Water Color Painting," Elsewhere B.Erein

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Water Color Painting, J Navajo watercolor painting, a representative view of which we present this issue and which we hope you will enjoy, is one manifestation of the inherent artistic ability of the Nava­ jos. Truly, a medicine man, creating his strange and beautiful VOL. XXXII No. 7 JULY 1956 sand paintings, is an artist as well as a religious practitioner. RAYMOND CARLSON, Editor The Navajo silversmith, with skill, superb workmanship and GEORGE J\'l. A VEY, Art Editor with an innate appreciation of the aesthetic in design, creates in his jewelry an art form unsurpassed. The mg maker, weav­ LEGEND ing her dreams in dyed wool on her loom, may not consider "NAVAJO SHF.PHFRo" . FRO:\'T CovER herself an artist, but she is, though, and a very competent one TALE:-ITED NAVA.JO ARTIST, B. YAZZ, at that. The chanters at a sing and the dancers in the various PORTRAYS A SCENE FROM 1-10 .\1£ LAND. ceremonials reach heights of pure art however applicable their THE vVHISPERIAG 1\lou:,.. L<\lAS 4 chants and dances may be for the mundane purposes for which URANIUM Ml:-IIXG I N LL'KACHUKAIS they are performed. llRI:-IG CHANGES IX NAVAJO LAND. Art is a deep, consuming emotion in the life of the Nava­ MooFRK NAVAJO vV.nERCOLOR jos. As they sing in one of their chants, "We walk in beauty PAINTING IO )) NAVAJO ARTISTS, IYfERPRETIN G THE LIFE OF TRIBE, RECEIVE ACCLAIM. Navajo watercolor painting is a new approach to beauty by a group of young and inspired artists. A few dedicated FLAGSTAFF Pow vV ow 32 Tms ALL-INDIAN SHOW IS A BIG teachers have worked with them and taug·ht them the basic SUMMER C\"E:Sir IN COOL, PINE CITY. fundamentals of brush and paint. A few traders and dealers have given them encouragement. As they develop and grow ERNEST \V. McFARLAND in maturity, they will contribute something vital to American Governor of Arizona art. Considering all the handicaps these artists have overcome, what they have achieved has been almost phenomenal. ARIZONA HIGHWAY COMMISSION A few have been successful. Others are struggling to suc­ frank E. Moore, Chairman . Douglas Grm·er J. Duff, Vice Chairman • . Tucson ceed. vVe are grateful that we have this opportunity of dedi­ vVm. P. Copple, j\Jc111bcr . Yuma cating a few of our pages to their work and we are grateful, James R. Heron, Member . Globe too, to Mrs. Linzee W. King Davis for her discussion of Frnnk L. Christensen, Me111ber . Flagstaff "Modern Navajo Water Color Painting," elsewhere b.erein. Wm. E. vVillcy, State Hwy. Engineer Phoenix Mrs. Davis and her husband are spending· considerable time Jnstin Herman, Secretary . Phoenix and effort in helping worthy artists amor~g the Navajos and ARIZONA 111c;1111·AYS is published monthly by the to more widely publicize their work. In this connection, inci­ Arizona Highway Department a few miles north dentally, addresses of a number of these artists and their dealers of the confluence of the Gila and Salt in Ari­ are available to any of our readers interested. Merely write to zona. Address: AR IZONA l- [1c; 1-n -, LA-Y.S, Phoenix, ARIZONA HrGr-rw A vs, Phoenix, Arizona. Arizona. $3.50 per year in U.S. and possessions; A few of these watercolors on the walls of a living rooni, 14.50 else11·hcre; 35 cents each. Entered as sec­ we think, would be very pleasant companions with which to ond-cbss matter No,·. 5, 1941 at Post Office in Phoeni x, under Act of !\larch 3, 1879. Copy­ live ... R. C. ri§lned, 1956, by Arizona Highway Department. Allow five weeks for change of addresses. Be sure to send in the old as well as new address. ~ 115 FRONT COVER "NAVAJO SHEPHERD" BY BEATIEN YAZZ. "Little No Shirt," this talented Narnjo artist, was the dominating figure in Alberta Hannum's book, "Spin a Silver Dollar," for which he did illustration s. He is also doing the illustrations for her forthcoming book, to be published by Viking, "Rendezvous." Beatien Yazz sen·ed in the Marine Corps during vVorld War II. H e is represented in museums, art galleries and many pri,·,1te collections. OPPOSIT E PAGE "SU1\'!1\'!ER, BRYCE CANYON'' BY ROB­ ERT vV. CHASE. Bryce Canyon in southern Utah is a National Park and a spectacular scenic attraction. Eastman Master View Camera with a 5x7 reducing back, 8" f? .7 Ektar lens, Pola Screen, f.16 at 1/1oth second. PAGE O NE • ARIZONA HIGHWAYS • JULY 1956 f \ INTHE SUN BOOKS IN THE SUN: In 1941 Gusse Thomas Smith published a singularly valuable and charming book entitled "Birds of the Arizona Desert." It is a collector's item and copies are rare to come by. Now the book has been republished in a new, revised and enlarged edition as "Birds of the Southwestern Desert." Once again we are introduced to the most popular bird companions along the always fascinating desert trails. Birds are described simply in such warm and sympathetic language we do not have to be learned ornithologists to understand what the author is saying. And the bird drawings by Harriet Morton Holmes are exquisite. The author came to the Arizona desert many years ago with her five-year-old son, who was very ill. The desert cured him and gave Tvlrs. Smith a deep love and understanding of this vast area of sun, strangeness and distance. Few people come to know the desert life, especially bird life, as well as she. Thirty-eight of the most common desert birds appear in the cast of characters, so Mrs. Smith's book is an indispensable guide to those who want to know the desert better. "Birds of the Southwestern Desert" is available at all Arizona book stores or can be ordered direct from Doubleshoe Publishers, Scottsdale, Arizona. The price: $1.50. "Echoes of the Past" is another Arizona produced book of con­ siderable charm and interest. It carries the descriptive subtitle: "Tales of Old Yavapai in Arizona." Published by the Yavapai Cow Belles, the book's 159 pages presents portraits of a vanished frontier and recreates the life and times thereof. A few of the chapter titles indicate the nature of the subject matter: "A Teacher of 1906," "The Pioneer Doctor," "The First Cat in Yavapai County," "The Cowboys of Old," "Wild Cattle" and others. "Echoes of the Past" is both human and homey. Within its cov­ ers is the past of the open range and many vignettes of hardy pioneers who brought civilization to a wilderness. The Yavapai Cow Belles, an organization of ranch women of Yavapai County, are to be congratulated for a fine job of publish­ ing. Leorah Cooper Morgan and her fellow editors are also to be congratulated for putting together a book readable and worthy. "Echoes of the Past" is available at all book stores in Arizona or can be ordered direct from the Yavapai Cow Belles, Prescott, Arizona. The book, liberallv illustrated, sells for $3.00. ART COLOR CLASSICS FROM ARIZONA HIGHWAYS THIS ISSUE: Navajo Water Colors 35 1mn. slides in 2" 111oums, 1 to 15 slides, 40¢ each; 16 to 49 slides, 35¢ each; 50 or more, 3 for $1.oo TNA-1 Navajo Shepherd, Cover 1; INA-2 In the Quiet Pool, Cover 4; INA-3 The Forest, p. 1 3; TNA-4 Big Ears, p. 14; INA-5 Friendship, p. 15; INA-6 Stampede, p. 15; INA-7 Navajo Dancers, p. 16; JNA-8 The Desert Rider, p. 16; INA-9 Curiosity, p. 17; TNA-10 Navajo Sing, center spread; INA-11 The \Varrior, p. 20; JNA-12 Navajo Fa'mily, p. 20; INA-13 The vVinner Takes All, p. 21; INA-14 Squaw Darrce, p. 21; INA-15 Navajo Shepherds at Water Hole, p. 22; INA-16 The Frolicking Navajo Girls, p. 23; INA-17 Corn Ceremony, p. 24. COLOR CLASSICS FROM ARIZONA HIGHWAYS THJS ISSUE BC-4 Summer, Bryce Canyon, Cover 2; GC-42 Sunset Paints the Grand Canyon, Cover 3. "It's lVeaving Time in Navajo/and" RAY MANLEY PAGE THREE • ARIZONA HIGHWAYS • JULY 1956 on it that said in English letters, "AEC." They were looking for something they called carnotite. They had begun drilling holes in certain spots. They were prospect- mg. Willie Cisco knew about prospectmg. He had worked in the low-o-radeb vanadium mines further west, when they were operating during the war; and he had done son:e prospecting on his own. Now he was ready to try agam. It was a hard winter among the Navaios. Food was low in the hogans, and many people v~ere l:rnngry; and so in the bedroll Willie Cisco tied behmd his saddle, he did not have much in the way of supplies. As he left his family and headed his horse out ?f the ~esert valley toward the high pines, he was carrymg two 1te_ms he had never taken on prospecting trips before: a litt!e black box called a Geiger counter, and a sample of uranmm ore. Perhaps Willie Cisco smiled as_ he held that samrle in his hand· for he could see that 1t was streaked with the bright yellow substance ~is ance~to~-s had use? to make war paint. It was carnotlte, and 111 lt was uranmm. It had suddenly become valuable. Willie camped in the deep snow on the crest, 8 500 feet up; next day he left his horse tied to a tree and made his way on foot down the steep slope to th~ edge of the sandstone cliffs.
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