Triassic (199 - 236 Ma Time-Slice)

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Triassic (199 - 236 Ma Time-Slice) Late Triassic (199 - 236 Ma time-slice) CHRONOS Updated by James G. Ogg (Purdue University) and Gabi Ogg to: GEOLOGIC TIME SCALE 2004 (Gradstein, F.M., Ogg, J.G., Smith, A.G., et al., 2004) and The CONCISE GEOLOGIC TIME SCALE (Ogg, J.G., Ogg, G., and Gradstein, F.M., 2008) {See chapter on the Triassic Period in The Concise Geologic Time Scale (Ogg, J.G., Ogg, G., and Gradstein, F.M.; 2008; Cambridge Univ. Press) for potential revisions in Triassic time scale and zonations} Sponsored, in part, by: Based, in part, on: CENOZOIC-MESOZOIC BIOCHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY: JAN HARDENBOL, JACQUES THIERRY, MARTIN B. FARLEY, THIERRY JACQUIN, PIERRE-CHARLES DE GRACIANSKY, AND PETER R. VAIL,1998. ICS Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sequence Chronostratigraphic Framework of European Basins in: De Graciansky, P.- C., Hardenbol, J., Jacquin, Th., Vail, P. R., and Farley, M. B., eds.; Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sequence Stratigraphy of European Basins, SEPM Special Publication 60. Standard Geomagnetic Ammonites Conodonts Sequences Larger Benthic Foraminifers Calcareous Nannofossils Dinoflagellate Cysts Radiolarians Pelecypods Ostracodes Spores / Pollen Stage Age Chronostratigraphy Polarity North Atlantic Tethys Age Zones Zones T-R Major T-R Zones Charo- phytes N. America Sequences Period Epoch Stage Substage Primary Secondary Boreal High Boreal Tethyan (Orchard & Tozer, 1997) Tethys (Kozur, 2003) Zonal Markers Global, Tethyan Cycles Cycles Zones Tethyan markers Zonal Markers Zones Boreal Zonal Markers Zones Zonal Markers Tethyan Dinocysts (Kozur, 2003) Zonal Markers Siberia Boreal Ostracodes Alpine/Germanic Arctic Caloceras Caloceras johnstoni 199.2 He 1.1 Psiloceras planorbis johnstoni Psiloceras planorbis No zone assignment NJ1 Jurassic Early Hettangian Psiloceras planorbis Ektyphocythere moorei, Hettangian Psiloceras 199.6 Schizosphaerella punctulata Schizosphaerella punctulata Ogmoconchella aspinata 199.6 Misikella ultima He 1 199.6 planorbis Triasina hantkeni, Galeanella Prinsiosphaera triassica, Prinsiosphaera triassica, Ogmoconcha moorei Limbosporites lundbladii, C. Limbosporites lundbladii, R. Extinction of CONODONTS Rhaetogonyaulax rhaetica, panticae, Galeanella laticarinata Eoconusphaera ziambachensis, Eoconusphaera ziambachensis, rhaeticus, R. tuberculatus, tuberculatus, A. laevigatus Suessia swabiana, Beaumontella? Norigondolella sp. Crucirhabdus minutus, Crucirhabdus minutus, Ovalipollis pseudoalatus, Norigondolella sp. (N.Amer.), caminuspina, Sverdrupiella 200 200 Archaeozygodiscus koessenensis Archaeozygodiscus koessenensis Rhaetipollis germanicus Misikella ultima (Tethys) 200.3 mutabilis Rhaet Choristoceras marshi Rh2 W. listeri, R. wigginsi, Ogmoconcha bristolensis -N? Rhaetogonyaulax rhaetica (LCO) Misikella posthernsteini Laxtorum perfectum series Ogmoconcha moorei, O. Austrian Tosapecten bristolensis Choristoceras crickmayi Choristoceras marshi Cypridodella mosheri (?), efimovae G. rudis G. rudis Cypridodella bidentata, Cypridodella postera DSJ1 Vandaites 201.6 Tosapecten Ogmoconcha martini E24 Rh1 Rhaetian stuerzenbaumi efimovae Rhaetian Misikella posthernsteini C. rhaeticus, Limbosporites Valvaeodinium koessianum R. penshurtensis lundbladii Cypridodella mosheri Praecitriduma mostleri Retic Enzonalosporites vigens, V. P. ornatus E23 -N2 ignacii, Patinasporites densus Triasina hantkeni Retic Camptonectes Cochloceras amoenum Sagenites reticulatus -R1 nanus Dapcodinium priscum, Suessia Sqinabolella? trispinosa Cypridodella mosheri, Misikella Obliquipithonella rhombica Obliquipithonella rhombica swabiana, B. langii, Q. anelliformis, Rhaetipollis E22 posthernsteini (calcisphere) (calcisphere) Beaumontella? caminuspina L. validus germanicus 203.6 R. wicheri 203.6 B. deweveri, C. deweveri, P. V. ignacii Retic-N1 spinosa Rhabdoceras suessi Monotis R. rueggeri subcircularis E21 Quin-R1 Gnomohalorites Sagenites Monotis Sevatian Quin- cordilleranus quinquepunctatus Cypridodella bidentata NT2b ochotica 205 N1 205 Cypridodella bidentata Betraccium deweveri Monotis zabaikalika 205.6 No2 Triasina hantkeni R. gracilis Cypridodella bidentata (N.Amer.) Triasina oberhauseri Arctic: Sverdrupiella spp., S. Hemisphere: H. balmei V. ignacii (common), G. rudis Noricysta spp., Heibergella spp. (common) E20 Macer-R2 5 unnamed s.z. Cypridodella serrulata Monotis Halorites macer pinensis Cypridodella serrulata Macer-N1 4 Amarassites semiplicatus E19 Macer Arctic: Sverdrupiella spp., Monotis Rhaetipollis germanicus, Noricysta spp., Hebecysta spp. Perinopollenites elatoides -R1 Cypridodella postera scutiformis Mesohimavatites 3 Cypridodella postera Cypridodella postera columbianus E18 Himavatites hogarti Crucirhabdus primulus Crucirhabdus primulus Aulisporites astigmosus, F. Hogar-N1 Cypridodella elongata Monotis Alaunian laevigata 2 Himavatites hogarti Cypridodella elongata daonellaeformis Crucirhabdus minutus (coccolith), Crucirhabdus minutus (coccolith), Himavatites watsoni Archaeozygodiscus Archaeozygodiscus Cypridodella spiculata Cypridodella spiculata koessenensis (Ioxolith) koessenensis (Ioxolith) Otapiria E17 1 rhaetica Hogar-R1 ussuriensis Eoconusphaera ziambachensis Eoconusphaera ziambachensis Cypridodella spiculata 210 (nannolith, Incertae sedis) (nannolith, Incertae sedis) Auerbachichara 210 Norian P. mosellanum (common) Norian 2 Cyrtopleurites Cypridodella Cypridodella Drepanites rutherfordi to N2 bicrenatus multidentata multidentata Bicren-R1 Perinopollenites elatoides, M. 1 Triasina fuscus, K. (Heliosporites) Cypridodella multidentata oberhauseri S. Hemisphere: H. balmei reissingeri C. triassica 211.5 Kyrtomisporis spp. (common), E16 2 No1 Limbosporites lundbladii, R. P. (Cerebrupollenites) tuberculatus macroverrucosus Juvavites magnus Juvavites magnus 1 Epigondolella NT2a Magnus-N Epigondolella triangularis - triangularis Norigondolella 3 unnamed s.z. hallstattensis Malay Region -R3 Mediteranean Wangoceras Epigondolella triangularis Malayites dawsoni 2 Malayites paulckei Malayites paulckei E15 seimkanense C. obvius Prinsiosphaera triassica Prinsiosphaera triassica to N3 1 Malayites tingriensis (nannolith, Incertae sedis) (nannolith, Incertae sedis) Lacian Malay-N1 Epigondolella quadrata Epigondolella quadrata Late Metapolygnathus carpathica Pterosirenites obrucevi Epigondolella quadrata 2 Dimorphites selectus 215 215 Pinacoceras Stikinoceras kerri Guembelites jandianus E14 verkhoyanikum Metapolygnathus Epigondolella orchardi 1 Dimorphites n.sp.1 primitius - N. navicula Jand-N1 Q. anelliformi, Kyrtomisporis spp. G.(Corollina) zwolinska, Triasina oberhauseri, Galeanella Orthopithonella geometrica Orthopithonella geometrica Rhaetogonyaulax rhaetica, (common), Chasmatosporites Chasmatosporites spp., G. rudis panticae, Galeanella laticarinata (calcisphere) (calcisphere) Heibergella spp. S. Hemisphere: W. listeri spp.(common) 216.5 (common) 216.5 Orthopithonella misurinae, Orthopithonella misurinae, P. dercourti T. verrucata, T. (Patinasporites) Duplicisporites granulatus, Obliquipithonella prasina, Obliquipithonella prasina, toralis, S. worsleyi Spin Metapolygnathus primitius Camerosporites secatus, T. Carnicalyxia tabellata, Carnicalyxia tabellata, -R2 Klamathites verrucata Sirenites yakutiensis Gonionotites italicus Cassianospica curvata Cassianospica curvata macrolobatus Metapolygnathus Carnepigondolella communisti pseudodiebeli Metapolygnathus communisti, Carnepigondolella pseudodiebelli Metapolygnathus polygnathiformis Corollina spp. Anatropites spinosus I. rieberi, I. chitonoides E13 Spino-N2 Spin 218.1 (eastern USA) Newark basin Discotropites plinii Car4 -R1 Spin S. Hemisphere: Suessia -N1 swabiana Corollina spp. upper Carnepigondolella zoae Carnepigondolella zoae Infernopollenites spp. Triassic Triassic Tropites welleri Tropites subbullatus Aulotortus praegaschei E12 Tuvalian Carnepigondolella zoae (?) NT1 S. Hemisphere: R. wigginsii M. fuscus Tropites subbullatus Staurosaccites quadrifidius 220 Neosirenites 220 pentastichus Projuvavites lower crasseplicatus Metapolygnathus Metapolygnathus carpathica carpathica R. tuberculatus Metapolygnathus carpathica, E11 Carnepigondolella lindae 221.4 Car3 Tropites dilleri Tropites dilleri P. postinclinata - Metapolygnathus polygnathiformis (un-named) Carnian Carnian E10 Austro Gladigondolella tethydis K. germanica Partitisporites novimundanus, Aulisporites astigmosus, -N2 Lagenella martinii, Praecirculina granifer, Staurosaccites "Neoprotrachyceras" quadrifidus Sirenites nanseni Neoprotrachyceras seimkanense thuringia Stellatochara Austro-R1 224.1 K. germanica E9 Austrotrachyceras Car2 austriacum Austro -N1 EARLIEST NANNOFOSSILS = EARLIEST NANNOFOSSILS = Metapolygnathus Orthopithonella misurinae and Orthopithonella misurinae and Obliquipithonella prasina Obliquipithonella prasina Tetraporobrachia Infernopollenites spp. "Protrachyceras" Austrotrachyceras polygnathiformis Austrtrachyceras obesum (calcispheres), Carnicalyxia (calcispheres), Carnicalyxia haeckeli 225 omkutchani triadicum tabellata and Cassianospica tabellata and Cassianospica 225 Gladigondolella curvata (nannoliths, Incertae curvata (nannoliths, Incertae sedis) sedis) tethydis - G. (Corollina) meyeriana, Partitisporites quadruplices Metapolygnathus S. brotz. alpina T. verrucata polygnathiformis I.Z. Julian Budurovignahus diebeli Kuglerina meieri, A. klausii Trachy-R2 Trachy-R2 E8 Stolleyites tenuis Trachyceras aonoides Trachyceras Trach Stolleyites tenuis -N1 debatoyense Trachyceras Trach Stolley. planus -R1 Trachyceras aon [un-named] Patinasporites densus, P. dercourti, C. triassica, C. Camarozonosporites rudis, V. Metapolygnathus polygnathiformis
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