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[email protected] thekabultimes.gov.af Hoot 04, 1397 HS Saturday, February 23, 2019 Afghans USD 01 GBP 01 INR 1000 PKR 1000 EUR 01 IRR 1000 AED 01 fortunate, as productive new AFN 75.40 AFN 97.65 AFN 1055 AFN 539 AFN 85.18 AFN 6 AFN 20.28 year on the way President Ghani meets his Turkmen President Ghani chairs high economic council meeting counterpart in Ashgabat KABUL: Chaired by Presi- granting the contract to the re- were not clear, asking for clari- dent Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, spective company. After overall fication of modality of number- the meeting of high economic discussion in connection with ing for the bidding companies. council was held at Arg’s Cha- the company’s request, mem- President Ghani instructed na- har Chenar Palace. bers of the council asked for tional procurement authority to In the meeting, issues as further information in this re- cooperate with ministry of SODEVCO’s request for pro- gard. mines and petroleum in con- cessing and exporting chromite Meanwhile, the country’s nection with numbering and to outside, bidding process of President said that the amount evaluation of the companies. Nangarhar talc project, trans- of the company’s current invest- Afterwards, transferring ferring of possession of Wasel ment, management system and plan of Wasel Telecom’s license Telecom to Alkozay Group Com- its legal and economic aspects possession to Alkozay Group panies complex and getting should be clarified so that deci- Companies complex was deliv- fixed sum as non-metallic sion would be made in this re- ered by minister of telecommu- things’ issuance right were dis- gard.