FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2020 On This Date 1925 – The first moving image Quote of the Day on television was transmitted in “Gymnastics has given me London, England. The device was built with everything but the kitchen everything in my life. I will sink. Scottish engineer John Baird continue to stay involved and used darning needles, piano wire, a try to give back to the sport tea chest, motorcycle lamp lenses, that has given me so much.” old electric motors, string, and wax, ~ Nastia Liukin among other items. 1938 – Orson Welles, at age 23, produced H. G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds and Happy Birthday! achieved national Nastia Liukin, born in 1989, is a and international Russian-born American gymnast fame. Near panic who retired from the sport in 2012. resulted when radio Liukin immigrated to the United listeners believed States at age two. Her parents, Soviet the simulated news champion gymnasts bulletin (which described a Martian and Anna Kotchneva, opened the invasion of New Jersey) to be real. World Olympic Daily Trivia Gymnastics Academy where Nastia trained, H. G. Wells and Orson Welles met becoming an Olympic when they were jointly interviewed champion in her own on the second anniversary of the right. In 2008, Liukin radio broadcast of The War of the won the Olympic all-around title as Worlds. Welles believed that the well as four other medals. She also has press had exaggerated the level of nine World Championship medals and panic following the broadcast. is a four-time U.S. national champion.

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