark Matter Aspen, CO, Jan. 2013 BNL Workshop on SUSY with 5 fb−1 at the LHC Brookhaven, NY, Apr. 2012 Higgs: Now and In the Future Workshop @ Perimeter Waterloo, Canada, Apr. 2012 The Hunt for New Particles Aspen, CO, Feb. 2012 Workshop on Light Higgs: Implications for New Physics Pittsburgh, PA, Jan. 2012 Workshop on Baryon and Lepton Number Violation Gatlinburg, TN, Sep. 2011 A Theoretical & Experimental Vision for Dark Matter Detection Aspen, CO, Aug. 2011 Workshop on the First Year of the LHC Santa Barbara, CA, Jun. 2011 Workshop on Indirect and Direct Detection of Dark Matter Aspen, CO, Feb. 2011 LHC@BNL Workshop Brookhaven, NY, Jan. 2011 LHC Physics Center at CERN Workshop Geneva, Switz., Nov. 2010 LHC Theory Initiative Workshop Brookhaven, NY, Oct. 2010 From Colliders to the Dark Sector Aspen, CO, Jun. 2010 IPMU Focus Week Kashiwa, Japan, Mar. 2009 Beyond the Standard Model Workshop at Fermilab Batavia, IL, Sep. 2008 (Plenary) IEEE-NANO 2001 Conference Maui, HI, Oct. 2001 Invited Seminars Astronomy Seminar Univ. of Pennsylvania, Feb. 2019 ITS/HET Seminar Univ. of Oregon, Nov. 2017 CCAPP Seminar Ohio State, Apr. 2017 Particle Physics Seminar Stanford, Apr. 2017 Cosmology and Particle Physics Seminar NYU, Feb. 2017 HEP-Astro-Nuclear Seminar Univ. of Michigan, Oct. 2016 High Energy Theory Seminar SLAC, Sep. 2016 Cosmology Seminar Univ. of Chicago, May 2016 Particle Astrophysics Seminar Fermilab, May 2016 High Energy Theory Seminar Johns Hopkins, Mar. 2016 High Energy Theory Seminar Univ. of Illinois, Mar. 2016 Particle Theory Seminar UC Berkeley/LBNL, Feb. 2016 Particle Theory Seminar UC Santa Cruz, Dec. 2015 PITT PACC Seminar Univ. of Pittsburgh, Dec. 2015 Particle Theory Seminar Boston Univ., Oct. 2015 High Energy Theory Seminar Rutgers, Oct. 2015 Elementary Particle Theory Seminar Univ. of Maryland, Sep. 2015 Theory Seminar Columbia, May 2015 LHCP ‘Topic of the Week’ Seminar Fermilab, Apr. 2015 High Energy Theory Seminar Fermilab, Apr. 2015 Dark Matter Webinar Invisibles Network, Mar. 2015 Particle Physics Seminar Univ. of Delaware, Mar. 2015 Particle Theory Seminar Brookhaven National Lab, Feb. 2015 Particle Theory Seminar Boston Univ., Dec. 2014 Theory Seminar CITA, Oct. 2014 High Energy Theory Seminar Univ. of Minnesota, Sep. 2014 High Energy Theory Seminar Caltech, Feb. 2014 Particle Theory Seminar Harvard, Dec. 2013 Elementary Particle Theory Seminar Univ. of Maryland, Apr. 2013 High Energy Theory Seminar Rutgers, Mar. 2013 High Energy Theory Seminar Univ. of Oregon, Feb. 2013 Particle Theory Seminar UC Irvine, Jan. 2013 Particle Theory Seminar Johns Hopkins, Sep. 2012 Cosmology Seminar Perimeter Institute, Aug. 2012 Particle Physics Seminar UC Santa Cruz, May 2012 Astrophysics Seminar Columbia, Apr. 2012 High Energy Theory Seminar Stony Brook, Apr. 2012 High Energy Theory Seminar Univ. of Michigan, Mar. 2012 LHCP ‘Topic of the Week’ Seminar Fermilab, Dec. 2011 Theoretical Astrophysics Center Seminar UC Berkeley, Oct. 2011 Particle Theory Seminar Cornell, Oct. 2011 Nuclear and Particle Theory Seminar MIT, Sep. 2011 Theoretical Physics Seminar SLAC, Jul. 2011 High Energy Theory Seminar Institute for Advanced Study, Apr. 2011 Particle Theory Seminar UC Berkeley/LBNL, Mar. 2011 Particle Astrophysics Seminar Fermilab, Mar. 2011 Particle Theory Seminar Yale, Feb. 2011 Particle Experiment Seminar Univ. of Pennsylvania, Feb. 2011 Particle Theory Seminar Boston Univ., Dec. 2010 Particle Theory Seminar Johns Hopkins, Oct. 2010 High Energy Theory Seminar Rutgers, Oct. 2010 High Energy Theory Seminar UC Davis, May 2010 High Energy Theory Seminar Caltech, Apr. 2010 High Energy Theory Seminar Rutgers, Apr. 2010 Particle Theory Seminar Univ. of Oregon, Feb. 2010 High Energy Theory Seminar Univ. of Michigan, Nov. 2009 Particle Theory Seminar UC Berkeley/LBNL, Oct. 2009 Particle Theory Seminar Harvard, Sep. 2009 Particle Theory Seminar Fermilab, Sep.
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