Spacecraft & Vehicle Systems
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Marshall Space Flight Center Spacecraft & Vehicle Systems Engineering Solutions for Space Science and Exploration Marshall’s Spacecraft and Vehicle Systems Department For over 50 years, the Marshall Space Flight Center has devel- for assessment of the orbiter’s thermal protection system prior oped the expertise and capabilities to successfully execute the to reentry and for debris anomaly resolution. In addition, the integrated design, development, test, and evaluation of NASA Natural Environments group supported the day-of -launch I-Load launch vehicles, and spacecraft and science programs. Marshall’s Updates, provided the mean bulk propellant temperature forecast Spacecraft and Vehicle Systems Department (EV) has been a prior to each Shuttle launch, and performed radiation assessments major technical and engineering arm to develop these vehicles of Shuttle avionics systems. Members in the department also and programs in the areas of Systems Engineering & Integration co-chaired several propulsion SE&I panels including panels for (SE&I), flight mechanics and analysis, and structural design and Aerodynamics, Thermal, and Loads disciplines. analysis. EV has performed advanced research and development for future spacecraft and launch vehicle systems, and has estab- EV provides design and analysis support to numerous Science and lished technical partnerships and collaborations with other NASA Mission Systems projects, including the Environmental Control & centers, the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, Life Support System (ECLSS), the Microgravity Science Research industry, technical professional societies, and academia in order Rack, and the Node elements for the International Space Station. to enhance technical competencies and advanced technologies The department also developed and maintains the Chandra for future spacecraft and vehicle systems.
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