U n i v e r s i t y o f B r i s t o l B o a t C l u b A L U M N I C h r i s t m a s 2 0 1 6

Welcome to the pre-Christmas read you knew you wanted.

From the philosophy of life and how to find a job having pulled a blade, through to the rise of the UBBC women and a Palaeolithic coach, this edition has the lot. The Club is to be congratulated on their achievements and competitiveness

It is a settling in period for the (newish) Vice Chancellor and an increasing realisation that a complete education and preparation for life after academia includes sport. Ask the question of where the fondest memories lie and the longest lessons learnt, more often than not the boat house will feature. Perhaps you could share these for the next edition?

There is no getting away from Henley Royal Regatta as a focus for heartbreak and heroics and so it is right that we laud the 1991 crew. Champagne in the boat The Flower of Bristol tents was a memorable highlight of HRR 2016 - along with those umpiring The Lychnis Chalcedonica has been When UBBC's Alumni first began racing moments. associated with the city and people of in the late 00's Nonesuch BC was the Bristol since the 1600's. The dye this vivid racing name adopted (Concorde ‘go little flower produced amazed supersonic or explode' BC being a close You can look forward to some stellar contemporary commentators more used runner up). As we move forward to further UBBC crews in the 2017 season and if to the comparatively drab hues on offer strengthen our ties with and support for you can't make it to Regatta then the by our native flora. Thereafter the rich red the current club there can be no more expensive but brilliant streamed cloth produced in Bristol was daubed fitting symbol for UBBC's Alumni than the coverage is unbeatable. 165 foreign 'Nonesuch Red', a abbreviation of the Nonesuch Flower, an emblem of crews raced there this year, it will be more early modern phrase 'there be nonesuch enterprise, brilliance and Bristol. next together with a potential new [nothing] like it' that to the modern ear enclosure on the other side of the river. can be best summed up as 'without The bar raises. equal'. Fittingly it was 'Nonesuch Red' that the young Bristol university chose as May your stockings be filled with the colour for it's academic hoods and whatever you deserve.. 'Nonesuch' was the name given to one of UBBC's very first racing shells. To this day the colour remains a key ingredient to our Happy Christmas Boat Club and University's identity, and the flower can be found growing wild in Chris Hartley areas of the Avon Gorge.

UBBC ALUMNI I Outgoing Captain's Message Nearly writing off a Hudson 8, receiving a number of parking/speeding tickets for DEZ, and being brought in for questioning by the police regarding an egg fight were just a few things I hadn't anticipated having to deal with when I was elected as Club Captain last year.

The year began with a search for a new full-time Head Coach. 15 applicants and a day of interviews later, we had our newest fresher, Cam Kennedy. Along with our fresh new Head Coach, we had a relatively fresh committee, with only 3 of us having been on the committee previously. The hard work of the previous State of the Union Address the past, but fortunately the boat club summer racing saw the men hit their committees and Gordon had set us up It's been a busy year since Mr Trevett demographics are changing and I stride with some exciting racing at the with a brand new boathouse, some shiny passed the Boat Club unashamedly ask for as much support Met Regatta that prepared them for an new boats and now a full-time Head baton and I would like to thank all the from alumni and friends to help update IM1 8+ win at the Reading Regatta by Coach. The successes of this year and alumni and friends who have welcomed our fleet and equipment to the level of overcoming a storming Molesey crew in years to come would not be possible athletes, like many other rowing clubs me to the club, continuing their r e s o u r c e s r e q u i r e d f o r t h e s e a nail biter. This was the racing the mens without the foundations laid by those who and other sports at Bristol. It has been involvement and contact with the club. hardworking women to compete beside squad needed and they were rewarded have led the club before us. Thanks to amazing to see everyone getting behind There have been plenty of challenges but the best Universities in the country. with pre-qualification in the Temple for this, this year gave us a number of the value of this, whether it was the whole there is an increasing recognition from Henley Royal Regatta. It's also hard not notable successes on the water. senior squad running 500m alongside the BUCS Beginner Women's 1x final, or the University of the important role of The men have progressed well in the to mention one of the highlights when the sport in the lives of Bristol students and I past season, without the 'big ergs' Despite the logistical challenge of getting the senior women de-rigging the senior men humbled some very confident local am optimistic that those challenges can needed for HW male glory in the UK, the 76 athletes to Newcastle and back for men's boats after a race, or the men opposition at the regatta, a sign of be met with time. focus was on rowing well, racing hard BUCS Head, we came away with a rushing from their final at Marlow Regatta things to come. and rowing beyond themselves and we handful of medals and BUCS points for to shout support at Henley Women's. The season was a significant one, with had a healthy mix of success and Organisationally the goals for the year our Lightweight Women's four, quad and We're all here to support everyone who the key development of reaching parity frustration. We came back from a were simple, to put structures in place our Championship Men's four too. Our wears the maroon and black quarters - between the numbers of men and disappointment at the men's Eights head encouraging the growth of the club Women's squad went on to produce the and that's certainly something to be women in the club. On the women's side with a medal in the BUCS head race in performance to train our current athletes best WEHORR results in 12 years and proud of. we had four women's 8+'s competing in Newcastle, learning hard lessons in their well, and set up a programme attractive despite UWE choosing to remain absent the women's eights head with two crews BUCS 8+ semifinal but coming together to school leavers. For the past season from this year's entire head race season UBBC has been a huge part of my time at in the top 100 for the first time, and the to win their B final in cracking form and this focussed on the Senior Men and to prepare for Varsity, we won 3-1. uni and I'm now looking forward to first top 50 result in 13 years. We saw our seeing some promising racing from the Women, with the goal of instilling a club- continuing my support as part of the first lightweight women's 8+ compete at lightweight men through the year. But the The summer also gave us some great alumni. I'm very happy to leave the club in wide training culture and consolidating a BUCS (unfortunately a malfunctioning results, with our Senior Women's 1st VIII the safe hands of Alex Heslop and the rigger sabotaged their medal chances), qualifying 5th in Academic 8s, only being 16/17 committee and I'm confident they won IM2 8+'s at the Reading regatta and knocked out by the event favourites will do a fantastic job. (somewhat unexpectedly, but pleasingly) Nottingham Uni. The Senior Men's 1st VIII came 5th overall at Henley Women's pre-qualified for the Temple Challenge Thanks again for all the support and best regatta in the Academic 8+! All this while Cup (having beaten Molesey BC in the of luck to everyone for the future. managing to disappoint their local rivals IM1 final at Reading!), only to be knocked at the Varsity regatta! These girls were on out by the University of London's 'A' crew Tom Clark Club Captain 2015-2016 fire, led from the front by their Captain on Wednesday. Kate Tomes who was exceptional in her

c o m m i t m e n t t o t h e s q u a d ' s All of these successes would not have development. The alumni generously been possible without the hard work and rewarded these women with a donation long-term commitment off the water of a allowing the purchase of new 8+ oars for lot of people. Particularly deserving of a the top girls boat, making a significant special mention are Morgan Gray, Cam performance impact for the summer Kennedy, Jen Cocke, Kate Tomes, Ed Bloomfield and Ben Moule. Without you, racing season. the club would have encountered some But their success highlighted limitations huge challenges. I hope you enjoy in the resources available to our female wearing your new blazers. athletes. We have one flag-ship hull for UBBC is very fortunate that we're not a the women's squad, a lovely Filippi 4+ club just for men, or a club just for (Sam Rutley), perhaps reflecting the women, or a club for only experienced proportionally lower numbers involved in

II UBBC ALUMNI UBBC ALUMNI IIII III Open 8+, congrats to Mark Roberts and Looking back at where you were Incoming Captain's Interview with Was there any moment that was his Kingston crew for the win! when you started this journey, where particularly testing? (did you ever Message Lucy Primmer did you think it was going to lead doubt yourself) Our women's squad have bolstered their you? Olympic year always brings a host of When were you at Bristol? Fell and twisted my knee in the first week I thought that I'd end up being a good keen new freshlings to the water, and this numbers with the addition of a few strong 2011-2015 of May. Could not walk properly and was club rower and win a few summer year was no exception. Following the school girls, a sprinkling of ex-novice in severe pain. We left for Easter camp regattas. Tonk Larkman (women's coach freshers fair and online sign ups, 482 power, and added fire from last year's What did you study? and Ghent regatta 3 days later. Got of 2014-2015) encouraged me to join presented themselves to our novice HWR campaign, and will be hoping to through this with a lot of ibuprofen and Molesey and to strive for higher heights. captains and coaches for the new “Learn make an attempt at the title of the Chemistry had a suspected ACL tear. Through Without his encouragement I would to Row” course. After Freshers' week, life Academic 8s. We are very keen to be stacks of conditioning I made it through never have got this far so quickly. Now, evaluations and a particularly nasty completing the project for a new Why did you join the boat club? Women's 8+ racing shell for them to seat racing and onto the Henley regattas i'm aiming towards getting a GB vest, so circuits session courtesy of James I rowed as a junior but wanted to compete in, which would be a massive in the summer. hopefully this will come true. Foster, 130 remained to take to the water. experience rowing at University level. bonus to the squad. A variety of sessions to introduce rowing, F i n a l l y, h a v e y o u h a d a n y erging and all that goes with it were Do you see yourself doing more of Similar stories are taking place in the What were your initial impressions? involvement with Nonesuch BC? capably provided by the new Novice the same this coming year? (or are men's squad, and top boat expectations Initially shocked by the training load, but I What do you make coaching team. 4 weeks later, trials are you done with rowing?) are raised once again after HRR wanted the challenge. The boathouse of it? about to commence for selections to the This year I am taking it up a level and prequalification in the summer, despite too was slightly more basic than Had some involvement with Nonesuch Novice squads. attending my first GB senior trails. the cruel draw bringing them up against a expected. shared technical model across the Hopefully they will go well! BC, but with being a full time athlete, certain collection of 16 well-funded squads. How have we done? It's difficult Slightly further along the path, a group of one cannot always get to events. The to express in numbers, but obvious to me colleges. Developing talent has been a seniors are about to take on a set of trials Can you tell us a highlight of your rowing events I have taken part in have and the Assistant coach Ed Bloomfield key part of Bristol's heritage, and there is If you could give advice to a younger of their own. Coach Kennedy has been time with UBBC? been really fun and am looking forward to when we arrived for preseason training 3 a huge group of talented individuals version of yourself (when you first cracking the whip over the summer Banyoles camp of 2015. The location the events this year. weeks prior to this academic year. In racing hard for the top seats, making the started rowing), what would you say? stark contrast to this time last year, we months, resulting in UBBC sending one was fantastic and we made so much development crews increasingly have seniors who are ready to train rather of its largest cohorts of recent years to progress. Also having a paid women's Get out in a single/pair as much as competitive. than learning how to row. We (the the GB U23 trials, with 5 singles and a 2- coach [Tony Larkman] for the 2014-2015 possible. It is so much harder, but in the coaches) are delighted to have regular taking on the challenge. Backed up by academic year; the squad made so long run, you will thank yourself. It's great to see the alumni network access to an air-conditioned studio in the strong results at Britchamps in the men's much progress and there was a brilliant main gym for our erg training as a squad growing, and having the Nonesuch and women's 8+ and small boats, UBBC vibe. with 16 ergs ready to go for crew training. women compiling a squad for the first is looking to make an assault on the usual The rowers do struggle to get as excited time is great to see. We're looking top 6 institutions of British university about ergs as we coaches do but we forward to seeing you all at Head Race And what about any low-points? rowing. On the topic, it was great to see don't let it dampen our spirits. This (and more importantly, the ball)! Not having a boat house for an entire 13 Bristol rowers from various season we have strong momentum from year was a challenge, especially during the past 12 months, clear performance generations tearing it down the Brit Alex Heslop the winter months. Boating from a field goals outlined for the various members Champs course in a very close C final of Club Captain within the squads, we are introducing was a constant drain on moral, but once some exciting changes to the novice it arrived the new facility was fantastic. program and we have a quorum of dedicated men and women with some What have you been up to in the past serious aspirations for performance. year? (rowing-wise) Important progress is being made and it remains a very exciting time for the club. Training full time on the Molesey BC high performance programme. I would also like to thank a few key people for the season gone including Ed the And how have you been filling the crew whisperer, an excellent coach and time off the water? huge asset to the club, the squad captains Morgan Gray and Kate Tomes Heading up the junior coaching team at who had much asked of them and were Twickenham RC. immense contributors to the club. Thanks to those alumni who are What shocked/surprised you about continuing to engage in helping the club the programme? develop, whether coaching crews or rallying donations. And a big thank you to The mileage per week - went from 60ish the unflappable leader Tom Clark, who km p/week to 100+ km p/week led the club through an important transitional year with such strong and What achievement are you most capable leadership. I was humbled to proud of this year? have been awarded my Bristol club blazer at a small post-season ceremony Qualifying for the Remenham at HRR. in Henley this year. I believe it was for Never dreamt that I would qualify for an proving my commitment and value to the international level event within 1 year of club, via the consumption of chocolate full time training. The time trial was the cake in the Bristolean/Palaeolithic way hardest thing I've ever done in my life. We and I will wear it with pride. knew there were only 3 places and to get Cam Kennedy one we'd have to go big. I only saw black Head Coach for the last 2 minutes of that time trial!

IV UBBC ALUMNI UBBC ALUMNI IV V Interview with whole crew before Varsity, unfortunately [George] Like Chris I've spent the year Do you see yourself doing more of F i n a l l y, h a v e y o u h a d a n y being from New Zealand he read the rowing for Molesey and trialling for GB the same this coming year, or are you involvement with Nonesuch BC? Chris Heywood instructions upside down. This had U23's. We raced together at HORR, and done with rowing? What do you make of it? & George Stewart several unintended side effects including all the major summer regattas [Chris] No I have (unfortunately) joined [Chris] I have not yet had the honour of culminating with HRR. Switching straight the real world and got a job.* rowing for Nonesuch, however as “I” said When were you at Bristol? but not limited to drooling and excessive back to sculling after so much time in a [George] I am trialing again but this year in “my official” Henley Royal Regatta post [Chris] I was at Bristol 2012 - 2015, consumption of alcohol that night. sweep boat my assault on the final will most likely be my last. victory interview, “I look forward to rowing for all 3 years during G's final [George] For me it was getting second stages of the U23 trials process didn't go representing the Flower in an assault on years and the first year of the new boat place in champ singles at BUCS regatta. so well. *A few weeks ago, Chris was spotted at the Grand Challenge Cup in the very near house. By that time I'd de-camped to Molesey Britchamps racing for UL with two other future”. [George] and I was amt Bristol from 2013 but I raced in Quarters. Apart from all the rowing how have UBBC Alumni. [The Editor] George has purchased a to 2015. What have you been up to in the past the two of you been filling your time? Nonesuch Gamex so watch this space... [Chris] On the playground (of a local Looking back at where you were What did you study? year? school) was where I spent most of my when you started this journey, where [Chris] I studied Mathematics, [Chris] I have been predominantly rowing days, chillin' out relaxin' acting all cool, did you think it was going to lead [George] Mechanical Engineering. for Molesey. After many hours of training we got the opportunity to race in the playing a bit of basketball (and tutoring you? maths). [Chris] I can honestly say I never pictured Why did you join the boat club and Thames Challenge Cup at Henley Royal [George] I havn't diversified into any new ending up where I have and being as what were your initial impressions? Regatta, our focus for the whole year. In sports but have been cramming in as successful as I have been, this last year [Chris] I signed up at fresher's fair, after a the week coming up to Henley we found much work as I could to fund all the has been amazing but would not have few weeks of umming and erring I took our stride, rowing with confidence and rowing. been possible without the foundation the plunge next thing I know UBBC has relaxation. SO relaxed in fact the crew provided by and passion for the sport taken over my life. In the depths of winter broke out singing 'Teenage Dirtbag' (by What shocked/surprised you about instilled in me at Bristol. Now I have in the first year I often wondered how it Wheatus, classic Lounge tune) on the the programme? (I'm assuming “completed” rowing, I want to apply the was possible for a boat house to be start line! Each day that followed we normal clubs don't row 40k and do 'drive' and 'determination' it took to train at colder inside than out? choose a different cheesy pop classic kiwi circuits on Saturday mornings) a high performance level in a business [George] When I first turned up a year song to disturb our opposition on the [Chris] I actually wonder if G worked me context. later the boat house had been start line (Queen and Blink 182 both hard enough. At Molesey I discovered a demolished but still hadn't been built. We featured). Fellow UBBC Alumnus second gear I'd not had before, but were storing everything in a container George Stewart behind me in the 5 seat perhaps that was a consequence of (a and in all weather getting changed felt particularly at home. little more) maturity, as an athlete at any outside so I was a bit taken aback; that rate. said the boats were still nicer than my The cherry on top was going to the U23 [George] What stuck me bout the previous club so it wasn't all bad! Worlds Championships,I represented GB in the coxed four along with 4 Molesey program was it involved a lot less testing. We only had 2 or 3 2Ks a Can you tell us a highlight of your Brookes boys. Unfortunately we didn't year compared to doing it every week in time with UBBC? walk away with a medal but had some of the summer. Also my coach had a [Chris] All of Gordon's stories, anecdotes the best and closest races I have ever specific way of preparing for erg tests and analogies for everything in life. One experienced, I couldn't have asked for which I liked, actually built up to a test fond memory is when G hypnotised the anything more from my crew mates. instead of doing them until one went right!

Was there any moment that was particularly testing? (did you ever doubt yourself) [Chris] Two weeks before Henley our boat got snapped in half and our stroke man got injured and could no longer race at Henley. Just when we had started our own version of the Nonesuch Curve*, however the power of the curve is unstoppable; 2 weeks later we had stepped on yet again enjoying more speed than we could have previously comprehended. *A startling increase in form, normally a week or two before HRR. [George] I found the boat damage particularly hard to bear. Such upheaval a week and a half out from Henley was a real blow to all our morale. It's not easy conjuring up the right spec of Empacher at such short notice either!

VI UBBC UBBC ALUMNI ALUMNII UBBC ALUMNI VIIIVII Winning Henley: 8. Innovation Coops (7) I'm not sure if he wanted me to include We tried anything that might help 'Focus less on the result or goal of that second bit. a metaphor for life? (remember the Plyometrics boys?) We winning and more on the journey and the Whenever I interview someone for a job, would go out in a raging storm to make process. I think most success is born out Space (2) no matter whether a CEO or an office the most of the opportunity of doing of failure, a bounce back from our 'I learned how to benefit from others junior, I first look at the 'Interests' section pieces in bad weather, to toughen us up. darkest hours after learning what went pulling me along: something that's of their CV, and form a pretty clear picture We were receptive and open to new wrong and how that learning can be used stood me in good stead ever since. But of what they're all about. How? Because ideas, and had no preconceptions. to help us develop'. I'm the only one of the crew who went on their interests usually tell you a lot about to make the semi-final of the Silver their 'motivation', 'dedication', 'team 9. No excuses Malc (6) Goblets, win “Fifteen to One”, and be a working'… and a host of other skills. (By Broken down minibus? Go through old 'When you're a winner once, you can be a massive YouTube hit on “Britain's Got the way, at this point I would like to say to UBBC photos to identify some rich, winner again and again. Until you grow Talent”'. anyone who is writing a CV: do not middle-aged alumni and make an up and enter the workplace. But at least include anything about 'reading', audacious plea for donations. Bendy you have the memories'. Timmy G (Bow) 'running' or 'seeing friends' you'll go wooden oars? Scour the country for a 'There's nothing like the feeling of being straight into the bin). decent set of second hand blades to buy 'Sigh'. I had to give him another go… part of a team that is in the zone, and one from Leander. No one to test us in the can draw upon all the complexity of Of course, sport isn't the only place to West Country? Arrange for the men's GB 'It's never as fun or rewarding when things things that have to gel in order to get that find these transferrable skills, but it's a quad to be our training partners. We had are handed to you on a plate'. to happen throughout life - in different decent place to look. And on one plenty of resourcefulness and no ways, at different times and in different That's a bit better. summer's afternoon in Oxfordshire 25 excuses. situations'. years ago, nine people enjoyed the Paul (5) culmination of a nine month experience Oxford/ Isis composite 8, and the best of crew. They epitomised our never-give- 10. Underdog spirit Rach (Cox): 'Great moments are born from great that was a pretty good metaphor for life: the University crews including the up attitude. We had belief, but weren't cocky. This 'The amazing power of a team that works opportunity. The coming together of nine we achieved our outrageous goal of Thames Cup finalists. We didn't beat was a crew with humility. I will never together is far greater than the sum of the individuals of varying rowing experience winning the Henley Prize (now known as these guys once. We did it several times. 4. A team greater than the sum of the forget Fred's spontaneous, unbridled parts. Oh and you have to take risks and and natural talent led to our remarkable the Temple Challenge Cup) at Henley What is more, our three feet victory in the parts whoop of joy in the minibus, on the way embrace opportunity'. season. The memories of that season Royal Regatta: the first, and still only :-(, Henley final was enjoyed into a headwind Our success was as unexpected as back from our first big scalp of the together with the confidence it gave me crew from the University of Bristol Boat on the Berkshire station. And just to Leicester winning the Premier League: season. We were never complacent. And that, my friends, is that. will live with me forever. Everybody has Club to ever win at HRR. make things that little bit more and whilst most of us aren't quite as rich, the will to win. It's having the will to challenging, Fred caught a boat-stopper, we're probably just as proud. For me, the 11. Diversity On behalf of the rest of the crew, I'd just prepare to win that matters'. Ok, I know… we were lucky: that caused by a massive wash that came 'Reading circuits' we chose to do before Ok, apart from all being white middle like to thank all of those who came along particular event was only created the every outing became a representation of class males, mainly from minor public to the reunion at HRR 2016. Your through the booms (well, that's his Ging (3) previous year, and was fattened with our unity as a team. We weren't all close schools in Oxfordshire, we were pretty presence made a bunch of balding old excuse anyway). 'To rely on reputation is complacent… Oxbridge college crews, full of 'Binkies' friends, but we had a close bond, and diverse, from a rowing perspective. As in farts feel very humble and appreciative. outstanding teamwork can deliver and 'Hugos' who had oh-so-nearly won Frankly, we had to do it the hard way. now these guys are now like brothers life, our diversity of thinking (and See you all at HRR 2041. performance in excess of your wildest their College bumps. Also, rowing wasn't (and a sister). technique) gave us strength. dreams. And at that age some of my the sport it is now: I mean, you wander So why did it happen, and what did we Piers Robinson dreams were quite wild I can tell you'. around the Enclosures at Henley these learn that has helped us in life? Well, I've 5. Ownership and accountability 12. Courage UBBC Captain, 1990-91 days, and it's like walking through a identified twelve things: Our paucity of resources, meant Some produce their best on the day, and bamboo forest, with all those lanky spending most weekends throughout some fluff their lines. We always youths wafting around. 1. Clear goals the season travelling the country, seeking delivered under pressure… there was An obvious starting point, but so true. out decent stretches of water, coaches never a soft stroke: the racing focus was But were we really all that lucky? We OK, so rowing is easy from that point of and competition. No one told us to do it, impenetrable. were at a lowly West Country university, view there's a clearly defined annual no one made us do it. We made a with crappy facilities, second-rate calendar. But you must focus on what collective decision and just got on with it. So how do I sum up what I've learned? equipment (I won't forget those bendy you want and believe... see number 2. If you create the right environment, wooden oars, when everyone else had 6. A feedback culture people will achieve their potential. carbon blades), no local coach, no GB 2. Underlying self-belief Our daft-as-a-brush Henley-based junior superstars and, frankly, a talent As Malc and I enjoyed a beer in the coach, Phil, was our tenth man, but the Competitors' enclosure on Henley Friday distance meant we spent as much of our What do I mean by that? You don't have pool so shallow we definitely didn't need to tell or coerce, or even excessively wellies. the previous year, we made a pledge: time self-coaching as being coached. next year we'll win Henley. I made the So we developed a culture of incentivise people. If the environment is right, the people will do the rest. For me And, you can only beat what's in front of same statement at the start of the 1990- constructive criticism and feedback. this is the secret to success. you (or behind you, I guess). Our results 91 season, and not one of this group ever And when we were lucky enough to have spoke for themselves: we were never questioned or doubted it even once. the input of others… we lapped it up and Now that's what I've learned. To follow is beaten (apart from by the Canadian The cynics and non-believers soon fell took every opportunity to learn and some nonsense from the rest of them... World - and soon to be Olympic - out of the squad, which left us with a improve. and I promise there was no conferring: champions who beat us to the Barrier by small, core group of winners. 7. No nonsense a length in a training piece… oh, and we Fred (Str) 3. Persistence We all messed things up me more than lost on my wedding day, with my wife 'By taking feedback and working hard to We put a pretty good 4- together in the most. But we all recognised the positive subbing in for Fred, but that's another improve, I earned my place and together Head season. But four other guys and a intent and accepted each other we even story). As well as being unbeaten, we we were awesome. Do something cox refused to accept being in the put up with Ging's persistent 'light- had the fastest time of the day at all the amazing and no one can take it away 'second boat' and were so fast they made housing' from the 3 seat. No politics or big summer regattas, and achieved from you. Ever!' some pretty decent scalps, like an sure the 4- want to be part of a bigger BS amongst this lot.

VIIIVIII UBBC ALUMNI UBBC ALUMNI IX I IX X UBBC UBBC ALUMNI ALUMNII UBBC ALUMNI XII XI UoB Boat Club set their The lovely pair of women’s lightweight Heslop, himself new to rowing when he All five of these rowers hope to continue the amount of food varies. Joe and I are ‘Then we got a new boathouse two years rowers, Phoebe Beer and Nicola Haynes, came to university, laughs as he recounts their successes in rowing at GB trials this open weight so we eat between 4000 to ago which was a big investment on our sights on GB places are two clear examples. They were both his sporting achievements before his weekend. Still only in their third year of the 6000 calories a day to ensure we have part and huge for the uni as well. We also Published on November 1, 2016 by Grace Youell sport, Haynes and Beer talk about the enough food in. ’Harper agrees that time re-printed by the kind permission of UoB's Student promising athletes in their respective time at Bristol. ‘I didn’t do any proper invested in a couple of new boats and put Newspaper, Epigram’ sports before coming to Bristol and sport before I came to university so I trials with a mixture of anticipation and management is sometimes a challenge. time into recruitment as well, particularly excitement. ‘The difficulty of it is that it’s The university’s boat club is going from picked up rowing in their first year. found it quite hard to start off with, I didn’t ‘Some days it is hard to fit the time in to for our senior squad.’ such an unknown for us and we’ve never strength to strength and Sports really enjoy the training and I just kept eat and sleep that much. You can’t get I didn’t really enjoy the training and I done anything quite like this before’, These positive changes will hopefully Reporter Grace Youell went to meet five going because my friends kept going. eight hours of sleep if you are getting up just kept going because my friends Haynes exclaims. ‘We are not sure where pay off this year. ‘I’d like us to be one of of the club’s most committed members Then I started to actually enjoy it a bit at 5am to eat. Then sometimes you just kept going we are pitching’. the top six universities in the UK. We have who are hoping to make a splash at GB more as the year progressed and I got want to go out but then you can’t be every chance of doing this.’ trials this weekend. fitter.’ getting absolutely wrecked and get up ‘The year before university I was in ‘We have loads of major competitions the next day for training.’ We spot them in their gym kit after their America on a golf scholarship’, Haynes Callum Gathercole, senior lightweight throughout the year but trials are the The Teammates morning training sessions on the way to recalls. ‘I was supposed to do a degree rower and a legendary character in the biggest thing’, Beer says. ‘A lot of the The Support Network our 9am lectures. Some of us may watch out there but at the end of one year I had boat club, chuckles as he remembers U23 GB girls have left because they are For Harper, being quite new to rowing, them at Henley Regatta. But for the had enough of it all, I came back and Alex in his first year. ‘He was so keen. He too old now, so there is potential. I guess Getting up at 5am and staying motivated teammates in the boat club are individuals that make up the University of picked the closest thing to golf – which always asked if there was anything he we will see.’ for training can only be achieved through particularly important. ‘It is good we have Bristol Boat Club, including the five going was apparently rowing!’ Beer, on the could do to improve his rowing the determination of the individuals. But each other with five of us trialling. It’s to GB trials this weekend, rowing is so other hand, played football and athletics technique.’ Harper is similarly looking forward to all five athletes are keen to stress the useful to talk to other people and we are much more than the daily training. It is a to regional level. The duo quickly making a splash. ‘I’ve heard that the GB importance of the support network that all going for the same thing.’ way of life. became star rowers of the boat club and Heslop is quick to respond. ‘Well you trials are pretty horrible but I’m quite surrounds them. have contributed to the women’s were a big deal back then…. Not so looking forward to it. This year I’ve got For Haynes and Beer, who are close The Stars successes. much anymore!’ This was said with a nothing to lose so will go there and see I’d like us to be one of the top six friends and housemates, the biggest smile because everybody knows that what I can do and also have a bit of fun.’ universities in the UK source of support and motivation comes The boat club is one of the largest and from each other. most successful sports clubs at the Gathercole is still very much a big deal. In February 2016, he became the youngest The Training Head Coach Cameron Kennedy, university. It has four squads and for the ‘I don’t know about you’, Haynes says to solo athlete to row the 3000 miles across Assistant Coach Ed Bloomfield and the first time is running a ‘Learn to Row’ Beer. ‘But I think that both of us have the Atlantic Ocean. Weekly training for the rowers is made up Sports Department at the University course, providing the opportunity for of weights and cardio sessions in the support the rowers with training been a pretty big driving factor in each over 100 students to learn to row at gym, out on the water and different forms schedules, resources and advice. ‘We other’s development.’ Beer laughs and university. The club organises a number of cross-training including running, are pretty lucky to have Cam and the agrees. ‘It’s an odd relationship. Since of successful events throughout the year, biking and swimming. Balancing the performance sport team to help us out’, novice year, there has been me, Nic and including the popular Head Race in One of the two female lightweight rowers going to intensity of training with competitions, Heslop says. ‘I’d not done any elite sport Jess (a third lightweight rower) and we December, and has an impressive GB trials, Phoebe Beer (nearest to the front) rowing university work and finding time to relax before, I didn’t really know what to do in have been the three musketeers and as part of the Women’s Eight in Varsity this year alumni network. and socialise can take its toll. terms of training and what it actually tried to beat each other all the time. Joseph Harper, a third year studying required so their experiences are ’Experienced rowers in the boat club, Chemistry, picked up rowing only 14 ‘The hardest part for me is finding time to incredibly useful for us.’ including Gathercole who has rowed months ago. ‘We spotted Joe at the train, work, eat, everything’, Heslop since he was 9, provide the much Welcome Fair last year’, captain Heslop explains. ‘It gets to the point, like this In the last three years, this support has needed support and advice to those that r e m e m b e r s . ‘ W e d i d s o m e week, where we have had two weeks of led to some impressive improvements are newer to the sport. ‘There is a lot of anthropometric testing, he was pretty ridiculous training and just need to sleep for the boat club. ‘Three years ago we hit pressure in it and sometimes, you need good and was keen for it as well which but we need to keep working and training a big slump’, Heslop explains. ‘I think it each other’s experiences to say it’s fine, helps.’ because we are so close to trials.’ was a combination of things reaching the it’s just rowing.’ Gathercole laughs. ‘It is end of their potential. We got Cam in this literally what it is. It’s going in a boat Once a national swimmer, Harper took to When training is not going to plan, time last year, who had had won backwards.’ training with ease. ‘Because I started as a university work can feel even tougher. ‘I Callum Gathercole celebrating after completing his women’s Henley and the BUCS overall Learn to Row outing number 2, novice men novice, the training was progressive and 3,000 mile row across the Atlantic actually think that’s the hardest’, Beer trophy for the Durham’s women’s Life without rowing? milking the conditions it started light. It was kind of a shock to When asked about this immensely says. ‘When training is not going well, uni squad.’ UBBC UBBC ALUMNI ALUMNII When asked if there will be a life without Alex Heslop, Club Captain and senior me that it wasn’t harder at first but impressive and challenging experience, doesn’t seem to go very well. If a session rowing, all of the athletes grinned. open weight rower, explains why the obviously now it’s really hard. That many Gathercole is quick to play it down. ‘It goes well it can put you in the best mood Captain Heslop is quick to say that there commitment of the members is key for hours of swimming was something I wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. ever. If you have a really horrible session, will certainly be life without the daily club success. ‘Our members are very missed from swimming, so I wanted to Beforehand I geared myself up for the it’s not good at all, and work can suffer as training. ‘I think because it’s so intense, committed. We get people who are really get back into a sport where I was training worst two to three months of my life, but I a result’. once I am ready to finish then that’s it. But keen to make the best out of the club and again properly every day or twice a day. was pleasantly surprised. The best bit On top of the 11 training sessions a today is not that day.’ this means we are very much a Now I really enjoy it.’ was being in the middle of the ocean with week, sleeping and eating enough of the committee led group. The committee no one else around you. It’s the widest right foods is another challenge for the For the Steve Redgrave of Bristol input is what drives performances and horizon in the world and it was rowers. ‘We have to get a lot of sleep, at University, Callum Gathercole, there will last year our performances peaked’. incredible’. least eight hours a night’, Heslop never be a life without rowing. ‘I will probably carry on to be honest. Don’t ask ‘It has been a long time since we had ‘I don’t know why I chose to row the explains. me why.’ those kind of wins, the senior men won at Atlantic instead of doing a charity bike ‘Then nutrition is massively important to Reading Regatta and we beat some of ride but I guess I had always done rowing try and make sure we have enough Everyone at Epigram Sport would like to the top clubs in the country, and the and I had heard about it before and energy to keep doing every session and wish all the GB trialists luck for this women also won that day. The women’s thought yeah why not. Suddenly I had refueling our muscles. Depending on weekend! performances are going from strength to congratulations to Joe Harper who is invited to GB this boat and it was a bit more real and I 6 senior 8s lined up for this morning's session sculling camp in August! (Photo: Bristol boat house what weight category you are aiming for, strength.’ thought oh, I have to do this now.’ (3 women's and 3 men's)

XII UBBC ALUMNI UBBC ALUMNI XI XIIII The following athletes As far as results are concerned, the less leans over the prison dining table and the line during the Nonesuch Women's of fitness and a whole lot of determination said about the Nonesuch performance at says to Andy Dufresne: 'Let me tell you 8+ first round race at Henley T&V it felt secured Nonesuch Women their first will progress to the Met Regatta, the better. Sadly the something, my friend. Hope is a more like that current was suddenly more ever regatta win in a crew boat. A trip to second round of trialling organisers hadn't received the memo, dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man of a reality for us than for our opponents Spoons and too much breakfast later our on account their erg and we were forced to race in conditions insane. It's got no use on the inside, you as they drew back alongside. In that final didn't go quite so well but still, a that can only be described as un- better get used to that idea'. I'd like think moment I was cursing past gym sessions performance to be proud and one the scores: Nonesuch-like. Catches even Chilcot everyone present at the Henley Town Hall not done and the pain of lactate recently Nonesuch Women are looking to build on Nicola Haynes - U23 W Lwt - 7:36 would call late threw us off balance on the on that fateful Saturday afternoon in June remembered instead. this year. Callum Gathercole - U23 M Lwt - 6:25 warm up, and a vengeful posting to the was hoping to draw Sabrina RC. Doing James Foster - U23 M Hwt - 6:13* outside lane well known to be 50 so would mean a virtually certain With our recent HWR winner, Lucy As well as our usual appearances at Joe Harper - U23 M Hwt - 5:59 seconds slower than the middle Thursday race, barring a crash into the Primmer, at stroke (and frankly pulling UBBC Head Race in December and shattered morale: it was at that point I Bristol pile of course. Against all odds, most of us along) the row to the start had Varsity in the Spring we are looking to join *James Foster, a promising athlete from knew we weren't to go sub-6. however, we drew Quintin. Immediately gone remarkably well. In typical the ranks of the men this year in hunting last year's Novice intake earned last rumours started circulating around the Nonesuch style we'd even done our best for some summer regatta glory, with the minute inclusion in the trialist's group Back on land, we debriefed and I met a Nonesuch camp claiming that the to psyche out our opponents with some aim of entering crews into both Reading following a series of strong quarter of the crew for the first time. Quintin crew had done some actual synchronised stretching on the start line Regatta and HWR. If you're keen to be performances in testing early this Having only graduated in 2015, this was training. Really? People train for Henley? (video evidence is available). We flew off involved then please get in touch season. my first opportunity to represent the rose Surely not. the start and by the 250m mark were ([email protected]) or add on what is now an historic and well- about a length up on our opponents. It yourself to our Facebook group (search trodden path of maroon-tinted Henley I was wrong. But the race will go down in would be fair to say that that's where the for ‘Nonesuch BC’). glory. By the boat we refuelled, history as a close one (3/4 length) and lack of fitness started to show for the discussed the coming month's training that's all that matters. More importantly, majority of us non-HWR winners in the After all, maybe it's time to stop fighting plans, and debated the metaphysical the YouTube coverage provided our 7- boat and inch by inch and metre by metre that current and allow yourself to be strands of the Nonesuch Curve doctrine. man, Andrew Parrish, with a rather the crew beside us started to reel us back borne back into the past. Much like the biblical tale of Celidonious, unexpected modelling contract. I expect in. At 100 metres to go there was nothing I was blind but could now see. Our result he's reading this from either Paris or in it but we hung on as hard as we could, Stephanie Harris at Met had been disappointing, but no Milan with that same smoulder on his winning by a canvas. Luckily our matter, the curve was coming. An Oxford- face that was broadcasted around the collective combination of varying levels based training weekend was arranged, world only a few months ago (see photo). and Marlow Regatta was set as our next shot at glory. And so our hopes and dreams of Thursday glory were shattered. After the Some would argue that entering Senior race we regrouped and wiped away our James Foster & Joe Harper 2nd & 3rd from right 8s was a bold move. Others would call tears with the napkins placed by the bar nonsense. Either way, we won the C Final of the Catherine Wheel. It had been my at Marlow in a time of 6 minutes (rounded first Nonesuch experience, and it had Nonesuch BC to one significant figure). And yet, alas, well and truly been a hoot. But as Nelly Henley Royal Campaign we had not satisfied the Gods. Some Furtado sang on her third studio album days later, news spread around the globe “Loose”, and as Geoffrey Chaucher 2016 of our requirement to attempt Henley wrote some years earlier in his smash hit CREW: qualifiers with the underclasses of the poem, “Troilus and Criseyde”, 'all good • Cox: Poppy Mather rowing world. No one was more shocked things must come to an end'. To next year. • Stroke: Nick McNeill than our 6-man, Benjamin McSweeney, • 7: Andrew Parrish who had won an insignificant race on the Sam Salt (2012-15) • 6: Ben McSweeney Thames earlier that year. But unlike that

• 5: Jonny Ball earlier race, the Royal Regatta was to be Minor note: Congratulations to Chris • 4: Mark Roberts televised without interruption from the Heywood (2012-15) and George • 3: Socks BBC interviewing an old Bristol rower • 2: Sam Salt Stewart (2013-15) for winning the (me). This time it was clear we would Thames Challenge Cup. • 1: Toby Bownass have to honour the timeless plight of the Beastie Boys and fight for our right to party. despair and panic, and Kevin, a man Henley Town & When Jim Morrison had a heavy night he from Hartlepool, proclaiming his joy and Visitors Regatta would sit down at breakfast the following One day our grandchildren will ask where satisfaction at the news of finally getting morning and eat an ice-cold watermelon we were in the summer of 2016 when his country back. Despite the palpably Everytime I set foot back in a boat for sprinkled liberally with salt. Another of my Great Britain prolapsed and announced gloomy atmosphere inside the boat Nonesuch BC the closing line of F. Scott favourite hell-raisers, Bertram Wooster, by verdict of referendum they were to be tents, the Nonesuch crew stormed down Fitzgerald's “The Great Gatsby” comes found that when he had overdone it, a leaving the European Union. The answer the championship course nearly as fast to mind. prairie oyster mixed dutifully by Jeeves for me, and indeed the whole of the as Iain Duncan Smith backtracked on his “So we beat on, boats against the was just the thing to bring him back to life. Nonesuch 2016 Thames Challenge Cup NHS pledges. It was a demonstration of But in my opinion, the most effective current, borne back ceaselessly into the boat, will be: in Henley-on-Thames intent: Upper Thames, we have no idea past.” hangover cure is battling down the racing qualifiers. I can rather vividly still how you pre-qualified but we're coming 2000m course at Dorney in a scratch remember the drive down from for you. I would like to claim on most occasions crew of reliable old Bristol men. And Northampton, listening to Radio 1 and this is driven by a sense of nostalgia for that's exactly how the Nonesuch 2016 the interviews of a female doctor from There's a famous scene midway through past races won and old stories recently campaign began, at least for me. somewhere near Richmond, in a state of The Shawshank Redemption, where Red remembered. However, 10 strokes from

XIV UBBC UBBC ALUMNI ALUMNII UBBC ALUMNI XI I XV Interview with What achievement are you most The Annual Dinner Special mentions to - Peter Jones, who proud of this year? (how did it feel when Reborn arrived just in time for main course, Alex Dates for your Diary Ben McSweeney you crossed the line, when did you Heslop and Tom Clark, this year's and On Saturday 17th September, members When were you at Bristol? realise it was a big deal etc) last year's Club Captains respectively, of the London contingent met for a 2007-2010 I was proud of the Isis crew when, as who made the trek from Bristol and found Quintin Head and Alumni dinner, which most present agreed was Goldie were moving through us on their a parking spot on the Mall, Adam above the usual standards to be Drinks What did you study? bend and we rowed through what might Mackenzie for some rather unsteady expected at a Boat Club ball, at the Geography as well have been a hurricane (the photography skills and most importantly The Ship Inn, 10 Thames Bank, impressive RAC on Pall Mall. Cambridge women had just sunk on our Matt Ridley for being a wonderful host. London SW14 7QR Why did you join the boat club? I had seen the Oxford-Cambridge Boat station), instead of giving up we hurled Saturday 28th January abuse at our opposite numbers and We were lucky enough to be met by a We look forward to next year's dinner and race on TV as a kid and decided that I 2016 Bristol Bullet in the foyer; a lovely what we hope will be a new tradition in the wanted to row when I went to University pulled as hard as we could until we broke them and rowed clear. coincidence, which, despite the hopes of Nonesuch calendar of events! BUCS Head Race some attendees, was not the result of my What were your initial impressions? foresight or organising prowess. There's Danielle Standish Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th "This is hard work!" "Coach Pete Ashford Was there any moment that was always next year. UBBC Alumni Social Secretary February is unhinged" "Rower's don't go out a lot particularly testing? (did you ever but when they do, they go hard" doubt yourself) Not making the blue boat was tough, Seven Captains Women's Head of the River Can you tell us a highlight of your especially as it was a close call and left Race time with UBBC? There were many until very late. There was a day where I times where we achieved things that I Saturday 11th March doubted whether I wanted to row with the had previously thought would be second crew but thankfully I pulled impossible and every time we smashed myself together and we had a great boat one of those goals was a highlight. Head of the River Race race campaign and a lot of fun. Winning gold at BUCS in the Novice 8+, Saturday 25th March rowing with the senior 1st 8+ and winning a pennant at HORR, winning Do you see yourself doing more of gold at BUCS champ 4-, going to EUSA the same this coming year? (or are you Varsity Boat Race & Ball to represent GB universities and final-ing done with rowing?) March 2017, date TBA in the PA at Henley. The shared I am training for a running marathon, a exhilaration with each crew when we hit much more time efficient way to stay fit! It those milestones was an incredible turns out I'm a good sprinter so will make BUCS Regatta experience. an attempt on the 100m erg record, 29th April - 1st May watch this space.. And what about any low-points? I and everyone else held ourselves to If you could give advice to a younger Metropolitan Regatta extremely high standards and when we version of yourself (when you first fell short it was pretty upsetting. There Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th June started rowing), what would you say? were plenty of erg tests and races where I "You are already strong enough, do more felt like this, especially losing the PA final Reading Amateur Regatta at Henley. Those emotions show you that ergs and less weights stop being vain!" you are passionate and committed and Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th June simply help you to learn and move on. Looking back at where you were when you started this journey at What have you been upto in the past Bristol, where did you think it was Henley Women's Regatta year? I have been studying at Oxford going to lead you? (and what’s next?) 16th - 18th June and training with the infamous OUBC I would never have imaged that it would dark blues! lead to the amazing experiences that I HWR Alumni Drinks & BBQ had at Bristol, Leander, Thames and And how have you been filling the Oxford. The common thread has been Saturday 17th June time off the water? that goals and ideas about what's Eating, sleeping and studying for my possible were progressively re-defined. I MBA. am getting involved with entrepreneurial Henley Royal Regatta What shocked/surprised you about technology businesses in London and 28th June - 2nd July the programme? (I’m assuming normal I'm sure those lessons will apply. clubs don’t row 40k and do kiwi circuits HRR Alumni Drinks, on Saturday mornings) F i n a l l y, h a v e y o u h a d a n y I was surprised that 1) it is possible and involvement with Nonesuch BC? Lion's Meadow very beneficial, if a bit boring, to focus on What do you make of it? Saturday 1st July the absolute basics and do nothing but I raced with Nonesuch BC in the Brit 4+ row steady state for 30k a day six days a at Henley in 2015. Basically I got to race week and 2) that having sessions that at a very good level, hang out on the river Annual Dinner physically exhaust you (Kiwi circuits Avon in the summer, and abuse old and September 2017, ahem) are probably over-done in most new mates from Bristol for a few months - rowing programs. pretty ideal! date and venue TBA

XVI UBBC UBBC ALUMNI ALUMNII UBBC ALUMNI XVIIXII UBBC's Season so far.... from Stroud on the third stroke which lost Fours Head us some ground, although we recovered Britchamps quickly which was good) we pushed onto Crew / Finish No / Start No / Position/Time the other crews but didn't manage to Elite Lwt 4x- / 56 / 2 / 2 of 2 /19:32.4 Earlier this term UBBC headed north to break through any of them. IM2 4+ / 141 / 284 / 9 of 41 / 20:23.6 compete in Britchamps with one of the W IM2 4+ / 284 / 440 / 6 of 48 / 21:47.7 biggest contingents of recent years. That said it was some pretty close racing W Elite Lwt 4x- / 300 / 54 / 3 of 3 / 21:58.4 Crews below (stroke to bow): which Cam seemed content with so a really good day! And pushing some of the BUCS Indoor Rowing Saturday: ALUMNI CONTACTS bigger names in uni rowing again is Championships U19 M2x: Arthur Smith, Marcus Smith definitely a sign of things to come, LM2x: Harry Rosen, Ben Slingsby Chris Hartley, Chairman Newcastle were devastated when we Another great weekend for UBBC as we LW2x: Charlie Rogers, Teuntje Tijssen knocked them into the D final.” bring home the South West Region Victor [email protected] LW2x: Phoebe Beer, Nicola Haynes Ludorum for BUCS Indoors after a strong W4-: Sally Elphick, Alice Davies, *The new format mixes all 8's regardless showing yesterday. Tom Davies, Treasurer Nathalie Rappaport, Jess Pope of classification, Senior, Academic, [email protected] M4-: Alex Heslop, Harry Stroud, Joe Schoolboy/Girl etc.. to ensure the most • Overall Highest Scoring University Harper, Callum Gathercole competitive racing. • 2nd and 3rd in Openweight Men 2k Dan Hatfield, Deputy Chairman • 3rd in Openweight Women 2k Sunday: Alex Heslop • 3rd in Lightweight Women 2k [email protected] W8+: Sophia Margetts (cox), Phoebe • 3rd in Beginner Women 1k Beer, Alice Davies, Sally Elphick, Jess • 3rd in Beginner Men 1k David Phillips, Fundraising Pope, Nathalie Rappaport, Nicola • 1st and 2nd in Mens 2k Relay Haynes, Teuntje Tijssen, Charlie Rogers [email protected] • 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Womens 2k Relay M8+: Jen Cocke (cox), Alex Heslop, Callum Gathercole, Joe Harper, Harry Edward Renwick, Secretary Combining that with a couple of fat ergos Stroud, James Foster, Jack Squizzoni, ripped at trials (including a sub-6), it's [email protected] Ben Slingsby, Harry Rosen been a solid start to the year on the stationary grey single for the club! James Diaz-Sokoloff, It's been a strong start to the year, with 7/9 of the HWR W8+ returning, and 4/9 of the Membership Secretary Alex Heslop Temple HRR M8+ too. We've had some [email protected] exciting new additions to the senior squads, plenty of continuation from the Adam Mackenzie, ex-novice squads, and it's great to have Nonesuch Boat Club Captain Callum back with some Bristol Red on his [email protected] kit. As for the races themselves, Saturday yielded a mixed bag but provided all with v a l u a b l e s m a l l b o a t s r a c i n g Pete Randolph, experience,particular highlight being the Nonesuch Boat Club Men's Captain blistering 2nd place finish in the E/F Final [email protected] for U192x and UBBC newcomers Arthur and Marcus. Sunday saw both Men's & Steph Harris & Stacey Crocker, Women's 8's step on another level both securing C FInal places in the hotly Nonesuch Boat Club Women's Captains contested 8's event.* More from Jen [email protected] Cocke, coxing of the UBBC Men: Danielle Standish, Social Secretary “The semis were really strong for both of [email protected] us, the women led in the first 500 and then dropped back into third which is where they finished, and the men were down on Peter Jones, Newsletter the whole field in the first 500 and then [email protected] moved through into third with about 1250 to go, then in the last 500 edged in front of Tom Clark, Web Development UL into 2nd but they clawed it back in the [email protected] last 250. It was great to see the women pickup where the left off last season, giving Durham something to worry about and beating the UL crew in their semi and finishing with a third of a length overlap Please feel free to contact any of the with Edinburgh was a fantastic effort too!” steering group at the above email addresses, or alternatively, email: “Our Finals were very similar races in that [email protected] we were a bit down of the start (in the men's boat we had a bit of a mini crab


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