Syracuse Metro LWV Syracuse Metro LWV PO Box 11862 Syracuse NY 13218 First Wednesday Luncheon Phone: (315) 396-8225 Wednesday, November 7, 2018 Email: [email protected] Web Sites: 1:00 PM Local: State: The room is ours at 12:30. Please arrive early to order lunch so National: we can start our conversation promptly at 1:00 PM.

Tony’s Restaurant Calendar Tuesday, Nov. 6 3004 Burnet Avenue Election Day (Between Midler Av & Thompson Rd) Wednesday, Nov. 7 Syracuse 13206 First Wednesday Luncheon Topics of the day include a wrap up of election day activities and INSIDE THIS ISSUE post election results and their impact on the LWV agenda. ELECTION INFO




COUNTDOWN TO ELECTION Please join us - all are welcome Oct. 30th - Last day to apply for absen- tee ballot by mail - RSVP BY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH - Nov. 5th - Last day to apply for absentee ballot in person - Reply to this email with your reservation or questions - November 5th - Mailed ballot must be - or call 315-396-8225 - postmarked Nov. 6th - Ballot deliver to BOE in per- son - We will order off the menu -

Election Day November 6th

Polls open 6am-9pm

The League of Women Voters of State has Officers Launched its Electronic Voter Guide: Leadership Team... Joan Durant Joan Johnson Margrit Diehl Roberta Millert Secretary… Diane Dwire Treasurer…. Roberta Millert


Education Margrit Diehl Environmental Issues Marguerite Dormer Local Programs Jessica Bumpus This new electronic guide includes information for candi- Membership … Heather Allison Waters dates running in the November election. Each candidate has Public Relations… Andrea Wandersee a profile that contains their social media and campaign web- Voter Service… Joan Durant sites, contact information, and information about their posi- tion on issues related to health care, education, environment Directors-at-large... Michele Jones Galvin and other issues. Charles Gowing Sandra Gowing Ann Jamison Sylvia Matousek Gubernatorial Debate Update After several failed attempts to secure a media co-sponsor, the League of Off-Board Positions Women Voters of New York State is Budget Director…. Erin Leigh Darnley hosting a gubernatorial debate on its Membership Data Base... Roberta Millert Nominating Committee….. Ona Bregman own. The event will be held at the Col- Kerin Rigney lege of Saint Rose in Albany on Ann Magnarelli st Thursday, November 1 at 6:00PM. It will be livestreamed on LWVNY’s Technical Support… Roberta Millert Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

All media will be invited to attend. At this time four of the The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political or- five candidates agree to participate. Details including mod- ganization encourages the informed and active participation erator and debate format will be released next week. Follow of citizens in government and influences public policy us on Facebook and Twitter to get real time updates through education and advocacy. For more information please call the League office at 315 396-8225 or by email at To help cover the cost of the filming company and secu- [email protected] rity for the venue, the League has established a GoFundMe account. Donations are directed to the LWVNYS Education Fund and are tax deductible. Diversity Statement

The Syracuse Metropolitan League of Women Voters is New Yorkers need to make informed decisions. Candidates committed to diversity and pluralism, which means there need to be heard on where they stand on the issues. Political shall be no barriers to participation in any League activity on ads, often paid for by undisclosed sources, do not give voters the basis of age, race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual the information they are looking for and are often misleading orientation, religion, economic status, or national origin. and in error.

As we prepare for our 100 th anniversary the League re- mains a source of non-partisan information about candidates in order that voters can cast an informed vote.


DECIDE WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IN A CANDIDATE What are their positions on the issues? Are they issues you care about? What are their leadership qualities and experience – Intelligence? Honesty? Communications skills?

FIND OUT ABOUT THE CANDIDATES Call your local Board of Elections Call your local political party headquarters Check out candidate’s websites and campaign literature Pay attention to television and radio ads and reports Read your local newspaper Attend debates and forums For incumbents, check their voting records on the issues you care about

LEARN ABOUT THEIR LEADERSHIP SKILLS Look at their background and experience – are they prepared for the job? Observe their campaigns – do they accept speaking engagements to debate? Do they avoid serious questions?

LEARN WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK ABOUT THE CANDIDATES Talk to your neighbors, friends, relatives, political volunteers




SEE THROUGH DISTORTION TECHNIQUES Name calling? Rumor mongering? Catchwords? Passing the blame? Promising the impossible? Evading Issues?

SORT IT ALL OUT What candidates’ views on the issues do you agree with? Who ran the fairest campaign? Which candidates showed the most knowledge of the issues? Which candidates have the leadership qualities you are looking for?



DEM - Democrat GRE - Green LBN - Libertarian REP - Republican IND - Independence SAM - Serve America Movement CON - Conservative WEP - Women’s Equality UJP - Upstate Jobs WOR - Working Family CIT - Citizen Party


US Senator: Comptroller: DEM Kirsten E Gillibrand DEM Thomas P DiNapoli REP Chele Chiavacci Farley REP Jonathan Trichter CON Chele Chiavacci Farley CON Jonathan Trichter WOR Kirsten E Gillibrand GRE Mark Dunlea IND Kirsten E Gillibrand WOR Thomas P DiNapoli WEP Kirsten E Gillibrand IND Thomas P DiNapoli REF Chele Chiavacci Farley WEP Thomas P DiNaPoli REF Thomas P DiNapoli Representative 24 th Congressional District: LBN Cruger E Gallaudet Dem Dana Balter REP John M Katko Attorney Genera l: CON John M Katko DEM Letitia A James WOR Dana Balter REP Keith Wofford IND John M Katko CON Keith Wofford WEP Dana Balter GRE Michael Sussman REF John M Katko WOR Letitia A James IND Letitia A James NEW YORK STATE REF Nancy B Sliwa LBN Christopher B Garvey : DEM Andrew M Cuomo Justice of Supreme Court (Vote for 4): REP DEM Scott J Delconte CON Marc Molinaro DEM Ted Limpert GRE Howie Hawkins DEM Christina Cagnina WOR Andrew Cuomo DEM Joseph Cote IND Andrew M Cuomo REP Karen M Brandt WEP Andrew M Cuomo REP Gerry Neri REF Marc Molinaro REP James P Murphy SAM REP Donald A Greenwood LBN Larry Sharpe CON Scott J Delconte CON Geri Neri Lieutenant Governor: CON James P Murphy DEM Kathy C Hochul CON Donald A Greenwood REP Julie Killian IND Scott Delconte CON Julie Killian IND Gerry Neri GRE Jia Lee IND James P Murphy WOR Jumaane Williams IND Donald A Greenwood IND Kathy C Hochul WEP Kathy C Hochul State Senator 50th District: REF Julie Killian DEM John W Mannion SAM Michael J Volpe REP Robert E Antonacci ll LBN Andrew C Hollister CON Robert E Antonnaci ll WOR John W Mannion IND Robert E Antonacci ll WEP John W Mannion UJP Robert E Antonacci ll

4 NEW YORK STATE (continued ) CITY OF SYRACUSE State Senator 53rd District: City Court Judge :

DEM Rachel May DEM Ann L Magnarelli REP Janet Beryl Burman REP Jason B Zeigler CON Janet Beryl Burnan CON Jason B Ziegler WOR David J Valesky WOR Shadia Tadros WEP David J Valesky IND Ann L Magnarelli WEP Ann L Magnarelli Member of Assembly - 120th District: REF Ann L Magnarelli DEM Gail E Tosh REP William A Barclay Councilor-At-Large: CON William A Barclay DEM Michael C Greene, Jr WOR Gail E Tosh REP Norm Snyder IND William A Barclay CON Norm Snyder WEP Gail E Tosh GRE Frank Cetera REF William A Barclay IND Norm Snyder

Member of Assembly - 126th District: TOWN OF CICERO DEM Keith Batman Town Justice: REP Gary D Finch REP Douglas M Demarche Jr CON Gary D Finch CON Douglas M Demarche Jr WOR Keith Batman IND Douglas M Demarche Jr IND Gary D Finch REF Douglas M Demarche Jr WEP Keith Batman REF Gary D Finch TOWN OF ELBRIDGE Town Justice: Member of Assembly - 127th District: REP George L Betts DEM Albert A Stirpe Jr CON George L Betts REP Nicholas R Paro IND George L Betts CON Nicholas R Paro REF George L Betts WOR Albert A Stirpe Jr IND Nicholas R Paro TOWN OF LAFAYETTE WEP Albert A Stirpe Jr Town Councilor (To Fill Vacancy): REF Albert A Stirpe Jr REP William D McConnell, Sr

Member of Assembly - 128th District: TOWN OF POMPEY Dem Pamela Jo Hunter Town Justice: WOR Pamela Jo Hunter REP Trent R Am ond IND Pamela Jo Hunter IND Trent R Amond WEP Pamela Jo Hunter TOWN OF SPAFFORD Member of Assembly - 129th District: Town Councilor (To Fill Vacancy): DEM William B Magnarelli DEM John M Hinchcliff REP Edward Ott REP Charles J Parsons CON Michael R Hunter IND William B Magnarelli VILLAGE OF TULLY WEP William B Magnarelli Trustee (Vote for 2)

NHN Kathryn A Vernay ONONDAGA COUNTY CIT Daniel F Poellot

Sheriff: DEM Mike Montes REP Gene J Conway CON Gene J Conway WOR Mike Montes IND Gene J Conway REF Gene J Conway

5 Watching Democracy at Work

This has been a very busy and exciting election season. Women & men actively involved in voter registration & education, Getting Out the Vote and campaigns, making their voices heard.

What has been happening this Fall: Voter Registration & Education at • Nottingham and Henninger High Schools • Liverpool Head Start program • Oswego County High School • Community Library of DeWitt & Jamesville and Beauchamp Libraries • Department of Correction and Community Supervision to restore voting rights to new parolees pardoned to vote by the State • Justice Center and Jamesville Penitentiary • Naturalization Ceremonies • Moderated a candidate forum for the League of Women Voters of Cazenovia

Get Out the Vote • OnondagaVotes! has been knocking on doors on Syracuse Southside from September 15, every Saturday and Sunday, to GOTV. The campaign contin- ues through the weekend of November 3. On November 4 at 2pm a Parade to celebrate GOTV, join the celebration starting at Sanofka Park, corner of Wood Avenue & S. Salina Street.

Want to get involved? OnondagaVotes!Volunteers - Evelyn Williams, Ellyn Lentz & Brenda Wilson • Visit to see events and activities ••• Call 315 345-5860 or Email [email protected]

Thank you to all that have been involved. Keep up the good work and take a well-deserved rest! Joan Durant, Voter Service Director

DATES TO REMEMBER November 19, 1919 At the 51st Convention of the New York State Woman Suffrage Party, delegates voted to change their name to the New York State League of Women Voters. February 14, 1920 During the convention of the American Woman Suffrage Association, under the guidance of Carrie Chapman Catt, the National League of Women Voters was founded, six months before the ratification of the 19th Amendment.


Teaching High School Students How To The League of Women Voters of New York State has announced the dates for Engage in Politics: the 19 th annual Students Inside Albany Conference. The League of Women Voters of New York State’s Educa- The event, sponsored by the LWVNY Education Foundation, tion Foundation and the NYS Social Studies Supervisory Inc. will take place from May 19-22, 2019 in Albany. It is de- Association (NYS4A) are pleased to announce the publica- signed to increase students’ awareness of their responsibility in tion of seven lesson plans for teachers of the New York a representative government and provide the tools necessary Grade 12 Participation in Government course. The goal of for meeting that responsibility. these lessons is to educate New York State’s future voters to This interactive conference will bring together high school become active citizens. Students will develop a better under- students from across the state to learn about New York State standing of how public policy is made in New York and government and the process by which citizens can participate learn more about their rights and responsibilities as citizens. in the policy making arena. As part of the program, students will also tour the Capitol and observe both the Senate and As- The seven lesson plans (available at ) sembly in action by spending an afternoon shadowing their are designed to provide teachers and students with informa- legislators. tion specific to New York State. Lessons can be customized As we have in the past, the Syracuse Metro LWV would like to meet the needs of individual classrooms or student inter- to send one or two local students to the conference. All of their ests and are designed to be inquiry-based and non-partisan. expenses, including travel and three nights stay at a downtown The lessons are based on the Key Ideas and Social Studies Albany hotel are covered. Practices of the New York State Social Studies Curriculum If you know of a students who would make good candidates Framework. The lesson plans could be integrated into exist- for the conference, please contact our Youth Director, Margrit ing units or combined for a unit of instruction on New York Diehl at [email protected]. government. With these lesson plans, Participation in Gov- ernment teachers would have ready-made resources which will engage high school seniors. Celebrating 100 years of the League in NYS Lesson topics include: 2019 marks the centennial of the New York State League as well as the Syracuse League, one year before the ratification of • The structure of New York State Government the 19 th amendment in 1920. We want to celebrate our anni- • Individual rights and responsibilities in New York versary both here in Syracuse and across the state. Would you State be interested in sitting on a committee to plan events to cele- • Voting in New York State brate both the state and local milestones? • The Public Policy Process (Laws) in New York The state league has contracted with a research and writing • Influencing New York State Government consultant to write the state League’s 100 year story. Each lo- cal league has been asked to also research their history and • Participating in Political Action in Your Local Com- draft a summary of that history – it could be 2 pages or 20 munity pages. • Participating in Community Service in Your Local Our local records can be found in two locations – The Onon- Community daga Historical Association and the Onondaga County Library

in the Galleries downtown. Both The lesson plans were written by three New York Social organizations have sorted and Studies teachers: organized our archives and we are welcome to view them. • Kathleen Argus, Syracuse City School District • If you are interested in planning a Jody Butts, Susquehenna Valley Public Schools 100 th year local celebration or re- • Robert Keyser, Shenendehowa Central School viewing our archives for events that District might be included in the LWVNYS History project, please contact me We would like to distribute this information to all area at [email protected] . schools. Contact LWVSYR Youth Director Margrit Diehl at [email protected] if you would be interested in Joan Johnson helping us out.



November 2018

Day r 6th ction mbe Ele Nove M sday, M -9P Tue n 6A Ope Polls

MAKING DEMOCRACY WORK IN NEW YORK SINCE 1919 ___ Individual Member $55.00 ____ Household* $80.00 ____ Full Time Student Free *Two members in the same household

Name ______



Phone ______(H) ______(C)

Email ______Date ______

To join call us at (315)396-8225, email us at [email protected] or mail this form to Syracuse Metro LWV, PO Box 11866, Syracuse NY 13218.

ANNUAL DUES—July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019

Please share this information with others who have expressed interest in our work or who have thought about becoming a member of the League.. 8