Memory Management Basics Implementing Paged Segmentation Are We Done?

Individual segments can be implemented as a paged, virtual Segmentation allows sharing address space  A segment address address is a pair (s, va) or a triple (s, (p, o)) … but allocation/deallocation of arbitrary size segments is  s — segment number complex  p — page number (pmax pages)  Yields external fragmentation  o — page offset (omax bytes/pages)

How can we improve memory management?

Solution: Paged segmentation!  Partition segments into fixed-size pages n 0  Allocate and deallocate pages  Contiguous pages in VAS need not be contiguous in PAS s p o  No external fragmentation, but internal fragmentation possible

Virtual address = (s ×pmax +p) × omax + o 18 19

Implementing Paged Segmentation Sharing in Paged-Segmented Systems Combining segmentation and paging Sharing segments

Add one additional level of indirection to the If segments are paged then page tables are automatically shared  Processes need only agree on a number for the shared segment CCPPUU MMeemmoorryy s p o f o Virtual Physical Addresses Addresses 19 15 9 0 11 9 shared seg (p,o) 0 heap seg s f = 2 code seg f = 0 57 A’s Segment Table f = 1 f SSTTBBRR ++ page table ++ shared seg s p heap seg Shared Segment s jmp (p,o) code seg Page Table P’s Segment S’s B’s Segment Table Physical Memory Segment Table Page Table 20 21 Concept

2n-1 Key problem: How can one support programs that require more memory than is physically available?

Hide all physical aspects of memory from users  Memory is a logically unbounded of 2n bytes Program Virtual Memory and  Only portions of VAS are in physical memory at any one time P’s Address Translation VAS Issues  Placement strategies  Where to place programs in physical memory  Replacement strategies  What to do when there exist more processes than can fit in memory  Load control strategies  Determining how many processes can be in memory at 0 one time

1 2

Realizing Virtual Memory Physical Address Specifications Paging Frame/Offset pair v. An absolute index

(f -1,o -1) MAX MAX Example: A 16-bit address space with (o Physical memory partitioned into equal max =) 512 byte page frames sized page frames  Addressing location (3, 6) = 1,542 (3,6) 1,542 (f,o) o A is a pair (f, o) o f — frame number (f frames) 3 6 max Physical o — frame offset (o bytes/frames) max Memory Physical address = o ×f + o Physical max PA: Memory 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 16 10 9 1 f f PA: 1,542 1 log2 (fmax × omax) log2 omax

(0,0) 0 f o (0,0) 3 4 Realizing Virtual Paging Mapping virtual addresses to physical addresses 2n-1 = (p -1,o -1) MAX MAX Pages map to frames A process’s virtual address space is Pages are contiguous in a VAS... partitioned into equal sized pages Virtual  But pages are arbitrarily located  page = page frame (p,o) Address in physical memory, and (f ,o )  Not all pages mapped at all times 1 1 o Space A virtual address is a pair (p, o) p — page number (p pages) Virtual max Physical o — page offset (omax bytes/pages) Address (p2,o2) Memory Virtual address = omax×p + o Space

p (p1,o1) (f2,o2) VA: 1 log2 (pmax×omax) log2 oMAX

(0,0) p o 5 6

Paging Virtual Address Translation Details Virtual address translation Page table structure

PPrrogrograamm A page table maps virtual 1 table per process Contents: (f,o)  PP pages to physical frames Part of process’s state Flags — dirty bit, resident bit, clock/reference bit  Frame number


P’s p o f o p o f o Virtual Physical Address 20 10 9 1 16 10 9 1 Memory 20 10 9 1 16 10 9 1 Space Virtual Virtual Addresses (p,o) Physical Addresses Physical Addresses Addresses f PPTTBBRR + 0 1 0 f p p

Page Table 7 Page Table 8 Virtual Address Translation Details Virtual Address Translation Example Performance Issues

A system with 16-bit addresses (4,1023)  32 KB of physical memory Problem — VM reference requires 2 memory references!  1024 byte pages  One access to get the page table entry (4,0)  One access to get the data (3,1023) Page table can be very large; a part of the page table can be CCPPUU Physical Addresses on disk!! P’s p o f o  For a machine with 64-bit addresses and 1024 byte pages, what Virtual Physical is the size of a page table? Address 15 11 10 0 15 1110 0 Memory Space Virtual What to do? Addresses  Most computing problems are solved by some form of…  Caching 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0  Indirection 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0

(0,0) Page Table 9 10