Physico-Chemical and Statistical Analysis of Upper Lake Water in Bhopal Region of Madhya Pradesh, India

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Physico-Chemical and Statistical Analysis of Upper Lake Water in Bhopal Region of Madhya Pradesh, India International Journal of Lakes and Rivers. ISSN 0973-4570 Volume 13, Number 1 (2020), pp. 1-16 © Research India Publications Physico-Chemical and Statistical Analysis of Upper Lake Water in Bhopal Region of Madhya Pradesh, India Mohammad Faisal Khan College of Science & Theoretical Studies Saudi Electronic University, Riyadh, KSA. ABSTRACT Lake Water samples were collected from fifteen (15) locations during pre and post monsoon season. The physico-chemical parameters such as Total Alkalinity, Carbonate Alkalinity, Bi-Carbonate Alkalinity, Total Hardness, Ca Hardness, Mg Hardness, Ca Content, Mg Content, Chloride, Phosphate, Total Phosphoras, Organic Phosphoras, Nitrate, Biological Oxigen Demand and Chemical Oxigen Demand were analyzed to know the present status of the lakewater quality. After statistical analysis it was cleared that the positive co-relationship occurred between the attributes and attributes are independent to each other and these varied according to locations. Key words: upper lake, physico-chemical parameters, India. 2010 MSC NO: 62J10, 62H86, 62P12. INTRODUCTION: Upper lake is an east westerly elongated typical tropical lake, was built by king Bhoj of Dhar (1,000-1,055) by constructing a massive earthen structures across Kolans River. The lake has catchment area of 361 km2 with a water submergence length of 12 km and maximum width of 1.75 km at Full Tank Level. Available records reveal that the lake area was approximately 2 km2 in the beginning. In 1963 the water spread area of the lake increased form 13.8 km2 to maximum of 36.1 km2 by constructing 11 radial gates at Bhadbhada waste weir. 2 Mohammad Faisal Khan Catchment area of the lake falls into geographically separated two different administrative units (districts). 84 villages in the catchment support population of approximately 0.3 million. 80% of the catchment is rural which has agriculture as predominant land use covering roughly 251 km2 of the catchment. The excess water from this lake overflows into another lake called Kaliasot through the waste weir constructed in the west end of the lake. This water finds its way into Yamuna River through Betwa River. Bhopal Municipal Corporation is the principal custodian of this lake. On the lake embankment is a garden and the road laid on it that connects the old city with the new which shows fast urban development. Recently two new roads have been built, one across the lake and the other running along its east shoreline. Deccan trap basalt and Vindhyan sand stones are the principal rock formation of Bhopal district. These traps have low porosity and permeability and therefore not favourable for ground water storage. Weathering of the basalt rocks has given rise to black cotton soil in the region. The lake is primarily used for drinking water supply to the city. Other uses include tourism, navigation fisheries and entertainment. Most of these are in harmony with the sustenance of lake ecology. For large number of fishermen families it is a source of livelihood. In the past, the major threats to this lake have been the untreated sewage waste water entering the lake from its urban catchment and the non point sources of waste water and solid waste emanating from human activities in its fringe area. Apart from this, what still exists, is the siltation of this lake due to the soil eroded from its predominantly agriculture catchment which is drained by surface runoff carrying soil and agrochemicals. The lake ecosystem was infested by macrophytic growth in its littoral area and floating weeds spreading over the lake. Water quality also deteriorated due to these threats. A major lake conservation and management project was undertaken by the state government with support from the then Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (OECF) Japan. Successful implementation and still continuing efforts by the state has significantly improved its ecological status as reflected in its improved water quality, biological diversity, fish productivity and overall ecohydrology Wld (2019, November). Correlation Matrix: The correlation matrix of n random variables X1, ..., Xn is the n . n matrix whose i,j entry is corr(Xi, Xj). If the measures of correlation used are product-moment coefficients, the correlation matrix is the same as the covariance matrix of the Physico-Chemical and Statistical Analysis of Upper Lake Water in Bhopal... 3 standardized random variables Xi / σ (Xi) for i = 1, ..., n. This applies to both the matrix of population correlations (in which case "σ" is the population standard deviation), and to the matrix of sample correlations (in which case "σ" denotes the sample standard deviation). Consequently, each is necessarily a positive-semidefinite matrix. Analysis of Variance [9, p.256-258] Analysis of variance (abbreviated as ANOVA) is an extremely useful technique concerning researches in the fields of economics, biology, education, psychology, sociology, and business/industry and in researches of several other disciplines. This technique is used when multiple sample cases are involved. As stated earlier, the significance of the difference between the means of two samples can be judged through either z-test or the t-test, but the difficulty arises when we happen to examine the significance of the difference amongst more than two sample means at the same time. The ANOVA technique enables us to perform this simultaneous test and as such is considered to be an important tool of analysis in the hands of a researcher. Using this technique, one can draw inferences about whether the samples have been drawn from populations having the same mean. The ANOVA technique is important in the context of all those situations where we want to compare more than two populations such as in comparing the yield of crop from several varieties of seeds, the gasoline mileage of four automobiles, the smoking habits of five groups of university students and so on. In such circumstances one generally does not want to consider all possible combinations of two populations at a time for that would require a great number of tests before we would be able to arrive at a decision. This would also consume lot of time and money, and even then certain relationships may be left unidentified (particularly the interaction effects). Therefore, one quite often utilizes the ANOVA technique and through it investigates the differences among the means of all the populations simultaneously. In short, we have to make two estimates of population variance viz., one based on between samples variance and the other based on within samples variance. Then the said two estimates of population variance are compared with F-test, wherein we work out. F Estimate of population variance based on between samples variance/Estimate of population variance based on within samples variance. This value of F is to be compared to the F-limit for given degrees of freedom. If the F value we work out is equal or exceeds the F-limit value (to be seen from F tables), we may say that there are significant differences between the sample means. 4 Mohammad Faisal Khan Location map of the Study area Physico-Chemical and Statistical Analysis of Upper Lake Water in Bhopal... 5 SAMPLE COLLECTION: The sampling locations consist of upper lake area. Lake water samples were collected from fifteen (15) locations during pre and post monsoon season. Samples were collected in plastic container to avoid unpredictable changes in characteristic as per standard procedure (APHA, 1998). PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF UPPER LAKE WATER: The collected samples were analyzed for different physico-chemical parameters such as Total alkalinity, Carbonet alkalinity, Bi-Carbonet alkalinity, Total hardness, Ca hardness, Mg hardness, Ca content, Mg content, Chloride,Phosphate,Total Phosphorus, Org. Phosphorus, Nitrate, BOD and COD as per the standard methods (APHA, 1998). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The water quality analysis of different locations of Lake water samples have been carried out for Total alkalinity, Carbonet alkalinity, Bi-Carbonet alkalinity, Total hardness, Ca hardness, Mg hardness, Ca content, Mg content, Chloride, Phosphate,Total Phosphorus, Org. Phosphorus, Nitrate, BOD and COD. The status of water quality of these lake water sources is presented in table 1 and 2. The BOD exceed 3 mg/l, it affects congulation and rapid sand-filtration processes conventional water treatment plants, requiring expensive advanced water treatment.COD contents are very high. High COD interferes with oxygen transfer to the soil, resulting death of rice plants. Total alkalinity value of lake water samples varied between 41.8mg/l to 89mg/l and 47mg/i to 90mg/l during pre and post monsoon season respectively. The Total alkalinity value of Barkheda Salam area lake water was found to be 89mg/l and 90mg/l during pre and post monsoon season respectively. Chloride in all samples is below the standard desirable limit. Total hardness in all the samples were found to be within the limit. Values are slightly higher in post monsoon than pre monsoon season. Magnesium was found to be within the limit. Nitrate concentrate were very less in all area. Dissolved Phosphates are under the desirable limits. STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF DATA Correlation matrix was prepared within the studied parameters in pre and post moonsoon and tabulated in Table 3 and Table 4 for determining the relationship between the physico-chemical variables. Two way analysis of variance was applied and tabulated in Table 5 and Table 6 to know the similarities
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