September - October 2019 Bulletin Issue 17 Mission Annual Harvest Potluck & Membership Meeting The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, A LWVAC Member and Friends Event encourages informed and active ThursDay, October 3, 2019 participation in government, 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and HannaforD Supermarket Community Room influences public policy through Central Avenue, Albany education and advocacy. Policy on Inclusiveness • Bring Your Own Place Setting and a Dish -- Seasonal Soup, The League of Women Voters in Salad, Casserole or Dessert! both its values and practice is • Bring Your Thoughts & Bring a Friend! committed to inclusion and diversity. This means: • Free for Members with a dish. $10 donation for guests and members without a Dish. We recognize that diverse perspectives are important and • RSVP by Oct. 1 to Pat Maxon,
[email protected]. Please necessary for responsible and incluDe what kinD of dish you’re bringing. representative decision making; With the bounty of a Fall Harvest We believe inclusiveness enhances our organization's upon us, what better time to prepare ability to respond effectively to and share a seasonal dish with changing conditions and needs; fellow Leaguers as we discuss We affirm our commitment to matters of critical importance. It’s a reflecting the diversity of Albany time for networking and eating... County; and time for getting information from There shall be no barriers to league leadership... and time for participation in any activity of the providing your input! League on the basis of economic Potluck Meeting 2018 (C.