District Census Handbook, Sehore, Part XIII-B, Series-11

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District Census Handbook, Sehore, Part XIII-B, Series-11 1fTtT XIII-1I • • ~. m.~, "IT~"lf sr~m'f.ril'i hI fifa ";f'lJ1ll'ifJ ~sr~ 1981 CENSUS-PUBLICATION PLAN (1981 Census Publications, Series 11 in AlJ India Series will be published in the following parts) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PUBLICATIONS Part I-A Administration Report- Enumeration Part I-B, Administration Report-Tabulation Part II-A General Population Tables Part I1-B Primary Census Abstract Part III General Eco;<omic Tables Part IV Social and Cultural Tables Part V Migration Tables Part VI Fertility Tables Part VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population Part VlIl Household Tables .Part IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part X-A Town Directory Part X-B Survey Reports on selected Towns Part X-C Survey Reports on,~elected Villages Part XI Ethnographic Notes and special studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes I Part xh . Census Atlas Paper 1 of 1982 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tri~ Paper 1 of 1984 Household Population by, Religion of Head of Household STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Part XIlI-A&B District Census Handbook for each of tbe 45 districts in the State. (Village and Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract) CONTENTS ~~o Pages I SlT~"''' Foreworn i-iv 2 SI~\'fl""T Preface v-vi 3 f~~ !fiT ifm District Map 4 "~t"'!.oi qt!fi~ Important Statistics vii 5 ~~~I!{om,,~ f2:c"un Analytical Note ix-xlii alfTlS!fI~~ifi feClpri't, q'1~f~~ :jfrrcr I;fh q~~f'l'« Notes & Eltplanations: List of Scheduled :jf;:r~r·ij' "tiT 1lift (ij'1!f)~), fif eTlf'fi 1976; Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order f;;r(lfT :jfiflfUJifr ~fli'cr'fir !fir ~f~~rlJ tlT~ ~<r I (Amendment) Act, 1976, History and f"Q~q" T~lf'fi fi':tq'11T) Scope of District Census Handbook, Analytical Note a'~~'PTl if; ~&r Tahsil Maps 6 !!fui~1:n1"T~ I.mll !fiT ~'i!(T Alpbabetical List of Villagrs 1-37 (i) "T~t<: (f~lJT~ 1-5 ( ii) 9;i"]1ii':r ('f~lJT~ 6-10 (iii) ~~Tq'{ iJ~~ft~ 10-13 . (iv) 'iilJw~TlT ~ a~lJr<; 13-t6 (v) ~~;:rT iT~~ 17-19 (i) Sehore Tahsil 20-24 (ii) Ashta Tahsil 24-29 (iii) Ichbawar Ta hsiI 29-31 (iv) Nasrullaganj Tahsil 32-34 (v) Budni Tahsil 34-37 rr 'ififlfOliff !fiT SlT~f,,'Ii mmt PRIMAR Y CENSUS ABSTRACT 38-1~5 1J'~1~ ~~ !fiT limm Sehore District Abstract 38-41 (i) lJT~t~ \i~~l'T~ (ITnfrUJ ) Sehore Tahsil (Rural) 42-57 ( rrlT'\'hr) (Urban) 58-59 (ii) tlTlIU <:fQ'lJlor (lATI1Tllf ) Ashta Tahsil (Rural) 60-75 (if'Ttr'f ) (Urban) 76-77 cr~ Pages (iii) ~~cr: \'I~ (;;r11ftur) Ichhawar Tahsil (Rural) 78-85 (~I<r) (Urban) 86-87 ( i v) 'f {~iI'J'I1':if (j'~m(1 (m1'1lf) NasrulJaganj Tahsil (Rural) 88-97 (~\ tUrban) 96-97 Budni Tahsil (Rural) 98 -105 APPENDIX-Urban pnmary Census Abstract 106-113 Primary Cer.sus Abstract of SchrduJeu Castes l!4-117 Primary Cen~lIs Abstract of Scheduled Tribes i 18-121 APPEND IX-Development Blockwise Primary Census Abstract 122-125 APPENDIX-To"ns showing their outgrowth with pvpulation ) 26 ~i'fT ~fI'~ mr u~ ~ ;tt 11');: ~ "'~fffi'l CfT f~", 'l'T fifificCfl1 llTII' if ~ ,!flil"lH ~;9' ~, aT B'lI;tt f~ ;;ri'f~r It!i~T ~f[1Ifi'fT !liT 1:!;!Ii or~~(_;q ~qt;I'f.s ~ I ~r \1T ~. I !fllf fifif~IfiT ~ q;r1l'11fi) ~;;: alit<: ifi ..a­ f~r ;;r;:rfl'lJ1ifT ~fur~ 'Ii')' If):or;rr fifllfONl. ~HJ'I\1, milt !Hl1ror ~h it :a~.u lIltffi ~tcrf\'fi 'lfCfUIlI'T, I'm­ f<f[m ~h: lI',!lT9T"I' ~i~T If)) ifT<-ifT~ m~l(!fif\(fr §m1 ~ l_l;f'-ianfi '>T'h: if'!' B'q'lITli if,r f"'!ill') if; ilrt ij an­ ~ I iA'~ Offal iii Ur'f-IiTT'f ~!J ,!fmlf)T 'liT ~)lT fif~fqil' oqTIf'fi ~ 1{1lrf<r~c ifi<;it ~ ~ '>TT~r <fir '"Tffil ~ fifi !lIit tfal iif; qfufmif, li'fpftlt «r~) iif; f<lanUf 9;1'1\ eT'·fTlf II'T~~mflf If)~r il '~rT<nlJm '>T~I~ ~f ~T ",1Iit(t I ~ij~. lf~TlT ;;r;:rf,t it '1ft f'fiQ'T orTID ~ I tr~ «!fur~ f;;r~T snrr!JiI' if iticr<1T f~T::rTli ei'F;!'1 it ll')i;r.rr ~lfT\ rn if ~iiTlfCfT f1r~'T) :q~rif it '111 tr~rlf!!i I!ToT ~ I f~T ;;r;rfI'UfI'fT ~~!!il ~r Q;'f; '>Tfq-~ Ifr~ $l-R ~lfT9;fl !!iT '111 fifRlfflfa rn ~1'\ fq<mf If~ ~r lI!!illlFi ~ f:or«e- iTJI')Gr eT'lj) iif; ~T1lr !iff"( alii ~ srf.t;IfT it ~TlI' 9;f~2;iiI;.r '¥IT if\It ifi\~ ft 'I1T ~i'l:Tll;OT fmrli'T I ~ Sl'ciflli iffI'"(flt elF;!' it; ~Ti 'In lIT'lffi:r!!i ;;rrrfl'l!fifT!JR it; ~WTf&Cf rl[;;CfJl' iA'Ti.I'~'fi(l'T 'fiT,*~1t lfir '!j~ '>TT'fVlfIfKl'T~l III't'li~ ~~;;?1 ~Rt ~ I ~!Jit lJllff lII"h iffI'~T ilnf~ if ~iS liir ~fu if; ~if ~oifllCf ~if'fiT1;"t 'fiT ~~ ~ ifi' 'iT~ Iff iA'fflf"{!!i l!f<r~'«T ifi int if 'iff ;;rTifIliTU flt<1Tof ~ I ~ I it >r-t lfio ~ : SlT~ fllT!llT iplf, 'STT'lflfif. 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