Th8 WaRtliflr SATURDAY. DECEMBER 1 . 194B at r . 8. Weather y X G t fOURTOBK Avenigfl Dolly drculatloit Cloady, occasional Ught min ^ Fee the Moatk f t November, 1848 night, UgRt sleet or freastag rata In tatarier; Tneeday cloady. same hand-holding stage juat now. The O ilier (^htireh lata la day; aot so coM tonight. war and the present return of Ik Slmk’nl o f Voice CHENEY BROS. ROOM RENTAL SERVICE 9,016 About Town soldiers from overseas ha.s added Member of thb Aodit Heard Along Main Street Enlarges Program Frequently we are asked by employees to assist a new crop of romances. We B on aa of CtreataMeae \ ■ ' ' noted this week two 6r three cou­ them in securing rooms, with or irithout board, and in ManehsMier— A City of Charm uid Mrs. Bdw’srd h ! Orsn- And on Sonte of Manchester'^9 Side Streets, Too ples roaming along ' the street connectio^with this we maintain a listing of known ■ 'w s and dsujfhter, Laiirs Jran, of hand-ln-han(l. a patiently waiting Center church has enlarged Its facilities in ihe Manchester area. \ MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1945 10 West street, Rork\1IIe. have re­ out that new .sled or making a wife or .sweetheart walking *klong program for ahiit-ina by appointing turned from a delightful two weeks Many a loral younj! girl, tol’u, with her man whom she hasn't a Shut-in committee. In addition to We will obvirlad to place oh our list the names o/. j^ iit In Conway, New Hampshire, 1dining the war years rooently past. snownian. Finally anow lame and m.any youngsters werv 'up early, seen In a long, long time. the careful and helpful work that parties in this who hihave such facilities available. Where they were guestsy st the between‘ .loyalty -to a far-flghting It's quite a nimantic street, this -Loyal Circle of King's Daughters I boy and oiie who has adoquately yt t .tiTT wanted to play and not go Prasidentlsi] Inn. to school. Bissell street, but probably only 1$ . doing among the ahut-lna of CHENEY BROTHERS German Internees After Mass Suicide Attempts 'helpedh«1nr>d her to maintmaintain a constant (Center church, other activities are S h o r t s IS now ' Matiy hoys and girls along with more so to us than other streets Biinaet Oouncil, De^ee of Pora- atate off hotmmetown ------ morale becaii.se we chance to he overlook­ soon to bp added. This committee Employment Office bontaa, will meet Monday evening racing a ihlemmii. thair parents listened for word if Fact-Finding Units schtHil had been clo.sed or not. ing the scene each day. No doubt will cooperate with the King's Telephone 4141 at eight o'clock In the Ztpser With the boys, now roming^iome nearly every other street has Its Daiighte't.s In expanding the pro­ clubhouse. Officers «111 be nomf- rapidly, tho.se who have been re ^lany (ailed the offiee of The 6 seeking information as to own crop of romancing couples. gram. j d plana made for the an- reiving tender and endearing let- Herald, seeking I The committee 1# made up of j u a t e ; ’ nated and h(M)ls were closed nual Christmaaristmas party. Ueys from home while the gii ^ " "* Mrs. Clyde Beckwith. Mra. Harold ; friend has been receiving shots of for th« Xla>. WondoT. whatever happened to Set Up to Handle "open air" schools-? Manchester Belcher, Mias Ruth Crampton, 'Sergeant Snerwood Hum- rrorale building vitamins from the . a few years back it was ftin to oiwe had two such schools for Mrs. J. Elmer IClllott and Mns- WE CAN QUICKLY ARRANGE A phrev who waa sUtioned at Pas- .st.ay-at-home. some tall explaining go to sduipl in _^e snow. Young- children who were found to be Emil Kottke. with the pastor, Rev. IA)W COST FINANCE PLAN IWU Germany and his brother, is now being done. Kithei hat is steis wanted snTTw. yet they got threatened with lung di.senses. or Clifford O. Simp.son, a member ex- FirstIWril SergeantSenreant Elmer T. Hum-^Hum - taking place or a rude awakening up hiuI went'(iff to schrtol as their for some other reason needed offlclo. THROUGH THE BANK Auto, Steel Rows have'and breakups are In order as soon , father did to Ifis work svithout any plenty of fresh air and sunlight. AND AGENT K th ’'iirriVid” i?Vhi^cm^^^^ *’«'• I outbursts. T(Ktay the d.m ' One school was located about cording to wires received bv their w(Mk. (want to atten<}\classes If it rains where the present South Methodist ______ ______ _ _ ______ PLAN parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas But once In awhile a real and ( or snows or diirtng cold weather. parsonage stands now. Another Knights Confer SAVE ------- - Truman Asks CAmgrew H o t C Milies Testifies Before Humphtey-of 12 L4Uey .sticet, and, pitiful, stiiiy -of waylaid romance Times have certainly changed. was on North School street near For Permanent Ma- j Doctbfs Hit Senate - House Group are expbcteil home within a few comes to 6ui attention . Parents should We that their the present Robertson school, Degree on C-las^ MONEY Every Strata dava. Both aoldiers have served A loeal girl, who has been c(>rre- children get up arid are off to These schools did a lot of good. MIsA RHIson chinei^ to Dfeal with ; Seen Result Investigating Pearl oVeracaa nearly two years. .sponding with two local hoys, both school on days similar to yester­ Many a child wgs put on the road ON AUTO FlNANaNG HealthPlan ■__ * jit oppoaite_»nds of the earth, is a day with the exceptioy of the- lit­ to health through the care and , MIsS Allison Lee, daughter of The second degree was conferred ’ INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE! Labor Disputes in ‘Im-[ Hit by Order Harbor; Inference, in tle tots. SchfKil Is In Wssion and treatment received In them. The upon a class of more than SO can­ Of Policies , The Alpine„ .Society will, meet bovs are on thi'ir way home and in the event of a majors Mr. and Mrs, Myron I>e of Bolton, 853 MAIN ST. TEL. 5810 portant Nationwide % For Nation Message , Only St aftei'iuxin at three schools were so eonstnicted that didates by officers of Campbell thi Ital^n club on FI- 1 are special fire alarm J the wln(k>ws were large aall could I refurned tp New York, after council at Tinker hall last night. Industries!w 1 ' in FFuture For Arrests Against Sabotage T a l ^ O clock at the nalian club (m El- ^o? ! the Town of Manchester be openetl to allow the fresh air j a vl.sit at the home of her par- dridge aticet. Election of ITlcers problem came in a perfect- Sunday afternoon at 2:30 the third nal In the event that school 'Classss free circulation throughout the ; enta degree will be exemplified for, the German Resentment of immediate Formation of en; Reply Sent for the coming year will take „„dprstandahle manner. She ha\> been cancelled for th> day tooms.,The children were bundled place, and a full turnout of the Miss Lee Is a student r>t voice class under the direction of Dis­ ' Washington. Dec. 3 ! American Occupation MacArtbur’ s Newest Di­ had gone out on dales with both consist of nine long blasts oh the i up to protect them during the cold trict Deputy John Looney of Hart- — President Truman today | Voluntary Systems in MacArthur Different members Is hoi>ed for. boys and liked both of them. But. ] fire alarm at 8 o'clock in\the weather under the direction of Pietro Sul- Methods Giving Rise rective Leave Unan­ ^be slogan, "ahsence makes the | morning or at 12:.30 in the a f^ r - ' .. tww (lano of the Siildano-Schuleen stu- | ford set up fact-finding boards t o, Every State Offered Children.of Mary Sodalit.l heart grow fonder." w.is applicable [ poon. Fire alarm blasts at th()se ^bere was always s sleep pec■ dioa in New York City. Candidates for the degree are to deal with the General Motors swered Ouestion on Washington, Dec. 3.— (fPH nod during the. day. The young­ TEXACO GRYSTALITE To Resistance Talk As' Better Pro)fram Bt. Janic.s's church will moet m j to both bovs. The nublic xhcails ‘ 1”'' •’ .... ' A graduate of Manchester High strike and threatened steel — Maj. Gen. Sherman A. school In the class of 1943, M issis o clock* for final instructlona. RANGE OIL NO. 2 FUEL OIL W bo Is War Criminal \ Mttes said today that the re­ er church and proceed in a body letters to both, thinking a nap, well protected against the Lee was employed fpr a time by walkout, and asked Congress Frankfurt, DeC. 3—lAh—German I cold when the winter season ar- Chicago, Dec. 3.—{If)—Im i^^i- ply Lieut. Gen. Walter a to the Holloran Fiineinl home, in jp , mitrome. The Herald and Hartford Coiirant. Per for* permanent machinery to resentment against American oc­ Tokyo," Dec. 3.—(F)—General tribute to Mrs. Margaret Naven, Now that both are coming home, Praise for the Manchester Me-1 rived. They were given soups, milk ate formation of voluntary ntm- Short made from Hawaii on and Is at present w'ith the Newv JUST RECEIVED! Galloa handle labor disputes m im­ cupation methods Is developing MacArthur's newest directive or­ whose daught^ns, Rita ahd Mary, poodoubt.
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