Soviet Interceptor Attacks Airliner Garry Discusses Justice
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New driving program given thirty-day trial by Barb Breitenstein implemented. Roemer has tssued direc The Executive Editor Emeritus tives ordering the installation of buzzers in the women's showers in both the ACC and A thirty-day trial program for driving the Rockne building, implementing the women to their residence halls on campus recommendations to improve campus light has been implemented by dean of Students ing, and ordering Pears to follow recom James Roemer, as a result of the recent mendations to strengthen the Security Security Audit Inc.'s (SAl) evaluation of Department. Notre Dame Security. "One recommendation we are looking The program will allow women to be into," Roemer said, "is putting the Observer picked up and returned to their halls by car director of security in charge of security for an independe111t student newspaper notre dame and st. mary's servi~g in case of formals, and will allow any car the ACC. That way he could issue orders with a student decal parking on campus for to the county police at the ACC as well." 15 minutes if the driver is returning a Vol. XII, No. 123 Monday, April 24, 1978 "There are 80 or 90 recommendations in woman to campus between the hours of 11 that report, and we are implementing 90 p.m. and 5 a.m. The program which will percent of them," Roemer stated. continue through the remainder of this Some of the recommendations that have semester, was one of several women's not beem implemented include placing a security recommendations made by the guard in a temporary shelter on the road to SAl report. Saint Mary's, organizing a student honor However, Roemer stressed, this pro patrol, and Security uaiform changes. gram is only temporary. "We want to see The honor patrol is still being looked if there are any additional problems with into. Roemer, Student Body President traffic, crime, or safety with permitting Andy McKenna, and Director of Financial more cars on campus,'' he said. Aid June McCauslin are studying student ''The great concern is that there is only . reaction to the program and the possibility one road on campus," Roemer continued, of funding for aid to student guards. "and an awful lot of students walk on that "We want some student input on the road. The concern is about safety when honor guards," Roemer said. "We want to students are drinking and driving on know if it will be taken seriously or if it will campus. I am going to be watching traffic just be a joke. We also would like to know very carefully.'' if the women would really walk with them The program will be permanently im or would prefer to walk by themselves." plemented next year, if traffic and safety The six-week study evaluated the ND and security are not appreciably jeopardi security force, women's security at Notre zed by the experiment, according to Dame, security in the ACC and at the Roemer, and a decision will be made football stadium and Senior Bar. SAl sometime this summer. submitted its report, which listed areas The logan Center picnic was held Saturday next to Saint Mary's lake [photo by Mark Most of the other recommendations needing improvement, and made recom Muench[ made in the SAl report will also be mendations in mid-March. Soviet interceptor attacks airliner ANCHORAGE, Alaska [AP] • for hours Thurs9ay before entering to Paris from Helsinki, said the day. The plane landed at Ancho flight information recorder. The co-pilot of a South Korean Soviet airspace., The plane radioed shooting started about 90 minutes rage International Airport at 11:42 The survivors· accounts of jetliner downed in northwest Rus its last position !as near Ellesmere before the Paris-Seoul flight was a.m. AST, 4:42 EST to refuel Thursday's misguided and harrow sia said yesterday the crew receiv Island, Canada's northernmost due in Anchorage for a refueling before heading on to Seoul with a ing flight answered some questions ed no warning from a Soviet MIG point and more 1 than 1.000 miles stop. stop-over at Tokyo. It carried 103 about the incident but raised still interceptor before it opened fire - from where it was forced down. KAL president Cho Choonhoo, passengers and crew members others - such as why the Russians blasting a hole in the fuselage. Teh precise flight plan, filed in accompanying the relief flight to from the ill-fated flight. took such unusual action when the killing two persons and wounding Paris, was not available yesterday. Seoul, said earlier there may have· The relief plane also carried the plane apparently had been over 10. Some passengers said they been a Soviet warning, but the bodies of the two dead passengers, their trerritory for only 18 minutes. Cha Soon-do. 43. of Seoul, who thought at first the fighter was an question could not be answered a Japanese and a Korean .. Three After the jetliner's forced land landed here aboard another KAL American jet welcoming them to because the pilot was still in the passengers chose to return to ing frozen lake in northwest Rus jet. said "They (the Russians) say Alaska, a stop on what Soviet Union, detained along with Europe rather than continue to sia, Japanese passengers said, they warned us," but the firing was to have been a Paris-to-Seoul the navigator. · Seoul. pilot Kim Chang-kyu told them he came as a surprise. "I was on the flight. The passengers spoke with In addition to holding the pilot had a "sixth sense" he was international emergency frequency Passenger Jealil-Claude Fory, a reporters before boarding the KAL and navigator, the Soviets confis heading in the wrong direction but but I did not hear anything ... we French businessman who returned relief jet, which left Helsinki Sun- cated the plane's "black box" [continued on page 11] didn't contact at all," he said. Soviet authorities said they tried 'No rea'l Justice' to contact the jetliner. which crash landed on a frozen lake after the MIG's burst of fire. Cha said he first noticed the Garry discusses justice fighter when it flew alongside "for about two minutes ... no indication I of its intent. After about five by Laura Uuimor reversed by the appeals court. Garry also told of the events of having a dramatic effect on his minutes we were shot." ! The trial was marked by contro- ' Johnny Larry Spain's life as back adult life. After an emotional He added: "I tried to call. Charles Garry, a leader in the versy from the beginning Garry ground for the trial story. He endorsement of his client's perso think the frequency for the Korean fight for justice in: the American explained. After testimony was. described Spain as the classic nal integrity. Garry concluded his nation and the Soviet Union is a courtroom and author of Street· concluded, the jury deliberated for • example of racism in America. talk with a reading of Spain's different one." fighter in the Coqrtroom, spoke over a month. The verdict acquitted Spain was born illegitimatly of a statement to the court, which Spain Asked how far the KAL jet Saturday afternoon iin the Library three of the defendants and found white mother and black father in wrote himself, originally given strayed into Soviet airspace, the Lounge to a group j of about fifty the other three guilty of only Mississippi, but was forced to live during the sentencing. reason the Soviets gave for forcing people. i . conspiracy to escape and conspir with a black family in Los Angeles A question and answer session down the plane, Cha said 'I can't His appearance ~ras sponsored acy to murder, not of a "specific act when he reached the age of five. followed the talk and refreshments say how far. a little bit I think.'' He by the Notre Dame ;chapter of the of wrongdoing", according to Garry described Spain as "a victim were served. spoke not long before a special National Lawyers Guild in conjunc of circumstances with his early life flight took off, headed for Seoul tion with the Sti.tdeint Union Aca GarryI with the disabled plane's passen demic Commission,j the Women's gers. Rights Association,' and La Raza 1 . Several passengers on the Ko Law Students Association. rean Air Lines (KAL) Boeing 707, Garry opened his talk with the which had 110 persons aboard statement "There i~ no, such thing when it crashed-landed. said as real justice." He idescribed laws I I before leaving Helsinki. Finland. as rules and regul~tions to keep I . II· I I they saw no warning before the members of societYJ from running ! attack. into each other. I I . They said the pilot told them he After discussing 1 his views on i I apparently went off his polar-rout American law in general, Garry I course because of a malfunctioning began a descdption:of his defense ! cockpit compass and strayed into in teh 18-month San Quentin Six I Soviet air space. A KAL official trial. the longest· in American said the plane had a backup history. The cas~. Garry said, navigation system and an investi resulted from an inc1dent at the San l I gation was being made to deter Quention Penitentiary in 1971 l I mine why it was not able to correct where three guards and two the problem. inmates were killed:in cold blood. ~~· I KAL President Cho Choonhoo, Charged were John~y Larry Spain, I who boarded the relief jet Sunday Mr.