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CEDAR CREEKNATURAL HIsTORY AREA - FLORA2000 ANGIOSPERMS - MONOCOTS COMMELINACEAE SpmERWORTFAMH.Y ALISMATACEAE Commelinacommunis L. WATER-PLANTAINFAMH.Y ! ASIATICDAYFLOWER Planted.Now absent.Does not escape. Alisma triviale Pursh W Tradescantiabracteata Small ATER-PLANTAIN Uncommonon exposedmud or peatin drying fensand BRACTEDSPIDERWORT marshes. Rareon the AnokaSandplain in savannas. Sagittaria cristata Engelm. Tradescantiaoccidentalis (Britt.) Smyth CRESTEDARROWHEAD WESTERNSPIDERWORT Rarein shallowwater. Commonin savannaareas and occasional in old fields. Sagittaria latifolia Willd. BROAD-LEAVEDARROWHEAD CVPERACEAE Commonin marshes,shallow lakes, moats at fen and SEDGEFAMH,Y swampmargins. Bulbostyliscapillaris (L.) Clarke Sagittaria rigida Pursh BULBOSTYLIS SESSILE-FRUITEDARROWHEAD Rare. Dry, sandyopen places. Occasionalin shallowwater in sand-bottomedlakes. Carex atherodes Spreng. SLOUGH SEDGE AMARYLLmACEAE Rarein wet meadows;ditches. AMARYLLISFAMH,Y . Carex bebbii (Bailey) Fern. Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Cov. BEBB'~SEDGE, . YELLOWSTAR-GRASS OccasIonalat dryingmargins offens, marshes,and wet Commonat wet meadowmargins . In. savannas. meadows.,.rich fens Carex bicknellii Britt. A BICKNELL'SSEDGE RACEAE Occasionalin savannasand adjacent old fields. ARUMFAMH.Y Carex brunnescens(Pers.) Poir. var. sphaerostachya Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott (Tuckerm.)Kukenth. JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT BROWNISHSEDGE Commonin lowlandhardwood forests, hardwood Occasionalin hardwood,tamarack, white cedarand swamps,white cedarswamps. shrubswamps. Calla palustris L. Carex buxbaumii Wahlenb. WILD CALLA BUXBAUM'S SEDGE Uncommon in wet areas in swamps, typically in partial Common in wet meadows and rich fens. shade. Carex canescens L. Symplocarpus foetidus (L.) Nutt. SILVERY SEDGE SKUNKCABBAGE Abundant on sphagnum peat in poor fens, tamarack Uncommon. Ususally associatedwith forested swamps, floating rich fen mats. seepagesor springs. AmJW8)'8W: PI.-. N« N8iveto c-. 0-* t ~ing inabundance (TT l8pidly ~ing) .. pers8ting.abundance notcbanging ~ 44 ~ decreasingin abundance i probablyabsent now, cannot reproduce I , CEDARCREEK NATURAL HISTORY AREA - FLORA2000 "..' "" CareX'cephalantha (Bailey)Bickn. Carex gynocrates Drej. .; , .; STAR-HEADED SEDGE NORTHERN BOG SEDGE Occasionalon spaghnumpeat in poor fensto somewhat Rare. Associatedwith northernpeatlands, usually rich minerotrophicpeat in rich fens. fens. Carex chordorrhiza L. f. Carex haydenii Dewey CREEPINGSEDGE HA YDENS SEDGE Commonon sphagnumpeat in poor fensor in partial Abundantin shallowwet meadows. shadeof tamaracks. Carex heliophila Mack. Carex comosa Boott SUN-LOVINGSEDGE BOTTLEBRUSHSEDGE Uncommonin savannas. Commonin rich fensand minerotrophic tamarack . swamps. Carex hysterlCmaMuhl. ex W.lld. PORCUPINE SEDGE Carex crawfordii Fern. Uncommonon sandylake beaches and sometimes in CRAWFORD'SSEDGE rich fensor marshes. Uncommonat drying marginsof rich fensand marshes. Carex interior Bailey Carex cryptolepis Mack. INLANDSEDGE YELLOWISHSEDGE Occasionalin tamarackswamps, white cedarswamps, Rarein rich fens. shrubbyrich fens,and poor fens. Carex debilis Michx. var. rudgei Bailey Carex intumescensRudge var. fernaldii Bailey WEAK SEDGE INFLATED SEDGE Occasionalin sandy,low-lying oak woodlandmargins Occasionalin variouswooded wetlands and in shady nearpeatlands. fensand wet meadows. Carex deweyana Schwein. Carex lacustris Willd. DEWEY'S SEDGE LAKE SEDGE Occasionalin lowlandhardwoods and on firm Abundantin rich fens,deep wet meadows,and substratesin hardwoodor tamarackswamps. marshes;occasional in otherwetlands; ditches. Carex diandra Schrank Carex lanuginosa Michx. LESSERPANlCLED SEDGE WOOLLY SEDGE Occasionalin rich fensand in openingsin tamarackor Commonon moistto dry, sandysoil in full sun;wet alderswamps. meadowsto dry old fields andsavannas. Carex disperma Dewey Carex lasiocarpa Ehrh. var. americana Fern. TWO-SEEDEDSEDGE WIREGRASSSEDGE Common. One of two speciesof very fine-bladed Abundanton sphagnumpeat in poor fens;common or sedgesin mostconifer swamps. occasionalin rich fens. Carex foenea Willd. Carex leptalea Wahlenb. BROWN-FRUIfED SEDGE THIN SEDGE Abundantin old fields,disturbed sandy places, and Occasionalin tamarackswamps, white cedarswamps, savannas. alderswamps; a very fine-bladedsedge. Carex gracillima Schwein. Carex limosa L. GRACEFULSEDGE MUD SEDGE Commonin lowlandhardwoods, moist foresttrails, and Rare. Associatedwith northern"bog-like" habitatsin hardwoodswamps. sunto partial shade. Am... sym~: PlMt iI NetNMive to CAd.-Oeok t inaeasingin abundance(fT npidIyincreasmg) .. persisting.abundance not changing gIe8tIy ~ deaeasingin abundance ! probablyabsent now. cannot reproduce 45 1 CEDAR CREEKNATURAL HISTORYAREA - FLORA2000 Carex lupulina Willd. Cora sartwellii Dewey Hop SEDGE SARTWELL'SSEDGE Uncommon.Lowland hardwoods, hardwood swamps, Rare. Wet meadows,ditches. or wet swalesin forests. Carex scoparia Schkuhrex Willd. Carex meadii Dewey POINTEDBROOM SEDGE MEAD'SSEDGE Commonin wet meadows;at the marginsoffens and Occasionalat wet meadowmargins or in wet prairie. marshes;lake beaches. Carex muhlenbergii Schkuhrex Willd. Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd. MUHLENBERG'SSEDGE AWL-FRUITED SEDGE Commonin dry savannasespecially in duneareas; Occasionalin lowlandhardwood forests and in adjacentold fields. hardwoodswamps. Carex oligosperma Michx. Carex stricto Lam. FEW-SEEDEDSEDGE TUSSOCKSEDGE Commonto occasionalin poor fens;not ascommon as Abundantto occasionalin largewet meadows,in rich C. lasiocarpaon the Anoka Sandplain. fens,and in marshes. Carex paupercula Michx. Carex sychnocephalaCarey PALE BOG SEDGE MANY-HEADED SEDGE Occasionalin woodedor opensphagnum mats. Rare. In wet sand,especially on exposedsandy lake shores. Carex pedunculata Muhl. ex Willd. LoNG-STALKEDSEDGE Carex tenera Dewey Occasionalin lowlandhardwood forests and in SLENDERSEDGE tamarackswamps and white cedarswamps. Uncommonat wet meadowmargins and in old fields. Carex pensylvanicaLam. Carex trisperma Dewey PENNSYLVANIA SEDGE THREE-SEEDEDSEDGE Abundantin oak forests,woodlands, and most other Occasionalin sphagnumtamarack swamps. woodeduplands; occasionallyin old fields. Carex vesicaria L. Carex prairea Dewey INFLATEDSEDGE PRAIRIESEDGE Occasionalin wet meadowsand at the marginsof rich Occasionalin rich fensand peaty wet meadows; fens. sometimesin openingsin swamps. Carex vulpinoidea Michx. Carex pseudocyperusL. Fox SEDGE CYPERUS-LIKESEDGE Rare. Roadsideditch. Uncommonin minerotrophictamarack swamps. Cyperusaristatus Rottb. Carex richardsonii R. Br. AWNEDCYPERUS RICHARDSON'SSEDGE Uncommonon sandylake beaches. Rarein white pine-hardwoodforests in openings. Savannas? Cyperusdiandrus Torr. Low CYPERUS Carex rosea Schkuhrex Willd. Occasionalon sandylake beaches. Rosy SEDGE Rare. Mesic forestsand lowland hardwood forests. Cyperusengelmannii Steud. ENGELMANN'S CYPERUS Carex rostrata Stokesvar. utriculata (Boott) Bailey Occasionalon sandylake beaches. BEAKED SEDGE Occasional in rich fens, at the margins of poor fens, Cyperus esculentus L. and in openings among tamaracks. YELLOWNUT-GRASS Occasional to uncommon in wet soil, especially on farms, in ditches and old fields. AmJff Symbol:PIMt io N« NMive" Ced8-0-* t increasingin abundance(TT , ma-8Ig) -+ ~isting, abundancenot dIaIIging gJeItIy 46 ~ decreasingin abundance i probablyabsent now, cannot reproduce 1 CEDAR CREEKNATURAL HISTORYAREA - FLORA2000 Cyperuslupulinus (Spreng.) Marcks ssp. macilenlus Eleocharissmallii Britt. ,~ .. c (Fern.) Marcks SMALL'SSPREADING SPIKERUSH FEW-FLOWEREDSLENDER CYPERUS Occasional to common emergent aquatic in shallow Abundant on dry, sandy soil in savannasand adjacent sand lakes and along lakeshores. old fields. Eriophorum angustifolium Honck. Cyperus odoratus L. THIN-SCALECOTTON-GRASS FRAG~ CYPERUS Uncommon in rich fen portions of poor fens. OccasIonal to uncommon on wet soil; fam1s, ditches, . old fields. Erlophorum gracile Koch SLENDER COTTON-GRASS Cyperusrivularis Kunth Occasionalon sphagnummats. SHINING CYPERUS Occasionalon moist soil in trails, marshedges, and Eriophorum spissum Fern. alonglakeshores. TUSSOCKCOTTON-GRASS C h . .. Common.Associated with black spruceon sphagnum J yperus sc W{lnltzll T Off. mat. SCHWElNrrfs CYPERUS Occasionalalthough many are hybrids of C. lupulinus. Eriophorum virginicum L. In old fields andsavannas on dry soil. TAWNYCOTTON-GRASS C . Common. Associatedwith ericaceousplants on yperus StrlgOSUSL. sphagnumin poor fens. STRAW-COLORED CYPERUS Uncommonon lakeshores,margins of wet meadows Eriophorum viridi-carinatum (Engelm.)Fern. andmarshes and in ditches. THIN-LEAVEDCOTTON-GRASS D I . h. d" Rare. Sphagnummat in or nearconifer swamps. u IC lum arun maceum (L.) Bntt. THREE-WAYSEDGE Fimbristylis autumnalis (L.) R. & S. Commonin rich fens,on floatingmats around open FIMBRISTYLIS waterand at marginsof swampsand fens. Uncommonon wet sandon lakeshores. Eleocharisacicularis (L.) R. & S. Hemicarpha micrantha (Vahl) Pax LEAST SPIKERUSH HEMICARPHA Occasionalto commonon sandylake beaches. Uncommonon wet sandon lakeshores. Eleochariscompressa Sulliv. Scirpus oculus Bigel. COMPRESSEDSPIKERUSH HARDSTEM BULRUSH Rare. Wet meadowmargins. Commonemergent aquatic in lakesand deep marshes. Eleochariserythropoda Steud. Scirpus atrocinctus Fern. SPREADINGSPIKERUSH BLACK-SPIKED WOOLGRASS Uncommonat the marginsof wet meadowsand fens. Uncommonin wet meadowsand marshes. Eleocharisobtusa (Willd.) Schultes Scirpus clintonii Gray BLUNT SPIKERUSH CLINTON'SBULRUSH Uncommonon exposedmud or muck in fensand on Rareat wet meadowmargins and near moist savanna lakeshores. swales.