Th8 WaRtliflr SATURDAY. DECEMBER 1 . 194B at r . 8. Weather y X G t fOURTOBK Avenigfl Dolly drculatloit Cloady, occasional Ught min ^ Fee the Moatk f t November, 1848 night, UgRt sleet or freastag rata In tatarier; Tneeday cloady. same hand-holding stage juat now. The O ilier (^htireh lata la day; aot so coM tonight. war and the present return of Ik Slmk’nl o f Voice CHENEY BROS. ROOM RENTAL SERVICE 9,016 About Town soldiers from overseas ha.s added Member of thb Aodit Heard Along Main Street Enlarges Program Frequently we are asked by employees to assist a new crop of romances. We B on aa of CtreataMeae \ ■ ' ' noted this week two 6r three cou­ them in securing rooms, with or irithout board, and in ManehsMier— A City of Charm uid Mrs. Bdw’srd h ! Orsn- And on Sonte of Manchester'^9 Side Streets, Too ples roaming along ' the street connectio^with this we maintain a listing of known ■ 'w s and dsujfhter, Laiirs Jran, of hand-ln-han(l. a patiently waiting Center church has enlarged Its facilities in ihe Manchester area. \ MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1945 10 West street, Rork\1IIe. have re­ out that new .sled or making a wife or .sweetheart walking *klong program for ahiit-ina by appointing turned from a delightful two weeks Many a loral younj! girl, tol’u, with her man whom she hasn't a Shut-in committee. In addition to We will obvirlad to place oh our list the names o/. j^ iit In Conway, New Hampshire, 1dining the war years rooently past. snownian. Finally anow lame and m.any youngsters werv 'up early, seen In a long, long time. the careful and helpful work that parties in this who havehi such facilities available. Where they were guestsy st the between ‘ .loyalty -to a far-flghting It's quite a nimantic street, this -Loyal Circle of King's Daughters I boy and oiie who has adoquately yt t .tiTT wanted to play and not go Prasidentlsi] Inn. to school. Bissell street, but probably only 1$ . doing among the ahut-lna of CHENEY BROTHERS German Internees After Mass Suicide Attempts 'helpedh«1nr>d her to maintainmaint a constant (Center church, other activities are S h o r t s IS now ' Matiy hoys and girls along with more so to us than other streets Biinaet Oouncil, De^ee of Pora- atate off hotmmetown ------morale we chance to he overlook­ soon to bp added. This committee Employment Office bontaa, will meet Monday evening racing a ihlemmii. thair parents listened for word if Fact-Finding Units schtHil had been clo.sed or not. ing the scene each day. No doubt will cooperate with the King's Telephone 4141 at eight o'clock In the Ztpser With the boys, now roming^iome nearly every other street has Its Daiighte't.s In expanding the pro­ clubhouse. Officers «111 be nomf- rapidly, who have been re ^lany (ailed the offiee of The 6 seeking information as to own crop of romancing couples. gram. j d plana made for the an- reiving tender and endearing let- Herald, seeking I The committee 1# made up of j u a t e ; ’ nated and h(M)ls were closed nual Christmaaristmas party. Ueys from home while the gii ^ " "* Mrs. Clyde Beckwith. Mra. Harold ; friend has been receiving shots of for th« Xla>. WondoT. whatever happened to Set Up to Handle "open air" schools-? Manchester Belcher, Mias Ruth Crampton, 'Sergeant Snerwood Hum- rrorale building vitamins from the . a few years back it was ftin to oiwe had two such schools for Mrs. J. Elmer IClllott and Mns- WE CAN QUICKLY ARRANGE A phrev who waa sUtioned at Pas- .st.ay-at-home. some tall explaining go to sduipl in _^e snow. Young- children who were found to be Emil Kottke. with the pastor, Rev. IA)W COST FINANCE PLAN IWU Germany and his brother, is now being done. Kithei hat is steis wanted snTTw. yet they got threatened with lung di.senses. or Clifford O. Simp.son, a member ex- IWrilFirst SenreantSergeant Elmer T. Hum Hum-^ - taking place or a rude awakening up hiuI went'(iff to schrtol as their for some other reason needed offlclo. THROUGH THE BANK Auto, Steel Rows have'and breakups are In order as soon , father did to Ifis work svithout any plenty of fresh air and sunlight. AND AGENT K th ’'iirriVid” i?Vhi^cm^^^^ *’«'• I outbursts. T(Ktay the d.m ' One school was located about cording to wires received bv their w(Mk. (want to atten<}\classes If it rains where the present South Methodist ______PLAN parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas But once In awhile a real and ( or snows or diirtng cold weather. parsonage stands now. Another Knights Confer SAVE ------Truman Asks CAmgrew H o t C Milies Testifies Before Humphtey-of 12 L4Uey .sticet, and, pitiful, stiiiy -of waylaid romance Times have certainly changed. was on North School street near For Permanent Ma- j Doctbfs Hit Senate - House Group are expbcteil home within a few comes to 6ui attention . Parents should We that their the present Robertson school, Degree on C-las^ MONEY Every Strata dava. Both aoldiers have served A loeal girl, who has been c(>rre- children get up arid are off to These schools did a lot of good. MIsA RHIson chinei^ to Dfeal with ; Seen Result Investigating Pearl oVeracaa nearly two years. .sponding with two local hoys, both school on days similar to yester­ Many a child wgs put on the road ON AUTO FlNANaNG HealthPlan ■__ * jit oppoaite_»nds of the earth, is a day with the exceptioy of the- lit­ to health through the care and , MIsS Allison Lee, daughter of The second degree was conferred ’ INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE! Labor Disputes in ‘Im-[ Hit by Order Harbor; Inference, in tle tots. SchfKil Is In Wssion and treatment received In them. The upon a class of more than SO can­ Of Policies , The Alpine „ .Society will , meet bovs are on thi'ir way home and in the event of a majors Mr. and Mrs, Myron I>e of Bolton, 853 MAIN ST. TEL. 5810 portant Nationwide % For Nation Message , Only St aftei'iuxin at three schools were so eonstnicted that didates by officers of Campbell thi Ital^n club on FI- 1 are special fire alarm J the wln(k>ws were large aall could I refurned tp New York, after council at Tinker hall last night. wIndustries! 1 ' in FFuture For Arrests Against Sabotage T a l ^ O clock at the nalian club (m El- ^o? ! the Town of Manchester be openetl to allow the fresh air j a vl.sit at the home of her par- dridge aticet. Election of ITlcers problem came in a perfect- Sunday afternoon at 2:30 the third nal In the event that school 'Classss free circulation throughout the ; enta degree will be exemplified for, the German Resentment of immediate Formation of en; Reply Sent for the coming year will take „„dprstandahle manner. She ha\> been cancelled for th> day tooms.,The children were bundled place, and a full turnout of the Miss Lee Is a student r>t voice class under the direction of Dis­ ' Washington. Dec. 3 ! American Occupation MacArtbur’ s Newest Di­ had gone out on dales with both consist of nine long blasts oh the i up to protect them during the cold trict Deputy John Looney of Hart- — President Truman today | Voluntary Systems in MacArthur Different members Is hoi>ed for. boys and liked both of them. But. ] fire alarm at 8 o'clock in\the weather under the direction of Pietro Sul- Methods Giving Rise rective Leave Unan­ ^be slogan, "ahsence makes the | morning or at 12:.30 in the a f^ r - ' .. . . tww (lano of the Siildano-Schuleen stu- | ford set up fact-finding boards t o, Every State Offered Children.of Mary Sodalit.l heart grow fonder." applicable [ poon. Fire alarm blasts at th()se ^bere was always s sleep pec■ dioa in New York City. Candidates for the degree are to deal with the General Motors swered Ouestion on Washington, Dec. 3.— (fPH nod during the. day. The young­ TEXACO GRYSTALITE To Resistance Talk As' Better Pro)fram Bt. Janic.s's church will moet m j to both bovs. The nublic xhcails ‘ 1”'' •’ .... ' A graduate of Manchester High strike and threatened steel — Maj. Gen. Sherman A. school In the class of 1943, M issis o clock* for final instructlona. RANGE OIL NO. 2 FUEL OIL W bo Is War Criminal \ Mttes said today that the re­ er church and proceed in a body letters to both, thinking a nap, well protected against the Lee was employed fpr a time by walkout, and asked Congress Frankfurt, DeC. 3—lAh—German I cold when the winter season ar- Chicago, Dec. 3.—{If)—Im i^^i- ply Lieut. Gen. Walter a to the Holloran Fiineinl home, in jp , mitrome. The Herald and Hartford Coiirant. Per for* permanent machinery to resentment against American oc­ Tokyo," Dec. 3.—(F)—General tribute to Mrs. Margaret Naven, Now that both are coming home, Praise for the Manchester Me-1 rived. They were given soups, milk ate formation of voluntary ntm- Short made from Hawaii on and Is at present w'ith the Newv JUST RECEIVED! Galloa handle labor disputes m im­ cupation methods Is developing MacArthur's newest directive or­ whose daught^ns, Rita ahd Mary, poodoubt. with high hopes, a show- morial hospital is contained In- a ‘ and other health foods, carefully Y'ork Times. She is a mezzo-so- j 7 7-lOc cUK. proflt health care systems ^ Nov. 28, 1941, to a war warn­ letter addressed to this column - selected by dietitians. At the same portant nationwide mdus- gradually into bitter hatred which are members. , fjown will be in order, soon. And prano and a former member of the In\ialble dering the arrest of 5§ prominent every state—on a state-wide ba\ ing message from Washing- the local girl is living w’ith this this week. It reads as follows: ■ time they kept up w'ith their choir of the South Methodist ELASTIC STOCKINGS is giving rise to Increasing talk of Japanese as war crimes suspects "Have you noticed how many studies; ^ ‘*Aipenls for End of Strike sis—had the endorsement today ion was “ totally inadequate.' ■ ■ ~ I puzzle night and day. church. 2-Way Stretch L.T.W00DC0. resistance, according to a survey cases of critically Injured persons ' It Is our recollection that these The president appealed public­ reaches into every strata of Nip­ of state medical society officers ' RANGE AND FUELxOIL When it comes to clear class ; that a 'large nunihr ■ of property ! • Every Sat. Night At 8:30 Sharp! Against Captain MeVay Nuernberg, Dec. 3.— (JP)— ______ly tato domestic totaHtarianism. Harbor, demurred. 'Re sold ha ' * \ . distinction; ing boaid to deliberate and fi%e inflicted on other countries, Ger Seven' of the mllltarista once were (Oonttaoed oa Page Two) would like that-queaUon^ to ba cleavage of , owners have expressed n willing-; The mail bag brought the ful­ many has^jost more,” is the way Hitler was not bluffing when. . , Bruno Bycholski, Prop.X town and state and especially town ‘ - / ' trip men In the dreaded Kempeltal, directedi to offleSrs w l^ s*w tha ness to 'nay for street Hgfits in | lowing this week: Too President cited such wide­ Washlngton, Dec. 3—(IP)— The his threats of war in 19^8 led i Y a m a s b ita D e c la re s He rights, list to this plaint from a ' or thought police. ‘ Several were reply. He named those sw Beers- locations wh('1'e they have tx’cn re­ "Heard Along Main St., 21 Games Including Sweepstakes spread Induatries as steel, aut^ (Contlnned on Page Two) Navy formally accused Capt. England and France to sign H e lp le ss to tary of ^ o r Stimson. Gefiezal H «r» Ofliee: 568 Center St. Telephone af0138 cross-town bus driver; moved, if\the lights will be re­ "Dear. Editor: In- promlnent\ln the Imperial Rule mobUe. aviation, mining, ml. utilL CharlM B. MeVay III today of Assistance \assoctation, J span’s shall and the chief at the W ar "During the peak of the traffic stored. 'W ia understand the nuni- the Munich itact, secret Ger-! * Chinese Units "Am a devoted reader of your ■ Order ties and communications, as those Troops first single ^ t y . and Ita succes­ Ptena division, Gon, Lsonord T. w jam on Main street near the Cen­ her who have made such offers 2 TURKEYS GIVEN AWAY AS XDDITIONAL DOOR negligrace and culpable Inefficien man war plans introduced fit lervene With oolunin,. but thi.s is the first time I | to which the act should nPP'y- sors. The llsL Included: Gerow. ter yesterday, when cars and ; runs close to a hundred. have attempt-ed to contribute to it. j PRIZES UNTIL DECEMBER 22. -.This list, however, was ^ con­ cy In the loss of the 10,000-ton the international war crimes Manila In many uistanccs the street No Comments cruiser ’ Indianapolis in the clos­ To East o f Field Marshal Shunroku Hata, But Cnorii persisted, saying that tnick.s and buses w6re tangled on ' "I read your previous article on ■ FUEL O IL clusive, although Mr. trial of 20 leading Nazis dis­ Push Toward light which tiBs been removed has ing days of the war. former war minister who retired he wanted MUea’ opinion oa a m lpr. the little hill near the Nazarene the Highway Safety Campaign; the legislation should not closed today. Documents laid Manila, Dec. —WP)— Lieut. Gen. tary man ofdr long1( experience. been censiderVd a protection for Automobile in regard to thg-'two; From One of BlanehesteFs Old­ The charges were prepared for in 1940 and gave D l^ t o r Hldekl church, iny bus waa in the midst , ^ r small and local labor trou- Yet on Move before U»e International Military Tojo his big chance by naming "Totally Ina«te8nata B e p ^ property and a\ safety mcar-iure. In girls' carc'cE.s dinregard pt rules est Dealers for Reliable Hervtce. the opening session of a general Tomoyukl Yamashita declared at Mukden Now Jarvis Offers These of it, A town truck with sand wa.s ' triJSnhal showed that the Munlcb him as-his successor, Hata mirac­ "Very weU, sir,” replied MOofl. passing. I asked one of the men order to have that protection re- ^ Center Pmsldent said he was court nmrtial convened at the his war crimes trial today that one stored they are Willing to pay the , ,.j„ Saturday's ar- pact—by which the Czech Su- ulously escaped death by sitting "My opinion is that that messaga ! to throw a couple shovels of sand RANGE OIL pointing such a board ®n his own Washington Navy yard to try the of his Army groups had the power T o Hah Row -year-old son of a retired ad- detenland was hand^ over to the out In an air raid shelter the woe a totally inadequate reply to Houses — Now Available under my wheels to help me get a ____\ ticip on the Safety Truck Drivers' Metered Service! ^ th ority to deal with the Gen- 47 of life or death over prisoners and Rich Industrial Oty the measage it purported to reply However, We ay"e told that this i it gave ni^, for one rend- : miral. Nazis—was signed only two days atomic bombing of Hiroshima, grip on the . roadway. Looking | piaTor'sue*-” -'" ‘ Ilri M otorize United Automo­ he was helpless to intervene. to.”' EAOT CENTER ST.~ ASHWORTH STREET— '-.tion haa b ‘cn gi\on anything but a chuckle. M y i Every- Man Aboard Casualty before the date set by the German Opposed Tripartite Paet Only 3 0 Miles Ahead -.down his nose he answered; ; ' k, le it **“."•"■■■?. - ..... - ...... ■ - The W. C. Gleiiiiey Co. bile Workera dispute. high command for four Armies The former Japanese corn-* Baron Kilchiro Hiranuma, for Mllee continued that while the Riih hut r,n >*an .In ,H biiish-otf bcc.a\i-se ■ ^ , ojiinion as a egr owner, and care-, W in Expect Cooperation General Motors and I Every man aboard the Indian­ Short iheseage did not eay, that Beaatttal B-Room Single, 4 Large fl-Room Single In ex­ Sorry, Bub but no can do. adopted or gr!intcd\it would entail! la. tfial Mr Murphy's PHONE 4148 apolis was a casualty when enemy and the Air Force to be prepared mander in the made mer premier and now president O f Nationalist Spear­ fcndroenn, large tlMplog porch the rtartllng statement when hla only steps against sabotage had cellent repair. Large lot. 2-rar- State road. If you could get to the j loo much bookkeeping. Keepin.g j ..Jforti'nate mishap iSronlv a^vWy WASTE PAPER «WhUe thU board Union Officials Silent action sent her to the bottom of for a blitz Invasion of Czechoslo­ of the Privy council and senior aai nonporch. 8-ear garage. been taken, "there Is an infer­ top pf the hill pnto town operated track of these privaWly supported . ^nd forceful demon.Xtra^ the statutory powers which I hqpe the Philippine sea last July 30. vakia. counsel called him back to the elder statesman. Although known heads in Manchuria OU heat. Large lot. garage. Steam heat. On Direct Intervention stand to counter damaging tesU- ence of that” He said a reference. highways -1 might accommodate street lights woiild Wquire extra ^t^er the Congress will soon suthorim. Dead or missing totaled 880. the Expected French to Fight as a Japanese Fascist, he opposed you.’ is not de­ lIK, T n ^ a n Mid. “I mony by the prosecution’s rebut­ the tripartite pact with Germany ChuJM^ltag, Dec. 3— —'The MAIN STREET. GLE^WQOD STREET— billing and. thcrcfoiA. is not ‘I * - ; .feiiowv in this c.ase Mr. Murphy > of By Truman Today wounded 316. Not only were plans complete (Coottaoed oa Foga Twelve) sirable. tha A m ericA .people will expect Signed by Secretary of the Navy tal witnesses. ^...... and' Italy. MANCHESTER^ sonieonp's thougfitlessness, or for the invasion of rich industrial city of Mukden in Here’s an opportunity for .some M’e don't know to Vhet- extent disobedience of the most 'disre­ the employer and the em ploye ta Forrestal, the charges made pub­ —with the help of Hungary—but Yamashita said the 35th Army Former Premier Kotl Hlrota, un­ S and 5 Duplex. I.ot I06x this .sort of information\has rearch- British- cooper^e with the board as fully Detroit, Dec. 3.—(/P)—President Manchuria ties only 30 miles S-Famlly Uoute. tat floor 6 '250. not air heat. of the older residents to brush the, . , . , . • garded ruleslui.-n i..of the...c road.' that...... of. lic for the first time as the seven- the German Air Force expected group operating east of Manila, der whose administration the antl- roonia and llreplaoe; 2nd Boor cob wieb.s fronV their memories j t'd the Selcetnien, but \Ve think drivine without properly fociused. as « appropriate legislation had Truman intervened directly in the man military tribunal convened, where many atrocities for which Conlntern pact was slgneff in 1936 ahead o f advancing Nationalist France to join the fight and had spearheads, Chlnbse Central News S roomt nnd flreplaoe; Srd The writer of the letter below I worth mvestigating. If\a Pnva^ - lights. l h , American Club ' already been passed. nationwiderotelke of General Mo­ accused MeVay of; prepared detailed plans for attack the prosecution seeks to hold him aa a substitute for the tripartite floor 4 rooms. Oil heat New home.s under con­ which reachecr ,iis this week da-I individual is willing t(i hay f(ir a MONDAY, DECEMBER 3 •Tn the meantime, I am ***ij^5 agency reported today. - ' Light.s an* not properly focii.sed , tors workewv today,. informing 1 "Through negligence suffer­ in the west, the evidence intro­ responsible were commltteed, had pact. v throoghont. struction In various sec­ sires some information. Thi* b't- I '’H ect light why not let tvim ./Any when they are on 'high beam' in both parties to the <*‘»P'*»*'J® ing a vessel of the Navy to be authority to appoint courts mar­ Naokl Hoshino, who as chief As Chlang Kai-Shek’s forces Flashes! moans to an end. Street ^i^itiiig. play the same kind of patriotism Congrese that he was asking them duced by American prosecutors rolled northward without report­ Also 4-Room Single with oil ter Is self explanatory; face of an on coming motorist, i hazarded," and tial and try prisoners of war and tions of town. See us for adequate lighting, meai)! added SlTtaS displayed during the war. made plain. i ed opposiUon. Central News s^d (Late BuUetlBa ot the (F) Wlro) heat. ' "Dear Sir: \ who may he, find often is blinded IN THE SOUTHWEST SECTION to return to work immediately, 2. "Culpable inefficiency in the Relaying Hitler’s "unalterable internees. (Continaed bn Pmge SIz? complete details. Interior protection and safety. ^, 'Shrely a BINGO / 1 am asking all the workers to re­ The Army group was vested the first, government troops to be "In connection with some writ­ citizen ought not be, prevented suddenly by the glare. This new Federal move in the decision to* smash Czechoslovakia ’ DOVER ROAD— V •'If a car has a 'low beam* they turn to work immediately, and i (Continued on Page Ten) with this power at the time of its flown Into Manchuria would, ®e decorating done to suit ing 1 am doing, I anV very anx­ from increas'ng pedtectioA and Help the Hospital — Help Local Industry By Continuing -wage" dispute that has made 225,- byjnilitary action" to commanders 8-Room Cape Cod. Comer are not properly equipped for night 000 General Motors employes idle activation, the general testified, taken in by plane next week. Ftckete Bor Foremen owner. ious to contact older resident.^ of safety just bec:nisg.-1t meansydded (Coatfnoed on Page Tirelve) of the German Army, Navy and Today’s report indicates an ad­ lot, nicely landscaped. driving. Regular car Inspection To Save Paper. The Need Has Not Diminished! brought no quick comment from Air Forces. Field Marsha^ Wilhelm and he was without authority to Byrnes to Get * Stamford. Doc. S—Uf)—' FWO» Manchester who - can supply me clerical work. TONIGHT vance of 35 mllea.^ The Nation- of the strikebound Yale ft stres.scd that safety item. either corporation or the CIO Keitel, chief of the high command, take it away. FARM AND HOME LISTINGS WANTED! with some Information 1 desire" to , allats did not specify if Tahushan Tuwne Mfg. Co. here mode theta obtain to complete my research. The foUow^g letter relate! "One of oUr recent, more tragic United Automobile Workers. ^ Hasty Action was quoted ip an official directive Different Shade of Meaning accidents, (ip which a pedestrian Balkan Report ' had been by-passed o r the Com­ flf«t real attempt to croon the lo - \ "I am particularly anxious to experliklce kb doubt many hav' Right to Send Statement Studied as ordering that “its execution The proeecutlon lii cross exam­ was - also involved) was allegedly must be assured as from Oct. 1, munists had withdrawn. tornatlonal Aasoclatloa of Maektap contact anyone who was acquaint­ perienced/^Perhaps some" of ORANGE HALL At union headquarters the pres­ ination struck vigorously at some Press dispatches stated nego (luc to driver being blinded sud­ ' Not Advised 1938, at the latest" Iste (AFL) pIcRet line hero toddy : JARVIS REAUTY CO. ed with Walt Gay. or with ahy readers-*niay have a thought' ident’s statement was studied, and of Yamaahita’s previous testi­ tiations are "proceeding satisfac the subject; denly by oncoming car light.s. WCLL8 8TBBBT— CAST CENTER ST.— Detailed plans for In­ mony. After much wrangling it Ethridge to Give In­ but, alto® geftl“ 8 ' ■ * R ^ l Estate — Insurance — Klortgages members of the Gay family, or Y’ours without a chuckle, i ,Tv6op® Sought R. J. Thomas, international presi­ torlly” on a new Chlnese-Russian through, fhey were' pushed b o « 28 ALE.VANDER STREET ' PHONES 4112 A.ND 1275 with Charles M. or Ding Irish. “ Last Saturday as I was-return­ 4-Fsnilly Dwelling. 4 roome 8-Room Stogie, all convent- vasion and an agreement that Was agreed by both sides that I Jean A. Sargent, R. N." BIG PRIZES! dent, arranged a press conference Premature Hungary would join in the attack formation jObtained on agreement on Manchuria. Into the street by the maser" Weekdays and Sundays "I am also anxious to hear fi-om ing" from Hartford, I witnessed a each apt., nodern conveni­ ences. Including oil hot wstrr for this afternoon (1 p. m., e.s.t.). Busb Says some questions asked him in Eng The Russians recently agreed to a^ne which I cannot get out of 9 Middlefield St., Manchester heat. I-car garsgr. Orrputce. left little doubt at the trial that pickets. Joke^ O z l la ^ M . BUILD w rni JARVIS FOR SECURITY! ■ anyone who can shed any light on ence^ recently reflecomtefl in- Iran Petitions Russia to President C. E. Wilson of Gen­ lish had a different shade of mean Bulgaria and Romania defer ifor a month withdrawal Of Harold Isbell, ■representtog ton . 'tny mind, nor can I. find an answer targe lot and hire incerinn. Outlawing o f Atomic the cold-blooded invasion would the origin of the term.s "Slap Gut", •Me and ont. linndy to ■chonl*. eral Motors was in New York at­ ing in Japanese. Red troops from Manchuria, thus foremen, who halve been tatartM;] to a problem which presented it­ Last year at the "Y " the 'teen Ajdmission 25c buaea nnd olnipplng aeetloa. Price 810300. Terms Ar­ J»ermit Transportaiion have been .carried out if England Whereupon the Military com and "Gay’ City" to designate ses^ agers in town occupied the two tending a regular meeting of the Boiul) Is ; Dangerous and France had not signed the Washington, Dec. 3—ilf) Se^ enabling Nationalist forces to take from ©nterliMC th© sliio® til© tions of Manchester. . , ’ self at that time. Perhaps some­ Good Investment. Sale Price ranged. corporation’s directors,*'and Harry mission trying Yamashita ruled one will find the correct answer lower rooms adjacent to the bowl­ To Aaerbaijan Area Munich pact on Sept. 29, 1938— rotapy.of State Byrnes Is slated to. over. ‘ i strike started,on Nov.'',7, la a d ^ .: "I would very greatly appre­ 58,000. 82,000 Down. W. Anderson, GM vice president that henceforth the chief inter The generalissimo’s son. CJhlang and tell It to me. ing alle.vs. Their organization was EART CENTER STREET— * Bulletin! two days before the deadline set receivfe a first-hand report this pute over a 80 per J®* ciate it if anyone who caq/supply active in the wage negotiations preter's decision would be final week ^n political conditions in ,the crease and a closer) shop, ss^d they : "The scene was the Hartford named ".Iiimhle Itin." To date Tehran, Dec. 3.--(8V -T he by the high command. Throughout his stay on the me with any Information ^concern­ nothing has been Heard from this 7-Room Home Mith targe^ with the union, was en route tg Washini^on, Dec. 3. — (AV- Planned t o Bomb Boviet-corttrolled B’alkan countries ((Continued on Page Ten) had been Informed by the\unlai%:| bridge facing the rOtary at the ADAMS STRBBT— snnparlor and garage. In tan government urgently petition­ Dr. Vannex-ar Bush tol^ sena­ stand. Yamashita denied consider­ Make Gifts of Nylon ing the above, or whp knew, or corner. As we made the turn to­ group of 'teen agers who wanted a I Washington for a discussion to- Plana for the bombing of Prague of Bulgaria and Romania, office that the line would be b|» knew of, any of the persons here fl-Room-Single, In good con­ very nlqe location ot Mnnehes- ed ^viet Russia today to tors today that the late Pres­ able portions of the testimony of There is po prospect, according wards Manchester my attention place to call their own gs termed transportation of • Iranian troops without warping were made by cd for them. ^ mentioned, will write nag In care at one of their first meetings. dition. Price $5300. Dotvn ter, hot water h«lt with oil, (Continaed on Pag* Ten) ident Roosevelt made the dl^ Col. Gen. Alfred Jodi, German th* prosecution’s star rebuttal to diplomatic informaUon here, waa drawn to an elderly man on •replace, fall tile bath, con­ to trwble^ridden. Azerbaijan prov-( witness, who became lost In a of The Herald. / | the entbankment. He was trying to All right, the *fcen agers have •1300. « cision to use the atomic bomh Army chief of staff. While Sudeten that the Inforinatlon he gets will Natives Jail-Breakers Recaptured •ffhanking yqjt. sown no desire to take up where, venient to school snd bases, Ince. where ^Tve against Japan,-even though It X maze of defense questions attack­ bring any quick Improvement in New London, Deo. 8— ()(PV—Four get up from the ground and' his .Sale Price fllO-WlO. Down tonomlata were reported to have Lbu« H, Hertz" arms appealed helplessly for aid. they left off io why not give the tavolveU kllUng cUiUans, In (Continued on i^ ge Twelve) ing hia credibility. American-Russian relations. Youths, who broke- out of the 82300. seized police and government om- order to destroy Industries. \ Confused Answers Given By all appearances he looked Hke rooms back to the "Y ” members COBURN ROAD— ' 'i- - * , France Takes The report will comb from Mark 4 EuropeaHS county jail In ^ Dr. Bush testified before the CJol.' Hldeo Nlshihara, who had Ethridge, Louisville, Ky., publish­ Sitting at their desks on the a drunk but hla clothes were neat, whose membership should rightly •-Room Stngld. all onnvmil- **^vlet military authorities in ■ Treasury Balance night, w ere ®*P**?®1A“ * and his face waa not the haggard entitle them to use of them. eaces Including •team hrat- l i l a c ^STREET- * Senate Special Atomic Energy testified a nod from Yamashita er whom Byrnrs sent to the Bal- by State Pollcemaa Arikita| second” flior of The Herald build­ Azerbaijan—which bordere Rui- oommittee that other weapons and drawn ^type. He could have With a few more tables and oloned.ln aanparlor and 7 flre- fl-PlM^ty, Flat, A rooms esch." Over Banks Washington, 16ec. 3.—(If)—^The sent 600 Filipino guerrillas to the kan.s about six weeks ago to p, Kathe of the Groton barm ckil ing members of the editorial de­ aia—have prevented Iranian rein­ as deadly, or worse, will be In­ execution grouhds, gave such ton- Extreinifit^ Raul Homps partment have had ai> opportun­ been jinyonea father fallen by the games, a radio, a young men’s plaee. very: alee tooittM, han­ dost Hke new from top to bot­ position of the Treasury Nov. '29 gather facts for a revieW-of Amer­ i at Montvllle. The wayside, and that is why I would leader, a big step In bringing back dy to aehools, hose, nnd storec. tom. All conveniences Ifacind-- forcements from ths volved In future wars. Dr. fusejl answers that Maj. Gen. R(^ ican policy of refusing to recog­ 111 Bandoeng; Little upon the quartet on the « ^ ^ l ity to see many romances In the province on the FTOund their pre^ Bush Mid the future wrapons Receipts, 8145,921,092.95; ex 36” Whilie and Tea Rose Ny­ have stopped to help him. the "Y ” 'Will have been taken. The Sale Price fltfl.flOfl. Down log steam heat. Itandy to bus VatbimalizatiQn o f Elee penditures, 8365,379,482-74, bal nize the Romanian and Bulgarian ; Vermont raUroad Irmcto W building stage. They've seen and shopping district. Good ence would cause further fighting might be powerful new Ineen- 1 (Continued on Page Ten), Fighting Elsewhere them develop, have .seen the cou­ "But on' the corner sidewalk rooms arc there and-the members flsA m -., • ance, $14.238.094,260.22., . governments. , I Fort Shaul"** P*''*' lon Cloth Can Be .Made Into can be provided Vith-a few games, 'opportunity for Investor. Ap- snd bloodsbed. ^ » dtarim rodtets, gpld*^ mis­ Will Support Non-Beeognitlon ples marry Jind in a few instances, stood a policeman with his back tri(cal .Industry Fore­ I surrendered without turned to the man! Apparently he magazines and^fcSdlng matter. praslmstely flIOfl ' monthly In a note handed to the Soviet siles or many other things. Ethridge id returning by way of Batavia. Java, Dec. 3—<>P) - In They were taken to the Or have seen them dissolved through,,, •mhaaay, the Iranian Foreign Beautiful Gifts of Scarfs, waa very unconcerned about the Let’s ask the Board of,Directors CENTER STRCRT— , rental Income* Pries 88,000. cast as Next Goal Rome, but in his preliminary dis­ donesian extremlsta raided Euro­ barracks fqr questioning, divorce. j man’s condition. The day was cold to look into the matter and have a HUME PORTRAITURB 48,000'Down. ministry declared taat 8 ° ''? ^ Washington. Dec.-3.—((P) -*r Dr. patches to the State department men are John Traynor. Each fall and early winter as ‘Dnplex. • roome each apart­ ment troops were needed in Aber Vannevar Bush said today that pean homes In Bamioehg and kid­ Blouses, Slips, Curtains, FUc. and I* still cannot figure out why move made toja tlsfy the younger « ‘V-- ment. All cohvenleneee. Nice PariSi bee. 3—(/P)—.Nationaliza­ Cyclotron to Be Diverted he has indicated, clearly that his the youngsters reach High school ballan to restore order and prom premature outlawing of the atomic napped four persons Saturday Donald »!*'•**•*’ • * he was left,In this state without boys, gel them off the street, by lot In good bicatlMi. Handy to COVENTRT- , tion of France’s electrical industry full report will support the non- Vernon. N. Y.5 ..Beautiful .sheer material i age we see them begin walking help. providlnsfethese two large rooms, JOSEPH ADAMS N. le ^ they would not be used for was forcaat today as the next goal bomb could well be ‘'disastrous. recognition policy—baaed on the night, after firing several houses, 19. of Waterford, and Otorg* htM and shopplnt center. Price Faria. 88 octaa. Mostly OH- aggressive measures agMnst Bush is director of the Office of home *ln couples. Soonr they ' “ If he w a s.* drunk, the least full of'^ilvitiesrthat will hold the 87 JOO. action of proper offtclata in the and four major deposit banks. It fr^^heTplng develop Amferlca's' partially solved, the scienUst Mid. Russia and the western Allies, also mllliary commission In " '■/ A that- life was cruel anyway, An leases, pooltry hoaae. 10 aeiafl Internal affairs of the northern “It la tmpbsrible to'outlaw when m?*ht to a pei£e-tlme1 Construction of new cyclotrons appear to be getting more Instead dak. In the Bandoeng area, a WMlili tinuing to marriage. that cannot be aaid,of some, of GOT A HOUSE ranged. taad, 2-cnr sata|a( good loca­ was a marked victory for General and to bring him to , example was given of a sturdy trfe provinoes os well 'ms for itranspoi de Ooujle, Interim president, .who there ta no effectively supported ” 'i i ^ i b 2 t * c i n c « a n d ^ t^ r ma- In the United States during the of less complicated. , strong for<;e of Indonesians at­ This fall, like othej falls that our proriilnent citizens," the Of­ tion In the eoontry. Pri law.' "l^e first task Is to create \^ar agBinat can eraatly expand the quan- tacked a British native company, tor a bearing **'^J!*h haVe gone past. Has brought out a that could outlast the numerous B-Room Cottage, 78 ft. fnm of sscurtty forces of the IrM appeared personally ."in thcMRTham- A Moscow report last ntgnt said bunaL Yamashita l« » tom M fice Gagman upa and says. TO SELL? ' take front. All eenvenlencea. 88.008. Down 8t3fl0. this. A good start has been made lignant diseases. _ fa-* tity of radioactive ______but was dispersed by R. A. F. new crop. They’re about at the weak ones around it or survival —A. Non. Army in general and that tx^y ber of-Deputies to appeal to the Russia has turned down the Unjted titlon airmailed n a m ^ PM of the fittest,'etc., etc. We have clients with suf­ Completely, famished. flt.7fl0. of Iranian troopa ->in parUwlar legislature not to press for the "The-best possible support which mmm^iumlear sdentlst. yesterday needed for work on cancer states proposal of a week a ^ that planes. Terms Arraaged. NORTH OOVENTTRY FARM— our government can bring t(^ that mous nuclear s a e i u « w ^ other dlseasei. Russia and Britain as well as this pines oakkd *»•« J T "I atm think that human kind­ ficient cash looking for all .47 Acros, 7-room house, elec­ now held up by Soviet military nationalization of busineza or ta Mustering Near ^m arang Issbe a writ of habeaa rarpw SB I ness could haye saved him this authorities st ghsrlfabsd en route good start is’ the expeditious pass­ announced a nb P K .] turn, means the num-^ ^.^,„„try withdraw all troops from At Ambarawa, where native types of homes. ' Singles, 8-Room-Cottage.' Lake front. tric H i^ s. manlag water, fidl vestment banks. He sgld incluslot qulring Gen. unplelhsantnees and what troubles to Azerbaljsn.V -• 't bf these banks would be harjmful age of sound legislation for domes­ search i^^erfvil lier of researcjiers will be aug- little Middle Eastern country troops have moved In to protect doubles, fiats, farms, subpr- Can easily bs made Into year bath, ham. silo and'chicken tic regulation and development of cetitly-rebullt mow - ^ they will- be able to j j. to produce him befoM t ^ me la the fact.that 1 could have coop. TIe-np fqr 17 head of ItogMfled as Osaclllstery to France’s chances for reviving 10,000 civilian internees in a large or Me qf Ite Juatlees aa|r^ DUN-RITE done fomething ahnlit it but didn't. ban and business properties ’im ud home. AU eonvenl- atomic energy.” While dispatches from camp, no developments were re­ RANGE OIL eaoes and' completely famish­ cattle. A lot of open pasture Ths communlostlon, generally her. export trade. Nevertheless, Bush advised Gon the high court Waa it.just falth'for this man, in 3 •* 9' * The nationalized deposit banka fr.rr“..lon,.,n, 'X'.t’.Tiu"» said 2,000 American troops ” had ported. The Indonesians, how­ urgently needed. ed. la good leeatkw and has and good tlltable tand. Sale * regarded in diplomatic circles he/e against letting doubt and Indeci­ proper. f ^ , AUTO BODY hla condition to He there; or should Price 88,fl0fl. Down Prise ' as conciliatory in tone, expre^d are Credit Lyonnais, Soclete" Gen' arrived os replacements for ”1®** ever, were aaiid to be mustertt^ the policeman have done something Our active, efficient or- nice view of take. Bata Price erste. Ctomptolr .National D’^ sion hamper.the advancement of gdlng home for discharge. State de­ their Iforces east and southeast of 8 GRISWOLD STREET Delivery 8S.0fl0. ' the Iraniangovernment’s satlsfac^ Man Crushed to 6eato ■ Off Center Street - hbout it? What would be your 15300. BflAflt Dmra. compta de Paris and banque' Na atomic science. * - _ T partment officials said it still Ih® Semarang, 30 miles north. • ganlntion guarantees re- tion wRh luiaatan assurwess Tllf^ pt Hearing About Atom Methuen. , answ er?. , suits. non-intervention In the internal tlonsle‘pdur le Commerce et iln ^ i d f 1 a S n ’’‘*\o‘ S ?pllJta oL^^tae intention of this country ^ «®1 The British cruiser Sussex Howard H. NowedJM. waa ' Sincerely, ' I * CALL 3996 Call 5105 for Additional Infornation On Any of Those dustrie. They have combined de "People are getting tired of hear­ Will t. .w« » ;» iK^gh dirt 'r li0.cuora, its troop* out of Iran by the first shelled the ar*a, the British o u a affairs of Iran, snd with ssm^ ing about the atom.” he said, ’’and Ml to death today whe /Car PdJnfihg; Mrs. W. B. Hllja” r as for prompt serv­ ances of Russian respect for tri­ poalta of 84,140,000.000; represent­ and British trpdpa fully occupied % , ProRflrtiflB. when I people get tired, they^tend *’*Wbi3ld*Nbt' Bar Otl^r Moves der a rear trMrt •« ^ partita' ogreemepta cpoMralng ing 58 p4r cent of thq country’ s Oengarsn, betw^n the two d t- CHENEY BROTHERS Body "and Fender Work ' The old hitching post has, long Cook*8 Service Station ice. - ; to turn awuy from issues. This is Final refusal of the Ttusstans to Mle slipped •i>- 4 . ' * total him oa he MY u a*i*eetk REMNANT SALESROOM . _slnce passed' out of the., picture ALLEN REALTY COMPANY The Banque de France will an iBSUe which cannot In con accede to th4 A m e^an guggestlon ***Britlsh tanks have entered W«' . HOUR.S; On All Makes of Cars anfl Garage ^ e note added, however, that science be ignored. . . . ■ ' , k, .s;;: pleto a repair > b . • and today the man who-drives a 411 l.tnrs of Insumnce. Inclodlng Ufe iRorIgngeo Arranged nationalized beforq Jan, J, 1M8 Lawrence revealed torola cvclotrodtrqn Faa shifted^to^ 1 roe, 40 miles soiilh of BotraMja. .; .DaUv'fl. A. .M. to 8 p; .M. Saturday 9 A.'M. tiTli I*. ,M. Over 20 Years’ Experience! Jarvis Realty Co. “the Ministry of ^ovlSl "Preventing war Is a long tasK, viewing the ^jyclotron for the "vst roroig , j, - v (Ooattaiwd ea Page Mx) .! horse and wagon seek aom< Lis MAIN STREET TEI.EPH44NE 8188 and shareholders will be relm HARTFORD ROAD ., | ; M.V.Vciir.sTLR Manchester Green, Conn. 8 Dover Rd. Tel. 4112 or TTtf aonsldeni incorrect Ulme •InCe 1941. ^ duty. I I I other Qjii'Oe to hitch old Dobbin as (Continued on Pnge BUI - ’ ■ " . ' . ' V • . " t . . ' ■ " TKLEl’ HONE 8888 I ' (Co4itlnoe(4 oa 8U I’ i he goes about hia buslheas hi town. SO O sttsfA xw oj . ‘1 ■ • ,fl ■ . ^ ■ ' ■ ■' ' ■ .1 gence when sb* drove her «•* Debbll Atom Bomb wilt OulHy Of NefBffenoo a grade crosalng In front of through Gaorg«< If. Grariatlio of s night by an autoihoblle which lift again. It Is up to the B*P'*J’**^"* Waterbury. Dec. 3-iJh —Jona­ freight train at'Watertown 1 ,109 Henry atrret,' well knowri lo- Biller Hatb^ ths acene without stopping. Clare Urges to tackle this matter x>f foreign than F. Ella, Litchfield county cor­ temUr 18. Mrs. BarWno’s n»^ FourViolent The seaman, pronounced dead policy.” Mrs. PWlomena Ouarlno, .46, iMTTIOllSMDS cit> .real eatnte and insur.mce To Finish Sfihd oner, said in a finding Saturday Waterbury, w*e killed In th#'^ broker. Baby Phato Proofs to Be Shqwn when brought to a hospital, waa l^abor Peace Necessary that Mrs; Eleanor ^Barblno, 27, of Seen Result Long-Wiiided Debate Identified by a ahlpmate as Adrin Party Slftiid crash. \ Modem Biialnenn Mothers of Youngsters Photos VVere Taken At She asserted tt was necessary Waterbury, was guilty of negll- OF DOCTORS The atore la one of the' heat Sermon Series Job Tomorrow State Deaths Fraser, 32, and was said to have a to bring about labor j«aco and knp,Wn in Manrhester and Mr. 'Hie Ma.sonic Temple Last Month B.v the Woltz Studio.s, Of Policies wife and family living »« Ohio. «t>eed up coniuroer goods produ^ ■teo'cehino-, (luring hia trn- .vrara In Senate Upon UNO John Mltslan. about 78, died Mrs. L u c B Wants tlOT, or else "the hot monejf M NESCRIRED Bocchiuo Biiftiiiesit, May. See Proofs of the Photos At Rev. Simpfioii, at Center Appareht Beating, Ex Saturday in Danbury hospital an QIs returning from oversew wiu I built up a fine bualnea.* and repu- (CofltiniMd from Page One) Storm InterruptPfl Work licaoB to Adopt K o iiu lll h v F i o r m t i l i o l The atr^re la one of the THE MASONIC T1:MPLK Chtireh, Suniniarizea posure. Hit $ind Run hour after he had been found ly- light the fires of Inflation. FOR MO COOOHS ™ , " a a »■< ' modem In Manrheater with 1 With Two Seetions Still congressional approval, can apply .Ing In a snowbank only a few nite Program The congresswoman ipioted **- iLaniun^fOa J o s e p h r a r r all the Oxturer. one of the tea- I The Chrifltian Story the average German aeema to feel, Explanation GiveB. of economic sanctions against an ag­ Accident, and Suicide steps from ths doorway to a base­ \ i/KKlates in Waahlngton as s^lng wliM c m s m I by eoldt — I turea la the large Ire liox which ‘ TUESDAY AND WEDNF:SDAY AFTERNOONS the report said. To Be Covered gressor when called upon to do ment roo* in a business block fipubllcsna were sure to uln . OF THIS WEEK Land Of Oronnera Some of Main Points Greenwlch. Dec. 3.—(P^R«P jority in the House In the’ lDift Thia Mm abould Im mlooma tn One of the higKest p ackage'"'"*’”''' 1 000 bottlea of beer and , so by the Security council. where he lived. (31are Boothe Luce (R-. Conn.). ararr taoma wbara meo, woman ur .-tore tran.aarUona"tn ,\Ian<^ter : *1 I" believed to be •'l.*t's make Christmas this year It pictured Germany aa a land Because of the storm Thursday ’'l Also the prasldent will be able By The Associated Press ttons simply because •bllareii art tuSarlM from a bad Between. Hours of 1 and 6 P. M. a Christian Christmas,” was advo­ night the dlatributioh of aand waa Which May Have /Cautioning against e many grievances against the eough dua to a cold. Today tou can in povoral yi*ars took plnci» toieago. young—aren amoll ehi number urt and doubting world. - \ ents." working out the details of how we give UNO any more help than Employer Held by State CTharlie C^iapUns expect their se.C- policy, and aaaerting that boj”* Furnaces "SusplHoua Of Church" West Line, Oestwood drive. Michael Mlnuccl,* 50. Mrs. Hig* front problems must be solved be­ ttiree-quarlera of Pehn- Throughout the, hlatory of the South By South line Hartford are to fill our obligations. speclflcalty provided for in the ond child sometime next March, A Few 8tin Avsllable. Eugene J. Rohan, 23, of 517 Old Testament Odd had been try­ Both clergy and laymen were House Has To Approve agreement worked out with the his* employer who told authori- the comedian announced last fore the nation can reach an un­ sylvania-grndc erude oil, source William Da via of the Davis Home road and South line, Spence'r Ues h^ound her body at the foot derstanding with other, powers, of high quality lubricaUng oil, to­ B.ak'ery located at 521 Main street* nA-tford road waa held in bond of ing to reveal Himself gradua^y to reported of the opinion that Amer­ street. The Senate is debating a bin Security council. night./ A daughter was born In r a c k l i f f e o i l C O ^ the great souls of the people, and ican policy is “reaentfur of the which lays down the rules for our of a arairway aa he was going to August, 1944, to the cottple. C ^p- Mrs. Lnce said; day is coming by secondary re­ t(')day Hold uje buainesa to Joseph 12,000 in Town Court today by West By Town of East Hartford. So—the president would he able work Saturday morning, still was ‘Even if we do get the domes- 868 Maple Avenoe -A Hsrttora covery from areas only recently in the fullness of time Jesus Him­ church's position as a defender of Area Bounded: part in UNO. When, the Senate to give a cerUln amount of )»elp. and Veroniciy Manchick of Biidge- Judge Raymond R, Bowers on the self came. In the place of ab­ rights and suspicious of the finishes (With it. the House has to held by State police today for ques­ IM. Hartford regarded as practically depleted. North By Soutk line of Spencer But he would not be able to tioning. There were no charge* f)ort, who t(X)k over today. charge of rape of a 19-year-oId lo­ stract piTncipIea and Ideals God church as an e^cational force." street, Hartford road, Charter Oak approve before it becomes a law. throw the whole military might Mr. Davis has'been In the bakery cal girl, Rohan; was arreated Sun­ was revealed In Christ on Chriit- The clergymen also protested street. Highland street and Glen That will take more time, and of this country into an effort to against him. I business in Manchester since 1924. day following a complaint made to mas Day long ago. against "the freedom accorded more debate. C, Bradford Bldwell, 36, of El­ His first bnkeshop was in a small police by the iflrl'a mother. Poles and ‘other foreigner^ when road. ^ back up UNO. Congress would lington. appointed technician and Mr. Simpson used a paral^e at By Town of Bolton. It seems pretty sure the bill will have to be consulted on that. R. CAMPOSEO building on Church street. He is The girl involved had been invit­ the end of the sermon to show the thojA,' take their revenge on the South By Town of Glastonbury. go through as written despite all silviculturist of t)ie State Fores­ a veteran of World W'ar I and Is ed to the Rohan home “to cook contrast of principles and the liv­ German people for evils which the West By Town of East Hert­ the oratory. try department last July, was 40 per cent disabled. In opening supper" last night, police were in­ ing Christ. He drew an imagina­ Nazis inflicted on them.” ford. In UNO there are several main - Ballplayer Takea Brld® found dead In his automobile yes­ his first he had intended formed, and during her stay at the tive account of a child who had There has been some talk among agencies in which We’ll take part: terday miornlng In SheMpslt State Germans or organizing vigilante only to do a small one man bus!- house she wm allegedly bound and continually looked at the picture The General Assembly, the Secur­ New London, Dec. 3.—(P)-r- forest at Somers, and Dr. Ralph B. : ness, but the bakery soon fiouiish- gagged and criminally assaulted of his father on the mantle. groups to combat depredations by ity Council, the Social and Eco­ Ueut. James J. "Jimmy” Gleeson. Thayer, medical examiner, said I ed so that he found it necessary to by the accused. Through the years hia mother had displaced persona, the survey said. Right to Send nomic council and the Trusteeship he had committed suicide by in­ There also has been talk of or­ 33, former Cincinnati and Chica­ . ^ O O D A V i expand and in 19S2 he moved to .Arrested At Home told him about hla father off at council. We’ll have one vote in each go National League outfielder and haling carbon monoxide. his present location on Main street, After the receipt of Information war. He had an idea of him and ganizing similar groups "to punish of those agencies. • Bldwell, a 1932 graduate of the fraternizing women." Troops Sought manager of the New Ixmdon Sub­ 1140 was again forced to enlarge his about the alleged attack from the he knew he loved him. But when Seeurity Council Important marine Base baseball team last Yale School of Forestry and an bakery and this he did in 1937. He girl's home. Officers Walter Cas­ At this moment In history—the employe of the Forestry depart­ hia father stepped In the door (OoetlBiMd from Page One) season, and ^ is s Julia C. Drago, ORDER THIS WEEK has worked long hotiriTand handi­ sells and Winfield Martin went to there he waa revealed In the flesh. atomic era—the Security council a former civilian employe at the ment since 1938, Is survived by his capped ns he was with his war In­ the Rohan home and arrested Ro­ So it Ifl in Christ with God step­ Campbell Council is extremely ImporUnt Its job Is base, were 'married here Saturday, widow, who had reported Saturday IC C C R € A M juries he has continued to do most han and biought him to the police ping into our liVes if we will but statement that an increase of to prevent war In one of two main night ^ a t he was missing, two FOR CHRISTMAS! of his OW71 baking. Iranian forces In the north would It was announced In'Kansas City station where he was held without let Him. by thS bridegroom’s parents, Mr sons and his parents. Mr. Davis intends to leniain for bail This sermoii was an liVlroductory Reineniljers Aide be a matter of alispiclon, and 1. By economic means. The coim- a time with the new owners and this argument should not be used and/Mra. Matthew Gleeson. Sailor HH-Riib Victim The girl involved was reported one 'n a series, beginning yester­ cil_by shutting off commerce or A sailor from an oil tanker was : riMOII OF THE then will take what he consideiod to be a patient in Memorial hospi­ day and culminating on Easter by the Soviets to increase their communications with an aggressor a well deserv’od riist. tal and was expected to be dis­ forces in Iran.” —can try to discourage the ag­ struck near the water, front in GENUINE INLAID Sunday, on the life ot Christ b.ased At the suggestion of Past State Have Wild Ride In Bus New Haven about 11 p. m. last charged this afternoon. Due to the on the gospel of Mark, through the Deputy Judge William J. Shea The Iranian note followed pub­ gression. _ Yes, here’s a real Holiday treat condition of the woman the case Advent season, on Into the period members of Campbell Council, lication of reports that the gov­ 2. By using force. The UNO /W est Hartford. Dec. 3—(/Pi—A of the goodness of old-fash­ LINOLEUM... InstalTOd Public* Records was continued until Saturday, Dec­ of Lent, and climaxing the life Knights of Columbus, and gueat.i ernor of Maragheh, 50 miles south members promise to place a cer­ dozen passengers on a ConnccUodt ioned egg nog 6avofing. Enjoy ember 8 by Judge Bowens. of Clirist with the resurrection from other councils were led by of the main Azerbaijan city of tain military force at the disposal company bus here Saturday had a Tabriz, had been killed by "reb­ of the Security council whetr need­ this timely treat often during Surprise everyone with a shin story on Ea.ster-Sunday. Rev. Thomas F. Stack, chaplain brief but wild ride when it started SIMONIZING ing new kitchen floor! Choose Warrantee De^s The congregation has been ask­ of Campbell Council, in prayer for els who entered the town several ed to keep peace. / up while the driver was examining the Holiday Season. Just ask for S W’illlam K. Johnson * to John A. ed to read the gospel of Mark in the repose of the aoul of John days ago.” Program Of PreseiU Bill a motor In the rear of the. vehicle. The Body Shop Method a gay tile design. We furnish and Ada L. Prentice, property lo­ Police Court collaboration with these aermons | McCluakey. financial secretary of 4,000 Men t'nder Arms So much- for beckmljund. This Before it stopped against a pole, Sealtest Egg Nog Ice Cream at the linoleum for a 12x12 kitch­ cated on Center street. ao they may understand the se-| the council for many years, dur- Three official American observ­ is wliat the present Ml would do: the bus hit an automobile, crossed SOLIMENE & FLAGG. Inc. your nearest Sealtest dealer’s— en, material for cementing to Up To a itxlf William F. Johnson to Roy C. quence of evcnta,4n Chrl.sfa life I i„g the exemplification of the ers just returned fram a trip to Security councll^the presldenj a sidewalk, plowed through a htdgc 834 Center St. Trt Kitchen. and Eleanor M. Johnson, property Eugene J. Rohan of 517 Hart and their meaning for us today. | third degree at Tinker hall yes- Azerbaijan estimated that the au­ will appoint ouf representative. and knocked down three gasoline and take a quart or more home. your fl(X)r, and labor. located on Avon street. fortl road waa held in bond.i of I Thc music under the direction of i terday afternoon. Judge Shea re- tonomists have__ approximatel.v The Senate must approve him. ■pumps. ------. y#» ctm depend •• Semlita QmsUty Harold L. Mott et ux to William $2,000 by Judge Raymond R. I the Director, Frederic E. Werner, | marked that it waa the first time 4,000 men under arms in the prov­ He’ll receive $2(J,000 a year In s ^ F. Davis, Jr. and wife, property lo­ Bowers in Town Court this njorn- j included a solo by Eliza^th ” ; | in more than 25.years that the ince. ary, be ranked as an ambassador, cated on toxcroft drive. ing on a charge of rape. Rohan WaUers,"Grnteful, O Lord, Am i. former official of the council, who The American observers declar­ and will vote only aa the president waa arrested last night on com- 1 bv Rom^ and an dntnem by Center j recently, had not been pres- ed 'Conditions in Tsbriz were "su- tells>iis hmm. im ./ plaint of the mother of a 19-year- Church Choir, ‘ Hail To the Lgird a i ^ third degree of the coun- perticially normal.” but said (The |QCO. COtitOURIS r ’SwVK^.' t hU i.r 0 B.r good ool, fo, oor 3-d.y oKowta*. Act More Osllomi. officer who decided he’d rather be NORTH METHODIST p / t o w \ an enlisted man. It sounds compli­ Pina: "THE OAY 8BNOBITA" CHURCH ic help.' The Wm. P. Quish Dnr«j«iBn| Quick! Save Yourself $200.00! , ' cated, hut Capt. Hal vr. Freeman WED. - TUlTBf). - FBL - BAT. Supper 5;3Q to 6:30, $1.00 of Bolae, Idaho, gave up his Army Funeral Hi>me, cstabUshed i ^ 4340 commlaeloh to reenllst as a master * JOAN LESLIE ON THE SAME SHOW Children to 12, ^ 80 OAKLAND STREET sergeant to qualify for a pension. ROBEHT HUTTON Jn LEE TRACY in MENU: Haw, pototoe*. tvralM In the Army for mors than SO peap, camM. cole alaw. 1917, has planned services of MANCHESTER, CONN. years. Freeman waa not entitled to "TO O YO U N G “ITl Tell The WorM^ ehlS BMC*. roUa. tatter, TEL. 51.91 BOLAND retirement allowance except for • . coffee. ^ ^ . distinction for many familieh b r u n n e r ^s disability. Now as Master Sergenht TtTESDAT 1 WEDNE8DAT '.Aprona, ftaejr Ooed^ dlL COMPANY T O KNOW " Food, "White Eksphanta,” Freeman, ha can request Imme­ PLUS: "AN ANOBL CXIBIEB •^OD OABIB ALONG" YOUR FAVORITE SELECTION WILL BE PLAYED OK THE HAMMOND ORGAN 869 CENTER ST. . . TEL. 6320 diate release and retire at 76 per rmOM BBOOKLTN* PLUS: "SCARED STIFF" mUdien'e DepartmeaL MaitcMTar.Cpmh cent of his base paymlus longevity Itaaervatleae tkreugb |Amiitil

M O N D A Y . DECEMBEE 3,1945 MANCMESTEB EVENING HERAl.D. MANCHEalTSa OOlOt. Hrndey Operattona ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECteMBER 3,1048 and lower , roofs on adjoining New London county lall iMth ] Justice chatVea, mnd com m it^ to buildings made their dcacent to of the county 1^1 P*"***"* Tonington, Dec. 8—(Ft—Tfca , ford, on hU return from a very a■ bed spring were nought ^ay the ground comparatively eaay- the lw« to Vernon to attend a turn to ML Vernon authorities. They had to surmount a aeven- Rutland, Vt., law practice, "you Buccesaful If cold, duck hunting Seeking Four | bv atate police who spread a drag­ Morrison and Sevens w ^ Hendey machine planL which haa ate honoring every member of the Tolland County group toestlng. • trip at the shore over the week­ net after the fugitives had had f(» t fence topped by barbed wire, .Get Soaking in Japan lug Superior court trial o*i eflargex however, to leave the Jail graunda. been closed alflce Sept. 26 becauaa extile Cities General Lauds diviaion. It was. and always will Auto Thieves Mr. and Mra. Psb^f Golab of end, visited his mother. M ra leas than an hourii start. of breaking and entering and be, ai great fighting machine, Foi* CtMEtom^Tattored Cherry Valley road are parent* -Jf Escaping Jail The four were Richard Morri­ ' Swanspp said all waa in order of labor disputes. re«»jm«l Nellie Tuttle, Sunday flight. thert. tlons today. Nearly all the 600 et which grew from a group of patri­ an eleven pound- six ounce ^ son. 19, and 'George W. Steven^ when toe cells Were checked at 43rd Division Uiider Arrest born at Windham <3ommunlty Me­ Bed Spriag As Tool 6:30 p.m. last night, and that the more employes reported for. work Voting Today otic, rather inexperienced officers Jr., 20, both of East Lyme and The four, using a bed spring for and there were no untoward Inci­ and men. My heart and mind are Re^uphotstering morial hospital Novaml^r 38. To start CompManco Driva State Police Spread Ronald E. Sparks. 17 and John J. quartet waa inlased at » :30 p.m. Hartford, Doc. 8.-(/P>—Stanley a tool, pried loose th* «n«to* plates dents, It was stated mt toe factory full* of many memories and Inci­ Donald Woodward, overseer of Tiaynor, IV, both of Mt. Vernon, in the roof of a .third tier cell, office. The CIO union at a meet­ Wing Says Troops Never dents that marked the progress uf State Police Work on Eteat Central Pomona Grange, and ChTite, stole OPA director, an­ Drag-Net for Fugi­ N. Y. . . The original proceaa of making Campaigns in Williman* Deputy Jailer Briff Swanson said, steel rails waa Invented by Henry ing hist week voted to return fol­ this great division. I do not de- M ra Laura Squler who acted aa nounced last night that the Tull Sparks and Traynor, arrrated and made their way into the Jail lowing an announcement by Presi­ JTieldefl Any Ground, I We offer custom re-uphol­ Roundup of Alleged forces” of the price panels of tives After Break Beasenier of England, and ptx~ tic and Putnam Have servb these honors. There are so pianist for the organization in the laat week on the Thames river 1 attic early last evening, FVom toe dent David Ayr that toe gates many men, both living and dead, stering — renewing your ■tote ration boards would start highway bridge ,in an allegroly fected by A. L. Holley, an Ameri­ Been Listless, However Once Won, to Enemy | Ring Over Week-End abacnce of its regular player, at­ attic, they reached the Jail |wf would be reopened at 7 a.m. today. who did so imich mq^e than 1 did.” furniture from frame to tend^ a meeting of the group in drive today for oompUance with New London. D«c. 8—(P)—Four stolen car, were arraigned In Gro­ ' by punching a hole in toe alatea^ can. All Connecticut lervicemen who ceilings price regulations "with ton town court on fugitive from Hartford, Dee. 3— The 43rd Hazardvllle Saturday night. ’ youths who amaahed their way out By The Aiwoclated*'Press had served in . the 43rd division fabric. W'e give youf fur­ By The Associatid Press Charles H. Tuttla of West Hart- our‘goal set at 100 per <;ent.' “Wln'^ed Victory” division which were special guests at the recep­ WUUmanUc and Putnam. ea*t- Included many Connecticut units, niture the beauty that State police had a busy week- in ita ranks aa It fougkt Its way I tion. end in aouthweatern Connecticut •ra Connecticut textile cltlea Three Given Decoratiene comes from master work­ from the Solomon lalanda to Ja-| f they worked on the roundup of r IS a where cloae electlone have b» rty-Blx year old Mayor Har­ "In honoring me,” said the gen-' came from British Malaya and the In Light Weight Denim Our gecoratera wtU call wlthla walveAextradltlon and waa return- vey J . Orlnaell of Putnam, the only L_ N^erlanda Indies. thlrtjr-ave miles without charge ed to ConnecticuL 1 eral who la soon to return to bla Announced previously in con­ member of his party to win In or obSgatloa. IM S—and then by ST- votes over A three-day rain addM nothing to the pleasures of GI's of thC 391st Infantry, 98th Division, en- nection with the same case wew StaU Senator WlUlam P. Barber-- camped at Talsho AIrfleld. Osaka, A pair of them, above, stand ankle-deep in water and mud beside the arreats of Magrino a wife at \ is eeeklng a second term against their pup-tent as they wring out a B^den blanket. Macon; Ga., ,who also waa brought John M. Dempsey, a Democrat and Tel. 2-4127 to Ridgefield for a member of the Board of Alder­ haa grown to 13, with two more Boyton la a graduate of the | n WE KNOW Upholstering Co« of Michael Attanaalo, 87, Danbuiy men since he was 31. nine years Boynton to Retire protected, and the division's work Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ ___ ' . . homehnmib refrigerators and mnsl commercial svbe*ii*aiiwlml refrigerator gasoline sUtlon proprietor, and hla LET OS SHOW YOU HOW TO MAK^ HAPPINl?^ ago. Griswell, a World War I baa been expanded In both agrl- nology In 1906. UCC Installations. Our aervice la prompt. We find the 983 MAIN STREET, HARTFORD. 8 ■on, Jerry, of Bethel. veteran, la a former tax collector, chlture and home making. l^y trouble, SET IT RIGHT. (No mileage chargee, ou Four Boys Booked selectman and clerk of all town After 35 Years • Four Miami. Fla., boys, the old­ b l o o m i n YOUR "LIVE-IN” ROOM During World war two, Boynton, out-of-town rails). boards. Dempsey Is a member of Approval As Postmaster Service NOW . . . SALESkSOON! est 16, who were booked to ap­ the State Development commis­ the announcement staled, directed pear thla morning In court in their 9tmuT m Ml rvf€S sion. Hartford, Dec. 8— — The the depar|ment'» Federal .program Washington, Dec. 3—(Jt^— The ] nrjemwewmir . home city in connecUdn wlto for the training of 60,000 war Newlyweds! Homeowners! Make your "Live-In” Room a Mayor Ruaaell W. Hlnman of State Department of Education Senate has approved the nomina­ automobile fteft. were , Wniimaiitlc. 38-year-old manufac­ workers. tion for poatmaatcrahip of Page More and More Modem the Merritt parkway in a stolen turer, eon of Former State Su­ announced today that Augu^us S. A native of Groveland, Mau., D. Guptill at Essex, Conn. car Saturday afternoon. Stats Po­ preme Court Justice George K. Boynton, of Meriden, stats direc­ Mothers lice Capt. Leo F. Carroll salA really W p y -‘>'“ 9***“ * Hlnman, la seeking a third term In tor of vocational educatlbn will The Milford Juvenile court turn­ for the whole family... attractive to the young folks... inviting Willlmantlc against Andrew J. Ca­ retire January 1 after 8d years of ed the quartet over to the Federal rey, 8r„ a reUred telephone work- Wl MRVt HOMES OAIRIES-EOOO STOBtS-IAVtRNS-RESIAURAHTS* Call Enterprise 1 5 1 0 service with the department. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SALE Bureau of Inveatlgatlon, / ■ to your friends. A hapi>y home is the true bond ^ ef. Boynton was an Uiatructor' In . , ,to beginn Baby Laun­ officer of that i®*?*^*^ Ended Democratic Control the state's flrst trade achpol. In with a father of one of the bojnj, Hlnman has been elected by the CHICKEN PIE SUPPER — ENTERTAINMENT ^ who made a quick pl^e trip to vow family life together, and nothing is more important. New Britain, and served succes­ WED., DEC. 5, COMMUNITY HOUSE, N. COVENTRY narrowest and widest margins ever sively as director at Putrtarn and dry sanitary Diaper ConnecUcut. arranged to return •fseorded a mayoral candidate in BT COVENTRY FRAGMENT SOCIETY Meriden before his appointment PERSONAI— NOW OFFERS them to Florida by air in time to K RO EH LER the Thread City. He ended 10 BOOTHS FILLED WITH APRONS AND GIFT GOODS Service appear in court today. It's so easy too. You start with a new 5-ST|tR years of Democratic control with in vl930 as director of vocational ■The same checkup which halt­ educatloh. SU PPER S:80 and 6:40, |1,00. Children, a 81-vote victory In 1941. and fol­ SMALLER PAYMENTS A Saul-Top eontaluer la placed fas ed the northward flight o* U'* e» > M m eU a » Uving room suite. They re beautifully lowed tluA by winning reclectlon Under hla administration, the MENU.: Chlckea pic, maahed potatoes, earrota, beet relish, Oa Loans from flOO to $300 you can take up to 16 months* to your honoe for aolled diaper dlapeaal. Florida youths In 1948 bP l.lSO votes. department's announcement stat­ celery, cranberry aanoe, rolls, pie, coffee. repay Instead of 18 months. More time means amnller monthly Weekly deSvertos an^ picb-npa. noon, ended the aouthward ^ d esfo ^ and so wondetfoUy comfortable. They'll last longer Carey was named the nominee ed, tha number of trade schools S:00 P. M., ROLLICKING SK ITS. MUSIC, DANCING. Adm. 40c. payments — payments moat anyone can afford. Compare in the Dlapera are koapital-cleaa —.downy two aallora who were stopped'------by the Democratic Town commit- • table below. soft. driving an automobile towing a ' toe after Usut. Walter A. Scran­ Make Reservations Before Noon, December 4, M88 Mancbeeter, fancy trailer loaded with aever^ too,*because they're bufit stronger. K R O EH LER Furniture ton, Jr., had scespted the nomlns- Worry of or 8M W8, WllUmantlo. Cash OLD NEW 70 Diapers cuts of meat. Navy clothing, tooU ; thm befoss his discharge from the Yon 18 Monthly 18 Monthly W eekly., .11.45 and a rifle. _ . i is amaringly economical. Ask grandmother what a value 'armed forces, and then withdrew. f AUSE TEETH Get Payments Payments The Milford court turned the $100 80 Diapers S1ipping;.or Irritating? $10.05 $7.27 Weekly.. ,|L54 pair over to a short Don't b* embarragted by loose fall* lAO 14.94 10.77 f which took them back to Quonaet K R O EH LER Furniture is.------^------trrth •lipping, dropping or wabbling 260 . 84.51 17.55 100 Diapers Point, R. L [Finishing Plant when you eat, talk .or laugh. Ju rt $00 29.27 20.91 Weekly... 11.75 sprinkle a little FA9TEBTH on your platei. Thla pleaaant powder gives a •Certain loans especially those for the purchase of "restricted ORANGE HALL BINGO articles” limited to 12 months. PIO N EERS Workers Return remarkable aente of added comfort IN and security by hniding platHf more DIAPBB SEBVIOa Columbia flrmly. No gummy, gooey, paaty Personal likes to say “Yes** to loan requests, and specializes In Only KROEHLER Has tMte or feeling,. It'a alkaline (non- making loans from $'2S to $300 on signature. (Certain loana Nor^dch, Dec. 8—(AO—Employes arid). Get FASTEETU at any drug EVERY MONDAY, 8 P. M. Columbia Athletic AsaoclaUon alofa. especially those for the purchase of “Restricted Artldes” Umited [of tha IT. ft. Finishing company held Its first 5-STAR to 18 months). A loan of $100 costs .420.00 when promptly repaid . i M ^plant In this dty, led by John Mc- Admission 25c In 12 monthly Installments of $10.05 each. Come In, phone or UAKV LAII A n itl toe Log Cabin In U berty hall I ifaia, p»— of Local 36, Fed­ \ write. Thimaday night and 1. STURDY HARDWOOD PRAMES a hugs aucceaa in aplte of toe eration of Dyers and Finishers thol will nsl brsoh dbwn 2 3 REGULAR GAMES 7 SPECIALS fi A u I i o w n , (CIO), returned to their Jobs this 4 3 BURNSlUL stormy night The 1 . KRMANEHT STEEUWEt SEAT CONSTRUCTIOM Personal MAN! Hi I I H p’eaaure of being, toe first to hon­ morning to break a two-months t N T r R I* R 1 •. t I J O H A H r i 1) R l» H strike. PLUS SWEEPSTAKES wnidL FINANCE CO. N 1 W h K i I A I N or a number that will iMt s«ff The workers, nearly 800 strong, UncF to service men, and had as their 3. BUOYANT SHAPI-RITAININO SPRING CUSHIONS 2nd Floor STA'TE TH EATER BUILOINO 7vesta some of Columbla’a top ■wrehed through a picket line of PHONE 8430 that navar bacams lumpy ’ ' i I t men, imported from outside the D. R. Brown. .Mgr. License No. $$l • •>11 players before the w * 4. SENSITIVE POSTURE-PORM BACK SPRINGS ~ loal area, to get through the mill Advertise in The _HeraId-r-It Pays those who will no doubt be back in that navar Iota thalr ahspa ^ n te s. The plcketera were led Iw the fold next summer ^ora at­ ;Jbrdinand Silvia, one of tfie CIO 5. PREOSION CRAFTSMANSHIP AND CLEAN NEW tending were Frederick corviiOHT, i»45. aaoiHUB MfG. CO - Macht, Spencer MachL Marty MATER!ALS-ln«M« and aut lust betore the worken swarm- \ Cohen, Leonard German, Alraan- -Sd througn the gates, Silva at- CHRISTMAS CARDS der (Ike) German and AHrea \ tSR)pted to address them. He plead- Popular Prices! (Pud) (Serrofln. Other Invited with them to **hold out for one guests Included toe men who have ' more da/’ with the promise that CHOICE SELECTION BOX ASSORTMENTS largely been responsible for toe ttere are important developments Finest Selection of Personalized Greetings succera of toe 6«>«P: ^2-Piece Kroeliler Suites at KEITH’S from $189.50 .Jmewlng. BUvia latar refused to re­ (;IFT SUGGESTION; PERSONALIZED STATIONERY Leonard, who sponsored it from veal the nature of his promised de­ its organisation; Harry Jones, lo­ velopments. . ARTHUR cal contractor who has given very The bulk of the workers maren- generously of hla time, ecj^lpment [^through Uie mill gates at 7 s.m. DRUG STORES FRED F. RECAYE EVERY and-help in <»ndltlonlng toe field, n ■ ^another group reported et 8 j 845 Main Stroet PRINTER and Lester Hutchins, who ovras 211 MAIN STREET , TELEPHONE 2-1081 the field and who has helped toe Rubinow Building boys a great deal. This group of Wpmaa Artist Diet young men'have started a pr^ gram for the Interests of ■ the ■. Stafford Springs, Dec. 3.—(IP)- young men and boys In to^ . X rs. Agnes D. 'Estey, 91, an artist which they hope win grow In fa­ ;who had a studio (n Worcester, WARD RETAIL STORE vor Bo all may have toe opportu­ I Maas., from 1873 until 1927, died nity to Join in this good, ctean lisre yesterday at the home of sport, ci^ m b ia has had no field 3 'Itre. Eva J. Kellogg, her cousin. in Bome time and ,toe boya through the help of those men­ Tree Warden Dice tioned above and James L. Young, The Garden Restaurant .who haa been their advlaer and / Torrlngton, Dec. 1.—(/Pi—Jamee ’ manager from th® start, nave J. Green, Torrlngton tree -warden I^AIL ORDER HOUSE 840 MAIN STREET x built a fine field and played w r Who waa a policeman for 35 years \ rounding towns nearly every tom- until he retired from the force In NO DANCING! NO AMMUSEMENT TAXI day aU the past summer. They IfSO, died yeaterday at the age of hope to add the younger boys to 7T. He leaves four sons including their roster as they become re^y, fPoatmaater Frank Green of Nau- thereby providing for toeir enter­ On the Wrong Side of the Street tainment too. . , And ORDER OFFICE Columbia Grange wlU meet at \ Yeomans 'haU Wednesday nlghL FAMILY GROUP ^ But the Right Place to Eat / at which time William Pearl. P ^ - deputy of toe State Grange. ^1 HOSPITALIZATION be present with hla team to Install ■ • I' top officers, headed by Harry ' Chowanec, master, for the yent INSURANCE 1946. A committee comprised or WE HAVE JUST REMODELED THE Mrs. Raymond Lyman, Mrs. Hu­ A New Family Policy bert Collins, Mrs. Horace HolL RESTAURANT A N D WE H AVE A NEW Mrs, Lester Hutchins, Mrs. Marion Now Available Hurlbutt and the Misses Gladys At Low Group Rates i Rice and Myrtle CtoUtns will serve COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND LIGHTING a aupoer to the group , at seven ' Tor Men, Wumen Ages 18 to 60; preceding the meeting. viilldroo to Age 17 IncluMvo. SYSTEM The monthly, iflePtlng of toe Older Age Group 60-Bft executive hoard of AhS ^lumbia Paye for: Parent-Teacher-Aa^lkttoh Siekneea or accident expqnaeo Ladies! You don> hove to go by the bar meet at the home of ita secretary. when eonflned In any hospital Mra. Donald Tuttle. • Tuesday anywhera In the 0 . S. A. or night. * Canada. Room and board ex- to get to the dining room. We hove o sepa­ w ith war time restrictions and pensva np to $6.00 per day for demands lessened, the ladles of firat 80 daya’ confinement—$3.00 rate entrance to the men's bar and the dining toe town are returning to wme je r ^ y ^ for next 90 days' con- ISOPEN-■mew AND • ■ ' . ' IN ' t , of their pre-war social groups. A sewing group* which has You owe It to your family to room. meeting bl-waekly for some time vtdo (his security and pro- waa entertained .by Mrs. Stewart Clion In an emergency and Tlblta Friday for luncheon and thne at need. toe afternoon. TTiose attending ; A P n ra 11 y HnspItallzaHon were Mrs. Irving-Lohr. Mra. .Gtonp PoUcy as low aa $.07 a Chauncey Squler, Mrs. Philip n«jr ter a Family of Three; Try The Daily Double:^- ACTIVE OPERATION Isham. Mrs. Karl Lockwoo(L Mrs ------PamlUee Slightly lllgb- Louis Soracchl and Mrs. Donald ■ - ^ ^ - Tuttle. That same afternoon, ■ In and tnveatigate this (IN THE FIRSTS HOME MADE RAVIOU Mra. Squler and Mrs. Isham went which la deelffnMl for fam- on to a meating at the home of pfwtectlen ae « Unit. (IN THE SECOND) ^ ^ Mrs. Raymond Clarke who wtor- flee la Traditional With Ua! All StatenenU To The Omtraiy Are Faltel- talned another group who plan a social gatosrlflg Umltad In num­ GIFT SELECTIONS INDIVIDUAL HOME MAHE CHICKEN PIES ber to twelve to meet once • The AUen . u; mdnth-at the membera' homes. Held for Christmas Dellverf Really Company Othbra attending this meeting In­ On clude* Mrs, George Burnham and OF MANCHESTER Mra> Frw'Tatro. ^ 0 J W OF MJ KEITH’S “LAY'AWAY i»LAN” When Downtown Try the Garden for Different Roblert Tuttle waa host Friday - Easy Budget Terms!! Allen Insurance - night to the boys of toe 4-H Club Dairy and Poultry Club. The boy*, Atmosphere and Surroundings, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO CioRed'Wednesday Afternoons > Afency, Inc. under toe guidance of their lead­ -V, er Donald Robinson, studied toe t W S Opdiv Thursday Until 9iP. M. f . points In catUs Judging. Saturday il-, MAIM ST OPPOSm; HII.H SCHOOL night Donald took a number of .. ' '! ' ...... ! ■■■!!"!' 'v \ ^ , - " " V ^ Wf: w TAOS BEViat ■ -vi ■ UANCHES'I n * ZVENWe HEZAU>. ■AlTCHPnWX. UOWll. ITOWDAT, PEOMBER 3,19ft MANCHESTER EVENING HERAI.D, MANCHESTER. CONN, MUNUAI, UELftMfst.K 3.1949 ^ A ( ^ ISIX

a hospital that was named after ihg the elections were not demo­ of govemmeill admlnlatrative ma­ Legal Notices optlaed leadera of the policy of » chine y; of. the Civil Service and me." Heae replied. - cratic and that therefore the gov­ jap Prisoner Old fashioned pine lianri|i^0trr great nation, ^ritam, aa a na* Every Strata ernment would not be recognized. the judiciary system; for a consti­ AT A COURT OF PROBATE held Value in an Eight­ "Oh. so yoir- know about that,” tutional change In the military at Manchester, within ahd for the bucket on pegged legs, Uon. la pi‘oporing the revolution­ While there were nd elections in District of Manchesteh. on the 1st day eenth Century cofTea ary but Inevitable step which la said the psyeborogUt. Romania during Ethridge’s visit, Talks to Men structure for national defense; for of December. A.D.. 1946. fitted with a handle itit by Order "modemlsatlon" of mining. Indus­ table! 20x32 inches; PUBUSHkD BY the ofily solution to the world slt^ "I didn't know about It, butf it was learned that his preliminary Present WILLIAM S. HYDE. Erq. and two-lid top, makes y»»Al,t> PRUrriNO at St. Binge, guardian of tha estate ot said VbutiAct October 1, lU l (OoBUnned from ^ g s One) minor, for authority to compromise have If Stalin and Molotoff made Now we confess that, to an or­ The refusal of tlie western Al­ Mary^s Parish House Society to Mark and aettle the doubtful and disputed Pablialied Beery Beenlnt ^Becept them for Russia, or If Secretary dinary mortal, this Hess conversa­ lies to strengthen the positions of claim which said minor has against ♦ ♦ ♦ cabinet secretary was Instrumental those governments by esCabllshlng ths Southern New England Telephone- big appeal _n4ars and Holldaye. BnUiM et the of State Byrnes and Oovemor tion seems rather harmless. But in applying the Manchurian-devel­ fPool Office at Mincheeter. Conn., ai diplomatic relations with them Rev. Arthur H. Richardson ad­ Anniversary Company. It Is BeeoDd Claes Uall Uatter, Dewey made them for America. the psychologist pounced , upon it oped controls to the Japanese dressed about lio men yesterday ORDERED: That the foregoing ap­ homeland. has beert for a long time the No. 1 plication be heard and determined at SUBSCRIPTIOS^^TES The situation no longer is one with the quickness of lightning. reason for Russia's objection to morning at a breakfast In St. the Probate office In Manchester In Oen. Tbshiso Nlshio, former Mary’s parish house following the Zion Lutheran church Young •aid District, on the 8lh day of Decem­ Handblown Mexican water set One Tear by Mall ...... J S * in which there is no formal organ- The Hess reply, said the psy­ commander-in-chlef In China, who many western policies and plans. Per month by Majt^...... J -J" annual Advent Men’s- Corporals People’s Society, which is observ­ ber. A.D.. 1946, 8 o’clock In the fore­ chologist, showed "the defensive was. considered one of Tojo's clos­ It also was almost certainly the noon. and that notice be given tp ail reproduces the color and tex­ Give him a good looking Wnfle Copy ...... » ^ t*ed leadership heatled In the right Immediate cause of the failure of Communion. Mr. R ^ardson, the ing its 30th anniversary tomorrow Delleerrd One .Tear ...... » » W mechanism of a hysteric person­ est military friends and advisers. evening, has invited returned serv­ persons Interested In said eitate of ture of blue-green Stiegel lounge chair this Christ­ Western Btn^w and APO ...... IliOO direction. British statesmanship the Council of Foreign Ministers heatimaster of HrenT school, Ba- the pendency of said application snd ality reacting to an idea that was Lieut. Oen. Saburo Ando, anoth­ guio, Luzon, was released this ice men as honored guests. Friends the time and place of hearing thereon, glass; pitcher and 8 glasses, mas, like this one. Com­ hss provided the right and neces­ er Manchurian general, who took at London In September. MEMBER o r catastrophic to his ego." year after three yearn of Intern­ of the soriety will also be welcome. by publishing a ropy,of thla order In 3.89 fortable, yet light in TUB Aa s s o c ia t e d p r e s s sary leadet-ship. It remains to be over the Home ministry under To- Included in the musical part of some newspaper having a elrciilatleai The 'Associated Press Is exclusively There's Mr. Hess fdr you. We Jo to enforce more strictly the re- ment by the Japaneae. In said district, at least five days pe- Give gifts that keep. on giving scale so won’t crowd a seen whether American states­ The speaker opened hie address the program will be several Barh entitled to the use of republIcnOon of admit we had no Idea It was that j presslve laws In Japan compositions,, also numbers by Jnre the day ot said hearing, to appear room. Blue damask, all news dispatches credited to It or not manship will develop enough Manchester by describing some of the Philip­ If they see cause at said time and otherwise credited In this paper and bad with him. It seems he must I Wet Opens Aeeond Week pine people, particularly the Igo- Miss Almeda and Sylvia place and w he heard relative thereto, 69.50 sense to follow, or whether It has Stechholz, Eunice Gorens and Lots elM the local news published here^ be craxy after all. Either he or The Diet, opening the-, second rots with whom he had worked for and make return to this court. rejected world cooperation- In fa­ week of its second extraordinary Date Book Kromprgal. Walter KeUnert will WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Judge., All rights of republlcstlon of special the psychologist. many years. He said that Uielr present an original humorous num­ d1*patches herein, art also reserved vor of an American attempt to session since the occupation, prob­ needs were the same today aa al­ AT A COURT OF PROBATE held' I^ll service client of N. E.. A. Service ably will be colored by war respon­ - Tonight ber and several wholeeomo and at Manchester, within and for the/ rule the world. ways: first, the aplirtual life of informative films will be shown. Ihc, ■ ______sibility. I Public initiation. Dilworth-Cor- the church; second, the education­ District ot Mahcheatrr. on the 1st dag MacArthuris list named eight nell Post, The American Legion, 8 Plans will also be completed for of December. A.D.. 1945. * ' Publlehers ' Repreaentstlves: The al program begun In past years Present WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Esq.. Julius Mathews Special Agency—New members of the House of Peers p. m.. Legion Home. the Young People’s Christmas v:. in the Philippine church; and party, December 18, snd weather Judge. : York, Chicago, Detroit end Boston. “ I.cader’' Taft At Work snd involved several socalled ad: Wednesday, Dee. 5 third, medical care. Estate of Mercer Matchett. late of visera to various totalitarian polit­ Christmas Sale and Supper, permitting young folks will leave 'Manrhester In said district, deceased. / m e m b e r a u d it BUREAU OF Last summer,. the - vote by Loyal to America the church Sunday at two oM ^ k Upon the application ot Rulfi M, CIRCULATIONS. ick organizations. The threat was North Methodist church. which the United States Senate plain for the list omitted several of Thursday, Dee. fi Mr. Riebardsofi atreaaed the I to gather greens for church deco­ Matchett, administratrix, praying for ration. authority to compromise and settle th* ' The Hersld'Vrlnllng Compstiy. Iiic., ratified the San Francisco Char­ the principal spokesmen of those Christmas Sale of St. Mary's strong loyalty of the Filipinos to doubtfuK-and disputed clalqt which ssluniea no flnsiicis) responsibility for organizations, some of whom now Ouild at St. Mary’s hall. America In the war, and atated •aid ’esUta has against Charles R., typographleal e.~rors appearing in sd- ter was 89 to 2. The two Repub- Pease.. It is . vertiaements in The Manchester Eve­ are sitting In the Houae of Reprq: South Methodist church Bazaar, that whatever la done for them in Hcans who voted agAlnst wera dhe future cannot be considered Improvers Plan ORDERED:' That the foregoing ap­ ning Bi^ndd. ______sentatlves. J p. m. plication be heard and determined at Langrr and Shlpstead, not the Although MacArthur demanded Open meeting. Alcoholics "charity" but the repayment of HOLIDAY STORE HOURS Hollywood—As Hoagy Car­ the Probate office. In Maiichester In / Monday, December 3 Senate’s most famous isolation­ the arrest of the man who named Anonymous, at Whlton Memorial a debt which can never be paid Christmas Lights said District, on the 8th day of De­ Open Thursday Evenings to michael snuggled up to. an NBC Tojo war minister. It Ignored, for haU. entirely. Americans everywhere cember. A.D.. 1946. at 8 o’clock In the ists. To the contrary, the tradi­ microphone It was as If his the time being at least, the man Saturday, Dee. 8 are deeply indebted to the loyal forenoon, and that notice be given to 9. Closed Wednesday after­ tional Isolationist leaders, men throat were serenading hla nose. A meeting of the Manchester all persons interested In aald estate } The British Point The Way who selected him as premier: Mar­ American Legion Auxiliary Sale Filipinos,, whose activities have of the pendency of (aid application noons to the 19th. Open like Democrat Burton K. Wheeler When he wmild hit an occasional quis Kolchl Kldo, former lord keep­ of food and Christmas gifts at been bound ho closely with the Improvement Associstion will be and the time and place of -hearing all day Wednesday the 19th When Prime Minister Attlee clinker—radio talk for a wrong er of the privy seal. Hale’s store. welfare of men from many Amer­ held tomorrow.evening in the Merz thereon, by publishing a copy ef this and Republican Robert A. Taft, barbershop. The meeting is called order In some newspaper having a Wall pocket for growing to 9 P. M. as well as the came to Washington with rcla- note—musical director Jim Hlg- It tapped several more farmer Sunday, Dee. Ifi ican homes. He w'ent on to em­ chose the relatively i dishonest son would raise an eyebrow but ToJo ministers on the shoulder, but Anniuil Christmas Candlelight phasize the need of healing the ,to take action on the Christmas circulation in said distriri. at leaat flva _ plants, in a classic lion’s evenings of Dec. 20, 21r'and rtlvely simple, direct, and uncloud- days before the day of*sald hearing, course of voting for the San Fran­ proceed calmly with the rehears­ omitted a onetime finance minis­ service. Center church at 7:30. spiritual wounds caused by the lighting at that end of the town. to appear If they see cause at- said head and drape design; gold . 22nd. al. By show time Hoagy would Matthew Merz Is the chairman of ^‘ed pecommendationa for' the dis­ cisco Charter, thus tacking tem­ ter, Sotaro Ishiwata, now Imparial Friday, Dec 21 war, which are as severe In the time and place and be heard, relative finish with metal plant posal of the atomic bomb, it was have the song down pat. in his houhehold minister. Kiddies' Christmas party, Brlt- Philippine islands as they are in the committee and has funds left thereto, and make return to this court. porarily with prevailing public own peculiar style. from past years that may be used WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Judge. liner, 4.69 Gift for the home - - impossible to escape the oonclu- But those exalted positions lah-Amcrican Club. any part of the worlij today. opinion, while planning to emas­ After rehearsal I asked Hoagy were no protection, for the Hat Sunday, Dec. 3S in addition to 'the additional funds alon that British statesmanship The speaker concluded with the AT A COURT OF PROBATE held This is the kind of a gift all the folks culate our ratification later. how he. would classify hla singing named imperial Prince Nashimoto, Annual Children’s Chri.stmas en'Xhatic atatement that the re- to be raised this year. The town Manchester, within and for the had been able to progress toward voice. presumably because of his position isrty sponsored by Miantonomoh has donated $75 to the South End District of Manchester, on the 1st day join in and give to the hom e., .a new Now, as the Senate la Consider­ builiXig of the war damage in the of December. 1848. ___ Mexicanpeasant Bie needa of the atomic age as "Well.” he twanged, ‘T thought as lord custodian of the national rwbe. I.O.R.M., and Red ((en's • Philippines constituted not only and an effort will be tq^de to se­ \ living room group. Select from an ing those measures by which our of calling It a shaggy dog voice, cure $25 for the North End lights. Present HON. WILLIAM 8. HYDE. craftsmen make these lean atatesmanahip had not. Shinto shrines. Social Club, Tinker hall. 2:30 p. m. an Investment in church, school, excellent display of (leriod and lounge cooperatioD with Uie San Francis but vmy press agents don’t think Monllmy, Dec. SI Trust sState u-w of Nathalla R. chairs entirely by i The jXltot was proved when the and hospital bulldlh,«f., but an In­ Le^I Notices sofas and ensemWfng chairs . . • or a CO Charter is to be put Into tangi­ much of the idea. What do you New Year’s Eve dance. Dil- vestment in understanding and Card, late of Manchester, In said Dis­ hand, weave the tule i ocdllaltm^^ British views with think of Itr” Prince Profe$$e8 worth-Comell Post, A. L., at Le­ trict. deceased. two-piece Lawson group like^ this in ble form. Senators 'Wheeler and friendship between people and na­ AT A c o v n r o r pro b.4Te hem The Trustee having exhibited Ita seats, and decorate I'Anerican 'b^Mirations resulted in Being a collector of shaggy dog gion Home. tions. The "Reconstruction and St Uancheiter. within y<'l for thr annual account with aald batata to a rich plain r ^ covering, 285.00 Taft are striking. That they per­ atories, I opined that It was a very Ignorance on Suspicion them. Light blue, red watering down the British viewa Advance Fund,”' now being gath­ District of Manchester, o^'the 1st dsy this Court for allowance. It to sonally would prove treacherous apt description. Like the stories Tokyo. Dec. 3——A bewilder­ of December. 1845. ORDERED: That the 8th day of or black, 7.50 I until the flnal^tpnnal statement ed old man with 19th century mus- ered throughout the Bplacopal Present HON. WILLIA.M S. HYDE. December. 1945. at 9 o'clock, forenoon, Hand decorateil to their own votes 'last summer hla voice has a very rare quality, church, furtoers this work. \ e t the conference Tepreaented lit- thiahk heaven! taehidk stood amid the bomb-char­ Kraseiiics Couple Judge. at tha Probate Office In the Municipal Pennsylvania Dutch was to be expected. What Is dis­ red ruins of his imperial mansion At the close of Mr. Richardson’s Estate of Florence M. Hollister, late Building In aald Manchester, be and tie positive gpin for'^e cause of "Funny thing about my voice," address, Albert T. Dewey, senior of Manchester, in said District, de­ the same 1s assigned for a hearing on tins to grace shelves; appointing, and what should cause the Hoag con^ued, "we get all today and professed Ignorance aa Wins Waltz Prize ceased. the allowance of aald account w|th / ' World collaboration amch^ace. to why he was the first member warden of St. Mary's, presented The admltlstrstor haring exhibited said estate, and this Court direct* th«t china cabinets, 1.69 concent for all Republicans, la the kinds of letters about It. One lady the speaker with a purple stole This British leadership In Ideas wrote It was shocking and acan- of the Japanese imperial .household hls administration account with said notice of the time and plaea saelgaad and 2.19 fact that the first test vote they named as a suspected war crimi­ on behalf of the parish. Mr. Rich­ estate .to this Court for allowance. It for said hearing be given to all per­ I and policies which must be ad^pt- daloua that 1 was permitted to About 75 rouples attended the la sons known to be Inteccgtbd therein to asked, a test vote In which— they nal. second annual dance of St. Mar­ ardson had lost most of hls iad if the atomic world la to sfw- sing on the air. Then ahe went on church vestments and personal be ORDERED: That the 8th day of appear And he heftrd thareon by pub* lost, showed the Republican party to say that It had a sloppy, boy­ I hai*e no idea why I wae nam­ garet’s Circle, Daughters of Isa- December. 1945. at 9 o’clock, forenoon, Ushing a copy of thto order In *om# , longings wjien bis bouse was ran' ivtva Itself has been continuing ish quality that made It klnda ed and it was very much a sur­ belia, at the Brltish-A'mcrican at the Probate Office In the Municipal newspaper having a circulation In ^i|t>vldlng their main strength sacked by Japanese troops. Building In said Manchester, be and said District, at leaat live days hafoM The Curri^ & Ives prints framed in black, Mr. Attlee's return to Brit nice. I guess she didn’t know prise to me,” Imperial Prince Mori- clubhouse, Saturday evening. It masa Naahimoto said In hla first the same Is assigned for a hearing on the day of said hearing, and by mail­ maple or red, size 11V4*1®^ !**•* Significantly, two days de- 'Phe Senate vote, on the first of whether It was good or bad.” was adjudged to be one of the the allowance of said administration ing on or before December S, 1946. a the chtopllng iaolationlat amend- Interview with a foreign newspa­ most successful and enjoyable af,- account with aald estate and ascertain­ copv of this order to Mrs. Mlllbr [hate in Commons recently found perman. falrt ever conducted by the circle. ment of heirs and this Court directs Csril. 64 Wolcott street. Bristol. Conn.; The Martha Washington, ments,I. ptesented by Senator Taft, For a alow-moving Indianan France Takes that, notice of the time and place gs- both former Foreign Secretary Hoagy la a pretty busy man these Almost as ho was speaking For' The prize waits'was won by Mr. and Mrs. Luej- H. Smith. 49 Central waa-41 to Of these 18.. who eign Minister Shiferu Yoehida sub­ aigned for said hearing be given to avenue. Walerburj’. Conn. a stately in - between I Anthony Eden and present For- days. Besides the radio show and Mrs. Edward Krasenics. There all persona known to be Interested WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Judgb. Cradles, doll cribs, hobby mitted a formal Japaneae govern- were spot and novelty dances ift Over Banks chair, comes with solid {Wiga Secretary Ernest Bevin voted to eawUge our participa­ he spends a good deal of time therein to appear and be heard thereon (Left) Star horses, chairs, rockers and tion in the United Natlone Char­ perfecting his golf game. He also ment request to allied headquar' addition to the modern and old- by publishing a ropy of this order In AT A COURT o r PROBATR bal* candles t i c k s mahogany frame and a [|lgraeing on the prc^posltion that ters asking "for a repfleve” for the time num.bers. some newspoaer having a clrculallpn at Manchester, within and for tb* blue striped damask, table sets are part of the ter, a total of l7.^wera RepubH-'t iuRnnEM to d ^ t e a few hours to (Continued from Page One) In said Dlitrlrt. at least five days be­ Diatrict of Manchester, on th* 1st dsy for Christinas! world state must ' be set up to ^ his first love' songruTitlng, snd aged prince, whose arrest along During the Intermission a buffet Christmas display at the Baby cane. Senator Wh^^ef provld^ with 58 other suspects was order­ fore the day of said hearing, and by of December, 1948. Crystal and 44.50 control war. says he has another hit In "Doc­ supper was served by . Mrs. Ray­ mailing In a reglatered letter on or Preaent h 6 n . WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Shop. Blue and white goose ed earlier In the day. mond Peterson and her committee. bursed with dividends not higher before December 8. 1945. a ropy of this / We quoted Mr. Ekien at the the other vote. tor, Lawyer, 'Injun Chief," which than those of 1044. The rate of J'"’ **- cranberry ':V. ’ / * shoo-fly sketched, 9.95 Standing stiffly In hls garden, M rs.. Stanley Gorman of Somers order to Charlea W. ITolllster, 62 Hol- Trust estate u -w . of Oeorge M . These 17 Republicans \formed he cleffed for "atoric Club." In interest on the amortized sinking lliter. street, Manchester. Conn.: Flor­ glass, 1.00 pair. /• *llme, at some length, noting how the 71-year-old Nashlmoto de­ won the permanent wave donated May. late of Mancheater. in said Dto- a majority of the Repilbltcan addition he le now an actor. futid bonds is restricted to not ence Buell, Lovely street. VnlonvUle trtet. deceased. . , The hand out and he aald we could all be blown to "Whatever gave you the idea scribed himself as. a field marshal by Harriet’s Beauty Solon, and Conn. Th* Trustees having exhibited the r members of the Senate In Earl Peterson won ten gallons of more than two per cenL Etched ivy ball *BlBlthereen8" luilesa our Intema to-act?" I inquired. without a command,, a prince with­ The five banks affected by yes­ f WILLIAM S. HYDE. Judge. annual account wtth said estate to this tendance that day. According!^ out influence, and a Shinto ritualist gasoline donated by Manchester Court for allowance. It to on stem, (above) ifi ... tional political development "It wasn’t my Ides," he said terday’s legislation will be di AT A COURT OF PROBATE h*Id ORDERED: That the 9th day of "Haven’t you read that publicity with little to do. Motor Sales. Walter .Ochsnej? won at Manchester, within and for the 8t/i inches high; e s u ^ t up with the terrible prog- they have succeeded in psittiqg It the basket of fruit. rected by 12-member commissions December. 1946. at 9 o’eloek. forenoon, 'in the formal record that it was Btory a ^ u t Mrs. Hawks finding Nothing To Do With Wiu- named by the government. The District of Manchester, on the 1st day at the Probate Office In the Munlelpel good in pairs, 2.19 rass made by ^ en ce. He said me in my garden one day? I was "I hkd nothing whatsoever to do I government will take over the Of December. AD.. 1946. Bulldtng In said Mancheater. be and that ‘T have thought much of Republican pprty policy to cripple Present WILLIA.M S. HYDE. Esq.. the aame I* assigned for a hearing ^ Each. I working In the dirt and was all with the war and nobody ever con­ shares of these banks and assume Judge. the allowance of said account with this business ot atomic energy the United Nations Charter. sweaty and ragged and my hair sulted me on political affairs," Hospital Notes their management with govern­ Btotate of Grover C. Schleldge. late said estate, and thto Court directs that Th# tricky little door fitop, of Manchester In said district, deceas­ m-| aaw . I twth before and since that bomb The record cannot hide, of was down In my face. She de­ Nashimoto said. “ I didn’t actively ment-appointed officiala. notice of the time and place assigned sketched above, comes in cided I was the one to play In oppose It but yoii can imagine how The law also, created a National e d ^ for said hearing be given to alt persons ^burst on Nagasaki, and for ^ the course, that there wet-e alx other Upon application of The Manchester known to be Interested therein to ap­ Pennsylvania Dutch designs* "To Have and Have N ot" I felt . . . I can Imagine what you Admitted' Saturday; Merrill Credit coimcll, which could rec­ Trust Company, prkylng that an in­ Republicans In the Senate that pear and be heard thereon by publish­ fUfe of me I have been unable to Mrs. Hawks is the wife of How IHlhk of (War Time Premier Hi- Dickinson. 673 Hartford road; ommend nationalisation "Ot ■■■■ still stalment purporting to be the last wilt ing a copy of th!s..order In soma aaws- painted by hand on 'blue, U rAee—and I am still unable to see day, and that It was one of these, ard, director of the torrld*Wamers deki) Tojo and I feel the same Donald Lennon, 35 Sumner street; other banking establi^mentA and and testament of said deceased be ad- paper haying * rirculatlon In aald Dis­ brown, black or white, 1.25 picture. She must be a busy, way.” ^ Oliver Clothberg, 90 Broad street; provided for narrow control of mited to probate as per application on trict, at least five dsys before th* day I*—any final solution that will Senator Auatln of Vermont, who file. It to little bee, for she Is also supposed 'The Prince'declared that-he re­ Theodore Palozi, East Hartford. business banks through the nam­ of said hearing. led the battle against the Taft ORDERED: That the foregoing ap WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Judge. ^-make the world safe from atomic to have first recognized the tired from direct participation in Admitted yesterday: Janet Rob­ ing of a government commission plication be heard and determined al iwer other than that we all amendment. T ^ record will show charnw of Lauren Bacall. Or may military affairs in 1932—"not In ertson. Rockville; Robert Noble, for each one. the Probate office In Manchester li) AT A COURT OF PROBATE b*ld be some press agent Just got in a South Coventry: Miss Ann Samp­ Communists C-oncUiatory said District, on the 8th dsy of De­ at Mancheater. within and for th* ^abate our present ideas of sover- that there were at least six Re- opposition to the Manchurian In­ cember. A.D.. 1945. at 9 o’clock In the A,.?. rut. cident but because of ill health." son, Highland Park; Albert Mar­ Passage of the legislation' was Diatrict of Mancheater. on the 1st day ty.” ppblicana alncere enough to have forenoon, and that notice be given to of December. 194(f. , „ . • • * Since then he has served on the tin, 32 Marshall road. marked by the conciliatory atti­ all persons Intbrested In bald entate A round saucer-edg^ > The following day Foreign Sec meant the vote they ^ast last Preaent HON. WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Reading girl and After "T. H. and H. N." Hoagy Board of Marsbaliff which func- Admitted today: Robert and tude of the Commimist part.v, of the pendency of said application Judge...... top and a distinctive iretary Bevin took up where Mr. summer, and steadfast enough appeared with Oeorge Raft in ttoneB infrequently 4i’hen the em­ Dave (>>ne,. 180 Middle Turnpike, which precipitated a'nine-day gov­ and the time and place of _ hearing Trust estate u-w of Juatu* \t. Hal*, boy make appropri­ east; Edgar Freeman, 9 Hilliard thereon, by publishing a copy of thto late of Manchester, In said Dtotrlet. Marble, brass, glass Sheraton base are fea­ Eden had left off, and him we not to be poisoned by the isola­ "Johnny Anifel" and at present peror asked its advice on military ernmental crisis when ,de Gaulle order la some newspaper having ate book ends for matters. street; Oeorge Delaime, Stafford deceased. and a Godey print tures of this genuine .ve not yet quoted. tionist leadership the Republican he is looking around for other first named hls interim govern­ circulation in said district, at leaat five Th* Mancheater Trust Company. the children’s room. Buttable roles. ^The auitablUty an- Springs: Faye Knudsen, 42 Alex­ ment cabinet. The Communists days before the day of said hearing, to Trustae. having exhibited Ita annual Compos i t i o n in combined to make a mahogany lamp' table, The crux of what he said was party insists on retaining for it­ parentlv has something to do with ander street^. appear If they, see cause at said tirji^ account wtth said estate to thto Court earlier had expressed a desire to and place and be heard relative there-' • quaint table lamp (one 20.50 ^ self In Washington. These six his lazily chewing a toothpick and Discharged Friday: Miss Ruth widetr the scope of the nationali­ for allowance. It to - ivory with tinted l^rh aps in the following words: Bvrnes to Get Well% 55 Middle 'Tumplke, east; to, arid make return to this court. ai;id ORDERED;-That the 8th day af faces, 3.29 pair. of numerous styles) j Republlcana were, in addition to occasionally singing In his unique zation program, but, bowed yester- by mailing. In a reglatered letter, Deceni^r, 1948. at 9 o'clock. toranoqaL a "The fact is that ho one ever manner. It may lead to greater Mrs. Gertruda Aldricb, 42“ Cam­ or before December 3. 1946, a copy 12.50 Senator Austin, -Ferguson of da>r to de Gaulle’s personal ap­ at the Probate Office In the Municipal The crystal dinner il^trrenders sovereignty. 'Ihey thinge, he thinks! Balkan Report bridge Mreet; L t John Shea, 31 peal. thla order, and said will be addressed Building in aald Manchester, ba and to Oeorge 8chieldga. 669 Gardner bell has a clear, merge It Into a greatey eqvereign- Michigan, Oumey of South Dako­ Hoagy’s acting experience hah Drive Ol Garden drive; Norntan Communist Deputy Jacques t)m aame to aaaigned for.a hearing w Fish,'21 Eastland street; John Lin- street. Mahehastar. - Conn.: Frank ih* allowance of Said account with mellow ring, 85c- ty for a limlte a s t fivt day*, ba- '^Usembly of limited objective,, the should'occupy the Washington diplomatic authorities, here; that Mrs. Grace Anderson, 85 Middle lection of figurines is this pair that i«. if you’re ready with a welcoming curator, "Where have you been fore'th* day of said hearing, sqd bv fireplrfce! Here’a^ all the equliJment needed to jbJecUve of peace.” leadership, If the Republican par­ all this Ume. D i^dy?" the Russians want condlflons In Turnpike, east; Mrs. Joseph Mls- mulling on or before December t, 1945, o f Colonials in a choice of soft Iran which they have - the best a copy of tbi* order to l.«roy E, Hal*. make a complete fireplace setting, worthy of „ He would, said Mr. Bevin, have ty ever hopes to win the confi­ It was his only line In the show, tretta and son, ll2 School street; If You Want To chance to get by keeping their Mrs. Joseph Johnstone and son, 20 Manchester 1044 Boulevard/Wqat Hartford. Conn.; sblue and white, or pink and Santa's arrival, and worthy of gift-giving, too. nich a world assembly elected by dence and respect of the Ameri­ but Hoagy p la y^ It to the hilt. end Clsrenoa/F. Hale. 29 Gordon.^*®*. troops on hand. Luclen street;'Miss Charlotte Burr, Evening Herald Mlddletoerl^ Conn. V bite, A 9 5 pair. ;»11 the peoples of the world, with can people. ^How ridiculous that One prevalent theory among 24 Elro street; Mrs. Jnlia Blretta. Buy Or Se^ li^ L IA M 8. HYDE. Judge. r\ |vorid law supplanting Interna­ the.once great and proud Repub­ Hasty Action American officials Is that the Rus­ 25 Edgerton street; Thomas Juras, Classified Advertisements sians would like to get s govern­ ^83 Pearl street;. Oeorge Itwlng, 10 AT 4 / COURT OF PROBATE held Bellow^ In a wide variety; some plain, tional law, and with a world Judi- lican party should ever let Itself Cbunt flv* average worda -to a Una. st M^6be*ter, within anfi for the ment In Iran which was either Flro street; Louis Monaco, 122 Mantel* In white enamel, appropriate others carved: all vi*ith leather bellows riary to interpret that law .and a Initial*, numbara and abbreviations D la^ct of Manrhester, on the let fity for the Eighteenth Centui-y living, dln« appear to be the privets organi­ Not Advised Communist dominated or well Florence street; Mrg, Esther Carl­ each count aa a word alxd compound of/December. 1946. . , and nail trims, 8.85, 4.50, 5..50 for model w r ld police force to enforce it. zation of a sickly Jellyfish like within the orbit of Moscow’s direct son, 60 Hayneg street; Ralph Long, worifa as two worda. Minimum cost REAL /Present HON. WILLIAM 8. HTI?B, First of our decorator- Ing or bedrteom: marbl^.ed sketc'hed, 8.00 and 't7.50 influence. Is price ot three lines. udge. plete with floor board, 38.50, 49.75* 52.00, I Some days later, at a luncheon, Taft! One would think that even (OoBtlBMfi trona Fage Oac> Rockville. Trust estate of u-w ol Richard O’ approved boudoir -or Bright Spots la Picture Discharged Sunday: Barry Clark, Lin* rate* par day far tranalant 65.00 and 65.00 , Witch hearth brooms with gaily col­ Mr. Bevin returned to his theme. he might some day come to the ads. Cheney. l*(y of Maucheataf. lb laid deski lamps since V-J While the Balkans and Iran are 215 Woodland street; Oliver Be­ Etrettoa Mareb 17. 1997 District, deceased. ' . A Cape Cod barometer ored handles and straws, 1.69; with cop­ ^Science," he said, "has developed 'which must be done bit by ML step ESTATE per-wound handles, 1.79; square nandlcs concluaion that be had dope his causing trouble, and there Is con­ noit, 45 Fairfield street; -Larry Cash Charge •fhe Trustees having exhibited their Day. Polished, brass Mantels In,pine,for the jmaple r (^ ) bv step; so also is the development $ Consecutlv* Day* ....1 7 et*.| 9 cts. annual account with aald eataf* t* to hang on the wall, with preaaed deslghs, 1.39; all metal han­ such a point that i t ‘has made party damage enough. But no siderable eapectatloff that serious Locke, EUst Hartford; Mrs, Rose and crystal, 6.95 ’ simulated brick facing, 39.50 and 55.00 of peaceful atomic power. The disputes also will develop very 8 Conaccutive Day* 9 cta.Ill cts. thto Court for allowance. It to .(1.25), or a graceful dle with brass ball top, 4.95 - The Boston rocker In hdaries look silly and it has such good luck. He will, obvious­ two must be related In our think­ Ferguson, 3 Pearl street; Mv&. 1‘Day ...... Ill cts.IIS'-cit: ORDERED; That the 9th day of soon over Turkey and the Darda­ Catherine Provoet, 14 QrUnrold A ir ontara for Irregular tnaiert)ohs swan for table or shelf a popular jnedium -' irced lie to’ seek what the poet ly enough, keep on going until hla ing." ' Decemhet. 1*4S. at 9 o'clock, forenoon, Hlack cakt Iron andirons a* sketened, , Fancy tubes of 12" hearth matches. Bush said five principles Should nelles. there actually are some street,''Adriah.Darpllaae, Rockville; 'will be charged at the on* time rat*. Fair Prices at the Probate Office in the Munici­ (50c). tell weathbr 50c. Large oblong box of 12" matches high back in b l ^ id prophet have called ’The Par- own. party musters the intelli­ bright spota In the picture. Mrs. Lee Goodwin apd son. Ware­ Spaeiali rates for long term every pal Building In said Mgneheaterv (to L (h a lf mpdela) with brass acorn tops. be recognized in legislation for day advtfrttolng given upon requaat. changes. ^ ^ with stand, 2.50 with h a n d applied bm ent df Man’ and ‘The Federa- gence and the mergy to stop him. Ohe is the agreement 'by i^ich house Point;-Daniel Aitkin, 206 and the arnne la- assigned for * hear­ *4.»6. Anchor .andlrOrw With ship tops, domestic control. He declared the Ada ordered cancelled beior* tha ing on the allowanee of aald ooeaunt S.95. Wrought Iron models with rings, stencilling in the tr^ ' fon of-toc World.’ " law must; Russian and. American troops are .Center street; Mrs. Anna Jordan, 3rd or 6th day will b* ehargad only (lEll with said estate, and this Court Willow firewood baskets, 1.0() and 1.60. being withdrawn completely ftoni Rockville; Mrs. Gwendolyn Hurl, tor tha actual number of thnaa th* directs that notice of the time and ItJlO. l « g cradles to protect the log Metal baakets In black flnlph, 8.50 and ditional manner, 21.7fi‘ He added that although the 1 . ' “ Insure ^to the American ad appeared charging at the rate place assigned for said hearing be Irons of your present andirons, 2..50 a people their ccmtrol of plant and Czechohlovakia. 295 Main street; Bernard Boland, 5;95 , |conetltutionalists and suvereign- Poor Hess Another la the high degree of co- earned but no atinwance or ret|irna given to all persona knowiv to m In- Desk set o f five pair. - process. 4 Salem road. ran be made on six Um* ada stopped Wm. F.~ Johnson tsrasted therein to appear aad be mercharits" were saying that When ■Rudolf Hess finally de­ 2. “Safeguard knowledge of operetion developed In Austria, In Discharged today: Mrs. Faye after the fifth day. heard thereon by publlablng'A copy *f pieces in brown, red. jKh a world government was lin- the military applications of.atomic contrast with the cenfurion among Stone, 140 Oampfleld road. No "till torbida'Tdliplay |ln*a not Builder Real BMat| ' this order In some newspappy or saddle tan leath­ cided that hla pretense of loss of the Allied rulers o f Germany. ‘ aoid. - ; a elreulatlon In said Dtotrlet. at Icart mcticable,.he had "faith enough energy. v BirtKs Saturday: A daughter to erette with 12x19’* memory would not save him from A-thlrd is the progress made, in hfr. and Mrs. George Elkinach, 38 The .Herald will not be repponalbl* Johnson-KuiH Homes fiv* days before th* d a y ^ said•aid kaai- h -believe that U I live a reason- S. "Properly guard dhe physical for more than one Incerrect insav- Ing. and by mailing ad Sr bafar* pa- blotter, 3.25; 19x24’* Open Thursday Evening to 9 Allied Justice, most of us thought well being of the public against the eliminating the Sovlet-American Salem road; a son to Mr. and. Mrs. lion of any advartlaeiaant ordarad far cembar 8. 1948. a ropy of thto order to |ble length of time I will see It” division of Korea.. Kingsley Carpenter, Andovef; a mere than one time. th* HarlfrM-CondectIcut Tri>*t Com- size, 8.75 . that was all there was to It. We- many hasards to life and health Diplomatic officiala point, too. to r. Bevin is 64 years old now? which the Inveatigatlon and pro­ daughter tc^dr. and Mrs Rodney Tha Inadvertent opiisslon of Ineor- BKOAU tri'HKgT pSny. guardian of tha aatataa ef gave credit to the psychologists the conduct of the Allies In Cflilna raet publication ot advertlring «1H 1>* Douglas T, Chenay and Elebard O. What has' happened in these duction .of atomii; energy Involve. Bentley. TiB^ttvllle. rectified only by cgncallatten of tbs TBI.EPHONB Chenay, Jr.. Htrtfosd. Cann- for being smart enough to ’ con­ where so far they have success­ Births yesterday: A son to Mr. SMBChes is that the' leader for 4. "Provide for free and full charge made for the aarvtce rendered. sAs WILLIAM a.HYDE. Judfic. clude «rbat we bad already research and. interchange ot know­ fully avoided trouble over what and Mrs. Longo Turney, 70 Whit­ All advertlsaments. must conform Diflkult to find/real decorative reign policy in the present Brit'- might have become a very fcritlcal ney road; a daughter to Mr. and In style, copy and typography with gueaaed—that Hess jvaa. merely ledge in this new >and promising regulatlona sntorceL hy the' publish­ magazine ra^s. Here’s one with govemment and'the foreign field. situation. Mrs. A dorn, Bajorls, 36 North playing possum. Ethridge's vlgit to the Balkans ers and they rasdrve the right t» hand paifited Pennsylvania Dutch Here’s an end table >Ucy leader in the ranks of the 5. "Reckon with the future tosk street; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. edit, revise or reject any eopy son- But that was, it develops, en­ was almost entirely for the pur­ Frank Galarrka, 63 Bonnwell considered objectionable. designs on black* 5.00. The Lazy that fits into the (Right) Here’s the "grand- al opposition have iJoth of putting fissionable materials to tirely too aimple a solutiob for useful work.” - pose of having a look at condltlonk road; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. CLOSING HOURS-dflsasIfied nda to Susan sewing aid comes equipped Eighteenth Centi^y father’s chair’’ of the Boston that what must and should there to see whether, as Russia David Kenton^ 75 Lenox street. be published sam* day roust be_ re- the psychologiata. Things have In connection with hla third ebtved by 13 o'clock- noon, Saturdays with, a half dozen spools of thread, . living room Bcheme Rocket famUy, with extra, 1s the ctratloQ of a worjA point, ^ush observed: claimed. Pe'mpcratic procedures Birth today: A daughter to Mr. 10:30. without apologies! high baifit and curved fipmdles to be more Involved than that. were being followed, A week be­ 2.50 Bufflplent power ^i»d <''"The manufacture .of fisalonable hhd Mrs. George Miller, 294 Mid­ (genuine . midiogany, Ski they set themaelvea upon Hr, materiala ( long odds- U>e most fore the Bulgarian electlorta on dle Turnpike, east. , Telephmie Your Want. Ads shaped, to fit the user s ty 'Im I sovereignty to rule Hand applied stencilhi^g, 24.75 Hess again, this" time .toMlng at dangerous rnsnufacturlng process Nov. 18, Ethridge went to Mos­ Death today: Rolwrt Veltch, 24 Ads' sra accepted over the tele­ 1... ■ 16.50 a a o Tut* » * M ly the atothlc bomb but war him a seriaa of queationa about in which men have ever engaghdi cow. HU purpose was to try to Church atreet. , / phone at. tha CHARGE RATE given get some sort of sn agreement for abov* ds a eonvanlanda to advarUifen, SfMANeHESTEP t . This is. of what hiipMU gnd Hitler. The peychelo- "The process Is accompanied by- allowing elections which would be Ofdiwwy paints should' dry but th* CASH ^ T B fi. will ha aceapt- thoughtful penm ~ would the production o f radioactive by­ *d as FULL PATMBNT U n^d at th* gist asked Heaa If be knew that products as poisonous as the basic more democratic according to with a glossy surface but tifty to admit Tha point la that hualaaaa office, ea or before tb* aavsnth Hitler had, after hie flight to Eng 'material itself; should be propesa, American standards. cart, be n^rtde to dry with a. flat day followlpg tha first‘ Insartlon of Furniture End Music a ap being advocated, not^by lancl, o/'dered the streets named | used in producing power be Hi Elections Not Democratic finish by decreasing tha oil con­ each ad otharwlsa th* CHARGE RAIV will b* eoUaettd. .No rsapoasiblllty far prh'ate ciUaen or. some pii- after: Hess changed. ' ! managed and get out bf hand it When this was not achieved, the tent and ihdreasing the proportion 7fis MAIN stree;t ^TELEPBONC HSO would produce a great and deadly State department two days before error* In talephened afis will ba aa- BrcaMiaatlmi. hut bv the rec-. "Oif coiirs«> I know IL of turpahtlnc or other volatile aumad and their aeeuraey eannet ba » ■> -V A'-." Vhi'


joyed coasting on Sunday after­ noon on the banks at the vRecrea- 100 Veterans House Topples-in Raging Surf- Third Class Rockvllle tlon Cehter In the center of the city. OfflciaLi of the 'Recreation W a n t e d Board state that It will not be Joining Legion Of Candidates MAN FOR ALL ROUND WORK IN GAS STATION ity Election able to start work on the skating A y rink until the surface of the AND GARAGE ground Is hardened, with the I^arge Clang to Bp Iiiitiut- De Molay to Confer For Rockville temperature dropping lower. p*l Tonight;' William Iniliatory Degree on Must Be Experienced and Able To Drive Trucks. I^ g iip to Start Re^dence in Manchester Necessary. The Rockville Recreation Board Fiirlpll to Be Speaker Group. This Evening To Be Held Tomorrow; will open . its -Senior Basketball League this .evenInR with the Complete List of the games being played at the Maple A (public initiations will take John Mather (Chapter, Order of COOK'S SERVICE STATION street school gymnasium. There place tonight at the Dilworth-(Cor- DeMolay will confer the initiatory Manchester Green Various CandidaleH are six teams In the league nell i02, American I^egion degree on a third class of candi­ this year and all six teams will be Home on Leonard street when an dates at its regular meeting In the iii|risaiii Rockville, Dec. 3. - (Special I — seen in action tonight. Tlie e.atimnted group of more than 100 Masonic Temple tonight. Although iiThe city-election will be held 'h the meeting la scheduled for 7;30, game will start at 6:45 with the men will be initiated into the post, Rockville on Tuesday with the Kllington A. C. and the Stolle ft Master Councilor William F. Mul­ Tonight's Is expected to be len has asked that all members of j ''p oll! open from 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Gamble teams meeting; at 7:45 p. m. the Comets will meet the PAC one of the largest in the history of i the degree team be present at 7 for A i hM been the custom for many chill and .at 8:46 p. m. the Ameri­ the organisation and Commander I a short rehearsal. . - , RANGE AND FUEL OIL ye«rs, the 'annual city meeting can Legion team will pla.v the U. Francis E. .Miner is hopeful for a ; Numerous committee repotks; will not take place until Wednes­ S. Veterans team. large attendance of fellow Legion­ will be made In addition to a re- : naires' 1 I day evening at eight o'clock In the It is planned to play each Mon­ port. from the delegates who at­ Wholesale Gasoline Towm Hall. day night, 'three rounds, making William Piirtell of Hartford and tended the conference In. New Ha­ a past department chaplain of the Majt)r Raymond.E. Hunt, pre.s- 15 weeks of play. These games are ven November 24. American Legion will be the prin­ ent incumbent who la now com­ open to the public without charge. Membership Campaign pleting hia second term as mayor, cipal speaker. Mr. Purtell 1s a fine 'Hie trophy, won last year by'the The standings of the various ( will be opposed by Clarei^cc ,J. Mc- speaker and the post feels fortu­ Bantly Oil Comouny Pollsh-American team will be members in securing new members ' Carthy, Democrat, for the office, nate in being ahie to secure his will be announced. Plans for a new , of mayor. The candidates for the |awardeil at the end of the,season services for tonight initiation ex­ .ril Main Street Tel. 5293 or 2-1057 and a team to retain the trophy membership campaign will be for- Selection are...aa follows; Republi­ ercises. . 'mulated by the membership com­ Opposite the Armory can, Mayor Raymond K. Hunti; "’ usi win it three times. The meeting is scheduled to mittee and presented at this meet­ City clerk, F. Leroy Elliott:' Skating (lub start promptly at 8 o'clock in the ing. Master Councilor Mullen will treasurer, Charles M. Squires;! There will he a meeting of the main hall of the Legion Home. also appoint several new officers t City sheriff, M. Joseph Webster; ' Rockville Skating Club thi.s eve- Past Commander Charles McCabe and committee chairman. |1 assessors, Clarence Suchecki. Pe- nlng at eight o'clock at Rrd>Men’s of the 40 and 8 from Voitiire 370, A cordial invlfation is extended ft,tir Genovesl; aldermen-at-lnrgc, Hall. Wind.sor post with his degree team to all DeMolay, who have been re­ Kenneth Smith, Andr^v Dolxtss, .Memorial Ser\ lce will be in charge of the initiation cently discharged from the armed Announcing the Opening of I''Samuel Gamble, John Gottlcr; exercises. National Executive Com­ The Elks Memorial service held services to renew their fellowship I^Ward aldermen, first, Henry But- mitteeman Herbert Emanuelson at the new Elks Home on Sunday by attending this meeting. - rvier; second, Martin Hlrth; third, will also be present. afternoon were largelv attended. , Refreshments will be served by THE MANCHESTER GLASS i^Bdmund O. Schlaf; fourth, VVll- The initiation ceremonies will be the entertainment committee fol­ pliam E. Loos. Rev. Ralph Ward of Manchester, cave a moLst inspiring Memorial open to the public. Refre.shments lowing the Initiatory degree. AND MIRROR WORKS y Democratic candidates: Mayor, w’lll be .serVed following the meet­ j: Clarence J. McCarthy; City clerk, The usual ritualistic ing in the lower room. Heavy seas, pounding through a break in the seawall of the ocean 8 GRISWOLD ST. TEL. 481!) ' John L. Moran, Jr.; treasurer, exercises were carried out with All honorably discharged veter­ front at Winthrop. Mass., took a toll in waterfront buildings ss a James Rohan; city sheriff, Zig*. Exalted Ruler Allen ' Lisk in ans of World War II who were lashing northeast storm went into its second day. (AP wirephoto). nond Oik; asseasors, William F. Charge assisted by the other offi­ voted Into the organization and AUTO GLASS INSTALLED i^cMahon. Albert Tennstedt; at- cers of the lodge. Frank Cratty who have not yet received their of­ Looking For All Kinds of Glass and Mirrors dermcn-at-largc, Richard Bund.y, was the soloist. At the conclusion ficial notcel through .ytl* m*ll will (IhriHliiias Sale John Sebliphkek, Benjamin A. of the exercises the members o f be iiivited to take part. BROADWAY Jobbing — Glass for Every Purpose Wilson, Mt^rrill M. Cedor; Ward the Rockville Emblem C5ub serv­ Practically all of the men who V aldermen. Drat, James A. Doherty; ed a buffet lunch. are making up tonight's initiation Of Ladies Guild Soap Flakes? ‘ second, John Geasay, Jr.; third, Grigo Lane class are veterans of World War By Jack O Brian Frederick Berger; fourth, Irving Grlgo Lan*. 90. died at the Ash­ II. Used fats are needed in Wormstedt. land (Convalescent Home this New York—O itis George Jean St. Mary's Ladles Guild will making soap . . . at well os The voting places are as fol- morning after a short illness. He Nathan walked out on one open Us annual CThristmaa sale, nylons, girdles and thoif- kwa: First ward. Police court was bom In Germany on Nov. 17, sandt of other things you're room; second, basement of St. of Gypsy Rose Lee's lavish parties Thursday evening at seven o’clock -RECORDS- 1855 and .cqme to the United in her huge, 26-room mansion, waiting for. John's Episcopal chutch; third, States and made his home for In the parish house, with a full ‘;,^ltton Fire house;. fourth, Prin- The when he discovered photographers line Of gift articles, aprons and more than 40 years In and around cead hall. Anyone wishing trans- were there, with complete equip­ home made food, to offer the TURN IM rOU* USB) MTSf North Coventry, where he was i ment, to record the .occasion for ; portation or information may call engaged in farming and mariket church people and friends. Republican headquarters as fol- posterity, or at least as long as ' The Guild decided to omit the gardening. Doctor one issue of a magazine can lie J lows: First ward, 1690; second' supper which they have been ac­ Funeral arrangements in charge around a dentist’s office. ward, 97-2; third ward, 1670^ customed to serve in connection For the Lovelleat of the Lacfd Funeral Home are in­ Far from being embarrassed by with the aale in former years. fourth ward, 322-3; or Democratic complete. thia perfunctory exit. Gypsy man­ However, they will be prepared to PERMANENTS “ haadquarters, first ward, 1680; Theresa Thrall To Be Bride ays: ager to garner, quite a chunk of serve sandwiches, cake, tea and You Ever Saw COLUMBIA — DECCA — ^CTOIt — CAPITOL 'leoond ward, 1681; third ward, New York, Dec. 3 A license to -1682; fourth‘ ward, 1396. columnar space thereby. coffee while the demand continues. wed was procured at the Munici­ Military Experience^hows $6.50 Up Circular Distributed A practitioner of the Broadway Mrs. Max Kasuiki and Mrs. James pal building here this morning by W iy to End Typhus Tim at psychology that any publicity, Harrison will be in charge of this BEAUTY BAR The final days of the poUtidal Miss Theresa Marie Thrall, _ 19, POTTERTOITS campaign were enlivened by the however discouraging! ia okay so department. 31 8t. John St. Tel. 8630 formerly of Rockville, now at 18 By William A. O’BrIeiCsM.D. appearance of a Democratic cir- long aa tee name la spelled cor­ Mrs. Frank Little and Mrs. John| At The Center 6.39-541 Mala Strael ...,1. . Morris street. Hartford. and Written for NEA Beivirtt rectly, Oypay has turned every Trotter will preside at the apron Open Tburaday DatU 9 P. 6L Oloaed BetwRaf At BtW F. M, ' Charles E. Hill. 21. in the Army. Epidemic typhus fever becoh^es unlikely circumstance into verita­ table: home made food. Mrs. Jos­ the same Hartford address. The a problem during periods of p ble apotlighta playing upon her eph Johnston, Mrs. Joseph Ken­ cusations. The circular stated longed siege, when peoplei are couple did not state when or yarioua careers with technicol- nedy and Mrs. Francis McGowan; 84 Church among other things that the Re­ where they would be msrricd. driven from their homes, and when brlUance. publican party has been in' control fancy work, Mrs. Gordon Fogg. The bride-elect was born In they are concentrated in camps. • • • Mrs. Clayton Allison, Mrs. Edward street o f the city for 28 out qt the last Control of typhus In World' War Rockville, the daughter of Clayton Onge, a shabbily-paid vaude­ L. Daiichy. Tel. 6683 32 years and "It's Tjtne for a Horace and Mary School Thrall. U is one of the outstanding aanl- ville ^ungater, later a richly- Change." It asks als6 "What is or Mr. Hill, the son of Oscar Mills tary achievementa of all time, ac­ rewardedsatrlD teacer in the finest Retired Manufacturer Dies the turmoil and (Uncord in our and Ollle Robinson Hill, i.s a na­ cording to public, health omciais. Minaky tradition, 'Gypsy came of 3-1668 W E BUY Police Departm ent" and criticizes tive of Hannibal. Mo. Infected lice, which contract the age from a cgfe society standpoint StaYford Springs, Dec. 3^(/Fi- the manner in .which the money disease from biting the sick, when the public and the press Charles F. Beckwith, 87. retired' PHOTO COLORING waa spent at th^ recreation field— spread typhus. The bite of a sin­ made much of\the fact that she card clothing manufacturer, died ALL MAKES AND MODELS OF CARS alao tee ateltic facilities on Fox gle infected .louse can cause ty­ combined peeling Nrff her' clothes yesterday in Larchmont, N. Y., GREETING CARDS REGARDLESS OF CONDITION .HUl—tee Incraaaa of this year's Lower Mississippi phus in a auaceptible person. On­ with hardly apropos\Hscus.sions of where he was visiting his daugh­ budget and also that the New set is unusually audden, with Freud, Jung and Phnist. This ter, Mrs. Perry B. Crane. GIFTS England Kill is used "as a ware­ headache, chilla, fever and gen­ / Now Protected literary addition to trie normal Open DaUy: 9 A. M. - 8 P. M. house ip which there is stored eralized paina. The akin breaks technique of biirleycue imdraping WE PAY AS HIGH AS MORE FOR thouaai^ds of dollars work of 'wool out on the fifth to the seventh day obscured, or at ‘ least g ^ the Mon. and Sat. P. M. 6-9 P. M. r, not even appearing In the tat list with round or oval, flat, red spota, Cairo, 111., Dec. 3—(>P)—The War audience's mind off, the factVhat $400 for ’36’s o f 1044." which sometimes turn to hemorr­ she didn't take off nearlv as mui YOUR CAR The Republican party leaders Department, like a proud papa, set hages. Toxic aymptoma in the aa some of the other doU.s, and $500 for ’37’s WARS OVER— T T EIRS ISNT brain, and respiratory complica­ LOT FOR SALE 60 6 have announced that all of the about today showing off its $500,- that she didn’t have the most THAN YOU I .Oharges will be answered before tions are common. ■ensatlonal figure in the woidd. or $700 for ’38’s 000,000 • "baby," the lower Mi.ssiss- Typhus has caused the death of Benton Street, .50 x 1.50 ft. ^'election, and that in answer to the ippi valley flood control project. even in Minsky's, although even fttatement made on the circular more physicians, nurses, hospital an anatomical cynic had to admit Few seconds’ walk from $1000 for 39*8 PAID FOR IT that tee miscellaneous items in Under auspices of the U. S. Ar­ attendants, and health offlclala It waa pretty good. the budget as appearing in a local my engineers and the Mississippi than any other egntagioua dlieaae. From that hardlv aesthetic start. East Centihr St. An ideal $1400 for ’40*8 BRAND NEW .newspaper were not itemized, that River commission, an inspection From 10 to 40 per cent of the vic­ Gypsy now ia the^'darllng of the location for that new home. these appear itemized on the offi­ party began a tour of the flood- tims of typhus have died in past sophisticates, a novelist, play­ $2000 for’41*8 For Certain 1941 and epidemics. When recovery occurs, cials warnings a> posted. ways, dams, levees and revetments wright, friend of the famous, pro­ built along the river to New Or­ fever disappears In about two prietor 'of the loudest "pahling!" $ 2 0 0 0 fo r *42*8 1942 Cars Youngsters Coast weeks, but convalescence' is pro­ F. & S. REALTY CO. A large group of children en- leans to protect 30,000,000 people at opening nights,’ and this en­ from the age-old ravages of flood longed. dearing term, now just another Phones: 2-113.S and 6719 EXTRA BONDS! ‘waters. Cause of typhus is a special va­ way of saying "Hya.” is directed The job done since. passage '"of riety of rickettsia. a disease agent at Only the most glittering per­ NEW CARS ARE IN PRODUCTION NOW! ! Junior Frock the flooc^ control act of 1928 is so named after'Howard T. Ricketta, sonages, such aa Elsa Maxwell, WHEN FULL PRODUCTION IS REACHED—USEO CAK the American pathologist who dis­ tremendous' — placing one billion Miriam Hopkins, George S. Kauf­ PRICES WILL DROP SHARPLY cubic yards of earth on main line covered them and who gave his man, Moaa Hart, and any, or -1 People. «rKo learn froai ikair life investigating dangerous epi­ levees, for example— that even should say all, of a few thousand Iriende about the taperior az- lower valley residents hardly real­ demic diseases. 'To control typhus, Let’s help th^se men. They deserve everything famous personages who might - The celleoce of our service aad rea* And we can take care of the widows and orphans ize that what tee engineers pro­ it is necessary to develop individ­ show up at a Broadway premicse, Th«r«'s nothing but Poaeo,/glorious P e^ a h ea d for us. claim as a successful, coordinated ual resistance against tee rickett- tonabUBCta of our elurgea, call SPECIAL OFFER we can do for them after what they went through. the Stork's Club Room, C^rdl's, or us to serve, with perfect coa- of their friends. program may how be seen ss a sis or to destroy the lice which any Park Avenue party. Dewey-Richman Sell your car to ua now and yon can nae yaor ear tar the > But not for these metfl \shble. The Army proposed to spread them. * • • fidence ia our capability aad de> next 80 daya ftrlthoot charge. For tbit ont Iasi lim#,* let’s really outdo our- present that picture. Special Vaccine ■‘-ndability. For them, now com ^ the Battle of Aclilqg' Nerve, ' We can do all these things with our purchase of A special vaccine haa been pre­ Right now Gypsy has no time Co. stW^o say, “ Thanks,”— and to protect our own pared by growingr the rickettaias for burlesque, or even -playing extra Bonds in this, the last Loan. In,the more dignified precincts of / OCULIST 1 Drive In-^Write In or Phone In - the Battle of Despsur, the Battle of Fear, In the yolk sac of the developing AMBULANCE SEKVICB ' f.. t ^ ^ ily ’s future. Visited Briiimer’s chick erhbryo. The vaccine la ren­ the drama. She is writing a book, We Will Buy Your Car Ovei^ the Phone 7-8144 dered harmless by treatment with "moatly autobiographical,” she PRESCRIPTIONS FILI.ED ^ It is a fight we can help them win. And, ironically enough, at the same time we’re formalin and three doaea ftre giv­ says; haa a play about a quarter NEW FRAMES To See Packard finished, is doing a monthly piece saying thanks to them for the way they fought for en. Considerable protection is de- LENS OllPMCATED We can help them back to health. We Can h^p veIo,ped In ihis way. but more vac­ for a magazine and ia trying be­ times to act like a mother for her F REPAIRSMADB CAPITOL MOTORS, Inc. us, we can put money into our own pockets... for e v ^ • Mlowlfig th« VieHwy loan, ibu tul* u ri, f. ond O U. S. tavingt 6oi^» cine must ^ given on exposure. them forget their fears. We can help them learn will cMilinuu through regular qufhorizorion agonciut and througn tbo Well over a thousand people vis­ Thq majority of Vaccinated per­ son, Erik, whflie actor-father ly 368 MAIN STREET HARTFORD ited Brunner's, 80 Oakland street, sona do notl contract typhus, but Alexander Kifklan^ from whom dollar we put into Scries “ £ ’• Victory Bonds ^ Payroll Savingt Plan. Gypsy now ia diyoroed. walk. We can help them learn a trade. . . or help yesterday to see the new 1946 If they do, tney develop It In mild back a quarter of a dollar interest when the)^aturc. Packard Clipper which was on di|(- form and fatalities are unknown. them start their own business. play'from 2 to 10 p. m. Most effective means of control­ From the lime of her launching The Clipper will be on display ling typhus when It breaks out in 1797 up to 1850, repairs bn tire again today and as a specral at­ among non-vaccinated persona is frigate Constitution, “Old Iron- WINTER . traction, Leslie Chandiec.- direct t6 delouse the populatioo, aa time aldea,” which originally coat 1302,- from the Roxy Theater, New York, does not permit whdlesale Immu­ 719, amounted to $495,236. IS COMING will be pi-eserited 1h concert on the nization. It Is reported that DDT Hammond Organ from 3 to 10 should be given major credit foi* G‘et Your Car Ready p. m. . stopping the spread of typhus. In So great is the interest 'in the Europe, as it was used in all areas At . . VICTORY new Paokard-Clipper that 'an evqn threatened with outbreaks of this THANKS LOAN larger crowd is expected to see it dUwase. ' Niohols-Bristol, Inc. fimshed fuiish today. Eighteen bona fide oiders TweyVe Tftm m jLErt The delousing squads moved 155 Center Street were taken yesterday from those With the military in their cam­ “6 6 6 who came and saw and' were sold paigns destroying lice and clean­ COLD PREPARATIONS Phone 4047 immediately on this smart new ing infected quarters an(l camps LIQUID. TABI.ET8, SALVE. Open Evmiiings for Your Pa'ckard. Neiraa. A J. • as they went along.... It may be NOSE DROPS i that typhus will never again be a Cantion use only as directed. serious threat if similar methods After nine and a half yeara in the package store bnsIn^M, Relief Official are employed in the future. PENTLAND, THE FLORIST .we are now having it, but not without first expresataif our 8946 DAVIS HOME BAKERY KEMP’S, INC 11-18 ■ Oilit;izes ('hina Counuit Editor Retires heartfelt thanks to all of you who became such loyal patrons ANDERSON GREENHOUSES QUISH FUNERAL HOME DEPOT SQUARE GARAGE LARSEN’S FEED SERVICE of ours during that time. The business will be carried or ANDERSON JOHNSON . WILUAM H. SCHIELDGE-PRINTING Hartford, Dec. 3—(/P)—After 59 Ait Appreciation / DEWEY-RICHMAN CO. MANCHESTER DRY CLEANERS By Sue Burnett ‘ Shanghai. Dec. 3- -(;PW^-Roy F. years as a newspaperman, includ­ by new owners who — we feel sure — will endeavor to carry BANTLY OH- COMPANY MANCHESTER HARDWARE CO. t h e s e a m a n FUEL a SUPPLY CO. One of tee softest, smoothest Hendrickson, deputy, UNRRA di­ ing 52 years as telegraph editor bf WM. DICKSON & SON Cks you’ll see to accent a tiny rector, today shaiply criticized The Hartfoo’d Courant, Elijah ^ THROUGH THE COLUMNS OF THE HERALD, on In the same m ^ner that haa won **FredV so many J. f. BARSTOW MANCHESTER MEMORIAL CO. ‘atline. Juniors like the lov' Toles Shurtcr, 83, retired Satur­ DILLON SALES AND SERVICE ' STATE SHbE REPAIR SHOP China's failure to transport I WISH TO THANK MY CUSTOMERS, F E. BRAY nd necklinf, button front and UNRRA silppUca into the interior. day. Shurter waa born in New friends in the nine and a half years piut. Again wt say. MANCHESTER PUBLIC MARKET ■ U. S. CLEANERS “ t. trim. A' surefire compllment- He declared curtailment of fu­ York city, graduated from Wil- ' OLD AND NEW, JAMES* BEAUTY SAION er. kams college, and worked in Norte *^hanks a millionr ‘ JOHN B. BURKE FUNERAL HOME MAPLE SUPER SHELL STATION ^ ture shipnjents would be necessary FOR THEIR PATRONAGE, DURING FORTY-FIVE FINDELL’ S W. D. STAR MARKET ttarn Nq. 8946 la designed for unless China developed a swifter Adaiba and Springfield, Masa., be­ BURSACK BROTHERS M4JCONVHJ.E, THE FLORIST ill, 12. 13, 14, 16 and 18. Size distribution system. fore comii\g to the Courant. ’ CONSECIJJIVE YEARS IN THE RETAIL MEAT FOSTER’S MARKET WERBNER’S SHOE STORK diort Ueeves. takes 3 4 yards Hendrickson, who has just com­ CAPITOL GRINDING CO. / MIUKOWSKl, THE FLORIST* Winch material; \ sleeves, 3 4 BUSINESS. NEW CUSTOMERS SOLICITED, AND WEST SIDE DAIRY pleted threeyweeH inspection of (JRl- High Sc|iool Prlneipal Beaigna . CARROLL CUT RATE ^ , GORMAN MOTOR SALES ^ na'a stricken areas, said UNRRA I WILL CONTINUE TO SERVE ALL TO THE BEST MURPHY’S RESTAURANT AND BOWUNC tela pattern, send 20 cenUr supplies .were piling up in Shang­ FRED BOCCBim- CARTER CHEVROLiET CO., INO GEORGE L. GRAZIADIO WILROSE DRESS SHOP your oama, address, size Thompsortville, Dec. 8—(ftV-> OF MY ABILITY. NOREPTS QUALITY FOOD STORE hai warehouses. ' Principal J. Frank Bassett of En­ GRISWOLD’S SERVICE STATION p a r k HIU FLOWER-81^, I and tea pattern number to Eight large supply-laden vessels CAVErSGRHX ■ The Manchester Eve- field High achool announced last NORTH END PACKAGE STORE have docked in Shanghai siniiF night that aa soon aa tee achool C L. HALE CONST. CO. L. T. W OOD CO. ^ 1160 Ave. Americas. Nov. 8 but "supplies in port ware­ FRED’S PACKAGE STORE ' * CENTER PHARMACY B. D. PEARU FURNITURE-APPLIANCES % ' 10. N. Y.' board could act on hia resijpiation houses do not feed starving people he would accept the post of super­ ARTHUR E. GIBSON 117 SPRUCE STREET AT BIS8BLL STREET CORNER SODA SHOP JOHNSON & LITTLE y ' FaU and Winter 500 miles away," said Hendrickson, m ■ . FMliton. Send for intendent of school a t Woburn, who left for the United States late ^aaa. Haaset haa been principal 40 FLOWER STREET TELEPHONE 7371 U centa. toda'y^ ' ■ ', i , ( .V here for terae and a half yeats. /


intoxicants. They are interested local group and an attempt to steps,'we tried to carry this mes- only in steering away from ^Ina- steps as quoted from official lltcr- bring the AA’s program home to ifee to alcoholics, and to practice tlon those who have, a reM drink­ Mure'of the AA are: those in the town who need iuqh LECLERC iTallcs Planned We admitted we were pow- these principles In all our affsjrt.’ ing problem , as they reaUse that W TU T— I8SU I A A Suoceosfiil Here help>. „ many who drink are able to do ao f u n e r a l nONB w a r o — 1410 erlesa over alcohol—that ntlnu«>—Joan Davis Show; the exact nature of our wrongs. auditorium 1® In the nature of both GuietloufiCliUd Cmangclhin, Manchurian capital. WHTD — ' Mutual Melody Hour, battles against their desire for tion service. , Fay Kundsen, 11 years old, who ' Repoiis of the Nationalist ap­ News; WHTD—Adventures of "6. Were entirely ready to have .a flr»t anniversary meeting of th® A (iliort time before the presl WTIO-Lorenao Jones. alcohol will be detailod by three Litchfield, H—W —W a lle r, , , . wa.s attending the Lincoln school proach to Mukden followed a ;46—WORC—Main Street, Hart- Sherlock Holmes; WTHT — God to remove all these defects of SUkowakl, of fi Hathaway lane, i dent ‘« inc.asnge, Thomas had ask- American Discussion lAagao', members of Alcoholics Anonymous character. for the first time today, /is at the .China .Times assertion that troops at the public meeting , of the local Mancheater had Both logs crushed . od V. .S. Attorney C.^ieral rom Manchester Memorial hospital of the free, lance general, Chang "7. Humbly asked Him to re­ 1 1 ^ this morning when She waa caught Clark to inve.stlgatc General Mo- mittee of Meriden. branch at Whitdn Memorial Thurs­ move our shoftcomlngs. Kl-Ecrmic MOTORS where she was taken kt noon to-1 Hsueh-Shlh, had entered the city. :00—WDRC—story of America. day evening of this week at 8 •between the caterpillar track and] tors' operations rontcnding the day after bclng*8tri)Ck by an an-■ It was uncertain whether he fa­ 9:00—WDRC — Radio Theater; "8, Made a list of all persons Repairing • Rewinding TMs f l m i M M tr M Distrais I f CwqMfif. plow frame of a tractor snowplow j corporation's control of a large WHTD T- Here’s Howe; WTHTj WHTD — Gabriel Heatter; o’clock. For those who really have tomobile on Main Jtrect near th e' vored the Nationaliets or the Com­ we had harmed, and became will­ —Terry and the Plratea; W l lC WTHT — Memo to America; an alcoholic problem these Alt Work Guaranteed UppM BrMRhW CsfipstiM. Miscilar SsrNtts. while Working on a anOw-clogged pajt of ti e supply of furl pumps post office building. i munists. ing to make amends to them a ll highway In the East Chestnut Hill I for the induairy ronstituted a —Whan a Girl Marries. w n c —Telephone Hour. stralght-frbm-the-heart talks by "9. Made direct amends t6 such Ace Electric Motor R ^ ir s The child hag recently moved' May Resume Peace Talks .:16— W H TD — To be announced; section of this town. He Wa.s pin- nnmopoly. 9:15—WHTD—Real Stories from the two men and one woman on people wherever possible, except 221 N. Main SU Opp. Depot here fiom ' Elniira, N. Y., and to- ; There were reports the long-de­ WTHT—Music; . WTIC — Por­ the program will be highlights of Has Special ned in the machine nearly three' The lequest was niiule by It. I. day was her first day at the layed peace talks between Nation­ Real Life. when to do so would Injure them Telephone 5642 hours being freed when an nc^ty- jThoinafi president of the UAW - tia Face* life. 9:30—W H T D '— Spotlight Band; the evening. 1 or others. Penetrating-Stimulating Action school. The classes- were being alists and Chinese ComraunlsU i:S0—W DRC — W ar W TH T— Swinging on the Golden Two clergymen who have shown Icen torch was used to cut th ejriO , in a telegram which stated dismissed at noon and the child would be resumed Dec. 10. "10. Oontlmied to teke personal i tary; Swoon or Croon: WHTD Gate; Coronet Front Page; great interest In the problems of ' plowf frame. that "control of a single vital started to walk along the west In Shanghai, Lieut. Gen. George Inventory and when we . 'were He was then carried a hide hy ! item gives Gem ral Motors Corp., -captain Midnight; ^ T - Wn<3— Information Please. alcoholics also are on the pro­ side of Main street. Her mother Stratemeyer, commanding United wropg promptly admitted it. Sled to the Torrington nmbubince a control over its ('ompetitors that ' Jack Armstrong: W TIC — Juat j 0:00—WDRC— Screen Star Play; gram. They are Rev. James P. TkMiMndt at wea-ars maw snlMiat lad driven to the school to pick State! Air Forces in <3hlna, an­ "11. Sought through prayer and which-took him to the Ch.ii'lotte if^ contrary to the public Interest." Plain BiU. W H TD — Renaie’a Radio Auction Timmins, pastor of ,8L Bridgets DON WILLIS^ la t b . R sflo lar temf- J*«u — aad up. and take her to her home nounced headquarters of the 10th medlUtion to improve our con­ Hung^rford hospital. i .some 22.1,(KU» Idle i;48— W D R C - Old Gallery: WTHT—America Iron church, who will be toe principal ’ S ll THE JOi TMROWBHT 42 Alexander street. She had and 14th A ir Forces are on a non- WHTD — Tom W T W — scious contact with God as we un­ PaMtratM ttliNulatas His condition was described as ;j20,000 General Motpt^s and Steel Institute; W n (3 —Con­ speaker of toe evening, and Rev. GARAGE parked bn the cast side of the operatlonal laasls and were pro­ Tenneesee Jed; WTIC — Front Ferris E. Reynolds, pastor o f the derstood Him praying only for jiitoMW tosicMtl dNSttsdbaekNr- cM ooss vo o a asANeH ® * aaavia* seHous at the hospital. ■ employes are Idle In a n atioi^ id e tented Program. knowledge of His will for us and AND OVamtAt TMSA'rtR street and called her to croas over. cessing personnel for return home. Page FarrelL 10 :UF—WTH T—Music. Second (Congregational church, Complete Auto Serrieu toe power to carry that out sisdldMl vipon T psvsI • Mweetiea • leeaHly • Cesesr 'strike by the union to enforce its Thei girl darted into the road Three squadrons and a troop car­ 10:80— WDRC—To be announced; who will outline how his views , Evening "12. Having had a spiritual 18 Main 8t T«i 8085 I demand on GM for a 30/(>cr cent just aX^ a car driven by Harold rier headquarters group, contain­ WHTD—Connecticut Fotum of have changed toward those who r*r lull IntarmaUwi mH at Army Group wage incicasc within the corpora­ ing low point men and volunteers, l;00—News on all atations. experience as the result of these U. a. AAsiy atcauiTina o m *« FaucetiVof 270 North Elm street, 1:15—WDRO-Jlmmy Carroll toe Air; WTHT—Rex Maupln have a drinking problem since he ■niniNagp sootoing Vldcs VapoRub is die best- tion’s present price atriictiire. which wXfl proceeding south, came are scheduled to remaUn In China. and Orchestra; w n C —Dr. L Q, has been associated with toe local ESwntSne POST OFFICE BUILDING Thimias in his tyfegrani cited a Sing*; WHTD — Cliff along' anct, struck her. She waa •rhe 14th A. A. F. has been in WTHT—Itoy-O-Qui*; — 11:00— News on all stations. branch of A A . ttriet of dieit cold®. Rub it wdl on throaty chest MANCHESTER. Given Power letter by G. Wilson. General China sfnee July 2. 1942. It was wnc Win Tell Experiences taken to the hospital by the driv­ Vxofomor Andre Schenker. 1 1 :16—WDRC—Night Owl Show; •nd back i t bedtime. Its a p ^ l P*” * ? * * ^ Motors presidgfit, in which GM activated by Maj. Gen. Claire L. The A A members, whose idenUty sttmulatini action ®tart® r i^ t to work— and er of the'caX where she waa treat­ C80—WDRC — Music; WHTD — W HTD— Jazz (Concert; W TH T— ofiered to n>«ppcn its parts plants C^ennault as the China A ir is not made publicly known, will keepion working for hour®—to ^ ed for back iiijurie^ Aneww Man; W TH T- Concert Music: w n c — Hafkness of Sponsored By On Captives to supply/ — Easy Aces: W n c — rrankle ciarte’s Orchestra; sell B. Reynolds, president of the upbe the plan. lines of fellow GI’s ss carrier USS Enterprise, returning more than rolet plant in FUnt, Mich., as the union’s strike against General the war. Cafe Zanslbar Orches­ desire for liquor. Despite toe fact Lowell Tboinae. • that they made effort after effort I military commission, once took / George Romney, general man­ 4.400 Yanks frqm Europe, arrived. (A P wirephoto). Motors continued. (A P wirephoto). r:08—W DRC—Momrala and toe tra, ager of the Automobile Manufac­ to overcome their weakness it was over the questioning. Men: WHTD — Fulton J,awls 1 1 :46—WHTD— Orrln Tucker’s Or­ turers association,, has said the Faces Charge Prepare to Return not until they became acquainted NMiihara’a replies of " I ddn’t w n c —Supper Chib. chestra; News. ^ « General Motors strike would even- 12 :00—WHTD—Henry Colls Or­ with toe good work of toe AA pro­ know" or " I think I’ve fo r ^ t e n " To Changchun r:l6—WDRC — Jack 8 m 1 t Became so frequent that even Rey­ uallly force a shutdown of the en­ chestra; w n c —News; SL Louis gram that they were able to con­ Of Negligence What It Means , Peiping, Dec. 3— WP)— A Chinese Show; W H TD —Musical Round quer their desire for intoxicants. nolds In exasperation s ^ the wit­ tire industry. Only a Few Dehydrated delegation prepared today to re­ up; WTHT — Raymond Swing Serenade. ness was "getting eyeryone con- Principal producer of fuel 18*80—WHTD — Lew Diamonds Always Seeking Cure Gift Suggestions turn to Oiangchun charged with w n c —News of toe World. They wfll tell how they sUrted fussd." / pumps among GM units Is the (OMtiaoed from Bags One) Orchestra; w n C —Three Sons The Navy-Army *War’ the responsibility of taking over T:30—WDRC—Thanks to toe out in life with toe ^ a that they Nlshlhara, 'V^kmasblta's judge AC Spark Plug division at Flint, Foods Survive Wartime Manchuria from Russian occupa­ Tanks; WHTD—Frank S l^ w r. Trio. 'advocate genepdl, tertified Satur­ Mich, which employed more than performance of duty." 12:45— W HTD— Earl Roth’s Or- could be social drinkers, toe tion forces and restoring those WTHT—Lona Ranger; gradual increase in their desire day to vlsit^ Yaroaahita at_tils 9,000 workers before the strike Under the first charge, the cap­ velopment, as well as the devel­ rich northeast provinces to the I ehestra. By Jerr>' Kom Jack Says “Ask Me Another. for liquor to the point toat they from I haadguarters several times last begad Nov. 21. After Interna­ Distaste for K Ratitms tain was accused specifically of opment of defenses against it, Washington—The war appears Central government. cared for neither home, family nor ‘ or; when the Japanese com- tional union officials said the ilbglecting "to cause zigzag course could best be handled by a - imi- ^ e NaUonaliat officials were to have developed the habit of ag­ friends who tried to steer them ^in the Philippines alleged- question of reopening this unit to be steered" through an area in fied command. ready to return to that capital of gression in both the U. S. Army upon the path of sobriety, their the nod that doomed the would be considered, leaders of the Cancellation of Army Orders Ends $12,000,000’ •War which enemy aubmarines "might Manchuria in an atmosphere con­ and the U. S. Navy. 2. Scientific research and experi­ Bing Crosby Keeping Away descent In the social scale until IS. AC local said s partial return to be encountered." siderably cleared of the misunder­ Baby” as Processing Plants Are Closed With war's end they are now ment would be aided by unified they tasted the yery dregs of life. *I1ie defense, apparently bent on work would "lead to trouble and Under the second charge, he waa battling each other— like gentle­ sponsorship and a free exchange standing which led to their sudden All this time they were seeking BUSH HARDWARE rshoiwlng that Nlshlhara waa no probably violence." accused of falling, after being In­ men, at course, but like two-fisted of Ideas. departure two-weeks ago. some sort of a cure for their af­ [ Item enter of Yamaahita’s sanctum 90 P «r Cent L'se Fuel Pumps ever, with the. perfection of the From His Regular Schedule By Jean (ieorge formed that the ship was in a gentlemen—over the issue o( con­ 3. A ir power, now in a some­ Premier T. V. Soong, head of the fliction. It was not until they were [ proniced a diagram of the geher- -T science, after each conflict, a fe-.v A corporation spokesman said N E A Staff Correspondent sinking coiidition, “ to issue and solidating the two services under what subsidiary position in both recenWy-created Supreme Eco­ made acquainted with the A A that I al’a office. It asked him to show more dried loods stay on the mar­ Wallets and Fitted Cases Saturday that approximately 90 New York — 'The dehydrated see effected such timely orders as single department. the Arm y and the Navy, would be nomic council, is expected to ar­ . . ABC they were able to get a grip upon Fireplace Equipment i whsK the door was. per cent of the automobile Indus­ ket, and the mors optimistic are rive from Chungking today or to­ New Tork. Dec, 8 — (S*)—B ln g f "Mr. and Mrs. Cugat were necessary to cause said ves­ Feeling ever this question h as) raised to the status it deserves. __12:80 Farm and Home; 3:30 themselves and start upon the Ladies' and Men’s Genuine Leather / \ I colonel pointed to a place on try uses fuel pumps produced by meal rose overnight to sensational ' prone to believe that at gome later sel to be abandoned, as it was his morrow to give final • instructions given rise to some of the stran- | 4. Coordination o f air, sea and Orosby continue* eft his regular Ladies Be Seated; 6 Walter Kler- road to rehabilitation. Solid Brass Andirons...... from $7.50 the dlagrsun. Whereupon the de­ General Motors. fame early In the .war and return- ^ day dried foods will coihpcte with duty to do." land forces ' has been demon­ to the Manchurian mission con­ Wallets ^ ...... from $1.25 to ^ 5 0 gest posturing seen in this capi- • radio schedule and apparenUy lan’t nan; 8:15 Elmer Davin; 10:45 12 Stops Advocated Black Andirons...... 1™*" $6.95 fense showed that he had indicated Thomas telegraphed Clark to­ ed to obscurity with a dull thud ; frozen and ranned foods. ■ As a result, the specifications strated to be a necessity in global forming with the newJHuderstand- t4l in years. The generals «e a bit concerned about when he geU Never Forget Bond drama . . . • It was not until they followed Fitted Toilet Cases in Genuiiw / [ • eoUd wall. day that "a disastrously dangerous at the close of hostilities. \ Few Survive set forth, “ many persons on board wooing the admirals and the im- j warfare. Where it was missing, ing reached with Russia. the 12 steps advocated by AA for Firesets ...... from $7.50 Americans just don’t l^e their The dehydrated "war baby" ex­ bnck. It would •*«««» he intends to JJBS— 1:30 Paula Stone: 3:16 Vic­ Leather...... frops $4.f5 situation is indicated when a sin­ perished with the sinking of said rnirais don’t like it. the Arm y says', we came close to Special Representative Chiang keep on treasuring hit current va- recovery that they were able to vitamins withered down to a panded nearly 4000 per cent dur­ complete failure of operations tory MaUnee; 4:16 Johnson Fam­ Also Screens, Wood Baskets, LiKhtera. gle automobile corporation closed vessel." The sailors are afraid they Chung-Kuo, eldest son of Gener­ eaUon Into toe new year at least regain the self-respect of them­ / Didn't Expect quarter-inch pill. Fresh spinach ; ing the war. Now plants are beingi (Pearl Harbor is cited as an ex­ ily; 7:30 Arthur Hale; 9:16 Real down by a dispute over wages First Charge Challenged would lose their identity in a re­ alissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, intends "N ever mind right now"ia his re- selves as well aa others: These 12 | is here to ataW' * dismantled and turned into can­ ample). Life Drama. lers Singapore Surrender tacitly admits that its competi­ As the courtmartial opened, shuffle, for the Arm y is numeri­ to fiy from Peiping to Changchun •ponM to sponsor pleas es to fu- Wall Type Can Q f^ e tors will not be able to- operate The death of the just-add-hot- ning and quick-freezing units, cally superior. Author is HiU tomorrow with the second secre­ San Francisco, Dec. — water-and-serVe dinner began witli United States Tariff Commission. counsel for Captain MeVay chal­ hmplan*. He’* Ju*t not "^ k liy Shoe Skate Outfits Several Fine TPypes T^^hooaer ^ h o o M Prom ! it. Gen. Tomoyuki Yamsshita, unless the corporation can reopen Since the plan was first pro- tary of the Sovicty embassy in grumblings in Jhe GI foxhole, and A few commodities perfected lenged the first of the two The consolidation bill waa pro­ liiiriii*** " and won’t until he gets trial on war criminal charges In some of its parts manufacturing xised, with Arm y backing, the posed by Sen. Lister Hill, A la­ Chungking. ^ ^ Men's Two-Tone Tubes and Prices From 1 ^ 9 to $8.45 reached national proportions just during the war will remain by re­ charges—negligence in that the setUad Iwek in Hollywood acme plants." Navy— always proud o f its ability bama Democrat, and provides for They arrived late yesterday Ifanlla, didn't expect U e u t Gen. after V-J Day, when 90 per cent quest of satisfied housewives and officer neglected to put the cruiser ttm* aarly in 1948. toadies’ NVhile Tubes or FiRure itrtlita' Kmest Perdval to surren­ He said Wilson’s letter "pro­ in a fight—has been sniping at it a department of armed forces un­ from Chungking and met last of the dehydrated vegetablf plants European consumers. Tomato and on a zigzag course through subma Bing ha* b**n *way from hU der Singapore In February. 1942, vides Strong corroboratory evi­ to discredit the project before der a civilian secretary, aided by night with officials 40,000 to 60,000 stand-in food, to a hasty, meal on this |12,000,(H)0 war business looks minute conference Admiral Wilder win C. Johnson (D „ Colo.) has ly has heto on an "incognito” trip EZIO PINZA ..psn" to defeat the British who he as’ mAsage. rying tactics and bring their big made a counter-proposal which would discuss adth Russian Mar­ 6',4 Blade with Case...... $.‘1.98 the battle front, at which fighting forward to a comfortable stead;' Baker announced that the chal­ guns into play. to N ew York and to* Arm y-Navy PROGRAM ]jsllswid had “more than 100,000." Admit Mounting Opposition lenge had heeq rejected and the w’ould authorize a department shal Malinovsky in Changchung football game at-Phlladeiphia. 5*4 Blade with Case...... • • • .$2.98 Yanks labeled it "ersatz” and as’K- market. There will be virtually no I f they hope to stave o ff the ...... Legrenzi ^ Tool or Tackle Boxes 1 .Tunashtta, reported Stewart, International officers of the courtmartial would proceed on the of military security with six means- by - which Chinese Nation­ Clroeby’s Thureday night sponsor Che fiero costume...... ed for baked beans. foreign competition, since imports unification plan, they will have to ...... TostI i jdald It was "by sheer luck our en­ United Automobile Workers (CIO) original charges. branches: A ir Corps, Arm y, Navy, al troop^^ould fiy into Manchu­ reperta that he pt*H »• Addio ...... - ...... However, dried food producers will not only have to overcome move fast, because a bill for con­ ...... Arensky All Types To Choose From, With TIR forces wers not shnihilated today acknowledged mounting expected this sudden death. Ever Admiral Baker explained that Procurement, Military Intelligence ria. tra ct and that unUl he makes a Lea Dan sense, ...... U. S. duty, ..but American plants solidation is already under con­ and M ilitary Science...... MacGlmsey Trays or Removable ITaya. attempted to cross Johore opposition within the \)nlon’s ranks sideration in the SenateVMilitary May Touch Off HasttUtiea decision Frank Morgan will con­ L'nde Remus’ Meditation... Carpenters or Shop Tools since the Civil War, they point are better equipped’ scientifically, the court instructions stated it Sen. David I. Walsh (D., Mass.) i" from the Malay peninsula to a plan for resumption of parts out, the dehydration of vegetables and arc nearer to large rav.* was not essential to assert in Affairs Uommittee. x This movement is regarded aa tinue in toe show. Since he hea Long Ago, Priced From $1.25 to'$21.50 has been a lone voice, in his ca­ ,. .Trad. A it , Korbay fapore Island. production in some of the 70-odd vegetable supply. To date, every important gen­ likely to touch off hostilities with When 1 Waa Still Free...... Ideal Gifts for the Practical Man! hak been a war measure. How­ / specification that the accused com pacity as chairman of the Naval been off toe air. «> «»« le British guns could have an­ strike-bound General Motor plants. eral of the U. S. Army—Marshall Chinese Omraunlst forces in cen­ rumors of a transfer to another "Sebeherasade" Excerpt- % mltted a breach of Federal statute Affairs Clommittee, in opposing .... Rimsky-Korsakoff Planes — Saws — Vises — Etc. ted us. I expected the Brit- Noting vigorous objections from or Nayal regulations. Eisenhower, Arnold and Mac- tral Manchuria unless the Rus­ aponaor, but apparently these were Part i n ...... guns to wipe us put to the last big Detroit and Flint locals. U AW - the nation left their jobs today in the departmental change. Walah- Haie\ J ^ Electric Heaters He said the court found the Arthur among them—has backed sians stand at air fields to guard yrlm aiily runsor*. 81 la rtgneur from “la JnJve 0, but they never did." CIO President Thomas reiterated a-. 24-hour work stopage that tied haa suggested a national defense the landings. charges and specifications in due the project. Such weight '■annot MeanwhO*. two gueat radio a^ Just the Thing To Take the ChiU O t Tamashlta said his table-^uhd- that GM workers would decide for up loading and sailing of hundreds W eddings / council consisting of the secreta­ Also in Peiping was Sun Yueh- form and technically correct. be lightly set aside by Navy men. ries of War, State and Navy, lylth wsaranccs have been scheduled. Thermopielers In Bathroom .or Small Kitchen vJhW and fist-waving at the surren- themselves whether they wish to of ships and halteel repairs on / The effect of this massive pres­ Chu, special commissioner o8 Postponement Requested the President presiding. One will put him on MBS Wed­ derparley with the British officer return to their jobs while a strike others. sure on the legislature, has bOen mines, and a staff of 5 mining en­ Indoor and Odtdoor...... From $8l95to $17.50 Counsel for the accused, when nesday night in a program on ^ x »s out o f efforts to make an in- is In effect. The walkout was called to sup­ ComiiiK Marriage gradual, but pronounced. A re­ Whatever form the bill finally gineers and technicians. Ask to see the thermometer that tells asked if he was ready to proceed half of the Slater Kenny infantile irpreter understand what he was Thomas accepted the ._ corpora­ port the union's contention that Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Teabo of porter who canvassed the Senate takes, the struggle over conqoll- They expect to take over the USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN requested a postponement of-' one paralyels campelgn. The other Is flfu srsifM both inside and outside temperature. ng to tell Perdval. tion's proposal ter resume manu­ return of overseas veterans was 125 LoOmis street announce the recently for opinion on the Army- datlon may be the last engage­ FHishun coal mlhe near Mukden. day to complete the preparation ment in a long fight between on CBS Sunday afternoon when Airplane Luggage facture of parts for competitor being delayed because some ships engagement and coming marriage Navy merger wrote that he had the greatest in all Asia. of his case, and the court adjourn­ he is expected to Join In an hour* firms dependent on GM In. behalf it claimed were suitable to carry of their daughter. Miss Dorothy been unable to, discover a single, Arm y and Navy. It is for Con­ It also was understood ben 18” and 21” Cases In Tan Stripe and ed urttll 10:00 a. m. tomorfow. gress to decide. tribut* to Jerome Kern, to replace of the union Sunday. He stated soldiers were being used for com­ Lorraine Teabo, to William A. voice in opposition to the ^ la n ,‘ that the South Manchuria railway, Blue With Genuine Leather Binding. Baby Doll, Clothes The heavy eruiser—wbich had toe regular Nelson Eddy and Kitchen S l^ Stools in his letter to GM President C. mercial purposes. Wbeelock. QM-3 of the Merchant although advocates were ]^e line, running to the big port of just completed a . special, high President H ardin g figures Patrice Muneel programs. It la un­ From $13.65 E. Wilson, however, that the in­ Union officials had estimated Marines.* son of Mr. and Mrs. W il­ ful. Dairen, now would be operated Hardwood with fold-under steps. speed, run from San Francisco to The Army, which has occasion­ prominently in radio’s early his­ der auspices o f toe American So­ ternational would have to "lay the the stoppage would a^ect 90,000 of liam A. Wheelock of East Main jointly by the Chinese and Rus­ While with Red or Black trim----- 4.69 Guam to deliver atomic bomb ma ally shown itself as adept with tory. Ilie first broadcast recorded ciety of <3o«poaetA Autoom and facts before the various GM local its members and that various other street, Rockville. / sians under the new agreement. unions which may be involved, unions, iscluding American Fed­ The ceremony will take place terlal—was traveling unescorted to words as with ailiUery, has given his election; his was the first in­ Publitoers. * Metal Bond Boxes Leyte in the Philippines when dls Congress four telling reasons for augural speech read on the air and All other Manchurian railways The Greater Flint ‘Industrial eration of Labor affiliates, would Saturday. December 8 at .four will be taken pver by the Central Union council, with a membership o’clock at the Union pongregation- aster struck adopting the merger: he Whs the fii-st president whose M ayor F . H . LaO u ardia of N ew 11” X 7” X .3 V2” Heavy Steel support the protest. 1. The atomic bomb and Its de­ death was reported by radio. government. Flashlights of 60,000; passed a resolution de­ The stoppage affected ports in al church in Rockville. Shortly After midnight on Jply Y ork, w ho bsgln a a w a*k ly •eries With Secure Ixiek...... • .$l.i» claring a back-to-work movement virtually all sections of the nation 38 a terrific explosibn blasted the at 15-m inutk brodacaat* on an ] Tan or Red Plastic, prefocused, by some employes would destroy except the Great La.kes area and Indianapolis. She sank within 15 A B O bookup, Sunday, Jan. 8. 1* THE GIFT IS YOURS plete...... the strikers’ morale and might re­ New England coast. miniJtes. go in g on an ottitr n *t^ rk for, on * Shopping Baskets sult in "riot and bloodshed.” A bou t Tow n ' The loss has been attributed of­ broadoaat F riday night. It w ill' Robert Cqrter. chslrman of the ficially to "enemy action” but de­ be in the M B S M eet The Pre»s, Reed Tvpe in Round or Oblong With Top strike strategy committee of the Prepare to Re$ume tails, never have been fully ex­ w hen a p*nal of new apaperm tn | --- but Sporting Goods 1 Handle's...... AC Spark Plug local at Flint, Operations Today^ Mr. and Mrs. James Munsie and plained. ^ueatlon hlaa about "T h e P r*a* Fishing — Baseball — Hunting telegraphed Thomas that a partial John ,T. Munsie have moved from In an interview with Associated an d R *81o.“ 'V* m return to work would "lead to’ ' By. The Associated Press 18 Chestnut street to 144 Camp- Press Reporter Morrie Landsberg Stocks fairly good, rfliy'early! Model Builders Knives ' trouble and probably violence on Operators employing 30,000 field Road, near Hartford Road. In a Pelellu hospital last August, Talk* TofUglit; A P C t:M Sac. the picket line. lumber workers. prepared to re­ MeVay said his guess was "an nn- Andaraon on *T»atlonal 1 THE-pHOICE IS HIS! These are the Famous Xacto Knives and •Kenneth T. Forbesr— U A W re­ sume operations today after more Children of Mary Sodality will derwater torpedo attack.’^ ' Kits That Every Boy Wants! gional director, said no formal locals ratiflra 15 . cents hourly Sur\ivora la Water Four Days SltuaU oh for N axt S ix M o n t^ .” Jack Knives and Scout Knives bowl tomorrow night at 7:30 at O thar N H O — $ tlw in as M itchell From .50c to $5.00 action had been taken at Saginaw, wage increase agreements. The the East Side Rec. The .skipper added that he told .1 Blade Stag Handle...... from $1.98 Mich., another GM center,, but approval came , from Hr workers, the navigator to mak* certain in radar draatot • added he “ detected a definite note H erald con cert E xlo P llisa; to O on U n ted 8 or 4 Blade Scouts...... from however, and another 30,000 iitrik- that distresa signala were sent. A ds to of dislike" for the plan amdng ers li) the pine industry are ex­ A public aetbaok will be held at These apparently Were not heard conqart: 10:80 I. Q . quU . . . Tennis Goods workers there. pected to stay out, asking larger St. Bridget’s hair at 8:15 o’clooll becauas survivora were In the CBS— T;88 (R epeat 18:88)— B ob] 66 4L Thomas hastened to correct what tonight, sponsored by St. Bridg­ Somewhere, in or around Manchester,'there is someone who H aw k qul*; 8:*0 Joto Davto gift certificate Beautifully Balanced Cortland Rackets increases. water four days before any were et’s Men’s club. com edy; # Jam ea CMghey in he termed "certain en-oneous im­ Officials of the International rescued. Compasses From $5.95 pressions which seem - to have Nickel company at Huntlngton.i The Navy said this phase of the wants what you have to sell or has for sale something yon are " B l o o d o n M » * S u n ; " 1 0 I Mr. and Mrs. John Morlconi of Stew art in “VlvaeioUa Lady. For Hunters, Boy Scouts, Travelers Tennis Balls ...... arisen from a misinterpretation" W. Va., rejected a state labor com­ ship’s loss still Is being investi­ of hi.s letter to Wilson. 38' Florence street returned yes­ . . . ABO—• Lum and Abner; From 79c / missioner’s suggestion that a 12 gated and that the court martial O need to fuks and fret this ■ i He said IntcrnationaJ officers terday from a week’s visit to New anxious to purchase.. . . day strike of 1,600 District 50 will not go into the rescue delay. S:S0 Paetfi* I were seeking only to determine York city. HiikoM®r HM • • • Bull* Christmas about what to‘give Boys'Wagons United Mine Workers be ended in In addition to the 880 listed as N what GM-produobd parts were 2S% im inend; 1:80 * Sheriock This Is the Celebrated ’Atomic needed to keep competitor firms favor of negotiation of a contract The monthly meeting of the dead or missing, 818 men were Holme*; F w k l# Maatora] th^ man in your life. Give s Gift Thermos Botlles dispute; The union had accepted. wounded. that steers the same aa a car. Wood operating. - ' Pine Civic Association will be held band; 10:S4 Detaat a Tun* quia. CertIflCAte for a MmUory h*t snd Wage DIseiiHNions Resumed this evening at the home of Mr. Admiral Baker, imtil recently Get Together Via Classifieds. Aho Metal Lunch Kits and / Body, Rubber Tired Wheels. $8.95 chief of staff to the first carrier Ttie Ford Motor Co., believed and Mrs, Edward Price, 72 Lihn- ^eid ay It***: N B O — 11 a. m . you're ail set — and so Is he I Then Unbreakable Bottiea least dependent of the major car more Drive. Card games will fol­ task force, will ba the senior offi­ a From $1,25 to $5.95 Watchful Offieerg cer of the court martial. Other Fred w S n g ; 1 p. I*. 8 k * t ^ la j at his leisure he can choose the hst / producers on GM for parts, re- __ ( low the business session. Melody: 8:48 Front.Page FarreU; Tool Chests i Slimed Its wage discussions with members are Commodores Paul S. Rates: 11 cents a line per one insertion, 9 cen^ a line per three the union today (1:30 p.m. e. s^t.l a s Theiss and W illiam 8. Popham and 4 ' • T Ra4lo kuP ^ Club; 9 A n ^ he likes ~ in his own sise. Simple Complete Tool Kits In Heavy Metal Caass I Preventeil I >8 First Lieutenant John A. Hill- 11:16 a m. Bee** Bj Mrs. Anne ( alMit I after Several days’ adjournment. ,man returned yesterday to l-iovell Captaina Homer L GrbaXkopf, H. Andy . - , -r For Son or Dad. Two Types. inse|1ions, 7 cents a line per six insertions. ____ # A * . Mouaej yet smart solution for you? gift prob­ .22 and .38 Pistols u I '- “ tiard T. Leonaiid. U A W Ford General hospital. Fort Devens, J. Redfleld, John R. Sullivan and en4 RuahanJ; (Doll body Is fifteen inche.i high, i department director, had request- A fire was discovered at 2:20 pbJtyT i:i0 Oatol Wriee, contralto; H. ® R. Sportsman .22 Cal. Target $15.50 and $28.50 Sunday mornirig by Officers David Mass,, affer a 30-day sick, leave Oiarles B. Hunt. lem— don’t you Agree? ^ r e s arc embroidered on and ed the delay because of an "im- A native of Ephrata, Pa., Me­ s mg'Twsrn: i:|0 gak*»* T*ung to ' Piatola and .58 Cal. Defenders - Galligan and Arthur Seymour lit at his home, 30 Fairvlew stteet. jljy hair is made of either brown. purt»iit development" but he de- Vay was appointed to the Naval Write advertisement on this Form, placing one word in each space. Coiint flveV I yellow cotton, yarn. Ureai for. chned to elaborate. the rear of the Walnut street tav­ 181,25 Each Syrup Pitchers ern. A cigarette Had been tossed The Private Duty Nurses As­ academy in 1918 by {h-esldant W il­ avenige words to each line. Minimum charge— 8 lines. Mail with Check— Money Jp baby rah he of organdie, ra y-! nemanding "company security'' sociation will meet tomorrow eve­ into a box of rubbish In the rear of son. g im b w “ ^ p e , flowered percale or pastel: in its next contract with*thc union, ning at 7:30 in the doctors’ room Order OF Stamps. . n . t siM . I w tk the tavern and had caught fire, ItO]'*tons. It’s a perfect...... do)l to the Ford company has proposed a of the Memorial hospital. Election RUDY jounaoN .rat.4. Chrom. Ptotwl No.-Dri» T)ie alert work of the policemen MALIORY HATS Pitching Shoes Ik*.I.under.the Christmas tree: $r> per day assessme'nt against the of officers W'lli take place this in /dl'siscovering the fire prevented Veleran Is Back W SItHli ing Top ...... U AW for each member particlpat* time and a full turnout M the Sets of 4 Matched In Pah’s a MriQus blaze. A call brought ■ * • obtain complete patterns for Ing in an unauthorized strike.,. nurses is hoped for. t An Ideal gift for the enthusiast! Poll, clothes, color chart for l.,conard railed the ■ proposal "uh-" NOi' 1 of,the South.Mancheater fire' In Old Position V t^lderlng « features fPattern departm(?nt which quickly extin­ . CA1X8028^ $2.98 Per Set A Reminder lealistlc." \ . The annual budget meeting of ■f • .' $6-50 and $7*50 8841) send .15 cents jn coin guished the flames. Befor* • A* M. • A fto f M. Chrysler-UAW negotiations will the Second Co.*igregafional church, Theron O. Blow, ^ 176 Summit On such acarcF-Heam as VecM e 1 cent postage,' your name, ;-esums tomorrow. Both tbiyaleK The tavern is owned by Anthony Inc., will take place this evening 1 Barrera of ]|23 Eldridge street. street, has been honorably dis­ pr*an cloth** for all pccaalon* Clocka, Preeeure Cookers, and' the pattern number and Ford, which with (Jeneral 'at '7:30 at the church, to discuss Cabot. The Manchester charged frdm the Army and tdday (pr rent. Ski or Hunting Caps * Motors make up the Industry’s matters of financing* the church returned to his former position in we have waiting Bata. fs l , _ Hsrald, llhO.Avs. Araeri- "big three." have rejected the 30 Of the 478" graduates of Prince­ lirogram, and painting the ex­ * They come sized from the cap for young­ , fttw Torti 19, N. Y. ton ..between 1789 and 1794, one the plant department of the South-- name on, aa ordera are Med I per cent demand but-have made terior of the church building. em New England Telephone Com­ sters to the large size for dad- Plaips no counter-offers. became President o t the United fender and Stocks are coming In better* «tU ll»d handsom* Chrlst- Stat4s, one vice-president, 10 p l y her*. or sold coMrs in wools or gabardines. kalttiiig sod orochet- L L Coloiiel And Mrs. Bertram B u m entered the Army In Feb­ » , body work is not as long aa you might' cabinet officers, six members of Hammond and fuiiiily of Daniel­ • From $1.39 la tbs Bsw Aiute Cabot -Hour Stoppage the Cuptinentsl Congress, 21- U. U. ruary, 4948. He le ft for overseas tssueit. Plenty of Isst- 24 son were week-end guests of Mr. duty to July, 1948, and ssrved in 1 i 1 rtA G G .Senators, 39 representatives, thre* and Mrs, Clifford Hammond of ffiss gtft pattsms em- Ties I pjAiniUug Ships Justices of Supreme Court,- 12 Nttrth A filc s and France in several appUque’ work and quilt Perkins street, who accompanied/ outfits, among them the Second M oaeie* BA tsL $iti New -Vork, Dec, 3 —i/Pt Thou­ state Bovernors and 56 members them to *the banquet in honor iVf (* «1m Ihcludvd. rrlce sands of iiieipbfr* of the CIO ,\a- Armored Division. A t Ihe tlms of ..L. of state legislatures; 114 enUrsd General Wlpg at Ue Hotel Garde 11011x1 Mantima union throughout his discharge, BldW held a cor­ . A ' ths qiinlatry. •aturday night. poral's rating. • < . T jy ’ 1 - ( . /. V ‘ . JU.' ..i. I • f . In. 1 ^ ’ ^ACE kANCHBSTEB EVJ5NINO HERALD. MAmmWTrt*. w n w , m w n d a i , DCLCMggK », i m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- MONDAY, DECEMBER 8 ,194S f AUE TWELVB Japan is likely to*' happen some- and Hudson streets, with a solemn conditions to Justify such 1 J ^ ^ 0 p ly 1>V S l l O r l Where." Fael-Findiiig Units high requiem mass at St. Bernard’s I f a l v politically and tn the eyes of in church, Rockville at nine o’clock. Collect Food j PA.\S ProuficB MBridsn ^St• Stun s 4/9 to 28 Miles testified that the affidavit Obituary r Allin AMilXyItaly tematlonal law. must be created Burjpl will be in St. Bernard’s ” - — ■ * •• ' beforehand." Seen ‘’Inadequate;’ was obtained by Lieut. Col. Henry Set Up to Handle cenletefy. . One month after the Au.itrian C. Clausen, who Senators Ferguson For Starviii i Called Tough anschluss in March, 1938, ' Alder- fR-Mlch.) and Brewster ,(R-Me.) Auto, Steel Rows ^ocfie ___ inSn said. Hitler met with Field : Warning Sent recently told the Senate Former Deaths Locals Receive Little - ' Marshal Wilhelm* Keitel, chief of SccrcUry of War Stlmson "sent Funerals Local Catholics to AssJr.t j Giants Trafl by 21 K iw ftntS S p e a k e r . V etrr* | the hiirh conjmand and one of the (< inilniiiMl from Page One) around the world" getting state­ (Continoed from Page By Hal Boyto tShanghal. The first night you cams * — H o . i Nuemberjf defendants, and d!a- ments from officials who previous­ In Drive for 20 Mjl-1 her* I liked you because you look­ All West Side Rec B ow ltog'se e k in g a try<)ut irill t a welcome ly had testified before Inquiry Death Claims^ Mrs. Margaret Naven Shanghai — (>P) —Th« ed decent (Slid dean. Shanghai Is In Way p i Opposition an of Two Wars, ciiased the previously disclosed by .Short to liaison wlfti the Navy am asking the employers to pro-^ lion Quarts ■*’ ^ j nan bent over his piano w ^ Uagua mapagers are reminded of partldpa e _____ I,plot to assissinate the German en- boards. ceod energetically with full pro-, The funeral of Mrs. Margaret a wondirAi! city. Every kind of Points, Rally to Win scribes Campaign "might or might nol" Inrllcate that Errors In TestlnMmy Naven of 84 Maple street, was lervous fingers aa his son, Itort- life Is here. In Prague,'! knew only a special meeting tonight at Muichester High will play . two ! voy to Prapue as a pretext for in- the general was plnnnlng n i.itcr duction. I make this on srt. stroUed with an accordion ------vasion of the neiphbnrinp country. Miles took the stand to correct behalf of the American people to Robert Veitch held from the T. P. Hollora'n Fun­ At both the ^ocal. Catholic j classical music. In Shanghai, I o’clock at tha West Side Rec. It to frames on the road this v ^ k fac- 'I Silver Qty Five Prove* mesRage covering other actions. what he said were some errors In eral Home, 179 Center street, this imbng the booths lining the imnlL learned life working In places Hke ImporUnt that each team has a mg Bt. Thomas Wednesday aft- 132-Point Man The toughest fighting of World i This plan, he adderi, was aband> Clark noted that messages simi­ their fellow citizens who are now churches yesterday, a letter was imoky nightclub, playing the No Match lor Local JVar II took place in the mountains oned. lar to the one sent to Hawaii wera hi? previous testimony after Wil­ reaponsible for this major obstacle morning at 8:30 and at 9:00 this. You can have a wonderful Down Eagles 28*21- reprMcntative present. emoon , and William Hall High liam D. Mitchell, committee coun­ Republican Registrar of o’clock from' St. James’s church. read from the bishop telling of a - 'avorite tunea ,of soldier and sailor time here. But don’t let It stain ^ ------!of West Hartford Friday night >f Italy, where terrain and Ger-1 Hitler's Slgy, 19.38, directive for dispatched at the 'same time to sel, announced that General C. holding up our reconversion pro­ nationwide collection of canned *riands. you. You cah get a lot from With 4 Touchdowns Brilliants; Bycholiki tenaciousness made every i the Czech invasion declared that other overseas stations. He di­ gram. Rev. Frederick McLean was food by. the Catholics to be given Matches In the West Side Itee " Marshall would testify before the Voter* Dies Today celebrant," Rev. Edmund Barrett In Prague, the father had play- Shanghai as long as you aUy Bowling League tonight pit P6ck-| Tickets fof the banquet next Heads Scoring Parade itep of progress for Allied troops "It is the job of.polltical leaders to rected attention to a reply froiVi • In connection with the threat­ to tbe starving people of Europe. sd the piano only aa relaxation In Last Period; 'Skins ourt going, William A. Fine. Red await or bring about the politically Gen. Douglas A. MacArthur In committee beginning Thursday. ened strike involving the United After a Slibrt Illness was deacon and Rev. William J. At St. James’s church. Rev. Wil­ above It—aa long as you do not ett’s All Stars against Orltwold’a i Monday night, Dec. 10,, in honor or militarily suitable' moment.” Mitchell said General Ocrow, Dunn, sub-dei^n. Mrs. Margaret i from hto business and the son was become a part of It" . Win, Assume Lead Garacemen and Darlings, league of Manchester High’s sUte and >oeo Field Director, who served the Philippines that reconnais-sance State Steel corporation and the liam J. Dunn, the pastor, told the "Let me buy you a drink, Her­ The PA’S won their second gams A*ith combat Infantry units in Alderman produced a letter from had been extended and. ground chief of the War Plans division of United -Steel Workers, I am ap­ Barry officiated at the organ and congregation at the different 1M well-known cencert pianist and i leaders, against the Pioneer Para- New England croas-country cham- of the season by trouncing tbe Sicily, Casslno, Rome, and the In- the German air attache Ip Prague forces put in a state of rCadincss the War department at the time of Robert N. Veitch. 60, of 24 Arthur Keating waa aololst music arranger. But that was be­ bert," said the soldier. Chicago, Dec. 8—(J>)— The home chute five. plonshlp five ara on sale now and Meriden St. Stens yesterday after­ the Pearl Harbor 'attack, would pointing a similar board. The pub­ masses of his plan. Instead of hav­ fore the war. and now Hwbert | 1 "Nol I’ll drink one of these, may be purchased at the Legion ,'a(don of France, told the Kiwanis giving a detailed report on the for defense. lic Will expect full cooperation Church street, Republican Regis­ The bearers were Benito Paganl, ing people bring *in canned goods, office of the NaUonal Football noon at tbe Sports Center by • :nnb at its weekly meeting today. " spying aotivlties preparatory to .Saying Short’s message was follow Miles on the stand. trar of 'Voters of the „ town for 22 Anthony luliano, Salvatore Felice, i played the'accordion so that hU i the musician replied. "It will be one Friday night's bowling . match Home or from Ronald Ferguson, Miles said he had testified last with the board by both sides. I am he asked that a donation of money League sat back and waited today Henry Weir, Russell Pitkin, D ^ t score of 49 to 28. Mr. Fine, himself a soldier of Invasion. "conspioiiou.sly different," Clark I making the same appeal to the years, (lied at Memorial hospital Patrick Gilroy, Arthur Bums and be made and said that the fund father could have a job In the less for you." . * > • , . * at the West Side will feature Dar­ It could hardly be classified as a :wo wars, was removed from com- naked: "Ought not some one in week he did not know if the Army night dirt), too. Herbert moved silently back to to see what those unpredictable lings and Brown’s Oarage. All aid Hemingway or Earl Yoet. • v I)isnieml)emrient Planned United States Steel Workers to re­ this morning after a short Illness. John Hayes. would be started by |100 from the the piano, nodded to hi* father, bkaketball game as tha visitors eat service in this war whcn4t was Also disclosed werc^ plans to the War department have detected had been Informed of the message main at work pending the" report Rev. McLean conducted the church and $50 from liimself for Hie rm was crowded and New York Giants will do next proceeds from this match will be proved tvoefully areak in all de­ Itecovered that he was ovpf 38. but that difference?” the Navy sent about Japanese He was the son of James and the 'haty and full of loud talk. Soldiers who shifted over, and sat down turned over to the Manchester The Manchester High school partments of the game apd there­ eliminate opposition to the inva­ burning their codes. He said he of the board's findings and recom­ committal service at the grave in this fund. and began to play. His flngeni had Sunday before It scheduled the to- remained with the t r ^ s in the sion In Hungary and Poland by "'There again." Miles replied, "I mendations." late Elizabeth (Rogers) Veitch, S t James’s Cemetery. At all masses nextSimday a col- and White Russian bar girls over­ H l^ school Band Fund. cross country team held their an­ fore torced a loose and ragged meant to say he did not know and was bom in Manchester. flowed the small dance floor and strwk only a few tars when the tra-league playoffs for the world s nual banquet last Saturday night Scld by enlisting with the Red dismembering Czechoslovakia am­ would rather you woifid ask that Not AppUcable To Small Rows lection will be taken to further add noisy talk beg*" 1® down. Her-1 professional ^ d champlonahip. game upon the local quintat. question of some one who did see about, it in 1941 but did know He attended the local schools their liquor glasses left sticky at the Garden Grove with a fine Outside of the pretty fair flret Cross. , ^ ... ong the three countries. Poland got about it last week because he had Mr. Truman’^ outline of the fact Mias Emma Johnson ^ to this fund. With this money he bert smiled around the room and Originally the playoff • was The American Legl®" basket­ After his expct^nces In this the- Teachen-Bohumin area and the message." and received a scholarship from a said that he has arranged with a | . rings On the piano. The old man ball team will bold a practice ses­ spaghetti and chicken dinner on quarteythe game turned into a war. Mr. Fine, who was at Verdun Clark c^ld not press him for an read RiCknell'a affidavit. finding legisIaUon said It was'•’not Hartford newspaper and' attended' The funeral of Miss Emma John­ looked to the soldlef. scheduled for a week from Sunday, the menu. Ivan Fuqua of the Hungary took over the province of No Complacency In IntelUgenoa applicable to small todustries or to son of 29 Spruce street was lield Providence R. I., wholesale hbiuM Mid nothing. _ / . Soldier Thinks Of Home otjc. jg. It may be played on sion tonight at 6 o’clock at the rout. 'iTie local management book­ ,n the' first W rld War. retraced Ruthenia after Hitler finally mov­ opinion. the Morse Business College, Hart­ for the purchase of needed fdod Slops Uqoor on Table- state armory. All candidates and University of Connecticut was the ed the visitors in good faith, feel­ some of the dW battles of that war. He also wanted It understood. small local disputes In lavga in ford. He entelM the employ of yesterday afternoon at 2:30 from The tlnkly pla>K» began to throb date—If Washington’s Red- ed In. Senator Lucas (D., 111.), asked the Covenant - Congregational to be sent to the people suffering In one booth Herbert saw again wlth new chords 'of deeper pat-1 giiins, cinrent leaders of the east- any new vet of World War II principal speaker. ing that the visitors had a team ^ la was i^fferent war, he said. if Miles conferred' very often with Miles sold, that there had been no duatrles.” He addra: Cheney Brothers In the yam ware­ a young soldier he wished was hU well representative of the many Relating a conference between "complacency" In the Intelligence "The objecttve/^ould be to cov­ church. Rev. Reynold Johnson, in Europe. Father Dunn:, aald to tem, music heard in no | «rn division, can get _ pMt the Orie of/?bsen*ntions the speaker Hitler and Admiral Nicholas Hor- Marshall during that period. house, leaving* In 1910 for a i tour doing this much more food couM brother, the boy’s face was art In tine teams they had in past years. made ^ a s that morale among division about the slowness of de- er by legislattm only such stop of the western part ■ot the United pastor, officiated and Miss Greta clubs. It rose In lllUng malodles Giants In the season’s finale next thy, regent of Hungary, in mid­ (ihlef of Staff 'V'ery Busy Nelson 'was soloist Ernest JohA- M) purchased than if each intU- sullen lines. There -iwas a White and the soldier thought of the However they proved to be other­ iroons varied in proportion to their ctMling and tmnslntlng Japanese pages of worfc'as the secretary of States and California. On his re­ vidual contributed. Russian girl with him. They Im in the Yale and Harvard squads,•■• now ferts as good as ever, and eran. tallied six touch- P B r T ance today. Into war. tee counsel, said Infortnatlon soon fred L. Williams, rector of St. Edith H. Peterson at her home In “Go ahead.” said the soldley. skins Sunday and If Philadelphia that ROllef Worker Casey will in eight carries, among 1 Muzyktc'.vlcz, rf .. 5 0-1 10 ni was to be one of the first to be will be made available to the 'Tndustrlal disputes In such In Mary’s Episcopal church officiated Boltoix were: Linda Pearson, Bar­ “ It has np name." said the mu East Side Rec one of them said. "The Ells seem­ notified as to the actual date of Miles previously testified today dustries, where collective bargain­ Points at Empty slclan gently, "It was you, my bests the Boeton Yanlu. a playoff; atreiu^hen It hunting, fishing and things, compiling 132 1 Surowlec, If he considered General Marshall’.s grouo about the time the messages and Mrs. R. K. Anderson played bara Field, Marilm Rogers and Herbert played softly with one ed to be matured men and the for Connecticut to lead occupation of Czechoalovakla. ing has broken down, and where Joyce Straughan. Tne latter, Mias brother." - f- , game for the eastern title will be Harvards under-developed tecn- playmg golf before reporting at 2 Tracy, If ... Reafly to. Fight Nov. 27, 1941, message "sufficient were Intercepted, by which moni­ the Conciliation service of the Fed selections on the organ. Burial • hand as he pointed at the The soldier turned and slbwly Gym Calendar Daytona Beach, and that he to now nation's scorers. 1 Bycholski, c Other Foreign Office memoran­ warning to cause the necessary toring station, the time they were was in the family lot In East cem­ Pearson and Calvin Hutchinson of atoM “ ft by the’ girl. Hto dark necessary. . . sters. I shudder sbbbt the 1946 sea­ dums read into the evidence show­ eral goveminent has been unable Bolton received prizes for 'fine walked through the blue smoke t«r The Giants were behind. 21-0, in son. I hope something will be done to more than severil pounds above 2 Horvath, rg and proper alert to be put into ef­ forw*ardcd to the Technical serv­ to bring the parties to agreement etery. eyes, luminous behind j*”™,. v^Mrd the door. The White Russian the third period before they got *Sto best pitching weight at 220 1 Kubelle, rg . Prior to Pact ed that Hungary definitely decided fect" to meet the Japanese Pearl ices to bo decoded, the method by The bearers were Alan Cv*lK. playing of the scales at the open­ ; rimmed specUcles. were Wnd and Dec. 8—7 to prevent college.*! playing grow- ' to join Germany In the partition of and where the secretary of labor ing of the program, when the prin­ girl glanced up the shoul­ their offense underway. Then the East Side Recreation Bnlldlnp ing 17 and 18 year-old boys agalnsjr The huge right-hander never 2 Green, Ig ... Harbor attack. which they were forwarded and the has been unable to Induce the par­ Paul, Robert and Harold J. Dou- » hto thin, whltg facJ! ders of the two officers and tried New, Yorkers slashed the Phila­ really was out of baseball, Cz^hoslovakia. They quoted Hun­ Under que.stlontng by ■ Represen­ time consumed In getting them in­ gan, nephews of the deceased. ciples of piano playing were dis­ “Keep away," he said gently. seasoned players In their eariy Wall Trojanowski (Osatinoed fm a Cage One) garian Foreign Minister Koloman ties voluntarily-to submit the con­ to catch hto eye, but he was look­ delphia defense to ribbons aa they 20's." . . . / worked In something like 60 ga 10 21 7-15 46 tatives Cooper (D., Tenn.i, and to English. cussed. All pupils played a number "She is not for you. If I were your Mon(toy. Dae. 8 In each of the three seasoas/he Von Kanya as telling Von RIbben- Senator Lucas (D.. 111.) told a re troversy to arbitration, I recom­ Robert N. Veitch from memory. fWfrcshmenta and brcSier. I could tell you about ing the other way, scored thgee touchdowns, with the Gymnasium According to the basebalL^lpe- St. Stans (86) Onrinans were ordered to stir up trop that his coimtry "would be Clark (D., N. C ). Miles told a mend the following procedure. Joaeph WrIghI passing combic*-rion of Arnle Her- spent as a sailor. Scoring Champion • B Senate-House Inquiry committee porter he considers the code-bum- a social time foDo^ed. .•5:30-7:00—Aircraft group. Hne. the St. Louis Cardinal have unrast and Hungary had promised ready as for as armaments were iqjf message one of the most Im­ "Upon certification by the seC' employment again in C?heney The flineral of Joseph Wright ber to Frank Uebcl clicking for 7:00.-8:00—Women’s class. H largo batch of high cla.sA talent Sour Slants; Hugh CaseV now 0 FlUpek. r f ...... to be ready to ‘Take part in the Jie_regarded the_ineuagfi-jDf Mar­ who di«d suddenly at his home the three counters within eight has three things he remembers concerned to take part In the con- portant messages sent by Wash­ retary of labor to the effect that Brothers as an insurance inspec The Washinjfton Social club will RevrEldon Milk 8:00-9:00—Men’s class. tot marketing next wee^ in Chi­ NeiSr York. Dec. S-(J»i--The na­ 0 Mazzone, rf ... eonfllct by October first,” official flict by October first of this year shall, then chief of staff, as word a dispute continues despite his et- tor. In recent yearn he was em­ Saturday, will be held Tuesday at meet this evening at 7:30, In the iflanning to Move minutes. - In the final quarter. cago . . . And lively bluing is ex­ best. Stan Muslal bf ree Card­ 1 Woodtke, If ... to the Hawalikn fortress that ington to field commandera in the Swimming Pool inals literally knocked him out of tion’s collegiate football scoring Oerman documents disclosed. (1938).” , critical days before the Japanese forts, and that a stoppage of work ployed in the J. W. Hale Depart­ 3 p. m. from the Second Congre­ clubrooms for an important busi­ Herber tossed another touchdown 6:00-7:00—Boys. ' pected, not only frona/the Braves 0 Cioffl, If ...... field Marshal Keitel, according Earlier von Rlbbentrop had as­ "the situation you were built fbr in the affected industry would vl ment store as a salesman. gational church. North Main To Vineland, N. J* Guest Vocalist pass to Sam Fox in the end zone hut alao the Cubs apu Giants . . . the box for a month A'lth a line king ia W'slter Trojanowski of Con­ 2 Berry, c ...... has arrived, be on the alert.” strike at the Pacific fortress ness session. 7:00-8:00—Men. ts another German document Intro- sured Hungarian diplomats that plunged this nation Into war. tally affect the public' Interest, the Interested In Dramatics street. Rev. Ferris E. Reynolds from the five-yard line to further 8:00-9:00 —Women. They also intimsto that Herb drive In 1942. necticut university, a 2S-yfcar-oId 6 SuroiwlckL c ... doeed aa evidence, was ordered on Seen Safflclent Warning pastor will official and burial will There are seven rtomen’s names , .V complicate the league’s playoff Pcn'nock, who als/ has a weslthy But the one Casby never will 3 Anderatm,' r t • * Tugoalavia would not dare to go president, or his duly authorized From his youth he waa interest­ Tn(*sday, Dec. 4 former soldier. Sept. M, IMA to move his assault to the defense of the CTsecha and Cooper asked specifically If agent, should be empowered to ap ed in dramatics and was for many be In the family lot in Buckland In the Hall of ^ m e : Emms Wil­ Mr! and Mrs. Alexander McKen­ Rev. Eldon Mills of the West jctiire. owner In back off him, is ready ,to forget was the ’bwl squirting off Trojanowski, who galloped for 0 Hildebrand, rg . foroea up to the Jumping off places Miles thought the Marshall mes­ cemetery. Hartford Congregational church Meanwhile, Cleveland’s Rams, 6:00-6:45—Spartan’s basketball top the hlghert' offer for plsyers the heel of Mlcltoy Owen’s glove 3 SobleakL Ig ... said that "Ehigland and France point, within five days thereafter, years a member of minstrel shows lard, educator; Alice Freeman na have sold their home at 187 22 touchdowns and 132 points in tor the Caechoslovak Invastmi would remain tranquil—England sage was "sufficient warning to a fact-finding board similar to the which gave performances in Man­ Friends may call at the Wat- Palmer,' who was president of will be guest vocalist at the who already practice. he thinks willitrengthcn his starv­ when he had Totn Henrtch of the eight games, completed his season 2 Tomklewlcz, Neat (toy Britain mobilised her cause the' necessary /and proper lUns Funeral Home after 7 o’clock Woodbridge street and are plan­ 7:15 - Senior basketball. ed Phillies ./. . Yankees strueVe out for the would not reckleasW risk her em­ emergency board provided for un chester and nearby towns. Attain­ Wellesley College at 26; Harriet Christmas meeting of the Worn- from*’the Boston Nov. 17. The only ti.vo players who 0 Kieween, Ig . •. Beet and Prime Mlniater Neville pire.” alert to be put into/ effect” by dfr the railway labor act ing maturity, he Joined the Repub­ this evening. Beechef Stowe, author of "Uncle ning to move to Vineland. N. J. 8:15—Senior basketball. When H^ly Cross "Doggie” Ju- ont of the f/irth and key game had a chtnee to overhaul him were Chamberlain Joined French Pre­ Sand 1* 4-6 8S Proaeciitor Alderman th«n In Short. / "I recommend that during these lican-party ranka-aad became in­ Tom’s Cabin”; CTharlotte CMshman, Mrs. McKenna’s brother has a well en’s Federation of Center churen, 20-7. Brilliant Bob Wa- Bowling Alleys I'an leads-hls Holy Cross Crusaders of the 1941 World Berlea. Army’s Glenn D-ivls and Doc Blan*. 14 mier Bdouard Daladier at Munich, "I did, sir, rnost definitely,” five days after the secretary of terested In local politics. actress; Maria Mitchell, discoverer •lUbltohed chicken business in Wednesday, at 8:15 p. m. A bust- of the greatest fresh­ 7:30-9:30—Ron FalecUa’s group into Np . wouldn’t he?” Cooper pressed The result, I sm«sure, would be pital following a long illness. Bom row. , in Igarnad tta ; the former hj, three consecutive Hartford Ted Tannchill, ed by German Foreign Minister "YeS. sir,” Miles replied. . that in most cas^a, both sides mother, Mrs. Mabel Shearer, de­ the widow of Sidney Spiegel, form­ Europe before 1580. " vi(:tlmi, engaged in th w other Southern Cat. ... 10 7 0 42 Q— What American League In Northern Ireland, he has been scribing his trip. In company (HOI.LORAN) er midwest theatsr chain sxscu- Held Criminally Rasponsible In the final week of ^ the cam­ KEMP'S Joachim von Rlbbentrop to avoid Gunpowder is a mixture of J Under questioning by (Tlark, would accept the recommenda­ a resident 'of Manchester fo r' 42 paign only one aleveiv droppad 4nit bouts here, going a' torrid draw reaching any agreement with the saltpeter, sulphur, and charcoal. Miles said that he still falls to pitcher this past season pitched tions, as they have in most of the with one or two ooldiers. Corporal /' tlve. with Fred Balesano, losing to years and was. employed by Shearer visited a great many Norwich, Dec. 8—(F>—Edward of tha ranks. Little/ High Point Prague government that might see why It should have been neces­ the first no-hit, no-run game in railway labor disputes. Cheney Brothers as a millwright. O. McKay, New London country Collegs of North /'Carolina was Frankie Foley In another stlirirtg settle the coldjy-calculated "cri­ An escape of blood "front a blood sary to repeat in messages to Short that loop In five years? "I believe that the procedure places of interest In and hear Lon­ .struggle, and being kay<«d by ASHES AND RUBBISH He leaves three sisteto, Mrs. don, and leaving the others took (OIJISH) coroner, issued a.finding Saturday tied 7-7 by Milligan* Thursday. sis.'* vessel is Called a hemorrhage. what Mllea termed "the obvious" A—Dick Fowler of the Philadel­ should be used sparingly^ and only In which ha held Koitak Kolcda of Army defeated jiiAvy, 82-18, Sat- ipaul O’Hara In an upset outcome. RKMOVKI) Henlein requested in Au)^Bt, phia Athletics turned In the feat Thomas Scott of Detroit, Mich., a trip to Scotland, where he visit­ possibility of an attack on Hawaii. when the national public liiterest Mrs. Caroline Flannlgan of Ire­ 4340 FENDER AND Jackson Heights. N. Y,, criminally uiriay and Alfbatoh, the other Anoth^ * '* -‘^ ‘**Xllen*^"”New 1938, that secret German Nazi Bolivia ' la the fifth largest Thought About Surprise only 24 days after being released requires It." ed Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Aleo L(K*al Moving and land and Mrs. Edward Dowd of Campsle, the birthplace of mem­ responsible for the death of Dr. only member of the all-winning Light Trurking SICKNESS sub.Ridies to the Sudeten move- ] country of South America, He said the general staff "con­ from the Canadian Army. Manchester; three brothers, Rich­ BODY WORK ^ Thurman P. Main#, medical exami­ |Toup to sea action, routed Mis­ AND nient be Increased from 15,000 —^—— stantly thought of the element of bera of the local Shearer families, ner for Stoninglon, nl that town Neiy PHONE 0—Ara many people killed In ard Binks of Ireland, Robert and a suburb of Lknnoxtown, Stirltng- SOUMENE A FLAQG sissippi State 55-18. Hbosman marks (nominally 16,000 at pre-i 'Tin Is the most important metal surprise in connection with. Ha­ Joseph Binlcs of Manchester. HOSPITAL Oct m. Dr.-Maine was Injured The unbeaten and untied teams: GAVEIX0 4k E. SI HUI.Z ACCIDENT war latest, a month to 17,500 produced in Bolivia. waii." hunting accidents. Claim Allowed shlrs, and Qot tor from Glasgow INC. fatally when cart driven by him Op. who marks 167,000). The memoran­ "We never lost sight of the •'fact A—Around 900 every year. The funeral will be held at the qr Lock Lomond to another dlreo- 614 Oeatot SL IW. 6161 in his amateur daya *T. P, Holloran funeral home, 175 tlon. He took numerous pictures and Koleda collided. Team fl. ^bllcity efforts, may gbt iTls first | MtUer, who played tackle on ro vlctortei before Joining , the INSURANCE dum said subsidies began In 1935. Bolivia gained her freedom that Japan, if it engaged in war Bv Probate Court Center street, Tuesday afternoon 5131 Army 6 real test tonight whta he faces • Maine’s football team all season, Planned in 19S7 from Spain In 1825. with us, prdbably would attack Q ^Is church membership in the of Scottish scenery and heard a .Jarlnes. And he* has added ten Alexander Jarvis, ageat •■ ^*2 Hawaii," Miles declared United States increasing? at 3:30,. Rev. Alfred L. Williams good many historical facts about Alabama ...... 6 Los Savold at St. Nli^kto. . . . And' had to gat spsolal mtolcal.psrmta- triumphs to-J}ls record since, hia voo freedom frem worry ahtas As Uie third week of the his­ "of. S t Mary’s church will offtetata Oklahonu A. A M. 6 that leads you to Wonder what slon to try Mt toric trial opened, American pros­ About one-seventh of Bolivia's Congrc^lonal Investigators A—According to the 1945 edi­ the Castle at Campsle and the WATER DEPT. I discharge. j . Hospital Mile whea offeria| Judge William Be* Hyde, judge and burial will be in the East surrounding country. Arkansas* Tech. .. 8 about-ths rest of the new boxing ; ler Injury his right leg falling Mlnutoli may wipd up as Brady s moderately priced elcknere ata ecutors presented German Army population is engaged in mining. heard earlier today that General tion of the yearbook of American LEARN Oberlln ...... 8 talent that supposedly was being down a flight of stairs when he JAMES A. high command orders revealing Short’s staff was informed be­ churches, membership had reach­ of probate, Saturday allowed the (iemetety. » Corporal Shearer expects short* 19th kayo victim, and he may not; accident insurance with n n w settlement of a claim by Arthur 3077 Oustavus Adolphus 6 developed In ler^e bouU.... N at, was thrre ye»» never that Nazi conquest of Czechoslp- A billion unita of penicillin fore the Pearl Harbor attack that ed the all-tlme record total of 72.- ly to be sent witta -hU unit to Ger­ knee. He withstood Bobl)y Polowitzer’s benefits requiring hospitaliSB^ the Japanese consul in Honolulu 492,669, gn Increase of 3,991,483 H, Beckenstein of Hartford road, Joseph Pnebanne many. Arizona ...... 5 Fleischer of the Ring Magazine deyeloped tolly briow attempts for a WOODS vakla was planned' in 1937—two weigh 1.3 pounds. RADIO Redlands ...... 6 • years before the actual Invasion -was burning * his Important pa­ within two years. / a boy of two years, against the Joaeph Ducharme who (jied yes­ • (After t P. M.) PLASTICS' ■ -4 has the answer, rovrrs Individuals or tandl; National Paint Company and terday at the age oftO at the home PRACTICAL SERVICING comers are p^orm ing ‘^yom* to coaching basketball at AHeghe V . ^ and at a lime when Hitler was Until the middle of the I8th pers. BIggMt Post Wnr Fntore! Range anil Fuel Oil group to meet yoor budget. assuring the world he had no de­ The question whether Short ever Q—How much Is the public debt Reuben Becklnsteln. The boy pre­ of hla son, Leo Duchbrme of Grant 7868 at our office century, Argentina had a high sented his claim through hts fa Hill Road, Tolland, formerly llyed Snnta Can’t Reply ^ The Indostry With the Becons • Professional Endie Mlnutoli being under tha/mtotaken sires for additional territory. percentage of illiteracy. say a Navy message to Pehri Har­ of the. United States ? Servtceouui. Practioal Instrue- Intenhediate BaskBtbail . . -. Fleischer,ventures a prediction ljlc._hut American eojOiers in sun Local Muvi^ji^ and 6 DOVER ROAD bor telling of Japanese orders for A—It' approximates ‘263 billion ther. Henry Becklnsteln, and was in Manchester. The Ducharmes are ‘ PRACnOAL DfSTEtenoN OR PHONB 4118 Another top-secret Hitler dl- natives of Canada, and the aingur tlon. League Schedule that either Howie Brodt or La- lactlve added to the mounting pile More than 75 per cent of Ar- code dcstructloh by their counsels dollars: represented by Judge Joseph Kmlu Without Address roTinder. All tired out, he went Into . Trucking For Compieto Details j In Allied countries has been In dis­ of Hartford. The boy fell from lar thing about them is that of six MANCHESTER verne Rtoach, Marine mtddle- tend the skil club of India meet the seventh an . Lockhart of the hockey sUff gave jpMUng was carried mt Cinder a anese message to their consuls. the animated movies? ‘ ^ This year a few letters have 7:00 Jokers vs. Caltlca the ball to an Army friend who The scherso in music takes ijs Blcknell adPKone sources In defense of these ra- to recoup from the blown already wny a . Thov (the more to give them a million dollars In a m^iiufacturing city In the lf40 DODGE aedan, heater. >896; ALL SIZES 3 ^ aa 38. In black WANTED AT ONCE—5 or 6 room \ lusiness Services Offered 13 radios repaired. Expert service. A Young woman to work 9 to 4 7379. sentlal areas. He prefej^ed the delivered Despite shortaffen In with a ^ worth of books. Between the two South rC'centlya man applied for IMO OMa 6 aedan, heater and Roofing— Repairing 17-A Cheney velvet, evening gown house. Will rent or buy. Tele­ northern approach Into Germany a mlndr position with a large con- Military training. Phone 4553. or 5 o'clock. Five or six days a phone 2-1309. troops and supplies, hla attitude I didn't know of you, you liave exactly one col­ radio, »995; 1989 Old* conv. BOOKKEEPING, Public account­ EXPERT REPAIRS Of ahlnglea, 'yeek. Four days 9 to 4. Two days long evening wrap with fur col­ through the Cologne plain for rea- was offensive, imd. consequently, young ‘ lar button—and dammit, I’ve lost cerir One of the stock question* of coupe, heater, f875. Term* 15 ing. Typewriting, clerical, pay­ WALTER SirmjLTC, 8i Congreaa elate, composition and tin roofs come later and stay to prepare Fuel and Feed 49-A lar, dinner gown, fire-side pa­ WAJ{TED To Buy—A home in aona which the map makes ob­ he was compelled to hold «ome 1 how to get aro ^ that one." ^ personnel questionnaire was: month*. Cole Motor#, Tel. 4154. roll, social security and withhold­ street. Asiiea anc rubbish remoV' Rebuilding and repairing of dinner. Other days prepare break­ jamas, also lady's sport jacket, McKee street section of Man­ vious. - . meters of tee front with compara- ^ jo . Fiillilly the Jay^ ^Have you ever had any men under ing tax reports, bank statements ed. Loca, trucking. Tel 2-1.588. chimneys and flashings. E. V. fast and light lunch for 2. Clean­ in genuine aoft leather. Gall 8925 chester. Immediate Cash. Write, Early in October I made a hur­ tlvely weak forces in order to „ote and eent It to A husband asked a doctor you If so, how many?” ' / The applicant put down: " Y e s - reconcllled, profit and loa* atate- Coughlin, 390 Woodland atreet ing confined mostly, or all to FOR SALE— Wood suitable for for appointment. Box N, Herald. ried 9-day Inspection trip to the gather strength at his polht# of «oe ^ ^ waiter. The note prescribe something for his wU^ s ments, Income tax return*, notary OIL BURNER Service. All work Phone 7707, first floor. Occasionally small Western Front, visiting American attack To tee 75 miles between bp,,Jve teat I studied with eyes, which Were very weakv 1,200."*' REAL ESTATE LISTINGS stove# and furnaces. Tel. 6077. LADY'S Coney fur coat, medium .jr ...... I An astonished personnel direc- public, unemployment compensa­ guaranteed. Silent Glow aalea corps and divisions from the Monschau and T r i« he couW m - Yale, and tee Ensign bc- Doctor—Let her w ash/ them very light laundry. On bus line. size. Uk# new„ price $55. 64 Holl [kll glass I tor called him In immediately for O f AD II tion. Telephone 3627 days or eve­ and service. Henry J. Parent ROOFING, ASBESTOS sidewalls, SEA.SONED Hard wood, slab and Vosges Mountains north to Hoi slgn only four divisions of the studied with you at every morning with a s Phone 6613. street or phone 3062. an interview: nings for Interview. Telephone 2-0185. eavestrotgb oonductora Nu- kindling. Immediate delivery. land. At that time many of the First Army, or saerWee his effort l ^ 'c e t o n . Please come over and of brandy. - / Some weeks later tjre Doctor met Personnel Ditoctor—WTiat did *vood ceiling# and interior sralls. Hauling and trucking. Ashes re­ infantrymen had been In almost to bring about a decisions else­ straighten us out.” JARVIS REALTV 00. Wood ahlnoung, general repair­ BOTTLED GAS constant combat since D-day In where. It wa# here that the Ger the husband; / you do? REFRIGERATION SERVICE Help Wanted— Male 36 moved, cellars cleaned. Phone 58 The Seaman replied by return taF. ■ m « lt t y ^ aara W 8 ASHES and Rubbish removed and ing. Free estimate. Time pay­ Wanted-~-To Buy June. After many computations man armies of the west, com­ Doctor—Well. > TO VAV\- YOU REFRIGERATION CO. paperhangtng, painting, etc. rood hours. Apply at Silk City naces In stock. Devino Company, WANTED-^ DOLL CARRIAGE. to nish the movement from Unit­ The Wehrmaoht’s I.jint Blow t>OWt VlOOl QOO ifelVGNKlWX.y, VO V'i«>V.CY VOO yoo eoewtu OU VKtW .V , 87 Oak St. Phone: 3-1226 Large savinga time payments, Diner, 641 Main street. Post Office Box 1007, Waterbury Phone 4861. ed States of the Infantry regi­ On 16 December von Rundstedt "One American in five can drive , j'fe (trying on 'new fur coati — V0W.V CjVWD to COML'.^t I’xat VJOWVfeUUO ROW OIL BURNERS serviced and re­ .lly, one cannot help feeling | tehVJit t o tPAVt t o H\W •to O t l WOV -VWKV VO W30G- WLKKt yoo sou VrWOLO RANGE BURNERS. SERVICED. pialred and replaced Fdr full In­ Apex Home Remodeling Corp. divisions ahead of the scheduled sions. He had 'be^n abTe. bVaus’e | sir;**^’anT^ one" Tn 200 can parl^korry for the poor thing that was reflni.sher. Apply, Manager, Mont­ GOOD USED furniture bought WANTED—PIANO, must be In departures of the entire divisions. of heavy fog which continued for alongside y u without scraping skinnedKlunru forlui this J____ _ «>tO«t 7 OW9y \ TO UOO \KNWl OPPORTUNITY 'IbIephone-6940. formation call Van Camp Bros. ROOFtn c - SPECIAUZINa In gomery WaM. and sold. We handle stoves, heat­ CUSTOMERS Husband (feelingly)—Thanks 15 years' experience! Tel. 5244 good condition. Call 3542. Thl* was for the purpose of re­ days, to assemble his force# In your paint oft. / Husband (feel PICTURE FP.y.MINQ. Have that repairing roofs of ail klnda, also ers. stove parts and pipes Open lieving those regiments which had secrecy In the heavily forested / ? . Free Inspection#! CAMERAS WaiOed—AU makes, special picture framed. Special new roofs No Job too small or evenings. Jones Furniture Store, been In combat for an excessively foreground. When the blow came, For Young Mon Situations Wanted— highest price# paid. Send com­ WAITING rat • for nrllltary subjects. Work large. Good work, fair price. EYee 36 Oak street TeL 2-1041. long period and to give immediate eight panzer divisions broke FJJNNY BUSINESS 7 b AIR CONDITIONED UNITS estimates. Call Howley. Manchea- Female 38 plete description. Box 703, 1474 called for and delivered. Call 4, 5 and 6-Room Singles, increased strength and striking through our VIII Corps line, on a INSTALLED ter 5.361. WE HAVE the finest assortments Broadway, New York City 18. power to pur armies facing a moat 40-ihlle front. Diversionary at­ To Learn Manchester 7671. EXPERIENCED Worker want# of kitchen linoleums. Also tile Duplex and Flats — Pack­ difficult winter campaign. tacks in other sectors and con­ Hot Air Fumacea Installed weekly cleaning, 9:30 through 4, _and—Brall_ coverings. Manchester and' React. $5. Phone 7928. Rooms Without Board 59 age Store — Soda Shop — With the promise of a large in­ siderable air and artillerv support ‘t. v ASHES AND rubbish removed. Moving—Trucking- Floor Covering Center. 668 crease of supplies through the port a-sslated the main offensive In Photo Engroring Eavestroughs and Conductors. Hartford road. Call 5688. Local trucking. Phone 2-4)918. Storage 20 GIRL WOULD like to take care Maple furnished bedroom, twin Grill and Space for Radio of Antwerp in late l^ovember. and Luxembourg. All Types Sheet Metal Work. of children after school or eve­ beds, for working cou{n# or two with more than 3.000,000 troops General Eisenhower reacte while General Brhdlev coordinat­ ment cleaned and repaired. Rea­ erty — anywhere in Man­ ed the effort frotn the south. The a t the • Alexander Jarvis Co. sonable. Pick up and, delivery Dogs— Pets— Birds 41 PHONE 4974 ' troops of the First Armv fought llf, OM w eso A o a s e 7P twe „ CONTRAtrrORS Interior and ex- \ chester, Boiton, Vernon or splendidly through bloody Hurt- 82d and lOlsyAIrborne Divisions ^IZPACe INAS A * |/2-> service extra. 63 Fairfield street. FOR s a l e :— ICE box, 7 cu. feet, 6 Dover Road terior painting, paper hanging. COCKER spaniel, black and white, gen Forest, taking heavy casual­ were brougl^up from theater re­ TO A'^TOUNO Tmk- OP Telephone 8464, almost new. C3sll 4501. Window Washing Sooth Windsor. No delay. TeL 4112 or 7275 Specialising in spray painting, 7 months old, female, of regiater- ties and Inflicting heavy losses on serve to reterd the momentum of A .VS ~ equipped to handle large spray­ — s------^------Storm Windows Installed the enemy thrust, with the 101st, ■ X BY MERRILL BLOSSEB ed stock. Fine dog for children. QUAKER range complete with the sttibborn enemy. The dams /vr;" Get It? ing contracts. McKinney A Fenn. Phone 5052. Apply 49 Cobum road Walls Washed Howard R. Hastings of the Roer were seriouslv Inhibit­ reinfOTom by armor and artillery, FRECKLES/AND h is FRIENDS Florence oil burner and stove holding the Important road center Telephone 2-0106. Manchester. Floors Waxed Real Estate Specialist ing General Eisenhower’s prog­ T ell him you w e r e look- pipe. Also ha# gas attachment at Bastogne. The .shoulders of the Jr/'! So IF HE ASKS VOU Bur FOR SALE—Male canaries, guar^ Painting and Polishing ress. He wrote: , , . SAW JU N E TO HER. COOR-, ^ WHAT |N(r AT A s r ^ ! PROPERTY Owners Attention. to fit on back. Telephone 3256. ^ietratlon at Monschau and Ech- OtCAV. IF YOU WONT E WANTS H ER PR'SND 1& WHAT 1 LOOKED U « . anteed singers. Various colors 101 Pheipe Road “He (the enemy) is assLsted In TfeU- Mf WHO YOU pretend you DIDNT EXCUSE Paperhanging and painting, In­ to choose from. R. J. Grimley, See Us On Your Odd Jobs! pn,.Tnach were stubbornly helil by WERC - WALKING'' WITH . THINK. SHE WAS OUT WITH CAN^ , Phones 4842 or 2-1107 that area, however, by the flood­ yOUN©- MAN IN u n if o r m see ME! FOR SA LE side or outside. Large aavlnga. 174 -Cooper street, 7121. ‘ ed condition of the Roer River infantry divisions moved In from UARD W IU U .' H6S (Sive HIM^ r. HOW ABOUT THAT NEW HOME V New block celllnga. Elstlmates ------Insurance Mortgages “ I told you not to eat quail before we started!” S i r and tee capability he haa of pr the north and from the south, parked otn siD e / . Near Cry'sial Lake on furnished free. Phone Apex 7256. outstanding among which were VV- YOU HAVE BEEN PLANNING? Live St9ck— Vehicles '42 Cueing a sudden rush of w ate^ T Main Road, Four - Room PAINTING AND Paperhanging. / DIESEL OR MS SEE JARVIS AT ONCE FOR EVERY DETAIL! House, corner lot; suitable BY GALBRAITH Good work. Reasonable rates. FOR s a l e :—Guernsey heifer from ^ ENGINE DESIGNERSl BY DICK TURNER SIDE GLANCES We iBvIto JOB to iBSpeet the matertals end worknoanshlp Ineor- for some kind of business 'Rsymond Flske. Phone 3384. thoroughbred stock. Due to fresh­ Carpenters CARNIVAL V r ■srated Into the several new home# we now have under oonstmo- or gas station. en this month. TB. and Bangs ac­ MACHINERY LAYOUT MEHl credited. A well raised animal. M ALE H ELP * PRICE ...... 7....$2,500. Private Instructions 28 Not a dairy herd cull. ,Phoi>e DCTAIURS! Wanted / X » (a ______RockvUle 1211-3. __ •" f JARVIS REALTY PRIVATE LESSONS for children c WANTED % Five-Room House, all. on A large Eastern manufacturer For Big tlonstructioD / ■ OOeet • Dover Road ResMeiioet 2d Alexander St. one floor, located on the In reading and arithmetic. Ptanee ilU or 7275 ~ Week Da$fh and Sondsys. ELOCUTION—Speech problems jPoultry and Supplies 43 of Internal combustion engines West Side. corrected—clear diction—articu- has permanent pqslttons avail­ Job * . Apply /.I BROILERS and . Fryers. Young able for properly qualified men PRICE ..../^...... $6,200. , latlon. White ' Studio (Johnson tender birds, d r « e d 40c lb. live by FRED HARMAN ‘ Block), 709 Main street. Phone with foUowlnc classifications: » A Discoviiry 32c. Telephone 7695. j \Long Hours RED RIDER 2-1392. A. Diesel and/or gas engine de­ Colonial Board ‘I Six-Room House, steanr PLUMP Native turkeys for , ■ and AcrV heat, large lot, two-car ga­ signer capable of designing IF AHTA CAT V4AS HY V _ \ Christmas, slap fryers, live o r ' major parts. -Co m pany i i n r , HOTrttR.l'nH&RfOAN rage. Located off^utumn Musical— Dramatic 29 dressed. Place your order nodr. ESTATE- Steady Work '615 Pariier Street /' Dial 7256. B. Kzperlenced mschlneiy lay* t*RRi6 street. . ID KEEFfA" PRICE ...... ,..$9,250. LET US recondiyon your piano / out man. Throughont the JVs like new and start it on a new O.Finit class detaUera. career of usefulness. The Plano STRICTLY FRESH Eggs. CaU at * On Eflingtoi^ Roadl 6- 366 HlUlard street W inter Shop, 6 Pearl atreet Open 'till Zn submltUng dppUeattoos, In­ Y Room Stone House, stone 9 p. m. clude complete tnfoimatlon as ' Apply V WillYouBeSoriV fireplace, steam heat with to family status, edueatloa, prq: PIANO Tuning the' repairing. NEW HAMPSHIRE Red puUeta oil burner, on 7 Vi-acre plot 6 months old, $1.75. Call 2-0617. vkNH experience, age, and com­ . I Player pianos specialty. John pensation expected. Photograph TURNER Wheli You Are IT' Overlooking Hartford. • ■ " Cockerham, 28 Bigelow atreet EGOS— Strictly (reab, deUvered desirable. Asslsianec vlU be P R IC E ...... $10,500. Dial 4219. direct from farm to oonaumer. gtven In aecurlng bomes or Ur­ Construction Co. Phone 2:1480. — - ine quartei#. Address: Box\2t, Myrtle and-Cartis Streets These places a|*e now va­ BROILEntS and fryers, dressedi Grand Cantral (Anna#) Vaw H-5 cant and can be occupied by 43e lb.; IH Ib. squab brotlera, $1 Yoik l7,lf.T. - New Britain, Conn. Lbw Allowance m purchaser immediately. REAL ESTATE each. Alao fresh egga Wednes­ day, Saturday deUverieai. "Tele­ i A,- MAJOR tfOOPLB On Your Cor fi .??■ BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOLSE CALL Bought and Sold phone 2-0617. i . [OUT OUR WAY * " l DON'T U t e T O Soonef’ Than 6GM),TV4ieSSf lei'JfTTT Have cash clients waiting. FOR 8AI;E-,12 Turkeys and ndW ' YOUe. CHRISTMAS SH OPP»^ RAPTWE GASEL ON Stuart 6x10 coop, $70. Telsphono 2-0617. Let F. & Ss Sell Your Property PONE 7 HOW IN HECK THIS POOft CHMP SELLIN G A P P LES r you. MA30R, BOT For satisfactory results— You Realize RUMT LIKE YOO SHOP WHEN DON'T MAKE M E MlC&- Realty Company We have many clients waiting for property of every '/OU'PtE TOO SHORT TO SEE /CuvslPys FOLLOVdS A NMlL^ KESlOENT IN " , Can \ Artickw to r Sale ‘ 4S Up GN TH' COUNTERS ? gCkDtA/-**' . Realtors deadipthm in Manchester and suburba. If yon have Noie fa the Time AND OTWER TOOCKl^G SCENES VOF SAL£S.^**^i^e FOR SALE — Tubular Shoe ' VdHO GOULD property for sale, list it with ua for quick results plus THAT HABERDALr,— . 755 Main Street R. T. McCANN akatiM, slxe 8; 5 foot akia , a n d ! AS A VJARMING AGA.1NST personal attention. ~^ To Coih In “1 hoped he’d come upstairs when the war ended—but , . DONT HAVE COULD TALlC A 8EA'4eRj Telephone 6648 - 7146 Agency poles; boy's brand new rubber M is s * MO TROUBLE " iNFLAtlQNif t-*--- overshoes, size 6 % . Harold Whit­ * '.t • **Ob»cotne -•-opped Ills auljmarine-airnlanc idea ohly }" OUT OP VA\S TEETN / ^ 69 Center St. TeL 7700 On 4 Bigher Pri^ working on a disappearing wall bathtub i 1 J»& FOLLER ing, 78 Walker street A s h o p p e r . ' The F. & S. Reolty Company I THAT PICKS e v e r y th tNO Phones: 2-1163 s m 6719 Phone 8 -1818' UP TO LOOK mClLEY FINN Awaiting the Doctor! LANE LEONARD - ' f Weekdays, Evcniags and Sundays AT rr.' . OONNO HOHI VOU CAN 1 _PR 0eAeLVH0PpN CHANCES ARE LILVSIVESISALL r ^ S T U n O K u s f m w - t ■Hanford, Now! WEUBEOtlCMMNfiO, looktittnipavirsin, lotosTi you TH IN K k m 's -roTHSoeNeRAL’ s , Tlf EVE,,tUTHEa. AFTER I'M INTRESTEO y \ NEW ST/CnON AND THRE.TIDBIB.WS I iNJtOHtSHORTV- TRIUMPH. ia > iB w u e COMING lO h X7ARMITD6UITDtfUAM-. , B8$«l5ASI(WI*nM JHAOWN* THAT OAHOEO m s A BURGLAir ML^MAto'l OeuVfRHI* FILES, ^APJUO HALF AROUND; , I DONE IT S>SM 6 WAS— CENTER f -F-;FOE "Wild Buyer^' mam______^ ..TkiMTHitmw TH'WORLD AT THEIR FERHERt flCSTINMDTO A-AND l - I — CHENEY BROS. ROOM RENTAL SERVICE U S r LAP, AND MEN 6XPEN56! ■ehMtRCD Frequently we are asked by einployeea ^ awlst hS(T S ilN T . WTKAffffDY/ STRAIN rae A FIRST them in securinff rooms, with or without bdard, and In BALCH SLIMPSE OF THEIR connection with this we maintain a listing of known OWN VWST COAST. a. 4 i S i T n ] ^ I iltOTMBe faciliiSiM in the Manchester area. W ILL BRING 1 5 V We will be glad to place on onr list the names of t e t d A ^ i f i n r CfO tlCAl. parties In thip area, who nave such facilities available. THE C '.' - CHENEY BROTHERS . Employment Offloe Immediaie Service ■12-1 Telephone 414 K •, N oR edT epe: '\

■' ’ . > J