An Investigation Into the Influence of British Newspaper Narratives on Contemporary Discourse Around Children
Title of thesis: Anatomy of an endemic juvenile panic: an investigation into the influence of British newspaper narratives on contemporary discourse around children. Candidate name: James Gordon Morrison Institution name: Goldsmiths College, University of London Degree for which submitted: PhD 1 Declaration I confirm that this thesis and the research it contains is my work alone, and that all secondary material (where used) has been fully referenced. Signed: ...................................................................................... James Morrison 2 Abstract Children occupy an ever-more prominent position in public discourse in late-modern Britain, with politicians, news media and other key definers consistently depicting childhood as inherently problematic. Popular portrayals of juveniles tend to conceive of them as being subject to multifarious ‘risks’, with younger children, in particular, considered vulnerable to all manner of threats – from illnesses and medical emergencies to technological perils to the predations of deviant elements in society. When not threatened themselves, moreover, they are frequently depicted as presenting a menace to others, in a manner redolent of earlier moral panics about subversive youth sub-cultures. Drawing on a rich literature of research into news- making, textual framing and media reception, this thesis uses a triangulated methodology to explore the interplay between contemporary newspaper journalists, their sources of news, the narratives they weave, and (actual or potential) members of their audiences. It argues that the dominant, at times paradoxical, positioning of children – by press and public alike – as either or both of victims and threats amounts to an endemic ‘juvenile panic’, which is rooted in a continuum of ambivalences about minors that can be traced through history.
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