Thursday, Not. 8,1973 to 1 Advertisement Advertisement Vtr Advertisement Advertisement We sa u President Richard ix•

because. 4:1 ft:e 'rrso;

. . . he has taken bold initiatives in interna--: tional affairs which will hopefully ushei in a: generation of peace. . . . he has moved with. vision and determina-. tion to contain the influence Of Russia in the , volatile Middle East. . . . he has the wisdom and the courage to help , remnant of the Holocaust, to defend herself in her struggle for survival and to in- sure a just and durable peace, which are ulti- mately in the highest interests of .the United States.

We hope & • •

. . . that the President will remain firm in his "'resolve to maintaini7 he security of Israel by continuing American support to insure a just and lasting peace. _ , . . . . that he will use his good offices to hasten '4Zt,. e exchange of did *igiiters of war in the Mid- ast conflict, upholding the principle of sepa- rating humanitarian considerations from the ultimate political solution. . ,. . that all Americans will unite in this critical period to mobilize our vast energies and talents to solve together, with the help of the Almighty, the grave problems facing our nation and the world. Max Berg Joseph Karasick Rabbi Herschel Schacter Rabbi Bernard Bergman Rabbi Elya Kaufman David Scharf Rabbi Louis Bernstein Rabbi Wolfe Kehnan Dr. Alfred L. Schnell Morris Brafman Nash Kestenbaum Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld Ludwig Bravmann Rabbi Shalom Klass Rabbi Nathan Schorr Hirsh Chitrik George Klein Rabbi Israel Schorr Rabbi Noah Chodosh William Kotkes Rabbi David Schwartz Rabbi Sheldon Chwat Abraham J. Kramer Rabbi Elias Schwartz Rabbi Akiba Ehrenfeld Prof. Bethard Lander Dr. Hillel Seidman Leon Eisenberg Rabbi Yaakov Landesman Riva Sepia Sheldon Farber Rabbi Israel Lefkowitz Rabbi Morris Shmidman Rabbi Chaim Feuerman Rabbi Shlomo Lesin Rabbi Zvi Shurin Rabbi Joshua Fishman Rabbi Dov Lesser Prof. Seymour Siegal Dr. Israel Francus Isidore Lipschutz Rabbi Shimon Siegel Carl Freyer Rabbi Leon Machlis Rabbi Joseph Singer Rabbi Armin H. Friedman Rabbi Chaim Medetsky Rabbi Philip H. Singer Rabbi Yonah Fuld Bernard D. Millians Rabbi Dov Slotnik Rabbi Israel Garber MarviriNeiman Albert A. Spiegel Dr. Edward Gershfield Jerald C. Newman Rabbi Henoch Teitelbaum Rabbi Bernard Goldenberg Shlorno,Oppenheimer Rabbi Abraham Tenenbaun( Rabbi Dove Greenbaum Morris Plant • Jacques Torcziner Rabbi Ronald Greenwald Rabbi Yehuda L."PoSner Rabbi Bernard Twersky Ernest Gross Rabbi Bernard•Poupko Joel Unger Eugene Hollander P'rof. Emanuel Rackmaii David Weingarten Bob Jacobs Rabbi5gafom Rephun Dr. David Weiss Harold Jacobs Dr. Fritz Rothschild Hirsh Wolfe & Co. Dr. Joseph Kaminetsky Rabbi Meshulem Rotenberg Zev Wolfson Irving H. Kanarek Rabbi Schulon Rubin

George Klein, Co-ord)inator COMMITTEE OF CONCERNED AMERICANS Suite 500, 2n Madison Avenue, , N.Y. 10016