3 1 5 Written Answers APRIL 2, 1992 Written Answers 3 1 6 Dred Of
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3 1 5 Written Answers APRIL 2, 1992 Written Answers 3 16 dred of processions are taken out in the city. ported terrorism. However, we felt and it was Thousands of people congregate at temples expressed on the Floorofthe Security Coun- and offer Puja in the capital on this day. If it cil by our permanent representative that this is not done, the Government would be re- sudden impOSition of sanction without wait- sponsible for not dischargeing its religious ing for the judicial process to run its course, responsibility. I demand that Ram Navami without corpoting the diplomatic process, be declared a holiday. without allowing multi-dimensional and multi- faceted efforts to succeed was premature. SHRI B.L. SHARMAPREM (East Delhi): Our permanent representative objected to it In 1985, a representation with ten lakh signa- and said that this had Resolution had already tures was submitted to the President. As a complicated a very complex situation; and result of that Gyani Zali Singh gave an he pleaded that this Resolution is vague and assurance to declare it a holiday. I am of the should be made more precise in order to view that Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism, Arya establish the condition for imposing s-anction Samaj and Sanatan Dharm are all parts of and for lifting them. He also referred to the Hindu society. Hindus are in majority in this judicial process going on in the International country. As such holidays should be decided Court of Justice; and he wanted the council on the basis of majority. (Interruptions) to slow. SHRI KALKA DAS (Karolbagh): Mr. India is the coordinator of the Non- Deputy Speaker, Sir, it is a serious matter. I Aligned Group in the United Nations today; condemn the Government for this. It is also and we held a meeting of the Non-Aligned against secularism. Holidays on the birth- Group; and it was pleaded on behalf of the days of prophets are being observed for all Non-Aligned Group that just 15 days should religions but it is unwarranted that Ram be allowed for these processes and these Navami has been deleted from the list of efforts to be completed. But the Super Power holidays. I request the Government to think could not accept even this plea. We feel seriously and take adecision to continue this absolutely hurt and we feel agonised at the holiday not only in Delhi but all over India as behavior of this Super Power, the United has been the practice therefore. States. However, finally, India was over whened by this pressure and it abstained on [English] this Resolution. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN Having led the battle against the Reso- (Kishanganj): Mr Deputy Speaker, Sir, on lution, we do not have the courage, we do not 31 st March, the United Nations Security have the moral stamina to stand up to the Council adopted a Resolution importing sanc- Bully and to oppose the Resolution. Two tions against Libya with effect from April 15, other States, I am sorry to say, Venezuela 1992. and Equador, which are Members of the Non-AlignedGroup, which are geograhically This Resolution was adopted by a note and perhaps economically very close to the of 10 to 0 with five abstentions. The Resolu- United States and therefore much more tion was sponsored by the United States, the under the pressure, supported th'e Resolu- United Kingdom and France. This Resolu- tion. Had these two Non-Aligned cOiJntries, tion is nothing more than an assertion of not broken rank, the Resolution would not dominance by a Super Power. It is an impo- have been adopted. This is a critical situa- sition of Pax Americana under which the tion, a momentforconsideration of the effec- entire world is being forced into subjection. tiveness 01 the Non-Aligned Movement. As a State, we are totally opposed to I hope and believe that our representa- international terrorism, and we have always tive in the United Nations and ol~r Foreign opposed a State-sponsored and State-sup- office shall continue to plead for restraint, lor 3 1 7 Written Answers CHAITRA 13, 1914 (SAKA) Written Answers 31 8 caution and not taking this Resolution to its that there is a substantial change in the logical conclusion and imposing a war-like foreign policy olthe Government of India and situation over the world. now the Government is slowly succumbing to the pressures of the Western Powers. We SHRI MOHAMMAD YUNUS SALEEM raise our voice against this policy and this (Katihar): I want to support this point raised matter will not be left here. If this is going to by Mr. Shahabuddin Syed. (Interruptions) be imposed, everybody will come out of this You knoVvthat I very seldom requestfortime. House and we will raise ourvoice against this Now this is such an important matter that I high-handedness. Libya is not just one mat- want to say something. ter. It is a matter of the entire world from the humanitarian point of view . • Whatever Mr. Shahabuddin Syed has said and a very important question that he What is happening in Iraq? The sanc- has raised goes to the root of our foreign tions have been imposed. Children are dying policy. We have bee" claiming to be a Non- for want of food. They are not getting milk. Aligned country. Whatever has happened in People are dying for want of medicines. They UNO, India, as has been rightly pointed out are not getting medicines. Is this the way the by Mr. Shahabuddin Syed, should have voted big powers are going to treat the developing against this Resolution, which is aconspiracy countries? of Big Power, Western Power against the Arab countries and Muslim countries. I fully support the pOints which have been raised by Shri Syed Shahabuddin. The first target was Saddam Hussein. How the second target is Libya; and I do not [ Translation] know which is going to be the third target. The sanction is which has been imposed on SHRI RAM PRASAD SINGH Libya is m6st inhuman; and India cannot (Bikramganj): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, tolera;e such highhandedness of Big Power. through you, I would like to raise a very important matter with a sad heart. Today the I submit before you that when there is a House is discussing the spread of terrorism question of the extradition· ;'Jnder inlerna- in the whole country, but the Government is tionallaw and law of the land, some proce- taking no sleps to curb terrorism in time. I dure has got 10 be observed for seeking want to say that the inaccessible Vindhya extradition of some accused. persons. It is and Camoor Mills where the borders of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar common knowledge that suppose a country meet are becoming terrorist bases. Terror- wants the citizen of another country to be ists from Orissa, Bihar, and West Bengal extradited, that country has got to submit all take refuge there after committing crimes. It the prima facie evidence in support of all the was reported in the newspapers in Decem- charges against that person and when that ber that criminals of Bara incident took ref- evidence is satisfactory and is approved by uge in these hills. Terrorists of U.P. and M.P. the other country, only then extradition pro- take refuge there. So, I want that the Central ceedings can take·place. Government should set up Army Canton- ments in these hills and link them with high- We know that Shri Salman Rushdie is a ways so as to curb the terrorist menace and person who has become notorious. Sup- stop hills being used as terrorist hide outs. pose, India wants the United Kingd0f"!1 to extradite himto prosecute him, then the U.K. [English] will not agree without any evidence. SHRIMATI MALINI Therefore, I submit with great respect, BHAn ACHARA YA(Jadavpur): Sir, while that the Government of India should revise supporting what the hon. Shti Shphabuddin its policy. I have been very carefully watching has said, on India's stand on Libya, I would 3 t 9 Written Answers APRIL 2, 1992 Written Answers 320 refer to another instance of such attempted· ment would allow us a separate discussion inroads of imperialism into the developing onthecoming Earth Summit at RiodeJaneiro. countries. The United Nations Convention on Environment and Development is going THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE to start in Riode Janeiro between the 1st and MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARYAFFAIRS the 12th of June and this will centre around AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- many controversial issues affecting the de- TRY OF LAW, JUSTICE AND COMPANY veloping countries. One issue is that of AFFAIRS (SHRI RANGARAJAN global environment facility which is a fund KUMARAMANGALAM): Sir, I have a lot of proposed to be floated by the World Bank respect for Shrimati Malini Bhattacharya. and such other agencies of the United Na- But, I think, sweeping allegation between tions. Members of the House is not lair. I would like to inform her that if she would have heard me India has always opposed this proposal out carefully in the Question Hour, I categori- because they feel that in this proposal be- cally stated that our stand on the World cause they feel that in this proposal there is Environment Global facility has not changed. a bias towards the donor countries and to I have stated categoricaily. I ihink she has accept this would mean to hamper both heard me. I had also told her that was the development and environment protection in facility which really is a fund being created is the developing countries.