IASInstitute for Advanced Study

Report for the Academic Year 2010–2011 t is fundamental in our purpose, and our express I. desire, that in the appointments to the staff and faculty as well as in the admission of workers and

students, no account shall be taken, directly or indirectly,

of race, religion, or sex. We feel strongly that the spirit

characteristic of America at its noblest, above all

the pursuit of higher learning, cannot admit of any

conditions as to personnel other than those designed

to promote the objects for which this institution is

established, and particularly with no regard whatever

to accidents of race, creed, or sex.

Extract from the letter addressed by the Institute’s Founders, Louis Bamberger and Caroline Bamberger Fuld, to the first Board of Trustees, dated June 4, 1930


Cover: Freeman Dyson, Professor Emeritus in the School of Natural Sciences, Bloomberg Hall Photo: Andrea Kane The Institute for Advanced Study exists to encourage and support fundamental research in the sciences and humanities—the original, often speculative, thinking that produces advances in knowledge that change the way we understand the world. 2 INSTITUTEFORADVANCEDSTUDY Institute for Advanced Study ainlcne o eerho ahmtc n optrsine The science. computer Women for Mathematics. and Program inter- and the University, an mathematics Princeton is with on today jointly sponsors, research which School School, for the in center place national impetus taken major have their that owe discoveries math- centuries twenty-first in to and themes twentieth central the Several Study. of Advanced ematics for Institute the at School h xmnto fhsoia n otmoayproblems. contemporary and and multi- historical research a of social to examination devoted to the is approach and international change and social comparative, and disciplinary, societies of analysis the mission H COLO OILSCIENCE SOCIAL OF SCHOOL THE SCIENCES NATURAL OF SCHOOL THE MATHEMATICS OF SCHOOL THE STUDIES HISTORICAL OF SCHOOL THE PCA PROGRAMS SPECIAL hsc,apormfrgaut tdnsadpsdcoa scholars. postdoctoral and students graduate for program molecular a of Physics, interface inTheoretical Prospects the sponsors School sciences.The physical at the research and conducting biology and compo- universe; and the theory, origin of the string sition investigating physics, gravity; particle quantum and elementary theory, include quantum interest current biology. systems of astronomy, and physics, Areas theoretical of areas broad in research uoen erEsen n atAincvlztos h colactively ideas. School of cross-fertilization The of Western civilizations. and School research Asian of the interdisciplinary East history promotes and and the Politics Eastern, with and Near principally Economics European, concerned of is School Studies, the Humanistic of merging the ae cuain;adteSineIiitv ru,ddctdt building mathematics- world. to developing all dedicated the Group, in in Initiative capacity professionals Science science of the roles and the occupations; based of awareness increase to aims which Institute, Artist-in-Residence Mathematics the City world; IAS/Park the the Director’sVisitors; Program; viewing of ways different explores which nld h rga nItricpiayStudies, Interdisciplinary in Program the include salse n13,wstefirst the was 1933, in established , one n17,tksa its as takes 1973, in founded , salse n16,supports 1966, in established , salse n14 with 1949 in established , TABLEOFCONTENTS 3

and of the Corporation

5 Background and Purpose 6 Report of the Chairman 7 Report of the Director 9 Report of the School of Historical Studies

25 Report of the School of Mathematics 43 Report of the School of Natural63 Sciences Report of the School of Social71 Science Report of the Institute Libraries 72 The IAS Community 77 Reports of the Special Programs 88 Acknowledgments 96 Founders,Trustees, and Officers of the Board 97 Administration 98 Present and Past Directors and Faculty xx Independent Auditors’ Report Contents

Institute for Advanced Study IAS ANDREA KANE h nttt o dacdSuyi omnt fshlr hs ups stepruto dacdlann n coal exploration. scholarly and learning advanced of pursuit the is purpose whose scholars of community a is Study Advanced for Institute The ee coascnes usd fFl aldrn teatime. during Hall Fuld of outside converse scholars Here, Background and Purpose

he Institute for Advanced Study was founded in 1930 with a major gift from New Jersey businessman and philanthropist Louis Bamberger and his sister Caroline Bamberger Fuld, who wished to use their Tfortunes to make a significant and lasting contribution to society. They sought the advice of educator Abraham Flexner, who developed the concept of the Institute as a community of scholars whose primary purpose would be the pursuit of advanced learning and scholarly exploration. The Institute for Advanced Study has remained committed to its founding principles, and its record of definitive scholarship and scientific achievement is unsurpassed. The Institute fills a unique role in postgraduate education and scientific and scholarly research. As “the university to universities,” in the words of Trustee Vartan Gregorian, the Institute serves all colleges and universities by providing a place where scholars can hone their skills and do their best work, thereby adding substantially to their ability to contribute as both teachers and scholars to the academic institutions where they base their careers. For young scholars just entering the academic world, an opportunity to work at the Institute can set the direction for lifelong research The Institute’s foremost interests and thereby determine professional careers. The Institute provides more objective is the advancement mature scholars with the opportunity to take new directions in their research or to complete a major piece of work away from the many obligations of working of knowledge and the life at a university. At a time when pure research and scholarly activities are deepening of understanding undervalued, the opportunities that the Institute provides have never been more across a broad range of necessary. The Institute’s foremost objective is the advancement of knowledge and the humanities, sciences, the deepening of understanding across a broad range of the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. and social sciences. One of the Institute’s unique strengths is its permanent Faculty of twenty-eight eminent scholars, whose broad interests and extensive ties to the larger academic world are reflected in their own work and also in the guidance and direction they provide to the Institute’s visiting scholars. The Faculty defines the major themes and questions that become the focus of each School’s seminars and other activities, and selects and works closely with visiting Members. Organized in four Schools (Historical Studies, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social Science), the Faculty and Members interact with one anoth- er without any departmental or disciplinary barriers. AKRUDADPURPOSE AND BACKGROUND Each year the Institute awards fellowships to some 190 visiting Members from about one hundred universities and research institutions throughout the world. The Institute’s more than six thousand former Members hold positions of intellectual and scientific leadership in the United States and abroad. Some twenty-seven Nobel Laureates and thirty-eight out of fifty-two Fields Medalists, as well as many winners of the Wolf and MacArthur prizes, have been affiliated with the Institute.The Institute does not receive income from tuition or fees; resources for operations come from endowment income, grants from private foundations and government agencies, and gifts from corporations and individuals.


CLIFF MOORE eoto h Chairman the of Report T ice h nttt oasa;i ol ewogt ei ihayohrabto raprto. hselevated This aspiration.” or ambition other any deliberately with have begin edu- to “I an wrong Maass. sketched be and to would have memorandum Leidesdorf, it I star; confidential Bambergers, that a 1931 the fact to a included the Institute in the which wrote of hitched Trustees, unaware Institute, of not the Board am of Institute’s to Director “I the modest. founding grateful not as are Flexner, We was Utopia,” School. Institute purpose. cational the and the work for for Institute’s Trustee dream the as Flexner’s the to at term contribution five-year History enduring of a American his School served of for the Professor who by David Berkeley, Hotchkis nominated Preston California, was Hollinger, of who David University, University succeeds Columbia Carmela at Studies. Classics Historical of Professor Franklin, Vircillo Carmela donations all with years, Fund. Simonyi four the next and the Foundation within Insti- Simons sources The the endowment. Institute’s other by the from dollar strengthen million for to This $100 Sciences. dollar campaign and unrestricted remaining million matched Arts million $200 the for $100 a Fund raise a for Simonyi must with Lisa basis tute future Institute’s and the Charles the as the serve for honored and foundation will are Foundation Marilyn, strong donation wife the Simons the his the to and of from Board, contributing knowledge. the grant work in challenge and of Chairman the role ideas aVice a Simons, sustain of play James advancement to with to together the I, to importance and Lisa dedicated wife utmost environment My the an freedom been the in has of with research them providing humanities is world, their the and it around pursue Today, from sciences scholars to years. leading the draws reach eighty in and renown scholarship than whose Institute more original cultivating for and donate promoting unparalleled to estab- in Bambergers role of 1930. the Institute’s dream in prompted The Flexner’s research Institute Fuld. curiosity-driven the Bamberger establish of Caroline pursuit to the million sister to $5 his dedicated and institution Bamberger an Louis lishing philanthropists of behalf eaeimneygaeu oteCnena oni,teIsiuesms eeosidvda contributors, individual generous pages. most following Institute’s the the astounding in Council, Schools produce the Centennial eight- to Institute’s of the reports the to continues academic of grateful and the honor immensely in in humankind are held articulated We events as for and and benefits talks fall the last practical by anniversary evidenced and ieth research––as cultural fundamental in to advances led has objective lxe’ moetabto e h nttt na nelculcus hti tl npoes rvdn direction providing process, in still is other that and course intellectual corporations, an foundations, on income; Institute and the unrestricted set Study; of ambition source Advanced immodest largest Flexner’s for mission. its Institute’s Institute with the the Institute support the who of provide who Members benefactors Institute, of the Association of the Friends the as well as tf,adteIsiuesmn te uprescniu owr oraietedem forfounders—in our of dreams Faculty, Director, the the Chairman attained.” realize Board, now to the is work that Simonyi than Charles dedication to higher and much continue purpose “something supporters attempt of other to sense words, many great Flexner’s Institute’s a the with is and It Staff, ahead. decades the for conatadbsns die,adHretMas natre,wohdapoce lxe on Flexner approached had who attorney, ever you an an “Have Maass, question: Leidesdorf, Samuel a Herbert to with and it part posed adviser, education, in business higher on originated and expert Study an accountant Advanced Flexner, for Abraham dream?” Institute a dreamed the of founding he nteps er h or ecmdtrenwTute:BueKve,Fudrand Founder Kovner, and American; Bruce Anglo Trustees: of new Executive Chief three Carroll, welcomed Cynthia Board Associates; Caxton the of year, Chairman past the independence In funding––an what- pursue, rare. outside academic to other increasingly research and becoming guarantee governmental of is lines to of that which priorities necessary choosing changing to independence the comes ever it financial when that the endowment flexibility the and with is freedom It endowment Institute expenses. on and relies operating the its stability institution provides to The of the term. Institute three-quarters because long approximately the essential the for allow over is income will level endowment Institute’s acceptable that essential The the an funds world. its at endowment of the endowment new health continue the raise of to on to draw understanding able is its our campaign keep is advances the Institute that of the research goal main that fundamental ensure fostering will in campaign role million $200 The ihn h nttt nte13s oscr h rn,teIsiuems ac twt te it ihnfu er.All years. four within gifts other estab- with gifts it founders’ match the must since Institute terms the real of grant, in Chairman the gift Simonyi, secure largest Charles To 1930s. the Vice and a the grant, Institute, Simons, in the challenge James less million Institute of to a $100 we Member the thankful in a immensely lishing former that pledged are a confidence have we essential and who with and Trustees Board, is campaign, of work the million Board It Institute’s its $200 respite. the a continue of launched temporary can Chairman has a it Institute provide the that end, only so this To can term they longer but budgetary future. on the depends, endowment, financial generous for mission Institute’s certain endowment extremely its the Institute’s received the three the fulfill protected has to have strengthen last maintaining it ability measures the while and its These of life, possible, Trustees. which its finan- challenges wherever academic from global its financial expenditure the support Institute, of of the reduced the effects quality meet has the to To essential feeling Institute importance are appreciated. us vital the deeply of years, of all is is when situation, donors, purpose, the cial to of as generosity the ended. unrestricted and just largely donations has Similarly, groups support, that Institute. two year Such the these Together, the levels. at record in time attained million by also Members their $1 held have nearly on former is Institute place by contributed the it have them which made of who in Friends of those donations the esteem many on of from the such had value levels on has the institution annual part it An to increasing large success. that testify The in its impact Members. reputation the judging its former and of for Institute its means depends the ultimate Institute at the ideas, the done provide new as research the that the of here in of mixture time Professor assessments survived heady spent a and long-term a lifetime as such was a is 1969–72 there last who It to young, spending Atiyah, were since, the that Michael “Among established times decades. visit, collaborations many and dispersion.” first eight returned formed geographical his its were has Friendships on of and camaraderie. that seven and 1955–56 energy, reflected over in Mathematics, Institute Member of the publish a School known will as have Press came collectively, secularism, University who, initially phenomena, Study Princeton scholars Advanced political year, by for anniversary current essays Institute the to our the of world from of reinterpretation on classical Impressions the the following the on universe, fall, and of gender expanding This relevance breadth of the the growth, the influence science, the of both rights. social geometry mathematics, human well and the of and covered history Illustrating foundations topics the of dinners. the of fields Institute, celebratory inconsistency the at possible and research the seminars, current lectures, of engagement of programs Science—for I ormmeso h aut eie nJn:Erc obei B o emn rfso fMteais after Mathematics, of Professor Neumann are von humor IBM playful Bombieri, and Enrico enthusiasm, June: profound in spirit, community, had retired of have Institute Faculty generosity teaching the the his and of of and research member members architecture, His Four much-loved and Studies. a art of Historical Islamic 8 of missed. of January School greatly study on the the death in on Members. the Emeritus impact former with and Professor sadness Grabar, Friends from brought Oleg those also including year end, this This toward count will pledges and donations o orfinsi,frercigteIsiuecmuiy n o epn oscr t uueadbodnishorizons. its broaden and continued future their its Director secure to you to Thank Institute. forward helping the for look Goddard to and give Peter community, we Staff Institute and and the Friends, Institute, enriching Members, Faculty, Trustees, for our the friendship, that your support of for the work Studies. for grateful and Historical deeply am life Professor of I the School Bynum, the to Caroline in Biology; greatly Professor of Kennan contributed F. Professor involvement. have George first them Margalit, Institute’s Avishai of and the All Levine, History; Medieval Arnold European Faculty; of the on years thirty-four eoto h Director the of Report fNtrlSine,adtescn nNvme 21,frteShoso itrclSuisado Social of and Studies Historical of back and Schools welcoming Mathematics the by of for founding Schools 12–13, the its November for of on primarily second anniversary 24–25, the eightieth September and the on Sciences, first commemorated Natural weekends—the Institute of two the on 2010, Members past of fall the n olcino htgah htgv nphto er 091,and 2009–10, year, a of snapshot a give that photographs of collection a , omnt fScholars: of Community A

CLIFF MOORE 7 DIRECTOR THE OF REPORT BENTLEY DREZNER ohrvnFlehue fteUiest fClfri,LsAgls pk bu rhelgclprpcie nehiiyi nin China ancient in ethnicity on perspectives archaeological about spoke Angeles, Los California, of University the of Falkenhausen von Lothar spr f“N,HsoyadAcaooy”awrso raie yPoesrNcl iCsoTewrso ie ounderstand to aimed workshop Cosmo.The Di Nicola Professor by organized workshop Archaeology,” a and History “DNA, of part as o itrascnpoi rmacoe olbrto ihbooit,atrplgss n archaeologists. and anthropologists, biologists, with collaboration closer a from profit can historians how School of Historical Studies

Faculty Yve-Alain Bois Caroline Walker Bynum Angelos Chaniotis Patricia Crone, Andrew W. Mellon Professor Nicola Di Cosmo, Luce Foundation Professor in East Asian Studies Jonathan Israel Avishai Margalit, George F.Kennan Professor

Professors Emeriti Glen W. Bowersock Giles Constable Oleg Grabar Christian Habicht Irving Lavin Peter Paret Heinrich von Staden Morton White

he School of Historical Studies is concerned principally with the history of Western European, Near Eastern, and East Asian civilizations. Both inside and outside these broad areas of study, Faculty and TMembers have pursued a wide range of topics. The emphasis has been traditionally on Greek and

Roman civilization, medieval, early modern and modern European history, history of art, and the history of STUDIES HISTORICAL OF SCHOOL science, but over time the School’s interests have been enlarged to include Islamic culture, the history of China and Japan, modern international relations, and more recently, music studies. Over two thousand scholars have come to the School since its founding, and their work in these and other areas of research reg- ularly has been enriched by the fruitful interaction of disciplines in a small and collegial community. The School’s broad interpretation of the meaning of “Historical Studies” continued to be reflected in the research projects pursued by the forty Members and thirteen Visitors who joined the School for the aca- demic year 2010–11. Their research spanned a diverse range of historical subjects, including French opera, temples in India, and monks in Korea, as well as the history of race and hunger inAmerica and the portrayal of youth in the ancient novel.The periods studied ranged from as far back as the second millennium B.C.E. to the late twentieth century. Research carried out in the School also extended over a wide geographic range, including Europe, North America, the Middle East, and East and South Asia. Individual Members received support both from the Institute’s own funds and from a variety of external sources, including the Andrew W.Mellon Foundation, the Gerda Henkel Stiftung, the Gladys Kriebel Delmas Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Beyond the individual research projects pursued, many events drew groups of scholars together for lectures and discussions that facilitated the exchange of ideas across fields and regions.These included a regular series 9 10 SCHOOLOFHISTORICALSTUDIES

BENTLEY DREZNER rfso neo hnoi rgt gave (right) Chaniotis Angelos Professor nifra ak“rmAhle’Rg to Rage Achilles’ “From talk informal an N rm bm’ mtosadthe and Emotions Obama’: Drama ‘No ar’ a oecuaeinter-School encourage to Bar Harry’s ovrain,apormhl in held program a Conversations, itra, spr fAtrHours After of part as Historian,” conversations. oiso uulitrs.(e h ito vnsa h n fti section.) Professor this 2010–11, of In end the discuss at events and present of ACTIVITIES to list ACADEMIC basis the the a regular (See at a interest. and whole on mutual seminars, met a of lectures, that topics as invited groups School as smaller well the of number as to Colloquia, Members Lunchtime individual Monday by presentations of nvriyo lso;i oresetuh ttePictnTheological Princeton the at the taught of she Smith Julia course continued with a and summer in 2009 Glasgow; last in organized of India cross-cul- she University to relics of on trip sort workshop the her the further during in only setting began carry not to she political tries she comparison and also answer, tural economic, but social, an phenomena the Christian about and of thinking performance In ritual holy? analyzes become objects certain o k swl sa sa nRbr ashnegsggni rn from print gigantic Rauschenberg’s New Robert in on Gallery essay Gagosian cata- Larry an the the 1970, as for at well topic legacy this the as American on on York, essay his the exhibition an an by and only of published complete Malevich logue he result, to Kasimir a hopes painter As year. he Russian academic of next which sculpture the Kelly, and of Ellsworth end paintings the artist of American raisonné the catalogue the project, long-term ru fesy nJla cnblsms eetfilm recent most Schnabel’s Julian on essays of group raie eiso r-itr eias(ihra uc n eevdto reserved and lunch at he (either Institute, seminars the art-history At University. of sev- series Princeton on served a at contin- and organized He students committees 2012. graduate dissertation on University fall exhibition Harvard eral for the with an scheduled work at for Dickerman, to preparation Leah abstraction ued by in on York In curated New Défense. colloquium topic in the La daylong Art Nanterre Modern a Ouest of in human- Museum Paris the participated de of on he state symposium Université three-day the February, the the on by at lecture States organized at a United ities seminar gave the he graduate in pseudomor- December, a history on In by art Philosophy. one there for followed and Tokyo, Tokyo, Center of Insti- the of University Newman the University the at Barnett at the Cézanne on and one phism of Japan: Matisse Technology in on of one lectures Art, tute of of Museum series Kawamura a the gave at he fall, early In n19 ihRsln Krauss, Rosalind with 1996 in October Current owihh otiue nitouto.Tebo ecoauthored he book The introduction. an contributed he which to , o h r niie rjc nBsl eas dtda edited also He Basel. in Project Unlimited Art the for , v-li Bois Yve-Alain raint as h agrqeto,wydo why question, larger the Ref- raise and Ages to Middle ormation the Christian in of study objects this devotional on builds book research Late her current in Religion April, Europe on in Medieval Essay An Also Materiality: studies. Christian book best medieval the the in for by America given of Medal Academy Haskins Medieval the won conceptions sacrifice, medieval of late explores which 2007), Blood Wonderful nArl21,Professor 2011, April In Table. a Caro- Medieval Bynum’s Professor gave line in also “materiality” He on scholars presentation institutions.) to open neighboring and evening from the in or Members omesAUe’ Guide User’s Formless:A tydams nieyfcsdo his on focused entirely almost stayed Uiest fPnslai Press, Pennsylvania of (University perdfo oeBos Her Books. Zone from appeared aoieBynum Caroline perdi Japanese. in appeared , Miral o h journal the for , sbook ’s io) tdignweirpi id n okn ntobo manuscripts book two on working (Asia Aphrodisias and at finds excavation epigraphic new the studying Minor), in participated Chaniotis 2010, August Ducrey) Factor.” In Historical Pierre as (with “Emotions table co-organized round Chaniotis the Sciences 2010) Historical August of (Amsterdam, Congress International Twenty-first the During 2011. d o h td fEoin nteGekWorld Greek the in the Emotions of in Study volume launched the collective be for the ods will and parameters 2011 database cultural A of and collection emotions. fall social the how of involves reveal manifestations Oxford that sources determine in Greek team of research analysis his and of work Paradigm The Council. Greek to The devoted was tions: time his of Most 2010. Award book HellenisticWorld His the World. in Hellenistic the the for responsible for work Antiquorum editorial Rituum et Cultus Thesaurus study the Experience completed and Agency, Performance, Body, II: ume proceedings conference the and coedited and Representation Gender, 2011) Emotion, Mediterranean:Agency, Ancient the in eerhtm n h tmltn ovrain htteIsiueprovides. Institute the quiet grateful that the is Professor both conversations She for stimulating Princeton. and the them in and among friends time spent many research she she years her but of seven-and-a-half with City, the School NewYork touch for to in the moved stay and of to 30 Hofer hopes June the Helmut on retired of and She Hut Studies Mathematics. Piet Interdisciplinary colleagues in with chaired Conversations” Commission Program and Table Hours Medieval Humanities Wednesday “After the the the program ran to of she the Institute, cochair spoke the as she At honorary Israel. serve June, an in to her in gave continued which and, Glasgow, She of degree. Jerusalem University the in at at Ben-Gurion students seminar Society at graduate medieval for and Historical workshop Berlin a Israel in conducted the also Inquiry She Cultural Israel. for in University Institute the the she 2011, at May lectured of In on evidence. series of part Fellows’ the as of Society miracles and Columbia the about Seminary and spoke Theological University, Princeton Columbia previous 2010–11, Prince- at in ton, lectures in public than gave She School less years. Executive traveled the the Bynum as of served Officer she Because 2011. University spring the York in New of Study at the World for Ancient Institute materiality” the “divine at paper on held a workshop in icono- a and on for things”; 2010 “holy of and fall clasm the in Seminary neo Chaniotis Angelos upeetmEirpiu Graecum Epigraphicum Supplementum etvl n otssi h re World Greek the in Contests and Festivals i re)rcie nGec h ainlLiterature National the Greece in received Greek) (in nylpdao nin History Ancient of Encyclopedia rjc uddb h uoenResearch European the by funded project a , dtdtecletv volume collective the edited iulDnmc n h cec fRitual:Vol- of Science the and Dynamics Ritual h oiladClua osrcino Emo- of Construction Cultural and Social The neln mto:SucsadMeth- and Sources Emotion: Unveiling LsAgls otcmn)adthe and forthcoming) Angeles, (Los sepce ob ulse in published be to expected is Webdn 00.H also He 2010). (Wiesbaden, harclt n ulcLife Public and Theatricality nwihh was he which in , V Lie,2010) (Leiden, LVI iulDynamics Ritual o h series the for (Stuttgart, rfso aoieBnm(left). Bynum Caroline Professor by organized colloquium lunchtime MedievalTable a in participated art, Asian South of historian a (right), Kaimal Padma Member


11 COLO ITRCLSTUDIES HISTORICAL OF SCHOOL 12 SCHOOLOFHISTORICALSTUDIES nweg fiscnet biases, context, its of knowledge luin,adcretveson views current and allusions, a vdne n n cannot one and evidence, raw ytee nesoekosthe knows one unless syntheses te.Atog hscnesa conveys this Although other. ANDREA KANE look things how of sense good nfrinfed,oecannot one fields, foreign in a vdnewtotsome without evidence raw rsnigsnhsst each to syntheses presenting nedsilnr okby work interdisciplinary t rprinterpretation. proper its rmteIlmcwrdt Europe. to world Islamic the from okwt te people’s other with work people’s other with work rnmsino uvrieideas subversive of transmission rfso arcaCoe(a left) (far Crone Patricia Professor itrasnral do normally Historians raie okhpo the on workshop a organized eas etrdi tes eln oubaUiest,Heidelberg, University, Columbia Berlin, Toulouse. and Rome, Athens, the Paris, in Oxford, in Münster, Images Mannheim, lectured Mylonopoulos. and Ioannis Texts also in with He “Emotions 2010) seminar Universi- (September–December graduate World” Columbia Greek At the the Spain. taught with from ongoing 2011), he scholars ty, their and (April Members Space” 2010–11, present of “Sacred in participation workshop to Member the a opportunity Bierl, organized Studies An Anton God: Chaniotis the Ancient with Together of the 2010). Members Fear Phenomena” (March With research 2010). gave “The Political on (December he lecture Contexts” Current Seminar, Faculty its “The for a and seminar World gave Emotion the and Science, Classical UPS 2010) Social the (November Allen, of Danielle of School with the Relevance together in organized Professor Chaniotis Foundation Institute, the Aphrodisias in At Identity of andTransformations Constructions Cross: the of City the nw h a vdne n n antwr ihohrpol’ a evi- raw people’s other one with work unless cannot syntheses people’s one and other look evidence, with things raw how work the of project cannot knows sense one to syn- good a fields, a world presenting foreign conveys by by this in Islamic Although work other. dominated the each interdisciplinary from to was do theses ideas year normally subversive Historians her on of Europe. third apart, transmission a the and activities writ- Silverstein, regarding one Adam These print, with in own. another appeared her Jafarijaze, articles her Masoud with of pre-exis- three ten Oxford of and her notions publication, reworked Jewish on for throw and also tence they Christian, She light Zoroastrian, religion. on the Iranian paper and conference of centuries features ninth to persistent eighth some the of revolts Iranian arcaCrone Patricia ( pgahcRsac tAhoiis 1995–2010 Aphrodisias, at Research Epigraphic nrwW elnPoesr iihdhrbo bu the about book her finished Professor, Mellon W. Andrew , and rmteCt fAhoieto Aphrodite of City the From ). ulctosta perdi h oreo h ericuea ril and article an include year the of course the will in last the appeared and that monograph, completion. Publications reach short the to a time during in more completed result that some be will require nomads should second ancient the first year, Manchu The of coming of institutions. study study and the new culture and activity evidence; political a Manchu scientific research a and English; textual, of His to material, edition combines histori- and Japanese participated. in translation from Members also the to projects: grammar scientists addition different In three three social on spring. comprised focused the some year, in every studies, seven and convenes cal fall he the which in formulating Seminar, talks Asian societies. when ancient East of The archaeologists evolution and and collaboration formation closer the a on anthropologists, versa, from hypotheses profit vice can biologists, and, viewpoint, historians studies how methodological with DNA understand a to From ancient aimed evidence. archae- of it how historical use discuss treat make to biologists fields may how three history all from also and Archaeology.” specialists He and ology gather History, (Leipzig). to “DNA, was on Plagues” goal Institute and The the and “Nomads at (Rome), workshop on history a conference Chinese convened in a Haven/New pluralism in (New legal empire participated on Liao paper the on a conference presented York), a at spoke Studies, Asian nOtbr2010, of October University the In and Davis, a Asheville. University and at for the Barbara, Carolina least at Santa at North Angeles, seminars end, Los and its California, lectures reached a the presented have of may Crone has give was it addition, group to sadly, One core In that the moved while. Institute. which decimated felt the of so group, Member been reading at now Qur’an a groups the was whenever normal other met The paper. her which of seminar, two will Islamicist group ran session, the also further that hoped Crone One is own. publication. it her joint when or saw year, for his next ready participants be place on when take seen migrated will moments have two, have could perhaps electric to or none some likely chairmen that idea were for one things There just East. need kept to the the deliberately devoted from without was was possible easily, day the flowed participants Each and discussion moderators. of sides the number European and the The small, relationship and transmission. Muslim the of the routes to on ideas on the Thereafter, well. moved between as discussion afternoon some- fol- the the and of that morning part the discussion times of all general took This the lowed. answered in and context questions provided who by specialist introduced the a was In dossier advance. each ques- sessions, in daylong defined circulated were sharply These could particular, tions. they their evidence on the to synthetic find all asked of with were dossiers participants dispensed compile the project Instead, papers. this to relat- ing seminars proper the its Accordingly, on views interpretation. context, current its and of allusions, knowledge biases, some without dence ioaD Cosmo Di Nicola ueFudto rfso nEast in Professor Foundation Luce , n nlec fFrench of influence and presence the concerned project Abbate’s history. nineteenth-century and eighteenth- of aspects on focused which workshop, history modern a during discussion a led Gorodetsky, Gabriel Member with seen (right), Abbate Carolyn Visitor oens rm19 o1933. to 1890 from modernism opéra-bouffe ntecntuto fGerman of construction the in opéra-comique and


13 COLO ITRCLSTUDIES HISTORICAL OF SCHOOL several Chinese translations of his works:“Nurhaci’s Names,”in Representing Power in Ancient Inner Asia: Legitimacy,Transmission and the Sacred, edited by Isabelle Charleux (2010); Gudai Zhongguo yu qi qiang lin 古代中国与其强邻 (Beijing, 2010, translation of Ancient China and Its Neighbors); “Neiya shi shang de guojia xingxheng yu jieduanhua 内亚史上的国家形成与阶段划” (translation of “State Formation and Periodization in Inner Asian History”) in Xifang Zhongguo shi yanjiu (Western Studies on Chinese History), edited by Leo K. Shin (2011); and “Yu qiangpao he gan? Huoqi yu Qing diguo de xingcheng 与枪炮何干?火器和清帝国的形成 (translation of “Did Guns Matter? Firearms and the Qing Formation”) in Shijie shijian yu Dongya shijian zhong de Ming Qing bianqian 世界时间与东亚时间中的明清变迁 (World Historical and East Asian Times in the Ming-Qing Transition), edited by Lynn Struve (2009). During 2010–11, Professor Jonathan Israel finalized the text for Democrat- ic Enlightenment: Philosophy, Revolution, and Human Rights, 1750–1790, the third part of his general reinterpretation of the Enlightenment, which Oxford University Press will publish in September 2011. The five-part work covers the history of the Western Enlightenment from the battle over the Encyclopédie, in the 1750s, to the outbreak of the French Revolution. He also began the research and writing for his next book, on the role of new philosophical principles and ideas in the French Revolution, commissioned by Press. At the Institute, with the help of Member Thomas Kühne, he ran the Modern History Workshop focusing on aspects of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century history. He also began a collaboration with Linda Colley and David Bell of the history department at Princeton, jointly organizing the first four sessions of the new Eighteenth-Century Seminar, attracting scholars from Princeton and neighboring universities. The organizers agreed to continue this collaboration over the next several years. RANDALL HAGADORN On December 15, Israel was Visitor StephenTracy (left) and Professor awarded the Franklin Medal, an award made annually by the London Royal Christian Habicht (right) examine a squeeze Society of Arts (founded 1754), for his work on the Enlightenment. He (an impression of an inscription) in the Institute’s collection, one of the largest in delivered lectures abroad on various aspects of the Western Enlightenment the world.The study of Greek and Roman in Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Bordeaux, Brussels, Leiden, Madrid, and Toledo inscriptions has been a primary focus of and twice in London. In the United States, he gave lectures at Holy Cross historians at the Institute since the appointment of Benjamin Meritt in 1935. College, , Middlebury College, and on two occasions at the University of Notre Dame as well as at a Liberty Fund Conference on

SCHOOLOFHISTORICALSTUDIES Montesquieu and Rousseau at Hermosa Beach, Los Angeles. Besides book reviews, his publications this year were “De twee gezichten van de Republiek en haar koloniaal imperium als positief en negatief 14 model van vooruitgang” in Neerlandistische Ontmoetingen Trefpunt Olomouc, pgahs oi oeti the in Robert Louis epigraphist Books of Review il ftelcuews“elcino h rbRevolution.” Arab The Emeritus the Oxford. on Professor College, “Reflection Antony’s was St lecture at the Lecture and Pears of Oxford, College, the title Queen’s delivered the he of May fellow in honorary an made was Margalit decision-making.” apostasy. political on of was powers human lecture our increase of prize jury to conditions Margalit’s The helping important Germany. thereby on the in light ... Tubingen received profound life of a Margalit sheds University Histori- May, “he the stated: of In at School report the history. Prize in Lucas twentieth-century Members Leopold for on seminar Studies research a cal year the of term euae;ad3 ealu’Gf oIlmteDaho h Persian the the of in Death Books reviews of of Islam—the published Capture Review Bowersock The to Byzantium, year, York 2) New 1) academic Gift Arabia; the Antiquity: Heraclius’ South During Late Empire.” 3) of in Mena- Kingdom and of Empires Jewish the Jerusalem; memory the of of in and guest lectures “Collision a three Ethiopia, on as deliver Stern Jerusalem to Israel in hem weeks of two Society spent Umm Historical Bowersock at 2011, excavations April the Petra.In visit in to Haroun Jordan Jebel Humeima. publi- and to the Petra, the at returned al-jimal, excavation of he progress the November, the and late review Papyri In to Petra Helsinki Jaakko the Academy, in Finnish of of meeting cation the Board a by attended Advisory funded he Helsinki, the as and in on serve Excellence the remained to of for similarly agreed Center Frösen’s and He Institute Fellow. University York the New Senior he at He a of World years. 2011 Ancient many Committee the March after of Advisory position in Study this the vacate the but on to Florence, of however, come remained, in Scientifico had time Consiglio Umanistici addition, the the that Studi In decided of di scholars. Presidente Research Italiano as senior European Istituto to service the his of grants” panel continued “advanced humanities he awarding a chair for to Council 2010 of half second vsa Margalit Avishai title the under 2011). translation (Turin, Italian Origins in Democracy appeared Intellectual Modern the of and Enlightenment (Madrid, Laursen His C. 2011). J. and tolerancia Rico Villaverde la de in (1750–1780)” Antiphilo- los franceses e de sophos escritos des “Tolerancia los en and temps intolerancia 2010); au Europe (Saint-Étienne, en Samuel religion Lumières et Hermann ertinage de in Reimarus” radical criticisme B. du biblique philosophique and contexte “Le Engelbrecht 2010); Republic, Czech (Olomouc, Wilken Hamers by edited dtdb ai-éèeQueval Marie-Hélène by edited , eouino h id Radical Mind: the of Revolution A rhdxee éeooi.Lib- héterodoxie. et Orthodoxie dtdb ai José Maria by edited , swl sa lutae oaet h ra French great the to homage illustrated an as well as , ereF ennPoesr odce ntesecond the in conducted Professor, Kennan F. George , lnW Bowersock W. Glen Pictn 2010) (Princeton, the , ie ieaySupplement Literary Times Forjadores ope Rendus Comptes ett rsesfu ie nthe in times four Brussels to went n iouin el mente della Rivoluzione Una fteAaéi des Académie the of n the and , London oiisi rnefo oi I othe Revolution. to XIV Louis from France in politics and ideology between relationship the and studied left, right) Israel, Jonathan Professor Margalit, Avishai with Professor (center; Campbell Peter Member fterskills. their of demonstrations public virtuoso gave that doctors were who iatrosophists, on paper a and century fifth the in Hypatia mathematician the murdered that Parabalani as known charity terrorist the of analysis an were contributions scholarly Bowersock’s Professor Among


15 COLO ITRCLSTUDIES HISTORICAL OF SCHOOL Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. He wrote a memoir about the late Bernard Knox for the New Republic. Among his scholarly contributions were an analysis of the terrorist charity known as Parabalani that murdered the mathematician Hypatia in the fifth century and a paper on iatrosophists, who were doctors that gave virtuoso public demonstrations of their skills. His paper on a funerary epigram inscribed on a stone from Laodicea in Turkey was based on a squeeze of the inscription in the archive given to the Institute by Jeanne Robert. During the academic year 2010–11, Professor Emeritus Giles Constable published one book, one article, and one review. A previously published article was reprinted.Three books are in course of publication. In addition to attending several conferences, he gave a lecture at Harvard University and spoke at the meeting in honor of the eleven hundredth anniversary of the foundation of Cluny (September 2010) and at the meeting of the Inter- national Congress of Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo (May 2011). He presided at sessions of meetings at Ohio State University and Princeton University. He was a member of the Advisory Board of The Oxford Diction- ary of the Middle Ages, which was published this year. He continues to serve on the editorial boards of several book series and scholarly journals, as a reviewer for the American Philosophical Society, and on the selection com- mittee of the Delmas Foundation. The late Professor Emeritus Oleg Grabar was presented with the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in Doha, Qatar, in November 2010. He was also the winner of the World Book Prize for the Book of theYear of the Islamic Republic of Iran for his book Images en terre d’Islam.The book was published in English in 2009 as Masterpieces of Islamic Art: The Decorated Page. The School mourns the passing of Professor Grabar, who died on January 8, 2011. Professor Emeritus Christian Habicht read proofs for volumes three and Most of Professor Heinrich von Staden’s four of the new edition of Polybius and for an edition in modern Greek of (left) research remained focused on the role of animals in the development of his 1985 book on Pausanias. He continued his work on Ancient Cyzicus ancient science and medicine. and participated in an international colloquium on Cyzicus in Antiquity held in March 2011 at the University of Metz, where he spoke on “Cyzicus: The Epigraphic Evidence.” His publications were volume 3 (books 5–8) of the Loeb Polybius, published in April, and the Greek edition of his Pausanias and His Guide to Greece, published in Athens in Jan- uary. Other publications were: “Zum Problem thessalischer Phratrien” in Onomatologos: Studies in Greek Person- al Names Presented to Elaine Matthews (Oxford 2010); “Stephen Tracy the Epigraphist” and “The City of SCHOOLOFHISTORICALSTUDIES Kyzikos, Client of Oracles” in Studies in Greek Epigraphy and History in Honor of Stephen V. Tracy (Bordeaux

16 KATE ABLUTZ 2010); and a Greek translation of his paper “Ambrakia and the Thessalian League in the Time of the War against Perseus,” in Thessaliko Hemerologio 59, 2011. Other papers were accepted for publication. Professor Emeritus Irving Lavin gave his annual seminar in Italian at the Istituto Ital- iano per gli Studi Filosofici in Naples, Italy. He participated in a spring seminar with the architect Frank Gehry and Arnold Levine, Professor in the School of Natural Sciences, sponsored by the Institute’s Simons Center for Systems Biology, which explored the striking similarities frequently found between archi- tectural forms and biological structures on CLIFF MOORE the molecular level. He presented a paper devoted to structures consisting Member Menachem Fisch, who studies of interlacing linear components. In a month-long program centered on major upheavals in science and mathematics, joined a discussion about Gehry’s visit to the Institute, Lavin lectured on the phenomenon of move- Platonic philosophy during a Historical ment in Gehry’s architecture, and he and Marilyn Aronberg Lavin together Studies lunchtime colloquium. gave a lecture on the Institute’s seal, “Truth and Beauty at the Institute for Advanced Study.” In a series inaugurating the new Mandel Center for the Humanities at Brandeis University, he lectured on the provocative and enig- matic pedestals of Bernini’s famous baldachin over the high altar of St. Peter’s in Rome. A major monograph on Bernini’s work at St. Peter’s is in course of publication.There appeared a new Italian edition of a book edit- ed by Lavin, Erwin Panofsky:Three Essays on Style (Milan, 2011). On October 15, Professor Emeritus Peter Paret opened a conference at the Humboldt University in Berlin on the intellectual and political history of military education in the Western world with a talk on the course of lec- tures Clausewitz began at the Berlin War Academy on October 15, 1810. An expanded version of his talk, “Clausewitz’Vorlesungen über den kleinen Krieg,” was published in the Jahrbuch der Clausewitz-Gesellschaft VI (2010), and in English translation, “Clausewitz:‘Half against my will, I have become a Professor,’” in the Journal of Military History LXXV (April 2011). Paret’s essay “Internationalism for the Nation: Max Liebermann as Cultural Politi- COLO ITRCLSTUDIES HISTORICAL OF SCHOOL cian” in imperial and Weimar Germany, appeared in Max Liebermann, edit- ed by Marion Deshmukh, et al. (Berghahn Books, 2011), and his essay “Aufklärung und Preussische Reform” appeared in the Festschrift für Herfried Münkler, edited by Marcus Llanque, et al. (Akademie-Verlag, 2011). Paret also revised and expanded his article “Clausewitz” for the 2011 edition of The Oxford Companion to Politics in theWorld, and wrote reviews in the Jour- nal of Interdisciplinary History and Central European History. He was awarded the Historical Society’s Jack Miller Center Prize for his essay on Marc Bloch and Clausewitz, “Two Historians on Defeat in War and its Causes,” in Historically Speaking XI (June 2010).A German text will appear in the 2011 Jahrbuch der Clausewitz-Gesellschaft. Under license of Princeton University Press, the Folio Society published a luxury edition of his and Michael Howard’s translation of Clausewitz’s On War and World Affairs Press, Bei- jing, published a Chinese translation, supplementing its 2001 English lan- guage edition, of Makers of Modern Strategy, a collection of twenty-nine essays, three by Paret, on strategic thinkers, first published in 1986. Paret is now preparing lectures for the coming academic year, beginning this Octo- 17 ber with the keynote address on the place of Frederick the Great in the his- tory of ideas, politics, and war at the German Historical Institute in Lon- don, part of the 2011 International Colloquium on the monarch. In July 2010, Professor Emeritus Heinrich von Staden contributed a keynote address to the annual meeting of the Society for the Social Histo- ry of Medicine in England, and in September, he gave a paper in Oslo at a conference on the genres and purposes of medical texts in antiquity. In early October, he participated in a colloquium on René Chartier (1572–1654) in Paris, organized by former Institute Member Jacques Jouan- na and by Véronique Boudon-Millot, in collaboration with the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres and the Bibliothèques Interuniversitaires de Médecine (Université Paris Descartes). From the beginning of Novem- ber to mid-December 2010, he served as a visiting professor in the Faculty of Arts and Letters at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland, where he taught a course and a seminar on ancient Greek and Roman biology and medicine. In addition, he gave several public lectures in Lausanne, including two in the Faculty of Biology and Medicine and two at the École Poly- technique Fédérale de Lausanne. In November, he also gave a lecture at the Fondation Martin Bodmer in Geneva, at a colloquium organized in con- junction with an exhibition of medieval manuscripts (“Ancient Medicine, from the Body to the Stars”). In the spring, he taught a graduate seminar at Princeton University on animals in ancient science, natural history, and medicine. From January to April, he also gave lectures at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln (Departments of Classics and Religious Studies), Uni- versity of South Florida (Interdisciplinary Center for Hellenic Studies and American Foundation for Greek Language and Culture), University of Notre Dame (Institute for Advanced Study), Tulane University (Depart- ment of Classical Studies), and Oregon State University (at a workshop on “Experimenting with Animals from Antiquity to the Enlightenment”). In June 2011, the Université Paris-Sorbonne awarded von Staden an hon- orary doctorate at a ceremony in the Grand Amphithéâtre of the Sorbonne. During his brief stay in Paris, he also gave a lecture at a meeting of the École Doctorale Mondes Anciens et Médiévaux. In addition to some book reviews, he published several articles during the academic year, most recent- ly “How Greek was the Latin Body? The Parts and the Whole in Celsus’ Medicina,” in Body, Disease andTreatment in a ChangingWorld: LatinTexts and Contexts in Ancient and Medieval Medicine, edited by David Langslow and Brigitte Maire (Lausanne, 2010). Most of his research remained focused on the role of animals in the development of ancient science and medicine. Professor Morton White has been revising the manuscript of a book that now bears the title “Reflections on the Roots of Rationalism,” a critical exposition of views on necessary truth in the writings of Descartes, Hobbes, Leibniz, and Kant.When completed it will be submitted to a pub- lisher. Furthermore, a book he first published in 1962 with the late Lucia Perry White––The Intellectual versusThe City: FromThomas Jefferson to Frank Lloyd Wright––may soon be republished with a new introductory essay by


18 MEMBERS AND VISITORS Joan Breton Connelly Padma Kaimal Classical Archaeology ! NewYork University History of South Asian Art ! Colgate University Hetty Goldman Member; additional funding Louise and John Steffens Founders’ Circle Member; f First Term ! s Second Term ! v Visitor ! provided byThe AndrewW.Mellon Foundation additional funding provided byThe Starr a Research Assistant Foundation East Asian Studies Endowment Fund François de Blois Carolyn Abbate History of the Near East and Central Asia ! Katrin Kogman-Appel Music History ! University of Pennsylvania ! v School of Oriental and African Studies, Art History ! Ben-Gurion University of the University of London ! s Negev ! v Asad Q. Ahmed The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Member Islamic Studies ! Washington University in St. Denis Kozlov Louis Janet Downie Russian History ! Dalhousie University Funding provided byThe AndrewW.Mellon Classics ! Princeton University ! v Funding provided byThe AndrewW.Mellon Foundation Fellowships for Assistant Professors Foundation Fellowships for Assistant Professors Glenn Dynner Juhn Ahn Early Modern European History ! Sarah Thomas Kühne East Asian Studies ! Lawrence College Cultural History ! Clark University ! v Funding provided byThe AndrewW.Mellon Hans Kohn Member Foundation Fellowships for Assistant Professors Norman Kutcher Darby English Late Imperial China ! Syracuse University Thomas Ahnert Art History ! The Funding provided by the Fund for Historical Early Modern Intellectual History ! The Funding provided by the National Endowment for Studies University of Edinburgh the Humanities Rosanna and Charles Jaffin Founders’ Circle Margaret Larkin Member; additional funding provided byThe Menachem Fisch Arabic Literary History ! University of Herodotus Fund History and Philosophy of Science ! TelAviv California, Berkeley University The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Member; Abdulrahman al-Salimi Friends of the Institute for Advanced Study additional funding provided by the Elizabeth and Islamic Studies ! Ministry of Endowments and Member; additional funding provided byThe J. Richardson Dilworth Fund Religious Affairs, Sultanate of Oman ! s AndrewW.Mellon Foundation Funding provided byThe Patrons Endowment Eléonore Le Jallé Fund Sharon E. J. Gerstel Philosophy ! Université Lille 3 ! v,f Medieval History,Art History ! University of Mehmet-Ali Ataç California, Los Angeles Wilferd Madelung Art of the Ancient Near East and Egypt ! Bryn Funding provided by the Fund for Historical Islamic Studies ! University of Oxford ! s Mawr College Studies andThe AndrewW.Mellon Foundation Funding provided byThe AndrewW.Mellon Hetty Goldman Member Foundation Fund Jessica L. Goldberg Dirk Baltzly Medieval History ! University of Stephen Menn Ancient Greek Philosophy ! Monash University Pennsylvania ! v,f Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Science ! Funding provided by the National Endowment for McGill University ! v,f the Humanities Jack Goody Social Anthropology ! University of Micah S. Muscolino Yelena Baraz Cambridge ! v,s Chinese History ! Georgetown University Classics ! Princeton University ! v Funding provided byThe AndrewW.Mellon Gabriel Gorodetsky Foundation Fellowships for Assistant Professors STUDIES HISTORICAL OF SCHOOL Anton Bierl Russian and British History ! All Souls College, and the National Endowment for the Humanities Classics ! Universität Basel University of Oxford Gerda Henkel Stiftung Member Funding provided byThe AndrewW.Mellon Stefania Pastore Foundation Fund Early Modern History ! Scuola Normale Constance Brittain Bouchard Superiore di Pisa ! f Medieval History ! The University of Akron ! v Laurie Green Funding provided byThe Herodotus Fund Modern U.S. History ! The University of Texas Daniela L. Caglioti at Austin Susan Pedersen Modern Sociopolitical History ! Università degli Martin L. and Sarah F.Leibowitz Member Modern International History ! Columbia Studi di Napoli Federico II ! s University ! s Elizabeth and J. Richardson Dilworth Fellow in John Herman Funding provided by the Association of Members Historical Studies Late Imperial China ! Virginia Commonwealth of the Institute for Advanced Study (AMIAS); University additional funding provided byThe AndrewW. Peter R. Campbell The Starr Foundation East Asian Studies Mellon Foundation Early Modern French History ! Institut d’Études Endowment Fund Member Culturelles, Université de Versailles Saint- Marcus Plested Quentin-en-Yvelines ! f Regina Höschele Medieval History andTheology ! University Elizabeth and J. Richardson Dilworth Fellow in Classics ! University of Toronto ! s of Cambridge Historical Studies Funding provided byThe AndrewW.Mellon GeorgeWilliam Cottrell, Jr. Member Foundation Fellowships for Assistant Professors 19 Alessio Ponzio Peter van Alfen Modern History Workshop ! Rethinking the Modern European History ! Università degli Numismatics,Ancient Monetary Systems ! Origins of the French Revolution ! Peter R. Studi Roma Tre ! s American Numismatic Society ! s Campbell, Institut d’Études Culturelles, Funding provided byThe Herodotus Fund Agnes Gund and Daniel Shapiro Member; Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en- additional funding provided by the Elizabeth and Yvelines; Member, School of Historical Studies Himanshu Prabha Ray J. Richardson Dilworth Fund Ancient Indian History and Archaeology ! October 22 Jawaharlal Nehru University Joseph Witztum Workshop: DNA, History, and Archaeology ! Felix Gilbert Member Islamic History ! Princeton University ! a The First Emperor’s Home Base:Archaeological Perspectives on Ethnicity in Ancient China ! Ricardo Salles Andrea Worm Lothar von Falkenhausen, University of Ancient Greek Philosophy ! Instituto de Art History,Visual Studies ! Universität California, Los Angeles Investigaciones Filosóficas, Universidad Augsburg ! s Nacional Autónoma de México Funding provided by theWillis F.Doney October 23 Funding provided by theWillis F.Doney Membership Workshop: DNA, History, and Archaeology ! Membership Introduction ! Nicola Di Cosmo, Luce Foundation Professor in East Asian Studies, Martha A. (Marni) Sandweiss RECORD OF EVENTS School of Historical Studies ! Archaeological American History andVisual Culture ! DNA Studies in the OldWorld ! David Princeton University ! v,f October 6 Anthony, Hartwick College ! Nomads and Medieval Table Lunchtime Colloquium ! Sedentaries of Iran in the First Millennium B.C.: Paul Schubert General Discussion of Approaches to Medieval Identifying Persians, Medes, Dahae, Sagartians, Classics, Papyrology ! Université de Genève ! v,f Studies at IAS ! Padma Kaimal, Colgate Mardians, Derbikes,Tapyrians, and Cadusians in University; Member, School of Historical the Historical,Archaeological, and Biological Justin E. H. Smith Studies, and Caroline Walker Bynum, Record ! Dan Potts,The University of History of Early Modern Philosophy ! Concordia Professor, School of Historical Studies Sydney ! Reconstructing Prehistory Using DNA: University, Montreal ! s Population Movement Into and Around the Funding provided by theWillis F.Doney October 11 Americas ! Frederika Kaestle, Indiana Membership andThe Herodotus Fund Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia University ! High-Resolution Y Chromosome Series ! Writing History under a Fatwa: Stalin a Analysis:A GeneticTool for History and Kirill Solonin Tsar Reincarnated or a Prophet Armed? ! Gabriel Archaeology ! Paolo Francalacci, Università Buddhism, East Asian Studies ! Fo Guang Gorodetsky,All Souls College, University of degli Studi di Sassari ! Genetic History and University ! s Oxford; Member, School of Historical Studies Migrations inWestern Eurasia: 500–1000 ! The Starr Foundation East Asian Studies Patrick Geary, University of California, Los Endowment Fund Member October 12 Angeles ! Migrations intoWestern Europe:Two Art History Lunch Seminar ! General Examples from ca. 3000 B.C. and 500 A.D. Rachel St. John Discussion ! Yve-Alain Bois, Professor, Genetic Evidence ! Nick Patterson, North American History ! Harvard University ! f School of Historical Studies Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Agnes Gund and Daniel Shapiro Member Harvard University ! Working with Geneticists: October 13 A Historian’s Comments on Genomic Archaeology Dimitris Stamatopoulos Medieval Table Lunchtime Colloquium ! and Archaeoscience in 2010 ! Michael Balkan History,Late Ottoman History ! Sacred Space andTime in Byzantine and Roman McCormick, Harvard University ! General University of Macedonia Churches ! Sharon E. J. Gerstel, University Discussion ! Lothar von Falkenhausen, of California, Los Angeles; Member, School of University of California, Los Angeles ! Nino RichardTaws Historical Studies, and ErikThunø, Rutgers, Luraghi, Princeton University ! Arnold J. Art History ! University College London ! f The State University of New Jersey Levine, Professor, School of Natural Sciences Funding provided byThe Herodotus Fund October 18 October 25 Stephen V.Tracy Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia Greek History,Epigraphy ! The American Series ! The Marrano, the Philosopho,and the Series ! Jews in the Polish LiquorTrade ! Glenn School of Classical Studies at Athens ! v Culture of Skepticism: Spain and Italy through the Dynner, Sarah Lawrence College; Member, Eyes of Diego Hurtado de Mendoza ! Stefania School of Historical Studies Karl Ubl Pastore, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa; Medieval History ! Eberhard Karls Universität Member, School of Historical Studies November 1 Tübingen Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia Edwin C. and Elizabeth A.Whitehead Fellow; October 19 Series ! Religious Intolerance and the Secular State additional funding provided byThe Herodotus Art History Lunch Seminar ! Social Experiments in the Early German Enlightenment:The Case of Fund with Modernism ! Darby English,The Samuel Pufendorf ! Thomas Ahnert,The University of Chicago; Member, School of University of Edinburgh; Member, School of Peter Urquhart Historical Studies Historical Studies Renaissance Music ! University of New Hampshire ! f October 20 November 3 Medieval Table Lunchtime Colloquium ! !

SCHOOLOFHISTORICALSTUDIES EdwardT.Cone Member in Music Studies Medieval Table Lunchtime Colloquium “Quota Generatione Christiani cum Propinquis in Rituals and (Art) History ! Katrin Kogman- Coniugium Convenire Possint”:A Hitherto Appel, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; UnknownText by Hrabanus Maurus? ! Karl Ubl, Visitor, School of Historical Studies Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen; Member, 20 School of Historical Studies SCHOOLOFHISTORICALSTUDIES 21 , ! , ! ! ! ! ! ! , , , Eberhard Carolyn ! , Professor, The Radical Padma Kaimal From the Media Facets ofTangut ! ! ! ! , Fo Guang Karl Ubl ! Justin E. H. Smith Approaching the Meaning ! ! Avishai Margalit , Byrn Mawr College; ! , University of Cambridge; Jonathan Israel Kirill Solonin , University of Member, Toronto; ! ! EverettYuehong Zhang , University of Pennsylvania;Visitor, Charlemagne and the “Mystical Authority” Language and Longitude: Leibniz’s Map The Damnation of Mignon ! ! ! ! George F.Kennan Professor, School of Historical Studies January 24 Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia Series of the Investiture Painting from the Palace at Mari School of Historical Studies January 20 The Discussion Twentieth-Century Group Concordia Montreal; University, Member, School of Historical Studies February 2 Medieval Table Lunchtime Colloquium Abbate School of Historical Studies January 18 East Asian Studies Seminar of the Frankish Law Code of the Russian Empire Enlightenment Critique of the American Revolution VisualizingTime at the KailasanathaTable in Eighth-Century Kanchipuram emtAiAtaç Mehmet-Ali Member, School of Historical Studies Modern History Workshop Introductory Session The Byzantine Icon and Models ofTextMarcus Reception Plested Member, School of Historical Studies January 17 Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia Series Putting Medieval KoreanTemples on the Map Juhn Ahn School of Historical Studies Art History Seminar Princeton University January 31 Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia Series University; Member, School of Historical Studies January 19 Medieval Table Lunchtime Colloquium to the Clinic:The Production of DesireBeijing in Urban Buddhism Colgate University; Member, School of Historical Studies Karls Universität Tübingen; Member, School of Historical Studies January 25 East Asian Studies Seminar January 12 Medieval Table Lunchtime Colloquium ! , ! John ! ! ! Marilyn ,The , NewYork Thomas ! ! , Colgate , University of Archaeologies of “The Canticum Overlooking the Military , Instituto de ! ! ! ! Caroline Walker Micah S. Muscolino ! ! , Princeton University Padma Kaimal Carolyn Abbate Ricardo Salles ! ! ! ,Virginia Commonwealth University; , Professor, School of Historical Introductions Necessity and Alternative Actions in Struggling for Beauty: Body Aesthetics and , Clark University;Visitor, School of Joan Breton Connelly ! ! ! ! Investigaciones Filosóficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Member, School of Historical Studies December 7 East Asian Studies Seminar Georgetown University; Member, School of Historical Studies Art History Lunch Seminar University; Member, School of Historical Studies December 6 Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia Series Aristotle:A Study of Book Metaphysics, 9, Chapter 5 Social Conflict in Modern History University; Member, School of Historical Studies December 8 Medieval Table Lunchtime Colloquium Herman Member, School of Historical Studies December 15 Modern History Workshop Aronberg Lavin December 1 Medieval Table Lunchtime Colloquium Kühne Historical Studies November 30 Art History Lunch Seminar Ephemeral November 29 Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia Series University of Akron;Visitor, School of Historical Studies December 13 Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia Series Financing Empire in Southwest China: Land, State- Building, and Local Society,1650–1750 Drogo Magnus, or Don’t Be the OlderConstance Brother Brittain Bouchard SeeingTime and Escaping It with thethe Help Goddess of Bynum efrac:RitualPerformance: Movement through Greek Sacred Space Canticorum,”a Dutch Blockbook, ca. 1465,Thirty- TwoWoodcuts on the Song of Songs enyvnaVstr SchoolPennsylvania;Visitor, of Historical Studies January 10 Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia Series Metabolism:The Ecology ofWar and China’s Henan Famine of 1942–43 Studies , ! ! , Dirk ! , Syracuse ,Virginia Anton ! Sharon E. J. RichardTaws Performing the Seeing Outside Protest and The Exotic , Professor, School Ortai and the Qing ! ! ! ! ! ! ! , Colgate University; 98) Barnett Newman’s 7– ! John Herman ! Norman Kutcher , Sarah Lawrence College; ! Himanshu Prabha Ray 35 Yve-Alain Bois ! 5– ! Padma Kaimal , of University California, Los Angeles; From Mystery to Initiation:A Mytho- A Promiscuous Eunuch in Eighteenth- TheTheme (Skopos) of a Platonic , Monash University; Member, School ! ! ! ! , Universität Basel; Member, School of November 22 Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia Series Jawaharlal Nehru University; Member, School of Historical Studies Modern History Workshop of Historical Studies Ritual Poetics of Love and Sex—Even in in the Apuleius’s Golden Ancient Ass? Novel Century China Dialogue and the Maintenance of Textual Communities in Late Antique Platonism Modernization:The Urban Jewish LiquorTraders November 23 Art History Lunch Seminar Historical Studies Bierl University College London; Member, School of Historical Studies November 17 Medieval Table Lunchtime Colloquium Gerstel Member, School of Historical Studies Buddhist Context, GoddessTara: Concept, and Community November 15 Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia Series Glenn Dynner Member, School of Historical Studies November 8 Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia Series Bastille: Pierre-François Palloy and the Memory Work of the French Revolution Time:The Goddess Durga in the EighthTemple Century November 9 East Asian Studies Seminar Baltzly of Historical Studies Sanctuary:TheTile Decoration in St. Nicholas, RhodesFountoukli, (149 November 16 Art History Lunch Seminar University; Member, School of Historical Studies Jewishness Art History Seminar Member, School of Historical Studies State’s Land Reclamation Program in Southwest China: 172 November 10 Art History Lunch Seminar Commonwealth University; Member, School of Historical Studies 22 SCHOOLOFHISTORICALSTUDIES Series Colloquia Lunchtime Studies Historical 14 February Bois and Studies, Historical of School Member, Angeles; Los California, University of by led discussion atAinSuisSeminar Studies Asian East 8 February Studies Historical of Member,School II; Federico Napoli di Studi degli saiit Seminar Islamicists Studies Historical of School Toronto; Member, of University Korea Premodern in Urbanization and Buddhism OtherWildThings: and Dragons Cases Robinson Orientale Piemonte del Studi degli Università 2015;h motrTheme Impostor 1200–1650;The ca. Europe, to World Islamic the from Ideas Subversive Workshop:The Transmission of Studies Historical of School Member, Muscolino Robinson al-Fazarib.Yazid imneOrientale Piemonte Bianchi Luca “Averroism” Category The “Thing-Theory” and Culture Material Series Colloquia Lunchtime Studies Historical 7 February Studies Historical of School Member, Tre; Ponzio Alessio Believers” “Blind of and Fighters” Society “Obedient a Create to GermanyTried Nazi and Italy Fascist Hitler’s Youths: How and Mussolini’s Group Twentieth-Century Discussion The 3 February niu n ulmMaterial Muslim and Antique University nNrhCia 1937–45 China, North in during I States WorldWar United the and Europe in Options Public and Powers, Civilians, Emergency Enemy itrclStudies Historical of School Professor, Mellon W. Andrew fHsoia Studies Historical of Crone eivlTbeLnhieColloquiumMedieval Lunchtime Table 9 February Studies Historical of School Member, Oman; of Sultanate Affairs, Religious al-Salimi and Studies, Historical of School Member, Oxford; of University otwsenUniversity Northwestern rfso,Sho fHsoia Studies Historical of Professor, School , ! ! ! Ade .Mlo rfso,School Professor, Mellon W. ,Andrew oetLerner Robert a,Evrnet n Displacement War, and Environment, Denaturalizing,Expelling, Interning: ! iityo nomnsand Endowments of Ministry , ! TeUiest fChicago of University ,The TeUiest fChicago of University ,The ! iw n Discussion and Views ereonUniversity; Georgetown , h eihMaterial Jewish The ail .Caglioti L. Daniela nvriàdgiSuidel Studi degli Università , ! hrnE .Gerstel J. E. Sharon nvriàdgiSuiRoma Studi degli Università , ! ife Madelung Wilfred ! h eivlEuropean Medieval The ! h aa fAbdallah of Kalam The Abdulrahman oetLerner Robert Northwestern , ! ! ! ia S. Micah uaBianchi Luca ! James ! epe for Temples arcaCrone Patricia ! ! Yve-Alain ! unAhn Juhn James Patricia ! ! Università , h Late The General ! ! , , ! ! , , ! , , etr Dunhuang Century inTenth- Buddhism ofTantric Reconstruction h erwUiest fJerusalem of University Hebrew The epi Mahzor Leipzig the from Examples Image: the to Approaches h wnit-etr icsinGroup Twentieth-Century Discussion The 17 February Studies Historical of School Member, Berkeley; California, of University Studies Historical of School Member, Tübingen; Universität Bladel itrclStudies Historical of School Akron;Visitor, of University The Dunhuang fromTenth-Century RitualTexts Buddhist Chinese of Practices Learned the on SomeThoughts History MakingTransnational of Problem the and I inWorldWar Aliens Enemy Memory Colloquium Lunchtime Table Medieval 16 February Jerusalem of Leicht Reimund Mulsow Martin Material Jewish The Mulsow Martin Material Renaissance and Medieval Late The Adamites Pre- and Astrology Historical 1200–1650; ca. Europe, to World Islamic the from Ideas Subversive Workshop:The Transmission of 15 February atAinSuisSeminar Studies Asian East 22 February Studies Historical of School Member, II; Federico Caglioti rbcMtra nLatinTranslation in Material Arabic colo itrclStudies Historical of School Member, Tre; Roma Studi degli Università n euaiaini h Balkans the in Secularization and eivlTbeLnhieColloquium Lunchtime Table Medieval 23 February Toronto of University oCet e Italian New a Create to Series Colloquia Lunchtime Studies Historical 28 February Studies Historical of School Member, Stamatopoulos Bladel London Burnett r itr Seminar History Art Torontoof oenHsoyWorkshop History Modern Studies Historical of School Negev;Visitor, the of University Ben-Gurion ! nvriyo otenCalifornia Southern of University , nvriyo otenCalifornia Southern of University , ! eiv.Oe.Fgt o FascismWorked How Obey. Fight. Believe. ! TeWrugIsiue nvriyof University Institute, Warburg ,The nvriàdgiSuid Napoli di Studi degli Università , ! osac rtanBouchard Brittain Constance ! iw n Discussion and Views h ulmMaterial Muslim The mnaGoodman Amanda ! arnKogman-Appel Katrin ! ! nvriyo Oxford of University , Oxford of University , nvriyo Macedonia; of University , ! TeHbe University Hebrew ,The ! agrtLarkinMargaret Ubl Karl mnaGoodman Amanda emn Leicht Reimund ! ! eivlJewish Medieval lsi Ponzio Alessio ! ! oada Toward bradKarls Eberhard , ! rhdxChurch Orthodox ! ! ail L. Daniela ! ei van Kevin ! Dimitris ei van Kevin Charles University , ! , The , ! ! ! ! ! , ! ! ! , , , Series Colloquia Lunchtime Studies Historical 7 March Studies Historical of School Member, Austin; at Texas nin tde Seminar Studies Ancient 15 March Studies Historical of School Visitor, Appel eivlTbeLnhieColloquium Lunchtime Table Medieval 9 March Studies Historical of School Member, Louis; St. in University Thespiae of Muses the to Offerings Epigrammatic Flowers: oooiaino rhi onProduction Coin Archaic of Monopolization iul n ii dniyi eivlSuhItaly South Medieval in Identity Civic and Ritual, saiit Seminar Islamicists 8 March Studies Historical of School Member, Louis; St. in University Washington eotoWr nProgress in onWork Report A etr India Century Nineteenth- in Identity Sectarian and Discourse onTheological Reflections Preliminary Finality: h wnit-etr icsinGroup Twentieth-Century Discussion The 3 March Studies Historical of School Member, Edinburg; Ahnert Thomas Seminar Eighteenth-Century Zchomelidse Nino oit;Mme,Sho fHsoia Studies Historical of School Member, Society; Alfen van Peter Series Colloquia Lunchtime Studies Historical 14 March Studies Historical of School Member, WormAndrea Christ” Genealogia in Historiae “Compendium Poitiers’ of Peter and “Chronicon” SantiVictor’s of Hugh Century: theTwelfth in Visualizing Jim Crow of Fall the after Malnutrition Poverty, and Race, of Politics America:The in Hunger Discovering nin tde Seminar Studies Ancient 1 March eiinaditei nihemn Scotland Enlightenment in andVirtue Religion eivlTbeLnhieColloquium Lunchtime Table Medieval 2 March Studies Historical of School Member, London; of University Blois nelculHsoyi India in History Intellectual gn fClua Exchange Cultural of Agent saiit Seminar Islamicists Studies Historical of School Toronto; Member, ! colo retladArcnStudies, African and Oriental of School , ! ! e-uinUiest fteNegev; the of University Ben-Gurion , areGreen Laurie olbnSmo: cieAts san as Scribe-Artist Simeon:A ben Joel arng,Dbt utr,adMuslim and Culture, Patronage, Debate ! eiaHöschele Regina ! sdQ Ahmed Q. Asad nvriä Augsburg; Universität , Aeia Numismatic ,American TeUiest of University ,The ! ! lBrn’ Chronology:al-Biruni’s eedn Muhammad’sDefending rneo University Princeton , TeUiest of University ,The ! ! ! ! oetssHeliconianHonestus’s rbesi the in Problems sdQ Ahmed Q. Asad arnKogman-Katrin ! rnosde François ! nvriyof University , aigGrace: Saving ,Washington ! ! ! Art, ! ! ! ! , SCHOOLOFHISTORICALSTUDIES 23 , , , ! ! , , ! ! , ! Anton Andrea ! ! Anna Sun , Universidad ! , Dalhousie Hunger in America , University of The Religious ! Richard Payne Patricia Crone Where Dionysus ! The Sacred Space , of University ! ! ! ! , University of Mapping the History John Marenbon , Universidad de Syriac Christian, Latin The Problem of Paganism ! Alberto Bernabé ! Women on the Acropolis and ! John Marenbon ! ! ! ! Ana Jiménez ! ,The University of Texas at Denis Kozlov ! Anna Akasoy Kevin van Bladel ! ! , Universität Augsburg; Member, School , Universität Basel; Member, School of Southern California Mount Holyoke College Dwells: GreekVases as aVirtual Sacred Space Bierl Historical Studies April 11 The Discussion Twentieth-Century Group University of Cambridge Universidad Complutense de Madrid Christian, and MuslimViews of the OriginPaganism of and the “Power ofTelevision”: Spring 1968 Austin; Member, School of Historical Studies May 3 Islamic Roundtable Laurie Green Spatial Ambiguity in Plutarch fr.178 Sandbach and the Derveni Papyrus Oreibasia:The Mountain as Sacred Space in Dionysian Cults Fátima Díez Platas Santiago de Compostela Sharon E. J. Gerstel California, Los Angeles; Member, School of Historical Studies The Readers of “Novyi mir,”1945–70:Twentieth- Century Experience and Soviet Historical Consciousness in the Middle Ages Worm of Historical Studies Modern History Workshop University; Member, School of Historical Studies April 12 East Asian Studies Seminar Andrew W.Mellon Professor, School of Historical Studies May 4 Islamicists Seminar Mental Mapping: Comic Ritual, Body-Politics, and Metaphor in Aristophanes’“Lysistrata” Kenyon College; Member, School of Social Science April 13 Art History Seminar of Salvation:The Map of the Holy“Rudimentum Land Novitiorum” of in 1475 the of the Byzantine Church: Rites and Passage Ecology of ConfuciusTemples in Contemporary China:An Empirical Investigation University of Cambridge Complutense de Madrid Oxford ! ! ! ! ! ! The ! Joan ! ,The ! ! ! ! Marco , , ,The ! , , Rogers ! ! Gianluca Marco A. ! Views on , Universidad ! , Centre , University of Gianluca ! ,Andrew W. Gianluca , Harvard ! ! The “Space of Death” Introduction: Ritual ! ! Marsiglio ! Patricia Crone Patricia Crone James Robinson ! ! Views onTransmission QuentinTaylor The Byzantine Material John of Salisbury Marsiglio , NewYork University; Susan Pedersen ! , University of California, , University of California, James Robinson ! ! ! ! ! , Universidad Complutense ! , Rogers State University ,Andrew W.Mellon Professor, ! Patricia Crone , Universidad de Salamanca The Geography of Paradise: Elysium, Margaret Larkin ! The Latin Medical Material Marco Viniegra ! , Centre National de la Recherche , Centre National de la Recherche , Centre National de la Recherche ! , Harvard University Gianluca Briguglia ! ! ! National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris Scientifique, Paris Briguglia Transmission in the Family Rituals of the MediterraneanWorld State University Scientifique, Paris Briguglia Scientifique, Paris Briguglia University April 5 of Transmission Workshop:The Subversive Ideas from the Islamic World to Europe, ca. 1200–1650;The Social Utility of Religion Member, School of Historical Studies Breton Connelly Columbia University; Member, School of Historical Studies April 4 of Transmission Workshop:The Subversive Ideas from the Islamic World to Europe, ca. 1200–1650;The Origin of Government de Madrid Complutense de Madrid Paola Corrente Itinerant Sacred Places:Wanderers as Creators of Personal Religious Space in Classical Greece Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui The Muslim Material QuentinTaylor The Jewish Material Patricia Crone School of Historical Studies The Muslim Material Maria Mavroudi Maria Mavroudi A New History of the MandatesLeague System of of Nations the Berkeley Berkeley March 30 Medieval Table Lunchtime Colloquium Dynamics and the Shaping of Sacred Space Santamaría Isles of the Blest, and Hyperboreans Poetics of Cultural Identity: al-Mutanabbi among the Buyids Andrew W.Mellon Professor, School of Historical Studies Andrew W.Mellon Professor, School of Historical Studies University of Chicago Viniegra University of Chicago April 7 SacredWorkshop: Space Mellon Professor, School of Historical Studies California, Berkeley; Member, School of Historical Studies March 31 The Discussion Twentieth-Century Group ! , , ! , ! ! ! Padma Nicola Joan ! ! ! Newton in the Himanshu Revisiting the Moral Politics in the Yelena Baraz ! ! ! ! Agroikos Sophia: Discourse of Kingship ! Thomas Ahnert ! ! ! Many Paths to the Divine: , Kenyon College;Visitor, The Poetics of Cultural ! Gabriel Gorodetsky , Byrn Mawr College; ! , NewYork University; , University of California, ! , Princeton University;Visitor, , Jawaharlal Nehru University; , Luce Foundation Professor in East Yang Xiao Archaeology and Empire: Buddhist Parthenon Revisited: Daughters, , Colgate University; Member, School ! ! ! March 21 Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia Series All Souls College, University of Oxford; Member, School of Historical Studies March 29 Ancient Studies Seminar Member, School of Historical Studies Prabha Ray March 28 Historical Studies Lunchtime Colloquia Series The University of Edinburg; Member, School of Historical Studies Di Cosmo Islamicists Seminar Asian Studies, School of Historical Studies Monuments in Colonial India Democracy,and the Ultimate Sacrifice German-Speaking Lands March 22 Ancient Studies Seminar Breton Connelly Member, School of Historical Studies Janet Downie School of Historical Studies Art History Seminar Mehmet-Ali Ataç Member, School of Historical Studies The Royal Destiny: Conceptions of Power in Ashurbanipal’s“Garden Party” Reconsidered Margaret Larkin March 23 Medieval Table Lunchtime Colloquium Berkeley; Member, School of Historical Studies Diary of Ivan Maisky,A Red Ambassador toCourt the of St. James’s East Asian Studies Seminar Identity: al-Mutanabbi among the Buyids The Discussion Twentieth-Century Group School of Social Science The Mythic Landscape of Heroicus Philostratus’s in Late Republican Invective Dynamics ofVision in a HinduTemple East Asian Studies Seminar Princeton University;Visitor, School of Historical Studies Modern History Workshop Kaimal of Historical Studies Manchu Conquest:AWork in Progress Mencius ANDREA KANE rfso nioBmir rgt,pcue ihNcoa azo rneo nvriy soeo h ol’ leading world’s the of one is University, Princeton of Katz Nicholas with pictured (right), Bombieri Enrico Professor uhrte nnme hoyadaayi.I coe,Bmir aeapbi etr eciigtedifference the describing lecture public a gave Bombieri October, In analysis. and theory number on authorities ewe rt,pof n eiiaini mathematics. in verification and proof, truth, between School of Mathematics

Faculty Enrico Bombieri, IBM von Neumann Professor Helmut Hofer Robert MacPherson, Hermann Weyl Professor Peter Sarnak Thomas Spencer Vladimir Voevodsky Avi Wigderson, Herbert H. Maass Professor

Professors Emeriti Pierre Deligne Phillip A. Griffiths Robert P.Langlands

uring the 2010–11 academic year, the School of Mathematics held a special program on Galois representations and automorphic forms.The program was organized by the School’s Distinguished DVisiting Professor, Richard Taylor of Harvard University. The program had about thirty-three School participants, and many other people visited for shorter periods. Six mini-courses, two weekly seminars, and a one-week workshop were organized. In addition, participants in the program took advantage of the joint Institute for Advanced Study/Princeton University number the- ory seminars and the Institute Members seminars. All these activities (except the workshop and Members seminars) took place on Wednesday afternoons and Thursdays. This allowed the participants to concentrate on their own work for the rest of the week and also made it easier for scholars from neighboring universities to attend the events. Program participants included Taylor; von Neumann Fellows Francesco Calegari, Jean-Francois Dat, Thomas Haines, and Elena Mantovan;Veblen Research Instructors David Geraghty,Tasho Kaletha, Kai-Wen Lan, and MATHEMATICS OF SCHOOL Yichao Tian; Members Laurent Clozel, Pierre Colmez, Jean-Marc Fontaine, Michael Harris, Florian Herzig, Andrei Jorza, Chandrashekhar Khare, Ruochuan Liu, Tong Liu, Sophie Morel, James Newton,Yiannis Sakel- laridis, Sug Woo Shin, Christopher Skinner, Eric Urban, and Jared Weinstein; and Visitors Abnik Ganguli, Wieslawa Niziol, and . In addition, both Matthew Emerton of Northwestern University and Peter Scholze of the University of Bonn made more than one visit, and there were several students from Princeton University who attended regularly. Students involved with program activities from Harvard Uni- versity were Ana Caraiani, Lawrence Chung, Wushi Goldring, Bao Le Hung, and Jack Thorne. In the fall, Colmez gave a mini-course on his work on the p-adic local Langlands correspondence, Calegari gave a mini-course on completed cohomology, and Emerton gave a mini-course on local-global compatibil- ity in the p-adic Langlands program. In the spring, Skinner gave a mini-course on his work with Urban on the Iwasawa main conjecture for GL(2); Phillip A. Griffiths, Professor Emeritus, gave a mini-course on auto- morphic cohomology; and Geraghty and Taylor gave a mini-course on recent advances in automorphy/ potential automorphy of Galois representations. 25 Of the thirty-four seminars given during the year, particular highlights of the seminar program were Weinstein’s beautiful breakthrough on semistable models for modular curves of all levels and Scholze’s exciting new take on the local Langlands conjecture for GL(n). The talks in the workshop were of an extremely high standard, and there were well over a hundred attendees. Speakers were selected to ensure that the talks addressed what was thought to be the most interesting recent developments. Some of the most exciting advances reported were the work of Vincent Pilloni and Benoit Stroh, et al., on eigenvarieties for higher-dimensional Shimura varieties; Scholze’s introduction of perfectoid spaces and his use of them to both re-prove p-adic comparison theorems and to attack the weight- monodromy conjecture; the ideas of Calegari and Geraghty on proving modularity lifting theorems ANDREA KANE over imaginary quadratic fields (and probably RichardTaylor (right), Distinguished other settings, where the original approach seemed to break down); and Visiting Professor, organized a special Mahesh Kakde’s proof of the non-abelian main conjecture for characters program on Galois representations and automorphic forms. Member Kai-Wen over totally real fields. Lan (left) aimed to understand relations between automorphic forms coming Some breakthroughs that were announced and discussed were Weinstein’s from geometric objects of very initial breakthrough on the four-decades-old problem of finding semistable different natures. models for all modular curves. While this progress took place before the start of the special year, Weinstein had extensive discussions with other members of the program, and his results have taken on a more natural form (for exam- ple, more systematically passing to a limit over all level structures), and he has begun to generalize them beyond GL(2). Calegari and Geraghty, who were here for the whole year, have announced a breakthrough on modularity lifting theorems. All modularity lifting theo- rems to date only work in the “regular, odd, conjugate self-dual” case, where the universal deformation ring and the Hecke algebras are as large as possi- ble. This seemed to be a major restriction on the Taylor-Wiles method. (It is somehow easier to prove two things are equal when they are both as big as they can possibly be.) However, Calegari and Geraghty, working together during the special year, appear to have found a way to treat other cases. At the moment, their results are restricted to some important special cases, but it seems plausible that this is just the start. In a smaller activity devoted to some very recent developments in symplectic geometry, Member Claude Viterbo of École Polytechnique gave a graduate course, “Introduction to Symplectic Topology through Sheaf Theory,“ and long-term Member Mark Goresky and Professor Helmut Hofer ran a working group on sheaf-theoretic methods in symplectic topology during the second term. In addition to the mini-course “Microlocal Theory of Sheaves and Applications to Non-Displaceability” by Pierre Schapira of the University of Paris VI (www.math.ias.edu/seminars/abstract?event=40585), there was a SCHOOLOFMATHEMATICS workshop on sheaf-theoretic methods in symplectic topology from May 9–12, organized by Hofer and Viterbo (www.math.ias.edu/workshop-stmst). The new ideas presented during these activities are potentially relevant for the 26 program on symplectic dynamics in 2011–12, and the workshop served to evaluate the feasibility of a larger program. Hofer also organized a weekly seminar on geometry and dynamical systems. In preparation for the 2011–12 academic year activity on symplectic dynamics, Hofer gave a graduate course on the same subject at Princeton University. Symplectic dynamics is In 2010, it became clear that an envisioned new field studying classes of (conservative) dynamical systems methods in symplectic geometry by highly integrated methods from symplectic geometry and dynamical sys- (holomorphic curve theories/ tems. It is the hope that the new resulting methods should make it possible to attack problems that so far seem to be out of reach. Member Barney symplectic field theory) can be Bramham and Hofer wrote a paper, “First Steps in Symplectic Geometry,” used to obtain a deeper insight which describes some of the problems and ideas. into problems in celestial In 2010, it became clear that methods in symplectic geometry (holomorphic mechanics that are, among curve theories/symplectic field theory) can be used to obtain a deeper other things, useful in fuel- insight into problems in celestial mechanics that are, among other things, efficient orbit designs for useful in fuel-efficient orbit designs for scientific space missions. Together scientific space missions. with Peter Albers of Purdue University and Urs Frauenfelder of Seoul National University, Hofer started a research project to study the restricted three-body problem that is known to show chaotic behavior. This project grew and currently involves Joel Fish of , Gabriel Pater- nain of the University of Cambridge, and Otto van Koert of Seoul Nation- al University. The results so far show precise organizing principles for the chaos, which is potentially useful since it is precisely this chaos that is responsible for the existence of fuel-efficient orbits. Frauenfelder will present some of the results at the NASA/ESA-sponsored conference, “New Trends in Astrodynamics and Applications VI,” during an invited lecture. Hofer con- tinued his work on symplectic field theory and polyfolds jointly with Krzysztof Wysocki of Pennsylvania State University and Eduard Zehnder of Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich. During the second term, Members Bramham, Larry Guth, Matthew Kahle, and Melissa Tacy initiated “Mathematical Conversations.”This is a new idea for mathematical communication that we hope will broaden the mathemat- ical horizons of all participants. Member Sophie Morel, seen here The program on computer science and discrete mathematics continued to in the Common Room of Fuld flourish. Breakthroughs achieved by some former Members were highlighted Hall, studied the automorphic in the one-day workshop on pseudorandomness in April. Speakers were cur- representations appearing in the intersection cohomology of the rent Members Guth and Swastik Kopparty, Visitor Zeev Dvir of Princeton Baily-Borel compactification of

University, Peter Varju of Princeton University, and former Member Alex Shimura varieties. MATHEMATICS OF SCHOOL Kontorovich of Stony Brook University, the State University of NewYork. In December, Curtis McMullen of Harvard Universi- ty delivered the Ruth and Irving Adler Expository Lecture, “Entropy, Algebraic Integers, and Moduli of Surfaces.” With Pierre Deligne, Professor Emeritus; Robert MacPherson, Hermann Weyl Professor; and Goresky in attendance, Nima Arkani-Hamed, Professor in the School of Natural Sciences, gave weekly seminars on some Feynman diagrams that arise in N=4SUSY gauge theories and reduce to just a few integrals on combinatorial spaces.These seminars often continued CLIFF MOORE 27 for up to four hours. As a result of this activity, these four individuals have Improvements in information been able to make mathematical insights with potential applications to physics. technology have revolutionized Guth and Nets Katz, who visited from Indiana University for a short time the way scientists and engineers during the year, solved the long-standing (from 1946) Erdös distinct distance record and simulate complicated conjecture in the plane. Guth’s lecture is available on the Institute website phenomena. The organization (http://video.ias.edu/csdm/guth), as are many other breakthroughs achieved and understanding of this by Members and Visitors in the School. data requires new techniques. Member Igor Rivin has investigated the interesting concept and properties On the mathematical side, of random elements in lattices of Lie groups and applied this to deduce topology provides concepts properties of random three manifolds. and computational tools for Member Pierluigi Falco made important advances in proving universality of studying nonlinear objects and the low-density two-dimensional Coulomb gas. He developed a rigorous transformations. technique to analyze the Kosterlitz-Thouless line that separates the dipole phase from the plasma phase. Although the existence of this transition has been known for some time, the behavior along the criti- cal line had been an open problem for many years. Nigel Pitt, a Member during the second term, made decisive progress on his long-term project on the behavior of coefficients of a modular form on the sequence p-1, p a prime, and he is in the process of preparing a paper regarding his progress. Working with Professor Peter Sarnak, Peng Zhau, a National Science Foundation Mathematical Sciences Institutes Fellow, is completing the computing of the full variance for the quantization of the geodesic flow on the modular surface. Professor Jean Bourgain and Sarnak together with former Members Alexander Gamburd of the Univer- CLIFF MOORE sity of California, Santa Cruz, and Kontorovich have Professor Vladimir Voevodsky gave a completed a series of papers on “thin groups,”the affine sieve, and expanders. seminar on the univalent foundations These developments will be reported at conferences around the world (Bour- of mathematics, which involves new semantics for dependent type baki, American Mathematical Society, and Clay Mathematics Institute). theories—the class of formal systems that are widely used in the theory of The topology program organized by MacPherson, Randall Kamien of the programming languages. University of Pennsylvania, and Konstantin Mischaikow of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, continued with six workshops held during the year. Three workshops were held each term alternating between the campus- es of the Institute, Rutgers, and the University of Pennsylvania. Improve- ments in information technology have revolutionized the way scientists and engineers record and simulate complicated phenomena. The organization and understanding of this data requires new techniques. On the mathematical side, topology provides concepts and computational tools for studying non- linear objects and transformations. The goal of this seminar series was to direct and expand these concepts and tools toward the above-mentioned applications. There was a mix of lectures by topologists, by scientists in fields SCHOOLOFMATHEMATICS with topological applications, and by people doing topological computations. The talks were aimed at a broad interdisciplinary audience and were intend- ed to provide a forum for discussing current and future applications of topo- 28 logical techniques, both theoretical and computational. ainlSineFoundation the Science and National Fund Ellentuck byThe provided Funding Washington University Princeton and Study Advanced for nthoy Low-dimensionalTopologyKnotTheory, Baldwin Arthur John Fund OswaldVeblen andThe Fellowship Companies Bell the by provided Funding Member opttoa Complexity Computational Beame Paul iiigProfessor Visiting Combinatorics Alon Noga vnf vri j f VISITORS AND MEMBERS Sciences of Academy National the of and associate foreign a University elected the was Dennis Bourgain of College, Trodden Pomona Mark and of Pennsylvania. University, Silva of Brook de Stony Walter Princeton Vin Member of College, of Pennsylvania, Sullivan Barnard Lazar of University of Menachem the Univer- Neumann University, State of Columbia Liu Francisco Andrea San of University, of Ellis Arsuaga Steve Javier the in sity, Sciences, Professor Natural Arkani-Hamed, Nima of by School given were lectures Member Second-term University, Member Rockefeller Urbana- Arizona University. Pennsylvania, the of Tanmay Vachaspati and at State Rutgers, of of of of Smalyukh Illinois University University Katifori Ivan Mason, Jeremy of the the Eleni University Kahle, of of the Matthew Cohen Jadbabaie of Ali Frederick Champaign, by Goldenfeld given Nigel were Rochester, talks First-term cdm fAt n Sciences. and Arts of Academy is Term First on ebrSho fNtrlSciences Natural of School Member Joint elnRsac Instructorship Research Veblen o emn Fellowship Neumann von v Wigderson Avi ! ! v ! Visitor vri ! s e vvUniversity Aviv Tel eodTerm Second ! vp ! d iiigProfessor Visiting vp ! Distinguished ebr .MasPoesr a lce oteAmerican the to elected was Professor, Maass H. Herbert , nvriyof University ! m Long-term ! ! ! p f vp, Institute ! ! NumberTheory Bober William Jonathan GroupTheory Capdeboscq Inna Fund D.Wolfensohn James andThe Foundation Science National the by provided Funding NumberTheory Calegari Francesco Foundation Science National the by provided Funding Study ypetcGeometry Symplectic Bramham Barney Foundation Science National the by provided Funding Study Foundation Science National the by provided Funding ! f ! ! ! nvriyo Warwick of University otwsenUniversityNorthwestern nttt o Advanced for Institute ! nttt o Advanced for Institute ! vnf Oxford nvriéPrsSd11 Paris-Sud Université Equations Differential Partial Capdeboscq Yves Topology Cohen R. Frederick Fund D.Wolfensohn James andThe Fund, Foundation Gould Florence the Fund, the Ellentuck by provided funding additional Founders’ Member; Chriss Circle Herron Natasha and Chriss Neil Foundation Science National the by provided Funding uoopi om,Gli Representations Galois Forms, Automorphic Clozel Laurent Foundation Science National the by provided Funding Chicago NumberTheory Cojocaru Alina admSmlca Complexes” Simplicial Random of Groups “Fundamental addressed Member, Mason, Jeremy and Biology”; Evolutionary in Games and Equations “Some on spoke Member, ChristineTaylor, Weyl”; Hermann and Einstein Albert to ATribute Mathematics: in andTruth “Beauty seminar, the gave Professor, and Member former Atiyah, Michael left: From ! ! ! vnf nvriyo ohse • Rochester of University f ! nvriyo liosat Illinois of University ! s ! nvriyof University s !


29 COLO MATHEMATICS OF SCHOOL Pierre Colmez Mark Goresky Andrei Jorza NumberTheory ! CNRS and Institut de Geometry,Automorphic Forms ! Institute for NumberTheory ! Institute for Advanced Mathématiques de Jussieu, Université Paris Advanced Study ! m Study ! f Diderot ! f Funding provided by the Bell Companies Funding provided by the National Science Ralph E. and Doris M. Hansmann Member; Fellowship Foundation additional funding provided by the Florence Gould Foundation Fund Anna Gourevitch Matthew Kahle Algebraic Geometry,SingularityTheory ! Institute Topology,Probability,Combinatorics ! Institute for Jean-Francois Dat for Advanced Study ! v,f Advanced Study Arithmetic Geometry,RepresentationTheory ! Université Pierre et Marie Curie ! vnf, f Thomas Graber Tasho Kaletha Funding provided by the National Science Algebraic Geometry ! California Institute of GroupTheory,Automorphic Forms ! Institute for Foundation Technology Advanced Study and Princeton University ! vri Funding provided by the National Science Funding provided by the National Science Michael Davis Foundation Foundation Topology,Geometric GroupTheory ! The Ohio State University Zihua Guo Ralph Kaufmann Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations ! AlgebraicTopology,Algebraic Geometry ! Purdue Fred Diamond Institute for Advanced Study University ! f Galois Representations,Automorphic Forms ! Zurich Financial Services Member; additional Funding provided by the National Science King’s College London ! v,s funding provided by the S. S. Chern Foundation for Foundation Mathematics Research Fund and the National Dominic Dotterrer Science Foundation Chandrashekhar Khare Combinatorial Geometry ! Institute for NumberTheory ! University of California, Los Advanced Study ! v,s Larry Guth Angeles Funding provided by the National Science Geometry,Harmonic Analysis ! University of Funding provided by the National Science Foundation Toronto Foundation Funding provided by the Ambrose Monell Zeev Dvir Foundation and the National Science Foundation Menachem Kojman Computer Science ! Institute for Advanced Combinatorics ! Ben-Gurion University of the Study ! v Thomas J. Haines Negev RepresentationTheory,Arithmetic Algebraic Richard Ehrenborg Geometry ! University of Maryland ! vnf Swastik Kopparty Algebraic Combinatorics ! University of Funding provided by the National Science Theoretical Computer Science ! Institute for Kentucky Foundation Advanced Study Funding provided by the National Science Pierluigi Falco Michael Harris Foundation Mathematical Physics ! Institute for Advanced NumberTheory,Automorphic Forms ! Université Study Paris Diderot ! s Gabor Kun Funding provided by the Giorgio and Elena Funding provided by the Association of Members of Discrete Mathematics, Computer Science, Number Petronio Fellowship Fund the Institute for Advanced Study (AMIAS) Theory ! Institute for Advanced Study ! v

Jean-Marc Fontaine Florian Herzig Kai-Wen Lan Algebraic Geometry,NumberTheory ! Université NumberTheory ! Institute for Advanced Study NumberTheory,ShimuraVarieties ! Institute for Paris-Sud 11 ! f Funding provided by the National Science Advanced Study and Princeton University ! vri Funding provided by the Florence Gould Foundation Foundation Fund Thái Hoàng Lê David Huse Additive and Combinatorial NumberTheory ! Elena Fuchs Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Institute for Advanced Study NumberTheory ! Institute for Advanced Study Physics ! Princeton University ! v,f Funding provided by the National Science Funding provided by the National Science Foundation Foundation John Z. Imbrie Mathematical Physics ! University of Virginia Victor Daniel Lie Abhik Ganguli Analysis ! Institute for Advanced Study and NumberTheory ! Institute for Advanced Study Russell Impagliazzo Princeton University ! vri and Rutgers,The State University of New Computational Complexity ! University of Funding provided by the National Science Jersey ! v California, San Diego ! vp Foundation Friends of the Institute for Advanced Study Member; David Geraghty additional funding provided byThe Ellentuck Fund Ruochuan Liu NumberTheory ! Institute for Advanced Study and the National Science Foundation p-adic HodgeTheory,p-adic Local Langlands and Princeton University ! vri Program ! Institute for Advanced Study ! f Funding provided by the National Science Foundation Nathan Jones Funding provided by the National Science !

SCHOOLOFMATHEMATICS NumberTheory The University of Foundation Samuel Gitler Mississippi ! v,f AlgebraicTopology,ToricTopology ! Centro de Investigación del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico City 30 Tong Liu Margaret A. Readdy Junecue Suh Arithmetic Geometry,Galois Representations, p-adic Algebraic Combinatorics ! University of Algebraic Geometry,NumberTheory ! Institute HodgeTheory ! Purdue University ! s Kentucky for Advanced Study Funding provided by the National Science Funding provided by the National Science Foundation Igor Rivin Foundation Geometry,Computation, NumberTheory, Shachar Lovett Geometric GroupTheory,Physics, Chemistry ! MelissaTacy Computer Science ! Institute for Advanced Temple University Analysis ! Institute for Advanced Study Study Funding provided by the National Science Funding provided by the National Science Guy Nathanel Rothblum Foundation Foundation Computer Science ! Institute for Advanced Study ! v Abdolreza ShadiTahvildar-Zadeh Elena Mantovan Mathematical Physics, Partial Differential Arithmetic Geometry ! California Institute of Yiannis Sakellaridis Equations ! Rutgers,The State University of Technology ! vnf Automorphic Forms, RepresentationTheory, New Jersey ! s Funding provided by the National Science NumberTheory ! Institute for Advanced Foundation Study ! s Christine J.Taylor Funding provided by the National Science Evolutionary GameTheory,Evolution of Simon Marshall Foundation Cooperation ! Harvard University NumberTheory ! Institute for Advanced Study Funding provided by the Minerva Research Funding provided by the National Science Shubhangi Saraf Foundation Foundation ComplexityTheory,Pseudorandomness ! Institute for Advanced Study ! v Laurence R.Taylor Jeremy Mason Algebraic and GeometricTopology ! University of Mathematical Physics ! Institute for Advanced Grant Schoenebeck Notre Dame ! s Study ComplexityTheory,Intersection of Computer Science ! Institute for Advanced Study and RichardTaylor Guowu Meng Princeton University ! v,s NumberTheory ! Harvard University ! dvp Mathematical Physics ! The Hong Kong Funding provided byThe Charles Simonyi University of Science and Technology ! j Mira Shamis Endowment and the OswaldVeblen Fund Qiu Shi Science andTechnologies Foundation Mathematical Physics ! Institute for Advanced Member Study YichaoTian Funding provided by the National Science Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry ! Institute for Sophie Morel Foundation Advanced Study and Princeton University ! vri ShimuraVarieties ! Harvard University Funding provided by the Minerva Research Sug Woo Shin JacquesTilouine Foundation; additional funding provided by the NumberTheory,ShimuraVarieties ! Institute for NumberTheory,Galois Representations, p-adic Friends of the Institute for Advanced Study Advanced Study Modular Forms, Modularity ! Université Paris Funding provided by the National Science 13 ! v,s Walter Neumann Foundation Geometry,Topology ! Barnard College ! s MadhurTulsiani Christopher Skinner Theoretical Computer Science ! Institute for James Newton NumberTheory ! Princeton University Advanced Study ! v NumberTheory ! Institute for Advanced Study ! s Anders Södergren Eric Jean-Paul Urban Funding provided by the National Science NumberTheory ! Institute for Advanced NumberTheory ! CNRS and Columbia Foundation Study ! s University ! s Funding provided by the National Science Funding provided by the Florence Gould Wieslawa Niziol Foundation Foundation Fund MATHEMATICS OF SCHOOL Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry ! University of Utah ! v,f Alexander Sodin Sophia Vassiliadou Mathematical Physics ! Institute for Advanced ComplexVariables, Complex Geometry ! Ryan O’Donnell Study Georgetown University Theoretical Computer Science ! Carnegie Mellon Funding provided by the National Science Funding provided by the National Science University ! vnf Foundation Foundation Funding provided by the National Science Foundation Srikanth Srinivasan Claude Viterbo Computational Complexity ! Institute for Symplectic Geometry ! École Polytechnique, Alvaro Pelayo Advanced Study Palaiseau, France ! f Symplectic Geometry,SpecialTheory of Integrable Funding provided by the National Science Funding provided by the National Science Systems ! Institute for Advanced Study ! s Foundation Foundation Funding provided by the National Science Foundation Nikhil Srivastava Fang Wang Theoretical Computer Science ! Institute for Microlocal Analysis, Geometric ScatteringTheory, Nigel J. E. Pitt Advanced Study General Relativity,Partial Differential Equations ! Automorphic Forms,Analytic NumberTheory ! Funding provided by the National Science Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University of Brasilia ! s Foundation University ! vri 31 Jared Weinstein Correcting Codes ! Swastik Kopparty, Members Seminar ! Potential Automorphy ! NumberTheory ! Institute for Advanced Study Member, School of Mathematics ! Additive RichardTaylor, Harvard University; Structures in the Primes ! Thái Hoàng Lê, Distinguished Visiting Professor, School of Anna Wienhard Member, School of Mathematics Mathematics Geometry ! Princeton University ! v September 27 October 5 Andrew Wiles Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Algebraic NumberTheory ! Princeton Seminar I ! The Condition Number of a Random Seminar II ! Pseudorandom Generators for University ! v Matrix: from von Neumann–Goldstine to CCO[p] and the Fourier Spectrum of Low-Degree Spielman-Teng ! Van Vu, Rutgers,The State Polynomials over Finite Fields ! Shachar Peng Zhao University of New Jersey Lovett, Member, School of Mathematics ! NumberTheory and Automorphic Forms ! Geometry and Cell Complexes:Topology of Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members ! Some Random Simplicial Complexes ! Matthew University ! v Aspects inTime-Frequency Analysis ! Victor Kahle, Member, School of Mathematics Funding provided by the National Science Daniel Lie, Princeton University;Veblen Foundation Research Instructorship, School of Workshop on Topology: Identifying Order in Mathematics ! p-adic Galois Representations and Complex Systems ! Control of Liquid Crystal ( ϕΓ)-Modules ! Ruochuan Liu, Member, Defects Using Optical Phase Singularities ! Ivan RECORD OF EVENTS School of Mathematics ! Correlation Bounds for Smalyukh, University of Colorado ! Loopy Polynomials ! Shachar Lovett, Member, NetworkTopology and LeafVein Architecture ! School of Mathematics ! The Cohomology of Eleni Katifori,The ! September 20 Arithmetic Groups ! Simon Marshall, Configuration Spaces of Hard Disks ! Matthew Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Member, School of Mathematics ! Resolution Kahle, Member, School of Mathematics Seminar I ! Dependent Random Choice and of Singularities on ShimuraVarieties, and the Local Approximate Sidorenko’s Conjecture ! Benny Langlands Correspondence ! Jared Weinstein, October 7 Sudakov, University of California, Los Member, School of Mathematics ! The Galois Representations and Automorphic Angeles Structure of Materials ! Jeremy Mason, Forms Seminar ! Overview of the p-adic Local Member, School of Mathematics Langlands Correspondence for GL(2,Qp) ! September 21 Pierre Colmez, CNRS and Institut de Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics September 28 Mathématiques de Jussieu, Université Paris Seminar II ! Invariance Principles inTheoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Diderot; Member, School of Mathematics Computer Science ! Ryan O’Donnell, Seminar II ! High-Rate CodesWith Sublinear Carnegie Mellon University; von Neumann Time Decoding ! Swastik Kopparty, Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! An Fellowship, School of Mathematics Member, School of Mathematics Integral Eisenstein-Sczech Cocycle on GLn(Z) and p-adic L-Functions ofTotally Real Fields ! Samit Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members ! New September 29 Dasgupta, University of California, Santa Computations of the Riemann Zeta Functions ! Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members ! The Cruz Jonathan William Bober, Member, School Spectrum of the Critical Almost Mathieu of Mathematics ! NewTools for an Old Problem: Operator ! Mira Shamis, Member, School of October 8 the Dynamics of Area Preserving Disc Maps ! Mathematics ! Geometric Realization of the Local Analysis/Mathematical Physics Seminar ! Barney Bramham, Member, School of Langlands Correspondence ! Sug Woo Shin, Imaging of Small Inhomogeneities, Homogenization Mathematics ! Extended Scaling Relations for Member, School of Mathematics ! Perturbation and Super Resolution ! Yves Capdeboscq, Weak-Universal Models ! Pierluigi Falco, Series for Band Matrices and for the Anderson University of Oxford; von Neumann Member, School of Mathematics ! Automorphy Model ! Alexander Sodin, Member, School Fellowship, School of Mathematics of Galois Representations ! David Geraghty, of Mathematics Princeton University;Veblen Research October 11 Instructorship, School of Mathematics September 30 Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members ! Some Seminar I ! The Complexity of the September 22 Questions Regarding Arithmetic Circuits ! Noncommutative Determinant ! Srikanth Special Mathematical Physics Seminar ! The Srikanth Srinavasan, Member, School of Srinivasan, Member, School of Mathematics Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (NLSE) with a Mathematics ! Sparce Approximation of PSD Random Potential: Effective Noise and Scaling Matrices ! Nikhil Srivastava, Member, Members Seminar ! Symplectic Theory ! Shmuel Fishman,Technion–Israel School of Mathematics ! Torsion-Freeness of Homogenization ! Claude Viterbo, École Institute of Technology Certain Cohomology Groups of PEL-Type Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France; Member, ShimuraVarieties ! Junecue Suh, Member, School of Mathematics September 23 School of Mathematics ! Lp Concentration of Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members ! The Semiclassical Quasimodes ! MelissaTacy, October 12 Well-Posedness for the KdV and MKdV Member, School of Mathematics Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Equations ! Zihua Guo, Member, School of Seminar II ! Approximating the Longest Mathematics ! Families and Congruences between October 4 Increasing Subsequence in PolylogarithmicTime ! Modular Forms ! Andrei Jorza, Member, Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Michael Saks, Rutgers,The State University School of Mathematics ! The Fundamental Seminar I ! Super-Uniformity of theTypical of New Jersey Group of Random 2-Complexes ! Matthew !

SCHOOLOFMATHEMATICS Billiard Path (Proof Included) Jozsef Beck, Kahle, Member, School of Mathematics ! L- Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey Geometry and Cell Complexes ! Descriptions Packets and Endoscopy for p-adic Groups ! Tasho of the Grain-Growth Structure ! Jeremy Kaletha, Princeton University;Veblen Mason, Member, School of Mathematics Research Instructorship, School of 32 Mathematics ! Topics in Randomness and Error- October 13 Galois Representations and Automorphic October 29 Galois Representations and Automorphic Forms Seminar ! Non-Abelian Lubin-Tate Analysis/Mathematical Physics Seminar ! Forms Mini-Course ! The Completed Theory ! Jean-Francois Dat, Université Semiclassical Eigenfunction Estimates ! Melissa Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups ! Francesco Pierre et Marie Curie; von Neumann Tacy, Member, School of Mathematics Calegari, Northwestern University; von Fellowship, School of Mathematics Neumann Fellowship, School of Mathematics November 1 Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics October 14 Expanding the Scope of Irreducibility ! Chris Seminar I ! On the Structure of Cubic and Lecture Series on Some Aspects of the p-adic Hall, University of Wyoming Quartic Polynomials ! Elad Harmaty, Local Langlands Correspondence for Technion–Israel Institute of Technology GL(2,Qp) ! Lecture 1 ! Pierre Colmez, October 22 CNRS and Institut de Mathématiques de Geometry and Cell Complexes ! Spectral Members Seminar ! ShimuraVarieties, Local Jussieu, Université Paris Diderot; Member, Geometry of Random Graphs ! Igor Rivin, Models, and Geometric Realizations of Langlands School of Mathematics Temple University; Member, School of Correspondences ! Elena Mantovan, Mathematics California Institute of Technology; von Galois Representations and Automorphic Neumann Fellowship, School of Mathematics Forms Seminar ! The Fundamental Curve of p- Geometry/Dynamical Systems Seminar ! adicTheory ! Jean-Marc Fontaine, Global Stringy Orbifold Cohomology,K-Theory, November 2 Université Paris-Sud 11; Member, School of and de RhamTheory with Possible Applications to Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Mathematics Landau-GinzburgTheory ! Ralph Kaufmann, Seminar II ! Fourier Spectrum of Polynomials over Purdue University; Member, School of Finite Fields ! Shachar Lovett, Member, Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! Mathematics School of Mathematics Even Galois Representations and the Fontaine- Mazur Conjecture ! Francesco Calegari, October 25 Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Northwestern University; von Neumann Members Seminar ! Values of L-Functions and Seminar II ! 3/2 Firefighters Are Not Enough ! Fellowship, School of Mathematics Modular Forms ! Christopher Skinner, Rani Hod,Tel Aviv University Princeton University; Member, School of October 18 Mathematics Geometry and Cell Complexes ! TheTopology Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics of Restricted Partition Posets ! Richard Seminar I ! A Unified Framework forTesting October 26 Ehrenborg, University of Kentucky; Linear-Invariant Properties ! Arnab Geometry and Cell Complexes ! Toric Member, School of Mathematics Bhattacharyya, Massachusetts Institute of Arrangements ! Margaret A. Readdy, Technology University of Kentucky; Member, School of Galois Representations and Automorphic Mathematics Forms Mini-Course ! Local-Global Members Seminar ! Metaphors in Systolic Compatibility in the p-adic Langlands Program for Geometry ! Larry Guth, University of Special Seminar ! Nodal Lines of Random GL(2) over Q ! Matthew Emerton, Toronto; Member, School of Mathematics Waves ! Alexander Sodin, Member, School Northwestern University of Mathematics October 19 November 3 Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Special Mathematical Physics Seminar ! A Galois Representations and Automorphic Seminar II ! Rank Bounds for Design Matrices Stationary Phase Method for a Class of Nonlinear Forms Mini-Course ! Local-Global With Applications to Combinatorial Geometry and Equations ! Yen Do, Georgia Institute of Compatibility in the p-adic Langlands Program for Locally Correctable Codes ! Zeev Dvir,Visitor, Technology GL(2) over Q ! Matthew Emerton, School of Mathematics Northwestern University October 27 Geometry and Cell Complexes ! Invariants of Lecture Series on Some Aspects of the p-adic Workshop on Topology Identifying Order in Graphs,Their Associated Clique Complexes and Local Langlands Correspondence for Complex Systems ! Defects andTopology in Right-Angled Coxeter Groups ! Michael GL(2,Qp) ! Lecture 3 ! Pierre Colmez, Liquid Crystals ! Gareth Alexander, Davis CNRS and Institut de Mathématiques de ! ,The Ohio State University; Member, University of Pennsylvania Topological MATHEMATICS OF SCHOOL School of Mathematics Jussieu, Université Paris Diderot; Member, Methods for Distributed CoverageVerification in School of Mathematics Mobile Sensor Networks ! Ali Jadbadaie, October 20 University of Pennsylvania ! Spaces of Particles, Galois Representations and Automorphic Galois Representations and Automorphic Their Applications and Connections ! Frederick Forms Seminar ! Splitting of Iwasawa Modules Forms Seminar ! A Semistable Model for the R. Cohen, University of Rochester and Leopoldt Conjecture ! Jean-Pierre Tower of Modular Curves ! Jared Weinstein, Wintenberger, Université de Strasbourg Member, School of Mathematics November 4 Lecture Series on Some Aspects of the p-adic October 21 October 28 Local Langlands Correspondence for Lecture Series on Some Aspects of the p- Galois Representations and Automorphic GL(2,Qp) ! Lecture 4 ! Pierre Colmez, adic Local Langlands Correspondence for Forms Seminar ! Explicit SerreWeight CNRS and Institut de Mathématiques de GL(2,Qp) ! Lecture 2 ! Pierre Colmez, Conjectures ! Florian Herzig, Member, Jussieu, Université Paris Diderot; Member, CNRS and Institut de Mathématiques de School of Mathematics School of Mathematics Jussieu, Université Paris Diderot; Member, School of Mathematics Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! Galois Representations and Automorphic Constructing AbelianVarieties over Qbar Not Forms Seminar ! A Satake Isomorphism Isogenous to a Jacobian ! JacobTsimerman, Mod.p ! Guy Henniart, Université Princeton University Paris-Sud 11 33 November 5 November 16 November 29 Analysis/Mathematical Physics Seminar ! Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Ground States of the 2D Edwards-Anderson Spin Seminar II ! Planar Convexity,Infinite Perfect Seminar I ! The Permanents of Gaussian Glass ! Michael Damron, Princeton Graphs, and Lipschitz Continuity ! Menachem Matrices ! Scott Aaronson, Massachusetts University Kojman, Ben Gurion University of the Institute of Technology Negev; Member, School of Mathematics November 8 Members Seminar ! (Some) Generic Properties of Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics November 17 (Some) Infinite Groups ! Igor Rivin,Temple Seminar I ! The Graph Removal Lemma ! Galois Representations and Automorphic University; Member, School of Mathematics Jacob Fox, Massachusetts Institute of Forms Seminar ! A New Approach to the Local Technology Langlands Correspondence for GLn over p-adic Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Fields ! Peter Schloze, Universität Bonn Seminar ! Self-Correction, Distance Estimation, Members Seminar ! Beauty andTruth in and LocalTesting of Codes ! Dana Mathematics; ATribute to Albert Einstein and November 18 Moshkovitz, Massachusetts Institute of HermannWeyl ! Sir Michael Atiyah,The Lecture Series on Some Aspects of the p-adic Technology University of Edinburgh Local Langlands Correspondence for GL(2,Qp) ! Lecture 6 ! Pierre Colmez, November 30 November 9 CNRS and Institut de Mathématiques de Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Jussieu, Université Paris Diderot; Member, Seminar II ! Hardness Escalation and the Rank of Seminar II ! An Elementary Proof of the School of Mathematics PolynomialThreshold Proofs ! Paul Beame, Restricted InvertibilityTheorem ! Nikhil University of Washington; Member, School of Srivastava, Member, School of Mathematics Galois Representations and Automorphic Mathematics Forms Seminar ! Potential Automorphy for November 10 Compatible Systems of L-Adic Galois December 1 Galois Representations and Automorphic Representations ! David Geraghty, Princeton Workshop on Topology: Identifying Order in Forms Seminar ! On the Realization of Some University;Veblen Research Instructorship, Complex Systems ! Characteristics of Coarsening Degenerate Automorphic Forms on Certain School of Mathematics Cellular Structures in 2D ! Jeremy Mason, Griffiths-SchmidVarieties ! Henri Carayol, Member, School of Mathematics ! Université de Strasbourg Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! Fundamental Groups of Random Simplicial EndoscopicTransfer of Depth-Zero Supercuspidal Complexes ! Eric Babson, University of November 11 L-Packets ! Tasho Kaletha, Princeton California, Davis ! Patterns, Universality,and Galois Representations and Automorphic University;Veblen Research Instructorship, Computational Algorithms ! Nigel Goldenfeld, Forms Seminar ! Algebraic Cycles on Picard School of Mathematics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Moduli Spaces of AbelianVarieties ! Michael Rapoport, Universität Bonn November 19 December 2 Analysis/Mathematical Physics Seminar ! Lecture Series on Some Aspects of the p-adic Lecture Series on Some Aspects of the p-adic PerturbationTheory for Band Matrices ! Local Langlands Correspondence for Local Langlands Correspondence for Alexander Sodin, Member, School of GL(2,Qp) ! Lecture 7 ! Pierre Colmez, GL(2,Qp) ! Lecture 5 ! Pierre Colmez, Mathematics CNRS and Institut de Mathématiques de CNRS and Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Université Paris Diderot; Member, Jussieu, Université Paris Diderot; Member, Geometry/Dynamical Systems Seminar ! School of Mathematics School of Mathematics Implied Existence for 3D Dynamics ! Al Momin, Purdue University Galois Representations and Automorphic Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! Forms Seminar ! Relative p-adic HodgeTheory ! Periods of Special Cycles and Derivatives of L- November 22 Ruochuan Liu, Member, School of Series ! Shou-Wu Zhang, Columbia Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Mathematics University Seminar I ! CombinatorialTheorems in Random Sets ! David Conlon, University of Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! The November 12 Cambridge Iwasawa Main Conjectures for Modular Forms ! Analysis/Mathematical Physics Seminar ! A Christopher Skinner, Princeton University; Rigorous Renormalization Group Study of a p-adic Members Seminar ! Modularity of Galois Member, School of Mathematics Quantum FieldTheory ! Abdelmalek Representations ! Chandrashekhar Khare, Abdesselam, University of Virginia University of California, Los Angeles December 3 Introduction to the Univalent Foundations November 15 November 23 of Mathematics ! ConstructiveTypeTheory and Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Homotopy ! Steve Awodey, Carnegie Seminar I ! Fractional Perfect Matchings in Seminar II ! Counting Pattern Avoiding Mellon University Hypergraphs ! Andrzej Rucinski, Adam Permutations via Integral Operators ! Richard Mickiewicz University, Pozna´n, Poland, and Ehrenborg, University of Kentucky; Analysis/Mathematical Physics Seminar ! Emory University Member, School of Mathematics Localization andThermalization in Highly Excited Many-Body Quantum Systems ! David Huse, Members Seminar ! Configuration Spaces of Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! Princeton University;Visitor, School of ! Mathematics SCHOOLOFMATHEMATICS Hard Discs in a Box Matthew Kahle, Special Gamma, Zeta, MultizetaValues, and Member, School of Mathematics AndersonT-Motives ! DineshThakur,The University of Arizona Geometry/Dynamical Systems Seminar ! A Reidemeister-Singer Conjecture for Surface Diagrams ! Jonathan Williams, University 34 of California, Berkeley December 6 December 13 January 17 Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Seminar I ! Nonlinear DvoretzkyTheory ! Seminar I ! ColoringTournaments ! Paul Seminar I ! Cross-Validation and Mean-Square Assaf Naor, Courant Institute of Seymour, Princeton University Stability ! Sergei Vassilvitskii,Yahoo! Mathematical Sciences, NewYork University Research, NewYork Members Seminar ! Questions about the Members Seminar ! ShimuraVarieties and Reductions Modulo Primes of an Elliptic Curve ! January 18 the Bernstein Center ! Thomas J. Haines, Alina Cojocaru, University of Illinois at Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics University of Maryland; von Neumann Chicago; Member, School of Mathematics Seminar II ! Efficiently Learning Mixtures of Fellowship, School of Mathematics Gaussians ! Ankur Moitra, Massachusetts Special Lecture ! Mathematical Foundations Institute of Technology December 7 of Population Genetics ! Charles Epstein, Introduction to the Univalent Foundations of University of Pennsylvania January 19 Mathematics/Computer Science and Discrete Geometry/Dynamical Systems Seminar ! Mathematics Seminar II ! Introduction to the Special Members Seminar ! Uniform Contacting the Moon ! Urs Frauenfelder, Coq Proof Assistant ! Andrew Appel, Well-Posedness and Inviscid Limit for the Seoul National University ! Weak Stability Princeton University Benjamin-Ono-Burgers Equation ! Zihua Guo, Boundary and Capture in theThree-Body Problem ! Member, School of Mathematics Edward Belbruno, NASA Applied Fourth Ruth and Irving Adler Expository Information Systems Research and Innovative Lecture in Mathematics ! Entropy,Algebraic December 14 Orbital Design, Inc. Integers, and Moduli of Surfaces ! Curtis Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics McMullen, Harvard University Seminar II ! Erdos Distinct Distance Problem January 20 in the Plane ! Larry Guth, University of Analysis and Mathematical Physics Seminar ! December 8 Toronto; Member, School of Mathematics Fluctuations of the Nodal Line Length of Laplace Lecture Series on Some Aspects of the p-adic Eigenfunctions on the ArithmeticTorus ! Igor Local Langlands Correspondence for December 15 Wigman, KTH Royal Institute of GL(2,Qp) ! Lecture 8 ! Pierre Colmez, Galois Representations and Automorphic Technology, Stockholm CNRS and Institut de Mathématiques de Forms Seminar ! Ramification in Iwasawa Jussieu, Université Paris Diderot; Member, Modules ! Chandrashekar Khare, Galois Representations and Automorphic School of Mathematics University of California, Los Angeles; Forms Seminar ! Local-Global Compatibility Member, School of Mathematics and Monodromy ! Ana Caraiani, Harvard Galois Representations and Automorphic University Forms Seminar ! On Families of Filtered Phi December 16 Modules and Crystalline Representations ! Galois Representations and Automorphic Special Seminar ! Mechanizing the Odd Order Eugen Hellmann, Universität Bonn Forms Seminar ! Two-Dimensional Galois Theorem: Local Analysis ! Georges Gonthier, Representations over Imaginary Quadratic Fields ! Institut National de Recherche en Informatique December 9 Andrei Jorza, Member, School of et en Automatique Galois Representations and Automorphic Mathematics Forms Seminar ! VanishingTheorems forTorsion January 21 Automorphic Sheaves ! Kai-Wen Lan, Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! Geometry/Dynamical Systems Seminar ! The Princeton University;Veblen Research Weyl’s Sums for Roots of Quadratic Congruences ! Cartan Geometry of the Rotating Kepler Problem ! Instructorship, School of Mathematics , Rutgers,The State Otto Van Koert, Seoul National University University of New Jersey Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! January 24 Parahoric Subgroups and Supercuspidal December 17 Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Representations of p-adic Groups ! Dick Gross, Analysis/Mathematical Physics Seminar ! Seminar I ! Universal One-Way Hash Functions Harvard University Universality and Chaos inTwo-Dimensional via Inaccessible Entropy ! Hoeteck Wee, Classical Ising Spin Glasses ! David Huse, Queens College,The City University of December 10 Princeton University;Visitor, School of NewYork MATHEMATICS OF SCHOOL Introduction to the Univalent Foundations Mathematics of Mathematics ! Univalent Foundations of Members Seminar ! Groups of EvenType Mathematics ! Vladimir Voevodsky, January 10 of Medium Size ! Inna Capdeboscq, Professor, School of Mathematics Members Seminar ! Moment-Angle Complexes, University of Warwick; von Neumann Spaces of Hard-Disks andTheir Associated Stable Fellowship, School of Mathematics Analysis/Mathematical Physics Seminar: ! Decompositions ! Frederick R. Cohen, A Classical Approximation Point ofView on Some University of Rochester; Member, School January 25 Results in the SpectralTheory of Jacobi Matrices ! of Mathematics Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Mira Shamis, Member, School of Seminar II ! Learning with BooleanThreshold Mathematics January 13 Functions, a Statistical Physics Perspective ! Galois Representations and Automorphic Rémi Monasson, Laboratoire de Physique Geometry/Dynamical Systems Seminar ! Forms Seminar ! TheTaylor-Wiles Method for Théorique, École Normale Supérieure, Paris; Understanding Area Preserving Disk MapsThrough Coherent Cohomology ! Michael Harris, Member, School of Natural Sciences Holomorphic Curves ! Barney Bramham, Université Paris Diderot; Member, School of Member, School of Mathematics Mathematics January 26 Geometry/Dynamical Systems Seminar ! Periodic Bounce Orbits of Prescribed Energy ! Peter Albers, Purdue University 35 Geometry/Dynamical Systems Seminar ! February 4 February 14 J-Curves in Degenerating Manifolds ! Joel Fish, Analysis/Mathematical Physics Seminar ! Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Stanford University Generalized Kepler Problems ! Guowu Meng, Seminar I ! An Elementary Proof of The Hong Kong University of Science and Anticoncentration of Polynomials in Gaussian January 27 Technology; Joint Member, Schools of Variables ! Shachar Lovett, Member, School Galois Representations and Automorphic Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Mathematics Forms Seminar ! Presentation of an Iwasawa Algebra; The Case of the Level 1 Subgroup of February 7 Members Seminar ! Some Equations and Games SL(2,Zp) ! Laurent Clozel, Université Paris- Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics in Evolutionary Biology ! Christine J.Taylor, Sud 11; Member, School of Mathematics Seminar I ! Fast Random Projections ! Edo Harvard University; Member, School of Liberty,Yahoo! Research, Haifa, Israel Mathematics January 28 Analysis/Mathematical Physics Seminar ! Members Seminar ! Recursively Applying February 15 Generic Local L-Bounds for Conformal Families Constructive Dense ModelTheorems andWeak Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics of Laplace Operators ! JohnToth, McGill Regularity ! Russell Impagliazzo, Seminar II ! Automatizability and Simple University University of California, San Diego;Visiting Stochastic Games ! Toniann Pitassi, Professor, School of Mathematics University of Toronto January 31 Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics February 8 February 16 Seminar I ! Parsifying and Derandomizing the Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Galois Representations and Automorphic Johnson-LindenstraussTransform ! Jelani Seminar II ! Bypassing UGC from Some Forms Seminar ! Automorphic Cohomology I Nelson, Massachusetts Institute of Optimal Geometric Inapproximability Results ! (GeneralTheory) ! Phillip A. Griffiths, Technology Rishi Saket, Princeton University Professor Emeritus, School of Mathematics

Members Seminar ! MicrolocalTheory of Sheaves February 9 Mathematical Conversations ! WhatWe Can and Applications to Nondisplaceability ! Pierre Workshop on Topology: Identifying Order DoWithWaves ! MelissaTacy, Member, Schapira, Université Paris 6 in Complex Systems ! Jamming in Sphere School of Mathematics Packings ! Andrea Liu, University of February 1 Pennsylvania ! Topological Methods for Analyzing February 17 Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics “Functional Connectivity” in Brain ActivityTime The Iwasawa Main Conjecture for GL(2) Seminar II ! On the Complexity of Computing Series ! Steve Ellis, Columbia University ! Mini-Course ! Lecture 3 ! Christopher Roots and Residuosity over Finite Fields ! Computing Arithmetic Invariants of Hyperfolic 3- Skinner, Princeton University; Member, Swastik Kopparty, Member, School Manifolds ! Walter Neumann, Barnard School of Mathemtics of Mathematics College; Member, School of Mathematics Galois Representations and Automorphic Geometry and Cell Complexes ! Topological Galois Representations and Automorphic Forms Seminar ! Automorphic Cohomology II Analysis of Grain Boundaries ! Srikanth Forms Seminar ! Completed Cohomology of (Carayol’sWork and an Application) ! Phillip A. Patala, Masachusetts Institute of Technology Shimura Curves and a p-adic Jacquet-Langlands Griffiths, Professor Emeritus, School of Correspondence ! James Newton, Member, Mathematics Special Lecture in Geometry/Topology ! School of Mathematics MicrolocalTheory of Sheaves and Applications Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! to Nondisplaceability II ! Pierre Schapira, Mathematical Conversations ! The Isoperimetric Heuristics for Lambda Invariants ! Sonal Jain, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Inequality ! Larry Guth, University of NewYork University Toronto; Member, School of Mathematics February 2 February 21 Special Lecture in Geometry/Topology ! February 10 Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics MicrolocalTheory of Sheaves and Applications The Iwasawa Main Conjecture for GL(2) Seminar I ! Information CostTradeoffs for to Nondisplaceability III ! Pierre Schapira, Mini-Course ! Lecture 2 ! Christopher Augmented Index and Streaming Language Université Pierre et Marie Curie Skinner, Princeton University; Member, Recognition ! Amit Chakrabarti, Dartmouth School of Mathematics College Mathematical Conversations ! Randomness in NumberTheory ! Peter Sarnak, Professor, Galois Representations and Automorphic February 22 School of Mathematics Forms Seminar ! Eisenstein Congruences and Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Euler Systems ! Eric Jean-Paul Urban, Seminar II ! LocalTesting and Decoding of Sparse February 3 CNRS and Columbia University; Member, Linear Codes ! Shubhangi Saraf,Visitor, The Iwasawa Main Conjecture for GL(2) School of Mathematics School of Mathematics Mini-Course ! Lecture 1 ! Christopher Skinner, Princeton University; Member, Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! February 23 School of Mathematics Impossible Intersections for Elliptic Curves ! The Iwasawa Main Conjecture for GL(2) David Masser, Universität Basel Mini-Course ! Lecture 4 ! Christopher Galois Representations and Automorphic Skinner, Princeton University; Member, Forms Seminar ! Automorphy Lifting for Galois February 11 School of Mathemtics ! !

SCHOOLOFMATHEMATICS Representations with Small Residual Image Analysis/Mathematical Physics Seminar The JackThorne, Harvard University KPZ Universality Class and Equation ! Ivan Mathematical Conversations ! Error-Correcting Corwin, Courant Institute of Mathematical Codes ! Swastik Kopparty, Member, Sciences, NewYork University School of Mathematics

36 February 24 Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! March 15 Mini-Course on Automorphy ! Galois Periods of Quaternionic ShimuraVarieties ! Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Representations Attached to Automorphic Forms ! Kartik Prasanna, University of Michigan Seminar II ! A PRG for Gaussian Polynomial RichardTaylor, Harvard University; Threshold Functions ! Daniel Kane, Harvard Distinguished Visiting Professor, School of March 7 University Mathematics Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Seminar I ! A Randomized Rounding Approach Question Session on Grassmannians, Polytopes, Mini-Course on Automorphy ! Deformations for Symmetric TSP ! Mohit Singh, McGill and ! Nima Arkani- of Galois Representations ! David Geraghty, University Hamed, Professor, School of Natural Sciences Princeton University;Veblen Research Instructorship, School of Mathematics Members Seminar ! Self-AvoidingWalk March 16 and Branched Polymers ! John Z. Imbrie, Galois Representations and Automorphic Galois Representations and Automorphic University of Virginia; Member, School of Forms Seminar ! Periods over Spherical Forms Seminar ! On Automorphy of Certain Mathematics Subgroups:An Extension of Some of the Langlands ! ! Galois Representations of GO4 Tong Liu, Conjectures Yiannis Sakellaridis, Member, Purdue University; Member, School of March 8 School of Mathematics Mathematics Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Seminar II ! Relativized Separations ofWorst- Mathematical Conversations ! The Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! Case and Average-Case Complexities for NP ! (Unreasonable) Effectiveness of (Hyperbolic) Whittaker Functions and Characters ! Daniel Russell Impagliazzo, University of Geometry ! Igor Rivin,Temple University; Bump, Stanford University California, San Diego;Visiting Professor, Member, School of Mathematics School of Mathematics February 28 March 17 Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics March 9 Mini-Course on Automorphy ! Automorphy Seminar I ! A CompletenessTheorem for Galois Representations and Automorphic Theorems II ! David Geraghty, Princeton Pseudolinear Functions with Applications to UC Forms Seminar ! Galois Representations University;Veblen Research Instructorship, Security ! Charanjit Jutla, IBM Thomas Associated to Holomorphic Limits of Discrete School of Mathematics ! Applications ! J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, Series ! Wushi Goldring, Harvard University RichardTaylor, Harvard University; NewYork Distinguished Visiting Professor, School March 10 of Mathematics Members Seminar ! Does Infinite Cardinal Mini-Course on Automorphy ! Automorphy Arithmetic Resemble NumberTheory? ! LiftingTheorems I (continued) ! David Galois Representations and Automorphic Menachem Kojman, Ben-Gurion Geraghty, Princeton University;Veblen Forms Seminar ! p-adic Analytic Continuation University of the Negev; Member, School Research Instructorship, School of of Genus 2 Overconvergent Hilbert Eigenforms in of Mathematics Mathematics the Inert Case ! YichaoTian, Princeton University;Veblen Research Instructorship, March 1 Mini-Course on Automorphy ! Potential School of Mathematics Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics AutomorphyTheorems I ! RichardTaylor, Seminar I ! PropertyTesting Lower Bounds via Harvard University; Distinguished Visiting Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! Communication Complexity ! Eric Blais, Professor, School of Mathematics Niebur Integrals and Mock Automorphic Forms ! Carnegie Mellon University Wladimir De Azevedo Pribitkin, College Galois Representations and Automorphic of Staten Island,The City University of ! ! March 2 Forms Seminar Analytic Geometry over F1 NewYork Workshop on Topology: Identifying Order Vladimir Berkovich,Weizmann Institute in Complex Systems ! Topological Defects in of Science March 18 ! MarkTrodden, University of Analysis/Mathematical Physics Seminar ! Pennsylvania ! Grassmannians, Polytopes, and Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! Shape Fluctuations of Growing Droplets and Quantum FieldTheory ! Nima Arkani- Affine Sieve and Expanders ! Alireza Random MatrixTheory ! Herbert Spohn, Hamed Golsefity, Princeton University Technische Universität München , Professor, School of Natural MATHEMATICS OF SCHOOL Sciences ! Periodic Foams and Manifolds ! Frank Lutz,Technische Universität Berlin March 11 Working Group on Symplectic Topology Working Group on Symplectic Topology March 3 Question Session on Grassmannians, Polytopes, Mini-Course on Automorphy ! Deformations March 14 and Quantum Field Theory ! Nima Arkani- of Galois Representations (continued) ! David Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Hamed, Professor, School of Natural Sciences Geraghty, Princeton University;Veblen Seminar I ! On the Fourier Spectrum of Research Instructorship, School of Mathematics Symmetric Boolean Functions ! Amir Shpilka, March 21 Technion–Israel Institute of Technology and Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Mini-Course on Automorphy ! Automorphy Microsoft Research New England Seminar I ! Pareto Optimal Solutions for Smooth LiftingTheorems I ! David Geraghty, Analysts ! Ryan O’Donnell, Carnegie Princeton University;Veblen Research Members Seminar ! On Functoriality,on the Mellon University; von Neumann Fellowship, Instructorship, School of Mathematics Correspondence, and onTheir Relation, Part 1 ! School of Mathematics Robert P.Langlands, Professor Emeritus, Galois Representations and Automorphic School of Mathematics Workshop on Galois Representations and Forms Seminar ! Statistics for Families of Automorphic Forms ! The Proof of the Burger- Automorphic Representations ! Sug Woo Shin, Sarnak Conjecture ! Laurent Clozel, Member, School of Mathematics Université Paris-Sud 11; Member, School of Mathematics ! Supercuspidal L-Packets ! Tasho 37 Kaletha, Princeton University;Veblen Working Group on Symplectic Topology April 6 Research Instructorship, School of Workshop on Topology: Identifying Order Mathematics ! Construction of Eigenvarieties March 28 in Complex Systems ! The Evolution of and Coherent Cohomology ! Vincent Pilloni, Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Cellular Structures via Mean Curvature Flow ! Columbia University ! An Overconvergent Seminar I ! NonnegativelyWeighted #CSPs: Menachem Lazar, Princeton University ! Eichler-Shimura Map ! Adrian Iovita, an Effective Complexity Dichotomy ! Xi Chen, Using Computational AlgebraicTopology to Corcordia University, Montreal Columbia University Characterize Chromosome Instability in Cancer ! Javier Arsuaga, San Francisco State March 22 Members Seminar ! Mumford-Tate Groups and University ! Persistent Cohomology and Circular Workshop on Galois Representations Domains ! Phillip A. Griffiths, Professor Coordinates ! Vin De Silva, Pomona College and Automorphic Forms ! Local-Global Emeritus, School of Mathematics Compatibility and Monodrom ! Ana Caraiani, Galois Representations and Automorphic Harvard University ! Intersection Cohomology Is March 29 Forms Seminar ! Automorphic Cohomology II Useless ! Sophie Morel, Harvard University; Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics (Carayol’sWork and an Application) ! Phillip A. Member, School of Mathematics ! Perfectoid Seminar II ! General Hardness Amplification of Griffiths, Professor Emeritus, School of Spaces ! Peter Schloze, Universität Bonn ! Predicates and Puzzles ! Grant Schoenbeck, Mathematics A Semistable Model for theTower of Modular Princeton University Curves ! Jared Weinstein, Member, School Special Lecture ! Infinite Generation of of Mathematics Special Lecture ! Uniqueness of Enhancements Noncocompact Lattices on Right-Angled Buildings ! for Categories ! Dmitry Orlov, Steklov AnneThomas,The University of Sydney March 23 Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Workshop on Galois Representations and Sciences Mathematical Conversations ! “We KnowThat Automorphic Forms ! Minimal Modularity God Exists Because Mathematics Is Consistent and LiftingTheorems for Imaginary Quadratic Fields ! Special Lecture ! LimitTheorems for the Möbius We KnowThat the Devil Exists BecauseWe Francesco Calegari, Northwestern Function and Statistical Mechanics ! Francesco Cannot Prove the Consistency.” — AndréWeil ! University; von Neumann Fellowship, School Cellarosi, Princeton University Menachem Kojman, Ben Gurion of Mathematics ! p-adic Hodge-Theoretic University of the Negev; Member, School Properties of Etale Cohomology with Mod P March 30 of Mathematics Coefficients and the Cohomology of Shimura Galois Representations and Automorphic Varieties I ! Matthew Emerton, Forms Seminar ! Reductions of Local Galois April 7 Northwestern University ! p-adic Hodge- Representations Arising from Hilbert Modular Galois Representations and Automorphic Theoretic Properties of Etale Cohomology with Mod Forms ! Fred Diamond, King’s College Forms Seminar ! Overconvergent IgusaTower P Coefficients and the Cohomology of Shimura London;Visitor, School of Mathematics and Overconvergent Modular Forms ! Jacques Varieties II ! Toby Gee, Northwestern Tilouine, Université Paris 13;Visitor, School University ! Local-Global Compatibility at Mathematical Conversations ! Expander of Mathematics Primes Dividing 1 ! David Geraghty, Graphs:Why NumberTheorists Might Care about Princeton University;Veblen Research Network Optimization ! Elena Fuchs, Question Session on Grassmannians, Polytopes, Instructorship, School of Mathematics Member, School of Mathematics and Quantum Field Theory ! Nima Arkani- Hamed, Professor, School of Natural Sciences March 24 March 31 Workshop on Galois Representations and Galois Representations and Automorphic April 8 Automorphic Forms ! From General Etale Forms Seminar ! Local Universal Lifting Rings Working Group on Symplectic Topology (phi,Gamma)-Modules to Representations of When l ≠p ! Suh-Hyun Choi, Korea G(Qp) ! Marie-France Vigneras, Institut Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Geometry/Dynamical Systems Seminar ! The de Mathématiques de Jussieu, Université Paris Dehn Function of SL(n;Z) ! RobertYoung, Diderot ! The Image of Colmez’s Montreal Question Session on Grassmannians, Polytopes, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Functor ! Vytautas Paskunas, Universität and Quantum Field Theory ! Nima Arkani- NewYork University, and University of Bielefeld ! Locally AlgebraicVectors in the Hamed, Professor, School of Natural Sciences Toronto p-adic Langlands Correspondence ! Gabriel Dispinescu, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, April 1 April 11 France Working Group on Symplectic Topology Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Seminar I ! Graph Sparsification by Edge- Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! April 4 Connectivity and Random SpanningTrees ! Random Maximal Isotropic Subspaces and Selmer Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Nick Harvey, University of Waterloo Groups ! Bjorn Poonen, Massachusetts Seminar I ! Improved Bounds for the Randomized Institute of Technology DecisionTree Complexity of Recursive Majority ! April 13 Ashwin Nayak, University of Waterloo Mathematical Conversations ! Atiyah’s March 25 Connectivity,MorseTheory,and Solution Sets ! Workshop on Galois Representations and Members Seminar ! Symplectic Dynamics Alvaro Pelayo, Member, School of Automorphic Forms ! Vanishing of the µ- of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems ! Alvaro Mathematics Invariant of p-adic Hecke L Functions ! Haruzo Pelayo, Member, School of Mathemtics Hida, University of California, Los Angeles ! April 14

SCHOOLOFMATHEMATICS Recent Developments in Noncommutative Iwasawa April 5 Galois Representations and Automorphic Theory II ! Mahesh Kakde, University Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Forms Seminar ! The Bernstein Center of the ! ! College London Recent Developments in Seminar II Zero-One Rounding of Singular Category of Smooth W(k)[GLn(F)]-Modules ! Noncommutative IwasawaTheory I ! David Vectors ! Nikhil Srivastava, Member, School David Helm,The University of Texas Burns, King’s College London of Mathematics at Austin 38 April 15 April 28 Technology ! Microlocal Category for a Closed Working Group on Symplectic Topology Galois Representations and Automorphic Symplectic Manifold II ! DmitryTamarkin, Forms Seminar ! Classification of Representations ! Northwestern University ! Coherent- April 18 Jim Arthur, University of Toronto Constructible Correspondence and Homological Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Mirror Symmetry I ! Bohan Fang, Columbia Seminar I ! Quantum FingerprintsThat Keep Galois Representations and Automorphic University Secrets ! Dmitry Gavinsky, NEC Forms Seminar ! On the Comparison ofTrace Laboratories America, Princeton, New Jersey Formulas ! Jim Arthur, University of Toronto May 12 Workshop on Sheaf-Theoretic Methods in April 19 Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! Symplectic Topology ! Coherent-Constructible Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Serre’s Conjectures on the Number of Rational Correspondence and Homological Mirror Symmetry Seminar II ! NewTools for Graph Coloring ! Points of Bounded Height ! Per Salberger, II ! Melissa Liu, Columbia University ! Rong Ge, Princeton University Chalmers University of Technology, Generation Criteria for the Fukaya Category II ! Gothenburg, Sweden Mohammed Abouzaid, Massachusetts April 20 Institute of Technology Special Mathematical Physics Seminar ! April 29 Universality in the 2D Coulomb Gas ! Pierluigi Working Group on Symplectic Topology Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! Falco, Member, School of Mathematics Relative HomotopyType and Obstructions to the May 3 Existence of Rational Points ! Tomer Schlank, Mathematical Conversations ! The Unique Question Session on Grassmannians, Polytopes, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Games Conjecture ! Ryan O’Donnell, and Quantum Field Theory ! InformalTalk ! Carnegie Mellon University; von Neumann Sasha Goncharov Question Session on Grassmannians, Polytopes, Fellowship, School of Mathematics and Quantum Field Theory ! Nima Arkani- May 4 Hamed, Professor, School of Natural Sciences April 21 Mathematical Conversations ! “Mathemagical” ! Joint IAS/PU Number Theory Seminar ! Richard Ehrenborg, University of Algebraic Cycles and Euler Systems for Real Kentucky; Member, School of Mathematics, Quadratic Fields ! Henri Darmon, McGill and ChristineTaylor, Harvard University; University Member, School of Mathematics

April 22 May 6 Mini-Workshop on Pseudorandomness ! Working Group on Symplectic Topology RandomWalks in Linear Groups ! Peter Varju, Princeton University ! The Correlation of May 9 Multiplicative Characters with Polynomials over Workshop on Sheaf-Theoretic Methods in Finite Fields ! Swastik Kopparty, Member, Symplectic Topology ! MicrolocalTheory of School of Mathematics ! The Polynomial Sheaves and Link with Symplectic Geometry ! Method and Applications from Finite Field Kakeya Stephane Guillermou, Université de to Distinct Distances ! Larry Guth, University Grenoble ! Quasimap Floer Cohomology and of Toronto; Member, School of Mathematics ! Singular Symplectic Quotients ! Chris Monotone Expanders—Constructions and Woodward, Simons Center for Geometry Applications ! Zeev Dvir, Princeton University; and Physics, Stony Brook University,The State Visitor, School of Mathematics ! On Zaremba’s University of NewYork, and Rutgers,The Conjecture ! Alex Kontorovich, Stony Brook State University of New Jersey ! Wrapped University,The State University of NewYork Fukaya Categories of Punctured Spheres and Homological Mirror Symmetry ! Denis Aurous, Working Group on Symplectic Topology University of California, Berkeley

April 25 May 10 COLO MATHEMATICS OF SCHOOL Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Workshop on Sheaf-Theoretic Methods in Seminar I ! Learning andTesting K-Model Symplectic Topology ! MicrolocalTheory of Distributions ! Rocco Servidio, Columbia Sheaves and Link with Symplectic Geometry II ! University Stephane Guillermou, Université de Grenoble ! A Stable Infinity-Category of April 26 Lagrangian Cobordisms ! David Nadler, Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics Northwestern University ! Microlocal Category Seminar II ! Quadratic Goldreich-Levin for a Closed Symplectic Manifold ! Dmitry Theorems ! MadhurTulsiani,Visitor, School Tamarkin, Northwestern University ! of Mathematics MicrolocalTheory of Sheaves and Link with Symplectic Geometry III ! Stephane April 27 Guillermou, Université de Grenoble Mathematical Conversations ! Computer Science and HomotopyTheory ! Vladimir May 11 Voevodsky, Professor, School of Workshop on Sheaf-Theoretic Methods in Mathematics Symplectic Topology ! Generation Criteria for the Fukaya Category ! Mohammed Abouzaid, Massachusetts Institute of 39 40 PROGRAMFORWOMENANDMATHEMATICS

ANDREA KANE ANDREA KANE rga o oe n Mathematics and Women for Program raieswr nrdDuehe fDk nvriy ae hebc fteUiest fTxsat Texas of University the of Uhlenbeck Karen University, Duke but Members of math Daubechies Institute Ingrid meet were only not Organizers well. stu- to as postdoctoral opportunity in Schools an four accommodated other them were were from giving participants Members number complex, All that undergraduates. housing in Institute’s thirty-two and the Included students, participants. graduate twenty-two sixty-nine dents, attracted program year’s introduction edu- lectures, An This math discussions. offered. of their also networking consisted continue was and schedule to opportunities The mentoring, Computation.” career students labs, and to graduate computer “Sparsity was and sessions, program undergraduate problem-solving year’s seminars, encourage this to of topic is The program cation. the of goal The T 7 01 rga ciiiswr upre yteIsiue rneo nvriy n h National the and University, 16– Princeton May Institute, during the Institute by the Foundation. at supported were held Science was activities Mathematics Program and 2011. Women 27, for Program annual eighteenth he asinGahclMdl nthe in Models Graphical Gaussian for “Inverse Estimation Matrix Covariance Berkeley, of California, fol- University Loh, as Po-Ling were lows: seminars Research Duke and University. of University Krishnamurthy Yale Kalyani of beginning Con- Sarah stantin the were lectures for course Michigan. of Assistants University the of Wooters of School Mary the and in Mathematics, Visitor Shubhangi a ad- were Saraf, the course for vanced assistants Teaching the lectures. gave course beginning University Wil- Duke Rebecca of lett and Sciences Mathemat- ical of Institute University’s Courant York Rachel New of University. Ward State Pennsyl- vania the the of of Sofya Raskhodnikova and Gilbert Michigan of Anna University were by lectures given course Advanced Technology. of Institute Massachu- setts the Khovanova, at affiliate Tanya research and Austin, bto,rgt fteUiest fMichigan. of University the of right) (bottom, Gilbert Anna by lectures course advanced included Computation” and “Sparsity on program year’s This and Mathematics. Women for Program the in participated scholars and students sixty-nine Some nMna,My2,tepormpriiat iie rneo nvriy hr hyhdlnh dinner, lunch, had they where University, Princeton “Math- on visited talk participants special program a the gave 23, Mathematics, May of Monday, School On the in Member a Kentucky, Magic.” of ematical Ehren- University Richard the program, of Optical the borg of day last the Compressive On in Imagers.” Coding “Forward University, Duke Model of second Brady the David Surfaces and by Geometry,” between Conformal Using (Dis)Similarities Daubechies, by “Finding one given, were colloquia Two “The Nancy and two Life” Step.” the and Next in and Jersey]”; Day “A New discussions, panel of Pennsylvania] [College Hingston of Grassi Antonella [University Uhlenbeck, Karen “A With was Chat There Founda- Opportunities.” Funding Science and “An National tion gave the Foundation to Science Introduction National the Lockhart Deborah of and Mathematics”; of Ancient “Women of about Jones talked University, York Alexander New an Matlab”; gave to College Williams “Introduction of following Miller the Steven there On days day seminar. full introductory first an was the On Women- seminars. seven were in-Science there program, the Spherical During Gaussian of Domains Harmonics.” Nodal Nastasescu, the Maria Simulations of University, “Numerical and University, Princeton Princeton Forms”; Dong, “Modular University, Applica- Yihe and tions”; Algebra Clarkson Multilinear Navasca, “Numerical (ADMM)”; Alternating Multipliers “The Carmeliza of Austin, Method at Direction Texas Uni- of the Ayzenshtat, verstiy Anna Noise”; of Presence n atcpn rt,“h rga loe et tpbc n u ylf nprpcie twsreally was renewed It a perspective. with community.” home] in mathematical [returned life the I my of and put interests, part and and a insecurities, be back goals, Every to step facilities. similar facilities. desire fine to with the the people me of and meet allowed quality mate- talks, to program the exceptional the refreshing and “The the regarding program, wrote, participate, questionnaire the to participant a of opportunity One the organization complete and for to appreciation structure asked expressed the were response lectures, unparalleled. the participants been activities, of has level the co- program rial of and the the conclusion collaborator of her entering the goals and women’s contemplating At the founder, or the program to mathematics the of commitment com- Uhlenbeck, of success Their program Terng. by field and Chuu-Lian Organizers, the supported growth 1994. organizer in and the in women encouraged to many program been years, have contributed gracious- the eighteen field all who of have past women inception the senior staff the In the Institute program. since and of talents lecturers, dedication and members, the time mittee appreciate Uni- their Mathematics Princeton given of of have Conway School ly John the by and talks School. Institute were the The activities day’s in the Professor of Sarnak, highlights Peter The and campus. versity the of tour a and oesi h rsneo Noise.” of Presence the Graphical in Gaussian Models research for the Estimation led Matrix Berkeley, Covariance California, “Inverse seminar of University the of Loh Po-Ling


41 RGA O OE N MATHEMATICS AND WOMEN FOR PROGRAM ANDREA KANE h anitrs fPoesrEwr itn(etr n21–1wst eeo ag hoyapoc oKoao oooyo nt.I October, In knots. of homology Khovanov to approach theory gauge a develop to was 2010–11 in (center) Witten Edward Professor of interest main The egv iheeg hoysmnro hr-ioster rmfu dimensions. four from theory Chern-Simons on seminar theory high-energy a gave he School of Natural Sciences

Faculty Nima Arkani-Hamed Stanislas Leibler Arnold J. Levine Juan Maldacena ScottTremaine, Richard Black Professor , Charles Simonyi Professor Matias Zaldarriaga

Professors Emeriti Stephen L. Adler Freeman J. Dyson

n the past year, Professor Nima Arkani-Hamed continued his work on understanding the amazing struc- ture of scattering amplitudes in gauge theories, a subject that holds the promise of transforming our Iunderstanding of quantum field theory. Over the past two years, he has been intensively exploring a remarkably simple mathematical structure—represented as a contour integral over the Grassmannian—that seems to lie at the heart of some of the physics, seen at first in a dual picture for all the “leading singularities” of the scattering amplitudes to loop orders. Last August, he found an explicit recursive formula for the all L- loop integrand for scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM in the planar limit, manifesting an infinite-dimensional “Yangian” symmetry of the theory that is otherwise invisible. This also provides a new physical picture for the meaning of quantum “loop” corrections, which arise from the “entangled” removal of pairs of particles, and SCIENCES NATURAL OF SCHOOL naturally represents loop amplitudes as integrals in twistor space. This research has stepped toward a long- standing goal of providing a completely new definition of the theory where words like "space-time," "Lagrangian,”“path integral,” and “gauge symmetry” do not make an appearance. Arkani-Hamed further explored the systematics of these objects in a pair of December papers. The new methods have reduced the computation of multiloop integrands in the theory to a routine exercise. For instance, certain “2-loop” amplitudes were computed in August 2009 and written in terms of eight pages of complicated expressions, while the form obtained from the new methods represents this as essentially a sin- gle term. The simplicity of these results is very striking, and strongly suggests further deep organizing princi- ples at work. A rough picture that is emerging is that the Grassmannian formulation itself has a dual description where amplitudes are “volumes” of “polytopes.”To compute the volume, the polytope needs to be triangulated, and different triangulations make different physical properties manifest. For instance, space- time locality and quantum-mechanical unitarity are made manifest by different choices of triangulations. During the 2010–11 academic year, Professor Stanislas Leibler continued to focus on studies of the func- tional constraints in protein families and associated “protein sectors,” and on a study of error corrections in biological systems. 43 The latter topic was developed in collaboration with Member Arvind Murugan. In particular, Leibler and Murugan studied a kinetic proofreading During the 2010–11 scheme, proposed many years ago by , currently a Visiting academic year, Professor Professor at the Institute. They obtained new insights about the interplay Leibler continued to focus between error rate, reaction completion time, and energy consumption in these important biochemical phenomena. on studies of the functional constraints in protein Recent work of Hopfield on neurodynamics in the hippocampus has moti- families and associated vated Members Rémi Monasson and Simona Cocco to study statistical mechanics models of the so-called place cells. They also continued their the- “protein sectors,”and on a oretical work on inverse statistical problems, with applications to neurobiol- study of error corrections ogy and protein sectors. in biological systems. Finally, Monasson, Cocco, Leibler, and Doeke Hekstra of the Rockefeller University collaborated to develop theoretical methods to analyze popula- tion time series from quantitative ecological experiments. These general sta- tistical methods should be applicable to a wide range of biological data. During the academic year 2010–11, Professor Arnold J. Levine’s research focused on areas in virology, immunology, cancer, and autism. A study, con- tinuing collaboration with Member Benjamin Greenbaum and the laborato- ry of Nina Bhardwaj at , predicted that the particular nucleotide phrases avoided by influenza viruses when they evolve in human cells stimulate the human immune system—likely through binding to a Toll- like receptor that can recognize single-stranded RNA. (“Oligonucleotide Motifs that Disappear during the Evolution of Influenza in Humans Increase IFN-1 Secretion by Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells,” Journal of Virology, in press). In further collaboration with Greenbaum and others, viruses were introduced to human dendritic cells containing these particular phrases (the dinucleotide CpG in an A/U context), and as predicted, they caused an John Hopfield (center, left) and Albert aberrant immune response. This finding supports theories that the patho- Libchaber (center, right), Visiting Professors in biology, at teatime in genicity of many viruses stems from an abnormal amount of non-self- the Common Room of Fuld Hall signaling when a virus changes host. A separate project with Greenbaum has SCHOOLOFNATURALSCIENCES

44 KATE ABLUTZ uigteps cdmcya,Professor year, academic Autism past the the significantly in During families is of genomes frequency database. paternal Exchange whose Research or Genetic maternal pathways, either in in repair involved enriched genes several twenty homologous of about alleles in at-risk DNA autism, the (SNPs) mutations with in polymorphisms variation associated trans-acting nucleotide number is copy single and novo which gene, de small-scale explore NCAM2 to the identify and in novo to de fol- with or sought are be projects inherited to others that Additional Lei, twins. and (CNVs) Ning the and Lei variations of Chan sequencing number Chang whole-genome Members copy by with lowed novo twin, de each to discordant identify twins unique to homozygotic of autism study a for included models. autism mouse in and projects Finally, lines cell in mutations, predictions p53 chemical those with identify validate tumors and to in activity methodology anticancer a increased with developing project compounds is separate others and A Vazquez tissue. with tumor expression prostate gene in of patterns on cancer based prostate patients differentiate to develop- strategies been ing has Vazquez Alexei Member former with and project andVisitor a Markert research, Elke Member cancer of area the In effects. dosage innate for the system in immune genes certain selected human has in genes looking variation number been copy has whether at Naqvi Greenbaum Asad with with Member study and associated Another RNA gene. this con- of to so degradation does trol virus most the explore that to hypothesis will the research compared Further and its genes. human genes to organizes compared HIV gene fashion other unusual HIV an in one genome that found iuaini tigter htcngv iet h w emtisi two in geometries two the to rise con- give and brane can general limits. that Klebanov a distinct theory considering by string by The in clarified introduced Chamseddine-Volkov-Maldacena-Nuñez. figuration was two by one the between other related, two relation the are closely There and constructions. are Strassler string recent that has in inter- role geometry geometries an This important theory. to an field played related quantum also geometry supersymmetric a confining explored esting Martelli, Dario a with in Maldacena, Gaiotto by given theories the field with paper. quantum previous correspondence N=2 precise of constructed in construction were was a cases general to special description dual Some gravity given. geometry This was explicitly. a theory determine field that quantum a conditions set given complete for boundary The and theories. description field equations with of supersymmetric Maldacena, on the N=2 dynamics. emphasis of studied class Gaiotto, particular theory large Davide with gauge Member duality, of long-term gauge/string aspects the some on understanding been has effort unMaldacena Juan smi research main ’s efsgaigwe iu hne host. changes virus a when self-signaling non- of amount abnormal an from stems viruses many of pathogenicity the that theories supports others and Greenbaum Benjamin Member with finding A autism. and cancer, immunology, virology, in areas on focused research Levine’s Arnold Professor


45 COLO AUA SCIENCES NATURAL OF SCHOOL Maldacena, with Luis Fernando Alday, Gaiotto, Amit Sever, and Pedro Vieira, studied a problem involving minimal area surfaces in anti–de Sitter space. Member Tom Banks and This problem arises when one considers the strong coupling limit of Wilson Professor Seiberg argued that in loops or planar scattering amplitudes in N=4 superYang Mills. This is a sim- models of quantum gravity, ple modification of the classical Plateau problem: the problem of finding a soap bubble that ends on a given contour. Except that now the contour, as there are no global symmetries, well as the surface, live in a curved space with Lorentzian signature. The all continuous gauge symmetries contour lives on the boundary of anti–de Sitter space and it consists of a are compact, and all charges sequence of light-like segments. These two papers found a way to compute allowed by Dirac quantization the area of the surface as a function of the shape of the contour. The prob- are present in the spectrum. lem was solved by using the classical integrability of the equations of motion for a string. It is quite likely that these techniques could be extend- Their discussion led to a more ed to the full quantum theory. In fact, the main motivation for this project physical and more complete has been to compute Wilson loops or scattering amplitudes for all values of understanding of recently found the coupling. consistency conditions of Professor Nathan Seiberg, with Members Daniel Green, Zohar Komargod- . ski, Yuji Tachikawa, and Brian Wecht, studied the space of exactly marginal deformations of N=1 superconformal field theories in four dimensions. They showed that it is the quotient of the space of marginal couplings by the complexified continuous global symmetry group. This fact explains why exactly marginal deformations are ubiquitous in N=1 theories. Davide Gaiotto, Seiberg, and Tachikawa revisited the study of the maximally singular point in the Coulomb branch of certain 4d N=2 gauge theories. A proper identification of the long distance theory removed a possible counter example to a conjectured a-theorem. Member Tom Banks and Seiberg discussed some aspects of global and gauged symmetries in quantum field theory and quantum gravity. An effec- tive Lagrangian description of Zp gauge theories showed that they are asso- ciated with an emergent Zp one-form (Kalb-Ramond) gauge symmetry. This led them to uncover new observables and new phenomena in nonlin- ear sigma-models. They argued that in models of quantum gravity, there are no global symmetries, all continuous gauge symmetries are compact, and all charges allowed by Dirac quantization are present in the spectrum. Their dis- cussion led to a more physical and more complete understanding of recent- ly found consistency conditions of supergravity. Seiberg and Washington Taylor extended the known consistency conditions on the low-energy theory of six-dimensional N=1 supergravity. Following earlier work on two-form gauge fields, they concluded that the charge lat- tice for such a theory has to be self-dual. The Green-Schwarz anomaly can- cellation conditions in the supergravity theory determine a sub-lattice of this charge lattice. The condition that this sub-lattice can be extended to a self- dual lattice leads to a strong constraint on theories that otherwise appear to be self-consistent. Member Guido Festuccia and Seiberg presented a uniform treatment of rigid supersymmetric field theories in a curved spacetime. The main new

SCHOOLOFNATURALSCIENCES tool was the use of classical background values of the auxiliary fields in the supergravity multiplet. This allowed them to reproduce known results about anti–de Sitter space and to find a supersymmetric Lagrangian on a three- 46 sphere and on a four-sphere. Unless the theory is conformal, these are not l aahsas hw httebakhl assaesrnl correlated strongly are masses hole black the Hub- that The shown galaxies. nearby also of has centers the data the at ble been holes has black Telescope massive Space Hubble of discovery the evidence disk. of circumstellar direct accomplishment thin signature strongest a One the from five far form planets by than extrasolar provides our more as most result no flat that This as is system. about catalog are solar Kepler systems own planetary the incli- Kepler mean in the average, the on planets thus, that degrees; extrasolar concluded and the analysis of this nation out carried has Dong, Subo in,sol lo h eemnto fteiciaindistribution. inclination the of determination inclina- Professor mutual the the Black on allow Richard depend should not do discovered tions, planets which with compar- variations, planets a Kepler radial-velocity Thus planets. of by distribution of multiplicity number tran- the multiple same present the of ison to with orbits: likely systems the planetary more spherical transit the far than will are of sits planets inclination system of mutual a systems to the in disk-like (up on thin, planet strongly planets one depends multiple than star with more host stars that 170 probability are The in of these six). survey release, Among a data stars. in found 150,000 major candidates over planetary first 1,200 over Its contains 2011, observatories. Kepler’s impossible February light. ground-based almost star’s from are the coverage achieve of 24/7 fraction to and a front precision block in temporarily photometric and pass unmatched star they host when their planets of extrasolar detects theo- fields. spacecraft space gauge Kepler flat background NASA’s the complex partition of some parameters on The holomorphically the R-symmetry. depends of continuous and independent ry a is case has this theory in circle function the a times when three-sphere only a on exists theory supersymmetric A positive. reflection ct Tremaine Scott nclaoainwt Member with collaboration in , lc oeformation. hole black to leads inevitably galaxies such for process formation the that suggests result This holes. black central massive percent—contain 100 almost possibly and percent 60 least galaxies—at elliptical luminous all or most that conclude collaborators and Tremaine Professor mltdsi ag theories. gauge in amplitudes scattering of structure the understanding on work his continued celebrations, anniversary eightieth Institute’s the during century twenty-first the in physics fundamental on talk a giving pictured Arkani-Hamed, Nima Professor



ANDREA KANE RANDALL HAGADORN n uoDn icse mysterious discussed Dong Subo and ebrTaySayr(foreground) Slatyer MembersTracy ag-cl am-a tutrsin structures gamma-ray large-scale uha h ur-lo lsaand plasma quark-gluon the as such tde eyhtaddnesystems dense and hot very studied h ne aaydrn ninformal an during galaxy inner the a loitrse ngravitational, in interested also was ebrSmnCrnHo (right) Caron-Huot Simon Member seilybakhl,physics. hole, black especially srpyisseminar. astrophysics aesesi ees.Wte pn h is afo h erwiigu a up writing year the of half the first work. of the this some of spent through account Witten proceeds detailed reverse. and more in dimensions and steps six powerful in same more begins of a formulation work argu- alternative same of An theory homology. the interpretation Khovanov field as theory known quantum gauge theory and poly-recent a Jones theory get the string to on Witten standard ments perspective interpretation, some new four-dimensional a and a twen- get nomial, at subject to this duality arriving on electric-magnetic work Once used earlier Chern-Simons ago). his three-dimensional in years used the ty had to Witten four-dimen- that opposed in theory knots the (as gauge of on polynomial theory Jones perspective gauge the year. new academic of sional previous reformulation the the a is in to developed led point had This he starting that knots. his integral view, of path homology Feynman Khovanov of to point approach one theory From gauge a develop to been usacsyed rosta r eea reso antd mle than Professor Simonyi smaller Charles magnitude of cir- literature. orders the many several in in are methods which that competing orbits, new such errors a of yields studied integration under- have cumstances numerical Rein to forma- the Hanno essential planet for Member is galaxies, algorithm and in disks Tremaine structure rotating quasars. spiral and in as tion, particles diverse as of phenomena orbits standing the of formation. study hole The black to leads inevitably galaxies such for oe.Ti eutsget httefrainprocess formation the that suggests result black This central holes. massive possi- percent—contain lumi- and 100 percent all almost 60 bly or least most galaxies—at that elliptical these nous conclude have for and account effects collaborators to selection methods his usually statistical are novel and results devised Tremaine null reported. because not part from determine in such to literature, difficult contain the is galaxies fraction this of holes; fraction wellblack Less what formation. is hole understood black the and of between formation body connection galaxy the deep in a particular stars suggesting in thereby the galaxy, galaxies, of host dispersion velocity the the of properties the with dadWitten Edward okdo ait ftpc ncosmology, in topics of variety a on worked n21–1Professor 2010–11 In continuation. Liouville analytic its Jonathan involving and theory and project quantum Harlow another Daniel Maltz, students gradu- Stanford ate with pursued, also has three- Witten to theory theory. Chern-Simons quantum dimensional two-dimen- Liouville of relation sional better the a of developed the understanding Along Witten framework. and new Gaiotto the way, in knots of polynomi- Jones al the recover to how explicitly showed Gaiotto,Witten long- Davide with Member collaboration term in paper, second a In smi neeti 001 has 2010–11 in interest main ’s aisZaldarriaga Matias including early universe cosmology; the study of the effects of variations in the gas temperature on the Lyman alpha forest; and the theory of galaxy bias. Tobias Baldauf and Uros Seljak of the University of California, Berkeley; Leonardo Senatore of Stanford University; and Zaldarriaga developed a the- ory of galaxy bias that includes General Relativistic corrections and used it to understand the effects of primordial departures from Gaussianity on the large-scale clustering properties of galaxies. With Elisa Chisari, a student at Princeton University, Zaldarriaga showed how to use standard Newtonian numerical simulations of structure formation to produce results that include the leading General Relativistic corrections by remapping the coordinate system. Both of these results will be needed to make predictions for and interpret the results of upcoming Large Scale Structure Surveys. Member Amit Yadav; Meng Su of Harvard University; Matthew McQuinn of the University of California, Berkeley; Jaiyul Yoo of the University of Zurich; and Zaldarriaga studied how inhomoge- neous reionization gives rise to angular fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) optical depth to the last scattering surface, correlating different spherical harmonic modes and imprint- ing characteristic non-Gaussianity on CMB maps. These signals could be detected with large signal to noise in future experiments like CMBPol. They demonstrated that the non-Gaussian signal from gravitational lensing of CMB is the dominant source of contamina- tion for reconstructing inhomogeneous reionization signals, even with 98 percent of its contribution removed by delensing. They then constructed unbiased estimators that simultaneously reconstruct inhomogeneous reionization signals and the gravitational lensing potential. They applied their new unbiased estimators to future CMB experiments to assess the detectability of inhomogeneous reionization signals. Member Daniel Baumann, Senatore, and Zaldarriaga studied the effective theory of adiabatic fluctuations around arbitrary Fried- mann-Robertson-Walker backgrounds—both expanding and con- BENTLEY DREZNER tracting—that allow for more than one way to obtain scale-invariant Member ChristopherTully gave a high-energy two-point correlations. However, they showed that it is challenging to pro- theory seminar on the status and results of

the . SCIENCES NATURAL OF SCHOOL duce scale-invariant fluctuations that are weakly coupled over the range of wavelengths accessible to cosmological observations. In particular, requiring the background to be a dynamical attractor, the curvature fluctuations are scale-invariant and weakly coupled for at least ten e-folds only if the back- ground is close to de Sitter space. In this case, the time-translation invariance of the background guarantees time-independent n-point functions. McQuinn, Lars Hernquist of Harvard University, Adam Lidz of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, and Zaldarriaga studied the process of reionization of the intergalactic medium. It appears inevitable that reionization should have produced large-scale temperature fluctuations in the intergalactic medium. Using toy temperature models and detailed heating histories from cosmo- logical simulations of HeII reionization, they studied the consequences of inhomogeneous heating for the Ly-alpha forest. The impact of temperature fluctuations in physically well-motivated models can be surprisingly subtle. In fact, they showed that temperature fluctuations at the level predicted by their reionization simulations do not give rise to detectable signatures in the 49 types of statistics that have been employed previously. However, because of With Elisa Chisari, a student the aliasing of small-scale density power to larger-scale modes in the line-of- at Princeton University, sight Ly-alpha forest power spectrum, earlier analyses were not sensitive to Professor Zaldarriaga showed 3D modes with longer than thirty comoving Mpc wavelengths—scales where temperature fluctuations are likely to be relatively largest. The ongo- how to use standard Newtonian ing Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) aims to measure the numerical simulations of 3D power spectrum of the Ly-alpha forest from a large sample of quasars in structure formation to produce order to avoid this aliasing. They found that physically motivated tempera- results that include the leading ture models can alter this spectrum at an order unity level, a magnitude that General Relativistic corrections should be easily detectable with BOSS. Future spectroscopic surveys could extend this measurement to even higher redshifts, potentially detecting the by remapping the coordinate thermal imprint of hydrogen reionization. system. Both of these results will be needed to make predictions Senatore and Zaldarriaga generalized the Effective Field Theory of Inflation to include additional light scalar degrees of freedom that are in their vacuum at for and interpret the results of the time the modes of interest are crossing the horizon. In order to make upcoming Large Scale the scalars light in a natural way, they considered the case where these fields Structure Surveys. are the Goldstone bosons of a global symmetry group or are partially pro- tected by an approximate . They wrote the most general Lagrangian that couples the scalar mode associated to the breaking of time translation during inflation to the additional light scalar fields. This Lagrangian is constrained by diffeomorphism invariance and the addi- tional symmetries that keep the new scalars light. This Lagrangian describes the fluctuations around the time of horizon crossing, and it is StephanieTonnesen of Princeton supplemented with a general parameterization describing how the addi- University gave an informal tional fluctuating fields can affect cosmological perturbations. They found astrophysics seminar on pair interactions versus environment that multifield inflation can reproduce the non-Gaussianities that can be and effects on galaxy evolution. generated in single field inflation but can also give rise to new kinds of non- SCHOOLOFNATURALSCIENCES

50 CLIFF MOORE Gaussianities. They found sever- al new three-point function shapes and showed that in mul- tifield inflation it is possible to naturally suppress the three- point function, making the four-point function the leading source of detectable non-Gaus- sianities. They also found that under certain circumstances, i.e., if specific shapes of non- Gaussianities are detected in the data, one could distinguish be- tween single and multifield infla- tion and sometimes even among the various mechanisms that kept the additional fields light. RANDALL HAGADORN

Professor Emeritus Stephen L. Adler’s principal project this past year was The research interests of Visiting writing a suite of computer programs for multidimensional numerical inte- Professor Rashid Sunyaev (center) included the cosmological recombination gration. The programs start with a base region, either a simplex or a hyper- of hydrogen and helium, the physics of cube, and proceed by subdividing all sides by a factor of two to give smaller gas accretion onto neutron stars and subregions. This process continues until a termination criterion for the inte- black holes, the problem of matter, and gral over each subregion is satisfied. This strategy permits good results to be radiation interaction under extreme astrophysical conditions. obtained for truly multidimensional functions that have localized peaks and valleys throughout the higher-dimensional domain. The programs involve new higher-order integration formulas that Adler has devised, combined with efficient use of memory in the programming. For each geometry there are both single processor and parallel processing versions. The programs give good results up to dimension 7 on a personal computer, and up to dimen- sion 9 or higher on a cluster. Adler has also written a hybrid version of the hypercube programs, which permits subdivision along any subset of the axes giving hyper-rectangular subregions. These are then mapped into hypercubes for evaluation of the integral, by either a higher-order method for smooth functions or by a

Monte-Carlo method for nonsmooth functions. Benchmark testing of this SCIENCES NATURAL OF SCHOOL variant is the next step of the project. Adler has posted on arXiv a draft description of the methods and construc- tion of the programs. Substantial revision and expansion of the draft is planned before publication as a book. The programs, once testing is com- pleted, will be posted on the Internet with a license for free use by individ- ual users pursuing nonprofit research at academic institutions. Adler’s secondary project this year has been continuation of work on his dark matter scattering model for the flyby anomalies, which was described in the Fall 2009 issue of the Institute Letter. Data for five additional flybys was furnished by scientists affiliated with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and combined by Adler with the original six, to fit eleven data points with the eight parameter model. This gives a statistically significant test, and a good fit, with a chi-squared somewhat under three, is obtained. The model parameters now require the dark matter shells to be much closer to Earth than in the six point fit, which may introduce further constraints from satel- 51 52 SCHOOLOFNATURALSCIENCES oto rfso odec and Goldreich Professor of Most osbeta tcudpeetan prevent could it that possible nltdpae rmshrinking. from planet inflated hi etn antifaea inflate cannot heating ohmic hi etn u ocurrents to due heating ohmic aqnW’ fot aebeen have efforts Wu’s Yanqin ete ae n hnflow then and layer weather ietdtwr evaluating toward directed oldofadsrn,i is it shrunk, and off cooled noisitro.Although interior. its into htoiiaei plane’s a in originate that lntta a previously has that planet n eoie nteritros w ifrn cnro r ocial.Pro- conceivable. are stellar transported Emeritus scenarios the is different fessor Two of interiors. that some their form entropy that in low deposited plausible a and is into converted it is stars, intercept inflated parent than they all energy their larger Because to are birth. since close that cooled orbit radii passively planets have they planets had these expected near- be transit of would that fraction planets significant extrasolar A for stars. determined by are ages and radii, Masses, rpryta h ro ftent prxmto per odces ihn with decrease to appears peculiar approximation n’th the 10 the has like series of approxima- error Lehmer rational the The Lehmer. that Derek of property a by series discovered in a pi of engaged to studying University tions he mathematics, University, the recreational Clarkson of of of Frankel piece Glasser Norman Lawrence and with fore- Melbourne collaboration a wrote In also Press. He versity it. to foreword for a word for contributed editor and as Mifflin, served Houghton He lectures. volume public preparing the and reviews book writing Q=(1+2i ieobt.Cniuto fti rjc spanda oedt becomes data more as Emeritus Professor planned is project this available. of Continuation orbits. lite lto ypoigta h ro culydcesslk Q like decreases actually error and the ten base that spec- to proving unfounded this arithmetic by demolish with to able ulation working were We fingers. God, ten having decadactylic therefore a for dence hthspeiul oldofadsrn,i spsil hti ol prevent could it that possible planet shrinking. is a from it inflate planet shrunk, and inflated cannot and layer an heating off weather cooled ohmic plane’s previously Although a has interior. in that evaluating its toward originate into that directed flow currents been then to have due efforts heating Wu’s and ohmic this. Goldreich accomplishing the for of to mechanism Most loss plausible a momentum be angular would by stars disk parent driven gas their Migration protostellar to lifetimes. remain closer much their formed to migrate in if to planet early planets, had Inflated have inflated planet. would shrunken orbits, of an distant a out inflate on allow not energy would could thermal it scenario hun- but transporting inflated, of This from pressure core. convection to planet’s (down stop enough the to frac- deep bars) larger just even flux of or stellar dreds similar incident a the of of deposition tion the involves scenario second after The long contract well- to are orbit planet’s formed. there suggestion; a has in fanciful cause it orbit a can smaller not that much off is mechanisms the cooled This have into understood irradiated. moved could highly stellar later planet is only incident the it and scenario, which the orbit this distant In of a core. percent the on a while in up of would end one-hundredth This lifetime. to of its flux order of deposited fraction the is significant planet on a cold require over a core inflate planet’s to the sufficient in energy deep of amount an first, planets. the inflated In for scenarios both investigating been have to (-n) iigrs otetelgclseuainta hsmgtb evi- be might this that speculation theological the to rise giving , h etrtn nMteais2011 Mathematics on BestWriting The π lg)i aua osatidpneto h rtmtclbase. arithmetical the of independent constant natural a is /log2) etAeia cec n aueWiig2010 Writing Nature and Science American Best ee Goldreich Peter rea .Dyson J. Freeman nYni uo h nvriyo Toron- of University the of Wu andYanqin otne osedms fhstime his of most spend to continued ulse yPictnUni- Princeton by published , ulse by published , (-n) where , SCHOOLOFNATURALSCIENCES 53 m ! ! j vp ! ! m vp ! ! Institute for ! The Hong Kong ! Institute for Advanced Institute for Advanced Study ! ! Institute for Advanced Study The Pennsylvania State Institute for Advanced Study f ! ! ! ! Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Institute for Advanced Study Institute for Advanced Study Princeton University The University of Texas The Rockefeller University m ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Tobias Heinemann Astrophysics Funding provided by the NationalFoundation Science Vinod Krishna Biology Daniel Louis Jafferis John N. Bahcall Fellow; additional funding provided by the National AeronauticsAdministration, and Einstein Space Fellowship Program Zohar Komargodski StringTheory,Supersymmetry,Phenomenology École Normale Supérieure, Paris Qiu Shi Science andTechnologies Foundation Member Albert Libchaber Biology Guowu Meng Mathematical Physics Rémi Monasson Biology Funding provided by the NationalSpace Aeronautics Administration and and the NationalFoundation Science John J. Hopfield Biology Southwestern Medical Center Paul Langacker Particle Physics Funding provided by the NationalFoundation Science and the IBM Einstein Fellowship Ning Lei Biology Weizmann Institute of Science University University of Science and Technology Study Funding provided by the UnitedDepartment States of Energy Boaz Katz Astrophysics Qiu Shi Science andTechnologies Foundation Member Peter Mészáros Astrophysics Marilena LoVerde Cosmology,Astrophysics Advanced Study Friends of the Institute forMember; Advanced additional Study funding provided by the National Science Foundation Elke Katrin Markert Biology f ! ! Institute ! Institute for ! Institute for f ! ! f ! University of Michigan ! Institute for Advanced Eidgenössische Technische ! ! Institute for Advanced Study ! Institute for Advanced Study ! ! Institute for Advanced Study Institute for Advanced Study m ! ! ! Anatoly Dymarsky Cosmology,StringTheory,Supersymmetry,Particle Physics Advanced Study Funding provided by the NationalFoundation Science Patrick Fox Particle Physics Funding provided by the UnitedDepartment States of Energy Rodrigo Fernandez Astrophysics Eric andWendy Schmidt Member in Biology Daniel Grin Cosmology,Theoretical Astrophysics Funding provided by the NationalSpace Aeronautics Administration, and Einstein Fellowship Program Guido Festuccia High-EnergyTheoretical Physics Funding provided by the UnitedDepartment States of Energy andThe AmbroseFoundation Monell Henriette Elvang Theoretical Physics Matthias Gaberdiel StringTheory Institute for Advanced Study Funding provided by the NationalFoundation Science Roger Dashen Member; additional funding provided by the National Science Foundation Daniel Green Cosmology,StringTheory,Supersymmetry, Phenomenology,Mathematical Physics, Statistical Mechanics Advanced Study Funding provided by the UnitedDepartment States of Energy Jonathan Jacob Heckman StringTheory,Supersymmetry,Phenomenology Funding provided byThe Ambrose Monell Foundation Davide Gaiotto Particle Physics Hochschule Zürich for Advanced Study Funding provided by the NationalFoundation Science Thomas Hartman Particle Physics, StringTheory Study Martin A. and Helen Chooljian Member; additional funding provided by theDepartment United of States Energy Benjamin Greenbaum Biology f ! ! f m f ! ! ! ! Long-term Institute for University of m ! ! ! f ! Institute for Joint Member School j ! ! s ! Institute for Advanced Study Second Term ! s Institute for Advanced Study Visitor ! ! v Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, Institute for Advanced Study Institute for Advanced Study Institute for Advanced Study ! ! ! ! ! First Term Prashanth AK Biology of Mathematics California, Santa Barbara Subo Dong Astrophysics Nathaniel Craig Particle Physics Funding provided by the NationalFoundation Science École Normale Supérieure, Paris Daniel Baumann Cosmology,Astrophysics, StringTheory Funding provided byThe Ambrose Monell Foundation Funding provided by the NationalSpace Aeronautics Administration, and Exoplanet Science Institute, Carl Sagan Fellowship Program Chang Chan Biology Advanced Study Funding provided by the NationalFoundation Science Vladimir Belyi Biology Institute for Advanced Study William D. Loughlin Member; additional funding provided by the National Science Foundation nvriyofUniversity California, Santa Cruz, and Rutgers,The State of University New Jersey MEMBERS AND VISITORS f Tudor Dan Dimofte Mathematical and Particle Physics Funding provided by the NationalFoundation Science Advanced Study Simon Caron-Huot Mathematical Physics, Statistical Mechanics, ,Supersymmetry Simona Cocco Biology Charles L. Brown Member in Biology David E. Berenstein High-EnergyTheoretical Physics Martin A. and Helen Chooljian MemberBiology in Thomas Banks High-EnergyTheoretical Physics, Cosmology Helen and Martin Chooljian Founders’Member Circle Member Arvind Murugan ChristopherTully October 5 Biology ! Institute for Advanced Study Experimental Particle Physics ! Princeton Astrophysics Seminar ! Modeling Astrophysics University Data for Discovery,Classification, and Precise Asad Naqvi IBM Einstein Fellow Measurement ! David Hogg, NewYork Biology ! Institute for Advanced Study University Alexei Vazquez Biology ! The Cancer Institute of New Jersey ! v October 7 Cosmology ! Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! The Atacama University of California, Berkeley ! s Anastasia Volovich CosmologyTelescope: Galaxies, Galaxy Clusters, High-EnergyTheory ! Brown University ! s and the CMB ! Tobias Marriage, Johns Rafael A. Porto Hopkins University Theoretical Physics ! Institute for Advanced Martin D. Weinberg Study Astrophysics ! University of Massachusetts ! f October 12 Astrophysics Seminar ! Precision Cosmology Hanno Rein Neal Weiner and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics ! Theoretical Astrophysics ! Institute for Advanced Particle Physics ! NewYork University MaxTegmark, Massachusetts Institute of Study Funding provided byThe Ambrose Monell Technology Funding provided by the National Aeronautics and Foundation Space Administration and the National Science October 14 Foundation Amit Pratap SinghYadav Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Fast and Cosmology,Astrophysics ! Institute for Advanced Accurate Cosmic Hydrogen Recombination Soo-Jong Rey Study Theory ! Yacine Ali-Haimoud, California StringTheory,High-EnergyTheoretical Physics ! Funding provided by the National Aeronautics and Institute of Technology Seoul National University Space Administration and the National Science Foundation October 18 Douglas Richstone Princeton University/Institute for Advanced Astronomy ! University of Michigan Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch Corning GlassWorks Foundation Fellow RECORD OF EVENTS Discussion ! Primordial Non-Gaussianity and Large-Scale Structure ! Kendrick Smith, Philip Schuster Astrophysics Activities Princeton University ! Organizers: Matias Particle Physics ! Perimeter Institute for Zaldarriaga, Professor, School of Natural Theoretical Physics ! s September 20 Sciences, and David Spergel, Princeton Funding provided by the United States Department Princeton University/Institute for Advanced University of Energy Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch Discussion ! General Discussion ! Organizers: October 19 Tracy Slatyer Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor, School of Astrophysics Seminar ! Confronting the Dark- Particle Physics,Astrophysics ! Institute for Natural Sciences, and David Spergel, Energy Crisis in Fundamental Physics ! Chris Advanced Study Princeton University Stubbs, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Funding provided by the United States Department Astrophysics of Energy and the National Science Foundation September 21 Astrophysics Seminar ! Toward a New Era in October 21 Aristotle Socrates Planetary Microlensing ! Andrew Gould,The Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Exploring the Astrophysics ! Institute for Advanced Study Ohio State University Ends of the Rainbow: Cosmic Rays in Star- John N. Bahcall Fellow; additional funding Forming Galaxies ! Brian Lacki,The Ohio provided by the Corning GlassWorks Foundation September 23 State University Fellowship and the National Science Foundation Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! The Early History of the Solar System ! Renu Malhotra, October 26 Marcus Spradlin The University of Arizona Astrophysics Seminar ! Cosmic Accelerators:The Theoretical Physics ! Brown University ! s Possible Sources of Ultrahigh-Energy Cosmic Rays September 28 and Neutrinos ! Peter Mészáros,The Rashid Sunyaev Astrophysics Seminar ! A Lensing Map ... Pennsylvania State University;Visitor, School Astrophysics ! Max-Planck-Institut für A Redshift Survey ! Margaret Geller, of Natural Sciences Astrophysik ! vp Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Maureen and John HendricksVisiting Professor October 28 September 30 Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Dimension as YujiTachikawa Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! SPLAT!The the Key to the Mechanism of Core-Collapse Mathematical and Particle Physics ! Institute for Solar System ! Scott J. Kenyon, Harvard- Supernova Explosions ! Adam Burrows, Advanced Study ! m Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Princeton University Marvin L. Goldberger Member; additional funding provided by the National Science Foundation October 4 November 1 Princeton University/Institute for Advanced Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Cosmic-Ray NataliaToro Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch PropagationTime Scales: Lessons from Radioactive ! ! ! !

SCHOOLOFNATURALSCIENCES Particle Physics Perimeter Institute for Discussion DM Annihilation and the CMB Nuclei and Positron Data Kfir Blum, Theoretical Physics ! s Tracy Slatyer, Member, School of Natural Weizmann Institute of Science Funding provided by the United States Department Sciences ! Organizers: Matias Zaldarriaga, of Energy Professor, School of Natural Sciences, and David Spergel, Princeton University 54 November 2 December 13 February 8 Astrophysics Seminar ! Some Results from Princeton University/Institute for Advanced Astrophysics Seminar ! Astrophysics of Herschel SpaceTelescope ! Bruce Draine, Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch Supermassive Formation ! Tom Princeton University Discussion ! Search for Anisotropic Power in Abel, Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics Large-Scale Structure ! Anthony Pullen, and Cosmology and SLAC National November 4 California Institute of Technology, Organizers: Accelerator Lab, Stanford University Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Double Bubble Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor, School of Trouble: Mysterious Large-Scale Gamma-Ray Natural Sciences, and David Spergel, February 10 Structures in the Inner Galaxy ! Tracy Slatyer, Princeton University Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Planetary Member, School of Natural Sciences Systems from Kepler ! Daniel Fabrycky, December 14 University of California, Santa Cruz November 9 Astrophysics Seminar ! Stability,Energy Astrophysics Seminar ! Three Freaks of the Transport, andVariability of High Luminosity February 15 Solar System (AndWhyThey Matter) ! David Accretion onto Black Holes ! EdwinTurner, Astrophysics Seminar ! The Morphologies Jewitt, University of California, Los Angeles Princeton University;Visitor, Program in and Outflow Kinematics of Star Formation Interdisciplinary Studies Quenching ! Alison Coil, Center for November 11 Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Some December 16 California, San Diego Wrinkles in Recombination ! Daniel Grin, Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! A (Quantum) Member, School of Natural Sciences FieldTheorist’sApproach to Gravitational February 17 Dynamics ! Rafael Porto, Member, School Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! First Results November 16 of Natural Sciences from the PalomarTransient Factory ! Eran Ofek, Astrophysics Seminar ! HowTiny Can Galaxies California Institute of Technology Be? ! Hans-Walter Rix, Max-Planck- January 10 Institut für Astrophysik Princeton University/Institute for Advanced February 22 Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch Astrophysics Seminar ! Some FieldTheory November 18 Discussion ! General Discussion ! Organizers: Problems in Cosmology ! , Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! The Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor, School of University of Texas at Austin Mechanical Greenhouse: Heat Burial by Forced Natural Sciences, and David Spergel, Turbulence on Hot Jupiters ! Jonathan Princeton University February 24 Mitchell, University of California, Los Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! The Pure Angeles January 24 Disk Galaxy Puzzle ! James Peebles, Princeton University/Institute for Advanced Princeton University November 29 Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch Princeton University/Institute for Advanced Discussion ! Discussion of Early Planck February 28 Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch Papers ! Discussion Leaders: Bill Jones and Princeton University/Institute for Advanced Discussion ! Features in the Bispectrum ! Daan Cynthia Chiang, Princeton University ! Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch Meerburg, University of Amsterdam ! A Organizers: Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor, Discussion ! General Discussion ! Organizers: Generalized Local Ansatz and Its Effect on Halo School of Natural Sciences, and David Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor, School of Bias ! Sarah Shandera, Perimeter Institute Spergel, Princeton University Natural Sciences, and David Spergel, for Theoretical Physics ! Organizers: Matias Princeton University Zaldarriaga, Professor, School of Natural January 28 Sciences, and David Spergel, Princeton Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! The March 1 University Coevolution of Galaxies and Black Holes ! Astrophysics Seminar ! Sizes and Shapes Kevin Schawinski, of Drops Created in High-Speed Impacts ! November 30 Peter Goldreich, California Institute of COLO AUA SCIENCES NATURAL OF SCHOOL Astrophysics Seminar ! What’s Going on February 1 Technology; Professor Emeritus, School of Around Saturn? Recent Results from the Cassini Astrophysics Seminar ! Cosmology and Natural Sciences Mission ! Matthew Hedman, Cornell Astrophysics in the Planck Era ! Bill Jones, University Princeton University March 3 Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! The Golden December 2 February 3 Age of Exoplanet Spin-Orbit Measurements ! Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Don’t Modify Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Primordial John Johnson, California Institute of Gravity—Understand It! ! Nima Arkani- Non-Gaussianity and Large-Scale Structure ! Technology Hamed, Professor, School of Natural Roman Scoccimarro, NewYork University Sciences March 8 February 7 Astrophysics Seminar ! Magnetic Star–Disk December 7 Princeton University/Institute for Advanced Interactions and Spin-Orbit Misalignment in Astrophysics Seminar ! Galactic Enigmas in a Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch Exoplanetary Systems ! Dong Lai, Cornell Lambda-CDM Universe ! Martin Weinberg, Discussion ! A Brachistochrone Approach to University University of Massachusetts; Member, School Reconstruct the Inflaton Potential ! Jiajun Xu, of Natural Sciences University of Wisconsin–Madison ! March 10 Organizers: Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor, Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Cosmic December 9 School of Natural Sciences, and David Bumps MakeTwo Humps ! Matthew Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! The Dark Spergel, Princeton University Kleban, NewYork University Matter at the End of the Galaxy ! Mariangela Lisanti, Princeton University 55 March 14 April 12 May 10 Princeton University/Institute for Advanced Astrophysics Seminar ! Collective Origin of Astrophysics Seminar ! Shear-DrivenTurbulence Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch Spiral Structure in Disk Galaxies ! Lars on Earth and in Space ! Jeremy Goodman, Discussion ! General Discussion ! Organizers: Hernquist, Harvard University Princeton University Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor, School of Natural Sciences, and David Spergel, April 14 May 12 Princeton University Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Galaxy Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Exoplanetary Formation and Evolution in the Next Decade ! Atmospheres ! Kristen Menou, Columbia March 15 Saul Perlmutter, Lawrence Berkeley University Astrophysics Seminar ! The Nature of Damped Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley; Lyman Alpha Systems ! Renyue Cen, Member, Institute for Advanced Study May 17 Princeton University Astrophysics Seminar ! Direct Imaging of Institute for Advanced Study Informal Terrestrial Exoplanets:Approaches and Progress in March 17 Astrophysics Seminar and Discussion ! High-Contrast Imaging from Space ! Jeremy Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Reconstructing Planetary Migration ! Sijme-Jan Kasdin, Princeton University Baryon Oscillations:Theoretical and Observational Paardekooper, University of Cambridge Perspectives ! Nikhil Padmanabhan,Yale May 19 University April 19 Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! The Astrophysics Seminar ! Diverse Energy Sources Deuterium-Burning Mass Limit, and Problems March 22 for Supernovae ! Lars Bildsten, Kavli with theTiO Hypothesis ! Dave Spiegel, Astrophysics Seminar ! Twentieth-Century Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Princeton University GlobalWarming—Anthropogenic or Solar? ! Nir California, Santa Barbara Shaviv,The Hebrew University of Jerusalem May 23 April 21 Princeton University/Institute for Advanced March 24 Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Observations Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Super- of Quasar Feedback ! Nadia Zakamska, Discussion ! General Discussion ! Organizers: Eddington Accretion Disk ! Nir Shaviv,The Johns Hopkins University Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor, School of Hebrew University of Jerusalem Natural Sciences, and David Spergel, April 25 Princeton University March 28 Princeton University/Institute for Advanced Princeton University/Institute for Advanced Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch May 26 Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch Discussion ! General Discussion ! Organizers: Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Cosmology Discussion ! General Discussion ! Organizers: Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor, School of with Supernovae: Progress and Prospects ! Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor, School of Natural Sciences, and David Spergel, Saurabh Jha, Rutgers,The State University Natural Sciences, and David Spergel, Princeton University of New Jersey Princeton University April 26 June 2 March 29 Astrophysics Seminar ! Defending Planet Earth Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Satellite- Astrophysics Seminar ! GravitationalWaves against Cosmic Intruders ! Irwin Shapiro, Supported Estimates of Human Rate of NPP from Cosmic PhaseTransitions ! Lawrence Harvard University Carbon Use on Land: Challenges Ahead ! Marc Krauss, Arizona State University Imhoff, Rutgers,The State University of April 28 New Jersey and Goddard Space Flight Center, March 31 Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Did Star- National Aeronautics and Space Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Gravitational Forming Galaxies Reionize the Universe? ! Administration Wave Astronomy in the Advanced Detector Era ! Brant Robertson, California Institute of SeanT. McWilliams, Columbia University Technology June 6 and Princeton University Princeton University/Institute for Advanced May 5 Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch April 5 Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Location, Discussion ! General Discussion ! Organizers: Astrophysics Seminar ! Galaxy Gas Flows ! Location, Location! Pair Interactions versus Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor, School of Mary Putman, Columbia University Environment: Effects on Galaxy Evolution ! Natural Sciences, and David Spergel, StephanieTonnesen, Princeton University Princeton University April 7 Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Testing May 9 June 9 Lorentz Invariance with Cosmic Gamma-Rays, Princeton University/Institute for Advanced Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Searching for Ultrahigh-Energy Cosmic Rays, and Neutrinos ! Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch Binary Supermassive Black Holes: FromTens of Floyd Stecker, Goddard Space Flight Discussion ! Discussion of Ways to Get kpc to kpc Scales ! Yue Shen, Harvard- Center, National Aeronautics and Space Around Cosmic Variance ! Discussion Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Administration Leaders: Kendrick Smith, Princeton University, and Daniel Grin, Member, June 16 April 11 Institute for Advanced Study ! Organizers: Astrophysics Informal Seminar ! Dynamical Princeton University/Institute for Advanced Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor, School of and Nonthermal Processes in Galaxy Clusters !

SCHOOLOFNATURALSCIENCES Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch Natural Sciences, and David Spergel, Uri Keshet, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Discussion ! General Discussion ! Organizers: Princeton University Astrophysics Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor, School of Natural Sciences, and David Spergel, Princeton University 56 June 20 October 18 November 18 Princeton University/Institute for Advanced High Energy Theory Seminar ! FromWeak to Informal Phenomenology Seminar ! Little Study Early Universe/Cosmology Lunch Strong Coupling in ABJMTheory ! Marcos Higgs and Superlatives ! Daniel Stolarski, Discussion ! General Discussion ! Organizers: Marino, University of Geneva Johns Hopkins University Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor, School of Natural Sciences, and David Spergel, October 20 November 19 Princeton University Physics Group Meeting ! Dynamical High Energy Theory Seminar ! Symmetry Supersymmetry Breaking and the Origins of Constraints on Counterterms in N=8 June 30 Flavor ! Nathaniel Craig, Member, School Supergravity ! Henriette Elvang, University Special Astrophysics Talk ! Several New of Natural Sciences of Michigan; Member, School of Natural Observational Signatures of Relativistic Outflows Sciences from Dying Stellar Systems ! Ehud Nakar, October 22 Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey High Energy Theory Seminar ! The Exact November 29 and TelAviv University Superconformal R-symmetry in 3d Extremizes High Energy Theory Seminar ! The Role of Z ! Daniel Louis Jafferis, Member, School DoubleTrace Deformations in AdS/CMT ! Particle Physics Activities of Natural Sciences Gary Horowitz, University of California, Santa Barbara September 8 October 27 Physics Group Meeting ! K3 and the Mathieu Informal Physics Seminar ! CFT,Fusion December 2 Group ! YujiTachikawa, Member, School of Graphs for Lie Groups at Level K and Quantum Informal High Energy Theory Seminar ! Natural Sciences Symmetries ! Robert Coquereaux, CNRS Scattering Amplitudes in Superconformal Chern- and Centre de Physique Théorique SimonsTheories ! Arthur Lipstein, September 20 California Institute of Technology High Energy Theory Seminar ! a- November 1 Maximization, Global Symmetries, and RG High Energy Theory Seminar ! T-Branes ! December 10 Flows ! David Kutasov,The University of Clay Cordova, Harvard University High Energy Theory Seminar ! A Quantum Chicago Theory of Stable de Sitter Space ! Tom Banks, November 2 University of California, Santa Cruz, and September 22 Informal Physics Seminar ! Small Black Hole Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey; Physics Group Meeting ! N=1 SCFTs from Duals and Geometry ! David E. Berenstein, Member, School of Natural Sciences Brane Monodromy ! Jonathan Jacob University of California, Santa Barbara; Heckman, Member, School of Natural Member, School of Natural Sciences December 13 Sciences High Energy Theory Seminar ! Deconstructing November 3 Holographic Liquids ! DamThanh Son, September 29 Physics Group Meeting ! InformalThoughts on University of Washington Physics Group Meeting ! Why is the Inflation SUSY Breaking and Moduli ! Matthew Light? ! Daniel Green, Member, School of Reece, Princeton University February 4 Natural Sciences High Energy Theory Seminar ! Symblifying Informal Phenomenology Seminar ! Current Amplitudes andWilson Loops ! Marcus September 30 Status of the LHC ! ChristopherTully, Spradlin, Brown University; Member, Informal Phenomenology Seminar ! Summary Princeton University; Member, School of School of Natural Sciences of Ideas on Holographic Space-Time ! Tom Natural Sciences Banks, University of California, Santa Cruz, February 16 and Rutgers,The State University of New November 10 Physics Group Meeting ! ABJM Scattering Jersey; Member, School of Natural Sciences Physics Group Meeting ! Holography at a Cold Amplitude ! Sangmin Lee, University of de Sitter Horizon ! Thomas Hartman, Seoul COLO AUA SCIENCES NATURAL OF SCHOOL October 4 Member, School of Natural Sciences High Energy Theory Seminar ! Microscopic February 18 Realization of the Kerr/CFT Correspondence ! November 12 High Energy Theory Seminar ! Fermi Surfaces , Harvard University High Energy Theory Seminar ! Exploring the and Gauge-Gravity Duality ! Subir Sachdev, Geometry behind the Quantum Universe ! Harvard University October 6 Michael Atiyah,Trinity College, University Physics Group Meeting ! Proof of the Duality of Cambridge, and University of Edinburgh February 22 between Scattering Amplitudes andWilson Loops High Energy Theory Special Seminar ! Pions in N=4 ! Simon Caron-Huot, Member, November 15 in Large N Quantum Chromodynamics ! School of Natural Sciences High Energy Theory Seminar ! Topics inWall- Steven Weinberg,The University of Texas Crossing and D=4, N=2Theories ! Greg at Austin October 8 Moore, Rutgers,The State University of High Energy Theory Seminar ! Chern-Simons New Jersey February 23 Theory from Four Dimensions ! Edward Informal Phenomenology Seminar ! The First Witten, Charles Simonyi Professor, School of November 17 Year of the LHC:WhatWe Have Learned ! Natural Sciences Physics Group Meeting ! An Elusive Large N Michelangelo Mangano, European Limit ! Guido Festuccia, Member, School Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) October 13 of Natural Sciences Physics Group Meeting ! The All-Loop S- Matrix of N=4 SYM ! Jacob Bourjaily, Princeton University 57 March 4 April 13 May 31 High Energy Theory Seminar ! Minimal Physics Group Meeting ! SL(2,R) Chern- High Energy Theory Seminar ! An Effective Holography: Higher Spin Gravity from 2d Simons, Liouville, and GaugeTheories on Duality Action for High Energy Processes ! Lev CFTs ! Thomas Hartman, Member, Walls ! MasahitoYamazaki, Princeton Lipatov, Universität Hamburg School of Natural Sciences University June 1 March 7 April 15 Physics Group Meeting ! Superconformal High Energy Theory Seminar ! Holographic High Energy Theory Seminar ! D-Brane Non- Symmetry and Scattering Amplitudes ! Simon Dual of Free FieldTheory ! Michael Perturbative Effects and Geometric Deformations ! Caron-Huot, Member, School of Natural Douglas, Stony Brook University,The State Anatoly Dymarsky, Member, School of Sciences University of NewYork Natural Sciences June 13 March 11-12 April 20 High Energy Theory Seminar ! Recursion Third Institute for Advanced Study/Perimeter Physics Group Meeting ! Dark Matter Debris Relations for AdS/CFT Correlators ! Suvrat Institute Workshop on Integrability in in the MilkyWay: Exploring New Possibilities for Raju, Harvard University Scattering Amplitudes Informal Discussions ! Substructure ! Mariangela Lisanti, (Super)Wilson Loop ! Integrability and the Princeton University The Simons Center for OPE ! Integrals and Integrands ! (Hidden) Symmetries ! Nima Arkani-Hamed, April 25 Systems Biology Professor, School of Natural Sciences, and High Energy Theory Seminar ! Localization Freddy Cachazo and Pedro Vieira, and Exact Holography ! Atish Dabholkar, July 1 Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Laboratoire de Physique Theorique et Hautes The Simons Center for Systems Biology Energies Group Meeting ! Evolution of the p53 Protein March 14 Family ! Prashanth AK, Member, School of ! High Energy Theory Seminar ! Holomorphic May 4 Natural Sciences The Regulation of Maternal ! Linking, Loop Equations, and Scattering Physics Group Meeting ! S-duality of 5d Super Reproduction by the p53 Family Wenwei Hu, ! Amplitudes inTwistor Space ! David Skinner, Yang-Mills on S1 ! YujiTachikawa, Member, The Cancer Institute of New Jersey Hunting Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics School of Natural Sciences for Genes in Autism ! Chang Chan, Member, School of Natural Sciences ! Germ Line March 18 May 18 Fidelity and Autism ! Asad Naqvi, Member, ! High Energy Theory Seminar ! Boosts upon Physics Group Meeting ! SUSY without School of Natural Sciences The Regulation of ! Boosts: Dark Matter Annihilation, Sommerfeld Missing Energy ! Josh Ruderman, Genes in the Central Nervous System by p53 Enhancement, and Substructure ! Tracy Princeton University Zhaohui Feng,The Cancer Institute of Slatyer, Member, School of Natural Sciences New Jersey ! Signature Profiling for Prostate May 19 Cancer ! Elke Katrin Markert, Member, ! March 23 Informal Phenomenology Seminar ! The School of Natural Sciences Cox Bivariate Physics Group Meeting ! Small Steps, Giant Theory of M-parity ! Pavel Fileviez Perez, Model for Discovering Survival-Related SNPs in Leaps, Bubbles of Nothing, and the Fastest Decay University of Wisconsin–Madison Genetic Profiles of Cancers ! Hideaki Mizuno, in the Landscape ! Adam Brown, Princeton Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; Member, University May 20 School of Natural Sciences High Energy Theory Seminar ! Toward March 25 Efficient Solution of the AdS/CFT Spectral July 2 High Energy Theory Seminar ! Writing CFT Problem ! Dmytro Volin,The Pennsylvania The Simons Center for Systems Biology Correlation Functions as AdS Scattering State University Group Meeting ! Predicting Redox Switches in ! Amplitudes ! Joao Penedones, Perimeter Proteins Jamil Momand, California State Institute for Theoretical Physics May 23 University at Los Angeles High Energy Theory Seminar ! Introduction to March 24 the Regge Limit ! Lev Lipatov, Universität September 10 Informal Physics Discussion ! Higher Spin Hamburg The Simons Center for Systems Biology ! Theories ! Misha Vasiliev, Lebedev Physical Group Meeting MonozygoticTwins Discordant Institute May 24 for Autism ! Chang Chan, Member, School ! High Energy Theory Seminar ! Introduction to of Natural Sciences Germ Line Fidelity and March 28 the BFKL Equation and the High Energy Autism: Results from the Simons Simplex ! High Energy Theory Seminar ! SO(3) Behavior of GaugeTheories ! Lev Lipatov, Collection Asad Naqvi, Member, School of Conformal Symmetry in Hadronic Collisions ! Universität Hamburg Natural Sciences Steve Gubser, Princeton University May 25 September 16 March 30 High Energy Theory Seminar ! Solving the The Simons Center for Systems Biology Talks Physics Group Meeting ! A New Look at BFKL Equation and Integrability ! Lev on Abstract/Conceptual/Quantitative Aspects ! Gluing inTQFT ! Tudor Dan Dimofte, Lipatov, Universität Hamburg of Biology Michael Lässig, Universität zu Member, School of Natural Sciences Köln May 27 !

SCHOOLOFNATURALSCIENCES April 11 High Energy Theory Seminar Black Holes High Energy Theory Seminar ! LHC Status with Only One Symmetry ! Gary Horowitz, and Results ! ChristopherTully, Princeton University of California, Santa Barbara University; Member, School of Natural Sciences 58 October 1 December 1 February 4 The Simons Center for Systems Biology Informal Talk on Collective Behavior ! Seth The Simons Center for Systems Biology Seminar ! Oncogenic Activation in Stem Cells as Marvel, Seminar ! Exploring the Pet-Dog Paradigm: a Model for Cancer Formation ! Chi-Wei Lu, Will Pet Dogs Become Biogerontology’s New University of Medicine and Dentistry of New December 2 Workhorse? ! David J. Waters, Purdue Jersey The Simons Center for Systems Biology University Seminar ! ccA+ccB=ccRCC: Molecular October 15 Stratification of Renal Cell Carcinoma ! Rose February 9 Breast Cancer Bioinformatics Meeting ! Brannon, University of North Carolina at The Simons Center for Systems Biology Signature Profiling for Prostate Cancer ! Elke Chapel Hill Seminar ! Information Geometry,Sloppy Models, Katrin Markert, Member, School of Natural and Optimization ! MarkTranstrum, Sciences ! Identifying SpliceVariants in mRNA- December 6 Cornell University seq Data from Breast Cancers ! Shridar The Simons Center for Systems Biology Ganesan, Robert Wood Johnson Medical Seminar ! DiffusionTheory-Based Models of February 16 School, University of Medicine and Dentistry Demography in Population Genetics ! Sergio The Simons Center for Systems Biology of New Jersey, and Michael Seiler, Rutgers, Lukic, Rutgers,The State University of New Seminar ! Play Your Cards Right: Optimality of The State University of New Jersey ! Jersey Proteins under Constraints ! Yonatan Savir, Amplicons andTamoxifen Resistance in Weizmann Institute of Science ER+/HER2- Breast Cancer ! Gyan Bhanot, December 7 Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey The Simons Center for Systems Biology February 17 and The Cancer Institute of New Jersey ! Group Meeting ! Quantifying the Evolution of The Simons Center for Systems Biology Talks Stratifying Breast Cancer by p53 Pathway Multi-Component Systems:Two Case Studies ! on Abstract/Conceptual/Quantitative Aspects Signatures ! Vessela Kristensen, University Chen-HsiangYeang, Institute of Statistical of Biology ! Sean Eddy and Janelia of Oslo Science, Academia Sinica Farm, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

October 28 December 9 February 18 The Simons Center for Systems Biology Talks The Simons Center for Systems Biology Talks The Simons Center for Systems Biology on Abstract/Conceptual/Quantitative Aspects on Abstract/Conceptual/Quantitative Aspects Seminars ! Work from the Laboratory of Dr. Nina of Biology ! Daniel S. Fisher, Stanford of Biology ! Leonid Kruglyak, Princeton Bhardwaj ! Sonia Jimenez-Baranda, University University Langone Medical Center, NewYork University ! Work from the Laboratory of Dr. October 29 December 20 Jean-Laurent Casanova ! Dusan Bogunovic, The Simons Center for Systems Biology Joint Lab Meeting ! Pathways Utilized by Langone Medical Center, NewYork Group Meeting Mutant p53 to Alter Morphogenesis of Breast University Cancer Cells in 3D Cultures ! William November 9 Wilfred-Pastor, Columbia University February 25 The Simons Center for Systems Biology The Simons Center for Systems Biology Group Meeting ! Using Computational January 7 Group Meeting ! Incomplete DNA Methylation AlgebraicTopology to Characterize Chromosome The Simons Center for Systems Biology and Somatic Cell Memory in Human iPS Cells ! Instability in Cancer ! Javier Arsuaga, San Seminar ! Probing Pluripotency Using GPR125- Jun S. Song, University of California, San Francisco State University Expressing Spermatogonial Stem and Progenitor Francisco Cells ! Marco Seandel, Weill Cornell November 12 Medical College February 28 Joint Lab Meeting ! Using Diffusion Models The Simons Center for Systems Biology to Understand Population Structure ! Sergio January 20 Seminar ! Germ-Line Fidelity and Autism ! Lukic, Rutgers,The State University of New The Simons Center for Systems Biology Asad Naqvi, Member, School of Natural COLO AUA SCIENCES NATURAL OF SCHOOL Jersey ! Identifying Signals for Recent Selection Group Meeting ! Immunosuppression in HIV Sciences Using Fst and Haplotype Diversity-Based Infection ! Olivier Manches, Langone Methods ! Gyan Bhanot, Rutgers,The State Medical Center, NewYork University ! March 2 University of New Jersey and The Cancer Immune Activation in HIV Infection ! Meagan Joint Lab Meeting ! Influenza in Developing Institute of New Jersey, and Kshitij Wagh, O’Brien, Langone Medical Center, NewYork Countries: Seasonal Impact, Pandemic Equity ! Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey University Doug Holtzman, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ! Kawaoka Research Interests: Gates November 17 January 20 & Other Projects ! Yoshi Kawaoka, Influenza The Simons Center for Systems Biology The Simons Center for Systems Biology Talks Research Institute, University of Group Meeting ! Dynamics of HIV Envelope on Abstract/Conceptual/Quantitative Aspects Wisconsin–Madison ! The Antigenic Evolution Glycoprotein Incorporation ! Nick Parrish, of Biology ! Michael P.Brenner, Harvard of InfluenzaViruses ! Derek Smith, University of Alabama at Birmingham University University of Cambridge ! Exploring the Diversity of Influenza A ! Raúl Rabadán, November 18 January 21 Columbia University ! Host-Specific Mutational The Simons Center for Systems Biology Talks The Simons Center for Systems Biology Patterns and Innate Immunity ! Benjamin on Abstract/Conceptual/Quantitative Aspects Seminar ! Synthetic Biology from Scratch: Greenbaum, Member, School of Natural of Biology ! Albert Libchaber,The Designing Interactions for Equilibrium Self- Sciences ! Reassortment Patterns in Influenza Rockefeller University;Visiting Professor, Assembly ! Sahand Hormoz, Harvard Viruses ! Hossein Khiabanian, Columbia School of Natural Sciences University University ! Measuring Diversity and Frequency Analysis of Genomic Data ! Vladimir Trifonov, Columbia University ! Network 59 Analysis of the Global Spread of Influenza ! Joe Howard Hughes Medical Institute ! Cerebral Cortex ! Christopher A. Walsh, Chan, Columbia University ! Modern Metabolism and Cancer ! Craig B. Harvard Medical School, Children’s Hospital ComputationalTechniques for Pandemic Thompson, Memorial Sloan-Kettering of Boston, and Howard Hughes Medical Suppression ! Philip Eckhoff, Intellectual Cancer Center ! Cancer Metabolism: Back to the Institute Ventures Lab Future ! Tak W. Mak, University of Toronto ! Metabolic Hijacking byViruses and June 29 March 7 Oncogenes ! Joshua D. Rabinowitz, The Simons Center for Systems Biology Creative Process in Architecture and Science Princeton University ! Role of Autophagy in Seminar ! Making Sense of a Colorful Panel Discussion ! Frank O. Gehry, Gehry Cancer Metabolism ! Eileen P.White,The Herpesvirus ! Lynn Enquist, Princeton Partners, LLP ! Irving Lavin, Professor Cancer Institute of New Jersey and Rutgers, University Emeritus, School of Historical Studies ! The State University of New Jersey ! PI 3- Arnold J. Levine, Professor, School of Kinase and Cancer Metabolism ! Lewis C. Natural Sciences ! Stephen F. Cantley, Harvard Medical School and Beth Heinemann, Salk Institute Israel Deaconess Medical Center

March 16 May 18 The Simons Center for Systems Biology The Joshua Lederberg–John von Neumann Public Lecture ! Thinking Out Loud ! Frank Symposium:Towards Quantitative Biology (at O. Gehry, Gehry Partners, LLP the Rockefeller University) ! Maximum Caliber:A Principle for Kinetic Modeling ! Ken March 18 A. Dill, Stony Brook University,The State Architecture for Science Panel Discussion ! University of NewYork ! Collective Neural Denise Scott Brown,Venturi Scott Brown Dynamics and Emergent Animal Behavior ! and Associates ! Frank O. Gehry, Gehry John J. Hopfield, Princeton University; Partners, LLP ! Michael Graves, Michael Visiting Professor, School of Natural Graves & Associates ! Moderator: Jeff Sciences ! Growth Laws and Catabolite Kipnis, Wexner Center for the Arts Repression:The Emergence of Physiological Simplicity from Molecular Complexity ! Terence March 25 Hwa, University of California, San Diego ! Truth & Beauty at the Institute for Advanced Connecting the Dots: Propofol, Parkinson’s Disease, Study ! Irving Lavin, Professor Emeritus, and Brain Rhythms ! Nancy Kopell, Boston School of Historical Studies, and Marilyn University ! Enforcing a Reliable Immune Lavin Response with Unreliable Lymphocytes:A Lederberg–von Neumann Solution? ! Grégoire April 7 Altan-Bonnet, Memorial Sloan-Kettering The Simons Center for Systems Biology Talks Cancer Center on Abstract/Conceptual/Quantitative Aspects of Biology ! Yoav Soen, Weizmann Institute June 22–23 of Science Rita Allen Foundation Scholars Meeting ! The p53 Family of Genes Regulates Germ Line April 13 Genomic Stability Resulting in Enhanced Rates of Viruses & Host Genomes Group Meeting ! Genetic Disorders, Egg Development,Autism, and Viruses and Cancer ! Evolution and Endogenous Cancers ! Arnold J. Levine, Professor, Viruses ! Karin Moelling, Universität School of Natural Sciences ! Dissecting the Zürich ! Hunt for AncientViruses ! Vladimir Roles of Complexin in the Control of Synaptic Belyi,The Cancer Institute of New Jersey; Transmission ! Jeremy Dittman, Weill Member, School of Natural Sciences ! Big Cornell Medical College ! A Yeast Functional Ideas & Interesting Directions for Future Screen Predicts New ALS Disease Genes ! Research ! Arnold J. Levine, Professor, Aaron Gitler, University of Pennsylvania School of Natural Sciences ! Ann Skalka, School of Medicine ! Neuropathic Changes in Fox Chase Cancer Center Neuronal Excitability in the Periphery and Spinal Cord ! Steven Prescott, University of April 20 Pittsburgh ! A Spinally Encoded, PKMζ- Viruses & Host Genomes Group Meeting ! Dependent Engram for Chronic Pain ! Sequence Pressures in RNAViruses ! Benjamin Theodore Price, University of Arizona ! Greenbaum, Member, School of Natural Marking and Maintaining Centromere Location Sciences and the HistoneVariant CENP-A ! Ben Black, University of Pennsylvania ! DNA April 21 NanotechnologyTools to Probe the Mechanism of The Governor’s Conference on Effective Molecular Motors ! Samara Reck-Peterson, Partnering in Cancer Research: Metabolism Harvard Medical School ! Discovery and and Cancer ! Control of Growth by the mTOR Characterization of Endogenous Metastasis ! !

SCHOOLOFNATURALSCIENCES Pathway David M. Sabatini, Whitehead Suppressor microRNAs SohailTavazoie, Institute for Biomedical Research, The Rockefeller University ! Intrinsic and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Extrinsic Regulation of Neurogenesis in the

60 ANDREA KANE P h 01Popcsi hoeia hsc rga a ne h ieto fMta adrig,Professor Zaldarriaga, Matias of direction the under was program Physics institutions. The Theoretical program. nearby the in two-week from Prospects with the professors 2011 program, during and The complex the postdocs, housing students, in Institute’s many the enrolled in attracted officially living also were informa- students lectures of countries visiting source the twelve a of from as majority was cosmology participants program of hundred universe. role the our one the energies. of Roughly of evolution on high focus the focused very observational the program describe at in The to and physics puzzles. used advances Institute, about new models to tion the to the due led in of revolution, have progress campus a results as the New well undergone as on has techniques, 29 Cosmology experimental cosmology. to and lead- in 18 to physics July access of institutions. from and research frontiers held opportunities large was with same in 2011 along the students have PiTP minorities, graduate not and as women do field involve among typically the the to are who between in made universities, institutions relationship is ers small both effort strong in from special the Representatives students A University. upon graduate lecturers. Princeton builds and and program organizers program’s Institute The the theory. the string at to groups research Collider Hadron Large the rset nTertclPhysics Theoretical in Prospects h rga,wihfcsdo rnir fpyisi omlg,wsudrthe under was cosmology, in physics of frontiers on focused which program, The ieto fMta adrig,Poesri h colo aua Sciences. Natural of School the in Professor Zaldarriaga, Matias of direction is eda h nttt n20,PT a,i atyas oee oisrnigfo omlg to cosmology from ranging topics covered years, past in astrophysics. has, or PiTP physics 2002, theoretical in in Institute career to the a specifically at considering geared held program scholars First summer postdoctoral two-week and intensive an students is graduate (PiTP) Physics Theoretical in rospects ila oe fPictnUiest lf)adEaSleseno tnodUiest rgt eeaogtelecturers the among were (right) University Stanford of Silverstein Eva and (left) University Princeton of Jones William uigte21 rset nhoeia hsc umrprogram. summer Physics inTheoretical Prospects 2011 the during Institute). nvriy,adNi uo (Perimeter (Stanford Turok Neil Susskind and University), Uni- Leonard (Stanford versity), Silverstein Eva Advanced for Study), University), (Institute Maldacena (Princeton Juan Physics), Jones Theoretical William for Center Berkeley), Interna- tional Salam (Abdus Bousso California, Creminelli Paolo of Raphael (University included: organizers, lecturers the to addition Princeton In DavidUniversity. of Steinhardt and Paul and Sciences, Spergel Natural the of in School Professor Arkani-Hamed, The Nima Sciences. included committee Natural organizing of scientific School the in


61 RSET NTERTCLPHYSICS THEORETICAL IN PROSPECTS CLIFF MOORE ebrJdt ukswsapriiati h colsana hm,wihfcsdo euaimi ih fwa,frmany, for what, of light in secularism on focused which theme, annual School’s the in participant a was Surkis Judith Member sbigdfnda ol-iersrec frlgoiybt sasiiuladpltclforce. political and spiritual a as both religiosity of resurgence world-wide a as defined being is School of Social Science

Faculty Danielle S. Allen, UPS Foundation Professor Didier Fassin, James D.Wolfensohn Professor Eric S. Maskin, Albert O. Hirschman Professor Joan Wallach Scott, Harold F. Linder Professor

Professors Emeriti Albert O. Hirschman Michael Walzer

he School of Social Science invited twenty-two scholars from a pool of 225 applicants from the United States and abroad to be part of the School’s scholarly community as Members for the T2010–11 academic year. Eight Visitors and a Research Assistant also participated in the year’s activi- ties. Individual Members were supported by gifts from the Leon Levy Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the Friends of the Institute for Advanced Study, along with endowment funding pro- vided by Deutsche Bank, the Florence Gould Foundation, Roger W. Ferguson Jr. and Annette L. Nazareth, Richard B. Fisher, and the Wolfensohn Family Foundation. Funding from the Carnegie Corporation also allowed for the participation of a professional journalist in the School’s thematic seminar. Fields of inquiry of the group included history, economics, religion, anthropology, political science, sociology, and literature. During the 2010–11 academic year, the School conducted four seminar series: the Social Science Thursday Lunch Seminar; the Secularism Seminar led by Professor Joan Scott; a Seminar on Moral Issues led by Pro- fessor Didier Fassin; and the Economics Seminar led by Professor Eric Maskin. The School also continued publication of its series of Occasional Papers and Economics Working Papers, which can be accessed online from the School’s website, www.sss.ias.edu. Danielle S. Allen, UPS Foundation Professor, completed a book manuscript, “A Course in Human Events,” about the Declaration of Independence, as well as several papers on new media and political participation for the MacArthur Foundation working group on youth participatory politics. She gave the annual Spencer Lecture at the American Educational Research Association annual meeting, as well as lectures at Reston,Vir- SCIENCE SOCIAL OF SCHOOL ginia; the University of Bristol; and the University of Cambridge. She was appointed to the American Acad- emy Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences. Didier Fassin, James D.Wolfensohn Professor, gave two talks for the eightieth anniversary of the Institute on conspiracy theories and on human rights. Much of his work was dedicated to the exploration of moral economies, which was the theme of his seminar at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, particularly the tension between compassion and repression in contemporary societies. On humanitarianism, he published La Raison Humanitaire: Une Histoire Morale du Temps Présent (Hautes Etudes-Gallimard-Seuil). This was also the subject of lectures at NewYork University, the University of Hong Kong, and the Uni- versity of PaísVasco, as well as the Munro Lecture at the University of Edinburgh.Violence is a central issue of the book he wrote this year based on the ethnography of the police he conducted in France, La Force de l’Ordre, forthcoming from Le Seuil. It was the topic of his opening lecture for the conference “The Body and the State” at the New School for Social Research, and for other talks at McGill University and Birzeit University. For the sixtieth anniversary of the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, he gave the Elizabeth Colson Lecture at the University of Oxford on the vanishing truth of 63 asylum. During his visit to the Uni- versity of Hong Kong, where he served as an advisor for the recently created Centre for the Humanities and Medicine, he gave two lectures on global health and on humanitarian wars. His previous work on South Africa was presented at the University of Pennsylvania and in an article for the Brown Journal of World Affairs. The question of critique and engagement was discussed in his talk at the confer- ence “Walls and Bridges” in New York and in his contribution to the conference “Ethnography and Social CLIFF MOORE Change” at Columbia University. At After his public lecture on elections and the W.H.R. Rivers Symposium at Harvard University, he proposed a strategic voting, Professor Eric Maskin (left) reflection on the relationship between philosophy and anthropology. Fassin’s engaged in conversation with attendees, including Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor in book The Empire ofTrauma:An Inquiry into the Condition ofVictimhood, coau- the School of Natural Sciences (far right). thored with Richard Rechtman, was awarded the William A. Douglass Book Prize by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe, and Les Nou- velles Frontières de la Société Française, which he edited, was selected as best essay of 2010 by France Culture.As part of the “Ideas”Advanced Grant he was awarded by the European Research Council, he developed a website, http://morals.ias.edu/; organized a workshop at IAS with the interdiscipli- nary group he coordinates; and proposed a seminar on moral issues for Members of the School.With João Biehl, he taught a course on ethnogra- phy and social theory at Princeton University.

In August 2010, Eric S. Maskin, Albert O. Hirschman Professor, lectured on “Elections and StrategicVoting” at a meeting of the Game Theory Society in São Paulo.This was also the subject of his Hurwicz Memorial Lecture at Member Gabriella Coleman (left) spoke about computer hacking during a lunch the Warsaw School of Economics, his Rosenthal Memorial Lecture at seminar; Member Rohini Somanathan Boston University, and a public lecture at the Institute for Advanced Study (right) gave the Leon Levy Lecture in which in spring of 2011. He spoke on “How Should We Elect Presidents?” at she explored the emergence and the consequences of the strategy adopted by Math For America in August. This was also the topic of public lectures at the Indian state to equalize opportunity. Bryn Mawr College, Harvard University, and St Andrews University. In SCHOOLOFSOCIALSCIENCE

64 (L) CLIFF MOORE, (R) BENTLEY DREZNER mrcnCuclo ere oite eeto omte o fellow- for Emeritus Professor committee a selection professors. at Societies assistant an for and Learned on ships served meetings of also Council Association She Amsterdam. Historical American in Nationalisms” pre- American “Sexual She the on University. conference at Princeton and York; History papers New Washington of sented at University the Univer- Lecture State Brook at Theory Stony the sity, University; & lectures York New History D.C.; gave Washington, Lec- the in also Senate Seminar and She Faculty Memphis University. Orr of W. Marcus Columbia University the the gave at She ture year. this Secularism on rr erefo h nvria e ot nParaguay. in Scott hon- Wallach Norte an president Joan received del as also Universidad He term the 2011. two-year from repeated November a degree in begin on orary Society will Theory 2011 He Game School crises. the Summer spring financial of Jerusalem in of topic annual University the twenty-second on the Princeton directed at and games, course of graduate conducted Maskin a celebration Madrid. in FEDEA anniversary twen- Eco- the at ty-fifth “Using Policy” for on Theory gave nomic address he November, keynote In the Beijing. in Univer- sity Tsinghua Daisun at Chen Lecture in the Memorial lectures and of China, subject Xiamen, the also was October. This in Finan- Authority Polish Supervisory the cial at to Them” What About and Do Occur They Why “Financial Crises: on spoke Asun- He and Paraguay. Beijing ción, in the lectures also of was subject This Forum. Shanghai at the Inequality” Reduced Haven’t Markets “Why Global on spoke he September, a oue njs a hoyadqetoso lbljsie(o Straus) (for justice global of there questions research of and His Fellow theory a Civilization. war & as Jewish just also Law & on and focused Law of Law was for Study of Center Advanced School the Tikvah University York NYU’s New for the Institute at Straus Justice established newly the ihe Walzer Michael aodF idrPoesr a h colsseminar School’s the ran Professor, Linder F. Harold , pn h cdmcya saFlo of Fellow a as year academic the spent icsino a n secularism. and law on discussion a in participated (right) Sullivan Fallers Winnifred and (left) Anidjar Gil Members fall. the in celebrations anniversary eightieth Institute’s the during Studies, Historical of School the in Professor (right), Bynum science Caroline social with and history of fields the of reinterpretation the on gender of influence the discussed (left) Scott Joan Professor



During a lunch seminar, Member Rita Chin and biblical politics (for Tikvah). He attended the Social Studies Fiftieth spoke about the problem of difference, as Anniversary Celebration at Harvard University, where he chaired the panel raised by millions of postwar migrants, in the Federal Republic of Germany. on “Social Studies and Social Change.” On November 8–10, the Institute for International Law and Justice, the European Journal of International Law, and the Jean Monnet Center for International and Regional Econom- ic Law & Justice, along with the Tikvah Center, hosted “The Enduring Legacy of Just and Unjust Wars—35Years Later,” a conference at the NYU School of Law, on the occasion of the thirty-fifth anniversary of Walzer’s book. At Princeton University, Walzer gave the Doll Family Lecture on Religion and Money, “Humanitarianism:What is It?” In April, at the Unit- ed States Naval Academy, he gave a keynote address at a conference on “Ten Years Later:Warfare Ethics Since 9/11.” From May through August 2011, Walzer was a Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is currently working on the third of four vol- umes of The Jewish PoliticalTradition, a collaborative project on the history of Jewish political thought. Walzer continues as coeditor of Dissent magazine. SCHOOLOFSOCIALSCIENCE

66 MEMBERS, VISITORS, Mark Hewitson September 30 History ! University College London Social Science Thursday Lunch Seminar ! AND RESEARCH STAFF Secularism and Its Discontents ! Cécile Sheena Kang Laborde, University College London; ! ! f First Term ! s Second Term ! v Visitor PoliticalTheory The University of Chicago a Member, School of Social Science a Research Assistant Cécile Laborde October 7 Political Science ! University College London Social Science Thursday Lunch Seminar ! A Gil Anidjar Funding provided by the Florence Gould Tale ofTwo Scandals: Sexual and Legal Conflict in Religion ! Columbia University Foundation Fund France and French Algeria ! Judith Surkis, Member, School of Social Science Markus K. Brunnermeier Tomoko Masuzawa Economics ! Princeton University ! v History ! University of Michigan Secularism Seminar ! Discussion of “Secularism, Sex, and Religious Liberty” by Rita Chin Stelios Michalopoulos Saba Mahmood, University of California, History ! University of Michigan Economics ! Tufts University Berkeley, and “Sexularism” by Joan Scott, Frederick Burkhardt Fellowship funded by the Deutsche Bank Member Harold F.Linder Professor, School of Social American Council of Learned Societies Science Mohamed Nachi E. Gabriella Coleman Sociology ! Institut des Sciences Humaines et October 11 Anthropology ! NewYork University Sociales, Université de Liège Economics Workshop ! Detail Free Contracts to Ginny and Robert Loughlin Founders’ Circle Screen, Elicit, and Reward Expert Information ! Member StevenT. Pierce Sylvain Chassang, Princeton University History ! The University of Manchester James W. Cook October 14 History ! University of Michigan ! v Laura Secor Social Science Thursday Lunch Seminar ! Journalist ! v “I did it for the Lulz!!! but I stayed for the outrage:” Kathleen Davis InternetTrolls, the Politics of Spectacle, and Geek Literature ! University of Rhode Island Rohini Somanathan Protests against the Church of Scientology ! Economics ! University of Delhi E. Gabriella Coleman, NewYork Geoffroy de Clippel Leon Levy Foundation Member University; Member, School of Social Science Economics ! Brown University Deutsche Bank Member Jeffrey L. Stout October 20 Religion ! Princeton University Secularism Seminar ! Discussion of An Amrita Dhillon Atheism that Is Not Humanist Emerges in French Economics ! University of Warwick Winnifred Fallers Sullivan Thought by Stefanos Geroulanos, New RogerW.Ferguson, Jr. and Annette L. Nazareth Religion and Law ! University at Buffalo,The York University Member State University of NewYork Friends of the Institute for Advanced Study October 21 Avinash K. Dixit Member Social Science Thursday Lunch Seminar ! Economics ! Princeton University ! v Caste Hierarchies and Social Mobility in India ! Anna Sun Rohini Somanathan, University of Delhi; James Doyle Sociology ! Kenyon College Member, School of Social Science Philosophy ! University of Bristol ! v,f Judith Surkis October 25 Tanya E. Erzen History ! Institute for Advanced Study Economics Workshop ! Corporate Control and Religion ! The Ohio State University Multiple Large Shareholders ! Amrita Dhillon,

ChantalThomas University of Warwick; Member, School of SCIENCE SOCIAL OF SCHOOL Henry S. Farber Law ! Cornell Law School ! v,s Social Science (joint work with Silvia Economics ! Princeton University ! v Rossetto) Yang Xiao Mayanthi L. Fernando Philosophy ! Kenyon College ! v October 28 Anthropology ! University of California, Santa Social Science Thursday Lunch Seminar ! Cruz Bloods of America (TheVampire State) ! Gil RECORD OF EVENTS Anidjar, Columbia University; Member, Martin Gilens School of Social Science Political Science ! Princeton University August 30–September 1 Richard B. Fisher Member Spencer Workshop: Education, Democracy, Seminar on Moral Issues ! Planning Meeting and Justice ! Organized by Danielle S. Manu Goswami Allen, UPS Foundation Professor, School of November 1 History ! NewYork University Social Science, and Rob Reich, Stanford Economics Workshop ! Speech Is Silver, but TheWolfensohn Family Member University Silence Might Be Golden: On the Strategic Disclosure of Feasible Options in Bargaining ! Kimberly Hart September 29 Geoffroy de Clippel, Brown University; Anthropology ! Buffalo State College Secularism Seminar ! Planning Meeting Member, School of Social Science (joint work with Kfir Eliaz)

67 68 SCHOOLOFSOCIALSCIENCE ihKi Eliaz) work Kfir (joint with Science Social of School Member, n h itiuino an rmGroup from Lending Gains of Distribution the and Africa from Evidence Divided: the of Rule cnmc Workshop Economics 15 November Social Science of School Member, Michigan; of oilSineTusa uc Seminar Lunch Thursday Science Social 18 November secularism Seminar Lunch Thursday Science Social 4 November Agrama Ali Hussein and Asad Talal by works oilSineTusa uc Seminar Lunch Thursday Science Social 2 December from oilSineTusa uc Seminar Lunch Thursday Science Social 11 November Science Social of School College;Visitor, and Science, Social of School Member, College; State Buffalo by works on focusing efryd Clippel de Effect Geoffroy Compromise and Attraction the for Rationale Bargaining Choice:A Reason-Based Seminar Secularism 1 December Science Social of School Member, Delhi; of Controversy the Park51 on Reflections Rights: and Land, Religion, Seminar Secularism 17 November Papaioannou) work Elias (joint with Science Social of School Member, University; Michalopoulos,Tufts Stelios Biblical of Criticism Origin the on Multiplicity: Meditation of AVisual Field the in Secular/Scholar The Germany of Difference Republic of Federal Problem the the in On Race: to Rasse From Seminar Secularism 3 November cnmc Workshop Economics 29 November Science Social of School Member, NewYork; of University Sullivan eia nMrlIssues Moral on Seminar 10 November Science Social of School Chin fe eua Law Secular After nvriyo ihgn Member, Michigan; of University , ! ! nvriyo ufl,h State Buffalo,The of University , oiiSomanathan Rohini University Masuzawa , Tomoko ! agXiao Yang ! ! ! infe Fallers Winnifred , Hart Kimberly icsino a and law on Discussion on focusing Discussion icsino readings of Discussion ! ! rw University; Brown , eamn Incentives Repayment the or Rule and Divide ! Discussion Kenyon , ! University , Rita ! ! ! ! ! ! eia nMrlIssues Moral on Seminar 8 December eia nMrlIssues Moral on Seminar 26 January Science Social of School Member, Manchester; of University Contemplation a in Sudan Citizenship Multi-Religious of Problem the and Equality etJh Doe John Meet by suggested oilSineTusa uc Seminar Lunch Thursday Science Social 20 January Social Science of School Member, London; College euaimSeminar Secularism Science Social of School Members, University; Princeton Stout, L. Jeffrey Coleman by suggested readings oilSineTusa uc Seminar Lunch Thursday Science Social 13 January Science Social of School Visitor, oilSineTusa uc Seminar Lunch Thursday Science Social 9 December College Carleton jitwr ihJa Tirole) Jean with work (joint Benabou Roland Workshop Economics 7 February Science Social of School Member, Realities and Methods, Concepts, Confucianism: over Confusions Seminar Secularism 2 February Science Social of School Member, Manchester; Pierce StevenT. and Science, Social of School Professor, Fassin Didier the State of Histories Nigerian Corruption: of Economy Moral A in Salvation Anatolia Rural Sacred and Secular for Quest The Prisons Faith-Based in of Transformation Politics Church:The Carceral the Inside oilSineTusa uc Seminar Lunch Thursday Science Social 3 February Science Social of School Member, University; euaimSeminar Secularism 19 January Science Social of School Member, College; euaimSeminar Secularism 15 December Science Social of School Member, Erzen E. TeOi tt University; State Ohio ,The eYr nvriy and University, NewYork , ! éieLaborde Cécile ! ! ! naSun Anna ! ae .Wolfensohn D. James , tvn.Pierce StevenT. ibryHart Kimberly Journalist; Secor, Laura Princeton Stout, L. Jeffrey TeUiest of University ,The rneo University Princeton , ! ! ! ! ! .Gabriella E. h eido Constant of Period The Legal Law: of Ruse The cenn ftefilm the of Screening readings of Discussion ! ohSalomon Noah asadNorms and Laws ! ! eynCollege; Kenyon , icsinof Discussion oa Economies Moral University , ufl State Buffalo , ,The ! Tanya ! ! ! ! ! , ! h mato rdtrComposition Creditor of Impact The Money Formation Preference Political and Baker:Altruism Benevolent cnmc Workshop Economics 14 March Science Social of School Member, University; eia nMrlIssues Moral on Seminar 23 February Science Social of School Member, College; by suggested ednssgetdby suggested readings oilSineTusa uc Seminar Lunch Thursday Science Social 17 March Science Social of School Member, University; State Ohio Erzen ,The E. Tanya with Seminar Lunch Thursday Science Social 24 February Social Science of School Members, London; College and Cruz, Fernando euaimSeminar Secularism 16 March Lei with work Zhang) (joint Science Social of School Dhillon Seminar Lunch Thursday Science Social 3 March Science Social of Member, School Cruz; Santa California, of University France in of Inclusion Politics Doormats”:The Nor “NeitherWhores Seminar Secularism 16 February Science Social of School Member, Warwick; Enforcement Institutions of Interaction the and Development oilSineTusa uc Seminar Lunch Thursday Science Social 10 March Sannikov) withYuliy work (joint Science Social of School University;Visitor, Princeton Seminar Lunch Thursday Science Social 10 February h rsdnyo eiiu Affairs Religious of Presidency The Workshop Economics 7 March Science Social of School Member, de Liège; Université Sociales, et Humaines Sciences Islamic Context in Difference of Construction Political about Thinking hka Hurd Shakman anr olg,and College, Barnard Jakobsen, Janet ! ! nvriyo awc;Member, Warwick; of University , aksK Brunnermeier, K. Markus ! oae Nachi Mohamed akHewitson Mark ! nvriyo aiona Santa California, of University , Princeton Gilens, Martin miaDhillon Amrita ufl State Buffalo , Hart Kimberly Ikhtilâf ! otwsenUniversity Northwestern , aatiL Fernando, L. Mayanthi ! ! aatiL. Mayanthi icsino readings of Discussion ontbeDiscussion Roundtable ! ! (“Difference”):The oeeg etDefault: Debt Sovereign of ITheory The ! icsinof Discussion University , ntttdes Institut , nvriyof University , ! ! Elizabeth Amrita ! ! ! ! ! The March 23 April 27 Seminar on Moral Issues ! Discussion of Secularism Seminar ! Discussion of readings readings suggested by Tomoko Masuzawa, suggested by StevenT. Pierce,The University of Michigan, and Rohini University of Manchester; Member, School Somanathan, University of Delhi; of Social Science Members, School of Social Science April 28 Secularism Seminar ! TheVampire State ! Social Science Thursday Lunch Seminar ! Gil Anidjar, Columbia University; Member, Hitchcock’s Shadow ! Jeffrey L. Stout, School of Social Science Princeton University; Member, School of Social Science March 24 Social Science Thursday Lunch Seminar ! May 2 Delineating the History of Human Rights: Does Economics Workshop ! Implementation and “The Middle Ages” Matter? ! Kathleen Bounded Rationality ! Geoffroy de Clippel, Davis, University of Rhode Island; Member, Brown University; Member, School of Social School of Social Science Science

March 28 May 4 Economics Workshop ! Hierarchy,Identity,and Seminar on Moral Issues ! Discussion of Collective Action ! Rohini Somanathan, works submitted by Anna Sun, Kenyon University of Delhi; Member, School of College, and Judith Surkis, Members, Social Science School of Social Science

March 30 May 5 Secularism Seminar ! Discussion of readings Social Science Thursday Lunch Seminar ! suggested by Mohamed Nachi, Institut des Trade and Geography in the Origins and Spread Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Université de of Islam:Theory and Evidence ! Stelios Liège, and Judith Surkis, Members, School Michalopoulos,Tufts University; Member, of Social Science School of Social Science

March 31 May 11 Social Science Thursday Lunch Seminar ! Secularism Seminar ! Discussion of readings Of Markets and Morals:Albert Hirschman, the suggested by Anna Sun, Kenyon College; Institute for Advanced Study,and the 1970s ! Member, School of Social Science Jeremy I. Adelman, Princeton University May 12 April 7 Social Science Thursday Lunch Seminar ! Social Science Thursday Lunch Seminar ! In Defense of Lost Causes: Germany and the From Einstein Drive to Hamilton Place and Back: Outbreak ofWorldWar I ! Mark Hewitson, Reflections on the Use of Social Science in University College London; Member, School Government ! Alan B. Krueger, Princeton of Social Science University May 16 April 12 Economics Workshop ! Employee Referrals vs. Secularism Seminar ! Walled States,Waning Market-Based Recruitment:The Case of Unskilled Sovereignty ! Wendy Brown, University of Labor Markets ! Amrita Dhillon, University

California, Berkeley of Warwick; Member, School of Social SCIENCE SOCIAL OF SCHOOL Science April 13 Seminar on Moral Issues ! Discussion of May 18 readings suggested by Manu Goswami, Secularism Seminar ! Final conversations NewYork University, and Cécile Laborde, and discussion of readings suggested by University College London; Members, School Gil Anidjar, Columbia University; Member, of Social Science School of Social Science

April 14 June 27–30 Social Science Thursday Lunch Seminar ! An Seminar on Critical Moral Anthropology ! Internationalist Sociology:Thinking the Future in Coordinated by Didier Fassin, James D. Interwar India ! Manu Goswami, NewYork Wolfensohn Professor, School of Social University; Member, School of Social Science Science

April 18 Economics Workshop ! Bargaining Foundations of Conflict Games ! Tomas Sjöström, Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey

69 RANDALL HAGADORN plcnst h col r oiae rmrl yterne o retm nwiht ar u eerhadwriting. and research out carry to which in time free for need their by primarily motivated are Schools the to Applicants The Libraries

he Historical Studies–Social Science Library (Marcia Tucker, Librarian) contains some 125,000 volumes and has subscriptions to over one thousand journals. The Library is strongest in classical studies, ancient history, Tand archaeology, but it contains basic document collections, reference works, and important secondary works of scholarship in most fields of history and the social sciences. The journal collection is extensive, and fairly complete back runs exist to the founding of the Institute. The HS–SS Library has occupied its present building since 1964. The Institute’s rare book collection, the gift of Lessing J. Rosenwald, consists of about two thousand volumes on the history of science and was compiled by Herbert M. Evans in the 1930s. The collection, which is housed in a special room, includes numerous first editions of important scientific works in mathematics, astronomy, physics, and the life sciences. Additional volumes have been added through various gifts, most notably through the Leon Levy Fund, expanding the subject scope of the collection. The HS–SS Library continues to process books from the library of Walther Heissig, a noted Central Asian–studies scholar. Walther Heissig’s library came to the Institute partly as a gift and partly on deposit from the Princeton University East Asian Studies Department and Princeton University Library. The HS–SS Library includes books and offprints from past Professors including Kurt Gödel, Ernst H. Kantorowicz, Elias Avery Lowe, Millard Meiss, Erwin Panofsky, Marshall Clagett, and Harry Woolf, and former Members Robert Huygens and Walther Kirchner. The Library also contains the library of Giorgio Tonelli. The microfilm collections of the HS–SS Library include a large selection from Manuscripta, a collection of several thousand fifteenth- to nineteenth-century printed books from the Vatican Library.The Bavarian Academy in 1965 provided the Institute with a microfilm copy of slips presented for the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae along with recent additional material on CD.The Library has microfilm copies of the papers of Simone Weil. The Library houses the Institute archives. The records in the collection of the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center (Christine Di Bella, Archivist) date from the 1930s and consist of official correspondence of the Director’s Office, minutes of meetings of the Faculty and the Board of Trustees, correspondence concerning past Faculty and Members, records of the Electronic Computer Project, and the papers of select Faculty members, including astro- physicist John N. Bahcall.The archives also include the Institute’s photograph collection and a growing oral history collection. The reading room is located in the annex of the HS–SS Library. It provides a space for researchers to consult resources from the archives, as well as a display area featuring selections from the collections.A generous gift from the Leon Levy Foundation supports the ongoing work of the Institute to formally organize and preserve the important historical materials already in its possession and to serve as a repository for essential source materials going forward. The Mathematics–Natural Sciences Library (Momota Ganguli, Librarian) is located in Fuld Hall, with smaller depart- mental branches in Bloomberg Hall and compact shelving spread across campus. The collection, which includes about thirty thousand volumes of monographs and bound periodicals as well as 140 print and/or electronic subscriptions, spans pure and applied mathematics, astrophysics, theoretical and mathematical physics, and biology. The M–NS Library has an extensive collection of the collected works of mathematicians, including those of Cauchy, Descartes, Fermat, Gauss, Hardy, and Poincaré. Each year, the M–NS Library adds about three hundred books to its collection. Both of the Institute’s libraries participate in the shared cataloguing system OCLC, which gives Institute scholars computerized access to a database that is in use by 57,000 libraries in 112 countries. The Institute is a member of the H LIBRARIES THE OCLC Research Library SHARES group, a resource-sharing program. The Institute’s Web-accessible online catalogue provides holdings information for the libraries and is accessible via http://library.ias.edu from anywhere in the world. The HS–SS Library maintains computers that provide access to scanners, a variety of software packages for both PCs and Macintoshes, and databases in the fields of Classics, the history of science, and Islamic and French studies.The M–NS Library’s electronic resources include access to Math-SciNet, JSTOR, and arXiv.org. All scholars affiliated with the Institute enjoy the same privileges as Princeton University faculty in the Princeton University Library sys- tem. All scholars also have privileges in the library of the Princeton Theological Seminary.The Librarians and the Faculty of all four Schools at the Institute warmly appreciate gifts of books and publications from former and cur- rent Faculty, Members, andVisitors of the Institute. 71 The IAS Community

or more than eighty years, the Institute for Advanced Study has had a profound influence on the fields of study represented here: Historical Studies, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social Science. Any Fday at lunch or tea, you will hear leading scientists and scholars from around the world discussing topics as diverse as the response to terrorism, understanding the organization of biological systems, fourteenth- century Mongolian history, the very latest developments in string theory, the mathematical basis of computer security, the history and meaning of secularism, and how to evaluate the signals for supersymmetry at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Members, who typically stay for one year but may stay for up to five years, live together with their families in housing adjacent to the Institute campus in what might be described as a true academic village. Throughout the year, the Office of the Director hosts a broad range of concerts, lectures, programs, and forums, as listed on the following pages. To celebrate its eightieth anniversary, the Institute held two weekends in the fall of 2010, which illustrated the work of its Schools and presented opportunities for the Institute’s former scien- tists and scholars to return and meet current Faculty, Members, andVisitors (see photos, below). In addition, the Institute offers a series of activities for Members,Visitors, and their families. In the 2010–11 academic year, these included films, play readings, clay modeling classes, yoga, tennis lessons, trips to museums and other cultural sites, and activities for children in the Institute community. THEIASCOMMUNITY


September 21 November 12–13 Member Welcome Reception Eightieth Anniversary Celebration—Schools of Historical Studies and Social Science ! The September 24–25 Influence of Gender on the Reinterpretation of the Eightieth Anniversary Celebration—Schools of Fields of History and Social Science ! Caroline Mathematics and Natural Sciences ! Fundamental Walker Bynum, Professor, School of Historical Physics in theTwenty-First Century ! Nima Studies; Joan Wallach Scott, Harold F. Linder Arkani-Hamed, Professor, School of Natural Professor, School of Social Science ! The Sciences ! Geometry of Growth and Form: Relevance of the ClassicalWorld to Current Political Commentary on D’ArcyThompson ! John Milnor, Phenomena ! Danielle S. Allen, UPS Co-Director, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Foundation Professor, School of Social Science; Stony Brook University,The State University of Angelos Chaniotis, Professor, School of NewYork ! Expansion in Linear Groups and Historical Studies ! The History of Basic Human Applications ! Jean Bourgain, Professor, School Rights:The Declaration of the Rights of Man, 1789 ! of Mathematics ! Cosmology: Recent Results and Jonathan Israel, Professor, School of Historical Future Prospects ! Matias Zaldarriaga, Professor, Studies ! Historical Studies and Social Science:An School of Natural Sciences ! Quanta, Symmetry, Illustrated History ! George Dyson, Author ! andTopology ! Frank Wilczek, Herman Feshbach Secularism and Human Rights: Basic Human Rights Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ! in History,Philosophy,Political Science, and Sociology ! Remarks: Freeman J. Dyson, Professor Panel Discussion: Moderator: HaroldT. Shapiro, Emeritus, School of Natural Sciences and Robert President Emeritus and Professor of Economics P.Langlands, Professor Emeritus, School of and Public Affairs, Princeton University; Panelists: Mathematics ! ConspiracyTheories in Medicine ! Didier Fassin, James D.Wolfensohn Professor, Didier Fassin, James D.Wolfensohn Professor, School of Social Science; Jonathan Israel, School of Social Science ! Quatre-vingt. Four Bases, Professor, School of Historical Studies; Joan Twenty Amino Acids: Is Biology Becoming Wallach Scott, Harold F. Linder Professor, Quantitative? ! Stanislas Leibler, Professor, School of Social Science School of Natural Sciences ! What if Current Foundations of Mathematics are Inconsistent? ! November 17 Vladimir Voevodsky, Professor, School of Friends Forum ! Honest Doubt ! Paul Hodgson, Mathematics Artist and Director’sVisitor, Institute for Advanced Study October 8 Writers Conversation ! Poets Panel ! Tracy K. November 19 Smith, Assistant Professor,The Lewis Center for Public Policy Lecture ! Human-Made Climate the Arts, Princeton University; Thomas Sayers Change:A Moral, Political, and Legal Issue ! James Ellis, Assistant Professor, Sarah Lawrence College; E. Hansen, Climatologist and Adjunct Professor, Suji Kwock Kim, Poet; Wendy S. Walters, Columbia University Poet November 21 October 13 Princeton Symphony Orchestra Concert ! Public Lecture ! Voting Paradoxes and Chamber Music Gems ! Ruotao Mao and Combinatorics ! Noga Alon,Visiting Professor, Hanfang Zhang, violins; Sarah Sutton, viola; School of Mathematics ElizabethThompson, cello

October 29 December 3 Public Lecture ! The MathematicalTruth ! Enrico Friends Fireside Chat ! Mechanisms of Cancer Bombieri, IBM von Neumann Professor, School Evolution and Strategies for CancerTherapy: My of Mathematics Experience at the Institute for Advanced Study ! Robert A. Beckman, Executive Director, November 5–6 Clinical Research Oncology, Daiichi-Sankyo Edward T. Cone Concert Series ! Borromeo Pharmaceutical Development String Quartet with guest artists Paul Neubauer, viola; Fred Sherry, cello; Derek December 8 Bermel, clarinet Public Lecture ! The Fear of God:An Emotion and Its Contexts ! Angelos Chaniotis, Professor, November 6 School of Historical Studies Edward T. Cone Concert Series Talk ! Nicholas Kitchen, Mai Motobuchi, Paul Neubauer, December 10 Andreia Pinto-Correia, Fred Sherry, Edward T. Cone Concert Series ! Mallet KristopherTong, and Derek Bermel, Artist- Madness ! Joe Locke, vibraphone; Lisa in-Residence Pegher, marimba; Bernard Woma, Dagara gyil (African xylophone)

PHOTO CREDITS,TOPTO BOTTOM: CLIFF MOORE, CLIFF MOORE, BENTLEY DREZNER, KATE ABLUTZ, ANDREA KANE 73 December 11 March 25 Edward T. Cone Concert Series Talk ! Joe Concert for Donors and Friends ! Graham Locke; Lisa Pegher; Bernard Woma; Walker, cello; Christopher Whitton, piano Derek Bermel, Artist-in Residence; and Paul Lansky, Composer March 26 Children’s Concert ! Graham Walker, cello; January 10 Christopher Whitton, piano Member Welcome Reception March 30 January 14 Public Lecture ! The Politics of Academic Friends Fireside Chat ! The Future of the Freedom ! Joan Wallach Scott, Harold F. All-Volunteer Force in a Democratic Republic ! Linder Professor, School of Social Science William S. Greenberg, Chairman, Reserve Forces Policy Board April 3 Princeton Symphony Orchestra Concert ! January 16 Stravinsky’s RussianTales ! Large Chamber Princeton Symphony Orchestra Concert ! Ensemble with Singers, Eric Dudley, The Beethoven Difference ! Jesse Mills, violin; Conductor Alistair MacRae, cello; Rieko Aizowa, piano April 8 Friends Culture and Cuisine ! African February 4–5 Foodways Are Like Jazz: Culinary Improvisations Edward T. Cone Concert Series ! Brooklyn in Africa and America ! Frederick Douglass Rider Opie,Visiting Associate Professor, Babson College February 5 Edward T. Cone Concert Series Talk ! April 11 Nicholas Cords, Johnny Gandelsman, Leon Levy Lecture ! Rohini Somanathan, Colin Jacobsen, Eric Jacobsen, and Professor, University of Delhi; Member, Derek Bermel, Artist-in-Residence School of Social Science

February 11 April 29 Friends Culture and Cuisine ! Appetite City, Friends Fireside Chat ! Parsing Resemblance: A Culinary History of New York ! William Intimating Bach in the Modern Symphony Grimes, Writer, The New YorkTimes Orchestra ! Tarik O’Regan, Composer and Director’sVisitor, Institute for Advanced Study February 26 Midwinter Party for Faculty, Members, and May 6 Staff Public Lecture ! Elections and StrategicVoting ! Eric S. Maskin, Albert O. Hirschman March 4 Professor, School of Social Science Einstein Legacy Society Talk ! Linda G. Arntzenius, Author of Images of America: May 11 Institute for Advanced Study Friends Forum ! Out ofThisWorld:A History of Structure in the Universe ! Marilena Lo March 9 Verde, Member, School of Natural Sciences Friends Forum ! Thinking About Climate Change: Science and Politics ! HaroldT. May 15 Shapiro, President Emeritus and Professor of Friends Tour and Talk with Peter Goddard, Economics and Public Affairs, Princeton Director, Institute for Advanced Study University June 15 March 11–12 Staff Picnic Edward T. Cone Concert Series ! The End ofTime ! Edward Aaron, cello; Derek Bermel, clarinet; Steven Copes, violin; Stephen Gosling, piano; and Tara O’Connor, flute

March 12 Edward T. Cone Concert Series Talk ! Edward Arron, Steven Copes, Tara O’Connor, and Derek Bermel, Artist-in- Residence

PHOTO CREDITS, FROM TOP: BENTLEY DREZNER, CLIFF MOORE, KATE ABLUTZ, ANDREA KANE, CLIFF MOORE 74 esetvso atrlctl edr nKna n nhoooyo akr.Awebpage A and theory 2011–12. hackers. in speakers, game continue of dates, medicine; will anthropology program and on the personalized The Kenya; topics. from information operas; in and provides producing herders Institute to cattle (www.ids.ias.edu/after-hours-conversations) ranged the Topics pastoral Staff. spacetime of and on of Schools Visitors Director’s perspectives Hut. by nature four Piet as all the well Professor from as Visitors, from by Members, Studies, emeriti, joined by Interdisciplinary and were in presentations active Program them were both There of seventy. Bynum Faculty, both to Caroline and term, twenty and from Hofer spring Helmut varied the Professors Attendance in and there term, sessions; as significance, fall February conversation the broad the continuing in In chaired by of followed again drinks. problem over often or discussion, and lingered theme group people November lively a and of of minutes October twenty presentation Harry’s were in ten-minute in held a Thursday talks After and with March. continued infor- Monday Interdisciplinary program an in every the Caroline in Program 2010–11, conversations Bar the In inter-School Professors environment. of encourage relaxed by Hut to and Piet 2008 organized mal and February in Studies and launched Historical was conceived of Studies, School program the a of Bynum Conversations, Hours After Conversations Hours After ietrsVstrTmPilp pk bu h ritslf uigAtrHusConversations. Hours After during life artist’s the about spoke Phillips Tom Visitor Director’s


75 FE OR CONVERSATIONS HOURS AFTER BENTLEY DREZNER ietrsVstrPu ogo obnspitn n htgah oepoedfeetknso uncertainty. of kinds different explore to photography and painting combines Hodgson Paul Visitor Director’s Special Programs

Program in Interdisciplinary Studies

Piet Hut’s activities included both his astrophysics research and his responsibilities as the head of the Program in Interdisciplinary Studies. The latter program had seventeen visitors, with durations of their visits ranging from days to months, in fields including mathematical physics, astrophysics, computer science, philosophy, science writing, bioinformatics, classical music, art history, and political economy. During the year, Hut, together with Caroline Bynum, Professor in the School of Historical Studies, and Helmut Hofer, Professor in the School of Mathematics, organized a series of After Hours Conversations, which were held at the Institute in Harry’s Bar two times a week for a period of two months during each semester. Each get-together had a more formal part lasting thirty minutes, starting with a ten-minute talk by a speaker followed by a twenty-minute period of questions. In addition, many participants would continue informal conversations afterward. These activities were widely seen as an effective way to encourage inter- School communication at the Institute. Hut spent part of the fall semester at Kyoto University in Japan, where he visited the interdisciplinary program Hakubi, a promising new initiative bringing together researchers from all fields of natural science, social science, and the humanities. He also co-organized an interdisciplinary applied mathematics seminar at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences at the same university. Following that, he visited the new supercomputer research institute in Kobe, Japan, in order to develop software for astrophysical simulations. As of June 2011, their K computer is the fastest computer in the world. He also spent some time visitingYamagata University, where he started a collaboration with Shigeru Taguchi, a specialist in Husserlian phenomenology, and the Nagahama Bio University, working with Hayato Saigo, whose field is applied mathematics. After introducing Taguchi and Saigo to each other, Hut started a three- way collaboration with the aim to explore new mathematical structures for phenomenological philosophy. As part of his ongoing research of virtual worlds, he explored OpenSim as well as Open Wonderland, two alter- native environments, in addition to the more established world of Second Life. Within the latter, he organized RGA NITRICPIAYSTUDIES INTERDISCIPLINARY IN PROGRAM workshops and other regular meetings for the Meta Institute for Computational Astrophysics (MICA; www.mica-vw.org), and for the Kira Institute (www.kira.org), focused on interdisciplinary collaborations.

The Program in Interdisciplinary Studies, headed by Professor Piet Hut (right), had seventeen visitors, whose fields included mathematical physics, astrophysics, computer science, philosophy, science writing, bioinformatics, classical music, art history, and political economy.

KATE ABLUTZ 77 Artist-in-Residence Program KATE ABLUTZ Artist-in-Residence Derek Bermel (center) participated in a post-concert talk with performers. he Harmonic Series,” led by Artist-in-Residence Derek Bermel, continued in 2010–11.The series “ was developed to explore the wide variety of aesthetic perspectives in art music, especially of the Ttwentieth and twenty-first centuries, through chamber music concerts and talks. The EdwardT. Cone Concert Series opened with performances by the Borromeo String Quartet, with guest artists Paul Neubauer on viola, Fred Sherry on cello, and Bermel on the clarinet.The program included Béla Bartók’s String Quartet no. 6, Milton Babbitt’s More Melismata, Variações sobre temas populares by Andreia Pinto- Correia, Derek Bermel’s Soul Garden and Coming Together, and Osvaldo Golijov’s The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind. The second concert weekend of the season was Mallet Madness, featuring vibraphonist Joe Locke, marimbist Lisa Pegher, and African xylophonist Bernard Woma in an all-percussion program. The spring concerts began with Brooklyn Rider and traced more than a century of American concert music, with Dvorˇák’s American Quartet (String Quartet no. 12 in F) as its centerpiece. Other works on the program included Bermel’s Amerikanizálódik, Don Byron’s Four Thoughts on Marvin Gaye, John Cage’s In a Landscape, Philip Glass’s String Quartet no. 3 (Mishima), and Colin Jacobsen’s Achille’s Heel.The season concluded with The End of Time, with performances of Béla Bartók’s Contrasts, Edward T. Cone’s Sphinxes: 25 Aphorisms for Piano, Bermel’s Twin Trio, and Olivier Messiaen’s Quartet for the End ofTime. Concert talks by the performers followed the Friday performances and preceded the Saturday concerts. This year the Writers Conversations continued with a poets panel featuring moderator Tracy K. Smith and poets Thomas Sayers Ellis, Suji Kwock Kim, and Wendy S. Walters. The next event was a conversation with Shimon Attie, an internationally renowned visual artist who discussed a variety of his work, from his early site-specific installations across Europe through his more recent artworks that involve multiple-channel immersive video installations. The final presentation was a conversation with Alex Ross, music critic of the New Yorker, who joined Bermel in a discussion of the challenges in writing about music for different formats, including books, magazines, newspapers, and blogs. In addition to directing “The Harmonic Series,” during the 2010–11 year Bermel composed a newly com- missioned work, Mar de Setembro, for the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra with soprano soloist Luciana Souza, as well as an electric guitar concerto jointly commissioned by the Albany Symphony and the Nederlands Jeugd

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCEPROGRAM Stijkorkest, which had its American and European premieres in the spring. He also had works performed by the Chicago Symphony and the Alabama Symphony, among others. Bermel has been busy co-curating the ten-day SONiC festival, featuring the music of over one hundred composers age forty and under, which will take place at venues throughout during October 2011, including Carnegie Hall, the Joyce 78 Soho, the Kitchen, Joe’s Pub, the World Financial Center, and Columbia University’s Miller Theatre. Director’s Visitors

Director’sVisitors, scholars who work in a variety of fields, including areas not represented in the Schools, contribute much to the vitality of the Institute.They are invited to the Institute for varying periods of time, depending on the nature of their work.

Graham Farmelo is writing a book on Winston Churchill’s work on the atomic bomb, from his early acquaintance with the idea of such weapons to the end of his second premiership. Farmelo will be concen- trating on his relationships with British physicists—Lord Cherwell among others—but including the American presidents with whom he worked on nuclear policy, from Roosevelt to Eisenhower.

During his time at the Institute, Paul Hodgson continued to explore different kinds of uncertainty through painting, photography, and digital media. He also continued an ongoing examination of the value of a subjective response. The work that he produced has since led him to separate the different visual languages that he had previously combined in a single picture, and to reconsider each in turn.A studio on the edge of the Institute woodlands prompted him to work directing from a landscape motif, raising interesting questions of how this activity relates to his current practice. The largest of the pictures that he worked on during his stay is Compendium—a mixed media piece, completed on his return to London in early 2011.

The great benefit of being a Director’s Visitor is the opportunity, away from normal work constraints, to follow serendipity.Thanks to the open stacks policy in so many of Princeton’s libraries, both at IAS and at the University, Fiona Maddocks chanced upon some specialist texts concerning the use of non-Western musical styles in early-twentieth-century opera. This fed directly into the exploration of wider social- cultural issues she has been examining in relation to opera, and prompted a fresh and rewarding line of inquiry. She arrived at the Institute with one set of questions and Fiona Maddocks arrived left a month later, after many walks in the woods and stimulating lunchtime en- counters, having posed, if not entirely answered, several others far more interesting. at the Institute with one set of questions and left a Tarik O’Regan continued making final revisions to Heart of Darkness, his opera month later, after many based on Conrad’s novel of the same name (a collaboration with fellow Director’s walks in the woods and Visitor Tom Phillips), which opens in November 2011 at the Royal Opera House, London. He also completed a commission for Paul Hillier and the National stimulating lunchtime Chamber Choir of Ireland: Acallam na Senórach, an hour-long chamber rendering encounters, having posed, for sixteen solo voices of this important Middle Irish narrative dating from the if not entirely answered, twelfth century.The new work tours the United States and is released on CD by several others far more Harmonia Mundi in October 2011. interesting. Once again Tom Phillips arrived at the Institute with a task and departed with an idea. Inspiration (if one dare use that word) can only come to the worker on duty, so the task was performed using (once again) trashed magazines from the humanities library.The same library furnished reading matter, which led, with the usual admixture of lunches, conversations, astrophysical ping pong, and walks in the VISITORS DIRECTOR’S woods, to a visual commentary on Cicero, now happily in progress.

Writing yet another history of the Institute after the half dozen written since Beatrice Stern’s pioneer study? Downsizing the project was one answer, choosing a different angle another. The history Ulrich Raulff is doing now focuses on the humanists at the Institute, its time horizon being the first two and half decades after the war. What was it to be a cold-war humanist, coming out of one war, being surrounded by people that seemed to be busy preparing the next? When policy-making in the nuclear age forged new coalitions and broke old solidarities; when the gatekeepers of pure science and scholarship rallied for their last battle:What styles of communication (living, talking) were then in fashion and bridged the gap of the two cultures? These were some of the questions he began to tackle, and it was a wonderful experience to discuss them with old and new members of faculty, guests, and visitors, and being most generously helped by the staff of the Institute’s library and archive. 79 80 IAS/PCMI ednsadbif uhrdb CIsItrainlSmnro ahmtc dcto r loavailable also are pro- Education the Mathematics Uni- and on Drexel Program, website. Seminar at Teachers Forum International School Forum Math PCMI’s Math Secondary the by The PCMI’s on authored School. the American by Summer briefs by the created and published Undergraduate by products PCMI’s ceedings Also the published from mathematicians. online lectures research Series publishes School and of versity Mathematics Summer students series City Graduate a graduate The Park is at PCMI. AMS the targeted by and through offered Society publications disseminated Mathematical the typically through are is lectures Profes- outreach Program. Teachers to many of School the activities Secondary method in summer development Another the and professional with project associated year-round Partnership Groups Science offers Outreach Math and PCMI Development its Session, sional through teachers Summer mathematics annual school the secondary foster occupations. mathematics-based to to in professionals addition designed all the In events of Utah, contributions City, and and community Park roles mathematical activities the in the throughout with of annually awareness bonds increases strong seminars Held and creates PCMI. and PCMI at of lectures interaction activity The interaction. high-quality all-institute flagship an combines the been is Session has Session Summer 1994. PCMI Summer Foundation, since PCMI Science Study Annual National Advanced The for the Institute from the grant a of program through 1991 outreach in Established level. school ouaino ahprogram. cross- each for of together population met also groups The seminars. and courses of series a for Program. daily Teachers met School programs provided Secondary the Connections” the the of and Mathematical School, Each Seminar “Making Summer topic International Graduate The the the Surfaces.” 2011 the for Riemann in focus for Program; of the Faculty seminars Spaces Undergraduate and “Moduli the was and courses School, topic Summer the Undergraduate informs the Program, topic Research research mathematical The the for met programs all noted, as (except Session Summer the during weeks): three place entire took programs following July The programs. held all was in Session combined Summer participants annual twenty-first The Session Summer Annual T atcpnst hi rga’ edr nacsa etn n ofse al cuitne mn h diverse the among acquaintances early introduce foster to to designed day, and setting registration casual of evening a in the on leaders program’s program their each to for held participants were events week. social each Opening days four or three activities program nttt (PCMI) Institute Mathematics City Study/Park Advanced for Institute negaut umrSchool Summer Undergraduate Program week) Faculty (one Undergraduate Program (STaR) Research and Teaching, Service, Program Teachers School Secondary Mathematics week) in (one Program Education Research Mathematics on Seminar Program Research International and School Summer Graduate ahmtc dcto eerhr,udrrdaefcly n ahmtc ecesa h secondary the the at for teachers development mathematics professional and faculty, of undergraduate program researchers, a students, education undergraduate is students, mathematics (PCMI) graduate mathematicians, research Institute including community, mathematics Mathematics City IAS/Park he 3– 3 01 nPr iyadatatdsm 350 some attracted and City Park in 2011, 23, PHOTOS TODD ROYAL HICKEN (Left) Participants in the International Seminar Sitsofe Anku (left) from Ghana and Shannon Sookochoff (right) from Canada were among those brought from Canada, Finland, Ghana, Honduras, Indonesia, South Korea, and Slovenia to work with a team from the United States. (Right) In the Undergraduate Summer School,Tara Brendle of the University of Glasgow lectured on surface topology. Graduate Summer School and Research Program The Graduate Summer School and the Research Program 2011 were organized by Benson Farb, University of Chicago; Richard Hain, Duke University; and Eduard Looijenga, Universiteit Utrecht.This year’s theme, “Moduli Spaces of Riemann Surfaces,” included recent developments in mathematical theory of these moduli spaces and brought together viewpoints from the disparate fields of algebraic geometry, geometric topology, geometric analysis, and representation theory. Thus the graduate lecture series and research seminars brought together a broad range of mathematical approaches to the fundamental problem of under- standing the moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces and its many compactifications.There were many cross-field interactions among participants that are expected to lead to collaborations in the near future.

GRADUATE SUMMER SCHOOL The 2011 Graduate Summer School had six lecture series (with a total of forty lectures) on a variety of approaches to understanding the moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces. Each lecture, which was balanced between introductory and advanced research material, was supplemented with an additional daily session where students worked on prepared problems guided by the lecturers’ teaching assistants. The Summer Session is designed to provide graduate students with a comprehensive and diverse learning experience that few, if any, could obtain in their own university.Attendance at all lectures was very high and included participants from the Graduate Summer School, the Research Program, the Undergraduate Faculty Program, and the Undergraduate Summer School.

GRADUATE SUMMER SCHOOL LECTURE SERIES 2011 “Tautological Algebras of Moduli Spaces,” Carel Faber, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm “Stable Cohomology of Mapping Class Groups,” Søren Galatius, Stanford University, and Nathalie Wahl, University of Copenhagen “Teichmüller Theory and Moduli Spaces of Riemann Surfaces,” Ursula Hamenstädt, Universität Bonn, and Martin Möller, Goethe Universität-Frankfurt “Arithmetic Mapping Class Groups,” Makoto Matsumoto,Tokyo University “Mapping Class and Torelli Groups,”Yair Minsky,Yale University, and Andrew Putman, Rice University IAS/PCMI “Weil-Petersson Geometry and Intersection Numbers on Moduli Space,” Scott Wolpert, University of Maryland

International Seminar on Mathematics Education Begun in 2001, the annual PCMI International Seminar on Mathematics Education: Bridging Policy and Practice brings diverse perspectives and practices to a national dialogue in the United States on mathematics 81 82 IAS/PCMI

PHOTOS TODD ROYAL HICKEN plctos RgtTeGaut umrSho oue navreyo prahst nesadn h ouisae fReansurfaces. Riemann of spaces moduli the understanding to approaches of variety a on focused School Summer Graduate (Right)The applications. Lf)Priiat nteUdrrdaeFclyPormwre nabo oitouecleesuet otplg n emtyadtheir and geometry and topology to students college introduce to book a on worked Program Faculty Undergraduate the in Participants (Left) ra pcrmo ihyatv eerhr nfed nldn leri emty ecmle hoy and theory, Teichmüller geometry, algebraic including fields in researchers active highly of interna- spectrum program. past broad Mathematics school A two in secondary of summer Program Program bringing Teachers three-week School the Research entire Secondary and the the events, to with social conversation several participants visit, for seminar morning efforts a tional at presentation, its website special PCMI’s extended a on through seminar seminars earlier the the year, of This proceedings the http://mathforum.org/pcmi/int.html. and Forum, briefs Math policy and the previous Time,” briefs of over the these “Integration Numbers edited, with Numbers,” Pedagogy.” Once appear Complex and Complex mutual Mathematics will of of of Connecting Education: Teacher “Progressions topics History Numbers,” in on the Numbers Complex briefs of “Complex through policy Elements Geometry written “Some with jointly and for deal Algebra basis briefs the 2011 formed The conversations concern. lead the Mathematics, from Mathe- of emerging Teachers on of Issues Congress Council National from International the the the Participants from of of response President concept. seminar. the President past this the Burrill, past of implications Gail of Artigue, the and Michèle teaching Instruction, discussed cultures. the matical educa- and own questions secondary and their clarifying of numbers of raised view perspective complex country’s countries other to their the on related of based each questions response work- United specific a one presented to the and members teacher tion from team practicing team setting. seminar, currently university the a a a During with one in participants, work or two policy Canada, to send from educational Slovenia to teams on invited brought and ing was seminar Korea, mathemati- country This South concept. the Each this Indonesia, and States. with Numbers” Honduras, working “Complex Ghana, for topic teachers Finland, the by on needed focused knowledge Seminar cal International 2011 The education. ru hoit.Svrlo hs ovrain eeoe norsac collaborations. and research analysts into or good developed topologists a conversations and included these geometers conversations extensive; algebraic of also The Several as space. was such theorists. find activity backgrounds, group and different could Informal with results. the they students people recent explained wherever graduate between carefully their conversations many of and as for work audience well gathered the the as Eight groups work to of week. diversity small their one each the for and talks account motivation researchers, research into and established of took background hours speakers of them work all nine Almost the of of postdocs. to consisted early number devoted program were research large week. the these one A least of of program. activity at research stayed formal year’s all main this The almost and in weeks, participate three entire to the recruited stayed were topology algebraic Secondary School Teachers Program Fifty-four high school and middle school teachers followed an intense daily schedule that included learning mathematics, reflecting on what it means to teach mathematics, and working together to create products to be shared with their colleagues. Participants came from many different areas of the United States, as well as from Canada, Peru,Turkey, and Vietnam. The range of teaching experience among the SSTP participants ran from one year of teaching to seasoned veterans. The daily “Mathematical Problem Solving” course used materials created by a team from the Educational Development Center and the PROMYS for Teachers program at Boston University. The course in 2011 focused on geometry as a useful tool for studying and understanding all kinds of phenomena inside and out- side mathematics. Participants created functions that give insight on a geometric problem, and looked for things that remain constant when the inputs of a function change. These were applied to a wide variety of situations, including geometric optimization and the fundamental theorem of algebra. In the daily “Reflecting on Practice” session, participants considered research related to teaching and learning mathematics with a particular focus on formative assessment—student thinking and how it can be used to shape instruction. The discussion was grounded in the study of lessons and classroom practice in both the United States and other countries. Participants worked collaboratively to better understand why assessment for learning is important and how they can design and use such assessments in their own classrooms. For two hours each afternoon, each participant took part in one of six working groups on data analysis, functions, geome- try, discrete mathematics, lesson study, and a group that took part in the mathematics course given as part of PCMI’s Undergraduate Faculty Program. In the latter working group, participants not only learned about the research topic but pro- vided input to the course instructors about the pedagogy involved in delivering the course. The working group on functions focused on preparing materials to enable their col- leagues to understand the role of functions in the Common Core State Standards. The other working groups explored technology, developed lessons and classroom activities, and cre- ated drafts of potential articles on interesting and useful math- ematics that will be tested in classrooms when appropriate, reviewed during the coming year, revised as necessary, and posted on the PCMI website. TODD ROYAL HICKEN The range of teaching experience among participants in the Service,Teaching, and Research (STaR) Program Secondary SchoolTeachers Program ran from one year of The Service, Teaching, and Research (STaR) induction pro- teaching to seasoned veterans. gram for recent doctoral graduates in mathematics education, organized by Robert and Barbara Reys, Univer- sity of Missouri, with National Science Foundation funding, was associated with PCMI for the second year. The program supported thirty-five mathematics educators for one week at PCMI, taking part in courses offered by leading mathematics educators in the United States and working together in small groups on top- ics of interest and relevance to their emerging work. In addition to informal connections between PCMI’s IAS/PCMI Secondary School Teachers Program and STaR, participants from the two programs met together for a focused lunch discussion led by facilitators from both groups around a set of common questions.

Undergraduate Faculty Program For faculty members whose main focus is teaching undergraduate students, the Undergraduate Faculty Program (UFP) at PCMI offers the opportunity to renew excitement about mathematics, confer with peers about new teaching approaches, address challenging research questions, and interact with the broader mathematical 83 84 IAS/PCMI

TODD ROYAL HICKEN n idesho ecesfloe nitnediyshdl that schedule daily intense an followed teachers school middle and nteScnayShoTahr rga,ffyfu ihschool high fifty-four Program, SchoolTeachers Secondary the In nlddcetn rdcst esae ihtercolleagues. their with shared be to products creating included n hleg a o ome h ed fsuet ihawd ag fbcgons h is week’s first some- The learning backgrounds. were of students range the all wide week, a second with the students by and of field, with needs playing course the the leveled integrated meet material one to introductory of how feeling was its the challenge topological. create One of the to action and the order the but in geometric participants courses, and surfaces the efforts space, the undergraduate viewpoints, geometric their Teichmüller separate two and of the orchestrated two covering,” terms carefully models, officially “universal were in lecturers as its There group. space two at class these moduli looking mapping the using plane, the by Finally, group,” Euclidean “covering surfaces. defined studied the such and were sphere, about the defined spaces: described surfaces think was model course to and three the Geometric ways the of several geometry plane. defined part analyzed the start- then first hyperbolic surfaces, and the to Riemann space, the facts, introduction of Euclidean basic and space by an some moduli Motivated and give the algebra. spaces study to linear and metric and was define calculus to School only was with Summer goal ing particular Undergraduate The surfaces. the published. of topology of is it goal once to broad book The notes UFP the School 2011 use some the would Summer in that with participants institutions Undergraduate together the home of their solutions Many at instructors. The American course future the series. a to to teach World online submitted available to was Student made plan chapters be twelve the also with for will manuscript instructors a (AMS) Session, notes. Summer Society lecture PCMI the the Mathematical accompany of The to end the solutions participants. the that and At student problems so homework prerequisites undergraduate developed no of also with UFP group self-contained The them. a were by understand lectures as could the attended well were that undergraduates as lectures sure and make These teachers teachers developed. the to had school careful of they one were secondary day notes participants Each the of groups. on group working based a smaller lecture by into hour-long divided were an participants presented eighteen groups the goals, these meet To goals: three had 2011 UFP PCMI. The College. of Pomona objectives research Flapan, and Erica educational was the instructor/coordinator bridges UFP year’s it This that in unique is UFP The community. opeetasto etrst h negautsadtahr atcptn nPM uigtesummer. the during PCMI in participating teachers and undergraduates the to lectures of topology; set solutions; DNA a and complete present To applications with symmetries, their problems molecular and homework theory, geometry usable knot and universe, develop topology To our to of students models college first-year understanding introduces to that book a write To noudtddat,md vial osuet at students to available made drafts, www.math.uiuc.edu/~clein/pcmi.html. updated into oeyoitdt norg cient-aigand incorporated note-taking pur- often were active details suggestions encourage and students’ to figures revision; some the omitted during with posely day each Session, provided Summer were notes lecture Typed Program’s series. Faculty lecture Undergraduate to mathematical daily chose the students in undergraduate participate the of many addition, In Illi- Urbana-Champaign. of “Hyperbolic at University nois Leininger, and by Glasgow, Christopher Topology” by of Geometry” “Surface University were: Brendle, offered Tara courses the two opened sessions. The also problem the and of outside other together working each to with doors problems dis- sessions the to problem students cuss daily the for The environment productive lecture. a each provided with new thing Cross-Program Activities In order to bring together the entire PCMI commu- nity during the three weeks of the Summer Session, many cross-program activities were planned by the organizers, including socials and dinners, creative and outdoor activities, and a number of talks.

Publications Published by the American Mathematical Society, the Park City Mathematics Series comprises nearly all

of the lectures ever given in PCMI’s Graduate Sum- TODD ROYAL HICKEN mer School, from 1991 to 2009 thus far. The series The broad goal of the Undergraduate Summer School was to give an now consists of eighteen volumes, all of which are introduction to the geometry and topology of surfaces. currently in print and available for sale. Also published are seven volumes in the Park City Mathematics Institute Subseries, a subsection of the AMS Student Mathematics Series. These volumes are aimed at under- graduate students, and each is written by a lecturer from the Undergraduate Summer School of PCMI’s Summer Session. The Secondary School Teachers Program disseminates its teacher-created materials and other resources at PCMI’s website at the Math Forum, http://mathforum.org/pcmi/, where the proceedings and briefs of the International Seminar on Mathematics Education are also published.

Funding The IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute was made possible by the generosity of the following funders: The Clay Mathematics Institute The National Security Agency The George S. and Delores Doré Eccles Foundation Eric and Wendy Schmidt Charles and Rosanna Jaffin The Wolfensohn Family Foundation Math for America Appreciation is extended for the in-kind The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute contributions of the Department of Mathematics The National Science Foundation at the University of Utah.

IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute Governance and Management

PCMIOVERSIGHT BOARD: PCMISTEERING COMMITTEE 2011: Chair: Phillip A. Griffiths, Institute for Advanced Study Director: Richard Hain, Duke University Deborah Ball, University of Michigan Andrew J. Bernoff, Harvey Mudd College Hyman Bass, University of Michigan Aaron Bertram, University of Utah Peter Goddard, Institute for Advanced Study Gail Burrill, Michigan State University Ronald Graham, University of California, San Diego Benson Farb,The University of Chicago Robert MacPherson, Institute for Advanced Study Carol Hattan, Skyview High School,Vancouver, Elaine Wolfensohn, Wolfensohn Family Foundation Washington Helmut Hofer, Institute for Advanced Study PCMIDIVERSITY SUB-COMMITTEE: James King, University of Washington Chair: Janis Oldham, North Carolina Agriculture Eduard Looinjenga, Universiteit Utrecht and Technical State University Johnny Lott, University of Mississippi Erika Camacho, Arizona State University Janis Oldham, North Carolina Agriculture and IAS/PCMI Duane Cooper, Morehouse College Technical State University Edray Goins, Purdue University John Polking, Rice University Leona Harris,The College of New Jersey Ronald Stern, University of California, Irvine Robert Megginson, University of Michigan Karen Vogtmann, Cornell University Robin Wilson, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 85 Science Initiative Group (SIG)

he Science Initiative Group (SIG) is dedicated to fostering science in developing countries. Formed in 1999 as an IAS outreach program to provide oversight for the Millennium Science Initiative in TLatin America, which now operates independently, SIG has since shifted its focus to improving science and engineering capacity in sub-Saharan Africa. For the past four years, SIG has worked to develop, implement, and manage the Regional Initiative in Science and Education, known as RISE. RISE prepares Ph.D.- and M.S.-level scientists and engineers in sub-Saharan Africa in university-based net- works. Its goal is to increase the cadre of highly qualified academic staff members teaching and conducting research in African universities on subjects relevant to Africa’s development. As of the end of June 2011, some one hundred students were pursuing doctoral or masters degrees or were engaged in postdoctoral research through RISE, and several had completed their studies and started or resumed academic careers at African universities. Each RISE network includes universities in at least three countries. Fourteen universities and research insti- tutes in nine countries—Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda—are part of at least one of the five RISE networks: AMSEN:African Materials Science and Engineering Network RISE-AFNNET:African Natural Products Network SABINA: Southern African Biochemistry and Informatics for Natural Products Network SSAWRN: Sub-Saharan Africa Water Resources Network WIO-RISE:Western Indian Ocean Regional Initiative By the end of the three-year implementation phase of RISE in December 2010, all of the students had ben- efited from the opportunities offered by the network structure, including participation in international workshops and conferences and access to specialized scientific instrumentation and to supervisors with complementary expertise. Some students had pub- lished papers, applied for patents, or won prestigious academic prizes. RISE’s first phase culminated in a weeklong program in October 2010 in Benoni, South Africa, featuring a forum on regional networks in Africa and a scientific conference. The event showcased RISE student research in a series of talks and poster sessions in a format inspired by the annual meetings of the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, SIG’s original funder and a conference cosponsor. Information about the conference, including links to news coverage, is avail- able at http://sig.ias.edu/2010conference. Carnegie Corporation of NewYork, which provided the initial planning and implementation grants for RISE, awarded a renewal grant in January 2011 that

SCIENCEINITIATIVEGROUP will fund RISE through 2013. ARLEN HASTINGS Paul Mensah, a Ghanaian Ph.D. student in the SSAWRN network, conducts research at Rhodes University, South Africa, on the effects of run-off 86 herbicide on the lifecycle of the indigenous shrimp Caridina nilotica. ute nomto bu I n IEi vial twww.ias.edu/sig. at available in is Chile RISE in and convocation launched. SIG the the was about Initiative, in around information Science from participated Further Millennium scientists he the countries, engage program, developing to of inaugural Academy in linkages SIG’s National science where and the for 1998 programs of advocate president established an as Alberts tenure Long of 2005, world. his Editor-in-Chief to to During as 1993 pleased Pakistan. serves from was and Francisco, education. Sciences Indonesia San board science to California, SIG improving envoy of to science the University U.S. commitment thereafter, the and he strong at Shortly when a July. down Emeritus with in Professor step biochemist Alberts, to Institute prominent obligated a Cancer was Alberts, Varmus Harold National Bruce another. welcome network. the gained WIO-RISE semi-independent and of the 2010 a Director of in IMS, became the part member The board is 2011. on one Salaam, June lost es series, SIG of Dar as the of underway in University was the Science, booklet within Marine institution another of of Institute Preparation Zanzibar-based cations/excellence-in-science/botswana-ori/view. at http://twas.ictp.it/publi- download for is student available described, are stars” RISE projects research where “tomorrow’s rising on a section includes which lication, pub- illustrated World. richly The Developing for the the Sciences TWAS, of Academy pro- by series duced Science” “Excellence May in the in in 2011 published and Anderson Alan consultant editorial and by SSAWRN research SIG written the was network, of in ber mem- a Botswana, Institute Maun, Research Okavango the of profile A ao Palis Jacob Massachusetts Cambridge, Consultant, Hexner Tomas J. Italy Trieste, World, Developing the for Sciences of Academy TWAS:The Director, Hassan A. H. Mohamed Alberts Bruce (Chair) Study Advanced Director, for Past Institute and Mathematics, of School Griffiths A. Phillip Board SIG o h eeoigWorld Developing the for Sciences and of Brazil; Academy Janeiro, TWAS:The President, de Rio Aplicada, e Pura Matemática de Nacional Instituto Professor, ietrEeiu and Emeritus Director , a fJn 0 2011) 30, June of (as Editor-in-Chief, , Development , rfso Emeritus, Professor , atExecutive Past , Science irsoy Rgt IEANE hD tdn amr aaio h oon nvriyo giutr in Agriculture of University Sokoine the of Bakari Gaymary student Ph.D. RISE-AFNNET (Right) microscopy. aznadmntae h ihpromnelqi hoaorpymciedntdb h Norwegian the by donated machine chromatography liquid high-performance the demonstrates Tanzania rga o eeomn,Rsac,adEuaini eonto ftentoksaccomplishments. network’s the of recognition in Education and Research, Development, for Program Lf)A ME tdn tteUiest fBtwn ipasagi sdi rnmsinelectron transmission in used grid a displays Botswana of University the at student AMSEN An (Left) aodVarmusHarold Kim W. Chung World Developing for the Sciences of Academy Presi- TWAS:The dent, Past Immediate and India; Bangalore, Research, Scientific Advanced for Centre Nehru Jawaharlal Professor, Research Pauling Rao R. N. C. ooayPeietadLinus and President Honorary , (Emeritus) (Emeritus) Science


87 CEC NTAIEGROUP INITIATIVE SCIENCE Acknowledgments The Institute for Advanced Study is deeply indebted to its Founders and to all of its subsequent benefactors for providing a strong financial foundation from which to pursue its mission of fundamental research in the sciences and humanities without the pressure for immediate results.We express deep appreciation to all of the following donors for their generous gifts, grants, pledges, and gifts-in-kind of endowment, capital, and operating support. We especially wish to recognize members of the Centennial Council, our most generous individual donors.

Centennial Council (through June 30, 2011)

Anonymous Mr. John S. Hendricks+ and Mrs. Elena Petronio Jeffrey P. Bezos+ Maureen D. Hendricks David M. Rubenstein+ + Mr.+ and Mrs. Richard B. Black Immanuel and Vera Kohn Eric+ and Wendy Schmidt + Addie and Harold Broitman Dr. and Mrs. Spiro J. Latsis James+ and Marilyn Simons + Mrs. Ann Lee Saunders Brown Sarah and Martin L. Leibowitz Dr.+ and Mrs. Charles Simonyi Helen and Martin+ Chooljian Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Loughlin Margaret E. Taplin + Neil Chriss and Natasha Herron Chriss Nancy and Duncan MacMillan Mr.+ and Mrs. Ladislaus von Hoffmann + Roger W. Ferguson, Jr.+ and Annette L. Hamish Maxwell Shelby White+ Nazareth Robert B. Menschel James+ and Elaine Wolfensohn Drs. Luisa and Robert+ Fernholz Annette Merle-Smith + + denotes current Institute for Advanced StudyTrustee Nancy B. Peretsman orTrustee Emeritus

Major Donors (through June 30, 2011) Anonymous The Edward T. Cone Foundation The John D. and Catherine T. AT&T Inc. Defense Advanced Research Projects MacArthur Foundation Estate of Tristan E. Beplat Agency Nancy and Duncan MacMillan Jeffrey P. Bezos The Gladys Krieble Delmas The MacMillan Family Foundation Foundation Inc. The Birkelund Fund (In honor of Immanuel Kohn) Estate of Willis F. Doney David F. Marquardt Victoria and Hank Bjorklund Arthur and Janet Eschenlauer Math for America Dr. James C. Blair Estate of Professor Ky Fan The Ambrose Monell Foundation Gaby Borel Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. and Annette L. National Aeronautics and Space (In memory of Professor Armand Borel) Nazareth Administration Cornelius H. Borman and Catherine Fernholz Foundation National Endowment for the B. Borman Fowler Merle-Smith Family Charitable Humanities Botwinick-Wolfensohn Foundation, Lead Trust National Science Foundation Inc. Fritz Thyssen Stiftung National Security Agency Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Tina and Bill Greenberg The NewYork Community Trust Mrs. Ann Lee Saunders Brown Mr. John S. Hendricks and Mrs. Maxwell Family Fund California Institute of Technology Maureen D. Hendricks Novartis International AG Carnegie Corporation of NewYork Samuel D. Isaly Princeton University S. S. Chern Foundation for Immanuel and Vera Kohn Qiu Shi Science and Technologies Mathematical Research George Labalme Jr. Foundation ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Neil Chriss and Natasha Herron Chriss Dr. and Mrs. Spiro J. Latsis Rita Allen Foundation Helen and Martin Chooljian Sarah and Martin L. Leibowitz The Rockefeller Foundation* Harry and Helen Cohen Charitable Leon Levy Foundation David M. Rubenstein 88 Foundation *Matching Gift to an Individual Contribution Major Donors (continued)

Eric and Wendy Schmidt T-Mobile USA, Inc. Vital Projects Fund Inc. United States Department of Energy Wolfensohn Family Foundation The Charles and Lisa Simonyi Fund U.S. – Israel Binational Science The Milton Wruble Foundation for Arts and Sciences Foundation Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical University of Minnesota Communal Fund Observatory Verizon Wireless Zurich Financial Services Sprint Nextel Corporation

Friends of the Institute

Our sincere gratitude is extended to the Friends of the Institute,whose unrestricted gifts make a great difference. We welcome new Friends and ex- press particular appreciation to members of the Founders’, Chairman’s, Director’s, and 25th Anniversary Circles.

Founders’ Circle Brig and Reinhold Gebert Lor and Michael Gehret Helen and Martin Chooljian Tina and Bill Greenberg Mr. Dana A. Hamel* Neil Chriss and Natasha Herron Chriss Mr. and Mrs. John Haines Thomas and Archer Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Jaffin Idis Inc. (Natalie and Jamie Douglas)* Cynthia and Robert Hillas Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Loughlin Bob and Lynn Johnston Russell and Helene Kulsrud Louise and John Steffens John J. and Nora Wren Kerr Elise Lauer Elinor Lunder Jane and Robert MacLennan Chairman’s Circle Charles W. McCutchen Professor James H. Marrow and Mrs. Ann Lee Saunders Brown John and Ann McGoldrick Dr. Emily Rose Michelle and Robert Caruso* Philip W. Riskin Charitable Jack McCarthy and Susan Anable Morton and Donna Collins Foundation Inc. Jackie and Cy Meisel Carl and Toby Feinberg Harold T. and Vivian Shapiro Michael and Pamela Morandi Immanuel and Vera Kohn Mr. and Mrs. James Utaski J.A. Padhoven Fund of the Princeton Nancy and Duncan MacMillan Mr. and Mrs. Luke Visconti Area Community Foundation Annette Merle-Smith Louise and John Wellemeyer Eric and Frances Reichl John and Caroline Pallat Susan and Donald Wilson Sanderson Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Elena Petronio Foundation John Rassweiler 25th Anniversary Circle Margaret E. Taplin Rosalie B. Arnold The Fritz Stern Fund of the Princeton Director’s Circle Addie and Harold Broitman Area Community Foundation William and Vivian Allen* Ashvin B. Chhabra and Daniela Steve and Diane Zipperstein John and Melanie Clarke Bonafede-Chhabra Pierre Deligne and Elena Alexeeva Robert and Luisa Fernholz* *New Friend of the Institute ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Friends Dr. Urvish Bidkar and Sunanda Barbara Chancellor Nair-Bidkar * Georg and Joyce Albers-Schonberg Lena Chang, Ph.D. Helena and Peter Bienstock Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Allocca Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Chew Elisabeth A. Bish Anonymous (1) Charles and Cindy Clark Shari and Donald Black Robert Aresty Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Cohen Jack and Adele R. Borrus* Dr. and Mrs. David Atkin Victoria and Bradley Corrodi Jane and Ted Boyer * Sam and Judy Barker* Carol Curley and Peter Kellogg Georgianna Brennan Leigh and John Bartlett Michael Curtis and Judith K. Brodsky Bromley Family Fund of the Princeton * Robert and Susan Beckman Elizabeth Dahme Area Community Foundation Jan and Elly de Boer The Len and Laura Berlik Fran and Antoinette Buckley Foundation Inc. Katherine and Robert Del Tufo Pernilla and James Burke Mihir and Sheema Bhattacharya James and Thalia Deneen 89 90 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS red fteInstitute the of Friends noi Elmaleh Antonio Egger David and Audrey Dwyer James Mrs. and Dr. Doyle Aiden and Marlene Ezra and Doverman Elizabeth Hock Elizabeth and Dougherty Peter deTuro Judi and Sam Ravel de Rysia Dennison Charles and Jane yeDzol olol n Ugur and Koyluoglu Dizioglu Ayse Kohn E. Gail Kelly R. Peggy and T. Quentin Keller K. Howard Kassof Allen and Arianne Kahn Florence and Steven Jones Sarah and Landon Jones P. Christopher Haines Catherine and Jones Alexander Joffe Wolf the of Fund Jr. Johnson, Wood Robert Johnson Jacqueline and James Hutner C. Frances Dr. Hughes Brian and Pamela Huet Daisy and Jean-Marc Hosny Liz and Zaki Horner Anna and Jonathan Herring James and Carol Hendrickson F. Robert Heller Lucille Heilborn Dr. H. George Mrs. and Mr. Harvey Norman Harrison Meghan and Peter A. Barbara and Harris Randolph T. Hall Jack and Joan Hagan Christine and Peter Griffin James and Barbara Greenberg David and Nadivah Greenberg Herb Dr. Gray Charles and Rachel Lighte Peter and Grant Julian Goldstein Selma and Fred Goggins Colleen Gladden Lee and Ann Georgantas W. Aristides Geddes Evelyn and Robert Gecha Steve Mrs. and Dr. Garber Vic and Sherri Fulmer Peggy and Thomas Ann Carol and M.D. Fulmer, H. FreedmanDavid K. Jerome Mrs. and Dr. Ford Jeremiah Fearon Janet and Dana Fath Ruth Eschenlauer Janet and Arthur Rosenberg Koyluoglu Foundation Community Area Princeton Sloan Fulmer * * * * * * (continued) ao .Lipson A. Carol Lippincott H. Walter Lewis Fraser and Levine S. Maxine Ann Neil and J. Richard Jeffrey and Laurenti Moore III Yuki Lambert W. Samuel Mrs. and Mr. r aaSukkarieh Jana Dr. Sturges Caren Ms. Smith E. David Slighton Margaret and Bob Simon Marissa and Mitchell Dr. Sigal Ruth and Elliott Dr. Sheppard Mollie and Robert III Scribner Charles Dr. Schur Marie Anne and Eduardo Schmidt P. John M.M. Yuh and Schabacker Marcus Dr. Saint-Donat Ingrid and Bernard Joni Ms. and Ruggiero L. Robert Mr. Jr. Riggs, McAdoo Blair Millard H. Douglas and Reichelderfer Ann Groya Cynthia and Reeder Tilden Rauch Melanie and Michael Burrough Beth and Ramsay David Poole Ann Jr. Plohn, Charles and Dorothy Pitcher George Pirrung Mark C. Phares Elwood Mr. and Mr. Rago David and Perrault Suzanne Fund Charitable Family Perlman B. The Patberg Dee and John Parsons Larry and Jean Salmon Neil and Pardello Denise O’Shaughnessy Mary and Bill O’Brien Rosemary Nosnitsky Anne Navani Vinay and Swati B. Whitney and Moseley J. Stephen Moote Lloyd and Dorothy McLaughlin Margaret and James Bernuth Patrick and McKenna McCredie Michelle R. James Mrs. and Mr. Mathis F. James Mrs. and Dr. Mathews Michael and Cecilia Martin C. William Marino James and Patricia Hoeven Van Beth and Maltby Lewis Machold Pamela and Roland Lynch Lutz James E. Gregory Mrs. and Dr. Alan Dr. and Lunder R. Deborah Lucchesi Marlene and Peter Loevner David and Catherine Laurenti I oo fMrlnadIvn Lavin) Irving and Marilyn of honor (In Schabacker-Koppel Fulton Mercer Greater of Foundation Community Jewish the through Ross Ezekowitz * * * * * * * * * aoieadHlu Weymar Helmut and Caroline Area Princeton the of Fund Thomas Scheide Judith and William Roth William Mr. Ettinghausen S. Elizabeth Friends to Contributions Woodall Deanna and David Wolarsky Rosalie and Evan Wisnovsky Joe and Mary Wise J. John Mrs. and Mr. Wilson Reed Mrs. and Mr. Widner R. Ralph White Russ and Sharon White Roscoe and DeLung Laura S. Jane and F. Westoff Charles M.D. Wei, Fong and Teddi Vehslage Ann and Ramsay Vawter Harriet and Jay Vaughn George and Martha Lynne Ms. and Vanmarcke Erik Professor Ullman Richard and Gail Treu Jesse and Marissa Lederer Courtney and Thierfelder Mark el Fargo Wells Gift Matching Co. & Sachs Goldman Foundation Program Exxon-Mobil Gift Matching America of Bank Friends to Gifts Matching Tipson B. Lynn Ms. Smith Lee Shelton N. Catherine Seybolt Gail Rassweiler John Orr H. Joan Lauterbach Karen Clark D. Julia Ms. Campion Margaret Cahill Jack Bailey S. Clare Mrs. Douglas Wightman Julianne of Memory in Contributions lxnr Tatnall Alexandra e redo h Institute the of Friend New omnt Foundation Community Durkee Program * * * * * ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 91 95) in 4– Isabelle M.Verellen (In memory of Clifford Geertz) (In memory of Dr.HarryWoolf) Dr. Florian Langenscheidt Joseph Lehner Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Loughlin Robert MacPherson and Mark Goresky Hamish Maxwell Annette Merle-Smith Lloyd and Dorothy Moote Alexander Mourelatos P.D. Albert Nijenhuis Elena Petronio John H. Rassweiler Millard M. Riggs Barbara Heard Roberts Daniel H. Saracino Richard Donald Schafer Martin E. Segal N.J. Slabbert Chuu-Lian Terng and Richard S. Palais Franklin K. Toker Grazia Tonelli Professor and Mrs.V.S.Varadarajan Professor C. Franciscus Verellen and Mrs. Morton G. White Brian F.Wruble Christian Borgs John Breit and Fanette Pollack Sun-Yung Alice Chang and Paul C.Yang Jennifer Chayes Professor A. J. Hildebrand The Honorable Alan Krueger Julia and Henry Landau Current and Former Members and Visitors We are grateful to ourEmeriti Faculty and and Faculty current and formerVisitors, and Members, Research Assistants for their valuable financial support. This year, we express particular appreciationNeil to Chriss, former Member (199 the School of Mathematics, for hischallenge $50,000 grant.The gifts received, alongthe with $50,000 match, will supportMembers—one four in each School—in the coming year, as well as otherof important the thank Institute.We needs the many individuals who participated in the challenge,those especially leadership donors who joinedestablished the Oppenheimer, Aydelotte, and newly Flexner Circles. Oppenheimer Circle Anonymous (1) David Bjelajac Karen Blu (In memory of Professor Jacob C.E. Dekker) Meth Nappi Masaaki Eguchi Janet and Arthur Eschenlauer Carl Faith Graham Farmelo Carl and Toby Feinberg Dr. Cloudy (Klaus-Dietrich) Fischer Lor and Michael Gehret Peter and Helen Goddard Barbara F. Graham and Theordore S. Phillip A. Griffiths Ralph E. Hansmann Morton E. Harris James F. Hawkins Sigurdur Helgason Michel Huglo Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.Akio Jaffin Kawauchi Tatsuo Kimura George Labalme Jr. The Einstein Legacy Society wasin established 1996 to honor thoseplanned who gift have to made the a InstituteStudy for and Advanced those who havethe included Institute a in gift their to estatetakes plans.The its Society name from AlbertFaculty Einstein, Institute member, 1933–55. Einstein Legacy Society members includeTrustees, Faculty and Faculty Emeriti, Staff, former Members, Friends, and other supporters. Anonymous (5) Frank Beggs Richard B. Black Enrico Bombieri Addie and Harold Broitman Joseph E. Brown Robert Butow Claude Calame Helen and Martin Chooljian Getzel M. Cohen Giles Constable John W. Dawson Jr. Hedwig C.H. Dekker Einstein Legacy Society Sandra Richter Christoph Rode Martha and Marty Rossman Joan Rowland Joan Russo and Donald Burset Eugene R. Speer Elly Stein Jeremy and Isabelle Tennenbaum Dora Teplitskaya Scott and Marilyn Tremaine Marissa and Jesse Treu Dr. Edward Witten and Dr. Chiara R. Princeton Area Community Foundation (In memory of Oleg Grabar) (In memory of Oleg Grabar) New Jersey (In honor of Dr.Stanley Levy) (In memory of Oleg Grabar) Capron Tari Pantaleo Linda and Michael Perlin Proquest Management LLC FundReichelderfer-Blair of the Helene L. Kaplan Inga Karliner and Jon Thaler Ms. Janine Kieserman Labrador Advisors LLC Carole and Simon Levin Diane Lieberman Alexander Lissé Gloria Locker Annette Merle-Smith Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Karl F. and Anne C. Morrison Vartan Gregorian Dr. Mikhail Grinberg Diane and Metin Guvenis Christopher Hailey James F. Hawkins Annette Hochstadt David A. Hollinger Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of Emma Jaffee and Lawrence Karen Bob and Lynn Johnston Bob and Lynn Johnston Michael Diener and Lisa Bennett Harold and Catherine Falk Harry and Edith Firstenberg Dr. Cloudy (Klaus-Dietrich) Fischer Anne and Klaus Florey Lydia and Walter Frank Nancy P. Geiger Aristides W. Georgantas Ms. Ruth B. Goldston Evelyn Goodman Peggy L. de Wolf and JamesMr. L. Elthon Bogart DeCastillo Pierre Deligne and Elena Alexeeva Judi and Sam deTuro Other Donors Hamed and Faye Abdou Alexander McFarlan Ackley Jr. Dorothy R. Albert Anonymous (10) Rita Asch and Frank Magalhães Kiyomi and Ed Baird Dr. Lesser and Elisa Blum Professor Enrico Bombieri Anthony and Judith Brickman Judy Bronston and George Lovitt Loretta Brooks Mr. John H. Burkhalter III Michael P. Capron and Lynn Rubier- 92 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS oigW uCaial itFn of Fund Gift Charitable W. Tu Loring W. Allison June and V. Tracy Stephen Spencer Bridget and Thomas Sorets Eugene Dr. Sewell William A. Katherine and Rorem E. Paul Rigolot François Professor Ph.D. Polking, John eaadSteven and Reba Neveu André Nehring Klaus Dr. Michael Erika and Ernest Masrieh J. Fouad T. Catherine and D. John The ic Hoekstra Kinch Hingston Nancy Hensley Doug Helgason Sigurdur Ghodsee Kristen Professor Gerstenhaber Murray Forman Paul Dr. Baber Dr. and Bella Di Maria-Pia Dr. Curtis W. Charles Cribiore Raffaella Philadelphia The of Fund Calabi Bowen Pamela and C. Alan Bonus Nancy and Blasi Foundation Joseph Birman Joseph and Joan The Beckman Robert (2) Anonymous C. Sarah and Adler L. Stephen Circle Flexner Foundation Family Ware Floy and Willis Troy J. Nancy Rochberg Francesca Lang E. William Kadison V. Richard Heins Hadassah and Maurice Greenberg W. Oscar Dr. Elliott A. George Dr. Eguchi Masaaki Chiu Hong-Yee Trust Blunt The Auslander Fernande Arthur G. James (1) Anonymous Circle Aydelotte Visitors and Members ieiyCaial itFund Gift Charitable Fidelity Skrebutenas Fund Gift Charitable Fidelity the aAtu Foundation MacArthur Johansen Foundation Brett-Smith Fund Gift Charitable Fidelity the of Bois) Yve-Alain of honor (In Auslander) Louis of memory (In † rzgGf udof Fund Gift Orszag (continued) r ihi Borovoi Mikhail Dr. Bono J. James Bonnet Corinne Professor Bonfante Larissa Birnbaum Norman Billington P. David Professor Billerbeck Margarethe Murthy Bhanu T.S. Bhanot Gyan Dr. Bernstein E. Alan Bernard Paul Berg Paul Benkart Georgia Benjamin S. Anna Benedict Michael Professor Bender M. Carl Benacerraf Paul Bedos-Rezak Miriam Brigitte Professor Beck Hermann Professor Batterson Steve Atalay Bulent Brown Dorcas and Anthony David (28) Anonymous Ames Susan Amelang S. James F. Ahner John Ahn Changhyun Ahl Cole Diane and Ahl Ken Abikoff William Donors Zehnder Eduard Dr. Prof. Wu Hung-Hsi Professor Wlosok Elisabeth Antonie oadD Weinbrot D. Howard Weibel Charles the of Fund Charitable Walter John Dries den van Lou Vachaspati Tanmay Professor Williams Bob and Uhlenbeck Karen Townsend Lee Mary Palais S. Richard and Terng Chuu-Lian Tamagawa Tsuneo Stern Sharon and Ronald Drs. Shahidi Freydoon Sango Mamadou Professor Bell Douglas and Roberts Siobhan Professor and Prelec Drazen Professor Prasad Gopal Maier Helmut Luce Duncan R. Pascale and Lemmens Trudo Kwan Mary and John Kuku Aderemi Professor Irving Gail and Ron Ph.D. Hyman, Harvey I oo fIvn Lavin) Irving of honor (In F. Kennan) George of memory (In ieiyCaial itFund Gift Charitable Fidelity Mijovic-Prelec Danica Chapdelaine eadB Folland B. Gerald Florman Lisa Figueira Thomas Felten Franz Evergates Theodore Professor and Ellison F. Sara Professor Elliott Dyan Eickelman Dale Edwards D. Robert Duren L. Peter Professor Durand Bernice and Loyal Dunn Richard and Mary Dudziak L. Mary Prey du Pierre Dragt J. Alexander Dr. Downey B. Susan Douglas G. Ronald Doran S. Robert Dittrich Walter Dr. Professor Dillon John Dickey Eleanor Diamond G. Harold Derolez Albert ewgCH Dekker C.H. Hedwig Deift Percy Torre la de Pilar Dawson Cheryl and John Davis Martin Davis E. Joseph Covi A. Dario Cooper Linda Connolly Serena Connell J. William Colburn D. Forrest Cogdell W. James Clark L. Anne Chu Pingyi Chia Lucille Chen Xi Dr. Chau Fung Hoi II Chambers Whiteclay John Chalfin Brenda Schwab at Fund Charitable Chaitin Cattelino Jessica Carroll A. Eugene Caron Vicki Carneiro Vanessa and Emanuel Campbell Claude and David Calame Claude Dr. Prof. Butow Robert Bugh Glenn Professor Buchdahl P. Nicholas Dr. Bronzan B. John Brison Susan Briggs Ward Brandt N. William Bouchard Brittain Constance Boskovits Miklós and Serena ln .Ellison D. Glenn Dekker) C.E. Jacob Professor of memory (In hrtbeFund Charitable ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 93 Communal Fund Fred Paxton Michael G. Peletz James V. Peters Carl F. Petry Leon Plantinga Beate Pongratz-Leisten Jeremy D. Popkin Professor Daniel Thomas Potts Mr. Martin Powers William L. Pressly Michael C. J. Putnam Professor T.K. Rabb Richard and Linda Randell Orest Ranum M. M. Rao Claudia Rapp Richard T. Rapp Professor Emeritus Theodore Reff P.J. Rhodes Melvin Richter Professor Avraham Ronen Professor Myriam Rosen-Ayalon Jonathan L. Rosner Dr. Marat Rovinsky Jeffrey Rubin Dr. Stuart Samuel Martha Sandweiss Richard D. Schafer Seth L. Schein Professor John Schrecker Juergen Schulz Gerald Schwarz Emanuele Senici Mrs. Edith P. Shapiro Richard Sher Allan J. Silberger Michael F. Singer Robert C. Sleigh, Jr. Neal Snyderman Robert Socolow Fund of the Jewish Charles Sommerfield Diane L. Souvaine Tonny Springer Ms. Grace Marmor Spruch Dr. Aravind Srinivasan Harold Stark Jim Stasheff Maria and Robert Steinberg Dr. Robert Stengel Clarence F. Stephens George Sterman Susan M. Stuard Dr. John B. Sullivan R. Richard Summerhill, Ph.D. Xiaodong Sun, Ph.D. Earl J. Taft Richard Talbert Professor Georges Tamer William G. Thalmann Jean Thomas Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Julius Kirshner H. Klingen Ronald J. Knill Marvin I. Knopp Mikhail Kogan Vice President Junji Koizumi Dr. Grigori Kolesnik Professor Alex Kontorovich Boris Korenblum Dr. Antoni A. Kosinski Bhadriraju Krishnamurti Professor Dr. Willem Kuyk Michele Lamont Ellen G. Landau Robert and Nancy Lee Fund of the Hendrik W. Lenstra James Lepowsky Sanford Levinson Anatoly Libgober Marcia and David Lieberman Juan J. Linz Ming-Chit Liu Xiaomei Liu and Kequan Ding Professor Humberto Llavador Mr. Howard Louthan Michèle Lowrie Jodi Magness Harold Mah Victor H. Mair Dr. JoAnne Mancini Rachel Mandelbaum Michael McCord, Ph.D. Patrick McGuinn Sarah McPhee Michael McVaugh Brigitte Meijns Joel and Marcia Migdal Professor Margaret M. Miles Henry Millon Vernon and Heather Minor Maria Teresa Marabini Moevs Professor David Moon Carlos Julio Moreno Paul S. Mostert Dr. Benjamin Muckenhoupt Sara T. Nalle Melvyn B. Nathanson Christoph Neugebauer Catharine Newbury ProfessorY. Jack Ng Ngô Bao Châu Martti Nissinen Thomas F.X. Noble Karl K. Norton Andrew P. Ogg Takashi Ono Dr. Peter P. Orlik Sherry B. Ortner Dr. Leonard Parker François Paschoud (continued) Members and Visitors Robert Fox Dan Freed and Sonia Paban John Freed Dr. Norbert Frei Paul Friedland Karl Galinsky Thomas P. Gallanis Dr. Reinhold W. Gebert Dion Gildenhuys Charles C. Gillispie Dr. George I. Glauberman Carol Gluck Peter B. Golden William Goldman Richard J. Gonsalves Roe Goodman Andrew P. Gould Andreas Graeser Michel Gros Erich S. Gruen Mauro F. Guillen Christopher Hailey Eric Handley Paul A. Hanle Professor Bert Hansen Morton E. Harris Professor Randolph Head Professor Douglas Heggie James and Lynn Heitsch Erwin N. and Elfrieda F. Hiebert Alex Himonas Lawrence P. Horwitz Geoffrey Hosking R. Howe Professor Robert Howell Douglas Howland Mr. and Mrs. Michel Huglo James E. Humphreys Hermann Hunger Spyros Iakovidis Luc Illusie Professor Ephraim Isaac Yoshihiro Ishikawa James J. John Michael Johnston Peter Karavites Martin L. Karel David Karen Martin Kassabov Dr. Goro C. Kato,V.L.S. Professor Joshua Katz Takahiro andYoko Kawai Dr. Akio Kawauchi Dennis Kehoe Martin Kern Professor Henry H. Kim Dale Kinney Toichiro Kinoshita Professor Emeritus Alan Kirman 94 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ebr n Visitors and Members irsf acigGfsProgram Gifts Matching Microsoft Gift Matching Co. & Sachs Goldman AmeriGives Visitors and IAS Members former to Gifts Matching † s rm .Zeitlin I. Froma Ms. CrawfordYoung M. MitsuruYasuhara EdwardYaoYork-Peng Wyatt Don Dr. Wood John and Nancy Woloch Isser Mr. Witten Louis Mrs. and Dr. Wiseman R. James Wilson L. Robert Wermer John Werenskiold Marit Weinberg David Wasserman G. Arthur Warner Seth Ayco the of Fund Charitable Walsh The Wahl M. Jonathan Jr. Wagstaff, S. Samuel Dr. Voigts Ehrsam Linda VeronaAndrei Verney Douglas Eijk der van Philip Professor Vadhan Salil Dame Notre of University Tweedale M. Martin Tucker G. Howard Ph.D. Traynor, Lisa Gillooly Diana and Totaro Burt TorquatoSalvatore Thür Gerhard Dr. Professor Thoron Sylvie Dr. Deceased Program hrtbeFoundation Charitable (continued) Gifts-in-Kind r ailR Woolf R. Daniel Dr. Wang Zeke Dr. Walzer Michael Professor Staden von Heinrich Professor Thür Gerhard Dr. Professor Japan of Society Mathematical The Testa L. Rita Professor Szidat D. K. Joachim Dr. Salles Ricardo Dr. Rust Colin Dr. Rajak Tessa Professor Porter David Dr. Phillips Tom Pavel Catalin Dr. Pastore Stefania Dr. Paret Peter Professor Palme Bernhard Dr. University Nagoya Mirer Alexander and Tatiana Meli Berolini Domenico Dr. Maissen Thomas Dr. Lu Miaw-fen Dr. Levy Kenneth Professor Irving and Marilyn Professors The Largueche Dalenda Dr. Hosking Geoffrey Hirschman Sarah and Albert Helgason Sigurdur Professor Habicht Christian Guillen F. Mauro Dr. Grossman Lionel Dr. Gitler Samuel Dr. Gatti Hilary Dr. Constable Giles Professor Connelly Breton Joan Dr. Chriss Neil Dr. Cherry Kelly Dr. Chaniotis Angelos Professor Bynum W. Caroline Professor Burnett N. Amy Dr. Bowersock W. G. Bio Ieraci M. Anna Dr. Billerbeck Margarethe Dr. Berlin Dennis Mr. Beliaev A. Leonid Dr. Baltzly Dirk Dr. Anonymous Atac Mehmet-Ali Dr. Asztalos Monica Professor al-Salimi Abdulrahman Dr. C. Sarah Dr. and Adler L. Stephen Dr. Lavin Brett-Smith ae .Wlesh rfsosi in Professorship Wolfensohn D. James Professorship Weyl Hermann Professorship Foundation UPS Professorship Simonyi Charles Professorship Mellon W. Andrew Professorship Maass H. Herbert East in Professorship Foundation Luce Professorship Linder F. Harold Professorship Kennan F. George Professorship Neumann von IBM Professorship Hirschman O. Albert Professorship Black Richard Professorships Endowed pledges. and gifts annual and through funds endowed these through provided support have who donors to gratitude continuing its expresses Institute The Funds Dedicated Other and Memberships, Professorships, red fteIsiuefrAdvanced for Institute the of Friends Membership Fisher B. Richard in Fellowship Anniversary 50th The Visiting Fernholz Luisa and Robert L. Annette and Jr. Ferguson, W. Roger Fund Ellentuck The Memberships Doney F. Willis Dilworth Richardson J. and Elizabeth Memberships Bank Deutsche Foundation Delmas Krieble Gladys The Membership Dashen Roger Jr. Cottrell, William George Foundation Works Glass Corning Music in Membership Cone T. Edward Chriss Herron Natasha and Chriss Neil Chooljian Helen and A. Martin Chooljian Helen and A. Martin Chooljian Helen and A. Martin Mathematics for Foundation Chern S.S. Membership Brown L. Charles Fellowships Companies Bell The Fellowships Bahcall N. John (2) Memberships AMIAS Annual and Endowed oilScience Social Studies Asian td ebrhp (4) Memberships Study Science Social Fund Professorship Membership Nazareth Fellowships Membership Membership Fellowships Studies Member Circle Founders’ Biology in Membership Membership Member Circle Founders’ Fund Research Support 1 Member Fund for Historical Studies Other Dedicated Endowments and Fund for Mathematics Funds Fund for Natural Sciences Adler Family Fund Fund for Social Science Ruth and Irving Adler Expository Felix Gilbert Membership Lectures in Mathematics Fund Marvin L. Goldberger Membership Artist-in-Residence Endowment Hetty Goldman Memberships The Broitman Foundation Fund Florence Gould Foundation Fund Chugai Pharmaceutical Company Agnes Gund and Daniel Shapiro Edward T. Cone Concert Series Memberships Endowment Ralph E. and Doris M. Hansmann R. Llewelyn Davies Fund Membership Gladys Krieble Delmas Endowment Maureen and John Hendricks Visiting Ky Fan andYu-Fen Fan Endowment Professorhip Friends of the Institute for Advanced Gerda Henkel Stiftung Membership Study Endowment The Herotodus Fund Professor Harish-Chandra Endowment IBM Einstein Fellowships IAS Land Endowment Rosanna and Charles Jaffin Founders’ Kresge Challenge Fund Circle Member Dr. S.T. Lee Fund for Historical Studies W.M. Keck Foundation Fund Leon Levy Book Fund Hans Kohn Membership Mary Marquand Endowment Martin L. and Sarah F. Leibowitz Marston Morse Memorial Fund Membership Otto Neugebauer Fund Leon Levy Foundation Membership New Initiatives Fund Ginny and Robert Loughlin Founders’ Circle Member Erwin Panofsky Fund William D. Loughlin Membership Nancy Peretsman and Robert Scully Endowment The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fund Public Policy Lecture Series Endowment The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowships for Assistant Professors The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Science Colloquia in the School of Minerva Research Foundation Natural Sciences Memberships Mr. and Mrs. William H. Scheide Artist- The Ambrose Monell Foundation in-Residence Endowment Memberships Simons Center for Systems Biology National Aeronautics and Space Endowment Administration Simons Foundation Endowment Fund NASA Einstein Fellowship Program The Charles and Lisa Simonyi NASA Exoplanet Science Institute Carl Endowment Fund Sagan Fellowship Program The Karoly Simonyi Memorial National Endowment for the Endowment Fund Humanities The Sivian Fund National Science Foundation Leo Usdan Fund Natural Sciences Membership Fund Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Patrons’ Endowment Fund Endowment The Giorgio and Elena Petronio Wolf Foundation Prize Endowment Fellowship Fund The James D.Wolfensohn Fund Qiu Shi Science and Technologies Foundation Memberships Eric and Wendy Schmidt Membership ACKNOWLEDGMENTS in Biology The Charles Simonyi Endowment Fund The Starr Foundation East Asian Studies Endowment Fund Louise and John Steffens Founders’ Circle Member United States Department of Energy The Oswald Veblen Fund The von Neumann Fund The Weyl Fund Edwin C. and Elizabeth A. Whitehead Fellowship Wolfensohn Family Membership Zurich Financial Services Membership 1Annual gifts from July 1,2010–June 30,2011 95 96 FOUNDERS,TRUSTEES,ANDOFFICERSOFTHEBOARDANDOFTHECORPORATION rneo,NwJersey New Princeton, Study Advanced for Institute Director, Goddard Peter Jeresey New Princeton, INTECH Officer Investment Chief and Founder Fernholz Robert E. NewYork NewYork, TIAA-CREF Officer Executive Chief and President Jr. Ferguson, W. Roger Italy Rome, Italy of Bank Governor, Draghi Mario 2011 7, May from Trustee England London, plc American Anglo Executive, Chief Carroll Cynthia Jersey New Princeton, University Princeton Physics of Department Chair, Physics of Professor University Distinguished McDonnell S. James Callan Curtis NewYork NewYork, LLP Bartlett & Thacher Simpson Group Exempt-Organizations Head, Bjorklund B. Victoria WashingtonSeattle, Amazon.com CEO and Founder Bezos P. Jeffrey Trustees of Board The Secretary Assistant Gehret Michael Corporation the of Secretary MacMillan S. Nancy Treasurer Assistant Masten John Corporation the of Treasurer Wruble F. Brian Board the of Chairman Vice Simons H. James Corporation the and of Board President the of Chairman Vice Leibowitz L. Martin Board the of Chairman Simonyi Charles Officers Corporate and Board Fuld Bamberger Caroline Bamberger Louis Founders Corporation, the of and Board the of Officers and Trustees, Founders, onanVe,California View, Mountain Inc. Google Chairman Executive Schmidt E. Eric NewYork NewYork, (retired) Services Zurich Financial of Officer Executive Board Chief Management and Group the of Chairman Schiro J. James D.C.Washington, Group Carlyle The Director Managing and Co-Founder Rubenstein M. David England Cambridge, Cambridge of University College Trinity of Master Astrophysics and Cosmology of Emeritus Professor Rees Martin NewYork LLC NewYork, Company & Allen Director, Managing Peretsman B. Nancy California Park, Menlo Capital August Partner, Marquardt F. David Jersey New Princeton, Publisher, MacMillan S. Nancy NewYork NewYork, Stanley Morgan Director, Managing Leibowitz L. Martin Switzerland Geneva, SA SETE President, Latsis J. Spiro 2011 7, May through Trustee Germany Berlin, Publisher and Author Langenscheidt Florian 2010 30, October from Trustee NewYork NewYork, LP Associates Caxton Chairman and Founder Kovner Bruce NewYork NewYork, Incorporated Company, & Jones Dow (retired) CEO and Chairman Kann R. Peter California Berkeley, Berkeley California, of University History of Professor Hotchkis Preston Hollinger A. David Maryland Spring, Silver CommunicationsDiscovery Chairman and Founder Hendricks S. John NewYork NewYork, NewYork of Corporation Carnegie President, Gregorian Vartan rneo AlumniWeekly Princeton 2010– 2 011 e et Florida West, Key Laboratory Jackson The Emeritus Chairman Wruble F. Brian Jersey New Princeton, University Princeton Mathematics of Professor University Distinguished McDonnell S. James Wiles J. Andrew Michigan Arbor, Ann Michigan Policy Public of University of School Ford R. Gerald Policy Public and Administration Business of Professor Whitman v.N. Marina NewYork NewYork, Foundation Levy Leon Trustee White Shelby California Francisco, San Group Column The Partner Managing and Founder Svennilson Peter WashingtonBellevue, Corporation Software Intentional Officer Technology Chief and President Simonyi Charles NewYork NewYork, LLC Capital Euclidean President, and LLC, Technologies Renaissance Board, the of Chairman Simons H. James Jersey New Princeton, University Princeton Affairs Public and Economics of Professor and Emeritus President Shapiro HaroldT. Illinois Chicago, Chicago of University The Science Political of Department Emeritus History and Science Political of Service Professor Distinguished Hixon P. Frank The Jr. Sewell, H. William ae .Wolfensohn D. James Hoffmann von Ladislaus L.Vaillaud Michel Segal E. Martin Schmitz H. Ronaldo Maxwell Hamish Li K.P. David Kohn Immanuel Kaplan L. Helene Hansmann E. Ralph Drell D. Sidney Chooljian A. Martin Black B. Richard Emeriti Trustees , himnEmeritus Chairman ADMINISTRATION 97 Computing, Telecommunications, and Networking Administration Jeffrey Berliner Manager of Computing Jonathan Peele Computer Manager Information Technology Group James Stephens Computer Manager School of Natural Sciences Thomas Howard Uphill Computer Manager School of Mathematics Edna Wigderson Manager Databases and Integration 011 2 Catherine E. Giesbrecht Program Officer, IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute Arlen K. Hastings Executive Director, Science Initiative Group Programs School Administration Mary Jane Hayes Administrative Officer School of Mathematics Donne Petito Administrative Officer School of Social Science Michelle Sage Administrative Officer School of Natural Sciences Suzanne P.Christen Executive Director and Administrator The Simons Center for SystemsSchool Biology of Natural Sciences Marian Gallagher Zelazny Administrative Officer School of Historical Studies Library Administration Momota Ganguli Librarian, Mathematics and Natural Sciences MarciaTucker Librarian, Historical Studies andScience Social (also Coordinator ofAccess Information for Computing,Telecommunications, and Networking Administration) Christine Di Bella Archivist 2010–

Kelly DevineThomas Senior Publications Officer Catherine Newcombe Senior Development Officer Pamela Hughes Senior Development Officer Christine Ferrara Senior Public Affairs Officer Kamala Brush Senior Development Officer Michael Gehret Associate Director for Development and Public Affairs Michel Reymond Chef/Manager, Dining Hall Mary Mazza Comptroller Roberta Gernhardt Manager of Human Resources Michael Ciccone Manager of Administrative Services Ashvin Chhabra Chief Investment Officer Anthony Bordieri, Jr. Manager of Facilities John Masten Associate Director for Finance and Administration Robert Ruggiero Special Assistant to the Director Karen Cuozzo Assistant to the Director Peter Goddard Director Administration, 98 PRESENTANDPASTDIRECTORSANDFACULTY ee ank·Ja alc ct ahnSieg· Seiberg Nathan · Scott Wallach Joan · Sarnak Peter hmsSecr· Spencer Thomas rea .Dsn· Dyson J. Freeman ie osal arcaCoe· Crone Patricia · Constable Giles aoieWle yu · Bynum Walker Caroline ihe azr· Walzer Michael ikVreo sadVeblen Oswald · Varnedoe Kirk v idro · Wigderson Avi ai irn en otoey·MrtnMre·J oetOpnemr·ArhmPais Abraham · Oppenheimer Robert J. · Morse Marston · Montgomery Deane · Mitrany David iaAkn-ae · Arkani-Hamed Nima hli .Gifts·CrsinHbct· Habicht Christian · Griffiths A. Phillip ei ibr ae .Glim·Kr öe et Goldman Hetty · Gödel Kurt · Gilliam F. James · Gilbert Felix ri Panofsky Erwin rodJ eie· Levine J. Arnold ereF Kennan F. George rcS akn· Maskin S. Eric emtHfr· Hofer Helmut tpe .Alr· Adler L. Stephen nioBmir · Bombieri Enrico atrW twr eg .D töge oe A.Thompson Homer · Strömgren D. G. Bengt · Stewart W. Walter oetB arn·AdéWi emn Weyl Hermann · Weil André · Warren B. Robert rn Wilczek Frank dadM al letEnti onH Elliott H. John · Einstein Albert · Earle M. Edward ee ae · Paret Peter · avnL odegr·PilpA rfih ee Goddard Peter · Griffiths A. Phillip · Goldberger L. Marvin akF alc,J.·MladMis·Bnai .Mrt onW Milnor W. John · Meritt D. Benjamin · Meiss Millard · Jr. Matlock, F. Jack 21–01FclyadFclyEeiiaei bold) in are Emeriti Faculty and Faculty (2010–2011 la .Lowe A. Elias asV Hörmander V. Lars rsn n atDirectors Past and Present oetP agad rigLvn· Lavin Irving · Langlands P. Robert · .Rbr pehie alKye ar Woolf Harry · Kaysen Carl · Oppenheimer Robert J. rsn n atFaculty Past and Present ihe .Aia onN acl reK .Beurling A. K. Arne · Bahcall N. John · F. Atiyah Michael usA Caffarelli A. Luis ae .Aeadr·Ade .Z Alföldi Z. E. Andrew · Alexander W. James Shing-TungYau baa lxe rn Aydelotte Frank · Flexner Abraham ldmrVeosy· Voevodsky Vladimir · radBorel Armand dadWte · Witten Edward · oéCtlio·RgrF Dashen F. Roger · Cutileiro José uloE eg ifedW ife asalN Rosenbluth N. Marshall · Riefler W. Winfield · Regge E. Tullio oetMchro unMlaea·AihiMargalit Avishai · Maldacena Juan · MacPherson Robert · i re fservice) of order (in neo hnoi · Chaniotis Angelos · itHt·Jnta sal· Israel Jonathan · Hut Piet · aihCada·EntHerzfeld Ernst · Harish-Chandra enBugi lnW Bowersock W. Glen · Bourgain Jean · aisZaldarriaga Matias · retLeelnWowr hnNingYang Chen · Woodward Llewellyn Ernest teSleg·KnehM etn·Cr .Siegel L. Carl · Setton M. Kenneth · Selberg Atle onvnNeumann von John sn-a Lee Tsung-Dao aodF hris·Mrhl Clagett Marshall · Cherniss F. Harold otnWie· White Morton · ee Goldreich Peter · ireDlge·Ncl iCosmo Di Nicola · Deligne Pierre · iirFsi · Fassin Didier · rs .Kantorowicz H. Ernst aileS Allen S. Danielle · letO Hirschman O. Albert · tnsa Leibler Stanislas · enihvnStaden von Heinrich · YeAanBois ·Yve-Alain ase Whitney Hassler lgGrabar Oleg · ScottTremaine · lfodGeertz Clifford Institute for Advanced Study— Louis Bamberger and Mrs. Felix Fuld Foundation

Financial Statements June 30, 2011 and 2010 (With Independent Auditors’ ReportThereon) NEEDN UIOS REPORT AUDITORS’ INDEPENDENT

99 100 INDEPENDENTAUDITORS’REPORT noroiin h iaca ttmnsrfre oaoepeetfil,i l aeilrset,tefnnilpsto fInsti- of position financial the respects, material all in fairly, present above Study to Advanced referred for presen- statements tute opinion. statement financial our financial for the overall opinion, basis the account- our evaluating reasonable the In as a assessing well provide statements, as audits financial management, our the by that in made believe effective- We includes disclosures estimates tation. the also and significant on audit amounts and opinion An used the opinion. an such designing principles supporting expressing no evidence ing for of express basis, basis we purpose test Accordingly, a reporting. the a financial as for on over examining, reporting control not but internal financial Institute’s free circumstances, over the are control the statements of in internal financial ness appropriate the of are whether consideration about that includes assurance procedures reasonable audit audit obtain stan- An to misstatement. America.Those audit of the material States perform United of the and in plan accepted we responsi- audits. cash generally that standards Our our and require auditing on management. dards activities Institute’s with based accordance of the statements in statements financial audits of related our responsibility these conducted the We on the and opinion are 2010, an statements and express financial 2011 to 30, These is ended. June bility then of years as the Institute) for (the flows Foundation Fuld Felix Mrs. and nttt o dacdStudy Advanced for Institute Trustees of Board The Report Auditors’ Independent oebr1,2011 15, November principles. accounting accepted generally U.S. with conformity in ended then years the for flows cash its and assets net its ehv uie h copnigsaeet ffnnilpsto fIsiuefrAvne Study Advanced for Institute of position financial of statements accompanying the audited have We – oi abre n r.FlxFl onaina fJn 0 01ad21,adtecagsin changes the and 2010, and 2011 30, June of as Foundation Fuld Felix Mrs. and Bamberger Louis – oi abre n r.FlxFl Foundation: Fuld Felix Mrs. and Bamberger Louis – oi Bamberger Louis INDEPENDENTAUDITORS’REPORT 101 2010 518,933 573,080 866,085 635,260 965,449426,503 940,283 492,767 320,377 585,413 2011 4,991,8681,148,040 4,371,757 5,141,266 1,974,608 7,187,358 8,561,9892,510,801 15,474,995 3,940,182 2,234,409 4,629,600 3,206,005 2,786,283 59,800,972 60,191,610 92,623,405 103,285,448 14,454,112 14,582,000 54,774,645 57,475,994 98,083,631 80,807,557 607,661,511 571,200,943 141,116,464 125,676,785 597,644,564 553,173,453 358,444,469 346,689,111 ______$ 690,267,969 656,458,901 $ 690,267,969 656,458,901 $ 6,612,912 6,952,589 $ 6,989,724 7,455,400 JUNE 30, 2011 AND 2010 STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION Assets Total liabilities and net assets Total net assets Total liabilities Total assets Liabilities and Net Assets rare book collection—net Unrestricted Accounts payable and accrued expenses Deferred revenue Liabilities under split-interest agreements Postretirement benefit obligation Asset retirement obligation Bond swap liability Note payable Long-term debt, net of discount Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Grants receivable Prepaid expenses and other assets Contributions receivable—net Unamortized debt issuance costs—net Funds held by bond trustee Beneficial interest in remainder trust Land, buildings and improvements, equipment and Investments See accompanying notes to financial statements. Net assets: Liabilities: Accounts receivable Cash and cash equivalents 102 INDEPENDENTAUDITORS’REPORT e sesbgnigo year of assets—beginning Net e copnigntst iaca statements. financial to notes accompanying See year of assets—end Net te eeus an n te support: other and gains revenues, Other prtn eeus an n te support: other and gains revenues, Operating Expenses: elsiiaino netitdntast 1,8,0)1379310,000,000 1,387,903 (11,387,903) assets net unrestricted of Reclassification oso aeo ln assets plant of sale on Loss hnei arvleo odsa liability swap bond of value fair in Change applying after change Endowment grants and contributions Private uiir activity Auxiliary diitainadgeneral and Administration irre n te academic other and Libraries colo oilScience Social of School s— restriction from released assets Net colo itrclStudies Historical of School uiir activity Auxiliary grants and contributions Private colo aua Sciences Natural of School Mathematics of School nomn pnigpolicy spending Endowment grants Government pnigpolicy spending aifcino rga restrictions program of satisfaction hnei e assets net in Change oa expenses Total hnei e sesfo operations, from assets net in Change oa prtn eeus gains revenues, operating Total nldn depreciation including n te support other and EREDDJN 0 2011 30, JUNE ENDED YEAR TTMN FACTIVITIES OF STATEMENT 5,4,6 4,1,6 80361597,644,564 98,083,631 141,116,464 358,444,469 $ $ ______netitdrsrce etitdTotal restricted restricted Unrestricted 4,8,1 2,7,8 08757553,173,453 80,807,557 125,676,785 346,689,111 5081513,653,824 25,028,125 66899(36,698,939) 36,698,939 54,443,731 175381,3,7 7260444,471,111 17,276,074 15,439,679 11,755,358 57,223,078 11,279,587 10,752,485 2781810,021,902 12,748,198 10,051,179 (2,779,347) 5,684,557 8,269,839 6,965,575 4,996,594 4,219,856 (43,702) 4,6 9,5 ,7,7 7,922,793 7,276,074 397,952 248,767 689,418 8,412,323 18,264,714 — — eprrl Permanently Temporarily — — — — — — — — — — — — — (43,702) — 689,418 — (2,779,347) — 5,684,557 — 38,681,949 — 57,223,078 — 11,279,587 — 8,269,839 — 4,219,856 — 6,965,575 — 4,996,594 — 10,752,485 — 54,443,731 — — 22,770,100 — 10,051,179 — 8,412,323 18,264,714 — — — — INDEPENDENTAUDITORS’REPORT 103 — —— 18,180,059 7,905,853 — 24,423,700 — — 55,374,788 — 4,865,176 — 10,141,826 — 12,032,292 — 7,220,001 — 4,627,413 — 7,410,944 — 12,456,320 — 39,069,636 — 5,871,469 — 59,760,265 — (4,385,477) — (1,115,233) — 349,567 — — — — — — — — — — — — — Temporarily Permanently —— 18,180,059 7,905,853 289,253 732,749 2,778,663 3,800,665 349,567 7,410,944 4,865,176 4,627,413 5,871,469 7,220,001 (4,385,477) 10,141,826 11,264,751 13,158,949 24,098,617 10,841,878 2,778,663 37,719,158 55,374,788 39,244,861 (39,244,861) 12,032,292 59,760,265 28,960,507 10,109,129 12,456,320 322,590,494 114,834,907 78,028,894 515,454,295 Unrestricted restricted restricted Total ______$ $ 346,689,111 125,676,785 80,807,557 553,173,453 STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2010 and other support including depreciation Total operating revenues, gains Total expenses Change in net assets from operations, Change in net assets satisfaction of program restrictions spending policy Government grants Endowment spending policy Private contributions and grants Auxiliary activity School of Mathematics Net assets released from restrictions— School of Natural Sciences School of Historical Studies School of Social Science Libraries and other academic Administration and general Auxiliary activity Endowment change after applying Change in fair value of bond swap liability (1,115,233) Private contributions and grants Gain on sale of plant assets Operating revenues, gains and other support: Expenses: Net assets—end of year See accompanying notes to financial statements. Other revenues, gains and other support: Net assets—beginning of year 104 INDEPENDENTAUDITORS’REPORT ahfosfo netn activities: investing from flows Cash ahfosfo iacn activities: financing from flows Cash e copnigntst iaca statements. financial to notes accompanying See data: Supplemental year of equivalents—end cash and Cash year of equivalents—beginning cash and Cash activities: operating from flows Cash ucaeo investments of Purchase investments of sale from Proceeds assets plant assets of Purchase plant of sale from Proceeds nrae(erae nlaiiisudrsltitrs agreements split-interest under liabilities in plant (decrease) and Increase endowment for restricted Contributions eamn fnt payable note of Repayment debt long-term of Repayment neetpaid Interest trustee bond by held funds in Decrease net to assets net in change reconcile to Adjustments assets net in Change ahue noeaigactivities: operating in used cash hne nassets/liabilities: in Changes discount bond of Amortization mriaino etisac costs issuance debt assets plant of Amortization of liability sale swap on bond (gain) Loss of value fair in losses Change (gains) unrealized and plant realized and Net endowment for restricted Contributions Depreciation se eieetobligation retirement Asset obligation benefit Postretirement revenue Deferred expenses accrued and payable Accounts eeiilitrs nrmidrtrust remainder in interest Beneficial receivable Contributions assets other and expenses Prepaid receivable grants and receivable Accounts e ahue noeaigactivities operating in used cash Net e ahpoie yivsigactivities investing by provided cash Net e dces)ices ncs n cash and cash in increase (decrease) Net activities financing by provided cash Net equivalents ER NE UE3,21 N 2010 AND 2011 30, JUNE ENDED YEARS TTMNSO AHFLOWS CASH OF STATEMENTS 4411137,719,158 44,471,111 $ 1,497,977 $ ,1,1 6,952,589 6,612,912 $ ______366244 (543,466,493) (346,692,454) 7,1,1 567,497,630 373,514,014 3,3,9)(17,366,540) (30,933,992) 6,8,2)(64,911,928) (63,282,128) 3003120,821,999 23,040,371 44582 (5,031,476) (4,485,852) 6,071,548 (6,913,006) 27500 (2,615,000) (2,725,000) (4,478,275) (8,022,724) 2011 ,2,2 4,478,275 8,022,724 ,2,2 4,060,637 4,128,125 6,952,589 1,400,050 2,046,092 ,5,4 3,184,968 7,553,944 (465,676) 3505 (1,521,633) (230,825) (355,075) 3967 6,640,427 (339,677) 1788 4,113,000 (127,888) (419,722) 6948 1,115,233 (689,418) 0,6 1,822,338 704,663 276,392 2,6 1,072,702 826,568 (66,264) 23,651 54,147 43,702 25,166 2010 1,829,881 (132,027) (349,567) (105,455) (137,249) 312,162 (13,400) (64,957) 26,985 58,926 31,405 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 2011 AND 2010

1) Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Organization The Institute for Advanced Study–Louis Bamberger and Mrs. Felix Fuld Foundation (the “Institute”), an independent, private institution devoted to the encouragement, support, and patronage of learning, was founded in 1930 as a community of scholars where intellectual inquiry could be carried out in the most favorable circumstances. Focused on mathematics and classical studies at the outset, the Institute today consists of the School of Historical Studies, the School of Mathematics, the School of Natural Sciences and the School of Social Science. Each school has a small permanent faculty, and some 190 fellowships are awarded annually to members visiting the Institute from other research institutions and universities throughout the world. The Founders’original letter to the first Trustees described the objectives of the Institute as follows:“The primary purpose is the pursuit of advanced learning and exploration in fields of pure science and high scholarship to the utmost degree that the facilities of the institution and the ability of the faculty and students will permit.”

Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Basis of Presentation The accompanying financial statements, which are presented on the accrual basis of accounting, have been prepared to focus on the Institute as a whole and to present net assets and revenues, expenses, gains, and losses based on the ex- istence or absence of donor imposed restrictions. Accordingly, net assets and changes therein are classified as follows: • Permanently restricted net assets—net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations that they be maintained per- manently by the Institute. Generally, the donors of these assets permit the Institute to use all or part of the in- come earned on related investments for general or specific purposes. • Temporarily restricted net assets—net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations that will be met by actions of the Institute and/or by the passage of time. • Unrestricted net assets—net assets not subject to donor-imposed stipulations. Unrestricted net assets may be des- ignated for specific purposes by action of the board of trustees. Revenues are reported as increases in unrestricted net assets unless use of the related asset is limited by donor-imposed restrictions. Expenses are reported as decreases in unrestricted net assets. Expiration of donor-imposed stipulations that simultaneously increase unrestricted net assets and decrease temporarily restricted net assets are reported as net as- STATEMENTS FINANCIAL TO NOTES sets released from restrictions.

(a) Contributions Contributions, including unconditional promises to give, are recognized as revenues in the period received. Condi- tional promises to give are not recognized until they become unconditional, that is when the conditions on which they depend are substantially met. Contributions of assets other than cash are recorded at their estimated fair value. Pledges of contributions to be received after one year are discounted at a risk-adjusted discount rate. The discount rates range from 0.19% to 0.61%. Amortization of discount is recorded as additional contribution revenue in accordance with donor-imposed restrictions, if any, on the contributions. Contributions of long-lived assets are reported as unrestricted revenue. Contributions restricted for the acquisition of grounds, buildings, and equipment are reported as temporarily restricted revenues.These contributions are reclassified to unrestricted net assets upon acquisition of the assets.

(b) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash on hand and all highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less, except for those managed as a component of the Institute’s investment portfolio.

105 (c) Investments Investments in marketable securities are reported in the financial statements at fair value based on published market quotations. Investments in limited partnerships and hedge funds are reported in the financial statements at estimated fair value using net asset value (NAV) or its equivalent as a practical expedient, based upon values provided by exter- nal investment managers or general partners, unless it is probable that all or a portion of the investment will be sold for an amount different from NAV.The Institute reviews and evaluates the values provided by external investment man- agers and general partners and agrees with the valuation methods and assumptions used in determining the fair value of funds. These estimated fair values may differ significantly from the values that would have been used had a ready market for these securities existed. As of June 30, 2011 and 2010, the Institute had no plans or intentions to sell in- vestments at amounts different from NAV. The statements of activities recognize unrealized gains and losses on investments as increases and decreases, respectively, in unrestricted net assets unless their use is temporarily or permanently restricted by explicit donor stipulation or law. Gains and losses on the sale of investment securities are calculated using the specific identification method. The Institute regularly offers first mortgages on primary residences to full-time faculty and senior administrative em- ployees who have met certain requirements stipulated by the board of trustees.

(d) Fair Value Measurements Fair value is defined as the exchange price that would be received for an asset or paid to transfer a liability (an exit price) in the principal or most advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly transaction between market par- ticipants on the measurement date. The fair value hierarchy requires an entity to maximize the use of observable in- puts and minimize the use of unobservable inputs when measuring fair value.The three levels of inputs used to measure fair value are as follows: • Level 1: Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. • Level 2: Observable inputs other than Level 1 prices such as quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities; quoted prices in markets that are not active; or other inputs that are observable or can be corroborated by observable market data for substantially the full term of the assets or liabilities. • Level 3: Unobservable inputs that are supported by little or no market activity and that are significant to the fair value of the asset or liabilities. Fair value estimates are made at a specific point in time, based on available market information and judgments about the financial asset, including estimates of timing, amount of expected future cash flows, and the credit standing of the issuer. In some cases, the fair value estimates cannot be substantiated by comparison to independent markets. In addi- tion, the disclosed fair value may not be realized in the immediate settlement of the financial asset and does not re- flect any premium or discount that could result from offering for sale at one time an entire holding of a particular financial asset. Potential taxes and other expenses that would be incurred in an actual sale or settlement are not reflected in amounts disclosed. Because the net asset value reported by limited partnerships and hedge funds is used as a practical expedient to esti- mate fair value of the Institute’s interest therein, classification of such investments in the fair value hierarchy as Level 2 or 3 is based on the Institute’s ability to redeem its interest at or near the balance sheet date. If the interest can be re- deemed in the near term, the investment is classified as Level 2.

(e) Plant Assets and Depreciation Proceeds from the sale of plant assets, if unrestricted, are transferred to operating funds, or, if restricted, to amounts temporarily restricted for plant acquisitions. Depreciation is provided over the estimated useful lives of the respective assets on a straight-line basis (buildings and capital improvements 20-40 years, equipment 3-6 years).

(f) Deferred Revenue Amounts received on conditional grants are recorded initially as deferred revenue and are reported as revenues when expended in accordance with the terms of the condition.

(g) Split-Interest Agreements

NOTESTOFINANCIALSTATEMENTS The Institute is the beneficiary of various unitrusts, pooled income funds and a gift annuity fund. The Institute’s interest in these split-interest agreements is reported as a contribution in the year received and is calculated as the

106 difference between the fair value of the assets contributed to the Institute and the estimated liability to the benefi- ciary.This liability is computed using actuarially determined rates and is adjusted annually to reflect changes in the life expectancy of the donor or annuitant, amortization of the discount and other changes in the estimates of fu- ture payments.The assets held by the Institute under these arrangements are recorded at fair value as determined by quoted market prices and are included as a component of investments.

(h) Unamortized Debt Issuance Costs Debt issuance costs represent costs incurred in connection with debt financing.Amortization of these costs is provided on the effective interest method extending over the remaining term of the applicable indebtedness. Debt issuance costs at June 30, 2011 and 2010 were net of accumulated amortization of $810,820 and $756,673, respectively.

(i) Other Revenues, Gains and Other Support A portion of long-term investment income and gains and losses is allocated to operating revenue each year in accor- dance with the Institute’s spending policy for investments held for endowment and similar purposes, as more fully dis- cussed in note 4. All other investment income earned and gains and losses on investments held for long-term purposes and nonrecurring revenue and expenses are considered other revenues, gains and other support in the statements of activities. Private contributions and grants budgeted for operations are included in operating revenues, gains and other support. All other private contributions and grants are considered other revenues, gains and other support.

(j) Asset Retirement Obligation The Institute recognizes the fair value of a liability for legal obligations associated with asset retirements in the period in which the obligation is incurred, if a reasonable estimate of the fair value of the obligation can be made. When the liability is initially recorded, the Institute capitalizes the cost of the asset retirement obligation by increasing the car- rying amount of the related long-lived asset. The liability is accreted to its present value each period and the capital- ized cost associated with the retirement obligation is depreciated over the useful life of the related asset. Upon settlement of the obligation, any difference between the cost to settle the asset retirement obligation and the liability recorded is recognized as a gain or loss in the statements of activities.

(k) Fund Raising Expenses Fund raising expenses incurred by the Institute amounted to $1,349,617 and $1,302,728 for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010, respectively. This amount is included in administration and general expenses in the accompanying statements of activities.

(l) Functional Allocation of Expenses The costs of providing program services and support services of the Institute have been summarized on a functional basis in the statements of activities. Accordingly, certain operating costs have been allocated among the functional cat- egories.

(m) Tax Status OE OFNNILSTATEMENTS FINANCIAL TO NOTES The Institute is exempt from federal income taxes pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code) and is listed in the Internal Revenue Service Publication 78. The Institute has been classified as a public charity under Section 509(a) of the Code. There are certain transactions that could be deemed unrelated business income and would result in a tax liability. Man- agement reviews transactions to estimate potential tax liabilities using a threshold of more likely than not. It is man- agement’s estimation that there are no material tax liabilities that need to be recorded.

(n) Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclo- sure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements. Estimates also affect the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reported period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

107 (2) Contributions Receivable Unconditional promises to give at June 30, 2011 and 2010 were as follows:

2011 2010 ______Unconditional promises to give: Less than one year $ 784,833 1,123,166 One to five years ______383,334 ______866,668 1,168,167 1,989,834 Discount on promises to give ______(20,127) ______(15,226) Total $ 1,148,040 1,974,608 ______

During fiscal 2011, the Institute received two conditional pledges totaling $100 million to enhance the Institute’s endowment fund. The pledges are conditioned on the Institute raising an additional $100 million in cash or pledges from third party donors in the period January 1, 2011 through June 30, 2015. The conditional pledge payments began in June 2011 and will continue through March 31, 2016. During fiscal 2011, the Institute received $4 million which is recorded in other revenues, gains, and other support: private contributions and grants in the accompanying financial statements. (3) Investments, Funds Held by Bond Trustee, and Beneficial Interest in Remainder Trust (a) Overall Investment Objective The overall investment objective of the Institute is to invest its assets in a prudent manner that will achieve a long-term rate of return sufficient to fund a portion of its annual operating activities and capital preservation. The Institute di- versifies its investments among various managers and investment opportunities. Substantially all of the investments are pooled with each individual fund subscribing to or disposing of units on the basis of the market value per unit, de- termined on a quarterly basis. Major investment decisions are authorized by the Board’s Investment Committee, which oversees the Institute’s investment program in accordance with established guidelines.

(b) Allocation of Investment Strategies In addition to traditional stocks and fixed-income securities, the Institute may also hold shares or units in traditional institutional funds as well as in alternative investment funds involving hedged strategies, private equity, and real asset strategies. Hedged strategies involve funds whose managers have the authority to invest in various asset classes at their discretion, including the ability to invest long and short. Funds with hedged strategies generally hold securities or other financial instruments for which a ready market exists and may include stocks, bonds, put or call options, swaps, currency hedges, and other instruments, and are valued accordingly. Private equity funds employ buyout and venture capital strategies and focus on investments in turn-around situations. Real asset funds generally hold interests in pub- lic real estate investment trusts (REITS) or commercial real estate through sole-member entities. Private equity and real asset strategies therefore often require the estimation of fair values by the fund managers in the absence of readily determinable market values. Because of the inherent uncertainties of valuation, these estimated fair values may differ significantly from values that would have been used had a ready market existed, and the differences could be material. Such valuations are determined by fund managers and generally consider variables such as operating results, compa- rable earnings multiples, projected cash flows, recent sales prices, and other pertinent information, and may reflect dis- counts for the illiquid nature of certain investments held. NOTESTOFINANCIALSTATEMENTS

108 The following tables summarize the Institute’s investments and other assets by major category in the fair value hierar- chy as of June 30, 2011 and 2010, as well as related strategy, liquidity, and funding commitments:

June 30, 2011 ______Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Investments: Long-term investment strategies: Fixed income: U.S. Treasuries $______19,943,706 ______— ______— ______19,943,706 Total ______19,943,706 ______— ______— ______19,943,706 Hedge funds—onshore: Emerging markets — — 6,655,647 6,655,647 Equities—long bias — — 8,924,080 8,924,080 Multiple strategies — — 45,684,421 45,684,421 ______Total ______— ______— ______61,264,148 ______61,264,148 Hedge funds—offshore: Commercial mortgage backed — — 15,955,789 15,955,789 Commodity trading advisor — 7,378,003 — 7,378,003 Distressed/high-yield — — 22,725,842 22,725,842 Emerging markets — — 9,941,832 9,941,832 Equities—long bias — — 16,372,902 16,372,902 Equities—long/short — 46,961,416 — 46,961,416 Fixed income arbitrage — — 26,560,042 26,560,042 Global asset allocation — 27,179,583 — 27,179,583 Multiple strategies — 68,905,637 151,326,637 220,232,274 Bio tech/health care — — 9,756,928 9,756,928 ______Total ______— ______150,424,639 ______252,639,972 ______403,064,611 Limited partnerships (1) — — 89,493,643 89,493,643 Cash and cash equivalents 20,507,229 — — 20,507,229 Other investments: Assets held under split-interest agreements: Cash and cash equivalents 154,797 — — 154,797

Fixed income securities — — 4,138,260 4,138,260 STATEMENTS FINANCIAL TO NOTES Mortgages from faculty and staff ______— ______— ______9,095,117 ______9,095,117 Total investments $______40,605,732 ______150,424,639 ______416,631,140 ______607,661,511 Other assets: Beneficial interest in remainder trust — — 3,206,005 3,206,005 Funds held by bond trustee: U.S. government obligations ______5,141,266 ______— ______— ______5,141,266 Total other assets $______5,141,266 ______— ______3,206,005 ______8,347,271

(1) The private equity funds have initial terms of 10 years with extensions of 1 to 3 years, and have an average remaining life of 6 years.

109 June 30, 2010 ______Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Investments: Long-term investment strategies: Fixed income: U.S. Treasuries $______39,913,689 ______— ______— ______39,913,689 Total ______39,913,689 ______— ______— ______39,913,689 Hedge funds—onshore: Emerging markets — — 5,620,295 5,620,295 Equities—long bias — — 6,802,442 6,802,442 Multiple strategies ______— ______— ______46,920,737 ______46,920,737 Total ______— ______— ______59,343,474 ______59,343,474 Hedge funds—offshore: Commercial mortgage backed — — 16,727,631 16,727,631 Commodity trading advisor — 7,197,803 — 7,197,803 Distressed/high-yield — — 31,950,967 31,950,967 Emerging markets — — 9,778,981 9,778,981 Equities—long bias — — 19,069,305 19,069,305 Equities—long/short — 38,744,376 7,288,394 46,032,770 Fixed income arbitrage — — 25,587,287 25,587,287 Global asset allocation — — 23,549,745 23,549,745 Multiple strategies ______— ______16,185,952 ______175,410,347 ______191,596,299 Total ______— ______62,128,131 ______309,362,657 ______371,490,788 Limited partnerships (1) — — 71,778,972 71,778,972 Cash and cash equivalents 15,767,896 — — 15,767,896 Other investments: Assets held under split-interest agreements: Cash and cash equivalents 222,233 — — 222,233 Fixed income securities — — 3,506,803 3,506,803 Mortgages from faculty and staff ______— ______— ______9,177,088 ______9,177,088 Total investments $ 55,903,818 62,128,131 453,168,994 571,200,943 ______Other assets: Beneficial interest in remainder trust — — 2,786,283 2,786,283 Funds held by bond trustee: U.S. government obligations ______7,187,358 ______— ______— ______7,187,358 Total other assets $ 7,187,358 — 2,786,283 9,973,641 ______

(1) The private equity funds have initial terms of 10 years with extensions of 1 to 3 years, and have an average remaining life of 6 years. NOTESTOFINANCIALSTATEMENTS

110 The following tables present the Institute’s activities for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010 for investments clas- sified in Level 3:

______2011 Assets held under split-interest agreements Beneficial Mortgages Fixed interest in Limited Hedge from faculty income remainder ______Level 3 roll forward ______partnerships ______funds ______and staff ______securities______trust ______Total Fair value at July 1, 2010 $ 71,778,972 368,706,131 9,177,088 3,506,803 2,786,283 455,955,277 Acquisitions 19,308,234 4,156,993 588,000 — 125,935 24,179,162 Dispositions (14,320,805) (39,054,360) (669,971) (232,671) — (54,277,807) Transfers in/out of Level 3 — (53,253,331) — — — (53,253,331) Net realized and unrealized gains______12,727,242 ______33,348,687 ______— ______864,128______293,787 ______47,233,844 Fair value at June 30, 2011 $ 89,493,643 313,904,120 9,095,117 4,138,260 3,206,005 419,837,145 ______

______2010 Assets held under split-interest agreements Beneficial Mortgages Fixed interest in Limited Hedge from faculty income remainder ______Level 3 roll forward ______partnerships ______funds ______and staff ______securities______trust ______Total Fair value at July 1, 2009 $ 61,657,620 333,893,548 8,151,049 4,133,861 2,654,256 410,490,334 Acquisitions 10,547,098 40,103,388 1,518,813 35,000 — 52,204,299 Dispositions (12,747,314) (60,256,399) (492,774) (1,260,372) — (74,756,859) Transfers in/out of Level 3 — 10,000,000 — — — 10,000,000 Net realized and STATEMENTS FINANCIAL TO NOTES unrealized gains______12,321,568 ______44,965,594 ______— ______598,314______132,027 ______58,017,503 Fair value at June 30, 2010 $ 71,778,972 368,706,131 9,177,088 3,506,803 2,786,283 455,955,277 ______

The Institute’s accounting policy is to recognize transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy on the date of the event or change in circumstances that caused the transfer.There were no transfers of investments classified as either Level 1 or Level 2 for the years ended June 30, 2011 or 2010. Private equity and venture capital investments are generally made through limited partnerships. Under the terms of such agreements, the Institute may be required to provide additional funding when capital or liquidity calls are made by fund managers. These partnerships have a limited existence, and they may provide for annual extensions for the purpose of disposing portfolio positions and returning capital to investors. However, depending on market conditions, the inabil- ity to execute the fund’s strategy, or other factors, a manager may extend the terms of a fund beyond its originally an- ticipated existence or may wind the fund down prematurely.The Institute cannot anticipate such changes because they generally arise from unforeseeable events, but should they occur they could reduce liquidity or originally anticipated in- vestment returns. Accordingly, the timing and amount of future capital or liquidity calls in any particular future year are uncertain. As of June 30, 2011, the Institute is obligated under certain limited partnership agreements to advance addi- tional funding in the amount of $86,596,821, which is anticipated to be called over the next 10 years. 111 Investment liquidity as of June 30, 2011 is aggregated below based on redemption or sale period:

Investment ______fair values Investment redemption or sale period: Daily $ 44,743,992 Monthly 37,700,834 Quarterly 103,564,759 Semi-annually 23,178,744 Annually 65,117,355 Subject to rolling lock ups or other restrictions 175,751,100 Illiquid ______157,604,727 Total as of June 30, 2011 $ 607,661,511 ______(c) Funds Held by Bond Trustee Funds held by bond trustee represent the balance of the proceeds from the 2001, 2006, and 2008 New Jersey Educa- tional Facilities Authority (NJEFA or the Authority) bonds that have not yet been expended for construction purposes or debt service payments. These funds are being held in trust by The Bank of NewYork. Such funds are invested in U.S. government obligations with maturities of less than one year.

(d) Redemption Restrictions—Hedge Funds At June 30, 2011, the Institute had investments of approximately $464,329,000, of which approximately $126,405,300 was restricted from redemption for lock-up periods. At June 30, 2010, the Institute had hedge fund in- vestments of approximately $430,834,000, of which approximately $127,457,000 was restricted from redemption for lock-up periods. Some of the investments with redemption restrictions allow early redemption for specified fees. The terms and conditions upon which an investor may redeem an investment vary, usually with the majority requiring 30 to 180 days notice after the initial lock-up period. The expirations of redemption lock-up periods are summarized in the table below:

______Amount Fiscal year: 2012 $ 44,208,300 2013 41,114,000 2014 — 2015 and thereafter ______41,083,000 Total $ 126,405,300 ______

(e) Redemption Restrictions—Limited Partnerships At June 30, 2011 and 2010, the Institute had limited partnership investments of approximately $89,493,600 and $71,778,900, respectively, which were restricted from redemption for lock-up periods. Some of the investments with redemption restrictions allow early redemption for specified fees.The terms and conditions upon which an investor may redeem an investment vary, usually with the majority requiring 30 to 180 days notice after the initial lock-up period. The expirations of redemption lock-up periods are summarized in the table below:

______Amount Fiscal year: 2012 $— 2013 11,732,800 2014 — 2015 and thereafter ______77,760,800


112 (f) Contingencies The Institute has an investment in the Ariel Fund Limited (the Fund), which on June 30, 2011 and 2010 had a fair value of approximately $15,391,000 and $18,854,000, respectively. During fiscal year 2009, the fund became subject to the oversight of a receiver appointed by the Attorney General of NewYork for the principal purposes of mar- shalling and preserving the assets of the Fund, for ultimate distribution of the proceeds to the respective investors of the Fund. During fiscal 2011, the Institute received the first distribution of $4,677,839 from the receiver. There is a potential for litigation to recover amounts from investors who have received previous distributions from the Fund. Man- agement does not expect this to have a significant impact on the Institute’s financial statements. (4) Investment Return and Endowment Spending Policy Investment return consists of interest, dividends, and realized and unrealized gains and losses on investments. Each year, the Institute includes a portion of its endowment return in its operating budget, with the amount of such planned support de- termined using its spending policy. The policy of the Institute is to distribute for current spending a percentage of the fair value of pooled investments which is determined by the Board of Trustees annually.The spending rate for operating and cap- ital purposes was 4.7% for 2011 and 2010. The following tables summarize the investment return and its classification in the statements of activities for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010:

______2011 Temporarily ______Unrestricted ______restricted ______Total Dividends and interest, net of investment expenses $ (784,578) (1,045,501) (1,830,079) Net realized and unrealized gains ______38,560,901 ______24,721,227 ______63,282,128 Total investment return 37,776,323 23,675,726 61,452,049

Endowment spending policy for use in operations ______12,748,198 ______10,021,902 ______22,770,100 Endowment change after applying spending policy $ 25,028,125 13,653,824 38,681,949 ______

______2010 Temporarily ______Unrestricted ______restricted ______Total

Dividends and interest, net of STATEMENTS FINANCIAL TO NOTES investment expenses $ (715,443) (703,149) (1,418,592) Net realized and unrealized gains ______40,940,701 ______23,971,227 ______64,911,928 Total investment return 40,225,258 23,268,078 63,493,336

Endowment spending policy for use in operations ______11,264,751 ______13,158,949 ______24,423,700 Endowment change after applying spending policy $ 28,960,507 10,109,129 39,069,636 ______

Total investment management and advisory fees were $2,464,321 and $2,766,610 for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010, respectively. (5) Endowment The Institute’s endowment consists of approximately 90 individual funds established for a variety of purposes including both donor-restricted endowment funds and funds designated by the Board of Trustees to function as endowments. Net assets as- sociated with endowments, including funds designated by the Board of Trustees to function as endowments, are classified and reported based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions.

113 (a) Interpretation of Relevant Law The Institute has interpreted the New Jersey-enacted version of the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA) as allowing the Institute to appropriate for expenditure or accumulate so much of a donor-re- stricted endowment fund as the Institute determines is prudent for the uses, benefits, purposes, and duration for which the endowment fund is established, subject to the intent of the donor as expressed in the gift instrument. Unless stated otherwise in the gift instrument, the assets in a donor-restricted endowment fund are donor-restricted assets until ap- propriated for expenditure by the Board of Trustees of the Institute. As a result of applicable accounting guidance in- cluded in Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification Subtopic 958-205-45, Not-for-Profit Entities: Presentation of Financial Statements, Other Presentation Matters (ASC 958-205-45), the Institute classifies as per- manently restricted net assets (a) the original value of gifts donated to the permanent endowment, (b) the original value of subsequent gifts to the permanent endowment, and (c) accumulations to the permanent endowment made in ac- cordance with the direction of the applicable donor gift instrument at the time the accumulation is added to the fund. The remaining portion of the donor-restricted endowment fund that is not classified as permanently restricted net as- sets is classified as temporarily restricted net assets until those amounts are appropriated for expenditure in a manner consistent with the standard of prudence prescribed by UPMIFA. From time to time, the fair value of assets associated with individual donor-restricted endowments may fall below the original corpus of the fund included in permanently restricted net assets due to unfavorable market fluctuations sub- sequent to the investment of the gift. Deficiencies of this nature, which are reported in unrestricted net assets in ac- cordance with ASC 958-205-45, totaled approximately $1,202,000 and $1,369,000, at June 30, 2011 and 2010, respectively. Subsequent gains that restore the fair value of the assets of the donor-restricted endowment fund are clas- sified as an increase in unrestricted net assets. Endowment net assets consisted of the following at June 30, 2011 and 2010:

2011 ______Temporarily Permanently ______Unrestricted ______restricted ______restricted ______Total Donor restricted $ (1,202,008) 140,107,904 98,083,631 236,989,527 Board designated ______349,588,623 ______— ______— ______349,588,623 $ 348,386,615 140,107,904 98,083,631 586,578,150 ______

2010 ______Temporarily Permanently ______Unrestricted ______restricted ______restricted ______Total Donor restricted $ (1,368,509) 125,249,638 80,807,557 204,688,686 Board designated ______346,580,860 ______— ______— ______346,580,860 $ 345,212,351 125,249,638 80,807,557 551,269,546 ______NOTESTOFINANCIALSTATEMENTS

114 Changes in endowment net assets for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010 were as follows:

Temporarily Permanently ______Unrestricted ______restricted ______restricted ______Total Net assets, June 30, 2009 $ 320,878,531 114,789,876 78,028,894 513,697,301 Dividends and interest income, net (715,443) (406,482) — (1,121,925) Realized and unrealized gains 40,696,680 23,536,468 — 64,233,148 Contributions 289,253 — 2,778,663 3,067,916 Transfer of gain on investments to replenish unrestricted net assets 244,021 (244,021) — — Appropriation for expenditure—operations (11,264,751) (13,158,949) — (24,423,700) Appropriation for expenditure—capital and other (4,915,940) — — (4,915,940) Unspent appropriation returned to principal ______— ______732,746 ______— ______732,746

Net assets, June 30, 2010 $ 345,212,351 125,249,638 80,807,557 551,269,546 Dividends and interest income, net (785,580) (497,074) — (1,282,654) Realized and unrealized gains 38,560,901 23,591,387 — 62,152,288 Contributions 253,680 397,952 7,276,074 7,927,706 Appropriation for expenditure—operations (12,748,198) (10,021,902) — (22,770,100) Appropriation for expenditure—capital and other (10,718,636) — — (10,718,636) Reclassification of unrestricted net assets ______(11,387,903) ______1,387,903 ______10,000,000 ______—

Net assets, June 30, 2011 $ 348,386,615 140,107,904 98,083,631 586,578,150 ______

Reclassification of unrestricted net assets represents amounts reclassified by the Institute to temporarily restricted and permanently restricted net assets to satisfy donor matching requirements.

(b) Return Objectives and Risk Parameters The Institute has adopted investment and spending policies for endowment assets that attempt to provide a predictable stream of funding to programs supported by its endowment while seeking to maintain the purchasing power of the STATEMENTS FINANCIAL TO NOTES endowment assets.

(c) Strategies Employed for Achieving Objectives The Institute manages its investments in accordance with a total return concept and the goal of maximizing returns within acceptable levels of risk. The Institute relies on a total return strategy in which investment returns are achieved through both capital appreciation (realized and unrealized) and current yield (dividends and interest). The Institute’s spending policy is designed to provide a stable level of financial support and to preserve the real value of its endowment.

115 (6) Physical Plant Physical plant and equipment are stated at cost at date of acquisition, less accumulated depreciation. A summary of plant assets at June 30, 2011 and 2010 follows: 2011 2010 ______Land $ 377,470 377,470 Land improvements 1,681,925 1,543,134 Buildings and improvements 93,828,846 91,713,069 Equipment 26,931,479 25,757,852 Construction in progress 204,022 200,508 Rare book collection 203,508 203,508 Joint ownership property ______3,340,441 ______3,340,441 126,567,691 123,135,982 Accumulated depreciation ______(66,766,719) ______(62,944,372) Net book value $ 59,800,972 60,191,610 ______

The Institute has capitalized interest income of $1,117 and $3,238 and interest expense of $6,956 and $8,942 in construction in progress for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010, respectively.

(7) Long-Term Debt A summary of long-term debt at June 30, 2011 and 2010 follows:

2011 2010 ______2001 Series A—NJEFA $ 2,215,000 2,480,000 2006 Series B—NJEFA 28,400,000 28,600,000 2006 Series C—NJEFA 18,400,000 18,800,000 2008 Series C—NJEFA 5,955,000 7,815,000 Less unamortized bond discount ______(195,355) ______(219,006) Total long-term debt $ 54,774,645 57,475,994 ______

Interest expense on long-term debt for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010 was $1,461,015 and $1,768,112, respectively.

(a) 2001 Series A In May 2001, the Institute received proceeds of the Authority offering of $11,000,000 Revenue Bonds, 2001 Series A of the Institute for Advanced Study Issue. Proceeds were used for the construction of Bloomberg Hall and additional capital projects. These bonds were partially refunded through the 2006 Series B Revenue bonds detailed below.

(b) 2006 Series B In July 2006, the Institute received proceeds of the Authority offering of $29,600,000 Revenue Bonds, 2006 Series B of the Institute for Advanced Study Issue. The 2006 Series B Bonds were issued to finance the advance refunding of the outstanding 1997 Series G Bonds, the partial advance refunding of the 2001 Series A Bonds, and to pay a portion of certain costs incidental to the sale and issuance of the 2006 Series B Bonds.

(c) 2006 Series C In March 2007, the Institute received proceeds of the Authority offering of $20,000,000 Revenue Bonds, 2006 Series C of the Institute for Advanced Study Issue. Proceeds are being used to finance the costs of construction, renovating and equipping certain educational facilities of the Institute, to fund capitalized interest on the 2006 Series C Bonds during the renovation and construction, and to pay certain costs incidental to the sale and issuance of the 2006 Series C Bonds.

NOTESTOFINANCIALSTATEMENTS (d) 2008 Series C In March 2008, the Institute received proceeds of the Authority offering of $11,255,000 Revenue Bonds, 2008 Se- ries C of the Institute for Advanced Study Issue.The 2008 Series C Bonds were issued to finance the advance refunding of outstanding 1997 Series F Bonds, the advance refunding of outstanding 1997 Series G, and to pay a portion of cer- 116 tain costs incidental to the sale and issuance of the 2008 Series C Bonds. (e) Interest Rates The 2001 Series A and 2008 Series C Bonds bear interest at rates ranging from 3% to 5%, payable semi-annually, are subject to redemption at various prices and require principal payments and sinking fund installments through July 1, 2021. The obligation to pay the Authority on a periodic basis, in the amounts sufficient to cover principal and inter- est due on the bonds, is a general obligation of the Institute. The 2006 Series B and C Bonds bear interest at variable rates.The bonds were issued in the weekly mode with weekly rates determined by Lehman Brothers Inc, as Remarketing Agent and paid monthly. The maximum interest rate on the 2006 Bonds shall be twelve percent (12%) per annum.The 2006 bonds are subject to redemption at various prices and require principal payments and sinking fund installments through July 1, 2036. The obligation to pay the Au- thority on a periodic basis, in the amounts sufficient to cover principal and interest due on the bonds, is a general ob- ligation of the Institute. On September 18, 2008, the Institute entered into a contract with JPMorgan Chase Bank to take over as Remarketing Agent, replacing Lehman Brothers Inc.

(f) Bond Swap Agreement On April 18, 2006, the Institute entered into a swap agreement with Lehman Brothers Commercial Bank covering $29,600,000 of outstanding 2006 Series B Bonds that required the Institute to pay a fixed rate of 3.7702% to Lehman Brothers Commercial Bank in exchange for Lehman Brothers Commercial Bank agreeing to pay the Institute a vari- able rate equal to 67% of the USD-LIBOR-BBA rate with a term of three months, payable monthly, on an identical notional amount. The effective date of the swap was July 19, 2006 and the termination date of the swap agreement coincides with the maturity of the bonds, which is July 1, 2031. In September 2008, the filing of a petition in bank- ruptcy by Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. constituted an “Event of Default,” giving the Institute the right to termi- nate the swap and designate an Early Termination Date on notice to Lehman Brothers Commercial Bank. On December 22, 2008, the Institute entered into a new swap agreement with Wells Fargo Bank covering $28,800,000 of outstanding Series B Bonds that required the Institute to pay a fixed rate of 3.7702% to Wells Fargo Bank in exchange forWells Fargo Bank agreeing to pay the Institute a variable rate equal to 67% of the USD-LIBOR-BBA rate with a term of three months, payable monthly, on an identical notional amount. The effective date of the swap was December 22, 2008 and the termination date of the swap agreement coincides with the maturity of the bonds, which is July 1, 2031. The Institute entered into this swap agreement with the intention of lowering its effective interest rate. At June 30, 2011 and 2010, the fair value of the interest rate swap was ($3,940,182) and ($4,629,600), respectively.The unrealized gain (loss) recognized during the year ended June 30, 2011 and 2010 in the amount of $689,418 and ($1,115,233), re- spectively is reported in the statements of activities in change in fair value of bond swap liability.The swap agreement utilizes level 2 inputs to measure fair value. The fair value of the interest rate swaps was determined using pricing models developed based on the LIBOR swap rate and other market data. Under the swap agreement, the Institute may be required to post collateral to the counterparty if certain triggering events (rates and dollar thresholds) are met. As of June 30, 2011 and 2010, there was no requirement to post collateral imposed by the swap counterparty. OE OFNNILSTATEMENTS FINANCIAL TO NOTES The bonds are repayable as follows at June 30, 2011: Amount ______Year ending June 30: 2012 $ 2,055,000 2013 2,290,000 2014 2,320,000 2015 2,360,000 2016 2,505,000 2017 through 2036 ______43,440,000 Total $ 54,970,000 ______

The 2001 Series A, 2006 Series B, 2006 Series C, and 2008 Series C bonds are secured by a pledge of revenues pursuant to the respective Loan Agreements.

(g) Line of Credit As of June 30, 2011 and 2010, the Institute had an unsecured loan agreement representing a line of credit.The agree- ment provides for borrowings up to $20,000,000 and is available through January 2012.As of June 30, 2011 and 2010, there were no amounts outstanding against the line of credit. Interest payments are due on demand and interest 117 accrues at the LIBOR rate plus 100 basis points, which was 1.73% and 2.19% as of June 30, 2011 and 2010, respec- tively. No interest expense was recorded for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010. (8) Pension Plans and Other Postretirement Benefits Separate voluntary defined contribution retirement plans are in effect for faculty members and eligible staff personnel, both of which provide for annuities, which are funded, to the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association and/or the College Re- tirement Equities Fund. Contributions are based on the individual participant’s compensation in accordance with the formula set forth in the plan documents on a nondiscriminatory basis. Contributions for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010 to- taled approximately $2,085,000 and $2,066,000, respectively. In addition to providing pension benefits, the Institute provides certain health care and life insurance benefits for retired em- ployees and faculty. Substantially, all of the Institute’s employees may become eligible for these benefits if they meet minimum age and service requirements. The Institute accrues these benefits over a period in which active employees become eligible under existing benefit plans. The following table provides a reconciliation of the change in benefit obligation of the plan at June 30, 2011 and 2010.There are no plan assets at June 30, 2011 and 2010. 2011 2010 Postretirement benefit obligation: ______Retirees $ 6,535,144 5,853,000 Fully eligible active plan participants 1,292,141 1,746,000 Other active plan participants ______6,626,827 ______6,983,000 Postretirement benefit obligation $ 14,454,112 14,582,000 ______Change in benefit obligation: Benefit obligation at beginning of year $ 14,582,000 10,469,000 Service cost 691,000 450,000 Interest cost 773,000 633,000 Benefits paid (413,758) (375,946) Actuarial (gain) loss ______(1,178,130) ______3,405,946 Benefit obligation at end of year $ 14,454,112 14,582,000 ______Components of net periodic benefit cost: Service cost $ 691,000 450,000 Interest cost 773,000 633,000 Amortization of net (gain) loss ______(1,178,130) ______3,405,946 Net periodic postretirement benefit cost $ 285,870 4,488,946 ______

______2011 ______2010 Benefit obligation weighted average assumptions at June 30, 2011 and 2010: Discount rate 5.61% 5.40% Periodic benefit cost weighted average assumptions for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010: Discount rate 5.40% 6.19%

The current year trend rate for health care costs was 10.0% and 11.0% at June 30, 2011 and 2010, respectively. It is estimated that it will take 9 years and 10 years to reach the ultimate trend rate of 5.0% at June 30, 2011 and 2010, respectively. NOTESTOFINANCIALSTATEMENTS

118 The effects of a 1% increase or decrease in trend rates on total service and interest cost and the postretirement benefit obligation are as follows:

______2011 ______2010 ______Increase ______Decrease ______Increase ______Decrease Effect on total service and interest cost $ 335,000 (258,000) 222,000 (175,000) Effect on the postretirement benefit obligation 2,468,152 (1,975,416) 2,514,000 (2,011,000)

Projected payments for each of the next five fiscal years and thereafter through 2021 are as follows:

______Amount Year ending June 30: 2012 $ 562,000 2013 587,000 2014 623,000 2015 651,000 2016 674,000 2017 through 2021 4,016,000

The Institute funds claims as they are incurred. The Institute does not expect to contribute any amounts in fiscal 2012, ex- cept as needed to provide for benefit payments. In 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (collectively, the “Health Care Acts”) were signed into law by President Obama. The Health Care Acts include several provisions that may affect an organization’s postretirement benefit plans, including imposing an excise tax on high cost coverage, eliminating life- time and annual coverage limits, reducing subsidies to Medicare Advantage plans, and imposing inflation-adjusted fees of $2 ($1 in fiscal year 2013) for each person covered by a health insurance policy for each policy plan year ending after September 30, 2012 through September 30, 2019. The Institute has evaluated the effects of the Health Care Acts and concluded that there is no material impact on the Institute’s measurement of its postretirement health benefit obligation. The Institute will continue to monitor developments, interpretations, and guidance relating to the law and incorporate the latest thinking in future meas- urements. (9) Temporarily and Permanently Restricted Assets Restricted net assets are available for the following purposes at June 30, 2011 and 2010:

______2011 ______2010 STATEMENTS FINANCIAL TO NOTES Temporarily restricted net assets are restricted to: School of Mathematics $ 31,199,717 29,019,998 School of Natural Sciences 10,189,133 6,412,172 School of Historical Studies 34,864,151 31,210,429 School of Social Science 54,241,963 50,295,421 Libraries and other academic 4,658,414 3,805,200 Administration and general ______5,963,086 ______4,933,565 $ 141,116,464 125,676,785 ______Permanently restricted net assets are restricted to: Investments to be held in perpetuity, the income from which is expendable to support academic services $ 98,083,631 80,807,557

10) Disclosures About Fair Value of Financial Instruments The carrying amount of the Institute’s financial instruments not carried at fair value approximates fair value due to the short maturity, except for long-term indebtedness. The estimated fair value of the Institute’s long-term indebtedness was approxi- mately $55,642,000 and $58,324,000 at June 30, 2011 and 2010, respectively.

119 (11) Subsequent Events In September 2011, the Institute entered into three new equity swap agreements, totaling approximately $80,000,000, with to hedge against fluctuations in the S&P index relative to their overall investment portfolio.The effective dates of the swap range between September 21, 2011 and September 30, 2011 and the formal termination dates of each swap is one year after the trade date, unless amended. The Institute evaluated events subsequent to June 30, 2011 and through November 15, 2011, the date on which the finan- cial statements were issued. The Institute determined there were no additional subsequent events required to be disclosed. NOTESTOFINANCIALSTATEMENTS